#and I would love nothing more than for my art to motivate someone to find the source material
mittysins · 9 months
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Uhhhhhh Essie enjoyers come get this wip ig?
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
Genuine question: what's the point of writing fanfic? As in, what's the purpose? No one in the fandom I'm in comments on fics and I even got told off by one person for doing so, as it "encourages bad writers and makes them think they're good". So it seems that it's a lot like book writing, where people work hard and are creative, but instead of getting paid and getting comments on the work, you just sit there silently hoping someone will press the kudos button and make a number go up. I feel like that time and work could be better spent on making something you might get some kind of profit off of. Don't get me wrong, I love doodling fanart, but I don't post it, as I'm aware that there's no point to doing so, and while it's a nice way to fill the time on a commute, it's not something that takes me as much time and effort as fanfic does. So... why do people bother? Sometimes I describe ideas I have and people I know in my fandom will tell me I should write it, but I don't see why. I get more interaction from just saying "imagine if [thing here]" than I would by sitting down, writing for hours, editing and posting [thing here], so what would the point be? I'm not punching down or going "haha women and their fanfic lol!", I genuinely do not get what the point is and this blog feels like it might have someone reading who knows the answer.
Do you make art for profit? Genuine question.
There's nothing inherently wrong with being motivated primarily by external factors, but it's not actually why a lot of people create things, whether it's books or recipes or doodles in a notepad.
I enjoy the actual process of writing.
I think many people lose sight of that aspect in an era where tons of <500-word fics that are mostly outlines and "Imagine if..." posts get disproportionate attention for being easy to consume. But the satisfaction of doing a bigger art piece and doing it right is real and motivates a hell of a lot of creation.
I suppose you might be thinking "Okay, but why not just write it alone and never post?", but I like sharing. Showing off my finished creation is part of the joy, and sharing with other people like me is too. But those aren't quite the same thing as worrying about kudos. It's like dressing nicely when you leave the house because you feel great when you know you look good vs. needing another person to tell you you look good.
To be honest, though, this type of feeling has grown in me the better I've gotten at a craft. The closer my finished projects get to the vision in my head, the easier it is to find them fulfilling and to be excited to share them. When I fall short of my own ambitions, it's discouraging no matter how much attention I might get from others.
I feel like it's time for my regular reblog of Adam Westbrook's video essay series The Long Game.
The third and least known in the series is all about this idea of who you're making art for if you're not getting material rewards in the short term. It talks a lot about autotelicity—being internally driven instead of externally.
But if you really just want clicks, anon, start a blog that accepts anon asks and posts about wanky stuff. Actually tag things, unlike me, so people can find you.
No, writing for attention isn't worth it.
The time investment is too great and your brain will always fixate on the times people didn't respond instead of the times they did.
But that's not actually why most people write.
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evans23 · 3 months
The first and last one
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Pairing : Lionel Shabandar x Reader OC
Summary : For the first time, Lionel wants to really settle in with a woman. Yet, you always shy away when he wants to make love with you. You eventually find the courage to admit to him you're a virgin and Lionel is quite aroused with the information.
Tag(s)/Warning(s) : Smut, loss of virginity, blood.
A/N : Hello dear 😁 I imagined this fic after having watched a show in which the main female character was a thirty years old virgin ashamed to admit it to her partner. I had three characters in mind for this story : Sinclair, David and Lionel. I wrote for the three of them but Lionel won my preference at the end. Hope you will enjoy it.
*** Thank you to @muiitoloko who has inspired I these lines.
Sinclair's version is here - David's version is here - Also read on AO3
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Your meeting with Lionel has been fortunate but totally hazardous.
Indeed, six months ago, a colleague of yours had invited you to an exhibition. The crowd was overwhelming, and you had to find a secluded place to give your mind some respite. You were sitting down in front of a painting from an Italian painter, Titian, when you heard someone walking behind you.
You pretended to not have heard the intruder who came to perturb your need of privacy but the newcomer sat down next to you oblivious of your need to be alone.
“I’m glad you like this painting. It is my favorite,” he said with a baritone voice which had send shivers through your whole body.
You had turned to meet the most beautiful hazel eyes you had ever seen. Speechless in front of the alluring man, albeit older than you were, you just nodded coyly. Yet, the true was that little did you know you were talking to Lionel Shabandar. Of course you know the man by name, but you weren’t interested at all about his business. You didn’t even know he was the lender of most of the painting displayed at the exhibition. Lionel didn’t realise how oblivious you were of who he was, thinking that everybody present at the party knew it was organised, patronised and hosted by no one else than the incredibly generous Lionel Shabandar who will serve up in preview the new ideas to extend a little bit more his company and in the same way his power overall the Brits’ media.
“Of course, nothing is better to the eyes than the real beauty of a real woman.”
You had blushed hearing his compliment but not totally gullible about his motive, you kept some distance from the man. He transpired sex and he definitely wanted to shag you. However, you had to recognise he had for him some subtlety.
He talked a bit about arts with you and, even though you weren’t really knowledgeable in that field, your mind was sharp and bright enough to give a perceptive, interesting and lightening opinion about what you were looking at. Never ever would you admit to Lionel that at the time you weren’t interested at all about his arts. You fueled the conversation because his company was quite enjoyable even if he wanted something you wouldn’t let him get so easily, even less to an unknown man, but arts wasn’t your cup of tea. You grew to appreciate it thanks to Lionel's company and your desire to take an interest in his passion when you became more than acquaintances.
Little were you conscious that Lionel knew. You couldn’t fool a real passionate and your answers to his questions were sometimes to hesitant if not off the bean, but he never mocked you or did any mean remarks because he really appreciated the fact that he meant so much to you that you took up an interest into his. Besides, you were such a smart person to talk with that it didn’t matter if you were from a less background than his.
Indeed, you were just a mere saleswoman in a well-known bakery, even though since you were official, Lionel was insisting for you letting down your job. He was even ready to hire you in his company if the idea of just being his girlfriend was so infuriating for you.
What had captured the interest of Lionel was the fact that you had resisted him. That night, at the exhibition, not only were you utterly unaware of who he was but you refused his advances, two things which had aroused him more than anything else in his life.
He was definitely engrossed with you and he thought it would only be a matter of time before putting you in his bed, but he was so wrong. You revealed yourself as a stubborn, independent and thoughtful woman who wasn’t one to open her legs for everybody.
Therefore, he tries the good old method, which means he courted you and eventually fell into his own trap by falling truly, madly, deeply in love with you. In the beginning, he was awfully terrified of these new feelings.
Of course, he had already been in love, but he was so much younger. Another problem which wasn’t a problem at all as it didn’t bother any of you was the age gap. He was from 20 years your oldest but it made no difference for you as his mind and his body were much younger than some of your acquaintances. No, the worst part was to have fallen in love so easily, yet again you were such a clever and pretty girl and his relentless pursuits couldn’t have ended up in any other ways.
After one month being undettered by the desire to conquer you, he became your friend, your confident and after another month, your companion. The fifth months he asked, almost ordered, you to move in with him in his awfully huge mansion and you had accepted. Anyway, Lionel wouldn’t have it in any other way, he wanted you by his side.
He thought he would be the beginning of something else. Something more serious. To put in a nutshell, he thought you will let you make love to you as he had dreamed to since your first meeting. He had thought that your shyness from being more intimate came from the fact that your relationship wasn’t official enough. After all, he was quite aware of his reputation, but now, you were living under the same roof, sharing the same bed and he was in the desperate need of touching you. No, he could touch you actually, but past the forlorn, you inevitably back down, shutting yourself off.
The first week of your common life, you came with the excuse you had your period. He told you it didn’t bother him at all, but the disgusted look on your face had spoken louder than yourself about your stance on it. The second weeks you had a cold, which was true, and therefore you were too tired. Then, the two others weeks, you find any possible excuse to escape what should be a sheer pleasure between two lovers.
Lionel was seriously annoyed with your avoidance and his mind had him think you were maybe with him only for his money before shaking his head from left to right, not convince at all by this assertion. After all, you didn’t know who it was during your first meeting and even during the second. Indeed, during the exhibition, when he had understood you didn’t know who he was, he had introduced himself with his second name, William, and when, between the second course and the desert of your second meeting, he was sure you were utterly oblivious of his identity, he had revealed to you the true. A smile grew on his face at the memory of your shocked look. He would never forget how you had grabbed your phone to check on the internet if he was saying the truth and how much he had laughed when you had gawked at him, totally speechless.
If you asked him, he would tell you this moment was the moment he had understood you were different and that maybe you could be just something else than another woman in his bed. You were smart, shy but with a sharp mind and more than agreeable for the eyes, even though your appearance was more normal than some of the bimbos he had hung out with in the past. But more than anything else, you never talked about his money or even his company except if he was the one starting the conversation towards those topics. No, you were genuinely interested by the man. The real man. By him, Lionel. Yet again, he thought with a frown, why after so much time to spend together were you so distant at the idea to make love with him ?!
You were sleeping together every night since you had move in, he had already seen you naked in the shower and multiple times in your underwear as you weren’t the kind modest around him, you were really touchy, always brushing your fingers through his hair, landing your hand on his back or hugging him now and then, so why when you were obviously arouse with his attention in bed did you perpetually refuse him the pleasure to make you his ?
Tonight, he thought firmly, tonight you will have to explain yourself or it will put an end to your relationship. If the idea to receiving his cock was so repulsive for you, then your motives to be his girlfriend were standing somewhere else and he didn’t like that at all.
When he arrived home this night, a severe expression on his features, well decided to go through your shenanigans to the bottom of it and discover what you were up to.
Bracing himself to be subtle and not distressing you by calling you out for maybe no reason, he entered the living room where, as usual, you were waiting to have dinner with him. His expression soften immediately at the sight of your sleepy form and his heart swelled with affection. No ! He scolded himself, you have to stay firm, don’t less this pretty face of her prevent you from digging out the true.
He brushed the tips of his fingers along your cheek and smiled when you stirred without waking up. How a man like him could have fallen so hard for a woman when he had sworn to himself after his costly divorce that never would he be trapped in a serious relationship. And here he was, with you in his mansion, head over heels for you, but also frustrated as he had never been before with a woman. Why, when he thought to have finding the real happiness again, should it be so convoluted ?!
He was definitely infuriated, frustrated and in an immense need. He wanted to ruin you in all the way possible into his bed, in his office in the Shabandar Tower, on the counter in the kitchen and on his personal gallery floor. All of it the same day. If possible right know !
