#and 2. rend you asunder.
laesas · 5 months
muiren/martha for the ships bingo 👁👄👁
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okay context: Muiren is my beloved KCBR @kimchaybrainrot's character from our DnD game and Martha (played by my beloved D'Emma @thewholedamnboulangerie) is the hot jewellery and clothing seller npc that flirted with their character when she came through her stall at the market during our ✨shopping episode✨
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oozedninjas · 7 months
How do you think the 07 boys would react if the reader died? Like in an accident or killed by shredder or sm? just food for thoughts
They say there are five stages of grief...
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Leonardo will blame himself for it no matter how you die. Did you get sick? He's a ninja. He should have noticed the symptoms as soon as they appeared! Did the Shredder kill you? God, that's his worst nightmare. Because it not only means he failed as a partner, but he also failed as the leader of the team you belonged to. He couldn't protect you, and he can never forgive himself for that.
There must be some way to rebound it. His mind flashes from here to there, and Leo considers possibilities that in a normal situation would seem delusional. Could Donatello build a time machine? There must be some way to reverse it. There must be. It can't be that you're just... gone.
2. Anger
It's a sheer tough situation because even though he would want to fight recklessly, with no regard for himself, Leo has to be strong for others and continue playing his role as leader and older brother. So he bottles up his feelings; buries them deep until they slowly rot inside him.
When he faces the Shredder again, he notices that there is something different, and for the first time in decades, Shredder fears he may not win. I think Leo would also become rougher with low-ranked criminals, hitting harder than necessary. The terrifying part? It's always perfectly calculated.
Also, his brothers resent his anger during training because he becomes tougher and more demanding. However, it's only because Leo can't afford to lose anyone else. He wouldn't be able to bear it.
3. Bargaining
He should at least be able to compensate your family. Friends. Anyone who loved you as much as he did. Thinking about doing things for people who were close to you brings him a kind of comfort that appeases his anger. It's a way of trying to regain a sense of control over the situation and find a way to cope with his pain.
4. Depression
He'll never again feel the tender caress of your fingertips over his shell, the warmth of your lips pressed against his own, or the sweet melody of your laughter echoing through the lair. The realization grips his heart with an ironclad vice, suffusing his spirit. It's a devastating blow that rends his very soul asunder.
5. Acceptance
But you wouldn't want him to be sad forever. No, in fact, Leo is sure you'd be insisting that he needs to move on. It was okay to feel, to be upset and cry along the way, but it was time to get up. Master Splinter plays a very important role in how Leo slowly recovers himself. One step at a time.
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Donatello: It depends on how you die, but I believe what could drive him insane is if he loses you slowly due to an illness. That would be his personal hell because no matter how hard he tries to change things, researching new methods, creating medications, even biotechnology... nothing seems to yield results. Isn't he supposed to be a genius? What's the point of intellect if it can't use it to save you?!
"With this cryogenic capsule, I can keep her body intact a little longer," he tells your loved ones, who stare at him, paralyzed by the desperation in his eyes. "I can fix this. I can- I just need more time." But a person is not a machine, and your loved ones did not allow him to experiment.
A machine! That's it! Donatello made a copy of your memory and some parts of your consciousness before your departure; perhaps he could put that into a robot and somehow... maybe with enough effort and the right wires...
2. Anger
It worked, and yet it failed miserably. This thing in front of him looked like you, sounded like you, shared some memories, and yet, it felt utterly empty. How could he insult your memory out of his own desperation?
Donatello smashed his Bo staff into the control center, piercing it completely. He trembled a little as he continued to hold it, buried in the circuits. That night there was a blackout in the lair, and all that could be heard from the lab was the grinding of teeth.
3. Bargaining
It happened to you, but perhaps with all the research and testing, Donatello could prevent someone else from going through the same thing. So, he decided to sell his investigation, using a pseudonym and a couple of computer skills made it no problem to do it all from the lair. For him, it's like gradually adapting to the reality of his loss through these small actions.
4. Depression
To think that a robot could replace you. What the hell was he thinking? Your scent, the softness of your skin, the beautiful way you looked at him when discussing a new discovery, that could never be replicated. The lab, like his heart, felt terribly empty. It was a feeling as suffocating as it was overwhelming: knowing that you would never be there again, that he couldn't see or hear you anymore. Suddenly, he can't breathe.
Burying himself in his work keeps his mind occupied. He doesn't need sleep; he needs to progress with the research. Donatello escapes from every little space that could allow you to somehow appear in his mind.
5. Acceptance
April helped a lot in this part, as she was the one who started bringing you into the conversation with positive things, and Don has small spaces to feel shared nostalgia. April feels the same loss; she understands, and that is extremely comforting.
Over time, the feeling of emptiness left by your memory transitions to a bittersweet sensation, and gradually he allows himself to move forward, remembering you with a smile, with a fondness that embraces him from the bottom of his heart. Donatello learned that every minute counts, and for that reason, he now makes space to spend more time with the people he loves, and who love him in return.
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turnthemasunder-if · 1 year
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My Third Interactive Story
Turn Them Asunder is an interactive novel, about a little child's family was murdered by a Lycan seeking vengeance
There are 4 love interest for you to choose from, 2 males and females each with their own past and secrets for you to learn!
(Note: The RO's are not final. I might add more in the near future and that no romance is not a option. Also, I want this novel open as much as possible not restricting itself to the medieval time era or any kind of era. For example, I might put modern music in the novel.)
(Warning: 18+ The story includes the following: Violence, , swears, cliché's, innuendo and many more will be added in the future)
Link: Demo, Discord
It has been too long since that accursed night, too long since you enjoyed your life but the fates have chosen you as their unlucky entertainment.
Everything happened too fast, your parents were tucking you in bed and kissing your forehead goodnight. You feel safe and happy hoping that this will last forever and you dreamed about rainbows and sweets.
Then you eyes fluttered open to the sounds of scream echoing in the night, you rose up from your bed and went to the noise, creeping slowly on the staircase and you can hear fighting and cursing. Then what you saw that night will forever haunt you, your parents is fighting some sort of monstrosity at first you see them winning but the beast got it's second wind and overpowering your parents.
Killing them, rending their flesh and bathing and eating their insides their blood spraying on the walls and onto you but you were to shocked to notice it, to terrified to move and scream when the beast spotted you and planning that you will be their next meal.
The beast grabbed you by the neck and taking a bite of you, a nibble to be exact savoring each taste then that is when they bit you on the neck.
Well that's in the past, today your a hunter a special one of a kind hunter, you were cursed that night and you turned into a beast as well but you were different than the common creature of the night.]
You have their strengths but none of their weaknesses.
The hunt is beginning and you will end their unlife.
You know what they say; "It takes a monster to destroy a monster"
Pick your MC's gender
*Customize your MC's physical appearance.
*Make choices that will affect the story and the people around you.
*Improve your skills.
*Can you find love among the team? Know their story, see what makes them tick. 2 males and 2 females with their own personality and supernatural side.
*Will you follow and embrace the darkness that is festering within you or will you fight against it.
*Battle vampires, werewolfs, ghouls, thralls.
*Oh! A special voice will be talking to Tarnish!
Romance Options:
Maria Torres, A.K.A Spawn {F}
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"Size does not equate to performance!"
You’ve never met anyone like her before. She’s a Filipina, a former policewoman who left her homeland in search of a better life. But fate had other plans for her. One night, she heard a commotion taking in a dark alley, and something inside her snapped. She felt a surge of power, a primal instinct to protect the innocent and destroy crime. That was the night you found her, and turned her into one of your own.
She’s not just a woman, she’s a hybrid. A hunter, like you, who prowls the night for evil. Your uncle, the leader of your team, has assigned you to train her and teach her the ways of your kind. It’s not an easy task, but you’re determined to help her adapt and survive.
She’s a paradox, a contradiction. She’s tough and fierce, but also vulnerable and sensitive. She’s sarcastic and rude, but also shy and sweet. She’s small and lean, but also strong and wild. She’s like a irritating puzzle that won't fit in on the board and darn captivating as well, and you can’t help but feel drawn to her.
But she’s also stubborn and independent. She pushes you away at every turn, trying to keep her distance from you. She acts like she doesn’t need you, or anyone else. But when you flirt with her, she blushes and tries to hide her horrible poker and angwy face. You can tell she’s hiding something, something that makes her afraid to let you in.
"Will you be able to break through her walls, or will you fall victim to her feisty attitude? There’s something about Maria that will leave you breathless and curious. Her story is a mystery that you want to solve, and her character is one that you’ll fall in love with or fell in love with her personality."
Charles Tepes, A.K.A Bloodless {M}
Physical Appearance:
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"The soulless feeds on humans, while I feast on the vampires dead beating hearts!"
Meet the descendant of Vlad The Impaler himself, a powerful lineage that would make any vampire quake in fear. But despite his ancestry, he is seen as nothing more than a low blood by his fellow vampires. Why, you may ask? It's because his father committed the ultimate sin in the eyes of the Court Of Blood - he fell in love with a human, making his son a Dhampir.
As if that wasn't enough, his family was eradicated for violating the sacred rule of never weakening their line by cavorting with a human. It's no wonder why he's driven by vengeance, wanting to burn and stake those responsible for the trauma that he's suffered. He'll move heaven and earth to avenge the honor and lives of his past family, and nothing will stop him.
But beneath his hardened exterior lies a heart that beats with passion and longing. Can you be the one to reignite that spark, or will you end up on his list of bastards to get staked?
"He's a mysterious and alluring character, one that will leave you with goosebumps and a desire to know more about him. Despite his troubled past, there's something about him that draws you in, making you want to unravel the secrets of his heart. Will you take the chance and fall for this dark and brooding Charles?"
