#amao Odayaka x reader
domxmarvel · 4 months
5 year celebration-A characters
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candychasse · 9 months
Yandere Sim Male Rivals dealing with the, 'me, my s/o, and their 500 dollar life sized mareep plush' meme being their reality.
Characters: Osano, Amao, Kizano, Oko, Aso, Osoro, Megamo.
Contains: g/n reader, not proofread, fluff. At least five of the guys having beef with a plushie.
"What the hell is that."
^ exact words he said when you came home with the adorable pokemon plush.
Despite his harsh words he does think the sheep is cute.
He will complain, like a lot.
"Move the damn sheep." He says loudly as he tries to get comfy in bed. You groaned slightly and moved the sheep to the other side of you. "Thank-" he stops himself as you turn your back to him! "Y/n." He calls out. You turn again to face him, bringing the Mareep to face him too. "Yes?" You ask, a grin slowly growing. "...whatever." He says turning his back to you, 'two can play that game' he thinks.
Two actually cannot play that game. In the morning you found him turned facing you, holding the Mareep tight. You snicker to yourself as you take a photo of him.
He's not particularly the biggest fan of mareep, however, he does understand how much the plush means to you.
I'd imagine he'd try to convince you to move mareep somewhere else like, "Why don't we move Mareep to the couch so they can watch TV?"
^when that obviously didn't work. He accepted his fate.
You had just wrapped up closing the bakery for the day and headed upstairs in order to destress and enjoy the rest of your evening. You headed into your room to pick out pajamas, when you saw it. Amao carefully making the bed and placing Mareep front and center on the freshly made bed. "There!" He said with a smile. Your heart melted and you practically tackled him in a bear hug for his kindness toward Mareep.
He actually hates the sheep. No secret love of it or anything.
He thinks mareep is ugly and takes up too much space in bed.
It's the dead of night, you're sleeping peacefully in bed curled up with mareep. Kizano had just got home from a late night film shoot. He did his skincare routine and prepared for bed, but as he gets into bed he feels an unfamiliar lump in the bed. He tries not to make much noise as he pulls back the blanket and investigates the lump....
It's an ugly sheep?
He blinks in confusion for a few moments then simply casts the sheep aside to the ground, adjusting his body to replace the sheep's former place in your arms.
In the morning he pretends not to know of the plushie when you point out it must've fallen in the middle of the night.
"What plushie, my love?"
I think he'd just get depressed.
Like, I think he'd get self conscious. He really does like snuggling with you late at night, it's even better than summoning demons to him! But now all you do is snuggle Mareep.
Is he not good enough?
You only find out about his feelings towards Mareep during a late night while your a cleaning a stain off her.
"Hey.. Why don't we leave Mareep somewhere else, because she's dirty..?" Oko asks cautiously. You giggle slightly at the thought. "Nah! I'm sure I can clean her up enough!" You replied, dead set on removing the stain. "...great..." He whispers. "What was that?" You question. "I mean great! It'd be a shame if you couldn't cuddle them." He elaborates, but you know Oko, and you know when he's lying, so you decide to toy with him a little. "Well, if I couldn't get the stain off I'd just cuddle with you probably." You say 'off handedly'. "..oh so now you'd want to cuddle with me...." He mutters under his breath. You gasp finally putting the pieces together. "You're jealous of Mareep!" You exclaim loudly. His face turns flush from embarrassment, "..no." He replies turning his face away from you. A common tell of him hiding his feelings. "Well, if you are jealous of Mareep, which I know you're not, I would want you to know that I only got Mareep because I got lonely those nights you would run off to summon demons..." You confess, awkwardly looking down. "Oh, well, uhm, I'm not going out tonight.." He says and your eyes sparkle a little. "Get over here!" You say with a small smile, pushing Mareep to the side and holding Oko closely.
He does however unintentionally abuses the Mareep. Think accidentally sitting on it, using it as a table, etc.
he says sorry to the Mareep everytime.
Throws it in the air really high that it hits the ceiling, BUT he does catch it!
It was a rare occasion where Mareep was chilling on the end of the bed while you and Aso cuddled. Right as the familiar embrace of sleep enveloped you both, a familiar thud was heard. "Aso, Aso, you kicked Mareep off the bed." You said while rubbing his shoulder to try and awaken him. He groaned "huh? Oh shoot! My bad..." He whispered, getting out of the warm bed and picking Mareep up from the floor. You giggled slight at the sight of him placing it carefully onto the bed and returning to your side.
Intentional Mareep abuse. Have you seen those tik toks of squishmallow girls' boyfriends beating up their squishmallows instead of just like, hugging it? Yeah that's Osoro.
HE DOESN'T HATE MAREEP THOUGH! Shockingly (heh get it) he likes the plushie.
"Osaro you're so mean! Mareep didn't do nothin' to you!" You exclaim with a gasp as he absentmindedly punches the mareep. "He's an inanimate object Y/n, he can't feel pain." Osaro replies while punching the Mareep again.
But like Kizana he is not above tossing it a side in order to cuddle with you.
Unlike Kizana he wouldn't put it on the floor but just to the side opposite of the one you're laying on.
