#american ninja 2: the confrontation
Remembering cult film icon Steve James on the anniversary of his date of birth. (1952 - 1993) Here's some American Ninja fan art to celebrate!
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splatteronmywalls · 1 year
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argocitycosplay · 3 months
American Ninja 2 : The Confrontation
      Canon’s Ninja Franchises Part Two American Ninja Motorcycles. Why are there motorcycles? I thought this was an Ninja movie? And what do you mean this is story by Gary Conway? You mean like creator of the Punisher and death of Gwen Stacy Gary Conway? no. Wait. That Gerry Conway. So who is Gary Conway? hmmmm. He’s playing the villian here – done lots of bit parts…and was the monster in I was…
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comicbookfanzevad · 11 months
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American Ninja
American Ninja 2 The Confrontation
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theblindninja · 1 year
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Michael Dudikoff as Sergeant Joe Armstrong in American Ninja 2: The Confrontation
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strangeduckpaper · 6 months
Power Rangers Rewrite: Mighty Morphin'
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Season 1 & Background
Because the Boom Comics actually expounds on their backstories, Rita & Zedd have their comics backstories. Rita is specifically from a planet known as Bandora, which has a lot of magical practitioners, including an organized order of witches.
Bandorans are taller than humans, and to a human eye always look a little sickly.
The Power Coins used to belong to a multi planetary team (the Zyu Rangers) with explicitly Alien Zords resembling the 2017 movie. Rita killed the Green Ranger and took that Coin, thus control of the Dragonzord.
The 90’s Zyu Rangers interpreted the Zords on the Coins as artistic renditions of Earth animals, thus minorly reformatting the Zords when they’re finally brought to bear.
Jason actually beats Tommy during their fight like in Zyuranger.
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Season 2
Grace Sterling gets introduced, and Zordon tells the story of the 1969 Rangers.
The Stone Canyon Trio are introduced, giving an outside perspective to the Rangers.
Zedd doesn’t arrive…yet. He does send messages to Rita in the form of nightmares.
No Thunderzords, the Zyu/Dino Megazord survives, since I wanna keep the Dairangers (Thunder Star Rangers) in my back pocket.
In the same vein, Tommy doesn’t get the White Tiger Power Coin after losing the Green Power Coin, instead he gets a White Brachiosaurus Power Coin that ties him to Titanus, which itself is reformatted to serve as armor and weaponry for the Zyu Megazord.
Tommy’s Ranger Suit is white and gold, with the MM sculpted mouth helmet and Dragon shield, but with elements of the Dino Thunder Black suit, while Saba is literally just a repainted Bracchio Staff.
Before Tommy comes back, Rita launches the Dark Ranger’s scheme from the comics, which comes to an end once Tommy arrives, destroying the Dark Ranger’s Power Source (A Dark Mockery of a Zeo Crystal?)
The Rita putty escapes, albeit heavily wounded, to fight another day.
Kiya comes to Earth following the Dark Rangers, chasing the power source used. She sticks around for a while.
The first half of the season ends with a final confrontation with Goldar when he attempts to throw Angel Grove into the Dark Dimension during Jason, Trini & Zack’s graduation, and is struck down by Tommy and Jason. The Stone Canyon Trio helps.
Jason, Trini and Zack decide to take a gap year, and are given the Omega Morphers to help Kiya hunt down the source of the knockoff Zeo Crystal, while the Stone Canyon Trio take their places.
Rito arrives afterwards, with some new mercenaries to give the Rangers trouble, including Dayne. Scorpina, meanwhile, leaves, vowing vengeance against the Rangers.
Their adventures include a crossover with the Masked Rider of Edenoi.
The season finale is Zedd’s arrival, Serpentera in tow, and challenges the Rangers to combat.
He destroys the Megazord with Serpentera, before taking them on 1-v-6, rendering the Power Coins useless one after the other, until only Tommy is left with his powers.
Tommy tries, but Zedd captures him, and brings him back to the Moon Castle, leaving the other Rangers to lick their wounds and wallow in their powerlessness.
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Season 3
With the Power Coins useless, the Omega Rangers out of contact and Zordon unable to access back-up Ranger powers, Zordon sends the Rangers to Ninjor to create powers of their own.
In the meanwhile, he calls for reinforcements, the Rangers of Aquitar (known as the Doron Rangers), with more on the way.
