#ana's gif blurbs
percywinchester27 · 9 months
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"It's not the easiest thing in the world, I'll admit," Dean shrugged, all cocky. "Just one soul on the way to eternal damnation."
"Yeah, go to hell," you said, voice without any inflection.
Dean dropped all the swagger off at once and looked up at you with helplessness. He was used to your incessant worry, fear and desperation, not this... bitterness.
"Hurts, doesn't it?" You scoffed, "When you've given up on wanting to save yourself, why shouldn't I give up, too?
"Y/N..." He reached out and pulled you into his arms. You broke down. What else was left to do with only twenty-four hours to go?
His breath shivered, when he said, "It's going to be alright, sweetheart."
Dean could joke about his soul going to hell. But how couldn't he see that not one but two souls had been damned? Yours was entwined with his after all.
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ellebarnes90 · 3 months
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warnings: fluff, romance, não revisado, curtinho, a loba (pra mim) tem a mesma aparência da Ana Paula Arosio (sou obcecada nela rs) , blurb
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Enzo te conheci há pouco tempo, mas desde que pôs os olhos escuros em você ele não podia negar que você tinha uma beleza divina. Era viciante olhar para você e às vezes ele tinha que se esforçar para desviar o olhar, ficava hipnotizado por você.
Tinha te conhecido através de alguns amigos, os mesmos que também te chamaram para viajar com eles resultando no uruguaio ficando cada vez mais obcecado por você.
Agora, na neve, você conversava com Fernando sentindo a neve macia e gelada pelo fato de estar sentada nela. Enzo observava de longe com a câmera nas mãos, fotografando o lugar mas sempre olhando para você.
Ficava perdido na imensidão do azul de seus olhos, desejando que um dia você olhe para ele como ele olhava para você. Te vendo levantar e abraçar os próprios braços tentando se cobrir do frio, ele se aproximou e sorriu ao receber um olhar gentil seu.
O jeito que você olhava as árvores com as folhas congeladas hipnotizava ele, seu rosto tranquilo e delicado com as bochechas vermelhas assim como os lábios — graças ao frio —, os olhos azuis que ficavam mais claros que o normal por conta do reflexo do sol e o cabelo escuro que realçava ainda mais a sua beleza...tudo isso só fazia o desejo dele por você se intensificar.
Ele queria tanto registrar esse momento que involuntariamente ergueu a câmera e a posicionou, tirando uma foto sua. Ao ouvir o click você se virou para ele, o vendo abaixar a câmera e te olhar.
— Tirou uma foto minha? — o perguntou com um sorriso gentil, se aproximando dele
— Desculpa, é que...— ele riu envergonhado — você tava tão linda que eu não consegui me segurar
Você riu, segurando a câmera pendurada no pescoço dele você olhou a pequena telinha, vendo a tal foto e de fato, você estava linda. O olhando de novo você observou o rosto dele.
— Hm... você é um ótimo fotógrafo. Adorei a foto, depois me manda ela, pode ser?
— C-claro
— Gracias — inclinou a cabeça ficando admirada pelos olhos dele — Quién sabe, tal vez algún día te contrate como fotógrafo
— Seria um prazer — respondeu com a voz mais tranquila, um pouco mais aveludada
Você ia dizer algo, mas ouviu Fernando te chamando de longe querendo te mostrar algo, se virando para o uruguaio novamente você largou a câmera e se afastou dois passos, se virando para ir embora mas parando por um momento.
— Seus olhos são lindos...— o elogiou com a voz mais baixa e sedutora, o olhando por cima do ombro antes de ir até Fernando
Deixando Enzo para trás com os outros rapazes, ele não sabia o que sentir apenas te via se afastar aos poucos indo até o argentino, pensando em você e apenas em você, sentindo o coração errar as batidas.
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smolvenger · 4 months
First Lady (President Loki x fem! Reader blurb)
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Summary: It's not easy being in the spotlight as First Lady of the Nation. But your President's Husband knows what to do when your online critics take it too far.
Or "Who did this to you?" with President Loki.
Word Count: 1318 (blurb time)
Warnings: SMUT! 18 + (wall diddling, whee), online bullying and harassment (inspired from my own personal experience, whee) mention of sex. Angst and then fluff and hurt/comfort. I steal ideas from Ana Huang and Sadie Kincaid. Bad grammar. I had writer's block with this one and was stuck so not as revised and polished as I could be bc I just wanted this done, I'm not Shakespeare or Donna Tartt okay? If I miss a warning, please inform me at once. Don't victim blame those affected, Report it! If you see something disturbing or triggering that isn't tagged that I missed, then that is on me to take accountability for it and it is your responsibility to report it!
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @fandxmslxt69 @skittslackoffilter @mischief2sarawr
Dick-Tionary: The exact, more explicit smut begins at “Open wide, my dear.” and ends at "He gently let you down."
Something about the internet gave people anonymity and with that came power. They could say and do what they wanted…even the vilest things.
Comment after comment. Ding after ding on your phone. There were posts about how you were wrong. Irresponsible because they didn’t like your cause of supporting raising minimum wages. Even under posts where you were talking about the importance of your cause, so many people went “Well, to be fair-” 
You couldn’t help but look at more about you.
A pig.
And those were the tamer ones. 
The constant bullying and demands from these people. You thought you were qualified for this. That you knew your way around tenfold. Dolled up in your nice dress and makeup…and here you were, crying. Wanting to throw a fit. Wanting to scream and call them vile, horrible things. T sob until you couldn’t breathe and crash down, heels, pearls, lipstick and all.  No better than a little girl playing dress up. Not an adult who handled everything with strength and grace. Not a First Lady of an entire country.
You should be strong. Thick-skinned. “Don’t take it personally” was the advice everyone gave you. Every single time. Without fail. But at this point, it just numbed in your head. What did that even mean? It meant nothing. Like “thoughts and prayers” maybe at once it could help, and has helped but now…it was just a phrase people threw out that fixed nothing.  And how could you not take a comment beneath your post telling you to not take it personally?
You found yourself stumbling onto the Oval Office adn there he was- your husband in folden horns. A crowd of suited men around him.
He noticed your state. You had no time to compose yourself. But he raised a hand and their chatting voices silenced.
“Everyone! Leave- now!” he ordered, snapping his fingers.
They ducked and left. A few careful eyes at your frazzled, pensive state.
He went over and looked at you. Then he put one hand and put it under your cheek so you faced him. His voice was soft, yet subtly angry not at you, but at your tormenters. 
“My darling…who did this to you?”
You sniffed. Then you answered him.
“All of the comments…online…I know I have to. It’s part of the platform. A First Lady has to have social media…but…but…”
He wiped a tear. Then you leaned onto him. His cold buttons grazed your cheek and he let you cling to him. Let yourself break down.
“What am I even doing? Why should I say or do anything online? They just want to tear you apart and spit you out! And they just want a lady who looks pretty and does or says nothing. Even when I wear anything, they tell me I look like cat vomit. I can’t win whatever I do, Loki. And the split second I try to do anything, say anything they…they..”
“Give me your phone,” he said.
You handed it to him. From his pocket, he took out a chip and attached it to yours.
“Firstly,  I’m taking this away from you for now. You will get a new one for communication. I will not have my wife and First Lady miserable.”
 He set the chip in.
“What are you doing?”
“Keeping track of them. We’re going to track them down. They’re going to regret every word of it…here…”
He sat down on the chair in the center and tapped his lap.
How could you resist?
