#and Jamie learned that the way to earn respect from authority figures is to be a prick
Just noticed that in S1E4 when Ted is talking to Jamie and Roy at the gala he says that what they need to get on the same page is mutual respect.
Fast forward to the S2 finale when Jamie apologizes to Roy - one of the most notable parts of his apology: “I respect ya, and I respect Keeley, and I respect your relationship”.
It took a lot of time and effort but Jamie and Roy have gotten to that place of mutual respect and understanding.
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talpup · 4 years
Light In the Darkness:66
Summary: Yami Sukehiro just wanted to join the Magic Knights and make his mentor proud.  He knew there would be trails.  He knew trouble would come his way.  Knew he would be faced with discrimination for being a foreigner and a peasant.  What he didn’t know.  Didn’t expect.  Was that literal Chaos would come his way.  That he and his mentor’s sister would be at the center of world ending trouble.  Or that he would fall in love with his mentor’s sister and face more than discrimination; but the jealously of Nozel Silva who loved the same woman he did.
Please remember this fic is rated mature and has warnings of violence, abuse, sexual tension, eventual sexual behavior, and other possible triggers.  For a full list of story tags please check the fics AO3 (link to that at the top of my tumblrs homepage).
Fuegoleon didn't know what to do.  This was uncharted territory for him. Granted his sister was grooming him to be her next Vice Captain and one day take her place as Captain; but to be thrown into this position with a war starting no less.  He couldn’t even begin to imagine what Nozel must be feeling.  He felt bad for the Silva; but that didn't stop him from being furious at his friend and rival for dragging him into the turbulent deep end along with him.
"What do I do?"  Fuegoleon asked his Captain.
Mereoleona looked at her brother, impatient with him.  Fuegoleon would have to learn and learn quickly if he wished to survive.  She couldn't look after and guide him during a war.  Her duty as Captain of the Crimson Lions wouldn't allow it.  She cursed Nozel for naming Fuegoleon his Vice Captain.  Why hadn't the wrenched Silva heir taken any of the other Captains second in command?  She was sure Sir Jorah would have allowed, if not encouraged, such a thing.  Had Nozel not done so because he had thought having a Vice Captain who had actually earned the position would subvert his authority as acting Captain?  Or had the option of taking an already named Vice Captain never occur to the fool?
"We're headed to the War Room.  The Wizard King has called a Captain's meeting."
"But I'm not a Captain.  Not even an acting one."  Fuegoleon said.
Mereoleona sighed, irritability.  "No.  But in war time Vice Captain's are usually present, though not vocal, during many of the meetings." At her brothers confused look she growled.  "Stay by Quince and don't speak."
They entered the War Room that had more than just Magic Knights present. Fuegoleon paused at the door taking in the high ranking Healers, Investigations Mages, and Sentries seated or standing in the room.
Quince grabbed Fuegoleon somewhat roughly by the arm and pulled him to one of the seats along the wall behind were Mereoleona had sat at the table.
Bronn who had been speaking with Jax came around the large table and sat next to Nozel’s acting Vice Captain.
"How you doing there Lion Cub?"  Bronn asked.
"Leave him be, Bronn."  Quince warned.
Bronn held up his hands to the Crimson Lions Vice Captain.  "Peace. No sense in us fighting when we'll be tried of battling soon enough. And that's coming from a guy who loves to fight."  He looked Fuegoleon over.  "Seriously.  How you holding up?"
Fuegoleon turned his eyes to the Black Bulls Vice Captain.  "Fine."
Bronn patted the royals back.  "Keep saying that.  Maybe you'll trick yourself into believing it."
"He said he's fine."  Quince growled.
"The King just declared war with the Diamond Kingdom."  Bronn said. He glanced across the room at Gilly.  "Anyone who says they're fine is blood thirsty or lying.  I know that Lioness sister of his is a glutton for battle.  But I don't see this one eager for bloodshed."
"That's enough.  Quiet down."  Jorah ordered, entering.  He stood beside his seat at the head of the table.  "Where's my Knights Commander?"
"Here, Sir."  Greywright entered the room with Nozel in tow.  He pointed to a seat between Nozel's Captain and Jax, directing the royal to sit.
"Of course."  Jamie rolled his eyes.  So it had begun already, the Golden Dawn Captain thought.  It might start off with something as simple as Nozel’s lacking knowledge and inexperience causing someone to be tardy to a meeting.  But soon enough it would be something more important and pressing.  The Kings appointed acting Captain was going to get someone killed, Jamie was certain of it.  He just hoped it wasn't him.
"What was that?"  Pyter questioned, tersely.  He hadn't been pleased at Nozel's appointment.  But the young man was one of his.  He'd be damned if he sat by and let anyone disparage a member of the Silver Eagles, even that someone was his best friend.
"Enough." Greywright ordered, his impatience clear.
"Didn't acting Captain Nozel name Fuegoleon Vermillion his Vice Captain?" Heath questioned.  The Purple Orcas Captain looked over his shoulder at Fuegoleon.  "In case you didn't know.  It's customary for Vice Captains to sit behind their Captains on occasions such as these."
"Leave him alone."  Breigha said.
"Is that so?"  Bronn asked from his seat beside Fuegoleon.  "Care to tell me the way of things, Heath?  Cause apparently I don't know them either seeing as I'm sitting over here and my Captain over there."
