#an online continuing education company
kajmasterclass · 9 months
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hi! i'd like to take a moment today to spotlight the campaign of my friend Firas (@firasmuhaisenn), who's graciously shared his and his family's story with me.
last year, Firas and his sister traveled to Egypt to pursue their long-held dream of becoming doctors. however, at the end of their first year of university, they're now bearing a twofold responsibility: bringing their family of six (including three children) to safety outside of Gaza, and financing the remainder of their education.
the Muhaisen family, like so many others, have lost everything over the last ten months of genocide. the construction company Firas's father once owned was destroyed by airstrikes, leaving them with no livelihood, and no means to pay for continuing Firas and his sister's education. displaced and with no access to adequate food, water, or medical care, the family is struggling to survive.
to preserve their dream and ensure the next year of their education, Firas and his sister need to raise $6000 CAD by August 1st ($3000 CAD per year x 2 people). combined with three more years of school and evacuation costs for their family, they will need $82k CAD. right now, they have raised around $2300 CAD—less than 5% of their long-term goal.
however, their current amount is only ~$3700 CAD away from covering their university fees for next year (and only $700 CAD from halfway!). to put it another way, if every day this week about 100 people who see this post donate $5 CAD, we could get Firas and his sister to their short-term target by next monday, allowing them to focus primarily on evacuating their family.
if you're in a position to donate, do so in whatever capacity you can; if you don't have the means, share this post or one from Firas (or his siblings @nisreenameen and @hashem-fromgaza) with someone in your life who does or to your online community. let's help Firas and his family to reach their goal as quickly as possible!
(Firas's campaign has been verified by @/90-ghost)
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twice-inamillion · 7 months
The Company
Newest Recruit 
Story Building and Fluff
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Chapter 8
3,160 Words
(You and Mina’s family have a talk about her enjoying the company. Jessica goes to America to buy her new home. A new set of trainees arrive to the company from a different company.)
After talking to Mina and the choreographer, you ask them for an appointment to talk to her parents. Mina agrees and calls her mom to see when the best time to talk to them both. 
You return to your hotel and talk to your assistants about recruiting her into the company. As you’re going over some possible offers, you can make you receive a phone call from the choreographer telling you that Mina and her family can meet tomorrow evening. I am glad about the rapid response and that you prepared everything for your meeting.
It’s the following day, and you’re standing in front of her house and ringing the doorbell. It doesn’t take too long for the door to open, and you see an older female, assuming to be the mother. “Good evening; you must be here because of Mina, correct?”
“Yes. Thank you for inviting me to your home.”
“Come, take a seat. I’ll call Mina and her father over.”
“Thank you,” walking to the living room and sitting on the couch.”
You see Mina walking down the stairs to the living room, “Good evening,” she shyly waved her hand. She sits on the couch across from you and waits for both her parents to arrive. 
From the kitchen, Mina’s parents and the choreographer walk to the living room with drinks and snacks.
“Sorry for the wait; we wanted to bring snacks for us to enjoy.”
Once everyone is seated, you introduce yourself as the CEO of Olympus Entertainment, surprising everyone. Knowing some information about the company, the choreographer briefs the parents on the benefits offered to the trainees and the education they get.
Both the parents smile when they hear about the great benefits offered and the chance to finish their education, unlike other companies.
“We like that your company allows them to finish their studies. We want Mina to finish her schooling if possible,” says Mina’s dad.
“Yes, we understand that joining the entertainment business isn’t what some parents see as an ideal job. Here, out of our company, we want everyone to receive higher education in case the trainees decide to change their career path. We also allow them to gain experience in the field by applying to be staff in our company.”
Her parents seem a bit more comfortable hearing that there is a backup plan just in case she doesn’t want to continue. You go over on why you want Mina in your company and what you are willing to offer. 
“I’m glad you think highly of our daughter and her talents. She’s been a good girl, and we think she should make this decision on her l own,” says Mina’s mom. 
Mina shyly speaks up, “I want to go. I’m a bit nervous, but I think it’d be nice to meet other people who enjoy dancing.” 
“Are you sure, Mina?” asks her dad.
“Yes, Ceo-nim complimented my dancing a lot, so I don’t want it to go to waste.”
Her mom then asks, “Okay, then it’s decided. Please take care of our daughter and her future.”
“I will.”
Mina and her parents sign the contract. You congratulate both of them and assure them they won’t regret it. 
“Do you need her to fly to Korea now?”
Take care of your schooling and enjoy a small break. I’ll personally come and you all to the company and give you a tour and see our facilities.”
As you’re about to leave, Mina walks up and grabs the edge of your jacket, “CEO-nim, I won’t disappoint you,” as she plays with her fingers.
It’s been a few days after signing Mina to your label, and you have been preparing for her arrival. During the week, you also had Jessica living with you after collecting her items from her apartment. She tells you about her plan to return to America and set up her own fashion brand. 
During her stay at your place, Jessica has looked online for possible houses to buy during her stay back in San Francisco. “What do you think about this one?” she asks. 
“That one looks nice; it has a nice backyard, and it's not directly in the middle of the city.”
“I like this one too, but it seems busy.”
“You said you want to relax, so maybe something where there are not too many tourists.”
“It has been nice to see them in person.”
“If you want, I can schedule a few open houses; I’m almost done with what I have to do.”
“But how are we going to get there without getting noticed? I don’t want the public to see me like this.”
“We can take my plane there.” 
“You got a plane?”
“Yes, I don’t want to go through the hassle of chartering a plane, so I just bought one myself.”
You arrive in San Francisco two days later and go to multiple open houses. Most of these homes are in the millions, but you’re willing to spend that much for your child. After a few days of looking, Jessica makes up her mind, and you sign a contract to purchase the house. The both of you stopped by her parents' house to drop off some items before heading back to Korea. Jessica is about to open the door when you hear, “Jessica, is that you?” Out comes a younger version of her, her sister. She looks at you in annoyance and says, “Is that the guy that knocked you up?”
Jessica reacts and smacks her, “Shut up!” The sister runs back inside as Jessica tries to hit her again but fails. “Sorry for the rude girl over there, but that is my younger sister, Krystal.” You try to introduce yourself to her sister, but she ignores you. 
“So, I heard from Mom and Dad that you bought a house nearby.”
“Actually, he bought the house,” she said as she looked in my direction.
“Hmph… that’s the least he could do after getting you pregnant and causing you to get kicked out.”
“Krystal, be quiet.”
“But it’s true. He was the cause for everything.”
“It’s partially my fault, too, not just his.”
The two of them continue to discuss with each other, and you say, “I’m going to be heading back to the airport. I’ll be back to help you move in. Also, send me the information on the fashion line.” Jessica turns around and kisses you on the cheek before you head out. 
A bit over a week has passed, and you are headed to Japan to pick up Mina and her parents. 
They board the plane, and during the flight, you give them the rundown of what they will see during their stay in Korea. 
“After arriving, we can have lunch and tour the campus. I will lead the tour while your items are taken to the hotel I reserved for you during your stay. The second day would be reviewing some fine details about Mina’s stay and looking at the dorms she would be staying in. You then have the next few days to tour around and do as you wish, and the company will pay for it.”
“Ceo-nim, you don’t have to do that,” says Mina’s mom.
“I want to. Mina is the first idol I personally recruited, making it a special moment. Plus, your daughter has a lot of talent, so it would be rude of me not to respond in kindness.”
Mina and Mina’s mom smile while her dad agrees that his daughter is worthy of such consideration.
You all arrive at the company and walk into the main building. You take them through the meeting room, cafeteria, and main practice rooms. The next stop is the education center, where most trainees have classes to finish their education, take extracurricular activities, or want to study. 
The last place is the large building where I have practice rooms for small to large groups or for individual practice. “The place is so big and new,” says Mina’s mom. 
“We want all our trainees and idols with the opportunity to succeed, so we provide them with the best, anywhere from education to mental health.” 
“What about security, like the safety of the trainees and idols?” asks dad.
“The campus is normally closed to the public. Most areas require a security clearance based on the position you have in the company. For example, we separate the trainees and idols to prevent any potential conflict, such as education builds and dorms. Since most of them have a regular schedule, we tend to know where they are at. If there are any irregularities, we use these bracelets to know where they last were since they are used to access building doors.” 
“What about if they get sick? How do they get treatment?” asks Mina’s mom. 
“We do have a health center that can deal with common issues and is planning to build an in-house hospital for all company employees, trainees, and idols.”
“Seems like you all have things figured out,” says Mina’s dad. 
“We want to ensure the safety of everyone here and make it as easy for them to concentrate on their goals. 
After the tour, all of you go out to dinner before calling it a night. “I’ll leave you all for the night and see you early in the morning. You’ll get to experience our cafeteria and see the dorms.”
Early in the morning, you meet Mina and her parents outside the cafeteria. “Good morning.”
“Good morning, Ceo-nim.”
“How was your sleep?”
“It was great; the beds were really comfortable.”
“That’s good to hear. We use the same mattress for our dorms here.” 
“You hear that, Mina. Make sure not to sleep in too much,” says her dad.
“Otōsan… not in front of the Ceo,” whines Mina and covers her embarrassed face.
“It’s fine; I sometimes enjoy a good rest.”
The four of you head to the cafeteria. Mina is surprised by the number of food options that the area offers. “We offer meals three times a day and have cafes and small shops throughout the campus. You can even order a custom meal if given prior notice.”
Mina walks to the line, gets various dishes, and walks out of the line with a gummy smile. 
“Seems like our daughter is going to get accustomed to here in no time,” says Dad in a joking manner.
We all laugh, and Mina turns red again from her dad teasing her. We continue to have breakfast. When we are done, we head out to the dorms where she will stay. 
“The dorms are not that far away but separate from the rest of the campus. We have multiple types of dorms for those who are over of age and who are not. We keep them separate since they have different schedules and rules. Once placed in a group, you are moved to a large dorm based on the number of people within the group. They have a kitchen and more space to get to know each other better and build relationships.”
“So does that mean I get to room with another person?”
“We actually have a room available that is meant for two, but you’ll be using it on your own. Obviously, when we get more trainees, we will pair you up with someone who has similar interests.”
As we walk down the road to the dorms, her parents are amazed by how well-maintained they look. Mina cannot help but comment on how they look like college dorms and is excited to see her own dorm. “Is this my dorm?”
“Actually, yes. The one on the left.” 
You take out your phone and call the dorm manager. She came outside and introduced herself as the one in charge of managing the building and dorm RA. 
She leads the group to the second floor of the building and into the unoccupied wing. “You won't be in this wing, but we are going to use it as an example. Here are the shared bathrooms with multiple stalls and showers cleaned frequently. You are all divided in wings so there are not many who use the bathrooms. There are also individual restrooms throughout the building.”
She then walks to a room and opens it, “This is an example of a double room; there are two beds, a large closet for, and a table.” The parents walk around and seem to like the room, “it’s big. I think you’ll like Mina,” says her mom. “Next, we’ll see a triple room, and it’s much bigger than the double.” 