He set you on his lap. He pulled out his personal phone and immediately was making calls. You leaned into him, snuggling him close. 
“Yes, Grant, I want you to hire a Social Media manager for the First Lady. Have the comments filtered and in need of approval before posted. Also, look for security. There are several people we must hunt down. They have threatened the security of the first lady. The tracker is on her phone, we’ll analyze the data on the comments and find each and every one of them- they cannot go on without consequence, don’t you think? Freedom of Speech is overrated anyway…hurry along, do it now- no- Grant, I don’t care if you’re about to get a blowjob from the Black Widow this second, I want you to do it!”
He ended the call.
He held you. And then kissed you. You leaned in more. How handsome he looked- his suit fixed up. His smirk was confident, rakish. You found you were straddling him, his hands on your hips. As you kissed again, he pushed his tongue inside.
He raised your skirt some, to feel your bare leg.
“I feel if I make you cum, that would make you feel better…wouldn’t it?”
He slid a hand and saw you weren’t wearing underwear at your hip bone. 
He tilted his head, his voice even quieter. 
“And you followed my one little rule, too. Good girl.”
He held up the phone one last time, pressing a call.
“Barton, cancel my meeting for this hour. Reschedule it. Emergency, shall we say.”
Before the man on the other end could ask why he hung it up.
He smiled at you.
“Open wide, my dear.”
Keeping your legs open, he adjusted them to wrap around him. He backed you up to part of the wall. Not caring about the curtains of the window. Not caring about the security cameras.
 In fact, let them watch if they want.
He kissed you intensely, his tongue inside and out. Tasting you. He lifted your skirt to your hips, backing you up. You hung onto him, shaking with wet, desperate need as he undid the zipper of his trousers.
“I’m going to fuck you. Fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk and live the next week curled up in the lap of luxury, how does that sound?” he asked, his voice husky.
“Please- fuck me, Loki-”
“I’m the President-” he corrected.
“Fuck me, Mr. President-” you quietly begged.
He entered briskly. You let out a loud gasp. But you were already so soaked from him, it was clear. He kissed you again. One hand going to move one of your legs to hook around his waist. 
He only slowed down so he could speak, his eyes intense. 
“Yes, moan louder. I want them all to hear- I don’t care who hears- or sees. I want them-to- to know you’re mine- My little doll. My little toy. My First Lady- my wife-”
Your breasts bounced lewdly as he picked up speed, thrusting in and out of you. He pounded you so much, the portraits shook. You held onto his shoulders, and then his horns on his head. He was grunting like a madman.
He fucked hard, his hand digging.
“I want you to cry out, say what I am as you cum. I am Loki, I am your president, I rule you- say it- say it, fuck, I’m cumming-I’m going to-say it.”
You cried his title, your throat scratchy. Pleasure breaking on you, as well as on him.
He gently let you down. You adjusted his dark curls. He smoothed your dress, though your legs wobbled. The bliss of ecstasy makes you forget what even happened just an hour ago.
“Now…how do you feel now?” he asked.
You took in a deep breath, the blood still rushing and the world spinning.
“Better…” you replied. 
He wrapped an arm around your waist. But he traced a finger down your spine, into your skirt.
“Good. Because I’m going to order some…gifts for you tonight. For you to wear beneath these dresses and skirts and blouses. And I want us to have dinner- just us. And when I rip off your clothes, that lace will be on you. Because, my dear, once this next meeting is done…we are far from over with this.”
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ilyasorokinn · 2 years
andrei “all star” svechnikov , andrei svechnikov
note, finally my all-star fic is here! this year, it was between sid, svech, ilya and petey. i did write a petey blurb, so go check it out. if you want. anyways, i hope you enjoy. another note, this fic is part of the "mr. and mrs. svechnikov" series. check out this masterlist for more. in this fic, theo is around 4 while ana is 3. pair, andrei svechnikov x reader summary, the svechnikovs go to their first all-star game together. warnings, children/kids word count, 2717 words
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gif credit to bestie @ryanpulock
(gif not mine)
Andrei, the entire way home, was tying to figure out a clever way to tell you he had been invited to the All-Star games. It came to him as he turned down the street of your house.
He quickly pulled into the dirveway and hooked his phone up to the speakers. He made it to the doorway when he finally pressed play on the song.
"Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid"
He heard you let out a scream when the song first started and laughed, pushing the door open to find you gaping at him from the living room, "What the hell?!"
"I'm an All-Star, baby!" He exclaimed.
"There are so many better ways you could have done that." You tried to slow your beating heart. Even your watch was asking if you were okay due to your elevated heartrate.
"Oh, come on, it was funny." He pointed out.
"We'll get back to that when I'm not about to have a heart attack."
After the initial shock, you were excited. You were going on a paid vacation, most expenses were paid for (most) and the climate was set for hot and even hotter so you were excited, to say the least.
Because the Canes were playing till the very last second, you didn't get into Florida until Thursday morning, but you were set to stay until the next Thursday.
The moment you stepped off the plane, there were cameras everywhere, all part of the Canes media or the NHL media. Andrei held Anastaisa's hand and helped her down the stairs, flashing them a professional smile. You stood behind Theo, watching him carefully climb down the stairs behind his sister.
After you got settled into your hotel room, you went with Andrei to media. You weren't normally allowed to be with him, but exceptions were made.
The three of you stood off to the side, watching him and looking around at everyone else who was doing media. Theo ran up and hugged Andrei's leg, looking up at all the reporters nervously. Andrei, not wanting to lose his train of thought, only placed a comforting hand on Theo's head, acknowledging him.
When all the questioning was over, the Canes media wanted to get some shots of him "Is it okay if we ask Theo and Anastasia a question?" One of the media people asked, "We're asking all the kids questions and putting together a little compilation."
Once they were given the okay, the cameras were on Theo and Anastasia. Andrei was crouching next to them as Theo held an iconic tiny microphone for both of them.
"So, Theo, tell us, who are you most excited to see this weekend?" Theo looked around at all the other tables to see who else was at the event.
"Crosby." He answered, "And Ovi, oh, and Marner!" Theo exclaimed happily.
"And what about you, Anastasia?"
Anastasia pondered the question for a second before answering, "Moose and Juice," She stated.
Andrei smiled in response before translating, "Mikko Rantanen and Juuse Saros."
Theo tugged on Andrei's pant leg, grabbing his attention and everyone else's as well, "Can we go swimming now, daddy?" Theo asked.
Everyone laughed, "Yeah, we can go swimming, buddy."
Theo had stated that he wanted to walk the carpet with Andrei where all the fans would be and all the paparazzi would be before the Skills competition.
You got him dressed in his best outfit, one which he chose specifically for this situation, "Will people ask for my autograph?" He asked excitedly.
"I don't know, buddy." You tied his shoe as he answered all his questions best you could, "But I do know you're gonna get your picture taken by all those people with cameras."
"Really?" His face lit up.
"Yeah, really." You nodded, a smile finding its way onto your face.
"Like daddy?"
"Just like daddy." You nodded, smoothing down his hair.
When both Andrei and Theo were ready, both you and Anastasia sent them off, with a promise of seeing each other in a couple hours. You got yourself and Anastasia ready before you headed over to the arena.
She was sporting one of the jerseys you had customized with "Little Svech" on the back with the number 37. You waited for Andrei and Theo in the hallway near the locker room.
As more and more players started filing out of the room, her eyes would go wide as they walked past, giving each of them a high-five, even if she didn't know who they were.
"Mommy, you see?" She jumped up and down as she gave Kirill Kaprizov a high-five.
