#and Alex is standing on top of the play structure like WE ARE GATHERED HERE...
innytoes · 2 years
AU headcanon thingy: Reggie, the king of playground weddings for Reggie/Everyone
-His first playground wedding wasn't even on a playground, but on the docks of the lake at Camp Palmyrawolf, a co-ed summer camp his parents send him to. The pretty girl has sparkling eyes and a loud laugh and he thinks she's the coolest thing since Star Wars. He gives her a ring-pop and she gives him a ring made out of braided dandelions.
-By the time he gets back from camp his parents are divorced and his mom tells him she's taking him to LA. All his stuff is already packed.
-Luckily, he's not the only new kid to start school that year. He and Luke become fast friends, and they get married by the slide. Their other best friend, Alex, is the priest, since he's the only one who's ever been to a real wedding before.
-Only Luke's already married to Bobby and Alex says you're not allowed to be married to two people and his parents say divorce is a sin. And Luke sees the way that makes Reggie's lip wobble so he says that Alex' parents are stupid and he kind of pauses and thinks about it and says: Yeah probably.
-Luke and Bobby get a playground divorce by the big tree. It's much nicer than Reggie's parents' divorce, and they have a divorce party instead. Except now Bobby is a little sad, so Reggie says he'll marry him and not divorce Luke. It's okay, he's seen it on TV. It's called sister wives.
-Alex points out that none of them are wives and Luke says he can be a wife if he wants to be and Bobby falls over giggling and chokes out BROTHERHUSBANDS and they all laugh so hard they have to wait until next recess to marry Bobby and Reggie, since Alex keeps choking up laughing before he can pronounce them brotherhusbands.
-Reggie marries Alex two weeks later. He had to wait until he could make an appropriate ring, because Alex thinks doing things Properly is important. It's made out of paper and it took forever to make gold with the old gel pen he found.
-They meet Julie in music class a few years later. Julie is like the best person ever ("for a girl" Bobby says and Luke punches his arm). They're all allowed over to her house for a play date, which turns into a music date, because Julie's mom has a big piano and all sorts of instruments. She teaches Luke some chords on the guitar while he and Julie play a duet on the piano, and Alex and Bobby waltz.
-That year, Luke gets a guitar for his birthday, and Alex gets a drum set for Christmas , and Reggie gives all his saved up pocket money and birthday money and Christmas money from MeeMaw and Pops to his Mom and asks if that's enough for the shiny red bass guitar he's seen at the thrift store. (It's not, but she gives him an advance on his allowance and haggles with the guy behind the counter until he can buy it anyway.)
-They hang out at the Molina house a lot after that, pretending to be a band, and then deciding they are a band, because they say so. Reggie gets to stay over for dinner when his mom works late, and it's just the best thing ever.
-One day he sighs and says he wishes he could be a Molina too. He loves his mom and all, but she's almost never around and when she is, she's tired and often cranky.
-Bobby is the one who rolls his eyes and is like: why don't you just marry her then? Bobby's always been the jealous one.
-They're too old for playground wedding at twelve, really, but the way Bobby says it, he turns up his nose and says: "Okay, I will". And he grabs an empty doritos bag and cuts and folds until he has a shiny ring, and dramatically proposes to Julie, who laughs and says yes just to annoy Bobby.
-Carlos is their priest of course.
-"Finally," Luke sighs. "We have a sister wife."
Julie is very confused and then very amused when they explain. She presses a kiss to Reggie's cheek and says she's okay with sharing him, as long as he does his spousal duties.
-He's not sure what spousal duties are, so he asks Alex, whispering a little too loud.
"I think she means taking out the trash," Alex whispers back. "That's what my dad does."
"And do the dishes," Julie said curtly. "My papi always does the dishes. And you have to say 'Honey I'm home!' when you get home."
"I can do that," Reggie agrees.
-Things are great, and their band gets better the better they actually get at playing music, and playing together. They still don't have a name, but there's no rush. Julie and her mom write a song for them, and Luke is so fascinated by it he asks if he can try. They kind of lose Luke and Julie for like two weeks that summer because they're so busy writing together, until Reggie tearfully reminds them that spousal duties also means sharing, and he misses them.
-Nobody is really surprised when he and Luke and Julie start dating for real. Nobody who matters has a problem with it, except Bobby, but that is quickly rectified when Reggie kisses Bobby on the lips and says a Brotherhusband is a brotherhusband.
-Three weeks later Alex shyly asks if that includes him too, and that's how he comes out. It's a little messy after that, because Alex does not want to date Julie, and Julie decides that's okay, and Luke and Alex try but they really really hate it, and Bobby's only ever been interested in dating Reggie even though he and Luke practice making out a LOT for two people who refuse to admit they're dating.
Everything gets really complicated until Julie's best friend Flynn makes a little chart with colour-coded lines. Reggie kind of wants to kiss her. So he asks. And she adds her name to the chart and draws a line between them in the colour for Dating.
-Flynn is like: I don't get playgroundmarried until at least the seventh date.
-Their seventh date is very romantic and then after dinner they take a walk and SURPRISE THERE'S ALL THEIR FRIENDS AT A LOCAL PLAYGROUND and Reggie gets down on one knee with a sour gummy worm ring like WILL YOU PLAYGROUND MARRY ME and they do.
-They're all happy together, and then Flynn brings over her new friend from the GSA club. And Willie is really cool but something about him is so familiar.
-And then one day Bobby says something dry and sarcastic and he laughs so loud and something in Reggie's head goes ping.
-He's smooth about it though and waits until he can talk to Willie one-on-one. And carefully asks him if he ever went to Camp Palmyrawolf.
-And Willie goes very still and it looks very wrong for someone who is usually so wriggly and Reggie is like: it's cool, I just... I think I gave you a ringpop once?
-And Willie asks him to please not tell anyone, and Reggie asks all hurt: "About our marriage?"
-And Willie just stares at him for a good long while until Reggie goes "OOOOOH wait no I won't tell anyone about that, you come out on your own time, but... it's you right? You taught me how to do a cartwheel and draw that weird S thing."
-And Willie nods and smiles and Reggie grabs his hand and pulls him back to the group and proudly announces he found his first, long-lost husband.
-And Willie is a little confused when everyone starts chanting 'brotherhusband' but also it's like really gender-confirming so he'll go with it.
-Reggie also whispers to Flynn that the way Alex and Willie keep looking at each other, she's gonna have to update the chart soon.
-Alex and Willie's playground wedding is at the same time as his and Willie's playground vow renewal (and promise to try this dating thing) and he couldn't be happier.
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sarahbethimagines · 6 years
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Chapter 13: Get Along
Chapter Log!
Michelle had shown up at house unexpected, and uninvited later on that same Friday. And somehow, someway convinced me that going to the gathering would be a good thing. Sitting in the passenger seat of her 8-year old Camry. I was still trying to decide if she'd been right or not. KISS 95.9 was currently playing on the radio. Love in This Club by Usher blasting through the speakers. And at just number eight on their top-forty countdown, it had me counting the mile markers on I-83. Just praying each one would be the last we'd pass.
I'd asked Michelle just about a hundred and seven times since she'd shown up at my door where we were going. And each and every time I did, she gave me the same cookie cutter response. Just a small smirk, and a "you'll see" that had my eyes rolling and my brain contemplating just ending it all. But in Heinz sight, if shitty radio play and a sketchy best-friend were the worst things I had going on in my day, I guess I was doing okay. Still, I impatiently tapped my fingers on my tanned knees the entire remainder of the drive. Only stopping when she suddenly slowed down and pulled off the main road and onto an uneven dirt path. One that certainly didn't look like it was meant for any form of recreational use in the past generation or so. "Okay, where on Earth are we actually going?" I asked at the sight of it. Our small bodies bouncing and swinging around in the cab of her car as it jumped and jostled. Thanking God for the second time in my life for inventing the seatbelt. "Lord, is your patients as thin you are!" She joked, rolling her eyes. And I couldn’t help but start to mutter under my breath for a greater power above to give me some patience. Because if I was handed strength in that moment I probably would have just up and punched her. She was the one that dragged me out to the middle of nowhere and wouldn’t tell me where she taking me to probably get wacked and left for dead. But thankfully for both me, and Michelle's arm a second later she somehow managed to round a brushed corner without bottoming out her little gold car. Pulling into a large open field. We rode down the grass and destroyed patches of road, kept in a straight line by sporadic metal posts till we passed a small white structure caving in on itself. Other cars soon came into view. An array of varying vehicles from little ones like Michelle's to large pickups were parked in a semi-circle, people gathered in the middle. And soon I spotted the most bizarre thing just beyond the group. A towering fifty-foot-tall screen stood sky high. Small white panels pealing at places and completely missing in others leaving nothing but holes or exposed plywood. We were at an old drive-in movie theater. My eyes were probably the size of bowling balls by the time she'd parked her car and turned to me, calling my attention back to her. "You good?" She asked simply. And I looked out through her windshield at the group of people wandering around. Unable to make out exact faces. "I'll be right beside you the whole time if you get overwhelmed." I nodded thoughtfully and chewed on my lip. Not daring to make moves to unbuckle myself, even when Michelle did. There were about twelve or so people in the group if my math was correct. And all things considered, there was probably one person I knew for certain, and only two to three others whom I'd just recognize. "Tweedle Dee?" She called again, probably noticing my internal debate. I looked over to see her now up and out of her car, standing in its open door. "Just remember, all these people are your friends, whether you remember them or not." I nodded my head and forced my hands to move. "You're right" I muttered, crawling out of the car. I tried to repeat Dr. Walker's words in my head, telling myself how this would help me remember. But it was kind of hard to once Michelle ran around to me. She hooked her arm in mine and lead us off towards the crowd, rambling the entire time about how excited everyone would be to see me. But I didn’t need her assuring words for long. Because the second we drew close enough to identify, a long-legged, skunk haired kid was running right at us. "KENNERS!" He screeched, straggly arms waving through the air. A trail of dust being kicked up behind his brightly colored Nikes as he stormed towards us, throwing himself at me the second he could. His sternum crashed into my cheek with full force, knocking me back a few steps and clean into a memory. "Allright, everyone! Listen up!" Jack shouted, from behind me. Causing everyone in our small huddle to turn around and see the raven-haired boy by Alex's truck. His long limbs contorted in strange and certainly uncomfortable ways as he swung himself up onto the dropped tailgate and rose to his feet. Bible in his left hand he'd swiped from the glove box, was then used to tap the beer bottle clutched in the other. Once a gift from Alex's grandmother after his confirmation was now just a prop. His feeble attempts to make any sound fell short. But still, everyone around who hadn't already been watching on turned to see what the commotion was. The air was warm as it swirled around us, ice cold Coronas and Busch Light cans were in everyone's hands as we gathered in the center of our favorite spot in town. The old abandoned Timonium Drive In. It was the core of the summer, and the usually scorching sun just begun to set, dipping slightly behind the large screen which somehow still stood. But Alex's skin was still speckled with sweat as he threw a bare arm around my shoulders. Warm sun-tanned skin sticking to my own. I knew just as well as the boy beside me that the fleeting light wouldn’t stop that twenty-person party from raging on into the night. And as the golden hour shined down on Jack where he towered above us, it was as good of an assumption as any. "Tuesday, July 15th 2005 will be a day for us all to remember!" He shouted, beginning to walk back and forth across the rusted bed. "A day greatness was released from the womb of the greatest band to ever come from the suburbs of Baltimore, Maryland and out into the world!" "Pretty sure were the only ones in the area!" Rian hollered from behind. His arm slung causally around Kara's waist. "Shut up, I'm giving a speech you, turd licker!" Jack laughed, "Today, we as a band, released our first ever full-length album, The Party Scene!" And on that note, everyone started to cheer. Hoots were hollered and beers were sipped but Jack wasn’t quite done there. He kept on talking, pacing and swinging his drink as though he here Charlie Champlin. And our small group of friends were watching his movie. "You don't get much for certain in this life, and we sure as Hell didn't think this little garage band would make it this far, that’s for damn sure!" He drunkenly rambled. "But as I stand here, managing to convince you all somehow that what I'm about to say may have some hidden wisdom or be sweet and meaningful to hold onto and laugh about in years to come. I'll tell you right now, you're dead-fucking-wrong." "Oh, then just get on with it!" Another friend yelled. "Well," Jack popped, coming to a stop and turning to face us all. "I would, but to be honest I forgot what I had to say the second, I climbed up onto this truck. So, I'll just say what mamma Merrick always has. All you're really given is the sunshine and your