#alzheimer disease
thefact0rygirl · 2 years
A couple days ago, an investigation published by Science found that a 2006 medical paper that claimed to have found the cause of Alzheimer disease was most likely a lie. The images and data used in the 2006 paper were most likely manipulated.
And I don't think people realize how serious this is.
This paper is one of the most (if not the most) cited pieces of Alzheimer research. It has influenced the direction of research, funding, and treatment into Alzheimer for almost two decades. Two decades. Sixteen years. That is millions of lives, trillions of dollars, and countless time, energy, and effort poured into what may have been deliberately falsified data.
I honestly don't even know how to explain just how serious this is. This is Theranos level of deceit. It could very well explain why 99% (ninety nine!) of Alzheimer drugs fail during trials. There has been little to no progress in the field and could be from this.
And regardless if you or someone you know has been affected by Alzheimer, you should be fucking pissed.
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xtruss · 3 months
Scientists Make Alzheimer’s Breakthrough
A Simple Blood Test Could Detect Biological Markers of the Disease 15 Years Before Symptoms Develop, Researchers Say
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File Photo of a Medical Professional Observing a Brain Scan © Getty Images/Brian B. Bettencourt/Toronto Star Via Getty Images
Scientists have hailed a potentially ‘Revolutionary’ breakthrough in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, after a team of Swedish researchers found that a commercially available blood test can detect biological markers of the disease about ten to 15 years before symptoms develop.
In a study of 768 people in their fifties, sixties, and seventies over an eight-year period conducted by the University of Gothenburg, it was found that the test – which detects the presence of tau proteins in blood – was 97% accurate in assessing if a subject was liable to develop the disease.
The results of the study, published in the JAMA Neurology Journal on Monday, have been hailed as a breakthrough in early screening tests for the disease well in advance of the onset of symptoms.
Alzheimer’s, which causes the brain to shrink and its cells to eventually die, is the most common form of dementia, and is characterized by a decline in cognitive function, as well as behavior and social skills.
The research “adds to a growing body of evidence that this particular test has huge potential to revolutionize diagnosis for people with suspected Alzheimer’s,” Sheona Scales, the director of research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said, according to The Times on Monday.
She added that the testing is “superior to a range of other tests currently under development,” and preferable to more invasive methods currently used by medical practitioners, such as lumbar punctures.
David Curtis of the UCL Genetics Institute said that the findings of the Swedish team of scientists “could potentially have huge implications.”
“Everybody over 50 could be routinely screened every few years, in much the same way as they are now screened for high cholesterol,” he added. “It is possible that currently available treatments for Alzheimer’s disease would work better in those diagnosed early this way.”
The developer of the blood test, Californian company ALZpath, has said that it hopes to make the test widely available for clinical use in the first quarter of this year.
About 1 in 9 people (10.7%) aged 65 or over has the disease, according to data from the Alzheimer’s Association. This is expected to rise substantially in the next 25 years, the group says on its website, “barring the development of medical breakthroughs to prevent or cure Alzheimer’s disease.”
— RT | Monday January 22, 2024
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bhospicefashion · 5 months
Alzheimer disease and how it causes to loose memories and remember slower.
Alzheimer's disease, the most common dementia diagnosis among older adults. It is caused by changes in the brain, including abnormal buildups of proteins known as amyloid plaques and tau tangles. Frontotemporal dementia, a rare form of dementia that tends to occur in people younger than 60.8.
Different types of Dementia.
Various neurodegenerative disorders and factors contribute to the development of dementia through a progressive and irreversible loss of neurons and brain functioning. Currently, there is no cure for any type of dementia.
Lewy body dementia, a form of dementia caused by abnormal deposits of the protein alpha-synuclein, called Lewy bodies.
Vascular dementia, a form of dementia caused by conditions that damage blood vessels in the brain or interrupt the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain.
Mixed dementia, a combination of two or more types of dementia. For example, through autopsy studies involving older adults who had dementia, researchers have identified that many people had a combination of brain changes associated with different forms of dementia.
