#and Damien is rightfully pissed
teddybasmanov · 2 years
You know with all that marriage business I'm getting just a bit closer to actually writing (I never will, but still) that continuation for "Miracle of Judaism" in which Gavin and the Freelancer fight tooth and nail to actually get legally married.
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damnhotmsimmons · 3 months
17x06-Message in a Bottle
this episode was an improvement over 15x06 and 16x06
I had to start from the beginning cause wtf was that opening scene
I hate that this scene is already giving me ideas
The panic I had when Luke showed up even though it had to be a dream cause there's no way they'd do that to Luke, even when he's been underutilized
Emily singing? I would've expected this to happen when she was high and hungover at Garcia's apartment not this
58 minutes. At least this episode is longer than 45 minutes
Oh shit, why is Elias making Emily sing in the dream?
Elias holding Emily at gunpoint
Emily being the only person Rossi confides to about his trauma and nightmares
Tara rightfully calling Rossi out for missing his mandated trauma therapy
At this point, everyone needs to go to mandated trauma therapy
Cm should do better than having the characters reject therapy
Tara trying to convince Rossi to be able to confide in her about his ptsd
It's nice for the show to let Tara utilize her expertise on forensic psychology. If only the writers stop underutilizing her when it's convenient
Tara comforting and helping Rossi when his trauma
Rossi and Tara holding hands as they sit together, this father daughter like friendship is everything
JJ entering Garcia's apartment and seeing what a mess it is cause of Emily's hangover
Why does the scene look so brightly like in the promo photos but so dark in the actual episode? Cm, fix your lighting
JJ sneaking in a cheese puff is a mood
Garcia should've warned JJ about the edibles. Unless those snacks were hers
I think Matt would be amused at the sight of high!JJ and then get a dose of his medicine if he accidentally eats some edibles
AJ and Paget were definitely having way too much fun filming their scenes in this episode. I need bloopers of this so badly
....and we're back to Rossi going into the elevator
I think this is from the scene of him in an elevator in the trailer
Poor Rossi, he's having nightmares again
Rossi still shaken up by what happened
Garcia talking to Theresa about her exes
Theresa's exes making Tyler look like a sweet boy in comparison
So no photos of Tyler, is he camera shy?
Like Garcia, Theresa and Tyler got together cause of trauma bonding, which is still unhealthy
Theresa asking Garcia when she and Tyler started dating
Luke asking Tyler for a list of people he's pissed off
Tyler thinking that Luke is doing this out of spite
Luke calling Tyler out for going Lone Wolf style
Tyler saying "fuck you" to Luke how dare he and then using the ranger motto against him
Really Luke? Asking Tyler about favorite movies?
Luke and Tyler being a fan of Donnie Yen
Theresa roasting Luke about his grandmother
Omg, even Theresa sees the chemistry between Luke and Garcia
Luke being in denial
Luke telling Garcia the terrible date they had to Theresa and Theresa thinking that Luke is making excuses when he brings up the whole co workers situation when there are coworkers from different careers who are in relationships with ease
Luke saying how dating coworkers and customers are equally stupid
I still hate how Garcia still has a thing for Tyler despite all the terrible shit that has happened
Luke and Theresa suggesting they change their dating pool
Elias and Rossi trying to work together in developing a profile
Not Elias asking Rossi if he likes to play video games
Rossi being a fan of first person shooters and racing games
But not quest games
Damien and Jade are searching for clues about North Star
North Star being where it all starts? Possibly someone who founded Stuart House or the gold star program that made people like Damien and Jade the way they are
Damien and Jade blaming those for making who they are
Why would Elias think Rossi knows about North Star?
His books? So the unsubs read his books?
Elias using Rossi's methods against him
Elias being smug again
Why is Sebastian calling Tyler
Tyler going alone to see Sebastain alone will not end well
Yep, it's a trap
Tyler giving Sebastian his phone
Sebastian holding Tyler's at gunpoint
Tyler tricking Sebastian and finally doing something useful in helping Luke and Tara arrest Sebastian
Luke's little "Hoo ah" to Tyler
Back to JJ and Emily eating snacks at Garcia's apartment
JJ also liking the idea of eating chips with chopsticks
You sent
Though imagine seeing JJ lick her fingers after eating cheetos
You sent
JJ talking to Emily about Gideon, Hotch and Morgan and how they chose to leave while they were "kicked out", another shade towards cbs' treatment of the women especially in s6. Though I get while they're trying to be meta, Emily quit instead of being kicked out. Closest to being "kicked out" was when Barnes tried to control the BAU
Plus JJ and Emily are still here despite all that has happened while the three men left for good
JJ is right, she and Emily are stronger than anyone gives us credit for, applies both in universe and in the fandom considering the amount of hate and discourse the women get, especially JJ
Emily stop giving up and listening to JJ cause she's right
They are not quitters and Emily should not let this get to her
JJ never gave up on Emily when she had to hide in Paris, nor did Emily gave up on her when she had a miscarriage
Though Matt would not mind seeing JJ lick her fingers after eating Cheetos lol
Ugh, the callbacks to Lauren and 200 are making me emotional. Despite everything, JJ will not give up on her friend and Emily needs to realize that she's never alone
JJ supporting Emily no matter what
JJ being worried as Emily picks up her phone
Emily saying "Let's fucking roll." She's back, she's fucking back
JJ saying how Emily joining the BAU is one of the best things she experienced in this job
After scraps of their interactions in s16, this episode fucking deliver. The rest of the season better not skimp out on their friendship
Emily is a fighter, no one else can take that from her, not Elias, not Brian and not Madison
JJ being proud of Emily and seeing her slowly regain her confidence and getting out of the slump
AJ and Paget carried this episode
JJ and Emily attempt to make a badass comeback but realizing both of them are still high so they're forced to rideshare
So Theresa was being used by Sebastian as a way to discredit Tyler
Theresa telling Tyler to stop ghosting people
Not Garcia and Tyler roasting Luke cause of Theresa
And unaware of the wolf man conversation they had
Rossi and Gideon worked on a book together 30 years ago?
So they created a hypothetical scenario that would generate a serial killer
Gold star began with North star
The BAU being north star?
I did not see that coming
I was shocked by that ending and that the BAU is North Star
Yea this changes everything
Like the whole time they're the ones responsible for the gold star unsubs and it's why all this bad shit is happening to them
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This annoyed me so much I had to write this out to understand it. Take the Crown lists each characters bestie and their enemy, real pissed they didn't use worstie btw, but for the life of me some didn't make sense. So I wrote this out and sourced all of it. Enjoy!
Axel: Bestie is Scary Girl, Enemy is Chase. I'm assuming the reason Scary Girl is her bestie is because she ate Axel's squirrel meat? And I assume Chase is her enemy because he didn't eat her squirrel meat. I don't know why everything in her life is dictated by squirrel meat but honestly go off queen.