name!" "My mom doesn’t say that?" Zack chimed in, and not a second later the most miraculous thing I'd ever seen started to happened. As though mother nature was toying with Jack's mention of the sunshine pouring over us all. Not a second more passed before small drops of water began to fall from the sky. And I couldn't even begin to describe just how magical the chorus of our laughter sounded in that moment of time. "Look what you've done now, you fuck!" Rico manically yelled as one drop became two, and then three. And before we knew it large rain drops began to fall all around us from the still sunlit sky. In a matter of seconds, the mere drizzle was a full-blown downpour and people began to scatter. I was ripped from the memory almost as quickly as I'd been knocked into it. Looking up once I could to see Alex holding Jack by the shoulder and rolling his eyes. "You're going to crush her to death if you squeeze her like that!" "Well, I'm not going to apologize for it!" He laughed, turning to me and letting his black and bleached hair fall into his eyes. "I've missed you Kenn, like the dessert misses the rain!" His small, clueless remark made me laugh a little too hard at its relation to my memory. But still, my shoulders instantly rolled back. Now free from his death-like grip and much more relaxed than they'd been just moments before in the car. "I've missed you too, you crazy." I smiled. Not knowing exactly what I'd been missing, but the words felt right as they rolled off my tongue. He smiled at me, big brown eyes glistening in the fading sunlight. I could practically see the sporadic thoughts bouncing through his skull as he tossed an arm around my shoulder and started to walk. "Well how 'bout we say hi to everyone else who's been missing you almost as much as I have." I could hear Alex and Michelle's steps as they followed close behind. Talking softly to one another as Jack lead me by my neck towards the crowd. A few slowly turned around one by one to our direction. But not everyone had seemed to notice us approach, most just carried on with their loud conversations over the even louder music flowing from a Jeep. But one boy seemed to pick up on my presence instantly, a smile spreading across his face I could see clearly from even a foot away how bright and perfect his teeth were. He was a broader man, his head was buzzed, and subtle tuffs of scruff lined his jaw. He didn't look like anyone I'd pictured before, but for some reason my brain drew a connection I didn't even know was there upon seeing that smile of his. "Hey Rian," I waved. His already large smile growing even bigger as he managed to pull me out from under Jacks arm. Tugging me instantly into a brief, firm hug. "How are you?" "I'm good!" He nodded and let go. His smile still so wide I was beginning to think he would start to catch flies soon enough. "How are you, how have you been doing?" "I mean, I've certainly been better." I shrugged, trying to laugh it off like I'd been getting in the habit of doing. He just gave me a knowing nod. "I'm sure, but hey, Alex has been telling us you've been coming along pretty good!" He said motioning to the singer who'd stepped up beside Jack. Already blushing profusely by the time I'd looked over. "Is that true?" "It is..." I dragged. Watching for a second with a smile as Alex kept his hidden before I looked to my other side at Michelle. The shorter brunette shooting me a grin. "I didn't know Alex talked about me so much." "No more than he used to!" Rian laughed, receiving a swift smack to the arm by his shaggy-headed friend. "Alright, well that's enough of a re-introduction to Rian, I think!" Alex cut in right after, deciding that conversation was dead and buried. Being quick to replace Jack's place at my side as he grabbed my hand and hauled me off to the others. Being dragged around that makeshift party and being re-introduced to person after person in my life was a lot of things. For starters, it was outright just a lot. A lot to take in, a lot to digest, a lot of fresh names in the bank, a lot of faces I just straight up didn’t recognize, and a lot that I vaguely did but had no idea of why. It was confusing at times, but fun at others. For instance, when I was put in front of a boy with a rather interesting last name, I remembered him. Not much, but now at least I know Alex Grieco. And that I was assigned to be his guide when he came into Dulaney High just one year after the rest of us. And how we'd laughed the entire time at the fact that even I still didn't know how to get around that damned high school. And the entire time I had someone with me by my side walking me through it all. Either Alex, sipping a beer and sharing a story of something ridiculous and borderline unbelievable I’d done with someone. Or with Michelle, which I almost preferred, not that Alex wasn’t helpful. But purely because anytime someone that didn’t even begin to ring a bell would walk away, she'd turn to me and whisper a juicy bit of gossip on how I'd felt about them back in high school. All of which had the two of us laughing and snickering like immature school girls again. Eventually we'd all found ourselves gathered around Alex's truck. Zack was sat on top the truck's cab. Someone who I'd recognized almost instantly despite his drastic change in appearance from the dark and stormy kid I’d envisioned. I was perched on the tailgate, legs swinging over the edge. Wedged between Michelle and Alex while all the others wereeither sat in collapsible chairs or standing around. Each and every one having a story to share of a time they'd spent with me they just couldn't wait to get out. "And I just stood there, completely shocked," One kid Timmy, a rather robust individual told. "You just slapped the dude clean across the face, no warning or nothing!" "There is absolutely no way I did that!" I laughed along with everyone else. Leaning over and hiding my head in Michelle's long hair once Timmy was done telling his story of me. Large hands up in the air the entire time he explained it. "Oh, but you did, my little fire-cracker!" He pointed at me, exposing my bright red face to the whole group in the process. "Yeah that's a good one," Zack laughed from behind me, hopping down and making the truck jolt just a bit. "But not quite as good as the time we went to Dick's Last Resort!" "Oh, my gosh I almost forgot about that!" Michelle laughed, turning around to look up at Zack as he placed a hand on my totally confused shoulder. Everyone around me beginning to chuckle and nod. Each and every one seeming to recall the moment with ease. I on the other hand was having a much more difficult time. "Why, what happened at Dick's Last Resort?" "Well you know how the whole point of Dick's is that you go, and get those funny paper hats and the waiters basically just pick fun at and mock you the entire time?" Michelle excitedly asked, staring cheerily into my lost eyes. "I mean, kind of, I guess." I shrugged, trying to recall. Still not really seeing how this could lead to a memorable story. Unless my friends really thought a waiter laughing at me was just that hysterical. Which they just might of, honestly. "Well we all went there to celebrate something-" "My birthday!" "Yes," Zack sighed at Michelle's interruption. "And were just downright miserable the whole time! Our waiter was basically bullying you the entire meal. Calling you Scrooge, saying you could drive a preacher to drink with an attitude like yours all this crazy shit!" "Eventually you basically snapped!" Jack chimed in with a chortle. "What did I do?" I asked, genuinely a little worried to hear their responses. But I of course was only immediately answered with a wide variation of laugher. "You made some absurd remark about being able to charm the dew off a honeysuckle or something bizarre like that and went on this hilarious little rant about how cheery of a person you were!" Zack started again, "But then you made the big ole mistake of spewing out that you used to be a cheerleader!" "I was a cheerleader?" I asked, not believing it for a second as I turned to the grinning boy. Scrunching my nose up at his smile. "Not that we knew of!" He chuckled, shrugging a bit. "You cheered for a little later on in high school and hated it they were so bad, but I guess in Boston you were really good at it." "Yeah, you were smoking at the ears practically when our waiter only started to pick on you more, saying that you probably couldn’t get your scrawny legs of the ground!" Michelle laughed, borderline crying she was giggling so hard. "Hey, this is my story for Kenn!" Zack snipped, smacking her lightly on the top of her head. "But yeah, like she said, you were pissed as all Hell, and you made a bet with the guy that if you got up on their stage right then and there and did a back flip that he couldn't say one more word to you the rest of the night!" "I didn’t know I could do a back flip!" I chocked, looking wide-eyed at my boney knees swinging over the tailgate's edge. "Yeah, neither did we!" The boy continued to laugh. "We all thought for sure you were about to eat hardwood when you got up on the platform, but crazily enough you landed it! Still probably the coolest thing I've seen you do." "We did get banned for a year though because of it..." Rian muttered. And everyone started to laugh again. Including me this time. "I don't know, Zack..." Jack sang, taking his turn as he sloshed his beer around in its can. "I think the concerning number of drunk backflips she's done in Gaskarth's back yard would have that story beat!" "I did not do back flips drunk!" I laughed, shaking my head in utter disbelief. "Oh, sweet pea," Michelle sighed, "You've done so many, so far from sober we lost count after fifteen or so." An eruption of laughter exploded through the friend group after that. And I laughed along ever so slightly and I fell, red-faced into Alex's side. "I didn't realize how crazy I was growing up..." I chuckled. So soft probably only the singer had heard. He just sighed and wrapped his arm around my back. Pulling my blushing form closer into him. "It's one of the many, many things we all love about you. Kennedy Paige."
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rustandruin · 7 years
cut to the feeling
He has that dream again. The one where it's exactly a year later and they're both in Vegas stood in front of a cheesy Elvis impersonator in a dimly lit chapel.
Or, the one where Aaron spends his entire birthday in a mood and discovers that Robert's finally taken off his wedding ring.
He has that dream again. The one where it's exactly a year later and they're both in Vegas stood in front of a cheesy Elvis impersonator in a dimly lit chapel as he reads them their vows. Only this time the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll looks a lot like his on-the-run best mate, while his teenage sister (who still refuses to wear a dress) is the one who slips him his ring, and the man beaming at him while answering, "I do" is his ex-husband — notthe fit doctor he’s currently seeing.
And somehow the craziest part of this whole scenario isn't that he knows it's a dream (because he does ). It's that he knows and still doesn't want to forget a single moment and how happy it all makes him. And of course because he's him, and his brain is what it is, he remembers every blistering, heated moment upon waking up; how they'd spent the rest of their night either joined at the hip or linked through their fingers, even at the slots where they’d each chosen adjacent machines unwilling to be apart from each other for even a minute; how he’d looked up from a game of Blackjack only to catch sight of Robert just staring at him and smiling his softest of smiles (the one that feels like beginnings of a sunrise, it's warmth sweeping over the recipient until they feel it in their toes); Robert whispering, "Goodnight Mr. Sugden" in his ear, voice heavy with sleep and his arm wrapped around Aaron’s waist as he lies pressed up against his side, his head on Aaron’s chest, while Aaron plays with his wedding band and whispers back, "Goodnight Mr. Dingle,” into the top of Robert’s head only to be greeted with an unceremonious snore.
He takes a shower to try and wash the remnants away. The last thing he needs on his birthday is to rub one out to memories of a dream of an ex — especially when he and said ex have made a pact to move on and be friends and nothing more. That being said, it's a far cry from where he'd imagined their lives being last year. You can't always get what you want... Aaron jumps as he brushes by the shower radio and it bursts to life with strains of Mick Jagger, only to die a few seconds later with a well-timed, poetic convenience. He's half tempted to just toss it in the bin in a swell of annoyance, but Robert had installed it in here for him when they were first preparing to move in, knowing Aaron's fondness for shower listening — even if their musical tastes had never synced up. (Despite Robert’s numerous jokes otherwise, he actually does listen to all manner of pop, though Aaron has managed to introduce him to a few indie artists that are closer to his own sensibilities. Or as Robert puts it while cueing Ryan Adam’s cover of ‘Shake It Off’ for the billionth time, “Compromise.”)
Walking out of the ensuite, he notes with an inexplicable relief that the bed remains unmade. (Alex has a weird habit of making the bed first thing in the morning, which is a bit of an adjustment after a year of Robert insisting they leave it as is because they had "unfinished business." The innuendo had gotten old fast, but not the sentiment behind it. Or the actions it caused.) Slipping on some pants he tries to steer his mind away from memories of Robert. He's been doing really well on that front since Christmas. Aside from the occasional relationship retrospective every now and then, his brain has been quite cooperative with his attempts to move on.
Only, as it unhelpfully reminds him as he throws on a striped grey shirt, today isn't just any day. It's his birthday. A day he would prefer pass with as little fuss as possible. But given what he'd overheard Alex say on the phone yesterday, that won’t be the case. So he tamps down on his desire for a quiet dinner with his mother and Liv (and maybe Gerry and Paddy) and heads out the door, bracing himself for whatever may be awaiting him at the foot of the stairs.
His morning starts out a bit much but manages to get increasingly tolerable as it goes on.
First, there’s a gathering of almost all his immediate family (and Gerry) in his kitchen, complete with presents and cake and singing. It’s not toofar off from what he’d actually expected Alex to do, but it’s much, much more restrained, which he appreciates a lot — recurring dreams of his ex-husband aside.
(Just to make sure, he checks and his mum states that it’s just the people here, and feels a momentary stab of something like disappointment at that declaration.)