Heath turned back around.  "Bloody Black Bulls.  Since when do you lot ever do what's expected."
"Speaking of squad names.  I'd like to know what our new fellow Captain plans to call his squad."  Win leaned over looking passed Jax to Nozel.  “The Periwinkle Pups has a nice ring to it if you ask me.”
Jorah lift his chair a few inches and slammed it back down causing several people to jump.  All eyes turned to the Wizard King who looked over the Magic Knights Captain's.  "No.  By all means finish your petty, childish in fighting.  The war will wait."
"We could only hope."  Bronn muttered under his breath.
“What was that?”  Jorah warned, turning to him.
Bronn clamped his mouth shut and shook his head.
"Good. I was beginning to think you truly didn't know what was expected of you at times such as these."  Jorah said.
Standing with his Captain, Nozel watched Mereoleona and Quince make their way to them with Fuegoleon in tow.
"A team of four Magic Knights may not sound like much."  Pyter told Nozel.  "But any more will only make matters more difficult on you.  I have faith you'll do well.  I, as I'm sure Leona is, are here for you should you have questions or require assistant.  Ask all you can, while you can.  Once were out in the field you may not be able to.  You don't want to cost someone their life because you were too proud to seek help when you had the chance."
"Yes, sir."  Nozel nodded.
"Don't call me sir, Nozel.  It'll be that much harder for the other Captains and Magic Knights to take you seriously.  Address your fellow Captains by name.  That includes me."  Pyter said.
"Yes, si—Pyter."  Nozel cleared his throat.  The untitled name sounded weird and disrespectful on his lips.
"Any idea who you'll be picking to fill the other three openings on your team?"  Pyter asked.
Nozel eyed Fuegoleon.  "I wanted to discuss that with my Vice Captain."
Pyter nodded, pleased with the response.  "You two know each other well enough to know who would work best with you.  Remember.  Magical strength and ability, as well as type; while vitality important, isn’t everything.  You must be mindful of personality and work ethic.  Unfortunately, you will also have to take into account who would respect you and not harbor resentment of your temporary position."
It’s a good thing he’s heir to the second family of the kingdom, Pyter thought, sure that Nozel’s royal rank would afford him enough respect based on that alone.  Then again, Nozel wouldn’t be in this position if he weren’t a royal Prince and heir to the second family of the kingdom.
"I would appreciate any thoughts and suggestions you and—Mereoleona may have once I've spoken with my Vice Captain."  Nozel remarked.
Reaching them, Mereoleona arched a brow.  "I'd be interested in the names you and Leon pull."
"Agreed." Pyter looked to Nozel and told.  "You may have the east wing as your base until we head out."  He glanced at his Vice Captain who speaking with Jamie.  "I’ll have Kess instruct the Silver Eagles they are not to enter the area."
"Sir—Pyter, that’s entirely unnecessary."  Nozel said.
"Where are you and your Vice Captain to stay and work then?"  Pyter asked.  "We leave in three days.  You must decide on your team by tomorrow morning at the latest.  Where do you expect them to sleep?"
Nozel blinked having figured that Fuegoleon would simply return to the Crimson Lions base at the end of each day; as would the others once they were picked.
Pyter shook his head surmising what the younger man had thought.  "You are a Magic Knights Captain.  Your squad must have a place to reside. Together."
Fuegoleon looked over at his sister, countless questions running through his mind.
"I'll have one of the servants pack up a change of clothes and something for you to sleep in.  You can come by the Crimson Lions base tomorrow to get whatever else you’ll want or need."  Mereoleona gave Pyter a communicative look.  "If it's alright, I'll come by later this afternoon or early evening to see who you're thinking about for your squad."
Pyter nodded.  "That works for me.  Captain Nozel?"
Nozel barely managed to control the filch at the title and nodded.
Fuegoleon sat in a plush chair with a plop.  Throwing his head back he heaved a sigh.  Nozel watched him wondering what he was thinking.
“Thanks for pulling me into this mess.”  Fuegoleon said, answering the unasked question.
“What was I suppose to do?”  Nozel asked.
“Not put me in a position I’m hardly ready or qualified for.” Fuegoleon commented, dryly.
Nozel bristled.  “You’re a Fourth Class Senior Magic Knight.  You’re one promotion away from being eligible to be a Vice Captain.  You’re way more qualified and ready for your position than I am mine.”
“I won’t argue with you there.”  Fuegoleon remarked, watching Nozel make his way around the desk feeling bad for the predicament his friend was in.  “What are you going to do?”
Nozel sunk slowly into the chair, ill at ease even if it was just a regular desk in a regular office.  “With luck, not get us all killed.”
“Really, Nozel.  It’s just the two of us.  You can tell me.  Did your father have something to do with this?”
“How am I suppose to know?  I barely see or know the man.”  Nozel snapped.
Fuegoleon’s eyes lowered, sorry he asked.  He might have thought of his own father as somewhat tough and sometimes distant.  But compared to Nozel’s father, Leonidas Vermillion was the most caring, present father there was.
“I wouldn’t put it passed him.”  Nozel went on.  Thinking that after his father hiring a gang to try and kill Yami, he wouldn’t put anything past Lord Nathyn Silva.