"I did." You nodded, before spotting Andrei and Theo coming out of the locker room, "Look, there's papa and Theo." She whipped around and ran over to greet them.
Andrei was wearing a reverse retro Canes jersey and a hat while Theo wore his matching "Little Svech" jersey.
"Mommy, mommy!" Theo ran over to you the best he could in skates.
"What, what?" You asked.
"I met Breadman and Hughesy," Theo told you excitedly.
"Did you really? Wow."
"We missed Sid and Ovi." He frowned.
"That's okay, I'm sure you'll meet them soon." You reassured. You turned your attention back to Andrei who was smiling so big, and opened your mouth to say something but switched your attention to Theo and Anastasia who were excitedly talking to each other about all the people they met.
"Hey, I have an idea," You grabbed their attention, "Do you guys wanna be with papa out on the ice or do you want to sit with me in the stands?" You knew the answer before you asked the question.
They each latched onto one of Andrei's legs in response, to which both you and Andrei both laughed, "All right, I'll see you both later. Be good." They both nodded, "Listen to the adults in charge." They wrapped their arms around you, "Love you." You kissed their heads.
"Bye, mommy." They each kissed your cheek.
You stood up to meet Andrei. You wrapped your arms around him, "Skate really fast." You told him.
He laughed, "I'll try." He responded, "And don't worry about them, I've got them. Have fun, or as much as you can."
"I'll have two beers in your honor." You pulled your head away, with a smile on your face, so you could look him in the eyes.
"Sounds good." He leaned down and kissed you softly before you both pulled away.
You found your spot rather quickly and took a sip of your beer. From the ice, Anastasia spotted you and waved enthusiastically. You laughed, waving back to her.
"She's cute." The woman sitting next to you commented.
"Thank you." You beamed.
Down on the ice, Theo and Anastasia were having the time of their lives, hanging out with all the other kids and meeting all the other hockey players.
Theo and Anastasia were sitting on the bench, Ilya Sorokin sitting in between them, babysitter. At the same time, Andrei participated in his skill, snacking on ice cream bars as they watched the fastest skaters.
"Ooh." Anastasia winced when Cale Makar tripped and went flying into the boards. She looked up at Ilya, who laughed at her reaction. She giggled in response.
Kevin Fiala skated around the rink, and both Anastasia and Theo enjoyed it, but when they saw their dad step up to the starting line, they jumped up off the bench and started cheering.
"Papa!" They both jumped up and down, garnering the attention of people around them, who simply smiled at the two of them.
They didn't stop once as he skated around the rink. They only stopped when he skated over to where they were. They all looked up at the jumbotron and saw that he was now in first place.
"Wow." Theo gasped, and Andrei smiled proudly.
After Stephenson and Larkin went, Fiala and Andire were announced as the two finalists, "Go fast, papa." Anastasia told her father
"I will." Andrei laughed, kissing each of their heads once again. He skated out to the center of the ice with Fiala.
Andrei wanted to win it, but in the back of his mind, he knew that his 3 biggest supporters would be proud of him regardless of what happened.
Kevin Fiala went first and got 14.114. Andrei lined up behind the line and took a deep breath before he skated as fast as his legs could carry him.
He blocked out the sounds of people cheering and all the eyes on him and just skated. He skated until he made it back to the starting/finish line.
Once the timer stopped, he slowed down and looked up at the big jumbotron to see his time. He couldn't help but smile when he saw the 13.699 in big numbers.
He could practically hear Anastasia and Theo cheering from their seats and jumping up and down. He skated back over to the bench to do the interview but waved over across the bench to Theo and Anastasia whose smiles were almost as big as his.
"Andrei you realize, with Brady looking at you, you just outworked every single guy here with that lap. How do you feel right now?" Kevin, the reporter asked.
"I think I just got lucky, to be honest." He could hear his own voice come through the loudspeakers around the arena, "But I would never expect to win this, and I'm kind of excited."
"You know everybody around the league now is going to look at you as a Speedster. Are you ready for that title?" Kevin asked.
"Ah no, I'm not sure if they're gonna look at that" Andrei chuckled.
"Wow, great job congratulations, your first All-Star Game. You're the fastest skater." Kevin shook his hand.
"Thank you so much. Appreciate it." Andrei nodded.
After the tournament and the rest of the challenges, you waited in the tunnel near the locker room with a few of the other partners. You were talking with Johnny Gaudreau's wife while you waited for the rest of your family to come out of the locker room.
When Andrei finally exited the locker room, he was dressed and carrying both sleeping children in his arms. Your heart swooned when Andrei smiled.
He handed Anastasia off to you, "I have to get my bag, but I'll be back." He turned to head back into the locker room, but you grabbed his hand gently to stop him.
He looked confused as he turned around, "I'm proud of you, All-Star." You whispered, leaning up and kissing his cheek.
The next day, Anastasia and Theo were up bright and early. Jumping out of their bed and into yours, "Wake up!" They both shouted, jumping up and down.
You groaned, shoving your head under the pillow, "You promised us chocolate chip pancakes last night." Even though your eyes were closed and you couldn't Theo's face,
"Why did we do that again?" You reached over and softly punched Andrei in the shoulder who was in a similar position as you.
"To get them to sleep." He replied, his voice muffled by the pillow.
"Come on, come on!" Theo jumped off the bed and grabbed Andrei's arm, trying to pull him out of bed.
You both eventually pulled yourselves out of bed and got yourselves ready then took Theo and Anastasia down to get breakfast. After breakfast and spending some time at the pool, it was time to get ready for the game.
Andrei got ready a little quicker because he had to be at the arena a little earlier than you had to be, but he helped Theo get ready before he left.
"Goodbye, I love you both." He kissed each of their heads, "Be good for your mom. I'll see you on the ice." He booped Anastasia on the nose, making her giggle.
"And I love you, too." He turned his attention to you, "I'll see you later."
"See you on the ice." You kissed him, hugging him and savoring the feeling of him being there with you, "Love you, too."
Theo was sitting next to you chowing down on some popcorn while Anastasia stood on your legs, dancing to the music blasting through the speakers.
"Stormy!" Theo pointed a few rows over to the familiar mascot. That caught the mascot's attention, and he looked up. Theo waved erratically. Stormy finished the interaction he was having and then made his way up to your row.
You were luckily sitting at the end of the row, so Stormy sat down on the steps next to your seats after giving Theo and Anastasia big hugs. Theo and Stormy talked (which was more just Theo talking and Stormy nodding along) while you waited for the first game to start.
Al the set pieces were set up on the ice already so you waited excitedly as Anastasia babbled and danced away. The lights eventually dimmed, and Theo screeched, clamoring into his seat, holding tight to Stormy's hand.
The Central Division was announced first, then Atlantic, then finally Metropolitan, "From the Carolina Hurricanes, Andrei Svechnikov!" Andrei skated out from the big monitors.
Theo stood up in his seat and cheered loudly. Stormy jumped up and down with him, "Look, papa." You laughed, pointing down to the ice. Anastasia followed your finger down to Andrei. She giggled, looking up at you.
After all the games and Takchuk was named MVP, Andrei was in media, Theo sitting happily in his lap, "How was your first Al-Star game, Svech?"
"it was great, I had a lot of fun, and getting to bring the kids along is a plus."
"What're you gonna do now that you have a week-long break?"
"We're going to Disney World." He laughed, eliciting a laugh from the reporters in the room.
"I'm sure Theo and Ana are excited."