Angel Lustra, A.K.A Ripper {F}
Physical Appearance:
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"Top to the morning to yah! Business or pleasure?
As you approach the Legion's resident devil, Angel, you can't help but feel a sense of trepidation. Don't be fooled by the name, for she's no heavenly creature. But as you get closer, you also can't deny the allure that surrounds her. There's something about her that draws you in, despite the danger that seems to emanate from her very being.
Angel is not just any blacksmith - she's the one responsible for developing the weapons of the team. And she takes her job very seriously. Her nickname is not just for show, as she's earned it in the most brutal and satisfying way - by leaving her enemies to rest in pieces.
She's an unhinged and demolition specialist, and she wants every weapon she crafts to make the creatures combust or implode. Her services may be acceptable, but when she's deployed on the battlefield, heads will always roll and blood will run freely.
As you try to court Angel, you can't help but wonder if you'll be able to stay in one piece. Her past suitors have not fared well, and you can still feel the chill that runs down your spine when you think about the gruesome ends they met.
They all ended up as mutilated corpses, or worse, as her personal playthings. But you think you can be different. You think you can tame the beast within her, and make her yours.
"But there's something about Angel that makes you want to take the risk. Her bloodthirsty aura, combined with her deadly skills and sharp wit, is enough to make anyone weak in the knees. Can you resist her dangerous charm and win her heart without losing your own? Angel is a character that will make your heart race and your skin crawl with burning desire or maybe your just burning in flames right now?"
Chase Holland, A.K.A Seeker {M}
Physical Appearance:
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"I hope this playfulness of yours is good in bed, yes?"
You’ve always been curious about the Lycan and tracker of the group. He’s a self-proclaimed incubus, a lover of all things living and breathing. He claims it’s his nature, his animal instinct, but you wonder if he’s just hiding behind his lust. He’s a skilled hunter, and he never fails to deliver his target. But he also never misses a chance to seduce anyone who catches his eye. He’s charming, but he’s also reckless.
Despite his sleazy demeanor, there's something dark and intriguing about him. He avoids talking about it, and whenever you try to pry, he distracts you with his compliments. He makes you feel special, but you also know he says the same thing to everyone else.
But as you spend more time with him, you start to see a different side of him. A side that’s deeper, more complex, more genuine. A side that makes you want to know him better, and maybe even love him.
"Will you be able to break through his walls and reach his heart? Or will you be just another notch on his belt? Chase is a character that will make your pulse quicken and your mind wander will limitless possibilities on the topic of love and its sub-topics. Will your love for him blossom into something real and everlasting, or will it be just a dust on the wind?"
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tgrailwar · 2 years
Tumblr Holy Grail War, Another End: Night 1 (ALL SERVANTS)
Team Foreigner got Van Gogh's composure to 0! Something is happening!
Echoing laugher. Triumphant laughter. The laughter of a Servant who had lost everything. The laughter of a Servant who had gained everything.
Van Gogh. A patchwork Servant from beyond the void. Laughed.
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VAN GOGH: "Ah... my deception ends here. Look upon 'Van Gogh'... the false Servant named Van Gogh... isn't it horrible? Isn't it beautiful? Ahaha... AHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
A pulse emanating from the Servant shattered the bounds of the digital landscape that had been called 'reality'. This was the power of the Foreigner-class. The true power of the Foreigner-class, when deprived of the chains of 'logic' that bound it.
Six other Servants were hit by the pulse, the world around them collapsing, throwing them into hell. Havoc overwhelming. Chaos overflowing. A wave of utter madness, grabbing the minds of the enemy Servants and rending them asunder.
First, the Assassin.
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Assassin: "...Where the hell am I... what the hell is that?!"
The Assassin drew his sword, uncharacteristic fear filling his mind and body. A shadow formed, vaguely in the shape of a Servant, unsettlingly enough. It lunged forward, as he stepped back, trying to defend himself as more shadows appeared.
Shadows from his peripheral, shadows that he couldn't see but hear, shadows that he couldn't hear but see.
Shadows that weren't real.
Shadows that were far too real.
Then, the Rider.
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Rider: "Back off! Get away from me!"
He yelled, trying to add as much authority as he could as the false illusions patched together by real madness inched closer.
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Archer: "...You're not real! You're an illusion, like Caster's Noble Phantasm!"
He yelled, as he tried to lie to himself, fingers rending at the stark white of his clothing, causing it to dye red. His own fingertips rent asunder as the skin on them began to wear down and redden as he scratched and screamed at nothing.
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Saber: "Come at me! I'll cut you to pieces!"
She yelled, her sword swiping forward. It drew blood, before she screamed, clutching at her own shoulder as it bled profusely as it was struck in an identical spot.
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Lancer: "Heh. You think you're cute, huh? We'll see how cute you think you are when this spear goes right through you!"
...An alliance, formerly airtight, splintered in seconds by the maddened wave of the unleashed Foreigner. Their identities began to crumble, as they engaged in bloody warfare.
Only two Servants stood in the wave unaffected. Perhaps both of them had already reached the crux of their madness to begin with, or perhaps they had already witnessed hell, and so this void was nothing but a reprieve.
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Tortured Youth: "...So this is what you can do, Foreigner? I hope you're not plannin' on killin' me like the others?"
Patchwork Servant: "Ehehehe! Play with me, Avenger! Spin with me! Dance with me! Sing with me! Paint with me! Create with me! Don't mind the pain! Thrash and scream! Let's kill each other, and use our blood to repaint the world!"
Tortured Youth: "...Thought so. And here I wasted that mana boosting you up. Well, that's just my luck. Whatever, this little game sounds like fun either way. Let's play, Foreigner!"
Reality itself began to unravel, already thin threads snapping apart under the pressure of the Foreigner-class Servant!
Team Foreigner got Van Gogh's composure to 0! Team Foreigner used 'Wave of Madness'! With Van Gogh's composure at 0, she temporarily gains access to all of her skills until the battle ends!
Alliances are temporarily severed within Void Space! It's utter chaos! This is a battle for survival!
If Van Gogh wins first place, she'll inflict 2 wounds on every Servant!
If Van Gogh doesn't get first, then any Servant that scores under Van Gogh will sustain 1 wound!
Any non-Foreigner-class Servant that ends up in last place will sustain 3 wounds and be destroyed instantly!
Any non-Foreigner-class Servant that ends up above Van Gogh will be safe!
If Van Gogh gets last place, she'll sustain 3 wounds, but will lash out and inflict 1 wound on every Servant! if she gets anything other than 1st, she'll simply sustain 1 wound!
Skills such as 'Battle Continuation' or 'Independent Action' are nullified! Servants who perish in Void Space are gone!
Van Gogh's 'Wave of Madness' gives every other Servant a -10% demerit! …Angra Mainyu's been spared from the demerit?!
Angra Mainyu gave Van Gogh a +5% boost!
Musashi and Arjuna have been cursed by 'Soul of the Water Channels'! They have a -3% demerit for this round! This will stack with the current application of 'Soul of the Water Channels', meaning Musashi and Arjuna have -6%, and the others have -3%!
Final Score Augmentations:
Van Gogh: +41% Angra Mainyu: -40% Miyamoto Musashi: -29% Mandricardo: -36% Okada Izou: -36% Cu Chulainn: -21% Arjuna: -39%
Active Servant Skills and Current Statuses:
Van Gogh (Foreigner):
Het Gele Huis (A+) - When winning first place in a Free-for-All, inflict 2 wounds on the bottom Servant, rather than just one. If engaged in a one-on-one, inflict 2 wounds instead of one upon victory. Additionally, reduce Servant bonuses by 10%, and if the gap between scores is greater than 35% when winning, recover from a 'wound'.
Soul of the Water Channels (EX) - When fighting in a free-for-all, gain a +10% boost, and inflict a persistent 3% demerit on enemy Servants for this round and the next. When fighting one-on-one, gain a +5% boost, and inflict a -2% demerit to them for this round and the next.
Void Space Fine Arts (B+) - If receiving a demerit from enemies larger than 10%, convert it into a +10% boost. Gain a +5% boost, and add another +3% if going against a Servant who has been cursed by the demerit from 'Soul of the Water Channels'. Gain the ability to sustain one more wound than normal.
Existence Outside the Domain (A) - Gain an immunity from demerits, and also reduce enemy Servant boosts by 5%.
Insanity (C) - Gain a +5% boost.
Item Construction (B-) - Lower the victory gap for the 'recovery effect' of "Het Gule Huis" from 35% to 25%.
Divinity (B+) - Lower enemy boosts by -5%, and increase own buffs by 3%.
Curse of Sunflower (A) - When on her final wound, gain a +7% boost.
Van Gogh has [2/7] wounds!
Angra Mainyu (Avenger)
Zarich: Right Fang Grinder (C) - Reduce enemy Servant boosts by -3%.
Tawrich: Left Fang Grinder (C) - Gain a +3% attack boost.
Annihilation Wish (A) - When fully healed, gain a -20% demerit to his final score. With one wound, the demerit is reduced to -10%. With two wounds, the demerit is changed to a +20% boost.
Grail Curse, All The World's Evils (EX) - When part of a battle that results in a Servant dying, absorb a part of their essence. Take a random one of their combat skills for Avenger's own use and recover one Command Spell. Those are the only effects. ...Probably.
Angra Mainyu is uninjured!
Miyamoto Musashi (Saber)
Heavenly Demonic Thundering Eye (EX) - When fighting in a free-for-all, gain +10% to your final score, and reduce their scores by -5%. If fighting a Servant one-on-one, if the gap between scores is above 20%, inflict 2 wounds.
Battle Continuation (EX) - If she loses a confrontation while on her final wound, if there's only a 10% difference between the scores of her and her opponent (non-allied Servant), she can slip out unscathed.
Musashi is on her last wound! 'Battle Continuation EX' is nullified within Void Space!