Sure, Nozel wanted Yami gone and threatened the foreigner quite often with his impending demise.  But, Nozel’s threats and imagines had always been within the confines of the law.  Not paid gangs.  Even at the Battle at the Border when he had been tempted to take Yami out, he had known he never would have done so.  Hiring assassins was one of the few things Nozel had thought his father incapable of.  One of the few lines he had thought the man wouldn’t cross.
The flesh on Fuegoleon’s arms pricked at the way Nozel said the words. He gave his head a shake and focused on the task at hand.  “Well, it’s done now.  So, Captain, what three Magic Knights are you thinking of taking?”
“Teris.” Nozel said, without hesitation.
“Now wait--”
“There’s no wait.”  Nozel interrupted.  “She has rare light magic.  She is powerful and a good fighter.  Capable of maintaining a clear head under fire.  More over she’s a thinker.  You saw the way she was searching for answers to that other mess.  She resilient.”
“And your Intended.”  Fuegoleon put in, knowing how it would look.
“That has nothing to do with this.”  Nozel said.
“Nothing?” Fuegoleon challenged, lifting an eyebrow.
“That has…very little to do with this.”  Nozel amended, unwilling to lie to Fuegoleon now that he was his Vice Captain.  At the Vermilion's expression, he said.  “Even if Teris were not my Intended, I would want her for my squad.  We know each others strengths and weaknesses.  The three of us have trained and sparred together so many times over the years that we know what the other is thinking in battle before it’s even acted out.  You look me in the eye and tell me you don’t want her with us.”
“I’d be a fool not to.  Anyone would her on their squad.  There’s a reason all the Captain's raised their hand for her the day she took the Entrance Exams.”
Nozel scowled.  “Then why are you giving me a hard time about it?”
“Because everyone else will.”  Fuegoleon said, plainly.  “They’ll think you chose her for the exact same reason I baited you with.  She’s your Intended.”
“So what?  You were checking to see if I took offense?  What reasoning I had to give to any of those who would dared say such things?” Nozel questioned, tersely.
Fuegoleon stared across the desk at Nozel.  “Exactly.  I was doing what any good friend and Vice Captain would do for their Captain.  I was looking out for you.”
Nozel lifted his chin, posture straightening.  “I don’t care what anyone thinks.”
“You should care.  At least some.”  Fuegoleon said.  He took in the Silva’s set jaw and sighed.  “Nozel.  We would’ve had a hard enough time simply because it’s war.  But now that the King has personally given you a task and made you an acting Captain to see it through, we’re going to have a rough go of it even among our own. You trusted me enough to name me your Vice Captain.  Now trust me to do my job in seeing you’re prepared for whatever may come so that you will succeed.”
“Fine.” Nozel snapped, looking away.  He glanced back at Fuegoleon and asked.  “How did I do?”
“Well enough.  Next time don’t negate that Teris being your Intended has nothing to do with it.  Everyone knows that’s a lie and it’ll appear defensive.  Simply admit that her being so has very little to do with it and explain why.”
“That sounds...reasonable.”
Fuegoleon smirked.  “Well I am a reasonable man.”
Yami sat in the great room sharpening his katana.  Venice winced slightly at every scrape.  Tobin found the slow, steady rhythm comforting in its own way; and his eyes grew heavy, closing.
Another slam sounded from the Captain's office at the back of the house. Teris looked down the hall.
A couple hours after she had arrived at base, Jax and Bronn had returned.  Shortly after that, the Captain had filled the Black Bulls in on all the pertinent details.  Soon after Bronn had left again, likely to say his goodbyes to Gilly.  Not long after Bronn had gone, Greywright appeared wanting to speak with the Captain alone.  The two men had been in Jax’s office for well over thirty minutes.  And every so often a raised voice or slam could be heard.
“How much do you wanna bet they’re arguing about you two?”  Tobin asked, eyes still closed.
Yami looked over at Teris, the whet stone in his hand halting a beat.
“Stop it, Tobin.  And you too.”  Venice snapped at Yami.  “It’s unnerving.”
“Need a sharp blade for battle.”  Yami said, continuing.
“The reason why isn’t what’s bugging me.  Not really.”  Venice muttered.  “It’s the sound.  Go outside and do it.”
“No.” Yami said.
“Teris.” Venice pleaded.
“What?” Teris turned to her friend, distant eyes focusing.
“Thanks a lot.”  Venice huffed, getting to her feet and heading upstairs.
“No, really.  What?”  Teris called.
Yami smirked.  Lost in her own head again, he thought, watching Teris.  At least this war should keep her away from the page of Chaos.  He wondered what this meant for those in Magic Investigations that were looking for information.  Or the Sentries and Magic Knights that had been patrolling and searching for clue as to where the Agents of Chaos were housed.  No doubt all of that would be pushed to the side as everyone focused on this new thing.
Tobin cracked an eye open.  “Why’d you stop?”
Yami lifted the stone to begin again when the sound of a door slamming open echoed throughout the house.
“You think this is a request!”  Greywright’s voice stormed.  “I’m not asking, Jax.  It’s an order.”
They couldn’t make out what their Captain said.
“That doesn’t change anything.  King Agustus made him an acting Captain. You want to talk about things we don’t approved of?  That none of us like?  Let’s talk about that.  Sir Jorah said he could have three other Magic Knights from any squad and of any rank…” Greywright’s voice lowered to the point it could no longer be heard.
Yami and Teris looked at each other.
Tobin righted his head.  “That doesn’t sound good.”  He looked between Yami and Teris.  “What’s the possibility that the Royal Bird picked the both of you?”
