#ancient elf rp
vhaenan · 1 year
🌿 looking for some fantasy, BG3, and dragon age blogs to follow. please give this a like if you RP any of these so I can check out your blog kthx ✌️
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fortcliffe · 2 years
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the dalish know many medicinal remedies that the humans have forgotten.  certain types of bark can be chewed to ease headaches...    [  NOT THIS KIND, THOUGH.  ]     sadly, this is just bark.
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                                                                   *  sideblog, follows from @sennik​
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ooc-miqojak · 2 years
What is their living space like? Do they invite people over?
(( I'm longwinded...sorry! xD))
Some Character Questions!
She has a few, actually! There's the Whitedawn estate in Quel'thalas that's been in the family for ages now, then there's the new estate she had built in the Plaguelands - somewhat close to Light's Hope - and then there's her flat that she's been renting in Silvermoon for years, now. That is the more casual living space that she's taken friends to, before. That's the space that's more... her. While the estates are a grand testament to the Quel'dorei's architectural style... her apartment is just for her. It's a smallish room, and cluttered with all sorts of little bits and bobs and knick-knacks from her travels - she has long had a penchant for exploring the world in search of ancient elven ruins... and holding onto the little pieces of ancient society that speak to her of those who came before. Then, there's a few little things old friends gave her, that she keeps on display, as well. No doubt the trinkets share a space on her shelves with a myriad of books about the same subject - Elven history.
But while the space feels... 'cluttered', it's not messy, really. It just feels lived in - a bit like when your favorite pair of shoes is worn in, but not falling apart. It's a cozy space - and a safe one away from the pressures of nobility and whatever else. These days there's no one to invite over, but... yeah, a friend or lover might get an invite to her flat!
But her estates? Those are veritable fortresses - though at a glance one might not realize, given that most defenses are magical. She's lowkey pretty paranoid (being abducted and hurt by a demon will do that) about demons, or other fel-users, and has lots of security in place. If she genuinely feels unsafe, those are where she retreats to. That's where she feels her daughter is safest, as well - nothing can get in or out without her knowing, so she can rest easy, therein. Inviting someone to one of her estates for anything other than business would take a good bit of trust, and that would probably take a good bit of time.
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moxpunk · 10 months
Moxie's Big-Ass Retrospective on Games She Played This Year
There's going to be a lot of games under the break, and I'm going full-hog on spoilers. Honestly, I'm going stream-of-consciousness with these, so there's not going to be a clear point made for some of them. Just how I remember them and how I feel now looking back.
Final Fantasy XIV This is my current MMO of choice, and it's been this massive part of how I spent my time this year. The patches and content continue to be great, even if I breeze through it all in a few days after the patch when plugins/mods are back up. I've definitely noticed a dip in my interest lately. I think it's because we've hit a good stopping-point for the plot and junk, so most of us are just waiting until the pre-patch of the new expansion next year. RP continues to get fucking worse and worse for someone that plays a lalafell, since the community at-large (especially the modding community) is actively hostile towards lalafells and their players. Having to check every single venue to see if my middle-aged potato is going to be treated like a child by the hosts gets exhausting after the umpteenth time. Still love the game and I poke at it on a regular basis.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom One of my favorite games I've played this year, but also one of the most frustrating in hindsight. There was a ton of lost opportunity in multiple aspects in this game, and it's sorta the thing I keep coming back to in my head. I loved the exploration and fucking around with physics and just getting to play around in Hyrule. It's a magical experience that I think transcends the fact that 2/3rds of the map is essentially re-used. The Underground was a missed opportunity to shove lore of ancient civilizations in there, Ganondorf was a missed opportunity to finally depict him as a tragic hero with Hyrule being the villains for once, and no plans for DLC or even a Hero Mode is a massive miss for me wanting to return to the world.
Baldur's Gate 3 Hands-down my favorite game of the year by a massive margin, but like TOTK, an immensely frustrating experience. The game is half-cooked in so many areas, and the bugs are plentiful to the extent that they can't really be ignored. The pathing system continues to be the Larian Special of being jank as all hell, with my characters running in the opposite direction of the path it lays out for them. I played this one on stream, and I cannot remember a single stream where I didn't have at least a handful of frustrations with the combat system. Hell, I had to completely restart my file in the middle of Act 2 because Karlach's romance bugged out. I continue to be very upset and frustrated at how goblins are treated, doubly so since in order to pursue the Good Route with Halsin, you have to attack fucking children. I don't care if they're goblins, they're kids. Also very disappointing we don't get a single short-race origin character, meanwhile half of the cast is some form of elf. At least it's nice letting me be full-on cock-out trans. Despite that, the writing and characterizations in this game are unparalleled. It's immensely refreshing to finally have a RPG where you fucking roleplay, after years of it being dialogue that doesn't matter in the slightest other than "points towards the good/evil ending". I love the Brain Slug Squad immensely. This game is probably going to become part of my "play this every year" list because there's just so many different ways to play through this game.
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk Been waiting for this game (or a game like it) for fuckin' years, and it's everything I wanted and expected. I know a lot of people went into the game expecting some massive thing that lasted hours and hours, but my memories of JSR/JSRF was a game that I could reasonably beat in an afternoon or two because I just get into the flow and know what I'm doing. Cyberfunk is the purest successor to JSF that I can thing of where it just adds to the fun formula of the past. Incredible game, love seeing the mods coming out for it, hope we get another game in the universe since Team Reptile said they aren't doing DLC.
Pizza Tower Love this game, adore the movement and the music, absolutely fell off at about the halfway mark. I think it's because a lot of stuff was coming out at the time, and I just kinda played those instead. One of these days, I'll beat it and be very satisfied, but for now my gremlin-brain that demands collecting every single collectable and getting at least an A-rank on every stage gets exhausted just thinking about it.
Elden Ring Opened the game up after upgrading to a new PC, marveled that I could run it on Ultra with the game keeping a smooth framerate, killed a few enemies, remembered about the fucking giant ants in this game and how there are zero mods to remove/change them, and then turned the game off and uninstalled. Begging someone to make a mod that gets rid of the fucking ants. Please. I've already gotten every trophy in the game last year, so any incentive I have to return is predicated on that.
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty So, I'm going to give my thoughts about the base game and the DLC, since I played both. The base game continues to be this utter fascination to me where my brain adores just existing in the cyberhell future of nonstop advertising (if I have to hear YO YO YO MY CHEWERS SHROOMERS AND FUMERS! one more time I'm going to fucking strangle someone to death) and ultraviolence. The game continues to ride that weird line of "might as well do every side-quest because they're quick enough to get to and there's hardly any compared to Witcher 3" and "oh my god I do not care about these fucking sidequests other than I have gremlin-brain". Doing anything with sniper rifles or heavy machine guns is an exercise in frustration thanks to there being zero silenced sniper rifle until late-game and there being no unique HMGs.The DLC is... fine. It's fun antagonizing Idris Alba, it's not fun that the DLC is based around a stealth build, it's extremely not fun that the changed ending is deeply unsatisfying from a narrative standpoint.
Pseudoregalia An adorable little game that I enjoyed quite a bit for the very short time I got to fool around with it. Love the movement, love the style of the graphics, love the little pieces of story. Game doesn't get enough love, so here's me giving it some more.
Potionomics I fucking adore this game. I think what helped endear me was getting to do all the voices on-stream, but who cares this is my retrospective and I get to be biased. Loved the romances and characters in there. I absolutely headcanon Xid as being trans, Roxanne turns me into a babbling idiot, and I relate to Luna so hard it almost hurts. I enjoy that characters remain your friend if you already picked a partner, and you have to have a conversation about "hey, you were kinda flirty for a while and I feel a little weird about that now" for each of them. Breaking the economy by the third competition was immensely satisfying.
Paradise Killer I slammed through this game over the course of a single sleepless night thanks to Super Depression. Love the character designs and how bold they are, love the lore behind the world, got kinda sick of it taking so long to travel from place to place, gremlin-brain refused to let me part with the game until I collected everything. Hope to see a prequel/sequel of some sort, because Lady Love Dies is such an interesting character and I liked the bugfuck-weird world.
Peglin It's Peggle, you're a goblin, you get funky ball powerups, adore playing this game on my phone in short bursts. Not much more to say, it's my potato-chip game.
Rimworld Friend gifted this to me and I got horribly obsessed for like a week. It's a lot easier to grok than Dwarf Fortress thanks to the UI and information being easier to comprehend. I never know how to do the crazy shit in these games, I usually peak at having a little self-sustaining settlement with like 4 characters that live their little lives until a plague or bandit raid sweep through and kill everyone.
Halo: Master Chief Collection Another series of games I got obsessed with and pounded out before dropping it. Halo 1 is like twice as long as I remember, Halo 2's remastered cutscenes are fucking gorgeous and it continues to be my favorite out of the series, Halo 3 I'm lukewarm on it's whatever, Halo Reach is... eh I don't care, ODST I petered out of thanks to playing it with an ex that does not understand videogames, Halo 4 is a slog. Didn't do any multiplayer.
