#ancient carving
kojiarakiartworks · 2 years
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June 2011 KTM Kathmandu Nepal Road to Lumbini
Niglihawa Ancient Asoka Pillar Kapilbastu Lumbini Zone Nepal Rajesh Dhungana
© KOJI ARAKI Art Works
Daily life and every small thing is the gate to the universe :)
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blueiscoool · 3 months
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Stone carved Medusa from the Temple of Apollo at Didyma in Turkey.
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yebreed · 3 months
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Old Chinese houses are an inexhaustible creative space in terms of wooden interiors. To me, something alike is associated with childhood memories of a countryside house in Zhejiang.
Photo: ©遗产君
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thesilicontribesman · 8 months
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The Lewis Chess Pieces, 12th Century CE, The National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh
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the-cricket-chirps · 3 months
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Lotus-Headed Fertility Goddess Lajja Gauri
India (Madhya Pradesh)
ca. 6th century
Metropolitan Museum of Art
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goddidntdothis · 11 months
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Bridge across the Styx
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lionofchaeronea · 2 years
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Statuette (white marble) of Hermaphroditus, the mixed-gender child of Hermes and Aphrodite. Artist unknown; 2nd cent. BCE (Hellenistic). Thought to have come from Rhodes; now in the Princeton University Art Museum.
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uncleclaudius · 1 month
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Portrait of empress Livia, wife of Augustus, carved into a garnet stone and formerly set into a ring, around 1st century AD.
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oliverscarlin · 7 months
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Tridacna squamosa shell carved with a human head (c.630BC-580BC)
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the-dormant-ocean · 2 years
I love the fact that Atreus just instinctively knows how to speak dead and forgotten languages but the moment Kratos says one word in Greek he's just here like
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mist-fire · 8 months
"The Doctor's companion should be a history major!"
Yes. But have you also considered: ✨geologist✨
Imagine the Doctor befriends some random person, they get along pretty well, but through some events or another, they realize/get taken on a trip in the TARDIS, and they're just staring at the Doctor, eyes absolutely fucking huge. Their voice is desperate and disbelieving when they say, shaking a bit:
"You can travel in time?"
The Doctor is bemused and just goes, "yes?"
Their eyes get even wider if possible, and then they ask: "Can we go to the Permian?"
Once again, the Doctor's a bit baffled, but hey, who cares, might as well take a trip a few hundred million years into the past. The person gives them specific coordinates, which is also a bit weird, but makes it easier to navigate, so who are they to complain.
The Doctor flings open the doors, and the person just looks outside at the massive incised valley on the coastline and just starts sobbing. They're a PhD student. Their entire thesis is about the fluctuations in sea level during the Permian, and the mass extinction at the Permi-Triassic boundary.
They've just been proven right.
And hey, the Doctor likes the geologist well enough, and likes them even more after they start asking intensely theoretical questions about the deep past and future, so they take them as a companion. They visit the Grand Canyon to discover that, yes, the Western side is only 6 million years old. They jump to the future to watch plate tectonics.
When they go to other planets, the geologist is of course curious about the culture, but even more curious about the geochemistry of the planet, and how was that mountain formed over there, and do they have plate tectonics, is the geomorphology the same if the gravity differs on each planet? And the Doctor is thrilled because look, someone new to info dump on, and they seem to be understanding almost everything they're saying about the composition of the crust, and the different types of rocks on each planet.
Like, you can't tell me they each wouldn't love that. I would love that, so.
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kojiarakiartworks · 2 years
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June 2011 KTM Kathmandu Nepal Road to Lumbini
Niglihawa Ancient Asoka Pillar Kapilbastu Lumbini Zone Nepal Rajesh Dhungana
A bird found broken and carved into Ashoka's pillar. Peacock?
© KOJI ARAKI Art Works
Daily life and every small thing is the gate to the universe :)
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blueiscoool · 15 days
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Man Discovers 900-Year-Old Stone Carving Beneath His House in Germany
The rare picture stone may depict Otto of Bamberg, the bishop who helped spread Christianity throughout the region.
During a recent home renovation in Klotzow, Germany, a man stumbled upon something unexpected: a three-foot-long bildstein, or picture stone, dating to the 12th century.
The boulder features a carved figure draped in robes with a cross in front of his body. Experts think it may represent Otto of Bamberg, the bishop and missionary credited with spreading Christianity to the region. It’s also the only known picture stone to depict a figure with a cross.
Klotzow is a village located in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, a state in northern Germany. According to a statement from the state’s culture ministry, a resident named Peter Wittenberg discovered the stone while working on his home’s foundations. The large artifact was buried just a few centimeters below the surface.
Wittenberg, who knew he had found something special, reported his discovery to officials. Experts moved it to the city of Schwerin, where researchers could conduct a careful examination.
“The significance of this find cannot be overestimated,” says Detlef Jantzen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern’s chief archaeologist, in the statement. “The new find from Klotzow is the only one that could depict a Christian dignitary. Now, we are going to try to learn more about the stone’s original location.”
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Carved picture stones first appeared in the 4th century and were produced through the 12th century. They featured a rich variety of artistic styles, and many of them served as memorials to individuals who had died. According to the culture ministry, picture stones that reveal evidence of Christianization are especially rare.
Born in 1060, Otto of Bamberg dedicated his life to converting populations in an area known as Pomerania, located in parts of present-day Germany and Poland. According to some accounts, the number of people he baptized may be in the tens of thousands.
“With this exceptionally significant find, we can add another important piece to the mosaic of our country’s history,” says Bettina Martin, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern’s culture minister, in the statement. “Bishop Otto of Bamberg undertook his first missionary journey to Pomerania in 1124. The fact that a picture stone from this period has now been found exactly 900 years later is an extremely fortunate circumstance.”
There are only around 20 known picture stones in the region today, as Jantzen tells Live Science’s Laura Geggel. He thinks the figure’s shawl and cross could be a pallium, a religious cloth worn by the pope, archbishops and some bishops.
“Otto received the pallium from Pope Paschalis II,” Jantzen adds. “When Otto was traveling in Pomerania in 1124 and 1128, he was the first and only possible bearer of a pallium at that time in that area.”
Specialists in Schwerin are currently examining and documenting the stone artifact. When they’re done, officials hope to display it in Klotzow, where it was found.
“The finder deserves thanks and the highest recognition for reporting his discovery immediately,” says Martin in the statement. “The experts from the State Office for Culture and Monument Preservation and the local monument protection authority will now take care of securing and further examining this one-of-a-kind find.”
By Julia Binswanger.
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yebreed · 7 months
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Nature Inspired: Golden Cicada Resting On a Jade Leaf
Exquisite ornament of the Ming dynasty.
Total weight of the insect figurine, made of 95% pure gold, is 4.65 g. The thickness of the finely crafted wings is only 2 mm.
Unearthed in Boshiwu (博士塢), Wufeng Mountain, Suzhou. Now exhibited in Nanjing Museum (南京博物院).
Photo: ©南京博物院
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thesilicontribesman · 2 months
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Dundrennan Abbey , Kirkcudbright, Dumfries and Galloway
A historic site with stonework over many periods.
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fmstonecarving · 10 months
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Out of place artifact.
Hand carved sandstone, based on an ancient Assyrian Winged Genie, but with a twist.
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