“None.” Yami muttered, a growl etching into his voice.  Nozel Silva would rather die and fail than choose him as a member of his team.  He sheathed his katana and stood, stepping toward Teris.
Teris met him half way.  As worried as she was for Nozel and Fuegoleon, she wanted to stay with the Bulls.  Wanted to stay with Yami.  Staring at him, she told.  “I don’t want to go.”
“Don’t think you’ll get much of a choice if Jax isn’t even getting a say.”  Yami rumbled.
Yami let his emotions follow through him like he did when he fought.  He needed to keep a clear head, not let his concern for Teris and anger at Nozel rule him.  They clearly didn’t have much time left before they would be parted.  And he didn’t want the last thing Teris saw of him to be him furious and struggling to keep it together.
“Royal Bird and Lion Cub.  You’ve trained with them?  Know how they fight and think?”  Yami asked, needing to be sure.
“Of course.  It’s how we learned.  Sparring with each other.”  Teris answered.
Yami nodded, relieved at that.  “It’ll serve you.  Having comrades that you know and trust.”
“I already have comrades I know and trust!”  Teris argued, fiercely.
Yami pulled her into his arms.  He savored the heated feel and heady scent of her.  “I love you.”
Teris tried to push him away, feeling frantic.  “Stop that!  This isn’t goodbye.”
“Of course not.”  Yami said, refusing to let her go.  “I just don’t know when I’ll get to hold you like this again.”
Teris wrapped her arms around him, burrowing her face in his chest.  “Some birthday for you this turned out to be.”
Yami smirked against the crown of her head.  “It wasn’t all bad. Started out pretty great.”
Teris blushed at the memory that seemed so long ago.  “A little too great.”
Yami grinned.  “Maybe.  But it’ll hold me till I can hold you again.”
“Same.” Teris smiled.
“You be careful out there, Princess.  You have more to look out for than Diamond Kingdom Magic Warriors.”
She pulled her head back and looked up at him.  “You too.  Don’t do anything stupid, Sukehiro.”
Yami smirked at her calling him by his proper given name.  It had been so long that it sounded weird to his ears.  “No guarantees.  Though I promise I’ll return to you.  I’ll always return to you, Ikigai.”
“I’m holding you to that.”  Teris said, not willing to waste precious time asking him what the foreign word he continually called her but refused to translate meant.
Yami caressed her cheek taking in every detail of her beautiful, beloved face.  “Things get really bad out there you light travel and leave those royal brats behind.  You hear me.”
“Yami.” There was no way she would ever do such a thing and he knew it.
“Fine. Then promise me not to turn to that blasted History of Chaos till this mess is over.  All of that stops until this mess is over and your back where you belong, with me.”
“You think the Agents of Chaos will be kind enough to stop while we fight?”  Teris challenge.
Yami quickly tightened and loosened his hold around her waist, jerking her slightly.  “I’m not talking about those lunatics.  I’m talking about you.”
“Kiss me.”  Teris breathed, leaning into him.  Her face tilted up, offering herself to him.
Yami growled and straightened out of the reach of her lips.  He knew her too well to give into his desire and obey her wish before getting her word.  “Promise me.”
“Fine. I won’t turn to the History of Chaos.  Not that I’ll have the time.”  She muttered.  “But I can’t promise that I’ll stop thinking about it all.  I can’t control where my mind goes.”
“You’ll have little time for thinking on any that as well.”  Greywright said, standing at the mouth of the back hallway.  “I’m gathering you overheard enough to know what’s going on.  Teris.  Go on up and get your things.  Quickly now.”
Yami gave another low growl at the interruption.  He pulled her closer, giving her the kiss she had asked for, if not somewhat rougher than she had expected.
The Magic Knights Commander kindly averted his gaze.
Tobin sat up, smiling as he watched and encouraged.  “Get it.”
Without breaking the kiss, Yami threw his friend a two fingered salute.  He gave Teris’ lower lip a parting, plucking nibble and stepped back leaving them both breathless and wanting.  As badly as he wanted more, he would have to leave it at that.
A gateway opened along one of the great rooms walls.  Bronn entered. Seeing the Magic Knights Commander, he scowled.
“Teris. Upstairs.  Pack light and quickly.”  Greywright commanded.
Though Teris didn’t want to obey, her upbringing and training as a Magic Knight made her hurry to comply.  Yami moved to follow.
Greywright snapped his fingers at him and ordered.  “You stay.”
Yami stopped but scowled at him in much the same way Bronn was. Greywright huffed.  As different as the two men were, they were so very similar in many instances.  It was little wonder why they didn’t get along.
Bronn sauntered over to the Knights Commander.  “What are you doing here ordering us about?  Why’d you tell Black Sheep to pack?  We’re not headed out for another two days.”
Not in the mood to deal with the Jax’s surly Vice Captain, Greywright called for the Black Bulls Captain.  “Jax!”
“And now you’re barking at my Captain?  As Magic Knights Commander don’t you have more important things to do than hang around here bossing us around?”  Bronn demanded.
I certainly have more important things to do than putting you in your place, Greywright thought.  Difficult as Bronn had become, the Commander would’ve done so and seen Bronn dishonorably discharged if the man acted against him.  But with the start of a war, they needed every Magic Knight they had.
