#amo a estos hermanos
turbocao · 11 months
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Echo de menos al narrador del anime
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Hola, chica bella 💛
Here to ask for the part 2 of Believe what you want because I need it already ✨️🫠 byebye 💙
The fact you knew already that I was posting it and you requested part II even before it was out🤭🥹🫶🏼.
For this one you should listen: What I Put You Through - Connor Maynard
Part 1 here Happy version
Believe What You Want (2) -P.G8
(Angsty version)
Summary: After realizing he fucked up, he tries his best to get you back
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"I overheard them speaking that night at Fer's birthday. Victoria was going on about you and her, that your things with Y/N would end up soon... Those kind"
Pedri's mind was racing in fear and agony. "No" He whispered "Is there any possibility for Victoria to have made those burns in Y/N's skin?" "
"Well, it can be... She got out of the house around noon so..." Pedri's eyes clicked up like lightning all the dots were connecting by your side.
You were right. All this time you were.
He had been too stupid to realize that
"No" He whispered once more
"What's up, dude?"
"I fucked up bro. Big one"
"She doesn't answer me" Pedri said for the fifteen time in a row pacing around in his room
"And she won't answer to you" Fer said "I mean... I wouldn't answer you either"
Pedri had explained everything to the three guys in the room, Fer knowing a bit more thanks to you. And he knew that his younger brother loves you to death but he also knows that what he did, wasn't right.
"¡Joder! ¡Soy un puto idiota!" (Fuck! I'm an asshole!) Pedro yelled kicking a ball in his room crashing into one of your pictures together "No, joder... No" (No, shit... No) He hurried to pick up the picture and inspect it. It had one little scratch made from the glass, the scratch made in between the two of you.
He shook all the negative thoughts that were running in his head and changed the photo frame.
"Well, you've got to understand her" Adrián began speaking "All of this could be true and her boyfriend just choosed to not believe her"
"I did not just choose not to believe her"
"You basically did, bro" Fer hissed "I mean... If my girl tells me that I would do more than just talking with each girl separatedly"
"And not only that but you also told her your personal fights as a couple" Jesús said
"Because she's my best friend!"
"Hermano..." Fer started "That's meant to be something only for the two of you, not something for you, Victoria and Y/N" Fer shook his head "I mean... It's okay you ask someone else for an advice, like what to do or stuffs but not to rant because for that, you've your girl. The one who's in the relationship with you. The one who's with you in the goods and the bads" silence flowed into the room, Pedri's heart was beating incredibly fast "If you want her back, you need to fully work for it, Pedro. Words won't do half of the work you gotta do"
And that was it.
Pedri broke down, feeling already the loss of the love of his life not being next to him, this time a bit heavier than the past 7 days. He left you when you didn't do anything at all. He threw you and your relationship away without a good reason. Tears escaped his eyes and his breathing was erratic.
All of his thoughts were about you and imaginating a life without you in it, thanks to himself.
"I'll be back before midnight" Pedro said grabbing his phone, wallet and car keys
"Where are you going? Won't you even take a shower? You smell" Adrián said shaking his head
"He cometido un grave error con la chica que amo, en estos momentos oler bien o estar guapo es lo que menos me vale" (I've made a big mistake with the girl I love, right now I don't care if I smell or look good)
"Pedro" Fer called him before he got out of the room "Buena suerte, hermano" (Good luck, bro) Pedri for the first time ever, smiled a bit.
"Thank you"
He was going to work for your forgiveness. He will make you fall in love with him again. He will win your trust again. You'll be happy with him. You'll be with him. He was going to make sure that happen.
And for that, he needed answers.
"Yes, there was a (Hair color) girl, with (Type of Eyes), a bit short, she was pretty nice. Sad thing she got hurt" A boy behind the counter said hissing remembering the moment "Elianna went with her, she said it was pretty bad but nothing that some cream and care couldn't do"
"Is that girl here? Elianna?" Pedri asked hopeful
"She's on her lunch break right now" The guy answered "She has the whole shift... Is it important?"
"Yes, really important" Pedri said without a doubt
"I'll let her know. You can sit anywhere and if you want to have a drink you can tell me" Pedri nodded slowly walking away.
He didn't know how much time he was there until a redhaired girl walked up to him, he without thinking straight stood up
"My workmate said you were looking for me?"
"Are you Elianna?" She nods "I'm Pedro. I'm the boyfriend of the girl that was poured coffee all over her"
"How's she?" She asked after gasping a bit at the mention of you. "I hope she's better"
"Ah-yes, she is a bit better. Thank you for asking" Pedri nodded nervous "Can I ask you something?" The girl nodded "Who poured the coffee on her?"
"Some random girl, Y/N said the girl didn't liked her..."
"Could you maybe describe her?"
"Oh, sure!" Elianna nodded "She had long hair, brunette with blonde highlights, she used tight clothes and she wasn't as short as Y/N, she was a bit more taller, maybe just like you?"
That was exactly Victoria's description.
"She entered a few minutes before Y/N, after I gave her a box of cupcakes she just kind of ran away and then next thing I knew was that the same girl poured hot coffee on Y/N"
Pedri stood there taking in all the information
"She hasn't been here since that day" Pedri nods humming "However, Y/N has and I know for a fact that her boyfriend broke up with her thanks to his best friend" Pedri looked up at her, guilt filled over his body "Why are you behind her? She's been awful these past few days, she's recovering from your treatment, why the need of asking all of this, if you don't believe her?"
"Because I fucked up. I fucked up big time and I want to mend it"
"Wish you luck... You'll deserve it because if I was her, I wouldn't even give you the time of the day or spare you a single look" Pedri looked down in shame and regret "I need to go... You want to order something?" He shook his head
"Not feeling hungry at all" He murmured grabbing his wallet and pushing some money into the girl's hand
"You aren't ordering anything"
"For you... For the help, for the info. Thank you"
And with that Pedri stood up and left the cafeteria. As soon as his body met the Catalan air, he fought the need of crying his everything out. You were right, just like you always were.
"I shouldn't have just let it pass" He said crying to himself now in the calm of his car. "I should have done something" He lamented.
His phone lighted up with a notification he didn't care about, his focus remained on a photo from the two of you at one of his spots in Barcelona to calm down and relax.
"Please, mi niña. Tell me how to make things right, tell me it's not too late, just please..." he begged at nothing because you weren't there and you haven't been since 7 days ago.
And as reality was hitting him, he knew there could be a possibility of you not going into his life ever again. Leaving him for your own good while he was suffering.
Pedro picked up his phone and dialed his best friend Jesús's number.
"¿Aló?" (Hello?)
"You said you heard them speak that night at Fer's birthday, right? I need to know everything you heard and if you saw something too, I'm on my way to pick you up so we can talk"
"You're really working for Y/N?"
"I am" Pedri nodded "I fucked up and I'm trying to mend everything with her"
"I'm waiting for you, hermano and also..."
"¿Qué?" (What?)
"Good luck, you'll need it"
That phrase was starting to get on his nerves, he didn't liked how that sounded, because it seemed like even with all the effort he'll make, it'll not be enough to bring you back into his arms.
"Thanks bro"
...Two days later...
"Why?" Pedri said entering Victoria's house
"Hola Vic. ¿Cómo estas? ¿Qué tal va todo? Días sin verte" (Hi Vic. How are you? How's everything going? Long time not to see) She mockingly said with a smile but her smile was wipped off of her face when she saw Pedri's seriousness
"No estoy para juegos. Dime el por que has hecho eso" (I'm not in the mood for games. Tell me why you've done that)
"Done what?"
"¿Me estás tomando el pelo?" (Are you making fun of me?) Pedri hissed angry "Stop playing around and tell me... why you did all of that to Y/N?"
Victoria's face changed
"I didn't do anything"
"You did. Don't lie to me about anything because I know how things went now" Victoria's face changed
"What do you mean?"
"I know you poured hot coffee on her that day at the coffee, I know you've been telling her things behind my back about my relationship with her and stuffs, I know you poured her drink on yourself but made it look like it was her doing" Pedri shook his head not believing it "You faked things and like a fucking stupid I believed them, when the one I should've believed was my girlfriend! You damaged my relationship but I was the one breaking it for believing you, for believing my best friend"
"I let go the woman I'm in love with and it was all thanks to you because I never thought that my best friend, the one who has been besides me through my whole life could do such a thing and lie to me straight to my face!" Pedri's face was red and he never stopped to take a bit of air, he was fuming, he was angry and all he wanted to do was make Victoria disappear.
But most of all, all he wanted was to get you back.
"Those are lie-"
"If you even dare to say lie, I will pour the same drink Y/N was drinking that day at Fer's birthday, this time someone pouring it over you for real"
"She's making those things up!"
"She's making nothing up! I saw the video of the CCTV camera of the coffee shop, Jesús heard and saw the two of you at Fer's birthday and now that I connect dots, every single thing Y/N has told me, has sense now. And I hate the fact I couldn't see through it, I hate that I put my girlfriend's words in doubt all thanks to someone who didn't deserved a single look"
"Pedro, stop. You're hurting me"
"And don't you think you've hurted me before? You knew I was having troubles with her and all you wanted was to get her away from me. Why?" Nothing came out of Victoria's mouth
Your words came back to him and he blinked thrice, suddenly being brought back.
"Don't know" You sighed "As much as Victoria might love each and every single one of you, guys... I can assure you that what she said to me today and the way she said it, it wasn't a joke" You said "I'm a girl and I have a male best friend too. But I wouldn't say those kind of stuffs just as a friend or to see if she's worth and good for him" You shook your head "Es más, ni siquiera le diría algo de ese estilo a ella" (I wouldn't even tell her something like that)
"She likes you" You said after a few more seconds "And that's it"
"Can I ask you something and you answer me with the truth?" Pedri said with his heart on the edge, he waited and all he got was a simple and small nod from Victoria "Are you in love with me?"
A few seconds passed where Pedri's eyes never left Victoria's "Yes" She said softly "I am" Pedri felt the air being knocked out from his lungs "Pedrito"
"No" He shook his head looking away "No" Pedri's eyes grow watery, he couldn't believe it. Once again, you were right, his actions and words replaying in his head, the way he ignored your feelings, the way he treated you, everything was haunting him. "Don't call me Pedrito nor Pedro, Pedri, Pepi, nothing. Don't even call me, forget about me, you are not my best friend"
"Pedri, por favor, don't do this"
"No. I didn't do anything, you did it yourself. Best friends don't do what you did to me, if you truly loved me, you could've straight up tell me that not take it out on the girl I'm in love with"
"In love with? So in love you are, you did not believed a single thing from her"
"And that was my biggest mistake because I thought "Why on earth the girl that has been besides me since forever would do something to damage me or the ones I love?"" Pedri laughed ironically shaking his head "I was so wrong and I regret every single thing I did since I saw Y/N leave on Fer's birthday but guess what? I had the one I thought was my best friend besides me but I never did"
"You still have me"
"If I do, I don't care, the one I truly need isn't here" Pedri shook his head "But I did needed my best friend those seven days to tell me everything was going to be okay, that I could move on, that I was in the right and Y/N in the wrong, that I did good in breaking up with someone who could only do was lie but then I find everything out and I realized I was just a puppet in the side of your game and I fell for it"
"Don't say it like that"
"That's exactly what it was" Pedri shook his head "´Now, me disculpas pero me tengo que ir" (Excuse me but I've got to go)
"¿Y para dónde vas?" (Where are you going?)
"You shouldn't care about that, Victoria. Hope you have a good life" With that Pedri turned around and walked outside of her house when almost inside his car he heard her yell his name out
"Pedro!" He looked at her "I'm sorry"
Pedri joined his lips and nodded softly, lifting one of his hands giving her a wave before he got into the car and drove off to certain destination with a single intention.
"What do you mean she's not here?"
"She hasn't been here since like a week ago?" The older lady said with a smile "She said she'll come back tho"
"Do you know where she might be?"
"I don't, mijo. I'm so sorry" She looked at Pedro carefully "Is everything okay?"
