doberart · 2 years
What confuses me a little are the books especially Dreams Come To Life cause Buddy talks about everything that has happened possibly in reality so I got the feeling that BATIM takes place in the real world whereas Joey also made a toon version of Henry to vent out his anger on too??? Idk honestly I feel like the lore is kinda all over the place atm
I’m thinking that while Henry is a fake version, other people in the cycle are very real. Which explains why Henry isn’t like them, as implied through out the first game. Buddy, Sammy, Susie, Norman, etc., have implied or explicit ends in the books and games. Same for some of the Lost Ones. So it would seem real people are also enduring the cycles, but not Henry, since Henry left years ago. But that’s just my thought. The lore does get a bit complicated sometimes.
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mairen-marionette · 1 year
The fact that DSMP brought us altogether! dw we'll still be friends no matter what! we have new stuff to hyperfixate on like the qsmp! but yeah dsmp was the best thing ever since 2020! ^^
I regret nothing, and I'm infinitely happy to have been here. I'm going to miss this thing but hey, we'll always have the memories and the fandom's still going to be here.
We'll be alright, we had fun, and now here's one last thing to finish it all off. Some form of closure at least. My thoughts are a mess I'm sorry. I'm just saying it's going to be alright, that's all.
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attic-club-sandwich · 2 years
When it comes to bugs, I go in fight mode whereas my sister goes into flight so basically speaking I'm saving my little sister from le bugs while she's screaming in my ear- -_-
Ngl most people I befriend online whether it be wattpad or tumblr, majority are from europe or america and on rare occasions filipino so finding south asian folks are hard as well lol!
Yeah my country is the only one with six seasons! Seasons change after ever two months so yeah seasonal colds are a normal occurrence in my life sadly xP Summer will be starting from 14th April for me so yeh- it's currently spring!
You are so brave, i'm sure your sister appreciates your sacrifices 😭 lolol I'm usually the one screaming. At work, we get a lot of spiders in and my manager is also terrified of them so we are doomed when we encounter one 😂
Yessss i am indeed from the good ole USA hahaha but i know what you mean! It's always interesting to see where my moots are from. I think it's so awesome to meet people from other countries!
But that's so interesting! I can imagine it does get old though, I hate colds T_T and ohhh really?? It will basically be starting Spring here around that time and then summer officially starts in June!
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the-cass-meow · 2 years
Cass! You're so pretty! <333
Tysm Amber!! 🥺💞 that really means a lot to me!!
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*falls from the sky* WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE- *lands on top of u*
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*becomes a flat pancake*
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antiomnia · 2 years
I loved your alternative form of levi art (the one with the long hair) and your recent MC! Nyx art! ^v^
It was a fun exercise to imagine him more like a sea creature, and with long hair! I want to draw the full body version of him in that form.
And the Nightbringer Nyx! So glad you like her, thank you!! 💙
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cookiesandbiscuits · 2 months
I just had the wildest dream about OM.
I dreamt that I, along with the brothers, were in a horror escape game where we have to race with each other and the other players to escape an inn that turns deadly when nightfall comes.
Monsters lurk everywhere at night, but the most deadly creature was someone named 'Katsumi' (idk why or how my brain got that name). She was this beautiful woman with black hair who serves as the waitress in the inn's bar. But when night falls, she becomes a mad assasin-like person wearing a mask who kills the visitors (the players). What makes her deadly is her amazing swordsmanship skills (and apparently, no one has defeated her yet in combat). She also has the ability to make a player become her so she can take their place.
Me and the brothers, along with players appeared in front of an old inn where they have to spend three days and two nights inside. We can choose whether or not we have a role of sorts. I remember seeing a choice to become an orthodontist and a waitress. The one who picks the waitress option becomes Katsumi at the start of the game. We can also choose to remain as normal visitors too, with no specific roles.
Once all of us got our role, various items appeared in front of us. Weapons, tools, abilities, and other things that are related to our role (if a player has no specific role, they will get some miscellaneous stuff that may or may not help them escape). We also got five hearts drawn on our arm which indicates our lives.
The brothers also got their own roles:
Lucifer - a samurai. He gets a katana and the ability to control shadows
Mammon - a rich businessman. He gets a key card that can pretty much open any door except the exit.
Levi - I forgot what his role was, but I remember him having guns and a flashlight.
Satan - a traveler. He gets a map of the entire inn.
I also forgot what roles Asmo, Beel, and Belphie got, but they're there.
