#and I think one of the big reasons why is cause I refuse to acknowledge it or face it I try to push it down
bluejay-in-flight · 10 months
Sometimes bpd is acknowledging and accepting that it's not a me it's a we...
You live your whole life thinking there's only one person taking up space in your mind and usually people are correct about that. But when you have bpd it's like sharing the brain space with your active child self, except your child self acts like jack jack from the incredibles...powers included
They say be kind to your younger self and who they were but what they don't know is that for you they still live and exist at your side
Constantly you have to fight them for control and try to take care of them at the same time, while they cry about how much life is and want to lash out at the world for it
And often you want to do the same...
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crazilust · 3 months
astrology observations pt. 5 (i believe)
remember, if this doesn’t resonate, leave it, scroll away and forget it. i wanted a summer theme, so i’ll do it on this post why not 💛
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🐬 I wish I could look a Sag sun in the eyes and tell them that no matter how little or big they achieve, they’re worth something. That they don’t have to chase the next big shiny thing, that they don’t have to be a millionaire by age 30, that they don’t have to « be someone » because they’re already someone.
🍋 We’re always talking about how lucky Jupiter natives are and how free spirited they are, but the truth is, Jupiter is also about expansion and sometimes I feel like that expansion translates in a pressure to be exceptional. And in this society, in this world, being exceptional is only valued at a material level. The number of Sag suns that I’ve met that felt like complete failures at like 20 years old is not normal. They’re so harsh on themselves. I wish I could give them all a big hug
🌊 The power of pisces mercury lies in their intuition. As virgo’s sister sign, it makes sense that Pisces mercuries don’t find their answers through logic and evidence-based facts but rather intuition and feelings. It can be hard for them to trust that gut feeling or to feel intelligent cause if someone asks them « well how do you know? » their answers most likely will be « Eh, just a hunch » But trust it, it’s one of your many gifts
🌅 I used to be so fascinated with people with Aries and Gemini in their birth chart cause I found them so comfortable with people, the life of a party type of people and so damn charming. As I grow older though and begin to see life in nuances of grey instead of straight black and white, I’m able to realize that those people often suffer from people-pleasing tendencies, a sense of self that is either broken or fragile and codependent behaviors. It’s like their sense of worth is tied to how much people like them.
🐬 Cancers are very loyal, I know it’s not a popular sign on mainstream medias and people love to shit on them, but the truth is, Cancers will have your back, no matter the placements. If you’re ever loved by a Cancer, make sure to treat them right !
🍋 People who are not that much into astrology will meet a Leo and be like “omg, you don’t act like a Leo at all, you’re not arrogant or an attention whore” When we look at Leos celebrities, it’s easier to see that arrogant, flashy, extra side. But irl, we rarely meet that “kind “of Leos, right? (Except at bars lol) The reason for it, I found, is that Leos, for the most part, have personas. First of all, they’re a lot more private than you’d think. I believe that most Leos loooove attention, but they also know when it’s appropriate to show it or not. Depending on their other placements, they’ll decide when to grab that spotlight and when to leave it to others.
🌊 I had this girl that I knew that was a Leo sun (and I’m sure a bunch of virgo placements) and everybody was shocked of her sun sign because she was introverted, quiet and observant. But she was still a theater girl, wanted to be the main character (preferred the villain), veryyyy assertive when it came to her boundaries or what she liked and didn’t liked, and very extra and colourful in her outfits. The reason why I don’t like mainstream astrology is because it’s a bit childish in the way it describes a sign. You can love attention but show it in a way other than screaming and dancing on tables. This girl, for example. To me, she was a Leo sun to a T.
🌅 Aquarius placements 🤝🏽 their desires to connect with someone through intellectual stimulation, but refusing to show and acknowledge their deep rooted fear of intimacy and vulnerability
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and that’s it from me, folks.
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themildestofwriters · 1 month
I'll never understand Tamlin antis who are so tied up in their hate for him they just straight up refuse to acknowledge one of the big twists of ACOWAR when interpreting his actions *during* ACOWAR.
Like, I'm not saying you have to like the guy, but G-ddamn. It's almost wilful ignorance how they ignore the fact that he was a double agent the whole bloody time.
There's also the fact that, quite clearly, in Feyre's narration no less, his motivations are further explained as an intense drive to protect his people from Hybern. Like, why are so many people caught up on the whole "He whipped his sentry!" thing when you have Feyre right there telling us that the only reason he did it was to prevent Hybern from thinking he was weak and therefore it would be better to conquer Spring rather than simply ally with it.
The book outright tells you why he whipped his sentry and yet this idea perseveres that Tamlin... what? Couldn't handle being questioned? I don't understand. The book tells us why he did it. Why are we still making up reasons for why he did it?
Tamlin is wearing a mask in ACOWAR. He needs to pretend to be a leal hound of Hybern's order. He can't do that, however, if he is constantly taking issue with everything Hybern does or wants him to do. If he wants to maintain his alliance, he needs to show himself to be strong in the way Hybern views strength. If he wants to be a double agent, he needs to earn their trust. He can't do either of those things if he's constantly fighting over tortured mortals and accused sentries.
It doesn't help that half the trouble Tamlin is having maintaining this mask is directly caused by Feyre putting him in situations where he must choose between the alliance and his status as double agent or doing the right thing in that moment. He wouldn't have had to whip the sentry if Feyre hadn't let Ianthe steal the keys (and, yes, Feyre *let* Ianthe do that, because she watched the whole thing happened and could have intervened at any time), and had Feyre not provoked Ianthe by committing Divine Fraud.
For as much as Feyre says she wishes she could have prevented the whole thing, she's lying to the sentries and she's lying to herself, because the sentry was whipped because that's what Feyre wanted. She wanted to destroy Tamlin's relationship with his sentries and this whole situation was all but set up by her for that purpose. Feyre gets to act like the champion for arguing against injustice — an injustice she let happen and provoked for her own ambitions — while Tamlin is condemned because whipping the sentry is the only way to protect his people from a worse fate, and the only way to continue his role as double agent (which played a major role in the downfall of Hybern itself).
I don't know. For people who seem to like the series so much, they seem awfully keen on just ignoring whole swaths of context so they can make up reasons to hate a fictional character. It's really annoying to, because they can't just be quiet about their fanfiction. They gotta bring it up everywhere, even in serious discussion about the series, and they'll insult you for your takes solely because Tamlin is "abusive," as if that changes anything.
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cy-cyborg · 1 year
It will never not be frustrating to me that amputees appear in fiction ALL. THE. TIME. and yet they're almost never acknowledged as such. The Cyberpunk genre is especially guilty of this: amputees and prosthetics becoming a normalised part of life are a defining part of the genre/aesthetic and yet no one even consults with any amputees about how we get represented there. Most writers in those genres don't even consider that giving your characters cybernetic arms and legs means they're an amputee.
CW: Ableism, dehumanisation
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This makes it REALLY uncomfortable to engage with stories in the genre because another common aspect of cyberpunk is the idea of losing yourself and becoming something distinctly not-human anymore because you have too many cybernetic augmentations/implants. Shadowrun even has mechanics for this, which state if you get too many prosthetics, which is what cybernetics are 9 times out of 10, your character becomes a monster. These mechanics and discussions surrounding "how many robot bits make you not human anymore" are really, really uncomfortable when you remember this isn't something that's unique to a far-off future setting. Those people you're discussing the humanity of already exist. They're called amputees. If you reframe the question as "how many amputations can you have before you stop being a person" I hope you can see why an amputee like myself is not going to feel safe around you or in your fandoms.
And it's a shame, because I REALLY want to like Cyberpunk. I really, honestly do. I love the aesthetics, I love the idea of big corporations being the villains and the anti-capitalism at the heart of the genre, and I love the idea of prosthetics being not only destigmatised, but desirable. When written from a disability-inclusive lense, it honestly has the potential to be an incredibly uplifting and empowering genre. but as the genre stands right now, it's actively hostile to the very folks who are usually the stars of its stories: amputees, all because people just refuse to acknowledge us.
Cyberpunk isn't the only genre guilty of this, it's common all throughout sci-fi as a whole, but Cyberpunk is the only one where it starts becoming a serious issue due to its rampant dehumanisation of a real group of people. In other sci-fi settings, it's just kind of annoying and while it can be a form of erasure, it's not usually harmful, just...frustrating. Fantasy does it on occasion too, think pirates with a hook and a peg leg, but nowhere near as much.
