#amelia sheppard x you
oneshotnewbie · 3 years
Amelias little sisters abusive ex shows up at the hospital.
A/N: I posted an Alternative to this request below this one because I had two ideas to this. Hope you like them ♥
You had the first half of your working day successfully behind you. After three patients who were admitted to the emergency room because of a car accident and one whom you performed an emergency operation that took several hours you were now hoping for a great lunch with your friends that you really deserved.
"Did the man survive?" asked Amelia both, Meredith and you, while you both walked down the stairs with your lunch and she joined you. The blonde and you managed to stabilize him and repair the injuries, but they were critical; he just had to wake up and get through the next 24 hours. "Barely. Bowel was perforated, spleen was ruptured and a broken rib pierced his lungs. It was close, but he survived."
"Nice work, little sister!" she exclaimed while giving you a nudge in the other direction, smiling and proud. Thankfully Meredith cushioned your tumble with her own body and you walked further down the stairs laughing as you met Maggie, who also wanted to have lunch with you.
Together you walked outside and looked for a place in the warm sun.
While you were enjoying your lunch and chatting about all sorts of topics and current surgeries, you began to feel increasingly uncomfortable. It was like your body was reacting to something you hadn't realized yet. Almost paranoid, you turned around in all different directions and looked around, not without the others noticing.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Maggie muttered while she was still chewing on her food and you turned your head to her. Even when you tried to appear normal, your eyes and entire face spoke volumes.
In your eyes the shine had been exchanged for fear and your rosy complexion was suddenly very pale. Your lips no longer radiated a smile but rather a straight line and the others could see that you were nervously chewing on the inner surfaces of your cheeks. "I don't know."
Your gaze went around you once more as your eyes focused on a man standing by a tree, looking at you. Amelia trailed your gaze and got stuck on the guy as well. Her fork fell into the lettuce she had in front of her and her jaw dropped down. "Oh no," she uttered and immediately turned back to her sisters. "Maggie, take Y/N to the hospital right now and don't leave her side. Hurry up."
The black haired one looked questioningly between all three before she got up and put her hands on your shoulders to pull you away from where you stood. However, you shrugged your shoulders away, your gaze not deviating from him. "Sweetheart, come on."
"No, I won't go." you stuttered, already noticing the fear in your trembling voice.
"Y/N, you are leaving now. Immediately." Meredith now interfered and looked at you urgently, but you didn't buckle. You were fed up with running away. "No. I won't hide every time and especially not in my own territory. I am not afraid of him anymore."
He pushed himself out of his position and walked slowly in your direction while your eyes kept turning down to his hands. He had clenched them in fists, the knuckled were already turning white and your heart was starting to beat faster and more irregularly.
It was like a trauma response when suddenly ever single moment in which he had hurt you shot through your head. It was like a bad movie that you couldn't quit and that you had to watch until the end.
"Maggie, we're going to need help in a minute. Get the security." commanded Amelia in a harsh tone as Meredith and her set off in front of you; like a kind of protective wall to create enough space between him and you.
She knew how aggressive he was and therefore she also knew that with her anger she had built up for him over all these months, she couldn't get very far and make it even worse. He was a muscular guy with more weight on his ribs than the three of you put together. If she reacted wrongly now, he would hurt you again. And she wanted to prevent that.
"What are you looking for here?"
"Calm down, I just want to talk to your sister." He replied to the brunettes question as he cocked his head to one side, looking at you grinning.
You weren't sure about your decision to stay here anymore. You stood there, huddled and trembling, your arms crossed under your chest, your gaze blurred from all the tears that were gathering in your eyes. "Go," you whispered and winced when he moved even a little to the side. "I said go. Get out of my damn life and fuck off!"
Not only were you amazed at your strength to show him the cold shoulder but also the two woman who stood in front of you.
The only one who wasn't convinced was your ex boyfriend. He bit his lip and his eyes filled with exactly the same anger as then. His face turned blood red and you could already see the steam fume from his ears.
"What did you bitch say?" he snapped before he wanted to pounce on you. You let out a scream and turned away, hiding behind Meredith while the two tried to keep him away from you.
You were already waiting for the blows and the rumbling, but when you heard his screams and scolding further and further in the distance, you opened your eyes to see how he was carried away by the security men and how Bailey, Maggie and Hunt were already standing around you.
Relieved you fell on the street floor and let your feelings run free. While the others were shielding you from the unwanted audience, Amelia had joined you.
Her arms wrapped around your entire shaking figure and her chin rested on your head. With soothing and gentle touches on your back she gave you the signal that it was all over; like she did every time you had a bad day. You were in trance, your ears didn't perceive any sounds from your surroundings and you had absolutely no control over your body.
You were trapped in this like a prisoner in your own soul.
