#an inconvenient union
Oooh, I'm always excited to hear about Howling at the Hollow Moon! And I'm also intrigued by An Inconvenient Union <3
I talked a little bit about Howling at the Hollow Moon here, but here's another snippet:
"Alright?" Jaskier startles, grabbing onto the railing to steady himself. Turning, he demands, “Oh, so you want me to fall into the sea after all?” Geralt arches an eyebrow. “You wouldn’t fall into the sea from here. You’d break your neck on the deck.” “Why, thank you, that’s reassuring.” “I wouldn’t let you fall.” Geralt leans on the railing next to him. “Forgot you don’t have werewolf hearing.” “No, plain old human hearing for me,” Jaskier says. “Hm.” Geralt turns to look at him levelly. “Are you alright? You smell nervous.” Jaskier sighs. “We’re going to have to discuss this at some point. It’s not fair if you always know what I’m feeling. Can’t you occasionally pretend blissful ignorance?” “Not when you smell unhappy.” Jaskier looks down at the deck far below. “I’m not a werewolf. What if your pack wants nothing to do with me? What if they send me away?” “Why would they?” Geralt frowns. “Because I don’t belong. I joined your pack under false pretenses.” “You’re my husband. You belong.”
And An Inconvenient Union is the original m/m romantic fantasy that I've been working on since last year, where a prince goes missing right before he's supposed to get married as part of a peace treaty, so his half-brother has to assume his identity and take his place. Snippet under the cut!
“What are the candles for?” Adrien asked. Matthin startled, like he had forgotten Adrien was there. “They're for blessings. Married couples are supposed to come up together to light a candle for the newlyweds and wish them health and happiness.” “And the fact that no candles are lit? I take it that's meant to be a snub?” “Yes.” Matthin pushed a turnip around on his plate. Adrien snorted. If they were going to insult him, he would prefer they insult him in a way he understood. “Is it the fact that I'm a man or a Fae that they object to?” “Both, I imagine, though it's hard to say which one they object to more.” “Well, they have all night to decide.” Adrien took a long sip of wine. Matthin started to raise a forkful of turnip to his mouth, seemed to change his mind, and set his fork back down. “How have you found your time in Belleholm?” “Adequate.” “It’s a poor time of year for a visit. I’m sorry you couldn’t see it outside the rainy season.” Adrien couldn’t think of any time of year when he would want to visit Belleholm. “Does it ever stop raining?” “Not during the Gray Moon, I’m afraid. It will be beautiful here once the flowers start to bloom in a few weeks’ time.” “I’ll take your word for it.” If Adrien had to spend another day in this Veil-forsaken city, he was going to try and swim back to Ouranis, sea serpents be damned. “Do you not have a rainy season in Ouranis?” “Not like this,” Adrien said. “We usually get a couple of very wet weeks at the beginning of the Gray Moon, but it doesn’t last long. The flowers bloom just fine though.” “Ah.” Matthin paused, seeming to be searching for a follow up question or remark. Adrien decided to spare him the effort. “We’ve barely been married for an hour. It’s far too early to resort to small talk about the weather.”
WIP Ask Game
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hopetorun · 10 months
the thing about boycotts is that, no offense, the people for whom the boycott is easiest are the people whose contribution to it is the least significant. if you never buy anything from a company then yes, very easy to continue not buying from them, but also not a meaningful change to their sales data. if you buy from them occasionally then it’s probably still very easy to give up! but nowhere near the impact of a boycott by people who shop there daily or weekly and who are a reliable, substantial part of that company’s sales.
boycott fatigue isn’t about people who are continuing to not shop somewhere! it’s about the people who are going out of their way to the far grocery store, or giving up a favorite product or food, or changing a routine they’ve had for years, or putting in the time and effort to find potentially inconvenient or more expensive alternatives. yelling online about how actually people should be able to do these things with no effort or hassle and by the way the things you like actually suck anyway is unhelpful and demoralizing. the person who goes from buying mcdonalds every weekday to once every two weeks is a bigger change to their sales than the person who goes from buying mcdonalds twice a year to never. sorry.
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pechebeche · 1 year
please support unions and strikes even when they are inconvenient to you please do not only pay attention to strike requests that encourage you to do whatever the hell you want, please also pay attention to strike requests that inhibit you and might make your life a little harder. please do not only support workers when it is easy
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“Ob my beloved”
Stormlight fans 🤝 workers
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r0ugesun · 2 months
I have a fluff maybe to slight spicy request for Aemond Targaryen if you are interested!
Aemond finally becomes betrothed to princess!reader of a different house (can be any it don’t matter) but has circulation problems so she’s always cold and therefore fretted over making Aemond believe she is spoiled. But upon being proven wrong from maybe bonding over books or hell training, falls in love and carries her to bed when the cold gets to her and her bed is just full of blankets to cuddle in.
