#and I’m just thinking of poor Kimmi
hurtthemgently · 2 years
Whumpee complains about being cold, so whumper locks them up outside in the pouring rain
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mixedup-sideblog · 6 months
41 letters…what the fuck.
The charges listed against Peck:
- SA of a person under 16.
- SA by foreign object.
- SA oral.
- SA with use of anaesthesia or controlled substance.
- Using a minor for SA.
- Sending harmful matter.
Drake Bell was sexually tortured by this man when he was only 15 years old and 41 pieces of shit wrote this kind of crap in support of his abuser….
James Marsden:
“I do intend to shed light on the fact that he has learnt his lesson…the earth would fall from the sky before Brian would think about doing something like this again.”
- ahh don’t worry everyone, James is pretty sure he would never drug and r*pe a child again so let’s just let him off on this one!
Taran Killam:
“Brian is fully aware of his misjudgement and takes full responsibility.”
- poor old Brian making that minor misjudgement when he decided to prey on a child, turn him against his father, against his family, isolate him and groom him then repeatedly SA him. Don’t worry he’s stepping up and taking full responsibility!
Joanna Kerns:
“There must have been some extreme situation or temptation exerted upon him.” and “ I would hire him today to work with children.” And "a good man that made a mistake, not a bad man who got caught."
- see that’s all it was poor Brian could not resist the extreme temptation, of course blame the 15 year old victim not the fucking adult, it’s always the same bullshit from these people I swear.
Ron Melendez:
“I also know the young man…I have met his family, seen his behaviour…I saw him pursue a friendship with Brian, maintain their close ties…Brian made a large mistake but it was not his alone.”
- surprise, more victim blaming, more trivialising. A mistake is forgetting to lock your door or putting salt in your tea instead of sugar…repeatedly r*ping a child is not a fucking mistake - it’s a fucking crime!
Tom DeSanto:
“Brian is ashamed and remorseful about his lapse in judgment.” and “ I met Drake…he seemed very fearful of his father and unable to communicate with him whatever sexual issues he was going through”
- again - broken record here but r*ping a child is not a bloody lapse in judgment! And again - victim blaming and suggesting his family were at fault!
Will Freddie:
“I can only reiterate how devastated Brian is and how these past events have forever changed him.”
- well thank god Brian is so devastated that he got caught - poor thing. The threat of prison probably has ‘forever changed him’ but I’m sure his inability to stop himself from SAing kids has done far more significant damage to his victims (and yes I believe he has more than Drake).
Kimmy Robertson:
“An outrageous, overtly gay, over-sexed person…he totally took advantage of Brian’s willingness to help.”
- the amount of victim blaming in these letters, particularly this one, is just astounding. The 15 year old boy took advantage of the 40 something year old man? Do you really truly believe that Kimmy? I’ll say it again for the billionth time - What. The. Fuck.
And this is just the snippet, there are 34 more letters - all I’m sure are variations of the above examples. The fact that we live in a world where these people not only do and get away with this shit all the time but also are supported so wholeheartedly when they’re exposed for doing it, is quite frankly terrifying.
I do not accept - we did not know the extent of what we were defending as an excuse here. You knew the charges it’s even clear in the letters themselves - you know it’s about the SA of a child (a child some of you even knew personally), you decided to disregard them, defend them or downplay them. You are only coming out now with weak-ass apologies because you have to - in reality you never thought those letters would see the light of day outside the court room.
I’m sorry but the amount of victim blaming, trivialising and excusing here is just more proof to be added to the huge pile of evidence that Hollywood is a cesspit, it does not care about victims, it does not care about children.
If anyone is still in doubt about the amount of systemic CSA in Hollywood please go and watch An Open Secret (whole thing is on YouTube)- a movie that they desperately tried to bury but is just as hard hitting as ‘Quiet on Set.’
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raisedbythetv89 · 7 months
Just finished “Poor Things” and damn what a fucking movie.
The mind of a child inside a woman’s body who has an insatiable sexual appetite and curiosity is uncomfortable as fuck but that’s the entire point. Children are innately curious and experimental and very simplistically seek pleasure and avoid pain and our puritanic (or in the story victorian) western society has turned all things sex related into such an uncomfortable taboo topic and this movie shoves that reality in our faces forcing us to confront how uncomfortable we are when it comes to educating children about sex and the relationships we have with our own bodies and pleasure and often resort to just telling them “it’s improper or wrong” and that leaves the door
For men like the lawyer to come in and take advantage of the appetite others tell us to deny, the curiosity and the naïvety of someone who must venture into sexual relationships with absolutely zero frame of reference or knowledge. If you deny children the ability to learn something from you THEY WILL SEEK TO LEARN IT FROM WHOEVER IS WILLING TO TEACH THEM.
Every man who tried to control Bella failed miserably and what I ADORE about this film is it flips the traditional “poor naive girl goes to the big city, gets taken advantage of and ruins her life and is left with nothing and now she’s just another victim…. Poor thing….” completely on its head and not only that, better reflects real girl’s journeys through this world because we truly overcome so much in order to become the women we are. Yes she is taken advantage of and treated cruelly (“I wasn’t trying to educate I wanted to hurt you. I couldn’t stand to see such blind happiness”) yet she persists, she learns, she forms her own ideas and opinions and beliefs, she shuns societal norms and in the end the lawyer has been driven mad, her sociopathic husband from her previous life is a goat and she’s happy studying to be a doctor surrounded by women and a man who supports her to he exactly who she is and does not view her as her property. It was incredibly refreshing to see what is usually framed as a very dark traumatic journey for girls coming of age as one of self empowerment and agency. It was a magical adventure, an Odyssey. She is a true adventurer. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and Barbie to an extent are the only other stories I can think of that frame women’s coming of age journeys in this way (though I haven’t seen THAT many movies in the grand scheme of things so there very well could be others I’m unaware of)
I understand if you get stuck on the “child brain in woman’s body that men then desire” it is icky but this film is in no way condoning that behavior in men it absolutely is criticizing it. The lawyer is driven mad by the very childlike curiosity that drew him to her in the first place, it’s perfect we LOVE to see men go insane by getting exactly what they wished for 😌
It’s important to note that yes it’s a male director but Emma Stone was a producer and has said she had complete say and control with both how her body was shown and how the story was told. I personally tend to just viscerally react to male gaze media in an I’m immediately nauseous and on edge kind of way and didn’t get that at all with this film. My brain was like “this is weird and uncomfortable” but my nervous system wasn’t actually sending up and red flags that this was unsafe or insidious in some way like it did when I watched game of thrones for the first time. I knew shit was off on that set IMMEDIATELY which was then later confirmed to my unfortunate lack of surprise.
But anyway I’m not normally one who cares about oscar nominated films but this one had me laughing HARD and crying and it’s such a visually beautiful and interesting film I absolutely loved it.
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8 fluff from prompt list 2 please :)
Ooo we do like some softness here 🥺🥰 coming right up lovely!! 💖
(8) “I’ll take care of you.”
Beca despised being ill. It was literally the worst thing in the world, she hated feeling gross and snuffly, hated the way it ruined her badass image, hated that she had to stop everything she was doing because her body had decided to get sick. But sick she was, and curled up into the smallest ball possible in her bed, sniffing hard as she waited for her headache medicine to kick in. God this was the worst flu she’d ever had, her whole body ached, her nose was bright red and sore from where she had constantly wiped and blown it, she couldn’t stop coughing which then made her head hurt worse, and she’d been sick three times. Kimmy-Jin had long since left their dorm room, glaring at Beca as if she deliberately gotten the flu just to annoy her, so Beca was all alone in her misery to take care of herself, which was the worst part about all of it (not that she’d ever admit that to anyone).
A knock came at the door as Beca groaned softly, not wanting to move from her cocoon of self-pity and snot as she shivered furiously. God, why couldn’t she get warm? She was under three different blankets for christs sake...
“S’open.” Beca croaked, hoping that whoever it was that was so rudely intruding on her flu-ridden day could hear her.
“Becs?” Chloe’s head appeared around the door as Beca looked at her from under hooded lids, “Are you okay, you haven’t been answering your texts...”
Chloe’s eyes fell upon the very visibly ill Beca, her concerned frown only growing deeper as she walked quickly into the room, kneeling beside Beca as she placed her hand on her forehead.
“Oh sweetie, are you sick?”
“Yeah.” Beca mumbled, too tired and ill to be sarcastic with her, “Stoopid flu...”
“You’re burning up.” Chloe sighed a little as she brushed Beca’s sweat dampened hair from her face, “How long have you been poorly?”
“Coupla days?” Beca shrugged a little, her eyes fluttering shut at the feeling of Chloe’s fingers in her hair, too out of it to hide her suffocatingly huge crush on her friend, “S’fine I guess... jus’ gotta ride it out.”
Beca started to cough hard again, covering her mouth with her hand as Chloe continued to stroke her hair.
“Oh Beca... you should’ve called, you’re really sick, you shouldn’t be on your own like this. Where’s your roommate?”
“Pissed off at the firs’ sniffle.” Beca grumbled, “I think she’s hoping I die so tha’ she can have the room to herself...”
Chloe giggled despite everything, shaking her head at Beca, “Well don’t worry Beca, I’ll take care of you, if only so you can spite Kimmy-Jin.”
“Thanks.” Beca chuckled, wincing as doing so made her achy body worse, “Ugh, I hate this...”
“I know...” Chloe soothed her, “Being ill is the worst, but it’ll be okay. I’ve got you Becs. I’m going to go and get a cold compress for your head and some cold medicine, oh and some chicken soup from that deli on the corner because that’ll make you feel better. When was the last time you ate?”
“Dunno.” Beca shrugged, “I keep pukin’ everythin’ up so...”
“Poor baby...” Chloe sighed, “Alright, soup it is then, that shouldn’t be too hard on your stomach. Rest your eyes, I’ll be half an hour tops, I promise.”
“Kay.” Beca mumbled, not needing any encouragement at all to go to sleep right now, “Thanks Chlo.”
“Of course.” Chloe beamed, “You’re my friend and you’re sick, it’s what you do! I’ll be back soon.”
Chloe pressed a soft kiss to Beca’s burning forehead, Beca hoping she’d write off her flushed cheeks as just another symptom of her flu.
Chloe was true to her word, staying in Kimmy-Jin’s bed (well she wasn’t using it was she?) whilst Beca was ill so she could be there for her whenever she needed her. There had been a particularly mortifying day for Beca when her fever gotten so bad that Chloe’d had to carry her like a child to the communal showers and place Beca under the cold blast of water, fully clothed, until it broke. Beca had whined and shivered and cried a little because she was so ill and so fed up of it, and Chloe was being so kind and caring and she was so gross right now.
When Chloe had carried her back to her bedroom, wrapped in a fluffy towel that she had brought from her place, and helped Beca get dressed (because Beca was too weak to sneeze nevermind dress herself), Beca had cried some more as Chloe hugged her.
“It’s okay Beca, I’ve got you.” Chloe hummed softly, stroking her damp hair.
“I hate bein’ ill...” Beca groaned, “I really hate it Chlo...”
“I know.” Chloe mumbled into her hair, “I know Becs. C’mon, let’s get you back in bed, I’ll braid your hair to get it out of your face and then you can sleep again for a little while.”
“M sorry I’ve been such a baby.” Beca grumbled as Chloe helped her back into her bed.
“It’s okay.” Chloe giggled, “You’re a cute baby. And allowed to be a baby when you’re sick.”
“Shud up.” Beca sniffed, smirking a little, “Um... Chlo?”
“Yeah honey?”
“Can you... can you cuddle me for a bit?” Beca blushed furiously as she sniffled, not looking at Chloe. God she hated being ill...
“Of course.” Chloe beamed brightly as she got under the duvet with Beca, a grateful Beca curling into her side and resting her head tentatively on Chloe’s shoulder.
“Thanks...” Beca whispered, feeling her eyes flutter shut again as Chloe’s arms wrapped around her.
“Anytime Beca.” Chloe smiled softly at Beca, watching as her breathing deepened and her head lolled towards her chest.
“I love you...” Beca’s voice was barely audible as she drifted off to sleep, but Chloe caught it.
“I love you too Becs.” She whispered into her hair.
Eventually Beca was better again, mortified at how vulnerable she had been in front of another person, but at least her flu was almost gone. Chloe no longer slept in Kimmy-Jin’s bed, but she still stopped by her dorm room to check on Beca as she got over the last of it, making sure that Beca wasn’t getting sicker again.
“I’m fine Chloe.” Beca grinned as Chloe pressed her hand to her forehead again, “Really, I’m good.”
“I’m just making sure!” Chloe smiled warmly, brushing Beca’s hair out of her face, “You do look better than you did last week, I was really worried about you.”
Beca rolled her eyes a little but was still smiling as Chloe pulled back, “Thanks Chloe. For taking care of me like that, you didn’t have to.”
“I know I didn’t have to.” Chloe rolled her eyes this time, “But I wanted to! I’m glad you’re feeling better.”
“Ugh me too.” Beca grumbled, “Being ill is the worst...”
“Well, I’d better get going then.” Chloe was breezy as she got to her feet, not wanting to overstay her welcome now that Beca was better. She knew Beca was very protective of her personal space, of herself in general, and as much as she wanted to stay in this bubble where Beca wouldn’t just let her touch her but actively asked her to, but she knew it wasn’t fair to expect that of Beca now she wasn’t feeling ill and vulnerable because of it.
“Uh, I wanna do something for you.” Beca got up to follow Chloe to the door, “Like to say thank you?”
“You don’t have to keep thanking me Becs...” Chloe giggled softly, “But... you can take me out to dinner if you want... just the two of us?”
“Oh.” Beca blushed furiously, shuffling her feet a little, “Like um... like a date?”
“It doesn’t have to be! Not if you don’t want to, you don’t owe me anything like that, I promise!” Chloe quickly shook her head, feeling her heart clench a little. Dammit, she’d pushed too hard...
“No, no...” A smirk started to form on Beca’s face, “I’d like that...”
“Yeah?” Chloe beamed, “Great! Text me then?”
“You got it.” Beca nodded, gently grabbing Chloe’s waist and pulling her close as she made a daring move and pressed her lips softly to Chloe’s, “For um... for looking after me so well...” Beca blushed furiously as Chloe grinned at her.
