#and I was like: hmmm kinda looks like richard
william-austin · 1 year
"the be more chill fandom is dead"
I just went to a craft store buying a sweatshirt so I can make the creeps shirt while in michael cosplay and the cashier goes
"just wondering but is that hoodie michael mell from be more chill?"
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mayisgoingnuts · 2 months
So Streber then proceeds to leave a now fearful Kevin just kind of standing there, wondering what the hell all of that was.
The next day, Streber invites Kevin over to his house, and hesitantly, Kevin accepts it and goes on over to his house. But he then gets a call from a number. He answers hesitantly, and it just happens to be John. Kevin asks him how he got the number, but John is very vague about it and only says that someone gave him it. But he says it isn't important how he got it because he needs to talk to him. Kevin slowly accepts this despite being a little on edge, but John begins to tell him about the curse that Carmen and Richard told him about on the night of the festival. John tells him about the series of murders that have occurred each night on the celebration, and Kevin is kinda just taking it all in.
But then, someone knocks at the door, so Kevin has to hang up temporarily.
Kevin opens the door, and seemingly, it's just Ethan. Ethan comes in and is acting normal—but he then says, "..say, how come Streber was just standing out here? Did you kick him out or something?". Kevin, puzzled, asks what he means. Ethan then says, "..he was just kind of standing there, and then he left. I don't really know. He seemed pretty happy like always though."
Kevin then realizes something.
Streber must have actually been standing out there the entire time as he and John talked to eachother on the phone, and was probably literally listening in the entire time. While this shouldn't creep out Kevin too much, he can't help but be somewhat anxious.
It then cuts to the next day. Streber tries to invite him over again, but Kevin says he can't today, excusing it with "being sick". He isn't actually sick. Streber is just starting to scare him a little.
He heads on over to the clinic, just incase Streber doubts him or something. But then he sees John. John says he wants to talk to Kevin again, so Kevin is like "yeah sure why not bro lmao".
So John talks to him a bit as they stand outside his car. John explains that he has a theory. A GAMMMEEE THEORY—just kidding. But he has a theory because two of Kevin's friends might kinda be involved with some of the deaths during the festival.
For example, he explains that Ethan happened to be last seen with one of the victims, and that Streber also happened to be kind of related to one of the other murder victims as well. Understandably, this freaks Kevin out a little, but he tries not to doubt them the best he can just because of a theory.
Later when Kevin gets home, he is surprised by a short visit from Ethan and Streber. They seem to have brought over some food that'll make him feel better, like soup and tea and all that other shit. They also brought him some meatballs because they're his favorite apparently.
After what seems like a normal conversation, Ethan says he wants to say something to Kevin before they leave.
Then, Ethan speaks in a cold tone, sounding very different. "What did you eat today?"
They proceed to basically interrogate him on what he did today, both of them wearing very eery looks on their face as they do so. And they finally decide to leave after a bit, but Ethan suddenly opens the door a crack and is eerily like "Don't be gone tomorrow bro".
Anyway, Kevin then tries to eat the food they brought for him. It's very good surprisingly. But as he's eating one of the meatballs, he feels something inside. He takes it out, and discovers A FUCKING RAZOR BLADE IN IT HOLY SHIT.
Kevin immediately starts to freak out, and out of his own fear, he literally starts destroying the rest of the food. Afterwards, he rushes up to his bed, and begins to have a panic attack while trying to sleep.
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ricardian-werewolf · 1 year
It's 3 am in where I live and I'm thinking about what songs I would put into my playlist before I travel back in time to the night before the Battle of Bosworth and listen with RIII. Sad stuff mostly..
1. Viva La Vida by Coldplay (I know it'd be kinda cheesy)
2. Annie's Song by John Denver
3. Into My Arms by Nick Cave (a bit blasphemous?? But who cares at that point)
4. Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby and K. by Cigarettes After Sex
Also I would bring cigarettes. I dont smoke usually but this is a special occasion. We would go outside of Richard's tent (he wouldn't want us to smoke inside), and I would bring a few iPods with cabled earphones (yk the old ones before airpods became the norm bc I love the feeling of sitting side by side with my buddy and sharing them). Richard, Dick Ratcliffe, Francis Lovell, Rob Percy, yk the usual crew.. we would go behind the tent somewhere away where I'd not be notice since I'm a time traveller with iPods. And we would hang out for a while. I'd also bring a cheap plastic singing baby toy to scare the absolute shit out of them.
What about you?
Hmmm! So to answer the first part of your question, I actually have a Richard playlist:
But secondly, I wouldn’t interract, not directly. I’d be too nervous and too upset because I’d be so bowled over from being in our current year to 1485. I’d probably just go and sit outside his tent in the torch-lit dark and cry and listen to him plan, knowing it all to be a damn awful waste.
If there’s anything I’d bring with me it’s the Sunne in Splendour, to show him that his life carries on after he dies and that there are people like me still taking up the banner in the name of Richard of Gloucester to this day.
I’d probably mainly shadow Richard and the gang unless they noticed me and I wasn’t chased out based on my gender and obvious gothic look. Then I’d just pass my books off and have a glass of wine and then leave again before dawn.
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thevindicativevordan · 6 months
Comics this week?
Dealing with some medical issues so I might not be as active for a bit.
Ultimate Spider-Man #3 - Oh Peter, are you even trying to keep your identity a secret? First he all but tells Ben and Jonah that he’s the guy in black the Bugle is focusing on, then he gets outed by Harry because Harry controls his suit’s tech in the wake of taking over Stark’s Company. Hmmm kinda feel like that’s setting up Peter to ditch the picotech and go with a homemade/cloth suit. I’m dying to see how the Parker/Osborn double date goes now that Peter and Harry know each other’s secret identity. How soon before MJ and Gwen find out what their husbands are up to (I was thrilled to see Gwen was married to Harry in 6160). Loved the scene with Peter taking May swinging through the city, that’s muh Spider-Man. MJ and Richard clearly suspect something is up, and with the rate Peter is botching keeping his identity a secret, it's only a matter of time until one or both of them learn what he's been up to.
Tec #1083 - Over the years I’ve grown tired of the “Batman always wins” mantra, but this? This struck a chord with me. Bruce is full of sorrows but no regrets. Batman understanding that he could fail, but choosing to try anyway? Moved me in the same way PKJ recently did with Superman in the Warworld Saga. And I loved the line “people shouldn’t have to look UP for hope and salvation. They should merely have to look AROUND.”
The Flash #7 - Recent medical bills have forced me to drop this.
Incredible Hulk #10 - Decent backstory exposition for the Frozen Charlotte. Not sure if Earls can pull off the kind of fight scene this arc needs though.
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ram-de · 10 months
[read] the world doesn't deserve gordo
GORDO!! MARK!! they're so precious as little kids... The little raven carve? This is all a car crash and I'm so invested... Please....
Thomas... Is Thomas a slime. Was he always been a slime??? He's not a slime in book 1...
Why the hell would a dad tattoos his kid at the young age of 8???? they can barely make decisions!! ERM.... GORDO IS 12 HES JUST A KID!! my son!! This is child labor what the fluff?! FIND ANOTHER WITCH WHAT THE HELL is there a witch shortage
Ngl not liking how the human love interest, referred to 'mate', is seen as an item here rather than like, human. Like they weren't given a choice after a wolf sets their eyes upon them. Idk... then again that's just richard talking.
Gordo my son is traumatized, he was barely given a choice!! #justiceforgordo
Gordo... He's my father fr😔 HES BONDING WITH THE KIDS AUGSHSHSH JOE LAUGHED ??friendfriend?friend??
Gordo he deserved everything... I'm not ready for whatever train crash that gonna happens. Is Marty gonna be murdered too😭 is Mark going to betray him too😭
ABEL IS A SLIME I NEED HIM TO dye his hair pink or something
Mark is so whipped man😭 CUTE CUTE CUTE inject this shit to my veins (I don't know shit about drugs)
Is the girl Meredith king... Have my son gordo not suffered enough... THERE SHE IS... No wonder gordo would be 38 and traumatized like... One parents manipulated him, the other murdered someone, wolves would? Eventually betray him, enemies of wolves aka the hunters are mad extremist like...
This would be so great to read in a manga media like maybe as a seinen thriller mystery romance kinda Manga published monthly PLEASEEE I can imagine the colorspread the dramatics I think I've said it in wolfsong already BUT STILL look even the villains is dramatic they're quirky (Meredith u lunatic queen)
I swear if you thomas blamed this on my son gordo... ELIZABETH YOU'RE ON THIN ICE...
maternal bonds😭 this is when Elizabeth began doing dinners again back at green creek I'm weeping shes so strong
Now why am I sad for this King guy... Klune is ruthless to side characters
FUCK YOU THOMAS... he's always being the one who babble about "oh but everything is a choice" and then ONLY. MADE CHOICES FOR AND BY HIMSELF LIKE?? THIS HAPPENED A LOT IN BOOK 1 TOO I am so mad. At the end of the day gordo's mother is right. U have to make your own choices not take whatever others gave you. damn I'm hurting. My son gordo. Thomas hate.
