#anbu boot camp
prince-everhard · 1 year
Weekly Oneshot Challenge - week 10
Title: the pursuit of knowledge Rating: T (mild swearing) Fandom: Naruto Word count: 1647 Summary: Kakashi expects his team to shake the world someday. He doesn’t expect them to shake his world doing homework of all things. [strike team au]
“Sensei?” Kakashi looks up from his book at Sakura’s tone. 
All of team seven is studying, even Kakashi. After the grueling month of “conditioning boot camp” that Kakashi shamelessly stole from his ANBU days, the team had fallen into a more sedate routine. Sedate in this case is relative, as Kakashi has also just as shamelessly scoped out how his fellow jounin sensei are treating their students. He won’t say that he finds his peers’ work to be lacking. He’ll certainly think it, but he won’t say it. 
The other genin teams of this graduating class meet three times a week, train for a couple hours, and take on a D-rank or two a week. They rarely see each other outside of training or family functions. Team seven trains almost daily, with a mandated rest day in the middle of the week. From the time they wake up until the time they get ready for bed, they are in some way training or working. Kakashi has made a point to have his team study in the evenings after pushing their bodies during the day. D-ranks are just another kind of training with added parameters and his students’ naturally competitive natures. 
His team also has the benefit of seeing each other almost all day every day thanks to Kakashi’s digging. Jounin sensei aren’t required or even expected to house their students like with an apprenticeship, but there was enough of a precedent for him to offer his family home to his students despite the council’s pushback. Opening his family home to them only made it easier to foster their teamwork and oversee their progress. Naruto was happy to have someone to come home to, Sasuke quietly grateful to have an excuse to avoid the ghosts of his clan, and Sakura was eager to escape the smothering presence of parents who didn’t understand her shinobi lifestyle. So team seven eats, sleeps, trains, and even relaxes together. Between the proximity and the shared misery of their initial training Kakashi can see how his genin has grown both as a team and as individuals.
Their studying in the evenings is varied and intense. There are days where he lets them loose on his father’s old library with no direction; whatever catches their fancy or they want to pursue is fair game. Kakashi finds those evenings entertaining, in a way. He finds himself surprised by what his genin choose to study. Seeing Sasuke thumbing through medical texts surprised him. Naruto’s gravitation toward traps and fuinjutsu is on-brand enough to settle his nerves, though in a few years he knows others are going to have a problem with it. Sakura seemingly picks something at random and when Kakashi comments on this after the third or fourth time she’s changed subjects she tells him firmly that no knowledge that can help the team is bad knowledge and he lets her be after that.
This night isn’t one of their free study nights. Kakashi has them focus on history, his family library supplemented with choice books from the jounin section of the Konoha library. With the Hokage’s purpose of this team weighing heavily on his mind, he has them studying the founding of Konoha. Naruto has a text on the clans of Konoha laying in his lap, though his focus is on notes from the Uchiha clan that Sasuke had offered when they found out the evening’s study topic. If Naruto seriously wants to be Hokage, he’ll have to know the people he’ll be leading. Sasuke is reading about the founding of ANBU and standard training procedures first created by the Nidaime. While Sasuke doesn’t have any goals beyond fratricide, Kakashi thinks that molding the next generations of the village’s elite protectors might suit him. And Sakura-
Well, Sakura has a veritable mountain of books around her armchair, but the one in her grip isn’t one that Kakashi remembers giving her. Kakashi can see general history books on the founding, the major and minor ninja wars, immigration into Konoha, and even a small tome about the battle at the Valley of the End. He’s mildly alarmed at the origin of the book in her hands. Kakashi just barely remembers seeing the same book in Kushina’s hands, once. It’s the journal of Mito Uzumaki. 
“Sensei,” Sakura repeats, and something about her voice has her teammates looking up as well, “Were we put on this team together because Naruto is the kyuubi jinchuriki?”
Sasuke’s brow furrows immediately in thought. By contrast, Naruto’s eyes go wide and his usually tan face goes concerningly pale. Kakashi pings his chakra to check that the security seals on the house are intact and active. He sets his own book down (a tome on wartime psychology gifted to him by the current Yamanaka head) and turns his full focus to his brightest student. Something like that damning feeling of being handed their files in the Hokage’s office fills him. “What makes you think that, Sakura?”
Once, Sakura might have quailed under the full force of his scrutiny. But he’s proud to see that she glances at her team for moral support and straightens her posture even though he’s not muting his chakra. “It’s a lot of little pieces that I’ve been putting together,” she begins. “At first, I thought that being put on the same team as someone with the sharingan was a political statement. Something like, look at our two oldest kekkei genkai working together. And without other details, that makes sense.” It really does, if you’re looking at it from a political angle instead of a military one. “But that leaves a few loose ends. If they wanted to make a political statement, we would have been under a sensei from a clan, probably the Sarutobi.” Sakura seems to come into herself as she speaks; her confidence only grows as she goes further into her reasoning. “And while the Hatake family have fielded several noteworthy shinobi, they’re not politically powerful in the current village climate.” Kakashi shouldn’t be surprised that Sakura has researched his family. No knowledge is bad knowledge, after all. 