Mandricardo (Rider)
Brigliadoro's Neigh (A) - Increases the Rider-class trait to +5% rather than +3% in free-for-all brawls.
Armor of the Nine Worthies (A) - When attacked, reduces the amount of the Servant's final combat poll result by 10%.
Mandricardo has [1/3] wounds!
Okada Izou (Assassin)
Man-Slayer (A) - When fighting a Servant that possesses a wound, gain a +3% boost. When fighting a Servant that possesses 2 wounds, gain +5% instead.
Izou has [1/3] wounds!
Cu Chulainn (Lancer)
Rune Magecraft (B) - When fighting in a free-for-all, gain a +5% to combat score results. Additionally, any skills that reduce scores against Lancer will have their effectiveness reduced by 1%.
Battle Continuation (A) - Is able to take 4 'wounds' instead of the normal 3. On his last ‘wound’, gain a permanent +5% boost to final combat poll results.
Protection from Arrows (B) - When going against an Archer, Caster or Assassin-class Servant, gain a +5% to final combat poll results, and reduce their results by 5% as well.
Cu Chulainn has [2/4] wounds!
Arjuna (Archer)
Hero of the Endowed (A) - If fighting an enemy Servant, and the difference between scores is within 3%, take the win.
Mana Burst (Flame) (A) - Gain a +8% boost to combat poll results when attacked during 'playing defensively', rather than +3%. When not ‘playing defensively’, gains a 5% boost to final combat poll results instead.
Independent Action (A) - After receiving his third 'wound', he has one more round to attempt to attack before fading away. (Cannot be healed during this period via Command Spell).
Arjuna is on his final wound! Independent Action is nullified by Void Space!
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love4heejayke · 11 months
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SYNOPSIS: Born from the full moon's light, Y/N is sent by her witch aunt on a secret mission to Decilis Academy, the purpose of which is to investigate the source of the obscure energy that hovers under the Silver Millennium. However, when she saves her roomate Sooha from the attack of dark creatures with the power to fortify themselves from the energy of nightmares and discovers her secret identity, she promises not to tell her friends, but everything changes once she falls for Lee Heli, one of Decelis' star students and posibily, her past life's lover.
TAGLIST #1: (closed) @enhacolor @amarillyis @ckline35 @fairycheol @jeanbobean @heejakegf @axartia @ineedcoffeeandtherapy @rosie-is-everywhere @prdxinvade @heedeungieluvbot @jungwonnnnnnnnnnnn @bambisgirl @yebin14 @m4r1eluvs (can't tag you bae, sorry)
TAGLIST #2: (open) [comment or send ask] @bluemanifesto @ineedaherosavemeenow @ahnneyong @jiawji @aki1e @yjjungwon @vatterie @captivq @enhastolemyheart @jaxavance @dimplewonie @talia02 @cherriegyu @l1lac-dreamer @beechmoons @niki7flwoie (can't tag you all, sorry)
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8 - the new student who wants to learn (7)
Deep in his slumber, Jaan found himself in a twisted dream, immersed in the Silver Millennium. Soldiers of Solari clashed against him, alongside wizards, witches, werewolves, vampires, and fairies of the New Moon. His muscles pulsed with raw strength, his movements as swift as the wind.
But amidst the chaos, his heart ached as he faced Solon, twisted into a corrupted form of his once loyal self, his body transformed into that of a fearsome werewolf. The clash between them felt like a battle against his very soul. Jaan fought to restrain his ferocity, yearning to prevent Solon's demise at his own hands. He strived to find a way to subdue his friend without extinguishing his life.
Each adversary fell before his might, but Jaan's heart weighed heavy with guilt. As the battle raged on, he encountered Solon once more, wounded and surrounded by a gruesome pool of crimson. The sight of Solon's blood-stained fur and the stench of death stopped him in his tracks.
A surge of guilt and sorrow coursed through Jaan. He was overwhelmed by the realization that he had fought against those he cared for, even his closest friend. His hands, once fierce and unyielding, now trembled with the weight of his actions. The realization of what he had done paralyzed him, rending his spirit asunder.
Awakening from the nightmare, his chest heaved with breathless panic. The tendrils of the dream lingered, haunting his mind even in the waking world. His energy felt drained, as if the nightmare had sapped his very life force. Sleep eluded him, the images of battle and his own inner turmoil refusing to relent.
Jaan lay still in the darkness, grappling with the residual emotions of guilt and helplessness. The specter of his dream clung to him like a shadow, and he yearned for a respite from its grip. But for now, he was left to grapple with the remnants of his nightmarish struggle, alone with the echoes of his own inner conflict.
Embraced in his dreams, Heli found himself in the outer hall of the Silver Millennium, a realm where nobility and power reigned. In his hand, he wielded a sword of Solari make, its blade gleaming with a fierce light. On his other hand, he held the delicate hand of a Lunari princess, their connection symbolizing a bond beyond realms. The air was thick with tension as corrupted humans and vampires of the New Moon sought to breach their defenses.
With every swing of his sword, Heli's heart blazed with determination, his muscles fueled by a mixture of fear and duty. He fought with unyielding resolve, striking down foe after foe to protect the princess he held dear. The clash of metal against metal reverberated through the night, as his devotion was tested against the encroaching darkness.
But as the confrontation intensified, a figure cloaked in the obsidian robes of dark magic emerged. A wicked smile played upon her lips as she summoned an ethereal blade infused with the malevolent magic of the New Moon. Heli's instincts screamed danger, but before he could react, the blade pierced through his defenses and plunged into his heart.
Pain seared through him, and the world spun into an abyss of darkness. His strength waned, and he collapsed, his vision clouding as he succumbed to the overwhelming assault of darkness.
Jolting awake, Heli's breath was ragged, his body drenched in cold sweat. His hand instinctively touched his chest, as if to confirm his heart's beating. An incandescent warmth pulsed through him, as if the remnants of his dream had manifested in reality. Rising from his bed, he stumbled toward the mirror, his heart pounding louder than any battle cry.
His reflection met his gaze, yet it wasn't his own. The hair that cascaded around his face had transformed, its color shifting to a fiery copper hue. Sparks of Sun mana danced along his fingertips, casting an eerie glow. But what truly froze him was the sight of Nyx's visage staring back at him from the mirror, her enigmatic eyes piercing his very soul.
Doubt and disbelief gnawed at him as he questioned the nature of his reality.
Had his dream seeped into his waking life? Or was his mind playing tricks on him?
As his fingers trembled against the cool surface of the mirror, Heli found himself entangled in a web of uncertainty, desperately seeking the truth amidst the shadowy fragments of his own subconscious.
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Nestled like a hidden gem amidst the vast expanse of the tranquil sea, the island of Hecatia emerges as an enchanting oasis of beauty and serenity. The very air seems to shimmer with an otherworldly aura, casting a spell of calm and reverence upon all who set foot on its shores. Verdant landscapes and pristine beaches paint a picture of untouched natural magnificence.
Lush tropical foliage blankets the island in a riot of colors, ranging from deep emerald greens to vibrant floral hues. Towering trees with twisted trunks and hanging vines create natural archways, inviting travelers to explore the secrets of the island. Glistening waterfalls cascade down rugged cliffs, their tranquil melodies a soothing backdrop to the sanctuary's atmosphere.
Amidst the verdant sanctuary, a sprawling temple stands as a testament to the island's rich history. This temple, built of age-worn stone, boasts intricate carvings and ethereal symbols that speak of a legacy steeped in mysticism. It is here that the lore of Hecate's reign takes root, a tale of refuge and rebirth for the Lunari people.
In a time of chaos and conflict, as Solari and Lunari clashed in intense battles, the island of Hecatia rose as a beacon of hope for the displaced Lunari. The first reign of Hecate, wise and revered, saw her extend her hand to her people in need. Hecatia became a haven, a safe haven for those seeking solace from the storm of war.
The temple, a sanctuary of spiritual connection, became a gathering place for the Lunari refugees. Here, under the watchful gaze of Hecate, they found respite from the carnage and a chance to heal. The island's natural beauty and tranquil atmosphere served as a balm for their wounded souls, offering them a chance to mend and rebuild.
In the moonlit nights, stories of Hecate's reign and the island's protective aura were passed down through generations. The whispers of the wind seemed to carry the wisdom of the past, reminding the Moon people of their strength and resilience.
As time passed, Hecatia evolved into a living testament to the enduring legacy of Hecate's reign. The island's essence remained intertwined with its history, an oasis of healing and sanctuary for those who sought to connect with their spiritual roots. Visitors still come to this day, drawn by the echoes of the past and the whispers of Hecate's wisdom, to find solace in the embrace of the island's serene landscapes and its timeless stories of refuge and renewal.
And among them was Noa, whose steps were heavy with the weight of lost mana, venturing towards its entrance. A solemn aura embraced the place, as if the very air resonated with the echoes of forgotten incantations.
As he stepped inside, the cool air wrapped around him, offering a sanctuary from the tumultuous world outside. The flickering candles cast dancing shadows upon the walls, creating an almost ethereal ambiance. Noa's steps echoed through the hall, each one a reminder of the journey he was about to undertake.
Just as he entered deeper into the temple, a rustle caught his attention. Turning, he saw Heli and Solon, almost as if they had materialized from the very walls themselves. Heli's knowing smile met his gaze, while Solon's playful demeanor held a hint of mischief.
Solon quipped, "You know, for a place that looks like it's straight from nightmares, this island's got an eerie charm. Wouldn't this be a perfect place to relax with Sooha?"
A quiet laugh escaped Heli's lips as he nodded, a hint of agreement in his eyes. Yet, their playful banter soon dissolved as they sensed the spiritual weight of the place around them.