Helltaker Finally played it, beat it in like 2 hours, thought the puzzles were fun and the art continues to rattle around in my noggin.
A Hat In Time Another game that I finally beat after owning it for like the better part of a decade. Cute little game, I don't have a clue what any of the updates and junk do these days. The big mountain level is a fucking nightmare to navigate and explore and that's why I fell off last time.
Puzzle Agent Played this one on-stream because I'm Minnesotan as all fuck and I enjoy Professor Layton puzzles. It's just as good as I remember, even if it's incredibly short.
Kingsway Love the premise, adore that it takes me back to the Windows XP era of using my parents' computer. I had like one good run that died in the middle of things, and I never really went back. I should do this game again at some point.
Loop Hero Another procedural game where progress is usually bottlenecked by gathering base resources in each run so you have a fighting chance. All my runs sorta ended up the same by a certain point and I wasn't really having much fun anymore.
Lethal Company Game scares the absolute shit out of me, I cannot play this game for extended periods because I get heartburn from fear. Excellent experience with friends.
Super Mario RPG I didn't have a SNES growing up, so I never got a chance to play the original. So far, I've been greatly enjoying the remake! I don't have much to say because I've only played like four hours of it on stream.
Katamari Reroll Just beat this game again on stream last week. Extremely fun, extremely short, Lonely Rolling Star continues to make me get emotional and cry, my memories get mixed-up with We ♥️ Katamari when it comes to the final sequence of levels.
World of Warcraft I made the return, and holy shit have things changed in-game. The UI actually looks like it's part of a cohesive artstyle, catching up with the story and questlines after bouncing in the middle of Shadowlands is honestly kind of exhausting, and the RP community is still splintered and fractured between Retail and Epsilon. Controller-support has been my biggest gripe since XIV's is fucking stellar and I do not have the wrists/hands for putting my abilities on the keyboard anymore, I either have to use my janked-out mouse buttons or a controller using ConsolePort which is... serviceable but nowhere near good. Uh, I don't particularly care for the dragon-stuff in WoW's lore, and I still haven't done a single dungeon since I play Brewmaster and I'm so out of whack with WoW tanking that I just don't bother. I'm usually doing RP on my endless ranks of characters if I'm not playing with my girlfriend. Season of Discovery has been a fun thing to do with my friend and our guild, it's sorta what I wanted out of Classic when they announced it. The "No Changes" thing was stupid because we'll never get back the lack of information and endless time we had back then, so I'm very happy to have World Of Warcraft Chopped And Screwed Edition. As much as I still have massive, major gripes with Blizzard and ABK in general... Azeroth is still home for me. It's been important to me as a person. Wouldn't have realized I was trans or poly without it.
SO THERE YOU HAVE IT My thinks and feelings on all the games I played this year in 2023. I guess to sum up the year in general? It's been a real shit year for me. Went through like three big breakups, my art output's been dogshit in quantity thanks to mental-health issues, and for the first half of the year people just sorta generally treated me poorly which exaserbated a lot of problems. I'm recovering, but I've noticed it's been a lot slower than it has been in the past. Games are a huge hobby of mine, so I'm glad I've gotten to play some bangers this year. Being more active on Tumblr's been good for my mental health, since I finally feel like I've got a community again after not really feeling like I've had one in forever. Love you guys, stay weird. 💖💖💖
Sorry not sorry for this being so long.
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theradicalkanji · 3 months
I had something happen in the DND campaign I'm in that I was quite proud of.
So some quick background deets. My guy is a fairy sorcerer who has the telepath feat. I get a lot of mileage out of detect thoughts and the telepathic ability to send messages to party members. Our warlock is specced into every eyesight based invocation in the game. If there is fuckery afoot he will See it. We have a kobold draconic lineage sorcerer in our party who has been beset by different dragon flights for the entire campaign. Some seek to kill him. Some seek to enlist him.
We recently finished a major battle which had us rescue a city from an undead assault. As part of our reward we met with the ruling council. This consisted of a foppish prince, a miserly merchant, a well-connected PR person/journalist, and a simple farmer.
The farmer was exceedingly sweet, and I don't know what it says about me/my character but while everyone was eyeing the shady merchant for ties to this massive horror we faced, my guy was zeroed in on the farmer.
I pinged the warlock. What do your elf eyes see?
Farmer is covered in a lot of transmutation magic but he doesn't appear to be in a false form. That doesn't seem right.
Warlock player: if he is using an illusion of a transformation spell, I should be able to see through it.
DM: that's true. But it doesn't seem to be the case here.
Arcana check [hard: success] - sounds like a True Polymorph.
My guy was unable to pick up any surface thoughts from the farmer, nor could I get anything from a deep dive. The farmer resisted it outright.
Meanwhile Sorcerer was stressing out because this previous battle was Very public. Basically broke out in the middle of a festival so our team was not just in the public eye for the fight but then we're brought up to be publicly rewarded for our deeds. Sorcerer was trying to hide from the various dragons and draconic cults, so this level of publicity is Bad for him.
So sorcerer freaking out about dragons reminded me that when we entered town for the first time, a few guards were discussing having seen a dragon nearby. This got me thinking. Dragon sightings? Seemingly unassuming farmer is not only impervious to deep dives but very good at masking his surface thoughts AND under the effects of a level 9 spell?
I pinged the sorcerer. Yo. I think this farmer is a dragon.
After the meeting with the council, the sorcerer followed the farmer back to his place and confronted him. Turns out the farmer IS a dragon, but not one of the evil ones. One of the ancient order metallic dragons that protects the realm. This led to a long RP session where the sorcerer gets a huge lore dump re: his personal storyline, and I felt super excited for him and pleased with myself that my meddling/fact finding lead to this scene being possible.
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proosh · 4 months
Heard you wanted to talk about your Bg3 AUs for Gil 👀
so putting these under the cut because it's going to be a bit long >:3c
Gil #1 (because he was my first playthrough of BG3) is a warlock, and a half-elf bastard of some elven prince who was cloistered in a monastery from a young age so he wouldn't be politically inconvenient. While he was there he developed a thirst for knowledge and freedom both, and ended up Digging Too Deep into his studies and making contact with an unfathomably ancient Great Old One -- who he befriended and made a pact with for eldritch power in exchange for letting The Old Man take up casual residence in his brain to observe and experience the mortal realm. He escaped from the cloister shortly thereafter and was interested in exploring the world and further research. Somewhere along the line he got squidnapped and had a tadpole shoved into his brain, leading to the game plotline. Unrepentant monsterfucker and all-around freak with a brain full of tentacles. T4T with Shadowheart.
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Gil #2 is from a very silly heavily modded playthrough I started and will probably never finish, but he is a (also half-elven) cleric of Kelemvor who was a foundling of the order due to being a sickly child. Being an Doomguide of the Lord of the Dead is a noble profession, meaning he is someone who goes traveling to purge undead along with comfort and guide those who pass on naturally, and officiating funeral rites. This is, of course, mostly for the ironic comedy of all of death+undeath in BG3 (the presence of Withers and Myrkul especially), as well as the inherent comedy of me wanting to dress him up in increasingly silly and slutty outfits while being a goth priest of the dead and dying.
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(and the stupid slutty outfit, of course:)
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Both of them exist in an "RP" form that romance @grapeautumn's beloved awful Dark Urge!Fran who is a long-suffering cleric of Lathander. Sometimes my 2P!Pru, August, comes along as an "elven" (Bhaalspawn) Paladin of Tempus to form The Pr-A Team: a party composed of the worst priests anyone has ever met, ever.
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fr3ak-ed · 2 months
Roleplay Ad For My Fantasy World!
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Monologue For The RP
The world of Averion consists of Multiple Realms. The Underworld where the dead rest and the fallen go, the Underworld is ruled by the watchful eye of the God & Goddess of Death. The Ethereal Realm is a Realm that consists of multiple different sections, each section acting like a minor world that belongs to a God & Goddess living in the Ethereal Realm. Then the mortal realm Jorsol where the living exist, Jorsol is home to all kinds of living things, Jorsol is huge and has many different areas, the world being the playground for the Gods & Goddesses. But soon, there would rise a threat to the whole of Jorsol and potentially the other Realms when a trio of three villains stole three ancient powerful artefacts hidden away from any mortal eye to see due to the danger and power of the artefacts, these artefacts being purposefully hidden by the gods & goddesses to protect the world of Averion. The first of the Three villains is a High elf Dark Wizard known as Lord Griswold, the second villain is a Half-elf rogue known as Prinoa, then the third villain is a Half-orc Paladin known as General Hanugar. The three artefacts they stole are the Staff of Divitae, the Gloves of Sanguis & the Helmet of Bellum. With the world of Averion in danger, the retired hero Araykos travels all over Jorsol to seek out five adventures from all over Jorsol. The fate of Jorsol was now to be decided by these five adventures.