Osaro tossed and turned in the middle of the night, to say he had a rough dream would be the least to say. He tries to move closer to you but is blocked by the giant Mareep. Grunting he grabs the Mareep and tosses it to where he was formerly laying. He wraps his arms around your waist and sighs. Now that he's in your arms his dreams seem nicer, even if that does sound silly.
He's a busy guy, being the heir to a mega corp, having his own passions, it's a lot on his plate. So most days he come home by the time you're already asleep.
I doubt he noticed you owned a life sized Mareep until one day...
Once again, we begin our story in the dead of night, you're tucked in, nice and warm. Meanwhile Megamo had just came in from the frigid rainstorm outside. He wasn't all too wet so he just changed clothes and headed to bed. Little did he know, the lump he was cuddling was not you.
In the morning, Megamo was face to face with a sheep's face instead of yours. To say he was a little upset would be an understatement.
He tries bribery, offering you any normal sized plushie you want.
He tries threatening saying that since you're cuddling Mareep you can't cuddle with him.
He even thinks about just throwing it out. But he knows how much it means to you. So he just silently moves it to the couch everyday, and every evening it's back on *his spot* on the bed.
He despises that damn sheep.
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pink-tonic · 9 months
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Description: After a sudden death at Akademi High, the students are given a short break. Once they come back, everything seems normal, but that isn't fully the case.
The leader of the Newspaper Club and childhood friend of Ayato Aishi, (Y/N) (L/N), is trying to get to the bottom of the death and putting a stop to any future tragedies.
But with the added obstacles of admirers and strained relationships, will he be able to complete this goal before anyone else is killed?
(Ayato Aishi, Taeko Yamada, and various male rivals x male reader)
Warnings: Yandere themes (Stalking, obsessiveness, Killing, unhealthy relationships), death, sexual harassment, bullying, graphic depictions of violence, and mentions of blood
(These themes won't be present in every chapter, but I'll make sure to put a warning before the start if they do show up)
Additional Notes: To get something out the way, I DON'T support Yandere Dev at all. I find his actions to be horrible, but I just didn't have the heart to trash this story. This is my most planned story, and I just don't want to get rid of it because of someone's actions. I hope you understand.
This story has an alternating POV between (Y/N) and Ayato. Each chapter will have a newspaper or a knife emoji. The newspaper is for your POV and the knife is for Ayato's POV
The First Day📰
Day One🔪
A Week In📰
Week One🔪
Come Get Your Paper!📰
Set the Plan Into Motion🔪
The False Letter📰
Can This Be Called a Success?🔪
What to Do?📰
New Week and a New Face📰
Time to go Back🔪
It Haunts Me📰
Moving On🔪
Hostage Mission🔪
What's the Hold Up?🔪
A New Week and a New Treat🔪
Answer to the Problem🔪
Did You Hear?📰
A New Week and New Drama🔪
I'm Not Made for That!📰
The Plan is Happening Now?🔪
This is How You Do It🔪
Another Letter?📰
Give Him This🔪
In Love?📰
A New Week, a New Oddity📰
Stalker Stalking Another Stalker🔪
Picture Perfect for Me🔪
The Feeling That Stays📰
What's Going On?📰
Do What You Have to Do🔪
It's Over🔪
A New Week and a New Realization🔪
No Explanation🔪
Who Needed You Anyway?🔪
Swim to Your Heart's Content🔪
Too Much📰
New Week and a New Nurse📰
A New Start?🔪
Pushing the Line🔪
Watch Your Back, Kana🔪
A Break Would be Nice📰
What to Do?🔪
Where is He...?📰
A New Week and a New Teacher📰
Getting a Little Too Close, Aren't We?🔪
How Could it be You?📰
The Plan is Set📰
Your Fate is in my hands🔪
The Awaited Downfall📰
A New Week, New Trouble📰
Another Plan Must be Made🔪
A Little Change Never Hurt Nobody🔪
You're Oddly Sweet📰
A Step in the Right Direction🔪
Drama Kings📰
The Night of a Dozen Delinquents🔪
Peaceful Night is Gone📰
New Week, New Student📰
Last One... Right?🔪
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Amao Odayaka Boyfriend Scenario -  You Meet Again/Becoming Friends
Absentmindedly singing a song, I swung my hips as sound came from my mouth. This song in particular was about a spoilt princess and her servant who was also her twin. Hips still swinging, I decided to bake a cake for my friend’s birthday in the cooking club’s kitchen. Walking in, that boy that came in last time allowing my escape. 
“Hey, I just wanted to say thank you for last time, you know when you interrupted AijiChan from shoving food in my mouth.” I said, stopping my song.
“Oh” the boy said, “it wasn’t any problem! Though… may I ask why AijiSan was, as you say, shoving food in your mouth?” The boy said.
“Oh, that...She’s just worried about me not eating or something, but I’m fine! Really!” I said, sweat dropping slightly. “Oh, by the way, can I ask for your help baking a cake for AijiChan? It’s her birthday by the way!”
“Of course!” The boy said, “I love baking and helping people! I didn’t know it was AijiSan’s birthday!”
With a slight skip, I made my way into the cooking club room and beside the boy. 
“Oh, by the way, my name is Amao!” The boy now known as Amao said.
“Awesome! My name is ____!” I said gleefully.
