#and I crave drawing curly hair everyday. but I am stopped.
abilai · 9 months
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Black lotus among white lotuses
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I saw you’re open for requests would you please write a bilbo x reader where the reader joins the companion a hobbit too but she’s a healer ? Knows her herbs and potions, and she is over the heels for bilbo, but shy a bit, and one time when bilbo falls from somewhere high into a bush rather hard but he says he’s okay, yet at night he asks her if she could check him out cause his side hurt, he has thorns in his side lots of em and she has to pic them out, they are both in love🥺🥺,thankyou!
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Bilbo Baggins x Reader
Being separately invited on a special expedition because of your renowned skills as a healer is quite the flattering thing, but what’s even better than having your ego stroked is being invited on said expedition with Bilbo, your favorite hobbit by far. 
You’d known Bilbo for almost as long as the two of you have been alive, and while it’s absolutely wonderful getting to go on a journey and leave the monotone of your everyday life, you’d be lying if you said that a part of your reason for joining wasn’t because Gandalf had told you Bilbo was going too. In fact, it may have even been the deciding factor since you were on the fence about it for the longest time. 
Your job as a healer of the Shire usually consisted of dealing with over eaters, small fevers, battered children from wild play, and some sickness usually with the elderly. 
This is way different, though.
Instead of sniffling children, you have blade wounds.
Instead of hiccups, you have bruises and bumps from falling from high places. 
Instead of minor coughs and colds, you have puncture wounds and foot rashes so bad that they even start to sometimes bleed. 
Oin, the dwarven healer of this group, helped to teach you about the anatomy of the dwarf and things that they can’t have that you hobbits can so you can be more effective, and very soon you find that your healing skills have become much more diverse. 
The worst of the wounds you’ve had to deal with so far is when Thorin nearly died after the goblin tunnels and all the bruises and slashes the dwarves got when you all fell form such a high place. 
Oin treated your injuries, and you did the same for him in response (since healing yourself sucks big time).
After dealing with so many bad injuries such as the ones aforementioned, you’ve grown to miss the days where you deal with simple and ridiculous things like scraped knees and runny noses, so when Bilbo fell into that horrible thorny bush you were relieved.
Not that he got hurt of course, but that you finally have something more tame to deal with. 
Only, when you ask to take a peek he insists that he is perfectly fine!
You know right away from the pained expression on his face that he’s lying, but you let it slide since you have no doubt that his refusal of help is to keep the dwarves from worrying for him. 
Later that night, though, you have him cornered while the dwarves wash and demand that he show you his injuries; and from the fiery look in your eyes and stern frown of you lips, he knows you mean business. 
“Show me your side this instant.” You declare, standing before him with your hands on your hips and an angry pout on your lips. 
“Y/N, I’m not going to show you my side.” He sasses back, subconsciously reaching up to graze his fingers along his clothed area. 
“And why not?" 
"Because I am perfectly fine." 
You know for a fact that, that’s a lie, for you saw him wincing and flinching as you all traveled after he fell into the bush.
"Do not lie to me, Baggins. Show me now or I’ll tell Thorin that you got hurt and you’ll be in big trouble. ”
At your threat he immediately relents, putting his hands up in a surrender motion, “Alright, fine. But it’s not a big deal.” And then he reaches into his tucked in shirt and pulls it up (he takes his waistcoat off when he sleeps), immediately revealing multiple punctures and thorns littering throughout his skin. 
“Oh, Bilbo!” You cry, dropping to your knees next to him to inspect the area right away, “You’ve been walking around like this all day?”
“It’s not a big deal- really. It looks worse than it feels.” He tries to explain away his foolish silence of such painful looking cuts, but you can see right through him as always. 
“Let’s pretend for a moment that you tell me the truth; how long were you planning on leaving this alone? Until infection settles in? Until you get sick and become a hug burden for the rest of us?” Your words are harsh and gaze steely with anger, but this fury you suddenly feel is more for yourself since you didn’t force him to let you see before. 
You’ve practically failed as a healer, letting him walk around like that for so long without proper treatment. 
With gentle hands and careful movements you move him to lay down on his good side and pick out one of the bloodied thorns, noting the way he flinches and winces when you pull it out. 
Blood wells up in the hole left by the thorn, and you can only pray that infection doesn’t settle in. 
You begin to work on a second thorn when Bilbo whispers softly, “I’m sorry, Y/N…”
The campground is silent as you wait for him to continue, and you glance up at him from beneath your eyelashes to see his face. 
He’s looking out at the trees ahead with a sad expression, and you can tell right away that he really is apologetic about keeping this from you. 
