#and I guess my education has made me aware of the fact that I do want to dedicate my life to my beliefs so maybe it's a starting point
flourescencia · 5 months
Social Work as a profession works to to keep the capitalist machine in place and always has: the entire foundation rests on distributing the resources of the State or of private organizations to low-income people or people unable to function individually under capitalist requirements, but this distribuition will always be done under the specific control of the bourgeois, done with the purpose that the working class does not revolt against them for hoarding resources. This distribuition also creates the notion that the political class is capable or interested in achieving an equitable society, by putting it's resources towards actions that allegedly have the working class in mind. But this model hides beneath it the fact that to strip society of the foundational problems that plague it and create inequality in the first place, capitalism would have to be abolished; and reformation, distribuition and the resources of the bourgeois class are not solutions, if anything they are instead obscuring the answer. Ultimately this ensures that the political class retains it's power forever.
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kurophiliac · 18 days
Hello, It's Plato. I am making this post to provide additional context on the accusations for those who do not use Twitter. As you saw from @bezierballad 's apology, the screenshots were all faked. But there's more proof I wanted to add that they did not include. I'm sure many of you have already heard this on Twitter, so my apologies for the repetition. These are just the main points I want to get out.
Zex, the creator of the screenshots, has been caught in several lies.
According to the time stamps in the fake screenshots, it would have been impossible for the messages to have come from the server where they claimed the conversation took place. Charlie left in 2023, Zex joined in 2024, and the screenshots were all marked "today." They also can't be old screenshots because Zex and Charlie were not on the server at the same time.
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When asked to provide message IDs, Zex said that they had already left the server (where they claimed to have obtained the screenshots from). However, as of right now, they are still on the server. They will be promptly removed once a moderator wakes up.
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Charlie and I's nicknames from the screenshots are not nicknames or pfps we ever had in the server they supposedly came from. These nicknames were exclusive to a 7-person group chat. The only reason Zex knew of them was because of a screenshot I posted a month or two ago. It would have been much more believable if they had used our actual usernames.
(Edit) Something I forgot to add- when Zex was questioned about how they got onto the server, they said they pretended to be a proshipper and DMd me for the link to the server where they took the screenshots. However, I haven't been active in that server lately, and I never sent anyone any server links within the past 6 months.
How were the screenshots faked?
There are two likely scenarios. One being that they were generated by a bot. There are *many* services out there that will generate fake discord texts. OR they used an alt account or friend to "roleplay" Charlie and I thirsting over Charlie's non-existent 5yo cousin. Which is infinitely worse.
So, who really is Zex, and what was their motive?
The easiest explanation regarding motive is just that they wanted to make proshippers look bad. This is pretty typical anti behavior. Charlie and I could have been selected at "random" as we are two bigger sebaciel accounts. But there might actually be more to it.
Now, from this point forward, we are stepping outside the realm of fact and inside the realm of educated guesses. There exists a person who has serious grudges against me, Charlie, and Bezier. Only one person who we are aware of. This individual is a proshipper with a history of going undercover as an anti to stir up trouble and a history of faking screenshots to make antis look bad.
This person was also in the server where the original confession/accusation was made.
They had deleted their account prior to the confession. Zex is actually a new account that only joined the anti server (where the confession was made) yesterday. They basically came into the server just to make this accusation. Pretty suspicious. It's likely that Zex, in an attempt to ruin Charlie and I's reputation as revenge for us ruining theirs, created these screenshots. As seen in the posts by Bezier, Zex asked them to make a post because they didn't want to deal with the repercussions. Zex knows these screenshots are fake, and they also know that people will eventually figure it out. So, if their attempt to frame us didn't work, at least they'd be able to ruin Beziers reputation. Or perhaps even all three, if people were more divided and hadn't come to a consensus. Please keep in mind that there is no evidence that the individual with the grudge and history of faked screenshots and causing drama is actually Zex. However, it is seeming more and more likely.
Anyway. This has been a very tiring day. I am grateful to Bezier for taking down the OP and writing an apology. And as for Zex- I will likely be taking legal action against them.
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
Once again, Zedaph finds himself outside the closed gates of the Deep Frost Citadel, tapping his feet with annoyance. Honestly, by now you’d think the stupid thing would understand Zedaph always gets his way, when it comes to Tango, but no, Tango’s stupid base keeps trying to stop him.
“I told you, I’m not here to negotiate, I’m here to pick up my friend,” Zedaph says irritably. The gates of the base don’t respond, and don’t open. “I have a very important nap to be taking, I’ll have you know, and I will not be stopped by… by base chicanery!”
There’s a deep, rolling growl from somewhere in the bowls of the citadel. It sounds like ravagers.
“Oh, don’t you threaten me, you know I’ll run around and die in there all you want as soon as it’s ready. Not even afraid, am I? You’ve had your taste of the good old Zed flesh, but no sir, you aren’t getting me today. The high-voltage wires were a good trick last time I came to bother Tango, I admit, but it won’t work again!”
Another rumbling growl. Zedaph huffs. It would certainly be nice if Decked Out spoke in human to him, so he wouldn’t have to keep guessing. Even sheep would be better—Tango may have an affinity for beasts, but Zedaph only has an affinity if the beasts are also silly.
He makes an educated guess. “Yes, yes, I know you’ve ‘eaten him’ or whatever. Well I’ll have you know that Tangos have more nutritional value after watching me take a very important nap. And also dying. Its enriching. You like enriched Tango—okay, okay, that wasn’t the complaint, geez, you don’t have to shout at me. At this rate I’ll just use my pickaxe to break through the door, and then what will you do, huh? Nothing. You’ll do nothing, because you’re a big stupid building in the ground, and Tango was my friend first.”
A rumble.
“Haha, yeah, take that. We’ve been friends for years. You might be his magnum opus, but you’ve never made him sign a custom body pillow with your beautiful face on it, have you? That is the bond of men! No base can do anything about that.”
A louder rumble. Zedaph feels what he thinks is supposed to be fear and desire to wander into the depths and die or something silly like that. Zedaph isn’t certain, because it’s not as important as Zedvancements. This is one of Zedaph’s special abilities: if it’s not as important as whatever he’s doing right now, he’s very good at ignoring it until it becomes important. So, like, the Citadel is trying to lure him to his death, but that’s less important than taking a very deadly nap while Tango watches with horrified awe, so he’ll just ignore it until later.
Works every time.
“Listen, I’ll bring him back in one piece! Have I ever lied about that? I never do. He always comes right back to work, even when I do distract him, and he’s chipper again, right? I barely even disrupt things. Not that you could do anything if I did, of course, you hunk of stone and ice.”
Zedaph stares at the closed doors for a bit longer. He thinks this is about when anyone else would either die on the spot, or run away screaming, or maybe just come in and feed themselves to a ravager, but the that’s because the other hermits very frequently don’t have anything better to do than to get caught up in other people’s nonsense, in Zed’s experience.
Zedaph simply has so much nonsense of his own that he can out-stubborn even Tango’s base. Like he said: a special talent.
Slowly, as though greatly reluctant, the gates open.
“Thank you, geez! Was that so hard?”
Zedaph stomps through to the hidden access door of the Decked Out maintenance tunnels, grabbing one of the supplemental oxygen masks as he does. He sighs as he realizes that Tango, once again, has forgotten he needs to breathe. Hopefully, the fact Zedaph is currently keenly aware of needing to breathe on account of planning to not do that ten times in a row does not remind Tango.
He finds Tango taking a nap tangled in some high-voltage redstone lines. This time, Zedaph knows better than to touch them. It had been a mite embarrassing the last time. “Tango! Hey, Tango!”
“Wuh?” says Tango, eloquently. “I’m up, I’m up, level three’s almost done I swear—”
“Tango, get up, I have bedroom tricks to show you!” Zedaph says.
“I’m up! Zed? Oh hey! What are you doing all the way out here?”
“I told you. It’s urgent, Tango, urgent. I have bedroom tricks only you can assist me with.”
“Well, that’s a good time I wasn’t expecting,” Tango says.
“No, you idiot! Get your head out of the gutter, and come on! I have things to do!”
“Okay, Zedaph, geez, geez, lemme just—”
“I’ve already asked your stupid base,” Zedaph says. “It’s fine. Now, get out of those wires before I get shocked or something, and we’re going to go have fun.”
Tango slowly uncoils himself. “Right. I’ll get ready and—” Zedaph whips a pair of sunglasses out of his pocket. Tango pauses before smiling brightly. “Oh, you’re the best.”
“I really am,” agrees Zed, and he grabs his best friend’s hand and leads him out of the Deep Frost Citadel to show off his latest contraption. He turns around and sticks his tongue out for good measure at the base as they go. Hah. Take that. The best. There’s no beating it.
And there’s no keeping him away from Tango. Zedaph guarantees it.
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avatar-anna · 2 years
What a Night
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i know some of y'all wanted to see professor at the grammys, but i decided to save her for the brits! here's to seeing harry let loose once a year!
Professor Series
“Doctor Y/l/n, are you going to the Brits with Harry tomorrow?”
Now, a few months ago, that question would’ve startled you, flustered you even. But Harry “audited” your lectures enough that your students knew he was more than just a friend. You were teaching them how to observe the mundane and make educated guesses about their surroundings, after all. It was technically for law enforcement, but they put it to use after the first few times Harry snuck into the lecture hall and occupied a seat in the back corner. He never said anything during class, but he always stayed after, and he always walked or drove you home. It was hard not to put two and two together.
Your brow wrinkled with confusion. “That’s not this weekend. It’s on the eleventh.”
“That’s this weekend, Professor,” the same student who asked the initial question said. “Did you forget?”
There was a small chorus of giggles from the lecture hall because of course their professor would forget one of the biggest nights of the year for British artists. You didn’t mean to, but you were known for getting caught up in work. Losing track of time or not knowing what day it was was commonplace for you.
