#am i bored? maybee
stillagoodwitch · 11 months
what’s a girl gonna do when she’s in love with you but you’re just a boy and i’m kinda the man (i’m a lesbian)
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wrongpublishing · 2 years
You Should Diversify Your Horror Rec List (Rec List Enclosed)
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by Rae Maybee.
If you’re a Western reader, hopelessly in love with horror as hard as I am, you might have found you’ve gotten bored of the common tropes involving demons, poltergeists, vampires, and zombies. While it might be part of the fun for genre elements to provide reliable elements to a book that you’ll know you’ll enjoy, a predictable ending might conversely not be as hard-hitting and well… scary. 
Psychologist D. Zillmann proposes that enjoyment is the result of suspense and specifically, the anticipation of a resolution.* For this sense of suspense to be at its most acute, a reader must not know exactly how the plot is going to resolve—for better or for worse—because the resolution itself is technically less important than one’s anticipation of it. Dr. Neil Martin, summarizing multiple studies of horror film viewers, also proposes that enjoyment is associated with destruction, excitement, and unpredictability.** In other words, fans enjoy horror because they find it new, interesting, and stimulating; entertainment comes from the exposure to new ideas. (Usually,  horror does this well by shocking and appalling.)
Dr. Matias Clasen’s 2012 biocultural approach to horror, furthermore, examines monsters specifically as an adoptive storytelling form designed to help readers encounter and deal with innate fears.*** Most interestingly, he argues that there is a depth to horror that taps into our upbringing and the instincts we’ve evolved to survive—that is, environmental factors brought on by our culture and other surroundings.
While it is true that many cultures share fears and conceptualize similar ideas revolving around those fears, it is also true that there is a wealth of unfamiliar concepts waiting to be explored outside the boundaries of intra-national fiction. Using Dr. Clasen’s model, one could surmise that writers of different cultures will have grown up with varying fears, based on their unique geographies and socio-political climates. A writer from one continent might write a monster inspired by an animal that another continent doesn’t encounter, to give one broad example. And horror consumers will attest that religious and mythological elements play a big part in many subsets of the genre (those tend to be known for inspiring fear.)
To give an example from my own experience, when a reader who has consumed nothing but American horror is exposed to say, a demon possession in a book they’re reading, they may be able to predict its strengths and weaknesses (ergo, an exorcism). However, that same reader picking up a book from, say, Bolivia, might find themselves introduced to a threatening Pishtaco and especially worried about the powers it might yield. 
Of course, if you’re reading this and you’re already well-acquainted with the monsters of the Andes region of South America, fear not. I’m excited about a few other recommendations for books that will pique your curiosity.
Violet Kupersmith’s Build Your House Around My Body is a good example of a novel that winds around itself and consistently keeps the reader guessing. The story revolves around a young Vietnamese-American woman who has traveled to Saigon to teach English—and, hopefully, reconnect with her heritage. She gets far more than she bargained for, though, as her story intersects with almost fifty years of Vietnamese history coming back to (quite literally) haunt.
Stephen Graham Jones’s The Only Good Indians is a novel about four Blackfeet Native American men struggling with tradition, identity, and the wrath of a spirit hard-bent on vengeance. Readers are kept on their feet by the intense imagery and shifting points-of-view which never let the tension slack for a moment.
The Queen of the Cicadas, by V. Castro, follows a woman who’s returned to Texas for her best friend’s wedding. Once there, she comes face to face with a local legend, la Reina de las Chicarras, who was born from the unsolved murder of a Mexican farmhand. Part detective story, part tale of revenge, this book introduces readers to a number of goddesses and ghosts—and all the worse, the very harsh realities faced by migrant workers.
Whether it’s with the books above or beyond, I highly recommend seeking out and supporting authors from cultures and nations different to your own. Fear is such a universal emotion, and not only will more international interest boost chances of further translated works (we always need more), their perspectives simply demand to be heard. After all, it’s a big, diverse, and terrifying world out there. You already love it; why not wander further into the darkness?
