#and Jesse just assumed he’s high at first
danganronpa96 · 11 months
Why didn't Ayano kill Chapter 4, since well….Senpai is her motive and well, I think she'd figure out pretty quickly that it's Senpai without having to see it?
What if there was a triple kill Chapter 5? Like dynamics wise and the trial itself? (DR69)
How would Yoshi likely react to the death of Mario, assuming Mario had Yoshi had a pet and all that?
Would the idea that after the explosion, the little killing game in the church would actually somehow continue but turn into a full blown killing game in the city?
How would the participants had reacted if Yuri had committed a murder?
Also, the Smiling Friends artstyle you managed to a T. It's really good and Pim looks so cute in it.
What if the entire cast was just Yuri cloned 16 times. What if Kaidou and Yuri have survived? How do pets work in a world of anthropomorphic animals? How did the participants not freak out that there were two anthropomorphic animals? Why do I have so many questions?
Anyways um, York again, loved Chapter 4. Sorry for the horde of questions again.
Hello 101 questions /lh
1. This one is pretty obvious. Ayano made a promise to Luigi in chapter 3 she would try her hardest to get the trust of others and help them out. She even showcased this during the chapter 3 trial when she was being falsely accused with her secret exposed. Ayano went onto be distrusted regardless, but remained determined to keep herself in line. She knew her Senpai would be the focus of any motive featuring loved ones, but that wouldn’t stop her from her promise. After all, trying to kill a situation like this always pertained the possibility of herself dying, and in that scenario she would not be able to protect her Senpai at all.
2. I don’t know, it depends who would die. I could see Parappa getting involved somehow, but not anyone else (unless Ayano decided to go to the 5th floor too). So it’d either be Fluttershy/Parappa/Ayano or Fluttershy/Parappa/Brian. I think the trial would become more complex, but also since three bodies would leave three times as many clues behind… it could go either way.
3. The Yoshi would be very sad, but I’m sure Luigi would go onto adopt it for Mario.
4. Not really. That wasn’t what I was going for in the story. The whole ‘new killing game’ was just meant to be a cop out to a) introduce Matt into the gang and b) introduce Gumi and how I wanted to portray her character. But it does sound interesting regardless.
5. The majority of them wouldn’t be surprised. Natsuki would feel upset and betrayed Yuri went the full way with it. Although, I’m not sure she would consider it as most people would suspect her in a trial (unless this was before she revealed her philosophy).
6. Thank you!! I think I can draw Charlie a bit better than Pim but I’m happy to hear you liked how I drew him too ^^
7. a) The Yuri’s would be very freaked out. One would snap first but you can’t ask me to identify who because, you know, they all look the same.
b) Kaidou may do a similar thing I described in this post (and by that I just mean from the 3rd paragraph about the bandages and down, as a sign of maturing). Yuri on the other hand would become like a typical DR antagonist, who’d have some moments in the trials but ultimately tries to skew things in the wrong direction in order to help let the killer win.
c) You ask the Bojack Horseman universe the same thing because I have no idea. Or maybe ask the MLP universe because it works with Fluttershy. I guess it depends on the theme of animals (if they’re all different animals then no pets).
d) Well Hayasaka and Kurumada did get a bit concerned at Retsuko at first, but just went along to accept it come meeting Bojack (slightly) because they all woke up on an island with no recollection why at this point they could start levitating and assume it’s all one big group hallucination or social experiment.
e) man I don’t know holmes you tell me
Hello again! I’m happy to hear you enjoyed ch4!! And thanks for the assortment of questions lol
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astroels · 2 years
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Pretty girl
E.Williams x Reader
Cw: weed usage, making out, bad flirting, Ellie gets eaten out and fingered, reader thigh rides and gets fingered, use of soft/sweet pet names, supposed to be lovey dovey sex, their first time, porn with some plot, tit sucking, Ellie is a little awkward
Wc: 3.3k
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A/n: inspired by the song nuts, also using this as an excuse to imagine a high fuck with Ellie to make myself feel better, and sweet so I can feel the love, feel free to leave criticism, first time writing smut like this :)
I'm making this with how I imagine her in Jackson before everything traumatizing happens in tlou2
MDNI +18
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The invite from Dina earlier on about sneaking past midnight to hangout with her, Jesse, and Ellie wandered through your mind all day. You knew it was probably just to get Ellie distracted from Dina and Jesse basically eye fucking each other the whole time. But then again, knowing weed came with the package was convincing enough. You needed the reliever and who knows? maybe you and Ellie could connect further than greetings and her helping out when you struggled.
Upon your arrival, Dina guided you into a basement with a small L-shaped couch. It definitely wasn't any of their houses. You assumed it was just a hideout. "Let me go grab everything real quick." She let out a friendly wink to you and left you with Jesee and Ellie. Standing around awkwardly was going to be the death of you, so you decided to take a seat next to Ellie, which happened to be the corner that formed the L, considering Dina would be snuggled with Jesse on the other side. As you sat, Ellie gave you a welcoming smile and focused her attention back to Jesse as he spoke.
"Never took you for the type to smoke," Jesse let out while fixing his sitting position to lay back further. "Just need the relief today, that's all." Jesse nodded with an upside down grin to show his approval. But you can't help but notice the smirk he gives Ellie with raised eyebrows after, and the way she just hides her smile at the gesture. It feels like they know something you don't, perhaps just an inside joke.
Dina comes seconds later with two joints. Were those to share? Surely one was for her and Jesse, that left you and Ellie having to share it. Rather intimate for someone you didn't know well, but fuck it, you were here already. "Here ya go." Dina gently threw the lighter at Ellie while giving you your joint. "Hope you don't mind sharing, only got two from last patrol." Ellie and you both looked at each other at the same time for an answer. Both of you awkwardly laughed, "yeah, t's alright." Ellie said as she gestured you to come closer, patting the spot next to her.
Jesse lit the joint while it laid on Dina's lips; Eyeing them both, Ellie turned to you with one of her smirks and the childish fire in her eyes, "Wanna try that?" Of course you did, the thought of it felt so intimate, it made your heart beat fast. "Yeah, yeah," you said as you quickly placed the joint between your lips.
Ellie watched you intently, never letting go of her focus on you. After she saw you put your hand back down, Ellie held your jaw with her hand to keep it steady as she turned on the lighter with her other. "This alright?" She asked in such a gentle voice, you swear you were feeling butterflies in your stomach. Her touch felt like fire you'd been waiting for her to ignite this whole time. You felt yourself get warm, but there was a fire in front of you after all. You simply let out a, mhm, and she lit it.
You inhaled, taking in the strong aroma of it. Turning away from Ellie, you exhaled, feeling the breathe of your lungs leaving. After the first drag, you passed it to Ellie as Jesse spoke. "So, uh," Jesse gestered his head towards Ellie, "Saw you talking to Cat earlier this week." Ellie started coughing, the air of the joint getting stuck in her lungs. Dina gave Jesse an unsure stare as Ellie talked. "Yeah, she uhm, wanted to give me some of my stuff back." Ellie quickly took another drag after her words.
You found yourself growing curious of her relationship with Cat. You were never too deep in their circle, so word never got to you. As she passed you the joint, you spoke before inhaling. "Were you guys anything serious?" This was your opportunity to finally break in and see if you stood a chance with her, before you thought about falling too hard. You began to inhale once she started talking. "Yeah, I'd like to think so," Ellie nodded her head along with her words. You passed the joint to Ellie as Dina spoke.
Dina, noticing the tense atmosphere, pitched in jokingly, "Well if you ever break my heart, you're never getting anything back." She grinned towards Jesse after her remark. "How about, I just never give you anything from now on," He grinned even wider, raising his brows to make his comment feel light. "Rude." Dina jokingly smacked him, telling him he'd better not. Those two got along so well with their jokes, you just wondered how long they'd be fine this time, knowing their relationship. "Well how about you." He gestered his eyes towards you. "You ever been in anything serious?"
"Not really no, not much time to think about that sorta stuff." Both Jesse and Dinna nodded in understanding. You breathed in the smoke again, waiting for the nerves to start releasing from your body. You looked at Ellie to see her reaction, see if any part of her wanted you. Just as you thought she wasn't going to say anything, she went ahead. "Ever think about it?" Passing her the joint, your fingers brushed against hers, both of you making eye contact. It was now or never to give her a hint. "I've had my eye on someone."
Jesse and Dina being the instigators they are, gave each other sneaky smirks and agreed it was their time to go. "Alright, well, I think we should be going." Jesse stood as Dina put out their joint. "Got patrol in the morning, and this one," He looks at Dina, "is a horrible morning riser." Both you and Ellie laugh at his comment, nodding to their departure. Before Dina makes her way out she says Jesse is the actual horrid riser, in redemption.
After they are both gone, a silence falls between you and Ellie. You don't want to leave just yet, you still haven't left your stresses behind and find odd comfort in Ellie's presence. Could be the weed, but it felt so good. Clearing your throat quickly, you speak "So, uhm, I still have some time to kill." You tilt your head, looking at her. "If you do?" You said in a questioning tone. Ellie looked up to meet your eyes too, taking the joint from you. "Yeah, I do." Her voice came out raspy. You loved the tune of her voice, the way it filled your ears made you feel high alone.
Starting to lose nerves, you're able to relax and be more forward with Ellie while talking. It's all you've needed all night. "Are you usually this quiet?" You ask Ellie in genuine curiosity. You'd thought that she was really out going with how you saw her joke around. Ellie let's out a wonky smile, tilting her head, "Only around pretty girls." In turn, you smiled at her after exhaling the smoke from the drag you took. Ellie's confidence seemed to boost; The weed was finally letting things come out. Passing her the joint, you look her in the eyes, "You're not too bad yourself, babe." Calling people babe had become a habit, a bad one.
Ellie's facial expression quickly goes from shocked to a smirk. God, you loved that smirk. "Babe, huh?" Ellie moved herself closer to you, inhaling and exhaling from the joint, one last time. "Babe fits you pretty well," you replied, moving close and tilting your head. Without question, she put out the joint on the tray that laid on the coffee table. Eyeing the way the muscles on her arm moved with her tattoo made you feel warm. You bet they'd feel as good as they looked. Ellie caught you staring, which made her move her arms more consciously, aware of your stare.
Not knowing what to say next, Ellie scoots closer subtly, looking from your lips to your eyes. You wanted to kiss her lips since the beginning of the night. The way they wrapped around the joint, they looked incredibly enticing to make yours. You gave Ellie the same look, begging her with your eyes to kiss you already. With this, she leaned in, just close enough to almost touch your lips. You decided to close the distance after she gave a subtle nod to your eyes.
Ellie deepened the kiss, grabbing your face to hold it steady and long. She seemed to be getting hungry, wanting access to your mouth even further. It felt like she had never gone slow before, never took her time. Before she could try anything, you pull away, wanting to bask in the moment of sweetness. "Slow, Els." She nodded in understanding as you finally connected your lips again.
This time, it feels more intimate, soft with the hints of hunger needed to make it passionate. Each time you took a moment to breathe, there was a want in her eyes, a need that she had for this. Her eyes looked dreamy, the hazziness adding to the constant tension between the air. Ellie bites your bottom lip with urgency, impatient that you made her wait. You gasp at the sudden pain as she leads the kissing at her pace.
She holds your jaw as you hold her hair to control the motions while kissing. Your other hand snakes down to tug at her shirt. Once she gets the hint, she sits up a little straighter to pull it off. While she does, you stand up and make her switch positions with you, leaving her at the corner part of the couch. Not wanting Ellie to feel lonely in her sports bra, you take off your shirt.