Fuck this pack dynamics the bennets alphas are certified selfish pricks (abel, thomas, joe yes u too joe u were one )
I'm going insane we only have Marty to trust in this house
As much as I adore the cutiepie mark... This romance isn't working bro like gordo is hurting hsgsjdjdjjjs also... Freaking THOMAS said to gordo not to lead Mark's feeling BUT LOOK WHAT HE FACILITATED INSTEAD?? for Mark to lead on gordo's feeling instead by making him visit the teenage boy every 6 month??? fucking hypocrite you thomas bennett
I am so bitter that Thomas were portrayed to be this saintly father figure to ox who give wise wisdoms (fReEdOm oF cHoIcE) and train with him when he's basically the catalyst to every evil thing in the world. I know, I know, character flaws and all. I just feel lied because he's horrible. Don't care about his reasoning! Couldn't even be gentler about it to gordo.
I feel really uncomfortable with the spice? scenes can we skip
I will also always side 100% with my son gordo BACK AWAY MARK can't even write hello monthly like fuck off with the mate bullshit he's been hurting for YEARS! you have your packs but gordos. Marty's dead! And you(plural) didn't call back! However sweet mark is he's still a Bennett.
I hate it here I hate it here I hate it heree AHHHHH I HATE IT HERE fucking Thomas ruining lives
Hmmm I need a proper groveling from Mark he can attribute his absence to his father but in the end he still aligns himself not to gordo anyway like?
ROMABCES ASIDE I like (love love love) the dynamics in the garage guys and robbie made a good addition to the crew too 😭 they're adorable pls
Ermmmmm why is gordo being pushed to be the one initiating talk?? Guys?? he's the one being wronged???? ELIZABETH??? MARK WHAT IS YOUR REASON FOR NEGLEGIENCE TO YOUR 'MATE' HUH??
This sucks if it leans to the one hurting being the one to make things work like... I NEED TO SLEEP.
Tj klune really excels at this homey dynamics scene!! This scene involves like 11? Characters simply just blabbering and it felt so endearing shgshsh
Who the hells wears jeans on commando MARK???? I get it werewolves can heals fast BUT ZIPPER ARE PEAK HORRORS
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twisted-tales-told · 2 years
For me tbh I feel like Sirius is a mix between a lot of characters? Like in my au hes like Alexander and Filippa😭 Regulus is also a mix between James and Oliver. But then we have Barty and Evan who are absolutely Alexander variants. I mainly wanted to make Barty Alex but then I was like hmmm…rosekiller. So now we have them🙏 Lily is a big Meredith variant for me except for the fact that I wasn’t Meredith’s biggest fan so i will change a few things because I adore Lily 🥰 then Dorcas!!!! Dorcas!!!! She is so Filippa in my eyes. I love love love love Filippa. (She saved James’ ass we STAN‼️) like without her James would’ve been fucked🤷‍♀️ Wren is..eh? I feel like she didn’t have a big role except being richards cousin? I’m not like super attached to her but she’s kinda my Pandora. But I feel like the author didn’t give her what she actually deserved which is why I’m making her lot more important🤗 Then lastly we have..Richard. No.
Sorry for my rant I’m just so excited that this comparison between iwwv and the marauders is finally happening😭
You might actually hate me after this because barty for me is Richard. I despise that man and I am so excited to kill him you have no idea. Death to Barty Crouch Jr for his crime of existing sorry.
I’m kinda taking the roles and changing them because I don’t really have a concrete “Meredith” but Fillippa is definitely very Pandora coded.
Mary and Sirius for me are Alexander, they’ve kinda got a self fulfilling prophecy thing going on but are trying their best and are kinda wild and free in their own unique ways and don’t listen to people telling them what to do, but care so much deep down and have a lot of feeling.
I’m so excited to explore the black brothers in this au because I am tired of the drama surrounding them sometimes and I’m going to be exploring what it looks like when they are on the same team and love each other and are very protective of each other.
I do love Wren too, I feel like if you read between the lines with her there’s a lot there. I mean her family member died and she witnessed his death. She had to leave them all to cope and I imagine her going off into the world and becoming someone new and leaving the past, and the theatre, behind.
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hsika92 · 2 years
10 books to know me📚
Thank you @rays-of-raven for the tag!! I’m also going to ramble and quote some stuff from the books 🥰
1. If We Were Villains by M.L Rio- I dont even remember why I bought this book but all I can say is that it has me in a chokehold. I love it more than anything. Also I’m having a very difficult time picking a single favourite quote, but this is the most relatable one for me.
“For someone who loved words as much as I did, it was amazing how often they failed me.”
2. The perks of being a wallflower by Stephen Chbosky - I borrowed this from my school’s library and I’ve never been the same person since. The movie did the book kinda dirty but I still loved every second of it. I can’t pick one quote so here are my two favourites.
“We accept the love we think we deserve.”
“We are infinite.”
3. The Secret History by Donna Tartt- I have a lot of feelings about this book, mostly positive ones but the incest obviously threw me off a bit. Overall the story was very good and after reading the restaurant scene I could definitely understand why they killed Bunny. Also, again I can’t pick one quote.
“Cubitum eamus?”
“Forgive me for the things I did, but mostly for the ones I did not do.”
4. I’ll give you the sun by Jandy Nelson- I know exactly why I bought this book, I remember watching a vid about it and seeing that there are twins and I’m a twin, so I immediately bought it. This quote represents me and my twin brother pretty well.
“I love you” I say to him, only it comes out as, “hey”
“So damn much” he says back, only it comes out as, “dude.”
5. The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller- This book had me crying for hours, im still inconsolable. Can we talk about the fact that Achilles tried to slit his throat after seeing Patroclus’ corpse???
“I am made of memories.”
“What has Hector ever done to me?”
6. The outsiders by S.E Hinton- I actually watched the movie first but god the brainrot immediately made me buy the book.
“Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold.”
“Dally didn’t die a hero. He died violent and young and desperate, just like we all knew he’d die someday.”
7. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K Rowling- No explanation needed.
“Lupin was lowering his wand. Next moment, he had walked to Black’s side, seized his hand, pulled him to his feet so that Crookshanks fell to the floor, and embraced Black like a brother.”
“I would have died before I betrayed them.”
8. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger- I only bought this book because of an anime I watched and after reading it I definitely understood why that character in the anime loved it. I still associate it with him to this day.
“I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be.”
9. Alas: Apollo and Hyacinthus by Richard C Gray- I was looking for a retelling of their story and coincidentally found this one. Its a really nice and short read.
“To have met you in my mere mortal life has been my privilege but to have been loved by you has become my immortality.”
10. Lottie and Lisa/ Das doppelte Lottchen- It was gifted to me by a friend of my mum, I adore this book. I used to read it every single night before going to sleep. I only have the original/German version so there won’t be a quote.
Hmmm, I think everyone I know has been tagged so far, but there’s one more person I need to do this. @neaverse (no pressure if you don’t want to!!)
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xxgothchatonxx · 2 years
I’m lowkey scared but also excited & a bit Sad. I don’t want this to end, so I’m milking this second to last episode for all it’s worth! I GASPED SO MANY TIMES THIS EPISODE I THOUGHT THIS WAS GONNA BE FUNNY!!!!
The Number of the Beast is 666
* “What’s he going to take from you [Bedelia]?” Your leg.
* “He’s in no position to eat me now.” She’s so insane.
* God, William you are so dumb & in love & smart but also dumb & in love.
* Lamb to Lion Magical Girl Transformation
* Jack likes being God, Hanni.
* Oh, he’s MAD MAD!
* & Hanni is just standing there, LOVING IT!
* “But this was quantifiably bitchy!” EXACTLY, FREDICK! GET HIS ASS!
* Fredick is so mad, I love it. There’s so much truth to him!
* & again, Hanni is just there, Having His Fun! This is pure entertainment to him! Cat & mouse, forever they go!
* Hannibal is gonna be someone’s bitch? Fuck no babeyyyy
* I loooooove this translation decision!
* Oh no, not the evil shoulder touch!!
* Francis is back in his leather straightjacket, what FUN!
* Need some chapstick, love?
* I loooooove the Dragon’s voice so MUCH! Terrifying & everywhere! Clearly in opposition to Hannibal, who is whispers and influences!
* All Fredrick does is LIE! (Notice how I spelled his name correctly this time? Wow, what a first!)
* “And does God help you?” “No.”
* GOD I LOVE REBA SO MUCH!! I love her love!
* He’s an artist, Fredick!
* Oh my god. I LOVE YOU, RICHARD!
* Oh, here comes Dr. Chilton into Francis’ little home movie!
* “Where’s the other one?” MONCH!!!! STRAIGHT TO CAMERA MONCHHHH
* Oh, he’s in a great mood, I kinda love it.
* “That would’ve been you lip is was tasting. Again.” YUCK SHUT THE FUCK UP, BASTARD!
* “You publicly discredited Dr. Chilton.” No offense, Alana, but everyone else had probably been wanting to do that for ages, Hannibal just finally beat you all to it!
* “We’re not pilgrims, we’re pets!” OH I LIKE THAT!
* There’s no wondering with Will Graham.
* There is, however, always curiosity!
* William is his agency? Hmmm, I’ll bite
* Look, we all know medically, he’s Very Dead. But the idea of having him still be alive post-fall will never not be funny to me.
* What are we doing back at the house? WHY HAVE YOU KIDNAPPED HER?
I promise, Reba is going to be okay.. well, physically. She is going to live, she'll just need some therapy.