"I need to know where she is so I can fix things between us" Pedro answered with a lump on his throat, his voice cracked a bit and he looked down at his shoes
The older lady sighed "I'm pretty sure you'll fix everything that may be happening with the two of you, son"
"I don't know, miss. I messed up really big this time"
"From what I've seen you love each other so much, I've never seen someone look at her in the way you do and vice versa, talking things out can be really helpfull instead of letting problems grow"
"The thing is I never let her talk and all I did was say things I shouldn't" Pedri shook his head
"You know? She's looking really pretty in those pictures, maybe you can start from there" A loud "Abuela" was heard as the older lady smiled looking over her shoulder
"What pictures?"
"Oh, you know... The ones you take, the ones you update, the ones people take, those pictures..." The woman was smiling softly "Don't let her go" And with that she left leaving Pedri sat in front of your doorstep
He was sat there analyzing the woman's words. Pictures? The ones you take? Update? People take? Pedri's mind ran 120km/h trying to guess what she meant of and after some minutes and what it felt a whole lifetime, he confused grabbed his phone and clicked on Instagram.
You liked it even more than Twitter or even Tiktok, Pedri remembered with a smile the moments where you would "fight", he; claiming Tiktok was better as you defended Instagram with your life
He typed your user with no reward, you blocked him. And it was no surprise at all but his heart still broke a little bit more when he couldn't find you.
He sighed closing his eyes and relying his head in your door, fighting the tears, it seemed like he only could do that in the past days, cry 'till he had no more tears inside of him, fight the urge to cry and feel his stomach fall to his feet. He hated feeling this way and he hated the way he must have put your through
He unlogged his session and went into his mother's, you couldn't have blocked her, could you? With shaky hands and blurry eyes he typed in your user and this time your profile was the first one to appear, the colorful circle around your picture meaning you had stories up.
While he was sad, you were in Venice with your friends and family, he recognized almost all of the faces in the pictures, all of them except one, a male's one.
That quickly catched his attention, that guy appeared in eight out of ten pictures and in all of them he was besides you. You even tagged him on one and Pedri's thumb directly went to his account.
One of the most recent post of the guy said: "I hate the fact that when I met my soulmate she had boiling coffee burns on her but I certainly don't hate the fact I got to meet you, baby!"
Pedri's stomach flipped, seeing your answers of "♥️🥰" made his head turn everywhere, in an instant he got up and headed towards the elevator in his mind only three things. His passport, Venice and you.
Due to some storms in Spain, he couldn't get out that same day and neither the next day, it was day three when he got into the plane and one day after he was in the same residence as you were.
He saw your brother and followed him, he felt like being on Matrix, he was making sure no one saw or heard him, that was until he stumbled on a vanity table and knocked half of the things that were in there
"What was that?" He heard and that's when he ran, the quitness and calm forgotten as he was desperate to find you. He took a right turn colliding with a female chest after a few seconds
"Joder, lo siento mucho" (Fuck, I'm so sorry) He said inmediately
"Pedro?" You said shocked as he also stood there impressed. You looked even more beautiful than always. Your tanned skin, your red cheeks and your Y/H color making you look perfect. "Pero, ¿Qué haces aqui? (but, what are you doing here)
"Por ti. I came here for you, I want to talk to you"
"We don't have anything to talk, in fact, you don't even have to come here, you don't have a reason to travel all the way from Barcelona to Venice"
"I did, I do. My reason is you and you'll always be. I fucked up, yeah? I get that" Pedri shakes his head "You were right" He opens his mouth but closes it "You were right all this time and I'm sorry I couldn't see it through, I'm sorry I did not take your words, I'm sorry I just kinda left and pushed your feelings aside, you deserve more, you deserve better but I can be better, I can be what you want, need and more if you want me to"
You started shaking your head, pushing him back from his chest when he tried to get closer to you.
"Pedri por favor, aquí no" (Pedri please, not here) "Pedri, stop. We don't have anything to say"
"Y/N, bonita, te lo suplico-" (I beg you-)
"Vamos al cuarto, ¿si? We can talk about whatever you want and then you leave" (Let's go to my room, yeah?)
"I don't want to leave without you"
You looked into his big brown eyes as he looked into your (Eye color) ones for a good while, you sighed before breaking eye contact
"But you have to" You said nodding slowly, Pedri shook his head
"Por favor" (Please) He whispered
"This way" You turned around walking away while Pedri watched your every move
You called the elevator and entered when it came, you turned to Pedri
"You wanna talk or not?"
Pedri nodded and walked towards it, he turned his head to look at you
"Do I have something on my face?" He hummed for a few seconds before answering
"You're beautiful" He ignored your words as you looked up at him
"Please, stop that"
"I-" He got cut off by the elevator doors opening
"This way" You said walking off as he only could follow you.
You stopped walking when you got to the door 408, with the key you opened it and then stepped inside letting the door open for him to come in as well.
You took a seat in the couch and patted the spot next to you, he took it and you both were silent.
"So... ¿Vamos a hacernos compañía o vas a decir lo que sea que quieres decir?" (Are we going to be each others company for now or you are going to speak whatever you want to say?)
"I'm sorry" He began "I fucked up. I should've listened to you and put Victoria a stop, I should've been more careful with you and your feelings, not passing through them and ignore them. I believe you, I always did and I always will do but it seemed so unreal that what I thought was my best friend, could do such a things, hurt the one I love and the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, when her whole life she was protecting me and supporting me through everything"
"If my family wasn't there, she was. If my family didn't have an advice, she had. And for you to just say she did this and said this was a whole different thing from what I knew from her that I just couldn't believe it. But it was truth. And I'm sorry once more"
"Y/N, I'll do anything for us, I'm not giving up, we're so good together, I love you so much and if only I could turn back in time and do everything right I would but I can't, however, I'm here to mend things, I'm not expecting you to forgive me and that's it. I'll earn that forgiveness, I'll protect us and I'll be better for you if you let me, please. I love you, I want you and I need you"
"It's not easy as you made it sound, Pedri"
"Pedro" You shook your head
"That's something only family and close friends can call you, right?"
"Don't do this, please"
"But you did it first" You said pushing your lips together. Those were the exact same words he had told you the night you left "You really hurted me and you just can't change that. Please, I think it's best if we let this go" You looked into his brown eyes as he was shaking his head "For both of our own goods"
"Not having you in my life it's not good for me"
"Maybe not but it's the correct thing to do" You said "I just can't trust you anymore, no matter what you do. You told me I wasn't the same girl you fell in love with, that says enough"
"But it's not true, I said it in the heat of the moment! You are still the same girl I fell in love with and you're still the same girl I want to do my life with"
You stood in silence for a few moments before you stood up "I'm not that girl anymore, Pedri. Someone else might be"
"Y/N-" He stood up from the couch as well
"It's done" Your voice cracked
"Does he treat you good?"
"He does" You said simply nodding "He's-" You let out a laugh
"Does he likes you?" You nod
"He does" You remembered that night at your apartment, that same night he asked you to go to Venice with him and your family to get your mind out of your ex.
"You like him?"
You stood in silence "He's handsome and nice. He knows I'm healing and he knows I have feeling for someone else but that's not stopping him"
"I won't stop either"
"You should tho"
"I love you and I know I messed up but I can mend it, anything you want, think or say, I'll do it. I'll cross world wonders for you, oceans, vegetation, deserts, anything"
"You can't. Not this time" Both of you were crying now not caring about the other seeing you "I was hurt by every action and word you said, I reached the top and while I know you messed up, you could've prevented it and simply start acting like you should have but you didn't. And I can't handle that"
"Please" You said after a few minutes "I think it's time for you to go" You said walking away
He couldn't watch you walk away once more so he did what he had been wanting to do. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to him, in a hug.
"Let me go"
"Let me go"
"No" His grip got tighter on you as you were fighting and at the same time, enjoying being in your exlover's arms again.
His arms were your safe space and laying your head on his chest brought you peace but now all it brought back was hurt and pain.
Hurt and pain from the situation you were going through
"Pedro, please, let me go"
"I don't want you to leave me"
"I didn't left because I wanted to" Silence flowed in between the two of you as Pedri was crying into your neck "I did because you asked me to, you made me leave, you pushed me away when all I wanted and needed was you, to stay by your side and defend our relationship" You took a breath "None of that happened and now that I'm recovering from everything, I want you to leave, I want you to go away because I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me and just throws everything out of the window without listening first" You said with closed eyes and tears running down, he chocked on a sob
"I'm sorry" He cried
"I am too" You said kissing his cheek several times, your lips were salty both by yours and his. You breathed in his scent once more and allowed yourself to wrap your arms around him "Te quiero mucho and you are the prettiest love I've ever had, it's truly a sadness it went this way but I wish you the best, Pedro González" You kissed his cheek and with one of your hands carressed his face "Y muchas gracias for everything" He shook his head softly, his head relying on your palm
"Te amo and I always will" He said crying, kissing your neck, ear, cheek, nose "I'm sorry"
You were about to reply when two knocks came in and then someone entered
"Y/N, cariño. We are going to be late for the trip, weren't you so excited to see Venice's bea-Oh! Am I interrupting something?" You pulled away from Pedri shaking your head
"Para nada, Mason" (Not at all) You smiled softly drying your tears but these still fell "We're good"
Mason, the guy, turned around to look at Pedri who nodded looking down at the floor "I better leave" He whispered
"Bye Pedri" He turned to look at you "Nos vemos" (See you)
"Yeah, see you Y/N" He smiled softly, his world was collapsing but there was no way for him to stop it, it was too late. "Take care of her, hermano" Pedri said looking at Mason who nodded softly looking at you with a smile
"Will do" Pedri noticed the look on Mason's face and that's all it took for Pedri to know he was going to keep his word.
And with heavy and broken heart, he left the hotel. All the luck his friends wished for him and all the praying he did, were not enough. His world is and will not be the same without your presence, your kindness, your laughter, your smile and your love in it, he hated himself for what he had done but there was nothing he could do now more than respect your decision and learn how to copy with his mistake for the rest of his life.
You were always right. He let you go. And now you were okay with it but he wasn't.
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela @pedrileclerc @shineforeversf9 @shessthunderstoms @f4iryjjosh @judespoision @notsosurehritika @jajajhaahaha @urmotheris
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cherubinas · 7 months
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Matías Recalt wins Best New Actor at the 38th Goya Awards
Buenas noches. Es la primera vez que hago esto así que estoy bastante nervioso, eh, quería agradecer a la academia por este reconocimiento. Muchas gracias. Quería compartirlo con todos mis amigos de la montaña, con mis amigos del elenco, que creo sin ellos no, no hubiese sido posible. Creo que cada plano de cada uno de ellos hace a mi personaje y hubo mucho corazón en esta película y agradecérselo a ellos y compartilo con ellos. A J. Bayona, gracias. No sé qué hago acá, estoy flasheando, diría en argentino. Eh, a María Laura Berch, a Gustavo Saffores, a Emilia, al equipo de casting, a Sandra, Belén, eh, a Pablo Vierci, a toda la gente que hizo La sociedad de la nieve, realmente fuimos muchísimos para hacer esto, y dimos todo. A los sobrevivientes de los Andes, a los que no volvieron, a los familiares los que no volvieron por dejarnos contar su historia. Muchísimas gracias especialmente a Roberto Canessa por ser Roberto Canessa, un gran personaje para interpretar. A mi mamá, a mi hermano, a mis tíos, a mi abuela, a mis amigos. A mi novia, Male, te amo por acompañarme, gran compañera. Y especialmente a mi padre, que lo perdí antes de hacer esta película. Y esto te lo dedico a vos papá. Gracias. Y por último mandar un abrazo muy grande a mi país, Argentina, que está pasando un momento muy delicado y pedir que por favor no se manche la cultura. Muchas gracias y muchas veces. Vamos arriba.