But sometimes you were like a little bird, shy and ready to fly away, so his cunning man had a plan to make you admit if you were really into him or if you had wronged him and you were just one of these insipid girl who only see the £ symbol in replacement of his pupils. If it was the case, and he hoped it was not, he would be far more than disappointed. He would be devastated. And even his first wife didn’t have the honour to say she had destroy the most powerful of the UK, so it will truly be a prowess you could gloat about with your relatives.
The mere idea you could not be the one he thought you were terrified him more than anything, because Lionel wasn’t easy to mislead. He was a thoughtful, educated, intuitive and clever businessman. No one, even his worst enemy in the cruel game of the stock exchange and the media business had ever succeeded in deceiving him.
He tried chasing away those thought. If tonight was your last night together, he wanted it to start in the less painful way possible. Therefore, he leant down to plant a kiss on your temple. You opened your eyes in a light startle, but when you recognised Lionel, your heart began to beat faster and your eyes became brighter.
“Oh, I felt asleep,” you said, rubbing slightly your eyes to eliminate the remains of weariness.
“Indeed,” answered Lionel with this voice of his which was like the roar of his beloved lion and never missed sending shiver all along your spinal column.
You got up, giving him a welcome kiss before asking him about his day.
“Too much meetings, follow-up meetings, then in the afternoon more meetings. Did I talk to you about my meetings ?” He said jokingly.
“I think so,” you said with a smile.
“And you bunny ? How was your day at the bakery ?”, he asked with a frown.
He couldn’t fathom why a woman as intelligent as you was losing her time selling cupcakes in a cliché little store, all in pink and unicorn. You had told him once that not everybody could pay the fees of an expensive university and because you were from a really modest class, you had no other choice than to forget your university dreams and find a job. But you were at peace with that now and you were rather happy with your job. People were regular customers, all pleasant and smiling and your boss wasn’t really demanding as long as you did correctly your job.
“Tiring,” you answered, kissing the top of his hooked nose.
He smiles at you and you immediately recognised the predatory look on his face. You swallowed down your saliva, inwardly conscious you must tell him the true. You have been refusing him for too long and you were now afraid he could think you weren’t really interested in him which was far from the truth. In fact, you weren’t interested in Lionel. No, you were in love and yet again it was a litote. You couldn’t quantify your love because it was so humongous that sometimes it was overwhelming.
Neither your parents nor your friends approved of your relationship with Lionel. Your parents thought he was too old for you and your friends, your so-called friend, were saying behind your back you were with him for his money. Therefore, you didn’t have any friends anymore and your parents being your parents loved you anyway… but not Lionel, who they thought was taking advantage of your gullibility for his own pleasure. Nothing could have been less true but you knew the worth of your love for him.
The problem was that you were afraid to take the plunge and losing your virginity. Actually, you weren’t afraid about the action itself, but about admitting to Lionel that you were still a virgin. An almost 35 years old virgin. How the hell could you still be cursed with it, seriously.
“Bunny, are you listening to me ?” asked Lionel with a grin.
You came back to your sense, forgetting your little problem, at least for the moment.
“I was asking you if you wanted to eat pasta tonight ?” he asked again, squeezing your ass.
“Yours ?”
“Of course dear. No one can match up my Carbonara Pasta.”
You nodded happily and Lionel leaded the both of you towards the kitchen, a pride look on his face. Any other day, you would have joked, telling him it was quite a stance for a man who could only cook pasta, but not tonight. Lionel could see you had something on your mind, but he didn’t say anything. He was imagining everything, the most likely being a breakup. He was so far from the reality. You were thinking about your damn virginity and how to explain that to him. Tonight, you thought. Tonight I tell him everything. Yes, you had made up your mind.
You helped him to cook the diner, the both of you chatting happily. You listened to him talking earnestly about his company and you couldn’t prevent yourself from feeling an urge of proudness at such a hard-worker and accomplished man.
While he was having a shower, you were pacing back and forth in your sharing room, trying to figure out how to tell him your little secret. You were afraid of his reaction. Would he laugh at you ? Would he be angry ? Would he have the desire to be your first one ? After all, Lionel was such an experienced man. What would he do with such a useless girl ?
No university degrees, no money and not even a man to fuck her. You felt the tears filling your tears. You tried to conceal them when Lionel came back in the room, but it was too late.
“Bunny, what’s the matter ?”’ he asked, genuinely concerned.
“No… nothing,” you stuttered, not missing the fact he was only wearing a towel around his hips, his skins still glowing with a rest of dampness from his shower.
“Then your’re crying for nothing ? And I am the king of England,” he said sarcastically.
Your soft laugh died in your throat while he cradled your face with his large hand.
“It’s just… my insecurities… you know…”
Lionel sighed heavily, a bit tired to have to constantly reassure you. Yet, if he needed to do so every day, he would.
“Bunny, no matter what is in this pretty head of yours, nothing is true. I am happy with you and I don’t care about anything else.”
So, right now, it wasn't totally true. He desperately wanted to fuck her, make her his by ruining her. And this little demoness has too many times refused him that pleasure which she would have been obsessed with as much as he was. Tonight, he thought again. If tonight she refused again to succumb to the pleasure of the flesh, it would be the end.
Unknowingly of Lionel thought, you too were deep into the recesses of your mind, thinking tonight.
"Let me show you," growled Lionel, caressing your arms with his hands.
He leaned on to kiss you, one of his hand finding its way to your ass, squeezing it while kissing your neck with hunger. He made you back into the bed, where he pushed you softly. You felt flat on your back, your heart bumping quicker and quicker. You knew what was coming. And this time you couldn't be a coward. Either you told him, either you remained silent and did the whole thing while keeping him in the dark. After all, how could he know ?
Lionel's hand yanked down your pyjama pants, kissing your legs in the process while you shivered under his attention. He was on his way to taking off your underwear when you stopped him in spite of yourself.
Lionel sighed heavily. It was enough.
"Bunny, I need to know," he began, pulling away from you to sit in the chair in front of the bed. "Are you with me for my money ?"
"What ? No ! Lionel ! No," you panicked.
"Then why are you refusing me the pleasure of having you in my arms ? And what I really mean is why can't I fuck my girl as it please me ?" he asked bluntly.
You blushed, looking down. It was the moment you were fearing. You understood immediately by the way his eyes looked at you that you had to tell him the true.
"I thought you were in love with me. But I'm not that sure anymore and it terrifies me," admitted Lionel.
You looked up at him, surprised to hear such a confession from the so confident Lionel Shabandar. For the first time, you sax a mixture of vulnerability, sadness and anger on his beautiful face.
"I love you," you whispered, crossing your arms in front of you in a vain attempt to protect yourself from all the strong feelings which were radiating off Lionel.
"Then what is your dirty little secret ? Was it a wager ? Luring an affluent man to prove to someone you could do it with your sinful charms ? Or are you such a good actress that you had always known who I am and all you wanted was deceiving me to get my money ?"
“No, Lionel !” you said with a sob.
“Then what are your motives, woman ?” he almost shouted.
You were now crying, your heart pounding heavily. You scolded yourself, telling you it was the decisive moment, either you told him the true or you will lost him and it would break your heart, losing the only man you had ever loved just because you were ashamed of your condition as a virgin.
You muttered the truth indistinctly, yet the redness on your cheeks was a good indicator for Lionel that you were trying to confess to him your little secret.
“Bunny, I need the truth. You know you can trust me,” he said in a softer tone.
He sat down next to you on the bed, taking both of your hands in his large one. You leaned up your head and your eyes dived into his hazel one. You could read his sincere devotion towards you, a far cry from his womanizer reputation.
“Bunny, you can’t let me imagine things about you,” he insisted, letting his vulnerability showing on the surface, “I can’t stand it anymore but I don’t want our relationship to bog down.”
It was the straw that breaks the camel's back as you started to cry harder.
“I’m a virgin,” you said, hiding your face with your hands.
The silence following your revelation was deafening. You finally found the courage to look at him and saw Lionel looking at you with a mix of curiosity, softness and hunger.
“Are you angry ?” you asked coyly.
“Angry ?” repeated Lionel, shaking his head, his fingers lingering on the top of your left tigh, “angry because you are such a pure marvel ? It’s that so ? You were afraid not to tell me the true and suffering for your first time or you were afraid of me discovering it while taking you with sheer passion ?”
“Both,” you admitted, blushing even more.
“Don’t be ashamed, bunny ! Do you… do you want me to be your first ?” he asked, gulping his saliva, his other hand grazing your arm.
“I want you to be my first and last one,” you whispered, rubbing your eyes reddened by your tears.
“Bunny, what a treasure you are offering me.”***
You surveyed his face, looking for mockeries, but all you could see was his sincerity and maybe more love than before. Also, a predatory glint that promised you a night nothing short of unforgettable.
“You’re not disgusted ?”
“Disgusted about what ? Tell me ? I just don’t understand how such a beauty like you is still a virgin. Don’t tell me never a man had tried anything. I wouldn’t believe you.”
You admitted having had some flirt but nothing serious enough to raise your sexual appetite while you could satisfy yourself with your own fingers. You explained to him it was nothing to do with religion or anything of that kind. You just wanted to do it for the right reason and not because someone, one day, had declared you should get rid of it before a certain age. You had seen your friends losing their virginity with random guys, sometimes at a very young age, just to feel more “woman” and you didn’t want your first time to be a better memory just to join the club of “now I’m an experienced girl”.
“Well, [Y/N], I’m honoured. I couldn’t fathom why you were always shying away from me when I wanted to lavish you with my skills, but now that I know… Don’t worry darling,” he said with a cheeky smile, “I’ve always enjoyed a challenge and tonight you will be my more beautiful masterpiece.”***
His hungry look send shivers down your spine while his hands ran around your thigh, pulling you towards him.
“You want it ?” he asked, genuinely concern at not forcing you to do something if you weren’t ready for it.
You nodded once, catching his lips with yours. You moshed when he pulled back, looking at him with uncertainty.
“I want to hear you say the word. I won’t do anything if I don’t have your full consent.
“Yes Lionel, I want to do it with you. I told you I want to be the first and last one and I want I know.”
His features soften, hearing how much you wanted him to be the only one to treasure you as you deserved.
“Oh believe me, after that night, you will wish to have known me sooner,” he said with a smug before adding, “and I will never let you go. From today on your'e mine and only mine to love and cherish.”
With those words said, he fell on you, kissing savagely your neck where he will definitely let his marks in the form of small bruises, but you didn’t care. You wanted to wear his love marks all over you.
“Be gentle,” you bashfully asked, “I’m a bit afraid.”