What I love about Fredick in this episode is I piss myself laughing whenever I watch that scene of him and Will discrediting Dolarhyde and Raul's face-acting when Francis is crawling towards him makes me cackle, because I've got a warped sense of humour. But right at the end, despite Fredick being, well, a dick, I do kind of feel bad for him. But the fact he didn't realize he was being used is a testament to just how stupid our boy Fredick is. Side-note, that was REALLY cool makeup!
Adaptation-wise it was a really cool twist because in the book it's Freddy Lounds but because that character's been genderswapped in this show and Bryan didn't want to put his Freddie in that kind of situation, which does have sexual undertones (remember Bryan had a very strict "no rape storylines" policy which is greatly appreciated), he was like "...well let's use our other Fred!"
The fucking *lip slurp* is just comedy gold! "That could've been your lip I was tasting... again" ooohhhh where's Bella when you need her??
But yes... now we come to the ending... *le sigh*
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slickrick22-blog · 16 days
"All This Time" Part 1
"Wowww this place is pretty dope!" Richard said in awe.
Richard looked around at the room where him and his best friend, Marisol would be staying in.
"Ahhh lawdy this looks nice and cozy like somethin out of a Hallmark movie!" Marisol gleamed as she put down her bags and jumped on her bed.
Richard and Marisol were both studying in a summer film program and were booked as roommates in the Tanner Resort. They were apart of a program that sent a bundle of film students to the resort in order to film "A Bird that Soars" their big student film they had dreamed of making a reality. Richard and Marisol were the lead actors in the film while Richard was also the director, Marisol was assigned too as an AD. Richard was African-American, had strong features, bore a muscular build and wore a skin-fade box haircut. Marisol was 5'1, of Hispanic descent, stocky and muscular with a thick set of legs that could crack walnuts, and bore thick brown wavy hair that ran down her back. Marisol bore tattoos, had a slit in her right eyebrow, and sometimes a case of resting bitch face that she purposely used to try to scare off heterosexual men who wanted to ask for her phone number. In another lifetime, Richard could picture Marisol being some kind of rebellious warrior princess who conquered lands and slayed warlords. Both the students were in their early 20s and had been best friends since high school. Richard had been thanking his lucky stars that Marisol was his roommate during their stay this summer, although he was surprised the instructors allowed it considering that he was a guy and she was a girl.
"Marisol check out this view" Richard said as he gazed outside the window.
Marisol joined Richard at the window and gazed outside, seeing the beautiful mountains that were off in the distance.
"Ayyye now that's wicked! We definitely gotta go hiking through that!" Marisol smiled.
"Oh you better believe it! It'll be like an adventure and you know how much I love a good adventure" Richard agreed.
"Oh do ya now?"
"Oh yes indeed! Almost as much as a wood chuck loves chucking wood!"
"Do wood chucks actually chuck wood?"
"Oh of course, it's a tough job but somebodys gotta do it right? Speaking of wood chucks I got a joke for ya, why are wood chucks terrible drivers?"
"Hmmm I don't know why?"
"Because they hog the road! Get it? Because wood chucks look like ground hogs"
"Not because they look like ground hogs!"
Marisol genuinely laughed at her buddies joke. That was something that Richard considered endearing about Marisol, no matter how bad his jokes were she always laughed. She had this laugh that wasn't a typical girly giggle, it was more like a big chuckle and Richard would never get tired of hearing it. A knock came at the door suddenly.
"You may enter!" Marisol stated in a mock royal queen voice.
Their buddy and Director of Photography, Kyle entered the room.
"What's up home slices!" Kyle smiled as he entered dapping up Richard and hugging Marisol.
They then began to chat about their rooms, Kyle said that he and his roommate liked theirs except for the smell of mildew and ass, according to him. They then chatted about the student film. "A Bird that Soars" was a love story about a college football player who's on the verge of losing everything after he is diagnosed with a rare heart condition, he meets a girl who's a bartender and was in an abusive relationship. They discuss the script, shot locations, and the cast.
"Now Richard in that scene where you're supposed to pick me up, I weigh 160 but don't be nervous it's okay if you drop me. Ya know in front of everybody, like I'm a sack of potatoes" Marisol joked.
"You mean like this?" Richard smirked.
He then proceeds to pick Marisol up over his shoulders and playfully tosses her onto her bed. Marisol then wraps her legs around Richard's torso and grabs a hold of his wrist.
"Don't forget I know jiu-jitsu" Marisol said.
Hey now don't go breaking the directors arm, we kinda need him" Kyle laughed.
"That would be bad huh?" Marisol joked.
"Oh horribly bad especially if it's my right arm because I am soooo not southpaw" Richard laughed.
Suddenly the three students hear a loud song start playing and it's Sade "Smooth Operator". It came from Marisol's phone. She was young but she had an old soul so she was very much into classic music. Marisol answered the phone and it was her mom checking on her. Richard and Kyle couldn't help but overhear her mom's voice since she was loud and seemed to switch between English and Spanish at a rate that was hard to keep up with. Marisol stepped outside the room to finish up the phone call that she could see was gonna take a while. Even she sometimes had trouble keeping up with her mom sometimes because she didn't grow up speaking Spanish, she only learned it within the past few years.
"Excited about getting this film started bro?" Kyle asked Richard.
"Most def, this is gonna be pretty epic" Richard smiled.
"Are you sure this film is all you’re excited for?"
"You know what I'm talking about. You and Marisol being romantic love interests in the film. Not just that but you and her being together in the same room for damn near the whole summer. Separate beds but same room"
Richard goes quiet as he can't exactly deny anything Kyle is saying. Kyle was not naive and was well-aware of Richard's feelings for Marisol. Richard was at a loss for words as he tightly gripped the sides of his blue jean jacket but he responded.
"It has nothing to do with Marisol--I'm just excited to make a movie" Richard lied through his teeth.
"Dude I hope your actings better than that once we start filming because you didn't even believe that" Kyle smirked.
Richard was head over heels for Marisol, he had been for years although a part of him hoped it wasn't obvious but deception was never one of his strong suits. He hoped to God that Marisol never knew and that nobody had ever told her.
"It's okay dude it's no secret that you love the girl and that you love her strong-ass thighs and her strong-ass biceps and her strong-ass booty but just don't let your feelings get in the way of the work" Kyle warned.
Richard solemnly nodded his head, again not denying anything Kyle said.
Kyle then left the room. Richard thought about Marisol, his feelings for her weren't just about the physical, although that part helped. There was something about her spirit and her kind soul that he always loved. Ever since they first met in ninth grade in high school she always rooted for Richard. In everything Richard had ever done, she always cheered for him, telling him he could do anything and it meant the world to him. Marisol opened the door back up after being done with her mom.
"Yoooo Richard, wanna go check out the area?" Marisol asked.
"Of course"
Marisol grabbed her pack of cigarettes from her bag and slipped them in her pocket and turned to walk out the door.
"Hey Marisol"
Marisol stopped to look at her buddy. Richard couldn't help but say this to her.
"You're the best" Richard declared.
Marisol gave a big smile, one side of her teeth had a slight imperfection but Richard loved it all the same.
"Ayyye! You're the best too frannnddd" Marisol smiled.
This was part of "their thing". Richard couldn't count how many times over the years he told her she was the best but she never grew tired of it, no matter how random and out of place it would seem sometimes. These were the simple things that Richard most appreciated, even knowing he would never have Marisol's heart.
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organic-guacamole · 2 years
Hsmtmts Season 3 Episode 3 Reaction
I'm sorry but I'm gonna need to see Kourtney's dream journal after this🤨
I love how we all just kinda knew they were getting these roles so now it's just a matter of....*spooky voice* WiLl It StAy LiKe tHis
damn so I'm guessing Ashlyn's nervousness (or whatever it was) at auditions made her part of the ensemble instead? hmmm
and Carlos being Olaf checks out 100%
I really love Carlos and Ricky friendship
yeah EJ being Sven while directing makes zero sense. Is Val trying to kill him?
"reindeers don't direct, I've never seen a reindeer direct" EJ MY GUY
why would they have cameras *inside* the little shed thingy they call an office. just saying, outside cameras make more sense
EJ sticking his head into the girl's dorm. he's a main character!
couldn't Gina literally just....step outside
Ashlyn is now season 1 Ashlyn, but amplified. I've seen a lot of people hating on her suddenly and I don't agree, but I will say that she never was one of my favourite characters, and I doubt it's gonna change this season.
"and she's a feminist! 😁"
oh that's what Maddox was doing in ep1....Why'd she prep it a whole 2 nights before though?
Gina season 1 when she taught herself to knit from YouTube. now Jet who taught himself how to play piano from YouTube. um there's a pattern here but I'm not quite sure what to do with it.
he laughed before too Richard, you're slow😐
burrito Carlos.
Who said Matt Cornett can't sing?
Ricky looking straight into the camera while eating the twizzlers was too perfect.
I love how Dara is hugely scared of ghosts and it just reflects in Kourtney.
aw Maddox I feel ba- MADDIE????????????
"that would make the writer kinda homophobic" why is Kourtney funny? why is this episode making me laugh so much?
poor EJ, I know exactly how he feels... Screw the Dewey guy for making him go under all this stress
in very confused by the eggs Benedict line...how was it ruined by Ashlyn being born at 11:37 am?
is her solo song gonna be about how she doesn't know her signs anymore? huh.