“Well if you’re going to thank me like that...” Chloe draped her arms around her neck, lips brushing over Beca’s, “Then I can’t complain about it, can I?”
“You’re so weird...” Beca smirked, kissing Chloe again.
This might be the best flu she’d ever had. 
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theyilinglaozus · 3 years
Thank you, to those who reached out after my (now deleted) post from yesterday. I’m sorry if anyone was particularly worried, and I am deeply touched by those who extended their kindness 🥺 I will be responding to those messages in a little bit. 
I feel as if I should make a little post - one which I won’t delete - to let people know about my headspace and feelings within fandom as of late. 
I’ll pop them below a cut for those that aren’t interested, but if you are, please read ahead. If this is as far as you’ll be reading, just know that I am telling myself not to post late and when the low moments take over, and to instead go back to retreating into comfort spaces away from internet spaces (like the books I have to read, the shows I have to enjoy) until the next day when, hopefully, such phases pass. 
Last nights low period helped to remind me that there are those in fandom circles who care and show kindness, and that I need to ignore the louder parts of the circles which make me feel such feelings of discomfort and upset. 
As mentioned yesterday, for some time now I have felt uncomfortable in certain spaces - especially areas of the tumblr community for MDZS/CQL. There are reasons for this, of which I won’t go into too much detail as I am still actively trying to distance myself from past happenings, but I saw a few gif posts that made me rather concerned. Again, I won’t go into it as I’m sure many will just be like ‘Kimmie, that’s silly. It was a joke!’ which I understand! But, jokes can sometimes be pulled in poor taste, y’know?
The thing is, I do sometimes feel like there is - perhaps unintentionally - an aura of gatekeeping and bullying in the fandom, to the point where it’s started to feel as exhausting as being at school. I know I am not the only person who has recently felt this way, as I have seen much the same sentiment shared amongst others - creators and non creators - and it truly saddens me, especially given how we’ve all been brought together over a joint love for not only these stories and characters, but also the culture and the country they come from. 
Right now is a difficult time for fans of Chinese danmei and danmei adaptions what with all the drama happenings in and around the industry and what it means for the future - but I sometimes feel like members of the fandom don’t treat others as if they are already adults understanding that a lot of the current troubles stem much farther than just ‘my favourite show / book / character / actor is causing controversy’ and into the veins of what it truly means for the LGBT+ communities native to these countries. Of course you do have those fans that are problematic and only care about their favourite characters and stories (as I have, very sadly, seen examples of just today on twitter in relation to Immortality likely never seeing an air date), but a lot of the people I talk with and have been in contact with are truly passionate and saddened by the real life ramifications far more, and what it means for things like representation for queer youth, how certain behaviours affect not just those who hold/held fame but the average Chinese person.
I also feel that there are spaces filled with hypocrisy. Where people are vocal about addressing issues on one thing, but then are ready and willing to put down others on other matters, or partake in certain things as over sexualisation of actors or infantilisation of K-Pop stars. I sometimes think it’s just me that sees this and often wonder if I’m just noticing things that aren’t there, but it makes me wonder. 
I don’t really want to keep on this topic - I could go on, but it won’t change anything. People need to learn to grow and be something better for themselves, and my pointing out each individual case I’ve noticed won’t help in any way. Those people won’t see this, and if they do they’ve long decided not to speak with me if they’re not already blocked by me. But the reason why I felt to speak this even partly openly is because I feel it’s important for people to be aware that their words towards others may not mean much to them, but it means something to others. That their actions may seem fun to them and their friends, but may actually be harmful to others. I rarely want to make CQL/MDZS content these days - and that upsets me, as I used to take great comfort and joy in doing so. I’d like to return to a feeling of comfort where I can create for this fandom, but it’s not right now.
I’d like to bring to focus this tweet thread + replies, which I think is incredibly important. Please know that I am not Chinese, so I often do not want to comment on such matters, but these voices from those who are Chinese and welcome diversity into the community give me the strength to bring these issues to light. 
As for me? I’m not going anywhere. I know a few people who messaged thought I was posting a leaving message - and I wasn’t. While the thought has happened its more for the creative atmosphere feeling stifling - much for the reasons above. When I first found this community nearly two years ago it felt very welcoming and comforting - much like when I used to be a part of watching Taiwanese and Japanese dramas over ten years ago through the days of myanimelist. I am very much a fandom old, so slowly seeing the space close and feel more inclusive and pressurised as of late has felt very disheartening. To me, as long as people are being caring and respectable, and acting with a level head and bearing in mind the real world ramifications as well as what is on a screen or in a book - I have no problems with how people have fun in fandom! I always say, the more the merrier. But I also understand this is not primarily a space designed for me, so my say means little. I just wish more care and kindness extended - on both ends of the spectrum.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading. I think this will be the last I say on the subject, but if you do want to talk about anything I’ve said, please message me privately. 
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buffyfan145 · 3 years
Cobra Kai 4.8-4.9 Thoughts
Now through episode 4.9 of “Cobra Kai” and this season has been great!!! :D I still can’t get over so many of the twists and surprises. Lots of spoilerly things to discuss too and will watch the finale either tonight or tomorrow. Also I did post yesterday about the other episodes but with the tags having been messed up it didn’t show up till it was fixed but still on my blog for those that want to read it.
OMG so much happen in just these 2 eps!!! :o First I want to say I love how they’ve done the tournament and it’s so much like watching wrestling in a good way, and doing the kata and skills events being more like how it is in real life and how it was last summer during the Olympics.  That was so cool to see. I didn’t mind at all seeing Carrie Underwood either as I’ve always liked her music and have been a fan since was on “American Idol”.
But first have to talk about that scene in 4.8 with Johnny and Terry!!! :o That was terrifying and yes I do still think they are father and son which makes this even more sinister and that he knows Johnny is Kreese’s weakness.  That was tough to watch and reminded me not only of JJ on “Outer Banks” with his abusive dad but sadly my own cousin who had a terrible father and thankfully we’ve all cut ties with (my parents sheltered me a LOT from what he did til I was old enough to tell but I’ll still never forgive him for it). Makes me feel even more for Johnny and Robby, and knowing that reveal about Terry being Johnny’s dad is likely going to happen in season 5 as there’s too many hints now that Johnny’s going to look into his own father.
Still doesn’t mean I don’t like Terry as I do. He’s being written so well as such a diabolical villain like The Joker, Darth Vader, etc and Thomas is doing amazing. The only thing is I don’t think there’s anything they can do to redeem him so likely means like Vader he will die next season. The thing will be if it’s similar to what happened to Vader.
Then I liked seeing Stingray back. I know some don’t like him but Paul’s hilariousj and I knew him from “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” before “Cobra Kai’ and now all the movies he’s appeared in the past few seasons. That’s why he wasn’t in season 3 as he was filming “Cruella”.  What happened to him was so sad too.
Also awesome seeing Ralph’s daughter Julia play his cousin Vanessa!!! :D She looks so much like him that I knew instantly it was her. Also still fascinating he has a daughter who’s only 5 years younger than me.
Loved the junior prom too and seeing everyone dressed up. And sounds like Johnny’s own junior prom led to him and Ali breaking up. Though even more tension with the teens now. I actually like Robby and Tory together, and have always been a Miguel and Sam shipper. Curious to see where this goes as we’re at least getting a 6th season so likely will keep changing. Am happy Eli reunited with Moon too and Yazmine/Annalisa was able to film a bit again too with her other show.
Then poor Miguel with that scene with Johnny and him mistaking him for Robby. All he wants is a dad too and thinks Johnny doesn’t care for him enough now and curious about his own dad (who I posted before seems to have been cast for season 5) and now the issues with Sam (who I’m glad did use more of Johnny’s training to get to the finals). And then he’s possibly injured!!! :o
Can’t wait to see what the finale has in store and what it’ll set up for season 5!!! :D
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agent-bash · 3 years
Why the neutral(lol see what I did there?)? On Burzek I mean? No judgment just wondering?
It’s a few things really my anonymous friend. They’re all under the cut.
1) Not being particularly fond of Adam. I think this was and is still the biggest factor to my neutrality. For me at least when your not really invested in half the ship as individual, it makes it kinda hard to care about the ship itself. Now I’ve done a lot of work to come around to neutral on Adam as well, but that neutrality is still very trying at times. TBH pre-season 7 Adam low key (and sometimes not so low key) I always kind of wanted to punch in the face. Like that was my default setting anytime he was on screen pretty much from his introduction.
2) Again pre-Hailey I was not invested in any ship on the show. In part because the characters that weren’t Voight and Erin were very 2 dimensional. They had one default personality trait and that was mostly it. They were all, by and large, window dressing. Nice to look at, but more often then not, not much else there. That largely changed when Erin left and they started flushing everyone out more.
3) The on again off again nature of it. I hate this trope. It’s up there with cheating for me (which lets not forget is how they started). Especially with how it’s depicted on TV. On again off again is actually really unhealthy but it’s promotion in media as being the be all end all of relationships, while actual healthier depictions of relationships (slow burns, communication, is vs the problem) are treated as boring. I know people, and even dated a woman, absolutely convinced that it’s not really love unless you’ve done the back and forth as many times as insert some tv couple, usually on the CW here, and no! I mean I’m fine with one big break up, if there’s time, distance and growth, in the characters, like Stellaride on Fire. A couple rides on the same roller coaster is all well and good, but Space Mountain gets super boring when it’s the only ride you go on.
4) This one is fandom related, but the bulk of people pawning their communication issues(and therefor lack of movement in their relationship) off on Kim. So many times after a Burzek/Adam/Kim episode, the take away on social media is ‘poor wittle Adam, mean Kimmy won’t be with him’ or ‘He’s said what he wants why won’t she?’ But news flash she did! Every. Single. Time. She made it clear that she liked things the way they were between them. Hanging out and hooking up? Fine! No strings? Great! But more like Adam said he wanted? A proper relationship? No! Not what she wanted. Not with him (at those times at least). She said those things. Clearly and fully. It’s still communication even if you don’t like the content of the message.
But at the same time there are good things about them too. especially now, again in a post season 4 world, where both are being treated as three dimensional characters they we’re always meant to be. So we’ll see what happens. I’m a never say never kind of guy.
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melyaliz · 3 years
Remember Me 9
Master List
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki x OC
Notes: I'm due in a little over a month... and it's the weirdest feeling.
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
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“Oh my god, I can’t breath” Olive giggled, crumbling into Eliott’s lap. Her husband smiled down at her gently playing with her hair.
“This is serious Olive!” Eliott said, his smile melting away to a very strained serious one. His dark brown eyes studying her face, “it’s the greatest story ever told. Guy dates a woman, woman’s ex is a mob boss who is involved in an illegal fashion, mob boss’s daughter almost gets killed. Now the guy must use his skills from the years of being in the other four movies to get revenge on his girlfriend’s daughter’s father. Tale as old as time “
“I’m just saying they should have killed the guy and the daughter could have gone full ninja killer and taken out her father and his gang.” Olive giggled, wiping her eyes from the tears of laughter that had been rolling down her cheeks.
“That would probably have been a better movie… but would it also have bad dummy shots?” her husband asked.
“Of course” sitting up inspiration struck, “I have an idea!” Eliott watched her as she sat straight up. “You write the action and I will write the romance.”
“How much romance will there be if the daughter is 12 years old.”
“Well romance and character stuff.” she shrugged, “And you can add in all the poorly done dummy blow-ups you want.”
“I will,” Eliott said nodded, “But only if I can use sex dolls.”
“Like, Hard Ticket to Hawaii? Oh, wait! Now hear me out” Olive giggled scooting up so she was now straddling her husband taking his hands in her own. A goofy smile spread across Eliott’s face as he weaved his fingers into her own.
“Oh are we at the wait stage of drunk Olive?”
“Shhhh” she giggled leaning forward slightly brushing her nose on his, “But really, this is serious.” Cleaning her throat for dramatic effect she continued, “a Hard Ticket to Hawaii Death Wish 4 crossover.”
“Oh girl,” Eliott said, his voice hitting a higher pitch on his girl . Olive giggled pushing herself forward so she was resting on his chest.
“I love you.”
“No way really?” Eliott gave a fake gasp  “That’s sooo weird because you know what? I love you too”
“ So just be ready,” Kirishima said, prepping the gang, “She’s… the same but different. ”
The group nodded in unison, game faces ready for whatever was coming. And that something was slowly walking toward when in the form of Bakugou and Olive.
Right off the bat it was obvious something was off. While they were holding hands it looked unnatural. Bakugou’s shoulders were hunched and he seemed to be looking anywhere but at Olive who was talking in the city as if she had never walked down this street before. Her large hazel eyes taking in everything, mouth slightly open.
“Olive! Bakugou!” Kirishima said, waving. At the sound of his voice, Olive looked up and waved, a smile on her face as she looked over at the group of others standing with them. Her eyes intently taking everyone in as if searching for something that wasn’t there
“ Hello! ” she said as they both stood there awkwardly. Hands had been let go and now hanging at their sides. Limp as if unsure what to do.
There were a few more awkward nodes before Kirishima led them all inside toward the balcony seating, their usual stop. “T his place is amazing! ” Olive said looking around her eyes wide as she took in the atmosphere. Everyone froze as the blissfully unaware woman turned to her husband, “ How did you find this place Katsuki? ”
“ I didn’t, you did,” he said as everyone around him winched slightly. The awkwardness was so thick you could almost taste it, and it didn't taste good.
“Oh.” her voice soft as she bit her top lip looking down at her purple painted nails. She had found her polish that morning and had decided to try out the fun colors.
There was a long pause when Mina spoke up, “How’s Clare and Lilly and the others? ”
Olive blinked looking up, “ You know the girls? ”
“ Yeah, we have wine and Rupaul's Drag race nights. I think the last one we did was about a month ago wasn’t it? ” the last statement, more of a question than a comment.
“Uhhh” Olive shrugged unsure how to respond
“ She doesn’t remember it ” Kaminari mumbled to the little pinked haired girl. And again there was a lapse of awkwardness. Turning to Momo from across the table Olive pointed to her shirt.