Lionel promised you he will be tender. He will definitely make this night memorable for both of you. Yet, he had to be careful. It’s been a long time since he had a virgin in his bed and you weren’t just any virgin, you were you and he was decided to keep you by his side for the long run.
He trailed kisses along both of your legs until he arrived at your entrance. Slipping his fingers inside your panties, he pulled it down in a deliberate slowness, not missing one inch of your reaction, looking for any sign of discomfort. Once he discarded your underwear, he grabbed the hem of your shirt and tucked it off too, throwing it down with the rest of your clothes. To your surprise, he got up, looking at you with a mixture of desire and joy.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said, more for himself.
Feeling too exposed, you tried to cover your breasts, but he stopped you with a growl, eyebrows frowned.
“Don’t hide from me ever. Enough of that now. You're mine and I want to admire what’s mine whenever I want.”
If your cheeks reddened more, you will soon look like a tomato, but it only makes Lionel chuckle with affection.
”Do you want to touch me ?” he asked, for the first time unsure of what he was doing.
Of course, you had already touched him. His torso, his legs… everything except the beast under his towel. Your hands wander from his cheek to the grey hair on his torso. You descended a bit more until your hand reached the towel around his hips. You looked at him uncertainly but he nodded to encourage you to tear it off and that’s what you did.
It wasn’t the first time you saw a penis, after all you had read really peculiar books through your life and you had traveled far enough to not be that innocent, yet you couldn’t prevent yourself to gasp when you saw the said beast.
Lionel was big. Not that you have a lot to compare with, but his member, already ready for you, was clearly above the average. Lionel observed you, attentive to your reaction, repressing a laugh when he saw you gawking at his cock.
“Don’t worry, bunny, I will take it easy on you. First, we need to prepare you, I want you to enjoy it as much as possible, but I can’t promise it won’t hurt because it will certainly.”
You nodded, shyer than before and also with a feeling of stupidity to have had so much apprehension about the reason for your distance when it came to sex. Indeed, Lionel’s reaction was far above your expectations and you felt guilty about having thought he could reject you for such a thing. A completely trivial thing as it appeared Lionel was everything, but disgusted by the revelation. Actually, he felt more aroused than ever knowing he would be your first and you could believe him, he won’t let you slip through his fingers after that.
“Did you ever touch yourself ?” he asked while caressing one of your breast, his other fingers playing with the earlobe.
“Obviously,” you answered before adding you were a virgin, not a nun, which makes him laugh genuinely.
“Oh, after this night you would not be either a virgin or a prude.” he gloated.
He began to bit your nipple, making you moaned softly.
“Don’t keep these pretty sounds, bunny. They are the proof of my talent,” he said, licking your breasts down to your navel.
“Lionel,” you moaned, eager for more.
“Patience my love, it’s your first time, I can fuck you without any foreplay. You can trust me, you’re going to have more than one orgasm tonight.”
You closed your eyes, feeling his hands moved down to your entrance. He grazed softly across the hairy area, his lips kissing your thigh. Then you felt his thumb rubbing your wet slit with a grin.
“You’re already so wet, bunny,” he said, more for himself.
You couldn’t say anything, your focus on his finger playing with your clit. Your hands reached out to grab his shoulders when he touched your sensitive clit with two others deftly fingers hidden beneath your folds.
“It’s here, isn’t it ?” he asked, continuing his slow rubbing against your flesh. Lionel continued until he felt her muscles contractions against his hand. He insisted a bit more until she moaned loudly.
“And here it’s the first,” he said proudly. “And I didn’t even put my finger inside you,” he added, intrigued to know how much pleasure he could give you just with his fingers before taking your purity forever with his cock.
He finally inserted one finger inside her, making her legs tensed to the feeling of his finger inside her fold.
"Lionel," you said with a moan.
"How does it feel ?" he asked, even though he could see just by looking at your expression how good it felt.
You were so overwhelmed by him, his love, his touch, everything that you couldn't find your words.
When Lionel put another finger, scissoring you slightly, you felt your legs tremble as well as your back while he continued his slow dance with his fingers within you while his tongue was playing wis your nipples, increasing your pleasure.
"You're so beautiful," said Lionel with his baritone voice that makes your body bristling.
"And you so handsome," you managed to say between two moans.
"Of course I am," he answered with a smirk.
He continued to pleasure you with his fingers stretching you, bringing you to the edge of your second orgasm. You eventually came when he pressed another finger against your clit, circling it at a slow pace. You threw a glance at his hard cock, not sure if you would be able to fit around it but you didn't have the time to think about it for too long as he made you come when he found your sensitive spot, making you squirmed under him while a scream of pleasure died in your throat.
You were still a bit hazy, in the midst of all the lavish pleasure Lionel was giving to you, when you felt his nose between your legs, then his tongue licking your wetness and playing with your clit. You weren't sure if you could bear another orgasm so close to the two others, but Lionel was sure you could and he certainly had his way with women. You were so wet and aroused, you couldn't prevent your hand from gently scratching the roots of Lionel's hair, who worked harder with his nose around your clit.
The sounds you were making were like a song to his ears, he knew he was pleasuring you and he took great pride in it. He knew he had a flair for make a woman cum but the feeling to make you his, make you wet and cum for him was almost overwhelming as his heart was swollen with love and joy to have find such a treasure like you.
Flicking your nipple with his callous hands, you involuntarily thrust your hips against his.
"Careful here, we don't want to rush anything, do we ?"
You let out a frustrating sound, which made Lionel laugh.
"You have been waiting until now," he said, looking up at you, "you can wait a bit longer before having me inside you no ?" he teased, pleased with himself.
He didn't wait for your answer, diving down his head between your legs, his tongue working around your entrance, kissing you there while his hooked nose was stroking your bundle of nerves aptly.
"Lionel," you said in one breath.
He smiled, licking your sex again and again, his own arousal becoming unbearable. He felt the need to be in you as his member became harder and harder. But not yet. Before, he wanted you to have another orgasm, to be as wet as possible to make you suffer the least possible.
You didn't last very long and Lionel stood up to cover you entirely with his body.
"You taste so good, bunny," he said with a smirk.
You blushed under his piercing eyes, yet he told you not to be embarrassed.
"Bunny, you're beautiful and there is no shame in doing what we are doing. You honored me by offering me your virginity and I want to lavish you as you deserve for trusting me in such a way that you abandon yourself in my favor."
You grabbed his shoulders to bring him closer. Understanding your intention, Lionel leaned towards you so that you could touch his back and his chest more easily while your lips captured his in a tender kiss.
"I love you," you said coyly.
It was not the first time you told him that, but it was the first time you said it orally. Ordinarily, you wrote it on a sheet of paper that you strewed on the kitchen counter or inside his briefcase to give him something to think of during his work.
"And I love you," answered back Lionel with a genuine expression.
He didn't say the word before and you were taken aback. You didn't think he will say it back, but you were more than happy to hear him confess his feelings for you, though you never doubt it.
"You still want to do it ?" he asked sincerely.
You nodded vigorously.
"I want to hear you say it, [Y/N]," he said firmly.
"Yes Lionel, I want you. I want you to make love with me, please," you almost begged.
With a satisfied smile, he placed his hard member in front of your entrance. You push a little bit your nails into the skin of his back, your eyes full of apprehension but also desire.
He pushed himself as slowly as he could, careful to be gentle, assessing the slightest sign of discomfort. He kissed your neck, your cheeks, your forehead and your lips while he continued to stretch your insides. When he filled you up entirely, he stopped, waiting to see your features relax. He felt a warm liquid enveloping his cock. He glimpsed down to see a small amount of blood tainted the Egyptian silk sheets and he felt a strange sort of vanity, knowing he was the one you had chosen to offer yourself to.
“Are you alright ?” he murmured in your ear.
“It’s hurt a little bit,” you admitted.
“It’s normal, bunny,” he said with a soft tone, “It will be better in a moment, I promise.”
Of course, you trusted him and he was doing his really best to be gentle when all he wanted to do was thrusting hard and fast your tight insides.
He kissed you again and again before asking you if you were ready. You weren’t able to verbally answer any of his question, but a mere glimpse at your eyes full of desire was enough to him starting to move inside you. The initial pain ebbed away while you felt a fire invading your whole body.
“You feel so good,” growled Lionel while sucking one of your nipple.
“Lionel, oh Lionel... oooh,” you moaned while your insides were throbbing with pleasure.
Soon he thrusted faster and you let out a strangled cry when he accidentally stroked your G-spot. You grabbed his shoulders, pulling him closer to kiss his neck, totally lost in your building pleasure.
“Please Lionel, faster,” you pleaded, the stretch of your walls making you feel sensations your fingers had never let you experienced before.
“Bunny, you’re so tight... aaah... so tight and only mine,” he stuttered, licking your breasts.
You felt your muscles tensed and you knew you were close.
“Lionel... I… I will…” you couldn’t think clearly, even less talking while your back was arching to let your cunt receive more of Lionel’s cock.
He tried his best to hold back, wanting to let you come first.
"Don't close your eyes, bunny, I want to see you when you will come," he ordered.
You didn't last very long. He stroked your sensitive clit with his thumb, which had for effect to make you finish. You clung to him, letting out a cry which was a mixture of his name and other nonsense, as you were totally hazy with pleasure.
Lionel thrusted into you three more times before releasing himself with a loud groan inside your clenched cunt.
Out of breath, Lionel slipped out of you cautiously. You were panting and sweaty as well as was Lionel. He looked at you with adoration, his eyes twinkling with love.
"How do you feel ?" he asked while you cuddled up, your head on his chest, trying to find solace into his arms, still basking in the afterglow of your encounter.
"I'm happy," you whispered.
"Are you sore ?" he asked with trepidation.
"A bit," you answered honestly.
"Do you want me to run you a bath ?"
"No. I just want us to snuggle in bed."
"As you wish, my love."
He planted a lingering kiss on your forehead, a fond smile on his lips while you fell asleep. He felt a surge of love for you, one he never felt before for anyone and certainly not for his first wife.
You were certainly something else, a strange pretty little thing who had miraculously fallen into his life by the chance of your stars which were made to be crossed at some point in your life.
He took a glimpse at the blood in the bed and inwardly, he felt a wave of happiness at the mere thought of you who had been waiting for such a long time to be sure to give your virginity to the right man and knowing that he was the one for you made his heart swelled with pride.
"I will never let you leave, bunny. You're mine forever," he whispered in your ear.
You stirred a bit in your sleep but didn't get awake. Lionel let out a chuckle while his hand grabbed possessively your hips. Maybe you had waited for a major party of your life to find the right one, but so did he and now, with you in his arms, he felt the relief of the certainty. The certainty that he will have someone to share the rest of his life with.