Scientists are investigating how the underlying disease processes in different forms of dementia start and influence each other. They also continue to explore the variety of disorders and disease processes that contribute to dementia. For example, based on autopsy studies, researchers recently characterized another form of dementia known as LATE. Further knowledge gains in the underlying causes of dementia will help researchers better understand these conditions and develop more personalized prevention, treatment, and care strategies.
How dementia is diagnosed?
To diagnose dementia, doctors first assess whether a person has an underlying, potentially treatable, condition that may relate to cognitive difficulties. A physical exam to measure blood pressure and other vital signs, as well as laboratory tests of blood and other fluids to check levels of various chemicals, hormones.
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wissenresearchllc · 6 months
𝗘𝘅𝗽𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁 𝗜𝗻𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀: Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)
Curious about the latest advancements in the field of Alzheimer’s disease (AD)? Look no further! Wissen Research brings you an in-depth report that sheds light on every aspect of this disease, highlighting:
MarketForecast – 2023-2033
For detailed report: https://www.wissenresearch.com/alzheimers-disease-market-insight-2023-2033/ Request customized report: https://www.wissenresearch.com/ask-for-customization/
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elviramac22-blog · 10 months
The OG Princess Rita
Rita Hayworth was a vision of loveliness and was born Margarita Carmen Cansino on October 17, 1918 in Brooklyn New York. She was a dancer before she was an actress. Her paternal grandfather was the famous Antonio Cansino who was a popular Spanish dancer that popularized the bolero. In the beginning of her career she danced with her father. She broke into Hollywood early on but, needed to change…
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alaaamasoud · 1 year
Genetic tests for Alzheimer’s disease
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A blood test can determine which APOE gene you have, but genetics cannot predict whether or not you will develop Alzheimer’s disease in the future, but doctors mostly use these tests for research purposes. The test can show who has certain risk factors so that they can monitor Some changes in the brain if the disease develops.
Doctors usually do not recommend a genetic test to detect late-onset Alzheimer’s disease because the results may be incorrect to a large extent as genetics cannot be relied upon only, but if you suffer from some symptoms or have a family history of the disease, the doctor may recommend tests that help in determining Early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Usually, doctors can diagnose it without requesting a genetic test. Researchers also believe that there are many genes that affect the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, and early detection helps doctors in a good diagnosis.
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drjgodo · 1 year
Aluminum in the Brain
Aluminum in the brain linked to Alzheimer’s & Autism Aluminum has no biologic function in the human body. Biologically active aluminum is only TOXIC. Yet, we could spend hours listing all the places we find aluminum: baking powder, deodorants, sunscreens, cookware, antacids, rocket fuel, pop cans, wire, and aluminum foil. Plus, every piece of technology, from cell phones to automobiles, has…
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Alzheimer's disease | Comfikare Homecare
Almost everyone experiences symptoms differently. Deteriorating cognitive function and memory loss are the first signs of Alzheimer's disease. Complex memory problems that are usual for persons their age but do not significantly interfere with daily functioning are referred to as mild cognitive impairment or MCI. Performing cognitive tasks is no less than a problem because physical mobility and olfactory senses are impacted. Elderly MCI patients are more likely to acquire Alzheimer's disease, although not everyone is at risk because some MCI patients may recover.
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norogundem · 1 year
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Elon Musk’ın dünya dışına iltica hayalleri ve ilk Türk astronotumuzu aya yollama planları gündemimize iyiden iyiye yerleşmişken bugün gelinen noktada uzaya yolculuk yapabilmek için artık astronot olmamıza bile gerek kalmadı. Yeterince yüklü miktarda paranız varsa turistik amaçlı uzay yolculuğu yapabilirsiniz.
Uzay yolculuğunun sinir sistemimiz üzerindeki etkileri tam olarak bilinmese de bugüne kadar öğrendiklerimizi 2022 haziran ayında yayınlanan bir makaleyi kaynak olarak kullanarak size aktaracağım.