The way Ellie looked laid back on her elbows, waiting for you, made your heart feel heavy. Her eyes moving to each of your curves and marks made you hot inside. Assuming Ellie was ready, you straddled her, your bottom making contact with her upper thighs. This movement made Ellie mutter under her breath in shock. She was so awkward in this hottest way possible.
"Fuck, uhm, where do I?" Ellie held her hands up, scared to make you uncomfortable with her hand placement. "Anything is alright, babe." You led her arms to your hips, giving her access to explore anywhere she wanted. As you leaned down to continue kissing Ellie, you felt her squeeze the skin that covered your hips. She did this motion as if she'd been doing it for all her life, moving up and down your sides slightly.
After a while, you made your way down her neck, leaving your saliva and marks on it. Ellie let out small gasps and moans under your touch when you reached near her ear. The way it sounded was everything you had ever dreamed. It sounded almost pornographic when she let out a noise. Craving her noises, you continued to suck on that spot till you eventually made your way down to her sports bra. Without a thought, Ellie propped herself up, and you helped her take it off, throwing it somewhere behind the couch.
You could see Ellie's nipples harden due to the exposed cold air. Ellie felt insecure to the sudden exposure, but quickly forgot once she felt your tounge on her right boob. You swirled your tounge around her nipple as you played with the other with your hand. A string of saliva was left as you copied the motion to her other boob, making your way down her stomach. You could feel the way it hardened with each tense motion Ellie made. Once you reached the waistband of her jeans, you looked up. "C'mon, pretty baby, help me out." you said in a sweet tone. Ellie let out a little laugh and picked up her waist, so you could pull her pants down, worrying about her underwear next. Once her jeans were completely off, you asked before going any further.
"This alright?" You hooked your finger under her underwear. Ellie looked down on you, looking a bit flustered. "No one's actually ever, uhm, gone down on me." She let out a breathe as if it was the biggest secret ever. Your heart fluttered at the thought of you being her first, the first to ever give her the pleasure. "That's alright, you tell me what feels good, yeah?" Ellie nodded, biting her lip as she waited for you to pull her underwear down. You pulled them, making sure to untangle them from her ankles. Her pussy looked so pretty, waiting in anticipation. You pushed her legs open with your arms as you made space for your head.
As you hooked your arm against her legs, you began to kiss her inner thigh, teasing her before touching her pussy. You could feel Ellie's low breathing and squirms at the sensitive tissue on her thigh. You inched closer to her center and finally saw how wet she was. It covered her folds so sweetly. It reminded you of a popsicle melting, just waiting to be licked up. You started at her opening, collecting the slickness to bring evenly to the top. This alone had Ellie's breath faltering. When you reached her clit, you swirled your tounge around it, wanting to gain a reaction of Ellie's gasps. You sucked on her clit sloppily, looking up to see her red doozy eyes staring at you. Her breathe hitched, her chest rising and falling with the motions of your mouth.
You went down to her opening to tease it some more. "Fuck, babe." Ellie said in a broken voice. You moved your mouth back up to tease her clit as you added a finger in. Her pussy accepted it with ease, seeming ready for another. "Are you okay for the second one?" You hummed, picking your head up slightly to see her face. A second hadn't even gone by when Ellie nodded her head with a mhm. When you slid in the second finger, Ellie's pussy clenched around them in want. You wanted to tease her about it, but she had already looked flustered, her tattooed arm laid across her face, hiding her eyes. "I'll take care of you, sweet girl." you cooed at her while dipping back down to her pussy.
You pumped your fingers slightly in and out while you switched from a hooked gesture and back to normal with your fingers. As Ellie got used to it, she started getting more vocal, letting out moans of pleasure. You decided to encircle her clit with your mouth again, wanting to get the most from this. As soon as Ellie felt the shocking waves, she couldn't help but become more vocal. "Oh fuck'm, babe, right there," you hummed into her pussy as acknowledgement of her comment. You fucked her with your fingers at a faster pace, feeling her clench and stomach tense up more often. " 'm gonna come, holy fuck," It came out as a slurred moan, but you understood her. Picking up your head, you watched the way her boobs moved with her grinding to catch her wave faster. Within the second, you felt her pussy clench a final time and release her juices. Helping her ride out her orgasm, you removed your fingers and lapped at her cunt with your tounge.
Once she calmed, her head tilted down, she looked even more dreamy than before. She quickly positioned her legs closed, pulling you in for a kiss. As sloppy as it was, you enjoyed the taste of her on your tongue and the way it mixed with her saliva now. Ellie pulled away after a few seconds to speak. "You're fucking amazing at that," You flushed and giggled, replying "You coulda had me way sooner y'know." Ellie just grinned not knowing what to say. She had her hands massaging your hips again.
With the feeling of Ellie beneath you, you quickly became aware of how wet you had been and how much you needed her. Ellie seemed to notice the shift in your playful attitude. She patted your ass as a signal to get up. "Take these off f'me." You quickly got up to unbutton your jeans, taking them off and leaving them on the floor. You decided to do the same with your underwear, leaving yourself in your bra. Ellie patiently waited for you, eyeing your every movement. You could see her eyes looking at every inch of you, licking her lips unconsciously.
You decided to straddle her thigh instead of her waist this time, desperate to feel release. When your pussy came in contact with her skin, it felt heavenly, it was cold compared to the heat from your pussy. Ellie smirked at the feeling of your wetness on her. You leaned down to kiss her, completely enthralled in making out with her while grinding. You had your hand on Ellie's chest and the other on her jaw to stable yourself while she had hands on your ass, guiding you. The way she helped you move made you moan into her mouth so often. Eventually, Ellie moved from your mouth, leaving small kisses down your jaw towards your neck. She nibbled while sucking, gaining whines from you.
Ellie reached your chest, quickly fumbling with the clasp to remove your bra. Once she did, she placed her plump lips on your tits, sucking and twirling her tounge everywhere. You held your hands in her hair, messing it up to follow your pleasure. Your ass felt cold as Ellie removed a hand. She instead moved her tatted arm under your pussy. She moved her fingers towards your slit and back up to your clit, collecting your slickness. Her fingers had been a completely different pleasure. You could feel their coldness and the way they were rough. You couldn't contain your want for her any longer. "Els, please just put 'em in already." It came out in a low gaspy tone. "We're getting there, pretty girl," is all she said when she detached herself from your boobs. Ellie continued to tease your clit, aggravatingly slow. Her other hand had to stop you from bucking into her fingers.
After a few moment, Ellie put her ring and middle finger in. With the sudden insertion, You held her close, letting out moans near her ear for her to hear. Ellie moved her fingers at a constant pace in you. You met her pace, grinding on her fingers for the extra pleasure. "You look so sweet like this, my pretty girl." Ellie said it in such a way that sounded demeaning. There was a sudden flush of embarrassment that ran through your blood, but you continued to grind on her fingers, bringing her face back to your lips to kiss. The build up of how well she was hitting your right spots warmed your body. Everything felt extra hazy, as if you were reaching the stars. "Els, I'm close," that was all Ellie needed to precede going.
Ellie kept hitting the spot, making you moan out loud, sounding pornographic. You were clenching around Ellie's fingers unapologetically, so close. Once you came, Ellie continued, helping you ride out your orgasm. Still straddling Ellie's thigh, she brought up her fingers and licked them clean, staring right at you. "You taste 'sgood, my pretty girl." Your grin reached your ears without you wanting to. You were just so happy to have done this with her, happy she chose you.
You and Ellie both flopped after, cuddling, skin to skin, on the couch. "I think I love you, Els." The sudden confession made Ellie giggle. "I think it's a little too late for that, my love." She said and gave you a kiss on your forehead. Both of you knew you should've gotten up and left, but you were much too tired, and enjoyed the closeness of each other. Whoever woke up first, would deal with it, for now you were happy being her pretty girl.
Tags: @prrimordiais @puckssbunny @hazelnutsforellie @soapisokay @ellieismami
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spideyhexx · 8 months
billy himself better do an apology with tears right NOW!!!! or he'll regret it
he really should!!!!!!! :)
fem!reader; apart of saccharine
The next few days that follow this are very confusing for Billy. You avoid him like the plague, almost as if he's a ghost that's unseen to you. You've come to terms that you pushed him too far, but you were too stubborn to approach him first. So you ignore him.
He called you a pest. His words replay and your mind is smart enough to recognize that he snapped and spat out words without realizing, but that never disregarded how much it hurt.
Billy went through multiple different stages since he snapped at you. He felt bad at first, then later at night, the thought that you deserved to be put in your place crossed his mind, but he hated himself for it, so he wrote it off. After getting a good night's rest, his mind clearer, Billy assumed the day would go on like normal and you would tease him like normal.
He was looking around his vicinity the whole day, wondering where the hell you were and why you weren't trailing around him. A missing place was next to him and it followed him around like an invisible ghost. Billy doesn't realize you're ignoring him until dinner that night when he walks right up next to you to make his plate and you don't give him a glance. No look, no smile, no twinkle in your eye. You gather your own food and turn heel to find a place to sit.
He's nonexistent to you. His stomach builds up with nerves as this continues, his fingers anxious, fiddling with the sleeve of his shirt and picking at the old leather of his belt as he watches you converse with Jesse and the other boys. Is he actually longing for your sweet voice? The way your lips curve in the most devious of smiles when his brow furrows or his jaw clenches, knowing you've got him angry.
Billy pays attention to you that night, how you pick apart your bread and eat it in small increments. The way your men's shirt is half untucked and the glint in your eye when you near the campfire. That glint. He wanted it directed at him. Did he? Yes. No. He doesn't know anymore.
The next day, Billy is mustering up the courage to apologize. The guilt within his body is at a high when he keeps thinking about how much he missed you. He knew he couldn't say that to you, but an apology should be enough, right? He regrets his words. You may bother him a lot but he crossed a line and Billy is not proud of it. He tries to speak with you after dinner, but you're going to your cot to sleep the moment he decides to get up. His muscles freeze. He feels the lump in his throat. He gives up. He thinks himself a coward. Billy has pushed himself to do some scary things in his life, but he can't even approach you with an apology. It was pathetic, to him.
Billy can't sleep that night. He doesn't think he can speak to you. He knows he should, but what if he just can't? He lays out in the grass instead of his cot, staring up at the stars and the moon as he racks his brain for something he can do so you stop ignoring him. The grass is cool, tickling at the back of his neck as though its tendrils trying to attach to him, give him the guidance he needs in this moment. He reads the stars, asking them silently if there is any way to remedy the situation. Billy can't take it, even if his thoughts reject the fact that he wants you, his subconscious was all for it, rooting for it. Right before his eyes got too heavy to stay awake, there was a click in his brain.
Your day runs smoothly, avoiding Billy was a hard task as you felt yourself itching to just give in and confront him about the whole situation, but the fact that he hasn't spoken a word to you either made you bitter. You miss him still, so you let yourself watch him occasionally when he gets on his horse and rides off, but for the most part, you focus your attention elsewhere. To people who do like you.
As you wind down for the evening and head back to your cot, there's a small bag near your pillow and a piece of paper tucked beneath it. With a cautious step, you sit down and take the paper in your hands.
"I'm sorry for what I said. It wasn't right. You're not a pest. Maybe a pain in my ass sometimes, but that's okay. I promise. I know this might not be enough to say and what I bought might not be enough, but it's for you. It's not a way to bribe you for your forgiveness either. You don't need to forgive me. This is just for you. Thought you'd get a kick out of it. Figured you needed one of your own, cowgirl."