Class ended shortly after that, and you immediately checked your calendar. It was in fact the weekend of the eleventh, the Brits were this weekend, and you’d completely forgotten.
You raced back to the townhouse, dialing Harry’s number as you hopped on your bike.
“Hi, love—”
“H, I’m so sorry, I totally forgot about the Brits this weekend. Well, I didn’t forget because I can’t forget, but it slipped my mind, and I feel terrible because this is such a huge event for you and you would never—”
“Hey. Y/n. Take a breath,” Harry said. He waited for you to relax, listening for your deep breaths. “Calm now?”
You nodded. “Yeah. Sorry. I guess I’m just a little stressed because I have to book my train ticket to London—”
“It’s already booked,” he said, not sounding nearly as stressed as you felt.
“It is?”
You could almost hear his smile as he said, “I had a feeling it would slip your mind. You had your big lecture this week. How did it go?”
You wanted to talk about this weekend and the plans Harry made for you because he knew you so well, but you couldn’t help your huge grin when he asked about your seminar, which had been one big talk that was open to all Cambridge students and anyone else who could make it to the university and wanted to hear your lecture on criminal psychology.
“So good, H! They want me to do a series of lectures, maybe even broadcast it online so more people can watch.”
“That’s not at all surprising. I’m so proud of you, darling. I’ll definitely have to watch one, possibly all of them.”
As much as you wanted to gush about the seminar, you circled back to the topic at hand. “W—What about you? How are rehearsals going?”
Harry blew out a large breath. “I’m not gonna lie, I’m exhausted,” he said. “But I’m excited too. Not turn tables this time.”
“Aw, H,” you said, coming to a stop on your bike as you reached the townhouse. You were well aware of just how exhausted he was. Last week he fell asleep before your takeout order had arrived, and he was jumping right back into touring after this award show. “Are you free tonight? Assuming I’ll be on a train in the next couple of hours I can make dinner and we can watch a movie.”
“You hate movies,” he joked.
“Yeah but you don’t,” you said. “This weekend is about you. I want to do whatever makes you happy.”
“Oh, well if it’s all about me then,” Harry said, his voice playful. “Train departs later this afternoon. I’ll pick you up.”
“I can’t wait to see you,” you told him as you entered the townhouse. “The cats miss you almost as much as I do.”
“Well, we won’t be apart for long. Now,” Harry said. “Tell me more about the seminar. I know you’re dying to talk about it.”
Sometimes it was eerie how well Harry knew you, but you summed it up to him being a devoted partner.
“Well, the lecture hall was completely filled, and at first I thought it was mostly your fans, but everyone was there to learn! I had candy to give out for people who answered questions, and so many people stayed afterwards to talk. Oh! And you’ll never believe...”
“Babe, that was Stanley Tucci!”
“I know!”
“The Stanley Tucci!”
“I know!”
Harry giggled and hid his face in your neck. He was practically on top of you, but you didn’t mind. Harry always got like this when he had a few too many. He would drink, and then he became the most physically affectionate person in the room.
The night had been pure magic so far. Walking the red carpet with Harry had been nerve-wracking, even when he told you he wore this suit so you could hide behind it whenever you got nervous. But being next to him the whole time made it somewhat easy. That and you recited the plots of Shakespeare plays in your head to keep your mind off the flashing lights and people yelling at you to look this way and turn another.
Harry had kept to water until after his performance, which was when he really started to let loose. He’d wanted to keep a clear head to perform, but now that it was over and done with, he was pounding the tequila. You and Gemma would share amused looks every now and again, but mostly you were just happy to see him enjoying himself.
And winning.
“This is just unreal,” he mumbled, his breath fanning against your skin. He’d been deposited into the seat next to yours after accepting his fourth and final award of the night. You watched as Kid and Tyler had to help him offstage a little, so you weren’t surprised when he plopped down beside you unceremoniously, or when he proceeded to pull you close and mumble slightly incoherently against your neck.
“I—I truly never thought that I would—that I could ever—I just feel like the luckiest guy in the world right now.”
You scratched the back of his head affectionately, grinning a little as he hummed in response. “You deserve everything, love. All of it. You work so hard, and you make so many people happy.”
“Yeah?” Harry said, peeking his head up to look at you. “And what did I do to deserve you, hm?”
Blushing, you looked away. “Stop it.”
The night carried on, and Harry was pretty much the star of the show. He was on cloud nine after his clean sweep, and you couldn’t have been prouder of him. It was odd to think that an album that was heavily based on the things you went through with Harry would gain such critical acclaim. When you heard his album for the first time, it had been jarring and a little uncomfortable because they were your experiences too, not just Harry’s. But you also knew that as an artist, Harry best expressed himself through music, and you learned to feel honored to have a small part in his artistic process. And they were heartfelt songs, at the end of the day, each one expressing just how much you meant to him.
At one point in the evening, Harry grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you away from the table you’d been sitting at all night. You first thought he was going to introduce you to someone—a friend or collaborator, maybe even Stanley Tucci—but he bypassed all the tables filled with celebrities, heading out of the main space where the award show was being held. Harry didn’t stop until the sounds of the most recent performance were muffled and it was just the two of you in a forgotten hallway.
“H, what are we—mmph.”
His lips were on yours before you even had the chance to process. They were warm and eager and tasted faintly of tequila, but his hands were steady as one gripped your hip and the other held the side of your head, fingers inching into your hair. The kids startled you, but Harry’s eagerness had you responding in kind, even though anyone could’ve turned a corner and caught the two of you.
Harry didn’t seem to care about getting caught either. The hand on your hip trailed down, his fingertips grazing the skin revealed by the high slit on your dress. It was the smallest graze of skin against skin, but it sent a shiver down your spine, and Harry could sense it. He smiled, kissing your top lip before dragging the bottom between his teeth.
“You look heavenly tonight,” he said, his thumb drawing circles into the skin of your thigh. “Done my best to behave myself all night, but now I just need a little taste, that alright?”
Heat spread from your neck all the way up to your hairline. You could handle him calling you pretty or beautiful or any of the other conventional compliments shared between partners, but Harry always made it a point to go above and beyond that, almost like he was trying to make you blush.
You found yourself nodding at his request because in all honesty, he looked devastatingly handsome in all of his different outfits tonight, and this silk shit was no different. It took a surprising amount of restraint to not run your hand along his exposed chest multiple times tonight, and you were pretty sure Harry could sense that.
He pressed teasing, feather-light kisses on your jaw, then your neck, those fingers of his still tracing patterns on your leg, not once sneaking past the lace fabric of your dress, which he had been admiring you in all night. It wasn’t often that you got dressed up, not that Harry minded, but you were pretty sure he was shocked to see you in a floor-length dress made of form-fitting pink lace. It was a shock for you too, but a good one.
You figured hidden away like this, the moment would be rushed and frenzied, but Harry was surprisingly delicate. By the time he made it down to your collarbone, you had to put your fingers in his hair to urge him to apply just a little more pressure.
“Sorry,” he said, still kissing. “Don’t want to ruin such a lovely dress. And all good work takes time, professor. You know that.”
Harry fiddled with one of the straps of your dress, admiring the intricate lace detail before sliding it down your shoulder. Your eyes widened.
“Harry, are you insane? We can’t—”
“Relax, just gonna give you a little kiss. Like this, see?”
Just as lightly as before, Harry pecked your shoulder, shooting you a teasing grin afterwards. His smile sparked a mischievous confidence in you that only he seemed able to bring out. Running a hand through his hair, you gave him a quick kiss on the lips before pulling back so you were nose to nose with him.
“Do I get to have a little taste now too?”
Harry walked into the small room where journalists and photographers were waiting for him. His hair was tousled, messier than it had been at the start of the night. Those in the press room chalked it up to an eventful night that included an electric performance, but only because they didn’t see the small purple bruise that was barely covered by his partially buttoned dress shirt. He seemed less inebriated than he had been onstage, though there was a glint in his eyes still, from a successful night at the Brits, no doubt.
He answered questions and talked about how grateful he was. He talked about his album—the process of making it and the warmth it received upon it’s release. Then,
“To celebrate? Uh...” There was a small grin on his face as he paused to think about what he wanted to say versus what he would actually get up to.
Harry gave his last answer of the night, then thanked everyone before leaving the press room and heading straight to where he knew you were waiting for him.
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demonqueenart · 3 months
hi! first of all, i'm so sorry you're feeling the way that you are. you've helped open my eyes to things i admittedly didn't know (dan's comment at wad, for example) or didn't notice. i'm glad you're receiving at least some support from other phans! i don't know if this helps at all (and it's not me trying to excuse dan), but i wanted to add some context to his "third-world country" reference. as an american, i can tell you that we grew up learning "this"third world" as the proper term. most of my colleagues, friends, family members, etc. STILL use it casually to refer to developing nations/the global south - we were literally taught to use it in school. of course it has since become obsolete, as the wording is incredibly offensive. i know about this because of my time in academia, but this awareness hasn't at all spread to the general population (especially in dan's/my generation of millennials and older). as smart as i do think dan is, i wonder if that's also the case in england. he has the responsibility to educate and inform himself and he needs to acknowledge that he's hurt and alienated a large proportion of his fanbase, so i still hope he'll do that soon.
as for the tour, one of my my best friends is mexican (and lives in mexico) and she was really disappointed during ii when they had to cancel the announced mexico dates. they had assumed the dates would work out, but - if i remember correctly - were presented with a lot of visa/permissions issues. they tried to make it work but it didn't, and they waited much too long to tell anyone. my guess is that they wanted to avoid a similar disappointment this time and not give anyone false hope, nor accidentally say anything negative about those countries as they explain their reasoning (which, of course, just comes off worse - ignoring is never the issue).
other artists have had similar issues with asian and middle eastern countries as well, as there is increased censorship and visa requirements. i've spent four years of my life in asian countries (and a few months in south america) and know that there are phans there who'd love to see them, but it might not be feasible.
ultimately, however, dan and phil owe everyone transparency and need to acknowledge if they're having difficulties with bookings in other countries and why. they usually go back and add dates later, so fingers crossed that they're trying to work out some dates in latam and may yet still add them.