“But then that leaves the third teammate. Choosing someone with no clan and no kekkei genkai would have been the best move if this team was politically motivated.” At this, Sakura looks over at Naruto and something in her gaze settles his fear, even if just a bit. “Naruto is an Uzumkai. Even in the orphanage, they kept his last name. It didn’t take much digging to find out there was an Uzumaki clan.” Kakashi can see Naruto mouth the word clan to himself and curses the Hokage and his edict under his breath. Sakura pauses for a sip of water. “The Uzumaki clan has historical ties to Konoha, sure, which could have explained Naruto being in this team if there was still a clan to make that point. But the Uzumaki clan was decimated and scattered when Uzushio was destroyed.” 
All the air seems to leave Naruto in a gust. Sakura looks unsure, hesitating on the edge of her chair, but Sasuke reaches over and taps Naruto’s shoulder with his fist. Naruto waves Sakura on, looking at the floor. “The Shodaime’s wife was an Uzumaki. Uzumaki Mito. The details are a little fuzzy, but it does seem to line up- Madara Uchiha defected from the village and attacked it, but it’s not widely known that he did this using his sharingan to control the kyuubi.” Sasuke doesn’t seem surprised by that announcement. How much of his clan’s history had been taught to him before they were wiped out? “It’s more widely known that the Shodaime used the mokuton to subdue the tailed beast, but it’s not publicly known what happened from there.” Uzumaki Mito was a fuinjutsu master, as were most of the Uzumaki. While the Shodaime was holding the kyuubi, she used her fuinjutsu skill to seal the tailed beast inside herself. She became the first jinchuriki of the kyuubi.” The journal was a big piece of the puzzle, but Kakashi is still impressed with how well Sakura had gathered the information and slotted it together.
Sakura points at herself. “Mokuton.” She points at Sasuke. “Sharingan.” She doesn’t point at Naruto, but instead looks at him with something sad and gentle in her expression. “And an Uzumaki with startling amounts of chakra, an insane healing factor, born on the night of the last kyuubi attack.” At that Naruto does look up. His eyes meet Sakura’s and something happens there that Kakashi can’t quite name. The end result is a ghost of a smile on Naruto’s face and Sakura turning to look at her sensei with defiance in the set of her jaw. “Were we created as a tailed beast containment squad?”
Sasuke has moved his hand to grip Naruto’s shoulder, his gaze also heavy and insubordinate. Naruto is looking between his two teammates with wonder and hope. Kakashi decides, in this moment, that he won’t lie to his students. They deserve the truth. “Yes.”
“Fuck that!” The expletive comes unexpectedly from Sakura. It startles a laugh out of Naruto and even Sasuke nearly smiles. “We’ll be the best squad Konoha has ever seen, and we’ll do it on our own terms.”
Kakashi watches fondly as Naruto’s grin goes as wide and carefree as usual. “The best ever, believe it!” He puts his fist out into the space between them, which Sakura immediately leans forward and presses her fist into his.
“On our own terms,” Sasuke agrees, and he also reaches out and presses his fist into theirs.
All three of his students look at him expectantly. Kakashi’s heart swells and his eyes prickle with emotion. Maybe before he vowed to make them strong out of fear, but now there is only affection as he reaches out his fist as well. You’ll shake the world, he vows.
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kagami--uchiha · 3 years
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real name — Kagami Uchiha
single or taken – Single
abilities or powers — Sharingan, Water Affinity, being able to move completely without a sound, Moth Kekkei-Genkai.
eye color — Onyx
hair color —ink Black
family members — Parents both deceased, no siblings. I love to have Shisui as his Son/grandson
pets — None, but takes care of the Clan Cats.
something they don’t like — dirt, dishonest people,  
hobbies / activities — Dancing mainly. He loves to do Ballet and Bellydance (sometimes even Poledance but that’s a secret, shhhh) 
ever hurt anyone before —As a shinobi he has already hurt a lot of People. If he hurt someone emotionally it wasn’t his intention, but probably did so, yeah. 
ever killed anyone before — Yes. A lot. 
animals that represent them — Haha... Either a cat or a moth xD
worst habits — has a habit of drinking alcohol to drown out his problems
role models —Madara and Tobirama
sexual orientation —Pansexual
thoughts on marriage / kids — Definitely, if the right person comes into his life :)
style preferences — His daily go-to clothes is a high collared Uchiha shirt in a dark blue color with one of those more purple-ish Pants, leg wrappings and sandals. His working clothes consist of a dark blue/almost black body with a high neckline, Black pants that have a tighter fit around the hips, criss-cross leg wrappings and ANBU-Boots. 