You whined, you winced and flinched, you cried and you hit her unintentionally. But she stood firm and still held you tight in her arms, not even thinking for a second about letting go or leaving you alone.
Her heart burned with pain and her body struggled with the infinite anger she had.
It wasn't easy and it wouldn't be anytime soon, old wounds had been torn open again, which she had patched up with great effort. She had to hold back her tears to be strong for you, even if it tore her inside but she was proud of you.
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Crowley’s little girl. Part II.
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Characters: Demon!Reader, Crowley, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Claire Novak, Amelia Novak
Parings: Demon!Reader x Crowley (Daughter and Father), eventually Demon!Reader x Dean/Sam Winchester, not sure yet.
Summary: You are one of Crowley’s crossroad demons, but not any demon, no.. you are his daughter. A so called Cambion. Half demon, half human. When a girl named Claire summoned you, everything changed.
“Is that a good or a bad thing?“ you asked your dad, lifting up an eyebrow.
„Well, my princess. That depends on the Winchesters.“ the king of hell replied, „the good thing is, we could blackmail them.. the bad thing.. they might try to hunt you down.“ he looked at you. „but maybe...“
„Maybe what?“ you frowned.
Crowley started to walk up and down, rubbing his chin with his fingers, „They can’t hunt you down, if you hunt them down first.“ he continued, flicking his fingers.
You felt a little shock wave, shivering through your body „What did you do, dad?“
„I gave you your teleportation skills back“ he said, putting his hands in the pockets of his black jacket. „you wanted to go out there and kill for me, now it‘s your time to prove that, my dear.“ he grinned.
You immediately understood what he meant, „I won‘t let you down, father.“ you replied, disappearing with a puff.
P.O.V. Winchesters
„Why did you do that, Claire!“ Sam said with a concerned look while getting up from the ground.
„You guys don‘t know the feel of being alone! You always had each other!“ she yelled, with watery eyes.
„That is not true, you have Jody and Alex!“ Dean told her angrily, pointing a finger at her.
„They don‘t care, because no one ever did!“ Claire responded, running away from both of them.
„But we do!“ Sam yelled after her.
Claire stomped away from them, running towards the forest. When she was out of the sight of Sam and Dean, she leaned against a tree and collapsed to the ground. A few seconds went by when she suddenly heard a familiar voice.
„Claire?“ a woman said, standing right beside her.
Claire looked up and couldn‘t believe her eyes. „Mom?“
She got up from the ground, pulling her Mom into a tight hug, both of them crying in each others arms.
„How is it possible that I am here?“ her mom asked, when at the same time they heard footsteps coming towards them.
„Claire! There you are! And.. w..“ Dean stopped prompt, when he realized that the deal had worked.
„What is happening here?“ her mom requested again.
„How about we go home and explain everything to you, Mrs. Novak.“ Sam suggested, trying to give them his best fake smile.
The bunker was just a 15 minute drive away. They got off the car, leading Claire's Mom to the bunker. They sat down at the table, which was standing in the middle of a big room. Amelia was not new to all that, but the longer they tried to explain what happened, the more you could see how confused she got. When they told her about the deal, she interrupted the two hunters.
„Ok, I‘m sorry, but can we stop right here? I‘ve got a massive headache and need a few hours of sleep to get my thoughts back together“
Sam stood up from his chair, showing her the way to one of the spare bedrooms. The older brother made his way to the fridge, grabbing a beer and taking a seat at the table again.
He opened the bottle, took a sip and slammed the beer on the table. „Are you even aware of what you have done?“ Dean scolded Claire. „We have to call Jody.“ he took another big sip from his bottle.
„No! Please don‘t call her! She is going to kill me!“ Claire begged.
„Believe me, you rather get killed by her, than by me“ he told her, while he dialed Jodys number.
A few hours later someone knocked on the bunkers door, breaking the silence between the three of them. Sam got up to open the door, while Dean tried to ignore Claire. She probably could tell how pissed he was at her, so she just sat there in silence. The silence broke when Jody, stormed down the stairs. She had an angry look on her face. Furiously grabbing a chair and taking a seat, not saying a word. It took all of them a few minutes to calm down, before they tried to bring up a plan.
„We have to hunt her.“ Dean intended. „She has to nullify the deal."
„Dean, it‘s Crowley‘s daughter, she isn't just some ordinary demon! Hell, we don‘t even know if she is a normal demon!“ Sam responded with an uneasy look on his face.
„I don‘t care WHAT she is or who the hell she thinks she is. Claire is part of our family, Sam!“ Dean shouted, almost spilling his beer. „Oh, you know what? I have an idea.“ he said with a smug on his face, picking up his phone from the table.
„What are you doing, Dean?“ Sam asked.
„You‘ll see“ he replied.
