#and (y/n) is the 4th alexander bride
cuz i cant help myself
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have an oc from the current Walter fic I'm wip'ing, fully took her name from @sessediz XD it just fit too well~
'You jumped as your door suddenly opened-two woman walking into your room-one was about your height with long golden red hair, wearing a soft purple dress that hung off her shoulders-the other was tall, dark and terrifying, her black eyes trained on you like a hawk. “goodmorning~!” the redhaired one said, sitting at the end of your bed and leaning towards you, her fangs on full display.'
im 35 pages and 11228 words into this fic-AND IM NOT DONE YET
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jornami · 7 years
A Winter’s Ball {Part 2}
Upon popular request I present to you... A Winter’s Ball Part 2
A/N: Yikes...okay so that anon asked me to “make it really angsty but with lots of fluff.” … Sorry, my darling
Request: may i request an alexander x female! schuyler sisters reader where the reader is the 4th schuyler sister. out of her, angelica, and eliza - reader connects the most with alexander at the winters ball. after the ball and many letters being exchanged, angelica and reader go to london where angelica gets married and reader has a better education. upon reader's return, she sees that alex and eliza are engaged and alex never mentioned it in his letters!! pls make it rly angsty but w/a lot o fluff
Warnings: historical inaccuracies, angst, mentions of religion, major character deaths, you heard me...plural…
Masterlist | Request! | Part 1
“This is a joke, right?” you said, hoping it was a prank. “Right?”
Eliza finally spoke up, “I’m sorry, but he makes me really happy.”
“He made me happy too, and before he was yours he was mine!” you screamed, tears welling in your eyes. “‘I’m sorry, but he makes me really happy.’ You're pathetic, Eliza!”
“Y/N, honey, please calm down,” you father said in a calm tone.
“No!” you shouted at him. “You gave him your blessing when you know I loved him!”
“Young lady, lower your voice!” you father said, his voice rising in volume.
“Father is right, Y/N,” Angelica began but you cut her off.
“Don’t you dare!” you shouted, pointing a finger at her. “You knew about this the whole time and you didn’t tell me. What happened to no secrets, Angelica?”
Angelica began to say something, but was at a lost for words. You looked around the table at your awestruck family.
“You’re all pathetic,” you spat and stormed up the stairs to your old bedroom.
You crawled under your covers and cried your eyes out. You had so many questions. How could your family keep a secret like this from you? More importantly—why? What happened between Eliza and Alexander while you were gone? You were pulled out of your thoughts by a light knock on your door.
“Go away,” you huffed.
“Y/N, it’s me, please let me in,” a honey-like voice belonging to your sister Peggy said.
“Do you have biscuits and jam?” you asked.
When you two were kids it was your favorite snack; it always made everything better.
“Of course,” you could hear the smile in her voice.
You got up from the warmth of your bed and walked over to unlock your bedroom door. You saw your sister with a basket full of biscuits and jam. You smiled at her and pulled her into your room, shutting the door behind her.
You two ate in silence for a little while until Peggy finally broke it.
“We’re gonna have to talk at some point, Y/N,” she said as she put jam on another one of the biscuits.
You didn’t answer her, you just picked at your nails.
“Forget it,” she sighed and began to walk to the door.
“You knew,” you deadpanned.
“Yes, but every time I tried to write to you one of them stopped me,” Peggy said as she sat back down next to you.
“They did not!” you gasped in disbelief and Peggy just nodded her head.
“Y/N, I know you loved him,” she began and placed her hand on yours. “but remember when I was pining over one of father’s coworkers’ son and he got married? You told me that everything happens for a reason and that if two people are meant to be they will find their way back to each other. And as a good sister, it's my job to tell you the same thing when you need it.”
You smiled and pulled her into a hug, “With all the rain clouds hanging above my head right now, I'm so lucky to have you. You're the sun that peeks through the clouds, my darling sister.”
As long as you had your partner in crime, you were going to be alright.
December 14, 1780
“Can you believe that in just a matter of minutes I'll be walking down the aisle to marry the man of my dreams?” Eliza gushed as Angelica put in her veil.
“Man of my dreams,” you wanted to say.
“I'm just saying if you really loved me you would share him,” Angelica sang.
“Ha! Never in a million years,” Eliza giggled.
“All done!” Angelica clapped her hands together.
“You look stunning,” Peggy awed.
“She really does, and all because of me!” Angelica agreed, praising her handy work.
“Thank you, but you must go if we want the ceremony to start on time!” Eliza told her sisters.
Angelica and Peggy rushed downstairs, and you started to trail behind them.
“Y/N, wait,” Eliza called after you.
“Yes?” you replied and walked back into the room.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
“I'm fine,” you lied.
“No you're not,” she saw through your façade. “I've known you all my life, I know when you're not okay.”
“I'm fine, Eliza,” you smiled weakly and hugged her from behind.
“So you're not upset about Alexander?” she mumbled.
You sighed, “If I couldn't have him, I'm glad you could.”
“Are you sure?” she asked, tears pricking her eyes.
“Yes, darling, I'm absolutely sure,” you smiled at her reflection in the mirror. “No crying, until after the ‘I do’s,’ okay?”
She nodded and wiped her tears.
“You look beautiful today, darling,” you told her sincerely and placed a kiss atop her head. “I'll see you down there.”
You walked out of the room and closed the door behind you. Of course, you were upset that she was marrying Alexander. Maybe even heartbroken, but you loved Eliza more than anything in this life. You would choose her happiness over yours every time.
