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Ancient Chinese Buddhist Temples sit on the top of Mount Fanjingshan in CHINA
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Homecoming: How African Traditional Religion Restored My Faith
Last year, at the beginning of Women’s History Month, my article about the beginnings of me embracing folk traditions that were indigenous to myself as a African Diasporic woman provided the fastest and most permanent healing to date. Ironically, I have evolved even more since that moment. I recommend everyone explore their culture in a way that is meaningful to them. Not just a DNA test, but as…
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Variedades de maíz
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SORRY FOR NOT BEING ACTIVE 😞 i’ve been busy with in-system stuff and connecting with my headmate ^_^ but i am very much alive and sending anti-centrism a million kisses forever
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My grandfather was in the habit of vacationing in his "ancentral" vilage in China [that is, the village where his father was born before coming to America as a teenager], where he is known to the Locals as The Fat Man, and apparently has garnered a reputation of "rich American who is easily scammed."
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Miss Charm Indonesia 2023 National Costume
“The Magnificent Beauty of Toraja” The National Costume of Indonesia is highlighting the beauty of Toraja, "The Land of Heavenly Kings,' in Sulawesi, whose ancestors believe that their forefathers descended from heaven onto a mountain some twenty generations ago. This beautiful costume depicts several cultural aspects of Toraja.
The top headpiece picturing the horns of an albino buffalo symbolizes the wealthiness status of a family.
The lower part at the head is picturing Tongkonan, the traditional ancentral house with its distinguished boatship and saddleback roof. While the dress is usually worn by the ladies in traditional ceremonies for thanksgiving events, pounding rice, and welcoming ceremonies.
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I like Pokémon and as my post history can tell you, I like fish. So why not combine the two and talk about fish Pokémon? I’m going to go over the real life inspirations for every fish Pokémon, discussing their biology and cool facts about the real inspirations. I’ll do this in parts so it doesn’t get too long. Today let’s do generation I and II.
The first fish we get in national dex order is the Horsea line and these aren’t too hard to figure out. They’re seahorses, some of the weirdest fish out there. Seriously, real seahorses are way weirder than Pokémon. We’re talking about fish that can barely swim, have prehensile tails, mate for life, the males get pregnant, and they have no stomachs but have the highest hunting success rate of all fish. Horsea has nothing on that. Horsea can also shoot water and ink from its mouth. This seems to be a reference to squid ink and water guns, though Horsea’s RB dex entry says they use precision shots to shoot down flying bugs. This was likely inspired by the archerfish, which does exactly that. This won’t be the only time that archerfish come up in this series. Their category as the dragon pokemon and Kingdra’s dragon typing references the Japanese word for seahorse, tatsu-no-otoshigo, which means “dragon’s child” based off of a myth that a seahorse who lives long enough will become a dragon. Kingdra also seems to have some weedy sea dragon influence, but there’s a better example of a Pokémon based on that much later in the series.
(image description, a seahorse)
So many recurring archetypes in the series can be traced back to gen I. Archetypes like the early game bird, the early game bug, the early game rodent, the mushroom, the three-stage rock, and more came from RBY. Another, probably less intentional archetype is the incredibly forgettable fish. Meet Goldeen and Seaking. They’re based on goldfish and koi and the only thing that makes them stand out from real fish is the horns. There are a truly absurd number of goldfish breeds but the one that looks closest to Goldeen is the tosakin, which has a curly tail like Goldeen and is popular in Japan while Seaking looks most like an azuma nishiki.
(image description: a tosakin Goldfish)
Since goldfish and koi are both members of the carp family, I wonder if there’s a close ancentral relationship to Magikarp. They are also said to swim upriver to spawn and Seaking gets redder during mating season, which seems to be a clear reference to salmon. In addition, male Seaking uses its horn to make a hole in a rock for the female to lay her eggs in. many male fish will make nests or other structures to woo females and provide a a safe spot to lay eggs. The horn is interesting. At first I thought I was just there to make them look less like normal fish, but there might be more to it than that. There are fish with horns, the cowfish, but they look nothing like these two (and barely look like fish for that matter) so I don’t think that was an inspiration. The unicornfish has a horn-like protrusion on its head that could have been an inspiration. I also found refences to Hinduism with Matsya, an avatar of Vishnu that looked like a horned fish in some depictions which could also be a reference in the line’s design (sidenote, a India-based region would be really cool).
