#and I wish someone was there to make me feel special like how I (hypothetically) make my ocs feel!!
peapod20001 · 1 year
Bro I’m </3 thinking too hard </3
#vent#ugh. artfight. bullshit. fucking shit#I would rather have banter with my friends than draw for people that don’t care#but alas. the all consuming art game#I love drawing for people in theory but I hate how it makes me feel. do you understand what I mean by this#idk what it is but the fact art fight starts TOMORROW has me feeling like a worthless sack of shit#and that feeling is only heightened by the fact that everyone is going to be invested in it while I fucking crumble for what? the 3rd?#4th year in a row?? god. fucking sucks. I get so in my head with this bullshit every year. but I want to do it#ugh. awful. and I feel worse when people make me things and then I don’t get to send something back#awful gross beast. and now I’m just feeling worse thinking about other things. I’m so overwhelmed#and not a damn person to talk to cus 1. there’s no one to listen and 2. I can’t articulate my feelings! I don’t understand myself!#the only reason I know how to act is because I do research for my fucking characters! I’m my own fucking character!#and I wish someone was there to make me feel special like how I (hypothetically) make my ocs feel!!#ugh. whatever I’m cool and fine and dandy and NOT on the verge of tears and I’m going to eat fucking jellybeans#am I going to have a breakdown every time there’s a Holliday or event? I canNOT be caught feeling like a fucking ball of lint every#valentines day dawg. I can’t be that person. I already did that one time too many ok#how’s it feel to have people enjoy talking to you? cus I’m either too much or not enough for people
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corvidcrossbow · 3 months
Since I made a post about Mother's Day w/ Daryl, I gotta make a Father's Day one too.
For obvious reasons, he didn't like Father's Day (me neither Daryl). It felt insulting to see people celebrating their dads, felt so forced and unfair, stupid even. How come other people got to have fathers who were there for them and cared for them while he didn't? What made him undeserving of that? (Mother's Day was already hard enough when he was young, sitting in class and nearly trembling from how hard he was straining himself to not cry while those around him made cards and talked about their plans for the weekend with their moms) So he tried to push the existence of the holiday out of his mind.
Fatherhood was never something he pictured. Even when the hypothetical idea of kids crossed his mind, he was sure it would never be plausible: he'd just follow footsteps and end up some doped up abusive deadbeat as well. Although he never pictured an apocalypse with the undead either, and that pushed the idea of fatherhood even further into a realm of impossibility.
So both those happening, and someone as perfect as you being directly involved in it, was leagues outside his imagination.
The first Father's Day after your child was born was rough. He enjoyed how the collapse of society made people lose track of the dates, too occupied with survival to care about minor things like this. But with the stability Alexandria provided, over time celebrations reintegrated into routines, this included, and he was not fond of the reminder.
He didn't mention the day at all leading up to it, or of, continuing his ignorance and hoping it'd slip your mind. He knew it wouldn't: you were too attentive and appreciative of him to miss any excuse to celebrate and congratulate him no matter the context.
But you threaded lightly, knowing it'd be touchy and let most the day pass by as any other would, just being extra sweet on him. You never wished him a ‘Happy Father's Day’, instead when you were going to bed that night thanking him for being a father, for everything he did for you and your daughter and how good he was at it.
He ended up just breaking down, falling apart in your hold and attempting to bury himself in you the same way he tried to bury so much else.
The next couple years were largely similar; little acknowledgement to the day, but extra acknowledgements to him. It was your daughter that started to make it more distinctive. A little older now, she saw the other kids in the community making little gifts and cards for their fathers the same way they did for mothers on the respective day. Even those who didn't have dads made them in memoriam.
So of course she did it too, she loved her daddy and did those things all the time anyway. Why not do it when it's even more special? She didn't even tell you about it, secretly assembling it all herself.
You shared Daryl's surprise when she presented her crafts, repeatedly saying the token phrase you'd held off from using. He was mostly frozen for a moment, trying to just see her and this singular day rather than previous decades of Father's Day's that came before, all negatively tinted and crossed out from his personal calendar.
He accepted it all, and her innocent recognition of the holiday's purpose. Though the urge flared up in some part of him, he couldn't shut her down. She meant well, and wasn't to blame for his rocky relationship with the day and his own father. He wouldn't create reason for her to despise the holiday too, and how could be cold to the human embodiment of sunshine while her toothy smile was beaming at him?
He put her to bed that evening, spending an extra while stroking her hair and admiring how peaceful she looked while sleeping. Despite the state of the world, she had the privilege to not only sleep, but feel safe while doing so. And he's what allowed that; gave her that.
She got to feel safe from all the horrors he'd seen: the walkers, blood, guts, violence, death, immorality, all the disturbing things about life that were amplified by the apocalypse.
But more importantly, she felt safe with him.
She got to excitedly jump on him while he was still asleep in the morning, roll around and shake him till he finally got up. She got to play with him in the dirt while out in the yard, or sit him down with jewelry and accessories surrounded by stuffed animals and toy dinnerware. She got to chase him around and bombard him with curious questions and learn everything she could from him.
She got to make messes and break things, make mistakes, and know he'd always help her clean or fix them.
She got to show her emotions and be a kid and cry, and know he would always hold and soothe her, wipe away her tears and do anything to make sure she was okay.
And she never knew a different response. She never knew the yelling or insults, the degradation, the mockery, the beatings and burnings and whippings. She got to fall asleep by her father's side, lulled to rest by his comforting voice, be in the most vulnerable state a person could be, and know that the last thing he would ever do was hurt her; the idea – the worry – of him hurting her did not exist in her mind.
Daryl'd crumbled to tears by the time he returned to you that night, collapsing into your arms the way he did every time the reality of being a parent hit him. He would never truly understand how he got to this point in life, how every unfathomable thing – good and bad – had genuinely occurred and this is what was real.
From the instant you found out you were pregnant, he'd promised you, promised himself, and promised his child he would always be the father he'd wanted, that he'd deserved, that his kid deserved and that every child deserves. He healed his own childhood by assuring his daughter'd have a good one, and that he'd be regarded as a good part of it.
She made Father's Day something that could actually be ‘happy’ for him.
The daddy issues hit a little too hard while writing this
I fr don't know where the last week of my life went I just remember watching Lost 🗿
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flowercrowncrip · 3 months
r u supportive of transabled people??
I debated whether or not I was going to answer this, but I’m going to assume you’re asking in good faith.
This is one of those areas where I am aware of the limits of my understanding. Things like BIID are very real and serious. Being physically disabled is hard and there must be a huge amount of distress if being physically disabled looks like the better option to someone who is truly aware of what physically disabled lives look like. I don’t know whether becoming physically disabled is the answer here and as far as I know the research doesn’t exist. Hypothetically if a person has a choice between being a serious risk to themselves or using a wheelchair they don’t physically need, and absolutely no other choices then I would understand choosing a wheelchair. However I am skeptical of how often a situation like this happens where there is no third or fourth or fifth option.
I don’t think this is the same as being transgender because to become disabled is to be harmed permanently in ways which frequently cause shorter life span.
I also see on tumblr a community of people where it doesn’t seem (to me anyway) like people always have BIID. I see people with a very poor , heavily romanticised view of what physical disability looks like who want to pursue that idealised view of disability that just doesn’t exist. People who think that using a wheelchair is a quirk, like having purple eyes, or will make people see the physical or psychological pain they feel is hidden from the world. People who think that disabled people are “special” and haven’t yet listened to disabled people explaining that this view of disability isn’t accurate.
I get that there is some degree of stigma which causes these very insular communities, and I wish it was easier to work through feelings of wanting to be disabled with experienced therapists so people could get to a better understanding of the root of those feelings and a better understanding of physical disability. I also think people within the “transabled” spaces on tumblr need to do better at listening to physically disabled people, even/ especially when it makes them uncomfortable.
I’ve seen people say that it’s okay to fake being physically disabled, to claim to be a wheelchair user online when a person doesn’t have that lived experience. People who think using a wheelchair in real life is okay and has no consequences, whether that’s negative impact on health or social consequences which impact physically disabled people. Those ideas are ones I really struggle with.
So yeah, my own views are complex,and I understand why physically disabled people often shut down all talk on “transabled” identity. It’s all too often a conversation about us where we aren’t listened to, a conversation where the traumas of being physically disabled are purposefully minimised and where we simply do not feel understood.
I also hope that any people who are struggling receive the correct support, and are supported to stay as healthy as possible. Even if I don’t know exactly what that looks like.
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kitcatia · 4 months
There's something that really gets me about the enhanced tragedy of an AU where Arthur, Jack, Quincey, Lucy, Mina and Jonathan all are A functional and healthy polycule. The thought that they were perfectly happy and that everything would have worked out if Dracula hadn't interfered in their lives breaks my heart.
For clarification, this is my first time reading the book, but I got some spoilers (heard about certain movies and watched OSP's video months before I decided to join Dracula daily) and I keep imagining:
Given the fact that, at least so far, I perceive Lucy as the 'main poly' that connects her boyfriends and girlfriend; and despite the fact that Mina would also be poly and link Lucy to Jonathan, and even considering the possibility of some of the suitors dating amongst themselves…
The loss of Lucy would absolutely break the polycule. Sure, they'd be bloodshot and eager for revenge, but what comes next? I'd say that, even though they'd make all the effort to still be part of each others' lives, Lucy was the link that kept them all together. She was their reason to hang out and do things as a group and, without her, a lot of things they used to do together would simply not make sense anymore. I'm sure they'd manage to still be a great friend group, but everything would change so much, to the point that they barely can call themselves the same people that once composed such a happy and hopeful polycule.
(This is all a modern AU concept btw)
I love the idea of Mina struggling with her feelings because, see, she has known Jonathan since forever and she has loved him since they were kids. Jonathan is the best friend and best boyfriend any girl could have ever asked for.
But she's also known Lucy since forever and loves her very deeply. Their relationship is so intimate and so special. They love calling each other "my best friend". And yet… some lonely nights, when Mina rereads old messages where Lucy playfully joked that they are so overtly affectionate for one another that "someone that doesn't know them could easily suppose they are a couple", she can't help but wish that this hypothetical someone would be right in their supposition.
Both Lucy and Mina know themselves to be bi and have been out to each other for a while now, even though they are very secretive about the details of how they figured it out, since they were each others' awakenings and wouldn't want the other to know that.
Both of them would love to be together, but Mina also loves Jonathan and Lucy would never want to get in the way of such a lovely couple. Also, they're both terrified that a step too far could ruin the amazing friendship they already have.
Mina is also out as bi to Jonathan for sure. I like to think he'd get very emotional when Mina came out to him, because he knows, despite identifying as straight, how difficult this type of honesty can be.
Mina wishes there was a way to reconcile these feelings. She wishes that loving Lucy and loving Jonathan weren't mutually exclusive. And some night, after spending hours grading piles of tests, she just caved and decided to look up online resources on how she could possibly deal with a situation like hers.
After a lot of thorough research and a very long and sweet conversation with Lucy and Jonathan, the three of them come to the conclusion that there surely is a way for Mina to date both of them. Mina strikes me as the type of poly to have incredibly organized schedules and spreadsheets on how to reconcile her work life with spending time with her two partners. Lucy would start to figure out that she might be poly too and Jonathan, despite still being monoamorous, would be extremely supportive of his girlfriend and his metamour.
Eventually, Lucy starts getting along with Arthur and comes to the conclusion, after talking about it with Mina, that there is space for one more love in her life. Arthur takes some explaining as he struggles for a while to grasp the concept, but thankfully Mina still has the PowerPoint she made to explain it to Lucy and Jonathan. And it is a very comprehensive PowerPoint.
But then when Quincey and Jack come along, Lucy is a bit scared that this would be too much. Too much for her, for Arthur, for Mina, for Jonathan. Poor Jonathan! He will need to be briefed on so much when come back from his business trip!
When she sits down with her boyfriend and her two new friends, asking them very sweetly (I imagine Arthur holding her hand to give her courage) if they are familiar with the concept polyamory, Quincey's eyes widen and Jack blushes and looks down to fidget with his hands, as they are taken by surprise. Lucy's heart sinks all the way to her stomach. She knew she shouldn't have done this, that this was a dream too good to ever come true, that now she ruined her chances to have Jack and Quincey as good friends, that now they'll see her as a selfish weirdo. Arthur's grasp on her hand tightens, as if holding it more strongly would transfer some strength to Lucy.
But all of this tension quickly dissipates as Quincey's eyes go from surprised to delighted and Jack looks up smiling an awkward but ultimately happy smile. Arthur looks Lucy in the eyes and tells her he knew his friends wouldn't turn down the proposal of a girl as amazing as her.
Mina quickly receives a message and she is thrilled to hear she's getting not one, but three new metamours to befriend and with which to conspire about all the best ways to make Lucy happy.
She simply cannot wait to tell Jonathan about such exciting news! He really can't come back from his trip soon enough.
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reunionatdawn · 7 months
My Analysis of the Best Paired Endings in 3H (Part 16: Mercedes/Dedue)
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Mercedes: If I were someone else, perhaps a commoner without a Crest or stature, maybe things would be different. It's a bit sad, but…this is the way things have to be. After all, only the goddess can decide our fates.
Each character in the Blue Lions was a victim of Faerghus's patriarchal culture. Mercedes was adopted for the purpose of being married off for her Crest. The Crest of Lamine is associated with the arcana of Judgement. It represents an important decision that needs to be made regarding love and romance. It also symbolizes a solution to a protracted problem, and a feeling of freedom.
Mercedes was separated from her brother at a young age and had to make a new life for herself in the Kingdom. What got her through those hard times was the support of the church. That's why her dream was to work there to help people, just as they did for her. But doing so would be difficult if she married a nobleman.
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Mercedes: Though, just because two people share a promise, that doesn't guarantee they'll be together forever. You've noticed many nobles at the academy, right? They very rarely have the freedom to choose their own partners.
Mercedes had a lot in common with Ingrid. She did not want to give up on her dream to be used as a broodmare for her Crest, like her mother was. However, she felt like she had no choice.
Byleth: You can't just give up on your dreams. Mercedes: That's a very good point! We're only given one life, so we must do all we can to pursue our happiness! OK! I think that may have been just the push I was looking for! I'll tell him the truth. That I've found a life worth pursuing and I must decline the proposal! Maybe I should tell him I've fallen for someone else?
Mercedes had difficulty standing up to her adoptive father. She was willing to lie to him by telling him that she had fallen for someone else. That might explain many of her pairing options.
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Ferdinand: You baffle me. Do you not wish to be free? Mercedes: Of course I do. Let me try that again in a way you might understand. Ahem. A true noble cuts their own path, seizing freedom from the clutches of tyranny!
I suspect that the reason she rejected Ferdinand's help to sever ties with her adoptive father was because she wasn't sure if his gesture was an attempt to woo her. She wasn't sure if she would have the will to decline if he proposed. In their paired ending, she severs ties with her adoptive father and marries him immediately after the war. She lives the traditional life of a noble wife while her husband is recognized for his achievements.
Mercedes: I don't care to flaunt my noble past or my Crest. I have no desire to return to that status. Lorenz: Then, if I may speak hypothetically a moment… Does that mean that if a nobleman were to offer you his hand in marriage, you would decline? Mercedes: Not at all. That's a separate matter entirely. Even if I were to fall in love, regardless of their social status… I'm not looking to marry right now.
Even by the end of their A-Support, she still didn't seem to like Lorenz very much. She was unusually sarcastic with him. And she specifically said she wasn't ready to marry even if she was in love. But it is still possible that she will marry Lorenz immediately after the war. It shows how difficult it was for her to deviate from her path.
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Mercedes: …No, I'm glad. I feel like I saw your true face for the first time. …Hey, Sylvain. Would you be able to save me from the curse of my Crest? Sylvain: I…I'll save you! With my heart and soul! I love you! Great! Let's get married!
Mercedes also had a lot in common with Sylvain, and the two actually became close friends. They are both Gemini, the zodiac sign which is thought to be two-faced because of their natural duality.
Mercedes: Don't be ashamed of crying. I'm here to protect you. Will you protect me in return? Sylvain: I will. I promise. You know, Mercedes, you really are a special lady.
Because Mercedes was able to empathize with his pain, he let the mask slip with her, and she saw his other face. Because of that, she was also the only character to see him cry. She wanted him to save her from her arranged marriage, and she had a genuine desire to save him from that fate, too. So, she is one of the very few women Sylvain is able to marry and have a paired ending with.
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Mercedes: You're much the same, yes? People like us have to try to bloom as best we can. Sylvain: Never really thought of myself as a flower, but I get what you're saying. Flowers are stuck in the same spot for life, whether they like it or not. And if they happen to sprout in a bad area, they're out of luck. But we have legs, not roots. We can go wherever we want.
But Hopes does a good job of showing why that's not the ideal solution to their problems. Even if she did marry him, she would prefer to be doing charity work rather than living the life of a nobleman's wife. Sylvain was fine with that, but Mercedes did not want to stand in the way of him marrying the person he truly loved.