With a silent understanding, the trio dispersed, each finding a personal nook within the temple's serene expanse. Noa settled in front of an ancient altar, his hands resting on the cool stone as he closed his eyes. A meditative breath ushered him into a state of introspection, where he aimed to reclaim the mana that had been lost and to untangle the threads of his lineage.
Heli's form seemed to blend into the gentle glow of the candles as he, too, sought solace in meditation. His features bore an expression of focused contemplation, as if he were delving into the depths of his soul. Solon, with his innate ease, leaned against a stone pillar, his eyes half-lidded as if he was absorbing the temple's energy.
Amidst the silence and tranquility, their thoughts intertwined like the smoke rising from the candles. The air was imbued with a mixture of solemnity and anticipation, as if the temple held answers to long-standing questions. Noa felt the tendrils of his mana responding to his inner call, returning to him with a comforting embrace.
As minutes flowed into a timeless stream, Noa sensed his roots intertwining with the mana, like old friends reuniting. His questions about his origins and connection to this enigmatic island pulsed like an urgent heartbeat within him.
Suddenly, their individual meditations converged, and the three found themselves united once again. As they exchanged knowing glances, the temple's energy seemed to shift, as if responding to their presence. And then, they encountered her – the enigmatic figure of Professor Enodia, Noa's guide to mystical meditation.
No way, is she really here?
Who is she? Heli asked through his telepathy
Professor Enodia, my teacher from Mystical Meditation!
"Good to see you here, Noa. Are those your friends?"
"More than this, teacher. These are my brothers, Heli and Solon."
"Pleasure to meet you, madam." Heli and Solon bowed to the sorceress
"Pleasure is mine, gentlemen."
"What brings you here, madam?" asked Solon
"As every Lunarosian who comes to this temple, we seek guidance for the Lady of Crossroads, to guide us on the path of peace. And this very morning, I had a vision."
"A vision of what, Mrs. Enodia?"
"Visions of rebirth and enlightenment have led me here. Yet, before the dawn of such illumination, an era of darkness and demise shall descend. Be prepared for the trials that lie ahead, gentleman."
The weight of her words hung in the air, infusing the temple's tranquility with a sense of foreboding. Noa, Heli, and Solon exchanged solemn glances, understanding that their paths were intertwined with forces far beyond their current comprehension.
"Do you believe what she said was true?"
"I hope not, Noa, because that sorceress gives me the creeps." Solon answered with a hint of fear in his voice
"Anyway, guys, we can't let anything we saw there ruin our day, because only we can choose whether to let this vision come true or not."
In the heart of the Silver Millennium's knowledge, Taho, the sorcerer of the Boys of Destiny, at Selene's request, took on the mission of teaching his daughter to control her lunar powers, such a responsibility that neither Taho nor Y/N felt comfortable with. assume it, given the fact that the two maintained a distant relationship with each other, more so on the part of the fairy, who felt intimidated by the displays of intelligence, skill and power that she demonstrated at UVIC. But as time went by, the relationship between the fairy and the wizard gradually lost its strangeness, to the point where they felt comfortable sharing each other's feelings. She was determined to learn from him to amplify her lunar powers, in particular her ability to sense heartbeats with her Moon magic, tied with all the books displayed in these shelters.
"Focus, Y/N. Don't let anything get in the way of your connection to your inner mana. Feel every heartbeat around you and try to locate the book you need." he asked with his serene and ethereal voice
She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, trying to follow her mentor's instructions. Her connection to the Moon was undeniable, and she wanted to hone her skill to protect her kingdom. The shadows in the library seemed to dance in response to her concentration.
However, as Y/N deepened her connection to the Moon's magic, something unexpected happened. An intense wind was forming, with all the books flying in a circle around her, so a strong feeling of conflict began to grow within her, an internal battle between her fairy form and her human form. The two voices echoed in her head, enveloped in a wave of platinum blue mana released into the air.
"Please help me!"
"Not you again, you parasite! You can't stop me!"
"You don't understand! I need to leave!"
Taho saw the anguish in her eyes and immediately understood the gravity of the situation. "Don't despair! Take a deep breath and try to stay calm!"
He tried to use her eye mana to copy her magic and cast a counterspell, but Y/N's internal struggle wouldn't cease.
Her brows furrowed as her powers wavered, and a turbulent internal struggle commenced within her. The delicate balance between her fae and human forms teetered on the precipice. Memories surged forth, memories of her mother, Selene, shouting at her after a near-fatal incident saving the Boys of Destiny. The emotions of despair and guilt washed over her, intensifying her internal conflict.
Tears welled in her eyes as she tried to regain control. Her headache flared, the pain radiating from the core of her being. She staggered, overwhelmed by the emotional maelstrom within her.
Panicking, Taho rushed through the palace corridors in search of his mentor, Hecate. His voice echoed through the chambers, calling for her aid. He knew that the turmoil within his friend's magical essence was beyond his expertise, and he needed the guidance and wisdom of Hecate, the venerable guardian of lunar magic.
"Mistress! I need your help!"
"What happened?"
"Is Y/N, she is…"
Worried about the girl's condition, the priestess approached the girl, placing her head on her chest to check her heartbeat, they were beating weakly, but far beyond that she heard Dalia and Y/N vying for control of that mortal body, soon She already knew what to do.
"Is she dead, Mistress?"
"No. Just unconscious, but I can revive her, step aside."
With her arms raised and eyes closed, Hecate summoned sparks of purple mana to invoke yet another spell of hers: Spiritual Reanimation of the Crescent Moon. Placing her palms under the semi mortal's chest, the sorceress applied enough force to release all the concentrated mana and awakened her from her state, widening her eyes and exhaling deeply. Amazed, but impressed by his master's power, her apprentice asked:
"Holy Vahgr, what was this?"
"The Spiritual Reanimation of the Crescent Moon. It is a charm that allows its summoner to awaken unconscious beings, however, it does not revive the dead, as their bodies no longer have the vital force to return to life."
As Y/N blinked her eyes, her vision gradually became clearer and when she stood up, she saw the wizard and her mentor witch, staring at her with pale expressions of concern, but their faces lit up when they realized that she was alive and responding well to his signals, so Taho approached her friend and wrapped her in a tender hug of relief.
"What… what happened?"
"It's a complicated story, but I can tell you everything."
"Taho, allow me to stay with my niece for a while?"
"Are you sure about this, ma'am?"
"Absolutely, young man. I may have an idea of ​​what is going on with my niece, but I ask that you give us the privacy we need to figure it out."
"Understood. If you excuse me." the wizard bowed and left
In the silence of the Chamber of Prayers, Y/N sat before her aunt Hecate, worried about her lack of control over her lunar magic. Hecate, the priestess of the Lunari religion, looked her in the eyes with an expression of serenity.
"Y/N, my dear, the answer to your lack of control lies in your connection to your past lives. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Focus on channeling your lunar magic throughout the chamber."
She closed her eyes as instructed and began to breathe slowly and deeply, trying to calm her mind. As she did so, images of her dreams began to unfold before her.
She saw a tall male figure, belonging to the Solari people, fighting a dark threat involving humans, vampires, witches and wolves corrupted by the darkness of the New Moon. This figure was determined to protect Princess Dalia from the darkness that threatened to cover the Silver Millennium.
However, as the dream images unfolded, her human form and her fairy form began to intersperse, and a sharp pain seized her head. Witnessing that tormenting scene, the Lunarosian priestess already understood what was happening.
"Everything now makes sense, you are facing an internal struggle between your fairy form and your human form," Hecate explained. "They are vying for control of the same body, due to some memories from their past life."
The mortal opened her eyes, with tears of frustration in her eyes. "What can I do to stop this? This pain is unbearable."
"As the Lady of Crossroads to my people, I cannot force you to follow one path, nevertheless, I can offer you two choices. You can renege on the call of fate and risk self-destruction, or you can embrace the lessons of your reincarnation and become stronger through them."
Confused and distressed by her aunt's riddle, she left the Prayer Chamber and returned to her room. She lay down on her bed and entered a deep state of self-reflection, looking regretfully at the Tourmaline Forget-Me-Not, which she had hidden with her magic during the Mystic Meditation lesson.
As she alternated looking at the ceiling and the flower, her mind was flooded with incessant questions that hadn't left her head since the first time she started having these dreams:
 What is happening to my life?
 What is the reason for such suffering?
Who am I meant to be?
 Is all this linked to my destiny?
Then, as if she had read her mind, Avys knocked on her bedroom door.
“Excuse me, Y/N, can I come in?”
Slightly waving her hand, she invoked her magic to open the door and allow Avys to enter, but next to him was Sapphire, and from the disappointment on their faces, she soon realized that her welcome would not be as warm as she had hoped it would be.
"Why are you here?"
"Taho told me about what happened in the library."
"So what? You came to punish me for my recklessness?" the fairy mocked, imitating Selene's tone of voice
"No. I trust you, but I want you to tell me the truth about what happened after my healing ritual, ESPECIALLY about the fight you had with your mother."
The moment Y/N looked into her friend's dark and sad eyes, she understood what it was about, although hesitantly, she closed her eyes, took a deep breath and sank her nails into her knees, revealing to him everything she wanted to know and Sapphire, after glancing at them, opened her ears to listen to her owner.
A/N: one step closer to what are you all waiting for, I HOPE.
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bylagunabay · 8 months
Unseen Warfare
(2 minute read)
Is there discord in your family, infighting in your business or corporation, factions in your religious organization and war in your neighborhood? If so, you may want to watch the homily by Venerable Bishop Fulton J. Sheen on the actions of the diabolic in our daily life.
𝑺𝒐 𝑰 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒄 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒔𝒚𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒄 𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒘. 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒖𝒑 𝒐𝒇 𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚, 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒖𝒑 𝒐𝒇 𝒇𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒔, 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒖𝒑 𝒐𝒇 𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔, 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒖𝒑 𝒐𝒇 𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔, 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒖𝒑 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕 …
(The concise description in the video of the action of the diabolic begins at 4:43 and ends at 11:24. But for further details, please finish watching the video.)