If you, as an author or creator, use any of these words to describe a character or their tech in a sci-fi setting:
cybernetics/cybernetic enhancements
robot limbs
You are probably writing an amputee. Please, at the very least, acknowledge it, and be mindful that those are real people who actually exist, not just a fantasy group you can speculate about.
I originally posted this article on my old Tumblr account and lot of people commented/reblogged to tell me that originally in cyberpunk, the "less human the more robot bits you have" only applied to people who opted for their limbs to be replaced by cybernetics, because it was seen as "renting out your body to corporations for money" but people who had to get cybernetics out of necessity weren't impacted. The thing is though, I really don't think that makes it better, for a few reasons. For one, where do you draw the line at "opting" to get a cybernetic prosthetic? This isn't a black and white thing, even in real life. Most amputations are done out of necessity, but there are situations where it's not the only option, just the best one. Talking from personal experience, I lost both my legs below the knee as a baby, that was a pretty clear cut case, I had a blood infection and gangrene and they had to act fast. But the infection caused lasting side effects and impacted my physical body's development and growth. By the time I got to my early 20's it was causing a lot of pain in my right leg, in my knee specifically, and when I got a bone infection in the end of that stump, I chose to have the whole thing amputated up to the knee. They only needed to take a few inches off the end of my stump, but I asked them to go higher, because of the ongoing issues in that knee, issues that would have been made worse by the shortening of the leg. I choose to remove the whole thing, knowing the joint was degrading and I probably would have lost it later in life anyway. Even if it was salvageable, it would mean much more surgery, and I've had enough of those. A boy I played wheelchair basketball with was born with a partially formed leg, it was half the size of his other leg and he wasn't able to use it al all, it was just dead weight, so he opted to get it amputated too for convenience and so he could use a prosthetic on that side. I worked with a girl who's hand didn't form properly in the womb, resulting in a normal palm, but tiny "finger nubs" (her words) with no bones inside. They weren't actively harming her usually, but she opted to get them and the top of her palm amputated after an incident at work where we were tying balloons and one of her nubs got stuck in the knot. She decided to get them amputated because it meant accidents like that would be less likely, and she could use a prosthetic more comfortably. All 3 of these are considered "optional" amputations, so would people like us be penalised in your setting? does it make sense that the technology in your setting can tell the difference, or that corporations would care about the how and why? Even stepping away from medical grey areas, if your character opts for a cybernetic arm because the corporations will financially reward her, and she's struggling to put food on the table without that help, is that really optional?
Don't get me wrong, I do think that idea could work but it would take a lot of work to do well, and most works I've seen don't do the work. Even if they did though, it doesn't change the fact that most modern uses of this trope don't mention that bit or actively ignore it. It doesn't matter in most cyberpunk works I've seen if the amputation was optional or out of necessity, they still are more prone to being seen as "less human" and in most of the sci-fi writing communities I've been part of, the authors are genuinely shocked when I ask them to remember "people with cybernetics are real people already, they're not some far-off-distant future fantasy group, they're just called amputees". Like it didn't even cross their minds. These are the people creating the works in this genre. Even if it wasn't the original intention of the genre, it's still an issue in the modern version of it. Edit 2: Elaborated a little more on why I don't think the "only people who choose it" argument works in the edit. Also, please stop telling me that old cyberpunk doesn't have this issue, I literally address that in the post lol.
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wellofdean · 2 months
Sorry ,for me personally, it has to be out loud acknowledge to even remotely make up for how badly they treated fans over the years, the out loud queerbaiting in one breath and mocking in the next. The in text gay jokes, sexism and homophobia. The digs at their own fans.
They want the credit without having to do it. Again. They want the pat on the back they need to earn it this time.
Years of baiting for views and profit needs a payoff imo. Sorry people downplaying how important the canonization of this ship in particular is just hurts to see over and over. Stop letting them off the hook please. You deserve more. We all do.
It’s important. It does matter.
The cas/destiel hope baiting continued with the Winchesters and that’s why I’m at a put up or shut up moment with Jensen and the writers. He and Danneel kept the hype up every week that the show was airing all the while knowing cas doesn’t even get a name drop. He’s not even hinted at. Mary/john paralleled destiel so many times yet refused to call it want it was.
They could have shut it down week one, they interacted on tweeter a lot during airing and knew what fans thought there was going to be an acknowledgment or hint that never happened. They are smart people, they saw the speculation and hype but didn’t step in with a gentle ‘sorry guys this is about the new crew’ they fanned the hope instead with ‘something big happens’ that was just dean meeting the new team.
Loved the Winchesters as a show, sad it got dropped cause I loved the new cast so much. That said the baiting hurt and wasn’t necessary, the show was good.
Everyone is looking back with rose colored glasses and rewriting history. But things were ugly with the spn team/cast/writers at times. The homophobia was pretty out loud in a way it was allowed to be in the early 00s. They’ve grown and that’s wonderful but it still happened.
They need to earn the praise they want imo. No hate! Glad you are happy! just feels a little unfair to say we should all let them off the hook again and be happy with nothing while praising the benevolent straights. Just my two cents 😅💚💙
I want to answer this sympathetically, because I know it's disappointing that no one has been willing to just say "Dean and Cas are gay for each other" out loud, and I don't think there are many people in this fandom who picked up what the narrative was putting down, and were not disappointed in the finale for LOADS of reasons, only one of them being that Dean never had the chance to acknowledge what Cas said to him. I understand your feelings, my anonymous friend, I really do. I too found the end of Supernatural deeply frustrating, because they managed to erase the meaningful journeys of every single character, not just Dean, though what they did with Dean was the worst. I completely understand wanting them to JUST FUCKING SAY IT. I do. I get you. I simply do not agree.
My argument, which I have made many, many times, is that what you want is THERE in the narrative. They made Cas Dean's ride or die, they made it obvious that Dean can't carry on without Cas -- that the loss of Cas means Dean loses his will to live. That was explicit. They made it clear that more than anyone else, EVEN Sam, Cas is essential to him. They structured the narrative around Dean and Cas's emotional beats. They let Cas say the obvious thing out loud, and then showed us Dean behaving exactly as Dean would in a situation like that -- in the midst of his existential crisis about who he is and whether he has ever had free will, and with the world falling around them -- they showed us Dean unable to speak, unable to respond but overwhelmed with emotion. Like, remember that when Mary died when Dean was four, he was unable to speak? Is it really so hard to imagine that he loves Cas with all his heart? To read love in Dean's watery eyes, and the way he chokes down his heart and begs Cas not to do this? Not to being saying goodbye? I mean... I CAN DO THAT MATH. Literally everything about the story supports it. IT IS THERE.
Fandom always argues: if Cas were a woman, we wouldn't have any questions, so what I am just wondering is, why do we have questions again? Is it because we (homophobically) can't just see it for what it is because it's gay? Because, when it's gay we lose our ability to interpret narrative, and we need to be told, like we are 5 years old, what's happening in a perfectly obvious story? Or, is it a skill issue? Is it because we need the creators of the story to affirm our interpretation? We need the actors to just TELL US what they meant when they did that thing with their faces? Do we need their permission to understand it for what it is?
I've said many times that calling what happened on Supernatural 'queerbaiting' because no one ever made out or fucked on the maps table is really offensive to me actually. Don't you know that there are queer people in this world who never get to live their truths? Who just ache and yearn and want, and never get to have? Like, that there are in fact queer people who are afraid to say what they feel, or who don't understand or embrace who they really are and what they really need until it's too late? Are those not QUEER EXPERIENCES? I love Dean and I love that story because it's queer as hell and it makes ME feel seen, because I am like him! I am a queer person of his age who didn't ask myself those questions seriously enough in time! My own queerness is very fucking real, and it is UNLIVED. That HAPPENS to actual queer humans, and like, it's not queerbaiting when it's just queer, but didn't tell you the queer story YOU wanted it to tell. You saw years of tease? I saw years of choices, and love, and accretion of deep wells of emotion. I saw a clear romance, and a character becoming. It was a story I needed, AS A QUEER PERSON.