After the demonstration, the manager walks the group to the dorm that Mina will be occupying. “This will be your room, Mina. It’s a double, but you won't have a roommate as of now. We expect a new round of incoming trainees, so you might be paired up soon.”
“Look, Mina, it has a nice view,” says her dad. 
You comment, “I think you’ll like it. You are more than welcome to return tomorrow so you can help with the move-in process. Let’s return to my office and discuss some minor details.”
You are all in your office and take out two large folders, a copy for the parents and one for Mina. “These will be your copy of the contract, the expectations and the list of benefits, and some of the options we offer in extracurricular activities. Also, we don’t ask for any payment from the parents, and it's covered by us until they debut. After that, we do take out a share of what was invested for training.”
“That sounds more than reasonable; I heard of other companies asking for large amounts of money upfront,” says the dad.
“Yes, some do, but since we are a new company, we want to separate ourselves from them.”
As you and the parents talk, Mina looks at the extracurricular catalog and tries to decide on what she wants to join.
“Do you have an idea, sweetheart?” asks Mina’s mom.
“There are so many options, I can’t make up my mind.”
“It’s okay, Mina. Take your time; choose whenever you are ready.”
Her mom looks through the dance section and says, “I see you don’t offer Ballet.”
“Yes, unfortunately, we don’t have many trainees that practice. It was something that we wanted to have and actually have a room for it, but it's not completed.”
“What do you think, Mina? Do you still want to practice ballet?” asks her dad.
“I don’t know. I want to try other dances, but I also want to continue.”
“If you want, we can complete it for you. I would be more than happy to see you dance again.”
“See, Mina, the CEO himself said that we want to see you dance and is willing to finish its construction just for you,” says her dad.
You see, Mina thinks about it and fiddles with her fingers, “Do you really like my dancing, Ceo-nim?”
“Yes, I really did.”
“Umm… if you like it, then I’ll be more than happy to continue.”
“Aww, sweetie, that’s good to hear,” says her mom. 
“That would be amazing, Mina. Then, I’ll make sure we finish the construction of the studio. You’ll be our first user so it would be like your personal dance studio, haha,.”
“See, Mina, your own studio,” says her mom.
“Thank you so much; I’ll try to live up to your expectations of me,” says Mina shyly.
After that conversation, a member of the trainee team came in and explained the clearance system and the bracelet that Mina would be wearing. This will give her access to her room and other facilities. “We have your information in our system. This bracelet serves as a smartwatch and access key to your room, the buildings you are cleared for, your health profile for the health center, and the cafeteria.”
Mina confirms her information, and the bracelet activates. The team member puts on her bracelet and shows her how it works and what type of data it shows on our end. “This information is kept on our private servers and are not shared anywhere. So when you scan it in a certain location, it only shows based information and nothing else. Try using it here.” 
The screen shows Mina’s basic information as a trainee and a picture. “Okay, it seems like you’re all ready to move in.”
It’s been a few weeks since Mina moved into the dorms, and she’s been slowly adjusting to her new environment. You call her a few times a week to ask how she is doing or if she needs anything. Like always, she’s shy and soft-spoken. 
Today, you called her to your office to give her some news that will affect her position as a trainee. “Good morning, CEO-nim. I’m here because you wanted to see me.”
“Yes, good morning Mina. Come over and talk a seat.” 
“Is something the matter?”
“Yes. I have been in contact with JYP Entertainment, and we are going to collaborate. The company will receive a couple of its idols as part of an agreement. You will be placed together with them since you’re one of the newest trainees.”
“Do you know how many trainees will be coming over?”
“There will be fifteen others; some of them have trainees for a long time while others have just a few years.”
“Does that mean I'll be getting a roommate?”
“Yes, they should be arriving within a week, so try to make them feel comfortable.”
“I hope you treat my trainees well,” says Park Jin-young.
“Don’t worry. They’re going to enjoy their time here.”
“I hope so.”
You then step forward and introduce yourself, “Hello, everyone. Welcome to Olympus Entertainment. I hope you enjoy your time here and build friendships with those around you.”
All the trainees from JYP, in unison, stand up and say, “Thank you for having us, CEO.”
“All of you already know why you’re here, but, as a formality, introduce yourselves.
“Hello, my name is Im Na-yeon.”
“Hello, my name is Yoo Jeong-yeon.”
“Hello, my name is Hirai Momo.”
“Hello, my name is Minatozaki Sana.”
“Hello, my name is Park Ji-hyo.”
“Hello, my name is Myoi Mina.”
“Hello, my name is Song Min-young.”
“Hello, my name is Park Ji-won.
“Hello, my name is Kim Da-hyun.”
“Hello, my name is Son Chae-young.”
“Hello, my name is Chou Tzu-yu.”
“Hello, my name is Lee Chae-yeon.”
“Hello, my name is Kim Eun-suh.”
“Hello, my name is Jeon So-mi.”
“Hello, my name is Lee Chae-ryeong.”
“Hello, my name is Natty.”
“Welcome once again, all sixteen of you.”
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unityrain24 · 4 months
email i got today not sure if this is news??:
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Breaking news: a top Democrat in the House has highlighted the problem with the “duty of care” model in the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA).1
During the markup last week, Rep. Frank Pallone said, “adopting the duty of care could cause social media companies to over-filter content out of an abundance of caution about legal risk, and as a result some young people could lose access to helpful and even life-saving content.”2
This is exactly what dozens of human rights, civil liberties, racial justice, and LGBTQ+ groups have been saying for years about why KOSA’s duty of care is so dangerous.3
Our grassroots campaign is working and it's getting the attention of top lawmakers. Can you help us continue the fight to ensure that KOSA is only passed if it gets fixed?
Pallone rightly went on to say that he doesn’t trust Big Tech companies to make determinations about what types of content recommendations cause mental health disorders, noting that our understanding of the science in this area is still evolving.
Here’s what this means:
It’s working. Your phone calls, emails, the videos you’ve made and shared, the small $5 and $10 donations that enable us to run online campaigns, display your comments on billboards in DC4, and keep the media and lawmakers staff as informed as possible about our concerns have made KOSA less likely to pass, at least not without major changes. The top Democrat on the House committee is speaking out against it,  and that wouldn’t have happened without all of our work together.
We still have a ton of work to do. Rep. Pallone’s alternative proposal is to try to address the harms of Big Tech by going after Section 2305, which would lead to many of the same harms he’s worried about with KOSA’s duty of care. So we still have to work to educate his staff and other members on and off the committee, and drive emails and phone calls urging Congress to adopt strong privacy and antitrust protections instead of stalling out again and again with bills like KOSA and EARN IT that raise serious human rights concerns. APRA, the privacy bill that also advanced at the hearing, has some positive features, but there’s a lot of work needed to make it strong enough to actually protect the most vulnerable people.
KOSA could still pass, and we need to keep up the pressure. Despite the surprise blowback KOSA faced at last week’s hearing, the subcommittee still voted to advance it to a full committee vote. That means it’s one step closer to passing, and there is still a very real possibility that it could be snuck into a “must-pass” funding bill like the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). There is a big push from backers of KOSA including full page ads, op-eds in major papers, and several large tech companies have already come out in support of it. We have to take it seriously as an ongoing threat.
There is also still a chance that KOSA could be amended to address our concerns. Senator Wyden has proposed some helpful amendments. One of the good parts of KOSA is its ban on targeted advertising to kids. That could be imported into a strengthened version of APRA, for example, while leaving the harmful duty of care model behind. There are lots of ways Congress can address the harms of Big Tech and protect kids without enabling censorship and surveillance.
So, we gained some ground, but the fight is far from over. If you’ve read this far, you must understand how important this is. If you’re in a position to donate, please click here.
Help stop KOSA
If not, seriously don’t worry about it. We’ve all been there. Thank you so much for being part of this movement demanding Internet policies that don’t throw marginalized people under the bus. We can fight for an Internet where kids aren’t just safe, but have basic human rights, and the ability to speak out and shape the world around them. 
Let’s do it,
Evan at ❤️ Fight for the Future
Fight for the Future, PO Box 55071 #95005, Boston, MA 02205  Don't like these emails? Unsubscribe.
Sent via ActionNetwork.org. To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Fight for the Future, please click here.
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tangibletechnomancy · 10 months
Neural Nets, Walled Gardens, and Positive Vibes Only
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the crystal spire at the center of the techno-utopian walled garden
Anyone who knows or even just follows me knows that as much as I love neural nets, I'm far from being a fan of AI as a corporate fad. Despite this, I am willing to use big-name fad-chasing tools...sometimes, particularly on a free basis. My reasons for this are twofold:
Many people don't realize this, but these tools are more expensive for the companies to operate than they earn from increased interest in the technology. Using many of these free tools can, in fact, be the opposite of "support" at this time. Corporate AI is dying, use it to kill it faster!
You can't give a full, educated critique of something's flaws and failings without engaging with it yourself, and I fully intend to rip Dall-E 3, or more accurately the companies behind it, a whole new asshole - so I want it to be a fair, nuanced, and most importantly personally informed new asshole.
Now, much has already been said about the biases inherent to current AI models. This isn't a problem exclusive to closed-source corporate models; any model is only as good as its dataset, and it turns out that people across the whole wide internet are...pretty biased. Most major models right now, trained primarily on the English-language internet, present a very western point of view - treating young conventionally attractive white people as a default at best, and presenting blatantly misinformative stereotypes at worst. While awareness of the issue can turn it into a valuable tool to study those biases and how they intertwine, the marketing and hype around AI combined with the popular idea that computers can't possibly be biased tends to make it so they're likely to perpetuate them instead.
This problem only gets magnified when introduced to my mortal enemy-
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If I never see this FUCKING dog again it will be too soon-
Content filters.
Theoretically, content filters exist to prevent some of the worst-faith uses of AI - deepfakes, true plagiarism and forgery, sexual exploitation, and more. In practice, many of them block anything that can be remotely construed as potentially sexual, violent, or even negative in any way. Frequently banned subjects include artistic nudity or even partial nudity, fight scenes, anything even remotely adjacent to horror, and still more.
The problems with this expand fractally.
While the belief that AI is capable of supplanting all other art forms, let alone should do so, is...far less widespread among its users than the more reactionary subset of its critics seem to believe (and in fact arguably less common among AI users than non-users in the first place; see again: you cannot give a full, educated critique of something's failings without engaging with it yourself), it's not nonexistent - and the business majors who have rarely if ever engaged with other forms of art, who make up a good percentage of the executives of these companies, often do fall on that side, or at least claim to in order to make more sales (but let's keep the lid on that can of worms for now).