“I thought perhaps you might be interested in hearing about the Devil from a sound philosophical and theological point of view. I'm going to describe to you the Devil, first from the psychiatric point of view, and secondly from the biblical. First the psychiatric.
It is interesting that as we drop things in the Church the world begins to pick them up and distorts them. Now we, for example, the nuns drop the long habits, the girls put on maxi coats. We stop saying the beads, hippies put the beads around their neck. And, as theologians dropped the demonic, the psychiatrists picked it up.
[Dr.] Rollo May of Rockefeller Institute has several chapters in his work on psychiatry on the diabolic. What is the diabolic from the purely psychiatric point of view? Dr. Rollo May analyzes the word diabolic, it comes from the Greek words dia and ballein. Diaballein is to tear apart, rend asunder. Anything, therefore, that breaks pattern, that destroys unity, that corrupts gestalt, produces discord, that is the diabolical. Now, there has been a great increase of the diabolic. Notice for example the discord in the Church, the discord in religious communities, the discord among the laity regards the Church, discord in the clergy. All these are manifestations of a spirit of the diabolic that surrounds us.
Now this psychiatrist [Dr. May] analyzes the way in which the diabolic works. And he mentions three: First love of nudity. Secondly, violence, aggressiveness. Thirdly, split personalities, no inner peace, disjointed minds.
[ … ]
Our Blessed Lord one time went into the land of the Gerasenes… and he found in this land a young man possessed of the Devil (Mark 5:1-20). The Gospel mentions three characteristics of this young man. First he was nude. Secondly, he was violent and aggressive. They could not even keep him in chains. And thirdly, his mind was split, schizophrenic. Our Lord said to him, "What is your name?" He said, "My name is Legion."
Now a legion in his time meant six thousand soldiers in the Roman army. See already he is a person and yet he is legion, six thousand others. My name is legion for we are many. See the personality is no longer unified, I, Legion, we many. Now this psychiatrist does not ever correlate his three manifestations of the diabolic with this young man in the Gospel. I am doing that because I could not help but notice the similarity between the two. So from just a superficial point of view, the diabolic disrupts, and whenever you have a great manifestation of the Spirit you always get the Devil working. When for example, Moses in the Old Testament worked miracles against Pharaoh, Pharaoh's agents simulated a few miracles. When the Holy Spirit came upon the early Church at Pentecost, there was the persecution of Stephen. We had a Vatican Council, the blessing of the Spirit upon the Church. And we have immediately the manifestation of the evil spirit.
So I just leave you with this characteristic note of the diabolic from the psychiatric point of view. The breakup of unity, the breakup of families, the breakup of corporations, the breakup of religious communities, the breakup the oneness of Christ … “
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pentacass · 8 months
Boss Battle + OST - Vestra/Darth Avriss (inspired by this post)
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[Phase 1 - Heart of Chaos] - Peace is a lie.
Darth Avriss deigns to turn her eye upon you - a gnat, a parasite, long overdue for a mercy-killing. You face the might of a Lord of the Dark Council, heir to Kallig and Tulak Hord; the music heralds your doom and the struggle to come.
Her main moveset involves lightning and the occasional debuff, alternating between AOE lightning storms and lethal bolts at random targets. It is complemented with bursts of lightsaber attacks - moves adapted from Kallig's ancient manuals. Swift, efficient, but not the strongest of physical attacks. They deal less damage than lightning, but have a chance to deal a crippling effect.
She is agile, pounces between foes. Now and then, you hear her laughter amid the chaos of battle. She is playing with you, a predator toying with its food. She prods you for weaknesses and, perhaps, the potential to show her a better fight.
[Phase 2 - Divine Love] - (Terrible) Transcendence.
The Forcewalker reveals her full strength, and the music unfurls with a grandeur to match. You have proven your strength, and are now a threat in her eyes. She calls on all four Force ghosts tethered to her. Light grows dark. The air chills your skin. Death comes for you - en garde.
Her moveset remains the same, with increased damage. It is bolstered by four new moves, one from each ghost. Two lightsaber-based, two Force-based. Protect your healers - she wants to bleed you slow, drain the light of hope from your eyes, before dealing the final blow.
[Phase 3 - Almighty Bhunivelze] - Not all gods are of heaven.
Darth Avriss on her last legs - take utmost care. She is desperate, wounded, enraged. Logic is conquered by the destructive need to rend the world asunder, and drag you into oblivion with her. The music is still grand and intimidating, but incredibly discordant - reflecting her state of mind.
She consumes her ghosts wholly, absorbing their strength for one final blaze of glory. Almost all light dies in the chamber. The very ground beneath your feet shakes. The Force starts to unravel in her death grip. Her four ghost moves remain, but occur with increasing, erratic frequency. She is losing control, losing herself amid the ingestion of four separate souls, memories and all.
Put her out of her misery. Whittle down her health, pry loose her grip on stolen power. Leave her alone in her own skin, in her own mind, endure her last barrage of (AOE) lightning. Cut her down, let her collapse; a broken monument to her own failure, one final reminder of her mortality.
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🍋 and 🎁 for the sidestep(s) of your choosing?
🍋Do you have a song that you associate with them? (Wheel Says Rashad)
Oh, man, I've been hoping someone asks me song questions! I'm a big nerd for music, lyrics, and symbolism. Rashad had two whole playlists that I need to clean up and consolidate: Speaker for the Dead (their personal and villainous playlist) and Four Knights Game (a playlist analyzing the trajectory of the relationships between Rashad, Wei, Ricardo, and their puppet Xiao).
I've already briefly mentioned Dangerous by Son Lux on my recap of Rashad's origins (though I'd be happy to expand upon it, if you're interested). So I'd like to pull what I feel is one of the most Rashad-esque song off of Four Knights Game: De Selby (Part 2) by Hozier.
The themes of running from your anxieties and wishing for nonexistance juxtaposed against the comfort of someone you love and trust, who sees you and might could understand you, and the sweet rending asunder as both sides pull you is such a peak Rashad story. Paired with that low bass and the longing croon of Hozier's voice feels tonally aesthetic to them.
🎁What is something they keep like: a souvenir, a keepsake, or a family heirloom; that means a lot to them? Why is it so important to them? (Wheel Says Mateo)
Mateo keeps a few things that remind him of his old life, but are not actually from before the Heartbreak Incident. Cheap snacks eaten in cornerstores with friends. An old console with couch co-op games that he can't play anymore, because there are no neighborhood teens from the little street he spent learning about humanity beyond the Farm.
He has a necklace that stayed in his locker as he went back to the Farm. It used to hold a crucifix that he tossed out when Ricardo gave it back to him. He kept the saint pendant, though, out of nostalgia and a caustic sense of humor. It's of San Judas Tadeo, patron saint of hope and impossible causes. Along the bottom it reads, ruega por nosotros.
But, mostly, what he's kept as a tie to the old woman who took him in from his first escape from the Farm is his name. She always told him he was a gift from God, so he took a name to reflect that.
Find More OC Asks Here!
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junietwohundred · 7 months
I’m really bad at Helldivers 2, and I went to my friend's chat to moan a little and beg for tea and symphathy.
And my friends were super supportive! They're dudes in their 30s and 40s who have done a lot to unlearn toxic masculinity. I love them like brothers.
I wanted to post screenshots (with their permission) to show an example of heartwarming healthy gamer culture. But then I realized tumblr would pick up on a particular detail and fixate on that to the exclusion of the message.
Because, you see, we're all in our 30s and 40s. Our gaming chat takes place in fucking
Because we use it all day anyway. We are middle aged and we're becoming set in our ways.
I love video games. I have my whole life. I have memories of playing Atari with my dad when I was about 3.
But then my brother came along, and once he was old enough for computers and games, his deep interest in them was encouraged while mine was allowed to languish because I took to them more slowly. I struggle with hand-eye coordination sometimes, and everyone would get frustrated and take the controller away.
(My brother is amazing. Any animus I had toward him has long since been sorted out.)
So I can't post the screenshots. You fuckers (affectionate) would rend me asunder. And I'd deserve it, because who leaves an opening like that? That's just an unforced error.
I scrolled back up to read this, and I swear to god I startef this post thinking I would post the screenshots with minimal context, setting up the "hey, isn't that slack?" reblog for someone else and sparking a chain of mocking reblogs. It was gonna be funny.
Fuck that. My amazing friends deserve better than to be the butt of the joke.
Good night, tumblr. I'll see you in the morning.
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royal1asset-if · 2 years
Upcoming IF's
Kamusta mga kapatid( Hello brethrens)
So my brain is being a rebellious bitch, I wanted my brain to think of the scenes for the "Royal Assets" but it decided to think other projects.
So I have 2 upcoming projects:
"Turn Them Asunder" and "An IF Within An IF"( Titles might subject to change)
So let's break it down shall we?( Note: I will not start these 2 yet due to I want to finish first Royal Assets but I might make a demo for the 2 so that I can see your reactions)
So "Turn Them Asunder" is inspired by my favorite childhood entertainments namely: Blade(movie), Van Helsing(movie) Devil May Cry(Game) and lastly Hellsing(animation)
So in this IF I'am planning to have the MC their own very leather trench cloth(it's so badass and choose your own color) their own dual pistols and I will be calling them "Justice" and "Vengeance"(Gun Fu shenanigan's) and lastly you can pick your own curse either "Vampire" or "Lycan"(Embrace your inner demons) also I'm thinking if I should write this in 1 POV or 3 POV
So here is a rough synopsis( Might subject to change)
It has been too long since that accursed night, too long since you enjoyed your life but the fates have chosen you as their unlucky entertainment.