“I should have told you sooner…" 
"Yes, you should have.” You agree quickly, ripping another out quickly to not draw out the pain, grimacing when he gasps. “Sorry.”
Bilbo doesn’t say anything this time, instead opting to look at you while you work, occasionally flinching or grunting when you pull out a thorn. 
By the time you’re done he’s go more than 10 little holes prickling with blood littering throughout the expanse of his side, and the skin is all irritated and red with rash. 
“If you had come to me right away it wouldn’t be so bad.” You comment once all the bloody thorns are tossed off to the side somewhere else. 
He still doesn’t respond, but instead of trying to coax a reaction from him you just wet a cloth and begin to lightly dab at the bloody punctures in his side to both clean them and get rid of the sticky blood. 
After the blood stops flowing so frequently and the cloth you use is completely stained red, you pour a bit of water on it to rinse it and get some wrappings ready.
“Y/N, please, you needn’t waste wraps on me. I’ll be fine without them.” He pipes up suddenly, reaching over to grasp your busy hand gently. 
“Bilbo…” You warn, looking at him with another deep set frown. “Let me finish my job. I don’t want you to get sick from infection.”
He sighs upon your insistence and allows his hand to fall back to the ground, sitting up when you gesture for him to so you can wrap up his torso. 
Your fingers brush lightly against his warm skin while you wind the makeshift bandages around him, a small smile coming to your face despite your previous anger and frustration with this stubborn hobbit. He never ceases to amaze you even when you’re mad at him. And what I mean by that is that he literally walked around this all day without alerting everyone to the fact that he wasn’t doing so well. 
Truthfully, the only reason you even noticed is because you watch him a bit more closely than the others. Both out of love and out of worry since you knew that it was only a matter of time until he pulled something like this. 
Once it’s all wrapped up and secure you lean down and press a kiss against his side, sitting back up and allowing him to return his shirt to it’s previous tucked in position before he lays back down. 
When you look at his face it’s red (no doubt because you kissed him) and it makes you smile some more. 
“I-I thought you were mad at me…?" 
"I am, but I’m also glad that you’re okay. I worry for you, you know.” You reply easily, lifting your hand to graze your fingertips against his cheek. 
You lean over him slightly and notice the way he suddenly looks nervous, but you don’t go any further and instead continue to just look at him. 
After some time of this weird stare down he asks softly, “U-Um… Y/N?”
“Yes, Bilbo?" 
"I… thank you. I would be lost without you. Truly.” He reaches up and runs his fingers through your curly hair, smiling a bit when you lean into his touch. 
“It’s my job, Bilbo. Looking after you and healing you.” It’s embarrassing hearing him praise and thank you for your skills, since you really do, do this out of love for people (thought the praise is very nice).
“Specifically me?" 
"Well, all of you technically.” You reply back with a grin, leaning down closer until your faces are barely an inch apart before whispering, “But I like you the most." 
His face floods red much like you expected it would, and it draws a giggle from your lips right away. 
"Y-You do?”
You nod your head and begin to caress his cheek lightly, half hovering over him while you watch his countenance morph from shyness to a warm smile. 
“I like you the most as well." 
His slightly hesitant words make you giggle again, and this time you lean down and press a quick kiss to the tip of his nose to see that brilliant blush spread across his cheeks once more. 
You’re not disappointed, because after you kiss him his face floods red, but instead of being all flustered and sheepish like you expected he would he instead reaches up and grabs the sides of your face, pulling you down so your lips will meet once and for all. 
Of course, you don’t deny him (it doesn’t even cross your mind for a second) and you immediately lean down against him. 
The kiss doesn’t last long; nor does it go anywhere special, but you enjoy it all the same and almost find yourself craving more. 
You don’t act upon that impulse of course and instead flop down next to him and snuggle into him (on his good side of course).
"W-Wait, Y/N, what will the others say?" 
"Um… well I don’t really care.” You reply easily, adding softer at the end, “Unless you do?”
A moment of silence passes by until suddenly some of your hair is brushed from your face and he replies just as sweetly and softly as before.
“No… I don’t." 
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glazslippers · 4 years
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better
Pairing: Stanley Uris x OC (female) Warnings: cursing
Summary: Quinn had spent her whole life protecting other women from the dangers of men. When she met Stanley, she thought he was just like every other boy she had come across, sex craved and egotistical. Although one of those was correct, that didn’t stop the feelings she felt towards him form.