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46snowfox · 2 months
Subaru Sakamaki Chaos Lineage Capítulo 6
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[Capítulo 5]
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Lugar: Mansión Violet Habitación de Subaru
Subaru: (¿…Ah? ¿Qué es esto? Se siente cálido y suave…)
Subaru: (Los latidos de su corazón son muy relajantes…)
Subaru: ¡¿…?!
Monólogo de Subaru:
“Salté por reflejo.
Cuando bajé la mirada me di cuenta de que Eva estaba durmiendo a mi lado. La mujer que es la clave para que uno se convierta en el rey supremo.
Parece que me quedé dormido mientras ella me abrazaba contra su pecho.
Recuerdo por qué ella me abrazó.
Me sacaba de quicio lo indefensa que era y que mis irremediables hermanos le hicieran lo que se les antojara—
Y me acabé desquitando con ella.
Sin embargo, ella me abrazó, como si aceptara mi molestia.
…Es estúpidamente comprensiva.
Es porque eres así que termino irritado, me duele el pecho e inmoralmente acabo dormido entre tus brazos.”
Subaru: …Rayos. ¿Aún tras amenazarla sigue sin entender?
Subaru: Para colmo se quedó dormida al lado de un hombre, completamente indefensa.
Subaru: …Aunque yo también me dormí mientras ella me abrazaba, así que no tengo cara para regañarla.
Yui: ¿Nn…?
Subaru: …Jeje, está balbuceando dormida. Tiene una cara tonta.
Subaru: (Es la primera vez que alguien me preocupa tanto.)
Subaru: (Y verla tan desprotegida me saca de quicio… ¿Por qué será?)
Subaru: (Incluso si Eva existe para crear al rey supremo, sigue siendo una humana y eso la hace nuestra presa.)
Subaru: (Un ser especial… ella no lo es en lo más mínimo.)
Subaru: ¿Presa…? Oh, cierto…
Subaru: Carla dijo que su sangre era asquerosa, pero cuando la bebí sabía deliciosa.
Subaru: Es indescriptiblemente deliciosa. ¿Acaso su lengua ya no sirve?
Subaru: (Mis sentimientos y su sangre… aquí hay algo raro.)
Subaru: (¿Lo percibiré así porque me he vuelto loco? ¿O acaso—?)
“Parece que me quedé dormida mientras abrazaba a Subaru-kun.
Antes de darme cuenta había terminado pasando la noche en su habitación.
A Subaru-kun le costaba mirarme a los ojos cuando desperté, pero no parecía enfadado.
Puede que lo esté malinterpretando, pero se veía avergonzado.
Tal vez sea porque nos quedamos dormidos mientras estábamos abrazados, pero siento que hoy somos más cercanos que ayer.
Los recuerdos de Subaru-kun todavía no regresan, pero desde lo más profundo de mi corazón puedo notar que él es a quien amo.
Y ahora siento que aquel muro invisible que había entre nosotros finalmente se ha derrumbado.”
Subaru: Como sea, eres demasiado descuidada, estás en constante peligro, así que no puedo quitarte los ojos de encima.
Subaru: Por eso quédate en mi habitación el mayor tiempo posible. ¿Entendido?
Subaru: Aquí ni Kou ni Laito podrán atacarte fácilmente.
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Yui: …Ok. Gracias Subaru-kun, por protegerme
Subaru: Ya te dije que no te estoy protegiendo.
Subaru: Además, yo también bebí tu sangre contra tu voluntad. ¿Lo entiendes?
Subaru: Y aun así me das las gracias, estás mal de la cabeza.
Subaru: Yo solo no quiero que el resto me quite a mi presa.
Yui: (Cuando me dice algo amable de inmediato suelta alguna frase con la que intenta alejarme.)
Yui: (¿…Acaso sus recuerdos reales y los actuales han empezado a chocar entre ellos?)
Yui: (Eso es una buena señal, ¿no? Ojalá recupere sus verdaderas memorias…)
Yui: Si me ayudas, entonces sé que estaré bien. Confío en ti.
Subaru: ¿…Aah?
Yui: (No importa cuántas cosas crueles digas. Ni que tan directo o antipático intentes ser.)
Yui: (Porque sé que te preocupas por mí. Y no puedo evitar sentirme feliz.)
Yui: No me importa ser tu presa. Así que permíteme estar a tu lado.
Subaru: ¡—! Maldita sea.
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Subaru: ¿Por qué sonríes como idiota?
Subaru: Ya me quedó claro que eres una compasiva irremediable. POR ESO, ni se te ocurra separarte de mí.
Yui: ¡…Sí!
Subaru: Aah… No sé por qué, pero estar contigo me vuelve loco…
Yui: Ajaja, ¿de verdad?
Yui: (Fufu, tanto reír me ha ayudado a relajarme.)
*suena un estómago*
Yui: (¡Ah…! ¡Me relajé tanto que mi estómago empezó a gruñir…!)
Subaru: Fufu… ¿A qué viene ese rugido?
Yui: (Uuh… que vergüenza.)
Subaru: Ahora que lo pienso, todavía no has desayunado. ¿Quieres comer algo?
Yui: Ah, ¡en tal caso quiero aprovechar de comer algo hecho por ti!
Subaru: ¿Aah? Tampoco puedo cocinar algo muy elaborado.
Yui: Aún así quiero. ¿Puedo?
Yui: (Subaru-kun cocina aquí, ¿no? Me da curiosidad.)
Subaru: Si no te molesta comer algo simple. Ayer Laito y Kou se la pasaron molestándote, así que quédate aquí—
Yui: ¡Kyaaa…!
Subaru: ¡¿…?!
Yui: ¿Qué fue eso?
Subaru: No sé… Pero dudo que sea algo bueno.
Subaru: …Tsk. Alguien está corriendo hacia esta habitación.
Yui: ¿Eh…?
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Azusa: ¡Subaru…!
Subaru: ¿Qué pasó, Azusa?
Azusa: Oh… Eva, también estabas aquí… justo a tiempo.
Yui: (Azusa-kun se ve muy alterado… ¿Qué está pasando?)
Azusa: Es un ataque de los Orange… vinieron a secuestrar a Eva.
Subaru: ¡¿…Qué?!
???: ¡Oigan! ¡¿En dónde escondieron a Eva?!
???: ¡Su majestad se quedará con Eva!
Yui: (Esta voz… ¡¿Ayato-kun?!)
Lugar: Mansión Violet, pasillo
Subaru: ¡Azusa! Ve por refuerzos antes de que lleguen más miembros de los Orange. ¡Rápido, antes de que venga alguien más!
Azusa: Sí.
Yui: Subaru-kun…
Subaru: ¿Qué pasa? No estés tan preocupada. Solo necesitas quedarte a mi lado.
Yui: ¡Sí…!
Subaru: Por ahora debemos buscar un lugar seguro—
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Ayato: Jeje, aquí estabas.
Subaru: ¡¿Qué…?!
Ayato: No irás a ningún lado. Oye tú, dame a Eva.
Subaru: ¿Eres idiota? Ni que fuera a dártela como si nada. Mejor vete a tu mansión cuanto antes.
Ayato: Bueno, no tienes que dármela. Si no lo haces solo tengo que robártela.
Subaru: …Oye, no te alejes de mí, sin importar qué pase.
Subaru: Azusa pronto volverá con los demás, así que no te dejes asustar por Ayato.
Preocuparte por Subaru-kun♟
Confíar en Subaru ♙
Preocuparte por Subaru:
Yui: Estoy preocupada por ti Subaru-kun, vas a tener que luchar solo contra Ayato-kun mientras me proteges, ¿no?
Yui: (A este paso va a tener que luchar contra Ayato-kun, a pesar de que es su verdadero hermano…)
Subaru: Tonta, no te preocupes por eso.
Subaru: Si nos quitan a Eva nada tendrá sentido. Y no tengo intenciones de entregarte a él.
Confiar en Subaru:
Yui: Sí, no tengo miedo. Confío en ti Subaru-kun, así que estoy segura de que todo estará bien.
Yui: (Además, si esta situación se extendiera demasiado acabarían peleando pese a que son hermanos reales… Y no quiero que eso suceda.)
Yui: Pero me duele imaginar que salgas herido por mi culpa.
Subaru: Ja, no te sientas así. Te haré entender de inmediato que no tienes nada de qué preocuparte.
Fin de las opciones
Subaru: Lo romperé en segundos.
Ayato: ¿Disculpa? Me sorprende que alardees tanto luego de pedir refuerzos.
Ayato: Te mandaré a volar antes de que lleguen los otros Violet y haré que Eva sea mía.
Subaru: ¡Cállate! ¡Deja de parlotear y ataca de una vez!
*choque de espadas*
Subaru: …Ja, lo sabía, no eres la gran cosa. Estás retrocediendo.
Ayato: Jeje, no lo haces nada mal. ¡Pero no podrás vencerme!
*choque de espadas*
Yui: ¡…!
Yui: Subaru-kun, Ayato-kun…
Yui: (Ese espíritu… No, lo que percibo es, ¿un aura asesina?)
Yui: (No es una simple pelea entre hermanos como las que solían tener, realmente intentan asesinarse…)
Yui: (¡Un paso en falso y uno de ellos matará al otro…!)
Yui: No… ¡Esto está mal!
Yui: ¡Subaru-kun, Ayato-kun, deténganse! ¡Dejen de pelear…!
Subaru: ¡Tonta! Retrocede. ¡Que ni se te ocurra acercarte!
Ayato: ¡Je, sigue distrayéndote con Eva! ¡¡Tonto!!
*choque de espadas*
Subaru: …
Ayato: … ¡¿Qué?!
Subaru: ¿Quién es el tonto? ¡Atacar tu flanco descubierto cuando das un ataque tan sencillo como ese es pan comido!
Ayato: Ugh… ¡Auch!
Yui: ¡Por favor deténganse! ¡No sigan…!
Yui: No deben matarse entre ustedes. Porque en realidad son—
Yui: ¡Ustedes son hermanos, son los Sakamaki!
Ayato: ¡Toma! ¡¿Qué te parece esto?!
*choque de espadas*
Subaru: Ugh… uh…
Yui: (Es inútil… No importa cuánto grite, no los alcanzo…)
Yui: (¡Si tan solo hubiera una forma en que pudiera detenerlos! ¿Por qué lo único que puedo hacer es observar?)
Yui (Si tan solo pudiera recuperar sus memorias—)
Ayato: ¡Muere…!
Subaru: ¡Cállate! ¡El que morirá serás tú!
[Capítulo 7]
¿Te gustan mis traducciones? Puedes apoyarme en ko-fi nwn.
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bitacoradeunadialover · 9 months
Headcanons random sobre los Diaboys
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Headcanons personales que son basura pero que de todos modos me encantan y están atorados en mi cabeza lol
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• Ayato no tiene idea de cómo usar un microondas o cualquier cosa relacionada con la cocina. Una vez había ordenado comida rápida. Como ésta llegó fría, quiso calentarla en el microondas. ¿Error? Lo dejó en el mismo recipiente de plástico en el que lo había recibido. Poco después la cocina estaba en llamas.
De más está decir que Reiji casi pierde la cabeza, y que cierto pelirrojo se quedó sin su mesada por largo tiempo.
• Laito quedaría impresionado por una chica que no le teme a los insectos. Por ejemplo, si puedes matar una araña o una cucaracha sin miedo, automáticamente comentará algo como "Cásate conmigo, Bitch-chan", sin dudarlo.
Esto no significa que él te ame ni mucho menos, pero seguro que está un poco muy impresionado por tu trasero valiente.
• Shu es completo ignorante sobre todo lo tecnológico, únicamente se limita a saber lo básico: cómo comprar en línea, cómo enviar mensajes y hacer llamadas con un teléfono celular y un par de cosas más.
¿Ese feo y viejo mp3? Lo usa porque dice que es más "práctico" que las aplicaciones que tienen los smartphones.
A menudo se queja en voz alta como el anciano que es sobre cómo los dispositivos electrónicos, a pesar de ser considerados “inteligentes”, resultan innecesariamente complicados de usar.
