#and I'll be disappointed if he doesn't or it is just a rehash of what happened previously
20001541 · 7 months
I will say that if the afo vestige comes back it would be too repetitive to have a rehash of what happened to afo's body happen to the vestige (aka being defeated in a humiliating matter and going out screaming) so hori might have a different in ending in store for it if it does come back. keyword MIGHT.
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catalogercas · 1 year
Whumptober 2023 Day 2 Prompt:
Not Enough Rain to Wash the Sins Out of this House
"I'll call out your name, but you won't call back."
Thermometer | Delirium | "They don't care about you."
Jamie winces against the tangled memory from the middle of the night, where his dad and Roy were both real and both there.
Keeley and Roy's whispers are a low buzz in the background of their bedroom as Jamie pinches his brow against the throbbing in his temple. His head feels like it's been stuffed with cotton, too heavy to lift from his pillow, and he can't keep his eyes open so he just listens to Roy rehash what he'd sort of hoped was a particularly vivid bad dream.
Because he hates how he has to carry this with him. Can't escape it. No matter how much he wants to.
Stupid trauma.
"The fucking muppet was trying to get ready for training at 2 in the morning," Roy says. "He was spiking a fever and fucking out of it."
"So why do you look like you want to commit murder then?" Keeley asks. "You know you can't murder a fever, yeah?"
"He...," Roy grunts then continues, "I haven't seen that petrified fucking look in his eyes since fucking Wembley. He was completely delirious, Keeley, fucking apologizing for taking too long to get ready and for almost face planting into his dresser. Took me ten minutes to get him to calm down enough to realize that fucking piece of shit wasn't here before I could get him to down some Paractemol."
"Oh," Keeley says with a sharp gasp. "That fucking bastard, messing with our boyfriend when he's not even here!"
And Keeley's right.
That's what he hates the most. That his dad doesn't even have to show up to make things worse. He's already done enough for a lifetime.
Jamie winces against the tangled memory from the middle of the night, where his dad and Roy were both real and both there.
He'd startled awake to the the open threat of his dad standing in front of him with an empty, broken beer bottle in hand, waving it towards his rear as he told him to hurry up and get his kit on, and Jamie was trying, he was, trying to so he could maybe avoid the sharp cut of jagged glass against his skin. But his limbs were heavy, and he just couldn't get them to cooperate.
Then there was Roy's voice cutting through it repeating that it was okay, that it was just him, and that he was safe while Jamie tried to make him understand that he had to get ready, couldn't disappoint his old man more than he already had, could he, until he'd finally slumped against Roy in complete exhaustion, sobbing until Roy gently led him back to bed and gave him medicine before pulling him in close and wrapping his arms so tight around him he felt like he couldn't get loose. Which he'd really needed. It grounded him. Made him feel safe. Like nothing but being wrapped in Roy Kent's arms could.
The weight of Roy's arms and Keeley's soft snores from the other side of the bed, where she'd somehow slept like the dead through his entire breakdown, had lulled him back to sleep.
"We're sure I can't go up to Manchester and have at the bastard?" Roy asks.
"You're no good to me and Jamie, or Phoebe, if you're in prison, Roy," Keeley says, like she always does.
"Well if it weren't for that, it'd be fucking worth it," Roy mutters, like he always does.
"Mmm," Jamie hums. He has mixed feelings about it. Always has, probably always will, but he feels terrible enough as it is and doesn't want them to keep going on about his dad.
Keeley reaches over for him, "Didn't know you were awake, love. How do you feel?"
"Like shit," Jamie says. "Can't even get me eyes open."
"Oh you poor thing," Keeley says as she rubs at his back. "Anything we can do?"
"Stay with me? And, er, don't talk about murdering me dad right now, even if he deserves it? Still me dad. 'S complicated," Jamie slurs drowsily.
"Of course," Keeley says, squeezing his shoulders.
"Right, then," Roy says, "I'm getting the thermometer. It's got to be lower now than it was last night, but, you twat, I almost took you to the E.R."
"Not the twat here," Jamie says, "fever's the twat."
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viddo3k · 1 year
Okay so... I watched Sonic Prime, the first season. And I'll have to say, i was (almost) pleasantly surprised. (Spoilers for Season 1 i guess?)
Before watching it, i remember what my friend told me, to watch this show without the mindset of a Sonic fan, or something like that.