Zedd sends more monsters to delay the Rangers, and gathers forces fromDark Spector, including Master Vile, to attempt and summon the dark god Lokar from the Talus Dimension.
The Rangers pass Ninjor’s trials and gain their Ninjetti Power Coins and Zords, with all new suits coming with them.
They have elements of the American Ninja Ranger uniforms, the Dairangers, with MM helmets remodeled to reflect their new Zords.
Meanwhile, Tommy is being held by the villains, where he strikes up a friendship with Finster, who eventually helps free him.
During this escape, he finds remnants of the tools used in the corruption of the Green Dragon Power Coin, and takes it.
The Rangers return to Earth and meet the Doron rangers. There’s some chafing, especially between Billy and Cestro, though that rivalry shifts into something more…amorous.
Tommy arrives, Finster by his side and arcane secrets in hand. Finster and Alpha duke it out at least once.
In the background, we’re introduced to new transfer students Tanya Sloan and Kat Hillard. Kat gets mind controlled but it gets broken.
Eventually, Finster, Alpha, Tideus and Delphine figure out how to reactivate the Dragonzord, dormant since the loss of the Green Power Coin, and Tommy uses the power of friendship to bring it back under control.
Master Vile attempts to interfere, but the Rangers strike him down with Ninjor’s help. 
Deciding to take advantage, the rangers attack the moon palace, reinforced by the Masked Rider and the Omega Rangers (Now with Yale replacing Kiya)
The Rangers win, destroying Serpentera, and wrecking the moon base, though Lokar is summoned.
In order to seal him, the Mighty Morphin Rangers sacrifice the Ninjetti Power Coins to do so, while Tommy’s powers once again become unstable.
In the aftermath, the rangers disperse. Kim goes off to pursue her gymnastics career, Billy leaves for Aquitar as a representative of Earth, NASADA, and Prometheus.
Aisha also leaves to join humanitarian aid.
Tommy, a bit adrift, decides to stay with Adam and Rocky, and possibly form a new team.
After all, while they did beat them up, they never saw Rita, Rito, or Zedd actually fall…
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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American Ninja and American Ninja 2: The Confrontation will be released on Blu-ray on October 31 via Kino Lorber. Produced by Cannon Films, the martial arts films star Michael Dudikoff.
1985's American Ninja is directed by Sam Firstenberg (Ninja III: The Domination) and written by Paul De Mielche. Guich Knock, Judie Aronson, Steve James, John Fujioka, and Tadashi Yamashita co-star.
1987's American Ninja 2: The Confrontation is directed by Sam Firstenberg and written by Gary Conway (Over the Top) and James Booth. Steve James, Jeff Weston, Gary Conway, Michelle Botes, and Larry Poindexter co-star.
Special features for both titles are listed below.
American Ninja special features:
Audio commentary by director Sam Firstenberg and stunt coordinator Steven Lambert
Audio commentary by director Sam Firstenberg, moderated by filmmaker Elijah Drenner
A Rumble in the Jungle: The Making of American Ninja
Theatrical trailer
Stationed in the Philippines, 18-year-old U.S. Army private Joe Armstrong (Michael Dudikoff) is escorting a supply convoy when it is ambushed by rebels—one of whom he recognizes as a Black Ninja warrior. Instinctively, Joe defends himself using the esoteric martial art of Ninjitsu—an ability that puts him under suspicion by his commander and fellow soldiers. Alone in his fight against corruption, the boy finally discovers the secret of his mysterious past—a secret that pits him against the evil Black Star Ninja (Tadashi Yamashita) in the ultimate martial arts battle.
Pre-order American Ninja.
American Ninja 2 special features:
Audio commentary by director Sam Firstenberg and stunt coordinator BJ Davies
Audio commentary by director Sam Firstenberg, moderated by filmmaker Elijah Drenner
An American Ninja in Cape Town: The Making of American Ninja 2
Theatrical trailer
When U.S. Army Rangers Joe Armstrong (Michael Dudikoff) and Curtis Jackson (Steve James) go on a Caribbean mission for missing Marines, they find themselves matching their deadly Ninjitsu skills against the elite Ninja forces of The Lion (Gary Conway)—a psychotic drug lord who genetically alters his fighters into superhuman martial arts killers! Learning that four kidnapped Marines are about to undergo The Lion’s inhuman transformation, the Rangers infiltrate his island fortress—and launch into an explosive battle against a horde of mutant Ninja warrior-clones!