The roleplay is looking for 5 people of the ages 15-18 who wanna join. You only need to have discord & be fine with LGBT things. I play the role of the Narrator, NPCS & the deities.
The whole storyline & plot is my own creation, as well as the characters I play.
This is inspired by Dungeons and Dragons, Baldur Gate 3, lord of the Rings and several other fantasy media.
You will be able to customise your own character who will play the role of one of the five adventurers, you can use Picrew or whatever you want to depict the character's appearance as well.
My discord is fr3ak_ed if you are interested, feel free to reach out. I'll send you the link to the server once we are connected on Discord.
If you have any questions before joining or adding me, feel free to ask, and I'll try to answer them for you.
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thelonely · 1 year
ok caveat that people play DND/TTRPGs for different reasons (combat, RP, etc.) and that different groups will have different preferences, different campaign genres will have different balances of activities yadda yadda. methinks i will never understand initiative-oriented players bc where is your sense of whimsy? of walking in different boots? of being a creechur? i could technically punch things in real life but i can't be an ancient elf with an illegitimate child and political-engagement-turned-real romance anywhere else
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starrysnowdrop · 2 years
starrysnowdrop ✨
FFXIV WoL Original Character Blog
With Focus on OC x NPC Shipping, Fic Writing, Gposing, and Light RP
Side Blog: @firelightmuse - For WoL Yume Aino; WoL/Zenos **NEW!!**
Hali Aloke
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OC Tag = oc: drops of jupiter
Azem Tag = unsundered hali: urania
My Main Warrior of Light OC
Female Sharlayan Dunesfolk Lalafell
Canon Jobs: Astrologian and Pictomancer
Character Profile
Hali’s Family
Shared Soul: Hali’s Shards
Hali Aloke Fanfiction Masterlist
Hali Aloke x Aymeric de Borel
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Ship Tag = ship: hold me closer
Mutually Pining since 3.0
In a Relationship since the end of 6.0
Why Hali/Aymeric?
Hali x Aymeric Ship Timeline: ARR - EW
Aymeric de Borel Headcanons
Ishgardian Ball Headcanons
Urania x Hermes
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Azem x Fandaniel
Ship Tag = ship: think of me
Urania: Unsundered Hali
Why Hermes?
FFXIV Vanilla Gpose Challenge
Lalapril 2024
FFXIVWrite 2024 **NEW!!**
Additional Information
PSA: For New Followers
Find me in Game: Hali Aloke on Seraph (Dynamis)
Hali’s House: Seraph, Empyreum, Ward 29, Plot 38, Size M **NEW!**
Hali’s Apartment: Seraph, Empyreum, Ingleside, Ward 24, Rm 32
Hali’s FC House: Seraph, Goblet, Ward 9, Plot 44, Size S
Discord: starrysnowdrop
Ao3: starrysnowdrop
Aymeric Reblog Tag: stupid sexy elf man
Hermes Reblog Tag: sad hot ancient man
Updated as of Dawntrail Patch 7.0: 09/01/2024
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fktonofwhatnow · 2 years
Is anyone else absolutely terrified of how SJM is going to write Elain's book because I AM
I think it's time I finally actually try to put a cohesive post together about the world building of this series because uhhhhh it's BAD.
Ok so, pretty generic epic dark fantasy setting right? Pinnacle of Pinterest fantasy boards with high contrast-low exposure pictures of fancy dresses and knives and men's abs and vague enough cultural references that it's not enough to be appropriation but you know it's ethnic and stolen images of people's dragon age elf OCs--
Anyways, this all ties into Elain, and her powers and stuff. Bc if your world is build just on the aesthetic, your magic system will suffer. It would be okay to not have a thought out magic system, and there are ways to have a vague magic system (e.g, The Chronicles of Narnia, LoTR, stuff like that) that work, but uh... Not if you give every single one of your characters epic magical powers. It... Kinda has to make sense in order for the story to make sense, you can't just pull this shit out of your ass, hate to break it to you. If your magic doesn't have rules, then your world doesn't have rules, and then your story doesn't have rules. And then why do we even care about the conflict, can't the characters just idk, blast their enemies into oblivion, since they can do whatever they want? You see what I'm saying?
Like ok, Nesta's power already makes no sense. I thought Feyre was the most powerful ever but now Nesta is the most powerful ever and I'm concerned to see how Elain is gonna top that.
And the thing about that IS: Elain is gonna have to be the most powerful in her own book right
It's actually an issue I've noticed in a lot of people who make characters: their characters always have to be the best and the strongest. I used to rp with a few friends, and I stopped doing so bc their characters always had to be better than mine, regardless of how good I established my own characters were, or how good my canon muses canonically were. My friends wouldn't let my characters be better than them. (They also always blamed my characters for every misunderstanding like conflict doesn't drive plot and my characters didn't also have thoughts and feelings of their own cough couGH sound familiar Mrs Maas)
In the entirety of ASOSF, I was out here BAFFLED by the amount of time SJM spent trying to prove that Nesta was the new strongest and best ever, while also trying to make sure that we knew that Feyre and Rhysand (mostly Rhysand bc Feyre was preggers uwu) were the still the strongest and best ever, and at some point I was like "why do these people still have problems" bc Briallyn was a plot point for like half a chapter before they straight up kicked her ass and then the next biggest problem was Feyre not being able to have a baby...? I though y'all were the strongest and best ever, can't y'all just reset the entire universe if it suits your fancy JJBA style at this point?
Ok so back to Elain....
Yeah so like, my question is: How is Elain's super vague and cryptic and horribly written poetic "Seer" power gonna top all this? (watch her be the one who can open fuckin portals n stuff just watch)
I would absolutely love it if Elain's book is just a slow(er) paced love(ish) story and it's soft and gentle and we don't need to demolish kingdoms and create portals into the multiverse and find random vague magical items with little to no sound worldbuilding behind them besides a keysmash of a name and another ancient war
It would be so cool if Elain gets to be the one doing the rebuilding, maybe she goes to help the Summer Court out, or maybe even the Spring Court! Maybe she meets sweet new friends and forms long lasting and meaningful relationships! My girl needs to feel needed, and she needs to help those in need.
But watch them have to find even more weird artifacts and stuff that only Elain can control or whatever and there's some new random enemy with no sound worldbuilding behind them either bc SJM Couldn't pull a character plot twist to save her damn life like god FORBID Eris actually have ulterior motives and be like evil or whatever nah we have to hear all about this random new guy who is terrorizing the Night Court now and then there's an ABSOLUTELY ATROCIOUS love triangle/square with Lucien in there bc I guess he really hasn't suffered enough yet and also Gwyn even though she's new BUT Azriel looked at her like twice so its fair game I guess-
Or maybe the whole book will just be about Azriel and how he's into a bunch of kinky shit idk I bet it will be tho-
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thenexusofsouls · 2 years
Private Muse: Nuada Bethmoora
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[Bio and other information below the cut!]
Type of Character & Fandom/Source Material: Fantasy canon character from the movie Hellboy II: The Golden Army (I used to write him over at @fallxnprxnce​).
Disclaimer: All the information in this post is a mashup of canon information and my own headcanons/fleshing-out/OCs, etc. I’m not going to bother to mention what’s what for most of it or I’ll be here all day, heh, so I’m just going to lay it all out as one narrative. If you have any questions on whether something is a headcanon or was actually in the movie, or you want further explanations about anything below, please don’t hesitate to ask. I have been developing Nuada, his friends, and his world for many years, so although this post is long, it is only a fraction of the info crammed in my brain about this muse, haha. So yes, feel free to ask about anything you wish. Please do. =)
What I Mean By “Private Muse”: This muse is only open to mutuals and people I already rp with, so no new partners with this one for now. I have my own mental health and time constraint reasons for limiting him, and I only want to write him in a limited capacity and on a trial basis right now. Anyone can send him or me informational asks (ones that aren’t starters or rps, but that just ask questions about him), but for actual rps I’m keeping this mutuals and regulars only until further notice. If you aren’t sure if I would be willing to write Nuada with your muse(s), you can always ask me through the inbox or messager.