Astronotların maruz kaldığı azalmış yer çekimi (mikrogravite) üzerinde en çok çalışma olan stres faktörü. Mikrogravite, göz ve denge ile ilintili iç kulak yapılarına zarar verir.
Dünyada; görme, vücut poziyonunu anlayan somatosensoryel sistem, ve hareketi algılayan propriyoseptif sistem sayesinde oturduğumuz koltuktan kalktığımızı algılarız. Mutfağa gideceksek önümüzdeki mesafeyi ve yönümüzü belirleriz. Yolumuzun üstündeki orta sehpanın yanından bu sayede dolanırız ve mutfak kapısına çarpmadan içeri girebiliriz. Yani uzaysal bir oryantasyonumuz vardır.
Uzayda geçirdikleri süre astronotların, denge ile ilintili iç kulak yapılarında ve beyinde anatomik ve fonksiyonel değişimler yaratır. İç kulak yapıları bizim yerçekimine karşı vücudumuzun pozisyonunu algılar. Bu sistem uzaya çıkınca hangi yöne hareket ettiğimiz algılama yetisini kaybeder. Bizde bu kaybı görme ve perferik duysal sinir sistemimiz ile algıladığımız ipuçları ile telafi etmeye çalışırız. Bunun sonucu olarak araç tutması ile benzer uzay hareket hastalığı ve uzaysal disoryantasyon ortaya çıkar.
Uzayda geçen süre uzadıkça astronotların geliştirdiği adaptasyon sayesinde bu rahatsızlıklar geriler ancak bu seferde geri dönüşte dünyaya adapte olmak bir o kadar zorlaşır. Özellikle baş hareketleri ile tetiklenen baş dönmesi, sersemlik, ayakta durmakta güçlük geri dönüş yolunda görevlerini yapmalarını engelleyebilir ve iniş esnasında yanlış kararlar almalarına sebep olabilir. Tüm bunlar güvenli bir iniş yapabilmelerini riske atar .
2016da yapılan bir fonksiyonel MR çalışmasında 70 günü aşan uzay yolculuklarının beyinde somatosensöryel sistem ve iç kulak denge sistemi ile ilintili beyin bölgelerinde değişimlerin meydana geldiği gösterildi.
Yerçekimi, vücudumuzdaki sıvıların ayaklara doğru yoğunlaşmasını sağlar bu da kafa içi ve göz içi basıncımızı belirli bir seviyede kalması demektir. Uzayda yerçekimi ortadan kalktığında göz ve kafa içi basınç artar. Bunun sebep olduğu fonksiyonel ve anatomik değişimlere uzay yolculuğu ile ilintili nöro-okuler sendrom denilmektedir. Astronotların yakın görmesi uzayda bozulur. Dünyaya döndükten belli bir süre sonra bu görme bozukluğu düzelse de göz küresinde meydana gelen anatomik değişiklikler yıllarca devam edebilir.
Kafa içi artan basınç gri cevher ve ventrikül hacimlerini arttırır. Genişleyen kılcal damarların beyaz cevherde yarattığı hiperintensite, beyin omurilik sıvısındaki değisime bağlı beyindeki protein metabolizmasının bozulması dünya koşullarında demans gelişme riskinde artış ile ilişkilidir. Bu sebeple uzun süreli uzay yolculukları erken gelişen bellek bozukluğu geliştirme riski taşır.
Dünyanın manyetik alanı bizi yüksek radyasyondan korur ancak uzaydaki astronotlar bu korunma kalkanı olmadığı için bu yüksek enerjili radyasyona karşı korunmasızdır. Uzayda geçirilebilen sürenin artışı ile bu radyasyonun yan etkileri kayda değer olmaya başlamıştır. Güneşten yayılan galaktik kozmik ışınlar uzay mekiğinden geçerek astronotların vücuduna, hücre içine nüfuz ederek DNA’larına hasar verir. Radyasyonun olası etkisi de kanser riskinde artış ve Alzheimer, Parkinson gibi nörodejeneratif hastalıklardır.