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luvxoxo · 1 year
Q. what is love? what does love mean to you?
synopsis: asking jjk men personal questions that they have to answer honestly
part 1 of my : jujutsu kaisen interview series
includes : Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Toji, Megumi, Yuji
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Gojo: he makes himself comfortable on the chair behind him, humming as he feels the softness of the seat. he inhales deeply before answering, "love is.. it is a feeling unlike any other. It is an overwhelming desire for the individual you hold close to you. It is a need that you feel to be with someone, to make them realize how precious they are, even if the world fails to see them" he pauses for a second to collect his thoughts "love is the feeling that drives us to our very core, and it cannot be denied. It’s a feeling that words can’t quite convey. There’s a lot to love, it’s hard to put into words. Love is…it is necessary to me"
you smile, hearing such an honest answer. "that was marvellous" you cannot help but let the compliment escape. Gojo grins and shrugs his shoulders "i try my best"
"Then allow me to ask you the following question, what does love mean to you?”
he hums, thinking of an honest answer "hmm if i had to put it briefly, it would be this: love is like a flame burning deep within my heart. It’s something that will never extinguish, and will always be present, no matter what happens. It will never burn out, you know? Love is like my very soul. It is me and i am it. If i lose it, then i have nothing left. I could not go on, if i were to lose that flame of mine"
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Geto: he takes the time to swiftly wrap his luscious hair in a bun. "i have mixed thoughts and feelings about this question, is that alright?”
You nod smiling, encouraging him to answer
he grins, there’s a hint of sadness to it "love is strange and mysterious. It is not easy to define, and everyone can have different definitions of love. For some, love is a feeling of deep affection. For others, it can be a feeling of great joy and happiness. But love can also be quite painful. It can cause one to feel hurt. Sometimes it can cause one to feel lonely, and incomplete"
"seems as if, your answers are quite logical suguru" you say, observing him
Geto hums and nods his head, agreeing with you "that’s my view on it at least"
"well then allow me to ask you the next question, what does love mean to you personally?”
Geto leans back crossing his arms, thinking. "Love? You know that’s a complex question. Love to me is a bond. It is loyalty and admiration tied into a neat little bow. It’s much more than something like "attraction" or "lust"
he lets out a little laugh, looking away "but ultimately, love, in one word: loyalty"
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Nanami: he rolls up the sleeves of his shirt and leans back on the sofa comfortably, deep in thought. "the emotion of love is intricate and difficult to capture in simple language. Love has many different categories. Love can be romantic, familial, platonic, or even a love of something, like a hobby, sport, or a profession. Love is often seen as a positive motivating force and is a common theme in literature and art. This is only my humble understanding of the concept of love, though"
"that’s an interesting explanation actually. Perhaps the next question will allow you to answer more freely" nanami nods his head "What does love mean to you Nanami?”
Nanami's tone becomes quite serious and sincere. "Love is something I've always felt, but for the longest time it was something I could not truly understand. I love my friends, family, and the things and activities I enjoy the most, but there's a part of me that feels I'm missing something. I haven’t felt romantic love yet, and while it hasn't discouraged me, it has always made me wonder about the true meaning of love. It is something I hold close to my heart, and it is something I wish to find someday"
he pauses for a moment, contemplating his next words "There's a lot I could say about love. I don't think I've ever experienced it on a deep and personal level, only loving people from afar. I've tried to understand the concept of love, but I feel as though I will never truly comprehend it, even if I felt strong romantic feelings for someone. I just know it’s something that I'm striving for, something that I'm constantly working towards. It's not easy, but it is something I deeply want"
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Toji: he gently grazes his fingers on his scar and then, he smirks. in a cocky manner, he manspreads on the sofa. "I don’t do feelings. Love is a weakness people like you shouldn’t indulge in when there’s a whole world out there that requires your attention. Love is dangerous, kid. It can bring you to your knees"
you feel annoyance creeping up at him calling you a kid. you force a smile on your face. he grins, seeming to notice your change in attitude.
"Would you mind elaborating a bit on that answer Mr Fushiguro?”
"Well, it’s like a drug really. It affects everyone differently. For some, love makes them weak and unable to act. Others become filled with a strong hatred towards the person they love. Some even fall ill and die from loving too much. Love is a fickle thing… a dangerous thing, and it ain’t for me. I guess you could call love my number 1 enemy. It’s a weakness that clouds a person’s judgement"
you nod your head, understanding his different point of view.
"I see. I’d still like to know though, what does love mean to you then? Is your answer still the same?”
his eyes avert to the ground, seemingly lost in thought till he speaks up again "Well if I were to describe it" he pauses before responding "I don’t know. But when I see other people who love each other, I feel I have understood what that feeling is. Maybe love isn’t just being obsessed with someone or wanting to be with them. It’s a lot of feelings put together. It’s a feeling you can’t describe. But sometimes you have to use your head and do the logical thing, not chase love or any of that nonsense. Sometimes the heart wants what it wants"
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Megumi: he is instantly surprised by the question. It’s clear he was expecting everything except for this. "Oh well," he thinks for a moment "For me, love is the feeling of affection for someone or something you care about. In my opinion, love is when you want to be with someone and have their backs, no matter what or despite everything. You're also willing to do anything for the person you love. It doesn't mean, however, that you're gonna be possessive and obsessive. Love is more than just simple feelings. It's a connection, a commitment between two people." he says with a small smile on his face. it’s unusual for him to soften up like this.
you stare at him, astonished as to how he explained the concept of love in such a simle way "wonderfully said. then Megumi, what does love mean to you?”
he looks down at his hands, trying to gather his thoughts "I think my definition might be a little bit different from the one I already gave you. I think I'd define love as ‘a preciousness’. A preciousness that you want to treasure and protect. Something that you don't want to let go and will do anything to keep"
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Yuji: he is perhaps, the most energetic out of the rest. he seems ready and eager to answer your questions. “love is something I still don’t quite understand yet. I guess to me, love is something that goes both ways. Both giving and receiving. I’ve learned that’s important. So, to love someone is to care about them, and to want to see them happy the way they want to see you happy.” he finishes with a bright smile
your heart warms at how pure his words feel. you cant help but smile along with him "im curious for your next answer. What does love mean to you Yuji?”
Yuji takes a deep breath. He looks up at you nervously "my answer is going to be really short, is that okay?" you smile and nod, signalling that that’s more than okay
"love, to me, is something more than a feeling. It’s an action. You can’t just say that you love someone. you have to show it with your actions as well. if someone loves someone, but they don’t do anything to show it, the other person won’t know. They won’t know how much you love and care for them.”
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ⓒ all rights reserved. don't plagiarize my work or translate it!
Reblogs are appreciated 🫶🏽
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Swallowed Whole by The Flame (Messmer the Impaler x Tarnished! Reader) 4
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Summary: You and Messmer come to some sort of agreement.
A/N: This is a shorter chapter, but I promise to provide something juicy for the next one!
A03 link
Chapter 4: An Accord
When you're dressed in a cleaner pair of knight's trousers, boots and shirt, you are directed back to the room you dreaded returning to. Messmer's throne room was just as dimly lit as when you first entered, with the Lord awaiting you like an emperor on his throne. 
He was regal and poised, wracking his sharp nails against the armrest as if awaiting your arrival. The other was curled around his spear, an intimidating sight to behold. Once you had been deposited in front of him, his fire knights bowed in respect, taking their spots positioned in areas around the room, eyes directed only on you.
"Tarnished," he announced, his voice booming through the empty hall with the exceptionalism of someone like him, "thou art not much of a beast after all."
He was discussing the matters of being cleaned up, both through your wounds and through being cleaned. Though, if being kept alive was not seen as a sign of mercy from him, there had to be some ulterior motives. 
"Yes, nothing screams relaxation than being drowned in a bath with nowhere to hide." You spoke comically, but Messmer found no amusement in your words. He hadn't since you arrived. You did wonder if he had made friendships in his years, through his soldiers, or did they find him to be some enigma.
You filled the silence with a question. "Now that you so kindly mended me and had me bathed, am I to be on my way?"
Messmer's eye squinted subtly, tapping his fingers impatiently like a cat would swish its tail. You were slowly ebbing your way through to irritating him more and more. "And wherefore doth thee think I wouldst?"
Nerves bubble to your throat, as you're ready to throw up or wish upon his flames to take you out now. "I told you of Miquella's plans. That would make me not your enemy nor your ally." You spoke incredulously. "I am not wanting any part of this, on either side. I am simply telling you the truth so I may leave."
"So thee may betray another?"
"So I may survive." You corrected. Messmer didn't seem convinced. "Do you know how exhausting it is to fight against your family? Your siblings betray and scheme, your mother is imprisoned by some greater will none could even open, and yet, I am in the midst of it all."
He doesn't speak, simply surveying you as do his serpents, all eyes that seem to read right through you, reading whether you speak the truth or not. Truth be told, you do not know if you know what of Marika's whereabouts, only that war after war has been fought, with no sight of a true victor. A Tarnished like yourself could never be loved, nor accepted, it was known. How they mocked you, but still, you endured.
"T'is a shame," Messmer spoke. "It seemeth one of thy friends already knoweth of thy whereabouts."
You held no allies that you knew of who held your trust, alive or dead. None came to your head. "Who?"
"There has't been sightings of one of Miquella's followers, the former follower of Radahn, Freyja." His fingers scratched lightly against the wood of the throne, irking you greatly. "I want thee to deal with her."
You scoff, crossing your arms, glowering back at him with as much fire as he does. So all those things he did rather than kill you were for something. "What would you have me do?"
"Simple," Messmer leans back on his throne, a small smirk on his face. "Kill her and bringeth the proof."
You could only wish he had been joking at this moment, for the urge to laugh washed over you. Indeed it would've been an awkward time to do so. "You wish for me to kill her? Shall I make it clear that she is not the only one? If they hear one of theirs are killed by my own hands, they will not stop until they have me dead. And they will hear of it, one way or another."
"It should not be an issue for you, Tarnished." Messmer holds no sympathy for you, rather he looks even more bored by you. You think if you don't answer him a simple yes or no, he will just catch you alight on the very spot you stand in, imprisoning you again and again.
You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration. "Where was she spotted?"
"Mine own soldiers sayeth the Moorth Ruins. It is a two-day ride."
Great. You could only wish you could fly out the highest window and end in a place far from the Keep, riding on Torrent out of here, away from strange cult-like followers and tyrants. "And if I don't do this?"