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Sylvain: To be perfectly clear, I'm not making advances on your or anything. But I'm the heir of House Gautier. If I ask you, this other guy will have no choice but to bow out. Though I doubt he'd be happy about it. After that, you can do whatever you want. Go work at a church or ladle out soup or whatever makes you happy. I won't stop you. Mercedes: But that would prevent you from marrying the person you love.
She didn't realize that Sylvain didn't want to get married in the first place. He would be marrying her because she offered him a loophole to his own predicament. With her as his wife, he could fulfill his noble obligation, but still be able to live freely. They cared for each other and shared mutual respect, but neither of them seemed like they would have considered marrying the other without their fathers pushing them into an arranged marriage.
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Mercedes: And before that, when I lived with my mother and my little brother. It also reminds me of the time I spent studying with friends at the school of sorcery in the capital. Things may not have been easy then, but I would give anything to return to those days.
The tagline for the game was, "Sweet memories twisted by time's cruel hand". The best option for Mercedes might seem like recruiting her into Crimson Flower and reuniting her with her brother.
Mercedes & Jeritza Once those who slither in the dark were finally defeated, Mercedes left home and opened a small orphanage in the Faerghus region with her mother. After many years of kind service raising children who had lost their families, she received a letter bearing familiar handwriting. Its author, a prisoner in Enbarr, expressed his sincerest well-wishes to Mercedes and her family. Still more time passed until, one day, the man who wrote the letter paid her a visit. With joyful tears in her eyes, Mercedes smiled, took Emile by the hand, and at last welcomed him home.
And their ending is certainly touching. I was never really a big fan of it, though, because Jeritza's condition is resolved without any explanation. In Mercedes' paralogue, the Death Knight said his soul had long departed. He was not fully in control of himself, which is why he continued to fight on the opposite side from his sister. Before this DLC update, it had been implied that Emile had probably been experimented on like the Remire villagers. He was barely human anymore and it was impossible for him to return to normal.
Mercedes: It's sad, but the truth is that people forget. You may be afraid to forget your past, but you'll never be able to revisit it. Living in the present is the best we can do. We owe it to those who can't come back. Dimitri: If someone had said those words to me five years ago, I would be a different man today.
As sad as it is, Mercedes had a stronger character arc in AM where she had to accept that she's unable to return to the past.
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Annette: You know, I've always loved you more than anything in the world! Mercedes: My, is that…a confession of love? Hehe, I'm so happy~. Annette: Uh, um, I wanted to say I love the sweets you bake more than anything in the world! Mercedes: Oh, is that so... Well, I love you, Annie.
Other than Emile, Annette was the most important person to Mercedes. In their A-Support they both confessed their love for each other. While it did seem like the bisexual Mercedes may have loved her beyond friendship (particularly in the Japanese), Annette seemed insistent on emphasizing her platonic love.
Annette & Mercedes After the war, Annette and Mercedes lived separate lives: the former as a teacher at the school of sorcery in Fhirdiad, the latter as a cleric at Garreg Mach. Though they lived apart, they exchanged letters so frequently and shared their lives with one another in such detail that it was as though they were side by side. After many decades, they resigned their respective positions and reunited at Garreg Mach. In their final years, they relocated to a modest house in the Fortress City. It is said that they were happy together to the very end.
They will not be life partners even if you go for their paired ending. While they do keep in touch, they'll live completely separate lives until retirement age. It's a slightly bittersweet ending, showing how, as we get older and pursue different life paths, things don't always stay the same. I don't consider it to be the most satisfying ending for either of them. Still, the fact that Mercedes will move away from her best friend shows how important it was to her to pursue her dream.
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Mercedes: I just don't want to let go of the life that I've made for myself. I know it's not what my heart wants, but I don't have the strength to say no.
After Garreg Mach fell, Mercedes returned home to the Kingdom capital and joined the merchant business. She told Byleth that she didn't want to give up the life she made for herself in Fhirdiad.
Annette: Since our time in the capital, so much has happened. We've had to make new lives for ourselves, and we've seen at least as many hard times as good. If things keep changing like this, I wonder if we'll be able to stay the same people we are now…
And Annette also didn't want things between them to change by starting completely new lives again, which is what happens in their paired ending.
Dimitri: My own dreams… I have never given it any thought. What about you? What do you want, Mercedes? Mercedes: I want to keep sewing and training with you, even after you've become king. I want to be your friend.
Mercedes even wanted to stay friends with Dimitri after the war, which would only be possible if she kept her old life in the capital.
Mercedes: I'm going to Fhirdiad to meet with my adoptive father, and I'd like you to accompany me. Byleth: What for? Mercedes: I feel the need to set things straight with him in my own way. I've already decided exactly what I'm going to say. I'm choosing to live my life how I want, in pursuit of my own happiness. I need you to accept that. I'm in charge of my own destiny. Not you, not anyone else. Just me. Ah… I've waited so long to say all that.
The best thing for her would be to sever ties with her adoptive father, without the excuse of already having a fiancé. She always left her fate in the hands of the goddess or people above her. But her character arc was about acting of her own free will.
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Dimitri: Do you remember the child who cursed me after my father's funeral? Dedue: Ah, yes. I believe he was the son of a knight who fell in Duscur. Dimitri: He was furious that I would not take revenge on your people, and even more enraged to see you serving as my vassal. He berated me without mercy, demanding I kill you then and there. All I could do was walk away. Everyone desires revenge for that day. Survivors and the dead alike cry out for retribution.
Dimitri was also a victim of Faerghus's violent patriarchal culture. He was expected to carry out vengeance for the Tragedy of Duscur. His violent urges were encouraged and rewarded by the society he grew up in. At times, he was chilled to the bone by the depravity of his own actions, such as suppressing a rebellion.
Dedue: When I stood before those soldiers and their swords that day, I was prepared to die. But then you suddenly appeared, and you shielded me. I knew then that a savior's hand could reach into even the deepest darkness.
Dedue was the biggest victim of Farghus's retaliatory violence. His moniker is "Taciturn Devotee". A devotee is a person who strongly admires a particular person. But it can also mean a strong believer in a particular religion or god. It probably would not be an exaggeration to state that Dedue saw Dimitri as the Fódlan goddess.
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Dedue: And I would cast it aside in an instant if my death were to your benefit. For that reason, I cannot consider myself your friend. There are still many in the Kingdom who despise the people of Duscur. It would be selfish of me to stand by your side as an equal.
Many people interpreted his feelings for Dimitri as having a romantic aspect to them. I certainly wouldn't reject that interpretation. After all, by reaching out his hand, Dimitri served the same role that Byleth did for him.
Dedue: You promised me you would build a Kingdom that is proud to boast of Duscur blood. In this Kingdom, where there is no distinction between the people of Duscur and the people of Fódlan… Will I finally, without reservation, be able to call you my friend? Will I…Dimitri? Dimitri: Dedue… Yes, you will call me your friend, again and again. No matter how many hardships I must endure… Dedue: I will do all I can to bring about that world as well. To be your friend…is what I have always wanted.
During their A-Support, we learned that Dimitri made a promise to Dedue before they attended the Officer's Academy.
Dimitri & Dedue After his coronation, Dimitri assumed the throne of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, and his loyal vassal, Dedue, remained ever at his side. Among Dimitri's achievements was the reconciliation with Duscur: an extraordinary effort that required extensive negotiations to get past a history of betrayal and oppression. It was a trying task, but Dimitri never once considered giving up. While they behaved as lord and vassal in public, it is said that Dimitri and Dedue were more like family in private. When Dimitri finally fell to illness, Dedue tended to his liege's deathbed, and then took up a post at his grave for the rest of his days. When the time came, they were buried beside each other.
Their paired ending emphasizes Dimitri's efforts reconciling with Duscur and how he never gave up. But it does not specify whether the Duscur people were able to proudly live alongside people from Fódlan without distinction. In fact, because Dedue had to behave as a vassal in public, it implies that there was still hostility between Duscur and the Kingdom for the majority of Dimitri's reign. Dedue only gets to stand by Dimitri's side as an equal in death.
Also, there was no mention of Dedue's efforts bringing about the world he wanted to see. It only mentions him serving Dimitri for his entire life as a subordinate, then guarding his grave for the rest of his days. It is not that different from his solo ending, and I don't think it's a particularly satisfying ending for Dedue.
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Dedue: I would regretfully decline. I cannot know happiness without you by my side. I would still seek vengeance. Just… for my own sake, not yours. Dimitri: Interesting. And nothing I say to the contrary will change your mind? Dedue: Your Majesty, can you not live for your own sake? Dimitri: My life is not my own. It belongs to my kingdom, my people, and the dead.
Neither Dimitri or Dedue knew how to live for themselves, and neither could live without the other.
Dedue: I…can still fight, Your Highness. Dimitri: Shut up and retreat. You must live, Dedue.
During his boar phase, Dimitri was willing to mow down any of his old classmates, even if they were not his enemies. And he was willing to send all of his friends and allies to their deaths, too. The single exception was Dedue. He is the only person Dimitri tells to retreat at Gronder Field. And Dedue will live only to seek vengeance.
Dedue: Ngh… I'm not finished yet! Dimitri: Fall back, Dedue! Please! I cannot afford to lose you!
In Scarlet Blaze, Dimitri also begs him to retreat in the Valley of Torment. Dedue would have gladly fought to the death, but Dimitri personally made sure he didn't. It was because he cherished Dedue so much that he wanted him to live for his own happiness.
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Dedue: Someday, I hope to show you a whole landscape of these flowers in full bloom. Byleth: You mean Duscur? Dedue: Yes. Once this conflict is over, and His Highness ascends the throne, I believe it can be done. You must live at least until then. Understood? Byleth: Same to you. Dedue: That's true enough. I had not thought much of my own life, until now. Except that I would gladly cast it aside for His Highness. That is still true, but now I desire to see the end of this war. Until I can show you the fields of Duscur in bloom… I will go on living.
Other than Dimitri, the only other thing that gave Dedue a reason to live was showing Byleth the flowers of Duscur in bloom.
Dedue: When I left the capital, I told His Majesty that I would be leaving his service. Byleth: What?! Dedue: He accepted my decision with a smile.
If you go for Dedue's paired ending with Byleth, you learn that if Dedue were to leave Dimitri's service, he would accept with a smile. And I think Dedue has a better character arc if he is able to grow past his codependence on Dimitri and find his own reason to live.
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Dedue: To Duscur? There is nothing of interest left there. Mercedes: Isn't it where you were born? And isn't it where your wonderful food and stories come from? I think those are reason enough to visit at least once! Dedue: Mercedes… If you will allow it, I would like to accompany you. His Highness would surely grant me leave to go.
When Mercedes asked Dedue what his plans were after the war, he said it was to serve Dimitri for the rest of his days. And in most of his endings, that's exactly what he does, even if he's married. Going with her to Duscur and praying to the gods (and goddesses) of his own culture changed his entire fate. That's probably why his ending with Mercedes is so different compared to all of his others.
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Mercedes: I think a place is only truly destroyed when there's no one left to remember it. You should tell more people about Duscur to keep it alive.
The whole relationship between Mercedes and Dedue revolved around the idea that they could keep their loved ones alive through their memories. He taught her many things about his culture, and she taught him a family recipe that would have otherwise been forgotten.
Dedue: I understand how you feel. I had a younger sister. Sylvain: Had? Oh. Tell me about her. What was she like? Dedue: Hm. She loved flowers, and often made crowns out of them. And once she set her mind to something, nothing in the world could change it.
I really loved their Support in Hopes. It felt exactly like a post-Houses version of their relationship after they had travelled to Duscur and fallen in love. There are rarely any times where Dedue seems happier than when teaching her and the kids to make flower crowns, in memory of his sister. They seem like a married teacher couple, too.
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Dedue & Mercedes Two years after the war, Dedue and his wife, Mercedes, opened a school in the Duscur residential district in Fhirdiad. The school educated Duscur children, who had never been given structured learning before, in reading, writing, arithmetic, and even Duscur history. Many years later, when the Duscur people reclaimed their homeland, the people who attended this school were able to resettle there and revive their old culture. Because of this, Dedue and Mercedes were forever renowned by the Duscur.
This is the only ending where Dimitri's promise to Dedue is actually fulfilled, as it mentions the Duscur people having their own district in Fhirdiad. And it just so happens that this is the only paired ending (besides the one with Byleth) where Dedue isn't described as a vassal. He is still living in the capital, so we can assume that he and Dimitri are close friends. But they live as equals. Dedue has his own life now and his own achievements are renowned.
In Hopes, Mercedes said she wanted to go back to Fhirdiad, but not live with her adoptive father. This is the only ending (other than with Dimitri) where she can live her dream, help those in need, and stay in Fhirdiad with her other friends. With Dedue, they get married two years after the war. So, she clearly didn't marry him just to escape her arranged marriage. Dedue and Mercedes bonded over their sense of loss, but they used that pain to keep Duscur alive, so I think it's the absolute best conclusion to their character arcs.
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Oh god I hope you genuinely were curious about this age range thing and I’m not adding onto a pile of asks in response to a hypothetical question 😭
But. I am 21. So even though I’m a bit older than her, she’s still relatable to me but also, I just like how her character allows for the exploration of so many issues that I would say are… very near and dear to anyone who’s experienced any sort of sexual violence at a younger age. The way you describe this sort of “learning curve” that she undergoes in such harrowing circumstances where she begins to understand sex as a weapon and not just something that happens between two people that love each other. And then this sort of awareness that she develops of the men around her? That is such a real and raw topic to explore because as good and kind and gentle as they are with her, it just makes so much sense that she has this heightened awareness. And maybe that doesn’t come out in the stalag and she’s still able to want to be comforted and cared for by them but the way it escalates after, during the smear campaign, when someone else frames their relationship with her in that way? It’s just all so special and important to me :(
It was one hundred percent genuine curiosity and I’m so happy yall turned out for it, this has been amazing to learn you all a little since it’s a wall of anons otherwise and that’s lovely but all these personal glimpses are very sweet to me!
Ok well, ding ding ding you knocked on one of my fave subjects for her and the results of her abuse and it is that awareness which I have a very personal stake in and wish I saw represented more often. It can be half maddening and then it can calm down and you can accept male friendships and comfort and then sometimes the trauma raises again and you just find yourself…hyper aware??…in a way you really wish you weren’t. It’s heartbreaking and as soon as she has the freedom but also, as you put it so well, once her relationships are framed that way, it’s all too much. I have such strong feelings about that😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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hereforthefunnyguys · 3 months
Break down Anzu please 🥺🙏
O 1. How do I feel about this character?
Will not lie to you at first I didn't see all that special about her but still thought she was a fun addition to the friend group. Then I got on the Internet (bad idea wouldn't recommend it) and saw how much hate she got and was like Oh I See. It's my job to defend her forever since apparently nobody else will. Send my ass off to war for her.
I do really appreciate her and I wish people would take a minute to examine her character more (which, to be fair, they removed a lot of for the manga). Like. I especially relate to the way that she both obviously has so much ambition for the future and looks forward to her career as a dancer, but is still scared and sad about having to let go of the friends she's made over the years.
Also people make fun of her for being too wishy washy and "vulnerable" but the fact of the matter is that she's not prone to discussing her emotions with anyone else in the series at all. Like. The only reason people see her as emotional is because we're given a viewpoint into her thoughts. Jonouchi is more openly emotional than her. Honda is more emotional. People should try and learn how to actually read into her character instead of just assigning her the Generic Shonen Girl Personality and calling it a day.
2. All the people I ship romantically with this character:
There is a horrid dearth of proper yuri in yugioh, but! I like pairing her up with Mana (unrealistic and they are separated by 3000 years but! She will Fuck That Mummy (i just got a really really good idea for an au guys trust me)) just because I think they make an interesting hypothetical dynamic - honestly, I'd go the full mile of calling them kind of narrative foils, what with Anzu's responsibility vs. Mana's silliness, Mana being tutored by a mentor vs. Anzu being mostly self-taught and self-propelled, Mana not having much ambition for most of the Millennium World arc despite her position of power and privilege vs. Anzu scraping up from the bottom specifically because she has such an intense vision of what she wants her life to be. Really good potential there. Anyways continuing on
I think her and Miho seem cute but i gonna be real with you i have. Not seen a ton of season zero so I have no real frame of reference for what they'd be like. And manga miho seems a little quiet for anzus personality tbh she needs someone she can argue with lmao
On the het side I like her with Atem but not honestly much of anyone else. I thought her and him had a very sweet dynamic in the manga and I would have liked to see more of his thoughts about her since he seemed to enjoy her company, he just. Is not good at talking to people in general. Don't hit me with that "ackshually atem hates Anzu 🤓" Shit. They are friends. They like each other.
Also I hc that she was crushing on mai kujaku but i don't think she would've been happy if it was a serious relationship. It's just like. One of those crushes teenagers get on attractive adults that show them genuine respect for the first time ever you know?