(mage description: an artistic depiction of Matsya as a horned fish)
These fish are found in a ton of regions despite not being all that interesting. In real life goldfish have become invasive or introduced species in many areas due to irresponsible pet owners releasing them into the wild. As these two are sometimes kept as pets, I wonder if their wide distribution in the Pokémon world is due to the same thing. Also, why is fresh water fish named Seaking?
Next we move on to the mon, the myth, the legend: Magikarp. I’m only going over Magikarp as I see Gyarados as a sea serpent/eastern dragon rather than a fish. Magikarp is, as you might guess, an Asian carp, though it also seems to have some koi features.
(image description: a common carp)
The common carp is somewhat golden in color, which could explain Magikarp’s shiny color, and mirror carp and koi have been specially bred for appearance, which might be why Magikarp is red. Magikarp is famous for its splashing and jumping, something Asian carp are also known for. Silver carp in particular can jump clear out of the water, which makes them a hazard for boaters.
(gif description: a silver carp jumping out of the water and hitting a boater in the head)
Most pokedex entries focus on the splashing and how weak Magikarp is, but some go on to say their survival in the Pokémon world is due to them being able to live in very poor water quality and reproducing like crazy. This is very true of real Asian carp, who can thrive in terrible conditions and produce millions of eggs per spawning. This has contributed to them becoming invasive species in many parts of the world. Considering Magikarp can be found in every region, the same is probably true of the Pokemon world. Magikarp evolving into the draconic Gyarados is a reference to the legend of the dragon bridge: a waterfall that, if a carp jumped over it, would turn the carp into a dragon.
Chinchou and Lanturn are weird little fish. The glowing lures and their described deep-sea habitat make them deep-sea anglerfish, specifically football fish, but they also look very different than their inspirations.
(image description, a footballfish that washed up on the shore)
Some deep-sea anglerfish have multiple glowing lures like these two, but I couldn’t find any with Chinchou’s orientation. I think Chinchou may be a reference to alien bug-eyed monsters, with its body looking like the head and the antennae you sometimes see on said BEMs. Chinchou being able to walk on its fins may be a reference to shallow water anglerfish, who are often bottom dwellers who have modified their pectoral and/or pelvic fins into legs.
(Image description, a frogfish. note the fins that have been modified for use as legs)
Chinchou’s name is the giveaway to it identity. It seems to come from chōchin (lantern) and the related chōchin-ankō (deep-sea anglerfish). Lanturn looks more like a fish, but it still doesn’t look much like an anglerfish as it’s cute and they’re usually ugly as hell. A lot of people say it has dolphin influence. I don’t really get dolphin from its design, but if it is a dolphin, it may draw from the Greek god Apollo, who was associated with light and whose sacred animal was a dolphin. Chinchou having fin legs but Lanturn lacking them seems to indicate that as they mature, they go from bottom-dwellers to free-swimming fish. Since real anglerfish use symbiotic, bioluminescent bacteria in their lures, the Chinchou line may be one of the few cases of a mutualistic relationship in Pokemon and maybe the only one with a non-Pokémon lifeform that isn’t a plant. Interestingly, Slowbro, Slowking, Remoraid, Mantine, Tatsugiri, and Dondozo also have mutualistic relationships and they’re all water type. That’s a weird coincidence.
Qwilfish is certainly an underdog (underfish?) story. From being a completely forgettable single-stager for multiple generations until a regional form and evolution pulled it from obscurity. Both it and its Hisuan form are pufferfish or porcupinefish. Both are closely related and have the ability to gulp in water or air (though gulping air is bad for them) to inflate their spiny bodies as a defense.