“ I love your shirt so cute! ” she said, stumbling slightly over her words. Momo lit up pointing to the shirt that Olive had gotten Momo for the hero’s birthday. The words “Females are strong as hell” in English was written in script across the chest. She had gotten it because she always told Momo, who was the 4th hero and number 1 female, that she was the most badass out of everyone (and that ranking didn’t mean shit). Also, they were both addicted to “Unbreakable Kimmy Shimitt”
“Thank you, I’m Momo '' the dark-haired hero said, noticing how much Olive was struggling trying to piece together who was who. Before they had come Momo and her fiancee Shoto Todoroki had decided to treat her like they had met for the first time. “ and this is Shodo, my fiancee .”
“I’m Mina! ” Mina said quickly and everyone else followed suit with a quick round of introductions.
“Yeah, I have pictures ” Olive lit up at the introduction. “The fair.”
“What picture did you have ?” Momo asked, leaning forward.
“This one of the fair? ” Olive said, holding up the phone leaning over the table to hand her the phone. Watching them Kirishima chuckled leaning toward Bakugou.
“Why are they across the table from each other?”
Bakugou shrugged, rolling his eyes, not shocked by the poor seating choices. After coordinating this whole night was he really now in charge of seating as well?
“Oh, that was so fun. ” Momo smiled looking at the photo. Memories of her trip to the US where Olive had given her the grand tour.
“ Oh is that the American Fair? What other pictures do you have? Do you have the one from when we all went to that spa? Do you have the one of us in those masks making the peace sign? What about... ” Mina was bursting with questions going way too fast for Olive to keep up. The poor girl’s smile looked slightly strained as she tried to look like she was understanding more than every other word from the excited pink haired girl.
“You’re going to fast for her! ” Bakugou barked out noticing the very overwhelmed look in his wife’s eyes, “ She's still learning .”
“Oh sorry Olive” Mina whispered looking down at her hands feeling her face flush.
“Don’t yell at her.” Olive said good naturally in English nudging Bakugou playfully with her shoulder. The blonde looked like the wind had been knocked out of him her words cutting him harder than he wanted to admit. “Which picture did you want to see Mina?”
Before the pink girl could respond the waiter came up to introduce herself and take drink orders.  A look of desperation came over Olive’s face as she looked down at the menu. Anxiety quickly flooded her system. The social pressure of trying to be normal while navigating a language she was still learning was extremely stressful. And this was besides the fact she had no idea what was good here or what she would like to order. Did she had a regular drink here? If so, what was it?
Desperately she looked down at the Japanese characters as if they would suddenly jump out and give her all the answers.
A large hand slammed over the menu making Olive lookup. Bakugou’s intense red gaze met her hazel one.
“I’ll order for you,” he said softly in English, more of a statement than an offer. His red eyes studding her as if reading all her thoughts. She smiled softly at him making him flush slightly looking away from her to the waiter ordering quickly.
“Thank you” she whispered, her hand gently brushing against his arm. Her fingertips leave a trail of goosebumps in their wake. It felt like her touch was fire.
Quickly he rubbed his arm as if he could put out the flames that were licking at his skin.
Fuck. He had it bad.
“Yeah well you looked so lost.” he grumbled looking away turning to Kirishima who was intently watching the conversation with the most annoying smile on his face. “ What are you looking at? ” Struggling Kirishima’s annoying smirk didn’t fade but he offered no explanation for his expression.
Lucky for Bakugou the conversation shifted to other things. Work, life, weird food Kaminari had tried last week on his trip to Bermuda.
Olive quickly picked up her conversation with Momo about the place she was looking into for her wedding and life in general. Since they were - as Kirishima had pointed out- sitting across the table from each other, Olive had to basically lean up over the top of the table to shout of the music that was playing in the background.
Bakugou couldn’t help but frown watching as his wife literally looked like she was crawling over. Her eyes bright as the two talked. It was the most enthusiastic she had been in a long time.
“If you want to be with her so bad go sit over there, ” he said, it came out much harder than he had meant it to be. But he was annoyed and sometimes -ok most times- had a hard time masking his emotions. Olive blinked looking up at him confused for a moment before getting up from her seat moving over - much to Momo’s delight- to sit down next to her. He could see her pulling out her phone probably to show off pictures of Dolemite. Or maybe to ask more about the people who littered it. He could tell she felt awkward about asking him those questions. Knowing it hurt.
But also he wanted her next to him. To feel her next to him. To know she was still there with him.
“ OMG I love this song !” Mina squealed as a song came on.
“ Let’s dance, ” Momo said, getting up knowing Olive loved to dance. Normally she was the one dragging the girls onto the floor. At the promise of dancing Olive lit up as she stood to follow them. However before she left she glanced over at Bakugou, as if checking in with him.
“Why are you looking at me? Go!”
Olive flashed him a wide smile before following the girls into the crowd. The other two girls grabbed her laughing as they swayed with the music. Not having to talk just laughing and enjoying each other’s company. The universal girl code of good music and alcohol.
Three songs later and she was slowing down, taking a moment to breathe looking around the dance floor.
And that was when she thought she saw him.
Long blonde hair pulled up in a man bun. A basic flannel shirt, on the shorter side with broad shoulders leaning on the bar, his back to her.
Her brain zoned in on it, for a second she forgot he was dead. Forgot he was gone.
That first month after his death she saw him everywhere. Heard his laugh. Sensed his presence. Slowly it had gotten better. His presence slowly fading from the bright sun of the day to the dark of night or in those first moments when she was waking up. And even more recently his presence had slowly faded. Her brain too busy trying to understand this whole new life she was living to focus on the loss.
But as the man turned and she saw it was clearly not him something washed over her. Hit her right in the face crushing her inside.
She didn’t even realize she was crying until Momo came up and hugged her.
“What happened?” she whispered in English as Olive raised her hands to her face trying to stop the tears. But they wouldn’t stop. Her chest so heavy it felt like her whole body was filled with sadness and the only way out was through her tears.
“I just… I thought… I saw Eliott.” she hiccuped, “I’m sorry… I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” Momo asked, frowning as she studied Olive. Mina, whose English was not as good, hovered around them both rubbing Olive’s shoulder trying to understand what had happened.
“I just… can't stop crying.” Olive sobbed trying to take deep breaths to gain control of herself.
“It’s been a lot for you.” Momo said, “come here” she hugged the girl for a moment before pulling away.
“ It’s ok to miss someone. ” Mina said, holding out a napkin she had grabbed from the bar.
“Yeah and for you it’s been very recent.”  Monmo added nodding
“I just feel guilty… Katsuki.” Olive fumbled through the words trying to explain all the emotions that were swerling like some muddy concoction in her chest.
“ Oh Bakugou can get over it. ” Momo said, waving her hand trying to keep her words simple so both girls could understand what she was saying, “ he gets all moody but he really cares about you. ”
“ Yeah, the first time I met you he was so… relaxed. ” Mina said, trying to find the right words, “ None of us had ever seen him that way before. ”
“ He was happy. ” Momo nodded, “ He will be fine, you need to focus on yourself.”
From across the bar Bakugou had lost sight of where the girls had gone. The crowd was getting thicker and thicker as the night had dragged on. He knew Olive would be safe with Momo and Mina there but still, he wanted to make sure she was ok.
And then he caught a glimpse of them. Standing at one of the far corners of the dance floor. Momo and Mina standing over Olive, hovering around her with concern on their faces. For a moment Mina moved and he could see Olive clearly, holding a small white napkin wiping her eyes.
“ Hey bro where are you ?”
“ Just drink your beer. ” Bakugou interrupted Kirishima as he quickly made his way to the dance floor. Momo’s eyes met his and she shook her head but he didn’t care. Olive wasn’t Momo’s wife, she was his. They were supposed to be distracting her, not reminding her about her memory loss.
“Hey,” he said, reaching out for her. Olive turned eyes wide, still slightly glassy from her tears. Her makeup smudged. “Dance with me.” pulling her away from the girls who looked like they were about to protest. But one death glare from Bakugou told them not too.
He led her across the floor, his red eyes studying her as she took a few shaky breaths. Trying to compose herself. After a few moments her body slowly relaxed letting him lead as he felt her slowly lose herself in the music again.
“You dance?” she asked looking up at him.
“Depends.” he said shrugging
“Humm” she hummed, nodding like Eliott was what she was thinking. Eliott Eliott Eliott. Even Momo got more out of her than him. He felt like she was more comfortable around everyone but him. “You know” she said leaning forward resting her head on his chest catching him off guard. “I like to be with you too.”
He froze, his stomach clutching tightly, his breath coming out in a short gasp. She looked up at him with those hazel eyes studying him. “What you said about Momo, I like being with you too.”
“I heard you the first time” he said sharply only to soften quickly.
“I… I obviously liked being with you before or I wouldn’t have married you.” she added a genuine grin spreading across her face.
“That would make sense.” He said nodding as they swayed in the music both caught up in their own thoughts. Eyes meeting, dancing in the lights overhead. For a second it felt as if time stood still and Olive was sworn she wasn’t in real life but in some weird musical romcom. As if her whole life was some televised novel filled with hi-jinks and drama.
Caught up in the moment Bakugou gently leaned forward, his nose brushing hers before pausing. Her heart leapt into her throat at the soft intimate touch. Crimson eyes searching hazel for a moment before moving closer, his warm breath caressing her ear.
“Let me kiss you?”
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Story Tag: @0hmydeku @inumorph @it-jinxed-us @myraticm
9 notes · View notes
Smalltown Bringdown 1
Warnings: blood, violence, more to be added.
This is dark!biker!Bucky and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You live in a smalltown run by a biker club. When your boss gets into debt, you find yourself drawn into the crossfire.
Note: Yesterday I tried writing Sugar, Sugar. That didn’t work out. I had a migraine on Monday that I’m still tiptoeing around. I wrote this a week ago but wanna continue it. Well, if there’s any interest in my doing so. So to those who take the time to read, thank you. Love you guys!
Please, leave some feedback, like and reblog if you can <3
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Birch was a small town, named for the line of pale tree at its heart. The streets were built around it. It had stood for centuries like a guardian over residents. Like a harbinger of their eventual fates. White as a ghost, looming like the reaper.
And death lived in Birch. It rode the streets on iron steeds. The apocalyptic horseman roaring down the roads in leather. Oblivion was the bar on the main road.; The Asp was a remnant of the town’s birth. An inn for those who claimed to discover this “new world”. Cleopatra reclined along the sign’s moniker, a snake around her arm, poised to sink its long fangs in her throat. 
Further down was the Chipped Saucer. The British were the first Europeans to settle here and when they supped with the Natives, they found their dishware cracked from their long journey. The tale outlived those early townsfolk painted across the window of sleepy old diner. The history of the forgotten town was long remembered because there, time didn’t seem to move very fast.
The town was more purgatory than hell. Few ever escaped it. You were among the trapped. A waitress in an aged yellow uniform and frilly white apron at the old diner. Sundays were busiest. The older folk were hungry after the weekly service and the younger residents were trying to caffeinate their hangovers.
You did your round of refills and returned the carafe to the machine. You took your time replacing the filter and adding the grounds. The rusted jingle of the bell above the door barely registered in your head. But the decisive stomp of boots did. Not just one set, not two, but more than you could count. You looked up as you closed the lid on the machine.
The diners sat frozen as if in a tableau. Not a single breath was drawn as you watched the leather-coated men walk between the tables. You didn’t need to see the patches on their backs to know who they were. Everyone knew who they were because they owned everything and everyone. The police, the town council, the mayor, and any who called Birch home.
Every small town has its dark secrets but the club had never really been a secret. The Howling Commandos had reigned since the boys returned from the war in 1945. Since, their mantle had been taken up by sons, nephews, cousins. Those glory days loomed as if it were only yesterday that the newspapers declared victory in Europe! Victor in Japan! Korea! Vietnam! Iraq! 
You skirted behind the counter as Lillian, the oldest of the waitresses, stood by the kitchen window. Artie, the cook, neared the other side and gave a grunt at the bikers kicking around the diner. 
“From what I heard,” He said loud enough for them to hear. “They serve hash down at The Asp, don’t they?”
“Artie,” Lillian hissed under her breath as she touched her immense bosom.
The diners, the servers, the bus boys, all exhaled in communal dismay. Mr. Elrich watched as Danny, the boy he’d once taught, took his mug of coffee and emptied it in a single gulp.
“Where’s Jimmy?” A golden-haired man stepped forward. 
You knew him. Knew of him. He had been a few years ahead of you in school. He was held back and sat beside you in math and copied off your tests. Steve Rogers was too much trouble for a browner like you.
“Jimmy’s out,” Artie waved his spatula. “Can’t you see these people are tryna enjoy their breakfast?”
“Jimmy’s out,” Steve repeated slowly as he neared the counter. “Well, that’s a first. I always thought he slept off his Saturday nights in his office. Least I always found him half-asleep at his desk. Definitely wasn’t working.”
“You come back later when he’s in,” Artie shook his head. “Goddamn, boy, my eggs are burning.”
“Artie,” Lillian and several other waitresses wailed at him.
“How long you worked here, Art?” Steve was close. You could smell the leather and smoke as he passed you. His hand was on the door as he glared at Art through the window.
“Be thirty years, soon enough,” Artie answered defiantly. “Since you were a kid tossing your pancakes at the wall, you brat.”
Steve chuckled and pushed through the door. Several women screamed and men shushed them at the flurry that followed. The crash of pans as Steve grabbed the old man by his collar and pushed him against the window. You stepped through the door before it swung shut.
“Don’t.” You pleaded. “Don’t hurt him. Jimmy’s not here. None of us have seen him since yesterday.”
“Oh yeah?” Steve shrugged you away. “Loyalty is admirable. The man pays your check, so I understand your insistence on protecting him. I only wish he was as diligent in paying his dues.”
“St-stop,” You squealed as he his hand wrapped around Artie’s thick throat. “Goddamnit, you know Artie. You know he means no harm.”
“I know he’s always had a mean mouth,” Steve snarled. “Where’s that spatula now, hmm? You gonna give me a swat, Art?”