“Everyone give it up for the maid of honor, Y/N Schuyler!” John Laurens cheered, three sheets to the wind.
“A toast to the groom!” you drunkenly yelled, raising your glass.
“To the groom!” the crowd echoed.
“To the bride!” you yelled.
“To the bride!” the crowd boomed.
“May you always be satisfied!” you giggled. You were drunk off your ass and you couldn't care less. “Oh, and Alexander! If you ever break her heart, may the lord show you mercy because I sure won't.”
“Noted,” Alexander smiled and kissed Eliza's forehead.
You sat back down in your seat.
“May they always be satisfied,” you muttered to yourself and chugged the rest of your champagne. “because I sure won't.”
April 17, 1784
Angelica had walked down the aisle first. Then Eliza and Peggy after that. On April 17, 1784, it was finally your turn. Shortly after Eliza and Alexander’s wedding, you met a dashing soldier named John Grismore. He was no Alexander, but there was only one Alexander Hamilton.
“Ready for the first day of the rest of your life?” Peggy asked you as she tied your corset.
“Ready as I'll ever be,” you smiled.
Throughout the years, you watched Alexander and Eliza’s happy marriage. When they went on their honeymoon, when they bought their first house, when they had their first kid. You hate to admit it, but you often fantasized about doing all those things, and more, with Alexander. The Bible says, "Thou shall not covet,” and you spent years in an average marriage doing exactly what you were told not to in Sunday school.
August 25, 1792
If there was one time you didn't yearn for Alexander was in 1792, when Alexander published the Reynolds Pamphlet. It was 95 pages, tell-all, of Alexander’s affairs. When you and Angelica got news of the pamphlet, you two dropped everything you were doing, and rushed to your sister's aid.
Alexander greeted you at the steps that led to the front of your house.
“Y/N, finally, someone who understand what I'm struggling here to do,” he said frantically and lifted your hand so he could kiss it.
“I'm not here for you!” you gaped in disbelief and snatched your hand away.
“Angelica?” he said desperately.
“We're here for our sister, Alexander,” Angelica said calmly, the type of calm that has no place in a situation like this. “we'll talk later.”
Angelica ushered you in the house and you two walked into the living room where Eliza stood in front of the fireplace. She was tossing letters into the flames.
“I hope that he burns,” Eliza said coldly, a glassy look clouding her eyes.
Later that night, you walked into Alexander’s office with an oil lamp in your hands.
“Let's go for a walk,” was all you said and waited for him to follow you.
You two walked out into the open field in the front of their house.
“Congratulations, Alexander,” you chuckled coldly. “you have officially hit rock bottom.”
“Y/N,” he sighed pathetically.
“Let's review,” you said, ignoring him. “you took a rumor that a few people knew and refuted it by sharing an affair of which no one has accused you. What sense does that make, Alexander?”
“Y/N,” he said again.
“I'm going to tell you this once, so listen clearly,” you told him. “Eliza is the best thing in our lives, so never lose sight of the fact that you have been blessed with the best wife. Enjoy her while you still have time with her.”
You exhaled deeply and turned to walk back in the house, leaving Alexander standing there dumbfounded.
July 2, 1804
Another day you'd never forget was the day Alexander died. You, Angelica, and Eliza were all by his side when it happened. The next few week were extremely hard on all you, but Eliza finally decided it was time to move on to the next chapter of her life. Angelica went back to London, and you returned to Virginia. Eliza thought the first step to moving on was cleaning out Alexander’s study. She combed through letters for hours. Most of them were addressed to colleagues, but their was one that caught her eye. It was addressed to you.
My dearest, Y/N
I've been wracking my brain for months on how I should say this. Should I tell you in person or should I send a letter? I figured a letter would be more pleasant for both of us. I love you, and not in a sibling way. More of in a romantic way. These feelings are not new for I've felt them since the first day I met you. While I still love Eliza and she's the light of my life, it has always been you. I'll probably never send this in order to avoid a civil war between the family. But in case you ever find this, I love you, forever and always.
     Forever your conflicted and confused,
                                                               A. Ham
The guilt that hadn't plagued Eliza since her wedding day suddenly returned. She never told you, but she always felt guilty for marrying the guy her sister loved. It was selfish of her and she knew it. If she could go back and reject his proposal, she would, but it was too late now.
April 13, 1850
So there you and Eliza were; the final frontier. You and her were the only remaining ones. Peggy went first, next was Alexander, and then Angelica. Now, it was your turn. You lied on your deathbed, Eliza clutching your hand.
“My dearest Eliza, tell our story,” was the last thing you said to her before you took your final breath.
“I will, darling,” Eliza said, tears streaming down her cheeks.
What they don't tell you is that after you die, your soul doesn't immediately pass on to heaven. Your soul lingers in the room so you can hear your family's final goodbyes. 
“Y/N, I'm so sorry that I married Alexander,” she confessed. “I knew you loved him, but I married him anyway. It was incredibly selfish of me. I hope that in the afterlife you finally get to have the life with him you never had on earth. Make sure to tell him that I said hi.”
You opened your eyes and saw Alexander standing in front of you. He had an ethereal aura around him that made him glow.
“Alexander,” you smiled and hugged him tightly.
“Y/N,” he said, spinning you around.
You pulled away from the hug and kissed him passionately, something that was long overdue.
"She gave us her blessing, Alexander," you beamed. "The only one we ever needed."
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