#and I'm much happier
Becoming pagan turned me into a hedonist. I love that for me.
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lazylittledragon · 2 months
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hi i'm unw el l
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So I may have got The Book of Bill and it has me in a slight tiny itty bit of a death grip hyperfixation where all I've been able to imagine is his pathetic toxic ex ass
This pathetic triangle has once again parasitically wormed his way into my brain after years of absence
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Also he totally would try and gaslight Ford and say he probably just lost the shirt when he stole it if ever asked where the shirt went
Ok so I could've put a ton of things in that last, panel, so I did, with some joke suggestive ones as the last two below the cut
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I'm going to explode him with stock video explosions a bajillion times over
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purble-gaymer · 10 months
simple thoughts on meta knight and gender euphoria
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theminecraftbee · 8 months
okay, so in a rare moment for me, there's a discourse thing i want to bring up, and that thing is. okay. so on iskall's stream there's this thing that can happen where someone brings up a criticism of his content or vault hunters. frequently it's self-evidently wrong, but sometimes it's not. and then iskall spends the next thirty minutes shadowboxing this guy, explaining himself, and completely derailed. and this is an iskall trait we all know and sigh bemusedly about, because he cares about the community and wants people to understand his intentions! he wants the community to understand his decisions!
however, it's not the community as a whole he's fighting; he is in fact, arguing with One Guy, who often doesn't represent the wider community, and who normally won't have their mind changed. hell, sometimes it's believable that they're satisfied having just managed to upset iskall, and they'll leave, no change to their mind, perfectly pleased that iskall's responding at all (that's what i firmly believe the people who poke at the 'you don't upload enough and that means you're falling off and a bad person' wound are trying to do, at least).
in the vault hunters community, we refer to this as iskall getting One Guyed, and it's typically viewed as bad, because it ends up focusing an entire moment on a single guy's negative opinion as opposed to on the larger picture. and it's an understandable thing to have happen! but it's frustrating to watch from the outside.
and so now i am looking at that cat poll. and the way everyone is still shadowboxing someone who has since apologized. and the way i would have never ever known about any of the negative comments about jellie if it weren't for fellow mcyt fans constantly putting them on my dash to dunk on them. and it's like. if you look through the notes most of them are just... normal? it's only a tiny few of people (and the pollrunner, who has since apologized) who were being dicks. it's a very, very ignorable demographic.
but. well. there was One Guy. and we had to correct them.
and folks, i don't know how to say that i almost never see "lol mcyt is cringe" type comments unless one of you puts it on my dash. both because i don't go looking through the notes of things that are likely to have them or go looking for reasons to be upset and because it's just... not that common! very frequently these days it is, in fact, One Guy!
i have almost never seen that poll on my dash without at least one instance of the One Guy. instead of being for fun, it's mostly become about explaining ourselves to someone who will not listen and will not change their minds, and treating this as a the whole of the Other Side of that poll, when most people are being... fine. they're fine! the majority of the people voting for the other side are doing it for perfectly normal reasons that don't require fighting about.
and man. let me tell you. after spending as long as i have watching vault hunters development? it can be just as frustrating to watch a fandom get One Guyed as it is to watch iskall.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Redraw of my first post on this blog. Oh how far we've come B'*)
[Now with it's own redraw!]
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ministarfruit · 6 months
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"my oshis graduated" outfit swap
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hel7l7 · 5 months
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[ Things have been changing - I don't really know how to explain. How to give words to the chaos I currently exist of. ]
[ Things have been good. I'm growing. Slowly learning and unlearning. I've been trying, I've messed up and I've tried again. ]
It's weird, this new phase.
[ Self-destruction is the familiar thing, it is what got me through before but what I'm leaving behind now. ]
[ I'm still figuring out how to get through without it ]
[ I'm scared. I feel unsteady. At the same time I feel stronger, whole & more at ease than I have in a long time. ]
[ I need some time, but I'll figure it out. ]
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m-for-now · 5 months
Friendly reminder that in the Demigod Diaries (which is canon I believe not that it matters at this point), Leo Valdez genuinely refers to Jason Grace as "surfer-dude handsome"
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sharknark · 6 days
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⭐xingyue brainrots from twitter🌙
(+ progress steps below ✍️)
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yaaayy gay men yaaay omg yaaay
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shrubco-after-hours · 10 months
listen, sweetie. it's very simple. boys have pussies, girls have cocks. are you really going to try to convince me you're a woman with that needy, dripping cunt between your legs?
good boy. i didn't think so. now let's go pick out some binders for you. those tits of yours must be making you so dysphoric.