Pre-order American Ninja 2: The Confrontation.
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everygame · 1 year
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Ninja JaJaMaru-kun (NES)
Developed/Published by: Jaleco Released: 15/11/1985 Completed: 30/03/2023 Completion: Beat all 20 levels before it loops. Version Played: Switch Online Trophies / Achievements: n/a
Ninja JaJaMaru-kun is a series with absolutely no name recognition in the west, even if ININ have put out one of their stupid retro collections of the series where you don’t get all the games unless you buy a specific edition, instead of just, you know, putting out the games in one simple package (if you search for “Ninja JaJaMaru” on the eshop, you get four different options, and you have to buy two of them to get all the games. But makes sure it’s the right two!)
Of course, you could forget all of that and just download the first game via the Japanese Switch Online service, like what I did, because… like me, you don’t have any nostalgia for this series at all. It’s not like it’s Turrican or something (that’s got three different confusing collections thanks to ININ.)
I suppose what makes Ninja JaJaMaru-kun interesting though is that it was a huge success in Japan selling over one million copies–and this, remember, is coming just a couple of months after Super Mario Bros. was released. This would probably make it surprising that it never came out on NES until you realise that City Connection, Jaleco’s previous title, wouldn’t make it out in the US until May 1988, nearly three years after its original release, by which time Contra, Mega Man and Castlevania have all come out, rendering the simple arcade thrills of a wee car driving (or a wee ninja jumping) around a bit old hat. And, to be honest, there’s enough of a similarity between City Connection and Ninja JaJaMaru-kun as side-scrolling platformers that if you had to release one, you’re probably going to release the one that everyone understands (cars) rather than the one with a more specific cultural reference point (ninjas.) Even 80s ninja action films were having their last gasp by 1988 (American Ninja 2: The Confrontation probably the last notable release, and that came out in 1987 and didn’t do that well.) Although I suppose they could have tried to claim JaJaMaru was a reptile of some sort and ride the rising Turtle craze...
That all said, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I quite liked Ninja JaJaMaru-kun, to the point where I would happily say I liked it quite a bit more than the NES port of City Connection. It’s an extremely basic little platformer, something that clearly speaks to the pre-Super Mario Bros. era of Mappy and Ice Climber. Every level features eight enemies, two on each of the four levels of the level (er, look at the picture if this doesn’t make sense) with for the majority of the levels the last top right enemy a “boss” that’s a bit harder to kill (until in later levels they turn into a normal enemy and aren’t quite as bad, somehow.) You can jump, and shoot shurikens that don’t travel especially far, and to get between the different levels you can destroy platforms above you, which sometimes expose power-ups (or bombs, if you’re unlucky). Ninja JaJaMaru-kun only dies to being shot by enemies, not touching them, and for about half the game, you can just shoot the enemies, but from then on you have to stun them by jumping on their heads (or by manufacturing a way to make them drop a level and fall over) so you can shoot them.
Oh, and the power-ups are things like a little cart (?) that allows you to just run into all the enemies at full speed. And if you collect three… you ride a giant frog (???) that freezes all the enemies and allows you to jump about eating them–basically making beating a level trivial.
Additionally, at the top of the screen you can see the “Catfish Pirate” and Princess Sakura who you are, ostensibly, trying to rescue–which you can only do in a special bonus level where you get to shoot your shurikens upwards at the Catfish Pirate, accessible if you collect three sakura petals that Princess Sakura infrequently drops during normal levels. Which you can’t hang around waiting for, because if you take too long in a level the Catfish Pirate starts going mental chucking bombs at you. 
In description, it doesn’t really sound like all that, and it’s honestly a bit… kusoge-adjacent, considering it’s got jerky scrolling, poor animation, dodgy collision detection and really not that much going on. But it’s sort of weirdly pleasant to play once you get into it, with the “jump on an enemy to shoot them” mechanic quickly becoming second nature making clearing off levels efficiently feel quite rewarding. It’s not all gravy; sometimes the boss enemies are going to juke you in way that feels genuinely unfair, and you can sometimes get caught in little collision-loops that just end up in your death.
But I can kind of see why this was a phenomenon–at least at a time when Super Mario Bros. hasn’t yet set the tone for everything yet to come. 
