#and I've seen the more common reason they give for that is that hl and SB don't even come close to be as awful as sf
supemaeve · 7 months
This is not directed at anyone specifically but I always find it interesting how if one of my gifsets features HL or SB people will make any kind of comment about liking the characters or just general comments about them with no issue, which is fine.
But then I will make one that features Stormfront, like the last one I posted, and people always feel the need to preface with "I absolutely hate this character but...", "This character is despicable and awful but..." when talking about her, even if they're gonna say something general about what's happening on the gifs or about the story.
And this doesn't happen only on my gifsets, obviously. I've seen it in lots of places but it happens a lot and I think it's funny how it only happens with her. It's like you have to justify yourself first in order to make a comment about something you find interesting about the character or even just a general comment or opinion about her . But that doesn't happen with the others...
I don't know, I've just noticed that you can like those two guys or WB or anyone else in the show who's done terrible things all you want and say so with no issue, but if you're going to even allude to finding SF interesting you have to put a disclaimer...
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rae-and-mezo · 1 year
Tell me some more about Iris<3
I've fallen back into it and am currently reviving a couple of my ocs for Hl
Skskjsijduj GLADLY
her profile is still in the works but like eh
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First of all, I'm going to explain this sheet, what she and these characters have in common.
1. Evelyn Hugo!
Evelyn does not give a shit who's in her way. If she wants something, she will get it. That's all there is too it. Evelyn asks Monique something along the lines of "when are you going to learn to grab life by the balls and take what you want from it?" She also is very well aware she isn't a great person and lives up to it. Never once does she deny it, and prefers the spotlight to be on her. Iris is exactly this.
2. Annabeth Chase
All Annabeth has ever wanted was to be seen and loved. She wants the world to notice her. In the second series Annabeth talks about how she never will be more than the brains, and if that's what it takes to be loved, then that's okay. Iris feels this way too. She feels like she will never be more than the adrenaline junkie of their little group, and that's fine. Also, Iris could relate to Annabeth because like, what are healthy coping skills??
3. Rose Dawson
I know this is an odd choice. But here's the thing. Iris is literally based off of Rose. Even her appearance! Rose is a spitfire, a loaded pistol. Her rage especially is what makes me think of Iris. The way she punches the guy in the face when he won't listen to her, and when she blows the smoke in her mother's face when told not to smoke just screams Iris. And also, I can just picture the scene where she smokes the guys cigarette and finishes his beer. She's batshit crazy y'know? And fearless. Which are two things Sebastian will tell you about Iris lol.
4. Emily Prentiss
Emily is infamously unafraid to get what she wants. She's harsh, unapologetic, and impulsive. The woman lived an entire life undercover in Europe! I think Iris could be this person as well, given the circumstances. Like Emily, Iris does not have any problem taking down the bad guy to save who she wants. Also, Iris is not afraid to take the blame or jump in for someone in need. And they're both heavily Lana del Rey coded-
5. Beth Dutton
Crazy. Beth's role throughout the show is the crazy, brutal, harsh and nasty woman unafraid of anything. Knuckles are always black and blue, and her words hurt just as much as her punches do. Iris and Beth both are not afraid to say things so disgustingly horrible. They don't think about consequences. Their tempers fly off the handle. Iris's jealous streak is just as bad as Beth's as well.
6. Rowena
This one is harder to explain. Rowena is very...evil. she has redeeming qualities of course but her role in the show is to be irritatingly evil. She's also very powerful. Iris isn't evil per se but she's unapologetic in her flaws.
Born to Die- Paradise Edition, would be the soundtrack to her life if I'm being honest. Carmen is her theme song.
She's very elegant but her words are v i l e. Like she swears too much for someone modern, let alone a Victorian lady.
You will hardly catch her out of her high heels
Her patronus is a tiger
She loves the grotesque. Catch her trying to get a better view of a dead bird, admiring a painting of a dead man. She just thinks the horrifying has a certain beauty.
Straight A (E?) Student and the teachers just love her. However, most of the students don't. She's too bitchy lol.
Does not hold grudges oddly enough. Like she's willing to put aside the past for everyone but her family.
She's a halfblood, but she was adopted. So all her siblings are muggles.
She's a descendent of Gryffindor!
Despite her gift with dueling and transfiguration, she can't do shit outside of that. The only reason she is passing anything else is because Sebastian gives her his notes.
Sebastian is a little scared of her. She likes that.
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