someone they love —Shisui , Itachi, Hikaku, Madara, Hashirama, Tobirama, Danzo, Hiruzen and Torifu. and in different AU’s: (romantically) Sakura, Kisame, Azha, Yua (And since I am absolutely addicted to Founders ships.... You can also insert Hashirama, Madara, Tobirama and probably some more as well XD) 
approach to friendships — As a child he was less outgoing, having dealt with a lot of rejection because most children thought him younger than he is. But also he didn’t have a lot of time to build up more intense friendships because of the harsh trainign hsi Guardian put him through. When he grew up though, he had an open approahc to anyone who was friendly, loving to make friends whereever he could. 
favorite drink — Tea.. Any kind.. But mostly Lavender and verbene. 
favorite place to spend time at —In his Garden 
swim in the lake or the ocean — clear lakes. He has Thalassophobia
their type — Oof.. He doesn’t really has a type, per say. 
camping or indoors —Hbwlajbd Camping XD
Tagged by: @sakura-rpblog thank you for the tag my lovely soul! <3
Tagging: ​(I fucking can’T put tags....) @sharkfinx​ @hashirama-of-the-forest​ @konoha-interrogation​ @astra-stellaris​ (Hnhnhn.. Azha pls pls <3) @mushroombitchboy​ and who ever else would love tooo <3
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kahenn · 5 years
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tagged by: no one I stole it from my other blog haha tagging: do it and tag me lol
BODY long legs. short legs. average legs. slender thighs. thick thighs. muscular thighs. skinny arms. normal arms. muscular arms. toned stomach. flat stomach. flabby stomach. soft stomach. muscular stomach. six pack. beer belly. lean frame. slender frame. muscular frame. voluptuous frame. petite frame. lanky frame. short nails. long nails. manicured nails. dirty nails. flat ass. toned ass. round ass. bubble butt. thick ass. small waist. thick waist. narrow hips. average hips. wide hips. big feet. average feet. small feet.calloused hands. soft hands. big hands. average hands. small hands. long fingers. short fingers. average fingers. broad shoulders. underweight. average weight. overweight. ideal weight.
HEIGHT shorter than 140 cm. 141 cm to 150 cm. 151 cm to 160 cm. 161 cm to 170 cm. 171 cm to 180cm. 181 cm to 190 cm. 191 cm to 2m. taller than 2 m.
SKIN pale. fair. rosy. olive. dark. tanned. blotchy. smooth. acne. dry. greasy. freckled. scarred. cool undertones. neutral undertones. warm undertones.
small. large. average. grey. brown. black. blue. red. pink. purple. green. gold. hazel. heterochromatic. doe - eyed. almond. close - set. wide -set. squinty. monolid. double eyelids. hooded eyelids. upturned. downturned.
HAIR thin. thick. fine. normal. greasy. dry. soft. shiny. curly. frizzy. wild. unruly. straight. smooth. wavy. floppy. cropped. pixie cut. short. jaw length. shoulder length. back length. waist length. floor length. buzz cut. bald. mohawk. white. platinum blonde. golden blonde. dirty blonde. ombre. light brown. mouse brown. chestnut brown. golden brown. chocolate brown. dark brown. jet black. ginger. auburn. unnatural colour. streaked. thin eyebrows. average eyebrows. thick eyebrows. threaded eyebrows. plucked eyebrows. waxed eyebrows. unkempt eyebrows. large amounts of body hair. average amount of body hair. little to no body hair. shaved body hair. trimmed body hair. waxed body hair. light body hair. dark body hair. thick body hair. well groomed. decently groomed. little to no grooming. wild and unkempt.
TATTOOS / PIERCINGS full sleeve. thigh tattoo. shin tattoo. calves tattoo. wrist tattoo. upper back tattoo. lower back tattoo. hip tattoo. hand / finger tattoo. foot tattoo. neck tattoo.  face tattoo. chest tattoo. side tattoo. one tattoo (ANBU). a few here and there. multiple. no tattoo. nose piercing.septum. nipple piercing. genital piercing. industrial piercings. earlobe piercing(s). eyebrow piercing. tongue piercing. lip piercing. tragus piercing. gauges. navel piercing. inverse navel piercing. cheek piercing. smiley. nape piercings. no piercings.