(Aemond deserves all the intimacy and cuddles)
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Thank you for sending me this request anon and sorry for the delay! Ur right Aemond deserves all the cuddles (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚
Synopsis: Princess y/n of House Martell arrives at the wintry Red Keep as Prince Aemond’s betrothed. As y/n’s warmth and intellect begin to break through Aemond’s icy exterior, he finds himself drawn to her. In return, Aemond’s protective embrace provides y/n the warmth she desperately needs.
Aemond x Martell!Reader
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Prince Aemond Targaryen’s engagement to Princess y/n of House Martell was a union crafted to solidify political alliances. While their marriage was intended to serve as a strategic move, it was marred by the disparity in their circumstances. Princess y/n, renowned for her exotic beauty and noble grace, suffered from a rare condition that left her perpetually cold. This affliction required constant warmth, a need that Aemond initially perceived as a sign of pampering rather than genuine necessity.
From the moment y/n arrived at the red keep in the middle of a particularly harsh winter, the contrast between them was stark. The grand halls of the castle were adorned with tapestries of fearsome dragons and Targaryen banners, but y/n’s presence was marked by her constant need for warmth. She was swathed in layers of heavy furs, her every movement accompanied by a retinue of attendants. Aemond observed from a distance, noting her delicate appearance and the attentiveness of her servants. His initial impressions were marked by skepticism and a hint of disdain.
Their first meeting was formal, a carefully orchestrated affair. Aemond greeted her with his characteristic stoicism. “Princess y/n” he said, his tone courteous but distant, “I trust your journey was comfortable?”
Y/N offered a polite smile, though her eyes revealed a trace of weariness. “Thank you, Prince Aemond. The journey was long, but I am well. Though I must admit, the cold here is harsher than I expected.”
Aemond raised an eyebrow, his gaze indifferent. “You are accustomed to much warmer climates in dorne, I’m sure. Adapting to this cold must be challenging.”
Y/n’s voice was steady as she replied, “It is indeed a challenge, but I am here to fulfill my duty. I hope to contribute meaningfully despite the discomfort.”
Aemond's eyes remained cold as he regarded
Y/n. "Your sense of duty is admirable, though I can't help but wonder if you’ll be a hindrance rather than a help."
Y/N’s eyes flashed with sharpness, though her smile remained placid. She titled her head slightly before she spoke.
“I suppose we'll find out soon enough. I’ve faced challenges before. If I can endure the cold, I’m certain I can manage other… inconveniences.”
Aemond’s lips curled slightly in a thin smile, more of a smirk than a genuine expression of amusement. “Mmm. I wonder if your resolve will hold up as well when faced with the less glamorous aspects of life here.”
“Let’s hope” y/n replied smoothly. “It’s one thing to endure the elements, another to contend with a lack of charm.”
Aemond’s gaze sharpened slightly, but his tone remained even. “Charm is not a luxury I indulge in, Princess. I prefer matters of substance.”
Y/n had a smirk of her own now, her expression thoughtful. “Substance is important, but so is the ability to navigate social graces. Otherwise, one might come off as... unlikable.”
Aemond’s expression did not shift. “And you, Princess, are known for your social prowess?”
“I am known for many things, my prince” y/n said with a wry smile.
“Including the ability to keep my composure even when faced with frosty reception—both literal and figurative.”
Aemond’s eyes flickered with a hint of respect, though he quickly masked it with his usual stoicism. “We shall see if your composure extends to the political intricacies of our alliance.”
“I have no doubt it will” y/n replied confidently. “After all, if I can manage to stay warm and navigate through a wintry castle, I believe I can handle the complexities of court politics.”
Aemond regarded her with a piercing look, as if assessing whether her confidence was merely bravado or a genuine asset. “We shall see, indeed.”
Days passed, and the cold of King's Landing seemed even more relentless. Aemond, finding solace in the library's quiet, often retreated there to escape the castle's demands. One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the ancient tomes, he entered the library to find an unexpected sight: Y/N, comfortably nestled near the hearth, a thick fur draped over her shoulders, engrossed in a book.
Aemond paused, his usual stoic demeanor faltering for a moment. He approached her with measured steps, his curiosity piqued. "Princess" he greeted, his tone more neutral than before.
Y/blooked up, a hint of surprise in her eyes before she smiled with a hint of apprehension. "Prince Aemond. I didn't expect to see you here."
"The library is a place of comfort for me" he admitted, his gaze drifting over the bookshelves. "I come here often to escape the... noise."
Y/n nodded, her fingers tracing the edges of the book she held. "I think it’s quite peaceful myself. I find the histories of your lineage particularly fascinating."
As Aemond sat across from her, he noticed the title of the book in her hands. "The Histories of Dorne and Aegon the conquerer" he remarked. "An interesting choice."
Y/n’s eyes sparkled with interest. "I was just reading about Aegon’s failed conquest of Dorne. It seems he underestimated the resilience of the Dornish people."
Aemond’s lips twitched into a faint smile. "Aegon was a formidable conqueror, but he came unprepared, the Dornish have always been adept at guerrilla warfare, using the knowledge of their land to their advantage."