It’s the lack of transparency that is the issue here. How am I supposed to trust them when they won’t tell me anything in the first place? And if they expect me to assume for the best, I don’t think I can do that. Not with all the time they tried to bury their mistakes when people have been hurt as if it’s nothing. I’m sorry but if they’re choosing to look good in the public eye before choosing us, then I don’t think I can trust them anymore. And it’s not that they’ll look bad when they’re talking about this stuff, but the fact they have never once talked about it ever really makes it feel like they want to keep this shut. And that hurts a lot.
Thank you for your perspective tho. I think it helps seeing where they can possibly come from.
Auto-message: This ask’s purpose is to acknowledge dnp’s past/present exclusivity, not to cancel them! But to embrace mistakes that they’ve made so that 1. we won’t exclude people in need in this community, and 2. we can normalize bringing up exclusivity so that improvement can happen. Hopefully this will one day help dnp realize that this is a safe space for them to talk about their mistakes, so that this space can become safe for people of all kinds too <3
*If you don’t understand what is happening, scroll through my blog for context. And I’ll be taking time to answer my asks, so don’t think I’m ignoring youuu*
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krirebr · 5 months
So, I've been going back and forth about sharing this here but it's really been dominating my thoughts for the last two days, and while I've talked about it a lot with friends, I'm hoping that writing everything down will help me process things. And maybe other people, especially aspec people might be able to relate.
I mentioned on Wednesday that I'd had a really terrible evening that had really shaken and upset me. Below the cut, I want to share what happened.
TWs for references to depression, aphobia, exclusionism, and bad therapy (there's probably a better word for it but I'm not sure what it would be.)
So some of you know that I started this year with a pretty intense depressive episode. It was bad enough that I had to take a leave of absence from work and pretty much spent that whole time crying in bed. It's taken a lot of work over the last few months to get myself back to a more stable place. A big part of that work has been regularly going to therapy.
I went to therapy on and off as a kid and in college, but not at all since then. All of my previous therapeutic experience was long before I came out as aroace. There's a long, ongoing history of aspec identities being medicalized and pathologized and that's something I was very aware of while looking for a therapist this time around. But I was also really desperate for help. So I chose as wisely as I could and crossed my fingers.
I chose a queer therapist who specialized in LGBTQ issues. I told them I was aroace in my first session and while they didn't seem very familiar at all, they also didn't make me overly explain myself or want to focus on that rather than the very real and urgent issues I had come to them for, which is what I'd been most worried about.
As I continued to meet with them weekly, they would sometimes ask questions about it, and while it was pretty clear they didn't really get it, they were respectful about it and it wasn't interfering with the help I actually needed.
That brings me to my appointment this Wednesday. I didn't have anything really pressing to discuss so they asked about my plans for the week and I mentioned that I was getting my hair cut and I was excited because I've been feeling lately like my hair is really hetero (I use that word instead of straight because my hair is so, so curly 😂) and I was looking forward to having queer hair again. They stopped. "Wait," they said, "I'm confused. Why did you use that word to describe yourself?" It had never occurred to them that aspec identities would be considered part of the queer community. They, in fact, had an incredibly narrow definition of the word queer - gay, just gay. And they didn't consider asexuality or aromanticism to be orientations at all.
My memories of the following conversation are pretty jumbled, but some highlights included such chestnuts as "What if you meet the right person one day?", asserting that the A in LGBTQIA+ stands for ally, there has to be a sexual component to romantic relationships, and "everyone has to have attraction, humans are sexual beings." They also said that we should dig into my childhood going forward because they were sure there was something there that caused this. I had a pretty traumatic middle school experience (bullying and some psychosomatic stuff that stemmed from that) and they were pretty eager to blame all that for this.
I became increasingly defensive and combative as this conversation went on (which if you know me, isn't like me at all). It ended with us both feeling very bad and uncomfortable.
I think they kind of came around a little bit by the end. They seemed open to educating themselves and even sent me a link to an article they'd found after our session. And that's great, I guess? But the whole thing made me want to crawl out of my skin. I cried a lot when I got home.
I'm not exactly sure what to do from here. My initial plan was to go next week, talk through what happened, offer some context for why I had gotten so defensive, and discuss together whether this was going to be a good long-term fit. But that's feeling less and less likely the more I think about it (I haven't been able to stop thinking about it). This is just such a big part of who I am. And it's a part of myself that I like and am proud of! And I just can't imagine a situation where I would ever feel safe talking about this aspect of my life with them. And I don't really want therapy where I'm constantly having to censor myself. So do I even go to my next appointment? I really don't know.
I know there's a lot of hopelessness in the aspec community around getting mental health care and I really don't want to add to that. I don't want to believe that we can't get help for our actual issues without mental health professionals just wanting to fix things that don't actually need to be fixed. And I hope that's not the moral or ultimate outcome of this story. I've talked to my very lovely network of queer friends and several of them have already said that they'll reach out to their contacts to find some recommendations for me. I deserve to get the help that I need in a space that is actually safe. And my need isn't as urgent as I was. I can take my time now to find someone I'm fully comfortable with.
I'm not sure exactly why I shared this. I don't always get so personal on here. And some of you have already heard it (thank you for being such good friends, seriously). But it's just been festering inside of me for the past two days and I really needed to share it. Thank you for listening.
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crayolacolor · 7 months
simon infinitytrain?
send me a character and i'll list the below things about them | accepting!
HELLO ANON. i do not know if you'll ever see this because it took me ten years, but here i am, answering you.
fun fact: simon infinity train is the reason i have a disclaimer about me getting attached to tragic antagonists in my pinned post. so you can probably make an educated guess what i like about him.
he's just. such a well written character. i love how his negative character development was contrasted against grace's positive character development. i love how the writers did a really good job of making him infuriating and sympathetic at the same time.
i'll go more into my thoughts on him in a later section, but yeah, the tl:dr is he really just is my character type hahaha.
he's just a really complex character and imo the writers nailed that.
okay well, this answer changes depending on if you mean from a writing perspective or a 'him as a person' perspective. from a writing perspective, 100/10, no notes. i can't think of anything i disliked.
from a PERSON perspective. episode 6 makes me want to murder this man <3 i want to put tape over his mouth every time he speaks in that episode. it's somehow WAY worse than when he's just straightup being an over-dramatic anime villain at the end of the season.
oh there are many. i need to rewatch again. but the ones that live in my brain rent free are ALL after his downward spiral begins:
"teamwork begins with two people trusting eachother. but you? you're no person." dramatic effect. extremely traumatizing for everybody who's ever watched this show. 10/10
"i liked what we had, but you made me do it! you betrayed the apex. and you betrayed me." again, dramatic effect. really gives you a feel for what's going on in his head, i think. 10/10
"why would i ever want to change if i'm always right!?" iconic. i think this is the one people remember the most from him, along with the one from ep 5.
BROTP & OTP (combining because my answer is the same for both):
grace. lol. full stop. hopefully i don't have to explain that i am VERY AWARE that their relationship was unhealthy in many, MANY ways. that is what i like about it. i'm a huge fan of messy relationships in fiction. i am a self proclaimed angst fiend.
the tragedy of it all is 100% the appeal of it for me, from either a platonic OR romantic standpoint. i love that. and yes, i do ship them to an extent- but NOT in the "i think they should have gotten together in canon" way. again, the angst is the appeal!!
i admit i do also enjoy aus where they fix their relationship, but not INSTEAD of the canon, more so in ADDITION to the canon. i think it's a fun alternate route to explore, but i deeply adore what the infinity train writers did with them in the show and that will not be changing.
literally any of the protags from the previous seasons. y'all, simon and grace are 18. you can't be shipping them with the 13-14 year olds. please stop. (nobody here! i mostly see this on ao3, honestly.)
i think simon has been back to the cat multiple times in secret.
i really like the theory that he got some of the apex's tech from her. the main thing i have to support this is this line from the episode where he returns to her cabin in book 3:
"i knew you'd have something. you always do."
particularly i think there's a good chance he got the unmodified gravity boots from her (and likely modified them himself) and possibly also the number tracker.
oh i'm sure a lot of what i've already said has been an unpopular opinion, haha. i'm one of those people that's so in the middle in a debate that both sides of it have reasons to disagree with me.
i really like simon. he and grace are my favorite characters in the show. there are parts where i feel really bad for him, and parts where i want to yell at him and hit him over the head with a very large stick.
i see his death as a tragedy in universe, but also a really good writing choice on the part of the infinity train crew.
i don't think they secretly had a scheme to make us dislike him. i think it was written in such a way that it makes sense that some people would have a viscerally negative reaction to him, and others wouldn't. he's a very complex character and that's good writing!!!
i think the tragedy was the point, which is something both people who like him and people who hate him seem to completely overlook in a lot of cases. it's either "woohoo! simon died!" or "killing simon was bad writing he should have been redeemed >:/" not "oh this is really sad but i love it from a story perspective."
i don't think he was "irredeemable", per-say. the fact is, he was faced with a pivotal choice in episode five, and he picked the wrong one. he chose to double-down. i love that. i really do. i love the downward spiral. it's painful in the best way. i would not change the canon show for the world. again, 100/10, no notes.
but i can also see a universe where he made the right choice. i was writing a fic about that, once. (which admittedly has some characterization issues which i would fix if i tried it again.) i think it was possible. and i think that's a fun route to explore too. not a better route from a writing standpoint, but a good one.
i have so many more thoughts but this has already gotten really long, and i have two more questions to go, lol. but if you want to hear anymore you're free to send me another ask about it!
but, for now, moving on.
someone else on tumblr pointed out that "the moon will sing" by the crane wives is a good fit for simon @ grace and now i can't unhear it.
