#and I can't just use the old one cuz she yeeted that thing into the lake
lilacs-stash · 7 months
Why did I give Suitcase the perfect trinket from Nickel in S2
^ is having the worst time coming up with a post show one
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incarnateirony · 7 months
First, the spider. Now the dove--twice actually, I live reported cheesing the reaper for it once, and then she kept getting sicker, and now we have Shea bringing home the wrong kind of bird because she didn't look at it close enough which is, in fact, also the general plot. But, you know, she loves parasitic mimics anyway.
This is about to become a test of how many creatures, beast or man, Shealyn will sacrifice pretending not to understand what's going on to save her own ego. The one she's supposed to crucify, if she ever knew or cared about a single Hermes message (she even reposted crucify the ego early during this), but is objectively refusing, because she's refused to understand what any of these sentiments MEAN.
Lady, lady it should not be this hard to break up with you. You know by now what you need to do. Unfuck thineself, your stupid fuckboy ain't even worth fighting for in the scale of things going on around you, and if he leaves you once you tell the truth, that is a trap you made yourself and still need to face. Aphrodovey has just been replaced by a homing pigeon, but we don't have time for you to unpack all that. Lady, your whole mycobiome is fucked right now, lady. Whatup we're in the house like carpet, or the fungi that determines what lives and dies in a sleeping forest.
I think she really thought I was like, alone in observing this. Not only were the furries she was manipulating watching, and the game server she was trying to invade, and the old mega-coven, but she's just helped established a new brotherhood that are all aware of her toxic lies ground up AND all belong on, or near, or at least understand and respect and follow the path of, this cell; old wolfies and crows in the new way all resonating to talk about thoth and the rest whether following the thread or not, dreaming the same dreams together; and it is what it is, and girlllll, you got problems.
11 will still always be 11.
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there's a jar in a hole in a box under a nuclear reactor in the bottom of the sea she refuses to return to~
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What part of, you literally can't copy and paste me, my life, my face, my soul, or my works is missing her? Even works she thought she was "only" plagiarizing fiction she was deifying in shadow. But even those, she always missed the point, ground-up. There's a reason the three DMs of the Xorvintaals are three brothers that know the truth and are fighting together around the eldest magus.
Like. Girl. You can't copy my writ core or philosophy, you can't copy my collected communities, you can't copy my years spent teaching many in it, you can't even copy the Xorvintaal or understand why even it is being used to ream you. Literally everything you have ever refused to understand, and always hated, and were jealous of, and tried to destroy, is all being used against you, and all because you have absolutely rejected anything that requires you inspecting or controlling yourself, right up to rolling into this trap. Because you can't. You literally cannot face yourself. You've become too much of a monster, and we both know it, and that's why we're here now, with you.
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#magus stop taking my shit homegirl, u place copyright papersymbol and you take others creations? How you tricks (Reptilians) I know you, you still connected to me. Psycho.
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Her ongoing denial of anything, and everything, and every sign, and every omen, foretelling, manifestation or result, only further exposes that she doesn't actually BELIEVE in her "magic" that she rotates, she is indeed using it for therapy and attention yet charging other people for it, but her random UnBeliefing in anything isn't gonna save her, cuz it Is What It Is until she faces herself, and again, I made her a big game she couldn't escape this time. I knew her too well. We all did, and I don't mean my protoges.
She ignored every warning, man, god or blog post, since at least July, and now we're here. And the very guy she was gonna "warn" about me is, in fact, just helping yeet new toys into the house that Jack and John built. Drove backwards into it. Acted surprised. And now is getting reamed by ten kajillion years of history and her own cowardice behavior which has escalated to here, and the many, many, many great magicians she has very, very thoroughly exhausted. And the new ones being born, both locally around me, and abroad in the wild hearing this mess, and talking of their dreams of this though we have never spoken in person.
Her greatest contribution to Hermes comes only through her failures, and his exhaustion with her. Like, damn Freyjadite, I knew you were mad he clipped your girdle or whatever but he's given you the best possible shoes as an offering for his freedom, and still, you refuse. You just really hate him, actually, even if you think you love him. All of this, all destroying the works of his workers, all for your ego, and now once you're finally cornered by the king of games, you're still running and denying it and thinking you can ignore it out.
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Sorry Shay Shay Shar Shar Sea Star, nobody likes hearing that you're the bad guy, top to bottom, immortally, in this life and across time, to the point it's disrupting ancestors and taking lives and rotting your life inside out, and dragging people to the abyss with you but um.
Baby, Baby, Blue Ray. Sorry.
You're the bad guy.
Girl this is past psychotic at this point. You not knowing, and not liking, the truth have always been two things you intentionally blurred the line between. Thou hast been dumped, mama maya. Cope. All the way this time.
Start writing. "Rumpocky was never real. Brian was always part of someone else's Brain. The Hermes I was speaking with is not real. These concepts and many works I have stolen belong to Aaron, who I have aggressively misgendered to disassociate from the truth I knew over ten years ago from Oron." And then keep writing from there, and keep writing, and rip out all that nasty shit, cuz we're ripping it out for you and replacing it. You decide if you want to have any autonomy in this process, because you ceded it by aggressively refusing mine.
Yes, Shealyn. At the start, I told you, you threw out everything you wanted. That wasn't exaggerating or puffing. It's what's rotting your world until your holy water is turning acidic and your pets are dying, and you know, the smaller things tend to go first but. Oh well, I guess you won't care about Mark when he goes either, you don't actually care about people, you just use them for yourself until the attention and soft bedding runs out. Which is why we're here.
Spicy messenger pigeon.
Because if you aren't messing with me, the triangles were assigned to the people bound into your mess on your end with the binding rune and the spiral, all traffic directs one way really, and that's a really unfriendly message right there.
I already said no bargaining Shea, again, this is all reflection, karma free for me, this is you hurting yourself until you face yourself, so we're ignoring your other whiny reblog and focus on that you won't say sike, just post your spicy pigeon that hates you and talk about my Influence all over your room, i guess, since you won't say fucking sike about the henry egg. bitch that is a REAPER. I influenced real good, since you won't hop off it.
fun fact shea. Even me acting through the masses on you is considered a net good. It's a reduction of shadows, while you won't. Not sure if you're familiar, but they're not favored things. Maia, you've become negatively charged, my dear, and we're fixing it since you won't.
There's no way to plea out of this as if your own personal satisfaction is the only good or right to be had in the end. What's wrong is wrong. No means no. Boundaries are important. You can't ride me forever. You know my name, my face, and who I am, and what you are doing, you just did not know who I had become.
Even that is yours to work out. But since the beginning it was said, the only way out of this was you, and the truth. Karma says you need to go away. Ethics say you need to go away. General consideration of blasphemy say you need to go away. Vampire. False teacher. Now you can let the monster you have become die by becoming the truth, or you can wait to roll the dice on full rewire and flatline.
Something about serpents in service industry, blackscreening people rude to managers, pinned documents of theft from supervisors, and blocking someone for starting a kung pow penis chain in his notes, skins removed for homophobic remarks, et cetera. You know, metaphors.
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