Y/n leaned forward slightly, her interest genuine. "Do you think he could have succeeded if he had approached the conquest differently?"
Aemond considered her question, appreciating the depth of her curiosity. "Perhaps. He tried to discredit your ancestors with slanders and rumors when his dragons failed, of course that endeavor proved fruitless as well, if it were me I would’ve hired mercenaries familiar with the terrain and the culture”
Y/n smiled wryly “Wars are not won with bloodshed alone my prince If he had been more willing to negotiate and form alliances rather than relying solely on brute force, he might have had a better chance. The Dornish value our independence highly, we would not bow to mere threats."
Aemond’s gaze softened, clearly intrigued by her insight. “It seems you have a keen grasp of the intricacies of the histories and strategy. I imagine you would have made a formidable advisor.”
Y/n’s cheeks flushed slightly at the compliment, but she remained composed. “Thank you, my prince. I’ve always believed that knowledge and perspective are key to navigating both conflict and peace.”
Aemond’s smile widened slightly, a rare gesture that hinted at genuine admiration. “I look forward to hearing more of your perspectives.”
Their debates on the histories of the realm continued, the conversation flowing easily between them. They discussed strategies, historical figures, and the nuances of Dornish culture versus the Targaryen way of conquest. Aemond found himself increasingly drawn to her intellect and passion, her perspectives challenging and enlightening.
As the evening wore on, Aemond realized with a start that he was enjoying her company. Y/n’s confident demeanor were a stark contrast to his initial impressions. He found himself admiring the way she held her own in their debate, unafraid to challenge his views.
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As the days turned into weeks, the cold of King's Landing seemed to grow less oppressive for y/n and Aemond, though winter’s bite was still unmistakable. One crisp afternoon, the pair decided to take a stroll through the Kingswood, a vast expanse of trees and tranquility that lay on the outskirts of the city.
Wrapped in their furs, they walked side by side, their conversation flowing as seamlessly as the wind through the trees. They continued their discussion of history. Aemond found himself enthralled by y/n’s insights and the way she animatedly discussed the events of the past.
As they wandered further into the wood, engrossed in their discourse, they lost track of time. The sun dipped below the horizon, and the temperature dropped sharply. Y/n’s delicate frame began to show signs of discomfort, her shivering becoming more pronounced.
Aemond’s keen eyes noticed her struggle first. “Princess, you appear distressed” he said, his voice laced with concern. “We should head back.”
Y/n tried to maintain her composure, but her attempts were faltering. “I’m quite cold” she admitted, her voice trembling. She winced as she took another step, her limp becoming more noticeable. “Perhaps... we should indeed return.”
Aemond’s brow furrowed as he observed her growing discomfort. Without a second thought, he scooped her into his arms with surprising ease. Y/n gasped, both startled and flustered by the sudden, intimate contact. Her cheeks flushed, though it was not entirely from the cold.
Aemond, maintaining a careful hold, began to carry her back through the woods. His stride was steady and purposeful, though he could not ignore the feeling of Y/N nestled close against him. The warmth of her body against his own was both a contrast to the frigid air and a comfort he had not anticipated.
As they neared the castle, Y/N’s embarrassment was palpable. She attempted to speak through her shivering. “M-my prince, you needn’t carry me. I can manage!”
Aemond’s gaze softened as he looked down at her. “You are in no condition to walk, Princess. Allow me to ensure you are safely returned to your chambers.”
Despite her initial resistance, Y/N found herself settling into his embrace, her coldness slowly melting away with each step Aemond took. The castle’s warmth greeted them as they entered, and Aemond carried her up the grand staircase, his movements deliberate and careful.
Upon reaching their chambers, Aemond gently set y/n down on the edge of the large, ornate bed. He took a moment to stoke the fire, ensuring the room was warm and inviting. Y/n watched him with a mixture of gratitude and bashfulness.
“Thank you” she said quietly as he helped her settle under the heavy, embroidered blankets. “I didn’t expect...”
Aemond interrupted her softly, a rare tenderness in his voice. “There is no need to thank me. It is my duty as your future husband to ensure your well being.”
As the fire crackled and the warmth enveloped her, y/n began to relax. Aemond, though maintaining his usual stoicism, could not ignore the growing affection he felt. He seated himself beside her, his presence a comforting shield against the chill.
Y/n looked at him, her eyes reflecting both relief and a newfound closeness. “You’ve been very kind, Aemond. I appreciate it more than you know.”
Aemond nodded, his own emotions subtly shifting. “I am glad to see you more comfortable. It would be remiss of me to let you suffer.”
The fire's glow cast a warm halo around them, and the room was filled with a tender intimacy that seemed to wrap around them like the softest of blankets. Y/n’s eyes met Aemond's, and for a moment, the world outside their secluded chamber fell away. The air was thick with an unspoken yearning, a deep desire that neither could ignore.