And the Winchesters was just joyful if you went in with that understanding of the previous story. It was like getting an A+ in Supernatural week after week from Dean himself. I can accept that the stars didn't align for Cas/Misha to come back in the first season, accept that if he were coming back, it needed to be more than a cameo to make it right, and that it didn't work out. I am so sad it was cancelled, but I can accept that it was leading someplace it didn't get to go. That's not queerbaiting, either! It's telling a story that was aborted, and I think if you don't see that, then that is DEFINITELY a skill issue.
I'm not looking back with rose coloured glasses; Supernatural is fresh in my mind. I watched it again without the internal pressure of expectations that aren't going to be met, and let it tell me what it was really doing all along. I am happy. It's a really compelling, deeply romantic, deeply queer story. I don't need permission from anyone involved to think that, and I don't need it explained to me. I understand wanting it to just be fully explicit, but I would not trade the story it did tell for a simpler, less engaging one, that asked less of me. I love it very much AS IT IS.
And, please: point me to this fabled abuse of fans. I have never really seen an example of it that is not easily debunked with a little bit of context.
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luvbinnies · 9 months
rollercoaster of emotions
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sungchan just wanted to go to the amusement park with his two friends, unforunately for him, those two friends are absolutely smitten for each other
Genre: wonbin x Gn!reader. fluff humour. Warnings: mention of piss/pee, sungchan third wheeling. Rollercoasters, swearing (I think), I wrote this in three in the morning 😭 wc: 1.5k
A/n: I won’t be posting anything until probably next year since my last exam is the fourth and I should probably have been studying instead of writing this lol
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“Wow I swear this is the most fun I’ve ever had at the park before.” You state as the game worker hands Wonbin the big penguin plush he had won for you.
“Yeah that’s because it’s your first time at the park for fun, and not to be working.” Sungchan replies, tired of all the complaining you do as a worker at the park.
“And you’re not spending half your wallet on stupid plushies.” Wonbin grumbles. “You’re the one with the job, why did I have to pay for your game, just for you to continuously lose.”
He crosses his arms around the toy not letting you have it. “I had to win for you or you would milk out every penny from my pocket.”
You couldn’t help but giggle at your friend in front of you as he frowns with a pouty face and turns the other way pretending to act upset, at least you think he was pretending.
“Bini, I was the reason you got in the park for free because I work here, the least you could do is let me hold my child.” referring to the penguin in his arms, but he still refuses to acknowledge you.
“Fine, let’s go get those animal ear things. I’ll pay for all three of us to make up for it.” You attempt to grab his hands, but really so you can get the toy from him. Wonbin knew what you were trying to do and wasn’t going to just let it happen after he watched you empty out his wallet and repeatedly fail, probably the simplest rigged game at the park.
Causing the two of you to wrestle for the big plushie. Sungchan has to awkwardly stand there as two of his friends who are so obviously smitten for each other fight over a toy like children.
The two of you almost trip when Sungchan barges between you two and captures the fake animal for himself. “Hmm, what to name you? Mr. Peepee pants?”
“What no that’s so stupid-”
“I love it.” You unintentionally speak up as Wonbin was talking.
“Yeah great name.” Wonbin wholeheartedly agrees. Sungchan watches as his friend helplessly simps over you as you start contemplating whether the first name should be ‘Uranus’ or ‘Neon’.
“You know what I think,” Wonbin starts and you give your undivided attention to him. Sungchan knows that you only do that for Wonbin, whether it’s intentional or not, he can see, everyone can see how you are with him. Maybe except you two. Somehow both blind to the other’s admiration.
“I think we should get those animal ear bands, antlers would look great on Sungchan hyung.”
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“Yn, it’s not that serious.” Sungchan whines as you take forever in choosing which animal headband would look best on Wonbin.
There weren't any antlers thankfully for Sungchan, so the bear ones were a good second choice. Sungchan had mentioned how’d you look good with the frog eyes one, knowing fully well that Wonbin thinks you look the best in green.
No doubt about it, Wonbin literally said that in his sleep one time.
Wonbin was just staring at you going back and forth between a bunch of different animal bands, both of you too absorbed at what you were doing, not noticing the employees getting annoyed on how much time it is to take to choose a hair accessory.
“I think I got it.” You walk back to the two, biting back a smile holding the band behind you.
“What is it?” Wonbin asks.
“Close your eyes.”
The boy in front of you rolls his eyes but obeys your demand.
You gently place the band on his head with a stupid smile on your face as you admire your best friend, all sungchan can do is groan at the interaction.
You tell him to look and he opens his eyes to see you smiling down at him with a cheeky smile on your face. He thinks you look pretty.
Maybe bro was thinking out loud because you seem kinda startled and confused saying, “Yes you do look pretty, but you didn’t even get to see it yet.” Awkwardly scratching the back of your head.
Wonbin clears his throat with the back of his hand, “Yeah, but I m-meant it like a question. Is it pretty?” Heat rushing through his face as he tries to cover for himself.
“Yeah, pretty. You’re always pretty.”
Sungchan is just standing there watching his two friends awkwardly throwing glances at each other and turning their faces away as if they aren’t right in front of each other in the middle of the store. It’s taking every ounce of his to simply not drive off a cliff.
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The awkwardness between the two of you passes when sungchan starts pestering them to go on a ride with him.
It’s kind of always like that with you two, teasing and joking until someone compliments the other on a thing and both the receiver and the one who complimented get flustered over it.
“Isn’t that like the fastest ride in the park?” A terrified Wonbin asks.
“I think I read somewhere that it’s all of Korea.” You mention.
Sungchan knows that everything remotely scary is absolutely frightening to the younger boy and you’re quite the opposite. You have the most irrational fear of pumpkins. Not Jacko lanterns, just pumpkins, claiming they are frightening to simply look at and that you will simply start screaming when in the presence of one.
“Wonbin you don’t have to if you don’t want to, I can just go with yn-”
“No I’ll go. I love rides.” He attempts to say as convincingly as possible.
Which confuses both you and sungchan. “Bini, since when did you like rides? You can barely handle the pirate ship ones.”
“u-uh, it’s I- that ride you guys want to go on, I used to go on it as a kid, it’s just been a while.”
Frowning, not convinced, “Are you sure? You know we don’t have to go if you don’t want-”
He grabs your arm, cutting you off, walking in the direction of the ride. “No, I’m sure.”
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Waiting in line wonbin would not let go of your hand, instead of being worried that maybe he was frightened about the whole ride thing, or that people around you might think you two are those annoying couples in amusement park rides who can’t keep their hands off of each other.
You were really distracted at the fact you felt like you were losing circulation in your hand and everytime sungchan said some fact about the ride his grip would just get tighter and tighter, making you want to squeeze sungchan’s neck hard everytime he opens his mouth.
Finally when it was your guys’ turn Wonbin lets go of your hand so he can put your guys’ bags in the boxes. Only for you to realize that you guys were at the end and the cut off was before sungchan, as he was behind the both of you.
Before you could mention it and say that you didn’t mind waiting for the next round. Sungchan had pushed you and when you turned to him he just gave you a quick wink and started making kissy faces.
Rolling your eyes at him, you kind of figured that sungchan knew you might’ve liked your friend without you ever telling him so.
Getting into the seat next to wonbin at the back since they were the only seat available, the minute you touch the seat, wonbin’s hand is on yours all over again. This time it was shaking completely.
“Wonbin, are you sure you want to do this? Sure you went as a kid, but most kids don’t understand the concept of danger and you're shaking badly.”
You stare at him as his eyes are closed, taking in deep breaths slowly. Watching as they start to speed up once the ride starts moving. The best thing you could do is hold his hand in yours.
As the ride starts pulling upwards he speaks up, “You know I never understood as a kid people liked going on scary things like these.”
“Huh? Didn’t you go on this one though?”
“No, I lied.” His voice became eight octaves higher.
“What? Wonbin why?”
“Because I wanted to go with you, I wanted to be with you-” his voice ends his sentence with a shriek when the ride stops at the edge of the highest concave.
His hand was not squeezing badly onto yours and as the ride went down you couldn’t really be scared anymore.
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Sungchan got off of his ride with the wind completely messing up his hair and a jump in his step. Walking to the exit, he sees his two friends waiting for him. He sees the two of you still holding hands from before and wonbin’s face hiding in your neck still probably shaken up from the ride.
Now he’s wondering which highway to sleep on tonight.
