#analysis of maria deluca
ober-affen-geil · 5 years
I would love to know your opinions about Maria in relation to Michael and Alex...
Ok so here’s the thing. I am looking at this from a narrative/writing standpoint. The entire show thus far (and I mean the e n t i r e show) has been building Michael and Alex to be endgame. And I’m not trying to be disparaging of Maria and Michael shippers, I’m a big believer in shipping who you want. Do you. But the way that these characters have been set up it is very obvious that, given a choice between Maria and Alex, Michael would choose Alex every time.
This got very long so here’s a break.
The way I see it, Maria is currently functioning (or did in episode 9)in relation to Michael/Alex as Cam did to Max/Liz earlier in the season. (See my other post for more parallels between couples.) Max needed someone to “scratch an itch” with and Cam was that person. Did he have sex with her even after Liz came back into town? Yeah. Did that stop him from pursuing Liz with all of his heart and soul? Obviously no. When Max slept with Cam in episode 2, Liz had just told him “no, I don’t feel the same way for you that you do for me, back off” so he did. And he went to Cam to “blow off steam”.
When Michael sleeps with Maria in episode 9, Alex had apparently been avoiding him for nigh on 2 months and when Michael finally confronted him about it, Alex told him more or less that it was over. Michael needed to blow off steam, and Maria provided a convenient scratching post. (She also needed to relieve some stress because her last ditch effort to help her mother had just gone up in smoke, and Michael had literally been a shoulder to cry on for her in the recent past.)
From a writing standpoint within Michael and Alex’s relationship arc, this also provides a crucial stepping stone. (And yes I hate that the writers have relegated Maria to this, they have done her dirty and she better have some epicness coming up or else.) When Alex goes to finally talk with Michael at the scrapyard he’s treading old ground character-wise. We’ve seen him do this before; he tentatively reaches out to Michael and then for whatever reason, ends up backing out. It’s said out of anger but what Michael tells him at the drive-in is true, Alex is the one who walks away.
But this time. This time. He stays. He is confronted with blatant evidence that Michael has had sex with someone else, someone he is close with, and he makes the decision to commit anyway. (And no, I don’t think Michael planted Maria’s necklace in his boot to flaunt it in front of Alex, his body language was all wrong. If he wanted to flaunt it he would have been wearing it.) This is major character development for Alex. For the first time we see him actively choosing to stay with Michael when he’s given a pretty good reason to walk away. 
Note that when he leaves the bunker in episode 10 when he finds out that Michael might leave the fucking planet he doesn’t say “I can’t do this” he says “I need time to process”. Alex is not walking away again. If he was, he wouldn’t have told Maria who the mystery museum guy was. (Or rather, let her figure it out.) He would have told her something like “it doesn’t matter now” and dropped the issue. Acknowledging that Michael is the person who puts him in “crazy, stupid love” is a commitment to him, and a promise about moving forward. I don’t think he went to the bar with the plan of telling Maria who Michael was to him, but when it came up he didn’t back down. And he also made sure that she knew that he knew about their fling, (and that he wasn’t mad about it, hurt but not mad) because it cleared the air between them. 
On that note, when Michael meets up with Maria at the bar later that night, I don’t think he’s looking for another tumble. Maria made it clear she wasn’t interested in a repeat performance and while Michael may be mouthy and sarcastic, he’s not a creep. He understands the meaning of “no”. He was there to return her necklace, which he fixed for her because he’s a goddamn gentleman. Kill me. He attempted friendly banter (trying to initiate one of their running arguments about his tab) and Maria abruptly shut him down. Of course he looks hurt. He is. 
He’s also totally thrown off his stride because he doesn’t know that Alex told Maria about them. Up until that second he was under the impression that only Max, Isobel, and Jesse Manes knew about his relationship with Alex. (Wait until he finds out about Team Project Shepard 2.0) Maria slammed a door in his face that he had no way to see coming. And she doesn’t have all the context, so she’s judging him a lot more harshly than he deserves. What else is new. But, given their recent blossoming friendship, she feels guilty about shutting him down so hard. Hence the look in the mirror when he goes to leave. She did what she felt she had to do, but she feels bad because Michael had just done her a favor. That’s the way I read it anyway.
tl;dr I don’t see Michael ending up with Maria in the long run. Previous episodes and dialog have shown that his primary romantic interest is Alex, and I believe it would take a large number of monumentally terrible writing choices to change that.