You looked around. The waitresses gaped through the window as the men loomed around the tables. Amused, they crossed their arms and watched the helpless old cook struggle. On the long steel table behind Steve was a large knife. Your heart pounded as you inched around him.
“Steve, come on, you can wait around for Jimmy,” You offered. “I’m sure he’ll be in. Hell, you’ll have more luck heading down to his. I’m sure he’s sleeping it off there.”
“I came here to get the money and I’m not leaving without it.” Steve snarled. 
You bent slowly and took the knife, careful not to drag the blade on the floor. You stood and came around Steve. He glanced over as you pointed it at his neck. He chuckled as his eyes flashed.
“You don’t wanna do that, girl,” He warned.
“I don’t so long as you let him go,” You declared. “You go sit down, we’ll get you coffee, Art will cook you some bacon, and we’ll wait for Jimmy.”
“Don’t think I will.” Steve squeezed tighter as Artie turned red.
“Oh yeah?” You touched his neck with the blade’s edge. “You want Jimmy, no one’s keeping you from him but we can’t help you if you throttle poor Artie.”
A chuckle came from behind you. Deep and venomous. You looked slowly over your shoulder as the back door whisked shut. The knife slipped from your hand as you were faced with the barrel of a gun. The metal clattered to the tile as you dropped your arms and stared at the pistol’s mouth.
“You grew some balls since grade school,” Bucky remarked. 
Him and Steve had always been inseparable. You should’ve known he wasn’t far. And as the main shareholder in the Asp and therefore the club, he was owed more than any. It would be a mark on the crest not to collect the debt himself.
“Wish I could say the same of you,” You retorted. “So, you gonna shoot me?”
He laughed again and Steve did too. “Let the man go,” Bucky said. “There’s a safe in the office. If there’s not enough in there, we’ll empty the till.”
He lowered the gun. Slowly as if taunting you. You turned to check on Artie as he leaned heavily on the wall. Steve headed for the door to the back hall where Jimmy’s office was. 
“You okay?” You helped Artie stand straight. “You need some water. You should sit down. I’ll get Billy to finish service.”
“You are going to go out there,” Bucky said as he holstered his gun. “With the rest of the girls and stay away from sharp objects.” He grabbed your arm and dragged you to the door. “Artie, you get back to your tickets. These people look hungry.”
He shoved you through to the dining room and you stumbled into the counter. Artie coughed and wiped his sweaty hands on his apron. He waved at Billy, his sous chef, and ambled back to the grill.
It was a few minutes of tense silence filled only with the sound of pots, pans, and plates. As Artie called out an order and Lillian loaded her tray, Steve emerged from the back. Donny stood at the front door and kept any from leaving. Not than anyone had the strength or courage to even stand up.
“I don’t think we’re getting that thing open.” Steve said. 
“Hey!” Donny shouted and the door chimed as he pulled it open. 
Everyone watched as he raced out and chased Jimmy past the window. The small, greasy-haired man put up little fight against the burly biker and was dragged inside. 
“There you are, Jim,” Bucky swung the door open and brushed past you. “We were starting to get impatient.”
“Bucky,” Jimmy’s voice cracked. “What are you--”
“Jim, let’s not play this game,” Bucky snapped. “I think you know I haven’t brought everyone here for breakfast so why don’t you help us crack the code and we’ll be on our way.”
“Crack the code?” Jimmy whimpered.
“We found the safe,” Bucky crossed his arms. “So, you open it up and we’re on our way. I only came for what’s mine. For what you owe me.”
“I-I-I--” Jimmy stuttered.
“Grab him,” Bucky ordered and Steve was quick to grab the thin man by his scruff and drag him across the diner.
Bucky led the way into the kitchen and the weak struggle could be heard as they disappeared through the back door. Artie called another order and Kimmie balanced it on her tray. When the three men returned, Jimmy had a bloody lip and Steve carried a black bag of what could only be the safe’s contents.
“Well, you see, we still got a problem here, Jimmy.” Bucky hauled him over to the window by his arm. “That’s not even close to what you owe and you’ve got late fees on top of it. Dodging me all week like this.”
Jimmy looked ready to cry as Bucky took his hand and slammed hit flat on the window’s ledge. He held his wrist down as he reached to his waist. “Check the register.” Bucky ordered.
Steve went to the till and hit every button until it opened. He emptied the drawer and shook his head. “Not even a hundred.” He scoffed.
“Pity,” Bucky pulled a knife from his belt. “Well then, Jim, there’s only one thing for you to do; pick a finger.”
“Wha--” Jimmy yelped. “What do you--”
“You pick a finger or I will find something worse to cut off.” Bucky lowered the blade and Jimmy flinched away.
“Please,” Jimmy begged. “I’ll get the money. End of the week, I promise.”
“You said that last week,” Bucky countered. “And I can’t gamble my integrity as lightly as you do, Jim. So hurry up or I’ll make you pick two.”
“Uh…” Jimmy quaked and went pale. ‘Th-the pinkie.”
Bucky was quick. The knife cut easily through flesh and bone and blood pooled beneath Jimmy’s hand in second. You covered your mouth as your stomach flipped and several people wretched, some followed by sloppy splats onto the floor. 
Bucky held up the finger and admired it before he tucked it into his pocket and patted Jimmy on the back. “One week for the rest of it, Jim.” He strode through the door and stopped just beside the counter. He turned to you and smirked as he took the cloth from your apron pocket. “Get some pressure on that before he passes out, will ya?”
He handed you the cloth and winked. He nodded to his men and they filed out the door without another word. You blinked and shook yourself from your shock. You pushed through the kitchen door and grabbed Jimmy’s hand as he held his wrist. You pushed the rag to his severed pinkie and he hissed.
“Someone call an ambulance,” Your voice seemed to break the pall that had fallen over the diner. “Please!”
By Tuesday, it was as if nothing had ever happened at the Chipped Saucer. The usual customers stopped by for their breakfast or lunch and Artie was back to his grumpy ways. The only thing that remained was the blood stain on the window ledge. And the bandage on Jimmy’s hand.
When you were done your shift, you hung your apron on its hook in the back and clipped your name tag on it. You covered up your hideous yellow dress with your black cardigan and grabbed your purse before you headed out. Your mother texted you to grab some cheese on your way home and a sixer of Blue for good measure. 
You stopped by the grocer first and added a box of oreos to your bill. The liquor store was just next door and the after work crowd strolled its aisles. You traipsed to the back, the paper bag balanced against your hip as you browsed the cans and bottles. You grabbed some Blue and turned to head to the check out. You were the only person left in the aisle, well aside from one. Likely the reason for the sudden desolation.
Bucky Barnes stood before you in his leather jacket. You hadn’t noticed him there at the end of the shelf, watching you, arms crossed. You sighed and walked towards him, deliberately sidestepping him. You stopped short as he blocked you with his arm.
“Not even a hello?” He mused.
You scoffed and shook your head and stepped to the other side. He blocked you just as quickly. You tilted your head wryly and he smiled. 
“What do you want?”
“To talk.” He said evenly.
“Mmhmm,” You rolled your eyes. “Forgive me if I’m not up for it.”
You tried to shake him again and he caught you around your waist. “Honey, honey, honey.” 
You wriggled away from him and almost dropped your armful. 
“You had a gun in my face two days ago. I have nothing to say to you.”
“You had a knife to my man’s throat.” He said. “Think we’re even.”
“Just say whatever it is you want so that I can go home.” You grumbled.
“How you like working over there at the Saucer?”
“What?” You shook your head.
“Seems slow. Tips any good?”
“I don’t see how that’s any of your business.” You challenged.
“Well, we got an opening at The Asp and you’ve got experience serving.” He shrugged. “Figured I’d put that out there. Not many ways to move up in this town.”
“I don’t wanna work at a dive.” You said through your teeth. “You done?”
“Sure.” He backed up and turned so he was almost against the shelf. He waved you past him. “Go home. Relax.” You began to step by him and he spoke again. “Say hi to your ma.”
You stopped but didn’t look back at him. You swallowed and carried your sixer to the counter. You set it down and dug for your wallet with one hand. 
“It’s been covered.” Larry said as he scratched his thick mustache and glanced at Bucky. The biker pretended to peruse the white wines.
“No, it hasn’t.” You slammed a bill on the cans. “You give him his money back. Or keep it. I couldn’t care less.”
You waited for your change and grabbed the beer. You kept your head high as you swept out onto the street and past the motorcycle parked across two spots. You’d have to barter a can off your mom when you got in.
On Friday, Jimmy called you to his office. He never called anyone to his office. Well except Kimmie but that’s because everyone knew what was going on between them. So you punched out and headed to the small back room with the dented metal desk from the 60s and the cinder block wall poorly disguised with flowery wallpaper. You knocked then entered when he replied.
You sat in the small chair with the orange cushion. The same one you’d sat your interview in. Jimmy spun his pen in his hand. He was jumpy. More than usual. The small safe hidden beside his filing cabinet was scratched but still in tact. He dropped the pen and twined his fingers together.
“So, uh, yeah,” He blinked and sniffed. “Well, this isn’t… easy. Not quite sure how to say it really.”
You were quiet. Confused. You scrunched your lips and listened. You had a bad feeling. Unusual things didn’t happen for no reason. Not in a small town.
“Heh, well, I’m sure you know I’ve come into some financial hardship and, well, it looks like...uh,” He sat back and smoothed his greasy, thinnng hair. “I’m gonna have to let you… go.”
“Let me go?” You repeated. “You’re not serious, are you?”
“I need the, uh, cash,” He turned back and forth in his chair. He was nervous.
“Cash. Sure. You couldn’t sell that heap of junk parked outside?” You sneered. “I have no doubt this has something to do with those goons but I don’t think you’re being honest about the why.”
“Look, I’m real sorry. You’ll get severance.” He sputtered.
“You can’t afford to keep me on but you can afford the pay out?” You scoffed and stood. “Let me ask you, have you received any other visits from your friends at The Asp?”
He shook his head frantically.
“Yeah, you haven’t been around Larry’s to grab a mickey at all? Or passing by? Maybe Tuesday night?”
“It’s a small town. I got nowhere to hide.” He cowered.
“Suppose there’s nothing else to say. Nothing I can say.” You threw up those hands. “You tell Bucky you were a good boy, okay?”
“I get it. You owe them.” You started to turn away. “When should I expect my cheque.”
“Usual,” He answered glumly. “I really am sorry.”
“Yeah, yeah,” You stopped by the door. “You remember how sorry you are the next time you pick up a cue, eh.”
Another trip to the liquor store, this one unimpeded. A bottle of wine from some unheard of vineyard on some distant island. You carried it home in the bag, its shape visible beneath the wrinkled paper. You went in the back way, as you always did. Your mother’s dog, Ash, wiggled his bum as you stopped to pet him. You let him inside as you entered the kitchen.
Your mother was at the counter, working on dinner. You set the bottle on the table heavily and sat. You let your purse fall to the floor and sighed.
“Hey, hon,” She said. “How was your day?”
You grumbled and unsheathed the bottle. You crumpled the bag and tossed it in the middle of the table. You unscrewed the lid and drank from the long neck. Your mom stopped her chopping and turned with a hand on her hip.
“Rough one?” She asked.
“I got fired.” You said numbly.
“Fired? For what?”
You shrugged and took another drink. She huffed and set aside her knife. You listened as she opened and closed a cupboard and crossed to you. She set down a glass. 
“Pace yourself.” She reproached.
You frowned and filled the glass to the rim. She tutted and went back to the counter. 
“It’s because of them.” You said at last.
She looked at you but kept quiet. She knew who you meant.
“Some kind of game.” You muttered.
“Oh, Lillian told me about your heroics.” Your mother sighed. “I knew you weren’t telling me something.”
“Christ, ma, they were gonna give Artie a heart attack,” You exclaimed. “What was I supposed to do? He’s a defenseless old man.”
“And? The Commandos are thugs. They have no qualms against old men and young women.” She dumped her cutting board in the pot and covered it. “Losing your job is nothing. You could’ve lost a lot more messing around. You know how things work.”
“Not as well as you, yeah?” You drank deeply. “Dad learned it the hard way, didn’t he?”
“That he did,” She assured you and took a glass of her own from the cupboard. She sat with you at the table. “You’ll find something else. Something better than the diner. That little tourism place, they need a new receptionist.”
“Great, I’ll get my resume printed tomorrow.” You poured her a more modest glass. “It’s a show. Don’t worry, ma. They just want to wave their-- well, you know.”
“You just stay clear of them. Let them find bigger fish to fry,” She advised. 
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rye-views · 6 years
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The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. 7.4/10
About the murder of Susie and how she watches her family and friends deal with it as she is in her heaven.
Buckley immediately reminded me of Kimmy Schmidt. I also find it interesting that he feels the loss of Susie.
Susie seems to be more aware of things while she’s in her heaven. She knows more detailed things about what is happening on Earth and what the people are thinking.
I enjoy how the mother likes books. I don’t think I usually read about adult women liking anything literary, but I do notice that men are written like that.
It’s interesting that dad and Lindsey so believed in their intuition.
I like how so many people came to honor her death even though a whole year had passed.
I think because there is a limited time on Earth, I would spend my time there. Because forever in heaven can wait. I’m glad everyone is able to reunite though.
Ruth being connected to Susie makes me think of what is Susie’s purpose in the afterlife. What do you spend eternity doing?
Poor Joe Ellis.
Ray was so believing of being with Susie. How amusing. I also enjoy that he still likes her.
I do quite enjoy Grandma Lynn and Ruana. I also like Hal and his jazz. I kinda ship Ruana and Abigail.
Memorable Quotes:  “But then only movement could save him, and he moved and he moved and he moved, no movement being enough to make up for it.” “She was the quietest kind of rebel.” “Lonely, I thought, on Earth as it is in heaven. “Let’s get wet.” “When he felt his heart hurt he turned into something stronger than a little boy , and he grew up this way.” “There is no condition one adjusts to so quickly as a state of war.” “I’m afraid I won’t be good at it.” “Susie?” “Yes?” “Just have fun, kid.” ““Inside, Inside,” she would whisper quietly to herself when she felt the urge to tell” “booze affects material as it does people.” “At seventy she had come to believe in time alone.” “Everyday a question mark.” “the helplessness of being alive.” “His cruelty was in his absence.”