Bowie: Bestie is Emma, Enemy is Zee. Emma is obvious, his closest ally, but Zee?? I'm going to say for the alliance stuff, but it's super weird his enemy isn't Julia. Maybe he appreciates the hustle.
Caleb: Bestie is Nichelle, Enemy is Bowie. Bowie's obviously his enemy for getting him voted off immediately, I'm going to say his bestie is Nichelle because they have a similar vibe?
Chase: Bestie is Emma, Enemy is Axel. He needs to move on from Emma so badly. Axel, I assume is because he doesn't like eating squirrels? A lot of Axel's relationship stuff is built off the squirrel eating scene.
Damien: Bestie is Zee, Enemy is Scary Girl. Zee is button guy! His biggest supporter! And Scary Girl hunted him for sport and nearly succeeded in killing him.
Emma: Bestie is Bowie, Enemy is Chase: Also self explanatory. Friends with Bowie, still rightfully mad at Chase.
Julia: Bestie is Chase, Enemy is Emma. Ok, no idea why Chase is her bestie, or why Emma is her enemy instead of Bowie. Maybe she appreciates Bowie's strategy and is only besties with Chase to piss off Emma
Scary Girl: Bestie is Damien, Enemy is Priya. Wants to hear Damien scream. Thinks Priya hates her. Needs therapy.
Millie: Bestie is Priya, Enemy is Ripper. Self explanatory. Millie stopped writing a book for Priya and Ripper bullied her.
MK: Bestie is Damien, Enemy is Julia. Julia is clear, she got MK kicked out. Damien.... I'm going to say that scene where he told Scary Girl that she got away? Really messed up considering the next thing she does in that scene is help Scary Girl attack him.
Nichelle: Bestie is Julia, Enemy is MK. Julia as her bestie is a bit confusing considering she says "I'm famous, I don't know who she is", but maybe Julia's manifestation of her warrior goddess energy helped. MK's her enemy because literally all MK did in that scene was shout about how shit Nichelle was
Priya: Bestie Millie, Enemy is Ripper. Also self explanatory. Her and Millie are real real really best friends not reality fake friends like real reality in reality real really best friends. And Ripper used her as a human shield.
Raj: Bestie is Wayne, Enemy is Zee. Ok, bestie Wayne makes sense. But for the life of me I do not know why Zee is his enemy. Is it for the ramming the ship? Please let me know if you know what it is.
Ripper: Bestie is Chase, Enemy is Axel. Chase is his bromance and Axel kicked him in the face so hard he lost a tooth
Wayne: Bestie is Rai, Enemy is Damien. This is another confusing one. Of course Wayne is his best friend, but Enemy Damien?? Did they even interact??
Zee: Bestie is Chase, Enemy is MK. Holding someones butt makes you close dude. Enemy MK I have no idea. Maybe he knew MK filmed him, maybe he thought she was a narc, maybe its lesbian on nb violence, maybe only one of them is allowed a hat.
I need to go to fucking sleep
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jasons-exposedspine · 4 years
Mt Way Out Chapter 3
Summary: Carl comes to the sanctuary.
Warnings: swearing, violence that's it.
Authors note: i know this may seem rushed and it kinda was cuz i just wanted to get this part over and done with. It was pissing me the fuck off so i just started to quickly write it. sorry if it sucks.
Relationship: Negan x Reagan (MY!!! OC
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She grabbed her bat from the couch and followed Negan down the hall to her room, she felt a little fuzzy from the whiskey. As she walked through the door she turned to him with a smile on her face “thanks for tonight puddin.” Negan mirrored her smile “my fucking pleasure sugar now sleep tight.” He turned on his heels and walked back to his room, Reagan shut the door to her room. She she hung her sword on the bed head and leaned Damien against the bed head as well. 
She put her boots next to her bed, she took out her braids and brushed her hair. She took her jeans off, and took her bra off then put on a clean grey t-shirt. She walked over to the bed and got under the covers and lied there staring at the white ceiling. Negan was lying in bed staring at the ceiling, he was thinking about Lucille but then Reagan flooded his thoughts. Negan had flooded Reagan’s thoughts and they made her toss and turn. But she finally had fallen asleep whereas Negan alone in his room couldn’t sleep.
Two days later.
what happened,
Carl had come to the sanctuary and Reagan knew what his intentions were, to kill Negan but that didn’t work out. First Negan wanted to show Carl his wives, Reagan didn’t care but the wives all gave her looks. Negan asked Carl to follow him to his room, when they got in Negan asked Carl to expose his missing eye. He also asked him to sing a song both of these things were to make up for Carl killing two saviours. 
After that Reagan followed them down stairs to man named Mark tied to a chair. He had the iron to the face because him and Amber one of Negan’s wives were sneaking around. Reagan followed them back up to Negan’s room and she just stayed outside of his room with her sword on her back. She left Damien in her room, they both came out of the room and walked downstairs and Negan ordered his men to get the trucks.
Reagan sat on the stairs outside Ricks house waiting for Negan as he was inside eating spaghetti with Carl, Judith and Olivia. Arat stood a few meters from her with her back to her and a few of the other saviours stood watch. Reagan was cleaning her sword with an old rag that she had gotten from her house. There was dried walker blood on the usually shiny blade from her killing four walkers at the gate. She had left her own bat back at the sanctuary she never did that before she didn’t know why she left it she just felt she had to. She had the feeling that maybe she was starting to move on but how? she had only known Negan for almost a week. 
She was starting to like him but how could she? he had killed her friends but then she thought about the satellite outpost. She was snapped out of her thoughts when Spencer walked up to Arat and asked her if he could talk to Negan. Reagan hated Spencer so she put down the rag and stood up, she straightened her shirt and put her sword back in its sheath. Spencer looked at her with questioning eyes when suddenly came the sound of Negan’s deep voice.
“Don’t be an asshole Arat let the man fucking pass’’ Reagan turned and looked up into his hazel coloured eyes. She noticed that he was rid of his leather jacket with showed his tattoos and he had shaved off his beard with made him look even more handsome. Reagan walked up the two wooden steps of the house and stood a near breath away from Negan. “I would be careful with him he’s and asshole and he wants Rick dead” she whispered. Negan gave her a toothy smile “don’t fucking worry i can already tell, by the way you look fucking amazing today you’re practically fucking glowing.” 
She giggled and she felt her cheeks heat up at the comment but just as she was about to say something Spencer cleared his throat. She immediately felt herself getting pissed off so she turned around and gave Spencer her death stare as she walked down the two steps. 
 Reagan stood next to Arat as she heard Negan and Spencer talking about whatever they were talking about. She turned around when she heard Negan getting out of his chair and taking his leather jacket off the back of it. He slipped it on leaving it unzipped and picking up Lucille in his hand, he ordered his men to get the pool table from the garage in the large house across the street. The pool table was set in the middle of the street in front of Ricks house with Negan and Spencer both standing around it. Lucille was leaned against the table as they both took turns at hitting the eight ball. Reagan stood further away from them not wanting to get in the way. Some of Alexandria including Rosita, Gabriel, Tara and Eugene watched Negan with a careful eye.