When this ties to existing online censorship issues, such as a billionaire manchild taking over Twitter to "help humanity" (read: boost US far-right voices and promote and/or redefine hate speech), or arcane algorithms on TikTok determining what to boost and deboost leading to proliferation of neologisms to soften and obfuscate "sensitive" subjects (of which "unalive" is frequently considered emblematic), including such horrible, traumatizing things as...the existence of fat people, disabled people, and queer people (where the censorship is claimed to be for their benefit, no less!), the potential impact is apparent: while the end goal is impossible, in part because AI is not, in fact, capable of supplanting all other forms of art, what we're seeing is yet another part of a continuing, ever more aggressive push for sanitizing what kinds of ideas people can express at all, with the law looking to only make it worse rather than better through bills such as KOSA (which you can sign a petition against here).
And just like the other forms of censorship before and alongside it, AI content filtering targets the most vulnerable in society far more readily than it targets those looking to harm them. The filters have no idea what makes something an expression of a marginalized identity vs. what makes it a derogatory statement against that group, or an attempt at creating superficially safe-for-work fetish art - so, they frequently err on the side of removing anything uncertain. Boys in skirts and dresses are frequently blocked, presumably because they're taken for fetish art. Results of prompts about sadness or loneliness are frequently blocked, presumably because they may promote self harm, somehow. In my (admittedly limited) experiment, attempts at generating dark-skinned characters were blocked more frequently than attempts at generating light-skinned ones, presumably because the filter decided that it was racist to [checks notes] ...acknowledge that a character has a different skin tone than the default white characters it wanted to give me. Facial and limb differences are often either erased from results, or blocked presumably on suspicion of "violent content".
But note that I say "presumably" - the error message doesn't say on what grounds the detected images are "unsafe". Users are left only to speculate on what grounds we're being warned.
But what makes censorship of AI generated work even more alarming, in the context of the executive belief that it can render all other art forms obsolete, is that other forms of censorship only target where a person can say such earth-shaking, controversial things as "I am disabled and I like existing" or "I am happy being queer" or "mental health is important" or "I survived a violent crime" - you can be prevented from posting it on TikTok, but not from saying it to a friend next to you, let alone your therapist. AI content filtering, on the other hand, aims to prevent you from expressing it at all.
This becomes particularly alarming when you recall one of the most valuable use cases for AI generation: enabling disabled people to express themselves more clearly, or in new forms. Most people can find other workarounds in the form of more conventional, manual modes of expression, sure, but no amount of desperation can reverse hand paralysis that prevents a person from holding a pen, nor a traumatic brain injury or mental disability that blocks them from speaking or writing in a way that's easy to understand. And who is one of the most frequently censored groups? Disabled people.
So, my question to Bing and OpenAI is this: in what FUCKING universe is banning me from expressing my very existence "protecting" me?
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Bad dog! Stop breaking my shit and get the FUCK out of my way!
Generated as a gift for a friend who was even more frustrated with that FUCKING dog than I was
All images - except the FUCKING dog - generated with Dall-E 3 via Bing Image Creator, under the Code of Ethics of Are We Art Yet?
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learnwithmearticles · 6 months
KOSA Update
Following up on a previous post about the KOSA bill - a bill that would drastically change how the internet functions, in some ways enforcing the collection of private information and restricting access to educational material based on anyone’s belief that it might be harmful to children.
As of March 2024, the bill has gone through revision to reduce the ability to target marginalized communities. However, the language used in the bill is still broad and would be ultimately harmful to children and adult internet users.
Press releases like that of the American Civil Liberties Union invoke the First Amendment to highlight both the bill’s continued call for requiring or incentivizing age verification and its goal of censoring many different topics of conversation in online spaces.
If the U.S. government seeks to control, censor, and otherwise interfere with the world of the internet, then it would have to be a government program akin to public education or certain libraries. Let that government take over the responsibilities of running and funding the internet in that case if they want that power. Otherwise, the internet does not fall under federal jurisdiction.
In response to reaching out regarding this bill, one Congressman wrote that platforms like TikTok have come under scrutiny for “leaving users’ data vulnerable to access by the Chinese Communist Party, by collecting personal information on children in violation of federal law”. This Congressman does not state in this response whether he supports the KOSA bill in particular, but we hope that he is aware that this proposed bill would, by federal law, necessitate the collection of personal information of minors if websites are to follow its requirements. Additionally, TikTok’s data collection is comparable to that of other sites such as Instagram and Facebook, which are just as able to be infiltrated by political enemies of the U.S.
This update is not about the U.S. government’s ultimatum to the company ByteDance that will likely end in a U.S. ban on TikTok. Still, that news is relevant to internet users, especially those who value choice and self-determination.
In the aforementioned Congressman’s response, he also mentions the Privacy Enhancing Technology Research Act (H.R. 4755). That bill, passed in 2023, calls for organizations like the National Science Foundation to conduct and support research into technologies for mitigating privacy risks. Bills like this one are far more conducive to achieving online safety than the proposed KOSA bill. It seeks to enhance our understanding of data handling and online privacy, while the KOSA bill is more so blindly punching towards a problem that we do not yet have a clear view of.
As before, resources to further learn about and speak out against the bill are below.
3. https://www.stopkosa.com/
4. Privacy Enhancing Technology Research Act
5. KOSA Bill Post-Revision6.https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/03/analyzing-kosas-constitutional-problems-depth#
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cranquis · 2 months
Your recent reblog made me sad, but also makes a lot of sense. I've been following you since I was in medical school, and I'm now in my fifth year of specialty training (I am not American). I did occasionally wonder why I've been seeing less of the kind of content you used to put out.
All I can say is - thank you for the work you do. I've seen enough online to get an idea of what you must face on a daily basis. I think I'm lucky that somehow, the doctor-patient relationship overall hasn't deteriorated to such an extent where I live (yet at least), but I definitely understand the frustration and despair of trying to communicate with people who aren't coming into the conversation in good faith.
You've always been a kind of role model for me in terms of your passion for your work and your open sharing about your faith. I guess I just wanted to say that I hope you find hope and joy in your work, even if those you serve aren't wise enough to appreciate what you do for them.
Hi, my colleague! Hey first of all, thank you for your kind words of encouragement and affirmation. Negative med-related interactions (online or in person) anymore just roll off me, but the positive ones still give my heart a thrill! :) And congrats on your continued journey down the medical pathway.
Second, I'm glad your message gives me the chance to clarify for all my long-time Cranquis Pants* that I still do enjoy my work. I have been doing the exact same Urgent Care job in the exact same location (with quite a few staff turnovers) ever since I finished residency 17 years ago! I still enjoy the bulk of my patient interactions, I continue to hone my diagnostic skills, I feel very confident in my procedural skills, I have a reputation in our local medical community as a reliable and thorough physician, and I have a loyal group of patients who routinely nag me to "quit urgent care and become a regular doctor so we can be your primary care patients". My staff likes and respects me (despite my best efforts to ruin that on the daily, with my puns etc); I like my staff and appreciate the hard work they do in the face of the same administrative and societal opposition that I encounter; I am not distressed when little kids freak out during physical exams (and my success rate of turning those frowns upside down with playful interactions and silly sound effects is pretty darn good).
I am blessed with amazing work-life balance, more than the majority of Family Medicine-trained physicians I suspect. I carry no pager, I take no call, I leave my work at home when I go home. I know my schedule months in advance, I have a shift template that gives me plenty of week-long stretches off, and I have my Sabbaths 100% free to attend church and spend time with my family. My pay is decent and my benefits are solid, my debts get paid and I have a roof over my head. My kids and wife are happy to see me come home. Personally, I really have nothing to complain about.
But the bloom is off the rose for my profession as a whole. The politics and trends of the US health care system continues to disenfranchise physicians, devaluing the years and $$ invested in becoming physicians, over-valuing patient satisfaction scores and inexpensive labor and glitzy administrative initiatives and staff rumor mills more than evidence-based, experience-driven clinical medicine. The power structure is upside down, as if doctors ought to be automatically doubted and disdained by pharmacists, insurance companies, administrators, patients, and APCs because of their systematic educational journeys and reliance upon scientific evidence.
And one of the saddest results is watching medical professionals turn on each other. The fragmentation and super-specialization of every aspect of medical care creates artificial "us v. them" scenarios; specialists and primary-care battling over who does the paperwork for pre-op visits and FMLA, ER and Urgent Care arguing about how much workup should be undertaken by the UC when the patient is obviously going to need ER management, primary-care so overwhelmed with insurance-required goals that their patients can never get same-day/soon-day appointments, pharmacies so understaffed that it's easier for them to tell the patients that "the doctor never sent the prescription" when in reality ...
I could go on.
I miss the old days (said the geezer on the internet), when I could enthusiastically support a pre-med student's dreams of getting into medical school and "helping people as a doctor someday." Now I wince at the idealism in a high-schooler's eyes, and try to find a nice way to say "there's more options for helping people than just becoming a doctor... be sure you have your motivations straight, because medicine is not what it was even 10 years ago..."
So hope and joy in my career? Hope for the profession of physicians, I have little. But I make the joy in my practice when I can make it, and I only expect to find joy in my non-medical time with family and hobbies and travel and friends and the lifestyle which my medical career still does make more feasible than otherwise.
*Probably not the term historically assigned to "fans of this blog", back when I posted frequently -- it's been a minute -- but if not, SHOOT that was a missed opportunity.
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dailypikminrenders · 11 months
i'd like to voice my support for palestine in the genocide being committed by israel. the war crimes committed by israel are completely abhorrent and cannot continue. here are some online resources:
• https://www.thepalestineacademy.com/ - contains some triggering topics and images. a free online course detailing the history of israel's occupation of palestine, the oppression of the palestinian people, and things that you can do to help.
• https://twitter.com/CharSequence/status/1719283248721702946 - a thread on how to donate esims to palestinians. internet in palestine is currently finicky, so an esim will allow palestinians to communicate their situation more easily.
• https://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/what-to-boycott - bds's official list of companies to boycott, with details of their crimes against palestine.
• https://twitter.com/no1meikofan/status/1718043891994386859 - contains some triggering topics and images. a thread of petitions you can sign to help palestine.
• https://itch.io/b/2120/games-for-gaza - a $10 (£8.61) bundle of games raising money for medical aid for palestinians, a charity committed to a future where are palestinians are able to access healthcare, as well as educating on the situation around the world. the bundle has reached 94% its' $300,000 goal, so every purchase helps.
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A link-clump demands a linkdump
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Cometh the weekend, cometh the linkdump. My daily-ish newsletter includes a section called "Hey look at this," with three short links per day, but sometimes those links get backed up and I need to clean house. Here's the eight previous installments:
The country code top level domain (ccTLD) for the Caribbean island nation of Anguilla is .ai, and that's turned into millions of dollars worth of royalties as "entrepreneurs" scramble to sprinkle some buzzword-compliant AI stuff on their businesses in the most superficial way possible:
All told, .ai domain royalties will account for about ten percent of the country's GDP.
It's actually kind of nice to see Anguilla finding some internet money at long last. Back in the 1990s, when I was a freelance web developer, I got hired to work on the investor website for a publicly traded internet casino based in Anguilla that was a scammy disaster in every conceivable way. The company had been conceived of by people who inherited a modestly successful chain of print-shops and decided to diversify by buying a dormant penny mining stock and relaunching it as an online casino.