COSMETICS light eyeliner. heavy eyeliner. cat eyes. mascara. fake eyelashes. matte lipstick. regular lipstick. lipgloss. chapstick. red lips. pink lips. dark lips. bronzer. highlighter. eyeshadow. neutral eyeshadow. smokey eyes. colourful eyeshadow. blush. lipliner. light contouring. heavy contouring. powder. matte foundation. satin foundation. dewy foundation. concealer. wears make up regularly. wears it from time to time. never wears make up.
SCENT floral. fruity. perfumes. cologne. aftershave. cocoa. moisturizer. natural soap.shampoo.cigarettes. leather. sweat. food. incense. marijuana. whiskey. wine. fried food. blood. fire. metal. rain. grass. ocean. autumn leaves. baked bread. smoke. campfire. lavender. trees. musk. rose. gingerbread. mint. oak. honey. lemon. vanilla. coffee. cake. chemicals. gasoline.
masculine. feminine. androgynous. jeans. tight pants. over knee socks. tights. leggings. yoga pants. miniskirt. loose skirt. formfitting dress. cardigans. flannel. blouse. button up shirt.graphic shirt. sports shirt. sweatpants. tank top. cut off shirt. maxi dress. sundress. suit and tie. cocktail dress. high slit dress. loose clothing. tight clothing. jean shorts. sweater.sweater vest. khaki pants. hoodie. harem pants. basketball shorts. boxers. boxer briefs. briefs. thong. lingerie. hotpants. hipster panties. bra. sports bra. chest binder. crop top. corset. leotard. polka dots. stripes. glitter. silk. lace. satin. leather. velvet. chemise. cashmere.patterns. florals. neon colours. pastels. neutral colors. black. dark colors. faux fur. fur.designer. tailored. high street. online stores. thrift. lots of money spent on clothes. average amount of money spent on clothes. little to no money spent on clothes. extremely fashionable. stylish. thrifty. camp. conservative. tacky. ugly. unfashionable. risque. bold. who let this person dress themselves.
SHOES sneakers. slip-ons. flats. slippers. sandals. flip flops. high heels. ankle boots. combat boots. boots. knee-high boots. cowboy boots. platforms. stripper heels.bare feet. loafers.boat shoes. dress shoes. designer shoes. hand me down shoes. worn out shoes. polished
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cunningpeach · 4 years
@kxmorebi said: ❛   actually ,  i  think  i  better  get  going  …   it’s  late  and  …   ❜ 
“Huh?”  She’d nearly forgotten Yamato’s presence, so absorbed in her task.  Looking up from where she sat, Momo observed him as he stepped away.  She reached up, pushing her bangs back from her face and out of the way, a smear of what could be called blood by one who was unaware of the various other bodily fluids left behind in its wake.  “Oh.  But-”  Right, probably shouldn’t ask someone she barely knew to assist her with removing the body and getting it buried.  “Of course.  It's getting dark.  You go set up camp.  I’ll take care of this one.” 
 Everyone in Konoha was softer than Kiri, even the ANBU.  Yamato had known what she did from the moment they met but knowing and seeing were different things.  Sitting back for a moment, Momo let out a heavy sigh.  How much energy had she used?  If she wasn’t careful Yamato would have to carry her back and he looked even less eager to touch her than usual.  The mess surely didn’t help.  She’d have to clean up before she returned and maybe he’d forget it.
Momo wiped the blood from her ridged kunai, shoving it back in her boot before getting to work.  The body was buried deep and a foul smelling liquid poured on it to mask the scent, a full fire being too risky in their current location.  Their tracks were covered along with all signs of a fight and subsequent ‘discussion’ between Momo and the man now under the ground.  That would do.  Hopefully Yamato was feeling less wary now that she’d given him some space.
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jacksgreysays · 7 years
I'm actually expecting DOS!Sakura entering ANBU in the future. She's very versatile ninja with high combat and medical skills. Except her Super-Strength technique might be too high-profile? I was wondering what you think about ANBU!DOS!Sakura.
I have always loved the idea of ANBU!Sakura (in canon, that is) for much the same reasons that you’ve listed above, but also as a sort of… Hokage training? Or leadership training, rather (because, while my heart of hearts will always love the idea of Hokage!Sakura, there’s no way that she’d take the role from Naruto until he willingly gives it up–realizing that it’s not what will make him happy–or if he is unable to).
In DoS though, her career trajectory isn’t the same, especially since her starting point is different, so I’m not sure if ANBU would be the best/desirable path for her. Or at least not anytime soon. (Which is not to say that she wouldn’t be nominated for ANBU, but I don’t think she would accept it in the near future)
Her overall goal in life–as stated in DoS–is to prove herself as a capable kunoichi, such that she will one day have a symbol on the back of her clothes much the same way clan kids carry their clan symbols. Hers is the empty circle waiting to be filled. In canon it’s a little different–her goal is more… emotional, I guess, in that she wants to be a capable kunoichi to prove that she can stand alongside her two teammates.