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sharperthewriter · 3 years
Chapter 4 of Possible-y Utah
Chapter 4 - Final Day
(May 25, 2006, 6am)
The sun began to rise over the city of Middleton. Rays began to creep through the windows of Kim's room. She woke up and rubbed her eyes.
"Yes!" she exclaimed in triumph, "Final day of junior year is here!"
Kim got ready for school. That day, she was wearing baggy dark-denim Club Banana overalls over her green croptop shirt. She hooked up both straps and had the bottom hems rolled up. To finish the look, she had on giant gold hoop earrings, minimal makeup, a simple CB heart charm bracelet, and white sneakers. Her hair was in a ponytail.
"Hey, Mom and Dad! I'm going off to school!" she exclaimed. "I got my new scooter all ready to pick up Ron!"
Both James and Ann were in their work outfits.
"OK, Kimmie-cub. Don't forget to put on your helmet!" James insisted.
"And remember..." Ann added while sipping her coffee. "Safety first!"
"I won't! And I'm glad we bought an extra helmet for Ron." Kim said, grabbing the second helmet and her backpack.
"Ron! Hurry up!" Kim insisted to her BFBF. She parked her scooter at the Stoppable house.
"I'm coming, KP! Just as soon as I put my shoes on!" Ron said while putting on his sneakers. Rufus scurried out of the door.
"Thank you! I just don't want to be late for school!" Kim replied, handing Ron his helmet, "Nothing is more humiliating than getting detention on the last day of school!"
Ron buckled on his helmet and Rufus also put on a little helmet of his.
"Hold on tight, Ron!"
"You got it, KP!" Ron said, holding his girlfriend around his arms and feeling the denim of her overalls.
Kim zoomed off from the house on the scooter.
The readerboard sign in front of Middleton High said, "Summer is here...so please read!"
Kim parked her scooter in the student parking lot.
"That should do the trick, Ron." she replied in getting off the scooter and removing her helmet.
"Yeah, KP, next time, we're going to try and get our full drivers license!" Ron said, also getting off the scooter.
"I wouldn't exactly worry about myself getting the license." Kim snickered, darting her eyes to Ron.
"Hey, I shall get through 'Barkin's Course of Death' this time!" Ron insisted.
"And not wreck the student driver car...again?" Kim asked. "Insurance is not going to cover the damages this time around."
"The twentieth time is the charm! Mark my words, I am gonna get my license!" Ron vowed.
The two of them came up to Kim's locker, which was located in D-Hall, aka the science wing of the school.
Kim then opened it. Wade came onscreen in the built-in monitor.
"Hey Kim! Glad that today is the last day of school?" the tech genius asked.
"Oh yeah, number 11 is going to be in the books for a few hours!" Kim replied, "Not unlike you, of course."
"Who breezed by grades 10-12 before my own eighth birthday!" Wade boasted.
"And I'm just...you know...getting by with C's." Ron nervously chuckled, brushing his hand against his hair.
"It feels a little strange, though, Wade." Kim said, "Ever since Drakken's Diablo plot, I've only had three take-over-the-world plots (one each by Dementor, Monkey Fist, and DNAmy) and foiled them all. Maybe the villains have finally given up evil."
"I wouldn't put it past them, Kim." Wade said, "You may never know when a plot or a kidnapping of a scientist would come up."
"We'll keep an eye on things, Wade." Kim replied, "Right now, though, I only have one final exam to get through first."
Then a familiar snarky voice came from behind.
"Well, if it isn't Farmer Possible and her farm-hand!" she taunted.
"Bonnie, I do not have time for your lame puns just because I wear a pair of overalls!" Kim impatiently muttered.
Bonnie, as it turned out, was wearing a pink croptop and baggy carpenter denim jeans that was showing off half her Club Banana yellow boxers. The back pockets were on her thighs. They were held up only with a loose CB belt. She completed the outfit with white sneakers, giant hoop earrings and a CB hat that she was wearing sideways.
"You know, Bonnie..." Kim continued, "...you really do look like a fool with your pants on the ground!"
"It's the latest fashion trend for mean girls like me!" Bonnie flaunted.
"And totally sick and wrong!" Ron complained.
"Bonnie, I would love to criticize your poor decision on how to basically wear pants..." Kim muttered, slamming her locker door, "...but I got an exam to take!"
"Whatever, Possible." Bonnie scoffed, "I will tell you something after you take your lousy exam!"
"Fine, Rockwaller!" Kim snarled back.
With that, Kim and Ron both left Bonnie behind to go to the World History class for her final exam to take. Ron had one more in Geometry.
(3 hours later)
Kim and Ron were now sitting in study hall after taking their last exams.
"Did you think I did well, KP?" Ron asked. He had taken geometry for his last exam.
"I'd say you'd barely pass, Ron." Kim explained, "Remember our study night together?"
"Yeah...wasn't that the night that you put a blanket on me because I was sleeping my head on your dad's desk?" Ron questioned.
"It was. You look so cute sleeping like that!" Kim replied.
"Awww...thanks, Kim!" Ron smiled at her GF's words.
"Ugh...why do you two have to be so mushy?!" Bonnie asked dismissively. She was sitting on her CB boxers and the back pockets of her baggy jeans were on her thighs. The bottoms were scrunched up on her shoes.
"Because we are a couple, Rockwaller, that's why!" Kim muttered at her rival.
"I'll make a sweet bet with you, Possible." Bonnie said, "I'll bet you $50 that you will not last one summer with Stoppable as BF material!"
Kim, sensing her hyper-competitive nature, agreed.
"What are going to be the terms?"
"If I win the bet and you break up with Stoppable, I promise that will not bully you anymore during cheer practice in senior year." Bonnie said of the terms if she came out on top. "And, on top of that, you will have to give your cheer captainship to me AND you will have to scrub the toilets of the locker rooms.
"And if I win, you will have to mop the entire gym floor! And your dad will have to drop the indecent exposure charge against Ron!" Kim decreed.
"Don't blame me if he got his boxers accidentally snagged by briar patches!" Bonnie countered. "But I will honor your bet...IF you win."
"You are so on, Rockwaller!" Kim exclaimed, fire raging in her eyes that was as red as her hair.
Ron looked at her in worry, "KP...you're putting a lot on the line here!"
Kim scoffed at what he said.
"Ron, don't worry! We'll still be tight by the beginning of senior year! Bonnie will definitely lose!"
Barkin then entered the room.
"Okay, people, since Miss Carol is not here because she overslept, smashing her alarm clock with a cartoonishly-giant hammer the night before, I will be taking over this study hall." he proclaimed. "Since all of you students are done with your exams, we are going to sit quietly for the next 45 minutes until the class is dismissed."
The clock then began to move its hands slowly and then fastly as if it had been hours.
"Clock's busted again..." Barkin muttered, tapping it on its side and adjusting it to the correct time: 11:19am.
Kim could only hope that the last 45-minutes of her junior year would fly by.
(12 noon)
The final bell finally rang, signaling the end of the junior year.
All of the students in study hall began to cheer and throw their papers in the air to celebrate. But just before they could exit the classroom, Barkin then got in the way of the door. The cheering subsided for now.
"Uh...Mr. B? I thought we were dismissed." Ron insisted.
"Stoppable, do you not remember that the bell does not dismiss the class, I do?" Barkin muttered. After a tense 30 seconds between the two, Barkin stepped aside.
"Okay, you're dismissed!" Barkin sighed, opening the door. The cheering resumed from the students.
Both Kim and Ron got out of Middleton High now that their Junior year was in the books. To celebrate, Kim decided to unhook the right strap of her overalls so that the strap dangled behind her back but kept the left strap up.
"So what can we do to celebrate now that we have 88 days of freedom?" Kim asked. "You know...as BF and GF!"
"KP, if you know me, I'm thinking along the lines of JP Bearymore's!" Ron replied with a smile, putting his hand on his girlfriend's shoulder. "Their new multi-level go-kart track just opened up and it's badical!"
"Mmm...hmm!" Kim smiled, "Maybe a movie afterwards? The newest installment of the John Glond superspy series is already out! And you know how much I love the spy thriller!"
"You're totally, on, KP!" Ron said, grinning.
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sob-dylan · 4 years
ranking of bcs season 5 episodes based on how sexy i found them
10. Namaste dir. & writ. Gordon Smith
good ep, not sexy. jimmy commits his first hate crime against the dandy howard hamlin. hostile work environment at los pollos. the return of the uncomfortably stereotypical thugs that beat up mike. very let down because gordon smith has written some of bcs’s sexiest episodes in past seasons, including gloves off, chicanery, & something beautiful. the car chase intercut with lyle cleaning the fryer was pretty sexy tho. 2/10
9. Dedicado a Max dir. Jim McKay, writ. Heather Marion
this ep ranks so low because of what it could have been. was expecting it to be the sexiest episode, but was given very little of what was promised. the fountain was sexy, scheming kim was sexy, any invocation of revenge is sexy. that’s about it. 2.5/10
8. Wexler v. Goodman dir. Michael Morris, writ. Thomas Schnauz
first we’ve seen of nacho in a long time, but as usual it’s not nearly enough. he is reunited with mike, giving him the opportunity to play a bargaining chip for the first time in two seasons, which is sexy of him, but also reminded me of the how little he’s done since he became fring’s dog. nacho being underutilized is not sexy. (i could go on a whole rant about the poker chip we’ve seen nacho fiddling with a few times during different collection scenes, but i don’t think i quite understand it enough). kim suffers the worst day of her professional career because jimmy decided he knew what she wanted instead of listening to her. not sexy. lalo getting arrested was, of course, very sexy. 4/10
7. Magic Man directed by Bronwen Hughes, written by Peter Gould
sexy episode, but it all rests on the shoulders of lalo, nacho, & gus (+ a very timid domingo-- i’m into that). the mcwexler stuff just made me sad. lalo’s lounging in el michoacáno with his blue loafers kicked up? much appreciated. lalo and nacho constantly calling each other “man”? nice! the sit down between lalo and gus was very sexy, but the sexiest part of this episode for me was the trap house, especially the beginning sequence. loved the scene starting from inside the car with some great tunes, the camera following the meth down the drainpipe, lalo’s erratic driving and his refusal to acknowledge arlo, the power that nacho has demonstrated by arlo shutting up when he gets out of the car, the slightly shaky camera work in this moment, nacho leaping up those stairs and then pounding on the door before gently telling mouse it’s okay. all incredibly sexy! 6/10
6. JMM dir. Melissa Bernstein, writ. Alison Tatlock
pretty fucking sexy for production legend melissa bernstein’s directorial debut.  not only is it the first bit of substantial lalo content in a while, it’s the debut of jorge de guzman! the shot of him from the shoulders down with the focus on his tattoo? sneaking a phone in so he can tell nacho to burn down los pollos? the arson itself? very, very sexy. vague allusions to what went down in santiago? frustrating, but sexy. kim and jimmy consummating the most ill-advised marriage ever authorized by the state of new mexico? sexy, (especially kim’s hair). lydia rodarte-quayle! “shanked and shivved and whatnot.” that was a very sexy suggestion, lydia, keep ‘em coming! 7/10
5. Bagman dir. Vince Gilligan, writ. Gordon Smith
vince gilligan’s triumphant and very sexy return. the shoot out! the time lapse of the clouds while jimmy and mike walk along at a normal speed! “my wife” & “mrs. goodman!” and of course, the sexiest thing of all, the meeting between kim and lalo. gordon smith redeemed himself with this one. despite the piss-drinking, a very sexy episode indeed. 7.8/10
4. The Guy For This dir. Michael Morris, writ. Ann Cherkis 
a very, very sexy ep! a swarm of ants set to yodeling isn’t in itself sexy, but i respect the symbolism and the bold creative choice. but then! the garage scene! imo this was the sexiest scene of the season. everything from the blocking to the lighting, not to mention the Acting. i’ve rewatched that scene many, many times. other sexy things about this episode: kim yelling at acker, kim opening up, nacho’s lounging-at-home-watching-soccer outfit, amber & jo, the one genuine smile nacho has all season (at the beginning of a devastating conversation with his father), lalo making jimmy and nacho watch him drive his car, “you’ll make time!”, nacho’s signature car-leaning, & “once you’re in, you’re in.” 8/10
3. 50% Off dir. Norberto Barba, writ. Alison Tatlock
look: i can admit that this hole ranking system is heavily dependent on how much nacho & lalo there was in an episode. this episode started with a home invasion at casa de varga so that gus could intimidate nacho in his underwear and ended with nacho rolling up on jimmy and then making him drop his mint chip in the street. and in between? the poker game. the birth of ocho loco/krazy-8. THE PARKOUR. “ignacio varga, eres un chingon.” the small expression of pride on nacho’s face when lalo says “it’s your call.” nacho finally accepting food from lalo, only to find it’s a trap! lalo using his own brand of the lie detector to make nacho offer to kill his oldest friend. dear god! this ep marked the explosion of the eduardo “lalo” salamanca/ignacio “nacho” varga tag on ao3. it’s an inspiring kind of sexiness. mike’s story was compelling, but a boner-killer. 8.9/10
2.  Bad Choice Road dir. & writ. Thomas Schnauz
ah! the something stupid callback! jimmy falling to his knees when he finally gets a signal! kim crying! jimmy’s trauma! the godfather reference with the oranges! (and no, i didn’t pull that out of my ass. peter gould mentioned it on the podcast) the care-taking, despite kim having every right to be furious with jimmy! the tender and heartbroken look on lalo’s face when he leaves the nursing home! lalo impatiently ordering his new chauffeur nacho around! the way lalo stands when nacho drops him off at the well! how happy nacho is to finally be rid of lalo for just 3 seconds before lalo gets back in the car! the lalo leap! the final scene! rhea claiming her emmy! but ultimately what’s so sexy about this ep is how well it encapsulated the ethos of the show. i’m still salty about the dinner party (???) with lalo, nacho, and nacho’s girlfriends getting cut, tho. 9/10
1. Something Unforgivable dir. Peter Gould, writ. Peter Gould & Ariel Levine
i don’t consider it the best episode of the season (that would be bagman), nor is it my favorite (that would be 50% off), but imo it is the sexiest episode of bcs yet. slippin’ kimmy! the finger guns! the kansas city royals shirt! kim laughing in howard’s face! the post-coital mcwexler scheming! and of course every single scene in mexico! nacho’s forced smiles! lalo’s unmitigated excitement at returning home! “nachito!” lalo’s despicable but still somehow sexy attitude toward that poor kid ciro! the scene where he’s fixing the car! lalo’s praise of nacho! lalo being the life of the party! everyone adoring him expect for juan bolsa! lalo’s party shirt! nacho’s tough but respectful chain-over-a-fully-buttoned-shirt-cause-it’s-time-to-meet-the-don look! nacho spelling out exactly what he wants! lalo closely watching nacho and don eladio! the intimate, late-night fireside conversation! the beautiful emotional asymmetry of that scene! a man who is finally ready to allow himself to trust someone choosing the wrong person! (in other words: lalo lowkey trying to get laid while nacho’s actively trying to facilitate his assassination!) nacho being the resourceful little bitch we all love! lalo immediately blaming poor ciro! (seriously, what is the story there??) the frying pan! the fucking tunnel! lalo kneeling over that dying hitman, peeling off the mask that’s melted to his face, and gently telling him “esta bien” ! lalo limping out of his estate with murder in his eyes, ready to hunt down the only man not carrying the Salamanca name he’s ever trusted! if this ep had included nacho regaining a shred of agency over his situation, it could have a perfect score. 9.9/10
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dredreadsdrawing · 4 years
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Oc-tober day 5: Old
For Day 5’s challenge, I brought back what I believe to be my first trans character haha. This will start as cringe plz bear with me. Im copy pasting the Quickie I had planned for a post in my writing blog.