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Birthday Boy
Fandom: Elvis Presley, American Musician
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader
Characters: Elvis Presley, Reader, Vernon Presley, Gladys Presley
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 1248
Summary: The birthday boy gets an unwanted present.
Tags/Warnings: Sickness, Angst, Fluff, Arguing, Birthdays, Established Relationship, Cuddling,
Notes: I said I wasn’t going to write anything for his birthday and here we are. Happy 89th Birthday El x
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‘Elvis?’ you said quietly as you stuck your head around the door to see what was going on. He was lying in bed, and though the room was almost too dimly lit to make him out properly, you could see the comforter rise and fall with every breath he took. And as you watched the material move, steady and sure, you realised he hadn’t awoken at the intrusion, and knowing it had only been late when the pair of you got back last night you paused, wondering if waking him was the right thing to do, but you’d waited long enough. Besides, his mother was only going to give him so much longer before she came barging in herself, ready to celebrate with the birthday boy.
You moved slowly into the room, careful not to be too loud so as not to wake him crudely rather than the gentle nudge you had planned.
‘Elvis,’ you said again quietly, gently shaking his shoulder as you did so in the hopes he’d disturb. Even in sleep he still looked tired, as evidenced by the heavy bags under his eyes that hadn’t faded with rest and the fact that even upon touch he didn’t disturb.
‘El,’ you said with more force, causing his brow to furrow as he flopped onto his back in between the waking world and whatever dreamland he was in.
‘El honey you gotta wake up,’ you said, words that appeared to break through his sleep-addled haze as his bright blue eyes finally met yours before he closed them again and said croakily, ‘what time is it?’
‘A little after two,’ you said, perching on the bed as he shifted over to allow you to. He didn’t say anything, but his tired sigh was enough to make you long to explain yourself, ‘I tried to leave you as long as I could... any other day I would.’
When he didn’t offer you a reply you sighed. You’d expected this, in fact, after last night you’d expected a whole lot worse.  You’d been with Elvis long enough to know he wasn’t so keen about his birthday. The reason why you didn’t know but he’d normally come around with some gentle coaxing. Not this year. This year, he seemed determined to not even acknowledge his birthday. When you’d inquired about gifts he might want he'd told you not to bother because he ‘already had everything he could want.’ When you asked him how he wanted to celebrate he’d shrug and say he didn’t care, though whatever you did suggest was immediately shot down giving you the feeling that he must care a little. It had become exhausting. Not because he didn’t want to celebrate. That you could understand given that a lot of people didn’t really care about their birthdays. It just amazed you how a man who was so loved and adored globally could think no one would want to celebrate him.  
If he didn’t want presents, fine. If he didn’t want a big party or a night on the town, you could live with that. But you had refused to let the day go by without even acknowledging that this day meant something. That it should be celebrated.
That was how the pair of you had gotten into a row last night, a simple conversation about dinner plans somehow turning into a full-blown argument that lasted the whole car ride before you’d headed to bed in stony silence, lying beside one another and yet feeling as though you were a million miles away as you waited for sleep to come and take hold, which it failed to do until the wee hours, Elvis snoring heavily beside you seemingly fine. Though given he was still refusing to answer you now you figured he may not be as fine as he had appeared.
‘You know your parents are waiting on you,’ you said. If you weren’t going to shift him, the idea of his mother waiting patiently for him to haul himself out of bed might.
‘Baby please,’ he grumbled.
‘El please don’t be like this,’ you said.
‘M'tired,’ he said croakily.
‘I know but you can't stay here all day and I know last night you said…look if you don’t want to do something big fine but can we at least spend the day together?’ you asked, moving to take his hand in yours only when you did you found it like an iron against your skin, ‘jeez you're boiling.’
‘M’freezing,’ he said.
‘What?’ you said, immediately moving your hand to his cheek only to find it just hot as his hand had been. You moved to turn on a light, causing him to scrunch up his already closed eyes with a wince as you assessed him. He looked deathly pale, those bags under his eyes near black in the lamplight, and there was a definite sheen of sweat on his brow.
‘El you’re burning up,’ you said, ‘do you feel okay?’
‘Feel like hell,’ he said, finally conceding to look at you through squinted eyes.
‘Since when?’ you asked.
‘Few days,’ he said weakly.
‘Why didn’t you say?’ you sighed.
‘I don’t know,’ he shrugged, ‘I thought you might think I was fakin’.’
‘Is this why you’ve been so upset about your birthday? Because you should’ve said something,’ you said as guilt rushed through you.
‘I didn’t want to let you down,’ he said.
‘Let me down? How could you let me down?’ you asked, perplexed that he could even think that.
'Honey, my birthday means more to you that it does to anyone. I think ya got even my mama beat on how much you care and she was there on the day,’ he grinned weakly, ‘an’ normally I can get on board with whatever you have cooked up in that pretty lil head o’yours but this year I just wasn’t feelin’ it.’
‘Because you don’t feel well or something else?’ you asked.
‘I don’t know,’ he said, ‘I guess this year has just been so crazy it feels like everyone’s wanted a piece of me and don’t get me wrong I’ve loved every second it’s just…’
‘You wanted a bit of normal?’ you asked, chewing on the inside of your cheek. Elvis nodded.
You sighed and gestured for him to shuffle up, allowing you to tuck yourself into the small gap between him and the edge of the bed and your hand fell on his clammy chest.
'Well, how about this?' you said, fiddling with the hairs that had glued themselves to his skin from the sheen of sweat he’d produced from entrapping his fever in the blankets, ‘I go call the doctor and once he’s declared that you’re too unwell to go anywhere or see anyone you spend the day in bed and I’ll spend the day fending off anyone who wants to disturb you.’
‘Sounds good,’ he mumbled, pressing his scalding hot lips to your temple, ‘or…’
‘Or?’ you asked, turning your face to look at him as a smile danced across his lips.
‘Or you could lock the damn door and spend the day in bed with me?’ he countered.
‘What if I get sick?’ you smirked.
‘That’s the risk you gotta take if you wanna be with the birthday boy,’ he sighed, ‘besides think of you sacrificing your health as a gift to me. An act of true love.’
‘And here I was thinkin’ you’d be fine with a new watch,’ you giggled.
@girlblogger2002 @sania562 @caitlin1996 @literally-just-elvis-fics @notstefaniepresley @artlesson8892 @18lkpeters @velvetelvis @jaqueline19997 @elvispresleyxoxo @amydarcimarie @presleyenterprise @everythingelvispresley @elvispresleywife @lillypink @richardslady121 @lettersfromvenus
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lovingdabeessss · 8 months
Mini ramble cause I’m tired I’ll expand later probably
Blake and Weiss have trouble with their emotions because of their different kinds of abuse they’ve experienced but they still clearly have them, you know? They talk about them and they talk about it a lot their was a whole arc that was just them talking about their emotions very loudly at each other so having the emotions or expressing it doesn’t really bother them that much
or at least not in every environment, Yang and Ruby are the safest space they got they’ll fight each other to the death around them if they’d let them if you want to have unsavory emotions and unsavory words they’re the two people they’re both comfortable doing it around
It seems like they’re biggest issue with having negative emotions is how other people perceive them and how others react and putting up a front around others unless really comfortable
(What an incredible life changing experience it must’ve been to have that kinda safe space with people who care about you for no reason other then because they do and not for any ulterior motive after so long of not feeling like that to love someone so much you could safely hate them and they’d still ask you include you in ever conversation, it’s like that one measurement of love and comfort where if your kid complains and whines about things you make them do to you then they love you and think your safe to be around and if they’re silent and obedient and distant they think your not)
However with Yang and Ruby it’s not a front they’re not pretending to not feel the emotions they’re actually just not feeling them
They’re refusing to outright
Ruby doesn’t vent till she’s in a universe where GRIM DONT EXIST and then the emotions overwhelm her so much she DIES
Yang does let herself have negative emotions but ONLY anger which is controlled and specifically when she can take that kinda heat she expresses anger not only with the acknowledgment of the risk to herself but also often when other people are also already upset
Yangs semblance is clearly designed to make it easier for her to take hits for others this expression of anger goes along with the fact that it lights her on fire and makes her big and bright she’s making herself a bigger target
Cough cough not subtle metaphor cough cough YOU KNOW LIKE WHAT YOU DO AGAINST BEARS?!?! GOLDILOCKS!?!?!? Cough cough not subtle metaphor cough cough
(And Yang and Ruby will sometimes have breakdowns because of this where everything totally boils over and they have no way of dealing with it and they end up sobbing but even then they usually manage to do it in a closed off room)
Their lives have been centered completely around becoming huntresses and surviving through and killing grim it’s been their whole lives if the grim are attracted to negative emotions it doesn’t matter if you don’t show it on your face it’s GETTING you
To be a hunter you have to choose either:
1- go fucking crazy (all of the teachers at beacon for whatever reason)
2- be good enough at your job to be mentally ill (qrow)
3- DIE
So they just couldn’t feel shit cause they didn’t hav the skill level as children to allow that and survive
And obviously they do feel these things but it’s SOO repressed (Ruby I believe less so but it’s still beneath the surface so she’s good)
Blake and Weiss had a ton of shit to worry about but Blake was always more focused on other people as enemies and only had to personally worry about that after she joined the white fang and learned how to fight and I GENUINELY believe that the forest with Ruby was the first time Weiss’s isolated SKY CITY looking ass ever saw a real grim in person and not her sisters fake ones
And I think this is just really interesting because of how long it might’ve taken Yang and Ruby to realize the difference between their partners and them and why I think it might’ve led to interesting interactions but they’d probably never outright talk about it with them because it might lead to emotions
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thevulturesquadron · 5 months
I have a question about why everyone keep saying Magneto start the war?( I mean technically is human start it.) And how do u think about it?