(image description: an inflated porcupinefish)
Unlike their counterparts, Qwilfish is always inflated, but can grow even bigger where in the real fish, inflation is stressful and only done when in danger. The line’s poison typing comes from real pufferfish having some incredibly potent poison. It’s called tetradotoxin and it’s an extremely dangerous neurotoxin. Fugu fish famously has to be prepared by a well-trained chef who knows what parts to cut away to avoid poisoning whoever eats it. Pnlike real puffers, Qwilfish can inject the poison into others through its spines, making it venomous as opposed to the real ones, who are poisonous. Overqwil also seems to have some sea urchin elements with how huge its spines are. Some urchins are also venomous and can inject poison through their quills. Finally, the whole line seems to be based off of naval mines what with their roundness and ability to explode.
Remoraid is a fish of many talents and has a lot of origins. First things first, it’s a pistol. This is more easily seen in its unused older design, but you can still see it. This is also why it evolves into an octopus. Octillery is an artillery cannon. Also the animals they’re based on both use suction and squirt water. Remoraid also has major inspiration from the archerfish (remember them?) in that it is a master at spitting water with precision and the pokedex says it can shoot targets out of the air just like an archerfish.
(imager description: a spitting archerfish)
The archerfish inspiration and pistol design are why it learns so many shooting moves. Finally, Remoraid is a remora, even though they really look nothing alike. Like the remora, it has a modified dorsal fin shaped like a suction cup that it uses to suction onto larger animals. Both remoras and Remoraid will get carried along by the larger animal and will eat scraps of the larger animal’s meal. The remora benefits by getting a free ride, water over the gills, and food while the larger animal may also get some benefits from the remora eating ectoparasites and dead skin. A remora attaching to an animal would either be a commensal (one party benefits, the other receives neither benefit nor harm) or mutualistic relationship. In Pokémon, the only animal we see Remoraid attaching to is Mantine and they have an explicitly mutualistic relationship as Remoraid fights alongside Mantine and its presence allows Mantyke to evolve. Speaking of which…
image description: a mana ray with two remoras attached to it
Mantyke and Mantine are stingrays, specifically manta rays, one of my favorite animals. They truly are gentle giants and these Pokémon are too, being primarily special walls. Like mantas, Mantyke and Mantine are intelligent, social, and playful creatures. Mantas are one of if not the smartest fish, smart enough to pass the mirror test by recognizing their own reflections. There is a correlation between animal intelligence and playfulness. The smarter an animal is, the more likely it is to play for fun rather than for hunting practice and other purposes. This can be seen in primates, corvids, canines, and yes, rays. Those antennae on Mantyke and Mantine are based on the cephalic flaps of the manta, modified fins that help direct plankton into its mouth. Of course these two have the flying type and unlike Gyarados, there’s a good reason for it. Mantas are part of the genus Mobula and all 9 species of the genus are known to leap out of the water before splashing back down.
(image description: a Mobula ray jumping)
Nobody really knows why they do this, but there could be several reasons: cleaning parasites, herding prey, finding lost members of the school, or maybe just for fun. Mantine’s flying abilities are highly exaggerated and it also has some airplane design features, with the Remoraid on its wing looking like a plane engine or wing-mounted gun. As mentioned above, Remoraid and the Mantyke line have a mutualistic relationship. Not really relevant but still a fun fact: mantas give live birth and the babies come out folded up like burritos.
That’s it for part one. Come back next time for generations III and IV
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It’s beyond sad that despite having read the novel multiple times, these are the conclusions they came to.
How can you read MDZS multiple times, and boldly give Wen Ning the big ole fuck you, and state “I hate WWX,” and “LWJ is a bad person.”
Is Tumblr trolling me right now??? Why is this the first thing I see on my feed!!!

#canon jiang cheng#mdzs#mdzs novel#speechless#they broke into the ancentral hall?#skip hop leap fly right over jiang cheng’s behaviour in said place#and just focus on accusing people of something they didn’t do#just like your beloved and his mama#if you boldly curse wen ning I know you have issues#and that ain’t up for debate
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Helou guys! Meu nome é Illit e venho humildemente pedir partners para jogo 1x1 ou nxn. Recentemente voltei a ler fanfics e isso reacendeu o desejo de jogar Harry Potter. Que fique claro que FUCK JKR, não compactuo com isso, mas se alguém estiver disposto a jogar seguem informações abaixo e se não, bom, só ignorar.