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FC: Luke Goss as Nuada
Species: High Elf (collectively refers to ancient lines of full-size, humanoid, bipedal Elven races; seen as sort of nobility among Elvenkind... as opposed to smaller, non-humanoid-shaped, quadrupedal, shapeshifting, cryptid, or aquatic races of elves)
Race / Ethnicity: Sun Elf (a race of High Elves associated with the sun, fire, heat, gold metal, gold and yellow and cream colors, and the growth of plants as nurtured by the sun; these elves are distinguishable by their cream skin, golden hair... unless white from age, ochre colored eyes, and ochre colored blood; they are known for their battle prowess, musical ability, intelligence, dexterity in many trades, and their resistance to fire)
Bloodline / House: Bethmoora (the longstanding ruling House of the Sun Elven race)
Age: Ancient (2K+) (Sun Elves are immortal but not invincible; they can still die of injury, illness, broken hearts, and they can “fade,” which is a graceful way of saying they lose the will to live and die of what they call “natural causes”; they consider fading to be nature’s way of returning them to the earth and allowing their spirits to rest when they have served their purpose in life; fading is cause for grief, to be sure, but it is also seen as something natural and better than living with bitterness, anger, or sadness in one’s heart, or outliving one’s usefulness in life)
Gender: Male
Romantic Orientation: Demi-biromantic
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Prince; Warrior
Family: King Balor (canon father, deceased or not based on verse); Queen Elunae (OC mother, deceased, but her ghost still hangs around him, unbeknownst to him; I used to write her under the url “queenofbethmoora,” but the blog was deleted because of T.umb.lr derp); Princess Nuala (canon twin sister)
Potentially Triggering Material in Threads: Violence; g.enoc.idal tendencies (against humans as a race compared to elves); toxic thinking and relationships; sibling rivalry; patricide; sui.cidal ideation 
Negative Personality Traits: Arrogance; anger; impulsivity; shortsightedness; stubbornness
Positive Personality Traits: Bravery; fierceness; loyalty; passion; perseverance; and a surprising amount of love even though it’s been tainted in some ways over the years
Important Personality/Nature Aspect - Nuada’s “Wild Heart”: This is something that I’ve spent a long time thinking about and detailing, and it is crucially important to Nuada as a person, as it influences his thinking and actions in many ways. I call it "croí fiáin," which in Nuada’s native language means “wild heart.” With Nuada, it’s not just a case of being hard to catch and hold onto, being a free spirit, or being a restless person with a lot of energy. It’s much more than that, and it is a condition that is so much a part of him that he cannot escape it. It functions almost like a medical or mental health condition. It’s the essence of the difference between a domesticated animal and a wild one, on a mental and spiritual level. In this post, I explain all about it and give links to other posts that go into some analyses or talk about it from Nuada’s point of view. There is a good chance it will come up in threads, so you may want to read some of it over. Or you can just ask me for a quick rundown, that’s fine too.
Nuala was not born with this same "croí fiáin" condition. Even though they are twins, Nuala is very much Nuada’s opposite in personality, demeanor, emotional/mental inclinations, and temperament. She balances him out. So in contrast to his wild heart, she is serene, calm, practical, and measured. Their people believe that they are very literally two halves of one soul. The two of them together make one whole person, so each of them are incomplete without the other. This is a rare but known phenomenon that occurs among Nuada’s people, and it is the reason why they are physically and mentally linked to each other as well. Their people believe such occurrences of this split-soul phenomenon are indicative of some kind of special destiny for one or both of them, and that they are both cursed and blessed.
Important RP Note: I DO NOT ship Nuada and Nuala romantically or sexually. I know this is canon, but I’m just not doing it at all, sorry. My twins have a very negative relationship, with each believing they have been wronged/neglected/unappreciated by the other. Nuada is possessive of Nuala, and he does get jealous if she takes romantic interest in others, but that doesn’t mean he’s in love with her or wants her for himself. His jealousy more stems from his desire to mean as much to her as their father and others have, since he believes he doesn’t. It’s... a whole big mess and a longstanding feud of resentment between them. Nuada was closer to their mother but she died when they were younger, and Nuala was closer to their father. He resents Nuala for being their father’s favorite while also being jealous of others she gives her attention to. But yeah... I absolutely don’t ship them with each other.
Important Potential Medical Condition, the “Iron Malady” (tw: depression and suicidal thoughts/actions): The Iron Malady is an illness I created for one of my fictional medieval fantasy worlds that afflicted my own original races of elves, the Silverwood and Purplewood Elves. But I’ve also developed it for Nuada’s people as well, and this is actually the illness his mother died of. You can read more about it here. At its core, it is a lot like dying of grief or a broken heart, but there are some very specific causes, symptoms, and cures for it.
Background and General Information: I... don’t even know where to begin with this, heh. I’ve fleshed out parts of his childhood, his mother and his relationship with her, how his mother died, his early relationship with Nuala, his interactions with magical creatures that are now extinct, what his adolescence was like... There’s just so much. I feel like things will come out as they come up in threads? I’m just way to lazy to write out everything I can think of, haha. Feel free to ask me anything you’d like about him, though.
But very generally speaking, Nuada was born a prince to King Balor and Queen Elunae, along with a younger twin sister, Nuala. He’s a Sun Elf, meaning elves that are associated with warmth, sunlight, plants, forests, dawn, and the color/metal gold. They are naturally resistant to fire, cannot be burned, and unaffected by high temperature climates, but vulnerable to injury from freezing and hindered by cold climates. They are one of the older and more major races of elves, and one of the few with surviving members in the present day. Bethmoora is a well-known and longstanding House within Elven culture, whether you’re a High/Sun Elf or not. It was also a well-respected House, but news of Nuada’s break from the family and self-imposed exile put a tarnish on his reputation, and partly on Balor’s as well.
I keep pretty much everything from the movie as canon, I just add in a lot more to fill in the blanks, so if you’ve seen the movie, you’ve already got a good jump on Nuada’s story. Anything in his past that needs explaining or that comes up in threads, I will try to give enough context to understand it.
As far as the story of the movie if you haven’t seen it, Nuada is angry at humans for destroying the earth and causing the dwindling and extinction of numerous races and species, most notably his own. Non-human races have been relegated to the dark corners and underbellies of the Earth, being forced to live in fear and confinement out of sight and with the safety of their own kind. Instead of living in vast forests, Nuada’s people live underneath human cities, among brick walls, dark sewers, and metal pipes instead of trees, lakes, and mountains. They’re dying off, giving into what they feel is their time to “fade,” but Nuada, as one of the last real warriors of his race, refuses to fade, refuses to abandon the earth to human destruction, and refuses to accept that the future has a strictly human face.
His cause and his arguments are just and sound, but from there, he embarks on a cruel and misguided campaign to eradicate all humans from the planet using a weapon called the Golden Army. It is an army of magical, indestructible clockwork soldiers of goblin make that can almost instantly repair and rebuild themselves the moment they are damaged or destroyed. They are deadly, possessing immense strength and sharp blades. Whoever has the gold crown that conveys ownership of the Army controls their agenda. Nuada sets out to obtain that crown, which has been thirded to prevent anyone from taking control of the Army for the wrong reasons.
One piece says with Balor, one with Nuala, and one was given to the humans as a gesture of peace. Over time, humans forgot the treaty and the story, allowing their Elven friends to fall to ruin and treating their crown piece as a trivial piece of art. Nuada kills his father to obtain his piece, crashes an auction at which the humans’ piece was to be sold, and then goes after his sister for her piece. Nuala does everything she can to keep Nuada from getting the piece and reassembling the crown, but he does anyway, gaining control of the Army. Hellboy challenges him for control, being demon royalty himself, and Nuada has no choice but to accept. They duel, and as Nuada is about to win in a rather underhanded way, Nuala stabs herself, kill herself and her brother, since they are linked. Hellboy, now in control of the Army, ponders all the power it could afford him, but his girlfriend Liz melts it, destroying it forever.
I usually write Nuada before he thinks about gaining the other crown pieces, or I write him as not being able to find the human piece, kindof to stall the canon story in the movie so I can have more time and freedom with him in threads. I keep his basic agenda and opinions, but just pause the main story of the movie for threads to happen, heh. But I’m open to whatever people might like to explore at any point in his timeline.
Magical and Supernatural Abilities: 
Fire resistance and heat tolerance (e.g. holding the glowing hot map case without burning his hand)
Empathic and somatic link to his sister since birth (they are mentally linked over long distances, and their bodies mirror wounds and ailments between them)
Potential for empathic link creation with others by touching with his hands (Nuala and Abe created a link between them by touching their hands together, so Nuada can do this as well with other empathic individuals if an emotional connection is there)
Supernatural empathic capabilities: gleaning information from individuals, creatures, surfaces, or objects by touching them with his hands (e.g. knowing who touched an object last, learning someone’s name by touching them, or seeing what recently happened in a room by touching the walls)
Magical energy infusion: granting qualities, characteristics, or abilities to weapons or individuals by infusing them with magical energy (e.g. his spear lengthening and retracting; flawlessly regenerating the spear head)
Magical compulsion: compelling individuals and creatures to do something by lacing his speech with magic (e.g. whispering “kill him” to the forest god)
Friends: These are characters that tend to make somewhat regular appearances in threads with Nuada, depending on the location and nature of the thread. (See below for details and lots of links to posts with headcanons! Just be advised that these are from Nuada’s now-inactive blog and many of these posts are very old. Some of the info and links contained within them may be outdated.)
MR. WINK (a rock troll, also known as a rock ogre to some): Nuada’s righthand man, no pun intended. XD Also his close and dear friend. He is strong, brave, loyal, and shares Nuada’s hatred of human beings.