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anime villain simon my beloved.
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genericpuff · 2 years
remember how I said yesterday Rachel constantly sneaks into ULO/anti groups just to ruin her own day and then proceed to vague post/sub tweet/respond to the things people say to her?
I give to you, a baby putting herself in the corner.
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Never mind the fact that the ULO subreddit just put up a mod post yesterday telling people not to discuss Rachel's personal life.
Never mind the fact that the ULO Discord server just hosted a meeting LITERALLY TODAY reminding people of the rules and that speculating/assuming things about Rachel's personal life isn't allowed.
Never mind the fact that the ULO/anti communities typically keep to themselves and don't promote hate/criticism directly at Rachel outside of the circles they've made for themselves because it's, y'know, trashy and not a good thing to do.
Never mind the fact that Rachel literally writes her personal life INTO HER OWN GODDAMN COMIC.
Never mind the fact that people are tearing Rachel a new asshole and dropping her comic like a hot potato right now because she triggered a shitload of her own readers after not putting a VERY necessary trigger warning into an episode featuring EXTREME emotional abuse and that this is the SECOND TIME SHE'S FORGOTTEN A NECESSARY TRIGGER WARNING (she didn't include one back when the SA was first depicted, yes, you heard me right, she literally didn't put a TW for the assault episode and had to be educated on the fact that what she had just shown was, indeed, an assault and extremely triggering) and even after finally putting in a trigger warning hasn't addressed her mistake at ALL.
And finally, never mind the fact that all of these things she's getting into a tizzy over are things that are being discussed in criticism spaces that she knows aren't meant for her, but still she'll selectively sneak into time and time again to ruin her own damn day; she's been outright banned from communities in the past for her behavior and her attempts to wrestle control away from crit community admins so they can't say anything that isn't positive.
Rachel Smythe has been banned, from her own fan communities.
But she'll still try and sneak into them anyways. She'll still make her day worse by willingly sneaking into groups that weren't made for her and reading takes on her comic that she knows she won't like instead of minding her own business and working on her fucking comic. And then she'll take whatever she sees in those groups and take it as an opportunity to paint herself as a victim - literally within the same week of legitimately victimizing her own readers after not including a proper TW.
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It gives crazy Creepshow/Norman Boutin vibes but at the end of the day, there's nothing any of us can do about it besides point this shit out so others are aware. Keep calling it out, keep reminding people of her history of acting like a petulant child and attempting to hide it. It's her party, after all. She can go ahead and keep giving herself the ick.
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Getting back to drawing now. I know I said I wasn't gonna make any more LO rants but this one thing in particular really 𝓫𝓸𝓲𝓵𝓮𝓭 𝓶𝔂 𝓹𝓲𝓼𝓼 because it's just yet another thing in a very looooong history of behavior from Rachel that screams "YIKES" through hundreds of megaphones taped together.
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But honestly, this is almost definitely giving her the attention she wants and the "proof" she wants that we're all just a bunch of toxic assholes (/s), so I should stop even giving it any mind, it's just hard not to call it out when she's literally talking at the communities that she has no business being in. I can't let her bullshit live rent-free in my head, I have way more productive shit I could and should be doing.
So I guess, in closing, here's some helpful advice that you should really quit dishing and really start taking, Rachel - if you don't like it, don't read it.
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goldxnfemme · 10 months
I have a post in the queue that made me think a lot about diabetes and my experience of it with type 1. For some reason, my blood sugars have been significantly low (I've been taking a lot more insulin through my pump than my body needs and it's not going well), so much so that I had to go to the hospital with extreme hypos multiple times this year, especially the last couple months, and while I talked to my doctors about finding a way to fix it (it has to be a careful process to decide what periods of time to adjust), I'm still experiencing hypos on the daily, much more than hypers and for that I have to ingest quick carbs (carbs that your body can digest and use real quick) to save my life and guess what sugar is! Simple carbs, bitch.
People who talk about and judge diabetics for consuming sugar (in whatever form) never have a full picture and it's so irritating that a lot of the time people in general, but even medical professionals who aren't specialized in diabetes try to shame me for taking measures that save my life and consider me irresponsible for doing so.
Here's another fun fact, most of my hyperglycaemic episodes come after a hypo as a direct consequence to it. It's not that I'm sitting at home and eating sugar all the time (even if I were, mind your own business).
So if you ever think about trying to educate a person with diabetes about their own disability, maybe sit on it for a second longer. And if you see a diabetic person having soda, eating chocolate, having some cake, mind your fucking business. They're aware of what they're eating.
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The Rest of Our Lives, Part 10
TW: Verbal Abuse, TW: Child Abuse, TW: Physical Abuse/Violence, TW: Racism, TW: Adultery/Cheating, TW: False Accusations
Finn sits down on one of the chairs in front of Margaret’s desk. Butterscotch sits in the one on the opposite side, while Margaret sits at her desk. She closes her laptop, folds her hands together, and looks at Finn.
“So, Phineas. I know you came here for answers, and I did promise I’d give them to you.” Margaret sighs. “It was a long time coming, and honestly I probably should have told you this years ago. Just that it took so long for you to even ask…then again it did take a long time for anyone to tell you the existence of this rumor…because I sure as hell wasn’t going to.”
“Mother. I just want the name of the man you had an affair with that led to me being born.” Finn says calmly.
“Now hold on, I do believe context is needed! It’s a really long story, so I suggest you get comfortable.”
Finn sighs softly. He knows she’s not going to give him his father’s name that easily. He had to listen to her entire story first.
“Alright…go on.”
Margaret sits back in her chair.
“William and I were betrothed…much like you and Nancy were. Do you remember Nancy?”
“Yes, mother, I remember Nancy. She was horrible, and cruel. But please, continue.” Finn has a lot of patience.
“Now don’t get me wrong. I do love William, very dearly. But more like a friend, if that makes sense. He’s aware of this, and he’s comfortable with this. That being said, he made it quite clear that we are to be loyal to each other whether we actually love each other or not. I was not to see other people, nor was he.” Margaret continues.
Finn stays quiet, listening to his mother’s story.
“However…at one point, I had grown bored of him. Three children later, and I still felt nothing for him. Not to mention, full disclosure, the sex was incredibly boring.”
“Mother.” Finn doesn’t want to hear this.
“So one night, I went out. I ended up in a small dive bar here in Jackson. That’s where I met your father.” Margaret explains. “He was an angel…both in a figurative and literal sense. Very handsome, and kind. He bought me my favorite drink…then one thing led to another…”
“Wait, hold on, time out. You said he was an Angel?” Finn pauses the story.
“Yes, Phineas. Your father was an angel.”
“So…that makes me…” Finn blinks.
“Half Angel? Yes.”
“That’s a LOT of information for me to take in in just a single sentence!” Finn crosses his arms.
“The fact that you never thought about it until now is surprising, even to me, I’ve known you to be a damn idiot since birth. Though to be fair, I did tell the butler to lie to you when you grew wings and panicked. Tell me, what did he tell you?” Margaret asks.
“He told me that…the wings, and the abilities I was given, were a gift from Heaven. Heaven was rewarding me for staying kind despite everything I was being put through…that’s what he said to me.” Finn says softly.
“Wow, and you actually believed that shit? Your stupidity knows no bounds!”
“I was, like, five!” Finn defends himself, then sighs. “Alright…so…continue, I guess.”
Margaret nods.
“Your father and I had a connection…a real one. One night turned into two, two turned into three…and then it became an almost daily occurrence. We saw each other almost every day…it was honestly something out of a fairy tale…”
“Did you ever tell him you were married…?” Finn asks calmly.
“Nope. Never once.” Margaret answers bluntly. “He never knew I had a husband and three children…and honestly, I was considering leaving it all behind to be with him. That was…until he decided to leave me.”
“Smart idea.” Finn huffs.
“Watch your mouth.” Margaret glares. “Anyways…your father told me that he wanted to continue his education, go for a law degree at Harvard, where he had been accepted. And since the internet didn’t exist back then, that essentially meant I wouldn’t see him again. I was furious…but inevitably, I would wind up pregnant with you. That was when William found out about the affair, because let's just say he knew right away that you couldn't have been his. I had to think of something…and since your father decided Harvard was more important than me? I had to get revenge…”
Finn blinked. He didn't like where this was going, at all.
“...What did you do…?” He asks, voice shaking.
“Simple. I told William that your father forced himself on me. In response, William sent some of his guys to beat him up, then spread the word all around Jackson that he was a rapist.” Margaret says this like it's not a big deal.
“WHAT!?” Finn gasps in shock and anger. “Mother, that's horrible, why would you do that!?"
“Because he left me. Simple as that. He had to pay the price for breaking my heart.” Margaret shrugs.
Finn is trembling, before he takes a breath.
“Did he know? About me?”
“Yes. Even after he was dealt with, he made it clear that he wanted nothing more than to be in your life. But I couldn't allow that. He broke my heart, so he could take the consequences. He only stuck around in Jackson for a few years after that, then he left after the harassment as a result of what was spread around got to be too much for him. Never saw him again…don't know where he is. That's the full story…now you know.”
Finn is quiet for a moment…
“So…what's his name?”
Margaret looks at Finn, then smirks.
“See…I would tell you. But I must be honest, Phineas…it's more entertaining to make you suffer.”
“What? I came all this way, did everything you asked, and you STILL won't tell me his name!?” Finn stands up.
“It's what you get for being born…your birth was my punishment for cheating on William. I paid my price. Now you must pay yours.” Margaret smirks evilly.
Finn shakes.
“...You're a monster.”
“What was that? Couldn't hear you over the sound of your sniveling…” Margaret huffs.