 Rosita looked at Reagan with disgust in her eyes but Reagan could see in her eyes that she had planned something. Reagan turned to look at Negan and Spencer and Negan looked like his patience was on thin ice. Negan got up in his face and said with a wide smile “you know what i think cuz i have a guess it’s cuz you’ve got no guts.” Negan suddenly pulled his hunters knife from it sheath and stabbed Spencer right in the gut. Everyone around them gasped including Reagan, Negan slid the knife along Spencers gut. His intestines came spilling out and fresh ruby coloured blood.
Reagan felt rage run through her veins so she put her hand on the hilt of her sword on her back. Suddenly without warning Rosita pulled out a gun, Reagan’s eyes widened “Rosita no!” she yelled. But it was no use Rosita pulled the trigger But it missed him and hit Lucille denting her wood permanently. Negan turned Lucille around to see the bullet in her wood “what the shit!” he yelled. Arat pinned Rosita on the ground “what the shit you shot Lucille”he yelled down at her “she got in the way” Rosita replied. 
“Lucille’s beautiful smooth surface is never gonna look the fucking same so why should your’s.” Reagan could see that he was overflowing with anger “Arat hold that knife up on that girls face.” Reagan didn’t like Rosita but she had to do something “Negan no just let it go” Reagan said with the best sad face she could give. She could of sworn she saw his eyes soften but he didn’t listen but deep down he wanted to listen to her. He bent down and picked up the bullet casing “is this bad boy made from scratch who made this?.” “It was me i made it” Rosita said poorly convincing him “see now i just think you’re fucking lying and you lying to me nope!.”
“It was me” Rosita said with the knife that was held up to her face cutting into the right side of her face. “Oh you are such a badass!’’ Negan said with a wolfish grin on his face “Arat kill somebody.” Arat pulled out her gun as Rosita yelled that it was her and shot Olivia right in the face. Reagan pulled out her sword as Rick walked up to the group holding up Aron whose face was bloody and bruised. Rick looked like he would kill anybody that got in his way “we had an agreement” Rick said angrily walking up to Negan. “Rick, look everybody it’s Rick man your people are making me lose my voice doing all this yelling.”
 “Your kid he snuck into one of my fucking trucks and machine gunned two of my men down and i brought him home safe and fucking sound.” Rick turned around and looked at Carl noticing his exposed missing eye “and i fucking fed him spaghetti.” “Just go” Rick said angrily “well sure Rick right after i find the guy or gal that made this bullet” Negan said holding up the bullet. “Arat!” Negan yelled and she pointed her gun at Aron and Eric Reagan stood infant of them. Reagan held up her sword “you leave them the fuck alone” Reagan yelled. “It was me!” Tara yelled, Arat pointed her gun at her.
“No it wasn’t” came the voice of Eugene who was shaking like a leaf and Rosita looked like she could kill him. Negan strutted over to Eugene with a huge grin on his face, Eugene started muttering all this science stuff. “Shut the fuck up” Negan said angrily, Negan turned away holding Lucille in front of his face. “Lucille give me strength” he said
 with his eyes closed “i’m gonna be relieving you of you bullet maker Rick.” Negan turned back around “your shits waiting for you at the gate just get it and go” Rick said with a look of pure rage. Reagan put her sword back in it’s sheath “alright Rick we’ll see you next time” Negan said walking away swinging Lucille. Reagan walked up to Rick “Rick i... i’m sorry i wasn’t apart of it” Rick looked at her with tears in his eyes. “Just leave Reagan” she was in shock how could he suddenly hate her? she just turned away and followed Negan. It was and awkwardly silent drive back to the sanctuary between Reagan and Negan because he knew she was pissed at him and rightfully so. 
As soon as they got to the sanctuary Reagan got out of the truck and walked up to her room angrily. She took off her sword, she had developed feelings for Negan and she hated it. She threw her sword at the wall angrily and felt tears roll down her cheeks, she lifted her gaze to the door when she heard a soft knock. “Reagan it’s Negan” she heard his deep voice through the door “fuck off” she replied sniffling. “Oh c’mon Darlin just let me the fuck in” Reagan opened the door and as soon as he stepped into her room she punched him in the face making him stumble back.
He rubbed his jaw “i deserved that” he said looking at Reagan who was rightfully angry at him. “You certainly did” then it all came down on her like a ton of bricks “i was beginning to trust you Negan but men like you never fucking change.” Negan’s eyes softened “no fucking lie about that and i’m sorry i did what i did.” He felt his chest tighten and he felt a lump in his throat “i’m sorry i hurt you” is what he wanted to say but he held it back. “You have every right to fucking hate me and you can hate me but lessons had to be fuckin’ learned.” Reagan crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes at him “don’t roll your fucking eyes at me.” 
Reagan smiled “what are you gonna fucking do? I’m not afraid of you Negan.” Negan ran a hand over his now clean shaven face and sighed “I know you’re not afraid of me but I’am fucking sorry for what I did.” She looked into his eyes and she could see a touch of sympathy so in that case he wasn’t lying. “I’ll go so you don’t hit me again” Negan was trying to lighten the mood but it didn’t help. He turned towards the door and walked out leaving her in her thoughts.
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occultsilence · 5 years
I have a few thoughts here. So this doesn’t overall change the ideas I had for Mark/Damien/Dark, but the video did confirm some of what I originally had thought. That it was Mark’s fault that there was evil invited into the home, and that it was Mark’s fault Damien ended up the way he did.
I still see Damien and Dark as two different entities that happened to become merged, so I’ll keep  Damien and Dark those two as their own characters here.
I knew Damien would be rightfully pissed about what happened to him. Shades of how angry he was could be seen in the video, so I’m going to keep that personality on my portrayal going, especially his anger toward Mark.
Of course he’ll be upset over what happened to Celine. She was his sister, and she did everything for him, including sacrificing herself. Damien’s always going to be bitter over her unfortunate end, and I really like that Mark went into more detail over their relationship.
The video as a whole was gorgeous. The animation was beautiful, and Mark’s and Pam’s voice acting was super on point with the emotions, fear, anger, and even banter.
I won’t be adopting everything from the video into my headcanons, but there are aspects that fit beautifully with my current portrayals, so I’m going to tweak a few things here and there and keep things as accurate as I can without massively changing everything.
Thank you Mark, for yet another stunning performance. You definitely lived up to the hype!
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sorcererinthestars · 7 years
Prompt: Ryan works/used to work for Damian Monroe
This is a long time coming. It’s sat in my drafts for months, but for your birthday, my dear, I finished this little thing. This is a Leverage/FAHC crossover AU, so if you’ve never seen the TV show Leverage, it may make little to no sense.This is what happens when Missy and I start throwing crossover ideas at each other. Happy birthday, lovely.
