#and Kingo is lying there just like
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
JESUS your prompt with Gil being a special force agent was sooooo good! The DRAMA! my heart! Pls do a part 2! the mission and if he fulfilled his promise! I need to know! May the drama, action and sweetness be with you! :D
Gil opened his eyes to a white ceiling and a dim light over him. Last he remembered was the operation and covering the stairwell. He was pretty sure it was going well, last he recalled.
He tried to raise his hand to rub his eyes but found it occupied. He looked down, and now he was pretty sure he had died during the sting and was now in his own personal heaven.
Thena was asleep in the chair next to his recovery bed, head on her arm, her hand holding his in her sleep.
Yeah, he had definitely died. He must have, for this to be happening.
"Hey, man."
Gil startled, looking over and getting just a peek at Kingo, where the curtain between their beds had been pulled a little too far. He could just see a little bit of him. "What happened?"
"It went fine until there were more unsubs than we thought," Kingo narrated, his eyebrow doing a lot of work to help him express what he thought of it all. "One of them tried to take the stairwell to escape and, well, that's where you come in, pal."
Right, now Gil could recall the weight of three men plowing into him, pushing them all down one and a half flights of stairs. And that was before he had to fight and apprehend them all, too.
"Good thing you were in there," Kingo puffed out a faint laugh. "That's the Boss, though--doesn't leave any stone unturned."
Yes, that certainly was their surprisingly fretful and caring boss. Gil snuck a look back at her on his other side, probably completely concealed from Kingo's view by his body. At least for the time being, so long as he could be cool about it.
"Relax, I know she's there."
"She came in a few hours ago, after everyone else and the higher ups had already come in to tell us the mission went well," Kingo snorted amidst his quiet laughter. "She took one look at you and didn't leave your side--obviously still hasn't."
Gil blushed, his hand aching to tighten around hers but not wanting to risk waking her and ending his little moment of bliss.
"She really cares about you, big guy," Kingo said softly from his half of the room. "Tries not to--I guess it wouldn't look too good for her rep. But it's obvious you mean a lot to her, at least from where I stand."
"Well," Gil sighed, now free to look at her all he liked with Kingo's graciously given secrecy. She looked even more beautiful than she did when she had her stern Goddess of War face on. "She means a lot to me, too."
"Oh my god, I'm going to sleep."
"You brought it up!" Gil hissed at his partner, who was already faking a deep, loud snoring next to him. Gil rolled his eyes, at least shifting to look at Thena again. As soon as she did wake up he was going to tell her to sleep in a proper bed, for the love of-
"Gil?" Thena blinked herself awake, pulling her head up and cracking her neck through her discomfort. She looked at him, finding him still asleep. She sighed, "what am I going to do with you?"
Gil let himself 'awaken' as he felt her fingers brush over his forehead. If he let this go any further he might not be able to live with himself. He opened his eyes and the first thing he did was smile at her, "hey."
"Hey," she smiled back, resisting the urge to put a nautical mile of distance between them. In just this particular moment, her concern for him won. "How are you feeling?"
"Well, I'm guess I'm pumped full of drugs at the moment, so not so bad," Gil noted lightly, much to Thena's chagrin. He was always like this, happily reporting that so long as things went well, then he could endure whatever collateral damage he had suffered in the process.
"You had quite a fall, Gil, and then quite a fight," Thena informed him more firmly, one hand still on his, the other smoothing down some of his bed head for him. "It's nothing to take lightly."
"But I still did it," he proclaimed proudly. She blinked at him in confusion, but his smile only grew, "I cam back to you...alive."
"I suppose you did," she cleared her throat, finally pulling back and standing, brushing off her skirt suit and smoothing down her hair.
He supposed it could have been the weird hospital lighting, but Gil really could have sworn there was a little bit of pink in her cheeks. "I will next time too, Thena."
She spared him another, quickly withering glare. Her hand brushed over his shoulder ever so lightly - and too quick for his hand to come up and reach for it to keep it there - before she went to retrieve his doctor, "consider it a direct order."
Kingo lay in his bed, wide awake and wishing he weren't.
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May i ask about beomgyus love life
☆ Beomgyus Love Life | A Tarot Reading
September 17th, 2024
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Disclaimer: Tarot is no fact and shouldn't be taken seriously. I don't know these idols personally.