"So excited." Andrei nodded.
Theo tugged on Andrei's shirt sleeve and Andrei bent down, his ear to Theo's mouth, "Ovi and Sid." He whispered, but his whispering wasn't very quiet.
The reporters chuckled, "We'll go find them later." Andrei whispered back before turning back to the reporters.
"We won't keep you for long, Andrei. Seems like Theo is excited." Andrei nodded appreciatively.
"Thank you." He picked Theo up and exited the room.
The TikTok of the kids answering who they would want to see the most went viral, and in particular, Theo and Anastasia went viral. Most of the comments were saying that now Theo and Anastasia had to meet their favorite players, so the media set it up.
You and Andrei led Theo and Anastasia to the ice where Sid, Ovi, Mikko, and Juuse were waiting to meet their Number one fans, media all around you.
Theo let out a gasp when the rink came into view and he saw Ovi and Sid standing on the ice. Anastasia heard and turned her head to the ice.
"Juice and Moose!" She announced your presence, causing the four players to turn to you. All of you laughed as they skated over to meet you halfway.
Theo, suddenly shy, hid behind Andrei's legs as Sid bent down in front of him, "Hi, Theo."
"Hi." Theo waved shyly.
"I heard you were a big fan." Theo nodded. Ovi produced a puck and handed it to Theo. Theo reached out and took it.
"What do you say?" Andrei whispered down to him.
"Thank you," Theo responded.
"You're very welcome." They both smiled.
Anastasia was just as starstruck as Theo, hiding her face in your neck as Mikko and Juuse stood in front of her. They both smiled as Juuse produced a puck and handed it to her.
"Thank you." She responded.
"You're welcome, Ana." They both smiled, "It was nice to meet you."
She only smiled, clutching the puck to her chest. You smiled down at her, "Wow, Ana. You met Juice and Moose." She beamed. Theo bounced up and down as he flashed you his puck, "Wow, look at that! They both signed it!"
"We have to add it to my collection." He told you.
"We'll do it at home." You brushed a hand through his hair, "Now, come on, Disney World is waiting for us."
my taglist: @mitch-slap @kolsmikaelson @ashleymarine @typical-simplelove @rosesvioletshardy @laurenairay @kidlnthedark @bowen-power @lam-ila @catahshart @stars-canucks @drei-mrssvechii @iwantahockeyhimbo @2manytabsopen @nicohischierz @calermakar08 @hamilton160 @Pierrelucduboiis @thescooby-gang @sammysworldddd @mista-svech @paintlavillered @Hyppeln-agnes @samanthasgone @hockeyboysarehot @nicoleloveshockey @thedukes-56-5 @tkachukswife @hockeyunits @sidcrosbyspuck @dumbxblond3 @kaydenissleepy @Yagetintoit @seventieswhore @michellekirby30 @jamieeboulos @Coffeeandteaandflowers @bibella8swan @cuttergauth @boqvistsbabe @sophia-bordeleau @jayda12 @yangofyang @lifeofpriya @beccaiscold
add yourself to my taglist!
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queer-overwatch · 6 months
every time you answer one of my requests I get the urge to send another.......... take your time ofc!! I just need to get my thoughts out before I forget them
this time I'm going to go for smth a lil different I think >:))
can I request a platonic ana & reader(any pronouns)? Ana is reader's mentor, and they're very close,, but reader, due to health issues, is unable to fight or go on missions and they're worried that ana is disappointed in them
sorry if this is really specific LMAO 😭 I just love this prompt sm <3
Ana as Readers Mentor!
Aaaaas always ty sm for the request! Dw about being super specific, if anything it makes my life easier! I hope headcanons works for ya! -Frisk (though i might do a blurb for this eventually >:D)
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She treats you like her own kid though she doesn't abandon you
She tries to go a bit easier on you without making it seem like she's pitying you, its hard to balance but she does it
She'll teach you everything she can, from how to hold a gun to how to convince Reinhardt to give you whatever you want
She's so proud of how much you've learned from her and adores showing you everything she knows
Whenever she's out on a mission if she can she'll try and grab some stuff to bring back to you or at least take a few photos
ironically enough she's constantly worried about you thinking she's disappointed, she isn't
She couldn't care less what you can and can't do, as long as you're safe and you enjoy learning from her, she's more than happy with you
When she finds out you're worried she's disappointed in you, she swears she can feel her heart break
The last she wants is to make you think that, or have you think that at all
She'll try and convince you she's not, but if you aren't the type of person that's comforted by words than she'll show it through actions
In training she'll go harder on you, still within reason but she knows she can push you a little
She'll be less forgiving of your mistakes, trying to get you doing more
And if you show improvement she is the biggest sweetheart ever, she'll congratulate you so much and even get you a present
She hates that you think she's at all unhappy with you, if anything you're like a second child to her, she could never be disappointed with you <3
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reveseke · 2 years
Thinking about... if spider!reader was Hotch's son & got caught
PT. Thinking about... if spider!reader was Hotch's son & got caught. PT end
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Gif ID. A gif of Aaron Hotchner in his office illuminated by the table lamp showing a brief smile to the camera before covering the side of his face with his and as he leans into it. Gif ID end.
Credits – 👑 | underneath 👾 - 🎡 - 🕸️ |
Some odd hadcanons + small blurb
Feature .. Aaron 'Hotch' Hotchner | Spider! Son! Reader ( he/him)
Summ .. Son! Spider! Reader getting caught by his dad climbing through the window in suit. Reader thought he wasn't even home!
Hinted towards – R has a dog, mentioned once | is stressed or ready to have a breakdown lol
CW – small mention of injuries | mention of breaking down
DNI - Fudanashis/fujodashis, women & fem-aligned, profic/proship, anti - LGBTQ+ folk & exclusionists, anti-antis, Necro- Zoo- Pedophiles + (NO)Maps(and other terms), basic DNI criteria, kink/nude/nsfw/sh/vent/pro-ana/ed/18+ blogs
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Gif ID. Three gifs in a row the first of an arcade showing four different games, second gif of clear slime being toyed with in purple lighting, third of something easily breakable a sponge maybe being turned into a powder in blacklight where it glows green. Gif ID end.
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Thinking about Son!Spider!reader climbing through his room's window at around three in the morning thinking his dad was either not home or sleeping by now.
Thinking about the fact that Aaron could have heard the reader coming in to his own room. Just hearing the window creak and open as Reader climbs in and the happy click clacks of the dog's nails against the floor bc the door was not completely closed.
Getting caught off guard by the door swinging open as Aaron stands on the doorway looking at his son with wide eyes. The poor boy having jumped up and trying to appear small.
Thinking about the shock and heavy silence between the two, the truth being progressed in silence. How the Reader would take his mask off with his gloves and let the goggles he had on his head to be around his neck, eyes basically trained on his dad as he processed what was going on.
Scared was one way to say how R felt, maybe nervous and on edge of a breakdown as the silence progressed.
" are you alright ? "
Breaking the silence with the first words between the two Aaron sounded genuinely worried. He knew what the web slinger that had been caught in videos and pictures at least thousands of times and the thing head done. Some that could have been lethal and ended with Reader dead.
Being mad at one who kept something so important, yet something so dangerous as a secret was not a way to go.
The silence continued for another few seconds, R taking a gulp of air as everything around him felt like it was about to collapse, stretching his neck in the silence to look at the roof of his room for a second. Adrenaline surging through his nerves, ears ringing and eyes watering his face contorted in confusion before meeting his father's eye. He merely nodded, brows knitted together with a frown on his face. Barely breathing, shallows as if he could just breakdown any minute with tears.