With that, we began making a cake for AijiChan. Throwing together eggs, flour, milk, strawberries, oil, and baking soda, we started to make the cake. Ten minutes passed and the cake was soon in the oven. After that, we talked for what seemed like hours before the timer dinged, signalling that the cake was finished. Allowing the cake to cool, We frosted the cake together, and Amao wrote in swirly letters ‘Happy Birthday Aiji!’. Just as the last swirl was finished, AijiChan walked into the room. 
“AijiChan!” I said, “You’re here! We baked you a cake for your birthday!”
AijiChan thanked us and we all ate the cake together.
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yanderegoddess · 2 years
Yandere Simulator Blog
I actually hadn’t intended to be writing this at fucking 10:52 pm but here I am because insomnia is a pain in my ass. And what’s a better way to waste my time then write this out and write some Xreader stuff while im at it. Anyway enough of the side rant off to the real point.
Prompt list!
This is an Xreader Blog I do
X F!Reader
X GN!Reader
X M!Reader
Stuff I write about :
Types of content I write :
smut || the characters will be aged up if smut is requested ||
Characters I write for 202X :
Ayano Aishi
Osana Najimi
Amai Odayaka
Kizana Sunobu
Oka Ruto
Asu Rito
Muja Kina (( Teacher reader ONLY.
Osoro Shidesu
Hanako Yamada
Megami Saikou
Kokona Haruka
Kuroko Kamenaga
Akane Toriyasu
Aoi Ryugoku
Shiromi Torayoshi
Mutsumi Rokuda / Musume Ronshaku
Kashiko Murasaki
Hana Daidaiyama
Kokoro Momoiro
Hoshiko Mizudori
Uekiya Engeika
Genka Kunahito (( Teacher reader ONLY.
Raibaru Fumetsu
Supana Churu
Kokuma Jutsu
Mina Rai
Shima Shiya
Miyuji Shan
Gita Yamahato
Beshi Takamine
Dora Tamamoto
Kiba Kawaito
Meka Nikaru
Homu Kurusu
Inkyu Basu
Sakyu Basu
Sakura Hagiwara
Sumire Suzuki
Horuda Puresu
Male :
Umeji Kizuguchi
Hokuto Furukizu
Gaku Hikitsuri
Dairoku Surikizu
Hayanari Tsumeato
Yandere Kun / Ayato Aishi
Budo Masuta
Taro Yamada / Senpai
Male! Info-Kun
Shin Higaku
Chojo Tekina
Daku Atsu
Geiju Tsuka
Sho Kunin
Juku Ren
Kaga Kusha
Horo Guramu
Yaku Zaishi
Iruka Dorufino
Kencho Saikou
Hazu Kashibuchi
Male rivals :
Osano Nanjimi
Amao Odayaka
Kizano Sunobu
Oko Ruto
Aso Rito
Mujo Kina (( teacher reader ONLY.
Osoro Shidesu
Hanakō Yamada
Megamo Saikou
Characters I write for 1980’s :
Female :
Ryoba Aishi
Kaguya Wakaizumi
Moeko Rakuyona
Honami Hodoshima
Sumiko Tachibana
Ritsuko Chikanari
Ai Doruyashi
Teiko Nabatasai
Komako Funakoshi
Chigusa Busujima
Sonoko Sakanoue
Turi Sutoriku
Doremi Shinmahara
Murasaki Nobumoto
Akari Komiyaku
Raimu Ichijo
Sumire Saitozaki
Male :
Jokichi Yudasei
The Journalist
Saburo Meshino
Togo Atasuma Shichiro Kurosapu
Taichi Hiranaka
Seishiro Sadanaga
Reiichi Tanaami
Joze Shiuba
Ken Kyonashima
Daisaku Aragaki
Saisho Saikou
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
December Fics
- Discontinued
≫ I’m still going to post the alphabet headcanons and other requests. Don’t worry about that.
≫ Requests for character adding to this list is not valid. These are all of my favorite characters in each Fandoms.
≫ This fics can be headcanon, oneshot or drabble. Or maybe a headcanon and a scenario. It depends on how I feel like I should do it.