2004. Alguns anos após a guerra... O mundo bruxo se recuperava de suas sequelas, com perdas irreparáveis: de vidas, lares e identidades. O avanço da tecnologia trouxa, o fim da recessão econômica e ideologias inclusivas moldavam a nova era. A união se tornou o novo valor da comunidade, mas muitos ainda aprendiam o significado desta palavra. Lucius Malfoy era um deles. Por anos, se escondeu nas sombras tentando enterrar o peso de suas escolhas. Marcado pela morte da esposa, o afastamento do filho e perda de bens, foi levado a um ponto de ruptura onde a única saída era mudar. Assim surgiu o Clube Penseira, um refúgio para bruxos da aristocracia, unidos pelo desejo de libertar memórias que os atormentavam. Iniciou-se como um ponto de encontro, tornando-se em pouco tempo um espaço secreto complexo, guiado pela astúcia e determinação sonserina. Situado entre Londres Trouxa e a Travessa do Tranco, a Pensieve era uma mansão misteriosa com uma entrada discreta onde os bruxos eram escolhidos, tal como a varinha escolhe o bruxo. A senha para entrar? a confiança de quem já estava dentro! Nesta experiência única havia apenas uma regra: assinar um contrato de liberdade, entrando na grande piscina de águas índigo do salão secreto, o símbolo da transformação onde os membros deixavam para trás os erros do passado e ganhavam um um novo rumo, ao lado de um mentor magicamente designado pela Pensieve. Embora legalizado, o local flertava com o proibido graças a um feitiço ancentral que protegia tantos segredos. No entanto, a estabilidade do clube foi ameaçada quando um novo membro, um herói de guerra espião, quebrou a regra fundamental de depositar seus segredos na Penseira para descobrir a verdade por trás daquele lugar. Ele não permitiu que sua mente fosse reprogramada, desafiando a dinâmica de poder do clube. Isso abalou o feitiço que encantava todo o local e desestabilizou a liderança de Lucius Malfoy, que agora se via em um desequilíbrio moral e emocional principalmente depois de receber o anúncio pela pensieve que o recém chegado era seu mais novo mentorado. Em meio a dilemas morais e uma magia em ruínas, uma possibilidade de redenção surgia, misturada com novos sentimentos e escolhas que, mais uma vez, dependeriam de cada um!
Importante mencionar que o jogo é +18, pela temática que envolve um clube noturno e a trama.
Meu personagem será o Lucius. Ele teria em torno de uns 42, por ai.
Jogo MxF, MxM, MXMXF, MXFXF, podemos combinar.
Se mais pessoas quiserem se unir no plot super possível, só criar um bg que se encaixe.
Se quisermos ter mais de um personagem neste universo ok também.
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Sus ojos abren el día y caen plegados sobre la superficie del agua. Su piel es de plata líquida su cuerpo un recuerdo ancentral . La mirada se apoya en alguna playa suave de la isla cubierta de niebla. Ibiza es una ilusión un sueño adentro del sueño. Camino de corazones nomades. Baños de luz y sombra sobre las miradas.
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Homecoming: How African Traditional Religion Restored My Faith
Last year, at the beginning of Women’s History Month, my article about the beginnings of me embracing folk traditions that were indigenous to myself as a African Diasporic woman provided the fastest and most permanent healing to date. Ironically, I have evolved even more since that moment. I recommend everyone explore their culture in a way that is meaningful to them. Not just a DNA test, but as…
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NATIVE | Dr. Ram Bhagat | February 2024
"...The time has come, for us to work together, to make our world better." Dr. Ram Bhagat is an educator, art innovator, international conflict resolution trainer, peace keeper and a community healer.
This February, Dr. B took us through his painful, yet fruitful, native journey. The loss of his brother in the 90s led to the organizing of a percussion ensemble called "Drums, No Guns" that has now become the Drums, No Guns Foundation - helping families of youth affected by gun violence.