I genuinely think that being stressed out to hide the fact that your playing a real life superhero and hiding it from your dad who is a FBI agent and known to be strict and a little callous maybe? I really think that would put pressure on the reader to say that if he found out he could have a bigger problem than the bad guys around. Or at least think he would be.
Thinking how Aaron would come forward and hug Reader after seeing how he reacted to him coming in. Stressed and basically alone to deal with such a thing not exactly true R has his friend group to talk to lmao. Just engulfing him and letting the boy sob against his chest while petting his head to soothe him. The tension a d stress just spilling over.
Making sure R feels comfortable to talk about it, because he knows the topic might be sensitive and stressful to the reader. And he might not want to address the issue, but Aaron isn't going to let it slide either. He's seen many things during his time working in BAU ofc and knows what kind of things can make a person slide off.
Making sure he's good mentally and physically; making sure he's got no fatal injuries is the first things. If he has Aaron's going to help him, he doesn't he's good lol.
If R isn't ready go address it on the spot, Aaron gives him time and they talk later about it. The first thing he wishes to know is if he's alright as mentioned earlier, how did it all come to be and why.
In the end he'd be reluctant leaving R be on the topic, wanting him to be safe but also not really telling anyone about it for the privacy sake and bc there's no guarantee what the government would do with the information, but atleast he gets to know what's going on in Virginia crime vice lol.
Also thinking about how the man has most likely some times seen his own son hopping buildings but never knew it was actually him lmao .
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hxzxrdous · 1 year
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Hi, I'm Ana ♡
I only write platonic x teen!reader fics, that's pretty much it
Feel free to request and/or send me stuff, comments, literally anything, I love interacting with you guys
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꒰ ͜͡➸ 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒍 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑬𝒗𝒊𝒍
𝘓𝘢𝘥𝘺 𝘓𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘰
𝘔𝘪𝘥𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 (blurb)
𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵 (blurb)
𝘞𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯 (pt. 1)
𝘍𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘪𝘦 (We have eachother pt. 2)
𝘏𝘰𝘱𝘦 (pt. 1)
𝖧𝗈𝗅𝖽 𝗆𝗒 𝗁𝖺𝗇𝖽
𝖢𝗅𝗈𝗌𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖾𝗒𝖾𝗌 (ft. Clarissa Dovey (Dovesso🤭))
𝖨 𝗐𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝖻𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗏𝗈𝗂𝖼𝖾 (Hope pt. 2)
𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘵
𝖴𝗇𝗐𝖺𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗌𝗒𝗆𝗉𝖺𝗍𝗁𝗒 (ft. @cissyenthusiast010155 )
𝖲𝖺𝖿𝖾 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗆𝖾
𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗅𝖾 𝖽𝖾𝗏𝗂𝗅
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꒰ ͜͡➸ 𝑨𝒕𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒄 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆
𝘓𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘉𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘰𝘯
𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘶𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘭𝘺 𝘦𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵 (pt. 1)
𝖠 𝖿𝗅𝗂𝖼𝗄𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝖿 𝗍𝗋𝗎𝗌𝗍
WIP (The butterfly effect pt. 2)
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꒰ ͜͡➸ 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑶𝒍𝒅 𝑮𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒅
𝘈𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘚𝘤𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘢
𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚎𝚝 ツ
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꒰ ͜͡➸ 𝑺𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒔𝒎𝒂𝒏
𝘘𝘶𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘙𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘯𝘢
𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚎𝚝 ツ
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(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ </333
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curtsycream · 8 months
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ana/anić | 22 | grad student | unsupervised
either writing age regression
comfort posts or smut blurbs.
making bots on Sakura fm milkmaid
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| new masterlist | old masterlist | agere safe masterlist |
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darling-answers · 8 months
For the lovely person who made the inbox suggestion about how you’re not ashamed about liking Ana Amari as a fertility goddess I SAW YOUR POST! I READ IT, when I went to respond I put my respond and posted it but sadly it woudln’t let me edit it so I had to delete it forgetting you won’t be notified I post anything nor will you may be looking at my blog and think I might of deleted it or it got swallow but I promise love I saw it and here is the reply I gave, without grammar issues.
I wanted to pass away when I actually saw a Ana Amari post with goddess of fertility I have seen like two but those post were years ago about 2017 and some, a lot of decent overwatch writers don’t post anymore because the fandom is still alive to just it hard to write when your not given Enough resources to put to use since blizzard refuses to give storylines and make more stories when they are so good ( like the blackwatch revolution arc.) that can really boost Overwatch if they put into effort like the example but no they just switch to sticking to wanting you to pay 20 dollars for recoloring like Kiriko skin.
Honestly right now here are the three things I’ll be working on in the next two months.
Moira x Mercy x Reader super comfort fanfic
Soldier 76 with a daughter who is dating Sombra. ( there lot more to this but it hard to fully grasp in a short sentence of what the requester wanted.)
And I’m like 99 percent feeling for the month of February, making one of the valentines 14 day post, like you would do for kinktober but it be for Valentine’s Day instead and having people send in 14 characters they would like to see and what kind of topics they would like to see with it, stuff like, “ Motherhood with Reader being newly mothers with Ana Amari.” “Widowmaker and Reader going out on a date.”, “ body worshipping Mei.” Stuff like that.
Honestly if anyone wanna request an a post about mother Ana with reader with baby Pharah sign me up for what you ask for, like 💖 you will never see me deny a request unless it doesn’t follow my rules. I’m pretty open to writing stuff just with the right motivation and inspiration but when I get to writing a fanfic 90% it will come out in the next 20 days I just need to placed divided time each day to gather my thoughts on how I would see this working out in the end for the story.
PLEASE START SENDING IN YOUR THOUGHTS AND JUST BLURBS THAT POP UP! I will answer those way faster than anything and also be able to post more of my thoughts bouncing with your thoughts 💐
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thefvrious · 1 year
in affiliation with @blumhouses zayn malik
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full name: vahar amir aziz nicknames: n/a birthday: july 7 age: 30 gender/pronouns: cis-male, he/his hometown: santa ana, california sign: cancer religion: muslim orientation: bisexual occupation: pathologist assistant family: dominic marshall (father), namar aziz (mother), liyana aziz (sister), khalid aziz (brother) +: independent, observant, curious, sweet -: forgetful, asocial, indecisive, gullible blurb: vahar is the oldest of three. he was the first child born to newlyweds dominic and namar, but soon after he was born his mother fell pregnant again and it became apparent at her birth that liyana was not dominic's. this severed the marriage, and namar was left to care for two children on her own. eventually, namar remarried having her final child when vahar was seven. vahar enjoys being the oldest brother, the one his younger siblings turn to. he's never been very social, and pursued a degree as a pathologist assistant. he works in the local morgue.
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boldlyvoid · 2 years
Buddie getting together blurb
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Buck and Eddie start spending a lot of time together after he breaks up with Taylor, mainly because they're still sharing an apartment. his weird hours and her dedicated schedule mean they don't have to see each other often, he just wishes he never had to see her again. now two girls he's dated lived in the same apartment building, it was double awkward and he didn't want to risk seeing either of them again, so he basically moved in with Eddie and Chris.
Chris is the first one to start noticing things. his dad is so much happier, much like he was when his mom first came back, and during those first few months with Ana, it gets the gears turning in his head. he finds them on the couch one morning, Buck's head on Eddie's shoulder, so comfortable that they haven't moved in hours. it isn't until they're all gathered at the firehouse that it really hits him. he knows harry has two dads, he's seen hen and her wife before, Buck and his dad must be in love too.