Your eyes quickly scramble to where it ends with, "Bonney," his sloppy handwriting that looks rushed makes your own head feel in a rush, rereading his words two or three more times before you set the paper down and open the bag.
It's a hat, a genuine cowboy hat. A dark color akin to Billy's own hat, but still different, still unique for you. You think about how this must have cost him a good deal of money, but it's hard to think about that when your heart is swelling abnormally large. How many times had you mentioned to him how badly you wanted your own hat? How you never had the funds to buy one for yourself and when you did have the money to, it was always going to more important purchases. He was actually listening?
You feel yourself smiling, not able to stop it as you place the hat on your head, the fir near perfect and your hands find the note he wrote. You reread it and then fold it neatly, tucking it beneath your pillow with a soft sigh, the airiest of grins plastered to your face for the rest of the night to come.
let's chat about billy, here :)
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teddypickerry · 5 months
thinking about the missed opportunity that was supposed to be jess’s spinoff show and how we probably would’ve got a really cool love interest (or at least i hope, because no thirty something year old man needs to be stuck on his high school girlfriend of six months).
i have no fucking clue as to where the show would’ve went besides jess and jimmy getting to know eachother. i doubt it would make it past its first season if it did air. BUT nonetheless, i’m talking about it.
a possible love interest (or just character on the show in general) i’d love to see is your typical beachy blonde. i’d love to see some rich girl from venice that jess sees out with her friends or something and automatically assumes the worst. she must be some bitchy blonde with guys all over her… right? until one night he’s strolling on the beach and sees her drunk shoved up against a tree by some guy. jess gets in a fight, blah blah. gets her home and realizes just how empty her huge house is. they slowly start hanging out and despite her lack of knowledge in the literature scene, she’s probably one of the sweetest girls he’s ever met (shit now i really wanna write a fic about this).
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i’ve also always felt like jess needs someone exactly like him. so much so that it freaks him the fuck out. HA! i was originally thinking the girl from “she’s all that” but now im iffy. ANYWAYS. when jess is looking through one of the huge bookstores, he sees her sitting on the floor with a book. he sees her around town a lot (typically hanging out with the guys who stole his book and skated off) turns out she works near jimmy’s truck. she’s ridiculously shy and reserved. but she’s not afraid to call someone out. think an artsy rory with balls.
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now, would rory come back and ruin jess’s possible relationship? probs. would jess get in his head cause what is he doing moving on from rory? probs. would it even last? who tf knows. BUT NOW IM INTERESTED. BYE!
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
One of the biggest problems and red flags about the whole spider society was having kids be workers for them.
Now I’m not saying the spider society shouldn’t have contacted the younger spiders or even work with them! But the spider society should function as more of a support group and emergency backup type situation for the younger spiders.
There was no reason for Margo, someone who is implied to be like Miles’s age, someone who can’t even drive, to be running an integral part of the society and how they are keeping the multiverse intact. She not only ran it, but if it malfunctioned it was clearly her job and responsibility to fix. When the machine ‘breaks’ and functions while, as far as she’s aware, no one’s in it she’s panicking, even though there would be no real consequences if she just let it run. There was no reason for Gwen, a 16 yr old, to be running around the multiverse alone going on high stakes solo missions(and that’s not even getting into the whole homeless thing). We don’t know yet what Peni’s role is but we have to assume it’s similar in nature and responsibility. That is insane.
Pav is the only one who seems to have a healthy relationship with the society, because he’s not really in it! He doesn’t know the indoctrination canon events yet, we don’t see him going off on solo missions, he gets backup when he needs it and that seems to be it.
For the kids that do know the canon events theory(Margo, Peni, Gwen) I cannot even imagine what must be going through their heads. Who else from their worlds has to die. For Peni, is her last living relative, Uncle Ben, the next person for her to lose? If Gwen returns to her world how long will it take for her dad to die? What other traumatic events have Miguel’s theory dictated will happen to them next? What horrors do they know will happen to them and their loved ones that they aren’t allowed to prevent? Is Gwen destined to die young because she’s the only Gwen we see Alive? And Gwen and Hobie, Pav’s friends, do they know that Gayatri and her dad are both destined to die? Like the mental gymnastics these kids have to go through and the mental torment that goes with it.
And then on top of it, to threaten said teenagers, who you have working for you, with being kicked out and being isolated from the people that are like and understand them is really fucked up. Especially if the threatening is because they are acting like teenagers and not soldiers. If Gwen is sent home, not only is her life put in danger but so is her father’s and they all know it. That is some culty level gaslighting and even grooming. Margo and Peni both are implied to not have good home lives either. The more you think about it the worse it gets honestly, because what goes along with this is we never see any of the adult spiders say anything about this.
Miguel and Jess both saw Gwen’s father, a grown man, try to arrest his daughter with a gun pointed at her. They save her, Jess takes her under wing(and whether they meant to or not) effectively become her guardians. They monitor her with what could essentially be a baby monitor/tracking device. They can control where she can and cannot go. And while understandable to not give a teen access to the entire multiverse they were very much giving her the adult responsibilities of protecting it.
When she does screw up, because she is a child who wants to see her friend, Jessica very flippantly references Miguel sending her home, making me think this is not the first time they’ve had that conversation, which is so worrying. And then they eventually do. They knew exactly what situation they were sending her into and not only did the entire society watch Miguel do it with little protest but didn’t even mention it afterwards. Even if Gwen was a threat they had other options, rather than sending her home, where she could still be safe.
There’s also a lot to say about how Jessica, Peter B., and Miguel handled Miles that speaks more to this pattern of behavior but that’s another post.
In the comics the ‘Spider Society’ got away with this sort of stuff, even having an actual infant just chilling with the group, because the spiders were being hunted. They couldn’t go home or leave the safe space dimension because it wasn’t safe. In the movie that is very much not the case. WHY WERE TEENAGERS WORKING FOR THE SOCIETY!?
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starryschoolgirl · 10 months
I'm in love with your au Baby Love!! I assume since it's an au it won't be an issue if I ask if kids are ever on the docket for Elvis and Cosette? And if they do have kids, how many would they have? Or how many have you got planned at the moment? Again, love it all so much and I'm very excited for the next installment!!
Oh what a lovely question! I will take this ask as an opportunity to make the introductions for the Baby Love au children!
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Baby Love Family Tree
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Cosette & Elvis' 5 children, & how they came to be
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First a small clarification! The children, their attitudes, their behavior, and their views on life are heavily influenced by the old-money Chevalier side of the family. This is because for the majority of their childhood Elvis was quite busy with work, so Cosette was almost entirely raising them on her own views which are heavily influenced by her family's views.
Vacations and getaways from 1969 to 1980 were often with the Chevalier side and Elvis' side was too busy caught up in show business. So if you read their profiles and wonder why their attitudes/aesthetics stray from their father's so much, it's due to that lack of connection in childhood despite all the love that Elvis could and would give.
//mention of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)
Now, onto the little darlings!
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Out of all the Presley children, Manon is most like her father personality-wise, which has led to a bit of clashing with her father. She is the first born, right before the spring of 1969. She's named after her mysterious aunt, her mother's sister who is rarely ever spoken about. She's also been dubbed her paternal grandmother's middle name.
Manon was only 12 or 13 when the Yuppie culture of the early 80s began to skyrocket, being the modern girl she is, she of course wanted to take part in that culture. To be a yuppie was to be educated with a solid job, to achieve that she remained on top of her studies, and when it finally came time she graduated overall salutatorian of her class, just one rank below her boyfriend whom she would unfortunately have to end things with.
After graduation, she followed in the footsteps of her uncles and went to Yale, staying with some Chevalier cousins in Connecticut where most of her maternal family is. During her time at Yale she would attend numerous parties as she's a girl with connections, and through those parties she would meet her future husband, Sergey Petroff, 4 years older than her and a new stockbroker. The two of course hit it off as she herself is studying finance.
She's definitely a mommy's girl, but that's just because her and her father are so alike that there are times that the two can't stand each other, but that's not to say she doesn't absolutely adore her father.
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The twins. The spoiled rotten princesses of the Presley family. Born just 32 minutes apart on a cold winter day at the very start of 1970.
The two, out of all the children, had shown the most interest in their daddy's career. While Celine was more interested in the business side of it, as a little girl even listening in on her daddy's meetings, Delphine was more interested in the flashy bits.
And she always got her way. All Delphine had to do was point her little finger at something and moments later it would be paid for and in her hands.
With both their interests in show business, or rather just the high life in general having been obvious since birth, they were allowed to start their own adventure, in modeling at the age of 17. After begging since the age of 13, Cosette and Elvis finally gave in, and only allowed them to start modelling with longtime trusted family friend, Jerry Schilling as their manager.
Delphine absolutely loves the life of modeling and loves doing it with her sister. But Celine has always felt a slight emptiness from it all, she'd much rather be one of the people behind the scenes, making up the contracts and making the money.
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Julie Jesse Presley, the first born son. He was born in early 1971 after a long and hard pregnancy.
His daddy had teased his mommy for giving him such an effeminate name, but she loved it, and said it suited him, he had this angelic beauty about him. He was also of course named after a dear angel in the family, Elvis' stillborn brother, so there were no qualms about it.
Unfortunately he passed away from SIDS only 23 days after his birth.
He is missed terribly and always remembered. There was a point in time however that little confused Manon hated him, as his death was a turning point for the family, and shed light on underlying issues in Cosette and Elvis' marriage, which would eventually give way for divorce.
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The youngest Presley child, Memphis Michael Presley. Born in '74, amidst the divorce of his parents no less. But his birth is sort of the saving grace of the Presley-Chevalier union.
After learning of her pregnancy, and of course needing to tell the court, the court would not approve the famed divorce dispute to be finalized until after the birth of the son.
Had the divorce not been drawn out those extra months, the Presley-Chevalier union would've ended in those rainy, windy months
Despite the fact that he was supposed to be the glue to the family, he grew to have a rather stressed relationship with his father.
Memphis followed in the footsteps of his older sister and maternal side of the family by attending Yale on a football scholarship. The sport is one of the few things that could bring Elvis and Memphis together.
The tension in the relationship stemmed from Elvis' fame. Hearing stories about how his father had treated his mother for a point in time of course filled Memphis with a little bit of frustration when he went from being a little boy who looked up to his daddy, to being a man who felt the need to look after his mama.
Memphis often felt that if his father wasn't famous the two of them would be closer. Fame took his father's time away from him growing up, and now his father's fame overshadowed him as no one took his interest in being involved in politics seriously. All because people were too busy staring at the shadow of his father that staggered over him.
It's also to be noted that out of all the children, he took after the ideals and attitudes of the Chevalier side the most, which at times clashed with his father's own ideals and attitudes.
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And that my dear friends, are the Presley-Chevalier children. What do you think? I personally am enamored with all of them, lovely little ones.
I'm very happy to get this out, so now people will have context when I post later installments of the Baby Love au!! I had so much fun making all their little profiles and backstories, I'm so excited to explore them more!
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More little things I noticed in my third rewatch of ATSV.
There was a moment that confused me where Spot was robbing the guy of the ATM and he was setting down some cans for (seemingly) no reason. He was actually placing the ATM on top of the cans so he can roll it out.
I can't confirm if this is what was actually there, but when Uncle Aaron was telling Miles they "gotta roll," there was an acrylic stand of Spider-Man there that looked like Miles Morales Spider-Man (color and all).
When Miles was swinging through 42 NYC, there was an advertisement for "Vulture" something, I'm assuming a company. Messed up.
When Miguel first introduces himself by ramming into Vulture, Gwen gets to the spot and does this really slick landing animation where she kinda just gracefully brushes against the bannister briefly before landing on the ground.
