#an Idea
the-modern-typewriter · 11 months
"You've no idea what it's like," the villain - the sidekick's ex hero - whispered. Their grip was harsh on the sidekick's arm. "If you're a hero and you lose a fight..."
"You die?"
"They kill you."
"Yeah, villains are like that! It's why I can't believe you-"
"No." The villain's eyes were dark, tormented. "The heroes. The organisation. If you lose a fight, they will kill you."
"...what?" It had to be a joke. The villain did not look like they were joking.
"You're safe if you're just a sidekick, but..."
"But you lost a fight," the sidekick said, dry mouthed, unable to believe they were even considering it.
"But I lost a fight," the villain said. "Which means they expect you to replace me."
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moonriseoverkyoto · 3 months
Up late right now thinking about how secret admirer!Ghost knew he was fucked from the moment he laid his eyes. You were just too warm. From the sweet treats you always had, that softer tone you spoke in off-base, to the way your voice melted his insides. What made it worse was having you as a medic on the team. It’s not like he couldn’t work around you- quite the opposite. He works harder to stay out of your infirmary. But when he does come in, He speaks in grunts and nods, this sent the wrong message and left you to ask Price for a transfer or to stay back on missions. When asked why, you explain how you think you are causing an issue between the team - Price laughs at you. Why? Because he knows that at every chance he gets, Simon has the rest of the 141 give him a checkup on how you are doing. And if something is ever wrong - suddenly a beautiful bouquet of your favorite arraignment of flowers or snacks suddenly ends up at your door with no note. And if somebody is wrong well.. let’s say you get the last laugh helping them fix a broken nose or jaw.
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©️moonriseovertokyo 2024. please do not steal, copy, plagiarize, or translate any of my works without my permission.
Reposting is allowed just give credit plz! :)
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imsodishy · 1 year
Billy comes back after Starcourt nigh unkillable. Heals from anything in a day or two. Throws himself into the fight against the upsidedown and whatever else comes at them like a rag-doll.
Until one day, months down the line, he’s sitting on Joyce's couch, waiting on a broken arm to heal up, when he winces and asks, "Can I get a couple pain killers?"
And Joyce bluescreens for a minute before screaming "YOU CAN STILL FEEL PAIN?!??"
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mintymarabell · 7 months
I kinda of stole this from an old western show but imagine getting injured and having amnesia. An elder who cannot for the life of him find a mate, finds little oh you on earth and takes you in. When his son tells him you have amnesia maybe he comes up with this little devious plan to tell you, you’re his wife and that you’ve recently got married?
Maybe a couple months into the relationship though, between the doting and affection. You get your memory back and remember that you are not married to this strange alien thing and in fact do not live on this hot planet in the middle of nowhere.
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ai-megane-music · 1 year
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Shit what just?! (source)
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Vincent Price as Walter Kyne
While The City Sleeps (1956)
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thegreenishhues · 5 months
Screw it. I've had an idea for a while but I would like to get some opinions on it before spending tons of time working on making it real. So, what would you guys think of a blog or event forcused on sharing recipes from our different cultures or just our favorite child hood ones? like one big community potluck! People could also choose or get assigned partners and make each other's recipes? For the moment this is just an idea but if people are interested it could be a great community event
(other languages under cut)
Scheiß drauf. Ich habe schon seit einer Weile eine Idee, aber ich würde gerne ein paar Meinungen dazu einholen, bevor ich viel Zeit in die Umsetzung investiere. Was haltet ihr also von einem Blog oder einer Veranstaltung, bei der wir Rezepte aus unseren verschiedenen Kulturen oder einfach nur unsere Lieblingsrezepte austauschen? wie ein großes Gemeinschaftsessen! Die Leute könnten sich auch Partner aussuchen oder zugewiesen bekommen und die Rezepte der anderen kochen? Im Moment ist das nur eine Idee, aber wenn die Leute daran interessiert sind, könnte es ein großartiges Gemeinschaftsereignis werden.
Que le den. Hace tiempo que tengo una idea, pero me gustaría conocer algunas opiniones antes de dedicar mucho tiempo a hacerla realidad. ¿Qué os parecería un blog o un evento en el que compartiéramos recetas de nuestras diferentes culturas o simplemente nuestras favoritas? La gente también podría elegir o asignarse compañeros y hacer las recetas de los demás. De momento es sólo una idea, pero si la gente está interesada, podría ser un gran evento comunitario.
Que se dane. Tive uma ideia há algum tempo, mas gostaria de receber algumas opiniões sobre ela antes de passar muito tempo trabalhando para torná-la realidade. Então, o que vocês acham de um blog ou evento voltado para o compartilhamento de receitas de nossas diferentes culturas ou apenas das nossas favoritas? como um grande potluck comunitário! As pessoas também poderiam escolher ou receber parceiros e fazer as receitas umas das outras? No momento, isso é apenas uma ideia, mas se as pessoas estiverem interessadas, pode ser um grande evento comunitário
Je m'en fous. J'ai une idée depuis un moment mais j'aimerais avoir quelques avis avant de passer des tonnes de temps à la concrétiser. Alors, que penseriez-vous d'un blog ou d'un événement axé sur le partage de recettes de nos différentes cultures ou simplement de nos recettes préférées ? comme un grand potluck communautaire ! Les gens pourraient aussi choisir ou se voir attribuer des partenaires et réaliser les recettes des autres ? Pour l'instant, ce n'est qu'une idée, mais si les gens sont intéressés, cela pourrait être un grand événement communautaire.