P.O.V Hell
Crowley sat in his throne, his demons reporting him news from above, handing him contracts to sign, when he suddenly felt his phone buzz.
*bzzt bzzt*
„Who the hell...“ the king said, grabbing his phone from his pocket.
‘Not Moose’ was written over the display.
„What do you want?“ he answered his phone in annoyance.
„Tell your daughter to get her ass up here, we have some things to sort out.“ Dean said grumpy.
„I have no idea what you are talking about, Squirrel.“ Crowley replied calm, scratching his beard.
„I have no idea what you are talking about.., SHUT UP!“ Dean mocked. „I‘ll tell you something Crowley, you better tell your cute little girl to get her ass up here to nullify the deal or we will find a way to get down there and kill every single one of you.“
„Good luck, finding her here. She‘s already on her way.“ he said with a confident smile on his face, just as he hung up the phone „on her way to w..“ *toot toot toot*
„Stupid little humans.” 
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vampireadamooc · 7 years
Friendly reminder that the FBI Files are publicly available - updated weekly as FOIA Requests are processed.
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emulateharry · 7 years
Story of my Life
Chapter 20
A/N:  So.  Here it is.  The final chapter of Story of my Life.  Roughly 84,000 fairly cohesive words.  I have never written anything this long before AND this one wouldn’t have happened without the encouragement and support of quite a few people.  So thank you so very much for believing in me and prodding me to continue. @irish-nlessing, @aggresivelyfriendly, @squirrely83, @lucyvanpelt78, @the-well-rested-one. 
I have the best betas in the world. They are phenomenally talented writers who share their time and opinions with me.  You ladies make me smile on the daily:  @whoopsharrystyles and @melissas173. 
Finally, none of this would have seen the light of day if not for the handholding and counselling and faith of my beautiful friend Alex ( @niallandharrymakemestrong).  I still can’t believe that she actually talks to me. 
Okay.  Enough preachifying.  When we left off, they were about to meet THE GIRL...
Wednesday morning found Kacey, Harry, and Clarissa sat in the office of Amelia Williams, the Crown Prosecutor.  After offering them something to drink, she glanced at DCI Sheppard before continuing.
“Ms. Day, Kacey, I wanted to make sure you were aware of the disposition of this case.  The defendant, Carol Pinkerton, has made a plea of ‘not guilty by reason of insanity.’  She has been examined by a panel of psychiatrists and has met all the requirements for the M’Naghten Rule.  She will spend a year under the supervision of her personal physician with monitoring by the court.”
“That’s bullshit!” Harry blurted out, his hands fisted on the arms of the chair.  Kacey reached out and put her hand on his arm.  “She almost killed Kassidy! And she gets no punishment?”
“I understand your frustration, Mr. Styles, but she met all the requirements,” Ms. Williams explained. “If her defense had not raised the issue, then I would have had to.”
“I cannot fucking believe this.  You think the law is there to protect you and then--” Harry growled, throwing his hands in the air.
“Harry,” Kacey said quietly, tugging on his arm.  “Harry, look at me.  Please.  We don’t know what her struggle was.  It’s not up to us.  No matter what happens with her, it doesn’t affect us any longer.  Please try to let it go.”
Harry looked at her and saw her eyes welling with tears.  He felt guilty for upsetting her, for making this stressful day worse.  He cleared his throat and said “I’m sorry, baby.  DCI Sheppard, Ms. Williams, Clarissa, please forgive my behavior.  Hearing that this girl would be out and free to try again is a shock.”
“She is not a threat to anyone when she is on her medication,” Ms. Williams said.
“How can you be sure that she will take it regularly?  She stopped once before and no one noticed until she tried to kill my girlfriend,” his tone was firm with a hint of sarcasm.
“She will be required to have routine blood tests to monitor her compliance along with regular visits to her physician.”
“And what if she skips one.  Or two?  What then?  How long will it take the people monitoring to find her and bring her into compliance?  Will she have enough time to find Kassidy and finish the job? She stabbed her FIVE TIMES.  Broke four ribs.  Gashed her head open.  She almost bled to death.  I saw all the blood!” his voice broke and he covered his face with his hands.
Kacey’s tears overflowed and ran down her cheeks.  She reached to hug Harry, resting her head on top of his.  Clarissa snatched several tissues from the desk and handed them to her.   They sat there for several minutes comforting one another until they could regain their composure.
Kacey looked at Clarissa and asked “What about a restraining order...or whatever you call them here?”
“Yes, we could apply for an AntiSocial Behaviour Order.  I will explain all the steps and schedule an appearance before the judge this afternoon.