Aemond's gaze softened as he took in the sight of her, his usual composure giving way to a rare display of vulnerability. The warmth from the hearth made her cheeks flush, her lips slightly parted in a way that made Aemond's heart ache with a longing he had not anticipated. He reached out, his fingers brushing a stray lock of hair from her face, his touch tender and lingering.
As he leaned in, their breaths mingled, warm and intertwined. The kiss that followed was not hurried but slow and filled with a profound tenderness. It was as if Aemond was trying to savor every moment, every sensation of her closeness. His lips moved gently against hers, exploring with a careful, reverent touch. The kiss was a quiet confession of his growing affection, a promise of warmth and devotion.
Y/n felt a delicious shiver of pleasure as he placed his warm hands under her dress and caressing her thighs, melting into his embrace, her cold body finally finding solace in the heat of his touch. Aemond's arms wrapped around her with a desperate kind of need, pulling her closer as if he could absorb her cold and make it his own. His warmth seemed to seep into her, chasing away the chill that had plagued her since her arrival.
With each press of his lips every soft touch under her clothes, Aemond conveyed a yearning that went beyond mere physical desire. It was a yearning for connection, for understanding, for something deeper than the political arrangement that had brought them together. His touch was both possessive and protective, He was a fire that would keep her brittle heart warm.
When they finally parted, their foreheads resting together, Aemond’s eye was filled with a tenderness that spoke volumes.
Y/n’s voice was low, almost a whisper. “You bring warmth to more than just my body, Aemond. You’re igniting something in me that I never knew I needed.”
Aemonds eye shone with a mix of relief and affection as he looked down at her. “I never thought I’d find comfort like this.”
Aemond’s smile was soft, almost shy, as he brushed his thumb lightly over her cheek as she spoke.
“It’s strange, isn’t it? How something so unexpected can bring such warmth to our lives.”
Y/n nuzzled her nose with his and wrapped her leg over Aemond’s waist, drawing herself closer to him. The closeness of their bodies created an even more intimate cocoon, reinforcing their shared warmth. The contact of her leg against his body was both grounding and tender, a subtle way of expressing her trust and affection.
Aemond’s hold tightened slightly, his eye closing in contentment as he savored the sensation of her closeness. His hand continued its soothing caress, and he rested his forehead against hers, his breath mingling with hers in a warm, gentle rhythm. “You are my only warmth” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion.
Y/n’s eyes met his with a tender, knowing look. “And you are mine.” she replied softly, her lips brushing against his in a final, lingering kiss. They were each others warmth and comfort.
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callmedrwyrm · 2 years
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Jonathan Magnusarchives looks like this to me and when I think about him I very uncomfortably lay across two chairs in the Indiana Memorial Union and kick my legs in the air and write in my pink sparkly locked top secret diary with a big fluffy pen and I imagine an animatic of him and Martin and Tim in a bit from the new Episode One (haven’t actually been listening to tma as much this weekend) and I sigh with little hearts floating around my head as I ignore someone walking over to yell at me for hogging the chairs. the grotesque amount of crosshatching was done out of love
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thedissociatives · 2 years
thinking about the anti-union sentiment in the uk rn
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Sweden saying they'll vote against allowing the use of Catalan, Basque and Galician in the European Union Parliament because "there's lots of minority languages and we can't allow them all" is so funny because CATALAN HAS MORE SPEAKERS THAN SWEDISH
Catalan is the 13th most spoken language in the EU. It has more than 10 million speakers, which means it has more speakers than other languages that are already official EU languages like Maltese (530,000), Estonian (1.2 million), Latvian (1.5 million), Irish (1.6 million), Slovene (2.5 million), Lithuanian (3 million), Slovak (5 million), Finnish (5.8 million), Danish (6 million), Swedish (10 million), and Bulgarian (10 million).
Neither Galician (3 million) nor Basque (750,000) would still be the least spoken languages to be allowed in the EU representative bodies.
But even if any of them did, so what? Why do speakers of smaller languages deserve less rights than those of bigger languages? How are we supposed to feel represented by the EU Parliament when our representatives aren't even allowed to speak our language, but the dominant groups can speak theirs?
It all comes down to the hatred of language/cultural diversity and the belief that it's an inconvenience, that only the languages of independent countries have any kind of value while the rest should be killed off. After all, isn't that what Sweden has been trying to do to the indigenous Sami people for centuries?
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wheelie-sick · 2 months
thinking about how when I was trying to start a disabled student union (which I destroyed because everyone was a zionist) the other people there would all passive aggressively bring up how invisibly disabled people are "the most oppressed" (yes they actually said that in those words) whenever I'd try to talk about being visibly disabled. they told me we needed to center invisibly disabled voices every time I'd try to give my input.
and thinking back to the GSA in highschool and how someone said that "invisibly disabled people face far more discrimination than visibly disabled people" this happened to be the same day I was told by school administration that if there was a fire or school shooter I would be left behind because I was too inconvenient to evacuate and they refused to give me the elevator key.
and can you guys just shut the fuck up?