December 1: Snow (Mystic Messenger) — 707, Yoosung, Zen, Jumin, Jaehee, Saeran & V
December 2: Winter Wonder (Kingdom Hearts) — Sora, Riku, Roxas, Ventus
December 3: Snowball Fight (Pokémon) — Green Oak, Silver, Steven Stone, N, Calem, Gladion, Raihan
December 4: Cold Kisses (Persona) — Akira Kurusu, Goro Akechi, Yu Narukami, Yosuke Hanamura, Minato Arisato, Shinjiro Aragaki
December 5: Cuddles/Snuggles (Fates, Three Houses, Awakening, Echoes, Heroes) — Takumi, Leo, Kaze | Claude, Dimitri, Yuri | Chrom, Robin, Inigo | Lukas, Kliff, Python | Alfonse, Sharena
December 6: Sharing clothes [Yandere Simulator] — Osano Najimi, Amao Odayaka, Kizano Sunobu, Oko Ruto, Osorō Shidesu, Megamo Saikou, Mujo Kina, Aso Rito
December 7: Building a Snowman [Legend of Zelda] — Link, Zelda, Revali, Mipha, Urbosa, Daruk
December 8: Ice skating [Yuri! On Ice] — Yuuri Katsuki, Victor Nikiforov, Yuri Plisetsky
December 9: Baking [FNAF] — gang
December 10: Decorating the House with decorations [Obey Me] — Brothers, Purgatory Hall trio, Diavolo and Barbatos
December 11: Going to a tree lighting event [Ace Attorney] — Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth, Franziska Von Karma, Apollo Justice, Athena Cykes, Sebastian Debeste, Simon Blackquill
December 12: Skiing/Snowboarding/Sledding [Assassination Classroom] — Karma, Nagisa, Chiba, Gakushu, Isogai, Maehara
December 13: Christmas movies [BNHA] — Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugou, Hawks, Aizawa, Tamaki
December 14: Singing Christmas songs [Haikyuu!] — Karasuno, Nekoma, Fukurodani, Seijoh, Shiratorizawa
December 15: Snow Storm [Yona of the Dawn; Modern AU!] — Dragons with Yona and Yoon
December 16: Playing in the snow [Genshin Impact] — Kaeya Alberich, Diluc Ragnvindr, Xiao, Childe, Zhongli, Xiangling, Fischl, Lumine, Aether, Chongyun, Scaramouche
December 17: Drinking Hot Chocolate [Danganronpa] — Makoto Naegi, Byakuya Togami, Hajime Hinata, Nagito Komaeda, Ibuki Mioda, Chiaki Hanami, Shuichi Saihara, Kokichi Ouma
December 18: Picture [Servamp] — Mahiru, Kuro, Misono, Jeje, Hyde, Licht, Tsubaki
December 19: Wrapping gifts [Creepypasta] — Jeff the Killer, BEN Drowned, Ticci Toby, Masky & Hoodie, Lost Silver, Bloody Painter, The Puppeteer, Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack
December 20: Build a pillow fort [Snow White with the Red Hair] — Shirayuki, Zen, Obi, Mitsuhide, Kiki
December 21: Ugly Sweaters [Harry Potter] — Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy
December 22: Dancing [OHSHC] — Host Club
December 23: Under the Mistletoe [Magi] — Aladdin, Alibaba, Sinbad, Ja’far, Titus, Hakuryuu, Judal
December 24: Secret Santa [Bungou Stray Dogs] — ADC & Port Mafia
December 25: Christmas [Everyone saying their Christmas wishes to the Readers]
December 26: Exchanging Gifts [Marauder’s Era] — Marauders
December 27: Game Night [X-men] — Peter Maximoff, Kurt Wagner, Charles Xavier
December 28: Kitchen Disaster [while baking] [Miraculous Ladybug] — Marinette, Adrien, Luka, Alya, Chloe
December 29: Late Night Walks [Descendants] — Mal, Evie, Carlos, Jay, Ben, Harry Hook
December 30: Sleeping [Mystreet] — Garroth, Laurence, Aaron, Travis, Vylad
December 31: New Year [Everyone saying their new years to the readers]
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domxmarvel · 2 years
Snow globe
Pairing:Amao Odayaka x Female!Reader
Slot:Hot chocolate +Gingerbread +Snowglobe
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It was the last day of school before winter break,you had already handed out the rest of the presents you had. Except for one. The way to the baking club room was filled with the smell of hot chocolate and gingerbread. You peaked in to see only Amao alone,pulling out another tray of gingerbread. Just as he set it down he looked up and your eyes met,he smiled. 
“Hello there,Darling. Would you like to join me for some hot chocolate?”
“I’d love to,and I have something for you” You handed him the box.
“Thank you,darling. But you really didn’t have to get me anything”
“Don’t say that,you deserve it” You put your hand on his cheek,pulling him down to kiss him “For being the best boyfriend ever” He smiled before kissing you properly. “Aren’t you gonna open it?”
“Not right now,do you want me to?”
“Yes,just be careful,it’s fragile” He set the box down and handed you a cup of hot chocolate. Before picking it back up and opening it,it was a small snow globe with a gingerbread house inside it. “What do you think?”
“I love it,thank you” He pulled out a small box from his pocket. “This is for you” It was a necklace with a heart shaped pendant.
“I love it,thank you” He helped you put it on,wrapping his arms around you,he rested his head on your shoulder. He kissed your cheek.
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candychasse · 8 months
Early morning With Amao
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Contains: fluff, g/n reader, not my best but still cute imo.
Note: as per usual with most of my fanfics I woke up in a cold sweat with this idea in my mind.
It was early morning, or in your words 'god o'clock in the morning' Amao had already finished getting ready for the road trip you were both going on to visit some baking exhibition, meanwhile you were still in bed, zoning in and out of consciousness. He had seriously tried everything from turning on all the lights in the room to slowly making you sit up, just for you to fall backwards as soon as he let go.
Sighing softly, he concedes. You had already finished packing late last night, so there's not really much reason for you to be awake, other than doing your morning routine. Amao picks out an outfit for you to change into once you finally do wake up and places it into one of the backpacks. Turning around to face you, practically wrapped up like a burrito in bed.
"C'mon.." He mutters under his breath. Grabbing a blanket to keep you warm, he puts his baker muscles to use in order to carry you to the car, safely buckling you in he sighs once more.