Ms. Williams looked at the clock on the edge of her desk and said “We should move to the conference room to get settled.  The girl will be here soon.” * The conference room at the Crown Prosecution Services office was much like any other.  There was a large table surrounded by 14 chairs with several more against the wall.  The neutral color of the walls, a dull shade of beige, was relieved only by a picture of the Queen.  It was boring and quiet and empty apart from a carafe of water, a set of glasses and several boxes of tissues placed strategically around the room.  Kacey walked in, moved to the far side of the wide table, and sat with her back to the wall and the windows.  The thought that the girl would walk in behind her frightened her; she wanted to face her from the beginning.  Clarissa sat down next to her but Harry walked to the far corner of the room.   He was not happy about the situation at all and wanted to keep as much distance as possible between himself and the girl.  He wasn’t sure that he could control his anger and was staring out the window to try and focus.  Ms. Williams sat at the head of the table.  They had just settled in when there was a knock on the door.
As it opened to admit the girl and her family, Kacey’s heart was pounding.  Time slowed and every sense was sharpened.  Her peripheral vision had disappeared creating a tunnel with her at one end and the door at the other.  The sounds in the room were weirdly amplified and bounced around in her head, echoing in time with the racing of her heart.  She couldn’t seem to get enough air in her lungs and gasped in an attempt to fill them.  Tiny drops of sweat began to ooze out of her pores and coalesce.  A tremble began in her fingers and had spread to her hands when she felt a warm pressure on her left hand.  Harry was holding firm and had leaned in to whisper “Breathe, baby.  Just breathe.” Closing her eyes, she swallowed hard and focused on his voice.  The echoes faded and the trembling abated.  When she opened her eyes, people were just entering the room.  
The first person through the door was a tall, middle aged woman with iron gray hair wearing a severe suit and a frown, carrying a briefcase.  She bustled purposefully to the chair across from Clarissa, nodding as she pulled it out to sit down. Just behind her was another woman, a bit younger and softer, clutching her designer purse tightly to her side.   Wearing a pained expression, she moved to a chair across from Harry.  She was followed by a tall man who ambled in with hunched shoulders, his hands inside the pockets of his well-cut suit pants.  He acknowledged Harry but studiously avoided looking at Kacey.  With each person entering the room, Kacey’s heart beat faster.
At last a teenaged girl walked in accompanied by DCI Sheppard.  She was of average height, though her slumped posture made her seem shorter, and somewhat overweight giving her a doughy appearance.   Her dull brown hair was lank and hung down in her face.  Her face was blotchy and puffy and her wide eyes darted around the room, skimming over Harry and landing on Kacey.  She sank heavily into the chair directly across from Kacey, unable to take her eyes off her.  
Harry was gripping Kacey’s hand tightly, rubbing his thumb over her fingers trying to comfort them both.   He squeezed as the woman in the suit cleared her throat.
“Miss Day, Mr. Styles, I am Penelope Ainsworth, barrister for the Pinkertons.  I want to thank you; I understand what a difficult experience you have been through and know that you did not have to agree to this meeting.”
Kacey could feel Harry tense beside her and looked at him. He was sitting ramrod straight in the chair, deep lines between his eyebrows and his eyes were narrow as he glared at the lawyer.  Kacey placed her hand on his arm and patted gently.
“Miss Pinkerton would like to address you now,” she finished smoothly.
The girl sat with her hands folded in front of her, her attention solely on Kacey. “Miss Day, I am Carol Pinkerton,” she began, her sweetly melodic voice quavering.  Tears filled her eyes as she continued. “I am so, so sorry.  I know that will never be enough for what I did to you and I wish that I could do more.”  The girl paused and took a deep breath before continuing.  “I was diagnosed with schizophrenia last year.  I had trouble distinguishing between what was real and what was on TV and in movies.  I couldn’t concentrate at school and started having trouble in my classes.  I would forget to brush my teeth, to take baths and even to eat.  I couldn’t sleep.  My friends started avoiding me.  I had just entered sixth form and had no friends.”  The girl coughed and Ms. Ainsworth poured her a glass of water.  Taking a drink, she turned back to Kacey.
“I tried four medicines before we found one that would let me sleep and eat without being sick.  My mum and dad sent me to another school but I had trouble fitting in there.  The medicine made me gain weight and messed with my coordination so that I couldn’t play cricket without tripping over my own feet.  I had a hard time making the words come out right when I tried to talk.  The kids started making fun of me.  They called me names like Porky Porkerton and Clutzy Carol.   I decided that the medicine was not worth it, and I stopped taking it but didn’t tell anyone.”
Kacey was listening intently, trying to keep her face clear of expression, but little frowns broke through.
Carol Pinkerton went on, turning her attention to Harry. “I rode the bus to school every day and found out that the stop was right next to Harry’s, I mean Mr. Styles’, house.  I have been a fan since I saw you on the X-Factor and I couldn’t believe it when I saw you drive out of your house one morning when I was waiting for the bus.  I waved and you waved back.  One day you brought me a cup of tea and asked me how my classes were going. It got to be a routine, every day I would wait for you at the bus stop and you would come and talk to me before the bus came.”
