#ambit | iridian
newmoonjuno · 8 months
2024 Moodboard Challenge
Thanks to @saltysupercomputer for the tag! (Thank you for not giving up on my nonexistant ass; I promise to try and be more present.)
The challenge includes to make a moodboard for your 2024 - whether that be hopes or ambitions. For me, now that I am less depressed and in a better spot, that means working on my projects.
Thankfully I have been moodboarding - so you all can get a taste of my projects with a touch more clarity. These are three of my current ideas:
(Please let me know which one of these you would like to see as a wip intro first.)
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I tag @nailamoonsi @mercurialsmile @weaver-of-fantasies-and-fables and basically anyone who wants to do this!
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stormbreaker101 · 3 years
- does your wizard have a primary school? secondary school?
- how does their chosen schools affect their personality?
- what arcs (1-4) does your wizard take place in? are they the scion?
for yer little peoples...
!! sorry this took so long for me to get to! yesterday was a l o n g day and by the time i could use my computer for tumblr stuff, i was exhausted.
all answers under the cut!
oh good god this got longer than i thought it would
1) Does your wizard have a primary school? secondary school?
Nora's primary school is Storm. She doesn't have a declared secondary school, but she has dabbled in other schools over the years for certain utility spells.
Emma's primary is Life, and like her cousin Nora, aside from various utility spells she stays within her school as much as possible.
Star's main school is Death, and (before the events of my story) never felt the need to stray from it. Death is a pretty complex school, and between it and giving herself enough time to enjoy life, Star has had little time to invest into secondaries.
Savannah tries to shy away from 'primary' and 'secondary' schools, and tries to carry herself as a Fire-Ice wizard. However, even her own label betrays which school came first and which was second.
Iridian technically has no 'primary' school as she isn't old enough to be enrolled in Ravenwood, but she has quite the aptitude for Myth magic.
2) How does their chosen schools affect their personality?
Storm magic has brought out the best and the worst of Nora. The magic's highs lift Nora up and let her reach her fullest potential and vent out her restless energy in a productive way, but the lows weigh heavily on her. Fizzles are always frustrating, and a chain of bad luck can bring Nora's otherwise good mood crashing down. In short, Storm magic make's Nora's already extreme emotions even more so.
Life magic as it's taught in Ravenwood introduces a tension that Emma grapples with. She prefers to stay strong and solo, but the curriculum's emphasis on healing and cooperation and love make that a struggle. Emma prefers the theory behind Pigswick's 'Earth' magic, though it is technically false. From the Earth all things came, and to the Earth all shall return. Emma will stay strong until her voice gives out and she can no longer outrun her fate.
Death magic tends to temper a soul or inflame it. When Star first enrolled in Ravenwood, she was going through a bit of an emo phase. Over the years, Death magic has taught her that the end is inevitable, and that life is precious. Star learned to love life and to love living life. To be loud and unapologetic and unafraid. She brightened up over the years, straying from the dour hues of Death while still accepting the magic into her heart.
Fire magic lit up the quiet ambition within Savannah's soul. She isn't the strongest Pyromancer, but by G-d she will give it her all. After a year or two of learning pure Fire magic, Savannah still felt like there was more she could take on. Impatient and hoping to impress her older sisters, she took on Ice magic as well. All of her teachers recommend that she exercise patience and caution when trying to learn two opposing schools. (Professor Falmea knows from personal experience that a Pyromancer trying to learn Ice magic can be devastating). Savannah has grown more patient and diligent from the Ice magic, but a small part of Savannah is still a fiery and rebellious child. She's 13, G-d dang it! She's not a child! She knows what she's doing! She knows she can handle it! She has to! If she can't manage this magic, then she's a disappointment, and she cannot stand being a disappointment. Even now, a year into the story, while Savannah is trying to learn ONLY Ice magic, casting her initial school aside, the ambition of Fire burns within her.
Myth magic makes Iridian quite inquisitive and imaginative. Being only 5, she's always wondering about the great big world around her. Myth magic lets her see more of the universe, and that only inspires more questions. She doodles stories of what once happened or what is currently happening, and then she's inspired to draw out the world that the stories took place in, or the entire histories of the characters in the stories. She sees more than any can realize, and has more power than any can imagine a child like her having.
3) What arcs (1-4) does your wizard take place in? Are they the scion?
My story is post Arc 3, but broke off from canon before Arc 4's beginning. The worlds of Arc 4 exist, but the situations in which they're encountered are starkly different from canon.
Nora is the sole Scion, however each of my characters has the potential to be the Divine Paradox.
- Emma is a Life Wizard who chooses to stay solo and serious, a personality more befitting a Necromancer
- Star is a Death Wizard who loves life and being a social butterfly, a personality that fits a Theurge
- Savannah studies Fire and Ice. The opposing forces and personalities clash within her.
- Iridian is a child who has seen more than some adults. Plus, she is the direct opposite of her sister Nora on multiple counts.
Nora is a Diviner, Iridian is a Conjurer
Nora has lived the stories, the legends of Malistaire's grief and Morganthe's destruction and the Divine Paradox. Iridian has only written the stories out on paper.
Nora was an Earthen human who has forgotten her home and believes that she is Spiralian. Iridian is a Spiralian who never knew her home and so believes herself to be some sort of human like Nora.
(adding onto that, Nora is a human with fae wings. Iridian is a fae whose wings have not yet grown in)
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stormbreaker101 · 3 years
whats corrupted spiral about? ive seen you post about it a few times! also on the topic of corruption - are any of your wizards likely to get corrupted through magic or otherwise? 👀
It's kinda hard to explain what Corrupted Spiral is really about, because there are a bunch of PoVs and individual stories coming together in a web of narrative, but I can try explaining the very core of it
It takes place after Arc 3 but before Arc 4 can ever begin. Nora (our first protagonist) is frustrated that everyone only calls her by her epithets and titles. She believes that everyone sees her as Nothing but her deeds. So, in a fit of bitterness and driven by Sybil's prophecy, she lashes out. She attacks the Chaos Heart, destabilizing the Spiral and sending it into a state of destruction, then abandons the Spiral with her little sister Iridian.
Corrupted Spiral follows Nora and Iridian to their new home, a stranger they find on their way to settling down, the stranger's 'nephew' who somehow got involved in all this (it's complicated), and the people of the Spiral trying to save it from Nora's outburst.
As for your second question...
this post is getting long so i'mma put my answer to this under the cut.
I believe every character should be able to become corrupt if they're pushed too far or if their major flaw eclipses them. When you can write a reasonable line of logic that could lead to them going from hero to villain, you've got a nuanced character.
As for which characters are most likely...
Emma is a strong contender. She spends a long amount of time in the story vehemently disrespectful, because she believes that as a player of the game, she has more authority and control over the situation than the NPCs. She's frustrated by her teachers' insistence on patience and following the structure of the game though the Spiral has veered severely off-course from following Wizard101's plot, and has threatened multiple times that she'll go her own way and get the magic she needs to undo Nora's destruction.
And we all know what happened the last time a powerful Wizard ended up roaming the Spiral by herself for answers and power:
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Flare is also very likely to become corrupt with power. His main ambition besides helping his new friends in the Spiral is to master all magic available in the universe. All.
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
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