"We really need to work on this."
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pink-tonic · 8 months
A New Week and a New Treat🔪
All Chapters
Warnings: None
Text message labels:
Bold - Ayato
Red text - Info-Chan
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It's Sunday, and I've decided to work an extra shift at the Café. Sundays are quite busy, and that means more money in my pockets. Luckily, there were no odd costumers this time around to bother me. I carry on with my work, and I'm able to earn a few tips as well.
My shift ends, and I go to the back to take off my uniform. As I take off the baby blue vest, one of the workers comes up to me.
"Great job out there, Aishi!"
"You have a certain charm that makes people come back, you know?"
"Do I?"
"Yeah! And we really need it! Recently, a new place has opened up, and they're rivaling us with sweets."
"Yeah, it's the Odayaka Bakery."
"I've heard of it."
"Yeah, it's grown popular, but we've got cute waiters, so we at least beat them at something."
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Aishi."
He walks away as I fold my vest and put it in my bag. I grab my bag and walk out the entrance with it. When I leave the restaurant, I'm met with the bright lights of the shopping strip. It's crowded like always, but it is Sunday, so it's expected. I walk down the sidewalk, but as I walk out of the area and into a more residential area, I notice an alleyway filled with men.
I stop in my tracks and look towards the dark alleyway. Within the alley, I see a few men dressed in suits. They are talking with one another, but the one closest to the entrance of the alley notices me.
"What do you want?" He asks me in a gruff voice.
I don't respond and carry on walking. I wonder if they are what I think they are?
It's Monday, and I regret taking the extra shift. I'm tired, and I can barely pay attention to anything. I sit in the courtyard with Taro. He's reading some type of book, and I'm just looking at the cherry blossom petals rain down from the trees. I would use this time to watch over Taeko, but I know she's with (Y/N). Ever since I told Osano to back off from Taeko, she's been hanging out with (Y/N) more than ever. I guess my plan backfired on me, but at least I gained a new friendship.
From the corner of my eye, I see a boy walking with a tray. He walks up to me and Taro, and I get to have a better look at him. He has short light brown hair, a mint green handkerchief on his head, with a matching apron, he doesn't have the school jacket on but he is wearing a white long-sleeved button up, he also has a red armband indicating that he is a club leader.
"Would you like one?" He asks us, as he shows us a tray filled with mini cakes.
"Sure," Taro says as he reaches to get one. I reach out to get one, too. The boy walks off once we take one.
He must be the cooking club leader.
As I eat the mini pastry, I feel a vibration coming from my pocket. I take out my phone, and I see it's a message from Info.
I see that you already talked with him.
With who?
Amao Odayaka.
What about him?
I saw something on Friday.
And you're telling me now?
I wanted you to know who he was first.
What did you see?
I saw him getting close with your Senpai.
Your poor Senpai was saddened at Osano's behavior, and Amao noticed this as he passed by her. He sat down with her and gave her a few of his pastries.
So what about it?
He loves her. I listened in on a few of his conversations this morning, and he seems to have taken a liking to her. He is going to confess to her this Friday, so take care of it.
My eyes widen at the last message. Do I really have another rival already? I clench my phone in frustration, and Taro takes notice.
"What happened, Ayato?" He asks me as he looks away from his book.
"Nothing," I bluntly reply.
I'll need to figure this out soon.
During class time, I was figuring out a plan to take down Odayaka. I decided that I won't harm him. I'm not going to kill him, but I am going to hurt him in a different way.
It's lunchtime and I went straight to the first floor. As I reach the last step, I see (Y/N) going into the nurse's office. I go past it since he isn't my target at the moment. I turn the corner where the cooking club is, and I take a look inside. Inside of the club, I see Odayaka making more mini cakes. I see this as an opportunity.
I walk inside of the club, and he turns around.
"Oh! Hi, there agian!" He says with a bright smile and small wave.
"Hey, I was wondering if you're the cooking club leader?" I ask even though I already know the answer to the question.
"Yup! I'm the leader. Is there anything you need?" He asks me.
"Yeah, I've been meaning to join a club, but I'm not sure which one yet. I was just wondering if you could introduce me to this club so I can know it better?" I ask, setting my plan into motion.
"Of course! I'll show you what the cooking club is all about!"
Odayaka ushers me over to where he is making the mini cakes.
"You can help me make these mini cakes and give them out to other people! Let's get started!" He says with the same bright smile from earlier.
He starts to instruct me on what to do, and I grab all the items I need. I start to make the mini cakes with him, but as we work, I decide to ask him a few questions.
"Your name sounds familiar. Are you connected with the local bakery?" I ask him.
"Yes! My family runs that bakery. We just opened up recently, and we are already having great success! The reason I didn't show up to school right away after the break was because I was helping them with the opening," he explains to me.
As he speaks about his family's bakery, I notice a glimmer in his eyes and how happy he sounds to be talking about the bakery. That's when it hits me, I've found what I've been looking for.
"The bakery is still new, so our security system really isn't the best. But with all the money we're making, I'm sure that we can get a new one soon," he rambles on.
"That sounds great..," I tell him,"I'm all done. What do I do now?"
"Start giving them to people, I'm sure everyone would enjoy an extra snack!"