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AI’s productivity theater
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Support me this summer on the Clarion Write-A-Thon and help raise money for the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop!
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When I took my kid to New Zealand with me on a book-tour, I was delighted to learn that grocery stores had special aisles where all the kids'-eye-level candy had been removed, to minimize nagging. What a great idea!
Related: countries around the world limit advertising to children, for two reasons:
1) Kids may not be stupid, but they are inexperienced, and that makes them gullible; and
2) Kids don't have money of their own, so their path to getting the stuff they see in ads is nagging their parents, which creates a natural constituency to support limits on kids' advertising (nagged parents).
There's something especially annoying about ads targeted at getting credulous people to coerce or torment other people on behalf of the advertiser. For example, AI companies spent millions targeting your boss in an effort to convince them that you can be replaced with a chatbot that absolutely, positively cannot do your job.
Your boss has no idea what your job entails, and is (not so) secretly convinced that you're a featherbedding parasite who only shows up for work because you fear the breadline, and not because your job is a) challenging, or b) rewarding:
That makes them prime marks for chatbot-peddling AI pitchmen. Your boss would love to fire you and replace you with a chatbot. Chatbots don't unionize, they don't backtalk about stupid orders, and they don't experience any inconvenient moral injury when ordered to enshittify the product:
Bosses are Bizarro-world Marxists. Like Marxists, your boss's worldview is organized around the principle that every dollar you take home in wages is a dollar that isn't available for executive bonuses, stock buybacks or dividends. That's why you boss is insatiably horny for firing you and replacing you with software. Software is cheaper, and it doesn't advocate for higher wages.
That makes your boss such an easy mark for AI pitchmen, which explains the vast gap between the valuation of AI companies and the utility of AI to the customers that buy those companies' products. As an investor, buying shares in AI might represent a bet the usefulness of AI – but for many of those investors, backing an AI company is actually a bet on your boss's credulity and contempt for you and your job.
But bosses' resemblance to toddlers doesn't end with their credulity. A toddler's path to getting that eye-height candy-bar goes through their exhausted parents. Your boss's path to realizing the productivity gains promised by an AI salesman runs through you.
A new research report from the Upwork Research Institute offers a look into the bizarre situation unfolding in workplaces where bosses have been conned into buying AI and now face the challenge of getting it to work as advertised:
The headline findings tell the whole story:
96% of bosses expect that AI will make their workers more productive;
85% of companies are either requiring or strongly encouraging workers to use AI;
49% of workers have no idea how AI is supposed to increase their productivity;
77% of workers say using AI decreases their productivity.
Working at an AI-equipped workplaces is like being the parent of a furious toddler who has bought a million Sea Monkey farms off the back page of a comic book, and is now destroying your life with demands that you figure out how to get the brine shrimp he ordered from a notorious Holocaust denier to wear little crowns like they do in the ad:
Bosses spend a lot of time thinking about your productivity. The "productivity paradox" shows a rapid, persistent decline in American worker productivity, starting in the 1970s and continuing to this day:
The "paradox" refers to the growth of IT, which is sold as a productivity-increasing miracle. There are many theories to explain this paradox. One especially good theory came from the late David Graeber (rest in power), in his 2012 essay, "Of Flying Cars and the Declining Rate of Profit":
Graeber proposes that the growth of IT was part of a wider shift in research approaches. Research was once dominated by weirdos (e.g. Jack Parsons, Oppenheimer, etc) who operated with relatively little red tape. The rise of IT coincides with the rise of "managerialism," the McKinseyoid drive to monitor, quantify and – above all – discipline the workforce. IT made it easier to generate these records, which also made it normal to expect these records.
Before long, every employee – including the "creatives" whose ideas were credited with the productivity gains of the American century until the 70s – was spending a huge amount of time (sometimes the majority of their working days) filling in forms, documenting their work, and generally producing a legible account of their day's work. All this data gave rise to a ballooning class of managers, who colonized every kind of institution – not just corporations, but also universities and government agencies, which were structured to resemble corporations (down to referring to voters or students as "customers").
Even if you think all that record-keeping might be useful, there's no denying that the more time you spend documenting your work, the less time you have to do your work. The solution to this was inevitably more IT, sold as a way to make the record-keeping easier. But adding IT to a bureaucracy is like adding lanes to a highway: the easier it is to demand fine-grained record-keeping, the more record-keeping will be demanded of you.
But that's not all that IT did for the workplace. There are a couple areas in which IT absolutely increased the profitability of the companies that invested in it.
First, IT allowed corporations to outsource production to low-waged countries in the global south, usually places with worse labor protection, weaker environmental laws, and easily bribed regulators. It's really hard to produce things in factories thousands of miles away, or to oversee remote workers in another country. But IT makes it possible to annihilate distance, time zone gaps, and language barriers. Corporations that figured out how to use IT to fire workers at home and exploit workers and despoil the environment in distant lands thrived. Executives who oversaw these projects rose through the ranks. For example, Tim Cook became the CEO of Apple thanks to his successes in moving production out of the USA and into China.