Hey there, space cowboy! 🌌
Oh I love this one! Had a couple of thoughts since the episode aired, but didn’t have the time to write them down. 
I’ve already seen a couple of takes online: as usual, mostly on the extremes; either people who refuse to acknowledge that Magneto is capable of horrific things or people who jump at any chance to completely vilify him - and both do the character a big disfavor.
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Short answer: yes, I believe his actions can be seen as a declaration of war. Both Logan and Morph were completely right in that scene and they are voicing out the two major interpretations of the events. Magneto did save all the mutants, he also declared war - one doesn’t negate the other. And I’ll try my best to explain:
Least relevant part are probably the human sentinels. During the EMP attack each and every one of them powered off. IF that means they are dead and not just powered off it can be used against him as a crime against humanity. Remember how in the scene with Roberto and Jubilee they were shown as standing down and keeping appearances in front of other people? So if it comes down to the argument of self-defense there are a couple of ways to paint these guys as just ‘protectors of humanity.’ Unlike the metal ones, these were humans, they were someone’s loved one.
Now… well… the consequences of the EMP attack: we saw the entire world go dark. That alone opens up the possibility for millions of deaths (humans and mutants) in countries across the globe. The few scenes we got were enough to paint a picture and leave it to the audience to fill in the gaps: turning off power plants can lead to catastrophic events (they showed a nuclear power plant for a reason); we saw threats that are now released to cause damage at large (Omega Red); the cameos from Spider-Man and Silver Samurai were not random picks either - cities engulfed in darkness will soon turn to chaos. And so many other things in between (hospitals, cars and planes, communication and defenses, all down). So yeah I am inclined to believe that his actions would result in a heavy loss of lives.
Magneto effectively saved the lives of so many mutants that were attacked by sentinels, but at the cost of many others. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
But why can it be seen as a declaration of war and not just an act of terrorism? (And again this show proves to be SO insanely good and planned to the smallest detail.) At this point Magneto is not just some terrorist. He went through trials in front of the world and got absolved; Genosha got recognized as a fully self-governing nation and Magneto was, at the moment of the attack, the de-facto leader of a nation. His actions are now the actions of the entire mutant nation. He didn’t do it to declare war, that was not the purpose, BUT a direct attack on a country is just that: a declaration of war.
I’ve seen the argument that he didn’t start it, that Genosha was a declaration of war. But Bastion played all his cards right - not one nation was officially responsible for the attack on Genosha - there was no proof to connect the genocide to a world power. The robots wore no flags, they were not the creation of one country. Yes, various nations ARE behind the Genosha genocide, but their hands were not the ones holding the proverbial weapons, merely providing the support for building them (sound familiar to anyone?)
That is the game Bastion is playing and Magneto is one of the most important pieces. ‘You were born for this’. Bastion orchestrated everything to the very last detail. Magneto had to be given a chance to be the face of Genosha, and most importantly the world had to see him truly believe in Genosha as a world nation among the rest, so than when he breaks, the world can see how dangerous mutants are, and how it’s a mistake to treat them as equals. It’s a vile and disgusting plan which makes Bastion an exceptional villain.
It’s why Cooper got concerned when Magneto announced he would be ruling Genosha in a partnership: while Magneto’s psychological profile was well documented and easy to break, him and Rogue posed a real problem to Bastion’s plan because they would have been able to provide a balanced form of government. They could have turned Genosha from an ideal to a functional nation. But he was stripped of all of that, of a peaceful future for mutantkind. Magneto knows each and every face and voice that was behind the attack on Genosha. But he is the only one. And, sculpted by Bastion, he is now a broken man with no consideration for consequences, only his and his people’s survival. Which, ironically, might be the final push to ensure that Bastion’s future comes to pass.
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
A/N: Whelp, the results are in, and the vast majority of you guys voted to how the Rogues will react to a reader refusing to reciprocate their affections. When I tell you it was hard to narrow down the title to fit the header image lmao but I hope it still makes sense! Starting up first with the Riddlers...duh and the rest will follow shortly I promise! Hope you guys enjoy! And thanks so much for voting again!
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Reader Ignores The Riddlers' Affections
Arkhamverse Riddler: 
Listen, I don’t think it’s even worth it to see his reaction. 
He’s not that big on affection as it is. 
Now that you finally somehow warmed him up to the idea…
You’re gonna tease him? 
You know this isn’t…normal for him
Why give him a hard time??
FINE, be that way…it’s not like he enjoys your hugs or kisses anyway…absolutely stupid.
(not really, please don’t ignore him)
There’s no point in mentioning that miniscule sigh of relief he lets out when you kiss his cheek. 
He will never admit to it.
Reevesverse/Dano Riddler: 
He’s going to immediately think he’s done something wrong. 
Did…did he do something wrong?
Oh, gosh…did he forget a birthday? Anniversary? Holiday?? No..he couldn’t have..
You’re always so forthcoming with your hugs and kisses.
At the very least, you always reciprocated. That’s how Edward knew he was…doing it right.
Like many Riddlers on this list, this is new to him. 
Please don’t tease him too harshly
Man’s will get mad confused and flustered. 
You have to be as quick to apologize and comfort him. 
Kiss him until your lips are numb and your arms are falling asleep.
And please don’t do it again
Gotham Riddler: 
Are you upset? Has your mind drifted to something else? 
He puts his hand on your shoulder or taps you lightly. 
Okay, you acknowledged him, he gives you his signature tight lipped smile.
He leans in and gives you a peck on the cheek
After a pause he taps his own cheek.
You’re supposed to return it…don’t shrug and walk away!
This leads Ed to anxiously ramble about every decision he made that day, apolgizing for each one, cause clearly you’re mad. 
The only way to get him to shut up is to kiss him. 
Tell him he’s fine, you were only messing with him. 
He’s relieved but, please, don’t do that again. 
BTAS Riddler: 
Ed loves to give you adoring kisses on the cheek and sweet hugs. 
It’s quite routine, whenever he first sees you, either in the morning or in a new room he does it. 
You always return the gesture. 
So he’s taken aback when you blatantly ignore him. 
At first he wants to think you were distracted about something, or something is wrong.
When you remain steadfast, he becomes flustered. 
However, the minute you see his face fall, you can’t keep it up. 
You hug him and kiss him back, surprising him.
You apologies giggly, saying you only meant to tease him a tad.
You both agree you took it a bit too far. 
You promise not to do it again…for now with a kiss. 
Zero Year/Capullo Riddler: 
Ugh fine, whatever. 
Don’t come crying to him when he leaves. 
You should’ve taken his affections when you had the chance. 
He doesn’t have to stick around, kiss your cheek or hand, wrap his arm around you.
Nope, he just did it cause he knew you liked it. 
(also knew it’d give him brownie points to your pants later)
Although that’s likely the reason you stopped returning his gestures in the first place. 
Is it so hard to actually be romantic without expecting something? 
Likely the only Riddler where you hold out from returning ANY affection for the longest. 