Will I ever play it again? I can’t imagine I will, and it hasn’t done enough to make me put up with ININ’s bullshit to get the sequels.
Final Thought: “But wait,” you might be asking “what’s the deal with the giant frog? I mean you kind of just glossed over that.” 
Well, turns out it’s a reference to The Tale of the Gallant Jiraiya, a series of Japanese books that was published in the early 1800s, in which a giant frog that lives on a mountain teaches the main character magic, including the ability to summon and ride giant frogs. This apparently also inspired some characters in Naruto, and is probably also why that Pokemon Greninja is a ninja frog. The more you know!
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TMNTVDAY (Week 1) - Leo and Ginny
(Thanks @tmnt-tychou for creating this event!)
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1. In which TMNT universe does your pairing exist?
I grew up mostly with the 2003 series and used to think the 2007 movie was a continuation of it, so they exist in a universe that is a mixture of the two.
2. Introduce us to your OTP.
He is our Leonardo, leader of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, a double katana wielding ninja suffering from Atlas complex and very devoted to his family. She is my Ginny Truscott, German-American law student who lost her parents in a car accident and grew up with her aunt and cousin. Unknown to her and to what remains of her family, though, she's also a descendant from an ancient order of warriors, the Valkyries, and inherited a ring that contains both the battle memories of her ancestors and a pair of magically engineered steel wings. She still has a lot of training to go through to learn how to use them well, though.
3. How did they meet?
Leonardo saved her from some thugs that had cornered her into an alley and was curious - and a bit enthused - that she seemed amazed by him rather than scared. The rest is history.
4. How is the relationship now?
They had a lot of "will they, won't they" going on for about 3 years, but they finally got together sometime after Leo came back from Central America. They're now really solid, though Leo's overprotectiveness sometimes really grates on Ginny's nerves, especially now that she can actually defend herself. Aside from that, they find peace and solace into being with each other and they aren't afraid to confront each other when needed.
5. What is each other's love language?
Leo is the KING of acts of service: Ginny is his lady and his angel and he'll be sure to treat her as such. Ginny, on her side, is pretty big on quality time, appreciating enormously even just being in a room with him in silence, just enjoying each other's presence. Both are also really into words of affirmation, probably because so many of their initial problems derived from refusal to hearing each other out.
6. Do they get married or have any kids?
Through a series of circumstances, at a certain point they - and all their family - end up in Usagi Yojimbo's dimension and that's when Leonardo pops the question to Ginny and the two get married for the first time. Several years later, when mutants' rights gets finally recognized on Earth, they legalize their marriage and also the adoption of their two kids, a human girl named Margaret and a mutant turtle boy named Vincent (actually a clone of Leo saved from a lab, there's a whole story behind XD).
7. What is your favorite thing about this pairing? (Gush as much as you want!)
This pairing is basically as old as my love for TMNT and it evolved a lot through the years, ending up becoming part of a larger story I created as part of the TMNTverse, so it will always have a special place in my heart. Also because it's one of the very few oc x canon ships I ever created where I actually imagine them growing old together: not that others don't have their happily ever after, it's just that Leo and Ginny have a clear future together in my head and I can also see the way toward that future, instead of just a nebulous "and several years later they are still together and have kids and everything is okay". I just… I love these two so much, okay?