I didn't listen and i regret it BUT it ended up not being as bad as i thought.
Season 1 was decently quick to watch, the 8 episodes were roughly 25 minutes long so i easily got through all of it in one go; something I haven't done in a looong while 💔
The pacing seemed pretty fine to me, most of the time, it had decent set-up, get introduced to familiar faces, get to see the classic Sonic v Robotnik fight, you know, the good stuff, and all seems well. Then the Paradox Prism Shatter happens and all goes to shit, both in and for the show.
I think they had lots of cool stuff they could work with; the Sonic franchise is filled to the brim with lots of events that could be twisted around to create alternative realities that could've been interesting! Problem is, they did exactly not that, or at least they didn't for the Jungle and the Pirate dimensions.
They have this Dimension where you have an almost Sonic Forces setting; Robotnik controls an entire city, everyone is sad, everything is robotic, and Sonic is uh... Not gone, per se? He was completely non-existent, so It's more or less the same. You also have a group of rebels too, commanded by Rouge (known as Rebel) and Knuckles (known as Knux. No I'm not kidding), so it really seems like a Sonic Forces' premise rehash, which I was excited about.
As a matter of fact, this New Yoke City dimension is actually pretty good, and it had some cool stuff going on around it. For one, Robotnik and his other 4 alter egos managed to capture a Shard of the Paradox Prism and use it as an energy source, and Sonic wants to get them Shards to fix the Prism, once he's realized his mistake, that of breaking it.
When Sonic goes around the dimensions, Nine (Tails) gets the Shard for himself and starts going around places and/or dimensions to find one most suitable for him, and he did, in the form of The Grim (as he calls it), all while the Resistance is managing to rally up against the 5 Robotniks.
I found this whole thing happening pretty damn cool, which is a shame because the other dimension are pretty disappointing by comparison.
This show is targeted towards children and it shows in the Jungle and Pirate worlds. I honestly think that it was borderline lazy, they literally just made everyone a pirate or a monkey, and have the most basic ass conflicts going on.
Like, in the Jungle episodes, Knuckles, Rouge, Big?? And Tails were all thrown on top of big big trees because Amy thought they were disrespecting and destroying the forest (they were), then at the end Sonic just gets them to do a quick Ted talk and look at that, all the problems are suddenly gone. A shame because it also had cool ideas, that of gigant flickies and the Shards having specific powers tied to the dimensions they're in (the Jungle Shard can grow trees at light speed). And God forbid they don't show you a flashback at least 20 times.
Then the Pirate episodes are just Knuckles having ptsd after he failed to grab the Shard for himself and his old crew, but then Sonic's all like "dude you could become famous" and suddenly he wants it again, and the funniest thing is that he actually gets it; much to Sonic and New Yoke City's Amy's dismay (she's evil over there). Unfortunately this world's Shard doesn't have any specific power, excluding for being exceptionally bright but every Shard glows anyway.
It kinda just boggles me how they went for such boring alternate world ideas when they had so much potential to work with, and i just think it's kinda lame, especially because the only actual location ever used is Green Hill Zone, It's like Sonic Generations all over again!
It's also worth noting that Sonic in this show is nothing like ever seen in the franchise: He's an actual idiot.
It's almost as though he's never had any coherent thought, since he struggles to make the easiest of connections throughout the show, and he's also kind of annoying at some points, ESPECIALLY in episode 2, good lord. I can hardly believe this is the same Sonic that went through Sonic Forces and/or the Metal Virus, and yet it is and it's terrible.
On a more positive note, this show looks pretty damn good, the animation is just on point, on par or even better than Sonic Boom's, which had great animation of its own; this goes to show just how much emotion can the Sonic cast portray simply via well animated gestures and such. They also had pretty well animated action scenes, like the Shadow v Sonic fight, or the Big Flicky chases. The environments themselves look pretty good too, especially NYC but that's probably just because I'm very emo.
I also liked the OST a bunch, i liked the almost underground mixed with Hip-hop influence the soundtrack had in NYC, and the Pirate/Jungle themed uh... Hip-hop tracks it had; yeah i think the Prime composers liked Hip-hop, It's like listening to Linkin Park, but i think that's cool, I'd like to see more of it in the Sonic Franchise.
Then there's the voice acting and like... I don't know about it. The cast just sound really weird for some reason, like the vas we're trying to do playful impressions of the game vas, mind you I didn't check who's voicing who so yeahh lol.