A/N: this is my first fanfic i’ve posted on here and i honestly feel like a mom on snapchat. if you like it please let me know and i might continue writing things like these in the future! (i’m really sorry if this sucks)
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Even though Quinn Macey had moved to Derry less than three months ago, that didn't stop her from making tons of friends. They loved her outgoing and sarcastic personality and the fact that she didn't take shit from anyone. She wouldn't constantly stick up for them at school and in town if there was a guy trying desperately to get into their pants. She was often nicknamed spitfire or hot head or a string of other names, drawing inspiration from her short temper and red hair.
It was no secret that in the three short months she'd lived in Derry, she gained a string of female friends partly because she refused to talk to any of the boys at school or on town. It was her own personal grudge that she held against every living male. They didn't cause anything but trouble in her opinion and the only thing on their mind was sex.
Because of her refusal of boys, many of them and even a few girls had coined her as lesbian, not that she minded. She dressed girly enough, but when she wanted to she could get down and dirty, playing a variety of sports. In her old town, she played on a softball team that won a few state-wide games. She had also dabbled in football and soccer. Though soccer wasn't her favorite, she played it anyway.
When she moved to Derry, she had to quit her team and say goodbye to her friends, which she probably won't hear of again. Starting at the end of the school year might have been hard for anyone else opposite of Quinn. She decided to start out nice, warming up to everyone but when a few guys tried hitting on her, she quickly put her in their place and made it clear she wasn't interested. They had bugged her over and over. If it was just some one time thing she might have looked passed it but since they kept on pestering her, she had to take matters into her own hands.
The last day of school was nearing an end and Quinn found herself eyeing the clock. Her reasoning behind staring at the gadget was nothing more than "maybe if I stare hard enough it'll tick faster." It obviously didn't get the memo, and continued ticking at its agonizingly slow pace.
Maybe it was the sun shining from outside through the classroom window onto her skin, or the fact that she couldn't wait to get out of the retched classroom and was bouncing her leg up and down so much that she had broken out into a small sweat but one thing was certain: today had to be the hottest day of the year.
Quinn thought of the regret she had for wearing jeans and had her hair down while she fanned herself off with her right hand. She had already tied her shirt up as high as the school would allow but it didn't help because of the broken AC system in the class she was in. She looked outside, seeing the seniors leave school early, being dismissed by the teachers because they were upperclassmen and did the calculations in her head. If the seniors already walked out, they must have been released by the teachers, like everyday, five minutes before school let out. Quinn started counting down from 300 in her head.
297, 296, 295.
She couldn't focus on whatever the teacher was saying. The small heat stroke she was having didn't help with focusing either.
230, 229, 228.
She leaned her head back, fanning her neck and wrists. Her once ice filled water bottle became a lake of boiling lava in her metal cup.
134, 133, 132.
Quinn wondered if she had gotten to the halfway mark or already passed it while she was counting. She didn't think she could take one more minute of being without air. Black spots clouded her vision and she lied her head against the window.
97, 96, 95.
She was getting so close. Less than a hundred seconds to go until she could escape the body heat filled room and into the hot summer air. At least she would feel something other than hot.
Quinn was two seconds away from ripping her shirt off and using it as a noose when the bell rang. She sprung up as fast as she could and bolted out of the door. One of her friends, Savannah, walked by her and Quinn grabbed her arm.
"I'm dying," she said in between pants.
Savannah raised an eyebrow at the dramatic girl in front of her. "You good?"
"Do I look good?" Quinn retorted. "I am the definition of lava. If you look it up in the dictionary you'll see a picture of me melting."
"I take it you're hot?"
"How are you not? It's literally two hundred degrees out!"
Savannah rolled her eyes and closed her locker. Ah head just cleaned everything out and placed it all into her book bag. With an amused smile, she looked down at Quinn who had her head against the tall blue lockers. "Wanna go swimming?"
The words sparked energy into Quinn's body. Suddenly, she didn't realize that she had drops of sweat rolling down her face or the bottom of her hair had stuck to her neck. All she cared about was the cool release of hitting the cool body of water and cooling off.
At the mention of swimming, Savannah watched Quinn's eyes widen and laughed. "I'm guessing that's a yes?"
"That's a hell yes!"
Quinn and Savannah hopped out of Savannah's car and Quinn had never undressed herself so fast in her entire life. She stripped down to her underwear and immediately ran and jumped off the cliff that towered over the river. Savannah looked over the edge, worried when her friend didn't pop back up but let out a sigh of relief when Quinn's head poked its familiar red hair out of the water.
"Come in it feels so nice!" She yelled up at the brunette looking over the rocks.
"I don't know, Q. It's pretty high up."
"Just jump! It'll be over in an instant!"