I can't...I can't hear the piano🥲 Julia's voice though!
finally some Jet and Maddox or, "Maddie"
y'all are smart when you figured out that Maddox and Jet were somehow related. anyways I relate to Maddox a bit. not so extreme but having my little sister come to the place where I have my friends and can be myself without worrying about my parents vicariously hovering was what made me happy.
yes EJ drop everything for your girl👯‍♀️ unless he isn't, guess we'll never know
that episode felt shorter...hm
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newworldwarbler · 3 years
you know I'm always gonna ask Raphael ;) also Dr.Nerfario plz?😳👉👈
I present to you: Raphael, your favorite snack character
Sexuality headcanon: He is absolutely bisexual, bro just look at him. Radiates huge bi energy. I don't think he would have a preference, so 50/50 pretty much?
Favorite ship(s): Raphael x Dragomir all the way����🏻
Brotp: Imagine Tim and Raphael sharing their love for dogs🥺 Raphael would be like an older brother to him oh god help this is too pure😭
Notp: Rose x Raphael. I used to kinda ship it when I was like 11 but no. Rose is a lesbian and they are good friends✨
A random headcanon: Raphael gets easily attached to people. Even though he acts tough, he is really drawn to people and feels lonely fast due to being neglected in the past. However, this makes it easy for people with bad intentions to screw him over, which has definitely happened and this has damaged him and his self-esteem. He is pretty fast with opening up, it's like in the game how he reveals he likes puppies to the MC ✨
General opinion: He is a great guy man. I wish we got to know him and Rose better, especially because the MC most likely used to be so close with them as a former chaos pirate... I also like his smirk. He looks like such an asshole but I can't help but love him.
Dr. Nefario!!
Sexuality headcanon: I think he is gay af
Favorite ship(s): Omg I love Nefario x Richard so much. They have not interacted once in the game but screw canon, they are married.
Brotp: Dr. Nefario and Alexa!! Imagine them just chilling in the laboratory together drinking tea/coffee and doing a bit of research and they suddenly hear a loud bang from behind them. They both know well it's Dr. F doing crazy shit again, and Alexa suggests doing rock paper scissors to determine who of the two is going to help him clean up the mess for the 736363th time.
Notp: Hmmm idk, no one ever ships Nefario with anyone XD
A random headcanon: I don't headcanon this really but what if he is just straight up blind in his one eye he has the monocle for and he tries to hide it? Maybe in some kind of experiment he lost his eye. Or maybe he is just that extra he wears the monocle to be fancy.
Ok happy headcanon now: he loves wearing scarfs, not only because he thinks he looks good in them but also because they are soft and warm. He gets cold kinda fast so he snuggles himself in it✨
General opinion: He is in my top 3 favorite mysims characters, he is such a nerd I love him. He literally just went and robbed the whole town damn you go girl live your best life. Anyways he should have been in more games, but at least he got more lines than Raphael XD
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chibinekochan · 4 years
Hmmm, I dunno why I imagine this but, what happens if MC made the brothers (+undateables if possible) watch human world anime, what anime should it be??
Sure I will just use anime that I watched. I'm calling myself out here lol.  
These are just recommendations to them, not really a reaction. It would just be you and them sitting somewhere being comfy and cuddling with you while watching any of these.
Kaguya-Sama: Love is War (Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen) - No brainer here. It's a romcom with a lot of shojo insider jabs. It's funny and meta. Also the main characters are cute together. (JUST DATE ALREADY)
     Pretty Rhythm (and it's male version king of prism)
sion)- So this is an ice skating/idol kinda think. It has music, fashion, and some good drama. It gets very strange. This series is a delightful drug trip. Especially the king of prism movie/series is something else. Well I just want Levi to wtf about it with me. 
(Yeah it can get a bit boring since it's an idol anime. Much like the Pripara series, but like at one point one girl gets processed by a dress. Where else can you get that?)
                 Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE! (Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei Bu Love!) - It's a magical boy series. It's 90 percent comedy and 90 percent gay, the rest is hot springs. It's honestly a lot of fun. As a lover of magical girl anime Levi will surely enjoy this spoof of the genre. (Also watch Cute High Earth Defense Club Happy Kiss!)
           Zombieland Saga - Zombie Idol girls. Enough said. It's honestly fun to watch.
*Literally every anime you have ever seen*
The Case Files of Jeweler Richard (Housekisho Richard-shi no Nazo Kantei)- This one is like a detective story but with gemstones. It's very interesting. It has some interesting facts and it's a bit like Holmes and Watson but without murder. *Also Richard looks very good*
                                        Ascendance of a Bookworm (Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen)- A girl that loves books gets reborn into a world where books don't exist, so she has to find a way to make them herself. This is a very good anime. The heroine is very knowledgeable and it's a fun anime to watch. (Dr.Stone is also an anime that is a bit similar to this one, so might as well watch that too.)
Yakitate!! Japan - An anime about making bread in Japan. It's an a bit older anime and it's pretty long but it is pretty interesting. It follows a typical sport anime formula but with bread.
             Haikyuu!! - Volleyball anime. The boys are pretty hot. *My fave is Kenma.* 
Free! - Hot boys in swimwear. What else do you need? *You all watched this one already*
Yuri on Ice - Ice Skating but with romance. *I don't need to explain this one.*
Chihayafuru - Japanese poem memory sport? I'm not sure how to explain this but just picture a sport anime but with more drama. It's somehow very interesting. * I dunno how good it fits but it got poems so well?* I recommend regardless.
                Kono Oto Tomare!: Sounds of Life - School/Sport/club anime but about learning the Koto. It has classical music and an interesting drama. Even some romance.
Senryuu Girl - This one is about a girl that just communicates with Senryuu poems. She doesn't speak and the anime doesn't “fix” her. The boy in this one is an ex delinquent but a very good boy. It's very sweet.
Astra Lost in Space(Kanata no Astra)-some teenagers get lost in space. (It's much more than that but I don't want to spoil anything). Good drama/mystery, nice locations and good romance. Mammon might learn something from the resident Tsundere.
Uchitama?! Have you seen my Tama?- Anime about cute cats and dogs but they look like humans sometimes. It's cute and funny, the episodes are pretty short and lighthearted for the most part. *One episode is heartbreaking*
Mewkledreamy - Magical? Girl anime. They go into other people's dreams. (I dunno why I watch this one either. I think it was the cat plush)
Black butler - Not to call anyone out but you know. He is one hell of a Butler.
                                       Dance With Devils- I just love this anime so much. Demon musical with romance. I just feel like he will enjoy this one. *I use every excuse I can to at least add one otome anime lol*
My Roommate is a Cat (Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue.)- It's about a guy that adopts a cat. It's cute and it's sad and the cat is very cute. Also the guy is an author.
Pretty Cure - The entire library of all the different series. That will keep him busy. It has some good friendship and team lessons. Also magical girls and pets. 
Yumeiro Patissiere - is a very cute anime about a girl that wants to become a Pastry Chef. It will probably give you diabetes.
                            So here we go. Shoutout to the 500 anime that I didn't add.
Feel free to add some of your own.
              Check my Obey me! Masterlist for more content          
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
I can see why gar is your fave he is an actual angel and he seems to be the only one rooting for the good in jason aside from hank that is but yikes, I'm loving mom kory!!! gar calling dick 'grayson' and telling him off 😅 dick sitting like oh my s*it my son is shouting at me what do I do like his face there hahaa Dick in the vent was so adorable to me and I don't know why I freakin swooned at him crawling through a vent what is wrong with me 😅 I hope blackfire is actually trying to become a titans fam member and doesn't have secret ulterior motives ❤ her and kon was just awww 😊WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED AT TIMS that was a lot of gun shots was it just that one dude that got shot or did he shoot everyone, is tims family okay!? Yoo when tim gets with the titans or bruce he gonna be upset with jason, Jason standing outside listening to the gunshots dude noooo i really hate waiting a week. go babs!!!! I love that she could still hold her own, the dickbabs oh no but at least it was a flashback and not a rekindling what was with that plot of barbara being like I don't just want people to see me as a gordon but I don't wanna work with bruce cuz his rules are basically my father's so I guess I'll go copy selina and steal some shiny stuff just for funsies? Was babs a thief at some point in the comics or did titans just wanna do something surprising I have no clue, I can't wait for Rachel and Donna to come back and I kinda hope they'll be more on gars side in terms of rooting for the best in jason and thinking that he needs to be helped not stopped, I still love that dream thing with Donna it was so cool I hope it comes back up or jason remembers it and donna tells him it was her trying to help him, Kory tryna tell dick about blackfire and hes like nope not listening too busy (I mean I get it) but Richard Grayson will you listen to your wife when she wants to talk to you!! For the next mini mom mission korys gotta bring gar kon and blackfire all in the car with her 💕 how much of that toxin did he give out in Gotham cuz like thats gonna be messy if a bunch of criminals are suddenly fearless all at the same time, Crane is gonna be so fckn mad at Jason maybe that's what will drive him back to titans (I'm being way too optimistic) If jason can make a version of that toxin himself in his own lab place then why does he even need crane anyways, I love how polluted this cranes mind is 🎪
“Ohhh shite that dude was that tims dad!!? 🎪 yo I can't if it was”
AHH I just realized I never responded to this! I am so sorry! My chronic depression decided it was long overdue for an episode this weekend and went hard during that time of month :')
YAS! Gar getting that fan love he DESERVES! Yes to all that! He is just SOOO loyal and that is one of my fav qualities ahhh. And yes! I LOVED how they showed him still all upset about Jason!!! Mom Kori and Dad Dick are my fav things ever omg. Dick always needs to be called out every now and then, and you know its bad when Gar is the one to do it xD But u right, Dick was so confused then troubled by it after, all worried for him ahhh
Omg Dick crawling in the vent xD same though, nothing beats him in that first episode strutting and twirling those escrima sticks omg <3333 Im still swooning over that man xD
Yes! I hope they end up adopting backfire into the titans fam, I love a good dysfunctional sibling on the same team trope, come on titans, do what they didn’t do with Thor and loki and not having them work together more/same team. Omg, Kon was SO PURE ahhh, I love him so much and he needs all the protection against this mean mean world xD
*cries* yeah, that was Tim’s dad D: Cause we can’t have good things in DC’s world and they were like oppp we made Tim too happy, someone gotta die. D:
Jason was looking so bad at the end there, like he got Bucky Barnes Winter Solider level raccoon eyes D: He looked so far gone and lost D: And im scared its just gonna get worse before it gets better D:
Tbh, I was really into that Dickbabs thoooo….. xD I feel like im the only one but they be cute!!!!