“Jax!” Greywright yelled again.  “If you want to keep your Vice Captain I suggest you quit pretending you don’t hear me and get out here. Now!”
Jax came bounding down the hall and skidded to a halt.  Seeing Bronn, he jerked his head at him.  “Hey.  Thought I gave you half an hour.”
“So I took a bit longer.”  Bronn shrugged.
“There’s been a development.  Come to my office.”  Jax beckoned, turning back the way he had come.
“Why’s Black Sheep upstairs packing?”  Bronn asked, eyes sliding to Greywright.  He never saw the block of stone that flew from the wall, launched by Jax’s magic.
Bronn fell to the floor, knocked out cold.
Greywright spun around to face the Black Bulls Captain, prepared for anything.
Jax massaged one hand with the other as if he had physically hit the Vice Captain.  Seeing Greywright’s expression, his hands lowered to his sides.  “What?  Don’t tell me you’ve never wanted to do that.”
“I have.”  Yami admitted.
Tobin nodded his agreement.
Still staring at the Captain, Greywright lifted a censuring eyebrow.
Jax bristled and defended.  “You obviously didn’t have a better idea else you wouldn’t have called me to handle it.”  
“I could've done that.”  Greywright remarked.
“No you couldn’t.  Your Knights Commander.  You gotta rise above and all that.  Besides, I know Bronn better than anyone.  He was looking for a fight.  It was the only way.  I’ll deal with him when he wakes.  But you and Teris best be out of here by the time that happens unless you want two bumps on his head.”  Jax looked around. “Where is she?”
“Right here.”  Teris said, descending the stairs, Venice and Bran following.
“I don’t like this Captain.”  Venice said, upon seeing Jax.  “She’s a Black Bull.  She belongs with us.”
“The Bulls won’t all be together out there anyway.”  Jax said, thinking the same.
“Even so.”  Venice argued.
Greywright looked between them.  It was no wonder Bronn had become as difficult to manage as he had when Jax let the rest of his squad bicker back like that.  They were at war.  Did none of them understand that?  If there was anytime to listen and obey without question, it was now.
“Teris and Yami are stronger together.”  Bran said.  “Even if they can’t restore each others mana levels.  They can combine their mana to be a force if need be.”
Jax glanced at Greywright.  “Such arguments have already been made ad nauseam.”
Having sympathy on them, Greywright explained.  “Given the restlessness of their mana which stops them from even attempting to feed off and boost the others, I highly doubt such a combination of magic could be controlled.  Who knows the scale of destruction such an attempt would cause.”
Yami stared at the Commander.  Teris looked away as if it were all her fault.
“Is that what you’re taking her?”  Bran asked.
“Bran.” Teris tried to silence him before he got in trouble.
“Cause you don’t trust them to be able to control all that?”  Bran persisted.
“You don’t question orders.  Your only concern is following them.” Greywright said, ire rising for a moment.  Damn these Bulls.  Who the hell did they think they were?  He saw the worry in all of their eyes; even Yami’s, as well hidden as it was.  It made him soften and tell.  “Separating them is for their safety as much as anything else.  That’s all you need to know.”
Bran looked from Teris to Yami and back.  “Can one of us go with her? I’d volunteer.”
Greywright huffed.  “I’ve humored you enough.  Teris.  Let’s go.”
Greywright used his teleportation charm to take Teris to the Silver Eagles base.
“Good luck.  Try not to get into too much trouble.”  The Knights Commander told her.
Teris looked back at him watching him use the charm once more, presumably to head back to Magic Knights Headquarters.  She turned back to the main entrance of the base she had previously been barred from. Entering, she was grateful to come across the Silver Eagles Vice Captain who was heading down the grand staircase.
Reaching the bottom, Kess turned and headed down a hall, beckoning.  “This way.”
Teris was led to the entrance of the east wing and left alone.  Having never been in that portion of the base, she looked about walking slowly.  It was then that she realized it was more than glitz, room size, and furnishings that differed the Silver Eagles base from that of the Black Bulls.  It was the sheer size of the main building as a whole.
“Hello?” Teris called, hating that she felt so unsure of herself and that it sounded in her voice.  “Leon?  Nozel?”  She heard footsteps and was surprised to see Randall, Fuegoleon’s friend and fellow Crimson Lion.
“It’s about time.  They want your input.  Leave your things there.  One of the house staff will take them to your quarters.”  Randall told.
Teris lowered her single bag and made her way down the hall to him.
“You pack light.  You realize you won’t be going back to your base, right?”  Randall remarked.
“You realize we’re going to war, right?”  Teris quipped.
Randall tilted his head as he lead the way.
“They got you too huh?”  Teris grumbled.
Randall turned his eyes on her as she pulled beside him.  “You don’t sound overly pleased by it.  Don’t you see this is a chance for us to prove ourselves?”
Teris huffed.  “At best, we all survive and learn a lot of hard, hands on lessons on why coming up through the ranks is the best and proven method for success.”
“You have that little faith in your Intended?”
“He’s not my Intended!”
“Only, he is.”  Randall said.
Teris scowled at him.
The Crimson Lion looked at her out of the corner of his eye.  “Don’t you go trying to manipulate or get any special treatment from the Captain because your his--”
“If you say Intended one more time you’ll be spending the war in a recovery room at Healers Halls.”  Teris growled.
Randall turned his eyes forward and didn’t say another word.