The cake Alex has purchased is some kind of birthday-cake-flavoured cheesecake confection which is fine, but a bit cold and not what Aaron would choose first thing in the morning. (Like most things in his life, his tastes run simple: chocolate, vanilla, and if he’s really, really feeling adventurous, coffee.) But Alex is just so excited and Aaron does like him — or at the very least, is trying to — and he doesn’t want to brush him off again, seeing how patient the man is when he gets moody (especially lately with all the stuff over Christmas, and more recently with Adam).
Then there’s Faith and Cain (and Isaac), who he runs into on his way to the scrapyard. Faith extends her arms wide, wrapping him in a hug while exclaiming, “Happy Birthday Love!” while Cain stands to the side with the stroller and gives him a nod later accompanied by a terse, “Happy Birthday” while Faith chirps, “From Isaac, too!”
“Thanks,” Aaron replies, smiling at his sleeping baby cousin.
“Got any fun plans?” Faith asks, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. “Schedule a check-up with your hot doc?”
Feeling the blood instantly rush to his face, he mumbles something about an urgent appointment with a client, shoves his hands into his pants pockets and beats a hasty getaway. He knows she means well, but the only thing he wants to do less than discuss his sex life with his grandmother is discuss it with Cain Dingle present.
The last familiar face he encounters that morning is Vic, who he runs into as she’s departing Keeper’s.
At first, he’s a little hesitant about whether to say anything, considering her outburst during their last encounter, but then he sees that she’s spotted him.
“Aaron! Hey, Aaron!” She calls, making her way over to him when he pauses in the street. “I got you somethin’…  Happy Birthday.”
She pushes her handbag strap up her shoulder, holding it there while reaching out with her other arm to hand him a paper gift bag.
“It’s not much, but I know Adam mentioned you two going on a lads camping trip at some point…” She swallows and continues. “It’s not the same thing, but he kept joking he might get you one of these.”
Aaron reaches in and fishes out what is a sleeping mask-safari-mask-blanket combo. The entire ridiculous thing is in camo print. He smiles and lets out a chuckle.
“At least this way I won’t have to see his ugly mug,” he jokes.
“Funny. That’s what he said about you when he saw it,” Vic says, eyes twinkling. “Um. There’s also something in there from me.”
He reaches in and pulls out a second item: a framed photo of him and Adam from a few years ago when they’d both gone to France and attempted to go fishing. Looking at their younger faces he flashes back to that afternoon when they were both drenched in lake water and absolutely sloshed. He’d known Adam had attempted a selfie, but he hadn’t known that it had been successful and that there was proof of their misadventure lying about. He must have missed it the day he’d been assembling Adam’s travel bag.
Sensing his questions, Vic says, “We kept it in the bedroom. He was always tellin’ me about that day and the face you made when you fell into that lake. It was his favourite photo of the two of yas. Thought it was only right you get to keep it.”  
“Thanks Vic,” he croaks out, tears stinging his eye. “It means a lot.”
“Don’t thank me,” she mentions shyly. “Can’t be easy to celebrate your birthday with your best mate on the run.”
He nods and leans forward to hug her.
“Seriously,” he whispers into her ear. “Thank you.”
“This doesn’t mean I’m not still mad at ya,” she mumbles into his chest half-heartedly.
They move apart and shoot each other sad smiles.
“Comin’ to the pub today?” She asks, her tone brighter as she prepares to make her exit.
“Yeah.” Aaron answers. He’s not sure what Alex has planned for lunch, but he’s sure they can squeeze in a quick, free drink at some point in the day.
“Great,” Vic gives his arm a squeeze. “See ya then!”
And with that, she walks away.  
As he turns back to head on his way, his eyes do a sweep of the cottage. Only this time he’s hit with a vague feeling of… disappointment . He pegs the emotion as a reaction to his missing Adam and continues on.
(Even though a small voice inside him suggests that this is not the reason the box room window is what drew his lingering gaze.)
Luckily, the rest of his morning is fairly lowkey.
Work hasn't piled up too much. It’s just a matter of plowing through the paperwork and invoices — neither of which were Adam’s strong suit anyway.
But that isn’t the reason he can’t seem to focus.
No. The cause of this particular listlessness is that still recurring feeling of disappointment. Or rather, that he’s missing… something . He’s not sure what he’s looking for, but he hadn’t expected to find the portacabin empty. At the very least he’d expected to walk in on Jimmy taking his mid-morning nap, his bearlike snores rattling the entire structure they share.
Unable to shake it, he puts away the spreadsheets and numbers and grabs his neon vest and gloves and heads outside. Might as well channel his frustrated energies into something productive.
Lunch is a muted affair — and as a result, the best part of his day so far.
Alex calls him before noon asking if it's okay that they grab lunch in the pub. He says something about possibly having to go on call, but Aaron is just relieved. He’d assumed that Alex’d had something slightly fancy planned in Hotten, and hadn’t been feeling too up for it. But a couple of burgers and pints at the Woolie sounds perfect, which he lets the other man know.
When Aaron arrives there he finds Liv and Gerry and Alex waiting for him. He also spots Robert sitting at the bar sporting that puffy blue jacket he likes — the older man had bought it on a weekend trip to Wales when the temperature had suddenly dropped, Aaron daring him to purchase the thicker coat in the uncharacteristic colour (“What? It’ll bring out the blue in yer eyes.” “You’re just saying that so you can keep laughing at me.” “Well, it’s not like you’re going to stay in it for long anyway…”) — and nursing a drink while Paddy shuffles about serving customers, looking both stressed and confused.
But before he can say anything (or ask about his mother), Alex is standing up and greeting him with a kiss on the lips, his hands making their way to Aaron’s elbows. He feels a wave of discomfort pass over him at this minor display of public affection but smiles at the doctor anyway.
“Sorry about the table,” Alex begins apologetically. “Everything else was taken.”
“It’s no problem,” Aaron responds, manoeuvring around it to take a seat between him and Liv who is deep in conversation with Gerry. He’s not sure when it happened, but those two have become thick as thieves lately and while Aaron may not be fully on board with the teenage boy, he does like the idea of Liv having another friend in the village.  
As he makes his way to his seat, he swears he can feel Robert’s eyes on him. But when he looks up, the man’s busy taking a sip of his orange juice. Judging by the half-empty glass, he’s been here a while. (Probably not doing wonders for Paddy who is becoming increasingly flustered with each passing minute.)
A small part of him wills Robert to look at him because that’s what they’re always doing, aren’t they? Catching each other's eyes across a room and trading glances and smiles? (At least they have been recently.) Only now, he isn’t responding and Aaron is feeling irrationally annoyed by the whole thing. He tells himself that Robert’s probably dealing with something Seb-related and that it isn’t really his place anymore, but it doesn’t quite work.
“Got you a pint,” Alex interrupts, sliding over a glass.
Aaron glances at it, picks it up, and smiles at him. “Ta.”
He takes a sip as Gerry asks when they’re going to order — and is elbowed gently in the ribs by Liv for his efforts. Feeling charitable, Aaron expresses his own desire for food, at which point Marlon appears almost as if on cue.
Aaron states he wants a cheeseburger, as does Liv, but the taller Dingle insists on rattling off the specials, which Alex then proceeds to actually inquire about. A few minutes later the doctor settles on a quiche and salad duo, while Gerry, who announces he’s on some weird health kick, asks for the tomato soup… with a side of chips. Another quick jab from Liv results in him choosing a cheeseburger as well — much to Marlon’s enduring disappointment. (“Forget culinary school, maybe I should have just gone to burger making camp.”)
Aaron cracks a smile, his gaze traveling to the bar where he sees Robert busy replying to a text. But it’s pulled away again when Alex asks him about his morning thus far.
As he answers the question, he feels a weird pang in his chest. Before he can investigate it further, Liv begins recounting a funny incident at school, cracking them all up with an impression of one of her teachers at school. Aaron knows he shouldn’t laugh (thereby encouraging her), but it is hilarious and he doesn’t quite like the man either, having had more than enough mildly-unpleasant parent-teacher conferences with him. (To be fair, even Robert , who actually did well at the few he’d attended, had harboured a deep dislike of the man. “He knows she’s been working hard, but the tosser still has the gall to not round her marks up?”)
The food comes fast, and the conversation continues nice and light, causing any apprehensions he’d had about the meal to slowly vanish. (Except for that nagging feeling in his chest, but he’s since figured that has to do with his discomfort around birthdays, and not whatever he’s nervous that Alex has planned.)
When they finally finish, they sit there in companionable silence, Aaron savouring the feeling of a light buzz on a full stomach. That’s when he senses movement to his right and turns his head to see Alex holding out an envelope.
“This is your present,” he states.
“Thought I wasn’t getting it till later,” Aaron responds, thinking back to the suggestiveness of the doctor’s words this morning as he flips the envelope in his hands. There’s no clue as to what could be inside.  
“I know, but I wanted to give you something now,” Alex says, a bit of nerves creeping into his overall energy. “I mean, we still have Chinese later, and I thought we could watch… Rocky Balboa ?”
“That’s my favourite film,” Aaron says surprised by the suggestion. He wasn’t sure it had ever come up — oddly enough they’ve yet to discuss favourite films (or books or TV shows or music for that matter) — but he figures his mum and Paddy might have made a suggestion when they were over this morning. Heavens knows they’ve each had to sit through enough Rocky movie marathons over the last couple of years. Balboa had been the first Rocky film Aaron had ever seen and (predictably) he’d loved it, prompting him and Adam (who’d eventually watched it with him when he’d returned from France) to have yearly movie marathons where they’d watch the whole series. In the last two years Robert had joined them (Vic had begged off claiming that sitting through all the Transformers films was enough for her), with the older Sugden even surprising them with tickets to an anniversary marathon held at a small independent cinema in Hotten. He hadn’t been able to stay for every film on account of some haulage business, but he’d made sure he’d made it back for this one in particular, settling into a seat next to Aaron’s mere minutes before it began. (“What are you doing here?” “Couldn’t miss your favourite film, could I?” “Never said it was my favourite.” “Didn’t have to. You quote it in your sleep.”)
A smile creeps onto Aaron’s face at Alex’s research efforts.
“Go on then, open it,” Alex nudges.
So he does, and is once again, pleasantly surprised to see a pair of tickets to the Leeds Festival. His brow furrows in confusion and he looks up at Alex to see him smiling at him with anticipation.
“Amazing! How did you know ?” The excitement (and surprise) bleeds into his voice. He hadn’t mentioned his desire to go this year to anyone , thinking that maybe this could be a bit of a treat to himself after the year he’d had caused him to miss the last one.  
“Well, couldn’t miss the NME mags in the bog, and the black hoodie — dead giveaway” Alex explains his deductive reasoning. “Same again?”
“Yeah, thanks,” Liv’s voice calls out from his left.
“Cheers,” Gerry adds before launching into yet another tale from his life. This time it’s about his hilarious attempts to start a band, occasionally interrupted by Liv’s wisecracks about it, which true to form, continue to elicit Aaron’s amusement.
A few minutes into yet another story, Alex receives a call and has to step away from the bar. Aaron studies him as he does so, noting the shift into doctor mode, which is subtle but clear. With his date currently busy, he turns his attention to the page in front of him, a sense of disbelief ringing through him. The Leeds Festival. He can’t believe he’ll actually be going this year. His eye snags on the dates ( August ) and the number of tickets (two) and he feels another wave of surprise — this time at Alex’s confidence that they’ll still be together eight months into the future.
It’s strange, but until now Aaron hadn’t considered the possibility of he and Alex lasting that long. He’d just assumed they’d date until March or April before fizzling out and then he’d move on to someone new. It’s not like he’s really felt much of a connection beyond his initial attraction to the man. Most of their conversations tend to dip into general small talk about either Alex’s job, their families, one of their interests, or whatever they’ve ended up doing on one of their dates. With the exception of his revealing his scars to the man, they haven’t really had a chance to delve into some of the darker aspects of their lives. (Though sometimes he wonders if Alex’s darkness can even match up to what he has swirling inside him on his best days — let alone his worst. Yes, the man’s an openly gay A&E doctor, which must not make work any fun, but sometimes it seems like he just wants to skim past both their edges and focus only on the good. And while that’s fine for now , Aaron sometimes feels like he’s not being fully seen . It’s crazy — especially considering how patient and considerate Alex has been in general — but Aaron just didn’t think he’d paid enough attention to pick up on these things, or that Aaron had even told him this yet. In fact, he hadn’t really even felt the need to — his own dead giveaway to how temporary he’d been considering this, for lack of better word, relationship . And to be fair, it’s not like Alex has ever asked.)