I feel like Donna may be on the stopping him side but Rachel would be more on Gar’s side, considering she fights her inner demons all the time and kinda gets it.
Omg yes we need more road trips with Gar, Kon, Kori and Blackfire!
OOOH, omg yes!! Like maybe Crane will get all pissed at Jason and douse him in fear gas and maybe THAT will be a turning point in terms of getting jason to snap out of it? Or contributes to him reconciling with the titans or at the very least going a different direction? hmmm
Right! This Crane is like SO good at a villain, like Im loving it so much
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caranfindel · 4 years
Recap/review 15.18: “Despair”
THEN: The key to Billie's library. Billie wants to become God. Cas made a deal with The Empty. Chuck absorbed Amara. Jack absorbed Adam's rib. Dean pointed a gun at Sam (DEAN POINTED A GUN AT SAM.) Chuck is pissed. Jack is going to explode.
NOW: We begin right where we left off last week, with Jack about to explode with God-killing power. Sam half-carries him into the map table room, Cas tells him to take deep breaths and focus, and Dean gets all panicky and is no help at all. Jack wants the guys to just leave him outside in order to minimize the damage when he goes kaboom. {Sidebar... how far away would he have to be, considering that his explosive power could kill God? Discuss.} Dean yells at Sam to find one of Rowena's spells (and oh, Sam as Rowena's apprentice; there's a plot that was sadly wasted, wasn't it?) but he's interrupted by Billie and her scythe, which she's carrying in a very obvious way. She's furious, and tells them the plan to destroy Chuck was doomed "because of you." Billie can't stop Jack's earth-shattering kaboom, "but there is something I can do." She sends him to the Empty. Empty!Meg cheerfully points out that he doesn't look so hot, but then he looks explosively hot. Ah, there's our earth-shattering kaboom!
Bunker. Billie explains that The Empty was the only option to absorb the impact of Jack the Bomb. And that he's not necessarily dead, because taking out Chuck and Amara was the part that was fatal, not actually being the bomb. Hmm. So Jack's point of no return wasn't actually a point of no return after all. It's kinda retconny, but not really? I've decided it's logical and I approve.
However, if the Empty survives, "it's gonna be pissed." Particularly at Billie. And it's very strong. Billie and Sam remind us that the Empty can only come to Earth if it's summoned. They do not get into the details of what constitutes a summoning, but I'm sure that isn't important. And Billie might be willing to bring Jack back, assuming he survived, but not until Sam returns what he took from her. Chuck's death book.
Sam immediately goes on the attack. He points out that she was planning to betray them from the start, leading to the deaths of all the AU refugees and everyone who was brought back from death, including him and Dean. "Even if I give you the book," he says, "what's to stop you from stabbing us in the back? Killing us all?"
"Nothing," Billie says. She gets up in Sam's face and tells him Jack won't last long. Either give her the book now, or lose him forever. (Can I just point out that Sam is still a little bloody from Dean punching him in the face? After he pointed a gun at him?)
Meanwhile, in the Empty, we discover that Jack is still alive (yay) and that this episode was directed by Richard Speight (yay). He is surrounded by particles that gradually form back into Empty!Meg. And, as predicted, she's pissed.
In the bunker, Sam brings the book to Billie, but ignores her outstretched hand and slams it onto the table instead. It's a pointless little burst of defiance and I love it.
Billie flips to the end to read the new ending of God's book, "since you ruined the last one." She seems to like what she reads. Sam says "Wait, the ends of your books change? So me killing Rowena was presented as unavoidable fate but it really wasn't necessary at all?" No, he actually doesn't. But I do, on his behalf. It's a pointless little burst of defiance. Over in the Empty, Empty!Meg grabs Jack's head and says "you made it loud!" and this is a conversation I've had with my dogs in the wee dark hours of the morning more times than I can count because we just want to SLEEP, GUYS but before she can actually crush his head, Billie zaps him back to the bunker.
Billie tells the guys that Jack is hers because he's still useful. Dean responds by grabbing her scythe and swinging at her. She flings him away, but she's wounded and bleeding light. Oh, and she dropped the book. Sam and Cas ignore Dean crumpled over against the wall - Cas runs to comfort Jack, and Sam runs to pick up the book. Unfortunately, he can't open it. Dean says "hey, thanks for not helping me, guys" and Sam says "oh, I'm sorry, I guess I'm still a little rattled from you punching me in the face after you pointed a gun at me." No, he doesn't. But I do, on his behalf.
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Several people have pointed out how skinny Jared looks in these last few episodes, but this is the first time I've noticed it. It will be interesting to see how he looks in the two that were filmed after their Covid shutdown.
Time jump. Dean is sitting in the library, drinking whiskey. And I've said it a million times but I'll say it again - I could watch an entire episode that was just Dean drinking. And then it gets even better when Sam walks in wearing only a v-neck t-shirt. Single layer Sam alert, guys! How long has it been? Dean slides the bottle over to him and we get a little bonus hand porn and then this happens:
Sam, I'm sorry about... everything.
Dean, you don't have to -
I pulled a gun on you. It's like I just couldn't stop. You know, we were so close to beating him. Like, I could smell Chuck's blood in the water, and I - nothing else mattered. It was everything. And I just couldn't snap out of it.
Well, you did. You've snapped me out of worse.
Hmmm. Am I missing a time when Dean snapped Sam out of something? I mean, I know in Stull, Sam was able to overcome Lucifer because of Dean. But that was Sam snapping himself out of it. And Dean convinced Sam to give up the trials, but that wasn't Sam under anything that he needed to be "snapped out of." I think if you're going to give Dean credit for snapping himself out of it when confronted by his teary eyed, bloodied little brother, you have to give Sam credit for snapping himself out of his own situations.
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It doesn't matter. All that matters is these two sitting quietly in the dark, drinking whiskey together.
Dean's feeling some despair (nice) because Billie wants them dead, Jack is powerless (oh, wait, when did that happen?), and Michael isn't answering his prayers. No one is on their side. "Well, we regroup, somehow," says Sam. They drink a sad little toast to "somehow," and I die a thousand deaths.
Billie's library. Billie stalks angrily through the stacks. A reaper informs her he put up warding to keep the Empty out, and asks if the plan has changed. Yes, it has.
Elsewhere, a woman we don't know is cooking some seriously dry scrambled eggs. She thinks she knows what she's doing, because she's explaining to someone else in the room how to cook eggs so they're "not too runny, not too dry" but seriously. Gordon Ramsay would be appalled. {Sidebar: Gordon's eggs actually look a bit too runny for my taste, and my family would refuse to eat them, but this lady's dry crumbly eggs are still an abomination.} She turns around and we see AU Charlie sitting at the kitchen table. Oh, Charlie has a girlfriend! Sweet. And she must be in love, because she tells this girlfriend that they're the best eggs she's ever had. And also, she's still hunting. Guess she didn't retire to a mountaintop after all. Probably because she couldn't get wifi. Anyway. Her girlfriend's plate crashes to the floor because her girlfriend abruptly disappeared. (Aw, her name was Stevie. Stevie and Charlie. How cute is that?)
Time jump. Charlie's apartment building is called Kim Manor. Nice.
As Sam runs the EMF meter (and there's a nice wordless conversation where Sam lets Dean know he didn't find anything), Charlie talks about how they met (thanks to AU Bobby) and how she experienced nothing when Stevie disappeared. No sulphur smell, no cold, nothing. Dean and Sam have another wordless conversation about what they think happened.
Dean and Sam explain that Billie wants to send all the AU people back to their now non-existent worlds. So Stevie was from AU World too? I guess that explains how AU Bobby knew her. Coincidentally, Sam's phone rings, and it's AU Bobby. They have an extremely short conversation in which Sam learns that another AU hunter simply vanished. And there's no explanation on Sam's end, just "yeah, I understand." So have they already talked to AU Bobby about the Billie situation? Or was Sam and Bobby's conversation literally "hey, a hunter vanished into thin air, how weird is that" and "yeah, I understand" with no further discussion? Anyway. Dean says it's open season on anyone from another world (aw, sorry, Winchesters in Brazil), anyone who came back from the dead, and Sam gets a horrified look on his face and says "Eileen." Oh shit!