Rae Maybee is a graduate student from Emerson College’s Publishing and Professional Writing program, and she’s published the following pieces online: “Momentary Imbalance” in The Bluffton University Literary Journal and “Challenging the Best to be Better” in Moreover.
*D. Zillmann (1996). “The psychology of suspense in dramatic exposition” in Suspense: Conceptualizations, theoretical analyses, and empirical explorations eds. P. Vorderer, H. J. Wulff, and M. Friedrichsen (New York: Routledge, 1996).
**Neil Martin, “(Why) Do You Like Scary Movies? A Review of the Empirical Research on Psychological Responses to Horror Films” Frontiers in Psychology 10 (2019). 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02298 
***Mathias Clasen, “Monsters Evolve: A Biocultural Approach to Horror Stories” Review of General Psycology 16, no. 2 (2012): 222-229. https://www.ucentral.edu.co/sites/default/files/inline-files/monsters-evolve-cineclub-julio-2020.pdf 
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breadwithmayo · 1 year
Mmm, i like this thing of writing everything i like, soo. today, i say the other day, yesterday if i am not crazy, i listed the discography of francisca valenzuela, when i was a kid i really loved, and my dads give me for my birthday one CD of her, the name was "buen soldado". Ooo is like, i liked too much her music but toooo much. I remember i listened every single time I went home in my dad's car. He was soo tired and bored of listening to her every time, but he left me to put hers songs one and another time. The thing i am saying is i am listening to her again, after like 7 years maybee, i am hearing her songs and i hear things i don't perceive before, for example the piano in every song is soo pretty, fits in every song soo good. Maybe if i study more then now, i will learn how to play piano, again.
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southslates · 3 years
i love ships in which one of the characters is an evil mastermind and the other is just done with their scheming shit all the time
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nompunhere · 2 years
Consider: A crossover. Vi stumbles across the hive from hollow knight, likely when it's almost barren. The Hive Knight, last denizen of the hive, recognizes her as a bee, but not as a foreigner. You can probably see where this is going.
hmm, I doubt I'd be able to come up with a whole fic for this, but it's interesting enough (and I love the bees enough) to maybe write a little somethin
(it's probably gonna count the names in the ask itself towards searches, but heck it, I'm still putting this under a cut)
actually hang on, this is turning into a whole heckin ficlet, lemme just-
update, after spending all my free time today writing this: you crazy sonuva binch, you actually did it. you inspired me to write a whole oneshot on the spot, without even a proper outline. me and my darn soft spot for bees... oh wait shoot, I guess I should name this, huh?
An Unfamiliar Hive (H/ollow K/night & B/ug F/ables Vore Fic)
Characters: V/i (B/ug F/ables), H/ive K/night (H/ollow K/night), whole bunch of H/ivelings (background), and K/abbu and L/eif (mentioned) Word Count: 2,217 Warnings: Infected Bees(...? Idk, but V/i is disturbed), Manipulation of Emotion, Accidental Fearplay, and Safe, Soft Vore (Quarter-Size, maybee?) Other Notes: The Hive is pretty dead, but not all the way dead. Takes place after Ghost went through there, but beefore the end of the Infection. H/ive K/night got messed up by the encounter, but he’s alive, and doing.. relatively okay. Also, more importantly, in the dialogue, [brackets] signify Hivespeak, whereas unbracketed dialogue is in the common language. The Hivespeak is intentionally difficult to read, but there should be enough context to get the gist of what’s beeing said, at least
This really just.. kept going and going, huh. That’s what happens when I write without plotting out the whole story first, I guess. Then again, I’ve written longer. Then again again, this was meant to be a snippet. Now it’s time to post this at 1 am because I’m a FOOL-
Fic under the cut
Vi flitted through the strange Hive uneasily. The place was massive, much larger than the one in Bugaria, even without taking into consideration the fact that everything in this forgotten kingdom was oddly... upscaled. It was also gorgeous, she’d give it that, but it was just so empty for how big it was. It didn’t sit right with her.