• Subaru suele escaparse de la mansión para ayudar en un refugio de animales cercano como voluntario. Nadie lo sabe y espera que así continúe.
• Reiji es un imbécil competitivo cuando se trata de la escuela. Incluso si es un vampiro Sangre Pura con más de doscientos años encima, no puede evitar desear tener las mejores calificaciones de la academia.
En una ocasión su calificación fue de 90 sobre 100 y casi se desmaya de la vergüenza.
Quemó ese maldito examen para que nadie lo supiera.
• Subaru fue detenido varias veces por destrucción de propiedad pública y privada (y por disturbios y peleas callejeras).
• A Kanato le gusta ir a jugueterías para ver peluches y muñecas lindas. Puede literalmente gastar toda su mesada en cosas de Sylvanian families.
• Alguna que otra vez Shu se plantea qué nombre le pondría a sus hijos si es que decide tenerlos (y sí, siempre se refiere al asunto en plural, como si pretendiera tener más de uno). Se ha puesto de acuerdo consigo mismo en que elegiría los nombres de sus compositores de música clásica o pintores y escritores favoritos.
• Shin mataría a cualquier imbécil que siquiera pretenda lastimar a un perro, ya fuera callejero o que tenga un dueño irresponsable o maltratador. Ni hablar de alguien que pretenda cazar a un lobo a uno de sus familiares.
• Por su parte, Subaru mataría a cualquiera que pretendiera dañar a un animal. ¿Hay un grupo de niños queriendo lastimar a un pajarito con una resortera? Les aseguro que los asustará tanto que jamás se les cruzará la idea de nuevo.
Y es que Subaru, incluso si es demasiado tsundere como para admitirlo en voz alta, siente que los animales son los seres más puros sobre esta tierra y realmente se siente querido por ellos. Como si fueran los únicos seres capaces de ver algo bueno en él. Bebé lo amo.
• Entre los 90's y los 2000 Ayato quiso ser un cantante de rock pop. Después decidió que no era lo suyo, que quería ser basquetbolista profesional. Sus hermanos suelen burlarse de eso cuando Ayato se vuelve muy molesto y Laito tiene fotos de su look en ese momento sólo para fastidiarlo.
• Los 50's fueron los años y la época favorita de Laito.
Esto es todo por ahora, bye bye
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rutlancecf · 9 days
Carta de Damian Wayne para el Hada de los dientes (siendo leída por sus hermanos)
"Respetada Hada de los Dientes:
Sé que no te he escrito antes, y tampoco tenía idea de tu existencia. Pido disculpas por mi ignorancia. Mis hermanos mayores me han contado de ti, y de como llevas a cabo tu transacción monetaria cada vez que encuentras un diente bajo la almohada de un niño.
Sé que muchas veces he manifestado a mis mayores y demás que no soy un infante, pero en confidencia, realmente nunca llegué a ser uno por la forma en la que me crió la familia de mi madre. Era de vital importancia para ellos que yo fuera un ser perfecto, sin fallas ni defecto alguno, por lo que me volví en un adulto en vez de vivir la dulce infancia e inocencia que exudan los pequeños.
Mas no son mis primeros años de vida los que quisiera argüir en esta misiva, no. De acuerdo a mis queridos hermanos mayores, de los que estoy seguro ha visitado en infinidad de veces, (Y mire que me da un poco de celos tener conocimiento de que usted los percibiera en tan tierna edad) yo debería perpetuar el ritual por el cuál se basa su existencia.
Pero no quiero, no quiero hacerlo, y es por eso que le he escrito esta carta para hacerle entender mi razón.
Debido a mi posición, y estilo de vida, no requiero de un estímulo o compensación monetaria, ya tengo demasiado de eso. Así que le pido que se lo dé a otro pequeño que esté en una situación precaria.
Mas, si usted puede condescender un deseo, le pido con gran fervor y conmiseración para mi persona, que me asista a influir un cambio en las demás personas sobre la percepción que tienen de mí. He realizado tantas cosas y acciones que me perpetúan un lugar en el Infierno, lo sé, he estado ahí; que necesito su ayuda, no para librarme de mi destino hasta el final de los tiempos, sino para que en el tiempo que me quede para caminar entre los vivos mis semejantes puedan expresarme un poco de amor, un poco de empatía, un poco de orgullo hacia mi persona. Y que esto sea para soportar mi estancia en el Tártaro.
Por favor, por favor. Ayúdeme, ayúdeme para que las personas que amo abran sus ojos y vean que estoy aquí, que no me abandonen. Mi alma ya estaba perdida desde que nací.
Sé que he impetrado algo díficil, tal vez imposible, pero tengo un poco de fé, un poco de fé de que alguien me mire sin temor u odio a los ojos y me sonría.
Lamento pues, haberle quitado algo de su valioso tiempo que usted se ha tomado para leer esta carta, la cuál espero que reciba y me concediera una respuesta en caso de ser factible.
Me despido esperando volver a saber de usted, viable a causa de que aún tengo una dentadura infantil.
Con sincero decoro, Ibn al Xu'ffasch Damian Thomas Wayne Al Ghul.
P. D. Debido a mi reciente conocimiento sobre su labor en el mundo, me he tomado la libertad de elegir una caja de té de jengibre y ponerla a su disposición, para contrarrestar los efectos de la fatiga.
Jason terminó de leer la carta y se quedó viendo a sus otros dos hermanos, quiénes desviaban la mirada y la clavaban al piso, teniendo pensamientos y sentimientos encontrados. Volvió a meter la hoja al sobre y con cuidado, volvió a meterla bajo la almohada de Damian, que aún seguía dormido bajo los efectos residuales de la anestesia.
- Buenas noches, pequeño demonio.- Le acarició con delicadeza los cabellos y se salió de la pieza del más chico.
Tim se aproximó a la cama e inclinándose, le dio un beso en la frente a su hermano menor.
- Dulces sueños, gremlin.- Le dijo en voz baja, yéndose tras Todd.
Al quedarse solo, Grayson se sentó en la orilla de la cama, sacó el sobre y la muela para meterlos dentro de su pantalón, miró por un momento al chiquillo durmiente, y con el corazón pesado, se recostó a un lado suyo, abrazándolo contra sí.
- Te queremos, Pequeño D, y estoy muy orgulloso de tenerte como mi hermanito menor.- Acarició sus cabellos y le besó la frente.- Pase lo que pase, siempre estaremos contigo, pajarito. Y te prometo que, sin importar cómo, yo mismo iré al infierno y te sacaré de lo más profundo del abismo. No te rindas, Damian. No te rindas.-
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jossgames-kookie · 20 days
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Stan and Ford❤️❤️
Amo estos 2 hermanos siempre serán mis personajes favoritos aunque estoy pensando seriamente volver hacer este dibujo
I love these 2 brothers they will always be my favorite characters although I am seriously thinking about doing this drawing again
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yurnu · 2 months
En un futuro en quimera au la pandilla del hotel se reúne en la sala para charlar y ver televisión.
Charlie: al fin las cartas de fanáticos de Adam se an reducido después de meses que gano ese concurso.
Vaggie: el solo trae problemas.
Charlie: no digas eso cariño no es su culpa.
Angel dust: si vag él no es el casco que fue tu jefe gran parte de tú vida, recuerdas el objeto que llamabas señor.
Vaggie se enoja y mira con furia a angel, el solo la ignora.
Angel dust: se que tiene buenas tetas pero aun no puedo creer que ganara los best boobs en su primer intento.
Niffty: el pecho del chico malo siempre se ve tan suave, pero el otro chico malo no me deja tocarlo.... amo el posesivo yaoi!
Husk: guárdate eso, no quieres que el te oiga y te ponga en su lista negra como al rey corto que no puede ni estar a 2 metros del pájaro gigante sin que le prendan fuego.
Charlie: los últimos meses las cosas fueron un poco locas.
Angel dust: ni que lo digas, sabes cuantas películas tuve que hacer representando a un gigante cachondo, creo perdí un auto de juguete en mi pecho.
Angel dust: desearía que un lindo gatito me ayudara a buscar.
husk solo lo ignora.
Charlie: como decía las cosas estuvieran locas, pero ahora que las cosas se calmaron y con la ayuda de papá el hotel puede comenzar a funcionar.
Televisión: (secuencia generica de noticias)
Katy killjoy: soy Katy killjoy
Tom: y yo Tom t....
Katy empuja a tom.
Katy: tu no eres el importante! realmente no importas.
Katy: como decía empezamos con una buena noticia.
Tom: alfin tenemos una buena noticia.
Katy: si después de meses de presentar artículos para hacer miserables sus ya tristes vidas.
Tom: y no olvidemos de los artículos picantes para los degenerados en sus casas.
Katy: y tú eres uno de esos tom, continuando con lo que decía, otra empresa en el infierno a incorporado recursos humanos, esta vez aunque usted no lo crea es una parte de mammon industrias.
Tom: si después de meses de amenazas de muerte, robos y una perdida de ganancias devido a una campaña de desprestigio en redes sociales, mammon se une a tener RH en su equipó.
Katy: quien diría que todo comenzó con el ascenso del overlord Susan, gran mujer yo también pienso solo en el dinero.
Tom: y que lo digas Katy ella a mejorado la vida de todos en solo unos meses, mucho más que lo que la familia Morningstar a echo en no lo se....miles de años.
Katy: solo miles? Desde siempre, ahora el overlord Susan es el último clavo en el ataúd para la reputación de la familia real, la gente se pregunta porque tienen como rey a un gremblin simp que nunca a echo nada por ellos.
Tom: también su hija Charlena creo se llama tiene aun ese tonto hotel.
Katy: esa porquería sigue abierta?! Acaso cree que alguien querría ir a ese lugar después de que fuera el centro de la mayor masacre de pecadores! Y eso es decir mucho por que bueno estamos en el infierno.
Tom: es muy triste y patético que aun crea que alguien se quiera quedar en ese lugar.
(Inicio de comerciales)
Charlie esta triste y es consolada por su novia.
Vaggie: cariño no escuches a esos idiotas y céntrate en lo bueno.
Charlie: tienes razón vaggie, los tengo a ustedes, a papá y alfin los carteros dejaran de tirar el correo a la puerta porque el hermano de papá no deja de quemar las cartas aun en sus manos cuando se acercan al hotel.
Alastor: espero ese grupo de degenerados no siga manchando mi imagen.
Todos se sorprenden porque nadie sabia que Alastor estaba ahí.
Angel dust: sigues enojado por que un fanático de Adam mando esos dibujos de tí y vox?
Alastor no dijo nada pero el sonido estático notaba lo enojado que estaba.
Charlie: muy bien ahora que estamos todos debemos pensar que hacer para ayudar al hotel, cuando regrese papá debemos tener un plan.
Comienzo de noticias
Katy: hola de nuevo pervertidos y degenerados tenemos una segunda buena noticia.
Tom: esto es real aunque no lo crean.
Kary: es verdad y para todos los amantes de las tetas de pajaro de nuestra criatura sexy monstruosamente mortal favorita Un usuario en voxtagram llamado nottheking69 subió fotos de muchos ángulos de los pechos favoritos de todos.
tom: no solo de pechos, también fotos durmiendo y videos del primer hombre maullando? Me pregunto quien será el enfermo que logro tal hazaña.
De regreso con el grupo del hotel.
Angel dust: parece que el correo seguirá siendo un problema.
(No sé quién eres, usuario desconocido, Pero me encanta tus ideas con respecto a este AU. Le quiero mucho (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠) )
||🔱🪹 Chimera!Adam AU 🪹🔱||
En eso se escucha un fuerte estruendo que sacude todo el hotel. El grupo se gira justo a tiempo para ver dos borrones blanco y negro que se dirigen hasta el exterior.