Everything happened too fast, your parents were tucking you in bed and kissing your forehead goodnight. You feel safe and happy hoping that this will last forever and you dreamed about rainbows and sweets.
Then you eyes fluttured open to the sounds of scream echoing in the night, you rose up from your bed and went to the noise, creeping slowly on the staircase and you can hear fighting and cursing. Then what you saw that night will forever haunt you, your parents is fighting some sort of monstrosity at first you see them winning but the beast got it's second wind and overpowering your parents.
Killing them, rending their flesh and bathing and eating their organs their blood spraying on the walls and onto you but you were to shocked to notice it, to terrified to move and scream when the beast spotted you and planning that you will be their next meal.
The beast grabbed you by the neck and taking a bite of you( a nibble to be exact) savoring each taste then that is they bit you on the neck.
Well that's in the past, today your a hunter a special one of a kind hunter, you were cursed that night and you turned into a beast as well but you were different than the common creature of the night.
You have their strengths but none of their weaknesses.
The hunt is beginning and you will end their unlife.
You know what they say; "It takes a monster to destroy a monster"
The next on is "An IF Within An IF" let's be honest here I'm sure almost everyone wanted to be transported into their favorite movies or games and that what this IF is all about.
Inspired by me watching these 2 anime's; Konusoba(anime) and Cautious Hero(anime)
This one is a bit complicated and I think I'm gonna look for a second writer to help create this.( ANyone interested in becoming my co-writer just message me and let's talk about it :)
So without further ado these is the rough sypnosis( Might subject to change)
Hello there so I'm your basic and common IF author ever since I was a kid I'm a fan of fantasy genre type of games and novels.
To the point that I got inspired to create my own IF called
"Dragon's Edge" so gist of this IF is that the MC(you) is imbued with a dragon's soul but of course I don't want to make the life of MC's easy that particular dragon is ruthless and stubborn waiting for the opportunity to kill your MC.
I finished the game and launched it lived and I never thought that people would loved it and gaining so many followers on "Rumblr"
Ahh yes life is good, that is until I got roadkilled and a goddess isekai'd me to my IF novel.
Well at least I know what's gonna happen being my story and all and this is gonna be a walk in the park.
That is when I learnt the plotwist that my IF has is been rewritten by the gods.
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abstractgart · 2 years
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"average sunday morning", Monday, ‎15 ‎August ‎2022, ‏‎2:45pm
oh holy shit true??? i haven't looked at this one in ages but wow yeah, that's how sunday mornings feel. i really love how the frog is still there, but almost so unrecognisable that i was thinking 'huh whats that Blue in the middle' but it's the frog!! there it is! sorry buddy, i didn't mean to tear your universe asunder and rend you pixel from pixel :/ my bad
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hostilecityshowdown · 2 years
sometimes wrestling is so compelling it puts me in a mick foley-rocking-in-a-corner-listening-to-winter-by-tori-amos-on-repeat, trancelike state, as i attempt to remind myself it is beneath me to lose my shit this hard over generic white men
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thatmightyheart · 5 years
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aziraphale as michael sheen tweets
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skellebonez · 3 years
SO, remember that thing you wrote a while back, about Monkey King and Mk time traveling back to the JTTW time period?
Link to said thing: https://skellebonez.tumblr.com/post/647766968590581760/18-for-present-wukong-and-mk-to-accidentally-time
So. Time travel is funky. This is set post-Special, immediately pre-season 2. But has spoilers for events up to S2E7. For reasons. Side bar: sometimes time travel comes with some fun side effects. Fun for the viewer. Less fun for the people experiencing them.
Truth be told, I forgot they were even here./Can you teach me how to do that?
"Won't this cause some kind of... I-I dunno, time paradox?" MK asked in a harsh whisper as they followed the traveling group at the back of the line. "Or is this gonna be some kind of 'you changed one thing and now two timelines exist' kind of deal?"
"I genuinely have no idea," Wukong said with a sigh, digging at the uncomfortable but familiar feeling in his ear and trying to keep his voice down as much as possible. He was honestly surprised that it had taken MK this long to ask this particular question, but then again... they had other things to worry about. "I don't remember this, but that may not even matter. I've around for centuries, Bud, but even I have no idea how thing works for us."
"That is not a comforting sentence."
It had been a little over two days since the mentor and student had found themselves thrown backwards in time a few centuries away from home. And Sun Wukong could tell that MK was starting to get more and more frustrated as time had gone on. To be fair, they had made little progress. And there was... another reason... multiple other reasons. But most importantly, there wasn't exactly a power source they could plug the machine into that would give them enough juice to send them home, at least not unless they chance by a demon with lightning powers that Wukong didn't remember. No, instead they had to wait until they hit a storm.
One that was more than another two days walk away.
The young man did his best to not let it show, however. Most likely because of who they were traveling with.
His younger self lead the group, pointedly not looking back at them and keeping a watchful eye for demons that the elder Wukong knew would not come. He dared not bring this knowledge up, though, not knowing if MK had a point about that paradox. He didn't seem to trust the completely, but there was someone else he trusted.
Behind him was his former Master. The monk Tripitaka, Tang Sanzang himself, on the back of the horse formed dragon Bai Long Ma. Bai Long Ma had said nothing, as they were wont to do, and seemed to mostly ignore the two of them unless they were loud. Mast- Sanzang. He had insisted that the elder Wukong and MK call him Sanzang. Probably to help differentiate who was speaking to him if he could not see the two immortal monkeys, and also because MK kept trying to figure out which title to use for the monk and he took pity on him. Sanzang, after a hour's long explanation and from proof via MK's phone and knowledge of past adventures none should know of (and one very interesting game of staff trading between the two monkeys for a moment where the younger Wukong realized it was indeed the same staff).
Sanzang had not mentioned his crying when they met. Neither had his younger self. Or MK.
Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing took up the rear. Wujing had not said much to the two of them, but he was nice enough. Suspicious of them, but nice. He put more faith in Sanzang and younger Wukong (perhaps he should call him something else in his head) than his companion.
Bajie didn't trust them as far as he could throw them, that was clear from the way he kept glancing back at the duo with daggers in his eyes. He was immediately unhappy with their new travel companions and... Wukong realized with a sad jolt that he actually missed that. At the time he only found Bajie's contrary nature to his own to be frustrating but now... now he hadn't heard that in 500 years and he could see that while it may have been misguided at times (many times) it was born of a sense of self preservation and a want to protest Sanzang.
Even if he contradicted himself at times as well.
"You two doing ok back there, older me and Kid?" Younger Wukong called back suddenly.
"Yup, just. Hanging." MK yelled back, tone as terse and done as it had been for the last day. "Not like I can do anything else." The second bit was muttered under his breathe, most likely in the hopes even his mentor couldn't hear him. He was wrong.
Wukong felt... bad. Because he was the primary source of this rotten mood.
The staff digging into his ear for the first time in centuries was a reminder of that. An agreement between himself and his student to not bring up any undue suspicion and questions that would take time they may not have to get back home. They'd agreed that the group would also call him Kid, since MK wasn't as fond of the others calling him Bud for some reason, and the name was just... a smidgen to close to Monkey King to not raise similar questions. It was also a reminder that Wukong had let slip in a follow up conversation, away from prying ears, about why this may or may not be really necessary that he had planned to leave the next day in present time.
MK hadn't been happy since. Not with him at least.
"Bajie, remember to ask them how they are doing from time to time. Please?" Sanzang insisted in front of them.
"Truth be told, I forgot they were even here," Bajie lied.
Bajie glowered down at Wukong, throwing the fruit and wrapped rice packages in his general direction and not caring whether he caught it or not. There was a soft and disappointed cry of his name from Sanzang from the other side of the camp.
"Master and the stupid Monkey may trust you," he snorted, ignoring the call and looking between Wukong and MK. "But I don't. If you even so much as set one little toe out of like I will re-"
"Rend our souls asunder with your mighty 9 Toothed Rake, yeah," MK sighed as he used some of the water from his cup to wash the berries thrown at him. "You're Zhu Ganglie, Zhu Bajie, Tiānpéng Yuánshuài, commander-in-chief of 80,000 Heavenly Navy Soldiers. You will kick our asses. We know."
For a whole second Zhu Bajie looked genuinely surprised and... kind of impressed.
Then he scoffed again and made his way back to the group of five and watched them from the edges of his vision with less suspicion and more curiosity than before.
"Mei was right when she said he was kind of like Pigsy," MK noted, popping a berry into his mouth.
"When was that?" Wukong asked, doing much the same.
His student froze, looking down at his hands for a moment as if trying to remember something. "... not important. Let's just eat and get some rest, like Sanzang told us to."
It didn't take a Great Sage to realize something was wrong.
Wukong said nothing.
"Kid, we told you to stay back with Master!" Wujing shouted as MK peaked his head around the rock he and the monk were taking shelter behind.
"I know!" MK snapped, growling as he ducked back down and presumably curled in on himself. "ARGH I feel useless!"
Wukong winced at his tone, feeling bad. MK wasn't useless, to be fair, but without his staff and no backup weapons he was fighting up a creek without a paddle as it were.
"You're not useless, and you're protecting Tripitaka!" He shouted, letting out a yelp as he narrowly avoided a hit from a demon that should not even be here. Or, some kind of time anomaly mockery of a large demon. An enormous smoke or shadow creature that was far too familiar for his own liking. Not the same, something possibly cobbled together from time itself.
"Wow, uh, future me you're not doing so hot!" Younger Wukong said with a raise of his eyebrow as he blocked a strike with much more ease. "Aren't I supposed to get better with age? Like a handsome fine wine?"
"I'm a bit RUSTY ok!?" He snapped, slicing off one of the shadow creature's cloth tassels to watch it flicker away. "Haven't been many demons to fight!"