Savannah shook her head and backed away from the edge. "I can't do it."
Quinn rolled her eyes and swam to land. She crawled out of the water and hiked back up to where Savannah was standing. Her wet body weighed her down but the second she rang her hair out it felt as if she lost five pounds.
"Here," Quinn grabbed Savannah's hand. "I'll jump with you."
"Quinn," the brunette whined.
"Don't whine, you baby. It's just a few feet."
"A few feet?" Savannah yelled with wide eyes. "Girl, that is at least three hundred feet."
"Maybe, but once you jump you'll realize it's not that high at all."
"Yeah, but I'm not jumping."
Quinn groaned. "Sav, I'm gonna day this in the nicest way possible: stop being such a pussy and jump."
Savannah frowned. "That was you being nice?"
Quinn shrugged and cornered Savannah where she was back to the edge. "You're either gonna hump or I'm gonna push you. You're choice."
"Quinn," Savannah warned. "You better back up." The ginger smirked and an evil glint shone across her eyes.
If it weren't for a group of teenage boys pulling up on their bikes behind them, Savannah would've been done for. The girls' head snapped around to see who had joined them. There were four boys, obviously outnumbering them and probably had the same idea they had after school let out. They threw their bikes to the ground and some removed their shoes while the other removed their shirts, obviously not noticing the two girls half naked in front of them.
Stanley turned his head to the direction of the cliff, sprinting over to it but stopped when he saw the girls. "Um, what're you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same thing," Quinn said with a little more attitude than she meant.
"Well, obviously we're gonna swim. So, why don't you too head home and play with some Barbies or whatever."
Quinn scoffed and Savannah sighed, knowing what her friend would do in this situated. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me," Stanley rolled his eyes. "Get lost."
"I'm sorry, who was here first?"
By now, the rest of the boys came over to their friend, backing him up against the girls or one girl in particular. "We come here every summer so it's our hangout," Richie said.
"Oh, sorry. Well just be on our way then."
Stanley crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows when she didn't move.
"What, you thought I was serious?" Quinn bitterly laugh. "I knew boys were dumb, but I didn't think they were that dumb."
"W-We're not d-dumb!" Bill replied.
"Well?" Stanley said.
"Well what?"
"Leave already!"
Quinn put her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes. "No. We were clearly here first. Doesn't matter if you guys come here every summer or not."
"You must be new around here cause this is our space," Richie spike.
"And so what if I am? I don't see your name on this cliff."
Stanley glared at the girl in front of him. "Who do you think you are?"
"Quinn Macey." She smiled almost taunting him to keep bugging her, which he gladly did.
"Well, Quinn Macey, why don't you and your friend head home before you get yourself jumping off this cliff."
Quinn grabbed Savannah's hand protectively. "Her name is Savannah and I've already jumped it. But you pretty boys are probably too chicken to jump aren't you?"
Stanley scoffed and walked forward, making the friends behind him walk forward too. "You think we can't jump it?"
"Nah I don't think that's it. Maybe it's the fact that you're just threatened by two girls who rightfully deserve to stay at your precious little river."
Stanley laughed. "You think we're threatened by you? A spoiled brat that can't stand not getting what she wants?"
"You little-" Before Quinn could get close to Stanley, Savannah held her back by her arms. Quinn obviously struggled against Savannah's grip but the brunette wasn't looking for a fight, she just wanted to swim.
"Stan, maybe we could just share it," Eddie whispered to the curly headed boy in front of him. He also wasn't looking for a fight and wanted to remain peaceful, knowing Stan was too stubborn to give up and Quinn probably was the same.
"Share? Ed, have you gone crazy? Why would we share the river with some random girls?"
"Well, I don't really wanna fight over it and it seems like the best option. We both get what we want," Eddie shrugged.
"I-I'm fine w-with sharing," said Bill.
"Not you too," Stan sighed and looked at Richie. "Rich, tell them sharing's not an option."
Richie looked away from Stanley, kickoff the dirt underneath him. "I mean, all I want to do is swim. I guess it wouldn't matter if there are chicks in the water or not."
Stanley groaned. "Fine."
"So you guys are leaving?" Quinn asked, crossing her arms.
"No, we're gonna share," Eddie explained. "That way we both can swim."
Quinn raised an eyebrow. "No way. There's no way-"
Savannah cut Quinn off. "We'll take it!" At the ginger's gaze she shrugged. "What? I want to swim."
"Good." With that the boys finished taking off their clothes, leaving them in only underwear.
"So, are we swimming with strangers or..." Savannah trailed off.
"That's Bill, Eddie, and Stanley," Richie introduced, "and I'm Richie."