42 Rio being given more hours at the hospital shows just how bad 42 New York has gotten without a Spider-Man. Terrifying.
I think I may have pointed this out on a previous post, but 1610 Uncle Aaron had a lucky black cat while 42 Uncle Aaron had a lucky white cat instead. I also like the parallels of Peter being tied up against a punching bag by Miles in ITSV while Miles is tied up by Uncle Aaron in ATSV.
I find it hilarious that Miles STILL doesn't know about ComicCon and didn't bother to look it up since ITSV when 42 Rio brings up "ComicsCon."
When Hobie is blocking off Miles from walking through to Miguel and Miles bumps into him, there's a tiny skull that appears when they make contact. It might just be a punk thing, but I wonder if it's an omen for the bad thing that's ahead of Miles.
Lego Spider-Man's vocalized "boop boop"s killed me.
I love the reveal when Miles realizes he's in the wrong universe, the camera pulls into his face and twists slightly. Obvious but nonetheless cool film styling of "his world is spinning" aside, I love that it feels like a 40's/50's kind of thing. Like this is something that you would see in The Twilight Zone, it nails the old comic book-y vibes too.
42 Miles' facial posture has his head up high and his chin slightly jutting out and up, like he's this "in-charge," cold, dignified superior while our Miles has his chin straight, sometimes pointed down and his head straight, showing he's trying to appeal to his humanity and trying to be humble and unassuming. It's awesome details like this that I love.
Hearing Spot say that he couldn't get a job because of what happened to him at that deli really hurts, honestly. Even if, in a way, he himself is partially to blame, it sucks that he has to resort to this. And the way he says it, almost in a "well, I can't do anything else so this is the only thing I can do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" kind of way is really saddening, like he's trying to take it in stride and as a matter of fact. As awful as Spot becomes, I still feel bad for him.
Miles has a "#BLM" pin on his backpack. I'm sure people saw it already and it's probably a given, but in a world where media is trying to appeal to as wide of an audience as possible, it's nice to see the studio make a clear stance with a character that absolutely fits the bill.
That title drop for Earth 42 when Uncle Aaron tries to dab up Miles going into slow-mo with the music subdued was dope as fuck.
Miles throwing his arms up when asking when his dad dies ("When does it happen?!") is so on-point and well animated, it feels like something every New Yorker would do (I would personally know, since I am one).
When Gwen asks Jess if she ever made mistakes, Jess' reply, saying "yeah, but I got over it," is pretty toxic. It feeds into Gwen's need to avoid her problems rather than address them and face them, and I think that's why she probably chooses to avoid discussing things about Miles to him directly.
That look of disgust on Miles' face when he's being surrounded by Spider-People ("What is this? Some kind of intervention or something?") was so real.
The long silence between Miles choosing to go into the portal to follow Gwen is so good, I love when the movie speaks for itself rather than the dialogue. You can see the hesitation in Miles' eyes and face and then his determination as he jumps headfirst into the portal. A great character scene and fitting transition into the next act.
The album cover for the soundtrack is so good and comes from the scene where Miles goes into the portal. It feels like a mix of something from a Golden Age comic book cover, Miles' hand opened out towards the camera like he's being thrust into another world. And the colors of the portal and transition to Mumbattan are gorgeous. Fills the 40's/50's vibes I was talking about earlier, too.
Jeff's toast is really well done and I like how heartfelt and real it feels. Makes his anger, unfortunately, justified on Miles, even if Miles was trying to do the right thing for him and Rio in the end.
"I was just cool the whole time" is such a boss line, I love Hobie.
Miguel casually (almost lazily) swinging around rescuing civilians at the Guggenheim whilst talking to Gwen about a serious conversation is unironically cool. And it fits to his character, he's probably done it so many times that it becomes child's play in the end.
"I ain't got Scooby-Doo, mate."
How does Hobie know that Miles should use his palms for those powers? Curious.
"But now...I'm not afraid of anything." I love Miles so much, he's grown and become so strong not just for himself but for others. He's the best Spidey. Full stop.
I love the reversal of reflections for Gwen. At the beginning of the movie, she's in her casual wear but with the reflections always showing her in her Spider outfit. At the end, she comes home in her Spider outfit but with herself in her casual wear in the reflection instead. She started off alone in the world as Spider-Woman and ended feeling like Gwen. Her arc was completed and she's facing herself, the real Gwen Stacy and not Spider-Woman.
I felt bad that the deli clerk got bonked by the bat :( But, at least he's all right.
Miles saying "Don't do that" to the kid licking the subway window is real. That shit is nasty, the windows are the least clean parts of NYC's subway.
I love that both Gwen and Miles use comically deep voices around their respective dads. It's cute.
When the police officer was saying "I think we found our sign" when Gwen webbed them up, George's silent head turn with unamusement was awesome.
I will not have anymore George Stacy slander. Yeah, he made a bad call in seemingly arresting his daughter, but he QUIT his job for her. He loves her that much that he quit being, not just a police officer, but a CAPTAIN, for HER sake.
Speaking of which, when George had his gun pointed at her before she unmasked, he had his gun down the whole time after she unmasked, even while he was re-relaying her her rights. And when she tries to approach him, his gun flinches up a bit but stops.
"Can you go easy on the penguin?"
This is actually a follow-up post, since I said before that I might make another. This movie is too much for me and I love taking it apart.
Edit: I'm sorry for the constant updates and changes/revisions, but I can't stop thinking about this movie.
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pendwelling · 2 months
You can’t tell me the first thing priest Dokja does when transmigrated to TWSB isn’t locking himself in the royal library and refuses to come out
(Crown prince YJH and Priest KDJ is the funniest image, and obviously HSY is in the background causing problems)
Meanwhile poor Yeseo is on the verge of a panic attack in ORV
(Yeseo trying to parse through his sisters tear filled rambles about her favorite book and therefore being the weirdest prophet know to man while Cedric and Christelle are just there wondering what is up with him)
OOOHHH KDJ locking himself in the Imperial library would be so KDJ of him to do HAHA, tho the main obstacle for that is to first get permission from the Crown 🥲 which, sadly for him.... would mean cozying up in some way to either whoever is the Cardinal and/or Empress/Emperor in this AU (it could range from Persephone and Hades, to Namgung Minyoung, or to even Kyrgios [but I think he fits Johann's role more], etc etc)
((Unsurprisingly I'm gonna go off on a tangent bc anything TWSB related makes my Freak™ show—)) (I JUST LOVE SOOKYM'S WORLDBUILDING SM.... IM SORRY I CANT HELP IT.....) 😭😭😭😭 but libraries—or rather books—actually have a rather important part to play in TWSB, or at least, in showcasing a noble family's strength, power, and prestige. In the Divine Kingdom of Venetiaan, the general populace has an incredibly purposefully low education and literacy rate (due to Queen Lilianne's plan of using the population's dumbification to manipulate their blind curated religious beliefs into having them conscript for her war), so owning books is seen as a symbol of wealth and high education, and the more wealthy a family is, the bigger they would represent that in their family's library. The Riester Empire is different in that education of the common folk is NOT something that they purposefully deprive them of (in fact, we've actually seen the Imperial Family invest in academies for different sorts of talents/skills that could accept even commoners as students), but the significance and importance of books and libraries is something both countries share!
ANYWAY, small tangent over wkdjdkd But all that is to say, a diplomatic hostage like Jesse Venetiaan (and KDJ in this AU) would not have casual permission to use something as precious as the Imperial Library sadly :')...... Which is unfortunate for our Reader bc in a lot of Fantasy AUs the library is a place that KDJ commonly escapes to WKWKKWKWK (IT'S ONE OF MY FAV TROPES NGL...... 😫😭 library lurker KDJ who eventually catches the eye of [usually Crown Prince or Duke of the North] YJH who is entranced by the peaceful figure KDJ makes, backlit from the light of the window and focused on whatever trashy novel he's reading......)
But assuming KDJ knows his chatacter's original fate in the original story (dying during the Riester-Venetiaan war), just like he does in ORV, I bet he would be the type to know exactly what to do and what to avoid, and how to achieve the perfect most "ideal" ending for the story. He's a scheming lil bastard and I trust his survival abilities (well..... until he dies. but he'll come back like the rat he is LMAO...) But considering his personality (at least with The Audacity that the Fourth Wall allows him to have), I think he'd head straight to scheming his way into the good graces of people that he could benefit from (and gaining access to the Imperial Library for some good reads def feels like an essential benefit wkwkwkk) with as much liberties as his complex position as a diplomatic hostage could allow him.
AND OHHHHHHHH YEAH..... POOR JUNG YESEO...... It's such a sad sad SAD image to think about, but also....the though of him frantically trying to organize hundreds of chapters of a repetitive regression scenario story VIA his little sister's tear-filled incoherent hyperfixated ramblings is. kinda funny in a very mean way (LMAO). CedChris would ask him/wonder if he's actually a prophet but when compared to /actual/ prophets like Camille Bacary, they'll kinda look at his sweating face and go "🤨😐 right... prophet huh....". Though it should be said that Yeseo is actually crazy smart when he wants to be/when the situation requires it, so I trust he could do his best to help his companions in an apocalypse with any valuable information he has absorbed thru osmosis via his sister. (And in the case of the "Acciddentally-took-Eunseo's-phone" scenario—canonically, Yeseo managed to get through all 302 chapters of QPB's part 1 in a few days, but it was mostly skimming haha but you can assume he'd be somewhat of a quick reader....... though the stress of scenarios would definitely make him a zombie over Eunseo's phone.) But regardless, considering the personalities of these kids, I still feel like an orv!TWSB(or rather QPB) would be more lighthearted(as lighthearted as it can be) to reflect its targeted Reader: Eunseo! Think of an Action Fantasy Regression novel with a persevering main character like Ham Ga-in Christelle who gets through difficulties with as much stubbornness and cheer as she can (though this would naturally dim throughout regressions, but the core of her character is still important). Idk how far into TWSB you are so I don't want to say much wkdjkdkd but yeah..... KDJ's relationship with TWSA and Eunseo's with QPB are SO similar and yet so different, and that difference can partly be traced back to the type of people they are, which is reflected in the type of genre their favourite respective novels are (which also reflects on the characters in said story too) TT
HAA.......... Somehow, I think I end up writing way too much in response to my Asks sometimes, but ANYWAY WKFJKDDKDKD
Thank you Anon for feeding into these AU thoughts, they're always fun to think about and hear what others have to say!!!!!! 🥹 SORRY THAT I KEPT GOING OFF TRACK. CERTIFIED TWSB YAPPER HERE....... 🥲
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sergeantgoggles · 6 months
headcanons: Maize plus 1 more of your choice that you'd like to discuss for jessix (since they did so well in your poll bracket!!) <3
They really did! It was such a close poll, too! I can't wait to sit down and write it soon!
Maize (Who initiates the first kiss?) + Dealer’s Choice: Thistle (What nicknames do they have for one another)?
“You’re still working?”
Kix looked up from his terminal with tired eyes and a smile that, even in his exhausted state, could light up a whole room. The door hissed as Jesse stepped through the threshold and closed behind him, and the medbay lights were dimmed.
“Wrapping up, then?” Jesse asked hopefully.
“I am,” Kix replied softly and stifled a yawn into the back of his hand. “Why? Is something wrong?”
Jesse shook his head. “I can’t come see my favorite medic?”
“Hm, something’s definitely wrong then,” Kix teased and turned back to his terminal. Over his shoulder, Jesse watched him scroll through data and plug in numbers next to a line-by-line list of supplies. Must be updating the inventory manifest, Jesse assumed.