But of course, online casinos were illegal nearly everywhere. Not in Anguilla – or at least, that's what the founders told us – which is why they located their servers there, despite the lack of broadband or, indeed, reliable electricity at their data-center. At a certain point, the whole thing started to whiff of a stock swindle, a pump-and-dump where they'd sell off shares in that ex-mining stock to people who knew even less about the internet than they did and skedaddle. I got out, and lost track of them, and a search for their names and business today turns up nothing so I assume that it flamed out before it could ruin any retail investors' lives.
Anguilla is a British Overseas Territory, one of those former British colonies that was drained and then given "independence" by paternalistic imperial administrators half a world away. The country's main industries are tourism and "finance" – which is to say, it's a pearl in the globe-spanning necklace of tax- and corporate-crime-havens the UK established around the world so its most vicious criminals – the hereditary aristocracy – can continue to use Britain's roads and exploit its educated workforce without paying any taxes.
This is the "finance curse," and there are tiny, struggling nations all around the world that live under it. Nick Shaxson dubbed them "Treasure Islands" in his outstanding book of the same name:
I can't imagine that the AI bubble will last forever – anything that can't go on forever eventually stops – and when it does, those .ai domain royalties will dry up. But until then, I salute Anguilla, which has at last found the internet riches that I played a small part in bringing to it in the previous century.
The AI bubble is indeed overdue for a popping, but while the market remains gripped by irrational exuberance, there's lots of weird stuff happening around the edges. Take Inject My PDF, which embeds repeating blocks of invisible text into your resume:
The text is tuned to make resume-sorting Large Language Models identify you as the ideal candidate for the job. It'll even trick the summarizer function into spitting out text that does not appear in any human-readable form on your CV.
Embedding weird stuff into resumes is a hacker tradition. I first encountered it at the Chaos Communications Congress in 2012, when Ang Cui used it as an example in his stellar "Print Me If You Dare" talk:
Cui figured out that one way to update the software of a printer was to embed an invisible Postscript instruction in a document that basically said, "everything after this is a firmware update." Then he came up with 100 lines of perl that he hid in documents with names like cv.pdf that would flash the printer when they ran, causing it to probe your LAN for vulnerable PCs and take them over, opening a reverse-shell to his command-and-control server in the cloud. Compromised printers would then refuse to apply future updates from their owners, but would pretend to install them and even update their version numbers to give verisimilitude to the ruse. The only way to exorcise these haunted printers was to send 'em to the landfill. Good times!
Printers are still a dumpster fire, and it's not solely about the intrinsic difficulty of computer security. After all, printer manufacturers have devoted enormous resources to hardening their products against their owners, making it progressively harder to use third-party ink. They're super perverse about it, too – they send "security updates" to your printer that update the printer's security against you – run these updates and your printer downgrades itself by refusing to use the ink you chose for it:
It's a reminder that what a monopolist thinks of as "security" isn't what you think of as security. Oftentimes, their security is antithetical to your security. That was the case with Web Environment Integrity, a plan by Google to make your phone rat you out to advertisers' servers, revealing any adblocking modifications you might have installed so that ad-serving companies could refuse to talk to you:
WEI is now dead, thanks to a lot of hueing and crying by people like us:
But the dream of securing Google against its own users lives on. Youtube has embarked on an aggressive campaign of refusing to show videos to people running ad-blockers, triggering an arms-race of ad-blocker-blockers and ad-blocker-blocker-blockers:
The folks behind Ublock Origin are racing to keep up with Google's engineers' countermeasures, and there's a single-serving website called "Is uBlock Origin updated to the last Anti-Adblocker YouTube script?" that will give you a realtime, one-word status update:
One in four web users has an ad-blocker, a stat that Doc Searls pithily summarizes as "the biggest boycott in world history":
Zero app users have ad-blockers. That's not because ad-blocking an app is harder than ad-blocking the web – it's because reverse-engineering an app triggers liability under IP laws like Section 1201 of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act, which can put you away for 5 years for a first offense. That's what I mean when I say that "IP is anything that lets a company control its customers, critics or competitors:
I predicted that apps would open up all kinds of opportunities for abusive, monopolistic conduct back in 2010, and I'm experiencing a mix of sadness and smugness (I assume there's a German word for this emotion) at being so thoroughly vindicated by history:
The more control a company can exert over its customers, the worse it will be tempted to treat them. These systems of control shift the balance of power within companies, making it harder for internal factions that defend product quality and customer interests to win against the enshittifiers:
The result has been a Great Enshittening, with platforms of all description shifting value from their customers and users to their shareholders, making everything palpably worse. The only bright side is that this has created the political will to do something about it, sparking a wave of bold, muscular antitrust action all over the world.
The Google antitrust case is certainly the most important corporate lawsuit of the century (so far), but Judge Amit Mehta's deference to Google's demands for secrecy has kept the case out of the headlines. I mean, Sam Bankman-Fried is a psychopathic thief, but even so, his trial does not deserve its vastly greater prominence, though, if you haven't heard yet, he's been convicted and will face decades in prison after he exhausts his appeals:
The secrecy around Google's trial has relaxed somewhat, and the trickle of revelations emerging from the cracks in the courthouse are fascinating. For the first time, we're able to get a concrete sense of which queries are the most lucrative for Google:
The list comes from 2018, but it's still wild. As David Pierce writes in The Verge, the top twenty includes three iPhone-related terms, five insurance queries, and the rest are overshadowed by searches for customer service info for monopolistic services like Xfinity, Uber and Hulu.
All-in-all, we're living through a hell of a moment for piercing the corporate veil. Maybe it's the problem of maintaining secrecy within large companies, or maybe the the rampant mistreatment of even senior executives has led to more leaks and whistleblowing. Either way, we all owe a debt of gratitude to the anonymous leaker who revealed the unbelievable pettiness of former HBO president of programming Casey Bloys, who ordered his underlings to create an army of sock-puppet Twitter accounts to harass TV and movie critics who panned HBO's shows:
These trolling attempts were pathetic, even by the standards of thick-fingered corporate execs. Like, accusing critics who panned the shitty-ass Perry Mason reboot of disrespecting veterans because the fictional Mason's back-story had him storming the beach on D-Day.
The pushback against corporate bullying is everywhere, and of course, the vanguard is the labor movement. Did you hear that the UAW won their strike against the auto-makers, scoring raises for all workers based on the increases in the companies' CEO pay? The UAW isn't done, either! Their incredible new leader, Shawn Fain, has called for a general strike in 2028:
The massive victory for unionized auto-workers has thrown a spotlight on the terrible working conditions and pay for workers at Tesla, a criminal company that has no compunctions about violating labor law to prevent its workers from exercising their legal rights. Over in Sweden, union workers are teaching Tesla a lesson. After the company tried its illegal union-busting playbook on Tesla service centers, the unionized dock-workers issued an ultimatum: respect your workers or face a blockade at Sweden's ports that would block any Tesla from being unloaded into the EU's fifth largest Tesla market:
Of course, the real solution to Teslas – and every other kind of car – is to redesign our cities for public transit, walking and cycling, making cars the exception for deliveries, accessibility and other necessities. Transitioning to EVs will make a big dent in the climate emergency, but it won't make our streets any safer – and they keep getting deadlier.
Last summer, my dear old pal Ted Kulczycky got in touch with me to tell me that Talking Heads were going to be all present in public for the first time since the band's breakup, as part of the debut of the newly remastered print of Stop Making Sense, the greatest concert movie of all time. Even better, the show would be in Toronto, my hometown, where Ted and I went to high-school together, at TIFF.
Ted is the only person I know who is more obsessed with Talking Heads than I am, and he started working on tickets for the show while I starting pricing plane tickets. And then, the unthinkable happened: Ted's wife, Serah, got in touch to say that Ted had been run over by a car while getting off of a streetcar, that he was severely injured, and would require multiple surgeries.
But this was Ted, so of course he was still planning to see the show. And he did, getting a day-pass from the hospital and showing up looking like someone from a Kids In The Hall sketch who'd been made up to look like someone who'd been run over by a car:
In his Globe and Mail article about Ted's experience, Brad Wheeler describes how the whole hospital rallied around Ted to make it possible for him to get to the movie:
He also mentions that Ted is working on a book and podcast about Stop Making Sense. I visited Ted in the hospital the day after the gig and we talked about the book and it sounds amazing. Also? The movie was incredible. See it in Imax.
That heartwarming tale of healing through big suits is a pretty good place to wrap up this linkdump, but I want to call your attention to just one more thing before I go: Robin Sloan's Snarkmarket piece about blogging and "stock and flow":
Sloan makes the excellent case that for writers, having a "flow" of short, quick posts builds the audience for a "stock" of longer, more synthetic pieces like books. This has certainly been my experience, but I think it's only part of the story – there are good, non-mercenary reasons for writers to do a lot of "flow." As I wrote in my 2021 essay, "The Memex Method," turning your commonplace book into a database – AKA "blogging" – makes you write better notes to yourself because you know others will see them:
This, in turn, creates a supersaturated, subconscious solution of fragments that are just waiting to nucleate and crystallize into full-blown novels and nonfiction books and other "stock." That's how I came out of lockdown with nine new books. The next one is The Lost Cause, a hopepunk science fiction novel about the climate whose early fans include Naomi Klein, Rebecca Solnit, Bill McKibben and Kim Stanley Robinson. It's out on November 14:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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commiepinkofag · 1 month
Across the internet, communities of queer and trans youth have mobilized to oppose KOSA as the legislation became increasingly entangled in longstanding culture war debates over sex education and queer visibility in schools.
By Mike Ludwig , Truthout Published August 13, 2024
Despite many changes to the bill’s language since it was first introduced in 2022, KOSA continues to face stiff opposition from LGBTQ and digital rights groups. They take umbrage with the bill’s so-called “duty of care” provision for content recommendation, which makes internet companies responsible for designing their products to mitigate for broad threats to minors, such as “suicide,” “gambling” and “sexual exploitation.” Digital rights groups argue the provision would encourage tech companies to overcorrect and respond to threats from politicians by censoring reproductive and mental health resources, particularly for transgender youth and others who rely on the internet for support and information to navigate the marginalization of their identities. Across the internet, communities of queer and trans youth have mobilized to oppose KOSA as the legislation became increasingly entangled in longstanding culture war debates over sex education and queer visibility in schools. “The changes that I, LGBTQ+ advocates, parents, student activists, civil rights orgs, and others have fought for over the last two years have made it less likely that the bill can be used as a tool for MAGA extremists to wage war on legal and essential information to teens,” Wyden recently wrote on social media. “While constructive, these improvements remain insufficient.” Wyden and LGBTQ rights groups have reason to worry. Sen. Marsha Blackburn, a Republican from Tennessee who worked with Democrats on KOSA, said in 2023 that the bill could be used to censor content and shield young people from “indoctrination” and, as she put it, “the transgender.” After Democrats updated the bill earlier this year in an attempt to appease LGBTQ groups, Republicans, fed a diet of online misinformation about queer people, began to see KOSA as part of some liberal conspiracy to promote gender nonconformity, which does not exist.