"Savannah and Quinn," the brunette formally introduced.
Stanley and Quinn kept glaring at each other during the introductions as if the first person to look away would lose their little mind game between just the two of them. During this time, Eddie, Bill, and Richie had already jumped from the cliff. Quinn obviously had no intention of moving her gaze until Savannah grabbed her arm. She cursed herself when her head turned to meet Savannah's gaze. Stanley held a satisfying smirk on his face because he had won their staring contest.
"Q, I'm just gonna take the long way down."
Quinn frowned. "No jumping?"
"You know I'm terrified of heights."
"Fine. I'll be down in a minute."
Savannah walked away leaving Quinn alone with Stanley. Stan walked up next to her and got into position for a running start. Quinn followed his actions, giving him a challenging smirk. Stanley narrowed his eyes and shifted his gaze ahead. They took off at the same time, another wordless challenge adapted to see who could jump the farthest.
Quinn thought for sure she jumped farthest and swam back up to the surface with a satisfying smile on her face. That was until she saw Stanley pop his head up and flip the hair out of his eyes. He was just a few feet in front of her and a frown formed on her face when she saw the teasing glint in his eyes as if he was dying to annoy her by saying he had gotten farther than her.
With a huff, Quinn swam over to where Savannah had gotten in at and began chatting with her, occasionally swimming further out to get away from the boys.
Stan tried his best hiding the looks he gave Quinn from afar but the boys had caught on since he wasn't that good at hiding. Richie splashed Stan's face to stop him from staring.
Stanley wiped his face and glared at Richie. "What was that for?"
Richie smirked. "You were staring."
"Was not."
"We're to."
Eddie joined in. "It was kind of obvious that you were staring, Stan."
"Stan l-likes Q-Quinn," Bill teased.
Stanley splashed Bill in the face to shut him up. "No I don't. I'm just annoyed that they're here."
"I'm not," said Eddie. He turned to the girls that were a little further out than they were. "Hey, guys!"
Their heads turned to the voice shouting at them. Stan's eyes went wide as he hit Eddie in the arm. "What are you doing?" He whispered.
Eddie shrugged. "Inviting them over for a game." He turned to the girls that started swimming over, led by Savannah. "Wanna chicken fight?"
"How do you play?" Savannah asked. The boys stood on the shallower end so when the girls came up, the water was up to their chests. Quinn stood behind Savannah with her arms crossed, not particularly wanting to be around Stanley.
"One person gets on another person's shoulders and fights the other team. The first first to knock the other off, wins," Eddie explained.
"Okay, who's gonna get on who?" Quinn questioned.
"We'll switch it up so it doesn't really matter right now."
"Okay, Savannah. Hop on." Quinn went under water and let Savannah climb on top of her shoulders. When she was on, Quinn went back above water and grabbed onto Savannah's thighs so that she wouldn't go anywhere.
"How the hell did you-" Richie started but was interrupted by Quinn.
"Sav's a twig. She weighs, like, two pounds."
Richie got on Bill's shoulders while Eddie and Stanley watched. Richie and Savannah grasped hands and started fighting. Bill and Quinn navigated to help better their team's chances at winning by moving from side to side or forwards and backwards. It was a tough fight, but eventually Richie was the victor. Richie yelled how proud he was and Bill shook him off his shoulders.
"Who's next bitches?" Richie asked, ready for another round.
"I wanna go," Quinn announced. Savannah seemed to have a lot of fun and it would be extremely satisfying to knock one of the boys off. "Sav?"
Savannah's eyes widened. "Um, no offense, but I'm not as strong as you."
Quinn playfully glared at her. "Are you calling me fat?"
"Don't worry, Quinn. Stan's pretty strong, he'll be able to hold you," Richie winked.
"I'm not fat!"
"Alright, Eddie get your ass over here so I can get on your shoulders. Quinn you get on Stan's shoulders," Richie instructed. Stan and Quinn's eyes widened at the boy's words.
"No way!" They yelled in unison.
"Everyone else has gone. Stop being losers so we can play the game."
"Fine," Stanley huffed and went under water so Quinn would have an easier time of getting on. After a few seconds, he still didn't feel her weight on his shoulders and popped back up. "You just gonna let me drown?"
"That was the plan," Quinn admitted with a smirk on her face.
"Will you just get on, brat?"
"Don't get your panties in a twist." Stanley dipped back under water and Quinn crossword over his shoulders. He came back up and placed his hands a little too high up for Quinn's comfort. She smacked them away but the second she started falling back tugged on Stan's hair. His neck got hot and the tips of his ears went red. "Got a thing for hair pulling, pretty boy?"