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spaceskam-also · 5 years
dont understand the hatred towards the episode tbh like yeah it wasn't the best but I feel like people are getting way too up in arms about michael and maria when we have more of the story left and the entire cast and the writer has made it quite clear its malex all the way so like
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I don't understand why there are some (Ma|ex people from what I see) calling Maria a bad and horrible friend??? Like did I miss something????
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What a question to return back from vacation from!
Now let me preface this: this is all my own unapologetic opinion. If anyone reading this is interested in an actual discussion? I'm always down to talk. Definitely won't entertain rude comments.
For starters: Are you trying to get me yeeted from the fandom? Lol
This question has been burning in my mind for now 3 seasons worth of show. I've long avoided writing about this "bad friend" narrative because I feel like could write a full blown dissertation on this topic. Plus, people with opposing opinions have such strong reactions to people who don't agree. But! I'm finally making time to do this.
I'll try to keep this to just a miniature dissertation. I'm about to fail miserably, lol. Sorry in advance.
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In short, the answer is "she betrayed Alex" *chokes hard on this lie* when in actuality, she did nothing of the sort.
Let's start with early Michael and Maria interactions shall we? We'll stick to season one only for this unnecessary hard-hitting, in-depth analysis because the people's hate levels skyrocketed after season 1 and I don't have THAT much time on my hands. We'll kinda stick to where I think it stemmed from and why it's misguided to say the least.
From the very beginning, it was obvious to me that these two have a history we haven't seen on screen prior to the show's start. We know Maria frequently kicked/-s Michael out of her bar, yet they still give off mad flirtatious vibes while they throw jabs at each other. We see that on display early on.
Okay, let's fast forward to episode 1x07. It's a pretty pivotal moment in their relationship. She'd just sent her Mom off to the facility and in walks Michael. She tells him the bar is closed but he saunters in saying "I really need you to be open" after his not so equally rough day. She tells him "they're closed" again but eventually tells him "One drink. No talking.". She rightfully breaks down and who's there for her? Michael Guerin.
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That's when I noticed that the completely irrational unwarranted hatred began for Maria. Mostly because it was obvious that Malex wasn't happening and MiLuca was definitely going to be a thing.
*record scratch*
Now let me back up for a minute. Early Malex was fine-ish to me. They just became too problematic for me. I definitely prefer MiLuca but to each their own though; like whatever ship you like. I don't know why so many people attack each other over their preference. We don't HAVE to agree.
*resumes mini dissertation*
That being said, nothing about the progression of MiLuca's relationship is at the fault of Maria. People can talk about the friend code all they want, but it doesn't really apply here. Both Michael and Alex kept each other a secret for over 10 years. Even from their best friends in the world. How can friend code start to begin to apply when no one knew their relationship existed for real?
So anywho. Maria is just out here minding her own business. Getting more flirty sessions in with Guerin. While trying to deny (and failing) that's she's feeling feelings for the guy that once described as "he's got kind of hot in a sex in a truck, smells like a river, never introduce him to your mama kind of way."
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But he keeps. showing. up. Especially when she needs him the most. Sounds like a recipe for an accidentally on purpose hook up and relationship to me. *shrugs*
Cue the road trip to Texas. Who wouldn't be able to resist Maria singing Alanis Morissette? I mean, I can't blame Mikey at all. But I digress.
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So, they finally drunkenly hook up. Keeping up their familiar bantering claiming that this was a mistake and should never happen again. By this time we all knew it was gonna happen again. This is a CW drama after all. 🙄🙄
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After you! Welcome to all the members of The Official Maria Deluca Haters Club!
Here's the actual beginning of it all. She "dared" to hook up with Michael and thus "betraying Alex". Except, she didn't. Yes, I said it. In fact, the only one who betrayed anyone would be Michael.
Michael. Deserves. This. Fandom. Heat. He's the only one that knew both sides of the truth. He knew that he had recently kissed, slept with, and reignited old flames with Alex. When Alex started ignoring him, he moved on with his friend who was ignorant that there was ever a him and Alex. Yet somehow he's always blameless and Maria catches that faction of the fandom's virtual hands?? Make it make sense.