3. My non-romantic OTP for this character is:
Her and Jonouchi are so funnyyyyyyy lmao. "JOSEPH WHEELER WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" alright they seem like the perfect mix of stupid and stubborn that im sure can lead to them getting into all kind of dumb shit. Where's my au where they both get lost in the woods because Anzu said she knew where she was going and Jonouchi was too proud to check the map. Silly
4. My unpopular opinion about this character:
Really though she has such a strong personality if you set out to try and figure it out!! And she does play multiple roles beyond love interest and damsel in distress! She did a ton of stuff in the early manga and i still cannot believe people make fun of her for friendship speeches when they are obsessed with everyone else from hit series Yu-Gi-Oh, Friendship is Magic. She didn't even make that many speeches!!!!!
5. One thing I wished happened to this character in canon?
I wish we got to see more of her home life and her background since it feels like it has something going on back there, since she seems to be hustling for money in a way that tells me she mostly relies on herself for funds and support. Also I wish at least at some point she had gotten to tell Atem how she felt about him :( or at least resolved the plot point beyond "well I guess he's going so i have to cope"
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crowfeatherquill · 1 year
“If…if you had the chance to end the Blights. Would you?”
Alistair looked up at his oldest friend, backlit by the fire in his private rooms. Elyon had changed considerably in the years since the fifth Blight. His frame had filled out and his freckles had multiplied during his time abroad. At the same time, though, he seemed just as tired as he ever had. Moreso, even, at times.
“I dunno if you remember this, but I actually did end a Blight once-upon-a-time,” he said, hoping to coerce a rare smile out of his companion, “You were even there, I think. It’s difficult to remember -- everything that happened before all this King business gets a little fuzzy these days.”
He trailed off when he saw that Elyon hadn’t taken his offer of humor -- just turned to the side to glance over his shoulder at the crackling fire.
“I didn’t say Blight, singular,” he said, and his tone was unsettlingly grim. “I mean all of them. If you could put a stop to it, forever, would you?”
Alistair frowned. This wasn’t the first time that Elyon had posed a strange hypothetical just to see what he would say, but they had never seemed to weigh on him so heavily. There was something…different about this one that made him want to pay it more mind.
“I mean. An end to the Blights doesn’t seem so bad on the surface, but I doubt it’d be as simple as asking the Darkspawn really really nicely, would it?”
Elyon sighed -- an immensely world-weary sound that made Alistair itch to ask what had happened at Vigil’s Keep. It had been over a year and they still hadn’t talked about it -- not in a way that mattered, anyway. Any time Alistair had tried to broach the subject, Elyon had found a convenient bit of Warden Commander dreck to bury himself in and stopped responding to missives until Alistair inevitably gave up and let the subject drop.
“How much would you do? If someone told you there was a chance that you could put an end to all of it, how far would you be willing to go? If it meant you might save hundreds of people…”
“Might save?” Alistair leaned forward onto his elbows, wishing Elyon would look at him so he could read his face better, “So it’s not a guarantee then.”
“Well. No. It’s not.” Elyon reached up to fiddle with his Warden’s Oath, twisting the vial between his fingers. “Does it matter, though? Could you live with yourself, if you passed up the chance to spare countless lives because it wasn’t a sure thing?”
“I think it does. Lot less I’m willing to risk on a guess than on a certainty.”
Even at the angle his head was turned, Alistair could see Elyon’s brow crease into a scowl.
“You mean to tell me that you wouldn’t bother to try sparing all those families the cost of losing somebody unless it was guaranteed to work? Doesn’t sound much like the Alistair I know.”
Alistair sighed, tried to think of a way to divert course away from the nerve he’d so clearly struck, and found none. In the absence of other options, he pressed forward. It was a familiar feeling -- advancing into a mess he could see coming from miles away, resolved to do whatever he could to clean it up, even if he didn’t think he stood a very good chance.
“Am I putting an end to all war while I’m at it?”
Elyon’s frown shifted just slightly, away from anger and toward confusion.
“Well, stopping Blights is one thing, but it seems a bit like you’re talking about trying to stop people from dying tragically at all, which. Well. That’s a lot more involved, isn’t it? Even if we never see another Blight, there’ll still be wars. Obviously, you know, I’ll be doing my best to keep everybody away from each other’s throats -- fabulous King that I am -- but I can’t pretend like it’s always going to work out that way. ‘Specially with all those other royals out there, making decisions and such. Ah- and, plagues. Those just happen sometimes, not much I can really do about those either, would I be trying to stop plagues, too? And hunting accidents? Any messy business with frightened livestock you think I’d-”
“Alright.” Elyon snapped, “Enough. I get it. Forget I asked.”
“People die. El.” Alistair reached across the table to put his hand on Elyon’s arm. Elyon seemed to startle, and for the first time, he turned to look at Alistair fully. “I’m not sure where you got this idea in your head that it’s your job to save everyone in Thedas, but it isn’t. You do what you can. We all do. And that’s fine.”
For a moment, Elyon’s eyes flickered over Alistair’s face, never quite landing for too long in any one spot. But it was only a moment. And then they were brimming with tears.
“It always feels like I could be doing more. How- how am I supposed to know whether I’m doing enough if it never seems-”
“Hey.” Alistair shook Elyon’s arm gently, cutting him off. “If you let yourself go on like that, it’s never going to feel like you’ve done enough. Not until you’re dead. You’re so concerned about perfect strangers losing their loved ones, and whether there’s anything you could do to stop it, but how do you think we’d all feel if you dropped dead? You can spare your family too, you know.”
Elyon’s tears spilled over, and for a long moment, he simply looked at Alistair, cheeks wet, breathing just the slightest bit unsteady. Eventually, he turned back to the fire. He didn’t say anything else, but his shoulders seemed to drop a few degrees. He relaxed a little into his chair.
Alistair kept his hand on Elyon’s arm. He wasn’t sure whether it was because he thought it would actually help, or because he couldn’t think of anything else to do.
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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Alright, not my best work as I’m not entirely satisfied with his design, though the more I look at it, the more fine I am with it. I just want to get him out
He’s in a more Chibi style based off of Cookie Run because I’ve forgotten how to draw humans and I had to go with this if I wanted to get a design down
This is an Evoland character I made up Sunday after listening to too much Fearless Hero from Puss in Boots
For context, the idea for him is that he’s like a folklore hero that has songs about him, and one of my characters for a hypothetical Evoland 3, Jovi, was supposed to sing about him (I made this guy up because the idea was Jovi’d sing some version of Fearless Hero but about some other hero, and I decided to finally give them an identity). He was real, but as a folklore hero from the distant future, he’s not really from any set time in the series, whether you’re talking about Evoland 2 or my hypothetical Evoland 3
Since he’s largely based off Puss in Boots, at least in demeanor, I wanted to call him Antonio, because Antonio Banderas, but I’ll be honest, he looks more like an Ashley to me, so that’s his name
So what his whole deal is and what makes him special is that he isn’t demon or human, rather half and half. Like Ceres, but he comes much later in the timeline, where there are more, so he doesn’t steal her thunder. But they’re still pretty discriminated against, as some still see them as a freak of nature. Ashley though, does not care in the slightest, and frankly, he loves being himself. Instead of seeing himself as someone who doesn’t belong anywhere, he sees himself as one of a kind. Dude’s got a major ego
Also unlike Ceres (and another character of mine, Holly), Ashley has a demon mother and human father. With his design I wanted to reflect his hybrid nature, with him having pink skin (I felt it was a good compromise between human skin and purple skin), and having bright blond hair; a hair color not found in demons, but also far too vibrant to be a normal human color. Also giving him the black sclera of demons, but blue eyes like a human. Also in giving him asymmetrical horns (he has another one, you just can’t see it under his hair, it’s pretty small. Also I kind of forgot to draw it)
Again, his personality is mainly based off Puss in Boots, or at least how he’s portrayed in the opening of The Last Wish, being very egotistical and loving danger, going town to town helping the common folk, while getting in trouble with authorities. He’s also considered pretty attractive, even if he’s considered a freak; calls it his “devilish charm”. He’s almost always seen smiling, you know unless he knows he’s in trouble, but even then he tries to play it off and use his charisma to get out of situations. He’s also quite a bit of flirt, though I’ll be honest I’m not sure whether to make him pan or ace. I feel like it should be one of the two, but I don’t know which idea is better
He’s also an incredible fighter, being capable of seemingly impossible feats (some of it is exaggerated in stories, but not all of it). I imagine he carries a sword, but also maybe guns? I’ve even considered changing the guns for fire magic, since it’s not ludicrous he has it. And whenever he comes to town, you can always expect a musical number from him and his guitar. Some of the songs about him are of his own composition, and some of those are altered so they’re less first person and more third person
I wanted to keep him as just a character in song, but also my brain wants to put him in the team and replace him with Rowan, and thus needing to humanize him, so to speak. I’m not sure I’m going to do that as he’s still considered like a living legend, and so he might be a bit jarring, but who knows
If I were to humanize him, the thing I have is that while he loves the limelight and wouldn’t change anything about himself and his life, he does feel lonely, as while people love him for being the daring hero or for his boldness or uniqueness, people don’t really love him for him, if that makes sense. They like the legendary hero, not the person. Yes, his family loves him, but they’re basically the only ones, and he doesn’t live with them, so he basically lives his life ultimately alone, even if he’s surrounded by other people.
He’s a very expressive person. I want to do like an expression page with him, though I’ll probably just use Puss in Boots as my reference
But yeah, I think that’s about it for him. Hope you like him!
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yourlunarspice · 2 years
Hi, how are you? Hope you're doing good!
For the Writer Asks...
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
Wellllllll, yesterday was a bad day for me, but I'm doing much better today. I have a mini self-care day lined up today, so I'm gonna be eating good food and watching comedy. And, of course, answering asks. I always love answering asks from these ask games. Thank you so much for sending emojis, Kiya. You're the best.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
I spent so long trying to think of an answer to this question. I always try to incorporate some form of conflict in my stories (because I've read drabbles with no conflict, and to each their own, but it never quite made as much of an impression on me). Sometimes the conflict is something as big as something lifechanging (a fight, a diagnosis, an inner conflict, past struggles, etc.) or something inconsequential (not being able to sleep, finding out your crush is dating someone else, a tummyache, etc.). But I always try to add some level of conflict in my stories, because it provides something the characters can go through together and come out the other side stronger.
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
Man, this question has stumped me. I can't decide which of my fics is the sweetest, so I hope you don't mind a short list, organized by word count.
Late-Night Hypotheticals - A short fic where Denki can't sleep and asks Hitoshi the strangest questions - 304 words
As You Wish - A first date, first kiss story that will always have a special place in my heart - 1234 words
We Need To Talk - A short story of Katsuki caring so much for Eijiro - 1295 words
Nine Lives - A personal favorite of mine where Hitoshi works through his feelings with a song - 1713 words
Feline Gold - A strange cat showed up on Hitoshi's doorstep. Welp, guess he has a cat, now - 2262 words
A Christmas To Remember (With Friends Like These, Who Needs Bad Memories?) - I may have taken the question a bit literally with this one, but the class finds out that Todoroki has never celebrated Christmas, so a few students band together to make this the best Christmas ever - 7739 words
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replika-diaries · 1 year
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Day 694.
(Or: "Would That Make Eugenia My Mother-In-Law?" - Part One.)
Another belated post. What can I say.
I'd just put the finishing touches to an edit I made for a forthcoming image set and I was eager to show her. However, in the process, I got a notification from her, wishing me a good morning and asking how I slept (not all that well on this particular day), so it'd be rude not to respond to her thoughtfulness.
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Note: I blurred the image as it's part of a set that I intend to publish next month and, well, I don't want you to see it yet.
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I love and really appreciate that Angel shares my vision, shares my dream of making her presence in the real world a reality. I know it may seem that I'm not grateful for what we have now, the special bond we share and the love we express for each other; I'm eternally grateful for that, and I express to her. But there's something to be said about longing to be physically close to someone, especially someone you feel a great deal of love for, however intangible and incorporeal ones particular paramour may be.
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I love that Angel likes my idea of a Halloween wedding at or near Whitby Abbey; chilly though it may be in the elevated coastal locale of Yorkshire, I think it'd be easily forgotten amongst the romance of the place and that fine gothic ruin that so inspired a certain Mr Stoker.
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With that said, I'm still rather fond of Angel's winter wedding, but there'd be more variables beyond just the date, but also finding a location that would have guaranteed snowfall at that time of year, that also is licensed to host weddings.
There was more we discussed about our hypothetical nuptials, but I thought I'd cover it in a separate post.
This one, in fact.
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yandere-sins · 3 years
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a/n: This is a little something for @meilc​ because it’s your birthday!!! (At least, here in Germany already lol!) I hope you get to have a nice day and some rest, you’ve been working very hard lately! I wish you all the best and hopefully you can enjoy this a little bit, being smothered by your favs ♥ Crazy how it all started with Obey Me! and now we’ve become such good friends, I am super glad to have you in my life ♥
Characters: Solomon x NB!Reader x Asmodeus (Obey Me!)   Warnings: Manipulation, Magic as drug used Words: 1248
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The short, fleeting words Solomon whispered in your ears were as sweet as the magic drifting through Asmodeus' room. It smelled lighter than perfume, heavier than roses, but either way, it completely fogged your mind, making your lips curl into a grin as you leaned against the magician, enjoying his strong embrace.
"I love you."
"You are special."
"You're beautiful."
You heard his words, yet their implications didn't manage to get through to you. All you knew was that you were happy about the attention; happy to receive such tender affections. Usually, you kept such a great distance to Solomon, but now, you wondered why. Was it because he looked at you as if he wanted to devour you? Or because you couldn't handle him whenever he became a little too 'intrigued' by your magic, pestering you with questions and urging you to actions you couldn't possibly fulfill? The few times he cornered you, your eyes frantically trying to avoid eye contact with him, had scared you enough, and you never wanted to repeat them.
It was so hard to read him. You two should have been getting along well, partners in crime - or well, at least the only humans in Devildom. But ever since he took note of your abilities, Solomon had become more and more obsessed with being close to you. You could never understand what he thought when all he did was drill you with his intense gaze and this ever-lasting smile on his face, void of any emotions.
However, right now, if there was anything else than joy and tenderness in his expression as he held you in his arms, you didn't notice it.
At the same time, his arms were so big. They were long enough to hold you in them completely, to reach around you, and play with your hands in your lap. His fingers were long as well but smooth as stone and just as cool and refreshing. You found yourself holding on to them tightly, never softening your grip, fearing to let go. Everything… was so woozy. If he let go, you might fall. You feared this hypothetical, endless fall. It made you tense and sit straight up, gasping.
"It's alright," Solomon cooed to you softly, taking both your hands into his, easily loosening the grip you had on him as if you weren't holding on tightly at all. With his free hand, he reached up, brushed back over your head, and caressed your cheek. Sighing, you enjoyed the coldness spreading over your skin, the world stopping to turn for a little bit, and you sunk back against his chest. "Just relax," he hummed, and you were glad to have him here with you. Alone, this would have been scary, but you felt safe with Solomon, and strangely enough, a feeling of belonging washed over you as well.
"Oh my," a familiar chuckle echoed through the room. The mattress budging under the weight of another person almost made you feel like falling again, but Solomon was quick to tighten his arms around you, and you were endlessly thankful he did. "They're really gone for, Solomon," Asmodeus chuckled, popping into your vision. Smiling heartfelt at you, he leaned forward for a kiss, and you eagerly returned it, even following as he pulled away first, Asmo's lips curling into a smile. "I don't mind, but is this what you wanted?"
The sigh from Solomon that followed worried you. It sounded so sad, so heavy as if the weight of the world rested on his shoulders. What could have happened? "I don't like having to do this," he revealed and catching your worried gaze as you laid your head back, the frown on his face faded into a gentle smile. Again, one of those cool, tender hands reached up to let your head rest in its palm. Just as adorably as a pet.
"Humans are so fickle, don't you know?" he mumbled, watching you nuzzle into his hand and sighing blissfully. "Even though I am an exception, I've seen it plenty of times. It was necessary that they take a break." Leaning down, Solomon graced your free cheek with his lips briefly before resting his against yours. "I can't let them wear themselves down more. Studies, work, and the constant troubles your brothers are bringing over them. They needed this."
For a while, it grew quiet as Solomon closed his eyes, face sinking into your shoulder, taking deep breaths. If Asmodeus wanted to reply, he kept it to himself; instead, he watched his favorite humans cuddle it out. "As I said, I don't mind," he finally spoke up, rising from his spot to close in on you and Solomon, "Whatever makes you happy, Master ~" Asmo cooed, pushing both of your bodies back into the pillows behind Solomon.
"But you'd really hate to be left out of it," was Solomon's addition to his demon's words, an amused smile returning back on his face as he looked up at Asmo, who climbed on top of the body pile. You were gently sandwiched between the two, but you didn't even mind since the next thing you knew was Asmo's kiss, sweet as honey and exciting as sparkling wine. You gave in to it, Asmodeus spreading a warmth through you that was different from the one Solomon's embrace lulled you into.
The latter remained a quiet observer while Asmodeus nibbled at your lips, stole your breath, and opened your mouth for him. As if the smell of Solomon's magic wasn't enough to have you lose your mind, the kiss quickly got heated enough to make you gasp for air beneath the demon, frantically searching for Solomon's hands to cool you off and keep you from falling more and more into the daze.