Well, i guess that's it really. What did i think about Sonic Prime's Season 1?
It's... Fine. Nothing outrageously bad and nothing amazingly good, just a Sonic themed kids show that has a surprising amount of potential left untouched by the authors, albeit with great animation and backing music, which isn't anything new to Sonic but yeah, still worth noting.
I'm hopeful for Season 2 actually, I've been told it's better than Season 1 so i have relatively high hopes for it, and I'll be definitely watching it soon and talk about it, so yeah, wait for it. All i hope is that they use more interesting ideas for alternative universes other than "Knuckles is a lame ass Pirate now".
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
☕️ (any topic you want!)
The final episodes of the Flash look like they're, once again, focusing on Eobard and Nora Allen's death, and I'm so tired of that being rehashed. It's been rehashed to death. It's so boring and tired and I wish, wish, wish that the Bloodwork arc had gotten to be the final arc of the season, stretched over several episodes.
Imagine starting with Ramsey's escape from ARGUS - maybe a cameo from Cisco at the very least? - before cutting to the STAR Labs crew. It'd give Wally's arc time to breathe and have him actually talk about his trauma from his childhood, discuss Francine with Iris in a way he didn't have the distance for back in S2 and S3.
Show Barry's struggles with his grief better - the writers aren't giving Grant much to work with, especially with Caitlin's death, which is unfortunate because when he's given the chance to emote he can be a truly touching and tragic figure. But Barry's written so one note these days... I do really miss his depth.
Barry's not-totally-conscious desire to stay dead really needed to be elaborated on. He's got this beautiful wife and a daughter on the way and a son promised in a few years and this whole life he's desperate to live for, but he's been broken down over the years by trauma after trauma and he's just so tired. Being dead - not having to fight anymore - is almost a relief that he struggles with giving up. After all, he's having to not just a regular CSI now, he's Director of the Forensics Division. And the Flash and a dad-to-be and in charge of whatever research is going on at STAR Labs (if any??) and it's just getting to be all too much. He's realizing that something has to give.
And the finale winds up becoming a passing of the baton. From Barry to Wally. Barry needs to step back from being the Flash and Wally needs to step up from being Kid Flash. He's not a kid anymore and when he let's go of his old resentments and finds his enlightenment, it's Wally and Barry defeating Bloodwork together - Oliver doing his magic arrow trick to save the multiverse in the background - no longer hero and sidekick, but equals.
Since it doesn't look like we'll have Wally beyond the one episode, odds are we won't get this passing of the baton in canon or any real acknowledgement that Wally has equal claim to calling himself the Flash as Barry or Jay do. Which is a shame.
That said, if the show is finally putting Barry in the place of the older version of the Flash who shakes his head at S1 Barry so that he won't save Nora - thereby keeping the future with Nora West-Allen and Bart West-Allen intact - that would at least be interesting to see. But I'm so burned out on Eobard Thawne that while I can see that plot captivating me as maybe a two-parter it just doesn't feel respectful to the show to end it that way. The show was never about Nora Allen's murder or Eobard Thawne being a snarky asshole, it was about the Flash's journey.
So I really wish the show would end by closing this chapter of Barry's journey as the Flash and showing the beginning of the the next chapter in Wally's. The show deserves better than to end the same way it began, with Nora Allen's murder. Let it have an ending that is unequivocally one of hope, not despair.
And while maybe I'll enjoy the... three? Four? part ending of the series despite the old ground it's retreading for the umpteenth time and hopefully the full four episodes won't be about dragging out Nora Allen's death again, I think I'm always going to be a bit disappointed that the writers could never quite manage to move on from their S1 main villain.
That said, it does look like Sendhil Ramamurthy is getting billing for the last few episodes of the Flash on IMDB. So maybe he's not totally out for the count yet. Though with how he's lost his powers thanks to Oliver's magical archery skills, I'm curious to find out what part he'll actually play. Or it could just be he's been included in error. I guess we'll find out for sure with the next episode.
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risingsouls · 2 years
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[Ah yes. New chapter is out today. So I'll put my ramblins under the cut. I'm thinking it's not going to be eventful just by the first page and title, but hey. I do tend to find some dusty, scratched gems in here.]
