#and I don't even like steak
devouringyourson · 8 months
kinda funny that straight people watch the first few episodes of hannibal fully clocking the charged vibes between will and hannibal but mistake the 'he's looking at this sweaty man like he wants to eat him' for cannibalism
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Every time the textbooks we use say that in the UK we eat "pudding" as a snack or something I'm like I fear you have misunderstood the British use of the term "pudding".
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snackugaki · 4 months
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idk life being life and art block being art block but
damn, some of y'all either got no fucking manners, can't mind your business, can't keep your shitbird mouths shut when there's nothing nice in there to start, bumming out people I know because clinical foolishness is going around
here's a wip I guess; tmnt (general) fans I fuck with you and sorry ig for not bullying some turtles for the giggles
tmnt (rise) fans... guys are on some thin motherfucking ice, fix your posture if you can't fix your fucking attitudes
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miiints-repostiory · 6 months
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Cola and Pretzel Play: Stardew Valley ✨✨
I just think they're silly
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ismyteadoneyet · 6 days
dude my mom doesn't even let me identify as a pacifist without debating me on it how tf am I supposed to come out as queer lol
#i'm posting this on here because this is where I have the least amount of irls following me LOL#and the irls I have on here are the sweetest sjdjjdjd 💕💕#but I need to vent like what do you MEAN I SHOULDN'T SAY I'M A PACIFIST BECAUSE “WHAT IF YOU HAD NO OTHER CHOICE THAN TO HOLD A WEAPON”#LIKE#I feel like this goes under the same argument as “would you still refuse to eat if you were a vegan#and you've been STARVING for a month and the ONLY THING TO EAT WAS A STEAK??? WOULD YOU EAT IT THEN???“#like istg mother#if I somehow was in a life-or-death position where my only way of self defense or way to defend my loved ones#was to use a gun then I think I'd abandon a lot of the other morals and standards I have set for myself already eye-#AS LONG AS I HAVE THE CHOICE#I WOULD NEVER HOLD A REAL GUN OR FIREARM ???#I think wars and weapons and militairy are stupid af and think world leaders who use that sht are cowards and should learn how to use WORDS#which I KNOW is highly ironic considering what company I work for and don't think I don't cringe and feel bad every single time I remember#and I KNOW Sweden is one of the countries that produce the most weaponry etc in the world and I HATE IT#but alas#i do need a job#and I also can barely afford an apartment of my own much less move to another fkn COUNTRY#BUT WHAT DO YOU MEAN “NAH I DON'T THINK YOU'RE A PACIFIST?” 😭😭😭 BRO I NEARLY CRY JUST THINKING ABOUT MANDATORY MILITARY SERVICE#AND I NEVER EVEN HAD TO TRY OUT BCS I HAD THE OPTION TO JUST SAY “no thanks” ?!?!?!?#WHAT DO YOU MEAN
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batemanofficial · 24 days
#i can't live like this anymore.#no matter what happens it's always my fault. it can never be anyone else's. and when i try to contest that i get treated like a rabid dog#so youre saying the only role im fit for is 'alcoholic shut in?' is that what you're implying? because that's what it seems like#i can't believe i ever fooled myself into thinking anything would change as long as im here.#no matter how much medication i take this town will always make me fantasize about making myself suffer.#it's a black hole. it's a well of misery. no light escapes and it taints everything inside. i can't have anything good here#i know there's something wrong with me. i get it. but it's like being here makes it worse#im a bad person. i don't want to be a good person. it doesn't feel bad. it just feels warm.#but i can take that and put it in a box when im not here. but its like this place IS the box and when im here it just festers#and because of that i can't ever be taken seriously when i have a problem. im always too emotional and too angry and too sensitive#and even if I wasn't any of those things they wouldn't take me seriously anyway.#it's one thing to say your kitchen doesn't have a problem with women and it's another thing entirely to stay true to that.#if a ticket is too slow it's my fault. if the temp on a steak is wrong it's my (female) coworker's fault. if something's not organized#it's one of the girls that left it that way. always.#but whenever the guys have problems it's 'just how it is' but when uts any of us it warrants a talking to every time#if i were normal it wouldn't bother me this much but im not and it does. and no amount of reasoning will ever change a man's mind#this was good while it lasted but i need to leave. my life depends on it. i can't survive here.
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simptasia · 6 months
pink steak enjoyers baffle me. may as well bite into a living being
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umemiyan · 3 months
i'm curious to see if the white people allegations are true (because they are not for me and my family): to what degree do you use seasonings when you cook? what are they and what is your ethnic background (if you feel like sharing)?