Harry stared at her, mouth open in shock.
“I know, you never really did that.  When I stopped taking the medicine all at once, it caused me to have these…delusions.  I remember so clearly having tea with you every morning and you would hug me as I got on the bus and call me your girl. But none of it ever happened,” her voice was soft and full of regret. “I remember when I started seeing Miss Day at your house.  I was upset that you picked her over me but you seemed to be happy so I convinced myself that it was okay.  I saw you together and you were always laughing and smiling.  Just after the Christmas holiday I was waiting at the stop as always.  I was really surprised to see Miss Day come over to the bench and sit next to me.”  She turned to Kacey before adding “You sat right next to me for ten minutes and you never even looked at me,” she said sadly.
Kacey winced.
“When you got on the bus, you asked the driver how to get to Heathrow then you sat in the first seat and stared out the window.  I didn’t see you again for weeks.  But I saw Ha--, um, Mr. Styles the day after you left.  He came flying out of the house in his car and sped away.  I waved but he didn’t wave back.  He looked like he had been crying.  I saw him almost every day after that and he looked so sad.  I didn’t see him smile even once.  I was walking past the wall one morning and I heard him yelling at someone that ‘she was gone’ and that he needed to find her.” Miss Pinkerton took another drink of water then looked at Kacey.
“The sadder he was, the angrier I got.  How could you treat him that way?  I felt like I needed to do something to make it better.  I convinced myself that if you were gone and completely out of his life, he would be free and then I could make him happy again.”  The girl blushed furiously and took a sip of water.
“I was on my way home from school and I saw your yellow car parked across the street.  I remember walking up to you at the door in the wall and then I followed you in.  After that it gets a little blurry; it’s kind of like a dream, or a nightmare--” her voice cracked and she choked on a sob.  She tried to compose herself but her tears would not stop.  Her father reached out to put an arm around her shoulders as she fought to calm herself but failed.  
Harry watched as she crumpled.  For the first time he saw her not as the monster who had brutalized Kacey but a little girl who was devastated by her illness.  Kacey was crying beside him and he pulled her close, holding her protectively.  
It was several minutes before Carol Pinkerton’s sobs eased and she was able to catch her breath.  Dabbing her eyes with a tissue, she turned to Kacey again.  “I woke up in hospital and they told me what I had done.  I just wanted to die.  I still want to.”
“No!” Kacey’s shout caused everyone in the room to jump and look at her. “No, that is never the answer.  Life is worth living; it is a gift.  It’s not always easy but you are here for a reason.”  Kacey reached her hands out to the girl and took hold of hers.  Looking at her intently she said “Don’t throw away that gift, use it to make a difference.  You don’t know why you’re here.  You don’t know yet what you are to do in this world.  Don’t give up before you find out what that is.”
Carol began to cry again, holding onto Kacey, her head resting on her arm on the table.  Her parents broke down too, hugging their daughter. 
Harry was staring at Kacey.   He was in awe of her compassion for the girl and her determination to make her see that she could move on.   His heart swelled with pride and love for the woman who sat next to him.  If she could forgive the girl, then surely he could.  With a heavy sigh, he did just that.  He let go of all the anger he had been holding towards her, all of the fear.  He even managed a small smile.
Kacey felt the tension leave him and turned to see him smiling at her.  He leaned forward and whispered in her ear “I love you Kassidy Day,” before kissing her temple.
* Harry opened the door to the dining room and held it for his mum and Robin.  Harry had just picked them up at the station and brought them to the house.  He had asked them to come down for dinner and a short visit.  Kacey came to the door to greet them, hugging both warmly.  They chatted about the trip down on the train as they walked into the lounge.  Gemma was already there sitting on the settee drinking a bottle of water.  Kacey got Anne and Robin some refreshments and then Harry, who was bouncing around like a small child on Christmas, told them to sit because he had a surprise.   Once they were all seated, he took a deep breath and began.
“Okay, lately I’ve been going a lot to meetings.  Not all of them were business meetings or writing sessions.  Quite a few were auditions; I auditioned for a movie.  And I got a part.”
There was a chorus of excited congratulations.  Harry continued “It’s going to be a big movie.  Christopher Nolan is making a film about the Miracle of Dunkirk.  Ken Brannagh, Cillian Murphy and Mark Rylance are all in it.”
“What part are you playing? One of the women waving the men off to war?” Robin asked with a smirk.
“Oh, ha ha.  No, I’m going to play one of the soldiers.”
“Oh Sweetheart, that’s so exciting! When did you find out?”  Anne asked.