Astronotların, uzayda geçen süre uzadıkça ve ailelerinden uzak kaldıkça İzolasyon ve kapalı bir alanda yaşamanın getirdiği zor koşullara bağlı psikolojik zorlanmaları artar. Mars yolculuğunun 3 sene süreceğinin öngörüldüğünü düşünürsek astronotların psikolojik kondisyonları daha da önem kazanmaktadır. Araştırmacılar benzer koşullarda görev yapan kişileri değerlendirmek için Antartika’da araştırma görevi olan grupları incelemişler her ne kadar mikrogravite ve radyasyon gibi koşullar olmasa da sosyal açıdan çalışma koşulları benzer olan gruplardan bilgi edinmeyi amaçlamışlar. Bu değerlendirmede mod düşüklüğü streste artış, kişiler arası gerilim, azalmış uyku, dikkat ve hafıza problemleri gözlenmiş. Ancak astronotların seçilmek için yüksek eğitimli ve fiziksel kondisyonlarının yüksek oluşunun yanı sıra görev öncesi fiziksel ve zihinsel eğitimleri onları nörodejenerasyondan ve psikolojik etkilerden kısmen korumakta. Psikolojik olarak pozitif etkilerine baktığımızda kişisel hedefine varmanın tatmini, stresli ve travmatik durumlarla başarılı bir şekilde baş etmenin getirdiği kişisel gelişim ve farkındalık ,astronotları olumlu etkilemekte. Yaşamı takdir etmek, yeniliklere açık olmak, ruhsal ve kişisel olarak güçlenme bu yolculukların onlara getirdikleri.
Kaynak: The neurology of spice flight;How does space flight effect human nervous system.
Udit Gupta,Life Sciences in Space research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lssr.2022.09.03
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Alzheimer’s Therapeutics and Diagnostics Market: Expansion Prospects
According to estimates, nearly 5.8 million individuals in the United States were reported to have Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in 2020; and by 2050, this number is expected to surge to 13.8 million individuals. The rising prevalence of this disease across the globe emphasizes the pressing need to develop effective diagnostic methodologies and treatments.
Triton Market Research puts forth that the Global Alzheimer’s Disease Therapeutics and Diagnostics Market is likely to grow with a CAGR of 6.98% in the forecasting period from 2022 to 2028.
Alzheimer’s is a neurodegenerative disease that attacks the neurons, gradually damaging a person’s memory, thinking skills, and ability to perform the simplest daily tasks. People in the age group of 65 years or older are more prone to this condition, as a result of aging. Thus, the rising elderly populace is a key factor driving the demand for AD therapeutics and diagnostics.
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Key Diagnostic Methodologies
Computed Tomography leads the Diagnostics segment with a $339.50 million revenue in 2021.
The mortality rate from Alzheimer’s can be minimized if the disease is diagnosed and treated in the early stages. Computed Tomography (CT) is an advanced and cost-effective diagnostic procedure for AD.
As per Medscape, the cost of a CT scan is nearly 20% less than that of an MRI scan
. The benefits offered by this technique and its effectiveness in diagnosing AD are driving the overall segment’s growth.
Blood Test is estimated to grow with the fastest CAGR in the Diagnostics segment, with a 20.93% CAGR during 2022-2028.
Blood testing for AD is an emerging technique that could help detect the disease prior to its onset or in those showing early symptoms. Several players are engaged in developing blood-based tests to identify Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers, as this approach is less invasive and more affordable than the currently available brain imaging and spinal fluid tests. Most of these pipelined products are awaiting marketing approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are most likely to be launched towards the end of the forecast period.
Stringent Regulations – Major Roadblock
According to Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation, the pharmacological treatment for AD is first tested during clinical trials registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, a registry of publicly & privately funded clinical studies under the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In the US, any company that intends to manufacture a new drug, has to seek approval from the FDA, prior to conducting clinical trials. Similarly, in Japan, companies are required to seek approval from the regulatory body
Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA).
The process is extremely cumbersome, as the manufacturers have to submit multiple applications for review before every phase of the trial. Also, post the successful completion of these trials, they must apply for licenses to market the drug. Such stringent regulations for drug development and commercialization are hampering the market’s growth.