"Oh, I'm sure thee shall," Messmer rises, his chainmail rattling with each methodical step he takes towards you. "Not only wouldst thee be wanted by me and mine own men, but by them as well.  Wouldst thee rather has't the safety of these walls or the bitter cold world to swallow thee whole?"
Neither were good options, but despite your odds, you'd rather go against each of them individually than face Messmer alone as the full force.
A hundred cuts then to be burnt over and over again.
He has made his way down towards you now, standing in front of you in all his glory. Now that you're not fighting him, you realise up close that behind the scowl, there is a handsomeness to him. You have to admit that the kin of Marika were very comely.
"What doth thee sayeth?" Messmer's voice is a mere whisper, his voice reverberates out and through your chest, and you can't help but shudder at how he enunciates each word thoughtfully. 
Sorry Miquella. You think, signing away your life once again. "I accept."
For the first time, Messmer seems... relieved by your choice. You visibly see the way the lines in his forehead relax slightly, his golden snake-like eye lessens its intensity as if even he is surprised you would say yes.
Messmer gestures for you to follow him. "Cometh, mine own men shalt handeth thee thy weapons and armour."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Your amour feels heavy from how long you have not worn it. In those three days imprisoned, you feel the relief of the 'fresh' air hitting your skin, sighing deeply as you take it all in. Messmer stands slightly off to the side behind you, arms folded behind his back, but you're certain you can feel either his gaze or one of his snakes on you.
His soldiers hand you the necessary things, your bag full of your flasks and the map in case you need it to find the ruins, but you're sure you know where they are. 
There is a tense build-up in the air as you stand before Messmer, dressed and armed with his knights ready to wave you off. How you thought Messmer could trust you to do this, you weren't sure. You still thought this was all some trap, bringing the other into a false sense of security before the other could stab them in the back.
Messmer walked over to you, his red hair was even brighter in the cold outside world. "Shalt thee needeth a horse?"
"No need." You responded, pulling forth your whistle and blowing into it, the high-pitched screech bringing forth the long-awaited Torrent at last. Torrent materialises out of nowhere, startling Messmer's knights as if unsure what it was you had conjured. You greet him as he strides towards you, bonking his snout to you as you chuckle, bringing forth a sweet for him to savour. Messmer watched silently until you spoke to him. "This is Torrent. He has been by my side ever since."
Messmer seemed awkward with the small talk, simply nodding but as if he wished to say more. "Very well." He gave a nod, to which gave the thumbs up for the drawbridge to be lowered. The heavy gate groaned with life as it slowly fell, giving you time to hop onto Torrent, finalising everything you had.
When the bridge was finally opened, you gave a final look to Messmer, and his knights, as if you were waving off a dear friend, not the one who had you imprisoned for so long. It felt odd, to say the least, rather than relief to be going, it felt strange to be sent off only to come back to him when all was done.
Messmer was still towering over you when he tugged on your arm, startling you with how warm he felt even through the leather of your gloves. It could almost be unbearable if he held on much longer.
Now almost at eye level with him, you stared back at him, realising just how close he was to your face and-- since when did he have freckles? And when had he ever looked so calm when looking at you? It brought this unknown heat to rise to your face, thankful that your face was covered. 
It was only when the tension was eased that Messmer leant further, whispering something close to your ears that brought the ripples of a shudder to pass through you. In that very moment, you had wished you hadn't touched the withered arm and stepped forth to get to these lands:
"If thee dare betray me, I shall maketh sure thou art never blessed by mine own mother's grace again."
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theheirofthesharingan · 5 months
Hi,it annoys me when Itachi is paired with Sakura, does anyone really think that the could fall in love with her?He won't even look at her,but how do you feel about this couple?
Anti-S*kura/ anti Ita*ku/anti ss content ahead.
I've written about it before too. Here.
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It annoys me too. This is my honest reaction to the ship. (It's probably someone's art, so if anyone knows the artist's name or blog, please let me know. i'll credit them).
I haven't interacted with her fans a lot (their general hate for Itachi just makes me want to not talk to them), so the psychology behind anyone shipping her with Itachi is entirely lost on me. He would certainly not fall in love with her. I can't see him falling in love with anyone, least of all, her. He's so damaged and guilt-ridden, and he has absolutely nothing he can offer in a romantic relationship. He's broken, suicidal, and suffers from the most severe form of PTSD, so what can he do that she will find charming? In all of Itachi's ships, his partner(s) would have to work hard to make it work. We know she isn't the kind of person who does it, or pays attention to someone unless her own feelings are being rewarded or coddled.
I don't know how she's written in the fics (I've never read them), but if the writers are making her sympathetic, thoughtful, understanding, kind, generous where her ulterior motives do not lie, then that's just not her actual personality. You can't write their core characteristics as it is and think they can be shipped together. There's absolutely nothing he'll like in her. If he did think something of her obsession towards Sasuke he would have acquiesced to SS and reached out to her instead of Naruto.
She's just shoehorned into both Itachi and Sasuke's lives as their potential life partner, which is wild because Sasuke just didn't care about her until very last and Itachi... oh, well.
You guys really made me give more thought to her in the last 2-3 days than I did in the last 13 months of having seen and read Naruto. Many people unfollowed me recently, lmao. Could be a coincidence too that some deleted their blogs or maybe unfollowed me for other reasons. But still.. xD
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cartoon-buffoon · 21 days
Today marks the 97th birthday of Oswald The Lucky Rabbit with his first short that was released being "trolly troubles" releasing on today all the way back during 1927. Because I'm too lazy to do some art (I do have something planned for today though) I'm gonna do what I do best: talk! Talk specifically about why I absolutely love this silly rabbit and what he personally means to me.
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Now although fictional (sadly) and just a mere character, Oswald The Lucky Rabbit has grown a large following for a variety of different reasons with several different types of Oswald fans popping up over the years. There's the fans of Ozzie who love his modern counterpart in Epic Mickey who is a genuine character with complexities, there's the history/animation nerds like I who love his short cartoons produced by Disney and later made Walter Lantz. There's even people who love Ozzie and were introduced to him from that one webcomic made by an awful individual (I can't think for the life of me what the comic is called RN, you know what I'm talking about right? The one where they drew him as a skinny twink and absolutely butchered Osix as a crackship). Whoever or whatever version they like at the end of the day it still boils down to the love of one little rabbit who started it all and was the catalyst for the mouse coming into existence and that giant domino effect of events leading after. I think it's sweet an entire community has been built up over the years with tons of talented people creating art, games, stories, and whatever else utilizing Ozzie solely because they love him. Oswald as character has even had a profound impact on me with my fanfiction hobby all stemming from one day me going "hmmm... I wish to write story about funy buny", and because of that it's lead to me writing more which in turned earned me a good few mutuals who like my "talent" (I would not call what I do talent lmao). I even bonded with someone I met from my school purely because we both love Oswald and that individual is now my best friend who I talk to daily and is my current beta reader (love you Quartz!!!).
Oswald has absolutely changed my life for the better and what the rabbit has done for me is nothing I could express with words. I legit regularly get motivated by listening to his theme song in order to "be lucky too!". The second I dug into his origins I fell in love with him (in two different ways), and I only hope more people find out about this Lucky rabbit and become just as if not moreso invested than I. Happy 97th ya old toon.
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suncatstudiosyt · 7 months
So recently (like in the last hourish) I guess I got into a "fight" with someone on Twitter and they called me a pedo (idk why but don't go looking for anyone and spread more hate that's not how you fix anything)
I want to say here that it was because of something with the smiling critters and this person getting mad at me for viewing them as adults to young adults (again don't send hate that's not how you fix problems)
(I also want to make it VERY clear! people who are pedos are NOT welcome here and if I find out someone is I will be blocking and reporting them)
so anyway, I wanted to come on here and maybe clear some things up, yes I see the Cartoon and Monster versions of them as adults, NO I do not romantically ship the Monster versions (I see them in my Au as nothing more than close friends) as for the Toon versions, I'm mixed on it kinda? again I see them as adults but I would never make any adult content images of them as I want this to be a safer space for a younger audience, idk but if you don't like how I see them please tell me why and I will try my best to go further into detail on it all.
But, with the amount of hate that seems to be surrounding this community lately it has been incredibly uninviting and unmotivating so I think I'm going to put the Smiling critters art on hold until I get more motivated and see less hate coming from this community, I'm happy everyone has enjoyed my art of them all and I still love these characters but I think I'm going to be switching up the art that I'm making, sorry to all the people who haven't gotten their questions done for Ask Catnap but that will be (temporally?) ending, again thanks for the support with all of my art its been great guys!❤️️
(please if you have an issue with me, lets talk about it I would rather not make anymore people angry or upset with me)
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moltenwrites · 11 days
Haven’t done a tag game in a while eh? Sorry about that, life’s been a lil silly lately, I haven’t had time ( or energy ) to do much here lately, but I’ll try to be better!
Thanks @the-golden-comet @willtheweaver and @thatuselesshuman for the tag! This game is simple, just answer the questions from your character(s) perspective. I’ll be answering from Res, Salazar, and Asims perspective today.
Who do you trust the most?
Res - Lyra. Shes been nothing but loyal.
Salazar - I’ve had my trust broken one too many times. I once trusted Fabio with my life, and you can see how that turned out.
Asim - Myself. Even Astera, I can’t trust her with everything. Maybe someday.
Where would you live, if you could choose?
Res - As far away from this shithole as possible. I’d love to live in a kingdom with no connection to ours.
Salazar - Well- I haven’t thought of this much, I don’t often have the ability to settle down. But Itchzak has always been my home, so there.
Asim - Anywhere Astera is happy would make me happy, but if she was open to it, I would like somewhere more rural, though still with a good population.
What keeps you motivated?
Res - I can’t let Exodus get away with it.
Salazar - To make this world fair, its abhorrent way of treating those that call it home is unacceptable. And I am the only one who appears to have the power to fix it.
Asim - In my art, it was the first day I met Astera. I scaled up my projects after I met her, something about her just- no, I can’t discuss this now. I hope my answer was sufficient!
What is your dream job?
Res - I’ve never had a green thumb, but a life as a farmer, or perhaps an artist, would be peaceful. I think that could be nice.
Salazar - Ruling. It is the only way I can change this world
Asim - A painter of course! I love the arts, though I must admit my skills are subpar?
What do you plan for the future?
Res - To make it to tomorrow.
Salazar - If I can, I’d love to make a truly fair world. Currently, I must try to reclaim the throne.
Asim - Uh, well I know it’s a bit sudden, and it is embarrassing, but marrying Astera would make me happy to a degree I find unthinkable.