The rain soaked into the two men standing at opposite ends of the filthy Los Santos alley. It was a place that Ryan knew well, not that far from their penthouse. Even the most glamorous of areas in the City of Sin had their secrets and dirty areas, of course, and this was no different.
The alleyways of this city were the Fakes’ domain, and now there was someone else in it. He couldn’t help but notice that the man - adorned with ragged brown hair and a jacket not unlike Michael’s, a dark brown leather - didn’t seem at all surprised by the appearance of a man in a dark skull mask behind him. Not scared, not disoriented, nothing. He just stood there calmly, arms crossing, falling into an even stance. Not a fighting stance. Just one of comfort.
The lack of fear made Ryan’s hand still on his gun. The Fakes were chattering in his ear about something he didn’t care about - he just kept his earpiece on when he went on these nightly haunts in order to have the comfort of knowing they were safe. He gently removed the small piece and pocketed it. The alley fell silent, despite the pounding rain.
The other man made a move and Ryan twitched, but as he watched, the man replicated the action. Removing something from his ear and pocketing it. Interesting. Ryan didn’t think any of the other gangs in LS had access to that sort of tech yet. Although, something was niggling in the back of his mind. This man didn’t seem like he was from Los Santos.
And - by the way the other man moved and fell into a simple fighting stance (weight on the balls of his feet, a subtle precursor to a punch) that he could only have learned from one place….
It all made sense, after that. The odd sense of familiarity by the stranger with the rain-soaked brown hair washed into a sense of resigned, dulled hatred. The way he walked and stood was infamous of just one man. It was hard to not feel familiar with a man you were made to model, after all.
Despite the fact that he had his guns and the man seemed unarmed, Ryan knew better than to underestimate him. He sighed, huffing. “What are you doing here? Come to settle in LS like all the rest of us?”
The man seemed surprised that Ryan would talk. Rightfully - the Vagabond had a reputation of silence. “Are you goin’ to shoot me?” he rasped. That’s right. He’d been told the other had a twang of an accent. That was part of the reason Ryan got his position as soon as the man had left. His Georgia accent had been a selling point of his job. That, and the fact that he was good at … other things. 
Ryan knew the other couldn’t tell under his mask, couldn’t see his change of facial expressions, but still tried to firm his features up. Just because this man could waltz into his life to try to fuck up what he had built here didn’t mean Ryan was going to let him. 
“No,” he said coldly. “Not yet. I’m trying to figure out why the fuck you’re here. And you have far more reason to kill me than me to kill you.” 
The man regarded him. “I’m unarmed. You have at least three guns and four knives on your person. And you think I could kill you?”
The laugh that Ryan barked out was cold and dark. “Forget it, Spencer. The moment I underestimate you is the moment I die. I’m not looking to do that anytime soon. I’ll repeat the question. Why the fuck are you here?” 
The man - Eliot Spencer - sighed and held up his hands loosely. In a strange gesture of peace. “I came alone. My crew isn’t with me and they’re pissed as fuck I’m here. But I wanted to find you. Speak with you.”
Ryan didn’t move. “Speak with me? Why? You never fuckin’ met me.” 
The man laughed. “No. And I’m happy I haven’t. But I’ve heard of you. The Vagabond. You have an infamous reputation. You took my job - not many men could have done that.”
It was like a punch in his stomach. Another reminder that his time as a younger man, trying his best to make a name for himself under a important crime boss, being muscle and assassin and …. other important jobs …, was always, always, shaded over by this man standing right in front of him.
Everything he had ever done was compared to his predecessor. The way he talked was emphasized because he sounded like Spencer. The way he walked. The way he was trained to fight. To wield a gun. Ryan again winced back against the memories. “What did you want to say?” he said viciously, spitting the words.
“I just wanted you to know where your master is now,” the man said. His Southern rasp was obvious and again, not for the first time, Ryan was glad he never let an inch of it come out of his own lips. 
“He’s not my master anymore,” Ryan spit. “I have a new boss. A new crew. I killed ten of his men when I left. Just like you did.”
Spencer just hummed. “I figured you weren’t working with him anymore. You got out, same as me. Good job. Anyways, he’s currently in prison on a tiny remote island, way away from here. I just wanted you to know, so you didn’t have to keep looking over your shoulder the way I know I always kept looking over mine.”
It wasn’t kindness in Spencer’s voice. Ryan couldn’t really place exactly what emotion did color it. The briefest touches of solidarity between two men who had served in the exact same position under the exact same man. Who knew more intimately than anyone else the horrors that that job had entailed. 
Ryan knew better than to scorn the man after he had made a trip to find him. But… “How did you find me?” His voice was cold. “I’m not on any databases.”
“The Vagabond may not be, but a Mr. James Ryan Haywood is. It wasn’t hard to put the pieces together when you know what you’re looking for. You have a very distinctive fighting style.”
 It took all of Ryan’s energy not to lunge at him, but his gun came up to point right between the other’s eyes. Spencer just laughed. It was cold and dark, but it was laughter. “Relax. I have a very good hacker. It wasn’t easy to locate you and I owe him big. And it’s only right I know your name when you have the privilege of mine.”
Ryan just growled, slowly lowering his gun. “I’m sure my hacker could track you down as well. He’s very, very good.”
Spencer just nodded. “I’m sure he could, if he really wanted to. Or at least he could try. Perhaps our hackers could be friends.” He looked around and regarded the dirty alleyway he was standing in. “Other than the fact that I work with people who don’t shoot others in alleyways.”
“Pity,” Ryan drawled. “You miss out on all the fun, then.”
Spencer narrowed his eyes - Ryan could just see that in the distant light of the street lamps around them. “So they don’t haunt you? In your dreams? Don’t make you never want to pick up a gun again?”
Ryan steeled himself against the memories that rose. “Killing doesn’t bother me anymore. Although I’m …. selective with my targets.” 
Eliot stared at Ryan for a long moment and nodded. Who was he to judge the other, really? You each went different ways, working in the job they did. He grunted after a moment. “I’m just here to pass along the message. You entertained him enough so he didn’t constantly send his dogs after me. I know you don’t consider that a debt, but consider it paid.” 
Ryan nodded curtly. He wasn’t going to thank him, even though it would perhaps be easier to sleep, knowing that the last criminal empire he had escaped from was dismantled. It sounded like Spencer had a crew as well, a close one. Perhaps he knew the fear of others getting caught in the crossfire.
Spencer stepped closer and Ryan’s hand twitched on his gun. The other just smirked. “Are you going to let me go? Or do we really have to fight it out, just like Damien would have wanted? I’m sure he’d be wet just at the idea of his two favorite dogs, lunging and snapping at each other in an alleyway full of dead men’s piss.”
Ryan growled lowly and lowered his gun, stepping aside. “Moreau has no hold over me anymore,” he reminded as the other man stepped past him. Eliot just nodded. “Nor me.”
When Spencer got to the end of the alleyway, a car drove up and Ryan could see the slender form of a black man in the driver’s seat and a blonde woman in the back. Spencer climbed in and then rolled down the window.