She shuddered as a couple bees flew past. Each of them was about half her size, and they were only the smallest kind she'd seen so far. Based on the shape of their bodies, and the tasks she'd seen them perform, she could infer that they weren't quite as sapient as all the bees from home. Still, their movements were deadened, impersonal, mechanical in a way that indicated that no mind went into their work whatsoever. She caught sight of an orange tint in some of their eyes—something she'd noticed in all the husks that still roamed long after they should've died.
Vi really, really wished she hadn't decided to explore this place on her own. She could use the comfort of her teammates right about now. But noooo, she had to get bored while they were resting and go off on her own. She mentally kicked herself for thinking that was ever a good idea in this plague-ridden place. At least here, nothing was attacking her, but it was still too disturbing for one bug to handle alone. She wasn't even going to think about the Hive husks that meandered about on the floor below. If she did, she might throw up. She had a feeling those things would be just as revolting even without the Infection.
As she flew deeper inside, it didn’t get much better. There were more of those obscenely large guardians buzzing around, along with some soldiers. She thanked her lucky stars that they didn’t perceive her as a threat. She clutched her Beemerang closer to her chest as she whizzed past them. This far in, the little honeybee thought she could spot some Hivelings whose movements were a bit clearer, more thought out, less instinct-driven, but they darted away almost as soon as she pulled into view. That was interesting. Maybe there were some that had escaped the Infection, for the time being? They were far outnumbered by the Infected ones, though. And their actions weren’t all that different from what their compatriots were doing, even if they did have a bit more presence of mind.
Eventually, Vi’s wings tired out. She came to land at the entrance of a long corridor and started walking down it, taking note of the remnants of odd, poorly constructed walls that looked to have been knocked down. She kicked at the rubble, choosing a piece to take with her and follow for a bit as it clattered down the hall with each kick. She should probably leave—return to where the team had set up camp before her friends started to worry. But she had already come this far. Something compelled her to see this little excursion through to the end.
At the end of the unusually long tunnel was a room. She kicked the piece of wax and hardened honey to the center of the space and jogged after it before looking up.
Oh. That was... a big bee. A very big, very dead bee, hanging motionless in the center of a tall, rounded chamber, off to the side where a fourth wall should’ve been. This must have been their queen. Part of her wondered at how the Hive was still running with the queen dead. The other part was struck dumb, frozen staring numbly upward at the gargantuan corpse. She didn’t even notice the quiet ‘thump’ of something landing softly behind her.
“[Wh-t.. ... ..doi-g h-re.. l-ttl- -ne?]”
Vi jumped at the sudden buzzing voice over her shoulder. She whipped around to face the tall, imposing bee standing nearby. They stepped forward and knelt to be closer to her level, giving her a kind and concerned look.
Unlike the rest of the workers and protectors of the Hive, this one was bipedal, with metal pauldrons for armor and a long, waxy needle, held like a staff or spear of some sort. Most notably, they were present enough to communicate with her, albeit in Hivespeak. Vi’s Hivespeak was rusty, as Bugaria’s own version of the language had started to be phased out in favor of the common tongue ever since she was a kid. Plus, the Hallownest version seemed to have extra flourishes, and a bit of an accent. Not only that, but this particular bee was stumbling over their words, stopping and starting in odd places. Now that she looked closer, Vi could see that they had a slight tremor, with mostly-healed scrapes and slashes all over their body. She thought she caught a glimpse of orange, somewhere deep in their eyes, but it could’ve just been the amber lighting. It could just be paranoia.
“Bzz? [-re you... alr--ht? D- you ..-ot hav- .. task..? O- -re you h-re to zz-ee Qu--n... V-zz-pa?]”
Some of the words were a bit clearer, now that she could see the body language attached, but it was still hard to decipher. “Uhhhh...” She blinked, at a loss for what to say. “Who the heck are you?” is what she blurted, after barely a moment of thought.
“Zzz... Hallowtongue?” the other bee mumbled. Okay, she could understand the word they (he?) said there, but she didn’t know what it meant. Was that what they called the common language in this place? Weird.
The larger bee shook his head and looked puzzled. “[I -m zz-e... Hive Kn---t,] er... Hi-ive Knnnight,” he stammered, struggling with Common, “[M- n-m- i-zz H--de-. -re you h-re ...fo- V-zz-pa?]” He repeated the last part of his previous question.