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Coming back to it, Guerin kept showing up just in general. Even though she told him she couldn't be with him because of Alex once she found out he was "Museum Guy". She did try to adhere to the friend code. Kinda hard to do, when you've already caught feelings and the object of your affection that you're trying to avoid keeps coming around. Or whenever you're in need, he's always there. Let's not forget he literally stood guard over her even after she rejected him. I mean...
*Kanye Shrug*
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Alas, cue more Maria hatred. Are you seeing the pattern? Every time MiLuca became a stronger reality, the (misplaced) anger grew. All because their preferred ship was losing out to another.
Side note: Most shows have warring ships - think Stelena/Delena. This is supposed to happen but not with so much vitriol. That's the part that gets me.
In the end, all anger really should be pointed at Mikey, but a lot of folks aren't ready to discuss how he essentially pitted two friends against each other because they both had feelings for him at completely different points in their lives.
If you're still with me, the moral of the story is simple.
No one (except maybe Michael) is in the wrong here.
Maria started developing feelings and love for a guy she's also known her whole life. Who was a fixture in her life even if in a small way for years after high school. He's the same guy who kept showing up for her when she literally needed someone to lean on. I mean, who wouldn't fall for that person?
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Let's face it: She arguably had more in person interactions with Michael over the last 10 years than with her best friends Liz and Alex. Should she or even Micheal be unknowingly beholdened to the "friend code" after 10 years? Plus I never understood why Alex never told Maria of all people who "the boy from the museum" was.
I really just don't get it either. I actually really enjoyed the progression of MiLuca's relationship in season 1. It developed organically and was really believable that these two characters would get to where they got. I definitely think the execution (especially in season 2) could have been much better. I really do enjoy rival ships when properly written. Since it wasn't? A lot of things were left to be misinterpreted and left us with the state of affairs we have today.
We should have been given a Dawson/Joey/Pacey situation. They actually had the right dynamic for a more adult version of it. The execution was flawed. Which makes me sad because I love some good old fashioned love triangle drama!
Anyway thanks for coming to my MiLuca TED Talk. Even though I knew they weren't endgame, I'll always wish they had a better shot than they were given.
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*end of dissertation*
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laufire · 3 years
controversial or unpopular opinions: a lot of characters are not going 'dark' they are just doing something that goes against what a fave character wants. and therefore dont need a redemption arc (especially female characters)
Agreed. I remember those days after Wynonna Earp's second season where Rosita's tag was filled with people clamouring for a redemption ARC!! and I was like. huh?? There was all that #KillAllison ThingTM with Teen Wolf, people calling Cordelia's arc in ATS a redemption arc... I haven't seen that specific word used with Lizzie but certain attitudes after the second to last episode reflected this mentality.
First of all, things just aren't that clear cut when it comes to stories that work within a greyer morality. Second, sometimes fandom demands WAY too much of female characters, claiming that they need to go through a redemption arc for them (the audience) to forgive them* for things like being a bit of a mean girl or dating a friend's ex (see the anti-Maria Deluca fandom smh). And then goes around and claims characters that aren't necessarily worse than some of their male counterparts who do get these stories -in canon or fanon- are just ~inherently irredeemable, as if that's their decision (see Bela Talbot or Azula).
(*the focus on forgiveness, especially on audience forgiveness, when it comes to a character's morality has already been discussed and I won't get into it... but lol. Are they serious)
Again: at the end of the day, this attitude when it comes to stories where the writers' objective is obviously not to make "dark" versions of their characters but to show their complexities, to add new dimensions to them, etc... it just doesn't fit with what they're trying to give us, and they'll always fail as complete analysis of the text IMO.
send me controversial or unpopular opinions and I’ll tell you if I agree or disagree 🐸 ☕️
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wunderlass · 4 years
Liz Ortecho, Science, and Ethics
This post is brought to you by season two of Roswell, New Mexico, and the inconsistent handling of scientific ethics wherein.
In episode 2x07, Maria says the following:
“Henrietta Lacks, Tuskogee, Holmsberg – the Delucas aren’t the first black people to be secretly experimented on.”
What she’s referring to here are 20th century scientific experiments which involved human subjects (specifically, black people) without them providing informed consent for their involvement in these experiments. In fact, for the most part, they had no knowledge of their involvement at all.