“Los Santos is yours,” he called. “Consider it a favor.”
Ryan couldn’t puzzle over that before the others tore away. Head hurting but feeling a release of emotions he never thought he’d ever let go of, he relaxed slowly and let out a long breath.
Damien Moreau was gone. His empire dismantled. And the man that - for him - was only an unobtainable myth was, in the end, only a man. Slipping his earpiece back into his ear, Ryan could hear the frantic squawks of Gavin trying to locate him.This was his life now. And whatever that mess was, it was now, finally, over.
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craptaincold · 7 years
coldatom tangled au... explain. i want to know more.
AIGHT LISTEN, strapping and snarky thief Captain “My Real Name Is Leonard Snart” Cold, pulls a heist with Lisa and Mick, it goes bad, he runs into Ray’s secluded tower in the woods where he was kidnapped as a child by Damien Dahrk.  Ray is the heir to the town’s richest family, but he doesn’t know it, and Dahrk kidnapped him because he knew he was a Genius and forced him to work on sciency things he could use as weapons (he doesn’t tell Ray they’re weapons tho, Ray wouldn’t do it if he knew it would hurt people).  Ray literally has never been outside since he’s been kidnapped, so he’s VERY booksmart but not very. street smart.  He also has a very high tech suit that shrinks.  That’s handy.
So, when Len crashes his tower, Ray knocks him out with a fuck ass frying pan because this poor boy was just trying to make himself some breakfast when Len came through, and he hides the item Leonard was stealing (coincidentally, it was from Ray’s actual family) to offer him a deal - take Ray out to see the fireworks that Ray’s family sets off to honor their lost child’s birthday and Len will get the artifact back.  Leonard agrees, if only to attempt to scam him, and after a very wild journey together - ranging from everywhere between running into some Rogues at Saints & Sinners with very fun and interesting hobbies and aspirations, to getting chased by police and almost straight up drowning - they realize the other actually isn’t that bad??  And maybe they fall in love a little??
Stepping into town isn’t exactly easy for Leonard though, because the Scarlet Speedster is on his ass in a second, but after Ray pleads with Barry to let Len go, the three of them finish their tour through the town together.
Leonard and Ray have a very romantic boat ride watching the fireworks together, but WHOOPS turns out Dahrk found out what happened, and he pawns Lisa and Mick into helping him arrest Leonard so he can have Ray back.
Of course, after that happens, Lisa and Mick are rightfully pissed and horrified at what happened, so they conspire with Barry to help break Len out of jail and get him back together with Ray.
Dahrk had been expecting Leonard’s return though, and he sets a trap up for him back at the tower, which Len helplessly falls into.  He fatally wounds him until Ray makes a deal with Dahrk to let Leonard go and Ray will stay with Dahrk forever.  Dahrk seems satisfied with that, and lets them have a moment to say goodbye.
I’m struggling with how the ending would go though, like maybe Len is struggling from his injury but he manages to get some nanotech on Dahrk so he’s shrunken down and harmless??  That’s probably how that would go.
Back at the tower, Ray had pieced together that he’s actually the lost heir, and Leonard helps return him to his family.  His family, of course, is very grateful, and happily welcome Leonard into the family.  They’re also conveniently good friends with the mayor, so his, Lisa’s, and Mick’s crimes all get acquitted as a favor for helping bring their son home.
At last, Raymond was home and he finally had a real family. Beloved by all, he led Palmer Tech with all the grace and wisdom that his parents did before him.And as for Captain Cold, well, he started going by Leonard again. Stopped thieving and basically turned it all around, but I know what the big question is.
Did Raymond and Leonard ever get married? Well I am pleased to tell you that after years and years of asking, and asking, and asking, Leonard finally said yes.
(Okay, Len asked Ray.)
And they lived happily ever after.
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nikkkic · 8 years
Golden Globes 2017 Wishlist
Best Motion Picture, Drama
Hacksaw Ridge
Hell or High Water
Manchester by the Sea
it’s a huge toss up for me, both are beautiful gut wrenching movies, both are super deserving to win.
Best Motion Picture, Musical, or Comedy
20th Century Women
Florence Foster Jenkins
La La Land
Sing Street
Best Performance By an Actress in a Motion Picture, Drama
Amy Adams, Arrival
Jessica Chastain, Miss Sloane
Isabelle Huppert, Elle
Ruth Negga, Loving
Natalie Portman, Jackie
Best Performance By an Actress in a Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy
Annette Bening, 20th Century Women
Lily Collins, Rules Don’t Apply
Hailee Steinfeld, The Edge of Seventeen
Emma Stone, La La Land
Meryl Streep, Florence Foster Jenkins
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture, Drama
Casey Affleck, Manchester by the Sea
Joel Edgerton, Loving
Andrew Garfield, Hacksaw Ridge
Viggo Mortensen, Captain Fantastic
Denzel Washington, Fences
Best Performance By an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture
Mahershala Ali, Moonlight
Jeff Bridges, Hell or High Water
Simon Helberg, Florence Foster Jenkins
Dev Patel, Lion
Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Nocturnal Animals
Best Performance by Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture
Viola Davis, Fences
Naomie Harris, Moonlight
Nicole Kidman, Lion
Octavia Spencer, Hidden Figures
Michelle Williams, Manchester by the Sea
Best Director, Motion Picture
Damien Chazelle, La La Land
Tom Ford, Nocturnal Animals
Mel Gibson, Hacksaw Ridge
Barry Jenkins, Moonlight
Kenneth Lonergan, Manchester by the Sea
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture, Musical, or Comedy
Colin Farrell, The Lobster
Ryan Gosling, La La Land
Hugh Grant, Florence Foster Jenkins
Jonah Hill, War Dogs
Ryan Reynolds, Deadpool
both ryans gave two of the best performances of the year, it’s almost impossible to pick. I say gosling because it’s his 5th nomination and it’s about time he fucking won this award and because la la land was my favourite movie of the year, but I also say reynolds because he would literally make history if he won as superhero movies have never been recognized by the golden globes and deadpool was amazing and it deserves all of the love. If someone wins other than these two, I will be so pissed.
Best Screenplay, Motion Picture
La La Land
Nocturnal Animals
Manchester by the Sea
Hell or High Water
As a whole, nocturnal snimals did not live up to my expectations, but the screenplay was excellent.
Original Score, Motion Picture
La La Land
Hidden Figures
Best Motion Picture, Animated
Kubo and the Two Strings
My Life as a Zucchini
Best Original Song, Motion Picture
“Can’t Stop the Feeling,” Trolls
“City of Stars,” La La Land
“Faith,” Sing
“Gold,” Gold
“How Far I’ll Go,” Moana
Best Television Series, Drama
The Crown
Game of Thrones
Stranger Things
This Is Us
i can’t pick between either of the two. both are two of my favourite shows from 2016. this is us is emotional and soul stirring while stranger things is fascinating and unpredictable. I don’t care who wins, as long as it’s one of them.