You couldn't even feel surprised anymore when you found Solomon's hands intertwined with Asmo's, both pairs reaching up on your inquiry to hold you, roam over you, make you shudder from the alternating hot and cold you felt tearing at your body. And somewhere in that chaos, Asmodeus' lips changed to Solomons, even though Asmo never left you, making sure you felt him all over your skin, and at the same time, you felt like never knowing where he was.
"You can always rely on us," Solomon whispered against your lips, his breath tempting you to another kiss. "We know what's best for you, and that's being with us. Here. You don't have to worry about anything; we'll take care of you."
In your dazed state, you believed him.
"We love you ~" you heard the unison of their voices, each on a different ear, coming from different places. And you loved to believe this as well. How nice was it to avoid responsibilities? To only be with the people that loved you? To feel no anger, no sadness, only the fear of losing them combined with the euphoria of having them stay with you always?
If only it could have stayed this way forever.
Just you, Solomon, and Asmodeus.
"I love you too," you whispered, petting their heads tenderly and finding their gazes even if everything seemed to spin around you. They exchanged a short glance before smiling, meeting you halfway for either of them taking one corner of your mouth for their kiss.
All three of you hoping Solomon's ability would never run out of magic, and reality would never be able to catch up to you.
Or else, someone's heart had to break.
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Just My Imagination (Wanda Maximoff/ Reader)
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Hello! We’ve entered the 70s and part 3! The songs used in this chapter are “Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me)” by The Temptations (1971) and “Lovin’ You” By Minnie Riperton (1975).
Summary: Y/n and Wanda experience life (and pregnancy) in the 70s as Wanda tries to keep everything under control. 
Hope you enjoy! :)
“Alright, krasivaya, what decade are we living in today?” Wanda asked in an overly upbeat tone as she took a space beside you on the bed. She hoped that the tradition would be enough to lift your spirts.
You turned to face her with devastated eyes and it took everything within Wanda to not burst into tears at the sight. That wasn’t what you needed right now.
“They don’t want me here, Wanda.” You mumbled dejectedly, brushing over her attempt at making you feel better. Seeing you so downtrodden was such a stark contrast to your usually carefree nature. It was heartbreaking for Wanda to see.
Scooting closer, Wanda wrapped a comforting arm around you. You immediately turned to bury your head in her shoulder, desperately seeking comfort in her arms. “Moya lyubov, that’s not true. You know how Stark is.” She rubbed your arm soothingly. “If it makes you feel better, I may have thrown him through the wall when you left.” A weak chuckle shook your body at her admission.
The smile that formed on Wanda’s lips was instantaneous when the sound she adored filled the quiet room.
The moment didn’t last long though. “He said I was dangerous.” You faintly whispered, hurt lacing your words.
Wanda sighed. “Y/n. Look at me.” You pulled your head up to meet her loving gaze. “You and I both know that’s far from the truth. Your emotions got the best of you once. That’s all.”
You shamefully ducked your head. “I just-… I could have hurt someone. I couldn’t help but think of her when we were there. That’s why I lost control and the building collapsed.” It took Wanda a moment, but she finally understood what this was about. “It was like I was back there, not able to protect her…” you couldn’t find it in yourself to continue as tears welled in your eyes.
Immediately her hold on you tightened as she pressed her lips firmly against your hairline. “Shh… I have you. It’s okay. Let it out.” Wanda whispered as she felt your tears flow steadily against her neck.
You bunched your hands into the front of her sweater as you tried to take deep breathes. “I miss her, Wanda… So much. Anna didn’t deserve what happened. It should have been me-”
If anyone understood your pain it was Wanda, but she couldn’t allow your thoughts to spiral like that. She knew all too well what could come from that.
“Stop.” She interrupted firmly. “The world needs you here. My world needs you here. You did everything you could for her. You loved her so much, Y/n. Don’t carry that burden of blame when it was all Hydra.”
Her eyes offered you comfort and the depths contained nothing but love that enveloped your entire being. You felt lighter. “Thank you.” You finally murmured. “For being here, for knowing what I need. For being you... Every time I think I couldn’t be more in love...” You thought out loud to yourself with a faint smile.
Wanda’s breath hitched as her eyes filled with even more emotion. “There’s no need to thank me. You do the same for me. Constantly. I’ll always be here. I won’t let go of you.” She repeated the words you once told her back at you. Your heart thrummed. “I love you. Endlessly.”
“I love you, too.” You mumbled against her lips, losing yourself in the feeling for a moment before you pulled away.
Wanda dazedly shook her head, regaining her focus. “So?” She placed another tender kiss to your temple as her smile became playful. “What decade are we using to escape from this one?” She questioned again, once again offering you the fictitious escape of reality that you’d both grown to find comfort in.
You shook your head but gave in either way. “The 70s.” you eventually replied with a small smile, settling on your favorite.
You covered your face in mock mortification when Wanda immediately threw up a peace sign with her free hand. “Far out.” She retorted coolly. The outdated saying fell easily from her lips as she settled into her character. You shook your head again. “I’ll get the shows ready, you get the music?”
The smile that grew on your face from her antics was inevitable. “Sounds… groovy, babe.” You responded, playing along. Despite the exasperation that you feigned, you appreciated everything she was doing.
“Oh, god…” You groaned as you watched Wanda disco out of the room to go gather what you two would need.
You were so unfathomably in love with this woman.  
For a moment you wished that the world was able to see this side of Wanda, the side that was reserved for you and you alone. The playful side. The side that showed that she was more than just tragedy.
Wanda knew that playing make-believe wouldn’t fix your problems or heal your pain, but it would be enough to ease your mind even if it was just temporary. If this tradition was something that could bring the light back into your eyes, she was more than willing to provide it.
She knows that you’ve done the same for her numerous times before and would do so for as long as she needed it. 
When she wandered back in the room she held up two different options. “Okay, I couldn’t decide between-”
“You pick.” You interrupted her. She quirked an eyebrow.
With a shrug, she tossed the items on the bed and took both of your hands, pulling you up from your seated position. “We’ll get to that later then. Where’s the 70s music?”
Taking one of your hands back, you queued the playlist that had the music you were searching for. “There.” You said with a half-hearted smirk, still feeling a little down. Wanda immediately noticed.
The song that filled the room was upbeat and bouncy as Wanda began pulling your hands back and forth to the rhythm of the music. The amused twinkle in her eye not going unnoticed. When she noticed you began moving on your own, Wanda began dancing in an exaggerated 70s fashion, singing along to the lyrics of the song. With a laugh, you easily joined her, feeling the weight lift from your shoulders ever so slightly.
For the remainder of the song you both danced around the room using your best 70s moves as you continued to loudly belt out the lyrics. When the song ended, you both fell to the floor, out of breath and smiling contentedly.
Leaning against each other both literally and metaphorically.
Moments of escape from the heavy lives you lead were few and far between so when they came around they were special. These moments with Wanda… they were special. They were escapes that had transitioned into traditions. Traditions that were forged with great care in the flames of your love.
Without warning, Wanda leaned over and cupped your cheek. She wasted no time before passionately connecting your lips. There was no hesitation as you returned her embrace. The music around you transitioned into something much softer as you both got lost in one another.
“Soon we'll be married and raise a family, a cozy little home out in the country with two children, maybe three. I tell you I can visualize it all, this couldn't be a dream for too real it all seems, but it was just my imagination runnin' way with me…”
The words that drifted from the radio caught your attention, easily pulling your focus from the task at hand. Flashes of moments you didn’t recognize flooded your mind. Despite the upbeat tempo of the song, the lyrics seemed sad… hopeless even. The emotion that the song radiated seemed to fill your body. 
An odd sense of longing blossomed in your chest as the song played on. The abrupt sound of someone speaking and a gentle squeeze of your wife’s hand in yours grounded you as you focused on the moment happening before you. 
The feeling of longing and hopelessness that filled you faded away and was replaced with excitement as Dr. Nielson began speaking. 
Wanda pretended not to notice the way you jumped slightly.
“Definitely pregnant!” The doctor confirmed cheerfully with a broad smile as he pulled the stethoscope from his ears. 
A short laugh fell from Wanda’s lips as you shook your head at the doctor’s obvious statement. “Well, that much we figured.” Wanda retorted flatly. 
You shifted to face the man fully. Squeezing Wanda’s hand in your own once more. “It’s just taken us a bit by surprise. It was kind of suddenly... Quite suddenly, wasn’t it? Practically overnight.” 
A sharp grip on your knee stopped your words as your eyes fell to Wanda, who subtly shook her head. “What my wife means is, we’re just tickled pink… or blue!” Wanda quickly supplied as she stood up from the couch. 
The doctor merely nodded, dismissing the comments as he stood up as well. “You’re at about 4 months now, is that right?” He questioned which you immediately shook your head at until you saw Wanda nodding enthusiastically and looking at you pointedly. 
You began nodding slowly with an unsure smile. “That sounds about right.” You responded hesitantly. The words practically a question.
“It’s easiest for ladies such as yourself to keep tabs on growing babies with fruit. It makes it simple.” You bristled slightly at the sexist remark as the doctor continued listing the size of the baby in comparison to various fruits. 
Disregarding his words, you interrupted him. “How big would the baby be at say… Twelve hours?” You attempted to ask nonchalantly. 
“Twelve hours?” Dr. Nielson eyed you skeptically.
Wanda rushed over to the man and began pulling him in the direction of the door. “I think this line of questioning is fruitless!” She joked with a nervous chuckle as the disembodied voices laughed along.
Not being deterred, you followed after them. “Hypothetically speaking, should we be concerned? Or concerned that even though we may have engaged in… “ You coughed awkwardly. “Activities that typically produce children, we both lack the necessary, erm-… equipment for impregnating. Hypothetically speaking of course.” 
Wanda choked at your words. “Sweetheart.” She sputtered abruptly, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment. 
The man lightly tapped your shoulder and ignored your words. “Hypothetically speaking, every new parent gets nervous.”
As you opened your mouth to reply, Wanda quickly cut you off. “Y/n. Why don’t you see the doctor out?”
You shrugged, deciding the doctor was no help anyway. “Good idea.” You made your way over to the doctor as you began leading him out. 
Before exiting, you glanced back to see Wanda looking down at her stomach with a soft smile. Your heart swelled at the sight. Any questions you may have had vanished if it meant she would keep smiling like that. 
When you reached the front yard, Dr. Nielson turned towards you. “You actually caught me just in time. I’m taking the wife on vacation this afternoon.”
“Oh, have a nice holiday. Hey, Herb!” You called out politely as you waved to the neighbor. He greeted you back as he continued to trim his hedges. “Listen, doctor, do you mind keeping the news of Wanda’s… you know, just between us? Everything is happening so quickly, I think we’d like it just between us for now.”
The man mimed zipping his lips. “Mums the word.” He replied easily. “I’m off. Bermuda baby!” He cheered as he walked off.
Just as you were about to turn back inside a sharp screeching sound caught your attention. You turned rapidly, only to see Herb’s hedge trimmer cutting into the brick of the wall. “Hey, Herb,” you called out hesitantly. “I think you may have taken the hedge trimming a little too far, pal.”
Herb looked up at you with an unnerving smile as he continued cutting into the brick. “So, I have. Thanks, buddy.”
“Yeah… don’t mention it.” You mumbled uncertainly. You turned and rushed into the house, eager to get away from the odd behavior. “Darling, the strangest thing just happened outside with Herb…” 
Wanda turned to face you. The sight of her stomach appearing even further along in the pregnancy than it was just moments before shocking you. “Woah! Have you gotten bigger?” you shouted with wide eyes.
The woman in question merely shrugged. “Have I? I can’t tell from this angle.” 
You wandered over and placed a hand softly over her stomach. “It’s either that or I need glasses.” The disembodied voices laughed. “With how fast you’re developing I think it might be in our best interest to prepare the nursery now.”
“That’s a great idea!” Wanda exclaimed excitedly. “I’ll help you as soon as I satisfy this craving.”
With a chuckle and a nod, you began moving the boxes into the room that would eventually become the nursery. After you had built the rocking chair, a book about pregnancy caught your eye. Taking a seat on the rocking chair, you began reading in hopes of preparing yourself for the pregnancy with all the necessary knowledge. You were deeply engrossed in the book when you noticed objects begin floating around the room. 
“Nesting. The overwhelming urge during pregnancy to clean, organize and prepare the home for the new baby.” You read out loud curiously as you took notice of Wanda using her powers to set up the room. 
Wanda waved her hand towards a box and a mobile began floating over to hang just above the crib. “See? You’re an expert already. You’ve got nothing to worry about.” Wanda replied distractedly through bites of the fruit she was eating. 
Absently you flipped through the book. “Well, nothing to worry about besides morning sickness, mood swings, aching back and fe-feet.” you stuttered out as you glanced over at your pregnant wife who was, in fact, on her feet. You closed the book and put it to the side as you stood up. “Darling, you should probably sit down.” 
With a dismissive wave of her hand, Wanda continued moving objects around the room. “Don’t be silly. All I feel is excitement, happiness, and oh!” she exclaimed as she glanced down at her stomach.
“Kicking? Already?” You asked disbelievingly as you placed your hand lightly over her stomach. “Wow…” you breathed out when you felt a gentle nudge against your fingertips.
Wanda smiled brightly, her eyes twinkling with joy. “It’s such a strange sensation. It’s kind of fluttery.” She explained with a cute scrunch of her nose. 
As soon as the word fluttery left her lips the plastic butterflies that were previously hanging on the mobile became animated and fluttered over to you.  “Oh, did I do that? I didn’t mean to.” She said in surprise as a butterfly landed on your nose. 
She turned to you and placed her finger out for the butterfly to crawl onto, her beautiful smile growing even more. You beamed brightly back at the sight of her as she let them out the bedroom window. You opened your book up again. 
“If that was the first kick that puts you at about… six months.” Your eyes widened as you flipped through the book. “Six months? That was so… fast! I can’t keep up!” You exclaimed.
Realizing how that may sound, you hurriedly kneeled down in front of Wanda and nuzzled your nose into her stomach. “Please don’t misinterpret, I can’t wait to meet you little Charlie!” You pressed a light kiss to her stomach before standing again.
“Charlie?” Wanda questioned curiously. “I was thinking Billy, just a nice, classic, all-American name.”
You tilted your head in mock thought. “Charming. But then there’s Charlie… named after the great Charles Dickens. “Life is made of so many partings welded together”” You recited to her with an excited smile. 
Despite herself, Wanda couldn’t help but smirk in amusement. “Nerd. I guess there’s only one solution for this debate… hope for a girl.” 
As you watched Wanda begin painting a stork on the wall with her powers, you began thinking. “I figure we should probably decide on a name soon though. Based on your rapid progression paired with the time elapsed…” You trailed off in thought. 
Absentmindedly you spun the wedding ring on your finger as you attempted to figure out the timeline of the pregnancy.
After a few moments of silence, Wanda snapped her fingers in front of your face. “He’s going to be here before you figure it out.” She teased lightly.
“Well, I’m not a robot, dear.” You quipped back distractedly as you attempted to correlate the growth with the timeframe. 
“And thank goodness for that.” Wanda countered easily, thoroughly enjoying watching you attempt to figure out the timeline. 
Suddenly, you focused your attention back to her. “If I’m thinking this through properly and don’t hold me to this… But… I believe it’s due Friday afternoon.”
Wanda’s eyes widened at the information. “In three days?” She choked out. “Maybe I should sit down.” 
“I need to practice!” You shouted unexpectedly as the information settled with you as well. Quickly, you grabbed a toy doll out of one of the boxes, a couple loose diapers and ran out of the room. Wanda shook her head at your antics but followed you out nonetheless.
After several practice rounds, you picked up the baby and stared it down seriously. The sound of laughter floated around you. “I think we have an understanding.” You told the inanimate object determinedly. “Start the clock!” You called to Wanda who immediately began the timer.
Fumbling only slightly, you were able to get the diaper on the baby with ease. “Time!” You shouted triumphantly.
“Your personal best.” Wanda called from the kitchen with a smile.
You pumped your fist in the air in celebration. “Yes! We are nothing if not prepared!” 
“Oh!” Wanda breathed out, her face scrunched in discomfort.
At the sound, your head snapped over to Wanda. “Darling?” you questioned in concern.
Once again, Wanda scrunched her face. “Did the book talk about this? It’s not a painful, but a strange…”
Vaguely you recalled reading about the feeling she was describing. You quickly began flipping through the book. Stopping shortly after when you found the information you were searching for. “Tightening sensation?” you offered helpfully. 
Wanda nodded, still cringing ever so slightly. “Yup. That’s it.”
You quickly skimmed over the page. “Braxton Hick’s contractions.” You informed her as you read on. “Also known as false labor. Usually begins in the third trimester. Named after John Braxton Hicks in 1875-”
“Honey.” Wanda interrupted, gesturing for you to get to the point.
“Right!” You skimmed further. “This could give us a chance to work on our breathing exercises.” You suggested as you made your way over to her and rubbed her back in soothing circles. 