Vi still didn’t quite know what he wanted from her, but at least she had a title for him now. “Um. N-no? I don’t.. I dunno.” She looked away, shuffling her feet, only to flinch when she felt a hand on her shoulder.
“[I-zz ok-y littl- one, zz-e Qu--n ... be ba-k zz-oon. Zz-e i-zz.. j-zzt re-zzt-ing.]”
She squinted, trying to process what he said, then glanced over at the giant corpse in the room. ...Yeah, she doubted the knight’s queen was “just resting.” Even if he wasn’t Infected, his mind clearly wasn’t all there.
“Okay, yeah, uh. Look, I just- I’m gonna leave, I just wanna go home. This place is, erm, scary, and I should- I should go. Sorry.”
The Hive Knight tilted his head at her, releasing a slightly distressed buzz. “[You... -re home? Hive i-zz ..home. I-zz zz-afe h-re, zz-afe wi--.. me.]” He seemed to think for a moment, then leaned forward, running a hand through the little honeybee’s fluff. She shivered and took a nervous step back. “[Zz--ared -f..] Innnfec..tion? [-h-re’s n-ne -n h-re. You ... zzt-ay zz-afe fr-m] Innfec-tion [r--ht ...h-re. I --ll prot-ct you.]”
Oh, great, he thought Vi was one of the bees who lived here, and he was trying to stop her from leaving. Fan-freaking-tastic. He carefully took her by the arm, and it was then that she started to really panic, pushing at his hand and trying to smack it away with the Beemerang so she could make a run for it. This upset him, but the knight wasn’t deterred. He quickly grabbed her in both hands and hugged the smaller bee to his chest, making soft, low buzzes and stroking the back of her head in an attempt to soothe her. What made it worse was the fact that it was working. Against her will, her struggles died down a little, smothered in some of the softest bee fuzz she’d ever felt.
"[I'vve ..g-t you, i-zz ok-y, I --ll k--p you... zz-afe. --n't bee zz--ared.] Zzzrrrrzzzzzzzz..." he hummed. Vi pushed weakly at the Hive Knight's chest, trying to resist nuzzling into the almost silky fur against her face. Through her antennae, she could feel the wall of fluff part somewhere just above her head. She muzzily blinked and looked up, only to squeak in fear.
The struggling kicked back up a notch as the Bugarian bee was pushed headfirst into a warm, damp cave. The knight continued buzzing around her, the sound resonating through her form as it filled his mouth. Her thrashing ceased entirely. The deep vibration and gentle pressure calmed her more than she'd ever felt before. She couldn't think past the sound, past the soothing numbness that washed over her.
The honeybee went limp, her Beemerang falling from her grasp and being delicately plucked out from the larger bee's jaws. A tunnel opened before her, and her head was pressed into it as large hands guided her legs the rest of the way into the maw. She went without protest as the Hive Knight gulped a few times, pulling her easily down into the embrace of his pinkish-yellow flesh.
The next few seconds were a blur as Vi sank through waves of blissful pressure. The buzzing began to quiet as she dropped into a soft, squishy pouch in the knight's upper abdomen. She landed in a pile of fuzzy round things, which buzzed in sleepy confusion and adjusted themselves to cuddle up to the foreign bee's sides.
Careful not to crush any Hivelings beneath her, Vi sat up and sluggishly looked around, blinking into the darkness. "Whuh.. where..?" She focused intently on what she could remember of the past minute, gasping when she pieced the fragments into a semi-complete picture. She got swallowed. Her breathing sped up as she began to paw at the walls.
"H-hey! What was that for?! Lemme out!"
Something pressed in from the outside, rubbing slowly up and down. The smaller bees nosed at her curiously, nudging her back into the middle to be buried in their collective fluff. They seemed confused as to why she would be upset, as though she were the weird one for not wanting to be eaten by a STRANGER-
A particularly small Hiveling crawled onto her chest and pushed its way into her arms. "Wh- why are you..?" They headbutted her chin with a sharp 'zzt!' that left no room for argument. She tentatively lifted a hand to scratch at their head. All the Hivelings were very calm about this, only concerned by the fact that there was a distressed bee in their midst, interrupting their nap. “Oh. Okay. Huh.”