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Hi Lana! I love your work, I have a request on Bill where he would have a s/o with a heart condition where her heart beats faster than ordinary hearts and sometimes gets too fast. (I have this irl and other than the negative sides I want to look on the positive sides)
If you don’t have time it’s fine! 💗💗
(Hello! Thank you for requesting and telling me about your condition! You're amazing and I hope you have a wonderful day! Enjoy!)
Bill Kaulitz x Reader with a Heart-Conditon
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He wasn't really familiar with your condition when he first met you
He had heard a bit in news and online about people with conditions like yours but he never really knew anything about it for a while
Until he actually did meet you and learned about your condition
He was actually pretty interested on it and wanted to know more
Especially if there was a way he could help you and make you comfortable
If you go to doctor visits for your condition he is hyping you up about it to make the nerves go away
"you're gonna fucking kill it! But not die!"
This was when you first got to know each other and we're friends, but it remained the same, if not even better, when you guys started dating
You told him about it and he never interrupted you, playing with your hand and asking a little question here and there as you told him about it
He would never want you to feel bad about your condition, especially if you were insecure about it
It's not your fault, and he still loves you the same with or without your condition
He's just glad you're there with him, condition or not
When you need to take a moment for your heart beat to mellow out he's making jokes to help you laugh
For example
"I made your heart beat that fast, huh?"
Just corny shit like that to make you laugh, jokes about your heart beating fast for him because he's just that great
He's an idiot like that
He'll let you take all the time you need, reassuring you it's no bother and hell happily sit and give you company as you take a minute
He'll keep an eye on your watch for your heartbeat and the minute it goes off he's making you sit down
You have no choice anymore because Bill will not let you leave without sitting down
He likes doing breathing exercises with you
Helps him learn a bit and calm down also
He may almost die from no oxygen for a moment buts it's to make you laugh so it's fine
If anyone ever says anything to you, he gets mad
Not anger mad where he'll fight them but like scold them and tell them to shut the fuck up
Like if they go "Really? Right now?" When you need to sit down
He feels like yelling but he'll opt to cussing them out in public, cursing their entire family tree and lead you away to sit down
He'll go from calm and collected with you to almost like a feral child protecting their candy
It's scary sometimes when he actually does yell or get very angry
Few times he did was when paparazzi was flooding you and asking you questions when your heartbeat went up
He had to physically push them away, yell at them and bring you to the car to sit down
He stands up for you when needed and will make sure you never let anyone make you feel bad for your condition
Will not stand for it, babe
At one point he didn't know smoking could harm you a little bit and he did smoke a little bit
When you told him about it he felt so bad, felt like he was harming you
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" While dumping his cigarettes
He will not take the chance of harming you for a cigarette
If you tell him it's okay, just you can't be around it for long or too much
Hell relax a little bit and try his best to not smoke around you
And if he does he'll go outside or when you come he'll put out his cigarette and continue later
He'll get the band not to smoke around you, a few times the were confused why they couldn't because they weren't really educated on it
Before you could explain Bill did it for you
In the form of smothering them and their cigarette with a pillow
"Can't smoke if you can't fucking breath, Tom!"
It's okay, they're brothers, they can kill each other if they want
But if you come into a room and they're smoking Bill will tell them to put it out and do their shit later like he does
When you're nervous and your heartbeat spikes, he will do his best to calm you down
Again with the jokes or just sitting with you
But a few times he made you nervous when you weren't dating and he thought he was actually hurting you
Almost cried and was like
"I'm killing (Name)?! No!"
Literally almost ran out a room when you came it as to not make you nervous
But it got better over time and now when it happens he'll be flirty and again with the heartbeat jokes
But yeah, he'll help you the best he can to get you back to a normal beat!
He loves you no matter what, with or without your condition
He loves you, for you!
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liminalweirdo · 2 months
If you are not in the US, you can sign the above petition.
KOSA is censorhip and targets LGBTQ+ and trans youth.
If you are in the US, the resources will help you find your reps so you can call or email them.
change is possible, but activism is called activism because you must act. Don't wait for others to do it for you.
Scripts for email, fax, or telephone below the cut:
Hi, I am urging you to VOTE NO on KOSA, s.1409. Nearly 200 human rights and LGBT organizations total came out in an open letter opposing it in 2022 and 2023 because of how dangerous it is. The new language does NOT meet any concerns brought up, in fact many organizations were ignored. Major news have reported that this bill actively harms kids. When you look online through social media, you will find thousands of posts by Gen Z who are opposed to this bill. We do not want this. 
The rewritten bill would still allow any state attorney general, and now the FTC, to sue any website for “harmful” content. When you have Republicans calling anything LGBT “sexual exploitation” or anything about race “CRT” to successfully ban books and teachers, then they will use any justification to censor the internet. The Missouri attorney general used “mental health” successfully to ban gender-affirming care with backed up research. Suicide rates will skyrocket for marginalized youth with this bill restricting content.
Multiple experts agree this bill pushes age verification, even with the new language. KOSA hands more private data of children to third party companies. Furthermore, updated language threatens encryption the same way the Earn It Act does. How is this protecting children’s privacy? 
KOSA actively harms kids by taking away educational resources they need right now. Do NOT support this bill. Thank you.
I am urging you to VOTE NO on KOSA, s.1409. This is a dangerous bill that will harm children. Many news organizations have reported that this bill actively harms kids by exposing their private data to strangers under the guise of protecting them. We need to hold Big Tech accountable, but KOSA is not the solution.
The rewritten bill would still allow any state attorney general, and even thr FTC, to sue any website for “harmful” content. Do we really want blue state lawyers deciding what can and can’t be allowed online and continue to censor people? This is massive government overreach. We need a bill that actually protects people by creating better security measures instead of bringing about more censorship.
Multiple experts agree this bill pushes age verification, even with the new language. KOSA hands more private data of children to third party companies, which would put them in further danger. How is this protecting children’s privacy? What parent would want their child’s private data in the hands of strangers like this? KOSA is actively putting kids in danger. Do NOT support this bill. Thank you.
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A tech company is apologizing after trans students were "outed" to their classmates because of an data error that affected eight school divisions in Saskatchewan. Edsby is an online portal meant to help teachers, parents and students communicate. Students can use it before the school year begins to take a look at their timetables and see whether they have any classes with friends. Earlier this week, a Saskatoon parent discovered her transgender son was deadnamed on the platform. Deadnaming is when a transgender person is called by their birth or legal name, rather than the name they identify by. "[My son has] gone through all of high school as a boy, so here he is in his last year — outed," Monika said. CBC has agreed not to use Monika's last name because she wants to protect the identity of her 17-year-old son.
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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agust-june · 9 months
Let's talk about KIM DOYOUNG...
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I just came here to say if I CATCH yall defending Doyoung out here it's blocked on fucking site. I need yall Ncitzens and Kpop stans to STAND THE FUCK UP.
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Out here posting pictures of ugly ass snowmen with MCDONALDS BS. GFTOFH. I saw this yesterday but Koreaboo pissed me off and these tweets of these fucking weirdos made me mad. So imma talk about it here.
Imma post screen shots of tweets and for those of you that are clearly not assholes or not delusional, let's point and laugh.
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Fuck the first tweet bc though he is not supposed to be making political statement. That's what he's doing. And I will drop that man like a trash bag into the dumpster. The SECOND TWEET FUCK KIM DOYOUNG'S FEELINGS. Fuck him what about the feelings of the Palestinian fans that he has? What about the people you are actively dying from bombs? starvation? Dehydration? What about them? Out here actively making SNOW MEN using McDonald's shit FUCK HIM. AND FUCK YOU TOO WEIRD ASS BITCH.
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The first tweet here. It's not about his family or friends. Doyoung is in the public posting pictures of McDonald's snowmen. He's fucking weird. And if we find out about his family and Friends they can get the smoke too. They ain't special. The last tweet on the bottom...yall spend too much online into kpop. I need people to be educated and up-to-date in the world bc what do you mean does that country exists??? I need people to WAKE UP GO TO FUCKING SCHOOL OR GET HOBBIES OUTSIDE OF KPOP PLEASE AND THANK YOU.
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We knew SM wasn't shit. We knew. Doyoung, I am not shocked he's in SM. I like to give people chances but once you fuck up you fuck up. And THIS??? Oh baby you lucky SM needs you for they check which is why I will not be supporting Doyoung and I will give you the Wendy treatment bye bitch.
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Hell isn't hot enough. That's all imma say.
On that note, I want to add that as a K-pop fan and Ncitizen, I am greatly disappointed, but I am not surprised. I had a FEELING someone in NCT was gonna do this bs. For once, I was hoping to be proven wrong. But that hoes to show you... we don't know these groups. He isn't the only one supporting these companies. Other idols are, too.
Here's some links to other idols
I also want to note that I will be taking my Doyoung post down even though it had Johnny in it. I'm clutching my pearls like a southern white woman and leaving. I can't get rid of the merch I bought, especially my DoJaeJung albums, but I won't be buying anymore. I understand some of these idols are under contract. For example, New Jeans they have a contract with Coca-Cola, and they just had a meal with McDonald's. That I completely understand. But ACTIVELY spending money to McDonald's and Starbucks and posting it!?!? Nah, you gotta go. Idc who you are. I don't care you have godly teir vocals you're done. It's not that hard to TRY to do something good. I am actively avoiding Starbucks, McDonald's, actively staying up to date on what's going on in the world. It's not just Palestine. It's Congo. Sudan. Yemen. If I can do all of that work a job. Go to school. Watch One Piece (an anime that actively talks about corrupt governments, genocide, war, propaganda, etc). Kim fucking Doyoung and other kpop idols can do it too. They just don't care and want to keep rolling their checks (he probably need to with that pocket change he probably getting). I AM BEGGING yall K-pop stans who still don't get it to STAND UP. Get a life. Read a fucking book. Because yall look dumb as hell, and I'm sorry, but my EGO MY PRIDE will not allow me to be dumb and continue to turn a blind eye when I know people are dying in a genocide. And for those of you saying "well just educate the idol." Baby, there's a reason why college is for adults, and it's not a mandatory if grown adults want to make the choice to learn they'll do it. These idols are GROWN it's not my job to educate adults who are older than me, and it shouldn't be your job either, especially FOR FREE.
I hope yall have a good day today, and I hope yall stay safe out there!
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The Direct Links Between Southern Brazil’s Massive Flooding and Climate Denial
Right-wing groups are peddling false claims that the heavy rainfall that led to the region’s disastrous flooding in May is not related to climate change.
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On May 9, volunteers and emergency workers were still rescuing people and animals who remained stranded on the sixth day of flooding on the streets of Rio Grande do Sul’s capital, Porto Alegre. Social media images of the rooftop rescue of a horse named Caramelo shocked the world. 