And that’s another thing that prickles his senses somewhat. In all the short time they’ve known each other Alex has yet to display any real observational skills beyond picking up what Aaron’s revealed right in front of him — if anything, it sometimes seems like he likes this idea of Aaron rather than who he really is. (Aaron still doesn’t have the heart to tell him that the Sharknado movies are really not his thing.) Nonetheless, Aaron concedes that these aren’t real character flaws, as much as evidence of Alex’s training as a doctor, and his own reticence to share his interests. Or maybe it’s because of the last few years he’s spent with Robert, where he’s never had to do anything of that sort because the older man had just known . (“It’s called paying attention . Might want to try it sometime.”)
“Everything alright?”
He hadn’t noticed Paddy bring over their drinks (two pints, half a cider, and an orange juice for Liv). The older man is now staring at him with something akin to concern on his face. ‘Yeah… Thanks.”
“And Alex, everything’s going fine with him?”
“Uh yeah,” he says as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. He doesn’t know why, but for some reason, Paddy’s concern is bordering on cloying right now. “We’re spending my birthday together if you hadn’t noticed.”
“Right,” Paddy says as if he’s just remembered being over at the Mill this morning for the birthday breakfast Alex had put together. “Good good. Carry on.”
Aaron shakes his head and takes a sip of his refill while Paddy heads off to serve another customer.
When he looks up again, he sees Robert standing up, downing the last few sips of his pint, placing the glass back down on the bar and tucking his hands into his pockets and making his way towards the washroom.
Aaron doesn’t know why, but he feels compelled to follow.  
(If he notices how this quells the feeling of aching disappointment he’s been experiencing all day, he does not acknowledge it.)
Robert is using the dryer next to the sink when Aaron finally enters the washroom. As a result, he’s surprised when he turns around to see the younger man standing there.
“Hey,” he says, his face bursting into a smile.
“Hey.” Aaron cringes inwardly at how breathless he sounds.
“Having a good birthday so far?”
Robert’s hands are back in his pockets like he has something valuable in there he doesn’t want to let go of. There’s a look in his eye Aaron hasn’t quite seen before.  
“Oh, so you did remember,” Aaron teases, adding a slight edge to his words.  
“Well, you seemed a bit busy earlier. Didn’t want to interrupt,” Robert explains, his expression turning apologetic. “Didn’t mean to make you think I’d forgotten though… Happy birthday.”
And just like that, something inside Aaron unclenches, leaving him feeling loose and free again. (Or as loose and free as Aaron Dingle tends to feel.)
“Thanks,” Aaron responds, aware that he has indeed gotten what he came here for. Only now he’s not sure what comes next. (Or why he’d needed this so badly.) “And, uh, yeah. It wasn’t too bad. Cake, breakfast, presents. You know. The usual.”
“Get anything good?”
It’s an innocent enough question — the kind friends ask each other all the time. But it still trips Aaron up a little mentally. He doesn’t want to mention Alex’s tickets, because some part of him doesn’t know what to make of them. As much as he loves the gift, there’s a confidence and intimacy there he can’t quite reconcile with where he is emotionally with Alex. Hell, he can’t even call him his boyfriend yet — and that’s in hisown mind.
“Well, Liv got me a new pair of earphones, and Mum and Paddy pitched in for a new running kit,” Aaron says, recounting the presents he’d opened this morning. “And Gerry made me a mix CD full of running tracks, but I’m pretty sure it’s just Eye Of the Tiger 57 times.”
He feels a wave of warmth pass through him as Robert lets out a hearty laugh at the last one. When the older man finally calms down, he offers, “I guess it’s the thought that counts?”
“Yeah yeah, let’s see how you feel when I play it in the office while you’re trying to do yer paperwork,” Aaron jokes, in an attempt to convey his severity of his predicament. “On second thought, that would probably make both of your days.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault I never get sick of any songs,” Robert argues back good-naturedly. “If I had my way, Vic and I would still be listening to that new Carly Rae Jepsen single.”
Aaron groans and shakes his head at the memory. “Don’t remind me. That was worse than that time you got into 25 . There’s only so many times a person can listen to Adele moan on and on.”
“I’m sorry, but you said you liked ‘Hello,’” Robert teases.
“Yeah! The first four or five times,” Aaron states. “By number 39, I was ready for her to say ‘Goodbye!’”
He pauses at that and they grin knowingly at each other. It’s a recurring argument they’ve had on and off over the last two years or so and it’s as familiar as a well-worn jumper. As the awareness of the fact settles over them, the air between them grows thick and pulses with a nervous energy.
But it dissipates when Robert’s phone vibrates.
“It’s Vic,” he says, quickly texting back. “She wants to know when I’ll be ready.”
“You goin’ out somewhere?” Aaron asks. He doesn’t want to admit it, but he’s a little miffed that they’d made plans on his birthday — even if he and Robert are technically exes and Vic only just started speaking to him again this morning.
“Uh, yeah,” Robert replies, a pinkish tinge appearing in his cheeks. “Got tickets to some AmDram thing tonight. Thought it would cheer her up.”
“Oh,” Aaron says, a little stunned by the answer. In all their years together, he’d never pegged Robert for an amateur acting fan. Must be Vic’s idea, which is weird because Adam never mentioned her penchant for live theater when they were together. “Fun.”
“Yeah, should be,” Robert agrees evenly, before making a face. “Except she wants me to dress up with her.”
“What’s wrong with that?” Aaron asks with a straight face. He knows how much effort Robert Sugden puts into carefully choosing what he wears.
As a response, the older man just holds out his phone for Aaron to study. “Look at some of these outfits.”
On screen is an image of Tim Curry as Dr. Frank-N-Furter. The younger man lets out a loud guffaw. “Not going to lie, you definitely have the legs for that.”
Robert scowls and swipes right on the phone screen to reveal Rocky in all his naked-except-for-gold-lame-shorts glory.
“If you ask me, you should definitely do this one,” Aaron jokes sagely. “Add some body glitter, really complete the whole… package .”
“Thanks, mate ,” says Robert, rolling his eyes.
“Anytime,” Aaron replies with a grin. “What are friends for?”  
(His recent mood already feels like a distant memory.)
They’re leaving the restroom when Gerry comes barrelling into them, almost knocking over Robert who’d exited first.
“We was wondering where you’d gone off to. Alex has to go to hospital,” he says brightly to Aaron, who’s currently holding Robert’s elbows, bracing him to keep him from falling. And then belatedly, “Oh, hiya Robert.”
“Hey Gerry,” the blonde responds before turning to Aaron who lets go of his arm… “I’m going to head home and get ready. See ya.”
He barely limps two steps away when Gerry exclaims, “Oh wait! Ya dropped somethin’!”
Robert stops and turns around, looking at where he was standing before spotting what it is the teen had noticed.  
It’s the last couple of pieces of a roll of Rolos. He manages to bend and pick it up, wincing as his left hand reaches out.
“Rolos? Nice!” Gerry exclaims when he gets a sight of what’s between Robert’s fingers. “Aaron, aren’t those yer favourite?”
“Uh, yeah,” Aaron replies, not adding that he’d developed a real taste for the caramel candies in the year since his last birthday.
“Well then,” Robert says, a faint smile gracing his lips. It’s clear that he’s reliving that morning too. “Don’t say I didn’t get ya nothin’.”
He lightly tosses the spiral-shaped wrapper over the short distance to Aaron, who catches it with both hands, even though his eyes are on Robert’s face.
Robert flashes him one last smile before he departs.
“Happy birthday Aaron.”
And just like that, that same pervasive feeling of disappointment is back and more intense than ever.
Alex is getting ready to leave when he returns to their table, but he doesn’t actually do so until Aaron spends at least 15 minutes reassuring him that he really isn’t mad that they’ve had to cut their birthday celebrations short and that yes, he will keep him abreast of any tentative plans he might make in terms of going out that evening.
(If anything, Aaron’s actually a bit relieved. It’s only two o’clock and this day already feels too long. A quiet night by himself sounds like heaven — especially given this mood that’s been building inside him all day.)
After half an hour of jovial bonding with Liv and Gerry (and his many,  many colourful observations) Aaron decides they should go ahead and watch the movie together anyway. So they stop by David’s to restock on snacks.
“All set to do the Time Warp ?” David asks when Aaron deposits a six-pack of beer on the counter while both teens bicker over buying popcorn or crisps behind him.
“What?” Aaron asks, confused.
“You know, ‘It’s a jump to the left… ’” Bob Hope chimes in from where he’s standing to the side. His wiggling eyebrows don’t help at all. “ ‘And then a step to the riiight!’ ”
Off Aaron’s lack of reaction, he grins and explains, “I always thought I’d make a good Riff Raff.”
“Yeah, no idea what you’re goin’ on about,” Aaron explains when Bob’s expectant gaze turns to one of disappointment. He turns back to David, who also looks a little confused.
“ Rocky Horror Picture Show .” He answers matter-of-factly. “Isn’t Alex takin’ ya? He sounded dead excited about it yesterday.”
“No,” Aaron says, eyebrows furrowing. “We were supposed to be watching Rocky Balboa .”
“The Hotten AmDram are doing Rocky Balboa too?” David seems impressed by this piece of news. “Talk about range.”
Aaron shakes his head. “No, he’s not taking me anywhere. We were supposed to be watching the movie back at my place.”
“ Oh . That makes more sense,” David replies, the little misunderstanding now cleared up. “Didn’t peg you for the dressing up and live show type. Now Robert, maybe .”
“Wait. Who told ya I was going to this Rocky Horror thing?” Aaron asks, trying to get clarification on what David’s saying.
“Alex. He showed me the tickets yesterday,” the other man answers, mildly confused by what’s going on.
Aaron is about to respond but Liv and Gerry step up to the counter and lay their picks out alongside his beer. David starts ringing them up.
“Um, thanks.” Aaron replies, reaching for his wallet and paying for their purchases. His mind slowly turning over this new information.
As they exit the shop, he is surprised to find that a different kind of disappointment is beginning to form in the pit of his stomach.
For the first time ever Aaron Dingle is not enjoying his favourite movie. While Liv and Gerry seem to be quite engrossed despite it being their third and second viewings respectively, he just can’t seem to get into the film at all .
Instead he’s busy thinking about Alex and Rocky Horror and Leeds and Robert.
When Alex had handed him that envelope and he’d pulled out the sheet of paper he’d felt a sense of relief — that maybe Alex and he weren’t so mismatched after all; that maybe despite the monster movie marathons and the assumption that his teenage sister was him over text (even if shedoes do a spot on impression of Aaron), Alex did indeed know what he’s like and what he might want.
Has Alex even visited the ensuite enough to notice his NME mags?
The thought pops into his head unbidden and that’s when it clicks.
There’s only one person he’s heard comment on the number of NME magazines piled in the bog — partly because said complainant had been the one who’d bought that subscription as a surprise gift after noticing Aaron always thumbing through it at the village shop and scrolling through articles on his phone, and partly because Aaron really did need to start tossing out old issues.
Similarly, there’s only one person who is well-versed enough with his wardrobe to tell his everyday black hoodie from his special occasions black hoodie, and his “I’m-sick-and-need-something-comforting” black hoodie from his “I’ve-had-this-since-I-was-a-teenager-and-I’m-not-giving-it-up-now” black hoodie (as well as all the ones in between) — and that’s because he’s spent enough time in every single one of them to know which “hoodie” Aaron is referring to when he asks him to bring him one.
And there’s only one person who knows how he’d been dying to go to Leeds, after having put it off last year because of yet another thing in a series of unfortunate events that makes up his life.
With the facts in front of him like this, he can’t believe he didn’t see it before.
Robert. Jacob. Sugden.
The only thing he doesn’t quite understand is where Alex comes into all this. Was this a case of assistance requested or aid provided? (Though even as he wonders, he knows it’s clearly a case of the latter instead of the former.)
It’s at that moment Gerry interrupts, having paused the film.
“You still got one of ‘em Rolos Robert gave ya? ‘M cravin’ some chocolate.”
That gets Liv’s attention. He can almost hear her neck snap as she turns towards him, a million questions in her eyes — or maybe just the one:What is Robert Sugden doing giving you Rolos on yer birthday?
He ignores her, fishing in his pocket for the leftovers he’d been gifted with. Deciding to have one himself, he pulls away the remaining wrapper to discover that it’s the very last one .