Best Television Series, Musical or Comedy
Mozart in the Jungle
veep is consistently brilliant, even if this past season was not their strongest one. But atlanta is so clever and funny, while still being relevant as hell and it deserves some love.
Best Performance By an Actor in a Television Series, Drama
Rami Malek, Mr. Robot
Bob Odenkirk, Better Call Saul
Matthew Rhys, The Americans
Liev Schreiber, Ray Donovan
Billy Bob Thornton, Goliath
I still get chills when I think about his adderall fuelled hateful atheist rant to his church group. the emmy was rightfully his and the golden globe should be too. 
Best Performance By an Actor in a Television Series, Musical, or Comedy
Anthony Anderson, Blackish
Gael Garcia Bernal, Mozart in the Jungle
Donald Glover, Atlanta
Nick Nolte, Graves
Jeffrey Tambor, Transparent
I’m all for first time nominees taking home the gold and donald glover has been my favourite for a very long time. and the way he has created, written, produced, and starred in a show as brilliant as atlanta is impressive and deserves some recognition. 
Best Performance by an Actress in a TV Series, Drama
Caitriona Balfe, Outlander
Claire Foy, The Crown
Keri Russell, The Americans
Winona Ryder, Stranger Things
Evan Rachel Wood, Westworld
Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Actress in a Series, Limited Series, or Motion Picture Made for Television
Olivia Colman, The Night Manager
Lena Headey, Game of Thrones
Chrissy Metz, This Is Us
Mandy Moore, This Is Us
Thandie Newton, Westworld
Best Performance By an Actress in a Television Series, Musical, or Comedy
Rachel Bloom, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Veep
Sarah Jessica Parker, Divorce
Issa Rae, Insecure
Gina Rodriguez, Jane the Virgin
Tracee Ellis Ross, Blackish
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damnhotmsimmons · 2 months
17x09-Stars and Stripes
caution: spoilers below, mentions of rape
I feel for Jade
She's clearly spiraling without Damien
The flashback and conversation they had in 17x08
She's being pulled over, that's not good for the guy trying to talk to her
Wendy Quinn but the patrol officer is not fooled cause of the photo
You sent
Jade taunting him means she's getting away with it
Shit, Dana is here
Not so subtle considering a black car passing by when it turns out that Dana is in the car
Jade and Dana don't care that the guy has a family
Jade taking the guy's eyes out
Now back to Elias and Vincent visiting him
Elias knew that Jade killed Damien and that the BAU prevented their plans to kidnap and kill Jill
Elias also knows Vincent is under surveillance
I like how Elias always knows everything
Vincent wants Rebecca off the case but Elias says no
They discuss their court hearing and reduced sentence and Elias is determined to be out in five
Rossi comforting Jill after what happened but he's still disapproving Jill's decision to use the kiss as a distraction for him to leave so she can talk to Damien alone. Can't blame him as Jill could've gotten herself killed
Damien and Jade agreeing to a mercy kill
A reference to of Mice and Men
Even with Damien gone, Jade still has backup like Dana and Peter B
Peter B a sign of foreshadowing
Emily calling Rossi over
Rebecca telling them that Director Madison is honoring Elias' please agreement. I too would be pissed considering how smart and dangerous he is
Emily and Rossi are rightfully pissed
Tyler trying to find proof of Elias' crimes
Luke in Garcia's office
Another Reid mention
Garcia is able to find connections to all 11 stuart house doctors and sheriff deputies cause they were paid through an encrypted routing number
Also AIDA reminds me of Agents of Shield
The contract was voided due to criminal misconduct and profiteering. Yea this part is giving me ideas
Frank Church being the ceo of AIDA Limited
Something tells me that AIDA Limited could be the next major antagonists in s18
He’s finally been mentioned
The charges against Church were dropped but he still has friends in high places. He's gonna be difficult to be stopped let alone in two episodes
And we got a photo of him
Church and AIDA are also known around the globe for their security expertise
Which also means they're mercenaries
I swear the ideas we'll get from this scene alone for my fics
Like like what if someone with a particular skill set has an assignment relating to AIDA Limited..
Between Reid and Matt, one of them has military experience
Shit, Garcia and Luke are struggling to find proof that AIDA Limited funded the strike team before being interrupted by an alert of the guy Jade and Dana killed
The guys named is Martin Sanz
Martin is alive but his eyes are gone and Jade threatens him to talk to the BAU only
It’s interesting the guy only wants to talk to the BAU
Emily getting Tyler to look up Frank church
Tara sees it as Jade wanting the team to know her pain for Damien's death and for reinforcing the conspiracy about Stuart House
Emily getting Tyler to look up Frank Church. I'm afraid this won't go well
Back to Jade and Dana
Dana trusting Elias only cause Damien does
Jade finding a bunker and storage container unit
Oh shit, Elias giving Jade and Dana profiles on the BAU and a majority of the cases they worked on and unsubs they stopped and killed
Reminds me of the replicator
Elias knows a lot about the team and the team doesn't know how much and to make things worse, Elias is definitely fueling Dana and Jade and trying to weaken the BAU so that they can take care of them while Elias himself can go free
It’s interesting how Elias is able to do that
Idk why Hasting's photo is on Luke's section when JJ's photo is on the other board. Oh and Jeremy Grant's photo is on JJ's section as well wtf. How do you fuck up a mistake like that?
Frank Church has friends in high places. It has to be the one who took photos of Emily and Brian
Now Jade and Dana know who the BAU are and are at the end of the conspiracy
They used actual photos of AJ for this
Imagine what kind of photos they'd use for other cm characters
I wonder if Frank is responsible for this cause friends in high places could also mean he could have friends in the bureau
Jade using these boards to her advantages
Dana reminding Jade that they have each other and Peter
Dana saying to go home
The zoom up of Emily and Rossi is not good
Martin telling Rossi and Tara that Jade was with Dana, who shot him
Martin telling Rossi to kill Jade and Dana
Jade saying she had no choice but she wants to go and home and find peace but will not hesitate to stop and kill anyone who tries to find them
Jill thinking the strike team was being sent on purpose to test the gold star subjects if they can distinguish between friend and foe
With Tara saying how they were most likely gaslit into thinking everyone was an enemy but Stuart House
Luke and JJ telling Rossi they found a kill kit
It’s sad how they were manipulated so much
They realized Elias helped Damien and Jade by giving them the kill kit
Jade and Dana left a trap knowing that troopers would find them
The team finding the boards
JJ looking the most terrified, can't blame her
Elias definitely had his network do the research for him which means someone from the bureau is a part of the network and conspiracy
Rossi calling Elias a mother fucked and angry that he's endangering his teammates
Vincent telling Rossi to calm down, shut up
This confrontation won't go well considering that Vincent is present
I didn't even notice Elias was in a fancy suit and not a jumpsuit
Elias trying to claim that Benjamin is still Sicarius
The BAU trying to procedure Elias as Lee Duval backfiring on them
Elias saying Toodles and Rossi being rightfully pissed
Tyler and Emily seeing Frank
Vincent is so annoying and smug
He's not going to be so smug once Elias no longer needs his help
Frank Church mentioning Emily's mugshot. I already hate him
Emily saying Tyler is from military intelligence
Emily and Tyler interrogating Frank
Frank knowing fully aware that Emily is profiling him
He's even more smug and worse than Elias, Vincent and Bryan
Frank mentioning Brian
Not Frank being concerned with law enforcement
Not Frank Church accusing Emily of assaulting Brian whom he most likely hired men to beat up and frame Emily for
Oh this guy is so sexist
Oh this piece of shit did not just rubbed Bailey's death onto Emily
Women are you fucking kidding me?