A day before the dramatic rescue, Porto Alegre’s deputy mayor, Ricardo Gomes, appeared on a livestream wearing a cap with the Brasil Paralelo logo. Brasil Paralelo is a far-right media company with a streaming platform focusing on “journalism, entertainment, and education,” as its website states. The company was founded in Porto Alegre in 2016 and serves as a main channel of climate denialism among right-wing groups in Brazil. By wearing the Brasil Paralelo logo, Gomes associated himself with an institution that experts say is a purveyor of climate denialism, at the height of a climate-related disaster. 
Some days later, Ricardo Felício, a professor of Brasil Paralelo’s education wing who has also appeared on many of the platform’s documentaries, wrote that climate change did not cause the extreme rainfall in South Brazil. He published his opinions in the Revista Oeste (West Magazine), a print and online publication that caters to far-right followers of former President Jair Bolsonaro, saying “CO2 has nothing to do with it!” 
Southern Brazil was under water for the entire month of May, and two months later, it’s still facing the consequences of the worst flood in its history. Hundreds of thousands have been displaced – 180 have died, and 32 are still missing. 
Porto Alegre’s mayor, Sebastião Melo, and Deputy Mayor Gomes have led its city council since 2021. Both were elected in the wake of Bolsonarism and won decisive victories. And both have faced media criticism for failures in managing the city’s emergency responses to the flood and for failing to update its anti-flood system.
Continue reading.
Brought by @sataniccapitalist. Thanks!
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laxmiree · 3 months
[CN] MLQC Season 2 Chapter 59 Translation [Lucien’s Route (1/3)]
This post contains a VERY HEAVY SPOILER for the chapter that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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I turn around and see Lucien standing behind me, the fine mist enveloping his expression in a haze.
"Would my little lady lie to me?"
A brief silence flows through the air as the pool continues to steam, making every breath sound incredibly distinct.
For a moment, I almost think that Lucien had already discovered my identity before the first night even began.
Translation under the cut!
[Previous Chapter-> Click Here]
Before the summer heat sweeps across Loveland City, the Loveland City Digital Technology Summit, jointly organized by the City Hall and Infinite, officially opens.
This summit is the first online summit held in virtual reality in the history of Loveland City.
The stage is at the center, with audience seats arranged in a circular formation around it. Floating holographic screens are positioned between the stage and the audience.
I look around, and the thousand-seat venue is fully occupied. On the stage, Aether is speaking calmly about the prospects of digital technology and virtual reality applications.
[T/N: just to fill in y’all, Aether is representative of Infinite, the company that develops Odyssey]
Aether: Infinite's scientific and technological capabilities will lead society to new heights in medical care, education, culture, and other fields.
Aether: "Odyssey" is one of our greatest challenges in presenting virtual reality.
Aether: In the future, it might not be the pinnacle of the field, but it will undoubtedly be an important starting point. We are also challenging different technological updates…
As he speaks, some scenes and objects from the Odyssey occasionally appear in the audience.
The life-like presentation catches the eyes of many, and the low murmurs of other attending entrepreneurs can be heard.
??: Indeed, it's pretty impressive. No technology company currently on the market can match this level of technical capability and R&D.
??: It's just that we don't know the development costs…
Taking in these bits and pieces, I poke the chibi black swan "flying around" beside me.
The black swan spins around and pops out a line chart, showing the trend of Infinite's tech product coverage in Loveland City over recent years.
The black line representing Infinite shoots straight up into the sky, leaving a vast and unattainable gap between it and other technology companies.
Looking at such a straightforward image, my thoughts drift far away along with my memories…
From the launch of the Golden Apple 2 capsule pod to the official release of Odyssey, Infinite's technological development has left others far behind.
Even now, other companies are hiring "protection shields" in a desperate attempt to catch up.
I know their ambition has never been just a globally popular game but rather broader and more significant fields.
After the representatives from the relevant fields finish speaking, the host announces on the spot-
Long story short, an announcement is made of a beta test for the new "Carnival Night" gameplay of "Odyssey”, “Carnival Night” is based on the popular board game Werewolf (commonly known in the West as “Mafia”). Participants are transported to a virtual ballroom, and as MC navigates the crowd, she gets a message from Kiro, that has entered the game and encounters some familiar faces, like Gavin and Victor. Each male lead participates in the beta test and chooses a different scenario.
I put away this brochure and picked up several others, planning to study them all. The staff at the service desk smiles and hands me a form.
Staff: Hello, we are conducting an interest survey within the game. Could you please sign under the scenario you're interested in on the registration form?
MC: Sure.
I sign under several scenarios, and when I get to the last one, “Seaside Mansion",  I see a familiar signature — Lucien.
He messaged me the day before yesterday, saying that Infinite sent beta test invitations to the top three players on the in-game achievement leaderboard.
[Yes, Lucien is one of the top players; the chapter before this reveals that due to his deteriorating condition, he spends more time in the Odyssey to free himself from the pain:". The R&S that accompany the chapter shows how he spends his time in the game besides experimenting, which is observing the game, and from this observation, he finds many hidden mechanisms and achieves many hidden achievements along the way. A game world is full of puzzles after all and he's the greatest puzzle solver~]
I look around the crowd but don't see him.
MC: Has he already entered the game?
Thinking this, I also plan to study the brochures I just picked up.
Which one should I look at?
-Choose “Seaside Mansion”
Surrounded by the blue ocean, a seaside mansion with a luxurious design rises from the island.
A group of people from around the world are invited by the mansion's owner to the island, unaware that danger is silently approaching in the shadows…
Players will take on the role of guests arriving at the "Seaside Mansion," tasked with finding the werewolves responsible for the killings on this secluded island.
This scenario is designed for 13 players, with the following roles: Hunter, Guardian, Seer, Gravekeeper, and Hidden Werewolf, each one player; two Outsiders; three Werewolves; and three Mansiongers.
After reading the scenario introduction, I turned to the standard game rules at the end of the brochure:
This time, eight game scenarios are available, and players can select the one they are interested in by clicking to enter.
In all scenarios, everyone must return to their rooms and close the doors by 23:30. The werewolves and unique roles must go out within the system-specified times.
The action times are as follows:
- 23:30-23:59 - Guardian
- 0:00-0:29 - Werewolves
- 0:30-0:59 - Seer
- 1:00-1:29 - Witch
- 1:30-1:59 - Hunter
The werewolves win if the number of good players (human and unique roles) reaches zero. In contrast, the human and unique roles win if the number of werewolves (including the hidden werewolf) reaches zero.
Additionally, each scenario will have designated areas equipped with live-streaming cameras. A prompt will appear on the user panel when entering a live-streaming area, so please be aware.
MC: The introduction is relatively straightforward...
Closing the brochure, I opened the selection interface. Looking at the various scenarios before me, I felt a bit overwhelmed…
[T/N: Before we jump to the next part, here is a quick explanation about the roles!
- Villagers: Their goal is to identify and eliminate the werewolf.
-Werewolves: Their goal is to deceive the villagers and eliminate them.
-Witch: Has two potions, one to save a player from being killed and one to kill another player.
-Hunter: Once they die, they can kill the one player by their choice (usually kills who they believe to be their killer).
-Gravekeeper: can check the roles of the player that has already been killed.
-Seer: each night, the Seer can choose one player to identify their role.
-Guardian: each night, the Guardian can choose one player to protect from being killed.
-Hidden Werewolf: Werewolf that appears as a normal villager when investigated by the Seer or other investigative roles]
—[Lucien's Route - 1: Raging Sea Storm]—
Without hesitation, I pressed the confirm button for "Seaside Mansion."
White light envelops my vision, and when I open my eyes again, the sunlight pierces through the thin mist, falling on the gray-black low cliff beneath my feet.
The deep blue sea water tirelessly crashes against the steep cliffs as if trying to engulf the entire island.
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MC: So high…!
I shiver in fear at the cliff beneath my feet and take a few steps back. Turning around, a modern mansion fills my entire view.
The seaside mansion boasts a luxurious design, rising with opulent grandeur and resembling the safest fortress perched on the cliff.
I rush towards the door. As soon as I arrive, the door opens for me, and a butler dressed in a pitch-black suit steps out from behind the door to greet me.
Butler: Welcome home, madam*.
[T/N: fun fact: the Butler calls her with the same title (夫人, read: fu ren) as the one in Lucien's latest Halloween Date 🤧; this title used to refer to a married woman. Interesting that both this chapter and that date have similar kind of ending-]
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MC: Ah…?
Although I know the "Carnival Night" mode assigns roles to players, I am still a bit confused when such an address suddenly comes up.
Butler: Madam, you are the owner of this mansion.
The butler hands me a letter as he speaks. I break the wax seal on the letter, and the crimson handwriting catches my eye — “Werewolf”.
MC: …!
Butler: Once all the guests have arrived, you need to conceal your identity as the host and choose one guest each night to be thrown into the pool—
Butler: End their life and offer it to the sea.
I didn't expect to be the werewolf... My initially steady heartbeat skips a beat, and I take two deep breaths to calm myself.
It seems that no other guests have arrived at the mansion yet. With such a "villainous" role, it's better not to be the "first to arrive" and draw attention…
So, I paused my step into the mansion, quickly ran back outside, and planned to hide behind the wall to observe secretly first.
I wait until most players have entered before I pretend to be entering the game myself, lifting my skirt as I step through the door.
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Suddenly, my gaze meets a pair of familiar eyes.
Lucien walks through the crowd in white clothes. The sea breeze tousles the strands of hair on his forehead. His silent eyes spot me through the crowd and curve into a smile.
The raging sound of the waves in my ears seems to have instantly dissipated by that silence, and my rapid heartbeat from a few minutes ago gradually stabilizes.
I take a few quick steps to his side, and Lucien naturally takes my hand.
MC: Mr. X, are you good at playing this kind of game?
Lucien: [chuckle] I can only say I'm average; perhaps I might need your help, Miss MC.
If it really is "help," then that would be nice…
Perhaps it's the werewolf identity at work; the game hasn't officially started, but I've already begun scheming in my mind.
I wonder what Lucien's identity will be... Will he be a werewolf like me?
I absentmindedly ponder this while casually chatting with Lucien, and we enter the mansion together.
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The butler leads us to the banquet hall, surrounded by a circle of exquisitely designed luxurious pools.
The clear pool water shows a faint aquamarine hue, reflecting off the gilded walls and casting a cold-colored light on us.
A long table divides the banquet hall in half, with a name tag displaying an ID in front of each seat.
Lucien and I sit down according to the name tags. I quietly count the name tags on the long table; there are thirteen in total.
Suddenly, three clear, rhythmic sounds emerge on the bustling long table, interrupting our cautious scrutiny of each other.
Lucien lowers his hand after lightly tapping the dinner bell and stands up from the long table. The light, fragmented into countless tiny ripples by the water's surface, penetrates his deep eyes.
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Lucien: As a member of the human faction with a divine duty, I think it’s not too presumptuous for me to start the game abruptly. So…
Lucien's face unfolds into a calm, confident smile, and his unhurried voice clearly resonates throughout the banquet hall.