Eddie is hyper-aware of his feelings, scared that if he admits to being in love with Buck that he'll lose him too. and the last thing Christopher needs is for his dad to bring another person into his life to love and then lose. it's happened too much, and so he avoids it instead of getting hurt. he thinks it's easier in the long run.
Buck, on the other hand, he's blind to it. it's not the first time in his life where he has all the aspects of a loving and kind relationship without the sex, but Eddie is his best friend in a way that's much different from how he felt with Abby.
their first kiss is a huge deal.
everyone is at Bobby and Athena's, the kids are busy eating all the baked goods at the food table while the adults mingle and dance in the dimly lit yard. it starts with them dancing with Hen, Karen, Chim and Maddie, everyone spinning around and trading partners, until it's just Buck and Eddie holding each other close as they sway to the music. no one's eyes are on them, they fade into the darkness of the yard, under the shadow of an old oak tree, neither one of them has ever been this close to another man before. breathing heavily, they stare at each other for a few seconds, in disbelief that it's really about to happen, and then it does.
Eddie leans in first, pressing his lips to Bucks and closing his eyes immediately, basking in it. Buck stares at him, it takes a moment for him to relax but then he melts into the kiss. giving in to how badly they've been secretly craving each other for years, finally making everything right in the world.
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percywinchester27 · 3 years
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His room
"You're really going to never step out of your room, are you?" Sam scoffs.
"So?" Dean grunts, a pizza slice halfway to his mouth.
Dean's sprawled across his bed, with his legs dangling off the edge and onto the side table. Sam's almost worried for the lamp. There are at least three pizza boxes on the floor, and one nestled on the bed right next to Dean. The TV is running an old western that Sam is sure Dean could recite from memory. It's been three days since Dean lasted stepped out.
"And all this is really because Y/N chose to crash in my room instead of yours at the motel?"
Sam watches with some satisfaction as Dean splutters out, "what? no!"
"Alright," Sam puts up his hands. "I'll just have you know that she picked my room over yours just so we could plan for your surprise birthday party." He pauses, watching the emotions play across his brother's face- surprise, pleasure, happiness before settling on that fake disinterested expression he’s patented.
"And don't you dare not act surprised tomorrow when she brings in the pie," Sam warns, barely containing his smile. "So will you stop sulking like a fucking teenager and grace us with your presence?"
Sam slams the door in his brother's face on his way out with some satisfaction, wondering how Dean can't see all the love that he felt for Y/N mirrored in her eyes, too.
Gif submitted by @cosicas-cuquis​​
Submit a Gif
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smolvenger · 7 months
Dangerous Stubbornness (Caius Martius Coriolanus x fem! Reader Oneshot)
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Summary: Life as wife to Caius Martius Coriolanus has its benefits. You married him for stability, protection, and status- not to mention the delights of his bed. You expect to be no more than his dutiful wife. Yet...it seems perhaps there is something more there then all of that....
From @muddyorbsblr's request of Coriolanus with the trope "he flals first."
Word Count: 2954 (oop, she exploded from a blurb)
Warnings: There is smut, NSFW 18+ please refer to Dick-tionary (rougher sex, dirty talk I stole from Ana Huang's books, doggy style, some light dom/sub, voyeurism), a creepy sexual harasser gets what's coming to him, Caius being a grumpy angy babygirl sharko bite blorbo who actually is soft for his wife and is wrapped around her little finger, Reader uses Caius as scary dog privilege. Attempts at accuracy to Ancient Roman culture and characterization but at the end of the day it's about the wish fulfillment and the vibes. Lots of fluff. Grammar mistakes bc i just want to get. This. Shit. Done after the wild two weeks I've had.
Dick-tionary: Smut starts at "Three little words. That was all he needed." and ends at "You felt his breaths from behind you, his touch gentler against your arm." Use to your discretion.
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @fandxmslxt69 @skittslackoffilter @mischief2sarawr
You were never afraid of walking through the streets of Rome because your husband walking behind you would scare all who dared to harass you. You would go about the streets, your veil fluttering on your head, smiling bright in the afternoon sunshine. Caius always had a frown and glare in his eyes that dared any fool to try to cross with you. 
The marriage was purely for status- you were a good woman from a respectable family. Yes, that was probably why it was arranged between your parents! They wanted someone with a good heart and reputation, and Caius only wanted a wife to manage his house and give him children. Why should you say no? Not that you were scared of him at all- for he never once was cruel to you. Perhaps curt and blunt on occasion, proud and stubborn- but he never bullied you. With his famous wealth, you would never go hungry. He’d be away in battles and you would be alone and be free to do as you wished for months on end. If he died in battle, you figured, the more the better! You would have his money and the freedom of a widow with the respect of his name. Besides, you weren’t in love with anyone and never thought any suitors would show interest in you. 
Such was one walk, early in your betrothal. One fellow had not heard the news or knew who you were and came upon you. Trying to touch you, invite you to dinner or the bathhouses. You kept refusing, he kept insisting.
Then, the braggart leaned over and grabbed your arm.
In about ten seconds flat was Caius, unsheathing his sword, upon the braggart, pulling him by the collar. You shoved him off and ran behind him. The man trembled as if Thanatos stood thundering before him.
“I shall be quick in work and send you to your death-do you understand, villain?”
He nodded, shaking. He already seemed to learn his lesson. You edged forward to your dragon of an intended.
“Please- don’t kill him, there are too many people out watching- just scare him!” you whispered to Caius.
Caius shoved him down. The man shook where he stood and you thought you smelled urine leaking from his bladder.
“If you ever as much as speak this lady’s name-I will kill you.” he threatened quietly.
The man, having learned his lesson, mumbled a whimpering “yes, dominae” and fled.
Since your marriage, and with your new status as a general’s wife, such incidents never happened.
As you peered about one stall in the market, admiring the fresh fruits offered, you smiled bright.
“Oh, how lovely these berries look! So ripe and fresh! Wouldn’t you agree, dear husband?” you asked.
Caius remained frowning, though eyed down the berries. The man selling them looked pale and kept eying the sheathed sword on Caius’s hip.
“They’re fine,” he said. His pride kept him from commenting further on a simple farmer’s wares. But you felt his eyes over your smile seeing them.
Caius lent his coin to buy you some. The trembling farmer scooped up some berries, and popped them into a little bag, and handed it to you. You thanked the farmer and paused to admire them.
You smiled at them, as if they were jewels in your hands. Then you tried a little handful, popping them into your mouth.
“Mhm! They’re delicious! Thank you, Caius,” you replied.
You leaned up and gave him a peck on the cheek. He blinked, and his shoulders loosened down from the feeling of your lips. You could have sworn a faint pink was on his cheeks as he continued behind you- not that he dared smile or keep his guard down in public.
You thought it would be another ordinary quiet night. But Caius Martius was many things. Quiet and ordinary were neither of them.
At home, you wanted to rest your feet from all the walking today. Your loom was coming along and weaving it felt relaxing. As you sat, you heard footsteps. Turning around, you saw Caius standing there.
You stood up. “Husband? Is something the matter?”
“...no…” he said.
“Oh…then, what…what brings you here?” you asked.
“I wish only to sit, I have…scrolls to read.”
“This is, er, not the usual room for a man,” you said, taking note of the loom and embroidery, the flowers from the garden.
“I am going to sit and read. In this room,”  he said determinately.
Letting out an exhale, you relented.