Note: Dear Reader, I'm not trying to spread rumours. Tarot should be taken lightly. This is also a reminder that idols are just normal human beings, like you and me. They have the freedom and right to love.
WOF, PageoC, 6oC R, 9oP, The Fool, 10oW R, KingoS R, 6oW, QueenoW R, 2oW R; 10oS
There is someone in Beomgyus life that he likes a lot. They aren't an official thing, but it depends on him and his partner if they want to be something serious in the future or not. I am not lying to you, but I think this already established connection is mostly physical at the moment. I think Beomgyu wants to start an official relationship with them soon and is very curious to try this out. But he has certain doubts. I think his job doesn't really allow him to pursue such a relationship. A lot of time is missing to put in the work for a real relationship. And, of course, he might have other problems or reasons to not get into a relationship. But I wish him lots of luck and to be happy!
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© risathefairyofshampoo
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lovelyfanatical · 1 year
I Get a Sugar Rush Whenever I'm With You - Chapter 7.3
Hello fellow Drukkari stans! Happy Barbenheimer weekend to those who celebrate! And if you're not watching any of those, then happy weekend! I'm back with the next mini-installment! If you missed any previous chapters, you can find them on my handy dandy Table of Contents here. Amidst Pastry Week, Druig and Makkari are really starting to turn heads with their interactions. What will happen next? Find out now, in the next mini-chapter of Drukkari in the Great British Bake Off!
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Pastry week was off to a surprisingly strong start. Druig’s beef empanadas had proven popular with the judges, even if Arishem had found them a little dry. More importantly, Makkari’s pumpkin empanadas had earned her a handshake. She’d been caught so off-guard that she was still in shock when they went to do their interviews. Druig was waiting for his turn when Darcy came jogging over.
“Hey, you know how we had Makkari conduct your interview a couple times?” she asked.
“Well, I’m gonna need you to do that for her now. She’s kind of in a trance and no one’s been able to break her out of it. Let’s go!”
Before he could even answer, Darcy had already turned and started walking briskly away. “Assuming you’re following me,” she called back to him. After a moment, Druig jogged after her.
Darcy wasn’t lying. When they got to where Makkari’s interview was set up, she was staring into space, deep in thought. Kingo was watching her from the side, looking slightly concerned. When she saw Druig approaching, her face lit up with a bright smile. Darcy scrambled to get the camera people recording and shoved the list of questions into his hands, while Kingo hurriedly explained the situation.
They made quick work of the interview. Once Druig got there, it was as if a dam had broken in Makkari’s mind. Her hands moved quickly as she answered, like she was racing to keep up with her thoughts. Makkari had told him about her tendency to talk too much during interviews, but Druig was hanging on every word. He was almost disappointed when he ran out of questions. Once they’d finished, to both of their surprise, Darcy had them switch places.
“Honestly, who’s gonna notice if we use the same background for your interviews? It’ll save us a lot of time to just stay here,” she explained.
They quickly filmed Druig’s interview, then they were off to lunch, Kingo in tow. He soon skipped in front of them to say, “Wow, can you two be any more co-dependent?”
I said no judgment or no tea for you! Makkari threatened.
With an eyeroll and a dramatic sigh, Kingo muttered, “Sorry, you can be as co-dependent as you want. Just please spill the tea for me. I’m so parched.”
After he jogged ahead to the lunch area, Makkari turned to Druig. I don’t know what came over me. He shook my hand, and my brain just stopped working.
If it makes you feel any better, I’m pretty sure that’s how I was in most of my interviews before they brought you in, Druig replied. Congratulations on the handshake, by the way.
Thanks, she responded with a grin.
They headed into the lunch area, grabbing their food and their leftover bakes. Makkari had already plopped one of her empanadas on his plate, taking one of his in return before they even got to the table.
I can see you looking at them, was the excuse she gave him. Besides, I’m pretty sure Kingo already swiped one.
Her suspicions were proven correct when they sat down at their table, where Kingo was already eating. He’d split his empanada with Sersi, much to the envy of the rest of the table, and the two of them were looking up at her in excitement.
“I couldn’t let just Druig sample them!” Kingo said defensively as they sat down, prompting the both of them to roll their eyes.
“Makkari, you’ve outdone yourself with these,” Sersi interjected.
Thank you, Makkari replied graciously, a small smile on her lips.
