#and 3) they kissaroo.... /j /j
starheirxero · 7 months
The last laes episode was fucking wild-
I feel so bad for Lunar. I do definitely think, that Gemini's points were valid, but I do think they went a little too far with it?
Trauma is a lot more complicated than they think, and cannot simply be overcome, though they are very much in the right for calling him about his lack of process, considering his avoidence of dealing with his own problems!
The one thing that rubbed me wrong, is the way they call out his feelings towards Eclipse. Because yes, they contradict themselves, but that's not unusual for abuse victims. Eclipse is, in a way, still their brother, and a deep part still loves him, while another fears him. Yet another part just wants vengeance, because of how angry it all makes them.
There's also the whole "refusing to grow up" thing, which I feel is a lot more complicated!
Like Gemini absolutely had valid points and a lot of those things were definitely what Lunar needed to hear (probably especially from Gemini since other character's delivery may have been too soft or too vague or maybe even too harsh).
But exactly what u said, there was like. some shade thrown towards them about their messy feelings towards Eclipse and I was just like hey man!! whadda hell!!
1) Like u said, that's not totally out of left field for abuse victims, and 2) tbh, if u ask me, having trauma with immediate family members is just kind of Like That?? Bc it's like yea they're family and you love them, but also damn they fucked you up bad, but also you want nothing more than to sink into their arms, but also you'd rather die than talk to them, but— etc etc in a sort of infinite loop. yk?
AND THE CHILDISHNESS THING YEAH. That's something I could make a whole post about, it works me soooo much but basically yea that is way more complicated than just "if ur not a kid then don't act like one and don't get mad if people treat you like a kid for acting like one" 😭😭😭
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sunstar121 · 4 years
there's someone looking at him. ranboo shifts nervously, looking around the mine he had just started. he had just finished the tour of the smp, but ranboo wasn't really expecting anyone to drop by. didn't he cover the entrance anyways?
"uh- hello?" he calls out, eyes darting around the dark cave he had stumbled across. maybe he had just stumbled into someone elses mine? There was a flash of light, and ranboo's head darted to look at it. in the dull torchlight, he could see the server owners cerematic looking mask. Ranboo squeaked in surprise.
"a-ah- hi! Um- what are you doing- is this your cave? i can leave-" ranboo stammered out, nerves making him talk too much. dream seemed to pause. the masked man shook his head silently.
"oh-um. w-what're you doing here then? n-not that you can't be here-" ranboo responded, the others silence amping up his anxiety.
"just checking up on- our newest member on the smp!" dreams voice cut off midway through his sentence, as if he was about to say something else. ranboo felt himself relax.
"oh- alright!" ranboo smiled at the shorter, "well- um- i'm doing fine!"
they both stood in the low lit cave for a solid ten seconds, an awkward air weighing heavy. dream seemed to be struggling to say something, or at least that's what ranboo assumed he was doing. what did he know? dream might just be... he couldn't actually think of anything else, so ranboo just left that train of thought.
"so-" "um-" their voices overlapped messily, sending them both momentarily recoiling.
"oh- sorry. you can go ahead-" ranboo sputtered out, embarrassed and honestly kind of offput by the atmosphere. dream stared at him for a moment, before starting to speak again.
"...you don't remember me, do you?" he asked, voice oddly hesitant for such a powerful person. ranboo blinked, registering the words.
"uh- you're dream, right? the admin on this server...?" ranboos words seemed to send a arrow through dreams chest. metaphorically, of course.
"i- nevermind." dream shook his head, as if clearing it."...yeah. nice to meet you." dreams voice was resigned. ranboo had a moment of questioning it, before dismissing it as his imagination.
(short, ik. but i really wanted to write smth for it, and where better to start then there? probably a lot of placed but yk.) -🎶
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