Since she wasn’t put on a jounin led team in DoS–more specifically, the Team Seven that would, on their first C-rank, free a small country from the grips of an evil despot–and instead started in the Medic Corps, her main obstacle is that, to put it crudely, name brand recognition.
In DoS she starts as a medic and trains toward field readiness, whereas in canon she started as a field nin and directed her path towards medicine. She’s at least a year or more behind on field experience and spreading her name as a kunoichi who can, frankly, survive a lot of weird shit–Shikako got that instead (compounded, seeing as how I’m pretty sure Sakura never literally died at any point). As of Chapter 137, which is pre-Mist Chuunin Exams, DoS!Sakura hasn’t had any international exposure that canon!Sakura got by being on Team Seven.
She has to build her reputation more slowly, but because of that she can do so steadily and more carefully.
ANBU kind of defeats that purpose. Don’t get me wrong. It would–even just the training/audition–greatly aid her in getting field capable (ninja boot camp, level up in just two weeks!) but it would all be anonymous.
And how would she explain her sudden jump in ability? Either that or she’d have to already be capable enough that the ANBU training isn’t out of place, and by that point she’d probably have enough field missions under her belt (as either Tsunade’s second apprentice or as part of Team Anko?) that she wouldn’t need it as much.
Sasuke and Shikako want the anonymity: they’re at a point where their reputation exceeds their skills (or, rather, the risk of having such large reputations exceed their skills) so ANBU lets them use said skills without being hindered by their faces and names.
Sakura isn’t at that point yet. And given she’s not technically a Lucky Seven, that may never happen. Her reputation will probably match her ability throughout her career without any weird imbalances or spikes.
Of course, there are other reasons why people join ANBU, but I don’t really think they much apply to Sakura in either iteration.
As for the super-strength technique, if she were to join ANBU, she’d train herself against using it while wearing the mask (the same way Shikako trained herself against using shadow jutsu and other, easily recognizable techniques). I’d say her pink hair would be the most obvious thing, but I suppose in ~anime world~ pink isn’t explicitly weird? Harder to hide than regular brown and switching between braid and bun, but hand wave that.
I hope I’m not raining on your parade, anon. As I���ve said before, ANBU!Sakura is a wonderful image and I can only ever dream of being a fraction as badass.
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kenziepotakuwannabe · 7 years
As I’m rewatching Naruto, I’m reminded again and again why
1: I fucking hate pretty much everyone but for a select few because of how they think of and treat Naruto who is literally a demonized, abused, neglected, and lonely orphan longing for love and recognition.
2: I ESPECIALLY hate Sakura, Sasuke, and Kakashi.
3: Jiriya is absolutely dad.
4: Choji is my precious sweet husband and deserves way more love than he gets.
5: Hinata is the best, most sweetest angel child and should have her own damn show.
6: Naruto is NOT as stupid as he is portrayed because most of his stupidity was just a way to have a convenient and not so narrative interrupting way to explain concepts used in the show because seriously there's only so much you can’t learn if you’re attending school every day even if you aren’t paying attention. Plus you can’t be a relatively self-sufficient human being and live on your own as a FUCKING CHILD without being at least a little bit smart and having a ton of common sense.
7: I want to fucking know who took care of Naruto as an infant/ toddler and why he didn’t just STAY WITH THEM???
10: it’s insane and not sufficiently explained why any parent would approve of their child going to a super secret and hella shady anbu boot camp to never be seen or heard from again and how this super secret child-killing boot camp was allowed to exist AT ALL in THE FIRST PLACE.
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ladyiceflame-blog · 8 years
An Inconvenient Wedding:  Chapter Four:  Drastic Tactics
Miriyume was contemplating the pattern on the inside of her sake cup a little too deeply, her team mates noted.