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Appreciation post
How Mr. Wink met Nuada and how they became so close
Mr. Wink & sweets
Mr. Wink & tea
Mr. Wink hates sneezing
How Nuada sees Mr. Wink
THE BARK CHILDREN (small earth fae): The little two-headed creatures seen scampering all over the Troll Market. They act as messengers as well as eyes and ears for Nuada throughout the Market. They are innocent, intelligent, timid, playful, helpful, and curious.
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Appreciation post
How Nuada sees the bark children
Nuada musing on the bark children’s treatment of him
Headcanons based on canon, part 1
Headcanons based on canon, part 2
Bark children and naming/identity
Jix & the bark children
TOOTH FAIRIES (small sky fae): Tiny, cute, but ravenous little fairies with an appetite for biological calcium, e.g. the calcium found in bones and especially teeth. They are one of the most intelligent types of fairies, able to speak and learn. They are playful and mischievous, as well as frenetic and talkative.
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Pictures of the fairies
Gifs of the fairies
Nuada befriending a poisoned fairy
“CATHEDRAL HEAD”, A.K.A. THE ARCHIVIST: A wise old cartographer and archivist who makes and stores maps, scrolls, formal documents, and important letters in his library/shop. He lives and works in the specific Troll Market that is located underneath the human city of New York City, under the borough of Manhattan. He is well respected and trusted by many.
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Appreciation post
The most interesting thing about this fellow is that his race are typically colonized by very tiny beings who build on top of their heads! They build from biological material (bone, keratin, sebaceous material), so the cathedral on his head is actually made of living material, an extension of his head. Tiny members of this wee race live inside the cathedral, and if you look closely, you might see lights going on and off in windows, or even the tiny creatures walking around on ledges and walkways.
The tiny race that lives on the Archivist’s head are actually involved in a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship with him. They gain nutrients and building materials from his body as well as protection from the outside world, and he gains a very valuable protective covering over his brain. Otherwise, his kind are born with very soft heads and frequently suffer brain injuries without the benefit of the hard, keratin-based (the same material that fingernails or horns are made of) material shielding them.
When someone of his race is born, tiny colonists from the diminutive race are introduced onto the baby’s head. As the individual grows, the colonists build and multiply, protecting the baby’s brain from harm. When an individual dies, their colonists are transferred to infants, very often within their same family/bloodline.
The relationship between the wee race and the Archivist’s race is considered a very sacred trust, with each race benefitting and protecting the welfare of the other. The Archivist loves his head colonists dearly and takes very good care of them. His race considers it a solemn honor to be colonized.
Potential Starter Ideas:
Maybe not a starter, but if you want to ask Nuada about his family, friends, life, etc., I have spent an inordinate amount of time fleshing him out over the years. I’ve expanded his family, detailed a lot of inhabitants and aspects of the Troll Market underneath which he makes his living space, and have elaborated on things like his fears, triggers, likes, dislikes, customs, habits etc. He’s my oldest T.um.blr muse that I really took seriously, and back when I wrote him (2015 to 2019) I had a lot more free time than I do now, so I had the time to spend delving into the minutia of his life and world. Feel free to ask him (or me) about anything, as I would love to get back into this muse I put so much work into in the past.
The bark children see Nuada as a protector of them, of their community, and in general someone to go to when something is... going down. They will inform him of threats, curious things they find, things that scare them, and intruders. Very often bark children will show up in threads with Nuada because they are such a part of his life. This presents a number of starter opportunities... A pair of bark children could be captured and put in a pet store, and your muse can set them free and let them lead them to their home. Or, your muse could be wandering near to a Troll Market entrance and encounter a pair, and decide to follow them. In other words, bark children can either directly or indirectly lead your muse to Nuada for various reasons.
If your muse is non-human or would be able to access the Troll Market with magic and gain entrance, they could hear about Nuada from the bark children or the Archivist. Maybe they go looking for him for some reason?
He could be injured and need help. If you’ve written with me at all, you know how I love the classic “I could die if you don’t help me” starters for threads, heh. Being shot by police in the city is a very likely thing that might happen to him. Or whatever injury situation we could think of is also fine. Fair warning that he would be grumpy in this situation. Or... your muse could be injured and if they’re of a race Nuada would be sympathetic toward, or he’s just having a bout of rare empathy for a human. He would likely take your muse to his home beneath the Market to watch them. He can’t heal, so he’d have to treat the wound and then just... wait. Makes for interesting conversation, heh.
Fun facts & Colorful Information: 
Nuada’s and Nuala’s facial scars were given to them as infants. They designate them as royalty. Nuada was actually going to receive them first, since he is the eldest, but then they manifested on Nuala’s face automatically as a result of their supernatural somatic link. That was how Balor and Elunae found out their twins were two halves of one soul, or one soul split into two bodies. Them being born with this rare condition was seen as a potential curse or blessing from the gods, yet to be determined.
The darker coloration around Nuada’s eyes and lips compared to Nuala and others of his kind is indicative of the corruption that has taken hold of him. He is literally being poisoned by the negative energy of the dark path he’s chosen to go down. Negative emotions, evil, cruelty, a lack of mercy, and lapses in moral judgement are slowly poisoning him, both mentally and physically. This corruption affects his physical health as well as his personality and decisions, and is very similar to that experienced by Wanda Maximoff (1, 2) in the MCU.
Nuada was very close with his mother. When he left in exile, he took with him his mother’s wedding necklace, once a gift from his father to his mother on their wedding night.
Three reasons why Nuada might be pushed to violence.
I once did a rudimentary analysis of Nuada’s living space underneath the Troll Market, looking at everything he keeps/stores there. You can find it here.
If you want to know what Nuada thinks about fictional depictions of elves by humans in popular media, or his opinion on wandering about on Halloween, you can read about those topics here.
On the subject of human items being sold in the Troll Market and the general diversity to be found there: 1, 2
Nuada and Mr. Wink looking at human billboards
Nuada and Mr. Wink taking in the sight of the elves’ “home”
Muse Playlist: These are songs that I have used and turned to countless times for writing inspiration, many of which I’ve been associating with Nuada for many years. Some of them are related to the movie in some way or have had music videos set to clips of it that I’ve linked to, but most are just songs with lyrics that fit his mindset, the mood, or various situations perfectly. 
Hellboy II Trailer Song / Reminds me of a quote from Nuada: “Let this remind you why you once feared the dark.”: “Mein Herz Brennt” - Rammstein (it’s in German, so here are the translated lyrics)
Main Theme Song: “Mordred’s Lullaby” - Heather Dale
The Golden Army: “Invincible” - Two Steps From Hell
Determination: “I Will Not Bow” - Breaking Benjamin / H320 dubstep cover version
Ancient Battles: “Heart of Courage” - Two Steps From Hell
Exile / Savior Complex: “Torn” - Creed
Pride: "Live Free or Let Me Die” - Skillet
Arrogance: “Fireproof” - Pillar
Anger At His Father and Sister: “Numb” - Linkin Park
Relaxed: “Kindred” - Jillian Goldin
Thinking/Meditation: “Nothing Else Matters” - Metallica
Pensiveness: “Winternight” - Visions of Atlantis
Sadness / Brokenhearted: The Old Ways - Loreena McKennitt
The Old Religions: All Souls Night -  Loreena McKennitt
Heritage: “Ancestors” - Albannach
Wildness: “Beat the Speed of Sound” - Emmelie de Forest
United/Determined Twins: “Awake and Alive” - Skillet
Divided/Adversarial Twins: What Have You Done? - Within Temptation
Breakdown/Downward Spiral: “Let Go” - Frou Frou (Imogen Heap)
Failure/Defeat: “Failure” - Breaking Benjamin
Final Battle: “Blow Me Away” - Breaking Benjamin
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vhaenan · 8 months
like for a small starter. no cap.
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twili--link · 1 year
Info dump
Wahoo this is about my OC Evara / Evelynn (Fantasy world name vs modern world name). They/Her pronouns.
I won't go into any TW info, so it is safe to view! Just throwing it under a line to not clog up anyone's dash. Sorry if its rambley and not coherent, I'm a bit loopy from medicine lmao.
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(Art above by krim-spyke)
General themes: Loss and hope, light in the dark, hopeful optimistic
Class: Bard/Ranger, with magic thrown in that ties into their barding (Based off of light magic but star-light instead of regular light magic that one might see a cleric use)
Familiar: Dog named Basil
Tropes: Hero's journey/epic journey, high stakes, save the world, tragic past, side-quests galore, ancient civilization, evil cult, and reincarnation.
Evara is the accumulation of multiple OCs I've had since 2009 + a bit of a fandom character I used to RP as. Placed into a world I am making (Look at my map I am proud of it) that has a loooot of stories going into it. Evara's story is actually multiple Hero's story...ies? But I need to commission their designs (I've got some pic crews of 'em but not mch else).
Prior to being the elf bard they are now, Evara was "Luna" and was a Naruto oc if you can believe it hehehe, who had like so many ships with anyone attractive. They went through some trials of redesigning and being left alone for a bit before I finally got to the above design.