Of. Fucking. Course.
“Help yerself,” he says, his own craving vanishing. He tosses it at Gerry, who catches it with a big smile, and a cheery, “Ta!”
They resume the movie, now with Liv’s attention split between the screen and her brother. But he ignores both until he can’t keep watching any longer — not that he was anyway.
“I’m going out for a bit,” he announces, getting to his feet. He can see her begin to protest, so he hastily adds, “You keep watching though.”
She must recognise something in his eyes because for once she doesn’t put up too much of a fight. (Or any fight at all.)
He grabs his wallet and keys and leaves the house.
(His dueling senses of disappointment are now joined by a pounding heart.)
He runs into Paddy on his way to the village.
“Aaron, what are you doing here? Is everything okay?” The older man asks, clearly concerned. “Thought you’d be home with Alex.”
“Can’t I just take a walk if I feel like it?” Aaron snaps. His head is swimming and the last person he wants to think about right now is the man he’s currently seeing.
“Sure, you can. It’s just… It’s yer birthday,” Paddy explains. When Aaron doesn’t look at him or reply, he adds, “And you don’t look alright.”
Aaron sighs. He doesn’t want to share where he’s at mentally and emotionally with Paddy , but without Adam around he doesn’t really have any options beyond Robert who may have achieved newly-minted mate status, but he can’t go to regarding this for obvious reasons. So he decides take a leap.
“Alex didn’t plan today by himself,” he says, giving voice to the first part of his concerns. “Robert helped him.”
“I knew he was up to something when I heard them in the pub,” Paddy says immediately shaking his head, his worst suspicions confirmed. “Never trust Robert Sugden.”
“ That’s not the problem,” Aaron says, voice rife with irritation. “Robert’s the only reason today was halfway decent.”
And then, “Wait. What do you mean you heard them?”
Paddy looks flustered. “Earlier, after lunch, Alex was thanking Robert for his help with your gift. I- I think he might have told him what to get you.”
Something inside Aaron warms at that revelation. It also serves to stoke the overwhelming wave of annoyance washing over him.
“Glad someone around here actually knows me,” he growls, the rest of his emotions proceeding to spill out.  “You know, you lot keep telling me how great Alex is for me. How perfect we are together. If we really are, then how come he doesn’t know a single real thing about me?”
He can see that Paddy is growing increasingly uncomfortable, but he’s on a roll now.  
“For that matter, do any of you ? ‘cause none of ya thought to tell Alex that maybe a big birthday surprise first thing in the morning isn’t something I’d really enjoy? Or maybe that Rocky Horror Picture Show isn’t my thing. No, the only one who bothered to do that was my ex-husband, who my whole family keeps saying they want to die. How sad is it that the only person who might actually know me is Robert?”
“He told Alex that,” Paddy mumbles.
“What?” Aaron asks, his momentum interrupted.
“At the pub, earlier. He told Alex that soon he’ll know you better than he does.”  
The information takes some of the wind out of Aaron’s sails.
“That’s not his decision to make.” He argues, before attempting to storm past Paddy. But before he can, the older man grabs his arm.
“Aaron,” he says, invoking his calm veterinarian voice. “Don’t do something you’ll regret.”
“Like what? Getting back together with Robert ?”
Paddy lets go of his arm at that. Aaron yanks it away and takes a step back.
“You know what, I’m sick and tired of everyone tellin’ me who I should and shouldn’t be with. It was my decision to move on from Robert. Mine.Just like it’s my decision if I get back together with him. Not yours. Not mum’s. And not Liv’s. Just mine and his.”
He finds himself a little out of breath after that rant, his ragged breaths cutting through the night. Into that silence Paddy asks his next question.
“ Are you gonna get back together with him?”
“God. It’s like you’re not listening to a word I said,” Aaron says, shaking his head.
“I am .” Paddy argues. “It just sounds like you might be thinkin' about dumping Alex and getting back together with Robert.”
“We’re just friends ,” Aaron retorts.
“That’s not a no.”
“That’s not a yes either.”
And just like that, they reach a detente of sorts.
“I don’t know, okay?” Aaron admits softly, as if to himself. “It’s just… Alex has no idea who I am.”
“You’ll find somebody else who does,” Paddy tries to comfort him.
“I don’t know if I want to.”
Aaron surprises even himself with that one, but he still continues. “Yeah, we're not good for each other. Don’t you think I know that?”
He takes a deep breath. “But sometimes you just want to be with someone who sees you, the real you. Not some idea of you. And Robert, he does that.”
He can see Paddy nod before he says weakly, “I just don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Well, that’s my decision innit?”
Paddy nods again and they stand there in silence for a minute.
“For what it’s worth, and don’t tell your mother I said this, but I think there might be a tiny chance, and I mean tiny , that he really might have changed,” the older man concedes. “The old Robert would never have helped someone else plan your birthday and not taken credit for it.”
Aaron’s head snaps up and he studies Paddy’s face, before agreeing. “He told me we shouldn’t be together after the accident. Said he’s letting me go. That he loves me too much and that I deserve better.”
He sees Paddy’s eyebrows jump up at revelation and nods, agreeing with that kind of impressed surprise.
“Really? I thought he’d milk it. Use it to get back together,” Paddy comments. As annoying as his words are in the moment, Aaron doesn’t hold it against him. He knows that Robert and Paddy haven’t always had the best relationship (attempted murder will do that to you).
“I was ready to,” Aaron confirms, whispering it softly into the night. “When I saw him lying on that bed… When his heart stopped… I knew. I knew I didn’t want us to end like that.”
He takes a deep breath. “He’s my husband .”
“You mean first husband,” Paddy attempts a joke, but Aaron doesn’t laugh.
“No,” he answers. “I mean only husband.”
As soon as he says it a giant boulder rolls off his chest. He hasn’t called Robert that in months, but he realises that deep down, he still considers him that. He almost laughs at the irony. He’d thought that Robert was the one having a hard time letting go.
“What about his son?” Paddy asks.
“What about him?”
“Aaron, he’s a father now. That changes things,” Paddy explains gently. “His son’s mother is the same ex-girlfriend he cheated on you with whileyou were in prison. Not to mention, he lied about all of it!”
“I was there Paddy,” Aaron reminds him. While it is painful to hear the whole ordeal recounted, he is pleasantly surprised to discover that it doesn’t sting as bad as it did anymore. “What happened… happened. Would I have preferred if it never did? Of course. But I can’t erase that. He’s trying to be a good dad and that’s what matters right now.”
This seems to convince Paddy, who accepts Aaron’s words easily enough — of course, he doesn’t know about the multiple sessions Aaron had had to spend with the counselor to get to this point of acceptance. (Robert and Jack had hardly been close before his negative reaction to his son’s burgeoning bisexuality, and it’s no secret that Gordon was a monster. Aaron just doesn’t want another young boy to grow up without a good dad — at least not because of him .)
After what seems to be a long pause, Paddy finally responds.
“As long as you know what you’re doing,” he begins, a dash of uncertainty in his voice. “You’re 26 now. Can’t keep telling you what to do.”
The nervous smile he gives Aaron — a clear sign that he’s attempting to wave a white flag — does wonders to alleviate the tension that’s been building up in the younger man’s gut over the last hour.
“Thanks Paddy,” he says, meaning every single bit of it.
With Paddy’s nod, he moves to go around him and continue into the village.
“And Aaron?”
He turns to look back at Paddy.
“You deserve to be with someone who knows ya.”
Aaron just nods and smiles.
“I know.”
His phone rings when he gets within a few feet of Keeper’s. He answers it.
“ Hey there, Birthday Boy ,” Alex’s tone is light and flirty. “Just wrapped up with a patient, so I should be over there in… half an hour?”
“No, it’s okay. Don’t bother,” Aaron replies, not really feeling it. “Was just thinking of headin’ off to bed soon. It’s been a long day.”
“But you love Rocky Balboa !” Alex protests. His voice is still light and playful, but there’s a hint of hurt there.
“Yeah, but me, Liv, and Gerry just finished watchin’ it,” Aaron admits.
“Oh.” There’s definite disappointment there. “Then let me buy you a beer. We can have a bit of a birthday nightcap.”
“Nah,” Aaron demures. “Just not really feelin’ it right now… Sorry.”
“No no, it’s okay.”
There’s a pause as neither of them say anything. And then-
“How did you know to book Leeds?”
“What do you mean?”
“The Leeds Festival. How did you know to book that one and not some other music festival?”
“Just seemed like your thing.”
“My thing?”
“Yeah. All the NME mags. The black hoodie. Definite giveaways.”
Another pause. It’s the same words, in the same order.
“So you weren’t going to take me to Rocky Horror Picture Show ?”
There’s a deep sigh on the other line.
“He promised he wouldn’t tell,” Alex explains, his tone taking on a petulant, childish quality. Aaron doesn’t need to know that they’re talking about Robert now.
“He didn’t. David, from the shop, did.”
“Am I in trouble?”
Is he ?
“No… You’re not,” Aaron answers truthfully, his annoyance turning into disappointment. “Wish you would have just told me instead.”
“I just really didn’t want to mess up your birthday. I was going to surprise you with it anyway.”
“I know, but you didn’t have to lie,” Aaron points out. “ That’s why Robert and I broke up in the first place. He was always keepin’ stuff from me.”
“I’m sorry… It’s just that you never tell me anything.”
I shouldn’t have to tell you everything.
“Sorry, I’ll try and be better about that.”
“Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to make you apologise on your birthday. Perfect boyfriend I am.”
Aaron doesn’t respond to that, leaving the words hanging. The term boyfriend still not sitting right with him.
A few seconds later Alex asks a little hopefully, “You sure you don’t want me to come over later? I can make it up to you.”
“No,” Aaron replies. “I really am tired. Had a big day today.”
He chuckles weakly at the end of that in an effort to lift the mood and not make it seem like a total rejection (which it kind of is).
Normally, Aaron would do his best to mollify the doctor, but right now he’s just not in the mood for it. So he just ends the conversation.
He puts his phone back in his pocket and restarts his journey to Keeper’s.
(The twin coils of disappointment have since disappeared. All that’s left is a newly-cleared head and a rapidly-pounding heart.)
It’s another half an hour before he sees a pair of headlights make its way to the cottage. He stands up from where he’s been sitting on the ground ready to greet the returning siblings.
Neither Robert nor Victoria notices him, each engrossed in conversation as they step out of the car and make their way over.
“I’m just sayin’ it would have been a lot more fun if we’d gotten all dressed up,” Vic teases. “ Your legs are just as nice as Tim Curry’s. I’d even say they’re better!”
Robert snorts. “Thanks Vic. Just what every bloke wants to hear.”
They turn into the garden path-
“That’s what I told him earlier,” Aaron says, startling both of them. “Except the part about Tim Curry.”
“Aaron!” Robert exclaims, missing his joke entirely. “Is everything alright? Where’s Alex?!”
“Everything’s fine ,” he insists, his eyes firmly on Robert’s face. “Was just taking a walk and decided to stop by and say hi.”
“Uh, hi…” Robert’s brows knit together in confusion reminding Aaron of how much he still enjoys seeing that expression on his face.
They stand there in silence for a moment until Vic pipes up. “Why don’t I go put the kettle on? Aaron, happy birthday. Rob, I’ll see ya inside.”
She walks past both of them to open the front door.
That jolts Robert into action. “You’re welcome to come inside if you want.”
“No, I’m good out here,” Aaron insists. He really is. The cold air is serving as some kind of grounding agent.
As Robert nods, his face is suddenly illuminated with a warm yellow light, indicating that Vic’s left the door open.
They continue standing in silence for another minute, and then-
“If you want, we can go elsewhere-”
“How was the show?”
They both crack small smiles at their talking over each other.
“We can stay here,” Aaron says. To which Robert answers, “Thought it was okay. Vic enjoyed it though.”
“That’s good.”
More companionable silence.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Robert asks again, this time in a much softer tone of voice. “You seem a bit distracted today.”
Aaron wants to laugh . Robert Sugden hasn’t even spent the whole bloody day with him and he still senses that something might be wrong.
“Everything’s fine ,” Aaron reiterates. “I just wanted to say thanks.”
In response to Robert’s confused expression, Aaron continues, “You know, for all your help with Adam the last couple of days. With the alibi and all.”
“Of course,” the older man answers, as he didn’t willingly implicate himself in their crimes as well. “You’d do the same for me.”