It takes awhile, but Ed eventually becomes to frustrated and pent up. 
The moment he admits you may have a point or better yet, he may be so torn up to apologize. 
You return the praises, kisses, and caresses. 
You will never forget the absolute sparkle in his green eyes. 
Twojar Riddler: 
Edward is taken aback.
He too tries to think if he’s done something to piss you off. 
Yet, when you don’t give him a straight answer, he’s likely to pick up on the fact you’re just teasing. 
Well, two can play at that game. 
What once started as a means to get him to grovel to his knees towards you…
Winds up being an almost two week long challenge to see who yearned more for the other. 
Who wins is totally up for debate. 
Regardless whoever wins or loses…you both get yours in the end. 
Gotham City Sirens Riddler: 
Ed cringes, but sighs in exhausted defeat. 
He’s already assumed your cross with him because he has been neglectful. 
Things have been crazy busy at the office, case after case…
And you both know he can’t afford to say no to too many of them. 
When you turn your head from his lips and don’t get off the couch to hug him. 
He already knows your hurt, and already sets the wheels in motion to make things right. 
Eddie almost breaks your heart when he outright apologizes if he’s been neglectful of you. 
You instantly go to him, wrap your arms around him and shake your head. 
Insisting that it wasn’t him, you were just teasing, he hadn’t done anything wrong. 
Now you’re the one apologizing, not realizing how good of a front you put up. 
All is forgiven in the end, with a sweet long kiss.
Telltale Riddler: 
Probably, no most definitely, the one least bothered about it. 
He finds it annoying more than anything. 
You constantly nag him about showing a lack of affection.
So now that he shows it, you're going to ignore him?
Fine, suit yourself.
But don't come bothering him later about him not trying.
It doesn't take long for you to realize you may have messed up. 
You instantly apologize, saying you were just teasing.
Even asking how it feels to be ignored…
(which he has been guilty of doing to you when you kiss or embrace him)
Edward rolls his eyes and just sighs. 
You guys still have a ways to go, but there has been some progress.
Young Justice Riddler: 
Another riddle lad that thinks he's messed up somehow. 
When you turn your head to the side to dodge a kiss.
Eddie's hurt almost instantly.
He's also immediately thrown into panic mode. 
Oh my god, please comfort him
He’s about to cry
You hug him and kiss him. 
You didn’t mean anything by it, just wanting to tease him. 
Please, please don’t tease his wee heart like that. 
Eddie can only take so much. 
Hush (DCAU) Riddler: 
Edward instantly assumes you're mad at him for something. 
If anyone is aware of his shortcomings it's him. 
He wouldn't be surprised if he messed up somewhere. 
But when it comes to you, it's harder to sweep under the rug
Ed asks if something is wrong, usually, you return his kisses with your own. 
It's extremely discouraging, especially from someone…the only one who has encouraged him in anything. 
After dodging a couple more pecks and embraces…you can't keep the act up anymore. 
You just can't handle that saddened look on his face. 
You spend most of the evening reassuring him, insisting you were just teasing. 
You promise not to ever turn down his affections again.
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yhuckloop · 1 year
Why so much hate towards Wendy?
I need to vent somewhere other than twitter I REALLY wanted to be the kind of person who had the courage to express my opinion like this by answering and facing it but I care too much about my image lol stan kinnie (and also because I think it's a silly reason to fight over a fictional character idk)
Unfortunately I had the displeasure of seeing a twitter account hating on Wendy (I won't divulge it here, but it's basically an account calling her a whore and other stuff) and unfortunately, one of the owners of the account was someone I liked and followed her drawings, fanfictions, etc.
I followed this person even though I knew how much she hated Stendy (which is my otp) and anyway, anything involving Wendy
Wendy is a very special character to me. I liked her from the first episode. I like how South Park portrays all the characters as flawed, they are human, they make mistakes and they learn from mistakes. Same with Wendy. She's made mistakes many times, but she's always learned from them. She is an inspiration to me, like the breast cancer episode, where she fought to defend a cause that was important to her. And then these people come to me and call her manipulative, selfish and mean? For God's sake! No one is forced to like her, of course, but it's good to know that the reason they hate her is just one reason that would be enough to hate all the other characters.
"Wendy is a manipulator! She blackmailed Stan in Season 1 Episode 7"
- She is a child. Her blackmail about combining fantasy with stan (or whatever the fuck she did, I can't remember) is no big deal. Also, Wendy apologized to Stan, acknowledging that she hadn't taken his feelings into account.
"Wendy never takes Stan's feelings into consideration. He's already treated her very badly but nothing compared to what she did to him"
- I really can't see all this harm that Wendy did to Stan in the relationship. She "cheated" on him with Tolkien because she clearly felt lonely. In the scene, Stan himself said he hadn't spoken to her in weeks! BOTH ARE CHILDREN they don't have maturity for a relationship, it's obvious that this would end up happening. It wasn't right for Wendy to do that, of course, but it's kind of understandable considering how old she is. Same with Stan. Wendy was a great girlfriend. She worried about Stan when he was depressed, inviting Kyle to visit him together (which Kyle himself refused to do 😱) and even hired specialists to deal with Stan's hoarding problem. She was worried about him and in the recent episode, we could see how much she loves and cares for him. The problem is that they both have different love languages, something they won't identify with being a problem with their age.
"Wendy is stupid, the only good thing she did was in the list episode" and "she didn't even help with the list episode, stan did everything himself" (I swear it was stuff like that on this account) The owners of this account swear to have watched the series and say that those who defend Wendy are those who have not seen the series. Like... really?
- 1: Absolutely in all episodes starring her, she is the heroine of the day.
Wendy showed the importance of fighting against childhood erotization, the importance of breast cancer, criticized the standard imposed on young girls and women by the media, in addition to which she has an irreparable critical sense. She is the real girlboss! Of course, Wendy has done things VERY wrong, like sending Miss Ellen into space, but come on? this is part of the humor of the series. Characters will always act stupid at some point because that's where the fun is. Like, when Kyle does stupid things and acts on impulse, in anger, to champion a cause, he's considered a boss. But when it's Wendy, they call her an "insufferable feminist". When Kyle does stupid things and acts on impulse, in anger, to champion a cause, he's considered a boss. But when it's Wendy, they call her an "insufferable feminist". When Kyle blew up Canada causing death to thousands of people because of his belief that Canada was a bad influence, he is considered a human with flaws, but when Wendy went on a TV show to talk about the importance of stopping the pattern of feminine beauty in young women, she is called a "dumb bitch"
- 2: Wendy who discovered the hoax on the list; she analyzed all the data and discovered that something was wrong, she faced her friends even though she knew that this could cause her harm. Stan did absolutely nothing but stand and watch, he didn't even know what to say when he got in front of the girls to argue. Wendy is the one who saved Kyle from burning down the school. SHE SAVED THE FUCKING SCHOOL
Anyway, other horrible things were said that at the moment I can't remember to rebut them and idk I don't want to waste my time on that. Sorry for the very very long text, I really needed to dump this somewhere
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artsybug0 · 1 year
What are some facts about Millie? (Can also be for any AU!)
❤️Fun Facts About Millie!❤️
She’s afraid of the dark so she uses a nigh-light when she sleeps
She likes foods with strawberries in them more then just eating strawberries
Her entire home is lovecore decorated
She has three adopted parents who are in a poly relationship
She has seven adopted brothers
She’s the oldest sibling but third to be adopted
Millie can do many tricks on her roller skates. She even puts on a show for her neighbors with Barnaby
She caught feelings for Wally first
She compliments people a lot about how they look like characters from books she’s read
She gushes often about romance stories
You can often find her sitting on Howdys counter reading out loud to him as he works
She stims a lot (she’s just a happy gal!)
She word stims Wally’s name often
She’s afraid of fire (like big fires)
She moved to the big city to go to a good college to become an author.
She graduated with a BA (Bachelors of Arts)
She’s worked a lot of jobs and has been almost all over Hollywood for work, but as you can imagine for a puppet. That didn’t get her anywhere
She gained her kinda violent tendencies while living alone in Hollywood (learned behavior for her own survival)
She became extremely depressed and had thoughts (and one attempt) at 💀 herself
She was literally dragged into the studio to be a replacement Actor for Welcome Home Puppet Show by Janet
She knew how to act because at that time she’s been pretending to be a “damsel in distress” to manipulate men into using their money on her so she can have a comfortable life for years.