He heard a scoff from behind the rock before he felt the giant fist punch him into it. And through it. A Wukong sized hole between student and old master. He realized too late that he had lost his grip on his staff as it flew into the air above them.
"Alright, that's enough!"MK shouted, and before Wukong could even move to stop him the Monkie Kid had jumped into the rock and reached up.
"KID DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH!?" Bajie shouted in horror as he made to rush back and tackle him out of the way. He hadn't moved fast enough either.
None of them had, before MK caught the staff as if it was as light as a feather and twirled it around himself before extending it and launching himself at the shadow creature with a scream of rage and frustration and landing what would have been the killing blow had it not clearly been something not living in the first place.
It dissipated much as the piece cut off before it did, leaving MK to... give a confused yelp and fall into a heap on the ground. The staff fell to his side as he clutched his head and yelled in pain from a source Wukong could not see.
"Kid!" Wukong screamed, moving faster than he had during the entire fight to his student's side. "Kid, shit, MK! What happened?"
"MK?" Sanzang and his younger self asked softly in tandem as Wujing and Bajie watched on, all moving closer. But not too close, giving the two room to move.
MK didn't answer. He sat up, holding his head in his hands as he breathed deeply and tried to keep from screaming again before everything just... stopped.
His sat on his knees, hand hanging limply at his sides as his true sight shone in his eyes and he looked on forward blankly.
"What's... who is he?" Younger Wukong asked slowly as he turned to his older self. "What is he?"
"The Hero and the Warrior were like the Sun and the Moon..." MK muttered softly all of a sudden, just loud enough for the group surrounding him. His voice was slurred, almost like he was in a trance. "Their light a protective glow shining upon the world..."
"MK, where did you-" Wukong tried to ask instead of answering his younger self as he slowly stepped forward, cautiously, but MK continued on as if he had not heard him at all.
"Together there was nothing that could stop the two of them. Either in the Celestial Realms... or on Earth. As time went on, the Hero attained power beyond comprehension. As the Hero's light grew so too did his shadow and soon the Warrior was cast in that shadow. In the darkness, the Warrior was forgotten by the Hero..."
MK immediately slumped forward as he fell unconscious.
"His name is MK... and he's the Monkie Kid... My successor," Wukong finished as he laid a fresh cold wet cloth over his student's forehead. After he had collapsed it became obvious something was seriously wrong with MK, high fever burning him up quickly. They were only just close enough to a town for him to grab him and the staff and rush off with barely a shouted back explanation of "find us at the inn" to the rest of their group. "We thought that... keeping that a secret might prevent any kind of... weird time travel... stuff."
Wukong sighed. His explanation was weak even to his own ears. Excuses. Ways to make things easier for him.
He felt worse than he had just the day before.
His student laid unconscious still, fever burning even after the medicine from the town doctor had been given to him with water carefully. The only thing Wukong could think of was the staff. MK wasn't invincible like he was, maybe contact with it had caused a reaction from the time travel that couldn't affect the immortal.
"Why would you need a successor, Wukong?" Sanzang asked after they sat in silence for a moment.
Bajie handed Wukong the mortar and pestle he had been working with to prepare more medicine, something to add to tea when MK woke up. The pig demon had not questioned him once since they arrived, only grabbed what Wukong was trying to mix poorly himself and listened.
Bai Long Ma had changed into a human form, one he had rarely seen, and sat beside Wujing. They both also listened.
His younger self looked at MK in a mix of wonder and confusion and horror and Wukong could not blame him. The idea of a successor... he must have known himself what that meant even if no one else did.
"I hope I don't have to tell you," he said softly. He didn't look away from MK, even as Sanzang laid a comforting hand on his back. "And I don't want to risk what telling you might do..."
No one questioned him after that.
When Bajie prepared the next bowl of medicine for MK, Wukong took a chance he never had with the demon he once considered like his brother.
"Can you teach me how to do that? Properly?"
Bajie did.
"Monkey King?" Came the hoarse rasp of MK's voice ringing through the room, and Wukong shot up from where he was watching the stars in an instant.
"I'm here, MK," He said softly, still soft, not wanting to hurt his student in case hie head ached. "How do you feel?"
"Dead, but only from the neck up," MK groaned out, and Wukong let out a relieved sigh. He wasn't sick enough to not joke around at least. "Where are we?"
"The town we need to be in," Wukong answered, quickly working on adding the medicine into some now (sadly) cold tea. He had hoped MK would wake much sooner. "Storm is tonight... you've been asleep for a whole day. Hopefully getting you home with this medicine in you will make you feel better, you uh... you weren't doing so great before-"
"What happened to Macaque?" MK asked suddenly, looking for all the world like he had no idea why he would even ask that question to begin with. "Not the battle your younger you had. Before that. In the story. Sun and Moon. Please, I... I want to know. Just... just tell me something, for once."
Wukong froze, fur bristling and stiff and this was not the conversation he wanted to have with his student right now. This is not the conversation he should be able to physically have with his student right now because MK should have no way of knowing anything like this at all. But he had. He'd recited the story he'd heard before word for word from... Macaque.
This was not the time for easy outs. Not anymore.
"I've made a lot of mistake, MK," He started, lifting his student's head onto his lap to help him sit up for the drink. "And a lot of them are ones I didn't think you would have to know about. But Macaque... it's complicated, I know that now. I didn't back then."
MK sipped the tea but said nothing, only made a face at the taste of the medicine.
"We were friends, once. Back on Mount Huaguo before I went to the Celestial Realm, he became immortal in... other ways to my own. I was trapped for 500 years under a mountain without him, no one came to see me so... I guess he was never able to find me. Or he waited thinking I would eventually come back," Wukong tried not to think about how that meant he could have had trust in his friend and not for other reasons he had assumed for so long. "You know the story of the White Bone Spirit from our journey? How Bajie got me banished?"
Wukong couldn't help but chuckle. Oh, he'd been so mad at Bajie for so long for that. He still was, in many ways. But given what happened to him later on in the journey Wukong couldn't hold a grudge.
"Yeah you-" MK coughed a little, probably from not talking for a whole day and a sore throat. "You went back to Mount Huaguo."
"And to Macaque," Wukong continued. "For the first time in 500 years."
"I bet he was angry."
"No..." Wukong disagreed, shaking his head and thinking back. "No, he... wasn't. Not at first. He was ecstatic I came back. The Hero and Warrior of Mount Huaguo back together again, just like old times. But it wasn't like old times. I was already different, I knew how I treated others including the monkeys on my mountain hadn't been the best. And when Bajie came to bring me back... I couldn't help but wanting to leave back to the journey. Part of it was to get the fillet off, but part of it was because... I realized I cared for the others. I wanted to see the journey through with them."
"Macaque thought you were abandoning him," MK said after a moment, eyes widening. "That's why he took on your identity. He wanted... revenge? For you to have no reason to leave again?"
"I think he just wanted what we used to have," Wukong said with a frown. "I've been running from him for so long... over another 500 years. I've made so many mistakes in my life MK, but I think not trying to get him to come with us or trying to properly explain what I was doing... may have been the worst."
"... The warrior was never forgotten by the Hero after all," MK said softly before drifting back to sleep.
"No," Wukong agreed, though he knew he was not heard. "No, the Hero never forgot. The Hero never will, not completely. Even if it hurts."
The storm came on schedule. The machine was charged.
Over the day they came back their memories of the trip back in time faded into a distant thought, one that both mentor and student soon forgot to fear the loss of.
By the next day they had forgotten. Time had fixed itself.
But not completely.
The Hero never forgot completely, after all. There was something telling him in the back of his mind to check more on his student. He remembered a hand on his back that should not have been there. He knew how to mix something he never had before.
Neither did the Warrior, uninvolved in this adventure as he may be. He had plans.
And the one between them, with no title to himself, didn't completely forget either. He recalled feeling warm and safe. His head was on someone's lap. There were berries and someone not unlike one of his father figures.
The memories of what happened lingered, quiet, uncalled but emotions still there.
A short time later the one between felt that a play he went to was strangely familiar to him and needed to rush out before his head began to ache in memories he didn't recall.
"So um... what happened to him? The Warrior?"
The answer was somewhere in the back of his mind. If only he could remember.
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risalei-nur · 2 years
The Words - The Twenty-fifth  Word - Part 100
That means: “O heaven and earth, come willingly or unwillingly, and submit yourselves to My Wisdom and Power. Come out of non-existence and appear as places where My works of Art will be exhibited.” They answered: “We come in perfect obedience. We will carry out, by Your leave and Power, all duties You have assigned us.”
Consider the sublimity and force of those compelling commands bear- ing an irresistible power and will, and imagine how absurd and wishful our commands toward inanimate objects would be: “O earth, stop! O heaven, rend asunder! O world, destroy yourself!” Can such commands be compared with His? How can our wishes and insensible commands be compared with the compelling commands of a supreme ruler having all of rulership’s essential qualities?
The difference between a supreme commander’s compelling command to march to a mighty, obedient army, and that of an ordinary private is as great as the difference between the commander and the private. Consider the force and superiority of the commands in: When He wills a thing to be, He but says to it “Be!” and it is (36:82), and When We said to the angels: “Prostrate before Adam!” (2:34) with human orders, and see whether the difference between them is not like that between a firefly and the sun.
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kob131 · 3 years
Morgan Le Fay (Alter Ego) My Room Lines
“Master~ Can we stay here please? A moment’s rest may bring you far after all!”
“Ah, you really like to work don’t you? No no, I’m not accusing you of anything. I know your drive after all...”
“No matter what, it doesn’t seem I’ll get use to fighting. I wonder if either of those two would-ah. nevermind!”