I nod before taking the tray and walking out of the club room. I start to give the mini sweets to everyone I see, and not before long, the tray is empty. I go back to the club room.
"Oh! You're back!" He happily tells me.
I hand the trey back to him.
"How did you like it?" He asks me with hope in his eyes.
"I thought it was fun," I lie to him.
"That's great. Do you want to join?"
"I first want to go to the sports club and see what they have."
"That's fine! I'm just happy you enjoyed yourself."
I nod at him before turning around and walking out of the club room.
After school, I go to the hardware store. I have a list of what I need, and I go around the store getting each one of them. When I leave the store, I have bolt cutters, wire cutters, a pair of gloves, and a hammer.
I'm ready to hurt Odayaka.
I go home and change into the same outfit I wore when I broke into the stalker's home. I grabbed a backpack from my closet and dump all the items inside. I make sure to grab my lock pick from Info, and I then leave my house and head to the bakery.
When I make it to the bakery, I see that the street is empty. It isn't as busy as I thought it would be, but in the distance, I see the bakery. I walk over to it, and I start to examine it.
How do I get inside?
I need to be sneaky, and I need to shut off the weak security, too. I should start there first.
I make my way towards the building and go to the back of it. When I make it to the back, I can see the breaker box. It's locked up so no one can tamper with it, but that won't be a problem for me.
I take off my backpack and take out the bolt cutters. I line up the lock with the bolt cutters and press down on the handle of the bolt cutters. The lock falls to the ground with a thud. I kick the lock to the side and pop open the breaker box. When I open up the box, I'm meet with different wires.
I don't know what to do at this point, so I take out my hammer. I start to smash the inside of the breaker box, I even rip the wires out with hands and throw them to the floor. I smash the box until it's beyond repair.
Once I'm happy with my destruction, I go over to the back door, that's next to the breaker box, and I pick the lock. The door opens up, and I step inside with my backpack.
When I make it inside, I can't help but to smile. The bakery is now in my hands, and nobody can stop me. I look towards the two security cameras. One is pointing at the entrance, and the other is pointing at the cash register. I know that the cameras aren't recording, but I'll take them down first. I step on a nearby chair, and I take down both of the cameras. Their destroyed remains lay on the ground.
I go to the glass display cases, and I grab my hammer. I grip the hammer and swing it down on the display cases. The display shatters into pieces onto the floor, and the glass even lands on the cake that it was supposed to protect. It's just a display cake, but I grab it and throw it to the ground. I continue to break the rest of the cases and trash anything else I find.
I stand in the middle of my destruction. I'm surrounded by glass and destroyed cakes. I smile at my work. This should be enough to hurt him.
I leave the bakery out the way I entered.
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domxmarvel · 2 years
Winter bingo (Closed)
please check my Guidelines & who i write for before sending a request.  You are allowed to combine slots (Maximum 3 per fic)
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Crossed out=taken
1 staying in all day 
2 cuddling 
3 snow
snowglobe + hot chocolate + gingerbread Amao Odayaka x Female!Reader
1 sick
3 proposal +fireplace + present Momo Yaoyorozu x Female!Reader
4 milk and cookies 
5 first Christmas together + Christmas tree + snowman Loid x Female!Reader x Yor
3 new years kiss+midnight Malleus Draconia x Gender neutral!Reader
4 stormed in Joe/Kojiro x Female!Reader x Cherry/Kaoru (Matchablossom x Female!Reader)
1 ice skating Rayla x Female!Reader
3 fireworks 
4 matching pajamas 
5 mistletoe Joe/Kojiro x Female!Reader x Cherry/Kaoru (Matchablossom x Female!Reader)
1 blackout 
2 fake dating for a family event  
4 Phonophobia*
5 snowball fight 
*fear of loud noises
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domxmarvel · 2 years
Request are open - Yandere simulator
Ayano/Ayato Aishi
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Osana /  Osano  Najimi
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Amai /  Amao   Odayaka
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Kizana /  Kizano   Sunobu
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Oka / Oko Ruto
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Mido rana
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Osoro /  Osorō   Shidesu
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Megami / Megamo Saikou
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domxmarvel · 2 years
Pairing: Amao Odayaka x Female!Reader
Slot: Blood
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"Y/N you'll be joining us for the club activity,right?"
"Yeah,sure" Your boyfriend,the leader of the cooking club, had been asking you to join them for a while and you finally agreed to give it a try. The truth was that you weren't feeling great,but he was so excited and you didn't want to let him down. But when you walked into the club room you only found him there. "Where is everyone?" 
"They said they were busy,so we canceled the club activity for today" 
"Could we still make something?" 
"Of course" He gave you a big smile,answering in his usual soft voice. "What are you craving? Sweet or savory?"
"Definitely sweet"
"Perfect,we do have all the ingredients for a cheesecake" He grabbed something from one of the cabinets,it was an apron. "Why don't you start crushing these and I'll start on the batter" He said handing you a box of plain cookies. You had watched him make cheesecake multiple times so you knew most of the steps. Once the cake was finished he put it in the fridge to set. "We could slice up some strawberries to put on top" He stood behind you,his hands over yours. Slicing the strawberries,he pushed his chest against your back and you could feel him breathing. He guided your hands as you sliced but you were too focused to realize you had cut your finger. “Y/N,come here” He grabbed your hand and cleaned up your cut. He looked so focused as he was putting the band aid on your finger. He looked up at you and before he could say anything,you leaned forward and kissed his cheek. 