“Yesterday.  That’s why I asked you to come.  I wanted to celebrate with you. I made reservations at Clos Maggiore in an hour.”
“Well done little brother.  I am impressed.  Christopher Nolan has done some remarkable work.  I wonder why he picked you,” Gemma said, poking him in the ribs.
“What does my girl think?” Harry asked turning to Kacey.
“I think it’s wonderful.  You will be amazing.  But, I assume you will have to get a haircut? I will miss this…” as she ran her fingers through his hair.
“Yeah, I’m a bit nervous about that.  I’ll wait as long as possible before I get it cut, it should be long enough to donate.”
“When do you start?” Anne asked.
“We start in May.  I’ll be in Dunkirk and then the Netherlands and then back to England before going to LA for some more work.”
After exchanging hugs they gathered up their things and headed out to Harry’s Range Rover for the trip to dinner.  Pulling out of the security gate, a lone pap in a car across the street snapped off a few pictures as SUV headed down the road.
Harry spent the trip talking about all the things Chris Nolan wanted him to do to prepare for the role.  He found a parking spot across the street from the restaurant.  The maître d’ escorted them to the private dining room and then summoned their waiter and the sommelier.  
They spent a lovely two hours lingering over dinner and dessert before preparing to leave.  The private dining room, located in the secluded side of the building, had no views of the street.  As they walked to the front door, they saw dozens of paps outside the building and on the sidewalks opposite as well.  Pausing out of sight, they tried to decide on a plan to get to the car unheeded.  Harry was furious that he hadn’t thought to call and have Andy drive them.  Now, thirty or more paps were milling about Covent Garden waiting to pounce.  Robin, assuring them he was the least recognizable of the group, offered to go get the car and pick them up at the rear of the restaurant.  Harry asked the maître d’ if they could exit out the back but he was told that the alley in the rear was impassable due to holes necessary for some utility repairs.  Gemma, taking charge, told Robin to escort Anne out and to the car.  She and Harry would flank Kacey.  They would keep heads down and move steadily.  
With a nod, Harry’s stepdad took his wife’s arm and they walked briskly to the vehicle.  The paps paid them little attention until one recognized Anne.  The street looked like it was hit by a bolt of lightning.  Flashes were everywhere but Robin got his wife into the car safely.  The paps, now warned, turned to the restaurant entrance primed and waiting for Harry.  
Holding Kacey’s hand tightly, Harry said “Just keep your head down, love, and don’t let go of me unless I tell you.  If I stop, Gemma will get you into the car.”  
Gemma squeezed her other hand and said “Okay, let’s get through this line of arseholes.”  
Kacey giggled from nerves and, taking a breath, they hustled out the door.  Their progress was slowed immediately by the paps crowding them and shoving cameras and flashes at them.  There were shouts of “Harry!  Over here Harry!” as they kept moving towards the car.  Gemma had pulled Kacey close to her as Harry lagged behind to block as many as he could.  A particularly burly photog shoved his camera in front of Kacey, the flash blinding her and she stumbled.
He laughed as he kept snapping pics, “Got drunk at dinner, eh Kacey?  I’d get drunk too if I was disfigured like you.  A real case of Beauty and the Beast, yeah?  Except you’re the beast in this story.”
Gemma, barely managing to refrain from spitting on him, kept moving and finally got them to the car.  Kacey climbed into the back between Anne and Robin who shielded her from the paps and flashes coming in the windows.  Gemma was in the driver’s seat with the car running when Harry managed to get into the passenger seat.  She gunned the engine to show them she meant business and then pulled out of the parking spot and whipped down the street.  Kacey sat in Anne’s embrace trying to get her eyes to adjust to the dark again.  Robin was patting her awkwardly on the back trying to comfort her.
“Are you okay, Kassidy?” Harry asked, concerned.
Kacey could only stare at him wide-eyed in return.  
“I’m so sorry everyone.  I should have called for a car and driver.  I just didn’t think it would be bad.  They’ve backed off at the house.”  He turned to stare out the window as Gemma deftly maneuvered them home.
Fifteen minutes later, they pulled into the courtyard at Harry’s and waited until the gate was closed securely before getting out of the car.  Everyone was quiet but Kacey was unusually subdued.  
Once inside she mumbled some regrets and excused herself to go up to the bedroom.  After watching her go, Anne patted Harry’s shoulder and sent him up after her assuring him that they would have time to visit in the morning.
Kacey was in the shower standing still under the hot spray when Harry walked into the bathroom looking for her.  He stripped off his clothes and joined her, pulling her to him.  As he gathered her into his arms, she began to sob.   He just held her tight and stroked her back.  