Before he’s tempted to fall into yet another one of their comfortable silences, Aaron forces himself to blurt out.
“And thanks for tipping Alex off about Leeds… And the movie.”
“He told you about that?” Robert asks, clearly surprised.
“Didn’t have to,” Aaron responds. “Had your fingerprints all over it.”
He chuckles at the gobsmacked expression on Robert’s face at that.
“ You’re not the only one who can put clues together you know,” He explains, before continuing. “And you do realise that you’re the only one who’s always been on at me about the mags and the hoodies. Right?”
Robert cracks a smile at that. “Well, excuse me for trying to stop you from becoming a hoarder.”
They both grin at that — only Robert’s fades first.
“Does Alex know you know?”
“Yeah. I asked him about it.”
“You know, it’s not his fault,” Robert says, surprising Aaron. “He just wanted to make today special.”
“Maybe then he should have actually tried to get to know me then,” Aaron retorts.
Robert snorts. “Come on. It’s not like you make it easy. You’re not exactly ‘Mr. Conversation.’”
“What do you call this then?” He’s half joking, half not.
“An excuse.”
“What do you mean an excuse ?”
“Aaron, you’re hardly giving him a chance,” Robert argues. “Do you know how long it took me before I felt like I knew you? Months.”
Aaron wants to tell him that he’s wrong ; that he’s known who Aaron is from pretty much Day One. Why else would he have bothered to retrieve Chrissie’s ring for him?
He’s interrupted by Robert’s continuing to make a case for the man he’s currently seeing . (A man that’s not him , Aaron notes. It’s odd, but he feels a sense of pride at this show of growth from his ex-husband.)
“I told you I’d be the best friend you’ll ever have,” the older man says, breaking their unspoken rule not to talk about what transpired in that hospital room on Christmas Day. Aaron doesn’t need to look at Robert’s face to know that it’s paining him to do so. It’s paining Aaron just to listen to him. “Well, this is me being that friend. Adam would have told you the same thing: Alex… He’s good for you.”
“ No , Adam would have told me to be with someone who makes me happy.”
Robert swallows at that.
“And Alex doesn’t?”
“Well, I’m sure you’ll find someone who does.”
Or maybe I already have.
“Yeah. Maybe.”
He doesn’t need Robert to say anything to know that he knows what Aaron’s thinking — because he’s always known what Aaron’s thinking. He’s about to suggest that they maybe try again, or that he’s happy to wait for Robert to be ready when there’s some shuffling behind him, and-
“Sorry to interrupt,” Vic says, stepping out the house in a robe and with two mugs of tea in her hands. “Wasn’t sure how long it would take, and I didn’t want your tea to get cold.”
She hands Robert his mug (the blue Doctor Who TARDIS one, because no matter how much the older man pretends, he’s still a verifiable nerd ) and is about to pass Aaron the other one ( (a maroon number with a chipped handle that he’s touched she remembered he likes) when he declines.
“Should probably head home,” he explains to both Sugdens. “Liv and Gerry will be wondering’ where I am.”
He says this more to Robert than Vic. But she just brushes it off with a slightly awkward, “Oh alright… Have a great rest of your birthday… again.”
She leaves before he can answer, which he appreciates because there’s something different about Robert that he can’t quite seem to identify, and he feels it like an itch under his skin. He almost doesn’t want to leave because of it.
However, he does manage to say, “Thanks.”
He nods at the mug in Robert’s hand and says, “Cheers.”
“Cheers,” he whispers back.
With one last smile Aaron moves to walk past Robert, brushing past him. It makes a shiver go up his arm — one unrelated to the chill in the air.
At the gate he finds himself turning around, which reveals Robert looking back at him , both hands clasping the handle on either side of the door.
“Robert,” he says, even though doesn’t need to. “Thanks.”
“Hey,” his ex-husband replies. “What are friends for?”
With one last exchange of smiles, Robert steps into the cottage and shuts the door behind him.
Aaron steps past the gateway, but then turns around again and studies the whole cottage while turning his main focus toward the itch he’s still trying to scratch.
It doesn’t quite hit him until a light goes off on the top floor.
He’s taken off his wedding band.
But instead of yet another dose of disappointment — because he’s come to recognise and acknowledge the emotion he’s been experiencing at various levels throughout the day — he feels the burst of anticipation that comes with big realisations. As well as a flutter of something else .  
He’s going to put that ring back on Robert’s finger. He just has to figure out how .
He has that dream again. The one where it’s exactly a year later and they’re both in Vegas, stood in front of a cheesy Elvis impersonator in a dimly lit chapel.
Only, as he has to remind himself yet again, this isn’t yet another one of his dreams. It’s his reality.
Beside them, a speaker crackles with static noise as the DJ-technician in charge of the wedding march music tinkers about. Both men wince.
“Can you believe we almost did this ?” Aaron murmurs incredulously into Robert’s ear, giving him a gentle nudge with his hips, his hands in his formal hoodie pockets.
“I dunno. Looks a lot like our first wedding,” Robert teases.
Aaron snorts, remembering the garish Christmas decorations strewn around the bar, and the annoyance with which both Robert and Liv had regarded them.
“Then it’s a good thing we got it right the second time,” he points out, referring to their more rustic-themed, summer nuptials just six months ago when they’d both walked down the aisle of the same barn Robert had first tried to propose in — Robert in a rich burgundy combination, while he’d worn a dark, navy blue number that Robert had had tailored for him despite Aaron’s protests.
It’s Robert’s turn to hip-nudge him. “I think you’ll find that that was down to me. No offense, but you’re rubbish at planning weddings.”
Aaron turns to face him now. Standing close, his gaze locked into Robert’s. “Yeah, but if you’ll remember, I’m excellent at planning proposals.”
That elicits a smile from Robert before he covers it up with a straight face, and a challenging, “You called me up, told me your car broke down in a lay-by and that you needed me to bring you the tools because you didn’t have them. Of course, I was surprised!”
“Got you to say ‘Yes’ didn’t I?” Aaron asks, smirking lazily as he deploys his sexiest voice, knowing Robert loves it when it goes low and ever-so-slightly gravelly. His eyes remain focused on Robert’s lips.
Robert notices, licking them before continuing, “At least I made an effort to decorate the barn and organise a whole picnic. You just drove away from the village. I had a whole speech prepared.  You just told me to ‘Pass you a spanner.’”
“Said a lot more than that after though,” Aaron teases again. To his immense pleasure (and thanks to a quick flick of his eyes to Robert’s own, which he finds are trained on his lips) he sees the older man’s freckled cheeks turn a sexy shade of light pink.
“You guys ready to leave or what?”
Liv’s voices causes the moment to fizzle — but only ever so slightly .
“Remind me why we brought your teenage sister on our honeymoon?” Robert asks, muttering the question into Aaron’s ear in his low voice, sending chills up his husband's neck. Aaron  loves the way Robert’s breath feels against his ear.
“Because you’re a softie who didn’t want us to be apart on our third birthday together?” Aaron answers. “Besides, with the twins due in the next couple of months it’s not like we’ll have much time with her before she leaves for uni.”
“And when is that again?”
Aaron just smiles at the mock irritation in Robert’s voice, knowing full well it’s a front. Despite some initial misgivings after their reunion, he and Liv have become extremely close since shortly after their second engagement, when she’d come out as asexual and he’d been nothing but supportive (“Why are you bein’ so nice to me?” “Because it isn’t easy figurin’ yourself out. I should know — took me 15 years to accept that I was bisexual.”). Eight months later and she and Robert were regular study-buddies as she prepped first for her GCSEs and more recently, for her A Levels.
“ Come on. We’re gonna be late for dinner.”
“Alright, alright, we’re coming!” Robert finally responds, tearing his eyes away from Aaron. “Looks like we better get a move on or we’ll miss our reservation.”
He moves past Aaron, brushing past him as he does. It gives the younger man a chance to grab his arm.
“Hey,” he says playfully.
Robert just looks at him, brows furrowed in amusement.
Aaron leans forward and kisses him, Robert reacting as eagerly as he always does. (If there’s one thing Aaron has discovered it’s that married life has not dampened Robert Sugden’s sex drive.)
Pulling away a moment later, he whispers, “Love you Mr. Dingle.”
He can feel his own cheeks warm up as they turn red. He’s then rewarded with one of Robert’s softest smiles — the one he loves best, the one that warms him from the inside out and turns his insides into butterflies.
“Love you Mr. Sugden.”
As they leave, the chapel’s speakers finally clear up, flaring to life for two lines of music before fizzing out again.
But if you try you find…
You get what you need.
Most of this fic was written two weekends ago before Paddy spoke to Aaron about Robert and we found out that Aaron had known that his new best friend was the one responsible for his tickets all along. I meant to post this a lot earlier, but life stuff got in the way and I wanted to do a few last minute rewrites. I am working on a tie-in fic focusing on just the lay-by proposal because I can't stop headcanoning it at this point. If anyone's interested in that, please let me know.
But in general, I hope it matches up with the characters' voices and feels like something that could have happened in the show. (Though technically lots of it did!) Apologies if I made any mistakes in terms of continuity or references, there is a LOT of Emmerdale and only one of me.  
Major thanks to @iwantyoualways for reading this whole thing and offering feedback. If you have any thoughts, questions, comments, or concerns, hit up my ask box. (Or you can always drop me a line on AO3 under her_dark_materials.)
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lost-your-memory · 8 years
so *shudders* fluff prompt: Cat takes Kara to Paris and Kara eats too many pastries and has thousands of photos from around the city and Cat only has like 5 photos most of them are of Kara
This is a little longer than expected but there’s no angst at all, just fluff. Enjoy ♥
She arrives in the city of light as the sun is starting to rise on the horizon.
The dark skyline is slowly beginning to brighten into lighter shades of blue and there’s even the faintest glimpse of some orange rays showing behind the skyscrapers. The sparkling lights of the French capital are still bright and strong but then, one by one, they fade away to welcome the rising day.She softly lands on the top balcony of a private town house, atop the Montmartre hill, and she leans against the railing to soak in the ambiance.It smells like freshly baked pastries and morning dew, with a hint of something floral. It’s intoxicating, really, and she breathes the unique scent of the city at 5AM. She sees the lights go off on the Eiffel Tower and the Iron Lady is, for a moment, barely visible in the darkness of the night. Then, the early morning light hits the monument, chasing the shadows away, and the iron is bathing in blue, pink and orange as the sky slowly turns into something of a painting.“You’re late, Supergirl. Or early, it depends on how we look at it.”She was so engrossed in the beautiful scene unfolding in front of her, she didn’t hear the footsteps behind her, nor did she hears the strong and steady heartbeat she’s usually so focused on.She smiles but doesn’t answer.She’s overwhelmed by Paris and she can’t bring herself to talk, it would break the moment. Instead, she simply moves to allow Cat to come between her and the railing of the balcony before putting her arms around the other woman’s waist, resting her chin on Cat’s shoulder so she can still admire the awakening of the French Capital.Cat seems to understand because she doesn’t say anything.Il est 5 heures, Paris s’éveille.