Bond 1 “...Oh, sorry Master! I was spacing out there for a moment. I’m...not really use to being...heh, nevermind me!”
Bond 2 “Your magecraft seems a little shaky lately. Are you sure you’re feeling well? You eating well? Maybe a nice plate of meat and potatoes will make you feel better? ...Wh-what do you mean that’s too heavy?!”
Bond 3 “How strange.  I’m still here. Usually I can’t remember where I’ve been or how I got where I am because...because...
...Well anyway, I can’t say it’s bad after all. I’d certainly be worried if one moment I was here with you and the next you left my sight. That-that can get rather scary...”
Bond 4 “... ... ... I can still feel them inside me, you know? ‘The Lady of The Lake’ and ‘The Fairy Witch’. My...other selves.
... Why? Why? WHY? Why do they have to exist? Why are they inside me? It’s not fair! I lost so much to them! So much of my life- Take, STOLEN from me by them! And even worst, they took my home away! I’m Morgause Pendragon, the daughter of Uther Pendragon! I am human! Not a fae! Not a witch! I. Am. HUMAN, ME! 
So why can’t they just leave me alone?!”
Bond 5 “... I won’t be here for long. Even if this body were to see the end of your journey, I-I might not be the one in it. I was the first to fade away after all. It’s simply my fate...to be used and discarded by everything I love. 
...Even so, I won’t run. As weak as I maybe in comparison to them...I won’t surrender a second of my time with you. With anyone. I’m here now. I am me.”
To Gawain “My son...my darling son. P-please don’t turn away! Please. I-I lost so much time with you. I can’t-I have to. Please, come embrace your mother. Before I’m gone.”
To Gareth “Gareth...my little pup. Look at you, you’ve grown up so much. I bet you had the lords at your beck and call. ... I wish I could have been there for you.”
To Agravain “Oh Agravain. It hurts to see you look at me so. And yet, it’s all my fault. If only I were stronger, if only I could overcome them. My little knight...I’m sorry.”
To Arturia “Arthur-no, Arturia isn’t it? To think I felt so bitter about what our father wanted...when there was so much to lose to that envy. I...I shall take my leave.”
To Mordred “Master, that knight over there?? That...wouldn’t happen to be Sir Mordred correct? ... Yes I assumed so, given her glares at me. Le Fay’s child with my own brother...There’s nothing I can do to help her, is there?”
To Morgan (Lostbelt) “You there, the witch. You have quite the nerve to show your face here. You, who abandoned her humanity for the sake of a kingdom. Your kingdom was a shame and deserved it’s fate. Glare at me all you wish, without the three of us you would be nothing.”
Likes “What do I like? Well, I always liked cooking. It was always such a treat to see my children’s faces light up when I cooked with all my heart!”
Dislikes “...Lake fae and evil witches.”
Holy Grail “Even if it is a heresy, I would like to wish upon it. Then maybe, I can finally be free.”
“Master, come. We have much to do still. ...I know you must be tired, I understand your weariness. But still, we must persist.”
“There’s no need to worry about me. An adventure like this-it is a simple matter. Compared to guiding those troublesome fae...”
“Quiet, quiet, quiet. ...Sorry Master, I was...having some difficulties with...the others. Le Fay especially...”
Bond 1 “So, you have stayed by my side? How strange, most humans simply leave the lakeside after so long.”
Bond 2 “Your heart is weary. There is no point in lying. I know that feeling well myself. Perhaps I have been pushing you too hard. Come, rest. All need reprieve after all.”
Bond 3 “It seems my time has not come yet. Good. I cannot-I will not fade like before. I refuse to let things end like before.”
Bond 4 “It is so tiring. To have their thoughts, their minds inside me. Always, always a reminder. That I am more than the fae ‘Vivian’. The human princess and the raging witch-
...No. No. NO! I am here now! I will be the one to fight! I will be the one to guard the Human Order! I will be the one protect the Age of Man that Father wished for! Not the human Morgause! Not the witch Le Fay! 
I am Me, Vivian, The Lady of the Lake!”
Bond 5 “Even though I am the fae Vivian, an existence incompatible with mankind. It was always the humans I loved most of all. The fae, so fickle and cruel. I guided and guarded them out of duty alone.
Why you may ask? Because it was mankind that my father Uther loved. He protected them to his last breath. And so shall I. Even if I may never see the Age of Man, I will protect and guide it. Especially you, my Master. I shall ensure your safety to death and beyond.”
To Lancelot (Berserker) “Master! Th-that figure cloaked in black! I-it can’t be! My son! This is what became of you? ... Who did this?”
To Lancelot (Saber) “I knew it. Of course my son would be here. There was no chance he wouldn’t answer the call to protect mankind. He grew into a splendid knight after all.”
To Mash “This feeling... You there, young lady with the shield. Come forward, let me take a good look. ...It really is, isn’t it? Don’t be scared young lady. I shall never hurt you. Now, come with me. I have much to discuss with you.”
To Fae Servants “*Sigh* It seems there are some troublemakers in this place isn’t there? Worry not Master, I know how to keep them on a tight leash.”
To Morgan (Lostbelt) “Ruler of the fae, huh? How pathetic. To have resorted to such evil. I do not care what your excuses are. I lead and guarded the fae myself. I sacrificed my place in the world. I expect no less of you.”
To Arturia (Archer) “How cute, thinking that little spruit is alike to my magic. Here, let me show you what a true Excalibur Vivian can accomplish.”
Likes “Besides mankind? ...I do enjoy watching the forest creatures prance about. The little bugs especially.”
Dislike “Lazy princesses and malevolent witches. That is all I’ll say.”
Holy Grail “It is a false wish granting device isn’t it? Still, if supplied with enough mana, it might just be enough to grant my wish To gain my freedom.”
Morgan Le Fay
“Careful now, Master. One wrong step and things will certainly go wrong. I know how much fun it is to lose yourself in the throes of battle. Hehehe...But your goal must come first.”
“That fire...that determination. Very well, I’ll join you in the fray. After all, I haven’t nearly indulged enough myself.”
“Your magecraft is rather lackluster isn’t it? Hm, whatever you call your ‘talents’, that doesn’t matter. Practice, practice, practice. Experience breeds excellence. I didn’t match Merlin with pure talent after all.”
Bond 1 “I must say, staying this way at will without being subject to the fickle whims fate...it’s rather nice. Thanks Master.”
Bond 2 “Fate is cruel. I know your pain better than most. Forced into the impossible by the will of others. But don’t let your heart waver. Through will and guile, you will gain your freedom.”
Bond 3 “Don’t hesitate to give me tasks. I find myself with more time than i know what to do with. Preferably with you around...”
Bond 4 “I’m sure you’ve heard about this before but...My other selves are still here. Deep inside, I can still here them. Their woes, their uncertainty, their hatred. All mine...
...Bwahaha! What a joke! As if I would let them trend upon me. It was my loathing that struck fear into Camelot. It was my malice that twisted the Green Knight. It was my love for Britian that allowed me to stomach sharing a bed with that liar. I am no feeble princess or passive fae. I am me, Morgan, the witch that loved Britian!”
Bond 5 “So here we stand still. I’m sure you caught on but I hate the Age of Man. Tearing away all the work I put out, fading everything I’ve done into legend. Acting as though I was never here. For it’s sins, I will always spur it.
So why am I here? Because I would rather have an Age of Man with Britian than not. Be it the destruction of history or man, I will not stand for it. I will rage and hate and burn until all is done. So long as we stand on the same ground, I will be here. I can’t trust the other two to get the job done after all.”
To Mordred “Hm, that defect of a homonculus is here? Master, you are best off sending it away. It’s incapable of following orders or performing tasks sufficiently. I would love to fix it but that’s beyond my reach.”
To Arturia (Alter) “Tch, that liar dares to attach my name to something so weak. She preaches that the strong rule over the weak, shall I teach her who is truly strong then? Gwahaha!”
To Merlin “Ah, Teacher is here too. How unusual, that fickle asshole couldn’t be asked to cut a blade of grass, let alone save humanity. He’s not even really here is he?”
To Fairy Knight Tristan “Master, this annoying brat won’t leave me alone. Acting all familiar and friendly with me... Maybe I’ll teach her what it means to truly be sadistic. Perhaps by rending her limbs asunder...”
To Arturia “So the King of Liars has come as well. Maybe a trip into Hell will teach her the place where she belongs...but that will have to wait, won’t it? She still has her uses after all...”
To Oberon-Vortigern “That mana. Another embodiment of Britian is here?! It feels like that failure Vortigern...yet...it’s so different. I must dissect him, to know!”
To Morgan (Lostbelt) “Ah yes, that other me. Heh, what a fool she turned out to be, no? She rages against man, fae and knights, wasting all her efforts in the process. Focus, my dear. Focus is the key to victory. I did not waste my time with man or fae, I put my all into the slaying of Arturia. And which of us succeeded, hm?”
Likes “A rough night with a man below me, of course.”
Dislikes “My other selves. Unlike them, I will not hide the truth.”
Holy Grail “Hm, I have no need for such a thing. Unlike them, I will not cling to a false hope. It will be my hand that cuts them out like the parasites they are.”
Bond 10 CE: I Am...?
One minute *I’m* home with my children One minute ^I’m^ guarding those troublesome fae One minute -I’m- cackling as I tear into his flesh
The next I’m not.
It is my duty to *lead*/^guard^/-destroy- my kin No, That is *my*/^my^/-my- duty. No, it’s *mine*/^mine^/-mine-!
...Is it?
No, I am a *princess*/^guardian^/-witch-! That is not what *I*/^I^/-I- am! Stop it! This is who *I*/^I^/-I- am!
I am *me*/^me^/-me-! I am *Me*/^Me^/-Me-! I AM *ME*/^ME^/-ME-!
I am... I...am... I...
....Who am I?
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