Now that she thought about it, when she touched the walls, they didn't feel like the walls of a stomach. They weren't rippled, or overly slimy. Rather, they were smooth, and almost.. velvety? (Don't ask her how she knew what the inside of a stomach should feel like, she'd never tell.) This must've been some sort of storage pouch, or something. Of course, she didn't really think the Hive Knight would eat-eat her, let alone all these actual Hive residents, but it was a relief to be certain.
Okay, so Vi was safe, that was good, but she still needed to get back to her team. It must've been at least a few hours since she left—Kabbu was probably worrying his horn off. And Leif- well, Leif was likely fine, but they'd be sad if she were gone.
The honeybee was left with one problem. She didn't know how to get out. She could ask, but she'd been put here in the first place because she was freaking out, so she'd have to be calm when she did it. And she didn’t quite expect these other bees to believe she’d calmed down so quickly. So she’d probably have to wait a while.
It really wasn’t so bad in here, to be honest. It was incredibly cozy, and hardly as humid as she’d expect for the inside of another bug. Plus, there was a soft heartbeat somewhere behind her, and steady breathing to follow along to, and the adorable little snores of the smaller bees as they settled back to sleep... Maybe she could join them in their nap. There was something she should probably do first, though.
“Hey, um, Hive Knight?” Vi began. The knight in question buzzed an acknowledgement. “Yeah, uh, if a green beetle and blue moth come in, can you make sure they don’t get hurt? They don’t mean any harm, I promise. I know them, they don’t wanna hurt anybody. They’re friends.” After hearing out her request, the larger bee hummed in confusion, thought about it for a minute, and hesitantly agreed.
“[--ll.. giv- th-m .. -h-nce.]”
She didn’t catch most of that, but it sounded positive enough. “Thanks,” she murmured, wrapping her arms around the Hiveling still on her chest and rolling onto her side to snuggle them like a plushie. The other Hivelings continued resting against and around her on all sides, enveloping her in warmth and casual acceptance.
They may not have been related, but they still took her in as easily as one of their own. Here, she didn’t have to worry about her sisters judging her for her life decisions. Here, everything was so simple. Of course, a dead kingdom full of threats at every turn could never outmatch home, but she could perhaps see a certain appeal to it.
Maybe she’d visit again some day, after she got out.
hgjsngfdmjnsgnf bees,,,,,,, just bees. this ended up beeing both so much longer and shorter than I expected.
hnnnggggg I guess I’ll go back and proofread.. bee-r-bee (okay I only had to make like 3 edits, this is fine)
oh yeah and Vi’s gonna be so mad about the hypnosis thing later. Leif would tease the heck out of her for it if they found out. they’re lucky it doesn’t have nearly as much of an effect on non-bees. I came up with this headcanon just for this oneshot; dunno if I’ll use it again, but it was fun to play around with.
and anon? thanks. ..for bees
Thanks for reading! Feedback is greatly appreciated, and criticism is welcome, so long as it’s constructive/respectful. Asks are open.
DNI NSFW blogs, blogs that post exclusively hard and/or fatal vore, weight gain blogs, proshippers, TERFs, ace exclusionists, etc.
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rrxnjun · 2 years
from here
Ohh so k-pop does get overwhelming at times like keeping up with all of their comebacks and activities does take a toll on the psyche 🤧 i took a small break of sorts back in 2021 just to get a breather and instead focus my energy on books :') the whole pandemic situation and the lockdown was beginning to get to me + i had to deal with an academic burnout but !! things are definitely better now.
OKAYY so it took me a lot of time to finalise a bias in nct dream and tbt all nct units unghhh i lobe them all but my nct dream bias as of now is renjun. this man has me wrapped around his finger and activates the heart eyes WDYM HE HAS A PRETTY VOICE HES AN ARTIST HE'S PRETTY HE'S SHARP TONGUED AND HE'S A TOTAL SWEETHEART LIKE HE'S SO CARING 100% BFF/BF MATERIAL :( FDIBCFBN GOD HAS HIS FAVOURITES ALRIGHT and oml don't even get me started w the yangyang and renjun interactions im still reeling from when they did this.