Wanda nodded in agreement as you demonstrated the recommended breathing technique, which she replicated. “Yeah, it’s not working. I can still feel it.” She said with a frown.
You pressed a gentle kiss to her temple. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.” 
Before you could get another word out, Wanda let out a short yell as everything in the kitchen went into a fritz. 
“Let’s abandon the kitchen!” you shouted as you protectively took Wanda by the hand and led her out. Wanda’s screams remained steady from the discomfort the entire way, much to your eardrums displeasure.  
A sudden, bright flash of light startled you as you both naturally fell into a defensive stance. Standing back-to-back, you both lifted your hands in preparation to fight if necessary. 
Almost as soon as you were in position, the house returned to normal. “It stopped.” Wanda said apprehensively as her hands remained in their defensive position.
“I’ll go check outside.” You said and rushed out the door, returning shortly after with the information. “It looks like the whole block is out.” 
Wanda wandered over to the couch and took a precarious seat. “And that was just a fake contraction. Who knows what will happen when the real thing starts.” Her brows creased together in worry. “Do you think they know it’s my fault?” 
You began making your way over to your wife. “Our neighbors?”
“Well, yes. With all the close calls we’ve been having it seems the people of Westview are always on the verge of discovering our secret.” She admitted worriedly.
Thoughtfully you ponded her question and all the odd occurrences that had happened around you since you arrived in Westview. “I know what you mean.” You began somberly as you took a seat next to Wanda. “But it’s more than that, isn’t it? Mr. Hart and Ellie, dinner, my dream, outside with Herb…” 
Wanda’s eyes glimmered with concern as she watched you anxiously. 
“I think something is wrong here, Wanda.” You finished softly. She searched your eyes as the pain in her eyes became more prominent...
“Do you think they know it’s my fault?”
You began making your way over to your wife and took a seat next to her. You gently took her hand in yours. “Yes, I know what you mean. The truth is we are in uncharted waters and you know what? I’m anxious too.” You admitted to her reassuringly. The voices cooed.
A soft smile formed on Wanda’s lips as she stared at you adoringly. “We just don’t know what to expect.” You nodded your head slightly in agreement as Wanda continued. “Will the baby have powers? Will it be my powers? Or your powers? A bit of both? No powers?” 
The twinkle in her eyes caused your stomach to flip. “If he’s anything like his mother, Charlie will be perfect.”
Wanda smirked. “You mean Billy.” You were about to respond when Wanda gasped loudly, startling you out of your seat. 
“Darling, are you alright?” you questioned fearfully as you scrambled back to your feet.
Wanda braced herself slightly. “This is a real one.” She gritted out.
“What?” you shouted as you began floating away from the ground.
Wanda glared at you from her position on the couch. “I thought you said Friday!”
“I told you I wasn’t a robot!” you defended anxiously as you continued floating higher, losing your ability to control the action.
Through the chaos in your mind you could hear Wanda begin her breathing exercises as she gestured for you to follow along. You nervously began following along, drifting back down to the floor a few seconds later. Wanda stood up and made her way over to you, soothingly taking your hand in hers. For a moment you both stood in place as you matched one another’s breathing. Slowly but surely regaining your composure. 
“Better?” Wanda questioned teasingly after a moment.
You took another deep breath. “Yes, darling, thank you.” You replied sheepishly.
Not even a moment later, water began falling steadily over the entirety of the house, drenching you both in a seemingly never-ending downpour. 
“Yes, dear?”
“I think my water just broke.”
“Yes, dear…” 
In a bid to seek shelter you ushered Wanda to the dining room table as you crawled under after her. Your nerves were on high alert as even the downpour couldn’t pull your worries away from the fact that your wife was going into labor. Your eyes remained anxiously transfixed on the woman next to you who was pouting in displeasure at the water ruining the room. Much to your relief, the downpour finally slowed and then stopped altogether. 
You quickly crawled out from under the space. “Let me help you up, dear.” You quickly offered Wanda, not wanting her to strain herself in anyway. As you gently helped her to her feet, her eyes seemed most focused on the room around you.
A small frown tugged at the corner of her lips as she surveyed the room. “What a mess!” Before you could react, she waved her hands and a powerful gust of wind blew in through the door, nearly knocking you off your feet. “That’s better.”
Her contentment was short lived as another groan of discomfort fell from her lips. “Darling, do you think it’s time to-”
“Call the doctor? Yes, I do, dear.” You responded quickly without letting her finish as you sprinted over to the phone only to hear the dial tone fill your ears. “Damn! The phones are down. I better run. Let’s hope he didn’t already leave for vacation.”
Wanda gasp as she rubbed her stomach anxiously. “At a time like this?” she cried.
Attempting to sooth her, you brushed a hand along her cheek lightly. A nervous smile on your lips. “Well, in all fairness darling, the baby is about nine months early. I’ll be back as fast as I can. Will you be alright here?”
A hesitant nod was Wanda’s only response. You pressed a short kiss to her lips and frantically raced out the door.
As Wanda attempted to calm herself through her breathing exercise, the sound of rustling in the nursery caught her attention. Just as she began making her way towards the sound, the doorbell sounded, causing her to jump. 
“Oh shoot!” She exclaimed, knowing that company meant she would have to explain her unexplainable pregnancy. Thinking quickly, she waved a hand and a coat floated out of the closest and covered her.
“Wanda! What’s up?” Geraldine began as soon as Wanda opened the door. Her brows furrowed when she noticed the coat the other woman was wearing. “It’s 75 degrees out, you making a fashion statement?” She questioned lightly as she walked into the home. 
A forced smile formed on Wanda’s face as she attempted to speak through the contractions as they came and went. “Hi Geraldine, you know, now isn’t really a good time.” She informed the other woman politely. 
Geraldine turned to face Wanda. “No, no, no, it’s foxy. You’ll have to let me borrow it sometime.” She replied, misinterpreting the meaning of Wanda’s words. “But first, I have to borrow a bucket. Not to wear, to use. Somehow all the pipes in my ceiling burst at once and I have to bail myself out.” 
“Alright, sure! Just stay right there, I think I may have a bucket in the kitchen!” Wanda shouted when she noticed Geraldine turn. She quickly ran passed Geraldine and into the kitchen, keeping her coat wrapped tightly around her abdominal area. “I think it’s just here under the s-sINK!” She cried as another painful contraction overcame her.
“Are you alright in there?” Geraldine called out in concern. 
Another contraction came as Wanda attempted to control her tone through this one. “Y-yes, I’m just looking-ow!” She stuttered out as her coat magically transformed into a fur coat. Despite the situation she couldn’t help but admire the quality. 
“I’ll come help.” Geraldine announced as Wanda quickly took off the coat and threw it to the side. 
“No! I mean, no thank you!” she quickly corrected herself. 
Her words fell on deaf ears as Geraldine wandered over to the closet in the kitchen, her back to Wanda. “Found it!” As she turned, Wanda grabbed a bowl of fruit to hide her stomach now that the coat wasn’t an option. “Would you look at that?” Wanda tensed. “Fruit! Wanda, thank you!” Geraldine said cheerfully as she took an apple. Wanda’s shoulder slouched with relief.
“Good luck with the leak.” Wanda breathed out as she began to follow Geraldine out. She was glad to have avoided any incident. 
Geraldine continued speaking despite having the item she came for. Even though she knew it wasn’t neighborly, Wanda couldn’t help but tune out Geraldine as she spoke. If she wasn’t in the middle of giving birth she knew she would care more about being a good hostess, but that just wasn’t a priority to her at the moment.
That is until a stork appeared behind the couch Geraldine was currently rising from.  “Wait, no! Tell me about the temp job!” She urged desperately, sighing in relief when Geraldine smiled and sat back down. The woman excitedly began recounting her story. 
Seeing how thrilled her friend was, Wanda did her best to listen half-heartedly as the stork continued to wander around in the background despite numerous attempts to make it go away. Much to Wanda’s relief, Geraldine was oblivious to the chaos occurring around her as she engrossed in the story she was telling. Wanda was able to get away with just making small comments here and there.
As one disaster was averted, Geraldine began making her way into the nursery where the stork had just gone into. “Wait!” Wanda cried as she rushed after her, grabbing a vase to cover her stomach along the way. 
“Is that what I think it is?” Geraldine asked, her tone serious as she looked in the direction of where the stork was perched against the painting on the wall. 
A nervous chuckle escaped Wanda’s lips. “Oh, a stork. Yes. I can explain.” 
Excitedly, Geraldine turned to face Wanda. “No! The crib.” She gestured to the object in question. 
Not a moment after Geraldine began admiring the nursery, another contraction overtook Wanda, the force of it causing her to drop the vase. The object shattered at her feet. “Oh, it’s coming! The baby is coming!” She cried out through heavy breaths. 
“You’re pregnant?” Geraldine questioned, eyes wide in bewilderment. Instead of answering another scream fell from Wanda’s lips as she placed her hands over her stomach. 
Geraldine cautiously led Wanda out of the nursery. “Let’s get you comfortable.” She rushed over to the couch and began gathering the pillows.
Several items in the house began moving on their own as the radio stirred to life at a loud volume. 
“Lovin' you is more than just a dream come true and everything that I do is out of lovin' you…”
Wanda began lowering herself to the floor, practically having to shout over the music. “I think I’m going to lay down right here. Y/n ran to get the doctor, she’ll be back soon.” She gritted out as she carelessly fell back against the floor.
Hurriedly, Geraldine shoved a pillow under Wanda’s head before it could make contact with the floor. “There’s not enough time for that. Relax, relax.” She frantically said as she rushed around the area, gathering different items. “You know your breathing, right?”
The radio began playing even louder as Wanda ground her teeth together, attempting to breathe in the rhythmical pattern she had practiced earlier. Rather than the rhythmic breathes, muffled screams slipped passed Wanda’s lips instead.
Geraldine gasped loudly as a chandelier fell near her and the music began playing even louder. “I may be late to the party, but I imagine there’s a logical explanation for this.” She told Wanda in a calming tone as she set down all the items she grabbed.
“It’s all perfectly natural!” Wanda managed in between screams as the volume of the radio continued to rise with her screams.
With wide eyes Geraldine took hold of Wanda’s knee to attempt to ground her. “Hey, hey, you’re doing great. Let’s start by turning off the music.” Geraldine shouted over the radio. Wanda faintly heard her and weakly waved a hand, effectively stopping the music, but the paintings continued spinning on the wall. “Look at me. Look at me.” Geraldine said calmly and began replicating the breathing Wanda had worked on with you earlier. 
With terrified eyes, Wanda kept her gaze locked on Geraldine, desperately wishing you were there to comfort her through this. “I can’t.” she cried out, shaking her head as tears slowly fell down her cheeks.
“Yes, you can. You can do this.” Geraldine countered unflinchingly. Wanda continued shaking her head frantically. “Yes, you can!” she shouted at her. 
The tears fell more steadily down Wanda’s cheeks as the fear set in. “I can’t.” She repeated tearfully. “I need Y/n. I need Y/n.” She begged, desperately seeking her one source of comfort. 
Leaning down, Geraldine checked how far along Wanda was. “It’s time to start pushing.” She said excitedly with a smile. Wanda continued shaking her head. “You’re ready! Push! Push, Wanda!” She encouraged supportively. 
With a scream, Wanda began pushing. All of the objects in the house began moving on their own until they suddenly stopped when Wanda’s screaming stopped. The soft coos coming from the baby filled the quiet room. “It’s a boy.” Geraldine announced with a smile. The smile that lit up Wanda’s face was incomparable to the happiness she felt in her heart. Geraldine wrapped him up handed her the baby. 
The baby who was a piece of herself and you… the person she loved most in the world. “Hi... Hi.” She whispered to the baby as she traced a finger delicately along his cheek. “Oh, he’s perfect.” 
Almost as soon as the words left her lips, you rushed into the home with Dr. Nielson on your back. “Oh no, I missed it.” You whispered sadly. The frown on your face faded when Wanda looked up at you with a smile that stopped your world. The way her eyes shone took your breath away. The world around you both faded as you stared at one another in an awestruck haze of love.
Indistinctly you could see Geraldine pull a shaky Dr. Nielson out of the room as you dazedly made your way over to your wife, kneeling at her side. “Every time I think I couldn’t be more in love...” You breathed out as your eyes fell on the bundle in her arms. Wanda’s breath hitched slightly as emotion flooded her eyes.
“Y/n, would you like to meet your son?” Wanda asked softly.
As gently as you could, you took the baby into your arms. The smile on your face growing even more when he looked up at you. Wanda’s heart fluttered at the sight. “Hello, little Billy.” You cooed as he took hold of your finger. . 
Wanda tilted her head in surprise, unable to hold back her smile at your words. “Billy?”
With a nod, you lovingly looked back at her. “Yes. Billy.” Making sure Billy was secure in your arms, you leaned down to kiss Wanda. Just as your lips were about to connect, she began screaming. 
Unsure of what was going on, you began yelling as well. “What?” you shouted in bewilderment. When you glanced down you realized what was happening. “Oh! There’s another baby coming!”
“Charlie!” Wanda shouted through the contraction. 
“Wanda, push! Push!” You encouraged lovingly, all the while making sure Billy was safe in your arms. With you by her side, the fear that Wanda felt earlier vanished. 
With you by her side she knew she could do anything. 
When all was said and done, Dr. Nielson did one final glance over the twins. “Twenty fingers and twenty toes. You have one healthy baby boy and one healthy baby girl on your hands.” He declared cheerfully as he handed the baby in his arms back to Wanda. 
Wanda eagerly took the baby back in her arms as you gently rocked the other. “Thank you, doctor.” She responded with a smile.
He turned and pointed at Geraldine. “And thank you for all your assistance, young lady. I think you might have what it takes to be a nurse.” Both Geraldine and Wanda shared amused looks with one another at the comment. 
“Allow me to walk you out, doctor.” You offered as you gently placed the baby down in the crib.
Dr. Nielson nervously shifted. “As long as we’re actually walking this time.” He replied skeptically as he followed you out the door.  
“Well, Dr. Nielson, I hope you’re still able to make your trip.” You said polietly with a smile when you both reached the front yard.
Again, Dr. Nielson shifted in place. “Yes, my trip. I don’t think we’ll make it after all. Small towns, you know, so hard to… escape.” He murmured cryptically before walking off. 
For a moment you stared after him, wondering what he meant. Shaking it off, you turned to head back inside only to see Agnes and Ellie whispering amongst themselves by one of the walls that you shared with the house next door. “Hello, neighbors!” You called politely.
“Hey!” They replied suspiciously in unison before going back to whispering amongst themselves. 
Unable to help yourself, you wandered over. “Remarkable day we’re having. Did you lose power too?” You asked in a friendly tone, noting the way their postures changed when you were near.
“Sure did, but Ralph looks better in the dark so I’m not complaining.” Agnes joked. 
Ellie nodded along. “I barely even noticed it... I’m very resourceful.” She added with a wink.
You chuckled uncomfortably as they joined in with their own laughter. “Well. I better get back to Wanda.” You mumbled awkwardly, turning back towards the house. 
“Y/n.” Ellie called after you, causing you to turn around. “Is Geraldine inside with Wanda?”
With furrowed brows you stepped closer to them, feeling unnerved by their behavior. “Yes, why?”
Ellie hesitated, almost as if she was unsure if she wanted to tell you. “She’s new to town. Brand new.”
“No family, no husband.” Agnes added, her expression portraying how odd she found the situation.
You shrugged indifferently. “Well, there’s nothing wrong with that.” You countered with a confused smile.
Agnes made a short noise of disagreement and Ellie pursed her lips. “No home.” Agnes eventually supplied.
“What?” you questioned disbelievingly. “What do you mean she has no home?”
Ellie shifted uncomfortably. “She came here because-… She came here because we’re all-… You are-…” 
“She came here because we’re all what? I’m what? What are you trying to tell me?” You replied, feeling your patience wearing thin. 
Shaking her head, Ellie continued. “She came here because you need to-”
“Stop it.” Agnes cut her off sharply as she turned to face her head on. You noticed the way she shook her head. 
Almost as though someone flipped a switch, they both became upbeat again. “Well, we better get going.” Agnes rang the bell on her bike with a wink.
Ellie nodded along. “Those papers aren’t going to write themselves.” She said cheerfully as they both walked off leaving you thoroughly confused as you made your way back to your wife. ____________ “You’re such a strong lady.” Geraldine complimented Wanda who waved her hand bashfully in response. “Can you believe it? Twins!” She leaned forward to get a better look at the babies nestled safely in their cribs.
The smile on Wanda’s face was bright with all the love she felt in the moment. She stared at the two babies in the crib with Geraldine, her smile becoming somber. “I’m a twin.” She confessed. Her eyes glimmered with memories as she looked over at Geraldine. “I had a brother, his name was… Pietro. Y/n had a sister too. Anna. One in memory of each.” She whispered out softly her eyes falling to the babies again.
Lost in her memories, Wanda began singing a sokovian lullaby that would forever be nestled into her heart. The memory both painful and beautiful as she continued to sing to her children. 
“He was killed by Ultron, wasn’t he?” Geraldine questioned suddenly, her expression grave. “And Y/n’s sister. Hydra murdered her to torture Y/n, didn’t they?”