“Then, can I say goodbye to my best friend?” he asked, noting the shiver that raced up Kix’s back as he tensed.
“You’re going on a mission?” the medic turned to him fully, manifest temporarily forgotten.
Jesse nodded and waved his hand. “It’s just some recon. I shouldn’t be long, but you know…”
A heavy look settled into his eyes, because yes, Kix did know, maybe too well. Their lives weren’t guaranteed. Still, he forced a smile. “You ship out soon?”
“I’ve got a few minutes before I need to check my gear and head to the hanger,” Jesse explained, “that’s why I came to see you.”
Kix grinned, and a rosy blush painted his high cheekbones. “To promise me a date when you get back?”
Jesse barked out a laugh and put his hands on his hips. “Don’t I always?”
“I guess you do.” Kix’s smile was contagious, and the grin that turned Jesse’s lips made him wish they could always smile like this. “But, maybe you could promise me something else?”
“I guess I could. What did you have in mind?”
Suddenly Kix was just a breath away, and before he could react, Kix had stolen that breath with a soft kiss on his lips. “Promise to give it back when you come back?”
It took every ounce of Jesse’s willpower not to dive in for another kiss and give it back to him, but he liked this game they played, dancing around one another, never quite making anything official or putting a name to their flirting. It was fresh, fun, and now he was being rewarded with a gift that was worth waiting his entire half-life for.
His smile turned sly as he winked, and he let Kix feel it on his lips before pulling away just enough to whisper, “be good, Kixystix.”
Kix chuckled at the nickname that he claimed he hated, but it always made the blush on his cheeks darken. “Be safe, Soldier Boy.”
Jesse took a few steps back, giddiness and excitement pulsing through his veins as he waved. This mission was going to be the best one yet, because Kix was going to be waiting for him to give him back that kiss, and oh, Jesse could hardly wait.  
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i-eat-worlds · 2 months
Starcross Chapter 9
In which tense conversations ensue.
Content: Angst, past systemic violence, space imperialism
Free Space, AFS Starcross, 5/5/4763
Veya jabbed the button on the dining table’s holodisplay, bringing up a rotating trade lane alert. The rest of her crew was gathered around, in varying stages of awakeness. Jesse was chomping on a VidaFruit energy bar, while Mari and Ziar were both nursing cups of tea. Elzar looked like they could’ve fallen asleep right then and there. Nothing like a surprise Yeran ship to screw up everyone’s sleep schedules.
“I’ll keep this short, since I know about half of you want to get to bed,” she started, bringing up the details of the alert. “As you’re all aware, Starcross picked up another stray last night. A few minutes ago, Yera put out an alert for who I’m assuming is them.” They gestured to the rotating hologram.
The holo made them look better, with more fat on their cheeks and less bruises on their face. A high Yeran collar rose around their neck, the metal tipped collar points a dead giveaway. Below it, a thickly bolded angular font declared that their name was “Arta Lacos,” a civil service worker who had apparently abandoned their post in several different languages.
Ziar bristled at the image, eyes narrowing. “Civil service worker my ass,” she mumbled under her breath.
“This crew is a family, and I’d never want to put any of you at risk,” Veya continued, tone serious. “Yera will come and try to get them back. Us helping them is not without signicant risk. If that’s a problem for you, speak up now.”
Mari’s eyes flickered up, nervously darting around. “Doesn’t “civil service worker” on a Yeran report normally mean “soldier who deserted?”
She opened her mouth to answer, but Ziar got there first. “There's no way that they’re a soldier. Not from what I saw, Mari.”
“I don’t want to even chance a fucking Yeran soldier on Starcross,” he said, voice forceful.
Oka placed a hand on their partner's forearm. “Azei, I’ve seen them. They’re not like that,” they spoke in Sanatesse.
“Mari, they begged me to hurt them.” Ziar put a foot forward. “You and I both know that Yera’s bastards don’t beg.” Mari dropped his head, but still didn’t say anything, not quite convinced. “They have god knows how many needles stuck into their spine. They aren’t even Yerani,” she swiped a hand through the hologram for emphasis, making it icker. “They’re human. Yera would rather implode than let a human serve.”
Yera would rather implode than let a human live. Before it had been Adaxia, before it had been Veya’s planet and home and family, it had been Earth, and all the other lonely planets on the far reaches of the galaxy that Yera had invaded.
Mari nodded at Ziar’s argument, posture relaxing a little. “Still, Yera will come for them. We’ve worked too hard to build this to let it fall apart now.”
“So we're just going to do what? Push them out of the airlock?” Ziar snapped, stepping closer.
Mari was just about to open his mouth to continue when Veya cut in. “Take a breath, you two.” They both scooted back. “We could try and find a safer place for them to go, maybe in the midri?” She suggested.
“I could see if I know anyone or anyone who knows anyone who’d be willing to help,” Oka said, looking unsure. “But I don’t know how well they’d fare with that.”
Ziar nodded. “I think they should stay with us.”
“Almost every single one of us has been, or is currently, wanted by Yera.” Oka was projectling like they were talking to everyone, but they were turned towards Mari. “Starcross, and Veya, have kept us safe. She’ll keep doing that.”
Finally, Mari sighed. “Okay. But we should still keep an eye on them until we know that we can trust them.”
“Of course.” Veya looked to Elzar and Jesse. “Do you two have any input?”
Elzar shrugged. “I haven’t really met them yet. But I trust Oka’s judgment. They can stay.”
“Same here,” Jesse crumpled up the VidaFruit bar’s wrapper. “I don’t have a problem with it.”
After a final look around the room to make sure everyone seemed comfortable, Veya cleared her throat. “It’s settled then. Kim stays.” A round of nods followed. “I want everyone to rest up. We’re going to land on Zarian in just about six hours. Ziar’s got a doctor coming to visit, so maybe clean it up a little. See you soon.”
Jesse grumbled a little at the cleaning as they all split off in their separate directions, heading towards either their stations or their berths. Before they walked away, Ziar sighed a respectful thank you in Nor’daxi.
Whatever feelings they had about Kim, Veya hoped they were right.
*** Jesse brought Starcross into Zarian’s atmosphere, feeling the hypergravity fluid pull back on her seat belt as the planet’s gravity grew stronger, pulling them closer. Starcross was an older ship, but Jesse had come to love the way her controls felt during reentry. The subtle tug as she evened out the fluid, seamlessly guiding them downward.
While Zarian was probably most famous for the warm volcanic islands that sprouted up in the tropical seas around its equator, that was not their final destination today. Starcross was headed for its icy northern polar tundra instead, far away from any vacation spots, to deliver several loads of fishing equipment related cargo. She wasn’t quite sure what it was, and she didn’t really care.
Despite the knowledge that the weather was sure to be less than ideal, Jesse was still excited to get planetside. They’d be able to stock up on real, non-mining ration food, something with a decent amount of protein and a flavor that wasn't just salt.
She switched to a local frequency, asking for permission to enter its airspace. Zarian’s controllers were used to high traffic volumes, were all multilingual, and were all relatively competent, unlike certain asteroids she could mention. They were quick to return her an authorization code and a landing area.
As she dropped lower, her view became covered by thick clouds. Nothing like descending from space into that fine polar weather. She watched the scanner, locators pinging in her ears as she moved them lower.
Finally, Zarian’s landscape opened up below her, snow capped mountains giving away barren, red grass covered landscape. The city of Iegal spread out along a coast, hugging an ice filled sea. Small boats bobbed up and down, traps sparkling in the water. It was, believe it or not, summer.
Jesse set down on a platform by one of the industrial districts, flipping the switch to power down the main engines.
Starcross had landed.
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@loonybun @paingoes @yassifiedinformation
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dilf-din · 3 months
hey jess! how about ‘don’t leave’ + rebelcaptain for the micro stories ask? 🩷
I had to stop myself from making this longer
Rebelcaptain + 1. Don’t leave from this list
WC: 600
Rating: Gen
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Cassian’s head pounded the whole ride back to base. A trooper had cracked him over the skull with the butt of a rifle, nearly rendering him unconscious and leaving him with a rather prominent purpling welt. Everything after that was blurry and muddled in his mind. The combat he scrambled through, the bodies lining the halls— all of it had clouded black edges when he tried to recall it. The full picture never coming back to him at once.
Jyn lay beside him on a stretcher on the floor. Cassian had extended his leg against her side to keep her steady as the ship jostled wildly, barely being held together as it limped back to base with the rest of them on board.
Jyn was sporting a similar knot to Cassian’s, but hers was in the very center of her forehead. She held it together like she always did when the stakes were high, but her vision had gone black as they retreated to the ship. K2 scooped her up without missing a beat, catching her before she even hit the ground.
Cassian had a firm hand on her shoulder. He told himself it was to hold her head still as the craft rattled loudly, but a good portion of him wanted to feel her, to be near her. He pressed the back of one of his fingers firmly against her throat, keeping count of her heartbeats. They were steady, but he would be the first to know if that changed.
In the medbay, they carted her off with no great urgency. Cassian assumed it was a concussion, nothing more serious, and that she would be awake soon.
He knew that, and still he worried. Still he hung in the halls after he was cleared and discharged. Still he asked to see her once she was in a recovery room.
He thought about knocking to announce himself, but worried that the sharp sound might irritate her head even more.
He slid the door open and crept in, being careful to shift his weight so as not to make too much noise with his boots. The lights were dimmed, and Jyn looked rather pitiful in one of the orange medbay gowns. Strands of hair stuck out every which way like they didn’t even bother to smooth them back into place after examining her.
Across her cheek was a gash with a sickly green bruise around it, and her arm was sporting an IV tube with a pale yellow liquid dripping into it.
“They said I look like I don’t drink enough water,” she said with a gravelly voice.
Cassian chuckled and stood at the side of her bed with his hands clasped awkwardly behind him. The mission today wasn’t the only thing cloudy in his mind. The tightness in his chest when she was struck, the tremble of his hands while they skidded into in the hanger— he didn’t know if she even wanted him here right now.
Was he there as her partner or as more than that.
“You can sit,” she patted the bed clumsily.
“Are they giving you anything for pain?” he asked.
Jyn nodded dopily.
That explained her causal demeanor. She wasn’t her normal sharp self.
“They’re keeping me overnight for observation,” she slurred through the last word.
“Do you feel alright?” an air of concern in his voice.
“Just tired.”
Cassian nodded, rising slowly so as not to jostle her.
“I should let you rest.”
Her hand shot out and grazed his fingertips.
“Don’t leave.”
Her voice sounded smaller than it ever had before.
“Okay,” he whispered.
