#and I happen to hold zyxx and tpp in super high regard
ct-hardcase · 3 years
fiction podcasts I've tried so far sort of sorted but don't take it too seriously since a lot of these ranks are similar, or different podcasts are good at different things:
1. Mission to Zyxx: This podcast is pretty much top-tier in everything it does, from the audio editing, character development, SOUND DESIGN, soundtrack, voice acting, comedy chops, and even keeping its extensive scifi lore straight as an improvised podcast. Literally cannot say enough good things about this show. Going to end after this season but considering it's 5 seasons it's a solid run.
2. The Penumbra (Juniverse): To be clear, I love second citadel too, but this ONLY wins over it because I love the mystery genre to bits and that gives this an unfair advantage. The cast all has so much heart, and Juno's story resonates like no other. Also, major props for something pretty queer-focused and in the tumblr podcast sphere having a pretty middle aged cast. Also just. Juno means so much to me. Probably the protagonist who I like the best out of all of this.
3. The Penumbra (Second Citadel): UNIQUE! FANTASY! STORY! SETTING! Does relatively well with its ensemble cast and has done pretty well with plot escalation and deescalation and now reescalation. Its characters are charming, and despite being fantasy, it's very topical. Love it and its charm to bits and pieces. Wildly undervalued.
4. We Fix Space Junk: This podcast is so my jam. It has a cast that's large enough to be interesting but small enough for the characters to all feel like they have focus. It's a more unique twist on the Capitalist Dystopia In Space and the villains appear to be staying bastards while also becoming more relatable. Also, the fact that the rich heiress influencer joins a scrappy and down-to-earth repairwoman and the plot of the first season isn't just hijinks about the heiress screwing shit up is really nice. A comedy podcast which doesn't rely entire on ha-has to keep itself going.
5. Starship Iris: Honestly, this podcast is really fun. Women main characters! Multiple! From the outset! That's not all this is but it's what drew me in. I ended up staying for the heartfelt character moments, the ability of this podcast to just breathe for a second, the realistic space travel parameters, the setup of Dwarnian society in general, the emphasis on self-care? [chef's kiss]. Homey without being boring.
6. Alba Salix, Royal Physician (main storyline): A fun, heartwarming fantasy podcast about the shenanigans of some physician apprentices/assistants and the poor, long-suffering Alba. I love the fact that we're slowly getting royal politics more integrated and THAT SEASON FINALE THOUGH.
7. Mission Rejected: I really like this one too, and it snuck up on me. Definitely has the premise of "crew of misfits" that a lot of these podcasts do, but you end up getting reeled in by the characters. Raises the stakes well while keeping the wackiness of the original premise and also having the characters succeed slightly more.
8. Superstition: Another Detective Podcast, currently on what seems to be indefinite hiatus. Very tied to its small-town southwest charm and spookiness. Seems to put effort into representing the area as diversely as it should be and incorporating that into the fabric of the story. Also getting sort of into what I think is paranormal-meets-sorta-magical-realism and I dig it so hard. Also, I'm a sucker for the relationship between the MC and love interest in this one. Yes, they're wlw and it's great. This one's also worth mentioning for multiple women.
9. Inn Between: Literally just started today and am about 3/4 of the way through s1 but I love its little take on fantasy and the focus on the relationship of the party. I'm now caught up, and boy howdy does this hit you in the feelings during Season 2.v also like the little fourth-wall digs and how it lampshades them being the protags All The Damn Time. Are they in a dnd game and don't know it? Is the sentient tavern actually just guiding them? Who knows? There's also a Season 3 following a different cast of characters, but the stories are still connected so I'm categorizing them together for now. I'm still warming up to the new crew but I'm hoping to get more attached in Season 4.
10. Alba Salix, Royal Physician (The Axe & Crown): Still a funny and heartwarming podcast, the comedy is just somewhat different from the main story and I'm a touch less invested.
11. The Amelia Project: I've heard this gets good and honestly this is a pretty quaint and fun podcast but I've struggled to get into it so far. I've heard good things about s3 tho so I'm probably going to push through.
12. Station to Station: This podcast is cool and good but maybe it's bc I was listening on 1.5x speed while multitasking but I didn't love the pacing. The characters were fun though and I do love the "vessel in the middle of the ocean" setting and the premise of the plot.
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