—She’s pulled out of a comfortable, peaceful slumber when sunlight suddenly floods her surrounding, filtrating through her eyelashes and already invigorating her skin.She groans and wriggles to get under the blankets to try to keep the light away, still feeling sore and tired from all the unholy things she and Cat did after she landed on the balcony, earlier this morning.“Wake up, sunshine!”Apparently, she’s the only one to feel that way.She can hear Cat’s bare feet padding against the rich and luxurious hard-wooden floor of the bedroom and she guesses the bay window is open because she can also hear all Paris. Cars speeding down narrowed streets, people singing or talking in French, accordions playing along the Seine and laughter echoing from about everywhere.“Too early, let me sleep.” She mumbles as she clutches to her blankets. She knows Cat loves to take it from her to push her out of the bed and she doesn’t wear anything underneath.“Hi mom, Bonjour Kara!”She grips the duvet against her body with one hand and uses the other one to push against the mattress so she can sit in the bed. Carter is standing outside the bay window, a smug smile on his lips and a pair of funny green sunglasses perched on his scrubby nose.“Hi, Carter! Hum, I didn’t know you were here.” She says and there’s a panicked edge in her voice as she gives Cat an accusatory look. Carter laughs and Cat smiles sweetly before saying “He landed at the airport this morning around 9am, I went to pick him up and we just came back.”She frowns and looks all around to find a clock. The digital one, atop of Cat’s nightstand, indicates it’s almost noon. Her eyes widen at the realization and then she groans, falling back against the pillows with a heavy sigh.“Come on Kara, you’re in Paris. You know, France. It’s like, famous for the food, amongst other things.” Carter says and suddenly, she’s feeling very hungry. Her stomach grumbles at the though of food and it’s loud enough for the two other people to hear it.“See, my point exactly. Come on, get up, get dressed and mom is taking us to my favorite restaurant in the whole city!” Carter ads and he sounds eager to go, excited and impatient. She smiles fondly at how at ease he is with her. It still makes her heart flutter with so much love and tenderness, sometimes she wonders how she managed to live without him in her life before.“Alright, alright. I’m awake anyway, now. Hum, buddy, uh, could you maybe, go wait outside?” She says, a blush creeping its way up her cheeks. Carter’s face scrunched in disgust and he goes away with a loud “Eww, grooooss!” that makes Cat laugh.Kara releases her grip on the duvet and kicks it out with her legs. She feels the sunbeams caress her naked skin and she hums appreciatively, stirring her sore muscles and taking her sweet time to get up.She knows Cat is staring at her, she can hear the woman’s heartbeat go wild and the thick sound of a hard swallowing. It makes her smile a little smugly.“Alright, I need a shower and then I’ll be ready to go.” Kara says as she finally stands up and walks across the room, purposely ignoring Cat’s hungry eyes on her. She disappears into the bathroom and steps into the shower, her smile still firmly in place. She only has to count to ten until Cat joins her.Almost fifteen minutes later, they’re startled by Carter’s voice, coming from behind the bathroom’s door. “Mom, Kara, I’m hungry, please hurry up”It makes them laugh but they finally step out to get dressed.She goes to riffle through the clothes Cat had bought for her and opts for something comfortable and summer-ish. A pair of low-ankles white Converses, a navy blue pair of shorts that exposes her longs legs and a fitting white shirt, of which she rolls up the sleeves. She finds her blue shoulder bag with brown leathers fixations and she pulls out a pair of sunglasses, settling them atop of her head in a satisfied movement.“You don’t even need sunglasses.” Cat states as she comes out of her dressing.Kara bits down her bottom lip as she devours Cat’s silhouette. She’s wearing a white dress that is astonishingly beautiful because of it simplicity. The dress is hugging the upper part of her body in all the right ways and then it goes flowing around her legs and knees. It looks like something ethereal. The exposed skin is harboring a very glorious tan and Kara’s mouth goes dry as she remembers how it tastes.“Eyes up, Darling. We can’t make Carter wait any longer.” Cat says with a smirk and Kara pouts a little but she sighs and simply comes behind Cat to help her with the lock of her necklace. Once it’s done, she lands a kiss on the back of Cat’s neck and steps back with a smile.“You’re beautiful.” She says softly and she sees Cat’s eyes sparkle with love, a hint of shyness too. She extends a hand for Cat to take it and then they walk out of the bedroom to join Carter and finally leave.—“I can’t believe you still have room for more food.”Carter is looking at her and his face show a mixture of pure disgust and total amazement. She remembers to swallow her mouth before speaking.“Never underestimate my love for food, never.” She tells him and when he laughs, she just smiles before finishing her plate.They’re gathered around a table outside of a nice restaurant located on the left side of the Saint-Martin canal. The water is sparkling under the bright hot sun and despite the numerous strollers walking the pavement along the canal, it’s quiet and comfortable.Kara was a little surprised at first, she was expecting some fancy, high-standard restaurants Cat liked so much back in National City but then Carter advised her on the food and she fell in love.Cat is watching her from behind the tinted glass of her sunglasses and there’s a soft smile floating on her lips. It’s comfortable and easy.“Clearly. Did you do food fairs, back in … Midvale, is it?” Carter asks, a slight frown between his eyes as he tries to remember. Kara smiles and nods to let him know he got it right. She doesn’t even need to use her supervision to know his baby blue eyes are flooded with relief. He’s still struggling with insecurities and anxiety on a regular basis but he’s getting better at it.“I did but then Alex and Eliza stopped taking me there, they said it was a bit like cheating.” She pouts as she answers but she’s distracted when a waitress comes to put a new plate in front of her. She thanks the young woman in a perfect French before digging into the blanquette de veau, a smile of pure bliss on her lips.“I can see why.” Cat chimes in and Carter laughs but Kara is too busy eating to reply. She’s in love with the French food and she has yet to find something she doesn’t like.“How comes you know how to speak French without a hint of an accent? I mean, mom is fluent but you can still tell she’s American but you … I wouldn’t be surprised if the waitress thinks you’re from here.” Carter asks and he sounds genuinely intrigued. Cat shifts in her seat and Kara can tell she’s listening closely.“Well, I have a … knack, for languages. It’s a little easy when you’re not from … here, actually.” She says, carefully choosing her words because there’re people around them and she doesn’t want any rumor about some French person claiming they know Supergirl’s true identity.Carter nods and gives her a knowing smile. He’s learned about her alter ego about a year after she started dating Cat and he was very careful with that knowledge too.“Donc si je te parle en français, tu comprends parfaitement ce que je te dis?” He asks in a flawless French and she stares at him, impressed by the structure and the accent.“Absolument. Ton français est excellent, où as-tu appris à le parler aussi bien?” She replies with a question of her own and the smile on Carter’s lips is very proud. Cat is smiling too.“It’s all mom. She used to talk to me in French all the time growing up and we would come here at least once a year, during the summer break and sometimes in fall. I think this is my favorite place in the whole world.” Carter states, fondness echoing in his voice as he looks around from behind his sunglasses.“I can understand why, it’s beautiful.” Kara says with a smile and he shrugs.“You have no idea yet. Paris is a treasure you need to discover.” He replies with a determined nod.Under the table, Cat reaches for her tight and Kara smiles.She’s happy to follow the Grants anywhere they want.—The sycamore are offering some welcomed shadows, protecting them from the exhausting heat of a bright summer day.They’re seated on a bench between two trees, in the middle of the big, big botanical garden. It smells like flowers and woods and Kara is feeling a little weak from all those strong perfumes hovering in the hot, heavy air.“I didn’t know you like flowers so much!” Carter says before drinking some water from a fresh bottle she just bought. She’s holding one and Cat is already drenching hers in long, thirsty gulps.“I do, I used to help Eliza with the gardening. It’s peaceful and it smells wonderful, I learned a lot too. It’s a nice way to relax because flowers are precious and strangely demanding and you need to focus on the cares you’re giving them, so you can’t afford to get lost in your thoughts.” She explains as she gestures towards a small patch of the garden where roses are being watered by automatic mechanisms.“Can you teach me?” Carter asks a little shyly and Kara smiles widely.“With pleasure!” She answers and she gives him another bottle when he finishes the first one. Cat is watching them with a tender smile on her lips but she doesn’t say anything.When Kara comes back from where she’s put the empty bottles away, she pulls out her phone to snap a picture of Cat and Carter, who are caught in a deep conversation about getting a little garden on the roof of the penthouse, back in National City.She saves the picture as her locked screen before joining them.
“I’m hungry.”Carter laughs and Cat rolls her eyes.“Only you would think of food in a place like this.” Cat snorts but her smile is gentle and she doesn’t let go of Kara’s hand.They are wandering across the department of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman antiquities in the Louvre and it’s quiet because it’s already the end of the afternoon and most of the people are outside enjoying the summer evening. Some art lovers are sometime crossing their path but otherwise, it’s almost as if they are alone in the museum and Kara loves it.Carter leads them to a sculpture he likes and he launches himself into a detailed explanation of why he likes it so much. Kara listens with rapt attention but sometimes, she brushes a thumb against Cat’s skin, their fingers still tenderly intertwined.They stay for another two hours and night is already well settled above their heads when they finally come out of the museum, the lights of Paris are slowly being turned on, one by one and it’s beautiful.Kara looks around her and takes in the surroundings.The old and imposing palace encircling them is bathing in the remnants strands of a golden sun. The pyramid, made of glass and steel, is shining and glowing at the center of the plaza and even the clean pavement seems to shine from underneath, from the many spots set into the stone itself.She looks the other way and she takes in the well-maintained garden that goes for miles after the busy roundabout. It’s beginning to fade away into the darkness of the falling night despite the horizon being a multitude of shades or orange, yellow, red and blue, but she can still make out the statues and small monuments.She feels transcended by all the beauty of it.“Kara, Darling? Everything okay?” Cat asks and Kara realizes she didn’t move at all, not for a solid five minutes. She blinks and smiles at the other woman to reassure her. Carter is a few steps ahead, looking on his phone for their next step in the discovery of the French Capital.Her smiles broaden as she pulls Cat closer and suddenly, she tips the woman backward to catch her in her arms and before Cat can say anything, she kisses her.It’s blunt and a little messy at first but then it goes slower and deeper and Kara feels Cat’s arms around her neck and a slight smile against her lips. She smiles too.The characteristic click of a camera pulls them out of the kiss and Kara helps Cat regaining her balance before glancing at Carter, surprise etched on her face. She was so focused on the kiss she’d even forgotten he was around.He looks smug and proud as he studies his phone. She frowns a little but Cat’s fingers are already finding their places between hers and she smiles happily.“You guys look so cute, oh my god.”Carter is standing in front of them now and he’s showing the picture he just snapped.Kara hears Cat’s gasp and it echoes her.The photograph looks almost like a professional shoot.In the middle of the screen’s phone, just in front of the enlightened pyramid of the Louvre, Cat and herself are kissing in a very, very French fashion way. It looks incredibly poetic and the lighting is perfect but Kara only sees them, smiling into the kiss.“I should be a photograph.”Carter says as he walks away but Kara sees him use the picture as his phone wallpaper.—It’s that familiar click of a camera going off that wakes her up.She’s half-sprawled across one of the couches in Cat’s French apartment’s living room and Carter is sleeping on top of her. She hears the faint chatter coming from the TV in the corner but she focuses on the woman standing a few steps away from them.Cat is smiling tenderly at her phone and Kara’s heart races a little at the sight. It’s amazing how she falls in love with Cat a little more every day. She didn’t think it was possible, she thought it was some nice French poetry when people would say that out loud but then, Cat happened.“You should carry him to his bed, Darling. He’s exhausted from the day wandering across the city, I don’t think you can wake him up.” Cat whispers and Kara nods.Very carefully, she untangles herself from under Carter’s body before gathering him in her arms to go put him to bed. He weighs nothing for her Kryptonian force.She lets Cat undress him and pull the covers up to his chin before she too lands a kiss on his forehead.She’s about to close the door when she hears the very, very low whisper.“Night Kara.”She smiles and answers him “Night Sweetheart.”—“I never understand how you can come back to the ground. It’s so beautiful up here, I would be tempted to never come down.” Cat says.They’re up in the night sky with the stars burning above their head and Paris sparking below her feet.The city is incredibly beautiful, spread into miles and miles of lights and shadows and enlightened monuments. Montmartre is glowing, Notre-Dame is bathing in a soft, yellow light, the Seine is illuminated by every bridge and it forms like a wonderful maze, full of History.“I used to think so too.” Supergirl answers in a soft, gentle tone as she watches Cat’s face. The lights of Paris are shining in the woman’s green, green eyes and to her, it’s worth more than all the capitals in the world.“Oh? What changed?” Cat asks, a little absentmindedly as she doesn’t tear her eyes away from the city.“You.” She says, her voice barely audible but her lips are almost touching Cat’s ear.Cat turns her eyes to look at her and she simply smiles, love shining under the reflection of the stars in her eyes.Kara leans on and kisses her as if the world was ending.—“Wake up Sunshine!”She groans and pulls the duvet over her head. If sometimes she’s impressed by Cat’s ability to wake up early after so few hours of sleep, she also finds annoying that she is being forced to follow that habit. She likes sleeping way too much for that.“Noooo.” She protests but the blanket is pulled out from the bed and she groans at the sudden loss of warmth.“Breakfast is about to be ready and Carter cooked it especially for you so chop chop. Get up.”Cat’s voice is bright, a little challenging and Kara cracks an eye open to glance at her lover. She pouts and then turns to offer her back to the woman who so rudely woke her up.“Kara Danvers, do not make my son wait for you!” Cat threatens and Kara hides a smile as she hears the other woman approach the bed. She waits until she’s sure Cat is close enough before jumping up and grabbing Cat’s arm to pull her down on top of her.“Morning Love.” Kara says before claiming a kiss.She feels Cat’s teeth sink into her bottom lips and she whimpers, not from the pain she can’t feel but from the desire the move awakes in her. She pulls out just a little to glare at her lover.“Don’t tempt me or I’m staying right here and keeping you with me.” She warns and Cat only smiles before escaping Kara’s embrace.“Get up, Supergirl. Breakfast is ready.” She says and as if on cue, Carter knocks on the open bay window.“Mom, Kara, are you ready? Wait, why are you still in bed Kara?” He reprimands her and she pouts again because one Grant is enough, she doesn’t need two to tell her she’s oversleeping again.“Fine, fine. Give me a minute, I’ll join you.” She says and Carter simply tells her breakfast is ready for them outside on the balcony before going away.—“Oh my gosh this is just TOO GOOD” She groans as she put another bit of croissant into her mouth.They’re outside on the wide balcony, enjoying the sunlight and the heat of another bright summer day as Kara is devouring all the French pastries Carter went to buy when she was still asleep.The declic of a camera makes her look up but then another just goes off and she narrows her eyes at the two Grants snapping pictures of her.She wants to protest but then she spots the last pancake on a plate and she just goes for it.“I am kind of jealous, seriously. You don’t even have to work out.” Carter sighs and she smiles sweetly at him, amused by the comment that sounds like something Cat could say.“I know, it’s totally unfair.” Cat ads and she looks sad for a split-second but then she tries to grab one of Kara’s grapes and she’s meet with nothing as the bowl is being pushed away. Kara narrows her eyes at her and she says, in a very serious tone “Kara doesn’t share food.”Carter gapes and then laughs and it’s so hard and free he falls off his chair. Cat is gaping at her too but then there’s a mischievous gleam in her green eyes and Kara doesn’t like it at all.“Oh really? You don’t share food?” She says and the way she licks her lips is very very suggestive. Kara swallows hard and then move the bowl for Cat to pick a grape. She doesn’t want to play that game with Cat, she knows she can’t win.“Good girl.” Cat says and then she leans on to kiss Kara.They’re used to it by now so they don’t stop when the familiar sound of a camera echoes in their ears.
