#amoirsetpacis 11
blankticket · 11 months
@amoirsetpacis / re:
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So, having gone mad with power, there's a solid minute or five leaving his predecessor on read where Vash is simply cackling at the joy the lone text brings him.
[text]: Me! ✧~(ゝᴗ ∂. ) [text]: What's wrong? You getting cold, Vash...? [text]: Good news is, I think we can reach some sort of agreement about this! I know what you want. Wanna know what I want?? ✨
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bigshot · 2 years
@amoirsetpacis Continued from [here] because the new tumblr editor eats [[$#@]]
Hands still clasped, almost as if in prayer to what he refuses to see as anything less than a deity, he nods along knowingly with the idea of being at rock bottom. Even Angels weren't immune to hardship, it seemed.
It made perfect sense for Angels to share traits with common folk, and it lined up with their relationship with Lightners. Maybe an "all rectangles are squares, but not all squares are rectangles" kind of situation? He already knew of at least one capable of becoming an Angel, after all, so perhaps they all started off so much lower in the food chain?
He'd have to ponder that all out later, however.
"[[Angel]]!! [[Angel]],,"
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"MAYBE Y OU DON'T [[Feel]] LIKE A [[Big Shot]]!! MAYBE YUO [[lost your job]] AND [[HOME]] AND [[Your Life]]AND [[all your friends left you]],, DDOESN'T MEAN YOU AREN'T [[still]] A [[Big Shot]]!!!! YOU [[Still Got It]]!! I TOL D YOU, I [[Know]] [[Angels]] WEHEN I SEE [[Angels]]!!!" Finally, Spamton stops the hand motions of prayer to instead gesture at the shaky man,
"YOU NEEDTO SIT [[down on our Luxurious ]] OR SOMETH1GG?? I SAW SOME [[Crates]] BACK THERE."
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wldrose · 2 years
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It's been two, or about three days and still no answer. He had made it out before she did, at least she had hoped. He would have gotten the help that he needed in order to live another day, OR so she had hoped. The feeling of having fucked up is at the center of her heart. She feels heavy, her whole body feels weighted down as she continuously replays what should have, could have, and would have happened at that spaceship with the aliens. Was there a better option? For where ALL four of them would leave without a problem?
Is...Vash dead?
He can't be. His name was on the contact list still. She had changed the blond haired Vash's name to Stamps so she didn't get confused. Vash was still here.
Text to Vash: Are you okay? (11:00 AM) Text to Vash: don't answer that. you prolly arent and (11:10 AM) Text to Vash: (I'm at the hospital (Deleted message). Hey...we both made it out right? Vash? (11:12 PM) Text to Vash: oi dont ignore me (1:30 PM)
She stares at the last message sent and sighs, sliding back down into the hospital bed and resting her phone against her chest. "..."
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