She’s a big fan of Eddie’s
Millie only worked so hard to be Wally’s friend so she can hopefully get him to meet up with her youngest brothers who she used to watch WH with all the time
Millie originally planned to use Wally’s feelings to manipulate him into giving her everything she wants, but she caught the feelings before she could do anything (Wally was rude and cold towards her at the beginning so she saw this as revenge)
She at first declined Wally’s gifts for her because she was nervous she was accidentally manipulating him to think that’s what he wants to do (she wasn’t, he just loves spoiling her)
She has a list of “reasons why I love Wally” on her phone that she occasionally adds to
Egg was a gift from Wally, he’s their baby
Millie was engaged to a human once
Doesn’t have a friend group
She roller derby’s
Everytime you see her she has a new bruise or scratch
She often gets into fights
She thrives in annoying people
Refuses to acknowledge that she has valid feelings
Her wings flap when she’s angy
She didn’t get as much as a height boost as the rest so she’s pretty small compared to everyone 😂
She teases a lot
She hates being teased though
She’s used to being described as hot or sexy but as soon as someone calls her cute she’s embarrassed and red faced
She’s actually pretty lonely, and despite how she acts, she really does care about what people say or do to her.
She’s very attached to her partners Susanna( @yami-xd character) and Wally. But mostly Susanna because she doesn’t call her mean names and is pretty nice to her
Is the most likely Millie to have 🔞 with you (if you’re around her age, 23-27)(she’s a ho)
Rainbow Factory
She’s by far, the loneliest Millie
Her parents death were later in life so she would of been at least 13 when it happened
She was never adopted
Her scars were caused by a chemical explosion she was too close to
Only Wally visited her in the hospital (that’s how she developed strong feelings for him)
She soon changed job titles and became his assistant
Even though she’s his assistant she does a LOT more then what is required of her. But she doesn’t mind.
She mixes coffee and energy drinks in a cup and chugs it down at once before working
She had extremely jealously over those who have things she doesn’t (friends, family, beauty)
She really despises Julie in this Au but doesn’t do anything about it. She only hates her because she’s Wally’s ex
She has a soft spot of kids, they remind her of herself before everything happened so she wants to protect them
She’s made fun of for her scars so often she doesn’t believe anyone if they compliment her for being “pretty”
She keeps trying to ask Wally out but backs out last second
She passes out often from overworking herself and starving her body
All the other Au’s I don’t have much put together to make fun facts about them yet so this is all I can give for now!
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buwheal · 9 months
what are personally your favorite spamton headcanons?
OOooooh this was the wrong thing to ask me if you hate lots of letters on your screen. Get ready!!!!!! Here's my list :-) Its not organized by least to most btw im just typing everything i like lol :
puppetification theory.. AAUUUGHHH!!!!! this one is so much fun for so many reasons.
he's got a BJD (ball jointed doll) body
He's kinda an asshole
While a good chunk of his glitching is from puppetification, way more of it is from malware he's collected over like 20 years on the streets of cyber city
He absolutely feels and is aware of his glitches but he's so used to them it doesnt really bother him anymore. scratch that, it 100% does bother him that his body is actively defying him. but what can you do? :shrug:
he's like 5'1. I HATE HATE HATE seeing him the size of a toddler both because you can literally see his world sprite is the same height as kris, which is a teenager (His proportions just are unbelievably fucked up because of puppetification) and because thats just kinda weird. Something about making him so so small feels weird to me but im not sure, really. take it with a grain of salt.
He was an Email Addison. You see it everywhere. He was like a mailman or something.
He wasnt like four foot or something throuhghout his whole life, but i do imagine he was only slightly smaller than an Addison, which doesnt sound that bad except when you realize everyone else is normal height except him. Maybe it was a manufacutring bug, or maybe it was intentional for his job.
Addisons are like weird organic robots kinda. Cause everything in cyber city is made of code i imagine they are like basically sentient AI.
They (addisons) physically do not age unless their code is damaged. (Guess who's code is fucked up) They were "born" physically and half-mentally adults, and count their age based on their manufacturing date. I say mentally half because it quickly develops soon after while they do things like advertise. Their personality develops a time after.
HE IS OLD!!!!!!! HE'S AN OLD GUY!! HES GOT LITTLE WRINKLES N SHIT!!! HES GOT A GREY STRIPE!!!!!! Not really because of physical aging but its more of like a glitch tbh lol. Like a chunk glitch in minecraft. Whatever happened as his code got progressively more beat up caused a patch of his hair to register incorrectly and show up slightly wrong.
His hair is natrually white. He dyed it in his big shot era ofc, but it faded out. He keeps it colored currently with car oil and shit. Whatever he can find that will color it. It will and does wash out partially when he's drenched in the rain.
He completely refuses to acknowledge his physical changes. Glimpses he sees he ignores or passes it off as he's seeing things.
He prayed to the Neo robot because he saw the beginning of puppetification. He was praying for forgiveness or another chance. He believed it was a divine punishment because he had no other explination. He doesnt believe he changed much more than the very very early stages, and he thinks he's forgiven in his delusion. Which is why he wants the robot so bad.
When he gets mad he turns kinda red and steam comes out the side of his head in short bursts, train whistle sound effects and all. looney tunes type junk.
He has lips... but they're stretched so far because of his huge fucking brick ass teeth that it doesnt really matter at that point.
He's got a scraggly ass mullet.
he has little bitty dot eyes. Every other addison does too but they keep them closed for visual appeal. Theyre robots and shit they dont really need them to get around, even though they help a lot.
Thats about all i can think of rn!!!! ^_^ hope you enjoy that brick of text lol.
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yearoftheflop · 5 months
can i get any commentary you have on seagull causing a storm :3 maybe something on the "are you ahead or behind me" bit of dialogue if you have anything to say. i always thought that part was interesting
hiii good morning 🧡 commentary to a fic as a whole? i guess i'm just going to rumble on about my vision for it, etc. ty for the ask🧡
in general I just wanted to muse around themes of fate, the butterfly effect and choice. the fic starts in the little scene at the end when they both choose each other at the same time, but it's a drunken subconscious decision, rather they collide. that event is a catalyst for a whole year of events that follow. the night left some heavy tension and reopened old wounds, as I imagined that it just didn't lead to anything good at the moment. bojan pulled back, kris got his hopes up and got hurt.
kris was clearly already in love for a long time and his arc is really all about these motifs around fate and small actions that lead us to each other. he sees that bojan doesn't love him at the same volume (or doesn't want to show it/accept it, whatever) he's just not there and he might never be. he is kinda refusing to think about being left/hurt/used by bojan's inability to reciprocate but is also acknowledging that his affection still runs on the background, it doesn't die despite the years or the hurt. he's more focused on the reasons to hold on to the love.
meanwhile bojan is on his own journey of personal growth, self-reflecting and finally self-accepting, all of it more rapidly since meeting jere and having that whole esc experience. I guess I should've made this part more clear and just expanded more on the topic, but at the time kris's attempt to start a new relationship as a remedy that ultimately failed resulting in just more pain piled on top of the other one seemed more interesting.
and I guess it's all about these mysterious ways we exist next to each other, and what some may call fate. kris & bojan & me by the end denounce fate because ultimately what leads them together and breaks the wall of tension, of things left unsaid, etc isn't fate, it's every choice they made along the way, big or small. it's kris picking up guitar and saying I want you no matter the cost, and then sticking to his choice for years no matter the hurt of seemingly unrequited love, it's bojan making the call despite the fear of what's to come, despite not knowing what to say or how to say it, despite knowing they might hurt each other again. I think it's much more rewarding to know that the other person chooses you over and over again and is willing to work and hurt for it than believing in fate.
regarding the line first time it came up as a text from bojan and when I typed it i was like hmmmm wait here a second mister wouldn't it be a bit fun to play with the wording of timezones and "depends on the topic" is for the readers to indicate that we are wrapping this line in double layer. and next time in the conversation bojan basically asks are you like me, just coming to fully realize what you mean to me and being okay with it or are you way ahead of me and already know? he’s so silly for that. just a guy. kris should’ve hung up on that mf not realizing he had this shit figured out for years. I knew those babes aren't gonna have a normal conversation in that scene anyway so why not have a little play with words just for our reading pleasure 💋
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mdhwrites · 9 months
In an answer to another question, you said that Amphibia acknowledges how change can be beneficial but also difficult and harmful, partly because the ‘quick’ and ‘forced’ change Andrias inflicts on Amphibia by trying to bend the world to his will is presented in a negative light. This is a very good point, but isn’t there a bit of a double standard when it comes to the forced change inflicted by the Guardian?