Gekido tried to help by giving her a refill. Matsuko, as always, was more gentle and direct. “What’s bothering you, Miri-chan?” “Huh?” she replied automatically, snapping out of her introspection.  “I’m sorry, I was miles away.  What was the question?” Gekido scoffed.  “I know you just drank an elite force captain under the table, but are you starting to lose that epic tolerance of yours?” “Dare you to doubt?!?” Miriyume countered, before drinking her cup dry and slapping it inverted on the table.  “I’m just....deep in thought at the moment, and at this particular moment, there’s a lot to think about.” “You’re not getting ‘cold feet,’ are you?” Matsuko asked quietly. “Of course not!” Miriyume answered hotly.  “This is the will of nations!  I will see this through.” “What of your will...?” Gekido pressed. “They are often the same, at least, mine and the Land of Frost, I’d like to think,” she began to chew her lower lip.  A clear sign of her unease.  “So...has anyone learned anything else about the Kiri encampment?” “Not a thing,” Matsuko nobly followed her change of topic, allowing her to cover her obvious anxiety with her ususal bravado again.  “Your husband-to-be is playing the part of the ‘bashful bridegroom,’ never leaving his camp, and demanding the same of his attendants–“ ”–his shinobi warriors,” Gekido corrected.  “All.  There are no civilians over there, Aoseishin and I checked.  And Asaito Tsuroyuni is not a nice man, Miri-chan.  He threatened to do things to us that would make that Kaka-Hata guy look like the Sage of the Six Paths!” Matsuko laughed at his team mate’s obvious grudge against the man who had so easily immobilized him.  That never sat well with him. “He was a little intense at the Grappling Tourney, wasn’t he...?” Matsuko smiled. “He launched Toki into Kirito’s tent!” Gekido reminded.  “...and Kiritio wasn’t alone at the moment...” the Inuzuka whispered suggestively, causing Miriyume to blush slightly at the awkwardness of the situation it had created. “Well...one should take precautions when trysting so close to such a tourney...” Miriyume laughed.  “And that was one night Kirito and his girlfriend aren’t likely to forget so soon.” “But ‘player three’ is usually more polite about entering into the game...” Gekido added, causing the others to laugh.  “And while I’m on the subject, that Hata-whose-it was rather ‘ungentlemanly’ with me earlier, too!  Where the hell did you meet this guy, anyway?” Miriyume gave him a surprised look.  He was usually very good at remembering the most fleeting of meetings.  “You met him the same day I did.  Both of you.  Back in Shimogakure.” Gekido and Matsuko looked to each other, searching for signs of connection, but found nothing.  Then Aoseishin barked, and Gekido paled beneath his red fang stripes and slight goatee. “The ‘Emergence’,” Gekido whispered darkly.  Miriyume nodded. Matsuko’s brow furrowed.  “He was one of the Anbu.” “He was,” Miriyume confirmed.  “The one on the lake, in fact.” “The one who kept plowing into you...?” Gekido factored. “He never ‘plowed into’ me!  We just kept getting....tangled up somehow,” Miriyume corrected sternly. “That last knot with the scarf was pretty spectacular,” Matsuko chuckled with the memory. “It was because of some weird backlash of our lightning jutsu being used in such close proximity,” Miriyume defended. “Never seemed to happen with anyone else’s...” Gekido observed. “I was beginning to wonder who his target really was that night,” Matsuko admitted.  “And what the hell was Anbu even doing up there?” “They were tracking an assassin from Kumogakure, who happened to be hiding out in our village.  Their presence had nothing to do with my brother’s....mission.” Matsuko and Gekido both turned equally somber, at the mention of her late brother.  His loss that night had changed so many things in such a small amount of time for all of them.  It had made Anbu’s capture of an S-Class nin nothing more than an amusing side note. Following a respectful beat, Gekido ended the rare moment of shared solemnity, as Aoseishin gave a plaintive whine: “Well, getting back to the original subject, is old one-eye going to be a liability?” “I don’t think so,” Miriyume returned, lowering her voice to a whisper, “He could probably be an ally, even.  But I don’t want to risk bringing anyone else into the loop, this late in the game.  We must present a whole-hearted front for the sake of the treaty, got it?” “Got it,” they answered in unison. Miriyume stood, and had to peel her coat tails from the chair, eliciting laughter from her team and a handful of observers. The weather-beaten canvas had soaked up an incredible amount of sticky rice binder. “I believe I’ll be visiting that hot spring bath house on my way back to the tent,” she announced.  “I’m calling it a night.” “But we haven’t even had a round of Chakra Flow Arm Wrestling yet!” Matsuko censured. “I’ll put you all to shame tomorrrow...” she promised, “...with my Dad!” and gave them each a comradely clap on the shoulders before exiting. In her wake, Gekido voiced his honest concern: “Do you think she’s okay?” “I think running into that Anbu guy has her a little rattled,” Matsuko replied.  “You know how she feels about ‘coincidence’...” “That there’s no such thing,” Gekido provided. “Exactly.”