Harry was rubbing lotion on Kacey after she dried off, trying to massage some of the tension away.  When she turned so that he could get her back, he saw several long deep scratches that were oozing blood.  Near her shoulder were some red fingertip sized marks that were beginning to purple.  All down her left arm were similar red marks.  Harry took several deep breaths in an attempt to calm his anger.  The fucking paps had mauled her.  When he got through with them they would regret the day they were bor—
“Harry?”  Kacey said in a small voice.
He shook himself and said “Sorry love.  You’ve got some scratches here.  Let me get the antibiotic cream.”
Kacey was quieter than usual the next morning.   She had barely spoken at breakfast and Harry caught glimpses of pensiveness beneath her smiling countenance.  She hugged Anne and Robin fiercely as they left with Harry to catch their noon train home.  When Harry returned after seeing them off, he found her on the sofa in the lounge waiting for him.  She stood up abruptly massaging her fingers.
“Harry? I need to talk to you.”
A heavy sense of dread fell over him as he sat down in front of her.
“Um, I’ve been thinking.  Maybe…I think I need to go home,” she said tentatively.
“To your flat?” he asked, hopeful.
“No.  To the States.  I just…I don’t know what to do.  I m,ean I literally have nothing to do.  I don’t remember how to write, I have no job, I just sit here all day and read or clean.  You are never here, and I understand that!  But I’m lonely.  I have no friends here, at least none that I can remember, and everyone has a job or something to do.  Except me. You’re going to be travelling and working on the movie…then I’ll be completely alone.  I can’t leave this house without worrying.  I don’t remember people.  It’s terrifying!  Anyone could come up and pretend to know me…I can’t…” she trailed off.  “At least in the States, I know who I know.  I’ll be with Laura and my dad and my friends. Maybe I can get my job back at the hospital.”
Harry’s eyes prickled.  He knew that if she went to the US he would lose her; she would never come back.  The pressure of the grief rising in his chest was crushing.  He took a deep breath and ran his hands through his hair.  Moving them back to his lap, Kacey saw that they were trembling.  His hands were trembling.  Trembling…
When she fell quiet, Harry looked up to see Kacey staring at him, a look of alarm on her face.  She didn’t move.  “Kassidy?” he asked concerned.  She was still staring but he could tell that she wasn’t seeing him.  Expressions passed over her face: confusion, anger, sadness, surprise, fear.  “Kassidy?  Baby?”  She stood unmoving.  Harry worried that she was having a stroke or a seizure.  What did you do for someone having a seizure?  He didn’t have a clue.  Maybe it was a panic attack.  He reached for her hand but she didn’t respond to his touch.  She was breathing rapidly, the muscles in her face twitching with each new emotion.  Harry pulled his phone from his pocket and was about to dial 999 when he looked up at her again.  She was crying, her eyes locked on his.   Swallowing hard she said “Your hands.”  He looked down at his hands and then back at Kacey.
“Your hands were trembling.  Because of me.  I noticed them.  That’s when I decided that I would do whatever I had to do to make you feel comfortable with me even though I was freaking out.   But I pulled myself together.  And you asked me to dinner.  And I could not contain my excitement, I felt like my cheeks would split from my smile.  And then James wanted to take a picture.  And you put your arm around me.  And I never wanted to move from that place again.” Harry was staring now.  A slow smile beginning on his lips.
“You remember.”
“I remember.”
Harry pulled her into his arms on his lap and held her tightly as he rocked back and forth.
“Oh, Harry, I love you so much.”
“I love you Kassidy.  Baby I love you,” he murmured against her temple.
It was evening and they were snuggled in bed just holding one another.  
“Do you remember coming to the show in Indianapolis?” he asked.  
“I do!  It was so great.  Oh!  And you fell!  I was worried because I could tell that it hurt.  Then those girls behind us kept making remarks about you being clumsy.  I just wanted to slap them but Laura wouldn’t let me.”
Harry laughed.  “What about your birthday and our trip to Middlethorp?”
“That was so lovely.  Just the two of us and all that beautiful time together.  Oh.  And then going to Cheshire and me being a complete idiot.  Oh god.  I wish that some of these memories hadn’t come back,” she said, blushing.
“You didn’t do anything wrong Kassidy.  It was a misunderstanding.  I think that is the second biggest lesson I’ve learnt recently; communication is so important.”
“What’s the first?”
“To cherish the people you love because you just never know what will happen.  Anything could happen to anyone at any time,” he said before pausing.  “I love you Kassidy.”
“I love you Harry.  I am so fortunate.  I got to fall in love with you for the first time---twice.  And make love to you for the first time twice.  Just to be with you is so...I said it at Christmas.  You are the best gift ever.”
Harry kissed her gently.  She reached up to stroke his cheek, smiling.  “I can’t wait to see how the rest of the story unfolds.”
“What story?”
“The story of my life, silly.”