At journey’s end, the Guardian drops Anne back in Amphibia with three shards for a one-way trip home. It was nice of them to give her a ticket back to Earth…but it also forces Anne into a position where she has to leave a world she loved enough to give her life for, and potentially never see her found family again.
Now, it would be pretty hypocritical for Anne to talk a big deal about accepting that things change whether we like it or not in All In, only to turn around and pick a fight with the god of the multiverse out of a refusal to tolerate being separated from the Plantars. But the Guardian didn’t even consult Anne or ask her if she’d be okay with this before putting her in this position. They just…sent her back, left a little note saying “TTYL,” and didn’t even explain why they couldn’t give her a way back to Amphibia.
Sure, the Guardian knows how much damage was caused by creating the stones to see what mortals would do with unlimited power. Recreating the stones for Anne would have easily risked another disaster happening. But if the Guardian is truly all-powerful, surely they could have given the Calamity Trio a two-way portal that couldn’t be exploited by the wrong hands?
And in the deleted alternate ending, the Guardian does recreate the stones anyway when an old Anne forgets the deal she made and forces them to start their search for a replacement all over again. Now, this alternate ending isn’t canon, so it might not actually be what the Guardian would do, but again, the Guardian never explains why they’ve given one-time-use-only shards.
By all appearances, this is a quick and forced change to inflict on Anne, Sasha, and Marcy. You say the forced changes Andrias inflicts on Amphibia are portrayed as bad, but the narrative doesn’t even question the forced change brought about by the Guardian. Nobody raises so much as a word in condemnation of its actions. Not once does Anne even think to look up to the sky and ask ‘What gives? I sacrificed my life to save Amphibia, and you won’t even give me a two-way portal?’
I understand two-way transportation would have contradicted the message of accepting change and how love transcends distance. But throwing an entity who supposedly could, but won’t, give them a way back muddles things, in my opinion. A big part of Anne’s arc was learning to stand up for herself. Shouldn’t she have stood up to the arguably unfair hand she was dealt?
(Sorry for how long this ask was, I just have a lot of thoughts on this stuff and I get carried away rambling sometimes XD)
So for the sake of focus, I'm going to take all the stuff about the two way transportation and Anne supposedly being out of character for not arguing about the stones and put them to the side. One: because you yourself admit that approaches are flawed, Two: things get deleted for a reason. I could literally probably give you a clear, logical, narratively consistent reason why EVERY storyboard we're shown for TOH was changed or deleted, and Three: I could genuinely go into each topic on its own and so it would make this blog incredibly long.
Instead, I'm going to focus that while it wasn't my first point, I did continue for one more line about why Andrias' change upon the world was so destructive. I specifically point out that it is forcing the world to be something it is not and to bend it to his own will. It is selfish and uncaring of others and the show's themes of community always punishes selfishness.
Instead, the Guardians' final choice... Actually evokes the first sin in Amphibia's timeline, at least for the trio. The Guardian's logic is actually pretty easy to figure out after all. After what the girls did, especially Anne, they deserve a chance to go home, even if the Guardian is now done with allowing inter-dimensional travel, at least easily and by his intervention. So they're given shards to allow them to choose what form of change they want, what sacrifices they will make, but change HAS to happen either way. It is simply best for everyone, you yourself admitted this and a two way portal would not magically fix the issues with it, from the Guardian's perspective to keep the worlds separate..
It is not selfish. Instead, he is doing it for the best of the dimensional community... Just like Marcy's father was going to make them move likely for the sake of keeping his job or a promotion or any number of reasons that were likely motivated by trying to keep his family together or help them prosper. The change it would inflict on Marcy would not be of her own choosing, just as we cannot control the change those around us inflict upon us, but it wasn't done maliciously, nor was forced to be faster than the nature of the change required. There is no way to make a change like that smooth or consequence free. It was always going to hurt, much like when someone around you dies.
Instead of running though, the trio embrace it and head back home where they'll have to deal with reality the most. It's a stark contrast to, while still paralleling, the actions that began the show. A scared girl running from inevitable change and deciding a fantasy world was better than her actual home. For an ending, it's perfect.
So why not show the pain? Well... Because a story needs to end eventually. Amphibia in the end is extremely optimistic about good intentions, community and change so showing Anne or any of the trio cursing God himself for not giving them a fairytale ending makes literally no sense to include in the finale and just adds more time whining when that time could be better spent saying farewell to the characters and staying committed to the hopeful message that it has.
That's something I don't think a lot of people entirely get with stories. There are actually plenty of TOH scenes I've dug into HARD not because there isn't a logic to them or I couldn't explain to you why the characters are behaving the way they are or because it is literally written badly but because, you know... It needs to actually serve the story and the point of a scene. Even if it doesn't 100% adhere to pure logic, it needs to adhere to the thematic and emotional logics of the piece. Those are ALWAYS more important.
Otherwise, you get people bitching at SpyxFamily for the fact that trained spy Loid doesn't give a shit that his wife has literal superhuman capabilities. Logically, they're correct. But... The show IS a comedy. And 90% of the time, Yor's strength and skills are used comedically because that is the tone and purpose of whatever scene is going on. It adheres to the logic of what the show at least pretends to be. It's actually why I find myself questioning the serious portions of the show more. Not because they make less literal sense but because they make it so when the show shifts back into silly times with Anya at school, it is fucking JARRING.
And for Amphibia's ending, the point is how much good change has done these characters. Saying farewell and embracing how much both the characters and the audience have treasured the characters they've been with. There's a reason why the epilogue, and even the farewell before it, come across like a curtain call to a play as much as a natural scene. A final chance to say farewell before we probably never see them again. And, you know, because they commit to that instead of trying to prove they're so smart or address every potential thing someone might claim is illogical about the show mostly set in a frog world, it is able to genuinely say goodbye to those characters and stay emotionally and thematically consistent throughout.
Because those things, in 99% of stories, is WAY more important than being 'logically correct'. It's also why I don't really think there is a better version of Amphibia's ending. Period.
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wildissylupus · 11 months
lovingoverwatchguys here after reading most of declassified - I just have to brag for a minute. I WAS RIGHT. Jack's opinion on his funeral was exactly what I said it would be. Actually, this book in general vindicated a lot of my Jack interpretations, especially the ones about him underestimating how hard the job and bureaucracy would be, and about him being stressed and unhappy
God yeah, honestly while I was reading this, especially the earlier parts, I couldn't help but think about your posts about Jack and how right they were. Also through out this book I couldn't help but agree with Jack on a lot of points, specifically governments refusing Overwatch's help when they themselves were doing virtually nothing to fix the problems they were facing, and even if they were, it wasn't working. The only government I feel actually handled it's situation correctly was the Korean government, and even then they still allowed Overwatch to help at the beginning.
Honestly I think this book did a really good job at explaining Jack's thought process as a whole, why he let Blackwatch get so big, why he didn't look into it more, why he's so bitter towards the world, why he thinks that the world doesn't want heroes, that it doesn't want him.
Also a little side note; I love the fact that they somewhat acknowledge that it's fairly obvious that Soldier 76 is Jack, like I'm convinced that anyone who was fully in the mercenary/vigilante scene knew that Soldier 76 was Jack. I can believe that the general public wouldn't figure it out right away, but people who knew him? Yeah he wasn't fooling them.
And since we're bragging I think I should take the opportunity to say that I was right about a lot of my interpretations of Cassidy. Him not sharing or being truthful about his past, him viewing Ana, Fareeha and Deadlock as family (though that one was obvious), the reason for him being so out of character in the Retribution comic being because of Liao's death. I honestly think that we were both vindicated while reading this book.
I think the only thing we both got wrong was Cassidy and Jack's early dynamic. Cause with what's shown in the book it seems like they got along fine, maybe Jack was a bit weary because of his background and because Cassidy joined when he was a minor, but it seems to me that they got along fine even in the early days.
Also not going to lie;
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This picture made me laugh. I love it so much XD
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