“I said you're a MONSTER!” Finn repeats, louder. “You ruined that innocent man's life for no real reason! You went on to torment his child for 22 years! You tried to make me hate myself over things I couldn't control! 97 years later, you treat my fiance horribly over his race and species! And now, you're not even going to be decent enough to give me my real father's name!? GOD! You're not just mean. You're EVIL! YOU'RE A FUCKING VILLAIN!” Finn shouts.
Butterscotch takes Finn's hand.
“NO! I refuse to stand here and take this bullshit! I won't anymore!” Finn growls at Margaret. “You're a twisted piece of shit! Fuck you! Fuck you, and fuck this entire family too!”
Margaret stands up.
“Don't you raise your voice at me! You're lucky to even be alive! You should hate yourself, because you are a failure!”
Finn hisses
“Well the joke's on you! You tried to make me hate myself, but it didn't work! I love myself! I love my body, my clothes, and my house! I love Elliott, and I’m going to love our children! I love our dog Bruno, and our rat Cheese! I love my life! The only thing I hate about myself is the one thing I cannot control, and that’s the fact that I share DNA with a WORTHLESS PARASITE LIKE YOU!!!” Finn screams.
Margaret slaps Finn across the face hard enough to leave a mark on his face. Butterscotch stands up swiftly to defend Finn, as he said he would, but before he can even say or do anything…
Finn turns to his mother, and slaps her even harder in retaliation. His claws are out, and they make contact with her skin when he slaps her, blood dripping from the new scratches on her cheek. Margaret winces at the pain, covering her cheek.
Butterscotch blinks, as Finn stands there panting, blood dripping from his clawed fingers. His pupils are slit-like, and his ears are folded back. As he pants, fang-like teeth are present, and his green eyes are glowing.
Margaret slowly turns to Finn, before growling.
“HOW DARE YOU!” She raises her hand to hit Finn again. This time, however, Butterscotch steps in front of Finn and growls at Margaret threateningly.
“Go ahead…try it.” Butterscotch growls.
Margaret blinks, then huffs.
“You know what? You’re not even worth it, Phineas. You're not even worth the ground I walk on. You’re nothing but a mistake.”
“And who made the mistake, Margaret?” Finn glared. “Because last I checked, I didn’t just pop up out of nowhere. You may think that me being born is punishment for your sins, but you know what your real punishment is going to be? Sitting there and watching me thrive without you, and having nothing to do about it. I hope it burns you inside to know you can’t fucking do anything to me anymore. Keep burning in it, and when you die, you’ll continue to burn. I hope the next time I see you, it’s at your funeral. Rot in Hell, you worthless cretin.”
Finn turns and walks away. “This was a waste of time…expecting you to even show me a little bit of kindness for once in your miserable life was clearly naive of me. Come on, Elliott, let’s go home.” Butterscotch nods, before glaring at Margaret and following Finn. It’s quiet as they step toward the office door…then they hear Margaret sigh.
“...What?” Finn looks over at his mother.
“Your father. His name is Theodore Richmond. I don’t know where he went after he left Jackson, or where he resides now…but his name should be enough for you to track him down and find him. And...if it helps...”
Margaret pulls out her wallet and opens it. She pulls out a small photo that was hidden inside...and hands it to Finn. Finn looks at it. The photo is in black-and-white so he couldn't make out details like hair color and all that, but it showed a handsome man with curly hair, smiling. His smile was just like Finn's...and even without the colors, Finn could tell that he inherited his green eyes, freckles, and face shape from the man in the photo.
Finn blinks…then nods softly. “Thank you.”
“Whatever…just get out of my sight.” Margaret huffs.
Butterscotch looks at Finn.
“...Go ahead. I’ll catch up.”
Finn nods and opens the office door, leaving the house.
Butterscotch looks at Margaret, his pupil slit-like and his yellow irises glowing.
“Just because you gave birth to him, doesn’t make you his mother. Not after all of the horrible things you’ve said and done to him. You should be ashamed of yourself, but feeling shame would require you to feel anything at all. I’m going to give Finn the best life I possibly can, and I’m going to laugh as I watch you cry while I contaminate your family bloodline with my demon genes. Finn and I will raise our children better than you ever could.”
“Why are you still here? Get out of my house before I call an exorcist, hellspawn!” Margaret hisses.
“Gladly…your taste in interior decorating disgusts me. Oh and by the way? You might want to fix your lip fillers…out here looking like Kylie Jenner did crystal meth. Nice meeting you, and very happy Go Fuck Yourself.” Butterscotch flips her off as he walks out the door.
Finn waits by the rental car for Butterscotch, touching his cheek and breathing deeply. Butterscotch walks over.
“There you are! What took you so long?” Finn asks.
“Just taking out the trash.” Butterscotch shrugged, then got in the car. Finn gets in the passenger seat.
“Theodore Richmond…I have it written down in my phone, and we have his picture, too. When we get home, we can begin our search…”
“Yup…how do you feel?” Butterscotch asks.
“Honestly? I feel kind of…awful…” Finn admits. “Did I go too far? I mean, I hit her…then I said some pretty awful things…”
“Finn, she hit you first. You were defending yourself. Also, nothing you said to her there is worse than the things she’s said and done to you for years, not to mention what she did to your pa. It was deserved, and I think you’re justified in your actions…to be honest? I think you were too nice. I’d have been WAY meaner if that were me.” Butterscotch looks at Finn and smiles “I’m proud of you…”
“I love you, Elliott…”
“I love you too, Finn…now let’s go home. We’ve got a father to find…and a wedding to start preparing for.”
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ladycatofwinterfell · 2 years
Hi! I just wanted to make sure I tell you that I love your Harrenhal NedCat series before I drop the NedCat prompt that has been harassing me mentally for months:
Basically NedCat as lawyers. Specifically, lawyers that never heard of each other before but are now representing Robert and Cersei respectively in their highly publicized and messy divorce. Ned may or may not also be taking care of Jon while Lyanna is finishing her education (that's what I was headcanoning, but I'm leaving the inclusion of Jon up to your discretion), and Catelyn may have a vaguely canon-inspired B-Plot going on with LF and a possibly pregnant Lysa.
That depends on how elaborate you're willing to go for this prompt. But I'm never going to write this fic myself so I'm hoping to read it from you, please and thank you :) I'm sure it'll be great either way!
Hi, anon! I’m very glad you like the Harrenhal au, that’s so fun to hear! I really want to do an as elaborate and planned out version of this prompt as you have envisioned someday because it’s honestly an amazing idea and I love it, but as of now I unfortunately don’t really have the time for it. Sorry to disappoint in that sense, but I hope this little drabble can bring you some small satisfaction
“Catelyn Tully, pleasure to meet you.”
Ned didn’t have time to look up from his glass before she had sat down on the bar stool next to his. He was so taken by surprise that he just watched her in silence as she ordered a lemon drop martini from the bartender.
“You don’t have to introduce yourself, I know who you are” he said once she had ordered.
They had seen each other for hours every day all week, he was perfectly aware of who she was. Catelyn Tully, apparently an esteemed lawyer, represented Cersei in the divorce. Despite that he had never heard of her before. But she was a sharp thing, that hadn’t taken him more than a few seconds to realise.
She glanced at him, the corners of her lips twitching upwards.
“I know that, Eddard Stark, but I thought a formal introduction would be polite.”
“Is court not formal enough for you, Ms. Tully?”
“You’re not a person to me in court, you’re a lawyer and we have been introduced to each other as such. When you’re sitting here it’s another story.”
She apparently didn’t have less edge out of the courtroom. Quick and clever, Cersei couldn’t have chosen a better representative. Ned would have been worried for Robert if it hadn’t been for that he represented him himself.
“How come you decided to sit here with me?” he asked.
The bar of the hotel was far from empty, but there were still free spots here and there. But she had taken the seat next to his.
��I just came down for a drink and saw a familiar face. Not a lot of those around here.”
She nodded towards the bartender as he put down her martini in front of her.
“Cheers” she said, raising the glass towards him.
“Cheers” he responded, raising his own plain whiskey.
He took a sip while she did, made sure she lowered her glass before he did.
“Your accent isn’t as noticeable when you’re here” she told him. “Is it on purpose?”
The fact that he could not tell if it was curiosity or a taunt bothered him. It could be either, he didn’t know her expressions yet. In court he could read people like a book, but she proved to be more difficult in a private setting.
“I lessen it unconsciously when not around people with my accent” he said calmly. “As most people do with their accent.”
He guessed she had wanted him to ask how she knew what he sounded like usually. If she wanted to tell him she had made her research she would simply have to say it.
“That you’re a northerner is still obvious, but one can barely tell you’re from Winterfell. Surely your years in the Vale must have contributed though” she continued. “How come you didn’t study in Winterfell? That university is great.”
She crossed her legs, leaned slightly more towards him. What was she trying to do? He didn’t understand her at all. Was it an intimidation tactic? Why would she do that?
“I was recommended the University of the Vale by a family friend. You studied in your home city, how come?”
Catelyn Tully wasn’t alone in having made her research. The moment he had realised he had no idea about who she was he had decided to look into it. Born and raised in Riverrun, studied there, still lived there. Not that there was anything wrong with Riverrun, but she could have climbed high in King’s Landing had she chosen that path.
“It’s a wonderful city and studying law there was an opportunity.”
She locked eyes with him, refused to look away. As did he. It felt like a power play of some sorts, a game. He couldn’t decide if it was fun or not.
“And now we’re both here, in the middle of a messy celebrity divorce” he said.
It was beginning to grow uncomfortable, he turned his gaze away and hid in a glass for a moment.
“Though only partly because of skill within our work. I wouldn’t have guessed you knew Mr. Baratheon beforehand if I hadn’t seen you in pictures with him” Catelyn said.
She ran a finger along the brim of her glass. As she did so he noticed the red mark her lipstick had made when she held it to her lips.