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kylejsugarman · 2 years
its crazy how u can distill the two schools of thought regarding "pushing students to succeed" using two of jesse's offscreen, throwaway high school experiences. early in the show, we see that jesse still has a chemistry test with walt's "ridiculous—apply urself" comment written at the top. it's no secret at all that walt presently thinks very little of jesse's intelligence, that he views him as a Failure. and even if that wasn't necessarily the case back when jesse was actually walt's student, u get the feeling just from the way those three words are written that walt never attempted to understand jesse. the "ridiculous" insinuates that walt actually does see potential in jesse, that he feels that jesse could succeed, but the "apply urself" is where everything falls apart. it's a simple directive. there's no guidance, no attempt to understand why it is that jesse's NOT "applying himself" or how he operates. i mean, we see right off the bat in the show that walt does not Get jesse and makes very few attempts to adjust his opinion of him because it has already been set in stone (junkie, failure, lazy, irresponsible), and based on walt's other interactions with different characters, he doesn't take it very well when other people don't act according to His standards: he views it as an intentional display of insolence or some engrained shortcoming. walt doesn't instinctively see how people's personalities and pasts and self-perceptions and current dilemmas shape their behavior, and that probably translated to a premature dismissal of jesse as a lost cause when his directives, his commands didn't prompt any change in behavior. walt told jesse to do better, jesse didn't, and that's where walt stopped because clearly jesse is not Willing and has too many Static character flaws to do better.
and then u have the story about jesse's woodshop teacher. the one who saw jesse's first pass at the box project and said "u can do better than that". in some ways, it's not so different from the "apply urself" comment: the teacher is asking jesse to apply himself, to try harder. but it's not that simple directive that in two words assumes that jesse wasn't applying himself and is willfully failing. the teacher sees jesse's potential and he also sees jesse's personality. he knows that this kid won't say "yeah sure whatever" to a comment like that and continue to do the bare minimum. jesse needed to be told that he Could do better, not that he Should do better. he needed to be told that there wasn't just "potential" in him: there is concrete skill and talent. the teacher saw that jesse had been written off time and time again because of how he thought about and approached his work, how jesse had come to accept what he saw as the Truth (he isn't smart, he isn't good at things, he's a failure), and he challenged jesse to question this label. to not just passively accept it. jesse initially responds to this challenge out of spite, but as he tells the story, u see just how much pride and joy doing that project inspired. how he was able to make something Beautiful, how there Was something in him capable of success—how maybe people were wrong about him. obviously jesse needed more support than that to truly change his behavior and how he viewed himself, but there's a reason that jesse daydreams about putting that kind of care and effort into carving a box during the finale when he's at his lowest. he's retreating into one of his brightest memories—the memory of what it was like to love himself, even for just a moment.
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starkeyletters · 1 year
•̩̩͙⁺𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡
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Warnings - 18+, Mature theme, Drug & substance use, indications to smut (hookups), etc.
Wordcount - 2,2k+
Pairing - 𝑅𝐴𝐹𝐸 𝐶𝐴𝑀𝐸𝑅𝑂𝑁 x 𝙁𝙀𝙈 𝙊𝘾 [Reader]
Summary - Fic based off of the song below, 'Too High'. The fic itself, to summarize it, is Rafe taking realization in to learning his true feelings. Knowing he wants more than just stupid hookups. But the question is, does she feel the same?
A/n - My first fic based off a song. Works like these will never be more than one part but they will be often posted. I recently found a liking for this beautiful song and it gave me so many ideas for it and it just made me feel like it would be a situation that would involve Rafe Cameron with a girl this way. Hope you guys enjoy this one (:
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Tell me if you're alright
Did I get ya too high?
Sleeping over two nights
In a row, I can't let you go
Tonight you might fall in love
Ahh, yeah
It was late, very late. Lately, it was moments like this for Rafe that caused the realization to set in. The realization that he was falling in love. With you. He didn't want to, Loving anyone scared the shit out of him. He was never loved right, so how was he supposed to love someone without failing? He wondered that every single day, And the moment he began caring about you being more than just a hookup, He knew. 
Rafe’s POV:
It was late, 2:00am. I pushed back against the hardwood of my bed’s headframe, staring down at her next to me, tangled in my white and blue bedding. She was gorgeous - doll like. It wasn't the first time we have done this, it has been quite occasional for the past month. Every time my parents leave I invite her over, get high, hookup, then she leaves. Lately that hasn't been happening the way we planned.
My hand ran through her soft silky hair, my fingers merely touching the exposed skin on her back. She lied on her stomach, sleeping so peacefully. She looked so effortlessly beautiful while she was in any state of comfort. I wondered to myself if she was alright, i wish she was awake to tell me how she was feeling. We had a long hookup, after which we smoked weed and did some coke. Sometimes I wonder if I got her too high, thankfully the effects will wear off not too long from now.
Tonight was the second night in a row we did this, my parents were out on a business trip. Usually we never made it through one night, let alone two. And quite honestly, now i don't want her to leave. I don't want this to be over.
I couldn't understand the way i felt, or the way she acted towards me. Was it actually love? Or was it just tension, even lust? I wish i could know if what i was feeling was love, but its hard to know what something is if you never experienced it. Yet, she treated me in a way no one ever had. She showed me genuine care. You could tell by the look on her face when I asked her to stay for the night a second time its hat she wanted, and exactly what answered my question was the look in her eyes. They lit up, I could've sworn her pupils were hearts.
Maybe im just high, but i think im falling in love.
“Hm?” You mumbled into the pillow your head was on, Rafe waking you up from your sleep. He looked just as restless and out of it as you did. But you couldn't assume it was anything other than the effects of the substances the two of you used only a few hours before the time now. “I know i sound crazy for saying this,” he stopped, you looked up at him and laughed as he sat against his headboard, shirtless, his hair a mess, all over his face as he looked off into the distance of some spot n his room. Fidgeting with his hands on his lap.
“But- But i want to have more than just hookups with you- a-and sesh’s. I enjoy being with you- and i think i might be in lov-” You rent in the right mindset, you weren't yourself. You were higher than he was at that moment, so that's why you cut him off saying what you did. 
“Rafael Cameron. Were high.” 
Tell me, are you too high? (Are ya?)
'Cause I'm feelin' just fine (yeah)
Truth is, Rafe wasn't nearly as high as you were. He barely took anything that night. If anything, One could say he doesn't have enough in his system for it to even show up on a drug test. His eyes weren't even red. And if he was high, it wore off. Because he did not feel high, that's for sure.
You on the other hand,  Your eyes were bloodshot red, eyelids once you were woken were half closed, and you were completely out of it. You were definitely too high, you and Rafe both knew it. 
You were too high.
Rafe was feeling just fine.
And I just wanna kiss you (I do)
I love ridin' through the city with you
Hear you talk about your silly issues, oh
You drive me wild, oh—oh
Take back to one night, 2 weeks prior to the current situation, the two of you took a ride in his truck, a late night drive. Throughout the town, even the city. It was a gorgeous night. With the music blasting and the way you sang along with it, Rafe couldn't imagine a more beautiful version of you. It was a night to remember, neither of you were on anything. Which really made it better. He loved going for drives with you, really he loved doing anything if it involved being with you.
He just wanted to kiss you, he craved it, he never kissed you when the two of you hooked up. It was a forbidden rule on the list of rules you made up when the two of you started doing so. The way your lips looked that night especially, the way they sung along to the music playing, the way you glossed them, it was everything for rafe. He always wanted to kiss you, he wanted to know what the feeling of your lips on his would feel like.
He loved drives with you, They would last for hours, and hours, until either you or him got tired. You would always have at least one rant session to him every single time you would go for a drive. ANd he never once minded the fact that you did so.
Most of the issues were silly, he would always get an entertaining time out of listening to you speak on them. He loved the fact that you not only opened up to him about such and such, but the fact that you were the person who came to him and trusted him enough to say what you were feeling and about problems you had. No matter how serious, or silly they were.
You drive him wild.
And babe, I wanna smoke and
Fall asleep on your floor
We won't make it to your bed, no
We won't make it to your bed
Take back to the one time,and only time, Your parents were out of town and you invited rafe over to just have a quick session. To smoke, Not hookup. And that's exactly what happened. 
Rafe was uncontrollably laughing, falling onto your bedroom floor as the two of you got into your room from being outside. You were just as bad, stumbling on top of him, neither of you even thinking to get up. 
“And- The time you-” Rafe said in between laughs, “You- slipped and-” He couldnt even finish his sentence. The two of you were always like this when high. 
The floor was where the two of you bunked for the night, not being able to make it to your bed, Well - most of the night for you, you woke up halfway throughout the night, Moving up into your bed.. The feeling of discomfort from lying on a hard surface with nothing beneath you except rafes arm under your sore neck, would have made your body ache for days to come. You didnt bother waking Rafe, Infact he looked super peaceful. God knows how he did it since the next morning he felt fine. No pain.
Your dad would kill me if he knew what we were doin' babe
And if he finds us, I swear I won't have a clue what to say
Ayee, so
Oh, how your father would kill him if he ever found out the things that happened - or still even go on between you and Rafe.
In fact, your parents, especially your father, were extremely protective over you. There wasn't a day that went by that you could remember that they hadn't warned you about Rafe Cameron, they always told you that you were to stay away from him. And oh how much trouble you'd be in, especially if he found out Rafe cameron spent the night in his home.
Neither of you never put a plan in place for if you were to get caught, and Rafe always worries when there's days spent together that are in public, or if someone was to ever snitch.
He really wouldn't have a clue what to say.
Tell me if you're alright
Did I get ya too high?
The one time you went home after the two of you got high, and mid- hookup you bailed. He didn't hear from you for days, he was so worried. He knew he should've never let you go home in the state you had been in. You were sobbing before you left his house. He would text you constantly for those few days, only for you to ignore him.
You just left, high, sobbing, you were a mess. He knew your parents were home and he worried you'd rat the two of you out. Since he was acting like a dick that night. 
Sleeping over two nights
In a row, I can't let you go
Tonight you might fall in love
Ahh, yeah
*Reference to first paragraph of the fic.
Turns out, you never told anyone,and your parents didn't even notice the way you were once you got home. You just felt like shit. That was the night you realized you were in love with Rafe. And that's why you left, or bailed on him as he called it. 
You spent the next two nights after that with him, for the first time. You didn't want to leave his presence and you didnt want to let him go. 
You wondered if he felt the same, and when he was about to say the three words, you were too high, telling him that too - You regretted that as soon as the drugs wore off. He was falling in love with you, and you were too. But you ruined it. You told him that the two of you were:  “Rafe Cameron. Were high.”
You regretted it ever since.
I got you, baby, I can't lose you now
Swear to God that I won't fuck around (no)
You're my favorite one I ever found
Yeah, I treat you like you got a crown (I do)
After that night, It's like the two of you got closer to each other without making a plan to do so. He knew after that night that the feelings being shared were mutual. He knew you loved him too. You just couldn't say it. 
All he saw was regret on your face anytime he would talk about what happened, anytime he would talk about his feelings as hints for you to take since after that he was too scared to straight up tell you he was falling in love with you. 
He knew he got you, and he knew he couldn't let himself lose you.
He swore to you that he would never, ever, fuck around.
He told you that you were his favorite one he ever found, Because you were. There was something about you that anyone else Rafe knew didn't have. You were his soulmate, that's for god damn sure. 
Rafe, even though you aren't together (yet) Treats you like a literal queen. He never ever disrespect nor hurts you. Take back to the one time, yet it happened multiple times, Rafe had to carry you because your feet hurt in your heels, up stairwells, down hills, up hills, etc. plus he'd carry your heels.
You were his princess.
Promise that you'd never lie and (no)
Baby, never leave me crying
The two of you, when you first started to hookup. Made a promise to never ever lie about if the other was catching feelings. Yet that didn't work out for either of you. You both did, and you both lied. To each other.
Which not only left you crying, but also Rafe.
After that night, neither of you ever lied to one and other ever again.
Yeah, you're the only one I want, alright
You were indeed the only one Rafe wanted. Ever since he met you he never had one thought about someone else. He tried proving it to you. You were all he wanted. Everything he needed. He never wanted to picture you with someone else.
Tell me if you care about me
The way that I care for ya
I just need to see
Rafe wanted you to say it. Say you cared for him the way he cared for you that night. The thing is, you didn't. You showed him instead. 
Did I get ya too high?
Did I get ya too high?
Rafe did indeed get you too high. Not on drugs, but on love.