Michael: ¡BLAFEMO DE MIERDA! ¡TE ARRANCARE UNA POR UNA TUS REPUGNANTES ALAS Y TE LAS METERÉ POR EL CULO! ¡BASTARDO REPUGNANTE QUE TE APROVECHAS DE LA INGENUIDAD DE ADAM! —gritó el arcángel mientras que perseguía a Lucifer con su espada de fuego decenvainada —
Lucifer: ¡No me arrepiento de nada! ¡Es un crimen mantener oculto esos gordos pechos que me la ponen gorda! — gritó el Serafín aleteando con todas sus fuerzas, pero el poder de la ira de Michael era más fuerte, quien estaba pasándola los talones—
Con la crew:
Angel Dust: Bueno... Tengo que admitir que la posesividad de Michael es bastante candente.
Charlie solamente se cubre el rostro y suelta un gemido de frustración.
Bajando las escaleras aparece la quimera Adam, quién ladeó la cabeza como una paloma al ver el deprimente ambiente, al menos por el aura que rodea a Charlie.
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saintsr · 7 months
Hola, aquí otros de mis desvaríos ahora entre Saint Seiya y QSMP, por que los amo.
Hello, here are some of my ravings now between Saint Seiya and QSMP, because I love them.
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Shun y Missa se me hacen parecidos, a los dos los subestiman, creen que no pueden pelear, siempre los mas pacifistas. Sin embargo, si son provocados suelen ser los más peligrosos. Su alma es pura no quieren hacerle daño a nadie solo quieren que todos sean amigos, familia y tranquilidad.
Shun and Missa seem similar to me, they both underestimate them, they think they can't fight, always the most pacifist. However, if they are provoked, they are usually the most dangerous. Their soul is pure, they don't want to hurt anyone, they just want everyone to be friends, family, and peace of mind.
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Los dos vienen de lugares Antarticos, de fria calma tanto para las batallas como para su vida en general, leales hasta la muerte con sus seres queridos, Hyoga perdio el ojo por cumplir una deuda con un viejo amigo que le salvo la vida. También en coqueto y emparejado con muchos personajes.
The two come from Antarctic places, of cold calm both for battles and for their life in general, loyal to death with their loved ones, Hyoga lost his eye for fulfilling a debt to an old friend who saved his life. Also flirtatious and paired with many characters.
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Natassia es una niña que nacio de varios cuerpos muertos usada como contenedor pero después de un encuentro con Hyoga lo termina llamando papá, también llama papá a Shun los dos le dan cariño y la educan para lo mejor. Siento que puede ser raro con los dos huevos, pero sus nacimientos son extraños en una de las investigaciones supieron que tenian ADN humano , pero a pesar de todo los dos son amados no importa nada mas son familia se quieren y aman la vida y eso es lo que importa.
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Esta es visión de Missa,(se que a Spreen no le gusta el Rol play) entradas épicas, siempre dispuestos a salvar a su hermano menor Shun pero llevando una buena relación con los demas. No tiene miedo a pelear enseñando a Shun y Missa respectivamente al principio no sabes si es enemigo o amigo.
This is Missa's vision, (I know Spreen doesn't like role-playing) epic entries, always willing to save his younger brother Shun but carrying a good relationship with others. He's not afraid to fight, teaching Shun and Missa respectively, at first you don't know if he's enemy or friend.
Maybe Expand on this later or if you don't know the work you can explain.
Tal vez amplíe esto o no si no conoces la obra tal vez pueda explicarlo. 😉
Gracias por leer. 😉😊💕💕
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cool-i-hateme · 3 months
Pienso en ti todo el día desde que te fuiste y comenzaste este viaje. No hago más que verte en todo lo que hago en el diario, en toda la música que escucho, en todo lo que como y hasta en lo que mi familia dice. ¿Qué me hiciste esta vez que te metiste tan adentro de mi pecho?
Ayer prendí el computador del trabajo (por cierto, renuncié) y quise llorar, comí arepas y nuevamente se me llenaron los ojos de lagrimas; quería que estuvieras a mi lado riendo mientras compartía contigo lo que comía y así con todo, con la música que escucho e incluso con lo que pienso. Ayer mi hermano me barrió los pies y me acordé de esa vez cuando hablabamos de supersticiones y me dijiste que ni así me libraría de casarme contigo; claramente lloré solo de recordarlo.
Y bueno, hoy también quise llorar; de hecho, sí lloré (pero espere a llegar a mi casa y poder encerrarme en el baño como toda una campeona, jajaja :( ). Fui a mi entrevista de trabajo e inmediatamente quise contarte que me perdí llegando al lugar, y que esta vez creo que sí me fue bien. Llegué a casa, desayune más por obligación que por hambre (de hecho, estos días, como porque tal vez tú te preocuparías si no lo hiciera, de otro modo, no puedo probar bocado), y también le conte a mi psicóloga de ti. Me ayudó hablarlo con alguien. De cualquier modo, espero con ansias que vuelvas para contarte todo esto y hacerme la enojada, y pedirte que ya no te vayas más porque mi corazoncito de pollo no puede lidiar con tu ausencia. 
Te amo, mas de lo que te imaginas.
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secretpostsposts · 8 months
Holaa! Este Au enserio es mi favorito. Me encantan los hermanos posesivos. Lo adoro 💗💗
tntengo curiosidad ¿Branch muestra lados tiernos con sus hermanos cuando están en público?
Y se que sale del tema, pero ¿Los hermanos regañan a Branch frente a sus amigos? ¿Como reacciona Branch ante esto?
AHH! Me encanta muchísimo esto, de verdad lo amo 💗
or if it's tender, sometimes, maybe 1 or 2 times a day. and if before he said that Branch hated it when his brothers held his hand or became clingy in public, now he likes it or likes it, his tender moments that he has are initiating contact whether he is the one who holds their hand or just approaching to them so that their arms touch each other, this is the maximum he will reach in public (apart from what he publishes before wagging his tail and making small jumps), and in private he would be able to initiate a hug or seek comfort (and basically he acts like a sweet child), that's before he realizes that his brothers are crazy, and it continues that way for a bit during the isolation. And about the scoldings? Not much in public, but you can give him small scoldings, like taking something out of his hands and saying "no" or giving him a little hit on the hand, and when he has more control over Branch they are more solid scoldings. and manipulators.
With the little scoldings, the friends find him funny and cute, Branch finds him annoying and uncomfortable at first, and then he is just annoying. The more solid or bigger bullying (includes a bit of yelling, or just raising your voice, and grabbing Branch's arms tightly and shaking him) Branch finds it worrying and scares him, the brothers do it away from town or in private so no one knows about it
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cutkeyofhell · 1 year
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Mini comic Helltaker x DOOM - hice este comic en mayo de 2022, la verdad se volvió bastante popular hasta llego a un foro ruso eso fue re loco y un canal de YouTube le hiso doblaje pero creo que lo pusieron en oculto o algo, una pena realmente me había gustado la interpretación.
Soy mayormente fan de Helltaker amo mucho la estética del juego además de ke me gustan los juegos de citas. En el caso de Doom me empecé a interesar en el por la influencia de un amigo y a pesar de que no eh jugado ningún juego de Doom tal cual ( eso es gracioso ya ke el DOOM original corre hasta en pruebas de embarazo) si me interese en el lore y creo que la trama de Daisy tiene mucho potencia si la mesclo con la de Helltaker (da para mucho chistes).
Tengo una segunda parte de este comic escrita hace tiempo pero no me eh tomado el tiempo de para dibujarla ( mas que nada por la universidad) pero ha este punto pensaba hacer un remake de este primer comic y añadirle la segunda parte, ahora que ya definí mejor el diseño de Daisy y tal vez integrar a mi oc Belfeg ( realmente quiero poner a interactuar al Doom guy con el Helltaker, los hermanos todo opuestos). Me gusta la teoría de ke la madre del helltaker es un demonio y si es hermano del doom guy eso haría que la madre de doom guy también fuese un demonio, eso explicaría un poco lo mamadisimo que esta. ( se que lo que acabo de decir es medio sacrilegio no me peguen )
Espero hacer el remake de esto antes de que vanripperart saque su próximo proyecto.
Justicia best girl !!!
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Believe what you want is amazing! We need part 2 if you can, love it 💕
After a long while, here's happy ending, you can read part 1 here "Believe What You Want" and the angsty second part here "Angsty Version" . Tbh, I don't know what I did here, I was falling asleep in front of my laptop💀 so yeah sorry if it isn't good😭
I took ages to do this one, I know but I've been extremely busy and sometimes I can't with myself
Believe What You Want (2) - P.G8
(Happy ending)
Summary: After realizing he fucked up, he tries his best to get you back
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"I overheard them speaking that night at Fer's birthday. Victoria was going on about you and her, that your things with Y/N would end up soon... Those kind"
Pedri's mind was racing in fear and agony. "No" He whispered "Is there any possibility for Victoria to have made those burns in Y/N's skin?" "
"Well, it can be... She got out of the house around noon so..." Pedri's eyes clicked up like lightning all the dots were connecting by your side.
You were right. All this time you were.
He had been too stupid to realize that
"No" He whispered once more
"What's up, dude?"
"I fucked up bro. Big one"
"She doesn't answer me" Pedri said for the fifteen time in a row pacing around in his room
"And she won't answer to you" Fer said "I mean... I wouldn't answer you either"
Pedri had explained everything to the three guys in the room, Fer knowing a bit more thanks to you. And he knew that his younger brother loves you to death but he also knows that what he did, wasn't right.
"¡Joder! ¡Soy un puto idiota!" (Fuck! I'm an asshole!) Pedro yelled kicking a ball in his room crashing into one of your pictures together "No, joder... No" (No, shit... No) He hurried to pick up the picture and inspect it. It had one little scratch made from the glass, the scratch made in between the two of you.
He shook all the negative thoughts that were running in his head and changed the photo frame.
"Well, you've got to understand her" Adrián began speaking "All of this could be true and her boyfriend just choosed to not believe her"
"I did not just choose not to believe her"
"You basically did, bro" Fer hissed "I mean... If my girl tells me that I would do more than just talking with each girl separatedly"
"And not only that but you also told her your personal fights as a couple" Jesús said
"Because she's my best friend!"
"Hermano..." Fer started "That's meant to be something only for the two of you, not something for you, Victoria and Y/N" Fer shook his head "I mean... It's okay you ask someone else for an advice, like what to do or stuffs but not to rant because for that, you've your girl. The one who's in the relationship with you. The one who's with you in the goods and the bads" silence flowed into the room, Pedri's heart was beating incredibly fast "If you want her back, you need to fully work for it, Pedro. Words won't do half of the work you gotta do"
And that was it.
Pedri broke down, feeling already the loss of the love of his life not being next to him, this time a bit heavier than the past 7 days. He left you when you didn't do anything at all. He threw you and your relationship away without a good reason. Tears escaped his eyes and his breathing was erratic.
All of his thoughts were about you and imaginating a life without you in it, thanks to himself.
"I'll be back before midnight" Pedro said grabbing his phone, wallet and car keys
"Where are you going? Won't you even take a shower? You smell" Adrián said shaking his head
"He cometido un grave error con la chica que amo, en estos momentos oler bien o estar guapo es lo que menos me vale" (I've made a big mistake with the girl I love, right now I don't care if I smell or look good)
"Pedro" Fer called him before he got out of the room "Buena suerte, hermano" (Good luck, bro) Pedri for the first time ever, smiled a bit.
"Thank you"
He was going to work for your forgiveness. He will make you fall in love with him again. He will win your trust again. You'll be happy with him. You'll be with him. He was going to make sure that happen.
And for that, he needed answers.
"Yes, there was a (Hair color) girl, with (Type of Eyes), a bit short, she was pretty nice. Sad thing she got hurt" A boy behind the counter said hissing remembering the moment "Elianna went with her, she said it was pretty bad but nothing that some cream and care couldn't do"
"Is that girl here? Elianna?" Pedri asked hopeful
"She's on her lunch break right now" The guy answered "She has the whole shift... Is it important?"
"Yes, really important" Pedri said without a doubt
"I'll let her know. You can sit anywhere and if you want to have a drink you can tell me" Pedri nodded slowly walking away.