Outsourcing provided a sugar high that compensated for declining productivity…for a while. But eventually, all the gains to be had from outsourcing were realized, and companies needed a new source of cheap gains. That's where "bossware" came in: the automation of workforce monitoring and discipline. Bossware made it possible to monitor workers at the finest-grained levels, measuring everything from keystrokes to eyeball movements.
What's more, the declining power of the American worker – a nice bonus of the project to fire huge numbers of workers and ship their jobs overseas, which made the remainder terrified of losing their jobs and thus willing to eat a rasher of shit and ask for seconds – meant that bossware could be used to tie wages to metrics. It's not just gig workers who don't score consistent five star ratings from app users whose pay gets docked – it's also creative workers whose Youtube and Tiktok wages are cut for violating rules that they aren't allowed to know, because that might help them break the rules without being detected and punished:
Bossware dominates workplaces from public schools to hospitals, restaurants to call centers, and extends to your home and car, if you're working from home (AKA "living at work") or driving for Uber or Amazon:
In providing a pretense for stealing wages, IT can increase profits, even as it reduces productivity:
One way to think about how this works is through the automation-theory metaphor of a "centaur" and a "reverse centaur." In automation circles, a "centaur" is someone who is assisted by an automation tool – for example, when your boss uses AI to monitor your eyeballs in order to find excuses to steal your wages, they are a centaur, a human head atop a machine body that does all the hard work, far in excess of any human's capacity.
A "reverse centaur" is a worker who acts as an assistant to an automation system. The worker who is ridden by an AI that monitors their eyeballs, bathroom breaks, and keystrokes is a reverse centaur, being used (and eventually, used up) by a machine to perform the tasks that the machine can't perform unassisted:
But there's only so much work you can squeeze out of a human in this fashion before they are ruined for the job. Amazon's internal research reveals that the company has calculated that it ruins workers so quickly that it is in danger of using up every able-bodied worker in America:
Which explains the other major findings from the Upwork study:
81% of bosses have increased the demands they make on their workers over the past year; and
71% of workers are "burned out."
Bosses' answer to "AI making workers feel burned out" is the same as "IT-driven form-filling makes workers unproductive" – do more of the same, but go harder. Cisco has a new product that tries to detect when workers are about to snap after absorbing abuse from furious customers and then gives them a "Zen" moment in which they are showed a "soothing" photo of their family:
This is just the latest in a series of increasingly sweaty and cruel "workplace wellness" technologies that spy on workers and try to help them "manage their stress," all of which have the (totally predictable) effect of increasing workplace stress:
The only person who wouldn't predict that being closely monitored by an AI that snitches on you to your boss would increase your stress levels is your boss. Unfortunately for you, AI pitchmen know this, too, and they're more than happy to sell your boss the reverse-centaur automation tool that makes you want to die, and then sell your boss another automation tool that is supposed to restore your will to live.
The "productivity paradox" is being resolved before our eyes. American per-worker productivity fell because it was more profitable to ship American jobs to regulatory free-fire zones and exploit the resulting precarity to abuse the workers left onshore. Workers who resented this arrangement were condemned for having a shitty "work ethic" – even as the number of hours worked by the average US worker rose by 13% between 1976 and 2016:
AI is just a successor gimmick at the terminal end of 40 years of increasing profits by taking them out of workers' hides rather than improving efficiency. That arrangement didn't come out of nowhere: it was a direct result of a Reagan-era theory of corporate power called "consumer welfare." Under the "consumer welfare" approach to antitrust, monopolies were encouraged, provided that they used their market power to lower wages and screw suppliers, while lowering costs to consumers.
"Consumer welfare" supposed that we could somehow separate our identities as "workers" from our identities as "shoppers" – that our stagnating wages and worsening conditions ceased mattering to us when we clocked out at 5PM (or, you know, 9PM) and bought a $0.99 Meal Deal at McDonald's whose low, low price was only possible because it was cooked by someone sleeping in their car and collecting food-stamps.
But we're reaching the end of the road for consumer welfare. Sure, your toddler-boss can be tricked into buying AI and firing half of your co-workers and demanding that the remainder use AI to do their jobs. But if AI can't do their jobs (it can't), no amount of demanding that you figure out how to make the Sea Monkeys act like they did in the comic-book ad is doing to make that work.
As screwing workers and suppliers produces fewer and fewer gains, companies are increasingly turning on their customers. It's not just that you're getting worse service from chatbots or the humans who are reverse-centaured into their workflow. You're also paying more for that, as algorithmic surveillance pricing uses automation to gouge you on prices in realtime:
This is – in the memorable phrase of David Dayen and Lindsay Owens, the "age of recoupment," in which companies end their practice of splitting the gains from suppressing labor with their customers:
It's a bet that the tolerance for monopolies made these companies too big to fail, and that means they're too big to jail, so they can cheat their customers as well as their workers.