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north-winds1 · 1 year
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Todoroki on the first anniversary art vs the latest art
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Look at him. He's changed so much, he's improved so much, he's HEALED SO MUCH
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ourlittleuluru · 1 month
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This day today is without any lies or deceit It's the perfect day to make an eternal vow I don't need beautiful flowers or any witnesses Let's just get rings with matching colours 🎵 Chikai ~ Utada Hikaru
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athousandbyeol · 22 days
oh, wow. i don't know what to say...
this episode feels like a fever dream to me. i can't really wrap my head around it. but everything about it is just beautiful. and painful. but so wonderful.
honestly, i had a hard time breathing during the first 10 to 20 minutes of the episode. just because, maybe i'm not used to seeing jiang tian and sheng wang being this 'cold' with/towards each other. from the previous episodes, even though they're standing or talking or looking at each other at a distance, it's always brimming with warmth. but the opening scenes of this episode feel cold and distant and awkward.
and because of that... i cried. hahaha. weird, right?
i didn't cry yesterday even though (in my opinion) episode five was even more heart-wrenching. but this one... i cried multiple times :( probably because I don't like seeing fights commencing (even in real life). this silent treatment and cold shoulder thing; i don't like it. it breaks my heart.
and then sheng wang no longer wants the model student title, letting go of something he doesn't have control over. and jiang tian doesn't want it too—because they're in this together. they trust each other. they only have each other.
and then the clouds are slowly clearing once teacher zhao talked about living without plans or schedules. that epiphany on both sheng wang and jiang tian's face was so moving. and jiang tian just took sheng wang's hand as they ran to their next class. //that was so beautiful. that was one of my favourite scenes in the trailer :(//
and it's just beautiful. when jiang tian asked, "when are you going to reopen?" and feed sheng wang that hawthorn candy... like this is a sign of them making truths.
and when jiang tian said, "don't be half-hearted with me," and sheng wang's instant reply, "from now on, I'll tell you only the truth," oh, God. oh, Lord. my heart was pounding.
something about sheng wang's smile. something about jiang tian's facial features softening. it breaks my heart. but in a good way. the string of fate connecting them right now feels so fragile but so beautiful and honest and pure. i hope it'll be that way for as long as the universe allows them to be happy—before another gush of wind interrupts—before more plans are written on pieces of tear-stained paper.
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yourlocallostboy · 1 month
Saw this https://www.tumblr.com/anshelsgendercrisis/759583013442125824?source=share and I just wanted to say thank you.
Thank you for having an open mind, thank you for being willing to listen and change, thank you for having a moral compass.
Sorely needed and hugely appreciated right now. Thank you.
hi! thank you (every jewish person who reads this) for giving me a chance to be better. you'd have every right not to given how easily i traded my humanity for my own comfort, even temporarily.
i've been looking at this ask for hours and not knowing how to respond. it's difficult to process how little is expected of my fellow non-jews, and how we still (collectively) fail to meet the standards.
yesterday, i reblogged this. in the hours since, i've had about twice the engagement i've had ever, almost exclusively from jewish blogs.
it's both incredibly inspiring and heartbreaking.
i am so deeply inspired by how hopeful and kind so many jewish people are. everyone i have seen or interacted with on here, even when they're receiving vile hatred and are incredibly frustrated, stress that they want peace.
but it is so heartbreaking to see so many people who are doing exactly what i did. maybe for the same reasons, maybe for different ones, but still with the same effect. it's so hard to acknowledge when you were wrong, when you make mistakes, when you hurt people. it's so hard because i believe a lot of people truly don't want to hurt people. but they're not willing to confront their own discomfort to do it. i know, because i didn't. for months.
i want to say thank you to every jewish person on here. you are unbelievably strong, and i hope you all have a good day soon. i'm grateful for your patience.
and to every non-jew who has read this far, especially if you've been advocating for palestine or if you've been engaging with anti-zionist content: please, just for a moment, take a step back. i cannot understate how little nuance is accepted in (specifically western, i have no experience in other cultures) online spaces. even surrounding things not related to the conflict, there is next to no level of nuance.
i saw people who quite blatantly said "i almost always disagree with this person politically but now they're agreeing with me so obviously they've joined the 'good side'." without even for a moment stopping to think that maybe—maybe—they're wrong. maybe they're on the wrong side. maybe they're doing the wrong thing if someone they usually find does bad things is doing the same.
i thank whatever deities or higher powers there are out there in the big wide universe that my dad is an english teacher who grilled linguistic analysis and grammar into me from when i was a baby. i truly believe it was one of the only things that kept me from being radicalized beyond repair. because i was constantly skeptical of people in those spaces and disturbed by their lack of nuance. but i still believed everything they said so long as it wasn't overtly contradictory.
i won't say you haven't done anything bad or wrong. you probably have. i have. what i will say is that you always have the opportunity to be better. to choose peace instead of violence and kindness over hatred. it's a hard choice to make, and it's one you have to make over and over and over again. but i promise you it is worth it.
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