In 127 i have a soft spot for the vocal line lol so i usually bias whoever's in the vocal line for a particular song (DO THEY HAVE TO MAKE IT SO HARD TO CHOOSE THO). rn it's jaehyun bc I'm obsessed w his voice (it's his first few lines in good thing <33)
Oof faded in my last song just hits so hard and it hurts so bad the songs so deep. It's one of my favourite nct u songs that and baby don't like it (again. hoe anthems >>>) for 127 it's either heartbreaker (bc it's hyuck's world and we're just living in it) or good thing (bc jaehyun.) Basically love the limitless era. and for dream okayy i can't really choose but reload and boom era were both crazy good. as for wayv it's after midnight and maybee take off. Wbu what are your favourite eras/songs?
Ahh you're a carat ?? I've been trying to get into svt since hoshi's spider came out but it's still a work in progress :') Which all groups do you stan ?? (40k slowburns are segci and it's for Vernon?? sounds v interesting 👀)
and the yangyang fic's going to have angst okay thanks for the warning angst scares me but i find it beautiful (?) as a genre like whoa how do mere scenes and words strung up together in a completely different world make me feel so much. But again that's why i like reading in general. bonus points if i actually find the smth in the fic relatable :')
YUSSUH 5SOS SUPREMACY youngblood was THAT album yk. weird but their music and a few select songs from twenty one pilots and imagine dragons help me concentrate and actually solve calculus ... esp easier and good girls 😭 idk why tho and whahfkfkkg they came to your city ?? Djnffkfm most international artists usually don't come near South Asian countries ie the place where I live 🤧
and yes so i listened to a few more songs by waterparks but I'm obsessed with 21 questions. i can't stop putting it on loop 😭😭 fdhjk pls feel free to send in more song recs
p.s. i enjoy talking to you too to the point where i think i ramble a little too much hrkfjfnf Have a good day/night <3
kpop does get overwhelming sometimes dfkjlas but also i just kind of got bored for a bit so i didnt feel motivated to check up on it in so long,, but now i just found the excitement again and i feel the same i did when getting into it for the first time its so amazing. i got into kpop just before the pandemic started, so it was something that was keeping me going during the lockdowns and shit :) i am glad you're feeling better now, though!
OUR BIASES MATCH AAAAAAA #besties fdlksaj renjun is literally the love of my life i think us two are similar in a lot of things (our zodiac signs, personalities, interests, anger issues...) so i think loving him so much helped my selflove djfkla this sounds weird but its true to some extent?? AND DONT MENTION THE CAMPING TRIP VIDEO IN FRONT OF ME ITS MY COMFORT VID AAAAA everything abt it is so wholesome,,, their little karaoke sessions, the shopping, the cooking,, them switching languages every now and then,, also yangyang singing i'm gonna love you by d.o. is stuck in my head that moment felt special.
in 127 i tend to gravitate towards mark and hyuck but i cant really count them bc theyre my dream biases as well LMAO but if i exclude them, i'd say i bias doyoung? i have a soft spot for yuta as well haha and recently my head is full of jungwoo but i'm not gonna give that too much weight just yet it might be a phase we'll see
I LOVE HOE ANTHEMS AAAA no one does sexy songs like nct. no one can compare. period. my fav eras would probablyyy be hot sauce/hello future for dream i fucking love that era and i miss it so much it was comfort for me. hot sauce was the first album ive ever bought from my first ever paycheck haha<33 for 127 probably superhuman/kick it/punch era? altho i wasnt a stan back then yet,, so i didnt fully experience it and for wayv turn back time era!!
i AM a carat!! spider is so good oml truly a cultural reset. no one does it like kwon soonyoung. i stan quite a few groups i think?? my ults are definitely nct, seventeen and txt! i keep up w them the most:) and then i stan enhypen, stray kids and p1harmony, although i dont really watch their contents or anything anymore,, im more of a casual stan for them. wbu?