Meanwhile, out by the Impala, in broad daylight, Jack tells Cas that he feels strange because the plan failed and his destiny was averted. "I was ready to die, and I wanted to - for Sam, for Dean, for the world - I wanted to make things right. And now I don't know why I'm even here." OF COURSE HE LISTED SAM FIRST. Cas tells him he didn't need absolution from anyone, and that they care about him not because of his usefulness, but just because he's him. Somewhere Dean says "um, wait." Jack is scared because he's powerless and can't protect anyone. Cas is too. So, did Jack lose his powers after the earth shattering kaboom? Or earlier, and I just wasn't paying attention?
Nighttime. Dean speeds down the road as Sam texts Eileen. I don't know where Eileen is, but she must be pretty far away from Kim Manor. Sam told her to get out of her house, go somewhere public, and wait by her car. Now, I cover the guest star credits, so I don't know if Shoshanna is in this episode. But even unspoiled, I'm pretty sure she's not going to be there when they arrive. She starts to type a response, as evidenced by the bubbles, but then stops responding. Yep, just as I thought, no one is standing by her car. Sam finds her phone on the ground, cracked as if it were dropped (like, say, by someone who disappeared while holding it) and LOOK AT HER LOCKSCREEN. LOOK AT IT.
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Some will say this is just the photo that pops up when Sam texts her but they are WRONG. This is her FREAKING LOCK SCREEN, PEOPLE.
Anyway. He sees the unfinished message she was writing, which says she's by her car. Aw, Sam. Dean tries to talk to him and he says "I can't - if I let myself go there, I'll lose my mind, I can't right now."
Aw, SAM!
Sam compartmentalizes his grief and jumps into take-care-of-everyone mode. He says they need to gather everyone together, and they need to find a location central to everyone. Well, I mean, there is one place I know of that is literally the central most point in the United States, maybe you could go there? It's supposed to be secure from all things supernatural, too. Dean says that while Sam is going that, he is going to go end what he started. OH, GOOD. I WAS HOPING THEY WOULD SPLIT UP. "We couldn't make Chuck pay, but Billie? She left her blade. Her I can kill." Hey, wouldn't be the first time. Sam agrees, Cas says he'll go with Dean, and we get a brother hug. Once again, Dean does the two things I love when he hugs Sam: 1. he puts his arms on top, as if he were still the taller brother, and b. he looks away and packs up his emotions before he lets Sam see his face after the hug. "Let's go, Cas," he says. "Let's go reap a reaper." Cas turns and follows without saying anything at all to Sam or Jack, but I'm sure that won't be an issue.
Time jump - it's daytime. Sam's on the phone with Donna, who is standing outside her truck (but didn't she used to have a big black SUV?) at that bridge we've seen so many times. She's sending him to "the old Harmon property," which should be just what he's looking for because it has an abandoned silo. I mean, I wouldn't jump immediately to abandoned silo, but maybe there weren't any abandoned warehouses around. She says it's in Hastings, just south of her, and if you think I didn't confirm that the town of Hastings is in fact about 30 minutes south of Stillwater, Minnesota then you just don't know me at all.
Sam is at a gas station and oh, he's driving Eileen's car! That's not heartbreaking at all. I guess she didn't have her keys in her pocket when she disappeared. (Hah, like Sam Winchester needs keys.) Donna and AU Bobby are rounding up everyone they can think of. She asks what the plan is, and Sam bends down creepily to look at Jack in the passenger seat and says "I'm still working on that." I mean, I know they keep telling us Jack lost his powers, but the way Sam looks at him right here certainly suggests Jack is part of the plan, and maybe not in a good way. (Spoiler alert: seriously, why do I even bother.)
Sam comes around to Jack's window and tells him he needs him to drive, because Sam needs to work on archives and spells and stuff. And is that true, or is this just "I don't expect you to live through this part so I want to let you have some time behind the wheel of Eileen's 1970 Plymouth Valiant?" (At least that's what The Husband thinks it is.)
Bunker. Enter Dean and Cas. Dean declares that if Billie isn't in her library, they'll just trash the place to "smoke her out." It's an interesting choice of words.
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Foreshadowing Dean as the new Death? (Remember, I'm completely unspoiled. I know nothing.)
Silo. Let's stick to this location for now. Sam and Jack pull up and are greeted by Donna. Jack goes inside to set up the warding, and Donna gives Sam a nice hug.
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I want to be there.
She tells him she's sorry about Eileen and gets one of his sad little nods that I love so much. Bobby is already here, and she name-drops Garth and Jody and the girls, saying they're on "high alert." Sam tells her they're not on Billie's list, so they should be safe. And so should Donna. Well, that's good to know. Sam's surprised to see Charlie pull up. She tells him "I just don't want this to happen to anyone else." I don't know what you think you're going to be able to do, Charlie, but okay.
Turns out the silo is actually a Tardis, so I guess maybe it was a good choice. It's huge on the inside, and is also more finished than any silo I've ever been in (which is, okay, one silo, but still.) The interior is already heavily warded. Several people are milling about. {Sidebar: How many hunters were away from the bunker when Michael attacked, and why have none of them returned?} Bobby tells Sam that as soon as the hunters heard he wanted them there, they came running. "Whether you like it or not, you're the big man here." Hey, I wonder if the guy who called him Chief is here. Bobby, being a man after my own heart, is mostly concerned about the bathroom situation. Sam hopes they won't be there long enough for it to be an issue. He has a spell from Rowena (!) that should boost the strength of the wards, but that's all he has. Bobby doesn't look very reassured, and glances in a foreshadowy way at a family with kids. Sam looks around at all of these people he feels responsible for and takes a deep breath and oh, my heart.
Donna and Jack are painting more wards. Jack bends down to look at a plant, and Donna comes up to him and says "I'm no expert on this hoodoo stuff, but best we patch that up, yeah?" and I don't know what the hell she's talking about. What is this plant disturbing? Jack reaches out to touch the plant and it withers away as his hand gets close. Friends, I'm pretty sure this is a bad sign. Jack is too. He stares at his hand, and if he'd been watching a few seasons ago, he would have noticed that plants did the same thing when Amara touched them. Coincidence???
Later we see everyone watch as Sam recites the spell. (Yes, it's hot. Do you even have to ask?) The sigils glow red briefly and then fade, and the music turns ominous and I think this means his boost failed. But I guess not, because Sam says now they wait. But they don't have to wait long, because suddenly one of the children dissolves into smoke. One by one, all of the AU people dissolve like they've been snapped by Thanos. Charlie runs up to Sam and says "Sam, what do we do" just like Maggie did, and just like Maggie she's taken out immediately. Sam watches in horror as AU Bobby smokes out. He turns to Donna, who says "Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good," and then Donna is gone! Crap! Jack and Sam are left staring at the empty-except-for-them silo.
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One more serving of despair, coming right up.
On to the other side.
Dean enters Billie's library, brandishing the scythe. Cas follows, bearing only a hangdog expression. Dean motions for him to go one direction and Dean goes the other, soon finding Billie. He thinks he's sneaking up behind her, but she says "So, I guess this is the part where I say hello boys. Hello, boys." Oh, I was wrong; Cas has his angel blade. Billie snarks about Dean's bad aim, and he says he wasn't trying to kill her then (which seems like a lie), but he is now, because of what she's doing to his people. Billie slams him against the wall again. She chokes Cas Darth Vader-style from a distance, and then the old fashioned way. "Remember when you stabbed me in the back?" she says. "Because I do." Oh, that's funny, because earlier Sam said she was going to stab them in the back. She should have said "like you stabbed me?"
Dean comes to the rescue by poking her with the blunt end of the scythe rather than the pointy end, so maybe she was right about his bad aim. Then he gets the blade against her throat (but still not the sharp end, just the back) and demands that she stop killing his friends. She says she didn't - it was Chuck. And Dean's wasting time.
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I'm considering it time well spent, because it looks so nice.
Billie tells Dean the injury he gave her earlier is something she can't recover from - she's going to die. She pulls away her coat to show him a nasty festering wound, and I wonder why something so physical would kill her, but. Eh. She tells him she doesn't care about his friends or family. "But seeing you here has reminded me of something. There is one thing I'd like. One wish before I go. I'd like to see you dead." She grabs her scythe back, flings the boys around, and slowly stalks toward them. Dean and Cas rush through the door back into the bunker.
Dean is panicky again, trying to figure out what to do next. He's suddenly struck down by chest pain, and I expect to see someone sticking a knife (or a scythe) in his back, but it's actually Billie doing it Darth Vader-style again. Cas drags him away as Billie monologues. "It's you, Dean; it's always been you. Death-defying. Rule-breaking. You are everything I lived to set right. To put down. To tame. You are human disorder incarnate." Yeah, we know, Dean's awesome. We get this speech every season.
Cas and Dean end up in the dungeon storeroom. Cas gets Dean's knife out of his pocket and cuts his own hand to paint a sigil on the door. It looks like an angel banishing sigil, but apparently it block's Billie's power. Not permanently, though, because it fades as she pounds on the door. Cas says that since the wound is killing her, they just have to wait her out.