PunchLine: Quickie Summary
Just suddenly grew nostalgic of this story lol. Notes before delving into the plot:
-        I literally started this story’s concept when I was in 5th – 6th grade and first watched Ouran High School Host Club. My kid brain was mad at Haruhi for not taking advantage of her passing as a boy so I made what started as a self-insert oc that gradually transformed into my first trans character ever. Whack, lol.
-        Just a side thing, most of my damn stories have playlists and I swear, All Time Low/All American Rejects songs are exclusively this story’s official soundtrack.
-        The main character’s name is super…. Wow lol. Please bear with me I might change it, just… this was a story I started making when I was 11 and really liked ‘unique’ names instead of conventional ones >X,,D
-        Please have mercy on my tiny weeb soul.
Lolol ok, plot start naw. Keep in mind I was very influenced by anime at this point of my life so I started this in a stereotypical Japanese setting but made it more Americanized over the years. Big oof.
Protagonist (I called em Echo lol) is a hella poor girl living pretty much by herself in a shitty apartment. Her aunt is her caretaker but she’s never home and she doesn’t work. Echo has to work a job herself to make money for food. She has a quiet personality, long, terrible hair with split ends everywhere, and a boxy frame. She works doing lots of manual labor, adding to her poor health.
Because she’s always been quiet, no one knows who she really is. She’s just ‘that poor girl who never talks’,  and they mostly leave her alone. One particularly shitty night however, after getting fired without her pay, she gets caught by some hotshot popular dude and his cronies with her work uniform on. Kids aren’t supposed to work. He takes a picture and threatens to turn her in if she doesn’t follow him. He’s just looking for some easy fun with a docile girl he can make do anything. She’s done being docile.
In true anime fashion she beats the hell out of these dudes, trash talking them the entire time. She’s merciless, bashing them all black and blue until they pass out. Only once everyone but the main instigator is down does she take his phone. “I have back-ups!” The boy exclaims through broken teeth. She looks at him and posts the image onto his feed herself. She’s done going to school anyways. She destroys the phone, laughing, and he loses consciousness. She gets up and dusts herself off.
She had a spectator. Some dude had watched the whole thing from his fancy car. He thinks he could use someone like her.
The following week goes as expected. She’s expelled. Her aunt came to act as a concerned guardian in front of the school but left immediately after. She took Echo’s savings. Echo is laying in her mattress on the floor, pretty much wishing to be dead when a knock on the door breaks her concentration.
Oh boy. It’s the spectator dude with two other boys (one of em may end up being cut lol). He has a proposition. She join their prestigious team from some fancy school for something (idk I initially had her join a mob lol but these kids are still in highschool. Maybe their fighting club?) and they’ll pay for her tuition and living expenses. But there’s a catch. The team is boys-only and she has to crossdress. She signs up immediately anyways lol. From now on, she will live as a boy (so I will use he/him pronouns).
Hmm… mayhaps the reason Echo has such a ‘unique’ name is because he chose it himself. Like the edgy teen he is. Cries.
Echo packs his stuff and goes with em. He hears the specifics about his new group. Eric is the leader, who’s father founded the group. He clearly puts on an aura of being tough and in control, but his delivery is too forced. The spectator dude that found Echo is his co-leader, a guy who actually knows what he’s doing, but doesn’t want to overthrow Eric because he thinks it’s funny seeing him struggle. He is a dick lol. Depending on whether or not I’ll use him, the third dude is Eric’s best friend from childhood meant to be the soft one who helps Echo settle at first.
Moving on, I don’t have a coherent timeline of events, just scattered things that will happen. For sure, Eric and Echo keep butting heads, mostly because Eric tries to control Echo and the group as a whole too much, and Echo is like ‘dude, your demanding for perfection only makes me want to screw things up more to show you how unhealthy your expectations are. And also cuz youre cute when you’re mad.’
Eric has a legacy to live up to. He’s the classic worrywart trying to live up to an image and failing. Echo was brazen at first with his trying to mess Eric up, but he softens as he realizes how much it effects Eric. They eventually hear eachother out and come to a compromise. That’s the start of their friendship.
Then, a year later, comes Kimmie. She’s Eric’s childhood crush. She’s short, she’s plump, and she has a rude attitude. Eric’s been a simp for her since he was a kid. He tries way too hard to make her see him as a romantic partner; she’s the reason he grew out his hair when he heard her casually mention she likes it long.
What’s his reason for liking her so much? When they were kids, Eric was plump too, but unlike with her, kids would pick on him because he always just took it. She defended him a lot, and her fiery personality mixed with her ability to hit kids and get away with it made her feared. He idolized her ever since.
She reacts to this as well as you’d imagine a childhood crush staying just a crush is handled. Meaning she clearly sets up walls around him and tells him he’s not interested. Echo, however, catches her eye.
After a P.E session, Kimmie follows Echo to his usual changing place and catches him with his top off. Kimmie knew Echo was a ‘girl.’ Kimmie explains she had seen Echo before his transition. Echo laughs it off, finding her brazenness cute. “So what now? You wanna tell the school?” “… I require you for something actually…”
Kimmie is dating Echo now. Eric is devastated. Kimmie flaunts Echo around like a trophy, breaking many girl’s hearts that had previously asked him out. Echo has to follow her around as a part of their deal, but he doesn’t mind it. The more he learns about her, the more he likes her.
Eric tries to confront him about it along with his friends. Eric’s approach is…. Well… “You’re faking this, right? You don’t like girls, you’re not really a boy!” “Dude, I like what I like. Deal with it.” This response further punches Eric in the gut as everyone laughs nervously.
Some big event comes and Echo is Kimmie’s plus one. Eric doesn’t want to attend it so he stays in the mansion. Echo is feeling the guilt of the situation more with each day that passed. At the event, him and Kimmie have a great time, but when they escape the crowd and are alone, she tries for a kiss. Echo doesn’t proceed. Kimmie is disappointed, but Echo explains.
“I know the real reason you wanted to date me. It’s the same reason you touch my chest so much, why you wanted to see me in a dress, and why you told Eric you like long hair. Kimmie, you like girls.” He steps away from her. “And I can’t be your girlfriend in disguise.”
Kimmie is floored. She begins to cry. Echo is right. She’s a lesbian but she never wanted to accept it. She kept telling herself she’d find the right boy, and when Echo came, it felt so perfect. She thought she could just slip in and pretend that she was straight. But she isn’t.
She apologizes. She says, however, that she truly does like Echo now. Echo sighs and rubs their neck. “You can’t like me Kimmie… I’m not…” Kimmie thinks it through. “But… you were a girl before! The only reason you’re dressed like this is because of the contract!” “Yeaaaah… but I kinda like it now. This feels…. Better. More me.” Echo grins with confidence. “I’m a man now.”
Kimmie takes Echo’s figure in and sighs. ��Ew. I can’t be date a man.” They laugh and break up, Echo going back home. Kimmie returns to the party and is spotted by one of Eric’s friends. He asks where Echo is and she tells him everything. Echo is going home, him and Kimmie just broke up. The friend tells Kimmie some comforting words before running away to the hall to call Eric and tell him the good news. Kimmie is available again, and he can be more aggressive this time!
Eric is slumped in the couch after binging Netflix and eating a pint of icecream. When he hears the news, his mind is stuck on only one piece of information. Echo is coming back home. Instead of feeling happy about Kimmie being available again, Eric realizes Echo is coming back after a break up. His worrywart tendencies has him picturing a comedically sobbing Echo, ruthlessly broken up with by Kimmie, wondering how he could continue to live without her. He cleans up the couch and by the time Echo enters, he’s saved him a spot on the couch and his own pint of icecream. Echo laughs but sits right beside him, accepting the comfort, even if Eric doesn’t know the full story. They have a nice night together, and by the morning, Kimmie’s sexuality is revealed thanks to a picture she posted in her social media celebrating with a girl she kissed.
She’s officially out and happier for it. Eric congratulates her when they run into eachother in the hallway. She’s surprised he’s not as sad as she expected him to be, but she’s touched by how genuinely kind he’s being to her. They stay friends, and even get closer thanks to Kimmie now putting her walls down again.
Movin on to another story event, Eric’s mom has been away for most of Echo’s stay, but she comes back. Eric has made it clear that Echo should stay away from her, and never let her know his transition. She somehow finds out thanks to some mishaps anyways. When the contract is revealed, she is ASTOUNDED that her boy would force a GIRL to live as a MAN. She’s putting a stop to this! She takes Echo away for a weekend spa treatment, girling Echo up, talking over him through the whole thing, never listening to his complaints and only reassuring herself that Echo is safe now and free to be pretty and feminine once more! It’s the proper way!
Needless to say Echo is uncomfortable.
The more Eric’s mom talks about herself and her own life, it’s clear that her way of thinking stems from some issues she had as a kid, being forced to work and to give up feminine things, but Echo doesn’t feel like she did at all. And though Echo enjoys some of the spa things, and doesn’t much mind being put in a dress, he just… prefers a suit. Would rather stay at home training with the group. Would rather keep his hair short as opposed to the length Eric’s mom proposes him to grow it at. It’s a bunch of little things, but they culminate in solidifying to Echo… he just wants to stay a boy. He’s not being forced to be one. He genuinely likes it.
When they return from their trip, Echo is in a skirt and heels. He is dolled up with professional make up and styled hair. The group ogles him, but as comments get thrown around about how good Echo looks as a girl, Eric can’t feel the same. He just feels it’s too… off. He doesn’t bring it up, he’s afraid he’ll hurt Echo’s feelings. All his mom’s mutterings got to him, and Eric feels guilty for forcing Echo to live as a man. 
During dinner, he reassures his mom and Echo that they can get rid of the contract and Echo can live in their house and attend their school clause free.
Echo stops him right there.
“I don’t want to be a girl. I’m a boy.”
Eric and his mom are confused. They try to reassure Echo, but Echo continues. “No. No offence ma’am, but all weekend, you have talked over me, never listening to what I have to say. I don’t want to be a girl. I am not like you. I do not share your experiences nor your desires. I like being a boy. I like being called a boy. I like dressing like a boy. I want to be known as a boy.”
Echo gets up.
“I’m going to go change now. But before I go, I want to keep the contract. I have no problem with any of the conditions.” Echo looks at Eric and smiles. “I like being a part of the group and competing with you guys.” He’s flustered by his sincerity. Echo leaves. For the rest of the day, Echo is unbothered in his room, but when night comes, Eric goes up to bring him some food.
Echo didn’t really wash off the make up very good (damn that high quality stuff), and his hair is a mess. But he’s in comfortable clothes and he brings in Eric so they can hang. They talk about trivial stuff at first, spend an hour playing a game, and when it’s 3am, Eric gathers the guts to talk about it. That he’s glad Echo stood up for himself, and he sees him as a boy too. Echo bursts into laughter, teasing Eric.
“So that’s what you were so nervous about. I thought you were planning to ask me on a date.” More flustered Eric. “W-Why would I-“ Echo gives him a half hug that stops him, hiding his own blushing face. “Thanks…” Eric hugs him back. It’s yet another sweet moment before they finally get together…. In some other event in the future mwahahaha. Idk, I haven’t decided yet when they confess and actually start going out ;p cries.
Welp, there ya go. This is a story I still cringe at because of how anime it starts but damn these chars got me. I love Echo, Eric and Kimmie ;o; I’m sorry I’m a sucker v-v
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youngsamberg · 4 years
30 Rock anon here. I finally finished it 😭After procrastinating for a few days because I didn't want it to end, I finally sat down and watched the last season in one night. Here are some of my many thoughts:
The finale was so good! I think it was a perfect way to end the show. Can't believe they confirmed Kenneth's immortality, that was so cool.
I'm gonna miss sitting down at my computer after a long day and seeing Liz come into Jack's office with one of her crazy problems...
Liz and Jack's relationship was so beautiful. They were so important in each other's lives. I think they completed each other, in a way. I cried so much watching the "Mrs. Donaghy" episode, when that HR guy was like "Is this the longest and most meaningful relationship of your lives?" 😭😭 They loved each other so much!
Jack was the guy who stayed, when Floyd, Dennis and everyone else left! 😭
Their relationship reminds me of Leslie and Ron's, but at the same time, it feels very different.
I did kinda hope that they would get together, but I respect the writers' decision not to have that happen.
Besides, Liz and Criss were lovely together. I was very happy to see an actor from Enchanted, which is one of my favourite movies, play such an important role. Criss was so sweet and he loved Liz very much.