"I won't hesitate to let go," Stanley warned.
The truth of the matter was that Stanley was beet red. Only Eddie and Richie could see him like this and to anyone else they would've thought that Stan was just having a tough time keeping Quinn up. Except that was the opposite of what was happening. Stanley was quite strong as he used the muscles in his legs to hoist them up out of the water.
It just so happened that the mix of hair pulling (one of his turn ons), the fact that her stomach was up against his head, and the his touch on her thighs made him blush all over. Oh, and also because her crotch was sitting on the back of his neck.
Quinn and Richie joined hands and the boy knew that if Stanley was in his place he would've had a field day at what he was witnessing. Because Quinn was bent over and her arms had squeezed to the sides of her breasts to meet Richie's arms, her boobs had smushed together. Richie didn't dare look but he could still see them from where he looked on her face.
They fought back and forth, Quinn pushing at Richie and the other way around. She would occasionally grab onto Stan's head to regain her balance and when she did, Stanley backed up so that Richie wouldn't take the opportunity to knock her off. After a few minutes of struggling on both ends, Quinn eventually pushed Richie off Eddie's shoulders.
The boy went down with a loud yell and defeated, emerged from the water with a frown. "I really just got beat by a girl."
Quinn had a proud smile on her face. "Don't take it personal, I'm just stronger than you." She patted Stanley's head. "You can let me down now."
Stanley went under water and released his grip on Quinn's thighs. Once he didn't feel her on him anymore, he returned to the surface, almost bumping into her. Neither said anything, but both had a small blush on their cheeks as they swam to their separate groups.
Savannah didn't miss the pink tint on Quinn's cheeks and shared a knowing look with Eddie. She and Eddie walked onto land that was about two yards away to get away from the others.
"So, are they in love or are they in love?" Savannah laughed.
"All of the above," Eddie responded with a smile similar to the girl in front of him and looked at Quinn and Stanley who were hiding behind both Richie and Bill.
"And what are we gonna do about it?" Savannah asked, rocking on her feet.
"What do you mean?"
Savannah rolled her eyes. "Well, if we're gonna set them up we gotta have a plan."
"Oh, right. How about we all go to the movies and make them sit next to each other?" His eyes suddenly went wide at the thought he had. "And they can share a bucket of popcorn!"
"Shh," Savannah shushed him. "That's a good idea. But what movie are we gonna see?"
"How about a horror movie?" Eddie suggested.
"That's genius! I know Quinn and she gets scared easily. A scary movie will have her jumping into his arms."
"The theater's doing a rerun of all the eighties scary movies on Saturdays. So tomorrow they'll be playing A Nightmare on Elm Street."
Savannah nodded. "We'll be there."
"Are you gonna be scared?"
Savannah laughed at his question. "Hell no. If there's one thing I have over Quinn it's scary movies. I love them, she hates them."
"Alright, we'll meet you guys there at six, okay? By the time we get out, it'll be dark."
"I'll make an excuse on why I can't take her home and then Stan'll have to walk her." She wiggled her eyebrows.
After a few more hours in the water, it started getting dark out, which meant it was time to leave. Quinn decided against putting on her jeans and instead slipped her shirt over her head and put on her socks and shoes. Her shirt was rather large because it was her mom's so it came down a little above the bottom of her butt, still showing the underwear underneath.
Savannah didn't miss Stanley's stare directed towards Quinn's body and held a big smile on her face. Once in the car, Quinn questioned why Savannah was smiling so large.
"Cause I have a huge crush on Stanley Uris."
Quinn didn't sense the joking tone in her voice and replied with a simple, "Oh."
Savannah snorted at her friend who stared out the window like her soul had just collapsed. "I'm just kidding, he's all yours."
Quinn's head snapped to the driver and scowled. "I do not have a crush on Stanley. Did you not witness what I witnessed today? He was an ass."
"Or maybe, he was having a bad day."
"Or maybe, he's an ass."
Savannah rolled her eyes and continued driving. "Wanna go see a movie tomorrow with the boys?"
Savannah interrupted Quinn's question. "Is Stan gonna be there? Yes."
Quinn glared. "That's not what I was gonna ask. Is someone gonna pay for my ticket? Cause I don't have any money."
"I'll pay for you, sugar baby." Savannah winked.
"Thanks daddy." The girls erupted into laughter.
The next day, Savannah showed up at Quinn's house just before five. Quinn was still getting ready as Savannah walked into her room. She was contemplating whether or not to wear her smaller hoops or go bold and wear larger ones. "Which ones?"