Now they are a Bard on a mission to stop the pain they've felt at a young age from ever being felt by others. Having gone through some tragic circumstances that took their immediate family away, Evara swore that they'd never let anyone fall victim to the Cult that is the bad guy for the story. Taken in by their uncle and his husband, Evara did get help from what they went through, but their desire to stop the cult stayed strong until they were able to leave and set off on the journey they take.
Evara's music is what helps heal them, along with healing others as they are utilized not as a classic in-the-fray hero, but the one on the side who helps as thats what their whole character is about. A helping hand in the worst of times. The light of the north star in the darkest night, pulling you forward to home. They aren't meant to be the hero who takes charge but rather the one who lends a shoulder or hand. Evara does see/feel music, which can be a bit overwhelming at times, bu
They have another who joins the team who is their...not foil, but other half in a word? Evara represents Hope, the other will represent Kindness, but their design isn't complete yet.
Evara has a twin brother of which the design isn't complete yet and is alive but unaware Evara escaped as they did. It's apart of the story, so I'll keep it mostly secret but :3c
Despite having a perky and positive outward attitude, Evara struggles with depression and anxiety, along with an overwhelming desire to keep those around them safe which can cause points of contention as it can become overbearing. They fear losing more loved ones in the manner that they lost their family and can lose sleep overthinking things. Evara is also more likely to put themselves in danger in order to save someone, even if it costs them greatly to do so.
Their hatred towards the Cult does cause some problems along the way as well, as they have a secret side-mission of killing everyone of them mfers with deeeeeep hatred. It does create a crossroads for them at one point, but spoilers for story hehe.
If you'd like to know more or ask questions of this version, I'd love to answer them if you got this far <3
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(art above done by ew041)
This version is named "Evelynn" for modern-sake.
Unlike the fantasy version, their family is actually still alive and they are in the same city as their twin brother.
The general themes and tropes depend on the Visual Novel she's being placed into, but other than visual novels they do have their own modern story that has them as a dhampir (I love vampires okay). In the visual novels they are placed into I do remove the elf ears (when i remember to ask the artist to draw human ears at least lmao)
The story away from VN's is as followed:
Created between the union of a witch and a vampire, the twins were born in the world's version of the late 1800's. (Based off my fantasy world but given modern stuffs). They grew up slower than most other children until they hit the age of twenty-three where they went through a rapid growth/change.
Because of their dhampir status they can walk in the sun but do burn easier than most (even tho they be white) others, and needs to wear sunglasses if they are going to be in the sun for long periods. They do not need to eat as frequently as their father, but do need to eat at least once every two to three weeks. They tend to find willing people very easily as vampires are not necessarily 'secret' to some underground types of people, but they do keep their status as a dhampir secret as best they can.
They do have some powers which includes shape-shifting, vampiric charm, heightened speed and strength (but not super as their father would have, but way above mortal status at least), and the ability to 'turn invisible' although it isn't easy and needs them to be well fed to use.
Evelynn has a double life in this version, during the day they are an online fashion-creator (has their own website) / works at an old diner and during the night they hunt down criminals of the 'supernatural' type, helping keep order in the large city they call home. (They will also help take care of mortal criminals but only if they are like the worst of the worst, they wont care if someones stealing stuff or the like.)
My brain is fizzling out thanks if you read this far I love my oc I hope you at least enjoy'd the info. If you have questions I'd love to answer them feel free to send them <3
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secondary-lives · 2 years
My Collective of Characters
With Dragonflight approaching and my efforts to get back into World of Warcraft RP, it seems wise to offer an updated collection of OCs. All of them are available.
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A former journalist and spy, Latilda has had her world turned upside down on the regular. She is an independent soul, regularly traveling Azeroth to hunt down the odd magical maladies of reality and and the threats unnoticed with a touch of creativeness, and is a rather curious Fellow.
OOC: Lat’s a mixture of Lara Croft and Carmen Sandiego and loves to both make friends, rivalries and seek out chaos wherever it may linger.
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A Warden veteran from the last few millennia, this woman has found herself calming down and seeking peace in the few years since the end of Shadowlands. However, she is a stalwart ally and combatant for pushing back anything that may threaten the Kaldorei people.Expect to see her on the frontlines during Dragonflight.
OOC: A knight and ally of Kaldorei interests, she’s one who will fight with her people wherever possible.
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A Former Warden turned bounty hunter, she’s striving to find her way in the world despite having a body advanced by technology.
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A Mage turned warlock, this young scholar is learning the costs of power due to exposure to an ancient force that has changed her life completely.
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A void elf who embraced science and all of its nasty implications in a world of magic from behind a mask.
My main focuses will be on Latilda and Elyza but will likely fluctuate depending on interests of the time. The other characters are available.
My roleplay preferences will vary. I am always eager to do scenes in Discord but also enjoy content in-game. Tumblr is good for asks but I prefer to not RP there unless necessary.
If you wanna RP, let me know! I’ll toss thread ideas at you! I am also at @newsnerd-ooc​
You can add me on Discord at News Nerd#4200
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viridianreverie · 1 year
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Green Dragon Roleplay: Thoughtful Topic
On History and the Dream
Historical events, and in-character knowledge of such events, is a critical element for the development of any Original Character (OC). For Green Dragons, the Emerald Dream presents a unique variable for consideration. While not inclusive, two different approaches to the impact of history on Green Dragon OCs are presented below for roleplay (RP) consideration.
Approach One: A Green Dragon OC (and Mun) may sidestep historical lore knowledge by leveraging an absence due to the Emerald Dream, mirroring the Green Dragon Desharin:
“'Can you tell me more of yourself? Of the other dragons?’ Thrall asked. ‘I know some, but to be honest, I do not know what is myth and what is fact.’ Desharin chuckled, a deep, warm sound. ‘I will, friend Thrall, though as to most recent history, you must remember that I have been in the Emerald Dream and have only just awakened. But I will share what I know.’”- Desharin Greensong, Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects
The above represents a simple option for incorporating historical events in a Green Dragon OC's development and tends to be the favored approach. In short, the OC has no memory or understanding of [insert waking-world event here] because they were sleeping (i.e., disconnected from reality entirely).
Approach Two: A Green Dragon OC may be aware of events because they saw the events unfold from the Emerald Dream; this approach is illustrated by Malfurion’s real-time (present) observance and even interactions with the waking world while in the Dream:
“Malfurion eyed the dreamscape where he knew the capital should have been, trying to summon an image of it…He stared at the empty world, demanding to see the reality. And without warning, Malfurion’s dream-self materialized over Zin-Azshari, the capital of the night elves…With the summoning of the vision of Zin-Azshari, he had also summoned a more immediate image of the Well…He drifted over the walls, past stone-faced guards ignorant of his presence. Malfurion floated to the palace itself, but when he sought to enter, certain that his dream form would pass through something so simple as stone, the night elf discovered an impenetrable barrier. Someone had encased the palace in protective spells so intricate, so powerful, that he could not pierce them.”- War of the Ancients: The Well of Eternity
This represents a more complex approach for OC development given visions in the Dream are not always in real-time—and, indeed, not always true. This consideration is illustrated by Ysera, The Dreamer herself, in two different ways:
“But you have not given up entirely on the world then, have you? Unlike Malygos and Nozdormu, you do not hide in madness or the relics of times past! After all, are not dreams also of the future? As much as they are the past; you would do well to remember that! The faint image of a human woman holding up a new baby drifted by. The brief glimpse of a young boy doing epic battle with childish monsters of his own imagining flickered into and out of existence. Krasus momentarily surveyed the various dreams forming and dissipating around him.” - Day of the Dragon
Ysera explains the Emerald Dream is abound with dreams past, present, and future, an element which adds an interesting layer to what an OC may recall as being true when recalling events they have “seen”. Ysera discusses this element again with Alexstrasza below:
“’No, this is not set in stone. Ysera’s visions always have meaning, yes. But dreams always rely on interpretation. Sister—could this be a warning as to what might happen if we do not fight?’ Ysera cocked her horned head. 'Yes,' she said. 'Only Nozdormu knows what will truly be. I only share what I saw.’” – Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects
Interestingly, variables such as OC age, experience, power-level, or simply the strength of the OC's connection to the waking world while within the Dream may be impactful when considering events in which an OC may or may not have knowledge. Consider the bond Tyrande Whisperwind has for Malfurion Stormrage and the pivotal role it played in allowing Krasus to assist Malfurion across the threshold of the Dream:
"Whoever this Krasus was, he was not simply some night elf, but much, much more. Do you sense us still? asked the new voice. I do…Krasus. I have shown Tyrande how we can work through her bond to you to reach out to your dream self. The trick is difficult, but we hope to do it only long enough to free you. Free me? Glancing again at his prison, Malfurion doubted that it would be possible. A cunning trap, yes, Krasus went on, surprising the night elf. Apparently the link enabled them to see just where Lord Xavius had imprisoned him." - War of the Ancients: The Well of Eternity
Consider also that waking events themselves may be impactful enough to be felt in the Dream. This is illustrated clearly when druids are forced to destroy the Great Tree Andrassil:
They were also aware that there was no way to spare the World Tree or ease its suffering. The Cenarion Circle sorrowfully decided that the only recourse was to destroy Andrassil. With heavy hearts, they felled the great tree. It slammed down onto the icy surface of Northrend with a deafening boom that echoed even through the ethereal forests of the Emerald Dream. Forever after, the druids would refer to the fallen World Tree as Vordrassil, or “Broken Crown.” - World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1.