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dreadofthegrave · 4 months
would it surprise you if me, the person who waxes poetic about cannibalism being the purest form of love was actually kind of put off by red meat
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naniwagusto · 5 months
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I can never forget they really made her say this in 6
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bumblingest-bee · 5 months
im going to be so real i loved watcher but i was not parasocially attached enough to them to be upset about them ditching youtube so im eating metaphorical popcorn reveling in the instant karma of it all. i would give anything to see steven lim's face right now
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darkwood-sleddog · 2 years
sometimes it think back to college when i moved out of vt and to ohio and my ohioan friends would be flabbergast i didn't know what this or that fast food restaurant was or that my parents didn't let me have caffeinated soda growing up like i was 'missing out' or 'sheltered' or something but like. babes. you never learned how to make a powerpoint presentation or go outside for fun and you're coming for ME?
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septembersghost · 1 year
It's so funny that when tayjoe were together swifties(not you sweetie😘😘) were literally sh*tting on harry and made fun of him for writing 'I love you'(which was sweet af) and looking sad at bbmas. And when tayjoe broke up they were calling him YB(🤢)and making poor man jokes. Yet after m*** h**** happened they are literally begging for both of them lol. And the amount of people I have seen who are predicting a haylor reunion is insane. I always thought no one took their relationship as anything beyond a fling yet even people in reddit(biggest anti haylors and the ones who hate harry ) knows about the 2014 phase and thinks they would give it a shot. I am not overly invested as in I'll be happy if they date but I will support any relationship they have(as long as it's not matt Healy). But I definitely didn't know people thought of haylor as anything beyond pr and I am shocked in the best way possible.
is now an appropriate time to say how horrendously some fans treated joe for actual years over nothing? calling him a nepo boyfriend (what does that even mean), calling him poor/jobless/boring, accusing him of all sorts of baseless things (the DV hand signal, for example), anons on here harassing blogs by saying she didn't care about him and he was a joke, i've never seen someone treated so badly for quietly minding his business and trying to stay in his lane. idk how tuned in he ever was to any of that noise, and i hope not at all, but that alone would become unbearable for a lot of people after awhile. and like i said before, we have no idea what happened between them and it's not our place to know (unless she decides to tell us), but there's no concrete reason to believe he betrayed her in some massive way right now. people grow apart. the dissolution of a six+ year relationship is going to leave hurt and scars and wreckage even if it WAS somewhat amicable, because you're losing a whole life you've built together, and whatever plans you might have had for the future. so of course she's hurting, i'm sure he is too, but i'm just not ready yet to skewer him and put him on the list with JM, JG, and CH as this terrible partner when all we knew was him being a good and decent and kind one for years (from more commentary than just taylor's). the tweets begging for joe to fight for her and to come back are funny, but also very sad - it's like the epitome of you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone. (i also don't think ANY of us were prepared for this massive of a shift in one month's time. during tour. with a re-recording coming soon. it's a lot to process.)
then with harry, i've never understood making fun of what he wrote if you're a fan of what she writes, because they're both drawing on confessional personal experiences? where is the logic? he's the only instance where we've gotten the other side of the conversation! i think the (totally idiotic) pr accusation started to really die down several years ago as more and more people got into the truth of their relationship and when he repeatedly praised her songwriting (the only people who accuse them of that now are detached from reality akljsdkljf). but yeah it's quite the mood switch to see the subreddits bringing him up in a positive way and acknowledging that he's a sweet and talented guy after ripping him to shreds for no reason last year. :/ although that's what he deserves to have said!
i've also never seen swifties and even people who don't like her so united in an opinion as they are in collectively being in shambles over this development. 😭 and as i said before, there's a difference between a bad boy edgy persona and actively causing harm with bigoted words/actions - you can only use racism as "satire" so many times before it stops being a joke, or make sexist comments and follow someone like andr*w t*te without being legitimately misogynistic. i just. *head in hands* someone on the sub said, "people keep saying 'let her live her life' - and i absolutely am, but i don't have to be comfortable with the way she's doing it when it involves racist boys, and i don't have to support it," and someone else said, "being hurt can make you do crazy things, and she is only a human just like all of us," and i honestly feel there's room for both thoughts here. we can understand it wholly and let her live, and that doesn't mean we have to support it ourselves.
meanwhile let us just keep manifesting haylor friends era. anything feels possible at this point!
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quirkle2 · 1 year
steak is my absolute favorite food ever omg
did you have no sauces or seasoning on it??? was it just plain steak?????? (/genq)
YKW .... ur right im being unfair to steak. it Was a plain steak it had absolutely nothing on it. i dipped the second piece in a1 and it was better but still nothing to write home abt. maybe it coulda done w some seasoning
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fictionz · 2 years
My one new resolution for the year is to eat vegetarian because I already consume protein as small cubes that look nothing like the living muscles they once were so a plant-based protein can accomplish the exact same thing.
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account-name · 2 years
lowkey wanna make my own human au designs of the teachers because i have some ideas but at the same time idk if i wanna commit to doing an entire character design lineup rn
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