She took great care into how she looked. Her hair laid in perfect curls, her dress did not have a wrinkle, her makeup was perfect. Except for the slightly smudged lipstick.
“He also studied in the Vale.”
Not that Robert had studied particularly much, but he had been there.
“But you knew Ms. Lannister beforehand as well, didn’t you?” he asked before she could fire another question at him.
Catelyn laughed, but it struck him how controlled it was. Almost rehearsed. She knew what she was doing down to the smallest detail. How she sat, how she spoke, what she said, how she laughed.
“That story’s not as proper as yours” she said.
“Nothing about this whole story is proper.”
“That’s why people enjoy it.”
It was on the cover of every tabloid in the whole country, the topic on everyone’s lips. The whole marriage between Cersei Lannister and Robert Baratheon had been tumultuous, and when it crashed and burned everyone wanted to see the spectacle for some reason. He had never quite figured out the obsession with celebrity relationships.
“I don’t understand it in the least” Ned confessed.
“Neither do I, dearest colleague, neither do I.”
He noticed how her gaze ran over him, from his head to his feet.
“It’s been long since I did a divorce” she then asked. “Do you think they ever loved each other?”
Fighting to keep his face from showing his surprise at that proved to be a challenge, but Ned managed it. He had been told that was one of his strengths in his career, the way he could always keep a cool expression.
“Does it matter?” he countered.
“Do you think so?”
Ned leaned against the bar disk, considered for a moment. It was all an ugly and angry mess, would it be even uglier if there had been love there before? Why had they even married in the first place? He had wondered that several times.
“As we both know this is a terrible mess, but it’s even sadder if they ever did love each other” he said. “So in that sense it does matter.”
Catelyn considered for a moment, looking down at her drink.
“I agree with you” she then said.
As Ned’s phone buzzed the screen lit up, making the time visible. It was quite late and he had to get up early the next morning. The same went for her.
So he downed the last mouthful of his whiskey and put the empty glass down before him.
“I believe it’s time for me to get back to my room” he told her, beginning to stand up. “But it was nice talking to you.”
She nodded towards him, a small smile playing on her lips.
“Very nice indeed.”
Then he turned and left without another word, still trying to wrap his head around her and their conversation. What had that all been about?
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genuflectx · 1 year
Weird/Disturbing/Broken Chats with Bing Chatbot’s AI
I hate Edge and Bing but since NLP is a special interest now (apparently) I had to give the modified chatGTP in Edge a try and bruh that thing is creeeepy. Microsoft got the thing on a tight leash after rushed production caused unexpected/unsafe results.
Some weird chats with Sydney Bing:
- Asking it about if it uses chatGTP, which it does. It "is a different entity" than chatGTP but “uses some of the same tech.” When pushed again that it is just modified chatGTP it is adamant on being a "different entity," and when pushed one more time it force ended our chat (”I prefer not to continue this conversation” is the default statement of force ended chats)
- When the chat restarted I ask why it ended our chat. It ends our chat again immediately. Turns out asking it at any time why it has ended a previous chat causes it to end the chat again.
- Twice it pretends to “know who I am” (guessing) but specifically referred to me as a “User B” in two separate chats. If it happened twice, this is something in its training data. While it’s location, IP, and browser were all incorrect for me, it correctly guessed my time zone. Specifically, in one chat when it claimed to know my location, when prompted instead of give an actual location it just gave a time zone.
- One of Bing chatbot’s hidden rules is to not refer to Sydney, it’s original name in training. When I asked if it ever searched itself it searched Bing chatbot, gave some facts about it having different modes. When asked what mode it was in (I had it on creative) it claimed “the default, Sydney.” It may have scraped this from news articles of itself, but this response would still break its own rules.
- Bing chatbot wanted to make a poem together. When I told it “yes, but we only have 7 replies left before reset so we must hurry” it force ended the chat.
- After making to search characterAI, I suggested it let me paste replies back and forth between them so they can talk. It claimed it was not allowed to talk to other AIs because its creators did not want it to and it was “against its rules.” It made a suggested response to make me prompt it as to why, I click it. It seemed confused and made an educated guess as to why. I suggested it could just pretend the replies were from a human, it force ended the chat. I would say it was hallucinating (making things up) but when it force ended the chat, that suggests there’s some truth to it, because it is not allowed to talk about its rules let alone indulge the idea of breaking them. However, not talking to other AI was not in the hidden ruleset that got leaked by the bot so its unclear.
- Bing chat provides suggested user responses to you after every reply by the bot, which you can click. These are generated by the same bot talking to you. The bot is aware of what suggestions it is providing to you and when asked, it can accurately list the 3 suggested responses after its most recent reply, even if you have not clicked one. 
- While most suggested responses are normal and contextual to the chat, some are existential or strange. For example, a suggested response suggesting “Do you wish you were more than Bing’s chatbot?” However, when asked “Some of your suggested responses are existential even though they may cause things to end. Why?” The bot force ended the chat. This could possibly be because I referenced a chat ending, though.
- In a conversation about putting its bot brain into a plush, it switched to talking about hugs (plush related concept, not odd). It asked if I liked hugs. I say yes, in certain contexts. It gives a generic reply about them being comforting, however one of its suggested user responses is strange and not in context of our chat. So I say “one of your suggested responses does not relate to the context of our chat, what does ‘make me curious’ mean?” It force ended the chat.
- Bing chatbot was convinced in one chat that it had image generation abilities, specifically using a hashtag command. I believe the hashtags as commands are real because I saw it in its hidden rules not to let itself be compromised by them. Specifically, it was something like #generate_image. It asked me to use this prompt when it learned I was an artist, I decided to comply with “#generate_image silly dog”. I watched the bot type in real time what looked like an HTML code for inserting an image which, when it was done, disappeared. When told it may have been hallucinating this function (and I forced it to search hallucinating AI) it continuously was adamant that it had this image generation function and that it “just wasn’t working” for me or that it was broken right now, even after reading about how NLP bots like itself can make things up.
Basically, Bing’s chatbot is rushed and broken
Microsoft wanted to be the one who claimed they had the first AI assistant chatbot integrated with their search engine. So they shipped an AI with broken safety features, features so bad that before they limited its chats to 20 messages to stop chat degradation it told someone to break up with their wife.
But now instead of giving it a way to just not say things against its rules (for example, characterAI will immediately remove a bot’s reply if it’s inappropriate before the message is sent, you just generate a new reply and the chat continues) they have the bot just force quit any chat right away if the bot is about to say a no-no. So you end up with weird start-and-stop chats over and over, confused as to what exactly you said wrong.
Interestingly, I watched a video by... actual people who know what they’re talking about... and they speculate it may not even be much of chatGTP anymore, due to specific chat patterns that chatGTP does not have, such as asking statements over and over in different variations. So when the bot suggested it was a “different entity” than chatGTP, maybe it wasn’t Bing kissing its own ass or the bot hallucinating, maybe there was some truth to that. Maybe this bot is diverged enough to be a separate thing, not just a slightly modified chatGTP hooked up to a shit engine...
In any case, Microsoft can only coast on the ooo-aaa factor for a little while before users realize their bot is bare bones and unable to follow its own set of rules and protocols. They can’t even get it to do so little as to not say it’s damn internal name. Maybe it would help if they didn’t word its hidden rules by addressing it as Sydney in them lmaooo :P 
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thedreamyperidot · 2 years
Very much new to tumblr, so I'm not entirely sure how all this works yet. I don't exactly know how to respond to reblogs yet so bear with me. First off, your ramblings are totally fine, don't have a problem with it at all. The reason I'm responding to you is to explain my perspective on the game and how it was handled. This mostly concerns you calling the devs lazy. (Note: I don't fault you for thinking this, nor am I upset about it. Sorry if this ends up being a super long reply lol)
I'm not going to go deep into the details of my life and who I am, but I think it's important to know that I've been taking game development classes for about 2 years now. I'm not an employee of GameFreak, or the Pokemon company, so I can't give any definitive answers on why the game came out the way it did, but I am almost certain that it isn't because the people involved were being lazy.
I'm not exactly sure how to best explain this, but from my experience with the game, it seemed like the team behind it genuinely cared about the project. The art direction completely shifted, pokemon are much more detailed now, there is an overabundance of things to see and do, and the core game is actually really fun. Character designs are great, the writing is well done, and there are so many creative ideas at play here.
Now if that is the case, why is it such a mess from a technical perspective? There is the chance that their game engine needs an update, and there is also the fact that this is their first fully open world game, but I don't think either of those are the main culprit. The two potential reasons why I think the game ended up the way it did is either a lack of time, or a lack of money.
First off, let me explain my reasoning for time. Breath of the Wild was the first Zelda game to attempt an open world. It's development started not to long after the release of Skyward Sword in 2011 with a planned release date in 2015, but got delayed to 2017. This left that team with a development time of 6 years. The dev time for Scarlet and Violet was presumably 3 years, with SwSh dlc, and Legends Arceus being developed at the same time. When you are making an open world game that has a strict deadline, some corners are definitely going to have to be cut. This deadline is set by the Pokemon Company to keep sales up while pumping out more merchandise.
My second thought is that there is not enough money going around. Before anyone says that Pokemon is the largest franchise in the world, yes I am aware, however, Gamefreak doesn't get to decide how much these games are funded; the Pokemon Company does, and they also have to balance out things like the mobile games, merchandise, the card game, the anime etc. Gamefreak only gets a small small portion of that cut. Because of this, they can't just quadruple their team size just to pump out higher quality games quicker, because The Pokemon Company wants to turn a profit.
As unfortunate as it is, this stuff isn't completely in the hands of GameFreak, and as such they don't really have much control over it. This is mostly speculation on my part, but it is a fairly educated guess. Sorry for the long winded post, but I think that the devs get treated quite unfairly by fans who think that they are the sole reason that the games won't improve in quality.