After that, the rules were explained to us:
1. We cannot kill other players. That includes the player who becomes Katsumi. Only Katsumi has the ability to kill other players.
2. At daytime, we must act like normal visitors as if there's nothing wrong going on at the inn. There are no monsters in this time of day, so we can freely move around the inn. You can use this time to look for clues for the puzzle.
To escape, we either: survive the three days and two nights in the inn or get the "key" from Katsumi which is her mask. However, you must solve a puzzle first before facing her off to get her mask, otherwise, you'd be turned into her and she'll take your place. Satan approached her one time without solving the puzzle first so he got turned into Katsumi.
If you became Katsumi, the only way to escape the inn is to take a player's role by using your ability to turn a player into the next Katsumi and use the mask to open the exit. However, to fully escape, you must guess the name of the player you turned under a minute or else, you'd turn back into Katsumi (the player who turned Satan into Katsumi failed to guess his name).
We struggled to escape the inn via mask route. I remember dying twice before taking a break with my mom (I saw the player who turned Satan into Katsumi get dragged back into the inn when they failed to guess his name during this break).
On my third try, I got the swordsmanship skill that can rival Katsumi's (I was overpowered af) and was able to get her mask. Lucifer and the others fought Katsumi while I was opening the exit with the mask, and using the name of the player who was Katsumi at the time (her name was PinkAmber), I was able to open it and escape.
Then I was woken up.
It's pretty common for me to get vivid dreams but this is the first time I've dreamt of OM characters this way.
It's kinda interesting though. Should I try to write this as a fic?
@cloudcountry @amberheavendremurr @nocreativityfornames what do you guys think?
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louellaby · 11 months
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May contain bad grammar, limited vocabulary, and OOC characters. Please mind that English is not my first language, and it takes a lot of courage for me to post due to my anxiety and paranoia.
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taglist: @books-and-catears @owl778 @yourlocalgrass @kaiserkisser @hhurric4ne @amberheavendremurr @yu-ulda @bk-4-trash-fire
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「 I'm Right Here! 」
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"Y-You're not really going to k-k-k... m-me, are you? I know you won't...! Y-You are all a bunch of sweethearts, after all, and you're all just messing with me right now! Y-You can't do this to me...!"
"Have you forgotten, Lady Soley? They're demons. And with one command from me, you'd be gone."
In the Devildom, the lives of the demons continued on as usual. The streets were bustling with noise, the shops full of customers, the forests as quiet as they have ever been, and the servants of the castle were all busy preparing for an upcoming festival which should bring more cheer to the realm. But in that particular castle, a man sighed deeply as he eyed the paper that slowly crumpled in his grasp.
"That's the 16th sigh this minute, Lucifer," Diavolo lightly chuckled as he watched his friend with an apologetic look. The prince knew what Lucifer was extremely bothered with.
It had already been four weeks since school ended. Everyone should be on vacation, including Lucifer and Diavolo, but they couldn't stay away from this specific problem. Why? Because it was the case of their failed human exchange student, Soley Day, who was thought to have disappeared months ago during their trip. That's right, no one outside the group knew what really happened to her. It's all a big secret.
"What are we going to do about this, Diavolo?" Lucifer sighed once more before dropping the paper on the table and leaning back on his chair. He tried to soothe his headache by rubbing his temples, hanging his head to the back. "I'm supposed to be on a trip with my family, and you told me two months ago that you would handle this on your own."
"I know, I'm sorry, but I really need your help on this one. I thought I could handle it, but it turns out this is a bigger problem that we hoped for, considering everyone's wondering where Soley has disappeared to. It has become a huge headache."
"Yeah, I can feel that." Lucifer sat up straight again and looked at his friend. "Does the Celestial Realm have a problem with this as well?"
Diavolo shook his head, "No. For reasons unknown to me, they left this one alone. The only problem now lies in Soley's family."
"I see, so that's what's bothering you. Despite their title, they're still just humans, Diavolo. It would be easy to deceive them."
"... Do you really think that that's the only way left to go?" The prince got bothered by Lucifer's reason. He knew Lucifer was getting impatient that he'd suggest something like this, but... is that really what it has come to? Deceiving humans who he wanted to gain the trust of?
A lot of time has passed. Eventually, even Diavolo understood how irritable Lucifer has become, the more the paperwork kept piling on and on. And so, the Avatar of Pride was dismissed for the day.
"You know, it's rare for you to admit you want to spend time with your family," teased Diavolo, enjoying the sight of Lucifer's face turning red as the man got up from his seat.