These elements lend interesting considerations for RP as well as OC development: For example, an OC's beloved mate meeting an unfortunate end against the Atal'ai during the Green Dragonflight's sinking of Temple of Atal'Hakkar may have made the OC aware of that event—even if they, themselves, were still in the Dream. Or in another way, an OC may be awakened due to a loved one's peril (perhaps, even too late, as the vision was of the past and not the present!). The intricacies of the Emerald Dream and the many changes it has experienced in the lore deserves its own compendium; but for this Thoughtful Topic, a reasonable interpretation may be that an OC can either have, or not have, knowledge of waking events even when they are in the Dream; this makes the incorporation of historical knowledge both context sensitive and individualistic to the OC.
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vintagedoctor · 3 months
Fuck it we ball. Imma share my oc cuz i love all of them and i wanna explain everything abt them
i dont have a name for them yet sadly but i got a pretty good image of what they look like and the lore and all that and yeah... typical oc creation stuff.
so we all know i love plague doctors. i mean my pfp is a plague doctor (its a retraced steve (from owl house) art but with one of my ocs) and my username is pun on plague doctors and uhh i repost plague doctor stuff. so i love them. i cant explain why i love them so much. like ive thought abt it and i genuinely cant tell anyone why. i honestly think they look cool and mysterious and thats it.
my oc, as im calling them rn, is just "VD" which is my username abbreviated. its serving me rn but i know i should come up with an actual name. im thinking something like Vyn or Doctor Vyn or smth but honestly nothing fits. its *my character* ya know? so thats why im struggling on the name. but VD serves me just fine for now
bc im shit at drawing i use any oc maker at my disposal. at first it was picrews then it was minecraft skins, then it was heroforge, and now im making them in baldurs gate 3 character creator
so now, to introduce VD, either drawn as a half elf or tiefling, depending on how im feeling and what version character im using (ill get to that later)
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heres what i think is the base version (in baldurs gate ofc) believe me id have put a plage doctor mask on them if i could
thats like the good version, ig. a paladin who is chaotic good and just wants the best for everyone but doesnt mind commiting some crimes to get there. i love them and is usually the character i make for video games since its closest to who i am. pretty easy to rp.
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heres the basic versions for minecraft. i mentioned exploring the design thru minecraft skins so ill be showing them too. also im pretty proud of them. the second one is not a purple villager but instead a plague doctor mask. the second skin has tons of lore attached to it, actually. (and yes im ashamed to say minecraft rp lore too... that was a phase)
you can see there will be similar choices between all of them... uhh.. i love the color purple. i put purple in every thing i build because i love it and i cannot explain why. just like i cannot explain why i love plague doctors, i love purple. so yes every character will have some purple on them. i love purple
this version of VD is usually the avatar i use for everything. however that character branched off to a minecraft rp character (oh god.. yep)
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this is canon VD... like *that* minecraft server. i was like 16 so everything from this server is gonna be a bit cringe. but this version of VD, who ill call cult VD, for reasons explained later, has much more of a explored personality. they are kind, helpful, naive, and also have a connection with an ancient elderitch diety that takes the form of a demon horse. i should probably explain that servers lore at some point huh? i honestly do just to get some closure from that server.
cult VD starts worshipping this deity, as anyone else would do right, which leads to the cult moniker. on that minecraft server, i always carried an axe as my weapon, so i like to imagine cult VD has a battleaxe as their main weapon of choice. this heroforge is old, before i decided to make VD a half elf / tiefling so thats why the ears arent pointy and theres no horns. but we will get to that. this naive version of VD eventually breaks out of the control of this elderitch deity but is still haunted by it for the rest of their life.
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above is the picrew for this version of VD, which does have horns and pointy ears because i made this much later. yeah i know a jacket over a breastplate makes no sense but the picrew let me do it so i did it. (i made this a while ago so i dont remember my uh artistic choices)
VD during the possession had their own minecraft skin (cuz ofc they did, silly me)
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this is definitely not inspired by anything. nope nope. its all original. dont @ me lol. i liked this skin. i think its pretty simple and screams of minecraft smp with "lore". it speaks of a simpler time ig. if this was dnd character, theyd be a devotion paladin. i think devotion to an evil god could be very interesting tbh. i havent been able to explore that yet but its smth to put out there.
oh heres some actual original art i did for cult VD. very nice :D
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im still pretty proud of this, knowing i cant draw for shit and i did this like two years ago when i sucked even more at drawing.
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this here is a little sketch of cult VD under some math work back in junior year of highschool i think? this is the first time i actually was pretty proud of my art. the expression and the hands and the axe all looked really good. i like it a lot.
i think of this character as priest vd or cult vd. i like having corrupt preist characters. its so cool. like that one line from hells coming with me. oh god i made an animatic with that line and i could not get the animation right. "I am the righteous hand of god. I am the devil you forgot." that line is like the backbone of who the character is. only thing is the character had run its course way before i discovered the song. yeah cult vd is like hells coming with me, the pitiful children (from jeremys perspective), and rule 4 - fish in a birdcage. ya know, trauma. i love trauma :D (for my fictional characters ofc ofc omg)
if i ever make a breakdown of my first minecraft server "lore", then anyone can see im gonna skip two iterations and move onto uh.. how do i put this lightly. uh... revenant VD?
IM NOT COPYING ANYONE I SWEAR OMG! or atleast.. i didnt mean to... its gonna get pretty obvious soon that i took much creative liberties from a certain minecraft server during the pandemic.
anyways my favorite version of VD because how much i could do with them. oh revenant VD is so fun. :D
revenant VD is the edgy, dark version but has tons of potential. thats why i love them so much. i used to associate them with hayloft II but not anymore actually. i think little pistol, laplaces angel, two birds, maybe what could have been, and saint bernard. being edgy for the sake of edgy isnt good characterization but angst for a reason is smth i love. they hate everyone bcuz the world has consistently treated them like shit and so the only way to actually cope with it sensibly was to treat others like shit back. but a variant of revenant vd i love is when they r crazily evil. like maniac and murderious. i just eat that shit up omg i love it so much. i got that religious trauma, the betrayal trauma, and the trust issues for them. i got it all omg i love this character so much. i can do so much with them so i think thats why i love them so much.
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heres an idea of how they look. its pretty similar to how cult vd looks but more wild ig?
around this time my art started getting more coherent
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i like this one. idk the face came out really well and it kinda shows how i wanted them to be. these were all sketches in notebooks during school when i was bored. i eventually got a sketchbook but thats further down the timeline
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heres the heroforge for revenant VD. i loved the trenchcoat idea and the blood on the mask never going away. i remember watching someone in my middle school theatre class perform that one monologue from macbeth where the lady starts going crazy over the blood never washing away from her hands. this was a long time ago but it stuck with me. i really liked that symbolism of the blood still on her hands and how it means guilt of her crime. it was so cool. i ruined it by making it magical blood that never came off bc revenant was cursed when they initially died; edgy for the sake of it, which i previously said isnt a good place for a character. i think ive refined the design further but its lost in notebook margins and scraps of paper. such a shame.
revenant VD i like to think is associated with death in some way. maybe being an undead and filled with rage at the circumstances of their death, or being a proponent of death, like a reaper. i like those ideas. i actually made that concept
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this is in my sketchbook. i think one of the first things i drew in it. i love that sketchbook. i love scythes, both the two handed and one handed ones. i think they work perfectly with plague doctor reaper characters.
one thing i associate with the modern version of revenant is like a apostle of myrkul transformation in baldurs gate 3. this ofc is if revenant takes on a more antagonistic role instead of being a pc. i love that boss fight and really think sometine like it could fit with my little revenant vd.
i think revenant vd would actually be many things. first obviously oathbreaker paladin but thats obvious. i was also thinking phantom rogue for all the allusions to death. they could also be an undead warlock. if i were to play smth similar to revenant vd in dnd, id make a phantom rogue undead warlock multiclass. i think it works surprisingly well actually. i could ask the dm to have my patron (death) collect soul trinkets like reaping souls on a regular basis and each long rest i need to consume one of them to keep alive.
oh yeah thats something else i really want to explore with this character. because they are undead i want to explore their need to consume life to keep alive. in minecraft i played around with the idea of them needing to break totems of undying every once in a while but honestly that was because i had a totem farm and too many totems for my shulker box. but the idea of them needing to consume some form of sacred life to keep their undeath is something i love and want to play around with.
anyways revenant VD is my most versatile character. idk how an evil character can do so much but they can. i love them so much.
the last character that originated in the minecraft server and one im still working on is doctor VD or Doctor Vyn.