How many languages can you speak?
Res - 1. Education was never Itchzaks strong suit, and we couldn’t afford it even if it was available.
Salazar - I find force to be the most effective language, but I only speak in English.
Asim - I took Latin in college, though I must admit I’m a bit rusty.
What is one hobby you have that may surprise others?
Res - I don’t have much time for hobbies anymore, but I used to cook for fun on occasion
Salazar - I’ve never quite had the talent, but music has always been fascinating to me!
Asim - I write the occasional poem!
What is one possession you wouldn’t part with, no matter what?
Res - My knife, it was a gift from someone I lost, and it is a reminder to keep living.
Salazar - I find gifts to be fleeting. Once you lose your body, you find that there is not much you must hold on to
Asim - Astera bought me a paintbrush, I couldn’t bear to lose that, at least not before I use it.
What is one supernatural ability you wish you had?
Res - To speak to the dead, there are some people I just need to talk to one more time-
Salazar - Well, aside from the power to correct this world, mind reading would be a blessing. It would greatly help to judge intent in fairness.
Asim - Healing, it would help me in nearly all aspects of my life.
How long does it take before you trust someone?
Res - I probably trust easier than I should, but the people in my life have been overwhelmingly kind.
Salazar - As I recited earlier, I have had my trust broken too many times. Never again.
Asim - I don’t think I’ve trusted anyone fully yet. Trust can push them away.
How bad do you feel about lying to others?
Res - Its a necessary evil, I don’t mind all too much.
Salazar - I am a man of my word, I find lying to be quite unfair
Asim - Sometimes it’s better for people to be left in the dark.
What is one good you could always eat and never get tired of?
Res - I like steak a lot, I don’t get to have it often, but from those moments I could eat it every day.
Salazar - Hm, well as odd as it sounds, I’ve always found grapes delectable.
Asim - I always liked pork chops, they have such a perfect flavor when seasoned correctly!
Annnd that’s all of em, wow that took a minute! If you wanna do this,here are your questions!
1. What place means the most to you?
2. What is the most fun you’ve ever had?
3. Have you ever been betrayed?
Tag list, let me know if you wanna be added or removed
@thatuselesshuman @ddgraywrites @juliana-jones @revenantlore @aintgonnatakethis
@yourpenpaldee @illarian-rambling @autism-purgatory @gioiaalbanoart @the-letterbox-archives
@theverumproject @noxxytocin @joseph-hooser @mk-writes-stuff @yrndrgn
+ Open, as always
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hydrxnessa · 22 days
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i did character moodboards but instead its the characters i drew inspiration from over the years
(very long) rambles to the void below // // its very long. heed this warning.
ok first off; Hydra! she first started off as a roleplay character back in the 2016 minecraft hypixel housing roleplay days. your generic ender dragon girl hybrid kinda thing. whole reason why i call myself hydra, she's basically my persona atp
years would go by and she'd later have her own separate story instead of a bunch of one-offs with just 'feral edgy dragon hybrid girl' as a template
she's an unhinged, loose cannon who's generally outcasted by society. all four characters: jinx, nimona, surge and catra are seen by this.
with jinx, mainly her growing up being rough which shapes her to become the feral loose cannon she is. also a twisted father figure. sounds familiar.
with nimona, its mostly just the unhinged-ness and outcast traits. also her personality, with being reckless and rushing in without a plan but also emotionally unstable, easily irritated and fragile.
with surge, its her whole gist of being an experimented cyborg-esque character, with the purpose of surpassing a highly-renowned figure (sonic) -- at the cost of forgetting who she used to be before. yeah i stole that whole thing and threw it onto hydra/hj . once again emotionally unstable due to not knowing who she used to be, and her purpose was created by someone else, not for herself. once that someone else is out of the picture, she'd go on to struggle purpose for herself, whilst being haunted by her past. i think surge is the Major inspiration for hydra here tbh
aaand finally, catra. i /could/ compare adora and catra's relationship to hydra and lyura's, but its very minor. they both grew up together, fought together, played together; but as they grew up, they'd grow distant away from each other. up until the point where they have completely differing ideals and views. and betrayal, there's hints of betrayal in there. and once again, emotionally unstable. i think there's a pattern here
okaayy, next up is Intoxicate! he actually started off as an oc completely based around angor rot (top middle). like, entirely angor rot, just furrified. you can probably see his old art on his toyhouse if you scroll down on his gallery. i hate looking at it but its a nice memory. he was always meant to be some sort of antagonist in the Wings' Ascent story, but i didn't really know where to take it
anyways he's a cult leader now, deemed as one of the most powerful Lights in the galaxy. very charismatic, yet ruthless. a deeper motivation to serve his god to save one life; a life so dear to him. tbh its giving gabriel agreste HELP
not much with neuvilette since i haven't played genshin's fontaine region (nor do i plan to, i just really like neuvi). he's the dragon sovereign iirc? more powerful than the archons themselves. authoritative and strong, those were the traits i gave intox. also similar hair.
i already spoke about angor rot - whole reason why intox exists in the first place. also the blue spots over his body, idk if there's story to that in the franchise but i stole that and made it like some sort of terminal disease on intox, just to make things dire.
lunatic cultist - i mean not much to say. intox serves the Lunatic Star. cultist serves the Moon Lord. i think its self-explanatory
suguru geto !! i love u geto cult leader, aand adopted two daughters that he basically saved from a village about to execute them. intox basically adopted tohka when she had nothing else. also charismatic yet manipulative demeanour. also hair. to that one person who compared human intox to geto, and i have never seen jjk ever, you are the reason i watched jjk in the first place. thanks
gary miller - cult leader. ruthless, cruel, sacrificial. would do anything for the entities he worships. also seems charming, yet manipulative. i do find the garyjohn ship silly and cute yet twisted
the lamb from cult of the lamb. oh boy, so unexpected. in intox's backstory, he dies through beheading but is brought to the Lunatic Star from death instead of being sent off to the heavens. Lunar promises him she will save Amaera, if he vows to serve her and gain her freedom from her shackles. very similar to the Lamb who was also beheaded and sent to the One Who Waits/Narinder, who promises vengeance in exchange of starting a cult to gain him power
ok finally, Trojan! honestly if you're still reading thanks for listening to my dumb rambles about my ocs ??? really appreciate it lol even if im just talking to the void
oh he's a weird one. created him in 2021 i believe? which was when the project renekton skin was released (2nd row on the right). i also wanted a scientist character. so basically, i combined the two. red/orange lizard and scientist. anyways i never drew him again
ok he's back now. repurposed him and fit him into hydra's story so that he's the scientist who created her (i forgot what her story was beforehand, other than experimentation, though i think it was just an scp foundation situation). originally meant to be a very cruel and very evil scientist, but i started liking the idea that he'd be more paternal and fatherly to her, and then slowly losing that sense as he gained more power and more involved with his research.
basically, mad scientist with a child experiment.
abrahm valentin - i actually dont understand the iris lore tbh. i do know that he killed his brother and repurposed his remains/nervous system into some sort of circus attraction, whilst his brother remained conscious. trojan killed his father and repurposed him into a powerful machine (H4YW1RE). also abrahm's pretty insane. like deadass insane.
dr clef - i think this was one of the original inspirations back when i first created him. doctor/researcher for the scp foundation, but he's anomalous himself. also batshit insane
dr starline - he's connected to surge's story, whole reason why she exists. similar to how hydra/lyura only exist because of him. also voice claims are generally a posh british accent. that's as far as that goes.
draedon. ough i love draedon. a powerful scientist and researcher who transferred his whole conscious into this mechanical body. built crazy powerful technology; armour for a literal godslayer, a worm god, dangerous robots, etcetc. also i liked the idea that he had multiple labs across the continent, but as he grew more powerful and gained more knowledge, those labs became abandoned.
project renekton - similar to angor rot to tox, he's the major inspiration and starting point of trojan. though the inspiration mainly came from his aesthetics, and a tiny hint of unhinged personality but thats it really
lysandre, ooh this one's interesting. his ideal was that the world was no longer beautiful, instead growing uglier, so he wanted to create a perfect world by ridding all of imperfection. trojan's ideals are heavily based around perfection and transcending the Stars and their flaws. also lysandre was seen as a very influential figure, who's technology was basically everywhere in kalos. trojan was the same, just on a wider galactical scale. a very renowned scientist, where most tech of akr'byx could be traced back to him.
viktor - pretty much the same as lysandre, only that he replaced his body and augmented it with machinery as he saw it far superior than flesh.
i dont actually remember what viggo grimborn's inspo was other than his voice claim. maybe also for his charming yet manipulative demeanour
boothill was actually meant to be up there but i didnt have space !! his backstory is Very similar to trojan where they both lose a loved one and died just after, yet brought back via augmentation of their body.
ANYWAYS. thats the end. im so tired. thanks if you read all of this. im not reading back there's probably mistakes and i will probably die of cringe. woohoo i love having favourite characters then stuffing them into ocs
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die-rosastrasse · 1 year
Sometimes, when we create we have to let go of the reception of what we have created.
I write fanfiction. 10-20 years ago, people would always review/comment. It was instant gratification. Lately, if I can ger one comment for a chapter of 10'00-2 000 words, I am grateful. People's behaviour with "free" or eas of access art has deteriorated. It's too much effort to show appreciation even if we feel it.
I focus on my joy of writing. Hoping that someone will be moved by my words but focusing on my own pleasure of wroting exactly what I want to read. If someone likes it : great. If not, well I'm enjoying my own writing.
I hope you find equal joy and satisfaction in the act of creation.
You create a lot of beauty and dreams... may you never stop.