He didn't know how much time he was there until a redhaired girl walked up to him, he without thinking straight stood up
"My workmate said you were looking for me?"
"Are you Elianna?" She nods "I'm Pedro. I'm the boyfriend of the girl that was poured coffee all over her"
"How's she?" She asked after gasping a bit at the mention of you. "I hope she's better"
"Ah-yes, she is a bit better. Thank you for asking" Pedri nodded nervous "Can I ask you something?" The girl nodded "Who poured the coffee on her?"
"Some random girl, Y/N said the girl didn't liked her..."
"Could you maybe describe her?"
"Oh, sure!" Elianna nodded "She had long hair, brunette with blonde highlights, she used tight clothes and she wasn't as short as Y/N, she was a bit more taller, maybe just like you?"
That was exactly Victoria's description.
"She entered a few minutes before Y/N, after I gave her a box of cupcakes she just kind of ran away and then next thing I knew was that the same girl poured hot coffee on Y/N"
Pedri stood there taking in all the information
"She hasn't been here since that day" Pedri nods humming "However, Y/N has and I know for a fact that her boyfriend broke up with her thanks to his best friend" Pedri looked up at her, guilt filled over his body "Why are you behind her? She's been awful these past few days, she's recovering from your treatment, why the need of asking all of this, if you don't believe her?"
"Because I fucked up. I fucked up big time and I want to mend it"
"Wish you luck... You'll deserve it because if I was her, I wouldn't even give you the time of the day or spare you a single look" Pedri looked down in shame and regret "I need to go... You want to order something?" He shook his head
"Not feeling hungry at all" He murmured grabbing his wallet and pushing some money into the girl's hand
"You aren't ordering anything"
"For you... For the help, for the info. Thank you"
And with that Pedri stood up and left the cafeteria. As soon as his body met the Catalan air, he fought the need of crying his everything out. You were right, just like you always were.
"I shouldn't have just let it pass" He said crying to himself now in the calm of his car. "I should have done something" He lamented.
His phone lighted up with a notification he didn't care about, his focus remained on a photo from the two of you at one of his spots in Barcelona to calm down and relax.
"Please, mi niña. Tell me how to make things right, tell me it's not too late, just please..." he begged at nothing because you weren't there and you haven't been since 7 days ago.
And as reality was hitting him, he knew there could be a possibility of you not going into his life ever again. Leaving him for your own good while he was suffering.
Pedro picked up his phone and dialed his best friend Jesús's number.
"¿Aló?" (Hello?)
"You said you heard them speak that night at Fer's birthday, right? I need to know everything you heard and if you saw something too, I'm on my way to pick you up so we can talk"
"You're really working for Y/N?"
"I am" Pedri nodded "I fucked up and I'm trying to mend everything with her"
"I'm waiting for you, hermano and also..."
"¿Qué?" (What?)
"Good luck, you'll need it"
That phrase was starting to get on his nerves, he didn't liked how that sounded, because it seemed like even with all the effort he'll make, it'll not be enough to bring you back into his arms.
"Thanks bro"
...Two days later...
"Why?" Pedri said entering Victoria's house
"Hola Vic. ¿Cómo estas? ¿Qué tal va todo? Días sin verte" (Hi Vic. How are you? How's everything going? Long time not to see) She mockingly said with a smile but her smile was wipped off of her face when she saw Pedri's seriousness
"No estoy para juegos. Dime el por que has hecho eso" (I'm not in the mood for games. Tell me why you've done that)
"Done what?"
"¿Me estás tomando el pelo?" (Are you making fun of me?) Pedri hissed angry "Stop playing around and tell me... why you did all of that to Y/N?"
Victoria's face changed
"I didn't do anything"
"You did. Don't lie to me about anything because I know how things went now" Victoria's face changed
"What do you mean?"
"I know you poured hot coffee on her that day at the coffee, I know you've been telling her things behind my back about my relationship with her and stuffs, I know you poured her drink on yourself but made it look like it was her doing" Pedri shook his head not believing it "You faked things and like a fucking stupid I believed them, when the one I should've believed was my girlfriend! You damaged my relationship but I was the one breaking it for believing you, for believing my best friend"
"I let go the woman I'm in love with and it was all thanks to you because I never thought that my best friend, the one who has been besides me through my whole life could do such a thing and lie to me straight to my face!" Pedri's face was red and he never stopped to take a bit of air, he was fuming, he was angry and all he wanted to do was make Victoria disappear.
But most of all, all he wanted was to get you back.
"Those are lie-"
"If you even dare to say lie, I will pour the same drink Y/N was drinking that day at Fer's birthday, this time someone pouring it over you for real"
"She's making those things up!"
"She's making nothing up! I saw the video of the CCTV camera of the coffee shop, Jesús heard and saw the two of you at Fer's birthday and now that I connect dots, every single thing Y/N has told me, has sense now. And I hate the fact I couldn't see through it, I hate that I put my girlfriend's words in doubt all thanks to someone who didn't deserved a single look"
"Pedro, stop. You're hurting me"
"And don't you think you've hurted me before? You knew I was having troubles with her and all you wanted was to get her away from me. Why?" Nothing came out of Victoria's mouth
Your words came back to him and he blinked thrice, suddenly being brought back.
"Don't know" You sighed "As much as Victoria might love each and every single one of you, guys... I can assure you that what she said to me today and the way she said it, it wasn't a joke" You said "I'm a girl and I have a male best friend too. But I wouldn't say those kind of stuffs just as a friend or to see if she's worth and good for him" You shook your head "Es más, ni siquiera le diría algo de ese estilo a ella" (I wouldn't even tell her something like that)
"She likes you" You said after a few more seconds "And that's it"
"Can I ask you something and you answer me with the truth?" Pedri said with his heart on the edge, he waited and all he got was a simple and small nod from Victoria "Are you in love with me?"
A few seconds passed where Pedri's eyes never left Victoria's "Yes" She said softly "I am" Pedri felt the air being knocked out from his lungs "Pedrito"
"No" He shook his head looking away "No" Pedri's eyes grow watery, he couldn't believe it. Once again, you were right, his actions and words replaying in his head, the way he ignored your feelings, the way he treated you, everything was haunting him. "Don't call me Pedrito nor Pedro, Pedri, Pepi, nothing. Don't even call me, forget about me, you are not my best friend"
"Pedri, por favor, don't do this"
"No. I didn't do anything, you did it yourself. Best friends don't do what you did to me, if you truly loved me, you could've straight up tell me that not take it out on the girl I'm in love with"
"In love with? So in love you are, you did not believed a single thing from her"
"And that was my biggest mistake because I thought "Why on earth the girl that has been besides me since forever would do something to damage me or the ones I love?"" Pedri laughed ironically shaking his head "I was so wrong and I regret every single thing I did since I saw Y/N leave on Fer's birthday but guess what? I had the one I thought was my best friend besides me but I never did"
"You still have me"
"If I do, I don't care, the one I truly need isn't here" Pedri shook his head "But I did needed my best friend those seven days to tell me everything was going to be okay, that I could move on, that I was in the right and Y/N in the wrong, that I did good in breaking up with someone who could only do was lie but then I find everything out and I realized I was just a puppet in the side of your game and I fell for it"
"Don't say it like that"
"That's exactly what it was" Pedri shook his head "´Now, me disculpas pero me tengo que ir" (Excuse me but I've got to go)
"¿Y para dónde vas?" (Where are you going?)
"You shouldn't care about that, Victoria. Hope you have a good life" With that Pedri turned around and walked outside of her house when almost inside his car he heard her yell his name out
"Pedro!" He looked at her "I'm sorry"
Pedri joined his lips and nodded softly, lifting one of his hands giving her a wave before he got into the car and drove off to certain destination with a single intention.
"What do you mean she's not here?"
"She hasn't been here since like a week ago?" The older lady said with a smile "She said she'll come back tho"
"Do you know where she might be?"
"I don't, mijo. I'm so sorry" She looked at Pedro carefully "Is everything okay?"
"I need to know where she is so I can fix things between us" Pedro answered with a lump on his throat, his voice cracked a bit and he looked down at his shoes
The older lady sighed "I'm pretty sure you'll fix everything that may be happening with the two of you, son"
"I don't know, miss. I messed up really big this time"
"From what I've seen you love each other so much, I've never seen someone look at her in the way you do and vice versa, talking things out can be really helpfull instead of letting problems grow"
"The thing is I never let her talk and all I did was say things I shouldn't" Pedri shook his head
"You know? She's looking really pretty in those pictures, maybe you can start from there" A loud "Abuela" was heard as the older lady smiled looking over her shoulder
"What pictures?"
"Oh, you know... The ones you take, the ones you update, the ones people take, those pictures..." The woman was smiling softly "Don't let her go" And with that she left leaving Pedri sat in front of your doorstep
He was sat there analyzing the woman's words. Pictures? The ones you take? Update? People take? Pedri's mind ran 120km/h trying to guess what she meant of and after some minutes and what it felt a whole lifetime, he confused grabbed his phone and clicked on Instagram.
You liked it even more than Twitter or even Tiktok, Pedri remembered with a smile the moments where you would "fight", he; claiming Tiktok was better as you defended Instagram with your life
He typed your user with no reward, you blocked him. And it was no surprise at all but his heart still broke a little bit more when he couldn't find you.
He sighed closing his eyes and relying his head in your door, fighting the tears, it seemed like he only could do that in the past days, cry 'till he had no more tears inside of him, fight the urge to cry and feel his stomach fall to his feet. He hated feeling this way and he hated the way he must have put your through
He unlogged his session and went into his mother's, you couldn't have blocked her, could you? With shaky hands and blurry eyes he typed in your user and this time your profile was the first one to appear, the colorful circle around your picture meaning you had stories up.
While he was sad, you were in Venice with your friends and family, he recognized almost all of the faces in the pictures, all of them except one, a male's one.
That quickly catched his attention, that guy appeared in eight out of ten pictures and in all of them he was besides you. You even tagged him on one and Pedri's thumb directly went to his account.
One of the most recent post of the guy said: "I hate the fact that when I met my soulmate she had boiling coffee burns on her but I certainly don't hate the fact I got to meet you, baby!"
Pedri's stomach flipped, seeing your answers of "♥️🥰" made his head turn everywhere, in an instant he got up and headed towards the elevator in his mind only three things. His passport, Venice and you.
Due to some storms in Spain, he couldn't get out that same day and neither the next day, it was day three when he got into the plane and one day after he was in the same residence as you were.
He saw your brother and followed him, he felt like being on Matrix, he was making sure no one saw or heard him, that was until he stumbled on a vanity table and knocked half of the things that were in there
"What was that?" He heard and that's when he ran, the quitness and calm forgotten as he was desperate to find you. He took a right turn colliding with a female chest after a few seconds
"Joder, lo siento mucho" (Fuck, I'm so sorry) He said inmediately
"Pedro?" You said shocked as he also stood there impressed. You looked even more beautiful than always. Your tanned skin, your red cheeks and your Y/H color making you look perfect. "Pero, ¿Qué haces aqui? (but, what are you doing here)
"Por ti. I came here for you, I want to talk to you"
"We don't have anything to talk, in fact, you don't even have to come here, you don't have a reason to travel all the way from Barcelona to Venice"
"I did, I do. My reason is you and you'll always be. I fucked up, yeah? I get that" Pedri shakes his head "You were right" He opens his mouth but closes it "You were right all this time and I'm sorry I couldn't see it through, I'm sorry I did not take your words, I'm sorry I just kinda left and pushed your feelings aside, you deserve more, you deserve better but I can be better, I can be what you want, need and more if you want me to"
You started shaking your head, pushing him back from his chest when he tried to get closer to you.
"Pedri por favor, aquí no" (Pedri please, not here) "Pedri, stop. We don't have anything to say"
"Y/N, bonita, te lo suplico-" (I beg you-)
"Vamos al cuarto, ¿si? We can talk about whatever you want and then you leave" (Let's go to my room, yeah?)