yesyes its an angsty one but its not that bad i think fklf i definitely wrote more traumatic fics than this one. there's actually a yy tiktok i saw that literally represents how i wrote him in this fic it fit so much uh god i'll show it to you if you're interested
SOLVE CALCULUS HDAKL thank god i dont have maths anymore<33 that was a real struggle. i used to have a twenty one pilots phase tbf but im glad its behind me now bc the tyler joseph now is not the tyler joseph i used to stan!:)) and nooo they didn't come to my city! i'm from slovakia and literally no one comes to slovakia so i get your sturggle. they came to krakow and vienna though and that's kind of close to me!
21 questions>>>>> literally one of the songs that inspired my yy fic. do you use spotify? i'll make you a rec playlist if you really want!
p.s. i really enjoy talking to you hihi i missed your asks hhhh please dont think you ramble too much bc i do too!! it shows that we are comfy w each other xx
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blueathens · 3 years
so the reader is best friends with Dec and Lauren, and they have a day where the reader and Lauren hang out whilst mason and Dec hang out.
The reader turns up to dec's place to pick up Lauren but she's met with Mason when he opens the door. Then she's like urgh not you, I was hoping I would see you today (throw in a few insults maybee). And he insults her back so she sighs and walks in. She asks where Lauren is and mason explains that she's gone with Dec and they'll be back 'soon' (they purposely left hoping that mason and the reader would 'fix things').
The reader goes to chill in one of the bedrooms whilst waiting for Lauren. A few minutes later, mason shows up saying he was bored alone downstairs and shuts the door. Then the reader gets all sassy saying 'am I an entertainer or something' he laughs sarcastically And he replies ?? She tells him to get out but he has that cocky smirk on his face and refuses to leave so she gets up and tried to leave but the doors somehow locked (idk maybe it for locked from the outside or it's a faulty door idk you'll figure it out). The reader thinks mason purposely locked the door but he says he didn't and they both try to get the door open. When that doesn't work, they try to ring Lauren and Dec but it goes straight to voicemail. Bc of the locked door they get into a heated argument. Then that post we reblogged happens:
my favourite thing is when enemies to lovers are getting heated…and their faces end up really close… and they’re making solid eye contact…and then one of them is just like… *gaze drops to lips*
The reader then says "Why are you looking at my lips, my eyes are up here" whilst tilting his head up. He then mutters 'you make me so fucking mad. Her: 'Yeah and what are you gonna do about it'. Him: this. And then he smashes his lips onto hers whilst pushing her against the wall (queue the walls pov jk😂). Mason pulls back, smirks and says to the reader 'still hate me?' to which the reader replies 'shut up and kiss me' whilst pulling his collar. A lot of pulling on mason's hair and him moaning and throwing his head back and the reader kissing his neck. Back to mason kissing the reader, taking off jackets/shirts etc. And he tells her to jump but she says 'don't tell me what to do' and does it anyways. Then it gets very smutty (bc we all know you can write for so well). He's being rough but also very reassuring throughout, checking if the reader is okay. And the reader teasing mason by not moaning his name so he goes even rougher :)
Mason's/her phone rings and it's dec/lauren saying they were stuck in traffic but they're not far from home now. With that, they try to quickly finish what they're doing and get dressed to look presentable lol.
Other ideas I has but idk if they fit in:
Don't think this changes things, I still hate you.
We'll see if you feel that way after I'm done with you??
One part of this :)
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honeypeachiepie · 3 years
I hit the point where I am going to make a Twilight tiktok😂😂😂 (maybee)
Tho it's nothing funny just a boring what I. would where if I were in twilight...
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warmthstarved-blog · 5 years
by GOD do i wanna fall in love and be vulnerable and maybee even kiss be with someone idk haha!! but by GOD am i not getting a bumble or tinder or whatever because i am
ugly on camera
a person with high standards and most people at my small town college do not fit it in personality and/or looks
lame and boring and in massive need of therapy and getting myself straight before i rope someone up in the NONSENSE that is my life
ugly :(((
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