Savannah raised an eyebrow at Quinn's attire. She wore a short blue sundress that had no sleeves and reached just above her mid thigh. It might have been one of the shortest dresses she owned but it definitely wasn't number one. She didn't wear any makeup, like always, but had lip gloss on her lips.
"The small ones," Savannah decided and watched Quinn put them on in the mirror. "Is all this for Stanley?"
"Will you shut up? It's hot outside and I am not making the same mistake as yesterday."
"I'm guessing that's the same for the earrings, lip gloss, and perfume?"
Quinn have her a look. "We're going to the movies with a group of people. Why not get a little dolled up?
They hung out for awhile at Quinn's house until it was time to leave. They both hopped in Savannah's car and drove into town where they would meet the boys at the movie theater. Savannah had yet to tell Quinn what movie they were going to see but she could only assume it wasn't something sappy if the boys were tagging along. Or maybe they were tagging along with the boys. Either way, they were going to see a movie and Quinn hoped it was going to be good.
The boys were already waiting for them as they pulled up and parked. Quinn noticed there was one less male from yesterday and furrowed her eyebrows as they neared the group. "Where's Stanley?"
Eddie and Savannah looked at each other knowingly while Richie responded. "He's inside away from the heat. We've been here for awhile."
"It is pretty hot out," Quinn admitted. "How long have you guys been here?"
"Since four thirty. Eddie forgot what time we needed to be here so we've just camped out waiting for you two," Richie explained.
"Well, lets go in and buy our tickets."
Savannah bought her and Quinn's ticket while the boys bought theirs. When it came to who was getting popcorn, Bill and Richie would share a bucket, so would Savannah and Eddie and Quinn and Stanley.
"Wait, why can't we share a bucket?" Quinn asked Savannah as she took the bucket of buttery popcorn in her hands. Movie theater popcorn was her favorite kind of popcorn. It was popped fresh in front of you and you could determine how much butter you wanted on it.
"Cause I'm not sitting next to you. I'm sitting next to Eddie," Savannah said as they walked into the theater where the movie was playing.
Eddie sat next to Savannah, who was adjacent to Bill and Richie. Quinn found herself sandwiches between Richie and Stanley. A duo she didn't know if she could handle without her open minded friend. Reluctantly, she handed the bucket of popcorn to Stanley. If she wanted some later, she'd grab it herself. When she usually shared, Quinn would set the popcorn on the arm rest but right now she wanted to rest her arm on it.
After what seemed liked a thousand previews of every movie other than the one they were watching, the movie started. The theater went black and the only lights were the emergency ones and the big screen in front of them. Quinn grabbed popcorn and shoved it in her mouth, almost chocking when she saw the title come up on the screen.
Quinn watched in horror with wide eyes then turned to her left, looking over Richie and Bill and scowled at Savannah who was happily eating popcorn. Resting her back into the chair, Quinn sank down and mentally groaned.
"What is it?" Stanley whispered.
"I wouldn't have come if I knew we were watching this," Quinn responded. She would rather puke her own guts out than watch anything gruesome or filled with jump scares. Unfortunately for her, it would be a long night full of violence and scares.
Quinn wasn't expecting a sex scene to show up and the moment it did, she immediately became uncomfortable. Thankfully, it passed by quick enough and she was left with more agonizing jump scares. One scene in particular made her grab onto Stanley's hand that was resting on the arm rest.
The movie continued with little touches like that. Sometimes when Quinn stuck her hand inside the bucket of popcorn, Stan's hand would be there too and they would brush up against each other.
Then there were times when Quinn got really scared and hid herself in Stan's shoulder to stop herself from watching the screen. Stanley was more than okay with the times she got scared. He didn't want to seem too forward and comfort her back but he let her continue hiding in his shoulder.
When the movie ended, Quinn bolted out of the theater to finally get air and leaned against the wall, the rest following shortly after.
"S-Scared of a m-movie, Q-Quinn?" Bill teased.
"Not at all. I was just getting a little hot," she lied. The group walked to the front of the theater and Quinn looked out the windows with wide eyes. "Oh, it's dark."
"That a problem?"
"No," Quinn snapped a little too harsh at Richie's taunt. "I think we should head home, Sav."
"About that, mom said I needed to be home at eight and it's already seven fifty-two. Could you walk home?"
"A-Alone? Out there?" Quinn's gaze went from Savannah to the pitch black outside.
"Stan can walk you home," Eddie suggested and nudged his friend. "Right, Stan?"
Stanley's head shot up at the mention of his name. "What?"
"You'll walk Quinn home, right?"