"I don't want to leave without you"
You looked into his big brown eyes as he looked into your (Eye color) ones for a good while, you sighed before breaking eye contact
"But you have to" You said nodding slowly, Pedri shook his head
"Por favor" (Please) He whispered
"This way" You turned around walking away while Pedri watched your every move
You called the elevator and entered when it came, you turned to Pedri
"You wanna talk or not?"
Pedri nodded and walked towards it, he turned his head to look at you
"Do I have something on my face?" He hummed for a few seconds before answering
"You're beautiful" He ignored your words as you looked up at him
"Please, stop that"
"I-" He got cut off by the elevator doors opening
"This way" You said walking off as he only could follow you.
You stopped walking when you got to the door 408, with the key you opened it and then stepped inside letting the door open for him to come in as well.
You took a seat in the couch and patted the spot next to you, he took it and you both were silent.
"So... ¿Vamos a hacernos compañía o vas a decir lo que sea que quieres decir?" (Are we going to be each others company for now or you are going to speak whatever you want to say?)
"I'm sorry" He began "I fucked up. I should've listened to you and put Victoria a stop, I should've been more careful with you and your feelings, not passing through them and ignore them. I believe you, I always did and I always will do but it seemed so unreal that what I thought was my best friend, could do such a things, hurt the one I love and the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, when her whole life she was protecting me and supporting me through everything"
"If my family wasn't there, she was. If my family didn't have an advice, she had. And for you to just say she did this and said this was a whole different thing from what I knew from her that I just couldn't believe it. But it was truth. And I'm sorry once more"
"Y/N, I'll do anything for us, I'm not giving up, we're so good together, I love you so much and if only I could turn back in time and do everything right I would but I can't, however, I'm here to mend things, I'm not expecting you to forgive me and that's it. I'll earn that forgiveness, I'll protect us and I'll be better for you if you let me, please. I love you, I want you and I need you"
"It's not easy as you made it sound, Pedri"
"Pedro" You shook your head
"That's something only family and close friends can call you, right?"
"Don't do this, please"
"But you did it first" You said pushing your lips together. Those were the exact same words he had told you the night you left "You really hurted me and you just can't change that. Please, I think it's best if we let this go" You looked into his brown eyes as he was shaking his head "For both of our own goods"
"Not having you in my life it's not good for me"
"Maybe not but it's the correct thing to do" You said "I just can't trust you anymore, no matter what you do. You told me I wasn't the same girl you fell in love with, that says enough"
"But it's not true, I said it in the heat of the moment! You are still the same girl I fell in love with and you're still the same girl I want to do my life with"
You stood in silence for a few moments before you stood up "That hurt me a lot. Hearing the guy I'm terribly in love with say that I'm not that girl he fell in love with"
"Y/N-" He stood up from the couch as well
"It's done" Your voice cracked "You don't get to come here after doing that stunt back at your brother's birthday and once you realized I was in the right came straight back here to apologize, hoping for me to run back into your arms" You shook your head "You don't"
"Does he treat you good?" He said out of nowhere
"¿Acaso te la fumaste? ¿De quién estás hablando?" (Did you smoke it? Who are you talking about?) You said confused
"About your new friend! The one that appears in every single story of yours and on your posts!"
"That same one" You laughed dryly
"He's gay" You blurted out "Believe me if he wasn't I would be already trying something with him since he does believe in me not like others"
"I said I was sorry"
"And I said that didn't make it. If you want me back you'll have to do a lot more than just apologizing, González"
"He seems to like you"
"He doesn't. He's here with his fiancée, they're celebrating their engagement" You remembered that night at your apartment, the night he showed you his new engagement ring and that same night he asked you to go to Venice with him and your family to get your mind out of your ex.
"I'm sorry"
"You like to apologize a lot and tend to not feel the sorry"
"I do am"
"Great, good for you. Can you please go now?" He shook his head
"No. I love you and I know I messed up but I can mend it, anything you want, think or say, I'll do it. I'll cross world wonders for you, oceans, vegetation, deserts, anything"
"I don't think you can do that, Pedri" You were at the verge of tears "I was hurt by every action and word you said, I reached the top and while I know you messed up, you could've prevented it and simply start acting like you should have but you didn't. And I can't handle that"
"Please" You said after a few minutes "I think it's time for you to go" You said walking away
He couldn't watch you walk away once more so he did what he had been wanting to do. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to him, in a hug.
"Let me go"
"Let me go"
"No" His grip got tighter on you as you were fighting and at the same time, enjoying being in your exlover's arms again.
His arms were your safe space and laying your head on his chest brought you peace but now all it brought back was hurt and pain.
Hurt and pain from the situation you were going through
"Pedro, please, let me go"
"I don't want you to leave me"
"I didn't left because I wanted to" Silence flowed in between the two of you as Pedri was crying into your neck "I did because you asked me to, you made me leave, you pushed me away when all I wanted and needed was you, to stay by your side and defend our relationship" You took a breath "None of that happened and now that I'm recovering from everything, I want you to leave, I want you to go away because I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me and just throws everything out of the window without listening first" You said with closed eyes and tears running down, he chocked on a sob
"I'm sorry" He cried "For everything. I should have done a lot of things and one of them was trust you, fight for you and our love but I'm here trying to fix it, to fix us, you were giving me your everything while I wasn't and now it's my turn to pay it back until we're all good. Please, I beg you, give me just one more chance to make everything right"
You looked into his eyes as he looked into yours "Please" He whispered with tears falling down his cheeks
You were going to hate yourself so much for this but you can't lie to yourself and say you didn't want, need or love him because you did with all of your body. You were aching for him, for his kisses, for his cuddles, for his warmth, his laugh, his bad jokes, his company and love. You needed him. You wanted him. You loved him. He was the one for you.
"Please" You said shaking your head "Don't you ever do that again to me" You whispered "'Cus this is your last chance, González. I don't care if I'm dying for you, if you do it one more time, you can swear to all of your ancestors I will not take you back" Pedro's face changed to one of relief and he pulled you into his hold tightly this time tears of happiness coming out of his eyes.
"Te amo, I always will" He said crying, kissing your neck, ear, cheek, nose "Thank you so much for this opportunity, I'm very sorry, amor" He said resting his forehead against yours "You'll not regret this, I promise"
"I better not be" You smiled softly "But don't get too ahead of yourself, Pedrito. You need to work for everything back"
"I'll do. I don't care, I charmed you once, I can do it twice" You smiled softly "I missed you so much" He said hugging you once more, his face rested inside your neck as you finally felt at peace, breathing properly and safely in your lover's arms.
You were about to reply when two knocks came in and then someone entered
"Y/N, cariño. We are going to be late for the trip, weren't you so excited to see Venice's bea-Oh! Am I interrupting something?" You pulled away from Pedri shaking your head
"Para nada, Mason" (Not at all) You smiled softly drying your tears "We're good"
Mason, the guy, turned around to look at Pedri and then to you as you softly nod locking hands with Pedri
"Pedro, this is my friend, Mason. Mase, this is Pedri"
"The asshole?"
"¡Ostias!" (F*ck!)
"You were pretty much an asshole" You defended Mason with a soft smile "We can't lie" You shrug your shoulders "What's up?"
"Venice's beaches. Coming?" You nod softly
"We'll be there in a little while" You smiled
"Great!" Mason smiled "Also Pedro..." Pedri's big brown eyes went to Mason's "Hurt her again and I'll make sure you'll never be able to play football again for what's rest of your life"
"I won't"
"You better" Mason said "If I was straight I would've gone straight away after her to get her" You laughed softly
"He got your point, Mase. Give us a few minutes, we'll be downstairs quickly" You said and once the door was closed you smashed yourself against Pedri's lips "Te quiero" You said "A lot" You smiled "Please, don't let me go"
"Never again"
And with his heart full, he felt as if the stars had alligned just for him, you were his angel and he'll take good care of you now. He lefthe left the hotel. All the luck his friend wished for you and all the praying he did, were enough. His world is and will not be the same without your presence, your kindness, your laughter, your smile and your love in it, he hated himself for what he had done but thank God you give him another chance. This time, he was surely not going to lose you this time.
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela @pedrileclerc @shineforeversf9 @shessthunderstoms @f4iryjjosh @judespoision @notsosurehritika @jajajhaahaha @urmotheris
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didishawn · 1 year
World Cup (Pedri X Messi! Reader)
Insta Au
Warnings: lots of Spanish
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Liked by pedri, leomessi and 181,222 others
y/n_messi este mundial con peligro, me quedo sin novio o sin hermano, quiero la segunda o la tercera, sobretodo la tercera, lo siento amor @pedri
ver traducción: this world cup is dangerous, I either lose a boyfriend or a brother, I want the second one or the third one, mostly the third one, sorry love @pedri
gavi ¿qué pasa si hay una final entre España y Argentina y gana España? 🤔🤔🤔
ver traducción: what happens if there is a final in between Spain and Argentina and Spain wins? 🤔🤔🤔
y/n_messi vos atrevete a si quiera intentar ganarle a Argentina, a ver que te pasa, boludito
ver traducción: you even try to win against Argentina, and see what happens to you, dummy
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Liked by pedri, leomessi, juliaanalvarez and 98,756 others
y/n_messi una linda recompensa tras la derrota de ayer, Argentina sigue viendo hacia delante, mientras vean al lindo de mi novio, te amo, amor @pedri
ver traducción: a great reward after yesterday's loss, Argentina looks ahead, in the mean time, watch my beautiful boyfriend, I love you @pedri
pedri te amo, sigan confiando, argentinos
ver traducción: I love you, Argentinians keep on having faith
leomessi ayer fue duro, pero seguimos con la ilusión
ver traducción: yesterday was hard, but we keep on with the illusion
y/n_messi te amo hermano, sos un genio y sabemos que hay que confiar en vos y los demás chavones
ver traducción: I love you brother, you are a genius and we know to trust you and the rest
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Liked by pedri, pablogavi, ansufati, ferrantorres and 60,122 others
y/n_messi hoy fue un mal día para España y los chicos, pero no por esto hay que estarse triste, ya que la derrota siempre acaba siendo un camino al éxito, todos mis amores a estos pibes a los que amo, sobretodo a vos, mi amor, sos el mejor
ver traducción: today was a bad day for Spain and the guys, but we don't have to be sad, a loss is a way towards success, all my love to this marvelous guys, specially to you, my love, you are the best
pedri tenerte al lado es lo que me mantiene cuerdo
ver traducción: you by my side is the one thing that keeps me sane
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Liked by pedri, leomessi, juliaanalvarez, gavi, kunaguero and 92,182 others
y/n_messi nosotros seguimos acá, Argentina a la final y a por la tercera!!! @pedri
ver traducción: we are still here, Argentina into the finals and towards the third one!!!
kunaguero uy, algo me dice a Leo no le gusta está foto, jeeeeeee
ver traducción: oh, something tells me Leo doesn't like this photo, jeeeee
y/n_messi sos un boludo
ver traducción: you are an idiot
kunaguero besás al Pedri con esa boca?
ver traducción: you kiss Pedri with that mouth?
leomessi cómo es eso de besos?
ver traducción: what is that about kisses?
y/n_messi vos andá pallá, bobo, acá no hay nada para que vos leas, solo tu noviecito siendo un tarado como siempre
ver traducción: you go away, idiot, there is nothing for you to read here, only your boyfriend being stupid as always
pedri la más linda
ver traducción: the prettiest one
leomessi cuidadito donde ponés la mano
ver traducción: be careful where you put your hand
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Liked by pedri, leomessi, juliaanalvarez, nicolasotamendi30, kunaguero and 183,122 others
Este mes ha sido sin duda el más difícil de mi vida, pero merece toda la pena por este mundial. Leo, mi hermano, la persona que más amo en este mundo, ya tenés todo con lo que siempre has soñado, ya no quedan dudas para aquellos quienes se negaban a verte como el mejor del mundo. Te amo a vos y toda la Scaloneta.