AI may be a bet that your boss can be suckered into buying a chatbot that can't do your job, but investors are souring on that bet. Goldman Sachs, who once trumpeted AI as a multi-trillion dollar sector with unlimited growth, is now publishing reports describing how companies who buy AI can't figure out what to do with it:
Fine, investment banks are supposed to be a little conservative. But VCs? They're the ones with all the appetite for risk, right? Well, maybe so, but Sequoia Capital, a top-tier Silicon Valley VC, is also publicly questioning whether anyone will make AI investments pay off:
I can't tell you how great it was to take my kid down a grocery checkout aisle from which all the eye-level candy had been removed. Alas, I can't figure out how we keep the nation's executive toddlers from being dazzled by shiny AI pitches that leave us stuck with the consequences of their impulse purchases.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
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I see you have had many asks but I am much curious about Witcher Yennefer (a witcher!Yennefer, part-Fae!Jaskier, modern with magic Yennskier AU) and literally all of your originals.
Any fun fact about one of the originals? 👀❤️
My Witcher!Yennefer modern with magic AU is a fic where Yennefer saves Jaskier's life and Jaskier being Jaskier, he's immediately smitten. But having spent several hundred years trapped in the Fae world and still not being entirely sure how courtship works in the human world, he thinks the best way of winning her heart is setting up increasingly elaborate scenarios where she needs to save his life.
A snippet:
“Well, hello.” The human sacrifice gazes up at Yennefer from the altar, batting big blue eyes like an ingenue in an old film. “Come here often?”
Yennefer has just cut through a half dozen of the cultists trying to bring about some kind of apocalypse, because people these days have far too much time on their hands. She’s covered in more viscera than she would like—she’s not Geralt, who can walk around covered in selkiemore guts for hours and hardly notice the stench. She isn’t in the mood to play the noble rescuer today; she was really hoping there wouldn’t be a human sacrifice involved. But of course there’s a human sacrifice. End of days cults aren’t known for their originality.
“Why the fuck would anyone come here?” With her blood-soaked steel sword, she gestures around the half-falling down, long abandoned house where the cult had the unfortunate idiot tied up.
Thoughtfully, he looks around. “I see your point. Though I suppose if anyone’s going to spend a lot of time skulking around definitely haunted houses, it would be a witcher. That’s what you are, right?” He bats his eyelashes again. “Two swords, medallion, slit-pupiled eyes. Though I’ll admit, no one ever told me witchers were so pretty.”
Yennefer gives him a long, unimpressed look, which he returns with a smile. “How fortunate that they didn’t gag you.”
“They kept threatening to. Apparently, my suggestions for how they could improve their villainy weren’t appreciated. Really, black robes, abandoned houses as lairs, chanting in archaic Elder? It was all a bit gauche, in my humble opinion.”
One of the gauche cultists comes charging at Yennefer, dagger raised. She slips a throwing star—a thoughtful Midwinter present from Aiden last year—from her belt and hurls it at the man. He collapses with a shriek as it embeds in his throat.“See?” The human sacrifice gestures as well as he can with his hands shackled to the altar. “No poetry. Truly, I owe you my life and my dignity. I would have never lived it down if I died like this. I shudder to think what kind of eulogy Valdo Marx would give.”
I don't know if this counts as a fun fact, but due to a major plot point in An Inconvenient Union, I've had to spend an inordinate amount of time lately contemplating the best preparation methods for an entirely fictional type of berry. So naturally, a spent part of this morning dissecting various types of berries to figure out the best ways to get all the seeds out. Which probably isn't close to the weirdest thing I've ever done for writing purposes.
Ask me about my WIPs!
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phoenixyfriend · 6 months
Somewhere out there is an essay about superhero movies where villains co-opt, misuse, or even just misunderstand the language of the left to push methods and goals that are incompatible with the actual theory of the left, but that sound Right And Good to viewers who aren't thinking it through entirely. And the essay is not just about how they compare to each other, but how they are a litmus test for viewers to know how susceptible they are to propaganda.
Co-opt: Most obvious example and the inspiration for this post is the Riddler in Batman (2020, the one with RPatt). The Riddler recites leftist rhetoric about corruption, wealth hoarding, and redistribution, but his actual actions and goals are unrelated. He's an accelerationist who's more interested in tearing down a system that didn't benefit HIM than in actually rectifying the problems, and who cares if a few kids get traumatized or even killed along the way?
Misuse: Easy mode, this one's Thanos. He talks about ensuring there's enough for everyone to eat, but like. Bro.