Taglist - @joselyn001
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@ starkeyletters 2023
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idk6123 · 9 months
Mistakes Were Made (Jesse Pinkman X Male Reader)
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Everything is going from bad to worse. First with the making of the meth, than getting involved with Krazy 8, and later get threaten and almost killed by him and his friend, only to kidnap him and kill his friend a moment later. That brings the duo to the current day, leaving Walter and Jesse with a corpse and a hostage in the basement. The duo is furiously discussing what to do with the corpse and the living person. They’ve been so focused on the current situation, that it really snaps Walter when he hears another person.
“Jesse, I’m home!”
When he hears that, Walter only looks dazed at his coworker. “Who the hell is that?”
“That’s Y/N.” Jesse merely replies. He’s quick to get away from Walter and uses the stairs to get to the ground floor.
Once Jesse gets to the ground floor, he’s quick to see his boyfriend just getting home from work. “How’s work?”
“Could be better.” The man puts his bag on the ground against the wall. Then he walks over to the kitchen to grab something to drink. “You remember Gregor?”
“That bitch-ass coworker of you?”
Y/N then gets a cup of coffee. “Yeah. He was really getting under my skin today, so I spit in his coffee.”
“Good for you.” Jesse gives a prideful smile at him.
From behind Jesse, Walter walks in, standing behind him, making Y/N startle a bit until realizing who he is. “Mr. White!?”
“Y/N?” Walter is quick to put on his usual behavior. “It’s been a while.”
“It has indeed. Why didn’t you said he was here?” Y/N looks at Jesse.
“I didn’t had a chance.” Jesse says with a short laugh.
The working man hums. “What brings you here?”
“Just catching up with one of my favorite graduated.” Walter says with a forced smile as he looks at Jesse, who looks a bit awkward. “He never told me he has… uh…”
“Boyfriend.” Jesse walks over to Y/N to put an arm around his neck. “We’ve been together about 3 years.”
“Almost 4.” Y/N adds with a smile.
Walter smiles lovely, but continues to force it, not wanting to come off across that he and Jesse as a corpse and a hostage in the basement. “I always knew you two were close back in the days, but I always assumed it was a friendship.”
“So did we.” Y/N responds. “Until a certain guy got high a slipped that he finds me cute.” He looks smugly as he drinks his coffee.
Jesse points to the man next to him. “He always tells that to everyone.”
“Anyway, do you want some coffee?” Y/N offers.
“No, thank you.” Walter politely declines. He then looks at Jesse. “Can we continue to talk privately?”
Jesse gives one quick smile before following Walter to the other room. Once there, Walter drops his smile without hesitation.
“What the hell was that?”
“You never mentioned you were living with someone.”
Jesse scoffs, as they continue whisper shout to each other. “Like you told everything to me.”
“Jesse, don’t you realize the situation we’re in?”
“Like I did get a choice in this? Where else do we put a dead guy and some psychopath? At your place? Wonder what ‘Skyler White, yo’, would think.”
Walter sighs, putting a hand on his head. “Just make sure he doesn’t get involved with this and get rid of that corpse.” Before he walks away, he gets back to say one thing to Jesse. “And maybe get some sleep pills. If Krazy 8 makes a ruckus, I doubt he would like to know his boyfriend has a man in his basement.”
Jesse let out a sigh, feeling constantly stress that he get from Walter. Both men get to the kitchen, with a smile back on Walter’s face.
“I got a call and I need to go, but I will swing by next time.”
“Oh. Alright.”
“We can catch up next time.” Walter says with a smile. “Good luck, the both of you.” He specifically looks at Jesse with the last part. “Have a good day.”
The two man leads Walter to the exit.
“Until next time, Mr. White.” Y/N smiles at Walter leaving, while the man next to him only give a glare at him. That’s when Y/N gets back to the kitchen to drink his coffee, with Jesse standing next to him. “How nice of him to swing by. How’s he?”
“Good.” Jesse coldly replies. Before his boyfriend can ask for an explanation for the odd reply, the man gets behind him and hug him. “Hey, there is something I need to say to you.” Jesse begins to whisper lovely into Y/N’s ear. “For our 4 year anniversary, I planned something special, but it’s a surprise.”
“Yeah.” Jesse tries his best to give his smoothest voice. “It resolves me, you, and lots of sex.”
“And what makes this time so special?”
“That’s a surprise.” Jesse says with a mischievous smirk. “All I can say that the basement is going to be wild. Though there is something I need from you.”
“And that is?”
“Don’t get in the basement.” Jesse knows he successfully lied his way as he sees his boyfriend smiles. “I planned many new and fun things, but I want to see your first reaction.”
“Sure thing. I stay away from the basement, or rather future sex dungeon.”
“That’s my good boy.” Jesse then gives kisses Y/N’s neck for a bit, completing his lie. As Y/N enjoys the pleasure he receives, Jesse stops for a moment. “I need to… work on the surprise, but I can give you a snippet tonight.”
“You sure you’re not also a sex addict?”
Jesse chuckles lovely. “I don’t see the problem with it.” He gets himself off his boyfriend and get to one of the cabinets to snatch a bottle of sleeping pills. Afterwards, he walks towards the basement. Y/N saw what he grabbed and merely wonders what sleeping pills has to do with Jesse’s idea.
It has been a weird couple of days. Walter is visiting often, way too often to make Y/N question if there is an alternative motive besides catching up. He hasn’t asked anything yet to Jesse, but the man knows it’s inevitable. It doesn’t help that there is a corpse slowly rotting in the basement. Not only that, Krazy 8 is still alive and get constantly put to sleep when Y/N is home, which is the biggest threat for Jesse. To his luck, Y/N fully believes Jesse when he shared his fake plan, that he now needs to make real.
However, today is the day that they deal with at least one of their problems, getting rid of the corpse. It was the perfect moment. Y/N is at work, allowing Jesse to freely move the dead body. Everything has been going perfectly. The body is in the bathroom. He has the acid. Now only to put the corpse in the bathtub, put the acid, let nature do its work, clean the remaining parts. All gone, no sign someone dead, and one less problem Jesse has to deal with.  Until fate decided to give him more problems.
“Makes perfect sense. Let’s completely screw up your house so you never wanna spend night int it. Sure. You know, why not?” Jesse vents as he removes the garbage bag from the corpse. Afterwards, he puts it in the bath. The pale dead guy is in the tub, Jesse begins to exceed his plan. “Yeah, and how’s about I send over my psycho-bitch wife to, you know, break your balls and threaten you? God, that would be hilarious, you know.” As he begins to put on the yellow suit, he gets startled when he hears a familiar voice.
“I’m home!”
Jesse’s eyes went wide open. He quickly throws the suit on the side and sprint to the door to lock it. He can already hear the footsteps getting closer.
“Jesse, where are you? I need someone to bitch to!”
“I’m in the bathroom!” Jesse yells. As he deals with this situation, he thinks of a way to remedy the situation.
He hears the footsteps standing in front of the door. “I fucking hate Gregor. That fucker created a rumor that made me send home.” He tries to open the door. “Jesse, I would feel better to rant in front of your face.”
“Uh…” Jesse quickly thinks of an excuse. Then he notices the toilet, knowing the perfect excuse. “I got a bad case of diarrhea, man.”
Y/N cringes at hearing this. “Goddamn Mexican food…” He mutters. “You need some medicine?”
“No, thanks.” That’s when Jesse needed to add one thing to ensure Y/N won’t discover the truth. “Maybe it’s better you don’t use the toilet for a while…”
“Jesus, Jesse!” Y/N says with disgust. “You better clean it up!”
“I sure will.” Jesse responds as he looks at the dead guy. That’s when he hears the footsteps walking away, making Jesse let out a sigh of relief. “Too close.” That’s when he recontinues his work, unaware that this will be the downfall of all the lies he build.
After completely destroying a corpse, Jesse thought it’s a good idea to get a smoke. Y/N, who’s behind his laptop in the living room, notices how tense he is, but he allows Jesse to process things first before talking about it. So, he just continues working. Meanwhile in the kitchen, Jesse smokes away. Suddenly, a door opens, with Walter entering the kitchen. The two begin arguing, all the while the other man in the building unaware about it since he’s listening to his favorite tunes. This continues for a few seconds.
“Try dragging 200 pounds of stink up a flight of stairs. I barely got him in the bathtub.”
As Jesse complains to Walter, Y/N removes his headphones to walk around for a bit. As he does, he gets in the hallway, noticing something dripping from the ceiling.
“Bathtub, what…? What do you mean, bathtub?”
“Yo, Jesse! There’s a leak!” Y/N comments as he steps closer to the liquid, noticing that’s red.
“Another thing. Why you got me running around town trying to find some stupid piece of plastic when I have a perfectly good tub I can use?”
“Jesse! Why is there blood coming out of the ceiling!?”
Walter can’t believe the situation he’s in. “Oh, god.” He walks away to the hallway.
Jesse follows him. “Hey. hey!”
Walter is the first one to see Y/N’s back, seeing him looking worried and confused why there’s blood leaking from the ceiling. He then looks at the floor, seeing smoke coming from it. Jesse soon joins him. As they watch what’s going on, Walter knows it’s inevitable until Y/N discovered the truth. As the man wanted to get his hand out to catch one of the droplets, Walter stops him.
“Y/N.” The man turns around, wondering why Walter is here. “Step away.”
Right before it all goes down, Walter runs to Y/N and grabs his arm. With one shake, he pulls the man towards him to the back of the hallway. As Y/N falls on his back, the group sees a chunk of the ceiling falling on the floor. Blood splatters get everywhere and to top it off, gore joins the floor a second after. As the three watches with mouth’s open, blood continues to pour down. When it all appears to be over, Walter walks further to see the bathtub through the hole.
In the background, Jesse helps the shocked Y/N up. “Y/N, you alright?”
“I…” Not knowing how to respond, he remains looking at the blood. “How…?” With small steps, he joins Walter to view the damage. He only looks back at Jesse as he connects the events.
Seeing his face, Jesse knows he’s caught. “I can explain.” That’s when Y/N quickly run to the basement. “Wait! Wait!” Jesse follows him, trying to stop him. However, once the other man gets to the basement, he opens the door and quickly get down the stairs to see a man tied to a pole, merely looking at him. With another half-open mouth, Y/N looks back at the entrance where Jesse is standing.
“I can explain.”
“Jesse, there is a guy in the basement and what the fuck even happened with THAT!?”
“Y/N, please-” The shocked man quickly gets pass Jesse to use the stairs to get away from Jesse. “Y/N!” Jesse calls out his name as he follows him. All the while, Walter merely looks smugly at the junkie.
“I’m sorry, what were you asking me? Oh, yes. That stupid plastic container I asked you to buy. You see, hydrofluoric acid won’t eat through plastic. It will, however, dissolve metal, rock, glass, ceramic. So there’s that.”
Jesse merely looks at Walter with a deadpanned stare. “Wow, what a fun fact. Tell it to my traumatized boyfriend who may call the cops on our asses!”
With that, he leaves Walter and uses the stairs to get upstairs. As Jesse calls out his boyfriend’s name, he looks through different rooms. He quickly discovers that he’s in the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed, looking distraught.
“Y/N.” Jesse closes his door behind him and slowly walks over to him. “Please, please, let me explain.”
“You know what? I knew right before we started dating that this wasn’t going to be easy, and I was fine with that, because I love you. I was fine with you having a troubled relationship with your parents, because I get it. I was fine with your drug abuse, because I believed if I was by your side, maybe you could use a little less and stop the heavy ones. But never did I expect…” Y/N is looking for the right words, though not knowing what. “This shit!”
Jesse is quick to sit besides the upset man. “Look, this is the last thing I wanted. You can blame Mr. White for this shit.”