Sersi passed her plate to Phastos and Gil, who accepted what was left of the empanada. As they did, Druig dug into his own pastry. He nearly fell out of his chair. Pumpkin and the brown sugar flooded his mouth, with the hint of cinnamon kicking in soon after. On top of that, the balance of the filling and the pastry crust was just right. He looked up to see his fellow bakers wearing expressions of similar shock and delight as they echoed Sersi’s praise.
“This is definitely handshake-worthy,” Phastos commented.
“Very delicious, Makkari!” Gil added.
“Wish I could eat it,” Sprite grumbled.
“You could try to steal some of Druig’s,” Kingo suggested, at which Druig immediately snatched up his plate.
“Not a chance,” he said, signing with one hand.
“I meant because it’s not vegan,” Sprite clarified.
Sorry, Sprite, Makkari said, looking slightly sheepish. Next time, I’ll make you a vegan batch.
“It’s fine, I’m used to it,” the teen said, though her tone suggested otherwise. Her own vegan empanadas hadn’t turned out as well as she’d hoped, so she seemed to be in more of a mood than usual. Before anyone else could comment on it, however, Kingo had changed the subject.
“What about your pear empanadas, Sersi?” he asked. “I think Druig was curious about them.”
Druig couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows at the other man, who was giving him a wide-eyed look that screamed, Please go with it. He was inclined to ignore it, but Makkari was also giving him a pointed look. As such, he acquiesced.
“Yeah, I was wondering how you kept them from drying out,” he said, hoping the ensuing discussion would be long enough for Makkari to fill Kingo in. Luckily, Sersi launched into an explanation, completely oblivious to the conversation Makkari and Kingo were having right next to her. Makkari was just about done when Sersi finished explaining. While Kingo looked like he might protest, she cut him off with a look before shifting her focus back to the rest of the table.
“Thanks, I’ll have to remember that for next time,” Druig replied.
“No problem,” Sersi said cheerfully. “I could also just give you the paper recipe at dinner, if you like.”
“You guys are still doing that?” Kingo asked incredulously. “You’re lucky I don’t report you to Darcy!”
You haven’t so far, Makkari pointed out.
“Speaking of dinner,” Gilgamesh began, “now that Ajak’s gone, who’s going to host?”
“I could do it,” Sersi volunteered. “Everyone’s invited, of course.”
“Phastos won’t come anyway,” Sprite snarked, causing him to sputter.
“That doesn’t mean I won’t come this time!” he retorted.
“You are the only one who hasn’t come yet,” Druig observed.
“I can take his spot!” Kingo piped up excitedly.
You’d still have to come over from the other hotel, Makkari said. Guess we’re back down to a small group.
“Alright! I’ll come to dinner,” Phastos declared.
The group erupted in a combination of cheers and giggles.
When you peer pressure the loner into joining the group 😆 Hope you enjoyed this mini-chapter!
Part 25
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moonlit-imagines · 2 years
Kingo x reader
warnings: alcohol
a/n: eternals can get drunk right? they can now if im wrong! <3
prompt: @autistic-solar-fandom: “Thanks love! So yea, 'Poison' by Rita Ora w/ Kingo from Eternals, with the tropes 'Mutual Pining'/ 'Idiots in Love', in a blurb. Love you, hope this clears things!”
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“Cut!” Halted the actors and actresses before the camera, giving Kingo a chance to wink at you in his final pose of the scene, another flirtatious gesture from the star of the film he’s been working so very hard on. You were a crew member he just attached to, and there was something about him that was so…magnetic.
You stood near the refreshment table, watching Kingo walk your way in such a confident manner, ready to greet his good friend. “Y/N! What did you think?”
“Gets better each time I see it.” You chuckled, handing him his special anagrammed cup full of fruit infused water, which he delightfully accepted.
“You’re good luck to have around, that’s for sure.” He told you, shooing away Karun as he saw him approaching. “Would you maybe like to, oh, I don’t know, come by my house again tonight? It’s just so lonely and boring when it’s just me.” You chuckled at his invitation, as well as his complaints. “What? I may look like I have everything, but there’s still one thing missing!”
“And that would be?” You asked, sipping your plastic water cup.
“Oh, you know.” Kingo smirked, waiting for a reaction from you.
“There’ll be wine?” You asked him, brows raised.