The episode where Liz and Criss got their kids was so emotional. When Jenna and Tracy stood up on that stage and quit, I cried. After all of this time, they finally did something selfless by helping Liz let go of TGS. And then, Liz got to the airport and her kids were little versions of Jenna and Tracy! My heart!
Jane Krakowski is an amazing actress, and I'm thinking of giving Kimmy Schmidt another chance just for her. I legit think I'm in love with her.
Kenneth was so precious and weird, and I loved his arc. I'm also really happy that the characters paid for mistreating him all of those years.
The show was, unfortunately, really problematic and that did sour my viewing experience. I took offense to many, many things. The racism, the poor representation of trans people, the whole arc with Frank's teacher... Yikes.
There's also Elisa's arc, which was offensive in its own right and really makes me appreciate that, only a few years later, we got a show with two well-written, non-stereotypical Latina women, Rosa and Amy. The difference between these depictions of Latinx characters is enormous.
I can definitely see similarities between the comedy in 30 Rock and the comedy in Kimmy Schmidt. It was very wacky, and the episodes were very hectic. Not in a bad way, there was just a lot happening at the same time and there were a lot of things that required me to suspend my disbelief a lot.
I can also see the similarity between the show and the SNL sketches from Tina's time on the show. When I'm watching an older sketch, I can easily imagine that it's happening in the 30 Rock universe.
I loved the many cameos, especially Jen Aniston's and Kelsey Grammar's (I hope I'm spelling his name right).
I also really, REALLY loved the live episodes. They were such a treat.
I watched the reunion episode and... Ugh. It wasn't very good, in my opinion. It wasn't like, the worst, but it was painfully obvious that it was a commercial for NBC's streaming platform. And seeing all of those actors pretend that Kenneth is the president of NBC felt really weird. But it did have some funny moments.
And there we go. Thanks for listening to my thoughts about the show!
WOWOWOWOW okay yes the show does have problematic moments but if you look past those and see the comedy and the characters and the story for what they are then it’s such a great show!!!! it’ll always be one of my favorite shows of all time despite it’s flaws and that’s why i love it!!! and i’m glad you loved it too!!!!!!
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xandertheundead · 5 years
gimmie hanbrough... with a splash of one of them stuck in traffic... and another splash of the other one at home horny... and a sprinkle of them having to listen to the other masturbate over the phone & can't do anything about it... and finally a whole ass pouring of dirty talk
Kimmi, my love. You wish, is my command.
NSFW below!
Mike tapped his fingers against the steering wheel, glaring at the five o’ clock traffic that was now bumper to bumper. He glanced at the clock and groaned, knowing there was no way he was making it home in time for dinner like he’d promised Bill. 
“I better call.” He sighed, quickly cutting his music. “Siri, call Bill.”
Calling Bill…
It took a little longer than normal for Bill to pick up and Mike raised an eyebrow when he heard Bill sound like he was out of breath when he picked up.
“H-hey, Babe!”
Mike had to bite his lip to stop a large grin from spreading across his face and the name, it being the only thing Bill said worked for Mike. He tried to squint and see if traffic was moving even the slightest, but they were at a standstill.
“Hey, B. So the meeting with Tanager Oaks ranch went really well.”
“That’s good!” Bill still sounded out of breath and Mike wondered what exactly his husband was doing because working out certainly wasn’t really Bill’s thing. He had learned that the hard way when he had asked Bill to help out on the farm when one of their hands had been sick. That poor white writers body didn’t stand a chance against that goat.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good.” Bill hummed softly. “So your on your way home right?”
“Sorta?” Mike hadn’t expected Bill to sound so upset at that, knowing that neither of them preferred to be flexible unless it came to the farm. “What exactly does sorta mean?”
“Well, I’m a bit stuck in traffic. I mean, it’s bad traffic.”
He frowned when Bill swore softly under his breath, surprised by how suddenly irritated his husband was.
 “Do you know how long?” Bill whined, then started panting a little bit.
Mike glanced out at the car next to him, a man on his way home from the office looking just as upset as Bill sounded. “Probably going to be about forty-five minutes.”
“God damn it!”
“I’m sorry.” Mike tried, not really feeling like he should be because it wasn’t his fault they decided to redo the roads every five minutes, but Bill sounded so angry. “Is everything okay? I didn’t mean to get stuck here.”
He heard Bill groan, a little bit different than his ‘my editor is being mean’ groan and more like the kind Mike would hear from-
“No, I know you didn’t. Sorry.” Bill pushes out quickly. “I just, I planned something special for tonight and uh…I don’t think it can wait that long.”Mike frowned. “If it’s dinner the -“
“Not dinner.”
They were both quiet and Mike gave Bill the time he needed, to gather what he wanted to say in his head before speaking. An old trick from his speech therapy years ago to help with his stutter.
“I’ve got a goddamn vibrator in me. Jesus.”
Mike was suddenly so glad his car was completely stopped already because he probably would have crashed at those words. He blinked a few times, wondering if it would be more efficient to walk home instead of wait here, the. He realized he’d been quiet for too long cause Bill’s uncertain voice spoke up again.
“Oh, um, sorry, B. That’s-“ Mike was really at a loss for words with what to do here. They had talked about toys, but had never made the jump to use them and now- wow. “Are you…is it good?”
“Ha!” Bill let out a choked laugh. “I’m hard as a fucking rock.”
“Damn, Bill.” Mike muttered, shifting a little as his body started to react to the idea of Bill laying somewhere with a vibrator inside him. “Why didn’t you wait?”
“Wanted to surprise you…”
Mike licked his lips, glancing out at the other cars, no one was paying attention to him and for that he was glad. He reached over to grab his suit jacket, laying it over his lap a little with a small cough.
“Tell me about it.”
“Tell me about it.”
Bill was quiet for a moment, before a soft husky whisper echoed through Mike’s car. “You’re serious?”
“You’re the writer, B. Use your words.”
“Fuck. Um, alright. Where should I start?”
“From the beginning.”
He heard Bill let out a shuddering breath before he gave a soft okay, going quiet for a moment as Mike could hear him moving and laying down on their bed which creaked very slightly.
“Well, the vibrator isn’t as big as you, but it’s not small either. I had to make sure I opened myself up good enough for it to just slide in.” Mike heard the start of a whine in Bill’s throat and wondered what he was doing. “I got at least three in me before I was going nuts because it wasn’t enough.”
Bill gave a soft growl. “Not yet. God, Mike, we should have used toys sooner because when I shift just a certain way the vibrations-“
Bill let out a shocked gasp and Mike felt his cock jerk in his slacks. “Bill?”“Jesus!” Bill gasped, the whole car filled with his desperate groans. “Fuck that’s intense. God, Mike I need you to get home, this thing has been in me for an hour already, just driving me crazy. I-I fucking need you to come fuck me. I’m so hard.”
“God, I’m trying.” Mike growled, hand moving to undo his belt under his jacket. “When I get home I’ll make you scream, but right now I want you to touch yourself.”
Bill let out another groan and Mike could tell he was listening to his instructions by the way Bill’s breath hitched.
“Touch yourself and think about how when I get there, I’m going to spread you out on our bed and pull that damn thing out of you.” Mike got his pants undone, and sighed as he wrapped a hand around himself and started to stroke. “Fuck, you’ll be so open for me won’t you, Bill? So open I could just slide right into you, fuck you right away.”
Bill gasped and Mike could now hear the wet sound of Bill’s hand on his cock, going so fast, the poor guy must have been dying. Mike sped up his speed as well, his skin breaking out into goosebumps as the pleasure started to build rapidly.
“I’ll pin your legs up against your chest, spread you so wide and you’ll just lay there while I mess you up.”
“Come on, B. Come on. I’ll fuck you raw too, I know how much you love it. Love watching my cum slide down your legs when you-“
Bill let out a loud groan and Mike knew what that meant, he sped his pace up and with a shaky moan came in the palm of his hand.
“Damn it..” Bill slurred over the line. “Get home soon.”
“Damn, baby. I’m trying.”
taglist:  @tinyarmedtrex @oldguybones @richardtoz @thorn-harvester-ven @appojoos @pink-psychic @eddiefuckinkaspbrak @eduardoandale @moonlightrichie @thundercatseddie  @madi-personal @nancynwheeler  @kaspwitch @queen-sock @constantreaderfool @uppperteeeth @purplepoisonedgem @girasol-eddie @trashmouthnick @reddieforlove @marsisaplanetyall
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vmheadquarters · 5 years
Welcome to…
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We’re going to play a game of written hot potato! Dozens of your favorite authors will take turns telling this story. Each writer will craft a chapter (with no prior planning) and then “toss” the story to the next person to continue the tale. No one knows what will happen, so expect the unexpected! Follow the “vmhq presents” and “murder we wrote” tags for all the installments, or read the story as it develops on AO3. — Chapter Two of MURDER, WE WROTE is written by @nearfantastica​.
And stayed tuned next week for Ch.3 from @saoirsekonstantin​ -tag, you’re it!———————————————————————————————————– [CH1]
CHAPTER TWO by @nearfantastica​ a/k/a casket4mytears
“Of course he’s dead.  Murder mystery weekend?” Dick rolled his eyes.  “Look, we all know Ronnie’s gonna work her PI magic and solve this with ten minutes of searching Google.  Nerd.  Can we go back inside and drink now?”
“No Dick,” Logan gently chastised, as if explaining to his child yet again that he couldn’t grow up and be a Jedi.  “This isn’t part of the game.  He’s actually dead.”
Gia spun around, poking Luke in the chest.  “I did not sign up for actual dead bodies, Luke.  You told me this would be fun.”
A lump formed in Veronica’s throat as she stared at the lifeless form of Leo D’Amato.  Years ago, before Lilly’s murder, she’d considered following in father’s footsteps and pursuing a career in law enforcement.  She’d toyed with the idea anew last summer at her FBI internship, the possibilities a Rubik’s Cube spun deftly in her palms.  Moments like these reminded her why she’d veered towards practicing law instead.  
Bodies, especially those of people she knew, unsettled her.  The inertia of them, the inconsistency… she couldn’t reconcile it.  People breathe.  People move.  At Lilly’s funeral, she remembered whispering to her father that it wasn’t Lilly—that Lilly was never still.  That they should shut the casket, because Lilly would hate to be remembered as motionless.
She was coaxed back to the present by the sound of Logan’s voice, concerned and closer than she expected it.  He was crouched beside her, shining his light over the body.  Casting her own Maglite across the ice, she noticed something fluttering beneath the camping lantern.  Hmm…
“You okay?  I know that you and Leo… were friendly.”
Veronica huffed softly.  “We dated.  Briefly, until I cheated on him with you.  I’m fine, Logan.”  Glancing over at him, she smiled gratefully.  “Thank you for asking.”
Logan’s gloved hand reached for hers, offering a reassuring squeeze.  For a moment, she lost herself in the depths of his eyes, all fears of frostbite forgotten as her heart panged with regret.  Seven months, nine days and six hours, and no bookie in Vegas would touch the odds of her moving past Logan Echolls now. 
Focus, Veronica!
Gently extricating her hand from Logan’s, Veronica rose slowly to her feet, circling around the pool of blood towards the lantern.  She kept her eyes downcast, scanning for footprints, drag marks, anything of use, but saw nothing.  The blustery winds of the snowstorm were swiftly disposing of evidence for the killer.  Retrieving her phone from her jeans pocket, she began snapping photos of the fluttering object in situ—well aware the police would be furious she was touching it at all.
“Phone.  Good idea!” Casey enthused.  “We need the cops here now.”
“Casey, do you really think there’s reception on Death Island on a good day, let alone during a storm like this?” Carrie sneered.  “Do you see a cell phone tower anywhere?”
Casey bristled, adjusting the collar of his parka. “Technological advancements being what they are—“
“I have no bars and I’m just taking photos,” Veronica snapped, reaching down to retrieve the mystery object.
Now this might be useful…
“Hey, hey!  She’s hogging all of the clues!” Cole protested, tapping Kimmy on the arm.
Brushing a tear from her cheek, Kimmy shoved him aside.  “You idiot!  This isn’t a game anymore!  How many drinks did you have tonight?”
“ENOUGH,” Logan warned, silencing the chatter.  “Veronica, what is that?”
“It’s a folded sheet of paper,” she replied, tucking it in her pocket.  “It’s too wet out here.  If it has writing on it, I don’t want the snow to damage it.  We should read it inside the house.”
“No, what we should do is get the hell out of here, fast!”  Wallace shouted.  “I’ve seen my share of horror movies.  As the only person of color in this group, that means I’m the likeliest to end up with a knife, a bullet or a fish hook in my gut.”
Veronica frowned, stepping forward to console him.  “Wallace, it’s going to be okay—“
Wallace’s arms flew up in the air.  “For you, maybe!  You’re the Final Girl!  White girl, PI, your ex dead on the ice.  Come on now, Supafly.  Name a horror movie where a Black man lives to the end.  No, we need off this rock.  And until we’re off it, I go where you go.  You feel me?”
“Where else would you go?  I’m your plus one,” she soothed, wrapping an arm around his shoulder.  Lowering her voice, she whispered, “I need to check one thing and then we’re headed back to the house to figure a way out of here, okay?”
Wallace nodded anxiously, glancing sideways at Logan.  “Alright.  But we need to bounce.”
“No arguments here.”
Reluctantly, she circled Leo’s body and snapped photos from a variety of angles.  Fighting the urge to vomit, she reached inside his jacket pocket, retrieving his wallet and a set of car keys, but finding no other papers or items of note.  Satisfied she had everything useful, she headed back to the warmth of the mansion, eager to escape the sleet pelting her bare cheeks.  Logan and Wallace—ever helpful in a crisis--ushered the party guests along behind her.
As she trudged through the snow, Veronica considered her priorities:  contact authorities; secure evidence; keep everyone together.  Wallace was right:  they needed to get off the island or engage law enforcement as quickly as possible.  In the meantime, if a killer was on this island with them, safety would be found in numbers.  Cell service was a bust, but surely the sprawling home had a landline or other means of communication with the outside world.  No one wealthy enough to construct a home this beautiful would leave themselves without a means of calling in the cavalry.
“Why was that guy here?” Kimmy sniffled as Veronica opened the front door.  “Who even invited him?  He didn’t go to Neptune High, did he?”