Hi! First of all, thank you for reaching out. People never do, which is part of why I feel so resented by the world. Thank you for your kind words and a very well articulated message, which I absolutely agree with. I'm glad I'm not the only one who is noticing how beauty, photographs and creations have become quick, mass produced, single-use and lost in a sea of thousand new posts coming every second. I see that this is where the world is heading more and more, with AI "art", reposting stolen pictures or rewriting yourself to fit some aesthetic, and that makes me so scared for the future. And also, makes me even more motivated to spend more time on creating than on consuming, and being very peculiar about what I consume and how much. I understand your words about focusing on the joy and satisfaction of creating itself, it's the most important thing for me too, even it sounded like it's not. It's my favorite feeling right now: the need to create, paint, write, collage, take every single piece of myself and make something out of it with my hands. It's so beautiful and gratifying in itself and I'm at a point in my life when it's really all I want to do with my time. And I'm proud of my works anyway, I know I'm getting better for myself, I love the feeling of inspiration and I try to keep myself in this state as long as I can. The joy of making something is why I do what I do, nothing else is necessary and my private world is complete without approval of anyone else. But every once in a while, I remember that maybe if we put ourselves out there, someone will listen and sharing the beauty that we found or that we tried to make is the most normal, valid human emotion. And this, showing my precious pieces I made with adoration, and meeting not with hate, not love, but indifference, makes me want to throw up, go inside a hole and never go out. Why is that so hard? Why was I perfectly content with my work when it was just mine, but sharing it with others suddenly makes me hate it, no matter if it was well received or not? I will forever be creative because that's who I am in the depths of my soul and honestly I don't want to share my life with anybody now. But this feeling will always come again, the need to leave something after me, have some kind of legacy. Or simply inspire somebody and receive the same energy that I put in the world, or meet a single person who would give it some time, consciousness, curiosity. I don't know how to balance between hiding my world just for myself and the need to scream about it to everyone who would listen. I don't think there is a balance, just the terrible feeling of missing something on both sides. The inability to have it all is the reason for my crisis.
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infinitethree · 2 months
My name? I wasn't planning on giving out my name, but just for you, Innit! I go by Asher around here! Also I'll live on your shoulder now, if that's okay.
Also also! I drew you and me :D
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What do you think? I know there are some artistic liberties heh
Unlike when others are given art, it seems as though Innit receives such things as a tangible object.
It is no longer completely shocked when things are given to it. Delighted, of course, but receiving gifts no longer feels entirely alien.
A wide grin splits its face as its clawed fingers delicately trace the lines on the paper in its hands. No art has ever seen quite so incredible as this; masterpieces of all-time geniuses pale in comparison to this seemingly humble drawing.
And that is for the simple fact that it was created for it. Someone drew something purely out of a desire to give it something.
Sniffling, it carefully sets the drawing aside to be able to gather the shimmering, pale blue and lavender raccoon into a hug. The creature chitters and pats its head, seemingly happy to have gotten such a positive reaction.
“I love it,” it laughs, tears pricking lightly at its slit-pupil eyes. The raccoon withdraws a small handkerchief from seemingly nowhere and dabs at its eyes.
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Its ears angle downward at this particular question.
Bitterness sings in its heart as it thinks about how that bastard abandoned it in favor of that Trojan-horse child.
What it wouldn’t give to dig its claws into his chest and trigger a few dozen respawns. Death is too much of a mercy for that wretched thing– it wants him to live in fear and suffering.
Suffering like what Innit endured for years on end because of him. Because Daz chose that child over someone who was a part of him.
But saying as much risks upsetting the Observers. They don’t seem hateful towards the child, and thus, Innit can’t afford to be seen as irrationally aggressive again.
“My opinion has never mattered,” it mutters, staring at the cup in its claws. Its grateful for something to do with them, lest they try to find something– anything– to rip into.
It takes a sip and smiles softly. The taste is dulled by fear and worry, but it still says, “It’s nice. Thank you.”
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It tilts its head in confusion, unsure why its friend is saying they miss it when they’ve been talking.
Swallowing, it runs its claws through the raccoon’s fur. “...You’re delayed for me too, aren’t you? I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were waiting…”
The rest of the message only makes it confused. As much as it’s tempted to panic about their friend’s cooled anger towards Daz, there are more pressing things to focus on.
Mind-numbing terror can happen later. Despite what some think of it, Innit understands how to prioritize. And also how to shove ugly things inside of a box never to be seen again.
“I– yeah, I’d appreciate that. But what do you mean, you’ve seen what he could be like? Are you–”
It laughs a little, almost disbelieving it could be the case, “Are you seeing other timelines? And– and he’s…no. No, he wouldn’t– couldn’t be good. Not to me…never to me.”
Innit’s tail lashes a few times, then curls over its leg.
During the time it was imprisoned, it fantasied endlessly about what-ifs and how things could have gone better.
But that’s pointless. And knowing that happiness was a coin flip away would only make it hate Daz more for the cruelty of this failed bet.
“Asher, you’re already on his shitlist. You clearly know more than a little about us, so you should be well aware that we’re not the sort to forgive easily.” It gives a faint smile and suggests, a little bitterly, “You’re probably better off trying to push him into a complete mental breakdown. Given sufficient motivation, those idiots will put their heads together and figure out a way to make you suffer, too. As much as I hate that bastard, I will reluctantly acknowledge that he’s the lynchpin for that sort of thing.”
It accepts the food and the headpats, smiling at these little gestures of kindness.
If nothing else, it can rest easy that Daz won’t get these any time soon. 
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solicelegacy · 8 months
So im working on this HL fic an its definitely still very much a work in progress but honestly i've been struggling with motivation with it.
The idea behind it is suppose to be a chapter(or maybe a couple chapters) of Amit's future memoir, and it's all about the new F!MC 5th year through his view. I personally haven't seen anyone else do it like this, and it's been on my mind since I first played Hogwarts Legacy.
Im hoping posting just a snip of it will push me into the motivation i need. This is just the potions class part the writing so I hope you all enjoy. I'd love any feedback you can give <3
p.s. Forgive my writing, I literally haven't writen anything in years
The days went on, and I didn’t see much of the new 5th year other than classes. However, the talk about her never seemed to stop. From helping classmates with miscellaneous tasks around Hogwarts, fighting trolls in Hogsmeade to even rumours about the dark wizards called Ashwinders looking for her, she appeared to get more mysterious than ever. While allegedly everyone knew her, nobody seemed to know her. Nobody knew about where she came from before Hogwarts, nothing about her family, no one could even tell you what she liked to eat since she appeared to never be seen in the great hall during designated meal times. The only thing people insisted they knew is she took to spending time with Sebastian or Natsai, but getting information from those two was as impossible as taming a graphorn. I was beginning to assume that having a conversation with her was never going to happen, until that fateful potions class.
I remember this potion class like the day I first discovered my parents' Gobbledegook notes. We were tasked to make the perfect wiggenweld potion. Professor Sharp had called on me to explain why it’s a handy potion to have on hand. A simple question really, a first year should even be able to answer it. However, if you find yourself reading this and don’t know, wiggenweld is used to sterilize and even heal a variety of injuries but not all injuries so don’t rely on it as a cure all. With Professor Sharp's nod of approval and points awarded to the Ravenclaw house for my answer, we began to brew our potions. 
The new 5th year was stationed on the other side of the room, just being in the same room as her was making me anxious. How was I supposed to approach a person who has built such a strong reputation in just the few days they’ve been here? As much as I wanted to ask her every question that I could possibly think of, I decided to observe them between the steps of making my own potion. It was probably the safer option to not get too close to someone who supposedly had ashwinders on their trail. After all, it took almost all summer to convince my parents Hogwarts was safe to attend even if there were rumours about a goblin rebellion happening. 
I’m not really sure what I was expecting when it came to their potion making. After their show in Defence Against the Dark Arts, I was positive there would be a magnificent spectacle awaiting in this class, but there wasn’t. There was no flair when crushing Dittany leaves, no throwing all the ingredients into the cauldron at once, no massive explosion when adding the horklump juice, just normal uneventful potion making. If it weren’t for all the rumours you’d think she was just your normal everyday Hogwarts student. 
Soon enough Professor Sharp got up from his desk to check on each student, making sure they were following instructions carefully. He made his way to the new 5th year first, assuming he was skeptical of them succeeding on making a flawless potion their first try. But as Sharp had approached their station, she had turned to face him holding a perfectly green potion in a vial. With all the commotion of the classroom it was hard to hear what the Professor was saying to her but I managed to makeout something about ‘recent exploits’.  I could only imagine what he was referring to but the rumours don’t make it that hard. She gave Professor Sharp a nod before heading towards his office door only to be stopped by the lively red headed gryffindor, Garreth Weasley. 
It was easy to tell when Garreth was planning to make whatever concoction his mind made up that day. He would have this specific gleam in his eyes, with a mischievous grin to match. When he made that face you knew an explosion of some kind would surely follow. This time they both were closer to me so I could hear them. Garreth double checked to make sure Professor Sharp wasn’t listening before asking her to collect a fwooper feather among the ingredients for her edurus potion she was tasked to make. She seemed hesitant, not wanting to get on Sharps bad side to which I don't blame her for not wanting to cross an ex-auror. However, Garreth persisted to which she reluctantly agreed too. Her expression showed uncertainty compared to Garreth's beaming smile of success as the two parted ways.
Hearing Professor Sharp’s office door close behind me, I returned to finishing up my own potion. The colour finally being the perfect shade of green, I slowly began to pour it in the empty vial. Before turning in my now completed wiggenweld potion, I went over the steps in my notes just to triple check I followed each step correctly. I was so engrossed with my notes I didn’t notice the set of footsteps walking towards my direction. 
“I was impressed you were able to answer Professor Sharp's question about the wiggenweld potion.”  The unfamiliar voice had startled me out of my thoughts and quickly turned around to only be met with a friendly smile and a small wave. It was her. Up close she didn’t appear very intimidating, she just seemed like a normal 5th year as excited to learn as any other of our peers. Her eyes however, seemed to have this fire shining bright with determination. 
I gathered myself quickly to introduce myself so as to not be rude. While I had reservations about her with all the rumours and hobbies she seems to have, she was actually quite pleasant. I took this opportunity to complement her flawless effort on her wiggenweld, she really did seem to have a knack for potion making. My nerves were getting the best of me, I simply kept rambling on but she didn’t seem to mind, smiling and nodding to the almost nonsense spewing out of my mouth. Our conversation wasn’t a long one, we parted ways with the knowledge that we would be sharing Astronomy class together. A class I was always excited to attend.
As she headed in the direction of her potion station she almost seemed to hesitate before heading towards Garreth instead. She appeared to be reluctant to hand over the bright pink fwooper feather to the very eager Weasley who gladly took it from her before she could change her mind. If only she knew what she had got herself into. 
She was in the process of making her edurus potion when the show began. As no surprise to anyone but the new 5th year, Garreth’s concoction started to spark like fireworks before quickly bubbling over, splashing all over himself and neighboring stations. Annoyed groans had come from Sebastain and Natsai who were the unfortunate victims to the putrid concoction. With a clearly frustrated sigh from Sharp and points taken from Gryffindor he had called for whoever Weasleys accomplice was to answer to him as well, looking towards the new 5th year who was bottling up her potion doing everything to avoid Professor Sharp's piercing gaze. 