Ugh, not Rebecca interrupting them and telling Emily that the Director wants them to stop
Emily and Tyler thinking Director Madison is under Frank's pocket
Does Frank know Madison?
So Madison is not compromised
Really Rebecca? Protecting the BAU? Even Emily doesn't believe that
So far the only good thing he did was reinstate Emily as unit chief
Bailey mention
So Bailey told Madison about Gideon and Rossi's paper weeks before Elias mentioned Gold Star to him
If anything Bailey was the one protecting the BAU more than Madison
I feel like had Clark been available for more of the filming, we would've gotten more of Madison trying to be helpful
So someone else leaked gold star and the white paper ?
So Madison showed Rebecca Bailey's report
But who?
I feel like Madison is using Rebecca a lot since he doesn’t want to face them
That’s very possible it was a reporter
Okay, Rebecca has a point
They risk bringing the Bureau down if they mess up their attempts at stopping Frank
Where's Jack Ryan when you need him?
The BAU and Jill discussing Frank Church while eating
I really need Matt so back so badly
Frank Church does scream cult leader
You sent
So many military guys
Seeing this is giving me ideas for fics after seeing AIDA Limited
Frank telling Jade welcome home
Ewww. Jade and Dana looked disgusted and uncomfortable hugging Frank
Seeing Frank being concerned and trying to be father like to Jade and Dana is gross
Maybe a part of them realize something is wrong with Frank but the brainwashing is too deep
Jade telling Frank that Damien and Aidan are dead cause of the BAU and Peter is nowhere to be found
Frank planned this whole shit
Seeing Frank being concerned and trying to be father like to Jade and Dana is gross
It felt so weird and you can see the girls see it too but are in too deep
Frank wanting to talk to Dana about Peter
By the time they realized something is wrong, it'll be too late
I wonder if Peter is connected to Bailey
Frank killed Dana, not surprised
Oh no, not the gold star program
This scene makes me feel disgusted
Frank comparing Mila to Jade
Same here. It’s creepy how it’s a lot of young girls too
"Free these young people" bitch, you're brainwashing them and turning them into killers
His fascination of young girls and hate over women in power positions like Emily pretty much sums up his views on women. And his views on poc and lgbtq people wouldn't be any better
Frank is drilling this “conspiracy” into them. Not helped they see Frank as a father figure
He's a disgusting piece of shit
Frank manipulating Jade. I worry for Jade, can't believe I'm saying that
Frank giving up the original training site
Jade remembering what she went through
He screams Republican Senator who does shady shit
It wouldn't surprise me if he has some conservative political friends
And far right allies
So Mila's been missing for 8 months cause she's actually in AIDA Limited
The deputies were paid off by Stuart House, who track runaway teens
So did Frank abduct Mila?
Jade and Mila bonding
They deputy was paid to kill her
Mila looking up to Jade, I have a bad feeling about this
Jade telling Mila she has nightmares
They tell stories about jade and the others
You can see how vulnerable jade is
Memories of an awful place?
Jade realizing not everything is as it seems and it's a bad feeling
Frank being a rapist
Oh my god no no no no
I’m now worried about Jade
I feel sick
Fuck fuck fuck fuck
Just when Frank can't get any worse, he does and my hatred of humor grows stronger
Jade remembering her last moments with Damien
But since he’s introduced now he’ll probably be in s18
This guy needs to fucking die
He needs to suffer
He makes Elias look tame in comparison. At least Elias isn't a fucking rapist
Damien not having any nightmares when he’s with Jade
Also this means that Frank only raped the girls
Damien telling Jade how everything frank told him might he a lie
It sums up how he views women
It wouldn't surprise me if Frank considers Holly a next target
If Elias kills Frank in s18, I wouldn't be mad
That would be satisfying
And Elias would make sure Frank suffers
If Elias doesn't get to kill Frank, I want either the BAU ladies doing that
Jade seeing Mila get taken away before being tasered by someone, possibly Frank
Rebecca telling the team that the judge approves of the search warrant for the training center but knowing the synopsis, they might be too late and something bad happens
Sadly no one is there to save Jade, I'm fucking pissed
If only they got the warrant quicker
Jade deserved better. I wished someone could save her. Or maybe she saves herself
Tyler warning the team that the people running the training center are combat ready, and we know there's a lot of military guys at the training programs and AIDA Limited
You wanna hope the team aren't too late to save Jade
Emily letting Tyler join the team in the takedown
Luke patting Tyler on the arm
Not Rossi also bringing Jill to the takedown
Jill it's not your fault, it's Frank's fault
Oh not this again with Jill and Rossi
No no no no
I do not want to see this scene
what the fuck
Considering Frank's obsession with young girls and Matt being protective of his daughters, especially as he mentions a hostage victim being the same age as his twin girls in 1x06 of cmbb, just imagine if Matt found out what Frank does to girls like Jade and Mila
Frank telling Jade she was his favorite makes me feel disgusted
Jade killing her captors
And arming herself
The team are all at AIDA Limited
I wonder if the team will get to Jade in time
Jade is trying to escape and the team is there
We don't know but I have a bad feeling that something is gonna happen
The guy refusing to let the BAU in and they're calling backup
Especially as she’s arming herself too
This will be bloody especially as Frank knows they're there
Imagine Matt there
Frank planning on using Mila
Jade trying to help Mila escape and she knows Mila and the others are in danger
Jade giving Mila a gun, this is not gonna go well
"Don't let anyone stop you" I have a bad feeling about this
Rebecca telling Emily not to escalate the situation, not helped that Tara is with them
Rebecca and Garcia being concerned for the team
Yea her determination is too strong for her which makes her impulsive and reckless
Don't leave Emily and Rossi alone
I like how Tara pointed out how it sounds familiar with the FBI standing off against a armed cult
Jade, Mila and the others all escaped
But will they all make it out? Now that Frank found out, not everyone will
Oh thank god the kids escaped. But oh no everyone is armed, Rossi and Emily are coming in
I like how Tara pointed out how it sounds familiar with the FBI standing…
Callbacks to minimal loss
Shit, Frank has a gun
Tara and JJ found them?