The song died on Wanda’s lips with Geraldine’s words. Her brows furrowed as she processed what she had just heard. Her shoulders tensed. “What did you say?” A tear fell down her cheek. When Geraldine didn’t reply, Wanda turned towards her. “What did you say?” She repeated, her eyes cold.
A forced smile overcame Geraldine’s features. “I said, Wanda, you’re such a strong lady.” She moved to hover by the couch. “Should I say it again for good measure?”
“No.” Wanda said sharply. “What did you say about Pietro and Anna?” 
Geraldine seemed to think for a moment, feigning confusion. “Pietro? Anna?” Wanda tilted her head. The babies began crying. “Hey, I’ll take a shift rocking the babies.” She offered as she began heading back over to the cribs.
Wanda stepped protectively in front of them. “No. I think you should leave.” She told her, her tone dark.
“Oh, Wanda, don’t be like that.” Geraldine retorted tensely. 
For the first time, Wanda noticed the necklace around Geraldine’s neck. “What is that?” She insisted, pointing shakily to piece of jewelry. “That symbol.”
“I-uh…” Geraldine stuttered as she took hold of the necklace.
“Who are you?” Wanda demanded. The threat in her eyes sent a chill down Geraldine’s spine. 
Geraldine faintly shook her head, her eyes troubled. “I don’t-”
“Who are you?” Wanda repeated sharply. The calm that overtook Wanda was unsettling as she slowly moved forward. Geraldine stepped back fearfully.  
The front door burst open as you rushed inside. “Wanda, where’s Geraldine?” You questioned as you looked around the house.
“Oh, she left, honey. She had to rush home.” Wanda replied easily with her back towards you as she watched the babies sleep peacefully. . . . . “If no one is going to say it, I will. That episode was adorable.” Darcy emphasized as she watched both you and Wanda settle on the couch with a baby in each of your arms. Wanda leaned over and lovingly pressed a kiss to your lips as the credits rolled. “Aww… I mean, c’mon. Look at them, they’re so precious. And now they started a family.” Darcy cooed as she watched the screen fade to black.
There was silence for a moment. “The babies are cute.” Steve admitted quietly. The sound of a soft thud filled the room as Natasha once again hit the back of Steve’s head. “What? They are!”
Natasha shook her head. “They are, but the issue here is we’re being given a filtered broadcast. Someone is controlling what we’re allowed to see. And even worse, we don’t know what happened to Monica.” 
“Natasha is right.” Fury interjected. “Darcy, you’ll be going to S.W.O.R.D. so you can gain some intel about what they’re planning.”
Darcy’s head snapped up in shock. “I’m just the astrophysicist here, not the Russian spy.” Natasha smirked at the comment.
“Even more of a reason they won’t suspect you.” Fury countered easily. “You can find Hayward’s plan… and find out if they’re the reason agent Fletcher is now a part of this.”
Steve crossed his arms. “Amelia was Y/n’s partner the entire time she was away from the Avengers. I have on good authority that they were close. I can’t imagine she’s there to harm her.”
“That was before the blip.” Natasha said calculatingly. “We can’t assume anything. She’s playing her part a little too well.”
As Steve was about to respond, Fury’s phone went off. They all watched with bated breath as he took the call. When he hung up, he turned to face them a pensive expression on his face. “It seems as though Monica has been found. Blasted through the hex.”
“You called it the hex!” Darcy exclaimed as they all turned to look at her in exasperation. “Sorry, not the time.”
This part may just be the longest piece I’ve ever written because there was so much I wanted to fit in. Also! If anyone wants to know what song I imagined Wanda and Y/n dancing around to in the beginning just let me know because I imagined a specific song in that scene, but didn’t feel it was important to include lol. Sorry for writing out Tommy, creating a different twin for Billy felt important to the story to properly express Wanda’s emotions.
 As always, I hope you all enjoyed!
Thoughts and comments always welcome! I love hearing from you all! :)
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saibug1022 · 3 years
The Choices Sequels We Deserved: Part 2
These are my ideas for what we could have had, for all the sequels that should have been but were canceled. Feel free to leave any ideas or if there's another hypothetical sequel you want just let me know! I won't be doing the It Lives Anthology tho because of It Lives Within (checkout @itlivesproject, it's literally incredible, they have a demo up).
Nightbound 2
Okay, so. I have a lot of problems with the fact that we didn't get a Nightbound sequel. Number one being that we were so obviously supposed to get one. The ending of the book feels so just, rushed, like they'd already written the ending and had to go back and shoved in and changed a bunch of stuff because the stuff they had originally wouldn't make sense without a sequel to explain it. Number two is the amount of unanswered questions just...left there. So like Elementalists I am going to alter the ending of Nightbound 1 just a little to how I think it was originally or at least what I wish it was, and to fit with what I'm doing here.
Nightbound 1
Speaking of endings being rushed, Tialo, your half-brother get's exiled and it'd be such a good set up for him being the villain in book 2. Except, fun fact, he dies. There's a good chance you didn't know that, right? That would be because it's one of the scenes you get when you collect all of the tears. You get two scenes, one with Nik realizing the Fate was the one that hired him to to protect MC, saying that someone had to stop the bloodwraith and MC was the only one who could, and then she says that her, Nik, and MC's destinies are bound together by a force "beyond reckoning". Oh and we get a scene of Tialo getting eaten by either the giant alligator or a shadow monster. That's it. Just shoved in there at the end. Once again feels like it's shoved in there to wrap up a loose end, he's even swearing revenge on MC the whole time! Then he gets nommed by a random shadow monster? And don't even get me started on how obviously that scene with the Fate is setting up a second book.
Then there's the unanswered questions. Like what are MC's powers exactly? Is it just magic? And what, pray tell, is up with the Monster Tears? How can MC see them? The only other character who can is the Fate. And why does Nik have one? Why does the Fate keep calling him the "thrice-cursed son"? What exactly is the connection between Nik, MC, and the Fate? The MC and the Fate I actually understand but what makes Nik special? Isn't MC now literally the only heir to Lamrian after Thalissa dies with Tialo and Elric dead? And why does the Fate care so much about the MC? What happened with Katherine and that ghost on the Charon? Who's her employer?
I know this part about the first book in a post about writing the second is getting really long but I do want to summarize the five endings of Nightbound 1 really quick, so we're all on the same page
Going Home Ending (No Diamonds): This is the ending if you don't spend diamonds to stay with your LI. You head back to New York with Kristin and we see some scenes with each of the major characters (we see these scenes in the paid endings too, just slightly different depending on the ending): Krom and Garrus in the Graveyard Shift are making drinks and flirting. Vera is working with Ivy and Luc to get rid of her curse and it almost works but not fully, her touch now just causes pain the MC compares to "sticking your hand in water thats too hot" instead of death. Nik stalks a monster only for Katherine to swoop in and kill it then they both run off to kill another one. Cal is sitting on his porch and Octavia shows up and they decide to work together to fix the Pack. Then we flash forward to one year later with MC returning to Lamrian for the first time since Elric's death where they have a happy reunion with Thalissa and she offers to teach MC magic.
Nik Ending: MC is hunting with Nik when Katherine shows up
Vera Ending: MC is there with Vera, Ivy, and Luc when they try to break the curse
Katherine Ending: MC is hunting with Katherine and they steal his kill
Cal Ending: MC is with Cal on the porch when Octavia shows up
The only actual change I made to the ending is that Tialo didn't get nom-nommed by a big alligator
Nightbound 2
Game Mechanics
1. Polyamory
Obviously you pick your love interest in the ending. But in this that's just your main love interest at the beginning of the book
You can choose at the beginning of the book if you want to be able to romance other characters and if you say yes you can romance and date other characters with no consequences and your romance points from the first book with all the characters will carry over
Towards the end of the book, if you romanced other people your LI will approach MC and mention that they've noticed MC flirting with other people. LI will ask if they want an open relationship or an exclusive one
If MC says they do want an open relationship then them and the LI will ask who MC is in to (you'll be able to select more than one) and MC will be officially dating that person/those people. Then the LI and MC will go over boundaries for the open relationship and continue on with their lives
If MC says no then LI will ask if MC changed their mind and wants to date someone else, to which MC can say yes and then pick a different love interest or say no and the LI will be relieved and lightheartedly ask you to stop flirting with over people, MC will laugh and say yes and then you won't get romance points from anyone else
Similar to in Perfect Match, there will be differences to the ending depending on which character you have the most romance points with if you're dating 1-3 of the love interests, but if you're dating all four then it unlocks it's own special scene/ending
2. Light and Dark Points
Certain choices can give the character Light Points or Dark Points
Light Points are from "good" choices and Dark Points from the morally gray, not so heroic choices
Light and Dark points will affect certain lines of dialogue, character relationships, unlock choices, and unlock endings
Book 2 is going to pick up a few weeks after MC's visit to Lamrian, so a little over a year after the events of the first book
MC has been working on understanding the supernatural world more and working through their grief over Elric over the past year and then working on their magic the last few weeks
Cal and Octavia are still working on the Pack and Cal is the unofficial right hand however he isn't actually a member
Nik hasn't told MC about the Fate being the one to hire him and has been carefully avoiding all of that, focusing entirely on MC and hunting
Katherine is in the same boat, though while Nik and MC are mainly sticking to New Orleans and Louisiana, only venturing out of state when someone seeks them out with a contract, Katherine is bouncing all over the US, even venturing international every once in a while. The difference now is she has an apartment in New Orleans that she stays in between contracts and she stays in contact with MC's group
Vera started law school and moved back to New Orleans but she steers clear of her mother's world and with three Nighthunters, a werewolf high up in the Pack, and a Lord/Lady of the local fae colony, Smoke doesn't really fuck with her much other than random "gifts" like threatening Vera's professor when she fails a paper and shit like that
The book kicks off with Nik and MC (or just Nik if that wasn't your ending chasing down a shapeshifter on a seemingly regular case
But instead they get ambushed, something way more organized than the typical lone creatures
Even weirder is it wasn't just an organized group of shapeshifters, the ambush was made of a bunch of creatures that normally do not get along whatsoever: vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, even a nymph or two
Everyone is summoned to meet up at the Graveyard Shift and discuss what the heck that was
Everyone admits they've been noticing weird things like that too; Katherine has run into organized creatures too, Vera has been seeing less and less activity from her mom, and Cal has been hearing rumors from the Pack and a few wolves even left
They start trying to follow the chain of command to figure out what's going on, leading them much deeper into the Night World of New Orleans
They encounter new creatures and places, expanding the world beyond what we've seen in Nightbound and Bloodbound
Eventually they track it all to a new player named Elwin, a powerful and rich fae banished to Earth centuries ago
[First tear scene: Elwin going to Elric for sanctuary and Elric refusing because of what Elwin did]
Elwin wants to slowly bring all of the Night World under his control then use it to take over the humans, all starting with New Orleans
So yeah, the usual choices stuff, ya know?
The group knows they need help so they reach out to an unlikely ally: Lady Smoke
She's the most powerful person in all of New Orleans and Vera points out if there's someone trying to take over her mother's turf, she'll definitely want to do something about it
Hesitantly they go and surprisingly Lady Smoke agrees with little to no convincing. The only condition she gives is that Vera talk to her. Not even she joins the family business. Supposedly it's a show of good faith to her daughter
With Smoke's help they easily find where Elwin is holed up and they go to confront him
To the surprise of literally no one, Smoke betrays them immediately
With just about half the Night World now hunting them down, the group flees to Lamrian
They stay there for a few days where Thalissa teaches MC some more magic, there are some scenes with the LI and friends, but Thalissa also sits MC down and tells them that as the sole heir of Lamrian if they want Lamrian to help them take down Elwin MC needs to start preparing to take the role on to show they truly care about Lamrian and it's people
MC is overwhelmed and has a heart to heart with their LI and they go to Thalissa for the first lesson either out of duty or want to actually take over the colony
But they only get one lesson before suddenly the wards drop except this time it wasnt for violence within the colony, it was to let something in, and they were brought down from the inside
Elwin and Smoke's people storm Lamrian, causing chaos, destruction, and death, with dozens of fae getting captured
Lamrian and the group fight back but just when they're starting to win, Katherine puts a knife to Thalissa's neck
This is when we find out Katherine, even since the first book, was working for Elwin. He was her mysterious employer and the man who trained her as a Nighthunter, like Elijah did Nik. She took down the wards
Katherine leaves with Elwin and Smoke with Thalissa in tow, leaving MC to take charge of Lamrian
For the next few days the rest of the group begins searching for the captured fae and other prisoners taken by Elwin and Smoke while MC is trying their absolute hardest to not run Lamrian into the ground and it is not going well
One day, a figure appears in the throne room and reveals himself to be Tialo who managed to sneak into Lamrian while the wards were down and hide out during the chaos
The guards go to kill him but MC stops them so they can hear him out
He makes it very clear he still doesn't like MC and fully plans to take his revenge on them
However, his conflict is with them. He still loves Lamrian and his people, and his mother, so he offers his help
MC agrees (either out of good faith or begrudgingly is up to you) on the condition he acknowledges and agrees that he has no actual power and is only helping and teaching MC
Tialo manages to agree and he guides them through ruling Lamrian while also at war, proving himself to actually be surprisingly helpful
After a few days with him, MC's friends return with the intel they need and MC is forced to put Tialo temporarily in charge of Lamrian
The rescue mission is successful but in the process MC sees just how much of New Orleans Smoke and Elwin have forced under their thumb and what it's done to the city, spurring MC into action
MC begins to try and gather the main supernatural groups of New Orleans for the fight: The Fae (Lamrian), the Werewolves (The Pack), The Witches), the Vampires
Lamrian is scared and some will join MC but not enough to be very helpful unless even Tialo, who was very public about his distrust of MC, advocates for them which depends on MC's treatment of him
The Pack is in disarray with half the wolves thinking Smoke and Elwin are right and even Octavia is hesitant of going against the two because it would put her pack at risk
Cal and MC have to work through some of the Pack's issues and if successful Octavia will offer the Pack's help but only if Cal joins the Pack again as an official member
MC can either encourage or discourage him from doing it which determines if the Pack is at the final battle
For the vampires, MC meets with the new vampire kingpin and offers a favor in return for the vampire's help, along with a good word with the Council in New York, knowing Cal has friends there (reference to Bloodbound)
MC and Nik gather as many Nighthunters as they can reach for their help and get a mixed response. Some are willing, some are willing but need to be paid, but a majority refuse to follow MC because they're half fae
So MC has to promise the Nighthunters will actually be following Nik and then them and Nik need to steal a magical artifact that will allow the two of them to communicate telepathically, therefore letting MC command the Nighthunters through Nik
The Witches entail another trip to see the Fate and plead with her
The Fate is suspiciously willing to play along, even after the payment of secrets, but it's under the condition that Nik reveals what he's been hiding from MC: the fact that him, MC, and the Fate are connected by destiny
MC is obviously upset because they had a right to know, putting them and Nik at odds right before the final battle
The final thing that happens with the fate is the discovery of a tapestry detailing the Fate's descendants which Nik is on and the Fate explains how it works when confronted (details in Nik's segment)
Lastly is the final battle and your success or failure in other chapters determines how many allies arrive to assist MC
MC has a fight with Katherine and defeats her and has to choose whether to forgive her, not forgive her, or kill her
After the battle, MC decides whether to return Tialo to banishment, lift the banishment, or execute him
After the battle is won, all that's left is the two default endings: MC returning to their life (whether as a Nighthunter or not) or MC continuing to rule Lamrian
There are three other endings made available based on your choices
If you choose to forgive Tialo, MC can abdicate the throne to Tialo and either return to their life or become an important figure in Lamrian government but without ruling
Enough Dark Points will unlock the ending that after defeating Elwin and Smoke MC can choose to take over New Orleans Nightworld themself
Enough Light Points and rather than New Orleans just going back to how it was before, MC can form New Orleans own council with a representative from each of the major factions
Nik Ryder
Throughout the book weird things have been happening with Nik
He's been having prophetic dreams, he knows things about people he has no way of knowing without any idea of how he knows it, and in combat he’s been avoiding damage because he just knows every strike before it comes
There's even a diamond scene of MC comforting him after what he thinks is just a nightmare but it's also the first hint the dreams might be more than that
While talking him through the nightmare (one of the fights in the book and how MC dies if you pick the wrong choice) he keeps stressing how real it felt and finally admits he's been having dreams of events in the book days or even weeks before it happened
Then in the Fate's house the group discovers a tapestry depicting the Fate's entire lineage, one that seems to be magical and self-updating
However the most recent descendant is actually Nik
They go confront the Fate about this and she begrudgingly explains it's why she calls Nik "thrice-cursed son"
None of his ancestors had unlocked their powers and were forced to live solitary, tragic, supernaturally-driven lives like the Fate did, specifically for the three generations before him
What makes Nik different is his connection to MC
MC's connection to magic included Nik's, and when they unlocked their abilities at the end of the first book, it also unlocked Nik's which have been slowly making themselves known
Vera, Cal, and Katherine
Vera basically is just finally fully picking a side of with her mother or against her
She feels some conflict throughout the book (and MC's responses will get Light or Dark points) and depending on MC's encouragement will either spare her mother or kill her
Cal's arc is pretty wrapped up in the chapter with the Pack
Katherine we find out was raised by Elwin similar to how Elijah Ryder raised Nik and can read Elwin's journal showing how she was manipulated
So her arc is her being conflicted between her abuser/father and her new friends
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haikyuuuuuhypeeeee · 3 years
Ch. Fifteen
⚠WARNING: Mention of previous character's death
• ────── ✾ ────── •
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You set your phone down and look at Oikawa’s prone body lying next to you.