Lucien: I am the hunter in this game.
MC: ?!
The originally somewhat dull atmosphere in the banquet hall instantly simmers like boiling water.
Everyone seems somewhat surprised by Lucien's decision to reveal his identity at this moment, while I have no interest in participating in the discussion.
It's over. It seems I will have to spend the following nights alone and be forced to keep my distance from Lucien during the day so he doesn't see through my identity…
Although "engaging in a battle of wits and valor" with him is quite interesting, I still prefer being together with him.
I am immersed in my "thoughts" when someone nearby suddenly lets out a disdainful snort.
Player: Huh? Do you even know how to play?
I look up and see a young man with the name tag "Brother Genius" on the table, who is the first to speak against Lucien.
Brother Genius: Revealing your role on the first day? The werewolves will “kill” you tonight, and at most, you can only take one person down with your shot.
He tilts his chin up and shakes his head.
Brother Genius: The human faction is really out of luck, starting without a hunter. Learn from me; only someone with my role can reveal their identity openly.
He gestures with his chin towards the farthest corner.
Brother Genius: Look at us, the two outsiders.
Brother Genius: We arrived at this Mansion only after the werewolves appeared, so we can't be werewolves. We don't have any skills, but we are definitely good people. Do you understand?
The person in the corner, whose identity was suddenly exposed, stands up coldly and abruptly, causing the chair to slide backward with his movement.
The ear-piercing scraping sound makes everyone's scalp tingle, and almost everyone frowns in unison.
??: Idiot.
He had been sitting silently in the corner, and I hadn't noticed him before. Now that I look closer, I see his dark green hair and hollow dark gray eyes...
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MC: ...Joker?!
[Some fun fact: Lucien's route is the only one where MC and the ML belong to opposite factions (they're truly Lovepro’s star-crossed lovers ahah🥹); other ML's (and MC) roles in their respective split routes are:
BQ/Gavin: Werewolf MC, "Hidden Werewolf" BQ
LZY/Victor: Guardian MC, "Witch" LZY
XM/Lucien: Werewolf MC, Hunter XM
ZQL/Kiro: Seer MC, Gravekeeper ZQL]
[Also, if it's not predictable already, Lucien already knows that MC is Werewolf; man can read her like an open book after all 😂 I think this is what leads to his decision to reveal his role as Hunter so early because doing so, he can gain others’ trust and have more ‘’control and power” for the sake of protecting her. There's also (spoiler) reason, but you all will know about it eventually~]
—[Lucien's Route - 2: Humid Airflow]—
Past experiences flood my mind, making my scalp tingle instinctively. How did this terribly nefarious person also end up in this game!
He hasn't appeared for so long, and his mind is always full of the lighthouse. How does he even have the time to "waste" here?
If I remember correctly, he's still wanted. How does he come out without changing his appearance?
As if in response to my question, the ID "Joker" above his head flickers glaringly a few times.
I instinctively glance at Lucien. He only casts a fleeting look in Joker's direction before shifting his gaze away.
Hearing what Joker said, Brother Genius seems a bit incredulous.
Brother Genius: ...What did you say?
Joker ignores him, shifts his gaze to Lucien, and speaks in a cold tone.
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Joker: Fortunately, this game is at least worth participating in.
After saying that, he turns around and leaves the banquet hall without looking back despite everyone's gazes.
Lucien does not respond to his words at all, simply watching everything unfold calmly.
I quietly watch Joker's back, mentally drawing a big X over it.
Arrogant bastard, I will kill you tonight!
After the scene quiets down, Lucien speaks gently.
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Lucien: Since three players have already revealed their identities, I suggest we start the election for the sheriff early.
Lucien: The sheriff has 1.5 votes, and they can also guide and organize thoughts…
At the long table, Lucien explains the necessity of the sheriff in a clear and understandable manner to those who are still confused.
And for those who raised objections to the sheriff system, he accommodates their opinions and adopts a compromise approach.
The more I listen, the more I feel that this Mr. Hunter beside me is like a "kind-hearted God” who calmly accepts and gently gives.
And the weaker players on the field seem to share my sentiment, their faces showing apparent trust.
Ultimately, Lucien is elected sheriff without any suspense due to his revealed hunter identity and charismatic personality. I can't help but sigh.
MC: It'll be difficult for the werewolves…
Lucien: What are you talking about?
I shudder all over, realizing that Lucien has finished the discussion and is now looking at me gently.
I give him a guilty smile, but a dangerous thought arises within me.
If Lucien is willing to "favor" me just a little... Maybe him being the sheriff could actually be a good thing?
With this in mind, I discreetly wink at Lucien.
MC: I was thinking, this mansion looks so big, I have a feeling I might get lost if I'm not careful.
MC: [smiles] Would the newly elected Sheriff X accompany me for a walk?
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The clear water surface reflects a faint glow as if whispering unknown secrets.
I did not expect such pools to occupy this mansion's corridor and every room.
No matter where we go, the sound of flowing water never ceases.
The heavy and silent humid air wraps around us from head to toe, causing a wave of discomfort to surge within my heart.
MC: I thought a seaside mansion would be a beautiful, fresh-air vacation spot.
MC: Lucien, don't you feel like we've been swallowed by a giant monster, all sticky and slimy…?
Lucien is observing at the direction of the pool not far away. Hearing my words, an inscrutable smile tugs at the corner of his mouth.
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Lucien: Based on the current findings, it is likely that these pools are connected underground, forming some sort of waterway...
Lucien: If these waterways are like circulating blood vessels, then the pools are the organs that transport the blood. In that sense, we do seem to be inside some kind of giant monster...
The hairs on my body instantly stand on end, and I turn and throw myself into Lucien's arms. He catches me as if he had planned it, then gently pats my back.
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MC: ...I was already scared enough, and now you're scaring me even more!
Lucien: [coaxing by whispering softly] I just wanted to agree with this imaginative girl's metaphor. Is that not allowed?
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Seeing his cunning, squinting eyes, I can't help but let out a huffy little hum.
MC: Let's not talk about this anymore and change the subject!
MC: For example... weren't you worried about being targeted by the werewolves on the first day when you revealed your identity today?
I glance around and ask the premeditated question, only to see Lucien's eyelashes flutter slightly as he responds in an innocent tone.
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Lucien: Huh... was I supposed to keep my identity hidden?
MC: Hmph, Professor Lucien, don't play innocent. I know you're a master at these kinds of games.
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Lucien: I just don't want to lie in front of you.
He speaks frankly, with no intention of hiding anything. Being gazed at like this makes my heart skip a beat, and I almost want to confide my own secrets to him.
I quickly suppress the impulse, turn away to escape from his gentle allure, and hold his hand to lead him forward.
MC: Alright, alright, it seems you already have your own strategy. You're so intelligent. You definitely don't need a fool like me to worry needlessly.
I speak in a listless tone, with a little wistful expression, when I suddenly hear Lucien's voice.
Lucien: And what about you?
MC: What?
I turn around and see Lucien standing behind me, the fine mist enveloping his expression in a haze.
Lucien: [softly] Would my little lady lie to me?
A brief silence flows through the air as the pool continues to steam, making every breath sound incredibly distinct.
For a moment, I almost think that Lucien had already discovered my identity before the first night even began.
...No, I can't lose my composure first! I secretly pinch my palm, look straight into his eyes, and smile.
MC: Professor Lucien is so smart; how could my little tricks ever fool you?
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MC: Why not take a guess?
After all, more than winning, I want to enjoy this game with you in a "special way".
[Dang, the way he said, “would my little lady lie to me?” 🤧🤧🤧, you can almost hear his insecurity and sense of feeling wronged(?). 😂 This is one of many instances in this chapter that show, under his calm and composed demeanor and how he acts as if everything is under control, he isn't as in ease as he appears to be🤧 there's still a possibility and choice that the MC might want to win and abandon him to achieve that, and her not answering his question definitely doesn't put his heart at ease. He will respect her choice, whatever it may be, yet selfishly, he wants her to choose to trust him and 'be with him' instead of winning]
—[Lucien's Route - 3: Sneaks through the night]—
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As night falls, I quietly leave the door and see a bald man and a slim young man standing in the corridor from afar.
MC: You must be my teammates, the Ferocious and Superior Baldhead* and... Super Mousy*, right?
[T/N: not sure if it's deliberate, but the name… I'm going to scream lmao. The bald man's complete ID is 邪魅狂狷的光头. While "光头" (guang tao) literally means "bald head," it's also a term that lovepro players use to refer to the neighboring game 光与夜之恋 (guang yu ye zhi lian), also known as Light and Night. The slim man's ID is 超人鼠鼠; in Chinese slang, "鼠" (shǔ) is often used to describe someone timid, cowardly, or passive. It's like a person behaving like a mouse, often in the context of being overly cautious or submissive. Anyway, after this, I'll refer to the mouse guy as Mousy and the bald guy as Baldhead]
The bald guy responded with a grunt through his nose, and the slim guy timidly greeted me.
I remember these two; the bald guy is indeed "ferocious and acts superior" as his ID suggests, while the slim guy seems socially anxious and introverted, barely speaking during the day.
Baldhead: Stop wasting time discussing. Let's find someone who talks a lot and kill them first!
The bald guy speaks up domineeringly, leaving no room for doubt, while the young man timidly opens his lips but says nothing.
I can't help but sigh inwardly; how are we supposed to defeat Lucien and Joker with teammates like this….
However, they don't seem good at logical games, so maybe I can try to induce them.
Not giving them time to think and possibly connect the dots to Lucien, I quickly nod, showing a look of agreement.
MC: I agree. And I already have someone in mind.
Both of them look at me, and I try my best to put an air of authority.
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MC: I suggest taking out Joker first. I've played other games with him before... and he's a very tricky player.
MC: You can also sense his attitude today, right? He's very dangerous. Eliminating the smart ones first will increase our chances of winning.
I deliberately mention Joker's attitude during the luncheon; sure enough, both the bald guy and the slim young man frown.
Baldhead: It'll be him then! D*mn it, daring to act arrogant in front of me, he won't live through the night!
I can't help but feel a secret delight inside. Joker, oh Joker, you never thought there would be a day when you'd be "at someone else's mercy," did you?
We hit it off and head towards Joker's bedroom together.
The lights in the mansion are dim at night, making the pool seem even more unfathomable. I nervously swallow hard.
At this moment, Baldhead, who was walking in front of me, suddenly stopped. Mousy and I almost bumped into him but managed to steady ourselves.
Before I can ask, I see from beside him that a bedroom door, which should have been tightly closed, is wide open about three meters away, with someone standing in the doorway.
At this time, only werewolves are supposed to be out and about. How can there be someone else outside?! My heart jumps to my throat as I hear that person speak.
Brother Genius: Oh, finally, you're here. I've been waiting for you wolves for quite a while.
...it's the Brother Genius who was mocked by Joker in the banquet hall earlier today.