"My family is important to me, Diavolo. Every single one of those seven; they're all important to me. That will never change." Lucifer left the room, hurrying back home where seven people were waiting in chaos for him to return.
"Family, huh..?"
"Mother! Father! I'm back!" A certain girl with light orange hair and lime green eyes exclaimed, excitedly running out of a limousine and rushing into the arms of her awaiting parents.
"Soley! Welcome home! We were so worried about you! So, so worried!"
"I told you you didn't have to worry so much. I'm fine and in one piece." The girl then looked towards the man who stood behind her parents. "Heath!" She ran past the couple and jumped into the man's arms; an action that surprised both the man and the couple, along with the other servants surrounding them.
It was the first time in a very long while that their young lady showed any closeness or emotion towards her butler. While most were happy about this unexpected development, some were suspicious. Nevertheless, everyone was happy with the events, and her parents were so proud of her.
Little did anyone know, a translucent figure with tears in her eyes was watching them up close.
"Mother! Father! Heath! That's not me! Everyone! Listen to me! I'm right here!"
Despite her constant shouting, her unbearable protests, her desperate efforts in making them notice her; not one of them reacted to her presence. Every time she tried to touch any of them, her hand went through their bodies as if they were made of air; but it was, in fact, her own figure that was the problem.
"Come, Soley, we prepared a party for your return. All of your friends are here, and they can't wait to see you!"
"Alright, I'm coming, but after the party, can we have our own time together? You know, as a family?"
Once again, everyone around them was taken aback. Even the invisible form of her, who cringed at the suggestion.
Everyone knew Soley wasn't one to spend time with her parents anymore. Not since she grew up and had her own friends that she called her family. Because of the surprise, Soley's parents hugged the girl with tears in their eyes. They were so happy to hear that their precious daughter wanted to be with them again that they didn't even question anything. The ghost just watched it happen; her claws digging into her arms and her biting her lip in frustration.
"How dare that fake steal all the attention meant for me... I refuse to take this!"
That day had been a difficult one for the young lady. She watched in pain as her impostor lived the life that was meant to be hers. She did her best trying to get just anyone to notice her. Most painfully, she watched as the fake walked through the halls of the place she called home, with the man she held closest to her heart.
"Heath, I have a question."
"Yes, my lady?"
The two of them were in Soley's room. Heath was helping the lady prepare for the grand party happening later that day.
"What would you do if someone confessed their romantic feelings for you?"
"Oh, no. No, no, no. You're not doing this to me."
The butler dropped the brush he was holding, freezing in place as he locked eyes through the mirror with the girl in front of him. "I, uhm, I-I beg your pardon?"
"If someone confessed to you, what would you do?"
"Heath, don't answer that!"
The more the questions popped up, the wider Heath's eyes went. His brows furrowed. He suspected everything would've been a joke, but the look in Soley's eyes told him they weren't. And so, putting his heart on his sleeve, he opened his mouth in response.
"I suppose it would depend on my own feelings as well, my lady."
"What do you mean?"
"I will be happy and accept the confession of the person if I also feel the same way for them as they do for me."
"But if you don't, then..."
"Then, no, I'm afraid."
The lady sitting in front of the mirror removed her gaze from Heath and placed it on another. Soley's ghost gasped in surprise when she realised her impostor was staring directly at her, a smirk on her face forming before she opened her mouth and spoke to the butler again, her eyes not looking away from the spirit.
"What about me?"
"... my lady?"
Soley got off the chair and approached the butler, who stood still in confusion. She reached out and held both of his hands in hers, longingly staring at his eyes.
"What if I tell you, Heath, that I have feelings for you? Would you accept them?"
"My Lady, I—"
"Don't worry about your job, Heath. It's secure, and I'll keep it that way no matter your answer. I just want to know how you feel about me."
"No, please. Don't do this to me...! Y-You can't take Heath away from me, ple—"
"I..." The butler paused for a moment. And at that moment, all of his precious memories with his lady rushed through his head, displaying themselves one-by-one.
Heath stared into Soley's eyes just as she had hoped he would. His breathing quickened the more he realised the weight of the situation. But that was a moment he had always been waiting for. The moment he thought would never come. Not even in a million years.
"... I love you, Soley."
"What do you suppose happened to Soley's soul up in the human world?"
"Everything went according to plan, Young Master. Lady Soley had seen her life taken away from her, including the one she felt romantic feelings for. She is currently on a breakdown as we speak."
"What about MC?"