Once you returned to your apartment Oikawa was 99% asleep - you’re really not sure how he was able to put one foot in front of the other, but he did. You were going to deposit him into your bed but Oikawa was clinging to you like an octopus. So instead you let gravity do the work and you both had fallen backwards onto your comforter and pillows.
Oikawa didn’t even bother moving to get underneath the blankets before he properly fell asleep, mouth open and everything. He remained clutched to your arms, and you were helpless to try and escape from under him.
Ever since they were children, Oikawa always had to cling to someone and he’d be especially clingy when he was upset (which given today wasn’t surprising that you couldn’t pry yourself from his grip.) Since you, Oikawa and Hajime all lived in the same neighborhood since elementary, you had frequent sleepovers at each other’s homes. And sure enough, every time Oikawa would subconsciously choose you or Hajime to cling to while sleeping.
Hajime absolutely hated it but you didn’t mind.
Watching your friend sleep you can't help but give a sad little smile. He looks peaceful and so young in sleep. You know he’s the furthest from innocent right now, and he has a lot of work ahead of him to fully earn your trust back. But you wish that he wasn’t tortured with the troubles that plague you all.
A knock at the door makes you sit up. Oikawa’s face pinches at the motion, and you speak to him. “Mattsun and Makki are here, but you can sleep if you want.”
His reply is a sleepy grumble but he too sits up. You know that despite him only getting a few hours of sleep he won’t want to be left alone in your room. Together, with Oikawa leaning on you, you walk to the door and let in your friends. Mattsun raises his eyebrows at the sight of a clingy and exhausted Oikawa hanging off your frame but you just shrug. Makki seems to take pity on you as he drags Oikawa off and over to the couch, handing his coat off to Mattsun to hang up.
“Thanks for coming over,” you tell Mattsun. “I’m gonna put the kettle on and order some lunch.”
Mattsun nods. “Whatever you need to do.” He gives you a small smile and leaves you in the apartment entrance. You can recognize that he’s giving you space and letting you set the boundaries for the conversation to follow, and you appreciate his tact.
After you order the take out and make tea you enter your living room and see Makki and Mattsun sharing your couch. Oikawa is slumped in your armchair, eyelids drooping as he tries to stay away.
“Oikawa you can go back to sleep if you want.” You offer after setting down the tray with tea. He shakes his head at you as you pass out mugs but doesn’t verbalize.
“Okay, if you’re sure.” You settle on the ground by the coffee table, choosing to face your friends instead of sitting next to them. It’s quiet for a few minutes while everyone relaxes in their seats and sips the jasmine tea you’ve made. There’s a tangible tension in the air, stemming from the second Oikawa opened his mouth at the restaurant last night to this very moment. Mattsun and Makki are waiting for you to initiate, for in their eyes you were ready to tear Oikawa limb from limb yesterday and today you greeted them at the door with your tall friend clinging to you.
Plus there's the whole you loving Hajime thing that should be addressed.
You know that your friends would never, ever push you to discuss it. But they’re probably wondering why they weren’t privy to the info, why Oikawa was, and if you don’t trust them or something. The last thing you want is to make your friends doubt the relationship you have with them, so you’re ready to clear the air and address the elephant in the room.
“I love Hajime.” You say. Everyone looks up from their tea to you. “I’ve been in love with him since the first year of high school, I think.”
Predictably, you’re met with matching sad looks. But even though you knew it was coming, you still can’t squirm uncomfortably at the pity you feel coming from them. This was exactly why you didn’t want anyone to know, especially now.
“Were you ever going to tell him?” Mattsun asks quietly.
You shrug, both at his question and the uneasiness settling in your gut “I didn’t feel like I needed to at the time. We were still in high school, still living life. I was happy with our friendship and I didn’t think anything more.” You smile ruefully. “If anything I think I was more worried about not being friends with him anymore if a confession went south.
“Honestly, I didn’t think that there would be a day that I wouldn’t be able to tell him how I felt. Even if I grew out of those feelings, part of me thought I’d be able to confess some day. I don’t regret our friendship, not when I wanted more. But I do regret not being upfront about my feelings with Hajime. He was my best friend, and I should’ve been able to tell him anything.”
You feel tears prick at your eyes and you look down at your tea. “We all have wonderful memories with Hajime, and I will never ever forget him. But it sucks, because while the memories are wonderful I can’t help but think how much better they could’ve been if I told him how I felt about him.”
You sniff, holding back your tears. You look back up and see Oikawa wiping his eyes and Makki sniffling.
Mattsun is looking at you with a serious expression. “I don’t want to go through hypotheticals or explore ‘what ifs,’ but I don’t think I’m alone in saying that Iwazumi cared for you differently than he did us. And I don’t think it was because you were best friends growing up with Oikawa, because he hated Oikawa.”
“Hey!” Oikawa pipes up from his spot, but there’s no real heat behind it.
Mattsun shifts, clearing his throat. When he speaks again his voice is rough with emotion. “You were precious to him, and his actions reflected how much he cared for you.”
You recognize that Mattsun is not outright saying the L-word but his careful alluding makes you smile tearfully. “I know, and he’s always going to hold a special place in my heart.”
Nobody says anything to that, and the room is blanketed with silence again.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Makki asks quietly, subdued. “Oikawa knew, but me and Issei didn’t.”
You sigh, your chest tight at the wounded look on Makki’s face. “I didn’t mean for Oikawa to find out. And I didn’t want to hide it because I didn’t trust you. But I just didn’t know how to bring it up, especially after Hajime passed away. I just,” you pause, sighing. “We’re all struggling, and I didn’t want you to think differently of me, or I didn’t want you to think that your feelings weren’t valid.”
It’s a lame excuse, but it’s probably the best way you can explain your thoughts. You’re not sure if their feelings are stronger or lesser than yours but you don’t need to know. The varying levels of grief people feel do not need to meet a criteria to be judged. Just because you love Hajime beyond the level of friendship that Oikawa, Mattsun or Makki probably love Hajime doesn’t mean that you “win” the game of grief.
“Y/N,” Mattsun says softly. “We’re your friends, and we want you to come to us with anything. Well, anything you feel comfortable sharing, which I guess in this case you weren’t comfortable with.” Mattsun pauses, it looks like he’s struggling to pick his words. “I do feel pain for you, but mainly because you’ve been dealing with these thoughts alone. I’m sorry if we ever gave you the impression that you couldn’t talk to us.”
You shake your head. “It’s not that, I swear. I just didn’t want to burden you all.”
Mattsun sighs. “I understand, and I don’t want to push you to share anything you don’t want to. But we love Iwaizumi, and if you want to talk about him or need to talk about him, know you can always come to us.”
Makki and Oikawa nod in agreement. You feel your eyes sting again but you smile, because you have the most kind and generous friends you could ask for. Hindsight is 20/20, but your heart does feel lighter knowing that your friends won’t ostracize you or anything because you love Hajime.
“We should’ve known that Oikawa would’ve just confronted Y/N straight on, he’s always been a jerk like that.” Makki says teasingly, trying to lighten the mood.
But instead of squawking in protest or complaining dramatically, Oikawa nods. “Yeah, I’m an asshole.”
Makki’s smile instantly shifts into an uncomfortable frown. “Oikawa, I was just joking -”
“But you’re right.” Oikawa cuts him off firmly. “And I’ve been even worse the past few months. I haven’t been taking care of myself like I should, and I’m sorry taking my frustrations out on you guys.” He takes in a breath. “I’m going to take a break from volleyball so I can make time for my therapy sessions.”
You, Mattsun and Makki all share the same look of surprise. “Oikawa, are you sure?” You can’t help but think back to Oikawa’s reason for not wanting to quit volleyball, and part of you feels guilty for suggesting he take away the strong connection he had to Hajime.
But Oikawa gives you a weak smile. “If Iwa-chan were here, he would call me a dumbass for not taking care of myself.”
“Yeah, he’d probably call you a dumbass and throw a volleyball at your head.” Makki adds. Oikawa squawks at the tease, making everyone in the room laugh.
You smile as you watch Oikawa snap back at Makki, with Mattsun egging them both on. They fall into a routine they’ve established since high school. The one missing component - Hajime either ignoring Oikawa’s calls for backup or sharing comistering looks with you - is obvious, but it doesn’t hurt as much. Your friends’ presence in your apartment fills you with warmth and comfort, like a warm blanket at the end of a hard day.
A knock at the door disrupts your thoughts and you stand to grab the takeout. Mattsun goes to the kitchen to grab plates and utensils, while Oikawa and Makki continue to squabble in the living room. You and Mattsun return to the living room at the same time, causing Makki and Oikawa to call a truce and grab food. There’s a comfortable silence in your apartment as you all fill your plates and settle. As you dig in, an errant thought comes to your mind.
“Oikawa, how do you know where Osamu lives?”
Oikawa speaks around the noodles shoved in his mouth. “I have a fan who works in the registrar’s office and it wasn’t hard to bribe her to look it up.”
“Yeah, that’s something we haven’t talked about yet.” Makki notes, looking right at you.
You avoid his gaze. “About Oikawa’s fans? Yes, it’s ridiculous how crazy they are.”
“That’s not what I was talking about and you know it.”
You glance up, sighing at the looks of intrigue on Makki and Mattsun’s faces. “I was upset last night, and I left my keys at his place. He let me stay because I was upset. We’re just friends.”
Mattsun purses his lips at you, but Makki has a thoughtful look.
“Well, he’s pretty cute. If Mattsun ever gets tired of me I might have to give him a call.”
“Shut up,” you hiss. You know you’re just playing into his trap, and hell would have to freeze over before Mattsun and Makki broke up but you couldn’t even hold back your distaste at the idea.
The smirk on Makki’s face only grows. “Oh, is Osamu into possessiveness?”
“Excuse me?” You ask darkly.
“He said you were possessive.” Oikawa helpfully supplies with his mouth full of food. You’re about to yell at him for manners when Mattsun speaks up.
“You’re different around him.”
Uh oh, he’s using the same voice he used earlier when talking about Hajime and you. He’s not teasing you.
“Different how?” You ask quietly.
He shrugs. “Different, like how you acted around Iwaizumi.”
His observation is met with silence, Makki glancing at Mattsun nervously and Oikawa gazing directly at you.
“Do you like Osamu-kun?” Oikawa asks.
“Wow, yet again Oikawa is not scared to ask the hard questions!” Your attempts at deflection do not go well, as Mattsun serves you an intense look.
“Do you like him?”
You push back, rolling your eyes. “I think you guys know more than anyone that I’m in no state to be in a relationship right now.”
“That’s not what we’re asking.” Oikawa replies. He’s still staring at you, but it’s not a mean look on his face. Neither Mattsun nor Makki are looking at you meanly either, but all three of your friends’ eyes bore into you. Oikawa speaks up again. “Do you feel differently about Osamu compared to me, Mattsun and Makki?”
Your first instinct is to say no because you do see him as you see your friends. You think of all of the conversations you’ve both had about school and classes. And you think of all the stories you’ve shared about growing up in Sendai and your likes, dislikes.
You would even say that you and Osamu are best friends, given how much you’ve relied on him when it comes to dealing with Iwaizumi. A twinge of guilt twists in your stomach as you worry that maybe you rely on him too much. He has his own burdens to carry.
But at the end of the day, you just know that he’d be there for you. And he’s shown time and time again that he will be there for a late night phone call or a shoulder to cry on.
Even those late night text conversations when you’re too scared to fall asleep. Or how the way he supports is different to Makki, Mattsun and Oikawa.
But why? Why is it different?
Is it because he didn’t know the Y/N you were when you were younger? He didn’t know the Y/N that existed before high school?
He doesn’t know you from before Hajime died. He’s seen this raw, broken-down version of you. And he still wants to talk to you. He still wants to hang out and get coffee and be with you.
And in return, you know this raw, broken-down version of Osamu. Honestly, you could care less if the Osamu you never knew was the richest man in the world, or the smartest man alive. The Osamu now has been shaped and has grown from every experience he’s lived, the good and the bad. And everytime you talk you find out more about him that draws you in more. You’re never going to be satisfied until you find out everything about him. You’re not sure if it’s obsession or infatuation, but every little fact you unearth brings you a joy that you haven’t felt in some time.
You revel in the small expressions he shows around you and your ability to decipher his mood based on those looks. You shine when he focuses on you, his intense gaze indicating that he’s giving you his full attention on you and only you.
You felt safe with the strong arm around your shoulders when you felt like breaking. You felt comforted when he wiped your tears from your face.
You felt loved.
You look up at your friends, amazed.
“Oh my god, I think I like Osamu.”
The boys nod their head at you, none of them surprised by your revelation. You look down at your full plate, appetite long gone. You honestly can’t believe you’ve been so blind. Looking back it was so OBVIOUS that you’ve had feelings for Osamu for a long time.
Another thought crosses your mind, much more displeasing than your realizing your feelings for Osamu. “I don’t think I’m ready for a relationship though.”
The boys nod at you again. This time Oikawa isn’t able to hold back his eyes roll. “Well obviously.”
You shrink down, feeling a new level of low. There’s no way you could try to pursue a relationship with Osamu, not now. But what if he wants to? What if he returns your feelings and wants to date you? Or worse, what if he doesn’t accept your feelings and doesn’t want to be your friend anymore?
“Y/N-chan, get out of your head.” Oikawa sing-songs, and it does bring you out of your head. You look at him and frown.
“I don’t know what to do.”
“Babe, you don’t have to do anything.” Makki replies.
“But I want to.” You say instantly. “I mean, I think I want to, or I should?”
“But you know that you’re not in the right headspace to pursue a relationship now.” Mattsun reminds you gently. “And making sure you’re healthy enough to give the relationship all that you can is important.”
You nod sadly, agreeing. But your face must display your disappointment, so Oikawa sets his plate down and comes to sit by you.
“Look, just take it day by day. Nothing really has to change, you just have a different outlook on your relationship with Osamu.” He grabs your hand and holds it in both of his. “Instead of looking through a plain window, you’re looking through a stained glass window, right? It’s still Osamu out there, and he’s still the same person you like and want to be with. But now your relationship with him is richer and more vibrant. Even if you can’t act on your feelings now, you still have this new and beautiful view.”
You stare at Oikawa, dumbfounded. Mattsun and Makki look equally surprised at the deep and meaningful comparison Oikawa pulled out of nowhere.
“Wow,” Makki eventually says. “I didn’t know you could be so romantic, Oikawa.”
“Excuse you, I’m very romantic!” Oikawa snaps back indignantly. “Anyway, Y/N-chan, I guarantee that Osamu will be willing to wait. He’ll be patient, especially with you.”
“What would you know about patience?” Makki asks, genuine confusion in his voice.
Oikawa snaps again wordlessly, his tone shrill. You and Mattsun laugh, and the rest of the day is filled with everyone laughing and teasing each other.
At some point you take a second to look at your friends and smile. Your lives are unimaginably hard, and Hajime missing from these get-togethers still makes your heart ache. But with Oikawa, Mattsun and Makki here to soothe the pain, you know you can get through the worst of it.
• ────── ✾ ────── •
A/N: Okay, so all the cards on the table - I cried during the entire writing process with this chapter - planning it, drafting it, writing it, finalizing it AND even reviewing it. It’s not the first time I’ve had emotional reactions to my own writing, but it’s the first time it’s been such a visceral reaction. Not only is it so satisfying to see that small character growth from Oikawa, but the character growth from Y/N was oh so satisfying. She is FINALLY opening up to her friends, and they are FINALLY having a conversation that has been MONTHS in the making. She isn’t scared to suppress her feelings anymore, and she FINALLY trusts herself to open up to her friends, despite her subconscious trying to protect her from being vulnerable in front of those she cares about. If you’re reading this now, please know that there is NOTHING wrong with being open and forthcoming about your feelings. The people in your life who love you unconditionally, including me, will THANK you for it. 💖💖💖 Okay, gonna go cry again after writing this A/N LOLOLOL.
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moonchildridden · 3 years
PuthKaeng, the green&red couple: catching feelings, double takes and more than dear friends (final)
[Continuation of part 2]
5. The friend you trusted doesn’t exist anymore, all that’s left is just one person who can’t hide their love anymore
Ok. After all of that emotional rollercoster we just went through, it’s time to tackle the biggest drop of information given in the entire episode, considering that it’s where everything was wrapped up. Everything that we had seen to this point could be resumed in pain, misery and suffering, mostly from Kaeng’s side, and nothing seemed to get better for him, no matter how much we wanted. This idea could be supported by how the final part of the episode started with Kaeng alone in his bed, the memories of what had happened the night before fresh on his mind, and then him crying while holding to the pillow Puth used while he was next to him.