“Oh- your mother is always right! Your dangerous stubbornness- oh, you are welcome here, Caius, dull as it must be for you compared to a fight with a Volsce…” you teased.
He made no answer. But you sat and weaved. Watching how the lines all came together and became one for the latest project.
Little did you know that his eyes were more on you than on the flimsy scrolls. Seeing your profile and your eyes over the work then the dusty work.
Though as you ate dinner, His eyes were on you, the neckline of your dress, showing your shoulders.  Your tempa mesa was presented, eaten, and sent away as was the meal. He moved closer, to sit beside you. You felt him move an arm around you. Speaking to you in soft tones.
 As a slave came in to take an empty bowl, you felt him close, he held up a hand. Talking about some silly complaint with the tribunes Brutus and Sicinia. But it was useless- he only wanted to touch your hand, trace it, and bring it to his mouth as his lips ghosted a kiss onto your palm. You took in a sharp breath as he did.
You felt your breaths become shallow and saw his eyes flutter boldly to your chest. He sat beside you, one hand always lying on your thigh.
“What…is this….”
“I only want to enjoy all that is mine- my house, my meal, and my wife.”
With that, he propped you upon his lap as the slave brought more wine. You felt yourself get warm, feeling him on you. Such…intimacy sent your heart aflutter. Though…after plates were cleared before he could tighten his arms to hold you, you slid off. He let you, his blue eyes widening.
“I’m going to get ready for bed,” you announced softly.
His hand was still on your skirt. As you walked away, the fabric pulled and then slid lightly off his fingers. His hand is still in the air as if still touching you.
You sat down before the vanity. Making sure your face was washed, you removed the jewelry you had. Smiling at how lovely they were. Gifts he still found to give you even though the wedding was some time ago. Gifts he still would give you.
The slaves were still around. They kept fanned cool air with peacock feathers. Played soft music on harps and little reeds and made sure there was always water for washing and kept about.
The door opened, and your heart beat hard as he got inside. You continued your nightly routine, removing the ring and necklace as well as the belt before you. Getting ready to change- and yet…here he was. A shadow in the corner. He walked up.
“Husband! My…I’m not in trouble?” you asked, slightly teasing.
The servants all shot a look, he gestured at them to stay. To continue their business.
His arms wrapped around you slowly. Then, he laid his head down, looking at you in the mirror.
“But…I didn’t say I wanted this evening to end…” he breathed, he began to pepper kisses down your neck. His hands running down your arms.
“I said I was going to bed…not to sleep…” you said. Enjoying the teasing and playfulness. How you could still hold this mighty, fearsome warrior like wet clay in your hands.
He whispered into your ear for only you to hear.
“I’m going to burst if I don’t have you now.”
You grinned.
“Then have me,” you replied.
Three little words. That was all he needed.
He tore off your veil to where it flew down, fluttering like feathers. He pulled you in and kissed you. You moaned into it. His hands grew bolder, feeling down your sides. You moaned in response as he slid his tongue inside. You pressed yourself next to him, feeling his desire prod against you.
Then he was on you like an animal starved. At once he began to kiss you, cupping your face, keeping a hand on your back to keep you close. You waved a hand through his short, dark blonde hair. His own were going down to feel all over your skin, though his firey kisses never stopped. The man had a craving for you in the bedroom like no other. Not that you complained about it.
You took his hand and led it to your breast to squeeze.
“Caius…yes…more…” you moaned.
“You want more…” he replied.
“Yes- give it to me…” you asked.
“All of it…”
“And you will take it?”
You looked into his eyes.
“...yes. I want more. Not like on our wedding night. I want it hard. And rough. I can take it. I will take it.”
At once he threw you upon the bed. Lush with blankets and pillows, rich and comfortable. He walked towards you, eyes filled with lust, his steps slow, his head tilted, but not smiling.
“When I take you, I want you to cry out. I want all of Rome, every plebian, every senator, every person, and every animal and god to know you are mine.
He was on you, feeling a hand on your leg and kissing you. You began to grind against him. The servants blushed and looked about, he gestured to them.
“Stay,” he ordered them.
They stayed.
“I don’t want you dignified. No, wife. Show your loyalty-” he moved his hands through your dress.
“Take off your clothes.”
“If you want me naked that badly- take them off yourself,” you dared.
He obliged.
You let a sound as he roughly reached into your dress and shoved down the sleeves. You began to let a sound, a gasp as it broke open. It nearly ripped it. Shaking, you helped remove his own clothes still on him. Amazed at though his chest was filled with those dark, bloodied scars, the muscles still on them. 
He smiled.
“Such a tongue you’ve grown to have on you, delicae,” he said
The music of the slaves continued, as did their fans. Though you could feel their eyes.
 Now you were naked in his room, feeling his hands explore all over you, one squeezing your breast as the other spread around your back, wrapping you in, fingers into your skin as if to mark you.
“Then shouldn’t I be punished?” you asked coyly.
He smirked as looked at you. Then he let the last of his clothes fall. Showing his impressive thighs and impressive cock so hard it dripped against his stomach,
“It was everything in me not to take you at that table…then we’ll make up for it…”
He half threw you to the study part of the room. There sat a desk.
“Lean over that desk.”
You obliged, heart beating hard.
“Spead your legs,” he ordered.
You opened your two shaking legs, your wet sex glistening before him.
“Put your hands on the edge,” he ordered in a rasp.
Two shaking hands of yours gripped the edge. He laid your hips up. Then thrust into you at once. You let out a sound. Then roughly, he began to take you. Pounding in, his large cock straining inside you. You let out a sound.
“Yes- yes keep that- you are- you’re mine, you’re mine now- now-say it-say. it.”
“I’m” you cried between his thrusts. “I’m-I’m-your-yours-you- gods!” 
He pounded into you with a fury. His own groaning increasing. It was so filthy, so depraved, and you loved it. You had to grip the edge tightly as he pounded into you. Grunting like an animal. 
The music from the slaves continued, as did the footsteps from their business. Harps continued on as Caius took you like a whore. You could feel them still watching everything. Wondering if they were frightened, aroused, amazed, disgusted, or all four at once. 
He began to growl to you between pounding you.
“So you-” 
He pulled you up by your shoulder to your ear. His voice right next to it, his cock and his voice overtaking you.
He reached a hand, finding your opening between your legs. The bud inside you, swollen and needy and overcome.  One large finger began to strum it and you let out a whimper feeling it. His large, long fingers could already play it so easily. He let you down, and you were gripping tight to keep from losing it all. You weren’t going to last long at this rate.
“Caius! Caius please-please-Caius-”
It was already crawling up, the desk thudded loudly, perhaps breaking if it weren’t so thick and sturdy. The slaves would know he was yours and you were his. That only he and you could bring each other this.
“Yes- cum, dammit, wife- cum for me, cum- just cum, cum with me-”
“Caius-caius! I- Caius-caiuscaiuscaiuscaius-” you repeated, feeling it break. Your voice gets higher until you let out a noise, as your climax hits you.
Then with a shout from him, the seed shot forth inside you. You moaned as you panted, catching your breath. He steadily pulled out. 
You felt his breaths from behind you, his touch gentler against your arm. One wrapped around you for protection. 
“Get her something to drink now!” he barked at the servants.
They nodded their heads and ran off. Caius with one swoop got you into his arms. You felt your breath light, almost dizzy with joy- he hadn’t done that since your wedding when he brought you to this house. You could still feel his strong arms supporting you so easily. He carried you over to the bed, settling you amongst the blankets. One slave brought a cup of your drink, and you sipped at it with both hands. He made sure a blanket was draped over you for a bit of modesty.