“He did this?” Y/N says with doubt. “Our boring chemistry teacher.”
“Turns out the boring chemistry teacher can make top quality meth.” Jesse drops the bomb, making Y/N surprised by the fact. Then he merely continues venting. “Not just that, he’s a manipulative son of a bitch that makes me care of the dead guy he killed, and then have the other guy locked up in MY basement, because how bad if his bitch of a wife discovers he’s Mr. Future-drug-overlord. Meanwhile, it’s fine that the guy I love discovers what we’re doing.”
It takes a couple of seconds until Y/N fully processed the situation. “…You’re saying this is all because him?”
“Damn right!”
He didn’t even considered the repercussions until Y/N stands up and storms out of the room. As Jesse follows his boyfriend, he can see how mad he is.
“Walter!” The chemistry teacher is a little bit off guard when he hears Y/N yelling. Once he sees him downstairs, he can see a death glare that reaches his soul. “You got some nerve brining Jesse in this mess!”
“Last time I check, this wouldn’t have happened if he just bought a plastic-”
“Not this!” Y/N gestures to the broken ceiling. All the while, Jesse is standing beside him, never seeing him so angry before. “The drug dealing! About the fact you killed someone and kidnap someone else!”
“It was self-defense.”
“I really need more context to that, buddy.”
Walter sighs, gesturing him to talk down. “We just wanted to sell what we’ve made. They came back with Jesse and threaten our lives-”
“Sorry, ‘they came back with Jesse’?” Y/N repeats. “You’re saying it was Jesse that tried to sell it? Just him?”
Walter remains quiet, thinking how to diffuse it, but Jesse doesn’t get him covered. “Yeah, he did.”
Y/N then gives an even scarier glare at Walter. Before doing anything rational, he merely gives him a creepy smirk. “Mr. White, you’re lucky I knew you back in the days where you were clearly saner, so I give you a deal. You clean this mess up, cover all of the damages, fix whatever that is in the basement and leave me and my boyfriend alone forever. Or I can call the cops, get my boyfriend in jail, but because I feel spiteful, gladly snitch on you too. Go to your wife to tell the news Mr. Chemistry teacher is also Mr. Methy teacher and watch how disappointed she is in you as she cries her tears out like a spoiled child that don’t get their candy!”
Never did Walter expected how threatening Y/N can be when he gets his buttons pressed too much, but honestly, he can’t blame him. So, he merely complies, even if he doesn’t get an other choice. “Alright.”
“And remember, after this.” Y/N waves his finger around the area. “I want you nowhere me, Jesse, or our property, or I get something more than just a restraining order. Do you understand?”
With that, Y/N walks away, back upstairs. Jesse merely follows him, as he reenters the bedroom again, seeing Y/N letting out a tired sigh.
“I’m sorry I’ve put you up this.”
“Next time, don’t be an idiot and start making drugs, especially with people like him.” Y/N tiredly says.
“I promise.” Jesse assures. He walks over to Y/N to hug him from behind. This question has been in his mind, and he’s even scared to ask it. But he has to know. “…You’re not breaking up with me?”
“…No.” Jesse instantly feels more relieved at hearing that. “You’re lucky you didn’t had any malicious intent with this shit.”
“Do you want to call me a dumbass?”
“Yes. You’re a dumbass, Jesse.” At hearing that, Jesse can’t help but laugh a bit. “But you have to promise me, this is never going to happen again.”
“I promise, I will never meet up with Mr. White.”
“Not just that.” Y/N continues. “I know I said it before about the drugs, but now I have to constantly think there may be some junkie that is after you, I don’t think it’s best to associate with this shit.”
Jesse quietly hums. “I understand. I throw mine remaining stash and get myself into rehab.”
Y/N is surprised he’s willing to go along with him, especially how quick he agreed. “You’re fine with that?”
“Let’s just there is someone I love more than drugs.” Jesse turns Y/N around, both men facing each other. “And after he accepted all the baggage I got and now I have, I think he deserves to be entitled for a change.” He says with a smile, causing Y/N to smile.
“I don’t want to be in a relationship that makes demands.”
“I know, but this I understand. Just know, even though I’m saying now that I quit, I know… probably the next day, that I want something to sniff. Just give me some time to adjust to this, alright?”
“I’m fine with that.”
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longitudinalwaveme · 2 months
Amazing Sliding Timescales
Sometimes I forget just how old the Flash characters actually are, so I did some math to estimate approximately when the Flash characters would have been born, based upon the year of their debut issue.
These estimations will be necessarily vague, given that we don't know exactly how old any of the characters were intended to be.
And now, without further ado:
Barry Allen: In Flash vol. 1 #121 (1961), Barry was depicted as attending the 10-year anniversary of his graduation from Sun City University, meaning that he would have graduated from college in 1951. Assuming that he completed school in four years, this means that he would have graduated from high school in 1947 (assuming that he went to college immediately upon graduating high school), and that he would have been born in 1929 (assuming he graduated high school at 18). This would have made him twenty-seven years old upon his debut in 1956, and would make him 95 years old if he were a real person today.
Iris West: Iris is probably within two or three years of Barry in terms of age, meaning she would have been born between 1926 and 1932.
Captain Cold: Captain Cold debuted in Showcase #8 in 1957, and was likely intended to be somewhere between 20 and 35 years old. This would mean that he would have had to have been born sometime between 1922 and 1937.
Additional side note: Lisa seems to be about five to seven years younger than her brother, based on flashbacks from Flash vol. 2 #182. This would mean that she would have been born between 1927 and 1942 based on this issue--and that she would have been somewhere between 35 and 50 years old in 1977 (the year of her actual debut issue!).
Dr. Alchemy/Mr. Element: Albert Desmond debuted in Showcase #13, in 1958, and was likely intended to be between the ages of 20 and 30, meaning he would have been born between 1928 and 1938 (although since he seems to be about the same age as Barry, I'd guess that he might possibly be closer to 30).
Mirror Master I: Sam Scudder debuted in Flash #105, in 1959. He could be anywhere from 20 to 35 years old on his debut (though I would personally guess him to be on the younger side). This means he could have been born anywhere from 1924 to 1939.
Pied Piper: Hartley Rathaway debuted in Flash #106 in 1959. Since later stories would suggest he graduated from college, I'll guess that he was about 22 when he became the Pied Piper for the first time, which would mean he was born around 1937.
Weather Wizard: Mark Mardon debuted in Flash #110 in 1959. Again, he could have been intended to be anywhere from 20 to 35, and could have been born anywhere from 1924 to 1939 (though I assume that he too was on the younger side.)
Wally West: Wally West debuted in Flash #110 in 1959, and is somewhere between 10 and 14 years old. This would mean he was born sometime between 1945 and 1949, and that he would have been 38 to 42 years old in 1987 (when Flash vol. 2 began in the real world).
Trickster I: James Jesse debuted in Flash #113 in 1960. I tend to assume he was quite young when he became the Trickster. If we say he was 18, then he would have been born in 1942.
Captain Boomerang, Sr.: George "Digger" Harkness debuted in Flash #117, in 1960. He appeared to be on the older side, given his early male pattern baldness, and thus was probably intended to be somewhere between 25 and 35 on his debut. This would mean that he was born sometime between 1925 and 1935.
The Top: Roscoe Dillon debuted in Flash #121 in 1961, and appears in the illustrations to be between 20 and 25 years old (he is quite baby-faced in his first issue). Assuming that this is the case, he would have been born sometime between 1936 and 1941.
Heat Wave: Mick Rory debuted in Flash #140 in 1963. He seemed to be on the older side, having worked as a fire-eater before becoming a criminal and also being completely bald, so I'd guess that he was between 25 and 35 on his debut. This would mean that he would have been born somewhere between 1928 and 1938.
Golden Glider: Lisa Snart debuted in Flash #250, in 1977 (twenty real-world years after her older brother!). I'd guess her to be somewhere between 23 and 27 based on the art, meaning that she would have been born sometime between 1950 and 1954.
If we assume that her older brother Captain Cold is five to seven years older, then based on this issue he would have been born sometime between 1943 and 1949.
Mirror Master II: Evan McCulloch debuted in 1989. I'd assume him to be somewhere between 20 and 25 upon his debut, which means he would have been born somewhere between 1964 and 1969.
Linda Park: Linda Park debuted in 1989. Since she was a reporter and would have had to have graduated college, I would assume she was intended to be 23 to 25 years old, which means she would have been born somewhere between 1964 and 1966.
Billy Hong: Billy debuted in 1999 at the age of 11. This would mean that he was born in 1988, and that he would be thirty-six years old today if he had aged in real time.
Josh Mardon: Josh debuted in 2001 and appeared to be a relatively young child (definitely under age 2). This means that he could have been born no earlier than late 1999, and that he would probably have been born between 2000 and 2001. That would make him 23 to 24 years old today---that is, roughly my age--- if he had aged in real-world time.
Trickster II: Axel Walker debuted in 2002. Since his artist, Scott Kolins, said he drew him as a 16-year-old, we'll go with 16 for his age. This means that Axel would have been born in 1986, and that he would be thirty-eight years old today if he aged in real time.
Comic book aging is wild. (I didn't include Bart, Jai, Irey, or Owen in this post because I didn't want to have to deal with any speed-force/time travel-induced headaches.)
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hsangel64 · 1 year
𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞
chapter 01: coming home
pairings: bff!ellie x reader, dina x reader, ex!abby x reader
synopsis: you and ellie are childhood friends but for college you moved and she stayed. some instances make you leave and move back home for good. ellie then introduces you to her friends dina and jesse. what happens when you and dina get a little too close for ellie’s comfort. what happens when your past resurfaces? how will you all manage?
warnings: smut, lots of drama, angst, foul language smau fic !
a/n: yay first chapter ! i’ve got lots planned for this series im so excited ! this is set in june so no classes for college are going on! lets also pretend sarah is the same age as ellie like maybe one age older, so ellie is 21 in this and sarah is 22!!
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ellie was running around everywhere, she was frantic trying to clean her messy room. she's running around and even tripped over her laundry basket. joel heard the boom from downstairs and ran up wondering what she was up to.
"hey uh kiddo you alright?" he stifled a laugh as he saw ellie laying on the floor assuming she fell.
"no my room is dirty."
"yeah i know....you just noticed?" ellie's head shot up.
"hey shut up-"
"then what's got you makin all this noise?"
"Y/N IS COMING HOME!!!" ellie shouted and jumped up. joel jumped hearing a door slam open and footsteps running towards him.
"SHE'S COMING HOME??" she ran into the room and pushed her father aside.
"well you better get this room cleaned before she gets here. does she need someone to pick her up?"
"yes but i have it all covered!!" joel chuckled at her seeing how excited she is considering you two hadn't seen each other since high school graduation.
"okay well both of you clean your rooms, i'm gonna head to the grocery store to grab some dinner." they both nodded and sarah ran and pushed her dad once again and ran to her room. ellie had about an hour to clean because your flight was only about 2 hours.
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ellie was at your gate waiting very anxiously, she was shifting from one foot to the other and biting her nails waiting for you. she saw a bunch of people come out and was looking around for you like crazy. she then saw you come out, you had grown a lot since high school and she was shocked at how pretty you were in person. of course she had seen you in pictures and on facetime but that didn't do nearly enough justice. you made eye contact with ellie and instantly ran to her. she smiled at you and you tackled her, she caught you as your legs wrapped around her waist and hugged her tight.
"oh my god els i missed you so much."
"i missed you too so much."
@whenlostinthedarkness, @trulygnomed, @gold-dustwomxn
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