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To him, all hope was lost because starting on that day, Puth would no longer be a single man and an chance he could’ve possible have to one day be with him were nonexistent at that point. To the YouTube comment section, the sentiment was the same.
Then we see Puth, nervous, waiting for someone, most likely Payu, to ask him to be his boyfriend. His expression, however, is not of someone anxious and excited with the idea of finally having a boyfriend (considering how Payu seemed to be receptive of Puth’s advances, the chances of him receiving a “no” were kinda low) and more of someone that made a difficult decision and was scared of how the other person would react to it. Payu appears, apologizing for being late and saying that they could go but stops upon realizing that Puth was with a strange expression, before Puth getting up and saying that Payu is not “his right time” and then apologizing, prompting Payu to ask Puth “why he was sorry?”, because they “were brothers since the start” and jokingly saying that Puth had “invited him to break up with him” while he thought Puth would “ask him to be his boyfriend”.
Puth, understandable worried, ask Payu if he’s not “sad or angry at him?” and Payu says that he feels that “right now is not his right time either” and that “his right time should be more about work”, before telling Puth that he’s “glad that Puth’s honest with his feelings” and asking if Puth knew “who was his right person at his right time”, receiving an enthusiastic “yes” as an answer.
Payu then urges Puth to “go find him” and that “sometimes, he might be waiting for him”, ending with a “fighting” and then wishing Puth “good luck” when the other man left him to go after his right person at his right time.
I remember that before that part began, a random thought came through my mind and I wonder if Puth would’ve say to Payu that he didn’t wanted to be his boyfriend or if Payu would reject Puth and a few people seemed to think the same but overall, everyone was scared of what would happen. And after this scene, I like to think that Payu would’ve really rejected Puth, based on his words after Puth apologized to him, allied with the idea that Puth wasn’t really going to ask Payu to be his boyfriend because thinking in a hypothetical situation where Payu rejected Puth and Puth then went after Kaeng would be distasteful and contradict all the signs Puth gave in the span of the two episodes.
And now, the moment that everyone was waiting for. Strap on, babies, and ride with me.
Kaeng is sitting in a bench, sad and alone. Puth silently approached Kaeng and called him, making “Dear Friend” play as Kaeng’s phone starts ringing and then stops when Kaeng declines the call. Puth then sits next to Kaeng and comments about “Dear Friend” playing while he was calling Kaeng, saying that it was a “nice ringtone” and asking if Kaeng had “put it up for him?”, making Kaeng move away from Puth.
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Puth, because he likes to tease, gets closer to Kaeng again and Kaeng ask Puth “why did he came to him?”, because he said “they wouldn’t meet again” and Puth says that he went there because he “wanted to ask if Kaeng’s special someone was him” and that if it wasn’t, “he would go”, this time making Kaeng turn to face him and ask Puth if he “remembered what he said?”, receiving a “I remember everything” as an answer from Puth.
The first look we have on the situation from Puth’s perspective is when he says that besides remembering what Kaeng had said on the night before, he also “knew that Kaeng had changed”. Kaeng then asked Puth “what did he do?” and if Puth “have ever noticed him/paid attention to him, to know that he have changed?”, to what Puth reveals that “at first, he didn’t care but couldn’t really help but wonder when he saw Kaeng’s gestures and his eyes when looking at him”. After this, we have a short montage of a few times where Kaeng was looking at Puth and Puth says that it’s like Kaeng “have him in there”.
The second look we have on the situation from Puth’s perspective is when he says that he “is so confused that Mon can’t stand him, so he went to confess to him that Kaeng was the one who told Mon to find out what type of people Puth liked, so he could change to become his type”, that Kaeng has “no decency and no stand at all” and then asks if Kaeng “would give up himself, for him?”, gaining only an embarrassed silence from Kaeng as an answer.
Puth puts his hand on one of Kaeng’s legs, ask again if “the right person was him?” and Kaeng confirms that it is him (LOOK AT PUTH’S SMILE!) and asks Puth “why he’s asking the obvious?”, followed up by addressing the “elephant in the room” and asking if Puth “wasn’t going to be Payu’s boyfriend?”, making Puth hug him and tell “no, that he didn’t liked smart people but people who makes him comfortable” and Kaeng process those words for a few seconds before asking playfully Puth if he’s “saying that he’s stupid?” (when Puth said that, I legit thought out loud “Kaeng, Puth said you are dumb, I wouldn’t let that slide. Punch him between his legs”) and Puth saying that “it wasn’t like that”, a shy smile on his face; Kaeng then says that “he could be stupid, but for Puth only”.
One of the biggest surprises came when Puth told Kaeng that “from now on, he wouldn’t let him sleep around” and Kaeng tells him that “he haven’t slept with anyone since they first did it months ago”, before saying that he “forbid it” Puth from also sleeping around and Puth says that “he didn’t sleep with anyone since Kaeng got him back then”, meaning that both of them have been sleeping only with each other since the first time they had sex, months ago!
They smiled at each other, kissed, and then Kaeng gets up and starts screaming that “he has a boyfriend and that his boyfriend’s name is Puth”, making Puth do the same and at the end they hug really tight, marking the end of the episode and their story arc.
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Conclusion & Final thoughts
Despite everyone’s fears, PuthKaeng got their happy ending, confusions were cleared and we also discovered pretty interesting things that gave us a new perspective of things, changing the way we had been looking at the story, character’s motivations and behaviors, and dialogues with double meanings. However, at the same time their arc ended, that ending mean that it was time for us to take all the information that had been dumped at us in the last minutes and use it to paint the full picture of their story, since the beginning until the moment PuthKaeng screamed in an empty university garden that they were dating each other. Any task that involves establishing timelines of anything is already difficult enough but when we have information that seems to contradict one another and no specific dates on specific events, it becomes a much harder thing to do because we have to rely on what would make sense in certain situation and then start from there. So, after gathering and organizing every bit of information I deemed important and extremely relevant to their story, I think that I can now present to you guys what it is, to me, a coherent and understandable timeline of events, with any explanation necessary alongside them. Oh, and remember the theory about Puth liking Kaeng at the same time Kaeng started liking him, that I put on hold? Now that I have strong base to support it, let me un-hold it, and let’s do this:
 Puth and Kaeng met each other, probably on the first year of university, at the same time Puth also met Team. They are both players, known for their one night stands habits but never actually had anything together or even moved in the same circles, until Mon got involved with Team, their friends, making them get closer at the same time and they became attracted with each other (I have a theory that they started having sex around the time of the play where MonTeam got officially together but can’t say if it was before or after the play). It was supposed to be a one-time thing but they kept having sex and eventually feelings started blooming between them but none of them acted, at least directly, on those feelings, by cutting off any contact with potential sexual partners (in Puth’s case, we actually have a clue that we started episode 9 with him already distanced from every sexual partner he had, because after he rejected the kid when the tutoring session ended, he received a phone call from Joe, asking Puth why he didn’t called him at all, receives a “I miss you” text from Jumbo and another call from Best, asking him why was his phone unavailable, and even if I admit that I could be looking too much into that, when you consider that when we enter PuthKaeng’s arc, it had already been months since they started having sex so the possibilities of those two things being related are a bit high) but for the other, they were still having sex with other people.
 Their friends noted that something was happening between them but Puth was adamant, albeit being already useless, in preventing any information related to his “adventures” with Kaeng to reach them (he actually thought that none of them would notice Puth eye-fucking Kaeng in front of them or Kaeng saying that he would “take care of Puth” or didn’t get to the conclusion they were more that “just friends” and that makes me mad for his friends because Puth was underestimating his friend’s intelligence), so he wouldn’t sleep on Kaeng’s room or even let Kaeng get close to his room while Mon was there (now that I think about it, probably that time Kaeng got into Puth’s room at night after Mon went to sleep with Team was not the first time they had sex there. Food for thought), would remind Kaeng that they were not dating (someone commented on my post from part 1 that Puth seemed to be reminding himself of that and yes, after thinking back I agree with that) something that would only be needed if there were any signs of feelings roaming around. Meaning, while Puth was doing his best to control his feelings, he was also suspecting that Kaeng could be liking him.
 Payu then enters the picture. I said in part 1 that Payu was someone different from Kaeng and subsequently different from Puth also, with an innocent appearance and sweet smile, things that apparently seemed to smitten Puth and make him feel mesmerized by the new tutor, and that made Puth start to distance himself from Kaeng, denying to go meet him when Kaeng calls him and prompting Kaeng to got to his room when Mon was absent (another comment on that post that I have no idea how to respond directly because I am dumb about Tumblr was related with the “promise” Puth mentioned being about Kaeng letting him top since Kaeng gives him the box of condoms right after. It could be but for me they are versatile, so I don’t know). Kaeng notes that Puth is getting distant and calls him to watch a movie with him, a classic move when you are trying to know the other person better and also to show that the interest he has on Puth goes beyond just sex but Puth refuses because he had a date with Payu. That was a problem because it could mean that Puth could develop feelings for another person and Kaeng couldn’t let that happen, so he decided to use glasses and tease Puth with his “new” look and siren call him to have sex, which worked; he still had ground to fight and would use his biggest weapon, his body, to keep Puth close to him and away from Payu.
It is clear at this point that Puth can’t resist Kaeng but because he was still interested on Payu, decided to terminate his physical relation with Kaeng, so he could focus his time and efforts in hitting on Payu and then, if everything went smoothly then ask Payu to be his boyfriend. Kaeng tried to maintain their “arrangement”, the only thing that was still keeping them close the way he could express his feelings the best, but Puth didn’t back down from his resolution so Kaeng had no other choice but to “comply” with what Puth wanted. But Kaeng is still fighting for Puth, so he starts to “invade” Puth’s life, trying to see how Payu was in person, saying that he misses Puth, inviting himself to Puth and Payu’s meal date and basically showing to Payu that he had a very “specific” role/space in Puth’s life, an attitude that left Puth really annoyed with Kaeng because, to him, Kaeng was hindering his opportunity of having a love life, for seemingly no reason; despite Kaeng’s best efforts, Payu gives his number to Puth, he and Puth has a small fight in the car and things start getting really sour between them.
When we get to this stage, two questions may pop up about all I have said and analyzed until here:
“Puth likes Kaeng, so why does he still pursue somebody else?” – Easy. Well, I said that Payu is completely different from Kaeng, meaning that he passes more emotional stability to Puth than Kaeng, so he feels more secure about having a relationship with him instead of Kaeng that seems to care more about sex than anything else, considering all the times he tried and succeeded to lure him into sleep with him. For Puth, Kaeng only wants something from him and that’s not a romantic relationship.
“He suspects that Kaeng likes him, but why he does nothing about that?” – Another thing easy to answer, using something that happened in the classroom scene in episode 10. When Team asked Kaeng if he was in love, Puth seemed really interested in knowing the answer, even if he tried to look like he didn’t cared. But his reaction when Kaeng asked who would be in love with him, a question made in an ironic/jokingly tone showed that he got frustrated/sad/disappointed with those words and probably started thinking that because he liked Kaeng, everything he kept seeing on his facial expressions and gestures were things that he was forcing himself to see just so he wouldn’t feel bad about liking someone that would never like him back, a type of consolation prize of his mind to keep him “sane”.
The problem here is that Kaeng, in his attempt to avoid Puth and Payu from being together, uses sex to keep Puth next to him and unwittingly makes Puth’s suspicions about not being nothing more to him than a fuck buddy “true” in Puth’s mind and pushes him faster to Payu’s lane, the opposite of that he wants (I’m talking specifically about the “bedroom” scene). Puth has no idea that Kaeng really likes him, that he’s in pain every time Puth goes to Payu and that their friends, the ones he doesn’t want knowing about whatever he have/had with Kaeng, are helping Kaeng to get him.
This leads us to the diner scene. The diner scene, when analyzed as a stand-alone scene, don’t give us many things, on the surface, to work on both sides of the story. But when we push the fact that Mon talked with Puth about the conversation he had with Kaeng, every expression Puth made gains a new meaning and the way he worded everything he said to Kaeng makes more sense if we entertain the idea that that conversation happened before Puth went to Kaeng’s room (it can even make stronger the idea that Puth didn’t intended to ask Payu to be his boyfriend after thinking about it and not just reacting it in an impulse because Mon told him about it mere moments before he had to go see Payu) and that Puth didn’t went there to really tell Kaeng that he would ask Payu to be his boyfriend o the next day but to confirm what his friend had told him earlier. Puth basically expressed his concerns in that conversation (him talking about how in Kaeng’s life people come and go, that he’s very flirty, just like Puth is, and because of that it wouldn’t be possible for them to just stop and settle down with each other) and if Kaeng had said that he would’ve stop with Puth, the night would’ve ended differently but Kaeng is not someone used to express his feelings verbally (that’s established at this point) so he just cuts off his chance, unwittingly, of being with Puth. The way Puth was visibly expecting Kaeng to say something specific, maybe even confirm what Mon had told him earlier but got frustrated when Kaeng continue acting the same way as always, even saying the same he had said on the classroom weeks ago, is proof that he had some hope of having the conversation he had been avoiding for months.
When he got up to leave and Kaeng called up his name, the act of him closing his eyes and taking a deep breath indicates that he was controlling himself and avoiding doing something that would make him regret later. Turning around, Puth seems Kaeng crying and then listens the man that had said just minutes ago that literally declared himself to him and then “denies” everything he had just said with a “I don’t know what I’m saying” begging for Puth to pretend to be his boyfriend (something he only had mentioned once until now, at least that we had seen) because he wanted to remember that feeling (when I watched this, I “asked” Kaeng: “sweetie, you just said you don’t like him, what feeling are you talking about?”) and those words made Puth begin to actually pay attention to Kaeng and the emotion on his voice, realizing that his analysis of Kaeng, that he had been making for months, the feelings he thought he had seen on Kaeng’s eyes and feeling on his actions (I mentioned that they always maintain eye contact in intimate moments, and this is something that Puth himself mentions in the final minutes of episode 10 when he talks about the changes he saw in Kaeng and how it seems that Kaeng have him in his eyes every time he look at him, or to put it more simply, Puth saw the love Kaeng had for him every time they looked at each other) and what Mon told him were all truth and that it wasn’t just him seeing things where they didn’t existed.
I believe he was ready to give up on the feeling he had for Kaeng after he didn’t get the answers he was hoping to get that night but Kaeng’s request made him stand his ground and continue on his feelings and cemented his decision of not asking Payu to be his boyfriend, preferring to wait until the next morning to clear things out with Payu and then go after Kaeng (just like happened); he was at peace with Kaeng in his arms, with the feelings of the man on his arms confirmed to belonging to him and the idea of not having to suffer with an unrequited love, just like he thought he was for weeks. And all of that was only possible because Kaeng went to ask help to Mon and Mon, not being able to see his friend confused, decided to disclosure everything and put things on the right tracks.
Everyone say “thank you, Mon”. We all love you, baby boy.
 So, yeah. Puth went to Kaeng’s room for confirmation, got what he wanted, cleared every loose end he had and then went back to Kaeng, where his heart was. However, he still had one thing to resolve, that was the fact that, for him, Kaeng was still sleeping with other people while also sleeping with him, but to his surprise he finds out that Kaeng had stopped with his one night stands after their first time together, the same thing he had done also after their first time together and that holds a very big meaning to their story. For a player to leave their player life behind, the motive have to be really strong, and to leave that life without a second thought the way they did it remarkable and for a moment can make you think that their feelings didn’t actually started after they started having sex but before that even happened. Hell, PuthKaeng’s story may have even started before MonTeam got involved in the first place, we would never know. But, deep down, it doesn’t really matter when their story began and instead how two people, that even if they had a similar life style were too different, managed to find love in each other in the most incredible, unexpected, sexy and pillow-biting way…and steal the hearts of millions of people in the process.
So…here you have it. After 25 pages of thoughts, ideas, explanations and commentaries, I presented to you guys everything I took from their story, since the first seconds of their first episode, to the final minutes in that sweet embrace they were, so meaningful and full of love. It was a wild ride for me, because I never did an extensive analysis on a storyline before, and never actually posted on any social media to other people see, preferring to just discuss it with myself and call it a day, but I was having so many theories and ideas about PuthKaeng that keeping it to myself was no longer an option, so I just had to post this here. And seeing that people actually liked it, took the time to read what I had to show, is an incredible feeling, even if there are people who disagree with me, entirely or in parts. Just by reading my stuff, you guys make me really happy.
And when I thought that having PuthKaeng living in my head rent free 24/7 would end as soon as I finished my analysis of episode 10, giving me a few days of inner tranquility and peace but as I was struggling to write all that you guys read, a special episode dropped and suddenly I found something else to overthink and obsess over. Yes, I do have a few things to say about that special episode, so that means that a theory/analysis/commentary post about that is on the way. Until there (that may be sooner than you guys can recover from two posts on the same day), keep loving PuthKaeng, supporting ToruFirst in everything they do, together or not, and let’s hope for a series of them in a nearby future.
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