[For starters, and why this will likely be uneventful for this arc, it has definitely just gone into the events of Super Hero. Which. Is expected but kind of lame. It's just really boring to rehash the movies, either going from movie to anime/manga (not sure which came first with BoG and Res:F) or, in this case, movie to manga. Maybe they'll change some shit, add a little more detail, but I'm going to guess it won't be anything significant.
Also, where's the Broly movie adapted to the manga? I'm still bothered by this because he DOES appear in the movie. So, if they adapt those scenes to the manga, how do they explain his appearance? It's really just super inconsistent, which, for this series, is a feature more than it is a bug.
HOWEVER. As I said when I watched Super Hero:
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I love Pan's teacher. She's really cute. And I love how there's zero concern for the green man picking up Pan. Great teachering. 10/10.
But then immediately this--
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I think we all know my disdain for the "Piccolo is a better dad to Gohan" narrative, so are we going to start getting the same with "Piccolo is a better parent to Pan than Videl and Gohan?" Like I get his frustration but considering he literally kidnaps Gohan at age 4 (and yes, I know things get better and he does change and treat Gohan well as time goes on), I have trouble holding Piccolo up as the gold standard of parenting. And secondly, if it's the same as the movie, I GUESS i can kinda get frustration with Gohan not taking a few minutes to just...go pick up his kid, but Videl was at work. He could have just said no and Gohan would have HAD to go. Either way, I don't feel like Gohan and Videl working makes them a bad parent. This is pretty normal shit when both parents work.
Also not gonna lie, this reeks a little of Toriyama's sexism OR at the VERY LEAST his old fashioned and traditional ideas about how families should work (and I feel Super really pushes the traditional family over what it felt like DB/Z were pushing in the importance of friends/found families as well). As in, one of them should always be available to take care of Pan, which, usually translates to the woman. And I'm GLAD they worked Videl away from just being another housewife because it doesn't suit her, but ugh. I can see the GOHAN BAD DAD LIKE HIS DAD jokes already.
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Idk how Krillin knows all this but whatever. I still hate Vomi as her name, but I'm more disappointed that we couldn't get at least faces for Hedo's parents. But I guess we know Gero and Vomi had two sons, apparently. I'm naming him Puka (I fucking hate it and this is a joke and in no way canon or at least i hope it's not god).
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So they're involving the police more in this? Maybe. Might be an interesting sidebar? Who knows. I imagine it won't actually be worth much later, but I like that Krillin is getting some screen time as he would have obvious stake in not wanting the RR to resurface, considering.
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Piccolo. Fucking. I get she has two grandpas, but I find it really hard to believe he just forgot Goku existed for a minute. also, where is Pan hearing this? Who's talking shit on her daddy? 🤣🤣 But seriously. Are they just trying to run this "everyone hates Goku now" route or what?
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I love this nerd. Let him be. 😭😭
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Okay, that is pretty shitty of Gohan tbh. I personally think it's out of character for him to be that thoughtless, though. I could see him ASKING as Videl does, but I don't see him ASSUMING Piccolo would always be there and willing to help out. I don't know what it is about demonizing the Son family, but Super seems to have a huge hard on for it.
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klajsdf I'm sure I ranted about this with the movie but I fucking HATE this shit. Like we've literally been through this TWICE with Gohan in Z, and even to some extent in Super with Frieza returning, the expo tournament, and the ToP. Gohan would ABSOLUTELY by EXPERIENCE know that Goku and Vegeta aren't always going to be around to save their asses. It's why I don't agree with the idea that he just gives up training entirely. He has too much of a hero complex in the first place, and he knows that he's the next strongest behind them (because I can at least see him being reluctant to define himself as stronger than them, even if he has the potential to be because modest boi), so keeping up with his training to some degree is a no brainer, even if he doesn't WANT to. He knows he has that responsibility, so once more playing up this "lol Gohan stopped training!!!" bit, especially at this point, is so damn old. They don't even try to make it halfway nuanced in any way, so it's literally just rehashing nonsense for a shit narrative.
And in this instance for this specific case, I agree with Piccolo being pissed. That's a stupid ass mindset for him to have.
Anyway. I still love Gamma 2.
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But yeah. That chapter was pretty much a rehash of the beginning of the movie with a few, but unnoteworthy additions. But that was to be expected. Part of me wants to just say screw it with reading the rest of this arc, but I guess it gives me something to look at for a little while. I'm not holding my breath, but since they have the space, maybe they'll do something a little extra or interesting with it after all.]