“He went to a dance, once,” Carrie replied.  “I’m surprised you don’t remember it, Kimmy.  Meg invited him for Veronica.  Shouldn’t you have that memorized as part of your body snatching?”
“And I thought it was icy outside,” Wallace muttered quietly. 
“Just remember: you made me come to this party, Papa Bear.”
Kimmy tugged on Veronica’s sleeve, spinning her around.  “Wait, you were dating the dead guy?  Doesn’t that make you a suspect?”
“Dated, as in past tense.  It’s been years, and we only went out a few times,” Veronica replied dismissively, yanking her arm away.  “Leo and I were friends.  Besides, the state of the body… he was dead before Wallace and I arrived.”
“She’s dating that radio dweeb now… Pizzle,” Dick interjected, pouring out a martini.
Veronica stared at her boots, avoiding Logan’s gaze as Wallace mercifully jumped into the conversation.  “Also past tense.  They split up in the summer.  We haven’t seen him since we flew out to New York to visit him at Presbyterian, right V?”
“Mmm-hmm.”  Just keep staring at the tiles…
“Poor guy got hit by a bus, the last week of his summer internship.  He’s still in the hospital there, full body traction, head trauma,” Wallace continued.  “Guy wasn’t even conscious when we were there.”
“Damn.  I’m sorry to hear that,” Logan offered quietly.
“Says the guy who rearranged his ribs and face?” Wallace snapped.
Veronica laid a warning hand on his arm.  “Wallace… You promised.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.”  With a heavy sigh, Wallace stormed across the room to console a shuddering Alexis Link.
Veronica shot an apologetic look at Logan, who shrugged it off.  It’s fine, he mouthed.  It wasn’t—that much was clear from the crestfallen look that flickered across his features—but she would apologize in depth later.  Her relationship with Piz, and its demise, had nothing to do with Logan’s fists of fury.  Their ending was the product of a man who couldn’t see the hypocrisy in pursuing his internship and dreams, while holding her solely responsible for the long distance between them as she rightfully pursued hers.  She’d ended it while still in Quantico, moving on to Stanford without looking back.
Well, not at him, anyway, she amended silently. 
“You know, it’s funny,” Carrie Bishop mused aloud.  “I heard that Troy Vandegraff died in a car accident over the holidays.  Didn’t you date him in junior year?”
“I did, for a little while.  That’s a shame…”
Out of the corner of her eye, Veronica noticed Dick tugging Logan behind the bar, struggling to wrap his hand around his bicep.  How are Logan’s arms even bigger than I remember them?  Logan’s expression was one of bemusement, his feet firmly planted in place.
“Black Widow,” Dick muttered ominously.  “I’m not letting you end up on Dateline, dude.”
“I appreciate the concern, but I can take care of myself,” Logan insisted, moving to Veronica’s side.
Dick formed his index fingers into a cross, holding them up in Veronica’s direction.  “Fine.  Your funeral, and I’m so not sending flowers.”
Drawing a deep breath to steady herself (and to resist the urge to chuck the ornamental bowl beside her at Dick’s stupid head), Veronica smacked her palm on the table.  “As much fun as rehashing my love life has been, there’s a dead man on the pond and a killer loose on the island.  Priorities, people?”
Sweeping her Maglite over the group of partygoers, Veronica studied them all in turn:  Wallace, her best friend, consoling a crying Alexis to her right; Carrie and Susan, imbibing with tense expressions on the sofa; Casey and Kimmy, upset, but holding it together; a shocked Luke clinging to a distraught Gia; and Cole and Dick, both of whom seemed too intoxicated to fully appreciate what was happening.  And then there was Logan to her left, whose worried gaze was laser-focused on her.
“Okay, since cell phones are a bust, has anyone seen a landline?”
A lot of shaking heads, save one:  Susan Knight hesitated, her brow furrowing.  “Hmm… I might have seen one in the kitchen earlier?”
Carrie Bishop drained the frothy white concoction in her hand.  “I’ll go look with you.”
“Cole, you go too,” Veronica ordered.
Carrie huffed angrily and advanced towards Veronica.  “Of all the people in this group, the last I would expect sexist bullshit from—“
“Actually, I just want him out of my sight for five minutes and know you can take care of him.  Thanks for being a pal, Carrie.”
Cole’s protests were silenced by Carrie’s arm looping around his, dragging him down the long corridor towards what Veronica assumed was the kitchen.  Not that she and Wallace had gotten that far.  Damn it, they hadn’t even managed a drink before this had all gone to hell. 
Speaking of, Dick was still at the bar, making what were likely terrible, overly strong martinis in the dark. 
“Hey, bring back snacks!” Wallace called after them.  “Chips, Cheetos, a man’s not picky.”
Alexis pulled away from his embrace, tears streaming down her face.  “Are you serious right now?”
“It was a long trip and I’m hungry!” Wallace protested. 
Extracting Leo’s wallet from her pocket, Veronica flipped through the contents, finding little of interest.  Driver’s licence, debit card, credit cards, photos of his sister and his mother.  One item stood out:  a current private investigator’s licence for the state of California.  Huh.  If she did the math… he would have renewed it recently.  Last she’d heard, he was still working as a Deputy for Balboa County, although her information could be out of date.
Now, for the key find:  the mystery paper pinned beneath the camping lantern on the ice.  Veronica carefully unfolded it on the coffee table and shone her Maglite on it.  What she found left her reeling.
It was page three of a case file from Van Lowe Investigations—and according to the header, the lead investigator was none other than Leo D’Amato himself.  The text was smeared in several places from the snow, and being the third page, the notes were difficult to follow in places, but what Veronica could pick up…
“What’s that?” Casey asked.
“Motive for murder,” Veronica replied coolly, snapping photos of the page before carefully re-folding it. 
“So’s being your ex,” Casey remarked dryly, earning a glare from the petite blonde.  “What?  We’re all thinking it.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.  Troy and Piz had accidents.  Piz?  That was five months ago.  Hardly relevant to—“
The thud of hurried footsteps approaching drew the attention of the group.  Heads turned towards Susan, breathless and distraught, with Carrie and Cole in close pursuit.
“The phones are dead,” she panted.  “But not just dead.  They’re cut.”
Logan cast his flashlight in their direction.  “Cut?”
“The wire was cut,” Cole blurted out, visibly shaking.  “So we ran upstairs, because Carrie remembered a phone in her bedroom.  But that one was cut too.  We checked all the rooms upstairs, but every single phone was cut.  Slashed like buddy’s throat out there.”
“What did I tell you?” Wallace snapped.  “Veronica, we need to go.  A brother’s about to get filleted.”
“Oh hey, found you a Milky Way!” Cole added absently, tossing a chocolate bar in Wallace’s direction.
With an exasperated sigh, Wallace unwrapped the chocolate and waved it in Veronica’s direction.  “Look at this.  My last meal’s going to be the weakest chocolate bar there is.  Some Mars Magic, please?”
Veronica’s mouth fell open to speak, but she found herself cut off by Dick Casablancas, now wearing a tiny bow tie and carrying a tray full of martinis, as he circulated the room.
“No, no way.  If we’re dying, we’re having one last drink first!” Dick insisted.  “I made us chocolate martinis and we’re gonna down these bitches and say a big fuck you to murder, and then Veronica can order Logan around like her lapdog.”
“Dick,” Logan warned.
“What?  Like we all don’t know she’s still got your scrotum in her super purse next to Mr. Zappy or whatever she calls that thing?”  Dick handed martinis to an eager Gia and Luke with a flourish.  “As Class Party Boy Peter Bogart, my alcoholism means I call ‘em like I see them.  Wallace is the token, so he’s toast.  I’m the frat boy, so I’m done-zo.  Might as well die drunk and happy.”
“No one is going to die!” Veronica shouted.  “Not if we stick together and work fast.”
“I don’t recall voting you in charge, Veronica Mars,” Gia sneered, sipping her martini. “I say we drink first.”
As Dick continued to pass around martinis, Veronica nudged Logan in the arm.  “This is why I am not going to Neptune High’s reunion.”
“I’ll handle this.”  Moving into the centre of the room, Logan sighed. “Fine, let’s take a vote:  all in favor of drinking a martini before trying to call the police or leave the island?”
Gia, Luke, Dick, Cole, and Kimmy raised their hands.
“All in favor of leaving right now before anyone else ends up dead?”
Veronica, Logan, Wallace, Carrie, Susan, Alexis and Casey raised their hands.
“Majority says survival over booze.  Sorry Gia, Veronica’s in charge now,” he added wryly.
“Thank you.”  Tugging on her gloves, Veronica rolled her shoulders back.  “We have no landlines and no cell phone service.  Our best bet to call for help is also our way off the island:  the Irish Wake.  Even if the storm’s too bad to leave yet, we can try using the radio to call the coast guard for assistance.  I say we head for the caretaker’s cottage and get the captain’s help.”
“Okay, have fun doing that.  We’ll stay here and drink martinis,” Kimmy replied, sipping her drink.  “Ooh!  Is this Godiva liqueur, Dick?”
Dick clinked glasses with her, grinning.  “Hell yeah!”
“No, we are all going,” Veronica insisted.  “We need to stick together to stay safe.”
Gia’s leg raised in the air, dangling a knee-high leather boot with a blood-red sole and a three-inch heel.  “Do these Louboutins look like they were made for trudging around the grounds of this place?  I barely made it to the pond alive.”
“So change them,” Veronica snapped.
“I only brought my cute boots.”  As Luke began to shake his head, Gia pouted.  “You told me we were going to a party inside a beautiful house!  Why would I need hiking boots, Luke?  This is your fault.”
“Maybe the killer will take me next,” Luke mumbled.
“Or Gia,” Carrie muttered.
“No, it’s Logan next,” Dick insisted.  “Because of the Black Widow.”
Slinging her purse over her shoulder, Veronica rolled her eyes.  “Dick, shut up.  Gia, walk carefully.  Luke will help you.  Bring your martinis for all I care.”
As much as she wanted to abandon the group, grab Wallace and Logan and head off into the blinding snow as a trio, she’d learned years ago to keep everyone in her sight and trust nobody.  There would be no metaphorical backseat surprises tonight.  If she had to tie a rope around the waist of every 09’er here and drag them behind her through the drifts, she would. 
She and Wallace were innocent.  Everyone else was a suspect.
Even Logan?
Listening to the din of complaining rich kids, she stole a glance at her ex.  Even Logan.  Technically.  But I know he didn’t do this.
It was Logan who identified the location of the caretaker’s cottage as they stood on the front porch, a collective of shivering bodies whipped by icy shards from the west.  Visibility was near zero now, the wind cutting through the down filling of Veronica’s ski jacket, but Logan was able to just make out a small structure down a path that veered to the southwest of the property, lying between the dock and the mansion.
“That will be it,” he assured her.
“Lowly peasant I am, I’ll have to trust your expertise.”
“See the chimney, Veronica?  It’s a domicile, not a storage unit or barn.  Simple observation, not elitism.”
Veronica bit her tongue, pressing forward with Wallace at her side.  She was off her game, and their lives literally depended on her. Contact authorities, stick together, preserve the evidence.  Repeat mantra.  Her love life, or lack thereof, was a distraction.  Dick’s outburst—and Logan’s curiously sad expression ever since?  Also a distraction. 
“So, what was on the page?” Logan whispered.
His breath was hot on her ear and Veronica involuntarily shivered.  Body memory carried her to happier moments:  late-night conversations, their naked bodies entwined in tangled sheets.  The security of his muscular arms wrapped around her frame; her head pressed to his chest, counting the beats of his heart.  She bit the inside of her mouth, shocking herself back to the bitter cold of the present.
“Leo works—worked for Vinnie,” she began quietly.
Wallace edged closer and the trio picked up their pace, pulling away from the group.  “Worked for him?  He was a PI?”
“But he was friends with your dad.  Why wouldn’t he work for him?”
Veronica shrugged.  “Your guess is as good as mine, Wallace.  Dad probably turned him down, told him he could do better.  He’s always been a lone wolf.  Vinnie, on the other hand, would welcome the opportunity to recruit one of his own deputies for his OG business.”
“So the page was what, a case file?” Logan queried.
“A partial,” Veronica confirmed.  “The page was water-damaged, and I couldn’t find a name anywhere on it, but from what I could read, Leo had stumbled onto a cover-up of a crime, maybe a wrongful death?  It’s hard to tell with so much obscured.  If Leo had ammunition like that on someone here…”
Logan glanced back, taking stock of their present company. “Someone like Luke, who plans to run for Congress.  Or the Gants…”
“It’s a secret someone would kill for,” Veronica affirmed.
“But how did he get here?” Wallace asked.  “We had to give our names and a code word.  Did he come over with you?”
Logan shook his head.  “I came over with Dick, early this afternoon.  Same deal:  name and code word.  For Leo to cross, he would have needed an invite.”
“Maybe the captain knows something,” Veronica decided, veering down a narrow path towards the caretaker’s cottage. 
The cottage was more of a bungalow house, complete with a modest yard of its own.  It was nearly as large as Veronica’s childhood home, sprawling and framed with gardens edged in decorative stones.  Three steps led up to a porch of deep oak, where a heavy door without a window loomed as the entrance.  The curtains were all drawn, offering no view inside.
Without hesitation, Veronica jogged up the steps and pounded on the door.  “Hello?  Hello in there?  We have an emergency!”
No answer. 
Wallace approached, standing behind her.  “Knock again?”
“I might have my lock pick kit in my purse somewhere,” Veronica grumbled, shining her light inside.
Logan pounded on the door, calling out to the captain, to no avail.  “Yeah, I’m not getting a good feeling about this…”
Veronica’s stomach turned.  “Enter through the back door?”
“Title of your sex tape!” Dick called out, immediately clamping his hand over his mouth. 
Oh, he did NOT just go there!
Veronica’s hand closed around her Taser, pulling it from her purse.  “After all these years, Dick you still haven’t learned…”
No sooner had Logan and Wallace’s arms flown out to restrain her than the chilling sound of Gia Goodman’s screams rang out from the back of the cottage, startling a snowy owl into a frantic flight across the night sky.
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