Misunderstand: Erik Killmonger, who has the benefit of both some incredibly legitimate grievances and a pretty face, but also kind of fails at the idea of intersectionality, proportionality, or Start With Words Before You Escalate. He's the easiest to sympathize with, because he has some really good points and ultimately does appear to be legitimately pursuing those goals... but he's also a misogynist, jumped to international terrorism before "call up my cousin who doesn't know I exist," and there's something in there about the role played by his time in the US military, which gave him emotional trauma, head trauma, and a sincere belief in the validity of US-style insurgency operations based on hostile takeovers of inconvenient countries. He's charming and pretty and sincere... he's just also, in many ways, wrong. And the parts where he's right makes it easy to try to ignore the bits where he's wrong if you're predisposed to like him and prefer some absolutism.
Anyway, yeah, there are definitely other examples, but the ones that were suggested to me didn't quite vibe with the base idea (Mysterio and Vulture both had disgruntled union moments in the MCU, but they left those roots so quickly that I don't think the concept of using leftist rhetoric as cover/justification for the crimes really applies since, they very quickly shift gears into revenge and greed respectively).
Someone's probably done this better orz.
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pechebeche · 1 year
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[ID: An image of an e-mail from SAGAFTRA to @NerdyNightly on Twitter, at 3:23 PM on July 21, 2023. It reads the following:
Any non-member seeking future membership in SAG-AFTRA who performs covered work or services for a struck company during the strike will not be admitted into membership in SAG-AFTRA. With that in mind, non-union influences posting content about struck work should refrain from posting on social media even if those posts are unpaid, and the influencer is posting from the viewpoint of a fan.
Even when done for fun, posting about struck work such as reactions to new episodes from a struck series, or even old films/shows that if produced today, would be struck, can be viewed as promotional. For these reasons, we ask that you help us in relaying the seriousness of the matter by refraining from posting about any project by struck companies during the strike.
For more info specific to podcasts, please continue to review our website at https://sagaftrastrike.org for updated FAQs that will follow shortly. /END ID]
hey yall, sagaftra has asked people not to promote their projects online, even inadvertently, which includes the doll movie and the bomb movie that have recently come out. officially, this is only being asked from influencers, but because that line os so confusing and malleable, please consider holding back from discussing or hyping either of them on social media. you're free to see the movies - they aren't calling for a boycott - but please hold back from posting about them, especially if you have a large following. don't cross the picket line!!
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commander-damneron · 2 years
Yesterday at work we came up with this whole plan for better employee discounts, including pointing out that the literal customers get a better discount than us and it's cheaper to pay full price at he cafe up the road, and, just for a fun time, getting one of the office guys to suggest an outrageously high discount so we seemed way cooler than him for not asking for that. Anyway, we just got an email saying our new staff discount is way closer to his suggestion than anything we were hoping for so look at us fucking go
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dcxdpdabbles · 3 months
What's your favorite person of Bruce interacting with his kids?
Wayne Family Adventures Bruce has my whole heart.
But if you mean in fanfiction then it would be
Dick - "Please get down from there. you're not an adorable nine year old anymore. The chandelier is going to break!"
Jason - "Have you heard that my Jason is the top of his class at Gotham University? He's on the way to being valedictorian. Jason, stop shushing me, I'm right"
Tim- "I beg of you, do not become a supervillain at this slightest inconvenience. Tim, you just need to take a nap, have some water, and eat something"
Damian: "Every time I'm called into your school, it's because you hit someone, bite someone, or you caused the teachers to unionize. "
Cass: "Look, I know we both don't like Galas, but that doesn't mean you can vanish as soon as the doors open. Cass, sweetie, you need to make friends like me- I have friends! I have loads of friends! Of course, the Justice League counts. Why wouldn't they!? "
Steph: "I invite you into my home. I feed you, clothe you, and give you a roof over your head every other weekend when you're not at your mother's and you repay me by slapping my other guests with white gloves? No, the rich don't challenge each other to duels anymore!"
Duke: "Duke, son, stop organizing protests over parking fees and daycare prices. I know their unfailingly high, but this is not going to work. Why dont we just start our own daycare and- What do you mean Eat the Rich!? YOU'RE RICH NOW"
Jarro, Terry, Helena, Carrie, Harper, Cullen, Maps and unknown Wayne clone: I have done nothing wrong ever in my life
Bruce in tears of joy: I know this, and I love you
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Walmart political operatives write nearly all the Republican legislation that you protest against. They are the most despicable union busters in the history of America. They have entire stores where only the managers are full-time and everyone else is part-time minimum wage with no benefits. The Walton family donates zero % of their wealth to charity, they have been documented as the stingiest 1%ers in the country. They are reported for more wage theft and child labor law violations than every other US company combined. Welfare, food stamps, and other aid to their employees is in the billions nationwide. They donate a billion dollars out of pocket in election years to fund every single Republican candidate for state and federal office.
Yet 99% of you will refuse to boycott them because it would inconvenience you. A boycott of them for a month could change our entire political landscape for the better and bankrupt many Republican campaigns. They are not diversified like other oligarchs and would be highly susceptible to a boycott.
Why do you tolerate them being behind every single thing that is wrong with this country.
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