They entered a meeting room.  Nozel sat at the head of the table looking every bit a Magic Knights Captain.  The sight both relieved and annoyed Teris to no end.  Seated in the Vice Captain's position, to Nozel’s right, was Fuegoleon.
Her cousin turned to her.  “I hope you brought whatever you require to stay and head out from here.”
“Why me?”  Teris asked, staring at Nozel.
“I think a single small pack isn’t much.  But she seemed sure it was all she needed.”  Randall reported, taking his previous seat to the left of Nozel.
“Teris is like Leona in that.  They don’t require much and have a way of packing a surprising amount in a small space.”  Fuegoleon told Randall.
“Is no one going to answer me?”  Teris demanded.
Without looking up from the files his was examining, Nozel informed.  “You and Randall were easy picks.  I spoke with Pyter and Mereoleona about my choice of the two of you and they both agreed.”
“It’s Pyter and Mereoleona now, is it?”  Teris asked, looking for anything to add to her list of grievances.  “You sure took to this temporary position rather quickly.  Probably going to be difficult--”
“I’d choose your next words to the Captain with care.”  Fuegoleon warned.
Teris turned to her cousin barely believing all this.  “Leon--”
“Vice Captain.”  Fuegoleon corrected.
“I see.”  Teris said, icily.
Nozel finally lifted his eyes to her.  “No, Senior Magic Knight.  You do not.  Nor do I care if you do.  All I require from you is to respect my authority and obey my orders.”
Teris glared, thinking how he must be enjoying this.  Acting as Captain. Holding himself above others.  Even if it was only to be a team of four.
“Now sit down and assist us in picking the final member of my squad.” Nozel ordered.  He saw her mouth open and cut off the name he was sure she was about to offer.  “Every member of the Black Bulls has already been rejected.”
Teris’ mouth snapped shut, frown deepening.  She doubted any of the Bulls had even been considered.  Pulling out a chair she sat further down the table, a space away from Randall.  Fuegoleon lifted an eyebrow at the childish antic.
Nozel released a slow, steady breath.  No doubt Teris would prove difficult again.  Being difficult sadly seemed to be part of her nature.  But at least the hardest part was out of the way.  He was grateful that it had gone down so quick and easy.
Nozel turned his eyes back on her.  "Before we go over our narrowed list, I'd like to hear if you have any suggestions."
Teris blinked.  She never would have thought Nozel would hear out anyone's consideration, least of all hers.  Especially when it came to adding a name to the short list for the teams final member.
She thought a moment, annoyed that the acting Captain had already taken out the first four to five suggestions she would have immediately made.  Yami, Bran, Venice, Tobin.  Considering where they were going, Gendry would have been a good option as well what with the wealth of raw metal beneath the barren land of the Diamond Kingdom.  It wasn't just because these people were her trusted friends.  They were fighters.  At least Yami, Venice, and Tobin were.  In any case, it didn't matter.  Naming one of them when Nozel had just said ever member of the Bulls had been rejected would only cause further problems.  They were facing enough trails without her adding to the mix.
"Zara Ideale."  Teris finally said.
"The peasant from the Purple Orcas?"  Randall questioned, an amused, disbelieving lit to his voice.
"One of the nine left standing during the Squad Challenge.  Teris reminded, eyes trained on Nozel.
Nozel sighed.  He should have known Teris would pick some low bred commoner.  His cool blue eyes slid to Fuegoleon.  The Vice Captain shook his head, thinking Teris was just being difficult.
"Seriously? Did no one consider him?"  Teris asked, in mild surprise.
"He's been a Magic Knight for how long?"  Randall questioned.
Fuegoleon pulled the mans record from the pile of discards that hadn't even been looked at, and opened it up.  “Eight years.”  He answered as he continued to scan Zara’s file.
"Eight years."  Randall said, turning back to Teris.  "The man’s been a Magic Knight for eight years and was only just promoted to Third Class Intermediate because he was one of the nine left standing during the Squad Challenge.  And, I might add, is still a Third Class Intermediate Magic Knight nearly a year later.  Not to mention that he was one of the first of the nine out when the challenge continued."
Teris bit her tongue thinking it unproductive to mention that Randall hadn't been one of the nine left standing.  The Crimson Lion too caught up in a battle with some Coral Peacock that he landed in one of Captain Heath’s sonic traps, and all but took himself out. Instead she said.  "Considering how things work, I think the fact that Zara has risen that far quite telling."
"You're right."  Randall agreed.  "It’s telling of his supreme lacking."
Teris turned back to Nozel.  He was the one she needed to convince.  "We teamed with him during the challenge.  You saw what Zara was capable of.  I'd go so far as to say that if it weren't for Zara Ideale you and I may not have made it to be one of the nine."
Nozel’s eyes hardened, narrowing at such a suggestion.
Teris went on.  "He's a hard worker.  Loyal and trustworthy.  He’ll have no problems following your orders no matter the circumstance."
Fuegoleon sat forward.  "Anyone that does--"
Nozel held up a silencing hand.  "Continue."  He encouraged Teris.
The acting Captain had figured Teris would make a preposterous suggestion, which was why he had cut all the Black Bulls from contention and not just Yami Sukehiro.  But Teris wasn’t speaking with her heart.  She was being calm and reasonable.  Well, as reasonable as such a suggestion as Zara Ideale could be.