Yeah, and if we can't?
Then we fight.
We'll lose. I just led us into another trap. All because I couldn't hurt Chuck. Because I was angry, and because I just needed something to kill, and because that's all I know how to do.
It was Chuck all along. We never should have left Sam and Jack. We should be there with them now.
Yes you should, Dean, you really really should. Dean is practically drowning in despair, which, you know. Is a good thing. 10/10 would recommend. "She's gonna get through that door," he tells Cas. "And she's gonna kill you, and then she's gonna kill me. I'm sorry."
"Wait, there is one thing she's afraid of," Cas says. "There's one thing strong enough to stop her." He tells Dean about the deal he made to save Jack in the Empty.
Friends, I'm going to do you a favor. If you haven't seen the episode, and aren't planning to watch the episode, I want you to read this paragraph and then skip down until you see the pretty picture of Dean. And start reading after that picture. Trust me. So, Cas summons the Empty just as Billie breaks down the door. The Empty kills Billie, but she also takes Cas. Dean is saved but Cas is gone.
{Sigh. Can I skip this part? No, I owe it to you.}
Cas explains that the Empty was going to come snatch him away as soon as he experienced a moment of true happiness. But happiness isn't having, happiness is knowing. And Dean is wonderful and "Everything you have ever done, the good and the bad, you have done for love." You just threatened to shoot your little brother for love, for example. Cas is teary eyed and Dean looks confused as hell and I pause the TV and turn to The Husband and we have this conversation:
I don't think I can watch this.
Why, because it's so sappy?
No, because I think they're going to kiss.
What? Why would they kiss? Is there something I'm missing?
Because part of the fandom WANTS them to kiss, and there's this group of fans that are super obnoxious about it, and they harass the actors and the writers and I think now the show thinks EVERYBODY wants them to kiss. Even though the guy who plays Dean* says it would never happen. Because I know he wasn't happy about the way the show ended, and I'm afraid this is why he wasn't happy.
I don't think they're gonna kiss.
If they do, I'm done.
*The Husband is not on a first name basis with Jensen.
So, let me point out that The Husband, who watches this show the way a normal human being watches a show (i.e., doesn't interact with the fandom at all), had absolutely NO expectation that they would kiss. Anyway, with some trepidation, I push play again. And Cas is still going. Dean is the most caring, selfless, loving human being on earth (OH GOD MAKE IT STOP) and knowing him has changed Cas.
Why does this sound like a goodbye?
Because it is. I love you.
Don't do this, Cas.
We see a black blob materialize behind Dean, because even though the Empty can only come to Earth if it's summoned, there it is. And I could argue about whether Cas being happy actually summoned the damn thing but I've already lost the will to live, so instead I'm going to describe to you how I watched in horror, with my finger hovering over the pause button, as Cas reached out to Dean and put his hand on his shoulder. But he just pushed him out of the way. Thank you baby Jesus. Billie breaks the door down as the Empty slurps into the dungeon. It surrounds Cas and Billie and sucks them into its depths. Dean is left alone. Oh, and he has a bloody palm print on his jacket from Cas grabbing his shoulder. I guess someone did watch a little bit of older seasons after all. Hard to tell sometimes.
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I mean, at least he looked good, right?
Back at the silo. I've decided it must be mostly underground and isn't a grain silo like I thought. So what kind of silo do Yankees have that's mostly underground? Anyway. Jack and Sam emerge, having failed catastrophically at their mission. Sam is trying to call Dean, who isn't answering. He looks mildly panicky. "Sam?" Jack says, a little shaky. "Was it just them?"
OH CRAP. I didn't even think of that possibility.
"I don't know," Sam says, also shaky. And as we see an empty gas station and playground, it really looks like it wasn't just them at all. Sam and Jack look at each other, alone and terrified. And back in the bunker's dungeon, Dean's phone rings. It's Sam. He doesn't answer.
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So. You know how sometimes something really good will happen in an episode? And I'll say, no matter how bad this episode is, this 90 seconds makes it worth it? Well, sometimes the opposite happens. Sometimes you get a two or three minute scene - a horribly written, badly acted scene - and it's so awful that it ruins an episode. A season. A show. I'm angry that the showrunners pandered to a small, noisy minority of fans to throw something into the show that most fans didn't want and didn't help the story at all. I'm annoyed that, once again, Dean is put up on an embarrassingly overwrought pedestal. I'm kind of amused that they did this in the worst way possible. Cas's love was unrequited (unless they screw that up in the next episode), Misha's acting caused so much secondhand embarrassment that I had a hard time watching again, and from what I see on Tumblr, half of the Destihellers are furious because "Dean is a homophobe." Which is bullshit. Not returning someone's romantic affection isn't homophobia. It's consent. (I know... on this show? Ha ha.)
{Sidebar: If "Destiel" means the characters have mutual feelings for each other, doesn't this mean Destiel is not, in fact, canon? I mean, it was already so badly written that one could argue Cas wasn't proclaiming romantic love, but just a life-changing experience thanks to one human. Discuss.}
But I need to stop thinking about it. I can't - if I let myself go there, I'll lose my mind, I can't right now.
And this wasn't even the Buckleming episode, friends. There is probably a Buckleming episode left.
I got so distracted by this nonsense that I almost forgot to talk about the Jack situation. So here's how I feel about that. I love Jack as a character. I love him as someone the Winchesters could lose (Basically, someone to stuff in the fridge? Why not.) But I don't want him to be one of them. I don't want Jack's story to be treated as if it were as important as the Winchester's story. Just like I didn't want Cas to have his own plots. I want it always, always to come down to Sam and Dean.
Anyway, I'm sure I'll have more to say. But for right now, all I'm saying is this: I pledge to stick with this show, to stick with fanworks, no matter how badly they fuck up the landing. But guys, you don't have to try so hard to fuck it up.
Two to go. As always, help me stay unspoiled, including casting info and episode titles.
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alicehattera03 · 4 years
Yo author, im still in awe of how you write so much in so little time but im not gonna rack my heads about that superpower(I'll go insane). Just asking that how would you visualise wmmap characters as physical,human counterparts. Could I tempt you into posting pics of which actors or models you prefer for wmmap characters. Again i know you r in a tight schedule and i don't wanna disturb you unnecessarily,but if you find it fun to then i shall be looking forward to it. Best of my regards😘
ANON YOU’VE SEEN ME WRITE?!? WHEN WHERE HOW!?!? EXAMPLE?!?! *whispers* It’s my big brain energy working at max speed and I can type fast ehe ur so sweet! (Don’t go insane!!!) 
And like wow- I’ve never actually thought about that before!!! How interesting ^^ HMMM OH but dw y’all I imagine them as their character designs when I write (projecting irl people is kinda awks lolol) But omg successfully tempted, and you’ve given me a break from writing, BLESSYOU ANON!!!! Also y’all are gonna be like- they’re all WHITE-if we go korean omg pls I’d die, but it’s cause they’re white in the manhwa) 
Claude: ...Dan Stevens??? Tom Hiddleston??(blonde, like in the Night Manager?!) IDKIDKFIHDJLS IDK SOMEONE SUAVE BUT AWKWARD (like a Lee Pace in the Hobbit type of aura but like Gilgamesh- wait that’s anime whoops but all these actors are so ..rugged?? like gimme a pretty boi that can massacre!) 
Diana: Margot Robbie??(you know her as Harley Quinn but I know her as Mary queen of scots) Gigi Hadid?? (she’s a mom now lmao) (no one can top Diana’s gorgeousness but maybe..)
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Athy: (even the prettiest person alive couldn’t measure up to her but this pic of Alexandra Lenarchyk if she had blue eyes, and currently affirming that Athy would be russian, greek, french or well- yah descended from royalty in my hogw-nvm anyways!! ) 
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Felix: (the cutest blood knight ever so someone like Richard Madden’s character in Bodyguard but uhm soft I guess? Ryan Reynolds might be a good fit actually? Like personality-wise and the action required I’d say this is a good top pick- or Jack Lowden who was in Dunkirk??)
Lilian: Natalie Dormer(left)(right is Emilia Clarke- who if you say they play sisters I mean we’ve got Athy and Jennette right here if they were half their age lmao) (idk she’s just really insanely pretty HAVE I TALKED ABOUT HER IN PENNY DREADFUL UGH STUNNING HER IN ELEMENTARY? STUNNING- and so’s Lily)
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Ijekiel: What’s a list without a young Leonardo di Caprio on it??!(younger ver, cause well that’s all the ages this man is into lately-) (or maybe the unproblematic white man Logan Lerman who resurfaces every few years with new devastating pics by his girlfriend-HMM)
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Lucas: Dylan O’Brien (maybe?? bad boy style?? like lucas has to be hot but like man he’s otherworldly how tf are mortals to match up with him???) 
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Jennette(Jeanette??): Emily Rudd (That tumblr famous girl cause she’s gotta be pretty lolol) 
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Roger: A younger version of Mads Mikkelsen (cause rawr silver fox alert!!)