Wtf Emily? Don't get yourself and the team killed
I’m confused. Did JJ and Tara find them?
Is that swat following them?
lol Emily defying Rebecca and Garcia
And I don't know what Jade is doing
Mila and the others are out but not Jade
I can't watch
No Jade
Jade saying "save the children"
She had to save herself and sacrifice herself to get those kids away
My heart is broken
I don’t like this at all. I want a better ending for Jade
I'm so pissed
Her love for Damien is strong
It really is. Also makes sense why she’s doing this since she and Damien don’t want to be stuck in a cage
This is more tragic than minimal loss
I'm a fucking wreck
Jade deserved better
0 notes
damnhotmsimmons · 3 months
17x05-Conspiracy vs Theory
I meant to post this a while ago but I got sidetracked and busy
Elias on the BAU floor
Oh look at Rebecca
And Rebecca looks so hot
The team being so pissed and Elias being smug
Where's Rossi?
Lmao with Elias calling out to Rossi. Why is he so fun to watch
I knew Elias would taunt the team and get off of rubbing his presence in their faces, especially Rossi as he knows he's still traumatized
Poor Rossi in his office and he's hearing Elias call out to him
Elias telling Emily her plan is idiotic
Matt so would be disgusted especially if he knew about Elias being a dad and Elias brings up his family
Damien not being the one who says "yes"
Garcia needing minutes to ping a location
Tara teasing Elias about not being able to bluff
Elias saying he needs a computer and the team won't allow that
so Garcia has to go "assist" Elias and being annoyed about breaking ethical and legal rules in the case. I bet she still doesn't forgive Emily about the phone earlier
Rebecca saying she didn't hear anything Garcia said
I appreciate Luke being there for Garcia
I don’t think Garcia forgives Emily for that
Rebecca was so done
Luke telling Elias to "behave"
Elias agreeing to Emily's plan and jokingly saying he'll talk slowly
So he's comparing Damien to Frankenstein's monster
A difference between conspiracy and conspiracy theory
Damien being selected by a private military company sending him on missions that mirrored his trauma
10 year psychological project
Not Elias asking again
Damien not answering till two hours later. Elias being relieved that he's not going back.....for now
A darknet site called codecarriers
So it's not a trap...
Something tells me that Damien will notice Garcia trying to trap him
Elias, shut up, you're distracting Garcia and Garcia don't listen to him
Emily saying she'll risk it
Elias snatching the mouse away from Garcia
Garcia being scared, she did not deserve that
Everyone having their guns on Elias
But he already clicked on the site
Elias and Damien talking
Damien needing proof
A quote from Mary Shelley
Jade also overhearing their conversation
Feels wrong to see Elias on the jet
The sneak peek of them on the jet
They all look rightfully pissed
I love how in awe Elias was seeing the jet and how it was actually real
I love their glares
Why do I feel like something bad is gonna happen? Like their plan will backfire either cause of Elias or Damien or something else?
Ugh, Elias saying "Wheels up" how dare he
Emily and Tyler interacting again
So Emily has Tyler try to locate Brian
Brian looking pissed
Its suddenly daylight
The team and Rebecca being so annoyed at Elias
I love how Luke and Rebecca are sitting next to each other
Not Elias bringing up Tyler Green. I thought he was gonna bring up Bailey until he said "self-defense"
So Elias' lawyer told him about Garcia and Tyler's relationship
Tara comforting Garcia and Luke telling Elias to shut up but he won't
JJ finally saying "fuck"
Tynelope? Technically people use Greencia
I did not expect JJ to say fuck in that situation as i was expecting it when she and Emily were arguing or something
So Elias is a garvez shipper?
Rossi going up to Elias
Is Elias trolling Rossi?
Elias taunting Rossi about the shipping container
"I'm sorry" yea he was trolling them
Rossi not accepting his apology
Emily questioning Brian
Elias feeling "betrayed"
Emily speaking Russian and calling Brian a "useful idiot"
Jade answering the call and demanding to speak to Elias
more of JJ in charge please
Elias talking to Jade
She's distracting him while she's walking through the park
Jade feeling "betrayed" by Elias
Jade saying North Star
Elias saying he knows why Jade inks herself
Garcia begging Luke to give him the backup. This better not be another rehash of 16x05 and 16x06 or I'll be pissed
Jade had it worse at Stuart House than Damien
Jade is her own protector
Careful Luke
Garcia borrowing Rebecca's phone and she gives it to her with no hesitation
Elias knows that Jade won't pull the trigger as he knows she still needs something from him
Garcia using Rebecca's phone as a jammer but it'll cut the phone off with Jade
Elias baiting Jade
Garcia successfully jamming the phone call but at a cost of ending Jade and Elias' phone call
Garcia and Rebecca are relieved
Elias what is he doing?
Elias surrendering?
Rossi punching Elias, I wished he also got to punch Brian for ruining Emily's life
Brian having no empathy for ruining Emily's life even when he mentions "Theresa"
Who the fuck is Theresa and how does Tyler know her? Why is he still going behind everyone's back and not tell anyone who Theresa is and how he knows her? This could've helped the team and Emily
Elias being smug in his cell means something bad and he still has the upper hand against the BAU
The team exiting the elevator and returning to the BAU floor
Tara's little hair flip when turning to seeing Rebecca in the elevator
Rebecca still worried about how she almost lost Tara
Rebecca going from "I'm not going home" to "I don't want to be alone"
aww, Tara comforting Rebecca in the elevator and Rebecca resting her head on this shoulder. This tebecca moment is so soft and everything. The show better not fuck things up again or I'm gonna throw hands
Emily smoking means something bad happened
Director "not Coulson" Madison benching Emily after the arrest reports got leaked, fuck Brian Garrity and the guys responsible for the setup
Emily telling Rossi that he's in charge. I wished JJ was the one in charge especially as she's proven herself so many times and it's clear Rossi dislikes being in the leadership position
I did not expect Emily wanting Rossi to get Elias "assassinated" but considering all the bad shit that has happened since s16 and the gold star case, can't blame her for wanting him dead even if this will only make things worse cause of Elias being a manipulator, his network still active and Elias' lawyer being dangerously competent
Emily losing everything from this case
Ugh, I hate seeing her cry, Rossi being the team dad and comforting her. Fuck Elias and Brian for all their horrible bullshit and ruining Emily's life
it speaks volumes that guys like Elias and Brian manage to ruin Emily and JJ's successful lives and careers with ease
Brian made himself more despicable than Elias Voit despite him not being a killer. At least
After 17x05, I want to give both JJ and Emily a hug and protect them from all the terrible shit that has happened to them and go after the ones who ruined their careers and lives
I worry that Elias pushing for Garvez will only give Garcia more reasons to avoid getting together with Luke especially if it's not just cause of her willingness to be happy in a stable relationship with a guy who truly loves her but also cause she wants to spite Elias and not give him the satisfaction of seeing them together
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