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kurokoros · 2 years
Do you really think Steve will die? I want to stay positive, but you all make me physically sick with those posts. Death wouldn't be a satisfying end to his arc even if he dies a hero. Plus the whole Dustin grieving storyline could prevent Steve from dying because it's just too much and Dustin would do anything to protect him, so full circle moment. Idk I just don't want to see him dead and still hold on to the positives :/
Okay, so I'm going to start off by saying I in no way want Steve Harrington to die, and I'll be very disappointed if the writers go that route. That being said, I do think there's a distinct chance that if any characters are killed off in S5, it'll be Steve. S5 isn't even filming yet, so it's way too early to seriously speculate on who might die. No one can see death flags until the season is airing. Now, as a writer myself, and someone that's taken screenwriting classes, there are a few reasons that I think it would make more sense for Steve to die than other characters, namely: Steve is the perfect blend of fan favorite character and combatant/protector. This doesn't mean I actually think he'll die, it's all just speculation and meta.
Steve is very well loved by the fandom. A lot of the characters in Stranger Things are very well loved, but not all character deaths are created equal. I believe that, of the main characters, Steve's death would have the most potential to make the audience and the other characters grieve. I could do a bunch of analysis here, but I won't, all we need to know if that Steve's death would be extremely upsetting to fans of the show and would at the very least would devastate characters like Robin, Dustin, Nancy, and probably Max, Lucas, and Erica as well. Being a fan favorite automatically has setup for killing a character for an emotional moment, but it's also the final season of the series, so the Duffers wouldn't have anything to lose or risk by killing off Steve. Personally, I think Eddie's death had more emotional weight than it deserved to, and the scene would have made more sense if it was Dustin and Steve instead. To me, it seemed like they wanted to kill Steve in S4, but chickened out do to the potential of backlash. Same with the writers choosing to not kill Max.
On top of that, Steve is one of the characters that put themselves in harms way on a regular basis. Steve, Hopper, El, and Nancy are the series combatant characters. Of those four, I can't see the writers killing Nancy, and Hopper and El have already received fake out deaths. I could see El maybe dying in the final confrontation with Vecna (or whoever the final boss ends up being) because narratively the Upside Down and everything supernatural has to disappear for the series to have a neat ending, but I also think killing El off would be extremely cruel, so she'll probably just lose her powers again, if anything. ANYWAY. Steve is the melee fighter that's injured every season, with those injuries increasing in severity. S1 he's in a fistfight that he's able to walk away from. S2 he's in a brawl that leaves him unconscious. S3 he's tortured by Russian soldiers. S4 he's mauled by monsters. The only way to take things up a notch would by outright killing Steve or mutilating him in a way that can't be healed or just forgotten about in the next episode.
I also think that narratively the Duffers have no where for Steve to go, purely by their own writing faults. The Duffers aren't very good at fleshing out characters beyond their debut, so a lot of characters are just there with nothing to do. Steve doesn't really have a plot of his own, and the writers don't know what to do with him aside from romantic plotlines and continually rehashing the fact that he was an asshole in high school. This could be a reason to kill him off, but it wouldn't be very good from a writing sense. You don't kill off a character unless it provides an important beat in the story, or the character has had an otherwise complete and satisfying character arc.
Steve's death wouldn't be closure to his arc. The narrative has repeatedly punished him enough for being a jock and an asshole. And, as you said, it would be like rehashing Eddie's death in terms of how it would affect Dustin. Personally, that would deter me from killing off Steve, but I haven't been happy with the Duffers' writing since like mid-S2, so I keep my expectations low.
TLDR: I don't know if Steve will die. It depends on if the Duffers want to kill any main characters in the final season. If that's the route they choose to go, I think Steve could be a contender for character deaths just based on the fact that he's one of the series primary fighters. And if Steve does die, you'll be getting plenty of fix-it fics in your future.
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misstasteslikepink · 3 years
It's pretty sad that fans are more upset about the season finale of Supergirl than looking forward to it. I'm genuinely curious to see what the writer's excuses are for wasting episodes, not focusing on Kara's character development and resolving other characters' relationships (cough* Supercorp and Brainy).
So are they really just going to end it with Kara single and no prospect of love? Like I understand the whole female empowerment thing, but as someone who grew up watching Smallville, at least the writers on that show still understood that love was just as important to Clark as his powers. Hell, he even gave them up in the crossover for Lois to live his life how he wanted to with her!