"Uh," Stanley looked at Quinn who seemed nervous about walking home alone. His expression softened. "Yeah, sure."
"Okay, well I had fun guys, but I should go so my mom doesn't rip my head off and feeds it to the dog." Savannah waved goodbye and got in her car and left. Richie, Eddie, and Bill all left together, leaving Stanley and Quinn alone.
"So, did you like the movie?" Stan asked.
"Hell no."
Stanley laughed and Quinn felt her heart beat a little faster when he did. "I take it your not much of a horror fan?"
"I avoid them like the plague." Quinn crossed her arms and continued looking outside, almost as if she was looking for any supernatural creature or serial killer hidden behind street lamps or alleyways.
"Where do you live?"
"The culdesac off Baker Street," Quinn responded. When they started to walk, she noticed her shoe was untied and told him to wait as she bent down and tied it. "Okay, we can-" Quinn gasped and froze when she felt a hand come in contact with her bottom.
Stanley's eyes widened and his head shot to the culprit. It was some teen who didn't go to their school. Luckily, he was Stan's height so when the Jew grabbed hold of the boy's collar and lift him up, he didn't have to move far. While up in the air, Stanley pinched him in the face and threw him on the ground. Some of the people in the same area witnessed it happen and also saw that when the manager came out, Stan grabbed Quinn's hand and ran outside. They didn't stop running until the theater was out of sight.
Quinn was in shock and confusion by what had just happened and who she had froze instead of beat the boy to a pulp then and there. Maybe when you've defended other girls your whole life, it comes as a shock when it actually happens to you. Quinn was extremely lucky to have had Stanley there beside her in her vulnerable moment and snuck a glance in his direction.
His forehead glistened under the lamp's light because of the sweat from running and he stuck his hands into his pant pockets. He looked down and tried to regain his breath. They walked in silence for a few paces until Quinn finally spoke up. "Thank you."
Stanley looked over at her. He wasn't going to push the subject on her so he let her speak first before asking any further questions. "It was nothing. Are you okay?"
Quinn nodded and frowned. "I should've chopped his dick off and made him eat it right there." Stanley raised and eyebrow and Quinn huffed. "All I've done my life is try to protect other girls from men like that but the second it happens to me I freeze? It's pathetic."
"It's not pathetic. It's just different when it comes to protecting yourself. Instead of an offense attack, it's defense. Two different tactics."
"Then I guess I need more practice on defensive strategies."
They walked through the dark with only the light of the street lamps over their heads. From her left, Quinn heard a bush shake quickly and pounced onto Stanley's side, grabbing onto his arm for dear life. He looked down at her and the second she realized there was no danger, she looked at him. It was only for a second before she jumped back to where she was beside him earlier.
"Sorry," she muttered.
"I-It's fine." He looked down at her and bit his lip. "If you weren't just sexually assaulted, I'd ask to kiss you."
Anger rose in Quinn's body until his full sentence registered in her mind and her face softened. "Y-You would?"
"Yeah. You're pretty and confident and when you jump into me it makes me feel more like a man."
Quinn rolled her eyes with a smile. "I guess I wouldn't mind if you asked."
"Really?" Quinn nodded. "So, can I kiss you?" Quinn nodded again and Stanley bent down and placed his lips on top of hers. Even with the limited knowledge about these encounters didn't stop her from kissing back. Her hands made their way up his neck and while one stayed there, the other trailed up into his hair and twirled it around her finger. Stanley placed his hands on her sides and pulled her in closer so that their hips were touching. He was bold enough to run his tongue along her bottom lip, asking for entrance and she was fine with it, letting him in.
Their little kiss had turned into a make-out session in the middle of the sidewalk until a sound from behind Quinn made her break away and dart her head towards it. It was just a bird flying out from the bush but that didn't stop her heart from pounding fifty miles an hour. Stanley's puffy lips turned up into a smile as he grabbed hold of her hand, reassuring her that it was alright.
"Sorry," Quinn apologized and under his gaze, blushed. He was the only one that had ever made her blush and she didn't know how to act.
"It's fine. Come on, we're almost there." They continued to walk, neither one talking about their shared moment just a few steps ago and fell into a silence before Stanley broke it. "You know, as a man, I don't claim him as part of my gender."
Quinn chuckled. "'As a man,' huh?"
Stanley scoffed in shock. "I am eighteen. Legally I am a man. And I look like one, too." He flexed his muscles.
Quinn let her eyes sweep over his body. "Whatever you say, pretty boy."
"Pretty man," Stan corrected with a smile and Quinn just rolled her eyes.
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