Growing Number of Pipeline Drugs – Opportunistic Trend for Therapy
There are several drugs in the pipeline for AD, aimed at cognitive enhancement or neuropsychiatric symptoms control. There are also certain pipeline drugs aimed at preventing, delaying, or slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s. The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that the disease’s prevalence can be reduced by 50% if its onset is delayed by five years. The association further states that, currently, there are 143 drugs in the pipeline for its treatment. In July 2021, Eli Lilly and Company collaborated with Banner Alzheimer’s Institute on the Phase 3 prevention trial for donanemab.
Future Outlook
There is a high potential for developing a superior diagnosis for Alzheimer’s disease, compared to the diagnostic tests available at present. A research article published in Frontiers in Neurology (2020) states that newer techniques, which include the incorporation of PET neuroimaging and other genomics & proteomics biomarkers, are being adopted into revised diagnostic criteria.
Further, significant side effects of medicines and an unexpected lowered patient response towards treatment can be potential application areas for personalized therapy. It allows for a more accurate diagnosis and more effective treatment, with its patient-specific approach. Thus, the emergence of new diagnostic technologies and the development of personalized medicine indicate an overall positive outlook for the Alzheimer’s disease therapeutics and diagnostics market.
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maeo-png · 7 months
I really hope Marceline has some kind of negative reaction to everyone encouraging Simon to put the crown back on again. maybe she panics and worries if “Ice King” has forgotten her again.
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willowreader · 2 months
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Statistics don't lie It just blows my mind that people can't see or understand that COVID is a dangerous virus that can damage your body. Getting infected multiple times will have serious consequences for many.
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kindaorangey · 1 month
once again screaming crying throwing up about the fact that infinity train was prematurely cancelled despite being contracted for 5 seasons.
#infinity train#like i really really want all 8 seasons. & i really really want present day!amelia and all that would come with that (e.g. hazel and grace)#but i feel like i would be so much more content with the show's cancellation if we had the bow on top of it all that was the amelia season#because she was the villain from s1#the fallout of her villanry births the antagonists from s2.#she appears again in s3 having moved on slightly and changed her outlook. thereby creating a somewhat optimistic outlook on the end point of#her story#and s4 shows (in parts) her descent into villany.#she's been the main reocurring presence in the whole show and her train motivation (unbearable grief) and villain arc are the most#complex the show would've handled#i truly believe that if they had been allowed to make it it would have served as a perfect ending to the show#because she's been built up for so long and because the writers would've had so much material to work with AND detail to pay attention to#it wouldve been spectacular.... and everything they wanted to explore in later seasons wouldve been so good too#(older tulip and revenge and acceptance of something as complicated as alzheimer's disease)#(and i also think it wouldve been neat for them to show us a glimpse of 40 y/o rymin cuz those boys have major issues still when they get#off the train#and so id like a snapshot of them in the future that shows they worked things out)#yeah. justice 4 infinity train justice 4 amelia hughes. i want to fuck that 60y/o deeply evil woman so badly and i need her back in my life
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woundgallery · 1 month
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Sketch of neurofibrillary tangles in the brain of patient Auguste D., from the 1911 article by Alois Alzheimer
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alaaamasoud · 1 year
Alzheimer’s and genetics
The three single-gene mutations associated with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease are:
Amyloid precursor protein (APP) is located on chromosome 21
Presenilin 1 (PSEN1) is located on chromosome 14
Presenilin 2 (PSEN2) is located on chromosome 1
Mutations in these genes lead to the production of abnormal proteins associated with the disease. Each of these mutations plays an essential role in the breakdown of the APP protein. This breakdown is part of a process that generates harmful forms of amyloid plaques, which is what causes Alzheimer’s disease. A child whose biological father or mother carries a genetic mutation in one of these three genes has a chance of inheriting that mutation. If the mutation is in fact inherited, the child has a very strong chance of developing early Alzheimer’s disease.
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