“Thank you,sugar” His face was bright red,usually he’d be the one calling you cheesy nicknames. 
“Of course,cupcake”
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Amao Odayaka Boyfriend Scenario - Valentine’s Day Special
Note that this is later on in your relationship!
”Oh! You’re here _____!” A voice suddenly rang out.
Jumping in surprise, you turned around and were met face to face with Amao. In his arms lie a bowl of a sticky mixture which you presumed to be a dessert of some sort.
“Amao! I didn’t see you there! What brings you to lil ole me?” You ask with a smile
“Well, I was wondering if you’d like to make some chocolates with me! It is Valentine’s Day after all...” Amao said with a light pink dusting his cheeks.
You thought it over in your mind. Today was a special day after all, and surely your manager wouldn’t mind you were just making chocolates, right? I mean, as long as you don’t eat any...and maybe eating just one won’t hurt...
Your smile widened as you replied, “Of course! I would love to!”
And with that, the two of you went into the cooking club’s club room. The process was fairly smooth, with the occasional like of chocolate, or playfully wiping chocolate on the other’s nose. In the end the chocolates turned out beautiful!
With a happy sigh, you turned to Amao and said, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Amao.”
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Amao Odayaka Boyfriend Scenarios - How You Meet
“Come oooooon! You need to eat something! If you don’t, you may pass out AGAIN! Please! It's not like it’ll kill you to gain a little weight if that’s what you’re worried about!” AijiChan whined as she tried shoving one of her pieces of sushi my face.
“AijiChan, I told you! I’m not hungry, and besides, I can’t eat those things anyway! Can you please not force me to eat if I don’t want to?” I pleaded as the raven haired pigtail girl tried shoving the food in my mouth.
“But I’ve never seen you eat and no friend of mine is going without tasty sushi! And what’s the big deal about you diet or whatever? You can get off of it for a day, and it’s not like you even need to diet so eat, eat!” Arms were flailing over the the table in the cooking club room as Aiji literally trying to shove food in my mouth. Right when Aiji had my back bent over the table, arms trapped between my body the table at odd angles with several sushi in various odd places and one above my shut mouth,”
“Umm...Excuse me?”
Looking over to where the voice came from, a brunette boy was awkwardly shuffling by the door, eyes averted from the scene and mess of Aiji and I with a blush growing on his cheeks. Seeing a moment of opportunity, I pushed Aiji off of me and ran to the freedom of the school hallways made available by the boy.
“Hey! Get back here! You’re not getting away that easily!” Aiji yelled as she too began to run down the hall, leaving the boy in pure confusion of what just happened.
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domxmarvel · 2 years
2K bingo closed!
Since you guys seemed to enjoy the previous two bingos I’ll be doing another bingo for 2K followers,please check my Guidelines & who i write for before sending a request.  You are allowed to combine slots (Maximum 2 per fic)
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I’ll cross off a slot once it’s been picked *=done
Switching sides Felix Graham de vanily x Female!Du pain!Reader*
Flower shop Hatsuharu sohma x Female!Reader *
Blood Amao Odayaka x Female!Reader *
Good turned evil
Arranged marriage but they want it Aaravos x Female!Reader*
Lovers to enemies
Yandere!Reader Kizano Sunobu x Female!Reader*
Reverse comfort+ Massage Tenya Iida x Male!Reader *
Mommy kink+Pegging+Rough sex Tamaki x Female!Reader *
“Who Did This to You?”  Umeji Kizuguchi x Female!Reader*
Childhood Trauma 
Bleeding Out
Doesn’t Realize They’ve Been Injured Kirishima x Gender neutral!Reader*
Claustrophobia Shoji mezou x Gender neutral!Reader*
Super villain au + Childhood enemies All might x Female!Reader*
Fake enemies
Missing Aaravos x Female!Reader
Big Sub Tomura shigaraki x Werewolf!AMAB!Reader*
First time Hawks x Female!Reader *
All for publicity
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domxmarvel · 5 years
Guidelines & who i write for
(Updated: August 14 2023)
All characters will be aged up for smut
Please send all request as asks
I will turn down requests i’m not comfortable with or that I don't want to write
Please include a plot (Especially for smut)
Most of my fics (Smut) will be Dom/Top!Reader because that’s what I prefer to write
No ships,OC’s or gender-bent characters (That aren’t on the list)
Only x reader including Poly ( Characters have to be from the same fandom)
Fluff,angst, smut & Preferences
Oneshots,Drabbles,Blurbs & preferences/Multi character
Female!Reader,Male!Reader,Gender Neutral,FTM and MTF
If you don’t specify the readers gender I’ll pick whatever I think suits best
No pregnant reader No babies
No daddy kink
Light yandere only
Headcanons and Song fics aren’t really my strong suit,but I'll try my best to write them
Please don’t be vague,more details are better than less
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Lady Loki
Peter parker/Spider-man
Tony Stark/Iron man
Michelle jones (MJ)
Nick fury 
Natasha romanoff/Black widow
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet witch
Pietro(Wandavision)/Peter maximoff/Quicksilver
Alec Lightwood (male reader only)
Isabelle lightwood 
Magnus Bane
Raphael santiago
Sweet Pea
Jughead Jones
joaquin desantos  (male reader only)  
Toni Topaz
FP Jones
Betty cooper
Veronica Lodge
Cheryl Blossom  (Female reader only)   
Brooklyn Nine Nine
Jake Peralta
Amy Santiago
Rosa Diaz
Young royals  (No smut!)
