#and Acrux Ghoul
m0nochromat1c · 1 year
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I really need to post more and not just art spam my traditional posts whenever my hyperfixtations change durastically
Anyway so Ghost happened, found out about it, absolutely lost my mind, these fucks happened :D!
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buggie-hagen · 4 years
The space asks - do them all!
oh my goodness. okay, will do:
constellations: personality
ursa major: what are the character traits that define you the most? Both quiet and loud, sad and joyful, hardworking and lazy. paradox defines me.
ursa minor: do you have hobbies or interests that no one knows about? an interest that no one knows about is anime and manga.
draco: what is the thing you like least about yourself? my weight.
lacerta: what is the thing you like most about yourself? my smile.
cepheus: do you vibe more with the term idiot, asshole or dumbass? asshole.
hercules: how are you with people? who is your favourite person? it’s interesting because part of me is social shy, but generally i am warm and friendly with people. my favorite person is two rock people who live in a mountain.
lepus: what is your biggest flaw? my self-hatred.
corvus: what are 5 things you appreciate about yourself? 1. my reading 2. my theology 3. my seelsorger stuff 4. my mild interest in Japanese culture 5. that i don’t think politically like others
orion: what element would you like to be able to bend? fire.
hydra: are you the villain? i’m my own worst villain.
cassiopeia: take a random personality quiz on the internet and give us your result. the more obnoxious the better. no.
centaurus: if you could fist fight one historical figure, which one would it be and how hard would you punch them? no.
gemini: which character (fictional or not) is your spirit animal? Jughead played by Cole Sprouse.
lupus: which one do you identify more with: thoughtful idiot or thoughtless brains? thoughtful idiot. i guess.
scutum: you acquire a death note. what are you going to do with it? my understanding of death note comes from the anime of that name. so, if i found such a notebook, i would burn it so it would not be used to harm people.
Do you side more with the idea of Deontological Ethics or Utilitarianism? I don’t know these very well. I would guess I would have issues with both of them.
stars: interests
aldebaran: what is your most obnoxious interest? David Archuleta.
algol: favourite planet? favourite space object? I like earth because it has water. I like the moon.
61 cygni: favourite time period? probably medieval Europe.
castor: favourite band/artist? Currently, Winter Aid.
pollux: draw the art cover of your favourite album/song. Not right now.
riegel: put your music on shuffle and give us the first five songs.
“Have I Told You” by Matthew Mole
“A Song About Love” by Jake Bugg
“Waiting” by Jake Bugg
“How Soon the Dawn” by Jake Bugg
“Take Yours, I’ll Take Mine” by Matthew Mole
betelgeuse: which video games gives you nostalgia for a place you have never been to? n/a
agena: what is your favourite moment from a game? n/a
deneb: you can turn one book into a movie,tv show or video game. which one are you picking? The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco
atair: why is your favourite book, well, your favourite? do you have a favourite quote from it? Right now I don’t think I have a favorite book.
prokyon: grab the nearest book, to to page 145 and give us the first sentence. i am not around my books at this moment.
acrux: where and when do you like to read the most? I like to read at coffee shops, and ideally the morning, but usually the afternoon.
spica: when do you consider a movie “good”? When it can make me cry.
antares: think of a movie which means a lot to you, now describe the first scene that comes into your mind! That scene from Love, Simon where Simon’s mom says, “You get to exhale now, Simon.” https://youtu.be/1QUzRn7yH6I
proxima centauri: if you would have the chance to travel the world, which places or countries would you like to see? Scotland, Ireland, Norway, New Zealand, Japan, China, Germany, Israel. Kazakhstan. Mongolia.
algol: you have to assassinate someone. which weapon do you choose? i don’t want to answer this questin.
mimosa: what do you associate with your favourite colour? the ocean.
sirius a/b: what’s your favourite sound and smell? favorite sound is trombone. favorite smell is fresh baked bread.
space objects: experiences
quasar: do you feel alone? absolutely alone.
pulsar: when do you feel truly alive? when i’m laughing.
wormhole: what is the shadiest/most illegal thing you have ever done? date a guy who grew mushrooms in his basement. (back in my college days).
black hole: what has hurt you in the past that you don’t want others to go through? my stepfather’s alcoholism. 
white dwarf: post a picture or video from your favourite trip! no.
nebula: what is an experience you would rather forget about? growing up. 
star cluster: what is something you have gained, something you have lost and something you let go of during the past year? in the past year i have gained some more confidence, i have lost any high anthropology that lingered within me, and i have let go of the idea that someone i love would fall in love with me.
planet: have you ever lost something important, such as your passport, keys or a phone? all. the. time.
moon: “A man is made of memories. It is all we are.“ (Lawrence) what do you think this means? Do you agree? I think it means that who we are is shaped by our past experiences. I agree, with the exception of how faith can shape you and that comes from outside oneself and not from the memories. 
comet: you have the chance to undo one thing or decision in your life, would you take it? If you are comfortable sharing: what did you change? I wish I had did my undergrad in geography. 
asteroid: have you ever lost a friend? do you wish you would still be friends? yes and yes/no
meteor: have you ever eaten dirt? if yes: on a scale from 0 to 10 would you do it again? no.
rocketry: academia
saturn v: what are you currently studying/what do you wish to study? currently am studying theology. i always am. i wish i could study geology.
delta iv heavy: what is your favourite thing about your degree course? well my last degree I completed as Mastery of Divinity in May 2019. I frickin’ love theology.
heavy falcon: what is a subject you are highly interested in but you would never study yourself? astronomy, just don’t have the time.
sea dragon: if money, admissions and other factors would not be a problem, where and what would you like to study? In the past, I would have liked to study abroad. either in Scotland or Germany.
atlas v: favourite theorem or concept? communicatio idiomatum
soyuz: language(s) you would like to learn? Spanish, Irish, Norwegian, Japanese. 
MECO: how do you take notes? Whatever my brain tells me to write down. I’m so good at it now I don’t know how I got here. I think I’m just good at distinguishing between what’s important and what’s not important.
SECO: what are your essentials for studying and note taking? coffee. excitement for the topic.
RCS: how do you stay focused and productive? coffee. when i can lower my anxiety levels i can focus better and be productive. basically, when i am successfully focused and productive i am methodical and categorical.
RP-1: favourite classes or subjects you took or are taking? music, Lutheran confessions, church history, geography, earth science. 
gas-generator cycle: what are the topics you like learning about the most? Lutheran theology. Biblical languages (though very painful). 
partial-flow staged combustion cycle: what are the topics that interest you the least? Math. Social justice ghouls.
full-flow staged combustion cycle: your biggest student-sin? as in something you feel guilty about? Back when I was in college I took a music class called Aural Skills and NEVER practiced my aural skills. I would do it now. 
RS-25: what do you carry in your backpack? books, weekly planner, laptop, pens, headphones, omeprazole.
RD-270: Do you need silence to study? or do you like to listen to music? if so, what is your go-to study-playlist? both. one of my favorites to listen to is the YouTube station “Homework Radio”
Merlin: what does your study-space look like? usually a coffee shop these days. also my office where i have access to my desk and my library. back in seminary, I LOVED studying in the Regenstein Library of the University of Chicago. So many cool places there to study.
Raptor: do you study at home or do you prefer to study at the library/in cafés? library/cafes. i never study and hardly ever read at home.
F-1: this is a free one. ask any question you’d like. what question do you have, dear one?
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