"MC is doing better than before. Their bond with the brothers has deepened greatly."
"Good. Perfect. ..... It's time to find a new exchange student. This time, let's hope they won't be as troublesome as the previous one. And even if they are, we can count on MC to handle it."
"Of course, my Lord. I will prepare the papers."
The moment the Seven Rulers of the Underworld and their human master returned from their family vacation, they were met with stacks and stacks of papers with information about new candidates for the exchange program. As the prince and his butler expected, a tsunami of complaints and disagreements washed over them. After a long while of discussions, everyone agreed to close the exchange program temporarily until they could find the perfect students for it.
Little did they know, a human sorcerer was watching them from his crystal ball in the human world. The moment his deep blue eyes glowed, a piece of paper appeared in his hands. He studied its contents for a moment before placing it in an envelope, a smile appearing on his face as he held the letter out towards the white raven that rested on its perch.
"Deliver this to the prince of the Devildom. Tell him I'm interested in his so-called exchange program."
"Your wish is my command, Lord Ceowald."
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Loue's Note:
Whether you've been here since the beginning, or you've just stumbled upon this story recently, I thank you so, so much for taking the time to read this! Thank you for the ones who supported me all the way (you know who you are) ! I'm really grateful for the wonderful reactions I've received! ♡♡♡
Forget-Me-Not has reached its end; but just as one story ends, another one begins. I hope you look forward to my next replaced mc au!
I give you lots of hugs and wish you the sweetest of dreams whenever you fall asleep.
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fickleminder · 7 days
People I want to get to know better
Thanks for the tag @chocmarss 💕
Last song: Scream & Shout (will.i.am and Britney Spears)
Favourite colour: Blue 💙
Currently watching: Nothing atm, don't really watch much to begin with
Last movie: Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom
Sweet/spicy/savoury: Savoury, with sweet a close second!
Relationship status: Happily married :)
Current obsessions: Obey Me 😈
Last thing I googled: Shiny hunting alpha pokemon in legends arceus
No pressure tags: @fandoms-x-reader @amberheavendremurr @misc-obeyme @books-and-catears @qrowsofafeather @mcx7demonbros @sparkbeast20 @elsecrytt @leviathans-watching @obeythebutler @twiceasfrustrating @elvimoon
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doberart · 2 years
Your version of Henry will always be the Henry I envisioned whenever I see letsplays of BATIM
But overall it was nice seeing Henry in BATDR I just didn't expect it ngl-
Aww, well I’m glad you love him. He’ll always hold a special place in my heart. :) I will hold both Henry’s in fact, because I love this old man.
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mairen-marionette · 2 years
I just found out what happened to your cat! I'm so sorry for not seeing the post sooner! I haven't been on tumblr as much as I used to! I hope you're gonna be okay now! *hugs you* :(
Sorry for getting to this so late, I forgot I had this ask. Anyhow, thank you, it means a lot also it's okay, I'm doing a bit better now.
You're fine, like actually.
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attic-club-sandwich · 2 years
:o it's already rainy in my country!
The weather is pretty good too compared to how spring normally is!
My day went pretty smoothly so far so let's hope! ^^
Ohh that's good to hear!! We actually haven't had a bad winter where i'm from, so i'm really grateful lol it's just been rainy and cold lately!
And yayy i'm glad! I hope it continues that way for you! 💜
also if you don't mind me asking, which country are you from? 🤔
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ithseem · 4 months
Picrew Tag Game!
Use this picrew and take this quiz
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@dove-da-birb @dotster001 @fingerless-glovez @atomsminecraft @the-banana-0verlord
@bitchkay @krenenbaker @l1ttleclouds @sonicsquid3000 @b0nkers-papaya
@wistfulwanderingone @chirp-a-chirp @honeychips-milo @amberheavendremurr @mumuscae
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*pops into ur inbox* hi- >_>
hellow! i really like the new theme! and the pfp is nice :D
how are you?
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belzrgr · 11 months
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Make a silly little guy | picrew link
Tagging @yourboyhack @belphieslilcow @amberheavendremurr @jesterwriting @kikouku anyone who wants to join in
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pieground · 2 years
Heyooo~ I found another cute picrew game!!!
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Hehe wanna play? @ludivineikewolf @scorchieart @queen-dahlia @namine-somebodies-nobody @evil-quartett @ana-thedaydreamer @violettduchess @anonima-2 @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @ochrosia @m-mmiy @amberheavendremurr @azureaqua @chirp-a-chirp
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