Teris glanced at her cousin before going on.  "Zara has a curious mix of ash and trap magic that will not only assist us greatly in battle but will see us protected at camp.  He has a way of looking and thinking about things that I know none of us would ever consider. Oh, and he knows his way around the Diamond Kingdom.  Its terrain, landmarks, and natural shelters."
"How do you know that?"  Fuegoleon asked, flipping through Zara’s surprisingly small file considering it contained eight years worth of service.  "Nothing in here says that."
"He told me."  Teris replied, eyes still on Nozel.  "His father ran with the caravans that haul raw ore from north of the Diamond Kingdom back to here."
"That's some dangerous work."  Randall commented, impressed.  "Did he do so as a smuggler or in service of the kingdom?"
"Since we don't acknowledge our involvement or funding of such endeavors does it matter?"  Teris asked.
"Yes." Fuegoleon said, righteously.  "It speaks to the mans character."
"Fine.” Teris all but rolled her eyes.  “He was working for the Clover Kingdom."  She didn’t see how Fuegoleon found it perfectly acceptable for such smugglers to be funded by the kingdom but a moral issue when they weren’t.
"Still don't see were Zara himself fits in.  Stories from his father won't serve us."  Randall said.
"Zara began making the trip with his father at age nine and continued doing so after his father's death, up until the point he became a Magic Knight."  Teris said, wondering what Nozel was thinking behind his cool, distant exterior.
Nozel held his hand out.  Fuegoleon passed Zara’s file over.
Eyes never leaving Teris, the Silver Eagle opened the mans paltry record and questioned.  "If none of this in Zara’s file.  How do you know of it?"
Teris returned her acting Captain's gaze and straightened her shoulders. "He told me."
"I don't recall him saying any of this during our time together in the challenge."  Nozel said, flipping through the service record, eyes flicking from the pages to Teris and back.
"We've had occasion to work together on a couple of missions since." Teris informed, and added.  "He's a friend."
"Of course he is."  Nozel muttered.  He scanned the final page and closed the folder.  Leave it to his Intended to befriend every low born person she met.
If it hadn’t been for the orders that had come in mere moments before Teris had arrived, Nozel would have dismissed Zara despite Teris’ well worded reasoning's.  But having received his orders.  Knowing that he and his squad wouldn’t be fighting at the line.  Zara Ideale’s knowledge of the Diamond Kingdoms terrain would prove invaluable, and might just save their lives.
Nozel looked at his Vice Captain seeing that Fuegoleon was thinking the same.  There was no need to discuss this one with his Captain or Mereoleona, Nozel thought.
Decided, Nozel ordered.  "Leon.  Inform Headquarters that I will be taking Zara Ideale of the Purple Orcas as the final member of my squad."
"Really!" Teris asked, unable to believe it.
Nozel turned back to her.  "He better be as familiar with the Diamond Kingdoms land as you’ve made his knowledge out to be."
Thank you to those who have left hearts.  And a special THANK YOU to those who have recently left comments or re-blogged. They really mean a lot.
Next chapter snippet:
"Careful Jax.  I've killed people for less."  Mereoleona warned, eyes igniting.
"His a spatial mage."
"Of that I'm aware.  And?"  Mereoleona’s lip twitched understanding dawning.  "You want Bronn with him case one of those other groups do show up to try and take Yami.  It won’t matter if Yami complies with an order to get out.  Bronn can simply send him away to safety."
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jobsearchtips02 · 5 years
Pupil Loans in Default? Right here’s How Rehabilitation Can Assist You Get better
Defaulting in your pupil loans is a critical monetary difficulty you need to keep away from if in any respect attainable. However if you happen to’re already there, you might be on the lookout for a method out.
Have you ever thought of rehab? 
Mortgage rehabilitation is one choice for getting your federal pupil mortgage out of default. 
It’s not a simple or fast course of — and we’ll supply some alternate options — however it may well allow you to get better from the monetary disaster a default may cause.
Right here’s how pupil mortgage rehabilitation can assist.
What Is Pupil Mortgage Rehabilitation?
First, you might want to know in case your federal pupil loans are in default, which is straightforward sufficient to determine. Begin by figuring out how a lot you owe in pupil loans — and to whom you owe it. 
For those who’ve missed funds in your Federal Household Training Mortgage (FFEL) or direct pupil mortgage for 270 days (about 9 months), your mortgage is taken into account to be in default.
Sadly, if that’s the case, you could have firm.
Greater than 350,000 debtors had loans that entered default within the third quarter of 2019 — a 42% enhance in comparison with the identical interval in 2018, in line with the Nationwide Pupil Mortgage Information System. 
Professional Tip
Your mortgage turns into delinquent the primary day after you miss a cost. Earlier than that occurs, ask your mortgage servicer about deferment, forbearance or various reimbursement plan choices.
Defaulting in your loans can have critical repercussions. Having that mark in your credit score report will tank your credit score rating and make you ineligible for added federal pupil assist — additionally, the federal government may begin to acquire the debt by garnishing your wages or revenue tax return refunds.
Pupil mortgage rehabilitation is a nine- to 10-month course of for placing your mortgage again into good standing and eradicating the mark out of your credit score report.
However rehabilitation requires a strict cost schedule and also you don’t get a second probability, famous Alexandra Wilson, a Licensed Monetary Planner and pupil mortgage professional at SmartPath. So you need to be ready to decide to rectifying your monetary state of affairs. 