“As long as I get to be in all the chapters…”
“You’re on every page.”
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marcelinaamelia · 7 years
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@skullandheart Skull & Heart were asked by Millennium Gallery (Museums Sheffield) to curate a selection of artwork that would be displayed during their live late event: The Art of Protest. We commissioned 7 artists to create an original piece of artwork responding to the themes of Art of Protest and Hope Is Strong and create a piece that represented those feelings visually. The collection features artwork from: Anna Hartwig / Marcelina Amelia / Keeley Sheppard / Sam Dunn / Suzi Kemp / Tom J Newell / William Exley Each piece is one of a kind (1/1) and will not be reprinted or reproduced, making this a once in a life time opportunity to pick up some incredible art. We will be donating 10% of each sale from this collection to Liberty Human Rights Charity – Thank you so much for your support. Details: Marcelina Amelia – “Sheroes” Medium: Giclée Print on Hahnemühle Photo Rag Original Piece, print 1/1 Size: A2 in size (16.5 x 23.4) This item will come framed, with a certificate of authenticity, and will be posted out in a protective, sturdy box which is reflected in the postage and packaging costs. We are able to offer monthly payment plans for large scale pieces, or pieces over £100 – Please email [email protected] for more details.
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oneshotnewbie · 3 years
"Where is she?!" did you hear someone scream in the hallway on the third floor while you were with Amelia and Edwards, discussing the new MRI scans of your patient.
Immediately you clawed at your chair and looked in the direction of Amelia who was standing with her back to you; your eyes wide, your jaw hanging down to the floor - trembling in panic. She too had turned from the whiteboard and her eyes fixed you and your body language. The brunette knew how to assign this voice.
In order not to intensify his aggression even further, she walked up to you and kneeled in front of you. While her fingers ran through the strand of hair on your face and put it behind your ear, a hand was on your knee to reassure you. Or so she hoped. "You need to listen to me now, do you understand?"
You nodded, still totally shocked that your ex had shown up again. "I am going out there now and try to calm him down as long as the security comes and gets this bastard out of here."
You looked at the floor, a tennis ball-sized knot had pent up in your throat and your heart was beating as if it was about to explode while your mind wandered to all the times when he had hurt you. You could still feel the impact of his palm on your cheek, the fists in the pit of your stomach and every single broken rib as you inhaled.
Your sisters gaze turned to Edwards, who was sitting on the table and watching the whole spectacle questioningly. She didn't know anything about your ey or the difficult relationship that you had actually successfully left behind. "Edwards, as soon as I am out the door, you lock it and close the blinds so that he can't look in here. Then you call the service, they need to send the security up."
"Please don't go, Am." you spoke in a whisper and began to cry. You didn't want to show your emotions in front of a beginner, but there was no other way. As if your emotions were taking control and flowing on their own. "Sweetheart, I need to. I will be back as soon as possible okay? You are safe."
But were you?
"Edwards, understood?" she remarked. "Yes, but.."
"Just do it!" she belted and looked at the assistant before she traced a big kiss on your forehead and pushed her way through the small crack in the door.
As soon as she disappeared from you, Edwards did what she was told and you heard aggressive screams from your sister. She was sick of all the crap; you had just managed to overcome it and now he was back and dropped you into a sharp heap again.
The panic in you spread throughout your body when you heard several things fall to the floor. You got up and let yourself fall to the floor where you crawled into a corner, pulled your legs to your chest and clapped your hands over your ears as you started sobbing. You couldn't handle it anymore.
Edwards had tried in vain to calm you down, but she had no idea what to do in such a panic situation or how to act and so she sat helplessly in front of you and held her hands on your hands that covered your ears to show you that someone was there and you didn't have to endure it alone.
But it didn't helped.
Only when Amelia walked back into the room a few moments later, practically throwing herself in front of you and asked Edwards to get out of the room, you opened your eyes again. The perfume of the person in front of you was already an indication that Amelia was back and that you were a little more safe.
Her arms wrapped around your entire shaking figure and her chin rested on your head. With soothing and gentle touches on your back she gave you the signal that it was all over; like she did every time you had a panic attack. You were in trance, your ears didn't perceive any sounds from your surroundings and you had absolutely no control over your body.
You were trapped in this like a prison in your own soul.
All the moments in which he had hit and hurt you came back in your mind's eyes and played out again. It was like a bad movie that you couldn't quit and that you had to watch until the end.
During the whole time you screamed unnoticed in her arms of the brunettes. You whined, you winced and flinched, you cried and you hit her unintentionally. But she stood firm and still held you tight in her arms, not even thinking for a second about letting go or leaving you alone.
Her heart burned with pain and her body struggled with the infinite anger she had.
These episodes were not easy for her either and she had to hold back her tears to be strong for you, even if it tore her inside.
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