These are and other experiments generated enough controversy (as they should) that science and academic research have long since changed their approach to the point that ethics and consent are now at the heart of all research design. Universities have ethics boards that all research must be approved by, and the core principles of academic ethics is that 1) human subjects should not be harmed by research 2) there has to be a risk/benefit analysis (so for the aliens there are no benefits to being involved in the research vs the risk of exposure) and 3) they must provide informed consent to participate (which means they must understand what the research relates to and what their involvement will entail, and have the capacity to agree with the ability to withdraw consent after research has commenced).
For context – I am currently writing my master’s dissertation. It involves social media research, so is far and away from the kind of biological research Liz does, but because social media data is created by people, it is considered research involving human subjects. For that reason, I had to get ethics approval, and I have to ensure I discuss ethics within my dissertation or I. Will. Fail.
There is no chance that at any time during her schooling for the three degrees she has that Liz Ortecho has not been taught about ethics and their importance. I would be surprised if she hasn’t had mandatory ethics classes. Every paper she has written, all the research she has done in the past, must have gone through ethics boards and discussed the subjects of ethics.
Which is why the words “those were just cells—I wasn’t hurting anyone!” in the finale were so galling.
What Liz is saying puts her in direct contradiction to Maria. She is saying that she feels entitled to take the biological material of other people without their informed consent in order to do her work. This is a direct parallel with what happened with Henrietta Lacks. And the sad part is that I don’t think the show understands that by having Liz take the stance that she has, they are framing her as a bad person and a terrible scientist.
There is no justification of “it’s for the greater good” when it comes to research. That ship has sailed. For Liz to ignore the moral lines and repeatedly cross them for her own interests does not make her a hero, or relatable. It does not make her a badass. It just makes her bad.
We already saw that before Liz returned to Roswell, she lost a grant because she couldn’t get ethical approval for human research. Sometimes this is because the people doing the approvals are overly conservative and dislike the usage of things like stem cells (mentioned in s1), though it doesn’t sound like that was the case here.
Genoryx are offering her work that circumvents that, and yet, that isn’t a good thing! Liz wants her legacy to be as a brilliant Latina woman who paved the way for others to follow her. She wants to be the poster girl for Latinx people in medicine and help improve their overall image within society. Unfortunately, if she is doing work without a solid ethical foundation, sooner or later, that is going to get snatched away from her. No matter how much good any breakthrough she makes does, if somebody digs into it and asks questions about how it was achieved, her legacy would end up (rightly) tarnished in exactly the same way as the scientists who worked on the experiments named here.
Liz should know better—she should know the pitfalls of skirting ethical boundaries as much as she understands the benefits her work can bring. It doesn’t seem that she does.
The most egregious example of this came in the finale, when Liz slipped into Steph’s hospital room while she was sleeping and gave her a cure to her ailment.
This drug is untested. Liz has no idea what side effects it might cause. And Steph was unconscious, so unable to agree to trialling this experimental drug.
We saw what Liz’s serum did to Isobel in season one! Steph feels fine now but what if she does have side effects later on? What if her slow death had become a horrifically painful death? Liz had no way of knowing!
Liz crossed a line, and Kyle should understand that line more than anybody. He should be furious at Liz and remain furious at her, even if she saved Steph’s life. Steph is not a lab rat that Liz can unilaterally decide to experiment on.
(the other side of this is that Steph’s “miracle cure” is going to invite a ton of questions and testing. Steph is now going to be at the centre of all of this, and if she has developed alien mutations or proteins she’s at risk. Maybe we’re going to see this picked up in season three but I’m not holding my breath).
Throughout the back half of season two, Liz has been positioned as justified in her stance with regards to the work she’s doing. Which is nonsense, because otherwise she wouldn’t have kept it secret from Max. But she just isn’t in any way, shape or form.
Does she deserve the right to be a scientist? Of course! She can take that job with Genoryx or any of the grants she turned down while lying to Max. The trouble is Liz’s fascination with unethical research, and the bigger problem is how I don’t think Carina understands that at all. The show has turned our leading lady into an inadvertent villain and rather than treating this as a character flaw, it’s championing it, without understanding how dangerous the message they’re sending really is.
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