“Loan rehabilitation is only offered once, so if (borrowers) begin the process, they should be sure to have a plan to afford the payments going forward,” wrote Wilson, who responded through e mail.
Questioning if rehabilitation is best for you — and how you can do it? Right here’s what you might want to know.
Why You Ought to Contemplate Pupil Mortgage Rehabilitation
In case your loans are already in default, you might be in all probability acquainted with the results. Mortgage rehabilitation can supply the next adjustments to your present state of affairs:
You may make decrease funds whilst you’re in this system — you will need to make all 9 funds throughout a interval of 10 consecutive months. After finishing the rehabilitation program, your mortgage holder will cease garnishing your wages. After finishing a rehabilitation program, the default is eliminated out of your credit score historical past.  After finishing this system, you’ll regain eligibility for deferment, forbearance and forgiveness, together with a selection of reimbursement plans. After finishing this system, you’ll be eligible to obtain federal pupil assist once more.
“Compared to doing nothing, rehabilitation will save a ton on interest and collection fees,” Wilson wrote.
How Do You Begin Mortgage Rehabilitation? 
For those who’re able to rehabilitate your mortgage, you’ll must name your mortgage servicer or the gathering company dealing with your mortgage.
Wilson really useful talking with a pupil mortgage legal professional if you happen to want further steerage throughout this course of.
Debtors ought to “keep a detailed record of everyone they’ve spoken with and a file with all correspondence and statements,” she wrote.
How A lot Do You Pay Throughout Mortgage Rehabilitation?
Funds for a rehabilitation plan are set by the mortgage servicer to be cheap and reasonably priced to you. 
To determine how a lot you’ll be paying throughout mortgage rehabilitation, begin together with your adjusted gross revenue. Subtract 150% of the poverty line primarily based in your family measurement. Lenders will usually make the cost 10% to 15% of that quantity.
Your adjusted gross revenue is your revenue after allowed tax deductions — it’s usually decrease than your gross revenue.
For instance, if you happen to’re single with no dependents, the poverty line in each state besides Alaska and Hawaii is $12,490. So in case your adjusted gross revenue is $30,000, right here’s the way you’d calculate your cost at a charge of 15%:
$30,000 – ($12,490 x 150%) = $11,265 x 15% = $1,689.75 /12 = $140.81 month-to-month cost
“If that payment is too high for the borrower, they can ask their lender for a payment that considers their income and expenses,” Wilson wrote. “It’s possible to get a payment as low as $5.” 
After making the 9 required funds inside 10 months, you’ve accomplished the rehabilitation course of and your mortgage comes out of default. You possibly can then apply for an Earnings-Pushed Compensation plan. 
What If You Can’t Make the Funds?
As we talked about earlier, you shouldn’t put your loans in rehab until you’re able to commit. The federal authorities solely permits pupil mortgage rehabilitation as soon as, and if you happen to’re unable to make the funds throughout the course of, your loans will return into default, and you need to anticipate the federal government to garnish your wages and tax refunds till the mortgage is paid off.
For debtors, “getting their loans out of default is important, and could be their only shot if they’ve already started,” Wilson wrote. “If they have started the process and are not able to make a payment I suggest trying to find other options to either make more money or cut expenses.” 
What Are the Options to Rehabilitation?
Rehab isn’t a fast repair to your pupil loans. For one, 10 months is a very long time to make these funds, particularly if you happen to aren’t used to creating any funds. 
And though the default will probably be eliminated out of your credit score historical past, the hit to your credit score rating will take a while to get better.
“It could take up to almost a year before it ever gets posted to your credit report,” stated Jamie Dickenson, Licensed Academic Planner, who added that any late funds earlier than the mortgage went into default will nonetheless present up in your credit score report for one more seven years.
There are two different choices: paying off the mortgage in full or consolidating.
Professional Tip
In case your wages are already being garnished, you possibly can’t consolidate your pupil loans. Converse together with your pupil mortgage servicer as quickly as attainable to start out the rehabilitation course of. 
The primary choice is probably not an choice in any respect, until you could have been hoarding your financial savings or have a relative or good friend prepared to mortgage you the cash. However if you happen to can repay the mortgage in full, that’s your best option, in line with Wilson.
Consolidation vs. Rehabilitation
The second choice, consolidation, is a faster course of than rehabilitation. It usually takes 30 days to consolidate the loans, at which level debtors can apply for an Earnings-Pushed Compensation plan. Then after three consecutive month-to-month funds, your mortgage is not in default. 
Nonetheless, consolidation comes with its personal limitations.
If you have already got a Direct Consolidation Mortgage, you possibly can’t consolidate it once more until you could have a minimum of one further mortgage. And in contrast to rehabilitation, consolidation received’t take away the document of the default out of your credit score historical past. 
Additionally, consolidation may find yourself costing you extra in the long run.
“The fees for consolidating defaulted student loans (18%) are typically higher than doing a loan rehabilitation (16%),” Wilson wrote. 
Whichever choice you select, it’s price your monetary future to get your pupil loans out of default.
Tiffany Wendeln Connors is a employees author/editor at The Penny Hoarder. Learn her bio and different work right here, then catch her on Twitter @TiffanyWendeln.
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from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/pupil-loans-in-default-right-heres-how-rehabilitation-can-assist-you-get-better/
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