Prince Wilhelm (male reader only)  
Simon Eriksson (male reader only)  
Felice Ehrencrona
Never have I ever
Devi Vishwakumar
Aneesa Qureshi
Kamala Nandiwadal
Benjamin "Ben" Gross  
Nalini Vishwakumar
Fabiola Torres (Female Reader only)
Eleanor Wong  
Trent Harrison  
Ethan Morales
Stranger things (Coming soon)
Eddie Munson
Billy Hargrove
Robin Buckley (Female Reader only)
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathan Byers
Steve Harrington
Jim hopper
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Miraculous Ladybug 
Luka Couffaine/Viperion
Marinette dupain cheng/Ladybug
Adrien Agreste /Chat noir
Alya Cesaire/Rena rouge
Chloe bourgeois/Queen bee
Zoe /Vesperia
Felix Graham de vanily
Juleka couffaine/Purple tigress
Marc anciel  
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Carmen sandiego
Carmen sandiego
Graham Calloway/crackle
Julia argent
She ra
Adora/she ra (Female reader only)    
Catra (Female reader only)    
Scorpia (Female reader only)    
Double trouble
Queen Glimmer
Sea hawk 
How to train your dragon  
The dragon prince
Amaya (Female reader only)    
Terrestrius ‘Terry’
Runaan  (male reader only)  
Ethari  (male reader only)  
Janai (Female reader only)
Camilo (No smut!)
Mirabel (No smut!)
Across/Into the spider-verse
Miles morales/E1610 (No smut)
Gwen Stacy  (No smut) 
pavitr prabhakar   (No smut) 
Hobie brown
Prowler!Miles/E42 (no smut)
Rio Morales
Peter b parker
Dr. Olivia Octavius
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Corpse husband (No smut!)
Multiverse Monarch/leeandlie
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Detroit become human
Connor (RK 800)
Kara (No smut!)
Gavin reed
Hank anderson
Nines (RK 900)
Yandere simulator
Ayano/Ayato Aishi
Osana /  Osano  Najimi
Amai /  Amao   Odayaka
Kizana /  Kizano   Sunobu
Oka / Oko Ruto
Mido rana
Osoro /  Osorō   Shidesu
Megami / Megamo Saikou
Budo Masuta
Shoku Tsuburaya
Umeji Kizuguchi
Ryoba Aishi
Reiichi Tanaami
José Silva
Ken Kyonashima
Daisaku Aragaki
The legend of Zelda
Please specify which version (Game)
Twilight Princess
Skyward Sword
Hyrule Warriors
Ocarina of Time
Agent 47
Diana burnwood
Twisted wonderland
Riddle rosehearts
Malleus Draconia
Lilia Vanrouge
Azul Ashengrotto
Jade Leech
Floyd Leech
Leona Kingscholar
Jack howl
Vil Schoenheit
Rook hunt 
Idia Shroud
Divus Crewel
Mario characters
Princess peach
Princess Daisy
Just dance
Jack rose
Louise Dials
Leda nox/Nightswan
Resident evil 4 (Remake)
Leon kennedy
Ashley graham
Luis Serra
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Fruits baskets
My hero academia
Shoto todoroki
Izuku midoriya/Deku
Mina ashido
Tsuyu asui  (No smut!)
Tenya Iida
Denki kaminari
Eijiro kirishima
Mezou shoji
Kyouka Jiro
Momo Yaoyorozu
Tamaki Amajiki
Fumikage Tokoyami
Hitoshi Shinso  
Mei Hatsume    
Dabi/Toya todoroki
Himiko Toga
Tomura Shigaraki
Pro heros
Hawks/Keigo takami
Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead
All might/ Toshinori Yagi
President mic/ Hizashi Yamada
Fatgum/ Taishiro Toyomitsu
Gang orca/Kugo Sakamata  
Mirko/rumi Usagiyama  
Vlad king/Sekijiro Kan  
Spy x family
Yor Forger/briar
Loid Forger/Twilight
Demon slayer
Kyojuro Rengoku
Tanjiro Kamado
Giyuu Tomioka
Mitsuri Kanroji
Inosuke Hashibira
Shinobu Kocho
Tengen uzui + Makio,Suma & Hina
Nezuko (No smut!)
Muzan kibutsuji (+ Lady Muzan)
Kokushibo/upper moon 1
SK8 the infinity
Cherry blossom/Kaoru Sakurayashiki
Joe/Kojiro Nanjo
Reki kyan
Langa hasegawa  (male reader only)    
Miya chinen (No smut!) 
The way of the house husband
Tatsu/the immortal dragon
Buddy daddies
Rei suwa 
Kazuki Kurusu 
Kyutarou Kugi
*Not writing anymore*
Tom holland
Tom hiddleston
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