I think if Kara has no hint of love for her future then yeh that's really disappointing, and especially after everything she's been through for "love". And lastly, for the fans who don't think that weren't queerbaiting Supercorp I think really need rewatch the whole series again. It just doesn't make sense how many times they needed to show Kara and Lena staring into each other's eyes ... as I'm sure so many best friends do the same thing (yeh, as if). I wonder what would people say if Lena was a guy, everything would be in reverse - would people see Supercorp are endgame then? I don't want to rehash all the Clois parallels but this season would have been the perfect opportunity to set up Kara with someone (her soulmate) instead of maintaining hope that Kara would end up with Lena. Still I'll keep on clowning until this last episode. On the positive that Supercorp does happen, then there is a lot of questions for why the writer's chose to do what they did. Just whatever happens, at least one thing all fans can agree on is that this show deserved better.
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randomfandomblabdom · 4 years
- updated 9/2021 - 
bold = shows I will most likely never finish with short explanation
A Discovery of Witches
American Horror Story -  I love the first season of this series but I just can't get through the second season no matter how hard I try. Maybe I'll skip forward to another season at some point but I doubt it.
Anne with an E - this got way too childish for me. I didn’t care anymore.
Castle Rock -  loved the pilot episode but it slowly went downhill from there for me to the point that I just didn't care anymore. 
Criminal Minds
Death Note
Dirty John
Game of Thrones -  I've seen like half of Season 1 but knowing how it ends makes me not want to watch it. Yes, even though I'd never seen the full series, I knew enough about it that even I was kinda disappointed in the ending lol.   
Godless - did I really try to watch a Western - my least favorite genre - just for Thomas Brodie-Sangster? Yes. Yes, I did and eventually I started skipping to his scenes because I didn’t care about any of the other stuff.
Hemlock Grove - poor Bill Skarsgard has been so typecast hasn't he? Though, it's not that surprising. He plays creepy so freakishly well. 
Locke & Key
Lost - similar reason as Game of Thrones.
Lost in Space
Manifest - how this show has gotten four seasons, I have no idea. I didn’t even make it through the first one, decided I didn’t give a fuck around the seventh episode. It reminds of those really bad CW shows complete with every episode ending with some sort of a pop song montage.
Messiah - I LOVE the concept of this series: a modern take on the story of Jesus of Nazareth. I barely made it through the pilot without thinking the entire series would be a complete and utter waste of time. 
Nancy Drew -  this one's a tiny bit personal to me. For a child who was not (and still is not) a big reader, the Nancy Drew series instilled in me a short-lived love of reading in my tween years and were the only books that I would actually finish (though some were better than others as with any series). I definitely read at least 10 of them, probably more but it's hard to recall because all of the stories kind of blend together in my head now as they're all so similar. Though, there are a few that I remember specifically by title or cover art. I loved that series so much that I remember The Hidden Staircase was the first one I ever read. This show just doesn't fit my years-long image of her character at all. Yeah, yeah, they're kids books and this show is meant for teenagers but can we please put Nancy back in the 1950s where she belongs and stop trying to stick her into modern society? Just a suggestion.
Once Upon a Time - this series went to absolute shit. There really is no other way to explain it.
Prison Break - not my cup of tea. 
Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure
Robin Hood -  something happens at the end of Season 2 that completely changes the dynamic of the series. It was unexpected and it broke a lot of hearts. A lot of people stopped watching because of what happened. I just happened to be one of them lol. 
Schitt’s Creek - I’m not a big sitcom person.
Shadow and Bone
Smash - I’ve seen Season 2 and the only reason I watched it was because Jeremy Jordan was in it lol.
Supternatural -  this show gets old after a while. I'm sorry but it does. Maybe I'll watch the finale someday just to say I did but other than that, I don't really care anymore. 
The Blacklist
The Exorcist
The Last Kingdom
The Leftovers
The Secret Life of the American Teenager
The Sinner
The Vampire Diaries - not quite as much of a shitshow as Once Upon A Time but this one definitely took a downturn after Season 4 and never quite found its footing again.
Wayward Pines - this is the first series where I've actively decided to stop watching and never finish in the middle of binge-watching it. Early Season 2 almost erased all progress made in Season 1 and I didn't feel like rehashing everything all over again, especially when it wasn't that great of a show to begin with.  
To be updated!
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