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2-timesaweek · 2 months
American Ninja 2: The Confrontation
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Fight everyone and trust no one: it’s the code of survival practiced by martial-arts master Casey Bowman after his life of domestic bliss is shattered by a savage act of violence. Vowing revenge, the fearless American stealthily tracks the killer from Osaka to Bangkok to Rangoon with the help of a wise and crafty sensei. His only clues: a series of victims whose necks bear the distinctive mark of strangulation by barbed wire. Fighting to avenge as well as to survive, Casey must sharpen his razor-like responses and take his battle skills to the next level, even using deep meditation to fake his own death. His target: the sinister drug lord Goro, who is flooding the streets with deadly meth cooked at his remote jungle factory. To prepare for his ultimate confrontation, Casey must finally become an invisible warrior worthy of the name Ninja. But just when his prey is cornered, an unexpected twist shows Casey that his battle is only beginning: he truly can trust no one. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Casey: Scott Adkins Nakabara: Kane Kosugi Goro: Shun Sugata Namika: Mika Hijii Myat: Tim Man General Tsung: Vithaya Pansringarm Thug: Charlie Ruedpokanon Worker: Erika Nagamine Karate Fighter: Pim Bubear Compound Guard #1: David Bueno Dojo Fighter: Ron Smoorenburg Compound Guard #2: Nopparat Thongridsuk Hiroshi: Kitamoto Takato Waitress: Hiroko Yamaguchi Shopkeeper: Yasuhiko Miyauchi Toji: Satoshi Hashimoto Assistant Instructor: Shogo Tanikawa Suu: Saichia Wongwirot Lucas: Jawed El Berni Mike: Mukesh Bhhatt Martial Arts Student (uncredit): Tomio Araki Tourist (uncredit): Fredrik Divall Thug 2: Kazu Patrick Tang Film Crew: Writer: David N. White Director: Isaac Florentine Art Direction: Toey Jaruvaateekul Costume Design: Preeyanan Suwannathada Casting: Kaprice Kea Production Design: Rakpan Thanadpojanamart Producer: Boaz Davidson Music: Gerard K. Marino Music: Logan Mader Producer: Frank DeMartini Editor: Irit Raz Producer: Tom Waller Casting: Yumi Takada Director of Photography: Ross W. Clarkson Action Director: Tim Man Martial Arts Choreographer: Brahim Achabbakhe Movie Reviews: MovieGuys: Like a medium rare steak, with fries, coleslaw and an ice cold beer, Ninja Shadow of a Tear is simple but satisfying. This martial arts action flick is reminiscent of 80’s and 90’s martial arts films. Its not trying to be clever. Instead, its fast paced, entertaining and fun. Scott Atkins martial arts are top shelf and this flick gives him the opportunity to literally “let loose”. Indeed, the cast, which includes the son of a famous 80’s martial arts action star and extra’s, all appear to have above average martial arts skills. This lends this film polish and flair, that shows in the final product. Fight scenes that dominate this film, are crisply choreographed, a little inventive and fast paced. In summary, a great 80’s,90’s style martial arts action film, that’s entertaining from beginning to end. Keep em coming….!
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laresearchette · 4 months
Saturday, June 01, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
EPSOM DERBY (SN360) 11:00am
WNBA BASKETBALL (SN1) 12:00pm: Sky vs. Fever
US WOMEN’S OPEN (TSN2) 1:00pm: Second Round - Part I (TSN2) 3:00pm: Second Round - Part II
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 2:30pm: Pirates vs. Jays (SN Now) 4:00pm: Rays vs. Orioles (TSN5) 6:30pm: Reds vs. Cubs (SN1) 10:00pm: Yankees vs. Giants
NHL HOCKEY (CBC/SN) 8:00pm: Game 6  - Rangers vs. Panthers
TO ENGLAND, WITH LOVE (Super Channel Heart & Home) 8:00pm:   As far as Ali's concerned, she has it all. Until a mysterious quest sends her from Los Angeles to England on a treasure hunt through history and she finds herself opening up to old and new loves all over again.
SHADOW MAN: WILLIAM STEPHENSON AND THE ART OF POLITICAL WARFARE (Super Channel Fuse) 8:00pm:   A British undercover agent, William Stephenson, is on a secret mission in the USA during the Second World War; he aims to convince Americans to join the war against Hitler's Germany.
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN/TSN4) 8:30pm: Game 6 - Timberwolves vs. Mavericks
THE BOOGEYMAN (Crave) 9:00pm:  Still grieving over the recent death of his wife, a therapist and his two young daughters encounter a terrifying supernatural entity that preys on families and feeds on the suffering of its victims.
HOW THE GRINGO STOLE CHRISTMAS (Starz Canada) 9:00pm:  A Mexican father's Christmas celebration goes from merry to messy when his daughter shows up with her new boyfriend.
MLS SOCCER (TSN3) 10:30pm: Vancouver vs. Colorado
THERE'S SOMETHING IN THE BARN (Crave) 10:40pm:  Bill moves his American wife Carol and children Nora and Lucas to Norway where he's inherited a family estate. There, Lucas discovers a mischievous barn elf from ancient folklore living in the barn who plots to get rid of the American intruders.
JOKER (CTV) 12:35am:  Isolated, bullied and disregarded by society, failed comedian Arthur Fleck begins a slow descent into madness as he transforms into the criminal mastermind known as the Joker.