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i just want some appreciation for the second variant which i never got to use at all. i had to find it on my minecraft launcher instead on namemc because i never used it. i just love it but no one appreciated it. :( the undone tie im still so proud of
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i just put this in cuz its so gender omg i love it sm :D
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i just made this heroforge cuz i didnt have one. i never got to properly explore this character idea so its the one i keep trying to bring back. i think actually exploring the doctor part in plague doctor so thats why this iteration just keeps haunting me.
i think this iteration would be either an alchemist or artilerist artificer. this iteration was the last character i made for the minecraft server and it didnt go well. they were burnt out from the chaos they caused while serving death ig and just wanted to settle and research why they were able to come back. it was called "death research" and i had so many plans in minecraft. i should make a post about my ideas for the servers afterlife and stuff. its rough but i was trying. and def had no inspirations from that one minecraft server that everyone knew about.
this is the start of my descent into doctor madness. god i made so many ocs that r just doctors. i had variations of the artificer doctor and a rogue and i just went crazy. its still a character i want to play, ya know actually going into the doctor part of plague doctor. for now imma put a pin in the doctor research thingy and move onto season 2 of the server.
yes we had a season 2.
it had much less people than the first season and ran a couple months shorter than season 1. "lore" never started, not like how it was in s1. back then i was really disappointed but looking with hindsight, im glad it never got off the ground. we tried so many things. omg. but ill go over those later.
first: my character. i called them winterhold VD.
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heres the skin i used for winterhold vd. i previously changed the mask color for a minecraft skin i barely used and so i did it here and it looks good. i think this skin looks more coherent than the ones from season 1.
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heres winterhold vd with a little silly xmas hat. honestly playing in a snowy area while it was winter was really fun. it doesnt snow where i live so i kinda got that aesthetic in minecraft. it was honestly perfect. i loved building in the snowy patches and having large campfires and light sources to melt away the snow to clear paths. it was practical but also fed into our citys story.
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anyways lastly we have the heroforge. i love this heroforge. somehow i managed to perfect replicate how the minecraft skin looked using the limited clothes in heroforge. the scythe makes an appearance for something explained later
i love this season a lot bc we had an actual theme. my group lived ontop a massive snowy mountain, almost like a plateau and i built viking like structures. it was so fun. the main "plot point" i remember was that we struggled with food for so long. we took over the village on the plateau and the farms were so sparse. there were like 4 of us that needed to be fed. oh also before we even got to the food problem, we had to fend off others since everyone wanted the mountain view. anyways, we had barely any food. i took charge and started growing lines of potatoes and wheat. if u dont know, in minecraft, growing crops in alternating lines actually make them grow faster. i cleared out a large patch in the middle of the village and spent days farming potatoes and wheat. i loved how the scythe ties that part of winterholds story in. we went from barely surviving and needing to jump off the mountainside to our dooms to refill our hunger to having a full chest of yummy potatoes. when we got access to the nether roof, my friend made her famous porkchop farm and we had even more food. it was such a good story from the actual gameplay and not planned at all.
but i had to ruin it, ofc.
i loved the story of us growing from nothing to a thriving nordic city so i decided to take it a step further. i thought it could be interesting if VD wanted more. they became obsessed with excess. they never wanted to run out of resources ever again. they started building more farms. more and more. farms we really didnt need, like a massive cactus farm and more crop fields. it was so much and we barely had any space to store any of it. finally VD asked their friend to expand the farms and build an industrial district far from winterhold. it was so far that the ice highway we built still took around 2 mins to get there. in that area my friend and i tried to build every farm imaginable. we got nowhere close. but it was definitely fun.
i really wanted to be the evil capitalist, something akin to how outer worlds is described in the fine print. but i never got anywhere close. that lore never shot off.
this server was in 1.19 so i really wanted to do something with sculk. so i started.. uh sculk research. this is going back to the doctor oc. i cleared out an ancient city and start slowly renovating the center out - i never got further than in the center structure. i was really proud of the little lab i made in the redstone area. it had test chambers and a library and a desk area. all pretty standard for a lab right? VD really wanted to study what sculk is and how it works. i as the person making the story and everything, kinda had nothing to go off of. sculk was completely fictional and original. (genuinely good job mojang). i had the minecraft "lore" vids from retrogamingnow and game theory but like i wasnt gonna copy those was i? i really wanted to do smth with the big portal in the center of the ancient city and sculk as a power source (i forgot which channel came up with that). i thought it could be cool if VD discovered how to open the portal and it led to the universe from s1. (yeah that multiversal shit everyone was tired of by 2023) but i really wanted to try it. it got nowhere. i had plans where the portal would open and revenant vd would step out, looking into the fresh new world to cause more carnage.
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this is the skin i had planned for the whole thing. i have an alt acc i wanted to control along side my main acc. with hindsight, this would have been impossible to do to the scale i wanted. thats why this never got anywhere. i think this is where i realized i never fully got over revenant VD. this is a feeling that wont really go away.
we finally get the last iteration, as of now, of VD. it gets to be less of a character and more of just a persona for the current minecraft im playing on. i got tired of the doctor aesthetic and but still wanted to "research" so i created a wizard. honestly i just wanted an excuse to build with purple blocks. after some revisions, which are sadly public on my namemc profile i landed on
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i love this skin. i wanted my whole aesthetic to be questionably evil. my base *looks* like it can be evil but the inside looks cozy and bright. theres an evil basement but nothing sinister has happened, yet. i dont think anything sinister is going to happen.
im taking a route closer to hermitcraft than rp servers. they make an aesthetic, build by it, maybe change their skin, and have fun rp moments. i like how simple that is. impulse, gem, grian, scar, and mumbo are all good examples of this. as of now, im tired of minecraft rp like i had it before. honestly ttrpgs are much better suited for this or just straight up acting. i will miss those angst moments and making skins for each "phase" of my character but the trend is dead and my friends are tired. the current server has been really clean of serious minecraft rp. its just been us fucking around for the most part. i dont want that to change. at this point im actively shutting down any attempts for serious rp. this is minecraft, we are friends, and we dont need to pretend to hate each other. it made keeping the actual friend ships hard. we barely scripted anything so everything was improv. BIG mistake first of all. but also that meant i had to come up with conflicts and deal with conflict while staying in character. i couldnt do it. it broke me and im glad im not doing something like that ever again.
anyways that that got deep. now i wanna quickly go thru some honorable mentions. personas im proud of but didnt need a whole section dedicated to them. oo boy, time to scroll thru my minecraft launcher
first up my desert cleric skin
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i really like this one. i used in a minecraft event where we were all trapped in a big desert and had to make a village. it was my first minecraft event for that youtuber and i think i really killed the character. i made a temple and farmed potatoes for the people. food was hard to get and potatoes are easiest thing to farm. i was a "peace loving, pun slinging, potato farming person, definitely not copied from anyone else" i slowly became a favorite in the village, mostly bc it took a while to farm the potatoes and distribute them. im really proud of the muted purple mask, matching the purple robe. i tried it with my usual bright purple but it just didnt look right. this muted purple fits into the muted tones of the desert really well.
well now shoutout to the 1.19 update cuz
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this one i love also. it kinda inspired the whole sculk corruption thing i was going for. i wore this skin sometimes but i could never find a fit for it. i guess i had it when 1.19 came out and was exploring it but outside of that and maybe "lore" it has no other use. ig other than looking cool. cuz it looks really cool.
oh god ok i do want to talk abt this one cuz i think its cool but oh god im gonna really make the furry alegations get worse
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this was a skin i made for an origins server my friends had when that was popular. i was the origin "felvaxian" from the origins ++ mod. really good mod but holy shit was the felvaxian op. it was flavored to be a mix between a cat and crow but the naming scheme made no sense. i think it was an original idea, which.. like yeah made sense. it was so op but so fun. i had like a constant 9 block jump, took no fall damage, had an invisible elytra, the inventory from the shulker origin, constant night vision, and when i crouched i went completely invis. the only downsides was that i was a carnivore and i hungered quicker. we fixed that with a porkchop farm very quickly. but i loved the origin and that server dearly. i made a cat tree for a base. it was the perfect height off the ground where my jump could make it but no one else could get on. only other origins with movement abilities could make it which was very interesting. i actually was so happy with the design i made a heroforge of it
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like winterhold vd, i was pretty proud of how this came out. it looked exactly like the skin. i later modded the pack to show the wings and get rid of the ugly filter, making this my perfect origin. i just love it too much.
uh next up has nothing to do any story or anything, i just wanted to show it off
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im kenough
(if i couldnt get the actual sweater, i had to atleast get a minecraft version of it)
now to get festive. im just gonna show all these at once since theyre my festive skins
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anyways happy halloween in summer, heh
ok tumblr is yelling at me because i reached the picture limit. so ill just make a part two. dang tumblr. i didnt know there was a photo limit. so uh yeah see ya in part 2
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