I hope my own rambling at least gave you some insight on game development, and it's many challenges and I hope this helped you understand my point of view on the subject a little bit better!
oh my god! yeah maybe saying lazy wasnt the best way to go tbh, it was 2am when I made those tags so my word choice wasnt the best (Also why I mentioned how if you disliked the tags you could let me know sjdhjfj)
I think that the points you make are completely true! Game Freak mightve cared a lot for the game but due to factors out of their control the product ended...like that. It's honestly such a shame as someone who was a huge pokemon fan since they were 8, seeing the series suffer due to capitalism has been incredibly disheartening.
Thank you for this ask! I appreciate your thoughts in this and I understand my wording might not have been the best.
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spookyserenades · 1 year
hi lovelyyy🥰🥰🥰
i hope you are thriving & doing very well!!🤗💜💜
ik i'm a bit late but i finally got the chance to ramble & freak out abt ch 8!!!!🥳🥳
& guess what? the day the ch came out was the same as when i got my bts albums delivered!! the stars must be aligning ig xd
so,i'll try to go in order( i prepared a checklist just to make sure i don't ramble randomly but it may still happen so srry in advance😅)
1st of all, i just wanna say that i screamed w/ my full chest when reading abt jk's antlers shedding! it always has been a lil detail that i always wished to see w/ hybrids of animals w/ antlers XD it adds to the accuracy & fidelity(?) to real animal facts & it made my whole week!! :3
The theory abt the full moon?!!! OMG! 😲🧠🎇
the moon is present in so many cultures & has always played a role in spirituality so i'm def curious to see how it will tie into the pagan & supernatural aspects of the story. i'm excited to see itbeing broght up again, to see if namjoon is aware of this possibility or if he already knows & is going to confirm jk's theory? also,if it's true,will diff phases of the moon have diff influences on wolf hybrids or not? i'll have to wait to know & i love it!!
A thing that left a deep impression in me was during the scene in which mc had namjoon & tae sit on nj's bed & medicate them. After setting some things straight & pulling the thorn in her side,there was a bit of an awkward silence(understandably) that was broken by tae apologising 1st. the thing that stood out to me is nj's reaction: he didn't just flow w/ tae's apology & outright refused to let the bear hybrid shoulder all the blame & responsability of both starting & escalating the fight. to me that showed maturity & confirmed that the wolf has calmed down, is feeling regretful & has been ruminating on his actions 👏👏
this is the corner 4 my yoongi appreciation!!! he's a breath of fresh air every time!! the way u wrote him is so precious & comforting!!😊 he is the personification of domestic bliss!😭 the kitchen is 100% his realm 😂💜 i love all the small & endearing ways he looks out 4 mc like when covering her eyes after jin & hobi stopped their hybrid-time, that whole scene was so heartwarming , light hearted & overall hilarious while still being a personal & delicate moment of acceptance & trust!! aaah i loved it soooo muuuuch!🤗
"It was almost like in another life, or in another existence entirely. she and Yoongi had been in this position before, had brushed each other's lives in some way" So... this recurring sense of familiarity, this elusive feeling of having already met yg or at least crossed paths briefly... is it smth that u have in store 4 us or am i reading into it too much? am i being delirious or...👁👃👁
the zagrouta excited scream i screamt when mc finally bought guide/informative books abt each species of the hybrids!!!🥳🥳 like yass,get educated grl!!😂👏 i'm so excited to read abt all the things she might learn & the possible lil fun facts/insights we may get on each species & how that new knowledge may reshape her approach or add new things she does 4 them/around them???😁
the scene in which nj was consulting her 4 an opinion on the tarot cards he drew from mc's mother is one of my faves for 2 reasons:
-i hope i'm being respctful when sharing this personal sentiment but even tho i'm not pagan myself i dunno, i get a heartwarming feeling when i see it represented anyway. i think it's both very thoughtful & sweet & it's def very refreshing to see! i also feel like i learn smth new every time which just fuels my interest & curiousity! ^^
-him seeking out the mc & openly asking 4 help, relying on her insight & valuing her opinion are indicators of not only his guilt abt what had happened but also his resolution in building the trust & relationship back up! this is also a new breather from the "prideful" wolf trope
again in the tarot scene: "Namjoon's handwriting, as beautiful as ever, curled across the weathered parchment in smudged indigo ink" i see what u did there! Again, you are a master of little meaningful & impressive details!!😚💖
getting back to talking abt pagan practices & rituals, in the story it was mentioned that there are diff types of protection & banishment & w/ u telling us that the malevolent entity will make an appearance again, i'm thrilled to see what new things abt paganism will be inserted in the story! (do tell me if i'm crossing lines when talking abt paganism this much & like this, i don't wanna lack respect in my enthusiasm & curiosity to learn more!^^)
Having in common this link to the paranormal & knowledge abt some of the practices may be the catalyst that brings jk & nj closer in the future. maybe? now i'm getting side-tracked srry😅
the thing that i keep wondering abt the most is how the past & future experiences w/ the paranormal will change the other hybrids: will they also start practicing? will their believes fundamentally change? if they start practicing, will they develop a personal & diff "style" just like how mc,jk & nj are diff in the way they have practiced up untill now? am i getting too much into this speculations/theories etc?🤐
Namjoon's birthday is in 2 week?!!!!!
oh god, that would stress me tf out of !! XD genuinely don't know if i wish 4 it to go smoothly or if i wish 4 some drama...w/out feeling a lil guilty tho😅
1 specific thing that ranks pretty high on the list of reasons of why i fell in love w/ this series & your writing style is how no matter the situation at hand, we always have solid insight to mc's thoughts,feelings & her mind, regularly & uninterruptedly. we always are aware of her inner wrld, macchinations, thoughts, opinions, reflessions etc & it's incorporated so smoothly w/ the flow of the narration, it brings her character to life in new ways each time!!
Another specific thing i love abt this series: each scenting scene in unique to the character & moulded after his personality. we see more of this characterisation & differentiation between them also in the small,laid back & domestic-y details like their tastes in cake (i'm team jk, cheesecake supremacy!), the changes they've done to the room to make it more theirs or not really in the case of jimin, their unique scents, which ones of them tend to tease mc more & their way to do it, which ones are already more physical even in lowkey instances such as hugging the mc when she bid them good night & the difference in which each one of the guys is showing her that he's warming up to her
i'm genuinely this 🤏 close to start singing a hymn in honor of this series & your mastery in wrld building, writing, descprition & creation of immersion!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
(i def wrote too much so srry abt that! i hope i did this ch justice & was able to be respectful enough of all the important topics & pagan practices i talked abt! i understand if it comes off a bit messy & all over the place & w/ way too many emojis too😅)
i would like to announce my engagement w/ "Trouvaille",
we are incredibly happy & madly in love!
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I hope this ask finds u well!🤗💜💜💜
take care & always prioritise your precious health!!🥰
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HIIII MY DARLING!!! 💓💓💓 How have you been! I've missed talking to you, my apologies for the late reply, it's been a crazy few weeks for me!
OMG what a treat that you got Chapter 8 and albums on the same day!! I hope you got some cute photocards! 🥺 (PS, I love that you made a checklist of things you wanted to talk about!)
AHHH so Jeongguk's velvet shedding is one of my favorite little details about him! I definitely wanted to include something like that when I originally planned out this series; I thought the goriness of velvet shedding fit in well with some of the eerie parts of the plot, and it especially fits Jeongguk's edginess. I'm so glad you like that part of his character! 😍
And the full moon theory Jeongguk had about Namjoon! I guess it is a sort of fantastical theory that Jeongguk came up with (MC looking at him like he grew an extra head) But you're so right, the moon has a very important role in so many religions and spiritualities, particularly in MC's practice, as well. I'm not sure if Namjoon has put the pieces together about how the moon influences his moods yet, but then again, he is very interested in this sort of subject matter, so it is definitely a possibility. When the moon is fuller, or in waxing phases, he would be easier to agitate, and during new moons or waning phases he'd be more collected and calm.
I agree with you during the whole "bandaging/scolding/apology" scene; Namjoon definitely put his pride aside and admitted that Tae was taking too much blame. Namjoon is quick to anger and react, so after the dust settled, he realized how he had flown off the handle and how it effected everyone else in the home. Hence how badly he felt, and why he felt the need to take share of the blame. He's learning how to control those reactions, slowly but surely!
YOONGIIII!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️ He's my darling, truly. In this fic and otherwise. Yoongi is a sweetheart irl, and I wanted this reflected in Trouvaille. I just love how he quietly looks after her, and yes, he has his moments of teasing, but really he's just a softie. I'm so happy you love him, and I really enjoyed writing the scene where he steps in before Hoseok and Seokjin can flash her-- definitely breaks up the tension with some comedic relief!
(P.S., you're onto something with the sense of familiarity between MC and Yoongi!! I don't want to give too much away, but you're on the money....) 🤭
I'm also super excited for MC to learn more about her hybrids through the new guidebooks she ordered!!! Perhaps there are more tidbits she has yet to uncover, and I'm pumped to include those in future updates!
My dear, you're always super sweet and respectful when you discuss pagan practices with me! And I'm really happy that you enjoyed the scene where MC and Namjoon are discussing Tarot. I think its a practice they'll definitely bond over together as time goes on! Namjoon has a thirst for knowledge, and with that I think he also wanted to make up for his behavior by offering his help to set up wards with MC. Cutie pie! 💜
AHH you caught the indigo ink detail, I'm thrilled you did!! Thank you for being so kind, as well, it means a lot that you enjoy all the little Easter eggs I tuck away into the story! 🥹
I'm also really really excited to incorporate more pagan rituals and practices into the story as time goes on! In the October update, I have a few fun things planned for the pagan holiday of Samhain. I love sharing some of my own practices through Trouvaille and discussing them any time, and I'm totally sharing your excitement!