됐어요. 한동안 아이디어가 떠올랐지만 현실화하기 위해 많은 시간을 투자하기 전에 여러분의 의견을 듣고 싶어요. 여러분은 서로 다른 문화권의 레시피나 좋아하는 레시피만 공유하는 블로그나 이벤트에 대해 어떻게 생각하시나요? 하나의 큰 커뮤니티 포트럭처럼요! 사람들이 파트너를 선택하거나 배정받아 서로의 레시피를 만들 수도 있지 않을까요? 지금은 아이디어일 뿐이지만 사람들이 관심을 보인다면 멋진 커뮤니티 이벤트가 될 수 있을 것 같습니다.
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upsidedownwithsteve · 8 months
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crazycoke-addict · 5 days
Island of the Slaughtered Game
Genre: Horror
It's been 10 years since The Massacre that happened in Camp Wawanakwa. 22 teenagers from different backgrounds sign up to be in a reality show called Total Drama Island. Unbeknownst to them, a serial killer is on the loose and picks off the teenagers one by one. Only 7 are recorded to be alive. From the disappearance to the murders, the case remains unsolved to this day. Who was the killer? What was the motive?
Today, I will find out everything.
The game starts with your character in a boat sailing to the island. There is a speech bubble at the bottom of the screen. The protagonist is talking about the unsolved case about what happened in Camp Wawanakwa. They also explained how the seven survivors have gone MIA, and neither of them have spoken out what happened.
During the intro, they hear bump coming from underneath the boat. When they lean over, something jumps out of the water and drags them in the water. In the next scene, you wake up and find yourself in Camp Wawanakwa. You look through your supplies, and you take out your torch. You find your boat that's been wreck. You need to find supplies to fix your boat. While walking, you hear rustle behind you when you turn around. You see nothing, but there is something there in your glaring view.
While walking around, you find a VHS tape lying near a tree. You comment on how it's been so long since you seen VHS tapes. The VHS tape is titled 'Behind the scenes', You hope the VHS tape might give you some answers you're looking for.
You ended up in the cabin section and decided to look through the cabins. However, 3 of the cabins are locked except for one. The cabin room in that's located in the west. You decide to go in, and while looking you around, you notice the belongings of boy's clothes, deodorants, a cowboy hat, a keyboard, etc. You hear rustling under one of the bunk beds. You tried to leave the cabin, but the door has been closed. When you turn around, a human head is placed on the dresser looking at you.
The game won't leave you go anywhere else, but straight to the dresser where the head is. The head starts talking to the player. They explain how it's been so long since anyone has visited the camp. They miss human interaction since they never really got that back while they were living. The head talks about how they don't know how they got to the position their in, but their body parts in places where they shouldn't be. The head asks the player to help them find their body parts.
This section of the game kicks off the first of many mini games that the game is going to give. An instruction will appear on the screen to help you. In the top corner, there will be a 0/5. I'm pretty sure everybody knows that this is Ezekiel. Some of the characters are going to have a mini game.
Ezekiel - find his body parts before time runs out.
Justin - break every mirror that Justin appears in.
Harold- you have to play a video game. After you fix the tv.
Trent - you have to fix and play his guitar. It's like a memory game.
The main menu will have an old cable TV, which you end up getting after fixing the TV in order to do Harold's game. You must collect 17 VHS tapes in order to get the Canon ending. There are going to be 4 endings, which are going to be good ending, the bad ending, the curse ending, and obviously the Canon ending.
Some ghosts like Lindsay, Sadie, and Bridgette will be active, where they will follow the main character. You can weaken them by throwing a flame flare, which you'll end up finding during your mission. I also think it will be interesting that the main character that we are playing is one of the 2nd generation characters. I'm leaning towards Mike.
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brainman1987 · 11 months
Danny Fenton was a sweet young boy, loved and cared for by the people of Amity Park, his home town. He was last seen traveling with his parents Maddie and Jack Fenton to a distant City for a business proposition when their small slightly rundown hotel is attacked by the local rogue/villain/general bad guy™. Danny is never seen from again.
Later someone comes across a graveyard and is horrified to find that the John Doe buried there is clawing their way up, reaching for the moonlight-
And they look scared
Anyways somebody else deal with this Danny being buried by his parents in some random ass city because he "died" and left to rot (literally!!) In his own grave it's CARVING A SPACE IN MY BRAIN WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL
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When he tells you to get your nipples pierced just so he can pull on them. No isn’t in my sexual vocabulary. Ignore the scars, or don’t and cause more please. I was gonna bring up the idea of producing milk so he could suck on them and get some but I think the piercings would stop that. It’s whatever he wants. What do you want??? ⚡️
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soukokumychildren · 4 months
Is there something you would love to add to your AU, but doesn’t fit the plot?
I'm still fifty-fifty on it, but I kinda want Soukoku to accidentally stumble across the one "book" that Francis and Fyodor are looking for. They just find it in a bookstore, Chuuya thinks its a super neat cover and they buy it. They just keep it around until Dazai eventually finds out exactly what it is and (maybe) writes in it how only he and Chuuya can control its pages so nobody else can get their hands on said pages and ruin reality
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sirensskai · 2 months
What if Tank and Ripp were both transmasc and they fucking hate each other because they keep stealing each other’s clothes to pass and they also fight over Missy Mcboom
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ap-kinda-lit · 4 months
Omfg an awesome scenario in an AU where InuKag can still go through the well and visit the modern era with Moroha:
Kagome runs into her old school friends while out with Inuyasha and baby Moroha. They all go crazy when they learn not only has Kagome married her “delinquent boyfriend” but they have a baby too. Of course, they mostly fawn and squeal over baby Moroha. Inuyasha watches like a referee worrying over them being too loud or getting in Moroha’s face so much and he’s not the least bit amused when they joke how bad it will be when Moroha grows up and boys start flirting with her, which they find even cuter.
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au-not-alternate · 5 months
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guess who remembered he owns markers (sorry for the low quality my phone REFUSED to take a good picture of it)
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it-me-butts · 6 months
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