This month has been without doubt the hardest in my entire life, but it was all worth it. Leo, my brother, the person I love the most in this entire world, you already have everything you have ever dreamed about, there are no doubts left for those who have refused to see you as the best in the world. I love you and the entire Scaloneta.
kunaguero que todos los antimessi nos chupen la pija, pa, somos campeones!!!
ver traducción: everyone that is antimessi can suck our dicks, man, we are world champions!!!
y/n_messi kuni, pará, que te va a dar algo con todo ese chapín. Pero sí, váyanse a la poronga todos esos quienes no confiaban!!!
ver traducción: kuni, stop, you will have a stroke with all that champagne. But yes, go to hell those of you who didn't believe!!!
hater you are a joke, Kun Agüero, you are not World champion
y/n_messi of course he is world champion, you unhappy internet troll, go and touch some grass while kuni parties like the world champion he IS
leomessi esta copa también te pertenece a vos quien siempre ha estado a mi lado, lo mismo con el Kun, Gio y demás
ver traducción: this cup belongs to you who has always been by my side, the same goes for Kun, Gio and the rest
pedri hoy ha ganado el mejor del mundo y el mejor equipo, felicidades, chacho! @leomessi
ver traducción: today the best of the world has won as well as the best team, congratulations, dude! @leomessi
juliaanalvarez 🕷️😎
y/n_messi la araña que pica! felicidades juli!!
ver traducción: the spider that bites, congratulations juli!!
papugomez_official 3 estrellitas yaaa, que lindo sale el dibu, que hombre 😍
ver traducción: 3 stars noow, how cute the dibu looks, what a man 😍
emi_martinez26 cuidado que te como, que estaba re loco
ver traducción: be careful or I will eat you, that I was super crazy
y/n_messi @papugomez_official Beckham?
December 18th of 2022 has for surely been a long day when you and Pedri finally crash into you hotel room, waiting to have a small nap before he goes back to Spain, you to celebrate in Argentina of course.
"La próxima vez, seré yo quien ponga una nueva estrella en uno de las camisas que usas" (next time I will be the one to put one more star in one of the shirts you wear)
"¿Me insinuas que por vos me haré hincha de España y que le ganarás a mi amada Argentina?" (you are telling me that you will turn me into a Spain follower and that you will win against my beloved Argentina?)
"Obvio" (obviously)
"Sos un creído vos" (you are son arrogant)
"No le hables así a quien en cuatro años te hará celebrar una final del mundo otra vez" (don't talk like that to who will have you celebrating another World Cup final again)
You don't tell him you hope it's true, you love Argentina, but you still wish for the day tour boyfriend too becomes a world champion to arrive. In the mean time, you just cuddle on the shared bed and dream about the future, keeping in mind that you are a world champion.
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senig-fandom · 26 days
Buenas dias, tardes. noches o madrugada espero que este bien
Señorita yo creo que esto lo dictaria mi lógica o mi estupidez pero si los representantes de países, organizaciónes,deidades o representación humana de cualquier cosa... estas nacen, emergen o aparecen de la nada; de la forma que sea, ¿estas tendrían que tiener ombligo?
Es que si nacen si, por que por ahí es donde se nutren, pero si emerjen seria como los que nacen de los huevos desaparecería o no existiría y si ya aparecen crecidos tampoco tendrían que tenerlo no?(Solit@) me hice bolas) o algún ejemplo que me quisiera dar?
Buenas tardes VwV
Claro deja y te explico mi punto de vista de este fenotipo en mi mundo imaginario XD aunque nunca pensé que hablaría de esto en algún punto XD
El primer ser sin ombligo es Origen ( el padre de los contentes) pues este nace de la nada, luego de allí el crea a dos mujeres que serian las madres de Europa y África, a las cuales les otorgo un ombligo.
Después de allí las otras 3 mujeres ya nacerían con ombligo y sus hijos (Asia, Oceanía y América) nacerían naturalmente con ombligo.
Así para que sepas que desde allí toda la creación que se dan, ya tienen el ombligo como una parte del cuerpo.
Todos los paises de cada continentes a excepción del continente América, tienen ombligo, pues América nunca tuvo hijos y sus hijos que dejo nacieron de su sangre al morir ( los dioses primigenios de cada creencia) Olmeca nunca tuvo hijos legítimos, todos nacieron de la creación de dioses y solamente se lo dejaban a ella por ser la madre de todas las culturas.
Cuando llegaron los españoles a América y eliminaron a algunas culturas, nacerían de la tierra los hijos de España que representarían la combinación de dos culturas.
Todos en américa son los únicos sin ombligo a excepción de 6 personas:
México Norte
México Sur
Canadá y USA son hijos de la hermana de una antigua y desconocida cultura que fue eliminada por los ingleses y que fue la razon para que ellos dos buscaran su identidad y lo que los hizo obtener sus poderes. (Su madre se embarazo de Inglaterra, el hermano de ella la ayudo a dar a luz, y fue el quien mantuvo vivos a ambos, mientras que su hermana lo traiciono y lo ultimo que el hizo fue proteger lo único que amo al final antes de ser quemado vivo ósea sus sobrinos Canadá y USA)
Guatemala nació de una mujer humana por lo cual tiene ombligo y Belice aunque es raro pues su nacimiento es todo un tabú, tiene ombligo tanto por Guatemala como por Inglaterra.
Norte y Sur, tienen un secreto a todo el mundo pues ellos dos realmente no nacieron de la tierra como se dice cuando los encontró centro, Sur lo descubriría tiempo despues de la razon de su nacimiento pero actualmente lo tiene como un secreto para todo el mundo a excepción de España, pues ambos vivieron un momento terrible cuando lo descubrieron y lastimo mucho a España el descubrimiento al igual que Sur. ( esto saldría en Terapia TvT pero esto si lo tendré como un secreto por su bien hasta que se me de de nuevo de escribirlo XD)
Los únicos estados que tienen ombligo son CDMX y Edo.Mex, Puebla, Texas y Coahuila y Baja California. Los demás nacieron de la tierra. Pues los gemelos CDMX y EDOMEX nacieron de una humana, Puebla igual y Texas y Coahuila nacieron de USA y Norte, y BC nacería de sus padres California y BJS.( Ley de la naturaleza, si ambos países carecen de ombligo pero el hijo que nazca si tendrá ombligo.)
Las organizaciones nacieron de corrupción por lo cual tambien carecen de ombligo, y las organizaciones creadas por los países tampoco tienen, las organizaciones que nacen de otras organizaciones, no nacen con ombligo porque solamente ellos existen para fomentar una idea humana, pero ellos realmente no son humanos.
Resumiendo todo, la mayoría nacieron de nacimiento natural a excepción de los que nacen de América y esos 6 que mencione, la razones pues pueden ser mas o menos así de que si el pais nace de alguien ya sea entre países o un humano este obtiene un ombligo, mientras si nace de la tierra este nace sin el. Y las organizaciones al no ser humanos completos no necesitan de un ombligo.
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Al chile esto lo invente un poco ( Excepto el dato del nacimiento de Sur y Norte) por darme una idea lo explique lo mas coherente posible, por lo cual solo diré que no lo tomen tan real porque puede que lo descarte XD pero fue divertido pensar en esto XD
Espero y te guste 🧡🧡🧡
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kiirostarz · 8 days
Bueno, creo que ahora esta época de mi vida es en la que me estoy convirtiendo en mis tías jajaja, me empecé a ver 'Yo soy Betty, la fea' y ya estoy a nada de terminarmela ver. Que novelón, 100000/10. Obvio tiene sus cosas y ajá, pero lo siento muy confortante. Tengo varios pensamientos que quisiera decir, de lo que visto y recuerdo hasta ahora: No relacionados con el lore en sí de la serie: - Sé que la nueva temporada en Amazon ha tenido varias opiniones, especialmente negativas, y no abordaré sobre eso. Pero me hace pensar que hubiera estado chevere que hubieran hecho una serie tipo "precuela", es decir, una serie para enseñar el pasado de los personajes, tipo: Por qué los Valencia y los Mendoza son así como son, conocer a la hermana de Armando, como se conoció con Mario, incluso ver un poquito más de la amistad entre Betty y Nicolás. Igual y si seria complejo juntar todas esas historias, pero un spin-off precuela siento que podría servir. - Otra idea, que se me ocurrió, es que hubieran hecho un reboot a la serie animada, yo me ví un capitulo y no sentí tanta pena como creí que iba a sentir, porque tiene un guión decente, pero la animación si esta bien cutre. Igual estos son solo thoughts, ya cuando me terminé la serie y siga con 'Ecomoda' veré que tal esta la nueva temporada. Ahora sí quiero hablar de los personajes: *ejem* Más de un personaje en esta novela, no es hetero. Y me encanta. No sabía que en Colombia teníamos este tipo de representación en televisión, porque igual siento que, si hay un poco de homofobía pero no siento que los usen como una burla o una parodia, a demás de Hugo también hay otros personajes gay, el que más me impacto fue el de RagTela. Yo fuí tipo- whatttttt 👀- lo cual me agradó porque sentí que en los cap anteriores le estaba coqueteando a Betty, pero no fue de esos coqueteos si quiera tiernos, fue uno de esos incomódos. Y había su razón. (Jsksjks)
No alargaré mucho esto pero creo que diré algunos personajes que me hacen pensar que no son hetero: Mario, es obvio, minimo es bisexual. También amo cuando salen Sandra y Mariana juntas porque, asafdksj, no sé- se me hacen una pareja muy cute. También levanto un 🏳️‍🌈? a Wilson, que aparte de chismosito (y que debian agregarlo al cuartel de las feas), si tenía ahi sus momentos... especialmente con Freddy. Bueno, ya, sigo. Otros personajes que me fascinan, más que por su historia son los Valencia. Toda la familia de hecho. - Los tres hermanos, son huerfanos siendo cuidados por el mejor amigo de su papá. La novela hasta ahora solo se enfoca más que todo en Marcela y como ella si tiene un gran peso respecto a Ecomoda, su familia, etc. Pero aunque la novela no lo diga, definitivamente la muerte de sus papás si les afectaron a los tres, y teniendo en cuenta que los Mendoza tampoco son muy buenos padres:
*Daniel se volvió más distante. Su actitud fría y calculadora podría ser un mecanismo de defensa ante la pérdida y la falta de apoyo emocional, buscando llenar el vacío con ambición y control. *Marcela se volvió más dependiente emocionalmente. Su necesidad de aprobación y su dependencia de Armando reflejan su inseguridad y su búsqueda de estabilidad emocional que perdió con la muerte de sus padres. *María Beatriz... en la novela dicen que ella era la "fea", pero no explican si esto viene de antes, cuando sus padres aún vivían, o fue después de que los Mendoza los acogieran. Siendo así, y sabiendo lo superficiales que son los Mendoza, especialmente Margarita, no sería raro que, siendo tan pequeña y con los comentarios de Margarita como única figura materna, haya sido impulsada a esta percepción de sí misma. También podría ser que los Mendoza les prestaron atención, pero no la suficiente para entender lo que pasaba en su interior. Para evitar que se afligieran más o vivieran en una depresión interminable, les permitieron hacer de todo, enterrando el problema y ya. Igual y también quiero creer que la alegría que aún quedaba en María Beatriz mantenía unidos a los tres hermanos Valencia. A pesar de lo tontos o irrelevantes que pudieran parecer sus comentarios, Daniel y Marcela nunca parecían molestos con ella. Después de todo, era su hermanita, y su presencia era un recordatorio constante del amor y el vínculo que compartían como familia.
Y para terminar con esto, si me termino la novela y Mario y Daniel siguen solteros, los voy a shippear, ya dije. 👀
Me expandí mucho con los Valencia, quería hablar más de los otros personajes como Patricia y las del Cuartel. Pero siento que ya esta muy largo, y aun no tengo mis pensamientos claros sobre esos personajes.
Uy pero no- un spin off de los valencia - me ilusioné yo solita 😭
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