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ao3feed-izch · 5 months
Operation Triple T! (Titanic Teen Team)
by He_Who_Sees
"You forty, America's best teen superheroes–and the ones we lucked out in getting on such short notice–will pose as foreign exchange students to UA's Hero Course from America, find this major mobster recruiting operation, and work your way up to Slade, Shigaraki, and the quantum vapor, avoiding detection and/or direct confrontation if at all possible." -Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD
Words: 12877, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Ultimate Spider-Man (Cartoon 2012), Teen Titans (Animated Series), X-Men Evolution, Ben 10 Series, Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. (Cartoon), American Dragon: Jake Long, Danny Phantom, Kim Possible (Cartoon), Blue Beetle (Comics), Static Shock, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Avengers Assemble (Cartoon), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2003), Kingdom Hearts (Video Games), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Koriand'r (DCU), Robin, Dick Grayson, Garfield Logan, Victor Stone, Cyborg (Character), Raven (Teen Titans), Jaime Reyes, Virgil "Static" Hawkins, Richie "Gear" Foley, Peter Parker, Rick Jones (Marvel), Danny Rand, Cyclops, Kitty Pryde, Evan Daniels (X-Men), Rogue (X-Men), Toad (X-Men), Leonardo (TMNT), Raphael (TMNT), Donatello (TMNT), Michelangelo (TMNT), Ben Tennyson, Kevin Levin, Gwen Tennyson, Danny Fenton, Jake Long, Kim Possible, Ron Stoppable, Sora (Kingdom Hearts), Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Slade Wilson, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Nick Fury, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, League of Villains (My Hero Academia), Luke Cage, Sam Alexander, Rufus (Kim Possible), Midoriya Izuku, Asui Tsuyu, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Class 1-B (My Hero Academia)
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Jean Grey/Scott Summers, Kim Possible/Ron Stoppable, Garfield Logan/Raven, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu/Todd Tolansky, Asui Tsuyu/Toad
Additional Tags: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Superheroes, Mystery, Suspense, Crossover, Angst, Teen Romance, Drama
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55643836
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spookyfoxdreamer · 7 months
American Ninja 2: The Confrontation (1987) - Trailer
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essentialmoviegifs · 4 years
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American Ninja 2: The Confrontation (1987, dir. Sam Firstenberg)
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videoreligion · 5 years
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American Ninja 2: The Confrontation (1987)
“This may be a little controversial, but Michael Dudikoff inspires me to do more in life. Sure, his martial arts vehicle The American Ninja series is pretty much the bro-kid stepchild of the genre, but that doesn't mean he isn't one of the great b-movie ninjas. According to legend, the film could have gone another way with Chuck Norris as the milky Kung Fu soldier. This would make sense, as Norris had already starred in several films for the same studio (Cannon), had military experience, and holds belts in several branches of Kung Fu. But that wasn't to be--for whatever reason, Chuck declined. Looking for alternatives, they held auditions and landed on Michael Dudikoff, a guy with no former training in hand to hand combat. At that time, he was usually cast in smaller roles as a comedic homie or boyfriend, but he had done some time in modeling and was slated to play a tap dancing apocalypse survivor. I'm sure they could have made this work with lesser fight scenes or lousy editing, and it could have been drastically different--instead, fate interfered in the form of Mike Stone. With the legendary fight choreographer’s help, Dudikoff was effectively able to shape himself into a martial artist. While transformation isn't unheard of in cinema, the Dudikoff that came out the other end was entirely convincing. At least to little RevTerry. I actually felt betrayed when this truth was learned in years later. That is until I realized how inspirational this was--with ambition, hard work, and the right teacher, Dudikoff had gone from catwalks in his underwear to jump kicks. It's probably a little problematic since I'm sure there were a few American Ninjas available that were not blond or ginger. Actually, I have no idea why they picked him, but he rose to the challenge (at least he didn't take the job straight from Bruce Lee). I'm not a former male model, and I have never been on Happy Days, but to scale, that still means I could be capable of quite a bit more myself. Life could have typecast Dudikoff as a pretty-boy or a sort-of zany side character, but dodging that, he became one of the most memorable VHS ninjas of my childhood. He played Joe Armstrong for two more films (1,2,4), and I enjoy them all to varying degrees. However, in my opinion, he really hit a stride with American Ninja 2: The Confrontation (1987)...”
Read the Full Review
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