“What kindness…I never would have guessed you would have kindness in you…” you remarked.
“I…want to be honorable…” he said quietly.
He waved a hand, and the flushed slaves left, Granting you privacy at last. You saw Caius look at you, then glance down like a shy maiden.
This wasn’t like him.
“What is it?” you asked.
“What is what?” he asked.
“You and your dangerous stubborness! Well I have some in me too. You have enjoyed me. And you wish to speak of something, I can feel it. You can tell me. Is there something you want of me? A son? I’m sure at this rate, you’ll have one…” you urged, a hand consciously at your belly.
Caius tilted his head again, his hand moving you away from yours. But touching it softly. 
“It…isn’t that. What I have…you must think it isn’t for a man to say aloud,” he said
“But you must say it! Is something wrong? Are you ill? Is your mother ill? What did Menenius try to weasel you to do? Where are they sending you now!? Caius, Why not-”
He quickly got up and cupped your face. He spoke quick, plain, and to the point.
“I love you.”
You paused your breath tight and the room spinning
“You…love me?”
“Why did I ask my mother to arrange us married?”
It struck you.
“I was…am a virtuous daughter of a respectable family-”
He looked into your eyes.
“I’ve loved you the day I met you. I wanted to have you as my wife or no one.  I couldn’t resist you if Diana herself ordered me to.”
Struck silent, you saw his face soften. The orange glow of the candlelight making him that more beautiful. 
“When…when did you know for sure…did Eros really strike the moment you saw me ”
“I…I remember it was- it was the race for the senate. All the crowd gathered to see me speak, to see the consul. I tried to ignore you there, and I could not. I was in denial all that time. But seeing you-when you looked at me, and smiled, I forgot it all. I didn’t want the seat. I wanted you. Honestly, I don’t know when it happened. But it did. And yet- all at once I-I-”
He paused.
“Maybe it was when we were betrothed. Maybe I walked with you to the markets. Or when I saw you there. Maybe it was every dull dinner and banquet I had to attend, that I still went, hoping to see you. To just see you…”
He caught himself.
“But no…I think most of all…it was each time I spoke to you. And you knew of me….and now …”
He touched your hand and you brought it to your lips, kissing it tenderly. You almost saw a tear drop despite the stillness of his face.
“I know what I am. And I thought you should hate me. Beyond whatever duty you may feel to me as your husband-”
“Caius, I don’t hate you. Not at all.”
“Then…could you-”
“I could learn to love you, and choose to love you, Caius.”
You pulled your face to his and kissed him. Then you tucked yourself into him, embracing him as you both lay on the bed. Not just as husband and wife, but as two people deeply in love.
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savoies · 4 years
eyes closed - jamie drysdale
summary: pretending to be asleep when jamie gets home.
word count:  235
warnings: one bad word.
a/n: inspired by a lovely anon, thank you for this amazing request. Hope y'all enjoy this little blurb.
taglist: ​( send in ask if you want to be added) ​@hartsyhart @nhlpetey @mitch-slap ​ @frostythegoalman @ryanssuzuki  @aria253264 ​  @josty ​ ​ @kaitieskidmore1 ​ ​ @kiedhara ​ @laurenairay ​ @teenagekook ​ ​ @alxvlasic ​ ​ ​ @hockeyallthetime @barzy-baby ​ ​ ​ @bowenbyram ​ @martynecass ​ @joshsandersons ​  @connormcdavo ​ @maattamatthews ​ ​ @pierreslucdubois ​ ​ @selenophileangel ​ @boqvistsbabe @ana-maa @stars-canucks @quinnhughxs @sidscrosbyy
​tagging some buds: @npatrickz @beauvibaby @heybarzy @tkachuk-yeah @cozycozzy @2manytabsopen ​
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(*credit to @three-headed-monster for the gif*)
Jamie was away at practice. Having left about four hours ago so you knew he would be coming home very soon. You had seen many different trends, how people would pretend to be asleep and film their partners reaction to see how they would react. You thought about Jamie and what his reaction would be, you weren't sure so you decided that when he got home you would try it.
Pretending to fall asleep on the couch with the tv on you waited for Jamie to come home and a few minutes later the key turned the doorknob signalling his arrival.
"Babe Im home" he said "Oh shit, my bad I didn't know you were asleep, Wait why am i telling you this if you cant even hear me." He said as he shook his head and put his bag down.
You tried suppressing a laugh as he headed to the bathroom for a shower. Him quickly taking one to then come cuddle with you. He came around the sofa and covered you with one of the throw blankets scattered around the small living room. 
He lifted your head and placed it on his leg for support as he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. And soon just leaning against you and running his fingers through your hair as both of you slowly drifted off to sleep for real this time.
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rossmccallsqueen · 5 years
BoRhap Boys Soap Opera AU characters Part 2!
Continued from the last post!
Steph aka @twotitsdeacon as Eleanor Cunningham
The local journalist that everyone goes to when they hear a rumor, and She’s always Rex’s source. She knows the dirt on everyone, which makes people try hard to be on her good side. Some alliances are real and some she uses to get what she wants. Only she knows the truth.
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Sam aka @punkgeekchic as Montana Cromwell
Joseph's younger sister who is a private investigator. She doesn't mind working alongside her brother and right now is secretly working into trying to get information on Geoffrey's dark past.
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Mary aka @anotherhystericalqueen as Lily Drake
Lily plans all the best parties and galas, with Lydia and Rex as two of her biggest clients. She knows her job puts her in a powerful position with a lot of discretion involved. She may look like an honest open book, but in her line of work some things are better left in the dark.
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Monica aka @deacytits as Veronica Arthur
Your sweet, down to earth, small town girl. She’s everyone’s friend, but that also means she knows a lot of secrets. Not the best idea to cross her. But Rex has something up his sleeve that could ruin her...
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Emma aka @joemazzelloswigs as Melody Edwards
A badass detective who doesn’t play by the rules. Her new assignment is London, a hot spot for crime. Things go missing at the university, and now Geoffrey only has eyes for the new detective in the town.
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Ana aka @thesevenseasofnublar as Mia Nolan
She is a young writer with writer's block that moves to the town after escaping from the countryside. Her past made her a cold woman who would do anything to keep her secret hidden...
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Douglas Booth as Daniel Winters
From the countryside, Daniel moved to London as soon as he was old enough. He became a driver for the rich and elite, so he knows all there is to know. What they don’t know is they’re all characters in his book...
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If anyone else wants a character pls feel free to send me their name, a description, and who you want to play you! Anyone can be apart of this 💕
I’ll probably write imagines, drabbles, blurbs, HC’s, and anything else y’all want! (Tagging everything as borhap soap opera au & soap opera au)
Send me asks and comments about story lines, anyone can make up anything for any storyline for any character! Lets see where this goes shall we?
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reads2love · 3 years
The Perils of Paris by Ana T Drew with excerpt and giveaway
The Perils of Paris by Ana T Drew with excerpt and giveaway
The Perils of Paris by Ana T. Drew GENRE:   cozy mystery BLURB: When someone tries to kill her sister,it’s time for Julie Cavallo to don her sleuthing cap!The Provence sweet shop owner rushes to the home of her twin sister in Paris.Julie’s main question is: Who would want Cat, a professional medium, dead?Unfortunately, Cat doesn’t have a clue.But since when has the absence of clues deterred…
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