Kakashi had paced around the general perimeter of the grounds three times now, pondering the vagaries of life.  He’d been mistakenly mourning the loss of a famously vibrant woman for over a decade because of a tragic failure to connect identities. The Wandering Lights Brigade was a team who were famous for their innovative jutsu, devotion to heroic action, love of a good party, and most of all, their strong bonds that were said to rival family.  In essence, the ideal team. And leading this team, at least, in spirit, was the lovely Lady Ice Flame, who had earned the epitaph from a powerful, and apparently exclusive-to-her jutsu that burned ‘cold’.   Hiruzen had known of her all along!  How had all that mystery accumulated around her?  Why hadn’t her father come to visit Konoha in all those years, if he was such a close friend of the Hokage?  Had Minato-sensei known of her? All of a sudden, something triggered in his early memories, listening in on a conversation between Hiruzen and the Head Priest of the Temple of Fire, regarding the karmetic consequences that Kumogakure had suffered following a certain abduction of a promising chunin from the Land of Frost. The Village in the Clouds had decided to kidnap a ‘rising star’ from Shimogakure, following her impressive use of new lightning-based technique at that year’s Chunin Exams.   She’d been promptly, and apologetically, released about a week later after a report of a destroyed mansion, bearing a signed treaty from the Raikage himself. Hiruzen had wept tears from laughing so hard at the Priest’s story. The Wandering Lights had spent years roaming the world together, uncovering treasures, thwarting coups, breaking criminal rings, and gaining many friends. And yet, for all that fame, the jewel-eyed kunoichi who’d snared his heart with her mischievous smile all those years ago had been hiding in plain sight, in all the time between then and now. And in two days, she’d be married off to some rank-and-file jonin from some obscure island demesne in the Land of Water, who’s only accomplishment of note was being born wealthy.  His name was Asaito Tsuroyumi, and he didn’t like visitors. Under the banner of simple diplomacy, Kakashi had requested an audience with the jonin, in order to get more details about how this....unfortunate arrangement had come about.  He had been politely, and then not-so-politely, refused.  The official excuse given for the snubbing was that the groom was in a process of spiritual purification for his wedding.  But the distinctly macabre vibe around the encampment made Kakashi wonder what gods this Asaito was praying to.   He’d heard stories of some strange cults that existed on the more far-flung islands.  Tales of torch-lit rituals, blood sacrifice, strange, violent orgies....the stuff of campfire lore and trashy adult novels. But that’s all they could be....stories.  Probably an attempt to detract from that land’s all-too-proven nightmare of the Academy of the Bloody Mist.  Students pitted in death-matches against fellow students, forced to kill their opponent to graduate. In all likelihood, this Asaito had participated in that.   What kind of child could agree to that? What kind of man did that child become? How could such a man win the hand of the Lady Ice Flame? Was it by a side-long glance under a starry, light-streaked sky? As he had nearly finished his fourth circuit around the campground, he noticed a lone figure up ahead, approaching.  Instantly, he became one with the shadows of some nearby trees and waited, refraining from the use of the Sharingan because of its revealing glow. Easy gait.  Small strides.  Soft humming of a song.  A lone female.  Incautious, or unafraid? Dark clothing.  Non-standard shinobi boots.  Scents of amber...honeysuckle...sandalwood...and...rice wine vinegar...?  Could it be?! The unmistakable fiery hue of the long, wild hair left no doubt, and she passed by him, singing the refrain of some unfamiliar song in her dulcet, mezzo-soprano.  Miriyume.  She had a large pack on her shoulder, and seemed to be heading off-site.  Like a leaf in the wind, he followed. Using Chameleon jutsu, he tailed behind her as she descended a gentle hill that lay just outside the campgrounds.  He indulged a moment of aesthetic appreciation, making note of the slight sway of her coat tails as they moved against her full, feminine hips.  She looked strong and solid.  So unlike the majority of the kunoichi he’d associated with.  Yet she also radiated a fierce kind of beauty that could put geisha to shame.  It was an exquisite paradox. Her trek seemed to be leading to a small farmstead at the bottom of the tree-sprinkled hill.  A wooden building, surrounded tall fencing, came into view. “Good evening, Ichibana-san!” Miriyume called out to the elderly couple, sitting beneath a lantern on a large porch.  “Is it too late to do some night-bathing?” Kakashi nearly fell out of the tree he had decided to perch in. “It’s never too late for the Lady Ice Flame!” the old lady scolded, beckoning her over.  “You even have the spring to yourself for once!” “You are spirits of healing, sent to soothe our minds and bodies!” Miriyume gushed her gratitude, as the woman led her into the house. It had been a long, dusty road to get here... And Konoha’s nin had been hired to act as security... And a hot bath sounded wonderful.... With a nimble leap, he released his Chamaeleon jutsu, and landed quiet as a cat in the cover of a small copse of plum trees.  Nonchalantly, he followed Miriyume’s footsteps to the farmhouse. “Hello,” he greeted the older man swatting at mosquitoes on the porch, “Ah!  I heard correctly!  There is a hot spring!  