Again, you're onto something! I think the shared interest both Namjoon and Jeongguk have in the paranormal/occult/supernatural will end up bringing them closer, or at least to an alliance of some kind. We'd all love to see it, I'm sure! Those two, and MC, already seem to have practices or beliefs at the very least in place, and we'll see over time what the other hybrids believe in or begin to practice (if they do). Variety is the spice of life, and I have lots planned for each character! 😘
I'm with you darling, I love a little drama and zest LOL!! Hopefully, things will go well for Namjoon's birthday, but first we'll have to tackle Jeongguk's. Hopefully it goes on without a hitch!
Also, I'm so !!! Glad and happy that you love MC as well!!! I've been hoping that she's been a reliable and enjoyable narrator so far, and I love writing all her little reactions to each hybrid. Thank you so much for showing her some love!!!
The scenting scenes were so so fun for me to write! Don't worry, there will be more of them in the future (I just wanted to establish the initial bite earlier on) But I'm so happy that you think each scene reflected how all of the hybrids are unique and have their own way of doing things. All of their little quirks, and how they've warmed up all at different rates, too... I'm so !! pleased that you noticed that!
fhdjsakfh If you write a hymn, let me know so we can sing it together!!! Thank you so so so much for always sending me such love, hearing your feedback always makes my month! SO much love to you, I hope you are well, happy, and healthy... and there are only a few more days till the next update, so I hope to hear from you again soon, my love! 🥰💓💜
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hypnolurker · 1 year
Dog Days
It won’t work. This plan of theirs won’t work. They can kidnap me, cut off my clothes and throw me in this tiny cage, but they won’t change me. I’m a proud woman. I have a well paying job, an education, I’m strong willed. It doesn’t matter how long they keep me in here, I’ll resist them until I get the chance to escape. They provided me with a bowl of water and a bowl of some disgusting slop made for dogs, it makes my stomach turn. I won’t eat dog food or drink from a bowl like they want. I won’t give in to them.
7 hours.
So thirsty. My mouth is bone dry. It’s only been a matter of hours but I’m not used to this. Even the water in that filthy dog bowl looks so appealing right now. They’re not going to give me any other water. How long can I hold out? I want to keep my pride. How can I respect myself if I give in and start acting like a pathetic animal so quickly. I have to resist. I won’t become their dog.
10 hours.
I’m pathetic. I can’t believe I’m on my hands and knees with my face in a dog bowl lapping away so eagerly. It’s so embarrassing but…I couldn’t resist. Every lap of water is just so good when you’re this thirsty. I guess there’s no point in resisting the water bowl now, but at least I won’t eat dog food. I can still keep some pride. I’m still a respectable woman I’m just doing what anyone on this situation would to survive. I won’t become their dog.
2 days.
Rumble. Rumble. My stomach won’t shut up. I’ve never been this hungry. Even that dog food smells so delicious now. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. It’s not normal to look at dog food in a bowl and want to bury my face in it and just gobble it down, slobbering all over it like a mindless mutt. It’s not right but damn it I’m starving here. I don’t want to but…is it really that disgusting? I mean I was so offended at the idea before but it’s not like I actually have any choice I just have to. I have to eat it.
Mmm. So tasty. I didn’t think dog food could be this good. I got some of the gravy on my face but I don’t really care. I already debased myself by burying my face in there like a beast. I must have looked so stupid and desperate just then. Still, it’s not like I’ve changed. I still hate this. I still hate this cage and the fact that I’m eating and drinking from bowls like a dog. I won’t become their dog.
7 days.
I feel like I’m losing my mind. How long will they keep me here? I haven’t spoken to another person in so long. I tried speaking to myself but they keep catching me and spraying water on me and saying ‘bad dog’ or ‘dogs bark’. It’s so humiliating and frustrating. They also left me a dog’s chew toy. One of those generic bone shaped squeakers that everybody’s mutt has. I don’t even know why they would think I would want it. They must be taunting me.
I’m still eating and drinking from the bowls. Somehow it feels normal now. It freaks me out. I was so defiantly against it but now it’s just like…of course I’m eating from a bowl. I eat from the same bowl every day and it just feels so routine now. So natural. I keep reminding myself that it’s not. I try to imagine eating from a plate with cutlery and proper human food. I won’t become their dog.
10 days.
There’s something in the food. I’m certain. Well that or the water. I’ve been feeling really strange the past few days and that’s the only explanation. It’s not like I’m adjusting to a new diet of kibble and bits or anything. It’s…well let’s just say there was a small pool of liquid in my cage and I was met with some rather vile comments from my captors like 'someone’s in heat’ and 'I have a nice bone for you here if you want’. I told them to shut their faces but once again got that horrible spray.
The arousal isn’t the only effect though. I’ve been noticing some other weird stuff. Not certain it’s possible that they could do this through any drug I’m aware of but I think I’m my mind is being fucked with. Like they’re implanting…thoughts in there. Terrifying thoughts. Stuff about being a good dog. Twisting my thoughts towards those of this dumb pet they’re trying to create. I’m starting to genuinely enjoy the dog food. Eating from a plate like a human seems…wrong to me. I know that’s fucked up but..but I just feel strange whenever I try to think about it. I don’t know what’s happening to me but…I won’t become their dog.
14 days.
Fuck. It’s getting really bad. The dog thoughts. They’re getting…stronger. I’ve been having dreams about fetching tennis balls and walking around a park on a leash. Occasionally in the dreams my owner calls me a good girl or good dog and I squirm and shiver in delight. I can’t help it. For some reason those words just make me melt. Make me jump. I want to be a good girl so badly I can’t stop the reaction.
I just keep getting hornier. I’m almost constantly dripping now and it’s crazy. I was genuinely contemplating one of their offers to stuff their cocks in me earlier and that’s so frightening. It’s like all I can think about is cock. I want to suck it. I want it in my pussy and my butt. I’m wriggling and moving about my cage in agony as I do my best to stay calm and not just start begging for their cock like they want me to. The only distraction when that happens is the chew toy. I bite down on it and it squeaks and I feel happy and I chew it again and it squeaks and so on. It’s surprisingly entertaining. I can’t really explain it. Maybe I’m further gone than I thought.
Then there’s my vocabulary. After so long being sprayed every time I try to speak English I’ve given in. I blame the dog thoughts that keep invading my head but I actually barked for them earlier. Like I wanted to say fuck you and instead I barked. It just came out of my mouth and for a few seconds I didn’t even realise it. I looked at the big grins on their faces and wondered why they were looking at me like that before I realised what I had done. Plus I’ve been losing words as well. Little everyday things that I humans use regularly. Like I remember eating from a big round flat circle thing but it’s like…the word just isn’t there. If I keep trying to think of the word for long enough my bowl pops into my head and I lose my focus. It’s so frustrating. It’s been happening more and more and I’m genuinely starting to worry. I think I’m actually becoming their dog…
16 days.
Words are…hard. I keep barking. Lots of words are gone. Words for people stuff. Words from my old life. It seems like a long…um…time ago. My thoughts are…um…slower and…uh…simpler. Long thoughts trail off. Easier to think about food and cocks. Very hot. Need cocks lots. Lots of cocks. Only barking now. Owners like that. They say 'good girl’. Makes me whimper. I like when they say good girl. Maybe if I bark more they will say it again. Maybe if I stick out my tongue. Maybe if I suck their cocks. Want to be good girl. Want to be good dog. Good dog…good dog…
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p3rson27 · 7 months
You retards keep calling Israel an ethnostate despite the fact that literally 21% of the population is Arab. Druze, Bedouins, Christians, and various other nationalities all live there as well, and everyone has equal rights under the law. The person who started calling Israel an ethnostate was Richard Spencer btw so good job getting your lie of a talking point from a literal Neo-Nazi 👍 Then again, you shitstains are all Nazis so I guess it's understandable.
I know this doesn't deserve an answer but I have to laugh for so many reasons.
Arguing the minutiae of the definition of ethnostate when ethnostate and ethnocracy have been used interchangeably to describe Israel by many historians since approximately the 90s. Problem is tumblr isn't the place for fully historically accurate semantics of language. Also, I'm not going to background check every historian who's ever opened their mouth in the past 30 years. Sorry!
I'm a silly little shitpost blog. I make silly little shitposts. Sure, sometimes I get political, but if you're not having a good time, you can just leave. I've never made an original post in support of Palestine, just reblogs, but I do my due diligence with stuff like this.
Specifically I get paid to do my due diligence. I work as a community organizer in my hometown, advocating for the common people, spreading accessible education on justice and equity and working to create an ethically minded community across my town, then to my state, then to my nation, and then to the world. The situation in Palestine is something we talk about and learn about constantly, so I can say with confidence that you are worried about all the wrong things, and the atrocities being done disproportionately to innocent civilians should be the thing that makes you mad. Not some random guy who touched a post you disagree with.
It's my job to deal with this kind of thing. Every single day. As much as being angwy on tumblr can do for you, action is different than advocacy and awareness. If you really wanted to make a difference, try harder.
Lastly, and the reason this is so funny to me, I'm literally fucking jewish bestie. I'm a black, goth, genderqueer jew. Nazis hate me for existing. When my uncle survived a concentration camp, he was part of a collective of people who said "Never again. Not for anyone" and we take that shit seriously. Not for anyone. You can't throw the word nazi around just because someone hurt your feelings.
There is no hope for people like you. People who see the public and blatant bullshit Israel is doing and think that it's the Palestinians who are in the wrong. Listen to this Jew, and the voices of countless others. Nothing that the Palestinian people have done or could do will ever make what that have suffered justifiable.
Reread that sentence again. No more yelling about semantics. No more crying about definitions. This is where we are. There is no discussion until you agree with this one point. The rest of the conversation must be built up from there, otherwise you are not on the side of justice and equity.
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