Penelope: Emma Stone (young-ish)
Anastasius: Ian Somerhalder (blonde ver ofc, younger, also cause he’s a douche for making his wife get pregnant by throwing out her birth control pills and making her think she was on them and thus got her preggos cause he wanted a baby yes he’s hot but he’s a nutjob-can you tell I hate this guy and therefore designate him as numero uno dirtbag)
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seasickbaby · 5 years
Just a Kiss (II)
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Pairing: Christopher x reader
Words: 1.7k
Summary: Christopher offers to help improve your *romantic* skills, and he isn’t kidding. When you agree, things escalate and feelings you tried to suppress resurface. 
A/N: Hola amores! Thank you so much for your patience with his fic. Ngl I don’t think this is my best writing but I wanted to get it up anyways. This chapter is short but I’m thinking about making this a series. Please come talk to me about this chapter and what you (want) think is gonna happen next! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated and keeps me motivated to write more. Also from now on my notes will go at the bottom! Enjoy!
You can read part one here: 
“I mean,,, t-tips…” You stutter, “Give me tips.”
Christopher clicks his tongue and leans back on the counter.
“Tips will only get you so far y/n… This is more of a hands on activity.”
You roll your eyes and slap his arm playfully. “Come on, I need a guy’s perspective. I could give you some in return.”
Chris, completely unfazed, just takes another sip of his beer. The lack of attention is bothersome so you cross your arms and pout your lip; inner five year old coming out when he doesn’t give you what you want.
Chris steals a side glance and chuckles. He then turns and, with a soft gaze, places a soft hand underneath your chin.
“No offense princesa, but what tips could you possibly give me?”
Forehead wrinkling, you force a laugh.
Wow, that was rude.
“Full offense Chris, but for how much you get gassed up about your skills, I expected more.”
This takes him by surprise. He was used to being teased by the other members, sure, but never about his ways with women. Everyone knew he was a ladies man. Even himself.
“Woah what do you mean?” Visibly hurt and confused, Chris pulls back his hand and dramatically places it over his chest.
You pretend you do not hear.
“Hmmm, maybe I should just ask Zabdi, I bet he won’t mind.” You shrug before hopping off the stool, “I’ve heard good things about him too.” You wink.
“Wait, wait, wait.”
His hand finds yours before you could walk away.
“Fine. I’ll help you, but first take back what you said.”
His ego got hurt, cute.
“And why would I do that?” You smile innocently.
He gives a small tug on your hand and brings you to stand in front of him, pulling you in between his legs when he hooks his hands behind your lower back. Eyes burning into yours.
Funny how people say that the eyes are the gateway to the soul. Most would say Chris is an open book; his outgoing, energetic personality makes it seem like such, but his eyes always spoke the words he never said out loud. Full of emotions yet never revealing too much, only showing what he wanted you to see.
You let yourself get lost in them every once in a while, never for too long. But right now, being so close in proximity, staring straight into his doe eyes, made you a little light headed.
Not even kidding, you could’ve kissed him again right there and then... if Erick hadn’t interrupted. The young one came over, ever so happily, and throws his arms over both your shoulders; the movement forcing Chris’ hands to let go of you.
“Ayyyy, compadres.”
“Erick your breath smells like beer.” Chris laughs as he sees you wrinkle your nose in the opposite direction of his face.
“Honestly, who even gave you alcohol you’re a baby!”  
“I am not! Tengo 18 años para su información. I’m a full grown, legal, adult!” Erick sloppily waves his hands in the air.
“Uh huh, we can see that.”
A couple minutes pass of the three of you standing there together, laughing and talking, until Erick stops mid conversation and gasps.
Listen to the song!” He instructs.
You and Chris both give each other a puzzled look as you try to listen over the crowd of drunk people.
“Que sordos… It’s El Guachineo!” He grabs your hand and starts to pull you out onto the dance floor, “Come on, let's dance!”
You swallow the last of your drink and the tequila pumps through your veins, making you feel bolder and confident. Perhaps it was the way Chris was looking at you or the one too many shots you took, you weren’t really sure, but you get the sudden urge to give in to Christopher’s temptations. Nervously biting your lip, you lean closer to him, and you’re sure going to regret this once you’re sober.
“Prove me wrong, and I’ll retract my statement.”
He could've not known what you meant, but the way his eyes widened made you think otherwise. You send him a flirtatious, yet sweet, smile before letting Erick drag you away.
There was never a dull moment when dancing with Erick. The way he flung his arms around everywhere and his facial expressions always had you laughing. Erick was a good dancer, no doubt about it, but he’s also a goofy guy, and that goofiness is multiplied by ten when he drinks.
Eventually the rest of the boys join you on the dance floor; everyone except Christopher. The longer you danced the longer you overthought the comment you previously made; anxiety begins builds up in your stomach. You try to push the thoughts away and instead focus on the boys in front of you, who were arguing over who was better at dancing bachata.
After what felt like an hour, you leave the group to look for Chris. You begin with where you last left him. Upon not finding him, you turn to the person most likely to have seen him last.
“Excuse me,” You smile at the barista, “have you, by any chance, seen a man with sloppy brown hair, tattoo sleeved arms, and looks like,,, a deer… kinda?”
“The Velez guy that was sitting with you over there?”
“Yes! That one.”
“He left not long after you and el otro muchacho went out to dance.” She gave you an apologetic smile.
The way your heart drops a little is unsettling, so you ignore the feeling and, instead, order one last shot of tequila before heading back to the hotel. You shoot the boys a quick text in the groupchat and head out of the club.
                                                                                                To: Thicc boyz + y/n
I’m going back to the hotel, have fun :)
From: Thicc boyz + y/n
Zabdi: Who’s taking you?
You’ve been drinking all night
                                                                                                To: Thicc boyz + y/n
I called an uber I'm fine
From: Thicc boyz + y/n
Richard: I’m coming with you
                                                                                                To: Thicc boyz + y/n
 I’m F I N E, enjoy your night
From: Thicc boyz + y/n
Richard: You’re drunk in a big city we don’t know, 
I'm not letting you go alone
                                                                                                To: Thicc boyz + y/n                                                            *not drunk & too late :P
Later, xoxo
You throw your head back on the Uber’s seat with a sigh and close your eyes, feeling a bit dizzy.
“Long night?” The Uber guy asks.
You sigh with a small laugh  “In a way.” Even though it was only two in the morning; at this time people are still drinking non stop.
“Well, I hope whatever is troubling you now resolves itself soon. Remember, everything happens for a reason.”
It was a small but sweet gesture. Maybe your troubles were a bit dumb but he made your feelings validated. Let’s just say, you got back to the hotel safe and sound and with a new friend: Ricky the driver.
The elevator ride to the fourteenth floor was slow and you couldn’t wait to finally relax. You open the door of your room and smile in relief when you kick your heels off. You took a shower, put on your favorite silk pjs, threw a robe over it and flopped on the bed to watch The Lion King (for the hundredth time) with a bowl of grapes. You were in the middle of singing Hakuna Matata when your phone rings.
A notification from Chris pops up.
Did you make it back to the hotel safely? [2:50 am]
I did, thanks for asking [2:51 am]
Where did you go tonight? [2:53 am]
I, uh, had to take care of a little problem [2:54 am]
Oh? [1:54 am]
That you caused… [2:54 am]
I’m even more confused  [2:55 am]
Did you mean what you said before? [2:57 am]
What do you mean [2:57 am]
About,,, you know [2:58 am]
Proving you wrong [2:58 am]
Oh, I didn’t not mean it [2:59 am]
Your heart thuds loudly as you anticipate his response
Y/N you’re Richard’s little sister… [3:00 am]
Damn. Bitches just want to be good kissers and end up getting exposed to their brother… I’m bitches :( [3:00 am]
Just say you don’t like me and GO [3:01 am]
I guess I could teach you a thing or two [3:02 am]
That has you sitting up abruptly. Eyes scanning the text over and over. You feel your heart in your throat and, why is it extremely hot all of a sudden? You push yourself off your bed and pace around the room, unsure of what to do or say next.
Your phone dings with another text and you scramble to read it.
Come to my room. [3:05 am]
A101 [3:05 am]
You debate it at first. Coming up with multiple “what if’s” and a long list of things that could go wrong. But at the end of the day you knew this was a one time thing, no strings attached, and a way to practice. So why not?
You’re knocking on room A101’s door sooner than you expected. You look down at your shorts and curse yourself for not wearing something less revealing. A couple seconds pass, enough for you to change your mind, so you turn to walk away.
“A donde vas?”
A voice too familiar says behind you. You slowly face him, heart beating out of your chest and hands a tad clammy.
“Strictly for instructional purposes only?” You raise one eyebrow.
“Nothing more.” He extends his hand and you stare at it for a second before grabbing it. His lips part into a smile and yours return it. Chris pulls you into the room, letting out a small laugh as you trip over your feet. He reaches a hand up to brush through your hair, stopping at your jaw and tracing his thumb all the way to your lips.Your laugh dies down as you see Christopher’s eyes flick to your lips, tongue coming across them in a slow, sultry, motion.
Deep down, you knew you were crossing a line which you couldn’t come back from. And you were worried. Lowkey truly worried. Because there was so much on that line: your friendship with Christopher (one of your best friends), Christopher’s relationship with your Richard (his band mate and best friend) and your relationship with your brother. But all those worries vanish when Chris leans in to press a soft kiss to your forehead, your nose, and then the corner of your lips.
“Step number one.”
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