Are you still open for business at this late hour?” “We are,” the older man answered, as Kakashi stepped up onto the porch.  The man reacted by taking a swipe at the presumptive jonin with the swatter.  “What do you think you’re doing?!?” “Um....” looking confused.  “Getting ready to take a bath...?” “Can’t you read good?!” the man scolded, pointing angrily at a crude sign that read, ‘women only’.  “The men’s spring is down that-a-way!” indicating a garden entrance.  “We don’t go for that ‘open bathing’ nonsense around here!” Kakashi held up his hands in apology, and backed away, moving toward the gate. Separate springs wouldn’t provide much of an opportunity to learn anything. The layout of the two areas wouldn’t permit much of a chance to hold much of a conversation over the dividing walls, even if he could think of a way to start such a dialogue. What would Jiraiya do?  What wouldn’t he do? Then the answer came to him, and he blushed with the shame of it. “You know...” Kakashi feigned fatigue with an extravagant yawn and stretch, “Perhaps it is too late for a hot soak.  Morning is so much better for that sort of thing...” “Suit yourself,” the man replied, swatting another mosquito, “But it’s a lot more crowded in the mornings.” “...But I do have a sister who thinks otherwise.  And it just so happens that she’s absolutely filthy at the moment....” beginning his retreat up the hill, “...so, I’ll just go...get her, and send her your way!  Just, promise to treat her well.  She’s a bit...awkward...” The old man scratched his nearly bald head as the Leaf ninja disappeared into his plum tree thicket.  “Must run in the family...” In the cover of the plum grove, Kakashi sternly chided himself for what he was about to do, and yet silently thrilled at the prospect.  He’d seen Naruto do this dozens of times... When next he emerged from the trees, he was a she. A tall, gangly, ill-dressed woman with a cascade of silver hair, lavender eyes, and covered in a gratuitous combination of dirt, mashed-up plum, and whatever else was handy. “Oh, my!” the old man declared, as he/she trudged into the lantern’s light.  “You’re brother wasn’t kidding!  You look like you fell in the hog trough!” “That jerk would know,” Kakashi squealed, in a voice that surprised him in its utter foreignness, “He DID THIS TO ME!  How much for a bath, mister?” “Three ryo,” he replied, ushering Kakashi onto the porch, “Five if you want tea and a snack.”  He opened the sliding door, and called out to his wife: “Aneko!  We have another lady customer!” It was a strange, surreal experience....undressing one’s self in a feminine shape.  A little self-appraisal in the mirror.  Only a slight bit of arousal.  He was all legs.  Angular and skinny.  Small bust.  Rather tall.  Not his ‘type’ at all, really. He hung his clothes beside the only other ones there.  Hers.  The coat was hanging out to dry, being recently rinsed of the sticky rice she’d landed in.  Her tunic top, skirt and various...undergarments, were stuffed unceremoniously into the bag she’d brought.  A long, silk, indigo kimono, embroidered with stars, was standing ready for wear, with her knee-high, battered boots waiting nearby.  Kakashi reached out a slightly trembling hand to touch the kimono’s fabric, and savored its cool, ice-slick softness.  He brought its sleeve to his nose, and drank in the heady scent of amber, sandalwood, and the unidentifiable essence of her greedily.  He could track her in the dark now.  Pluck her unerringly from a million other people.  Then he heard it.... Her voice. Like the sound of a dove, amplified to the level of an approaching storm.... “....I stared up at the sun...thought of all of the people and places and things I’ve loved...” It woke something in his soul, actually forced him to drop the sleeve and focus on staying upright. “....I woke up just to see.....of all other faces you were the one next to me....” His eyes went glassy...his heart hammered against its transformed breast.... “....You can feel the light start to tremble, washing what you know out to sea, yeah...” His hand reached for the sliding door, under an irresistible enchantment.... “You can see your life out the window–“ Miriyume’s song came to an abrupt stop as the door slid open, causing a singular moment of shared surprise between the two women.  Miriyume’s quiet shock was born of the embarrassment of being caught singing alone.  Kakashi’s was the reaction of a man drowning in long-denied catharsis. Miriyume was on the far side of the stone-lined pool, sitting on a submerged shelf.  The water was a deep shade of emerald, heavily enriched by swirling, golden minerals, completely obscuring what lay beneath its shimmering surface.  The pale, pearly skin of her shoulders, arms, neck and face glowed in the faint light of the lanterns and the nearly full moon.  Her amber hair had become more red when doused with water. But what really took his breath away was the sight of her wreathed in the light of her iridescent, aurora-like chakra.  It suffused her, like a lantern that had caught fire.  It was almost impossible to look away. Her dojutsu flashed with the golden stars, drawing him further into the blue-and-green maelstorm of her amused-looking eyes.  Would that allow her to see the truth?  Reveal his true form?!? “Well, c’mon then,” Miriyume called out, after an awkward moment of regarding one another.  “I don’t bite....unless you want me to,” she teased in a playful growl. He nearly swooned at the relief of maintaining his facade, and the illicit thrill of her playful words.  Instead, he clutched his basket of toiletries tighter, and took slow, measured steps to the pool’s edge.  
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