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minkinsmusic · 4 years
Day 1 …. I have accepted a challenge (from Edward Benjamin Blau II Esquire) to post seven albums that I love – one album per day. He’s changed the rules a bit, though… so here is how this will go:
These will be records that had an effect on me, not necessarily because I love them, but because they represent something in my life. So yes, posting albums WITH EXPLANATION as a way to connect with my Facebook friends. Your comments would be nice as well. Each day I will ask a friend to take up the challenge. This is number one. Let’s unleash the love and memories …
U2 was coming to Cleveland’s old Municipal Stadium October 6th, 1987 touring behind the record shown below. A great album that pushed the band into the next hemisphere of popularity and importance. We had just moved to Akron in July and there was no way I could spend hours standing in line at the Chapel Hill Sears Ticketmaster location. When I arrived about 30 minutes before they went on sale the line was 50 yds long in the parking lot. Wearing a shirt & tie, I made a sign out of cardboard that I needed two tickets and hoped someone buying 2 (limit 4 or 6) would help me out. Somehow I got someone’s attention near the front of the line and I offered to buy one of their tickets if they bought me two. We ended up in the first row of upper box seats on a blistering cold night with winds howling off Lake Erie. What a show.
The Hitchcock twist to this tale was the night I came home from work prior to heading up to the concert. My wife Ellie had been to the doctor that day and we found out we were going to have a baby. October 6, 1987.
  Day 2 …
  Ah, the memories overwhelm me. There’s not a lot to do growing up in Canton, Ohio when you’re 16 with a driver’s license. What’s crazy is that the best thing happening was driving north on Cleveland Avenue to a little po-dunk one stoplight rural community (mid 70’s) called Uniontown. It was there we found salvation … classmates Sally & Red were part of the handful of friends making the journey to Boulder Junction. This old lumber built structure made dulcimer/wood instruments and would host musicians on the weekends. Performing on a tiny stage on a monthly rotation were the likes of Alex Bevan, Charlie Wiener, Jim Ballard, and the man with the booming voice John Bassette. With no liquor license (only natural fruit juices were sold) we had no problem attending. Closing your eyes and listening to their records can literally take you back to that heavenly space.
Ah, but the Hitchcock twist to the tale. As one of the major instigators of planning the Senior Cut Day Party, I took a flyer and wrote a letter to John Bassette pretty much describing the above and wondering if he would come perform. Never heard back from him. On the afternoon of this epic day, Steve Red Michel was playing guitar on the sound system we set up in the shelter. A large African American man shows up with a guitar. OMG he showed up. He played several songs then disappeared. Like an angel …. Thanks Alex B for inspiring me to tell this story. 💖 RIP John Richard Bassette 22/29/1941 to 11/9/2006. 💖
Day 3 …
It was only in January that I took an extended weekend roadtrip to Memphis. I’ve been to Music City several times for AmericanaFest, but had never driven the extra three hours to see the historical landmarks of Staxx, Sun, Graceland, and the Lorraine Motel. Breaking up the trip with overnights in Nashville each way equated to finding some good live music. Brandi Carlile was playing the historic Ryman Auditorium and had sold out all 6 nights! The secondary market prices for good tickets were pretty steep, but I kept my eye on the listings. Finally, I found 2 single tickets on the main floor aisle Row Q and S for $40/each.
After trucking down the highway, checking into our hotel, and having dinner. It was off to the Ryman. Brilliant singer/songwriter Natalie Hemby (part of The Highwomen) opened and I kept my eye on some empty seats in front of me. As soon as her set ended, I grabbed Ellie and waltzed her down to the 9th row where four spots were unattended. Needless to say, this is where we remained.
Brandi Carlile put on a show that was Springsteen-esque. Besides Hemby, The War & The Treaty and Sheryl Crow were guest performers. The Grammy Award artist and producer of several albums by other songwriters just blew the audience way leaving it all on stage. I bought this record when I came home.
The Hitchcock twist to the tale is that this would be the last big show I’ll see for the foreseeable future … January 16, 2020.
Nirvana (full-band instrumental) Hold Out Your Hand Raise Hell Lovesick Blues (Hank Williams) The Story The Eye A Case of You (Joni Mitchell) The Mother Do Right Woman, Do Right Man (Aretha Franklin) (with The War and Treaty) If She Ever Leaves Me (The Highwomen) Crowded Table Redesigning Women (The Highwomen) Redemption Day (with Sheryl Crow) Pride and Joy Encore: Mainstream Kid The Joke Cannonball Party of One
Day 4 ….
This album marks my very first assignment with Lost Highway Records on March 14, 2002. I mailed in a postcard from a Lyle Lovett CD asking fans to be part of the LH street team. After some time passed, I was contacted by the label to assist in the Cleveland market. Those that attended this show remember it was the “migraine” concert in which Adam’s performed without a spotlight on him. I worked dozens of shows (while still running the optical office), including assignments in Columbus, and was later promoted to “Captain” status. Artists included the likes of Adams, Lovett, Willie Nelson, Lucinda Williams, Elvis Costello, Kim Richey, Tift Merrit, The Jayhawks, Ryan Bingham, and John Eddie to the Mercury/UMG label promoting singer/songwriters eventually falling into a category now referred as Americana. When I started writing my music column, I penned a letter to label founder Luke Lewis thanking him for the opportunity to represent LH and moving on. Besides connecting with some of these artists, I met lots of great people along the way …
The Hitchcock twist to this story is a great book by Thomas O’Keefe titled “Waiting to Derail: Ryan Adams and Whiskeytown, Alt-Country’s Brilliant Wreck” that came out on June 26, 2018. Adam’s demise quickly followed with a postponement of released material. The other twist is I chose this album on 04/20/2020 …
Day 5 ….
Emmylou. That’s all I need to say. One of the most iconic voices in music. She’s on just about everybody’s records lending her gorgeous vocals besides a long and lustrous songbook of her own. Portions of her career with Gram Parsons and her very own Hot Band are Hall of Fame worthy.
I really wanted to see Emmylou in concert and she wasn’t coming to Cleveland anytime soon. I caught wind of a show in Pittsburgh by Calliope – The Pittsburgh Folk Music Society on May 19, 2000 at Carnegie Library Music Hall. Time for a roadtrip.
The space was like walking into a Shakespearean theater. Of course, I had decent seats on the floor of this intimate, old performance space with the small balcony extremely close to the stage. Emmylou was performing with the Spyboy band and ranks in my top twenty concerts. The album shown below is my favorite Emmylou record and gives me chills everytime I hear it.
The Hitchcock twist to this story is that the lead guitarist for Spyboy was the one and only Buddy Miller (wearing the baseball cap). I have become a fan and admirer of both Buddy and his wife Julie’s work; especially due to my wingman I called out with this post.
Day 6 ….
I initially began writing Minkins Music in January 2007 for Mimi’s Magazine, my longest supporter, before retiring the column in December 2019. A story on Griffin W House back in 2008 during the Flying Upside Down tour took me behind the music and the life of the Springfield, Ohio native now residing in Nashville. Not only was the story a shot in the arm for Griffin, but it elevated my game leading to additional avenues to expand my column.
A college degree from Miami of Ohio in 2002 in English Literature and Writing, his thoughts were to enroll in graduate school, but his poetry professor gave him the inspiration to channel his creativity toward being a songwriter rather than following in his footsteps. The passion and determination in House’s songs have since been filled with personal, richly detailed snapshots of his life and Flying Upside Down received my “Best Album of 2008” award. The record hit singles “One Thing”, “Live To Be Free”, “Waiting For The Rain to Come Down”, and “The Guy That Says Goodbye to You is Out of His Mind” first caught my ear from Mike Marrone, program director and DJ extraordinaire of the somewhat deceased “The Loft” channel on SXM.
The Hitchcock twist to this story is that a lot has happened since for House, as well as my own personal story, with the highs and lows along the roller coaster of living life that all of us encounter. But music, and especially writing stories, is the common thread that connects many of us … including those mentioned in this post 💖.
Day 7 …. today is the final official day and I included albums #8 & #9 to weave this story
I grew up in Fort Wayne, Indiana and my sister was a dozen years older than me. Along with children’s records from Disney, Tubby The Tubba, and The Chipmunks, there was a copy of Peter, Paul and Mary sitting out to play on the phonograph. Moving was released on January 15, 1963 and I had just turned four years old. I played songs like “Settle Down”, “Flora”, “Morning Train”, and “A’Soalin” over and over again …. not to mention big hits “This Land Is Your Land” and “Puff”. Along with invisible friend George, they kept me company.
On Feb. 9, 1964, The Beatles made their first live U.S. television appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show. More than 70 million Americans gathered around their televisions to watch four young men from Liverpool make history. I had just turned five years old, and we watched Ed Sullivan every Sunday night. The following year Help was released on August 6, 1965 along with a movie on August 25, 1965. Two of the first movies I remember seeing in the theater when I was six years old were Thunderball (Dad’s pick) and Help (Karen’s pick).
In the fall of 1966, the family packed up and moved to Canton. I was seven years old and my sister was long gone to Indiana University. We lived in a townhouse apartment for a couple years before moving into a little bungalow. At some point my sister transferred from IU to Kent State pursuing a fine arts degree. There were so many historical points on the timeline to mention leading up to the release of Tommy by The Who on May 17, 1969. We received two newspapers a day (The Cleveland Dealer and Canton Repository) before cable and 24/7 news reporting. My folks had a record collection made up primarily of Broadway Shows, Classical Music, and comedy records. I still had my kids records and some 45’s purchased at the local department store Giant Tiger. By this time I was ten years old. I remember sitting in our little bedroom turned family room when my sister said you need to listen to this record. I must have played it a zillion times.
The Hitchcock twist to this story is that I’m not sure if my sister remembers or realizes the influence of these three records on my vinyl addiction. I’m sixty-one years young now. 💖
Ah, but does there need to be another Hitchcock twist to tie these all together?  My last posting was on December 25, 2019.  After twelve years of writing it was time to take a break.  I had a difficult time just trying to sit down and write a story about the Nashville/Memphis road trip that took place a few months ago.  Thinking about this challenge of not just picking records I love (I have a sixteen cube Ikea unit of vinyl and another six drawers of CDs) but one’s that had either an interesting story or impact on my life.  Maybe there’s still a little life in these fingers after all.  Stay tuned for the rest of the story …  
7 Albums That I Love – 1 Per Day Day 1 .... I have accepted a challenge (from Edward Benjamin Blau II Esquire) to post seven albums that I love - one album per day.
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