When she finally couldn't avoid his gaze forever, she made her way towards his desk in the front of the room. I couldn’t tell if Sharp was more annoyed or disappointed in how she chose to spend her class time. Usually actions like this resulted in detention or house points taken away at the very least, not this time. Maybe because it was her first offence with him or maybe it was because she gave a genuine apology about her actions, who knows. Professor Sharp seemed to be just as impressed with her work as everyone else was. With a final warning to her about ‘not a potions master quite yet,’ he dismissed the rest of class. Almost instantly she turned on her heels to apologize to her unfortunate foul smelling friends for the mess she caused them before bolting out the door claiming she had somewhere to be. 
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cilil · 9 months
New Year & Resolutions
So... 2023. As with many of us, it wasn't a great year for me. Lots of stress and struggling irl, family members getting severely ill, some tragic accidents... and with some of these situations being ongoing and big scary exams coming up, 2024 isn't looking much brighter for me in that regard.
I still have my stories, my blorbos and my friends - and that means you guys - to keep me company and brighten my day. I don't know what I would do without you and all of the fun things we do together and for that, I'm endlessly grateful.
In late 2022, I (re)entered the Silmarillion fandom (as in, I was never interacting before that, but I was there), and in 2023 I joined and participated in a whole bunch of events and met so many great people - many new, but also a few I remember from back in the day. It felt great to finally, after all these years, have the courage to reach out and let you know that I love your works. Let's hope for another year of creativity and community, and I'm very much looking forward to what everyone has in store...
... which brings us to my new year's resolutions.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ I've started working on expanding my character pool, as some of you may have noticed in the more recent events and challenges I shared on my blog, and I want to continue doing that. Comfort is a fickle thing and I'm always worried I don't get it right, but I try to take it as an opportunity for creative growth either way.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Related to the previous point: I want to continue using the drabble and ficlet events specifically to give gifts to friends, mutuals and followers alike, so once again: If you have brainrot or fun ship ideas or anything of this sort, let me know, hit me up, let's chat. I love hearing new ideas. And if it's ever something I don't feel like I can write or talk about at that time I'll let you know, so no worries at all.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ I want to continue being present for events, but I need to find some time for my personal projects as well, which I haven't really managed this past year. There are several ideas for bigger projects I have lying around and collecting dust (both Angbang and otherwise) and I also have old fics from back in the day that I want to rewrite and share. It won't be easy, especially with the aforementioned exams and all, but I want to at least try.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ That also includes requests I have yet to fulfill and unfinished events. My apologies to all those who have waited longer for something than they should have - I assure you, I didn't forget about it. I'm just a bit of a bumbling fool who gets too excited about her hobby and then proceeds to bury herself in too much work.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ On the other hand, I did manage to make some progress in regards to being more motivated, being more productive and taking better care of myself and I want to continue improving in that regard, be it when it comes to fandom or otherwise. I also want to say thank you to all those who supported me during difficult times - you know who you are. Thank you. I appreciate you more than you will ever know.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ As generic as it sounds, I also want to continue improving my craft, both writing and, dare I hope, art. I had several moments over the year where I felt like I improved or I learned or understood a new thing, but there's always room for more and I'm someone who enjoys learning.
I might have forgotten something so there may be edits, but that's it for now.
I wish all of you a happy new year and all the best for 2024, even if things aren't looking too bright for you either. Despite everything, I'm confident that we can get through this together, and if nothing else just know that I'm here for you, trying to share the things that make my life better and hopefully bring others a bit of joy too.
By which I mean hot angel porn -
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mysticvixin · 4 months
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Greetings. I'm MysticVixin. I'm an artist striving to create something good in this world. If not just a single smile or laugh. Seeing as the digital realm is getting infested with generative parasites, me along with many artists are becoming digital rufugees. That is to say I'm not intending to downplay real rufugees by any means. Considering I come from a place of privledge.
Though I'm willing to explain my point. As an artist, especially in a modern digital world, I'm more or less required to share my art everywhere. There is a pressure to be consistant and to have it on multiple platforms. This is because both possible employers and clients need to see your work to commission or work with you.
Which is to say that with the introduction of artificially generated 'artworks' as well as artificial intelligence training stealing the hard work of millions of artists worldwide, it would be like working a 9-5 position for possibly decades only for a new boss to be step in, take all of your work from since you were hired, attempt to reconstruct your handwriting, math, notes and everything you learned then getting a promotion.
In time, you will then be let go because.. why pay an employee when you can just have something better do it for free after already taking and learning everything that you can do and faster?
So what exactly are you supposed to do in that situation when all the largely well known offices you could 'work' for either proudly or discreetly claim that their employees' work is nothing more than free labor to steal and utilize for their companies?
Obviously you would feel forced to take down all of your hard work to avoid the problem all together even if it may already be too late and seek new offices that don't think your work is unvaluable. Or if they mention they have third party bosses that would like to take your work give you the option to opt out from interacting with them.
Thus.. this is why I am here now. Trying to find a space I can share my work openly instead of having to either give my work up to artificial intelligence training, heavily alter and hide my work with harsh watermarks, or attempting to datapoison my work in hopes it would taint anyone that attempts to take my hard work and use it.
With that said, Greetings. I'm MysticVixin. I'm an artist striving to create a name for myself with hopes of bringing some good into this world. Even if it's as simple as making someone smile or a laugh. I'm also an aspiring vtuber/pngtuber trying to create a small close-knit community and audience for myself casually in hopes of making new connections and learning new things.
I believe this platform is going to get back on its feet with the rest of the digital rufugees possibly finding their place here. I personally decided this one due to how accessible it is in terms of posts as well as browsing. At least it trys to stop me from doom scrolling. Not only that it's on desktop so I don't have to type endlessly on mobile.... Unless I want to.
It also just has that casual sort of feel to it that makes me feel a bit more motivated to post my work more casually. Without the added pressure that other social platforms seem to envoke in me. Either because it's too big and largely populated or just not nearly as accessible. [I promise I'm not a hipster.. I think.]
Other things that intrigue me is how I could keep all of my different mediums separated in multiple blogs. For example my photography can be in one, poetry/writing in another, and even just a personal blog to just hang out and shitpost as a few examples. Then my favorite aspect that I would love to utilize is the anon or user 'ask me' posts where I can possibly build a story through them or just obvously answer random questions!
But enough about stroking Tumblr's ego, currently I'm working on multiple personal projects such as revamping my personal website, recreating stream assets as well as my vtuber sprites, and even a digital social 'game' where you guys call the shots in establishing a florishing collection of creatures! Though I'm still figuring out some details on that front.
Some of my interests besides the obvious include playing games from my childhood that some have been completely forgotten, swimming at the local aquatic center in the summer, walking and listening to music while I pick up random things I find on said walks, shiny things, thinking about humanity and existence, over-thinking said existence, roleplaying, spacing out while animating things in my head, politics to some degree, and pretending my life has meaning.
I've also been exploring more into spirituality and am drawn towards religions of nature. I'm not exactly certain of which I would more likely identify with though paganism and wiccan seem to stick the most. Since I was young I have always been drawn to the moon and the tide. So my practice is likely water based in some manner. Seeing as it flows through all living things. I even remember having a phase as a teenager and making a sort of altar for aesthetics and even lighting candles but not really understanding how best to proceed. Though I did make one spell that I can still recall.
Anyway, enough of my rambling. I can't wait to share some of these things with you guys and see where this journey may take us. Now if you excuse me, I got a logo to recreate and eggs to find. [Hopefully you can help me hatch them!]
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joaneunknown · 2 years
Reading, why is it so important for writers?
"Reading is like breathing in, writing is like breathing out." - Pam Allyn
I would like to start by saying that reading is not only important for writers but for any person in this world. Reading is more than sentences laid on nice smelling pages. Reading gives you the freedom to walk thru different worlds. Or, if we are talking about non-fiction, it could easily insert new information into your brain without you even realizing it. In this post, however, I will be focusing on reading fiction and the reasons why reading is so important for writers and their writing.
1. Reading walks you through new worlds
Books are the doors to new worlds and reading is walking inside of those worlds. By walking and switching realities with other fantastic worlds it automatically helps the creative side of your brain (the right side) develop and with its development, the creativity and imagination raises, and new ideas are born. Although not all ideas are transformed into books, they could also be used for shorter projects which is still a great way to exercise your writing.
2. Reading let's you see how you could improve your writing
Personally, I love analyzing other writers' style of writing. You shouldn't try to write like someone else. Instead, I think it is way better to combine the things you like in other writers' writing and incorporate it in yours. Maybe you liked how they set the scene and that could potentially help you set yours using your own dynamic and ideas without even mentioning the vocabulary or the descriptive sequences from which you could inspire from. Maybe you want to make your introduction more interesting, then you should read more and more books, taking a little from each books' introductions and forming your own introduction.
3. Reading helps you find your books' genre
As a writer, I enjoy both writing and reading thriller/suspense and crime. Of course, I don't only read what I write about but if you like reading books in certain categories maybe you will also find a matching writing genre for your book. Now, books shouldn't fit under a label and each book, from my point of view, has a main category and two or three secondary ones. For example, thriller goes hand in hand with suspense and crime. When you are reading thriller, you are surrounded by suspense and thrill. Write the books or stories that you enjoy both writing and reading. Entertain not only the readers but yourself.
4. Reading makes you understand what your readers may like or dislike
You should look at the books you are reading not only from the reader's point of view but also from the writer's point of view. What would you change? What would you add? Do I like the dynamic of the action? Take the things you like from other writers' books and put them in yours, adding it to your own writing, and then learn from what you didn't like from other books. I absolutely hate when dialogues are flat, almost awkward and cringey, and that became my all-time writing fear because I don't want my characters to sound like robots. I need my characters to be as natural and humanly as possible. And, I don't mean to say that your writing should be perfect because no kind of art is perfect in the first place. However, you should learn not only from your mistakes but from others' mistakes because that is what evolving means after all.
5. Reading motivates you to write
Reading an amazing, well-written book could motivate you to start or continue writing your own book or story. Even if it may sound harsh, your idea means nothing if you don't put it on paper, so you better read to motivate and inspire you in order to get that idea out and mold it how you please.
In conclusion, you should go and read something right now. Something you like or something that you may have not had enough time to start reading. Read whenever and wherever you can. Get inspiration, develop new ideas from other books and don't be afraid to get inspired by other writers' writing. Every writer writes differently, and all writers should learn from other writers.
So, what are you waiting for? Like, follow, comment, share and then grab a book!
With all this being said, I am Joane Unknown, thank you for reading my post and get ready for another one next week! This post is part of my #TalkingUnkown series, more like these on my profile.
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