NATIVE is a generative, transformative force. It takes us all connecting to NATIVE life to move forward as one:
N - Nomenclature A - Ancentral Healing T - Transformative Power of Story I - Intuition, Imagination, Illumination V - Veracity & Vulnerability E - Emergent Ecosystems
Thank you to our partners at Frontier and Martin for the continued support that keeps us creative and inspired monthly.
Venue: Chapel Scott's Addition
Videography Toine Robertson of Christversal
Photos Ayasha Sledge of Divine by Design Image
Full NATIVE Album Here
Special thanks our In-kind partners this February: Worth Higgins & Associates, Lavender Hill, The Anderson Accounting & Advising Group and the creative team at Chapel-Scott's Addition.
Stay tuned for the full talk, captured by @Christversal, posting HERE.
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anti-centrism is probably constantly sweaty and gross (fighting the centrist scourge is such work, you know) ^_^ it brings me joy
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Le temo a la mujer en la que me voy convirtiendo, porque es la que sabe tejer y destejer realidades, porque es la que deja de idealizar para empezar a caminar, porque siempre quise que todo sea hermoso y perfecto, color frambuesa, olor lavanda, sonrisa de miel, y no hacía más que atascar en mi garganta las lágrimas, los me duele, los basta.
Y hoy, viene la anciana que un día seré y me dice que todo está bien.
Me está creciendo nueva piel, una piel más fuerte, más buitre, más halcón, más sabia, más honesta, brutalmente honesta, y también más solitaria, y por ello amo más genuinamente.
Yo soñaba con cosas imposibles, y no, no reniego de mis sueños ni los incapacito, tan sólo que, me cansé de buscar el imposible por temor a lo posible.
Hoy sé que también soy tierra, y también soy ciclo, y ya no anhelo un mundo que aún no existe, lo que anhelo es sentir mi sangre recorrer el paisaje que me viste y desviste, hacer el amor conmigo, con el viento y con el mar, inhalar y exhalar consciente, tomar la vida que ya está
y empezar a caminar.
Puedo abrazar lo que soy.
Ese abrazo soñado y rezado por siglos.
Aquí estoy, siendo la que soy.
Medicina Ancentral Cihua Meztli Pahtli México
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I was tagged by my love @jincentvangogh 💕 to do the lockscreen, homescreen and last song tag. I’m sorry it literally took me an eon to get to this tag; I was buried neck high in work until I passed out last night and woke up from a 15hr coma 😂
In other news: I love hwasa’s debut so much, which I wasn’t really expecting but hwasa was my first bias so I guess the twit she’s referring to is me 😂
anyways I tag: @t0d-oder-freiheit @seokjinsult @jinseas @seokjiniesgf @jinbeann @jinergy @yoooooongiis @kimseokjinniestan @cafejoon @jinsapeach & anyone who wants to 💕
#my phone bg are usually in shades of pink and purple but ya girl really misses the sun for the past fortnight 😔😔😔#its been somehow humid as fuck and ALSO rainy?? its like god decided to dump his holy spirit straight over HK#and decided that instead of breathing in air pollution and oxygen that we need to all redevelop gills and return to our ancentral roots#the only good thing is seeing my mom fret over my halo of baby hair#bc apparently that good Asian genes failed me when it came to anti-frizz anti-humidity super hair only works when your full blooded 😔#srsly my dads hair is Impeccable all year round and my mom’s curls flow like she got them done in a saloon#and then theres me....stuck w plasma ball hair#anyways thank u for tagging me veronica iluuuu#as usual u dont have to do this but im nosyyyy and i love seeing different bgs#muwutuals#hash tag games#re ver gent
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"Je conjure toutes les énergies invisibles de l'univers de me seconder dans mes efforts de mener une activité professionnelle fructueuse et épanouissante. Ainsi soit fait !"... Vous pouvez développer votre puissance et vos énergies de vie grâce à nos cours intensifs de méditation et de visualisation, contactez-nous maintenant! #visualisation #pouvoir #energies #force #vitale #spiritualité #meditation #yoga #africaine #ancentres #naturopathie #PNL #developpementpersonnel #plantesmedicinal #soins #ecole https://www.instagram.com/p/CALUIr2oybF/?igshid=12qj74o6v0esf
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