Brother Genius: I have discovered the biggest loophole in this game. Now... just watch and see!
A brass candlestick is suddenly pulled out from behind him, and in the blink of an eye, it is plunged into his own body.
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MC: ….?!
Everything happens so suddenly that we don't have time to react, and Brother Genius falls right in front of us.
Still in shock, we step forward to check, and he is indeed motionless.
Mousy: How... isn't it true that only the wolf can commit suicide in "Carnival Night"? How did he manage it? Did he find a bug in the game?
Like the blood, an uneasy atmosphere spreads from the still soft corpse before us. Just then, the three of us simultaneously receive a private message.
Butler: There are 10 minutes left until the werewolf activity time ends.
Mousy: What... What should we do... The system doesn't seem to show any issues. Should we still follow the plan to kill someone?
Baldhead grits his teeth, seemingly making up his mind.
Baldhead: We're already here, let's go!
Even though I am still slightly confused, I follow them, stiffly walking towards Joker's room.
I input the werewolf's fingerprint and press down on the door handle, but the door remains firmly shut.
Seeing that I am not taking further action, Baldhead shoves me aside and forcefully presses the handle, but the door still won't open.
Could it be another bug, or...? I ponder momentarily, then suddenly think of a possibility, and my heart sinks instantly.
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MC: ....Could it be that he is being guarded? Since the werewolf's fingerprint can unlock it, the Guardian might be able to add another lock...
Baldhead curses and, still unwilling to give up, tries other doors, but none of them open.
Eventually, the werewolf's activity time ends, and we can only return to our respective rooms in defeat.
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I lie down on the bed with a headache. The werewolf's action failed, and Brother Genius inexplicably "committed suicide"......
Trouble keeps piling up, and I feel like my brain is about to burn out.
The pool inside the room reflects a cold, icy light. I toss and turn, not knowing when I finally manage to fall asleep.
When the rapid knocking sounds for the third time, I groggily wake up and open the door.
Lucien walks straight in, the worry in his expression not yet completely gone. He relaxes only after seeing me.
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Lucien: Did you sleep uncomfortably?
I look at his slightly disheveled cuffs, clearly showing he hurriedly threw on his coat to rush over, and I can't help but open my arms to hug him.
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MC: I was a bit nervous and didn't sleep well... but now that I see you, all those feelings have vanished.
Lucien wraps his arms around my waist, allowing me to hold him tighter.
His clean and pleasant scent wraps around my tense nerves, making me unable to resist nuzzling closer.
Although the tension wasn't due to fear of being killed, last night was really too frightening.
Just at that moment, a scream comes from the other end of the hallway.
??: Brother Genius is dead!
I shudder all over, pretending to have just relaxed only to be scared again, and bury my head in Lucien's shoulder.
Lucien's hand moves up to my chin, and he looks me in the eyes. I can clearly see my own unease reflected in his eyes.
Lucien: [in a gentle tone] Were you scared?
MC: Mm...
——Not because of them, but because I have to walk through a night without Lucien. I purse my lips and hold Lucien tighter, yet I seem to hear his barely audible chuckle.
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When Lucien and I arrive at the banquet hall, I notice that everyone's faces look rather pale, and there is little discussion.
Although it is just a game, the solemn atmosphere brought by "death" grows even more chilling with the constant sound of running water.
I sit down with an uneasy expression, my heart filled with doubts.
Before coming to the banquet hall, Lucien and I went to see the crime scene.
To my shock, Brother Genius, who was dead by the door last night, is now found inside the room.
The butler claims that Brother Genius fell victim to a werewolf last night, but this is clearly not the truth.
...Could it be that he really exploited some loophole in the game, and the game's rules tacitly allowed his actions?
Just when I am puzzled and unable to figure it out, someone nearby breaks the silence.
Red Nose: It's almost time to vote. Why is no one talking? I'll go first.
A guy wearing a clown nose accessory anxiously taps the dinner plate with a spoon.
Red Nose: Could it be that the wolf targeted "Brother Genius" because he exposed his identity as an outsider…
The middle-aged man sitting at the head of the table hears this and slowly shakes his head.
Uncle: "A gentleman does not deceive in the dark." I suggest we all play openly; that would make the game much simpler…
[T/N: basically, the uncle would rather have everyone reveal the role, while the red-nosed guy is afraid that if anyone reveals their role, they will get targeted. Hmm, I wonder why-]
The two begin to discuss it heatedly, and soon, Red Nose's increasingly sharp voice turns it into a one-sided argument.
Watching the human faction fall into disarray, I wish they would argue even more fiercely. However, when I look up, I see Lucien's thoughtful expression.
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Lucien: Based on your discussion, I believe that Brother Genius's death is not the worst situation.
Lucien: Please don't forget that his identity was that of an outsider, and the seer is still among us.
Red Nose: So what, are you suggesting that the seer should reveal themselves like you?
Red Nose: Seer, I don't know who you are, but if you didn't identify a werewolf last night, don't reveal your identity!
Facing Red Nose's targeting, Lucien merely shows a gentle smile.
Lucien: I can't control the seer's actions, but since we currently lack sufficient clues, I have a suggestion for everyone to consider.
Lucien: Tonight, I hope the seer can verify the identity of whoever is willing to prove themselves first.
—[Lucien's Route - 4: Banquet Social Season (Non-story/a.k.a Stage part)]—
Every banquet is an encounter.
—[Lucien's Route - 5: Misty Water Mirror]—
Whoever is willing to prove themselves first...?
What does that mean? I pause slightly and then hear the uncle burst into hearty laughter.
Uncle: Good! Great idea. With so many people present, the seer does indeed need some "hints!"
Lucien: So, who is willing to be verified by the seer tonight?
Lucien's lips curve into a relaxed smile as if he is merely making a casual suggestion.
However, alarm bells go off in my mind, and the fork in my hand unconsciously scrapes the plate twice.
Could he really just be signaling the seer hidden in the crowd to start working? No, based on what I know about Lucien, there's definitely more to it than that…
I instinctively want to stay silent; we still don't know who the seer is. What if I'm the only one who raises their hand, and the seer really investigates me? But…
My heart is beating faster and faster, and my mind is whirling.
Until an almost terrifying thought suddenly flashes through my mind, exploding within me.
——Could Lucien be setting up a trap? This trap targets not only the wolves but also the humans.
If I think outside the perspective of a wolf and view it from a human's standpoint, only the wolves wouldn't want to be verified by the seer...
With this thought, I impulsively raise my hand, cold sweat running down my back.
Whatever, I'll take the gamble!
MC: I am human. If the seer doesn't have a suitable candidate, they can verify me tonight.
It seems my action also encouraged others, and soon, more people raised their hands.
As the first to raise my hand, I openly look at their faces, only to notice that the uncle is also observing in secret.
He was so supportive of Lucien's suggestion, yet he didn't raise his hand... Doesn't he want to prove his identity first?
As I ponder this, Red Nose suddenly stands up from his seat and almost shouts from his throat.
Red Nose: Stop doing foolish things! How can you be manipulated by a few fancy words and consider exposing yourself?
Exposing...? In a flash, I suddenly realize Lucien's trap for the humans—the seer, who isn't good at scheming, risks being exposed because of this!
Unfortunately, such shallow and aggressive rhetoric would only enlighten someone with ulterior motives like me. Who else would want to listen?
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Joker: Ridiculous.
Leaning against the wall, Joker speaks coldly, casting a glance at everyone present as if looking at a group of monkeys in a zoo.
Finally, his gaze falls on Red Nose.
Joker: Your stupidity makes you useless in information sharing, only capable of creating arguments and stirring emotions.
Joker: Even if you are not a wolf, your voice is redundant for the human faction.
After speaking, Joker ignores the discussions and Red Nose's curses that follow, crossing his arms and closing his eyes as if to sleep.
.......even though the situation is favorable to me, I still feel that he is more of a "shit-stirrer" than the werewolves.
The interruption leaves everyone a little unsure for a moment, and Lucien takes the opportunity to speak up.
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Lucien: In deduction and confrontation games, good people always hope to prove their innocence regardless of skill level.
Lucien: Therefore, those who actively seek to have a voice are naturally more eager to prove their identity first, thus leading the direction of the voting.
The cold, shimmering light blurs his expression, drawing more attention to his firm words.
Lucien: Actively seizing the right to speak while not wanting to be checked... If there is still no reasonable explanation, then it's very likely a wolf trying to confuse the humans.
Immediately, everyone’s hands shot up in unison as if driven by a death warrant.
I watch as Lucien steers the situation, effortlessly controlling everyone's emotions, making me feel both proud and nervous.
Then, everyone's eyes converged on the one person who had yet to raise their hand.
Red Nose breathes heavily, his bloodshot eyes glaring fiercely at Lucien, his face full of unwilling rage.
Red Nose: If you're going to vote, then vote!
As expected, Red Nose is unanimously voted out. The attendants take him to the edge of the banquet hall's pool and push him in.
Like the empty stomach of a giant monster finally capturing its nutrients, the calm water surface surges and engulfs his body violently, a striking crimson color spreading across the water.
The pool becomes very bright instantly, but just as quickly, it calms down again. The vivid red water reverts to a pale aquamarine, just as it was before.
Obviously, such a display in the game doesn't relax anyone. People start to leave one after another, unwilling to stay any longer.
I walk to the edge of the long table and turn back to take another look at the uncle, who remains in place.
He sits at the table enjoying his dessert, his brow relaxed, and he seems much more at ease than before the luncheon.
I go over his behavior today in my mind, and an answer becomes apparent to me.
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Lucien: [gently] Are you feeling better?
Lucien walks toward me, naturally taking my hand, and I instinctively avert my gaze from the uncle.
MC: Hmm, much better~ Maybe because I ate something, I feel more energized!
My palms are still sweaty from the luncheon, and although I let Lucien hold my fingertips, I never dared to fully open my hand and interlock fingers with him.
Lucien's long fingers gently squeeze my fingertips, seemingly unaware of my little thoughts.
It's just that the time he spends gazing at my face seems... a bit longer?
Lucien: But your complexion is still a bit pale. Have some more sugar.
Lucien picks up a glass of juice from the table and hands it to me. I happily take it and drink a sip, then immediately frown.
...Why does it taste so strange? It's not good at all.
Lucien: Don't like it?
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MC: ...No, of course I like anything Professor Lucien gives me!
As soon as the words leave my mouth, I feel a bit regretful. There was no need to explain something so trivial; I'm being overly cautious…
Lucien just smiles slightly, his eyes as gentle and profound as always.
But perhaps due to the mindset of a werewolf, I have the feeling that he is subtly punishing me for lying.
...With him by my side, I have to be even more careful with every move I make.
[When she doesn't answer last night, he understands why. He understands her choice, hesitation, and pain. So, he still comforts her with so much care. However, he can't help but still feel a bit wronged that MC doesn't trust him enough to tell him the truth and chooses to endure everything alone, so that not-so-palatable drink was his small retaliation.... this fox can be a bit petty sometimes skskks]
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