“Only the best for you.” He assured you. And after filming wrapped for the night, you and Kingo headed to his home, a beautiful mansion passed down through generations, full of memorabilia and artifacts you’d gaze upon in wonder each time you visited. “See something you like?”
“You ask me that every time.” You held your wine glass in your palm, stem between your fingers, and moved it in a circular motion. “You just want to tell me some long story to hear yourself talk.” Kingo and you stared at each other for a long moment and broke into laughter, which may have been because it was true.
“Come, sit with me.” Kingo was seated on a pillow on the floor, close to his antique fireplace. He patted a pillow beside him and you took a swig of your drink before obeying his request.
You two had obviously liked each other, and everyone else you worked with could see it, as well. Kingo doesn’t pay this kind of attention to anyone else, and he had realized that. But you didn’t really know how it’d work, you just enjoyed the extravagant company he provided if that’s all it could ever be. Kingo still hadn’t explained the whole “Eternal” thing to you, either, which had probably been the one thing holding him back.
But not tonight.
You two had gone from two glasses to two bottles through the night, now laying opposite of each other on the floor. You felt looser, lighter, and almost delirious. “Kingo?” You muttered, staring at the ceiling.
“Yes, y/n?” He answered you.
“Hi.” You simply said.
“Hi, y/n.” There was a short pause, a silence that brought up an idea. “I’m like, immortal, you know?”
“You’re drunk, you know?” You began to cackle at the claim he made, it made him smile to himself. You each clasped your hands over your stomachs, still lying on your backs as you carried on through the night.
“I might be. But I’m also thousands of years old. Crazy, right? And wanna know what’s crazier?” You tilted your head upwards to get a glimpse of him. “I believe I’m in love with you.” He admitted in his hazy state of mind, the clearest thought he’s had all night. He looked back at you, from an upside-down point of view. Your lips were turned downward…wait, no. You were upside down. You were smiling. You reached a hand up and back to him, which he took, and you grasped it tight.
“That is pretty crazy. I must be crazy, too.” You told him, slurring your words a bit. “Tell me more about you being immortal or whatever in the morning. And more about how you love me, yeah?” Your eyes were closed by now, you had drifted off with your hand in his. You both knew you’d rest well tonight.
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @zoeyserpentluck // @wild-rose-35 // @ipurpleeyou // @nekoannie-chan // @punk-rock-raven // @evilcr0ne // @minxsblog // @v0idl1nq // @sydknee624 // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston //@multifandomfix // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 //
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💬 + anyone you’d like <3
(Decided to go with my Eternals OC Helios because he does not get enough love and by Loki am I gonna give him some!)
(Also gonna tag @hiddenqveendom because I know she likes my boy.)
"I'd just lost three members of my family. The only family I've ever had. And I know that you did too and that you were hurting too and that this isn't even a little bit an excuse but..." Helios swallowed hard, using what felt like all of his energy to keep the tears at bay.
"I was scared."
Seeing him about to cry, Kingo tentatively reached out to place a hand on Helios's shoulder. Helios shuddered at the touch, longing to sink into the arms of the man he loved and stay there forever, but he only allowed himself a few second's of Kingo's warmth before stepping away. He wanted to get everything off his chest before seeing where this went.
"I was scared of losing you too. I was scared of you getting sick like Thena or giving up on humanity like Druig or even... even just giving up on me." He let out a harsh, trembling breath, the tears beginning to flow more freely now. This time, he didn't try to hold them in. "So I left. I lied to you and I left and I tried so hard to forget you and how I feel about you, but I couldn't. No matter how many people I kissed or claimed to love, it was never real. Not even when they were amazing. Because no matter how beautiful or kind or loving they were, none of them were you.
"I know I messed up that night. I know I've been messing up for centuries by never reaching out to you, never letting you know how sorry I was. But I'm telling you now: I am so goddamn sorry, for lying and for leaving, and I know I'm not owed your forgiveness or anything from you but I have to let you know that despite everything, even after what I did and after all these years... you're it for me. I don't care about this long life Arishem's given me, or all the years I've had on this planet or any of the others. I don't want any of it. You're my forever."
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Send me 💬 + an OC and I'll write a short blurb featuring a quote I've written for them!
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get-your-fics · 3 years
So my request might be a little odd but I am obsessed with jealous Druig 😭. So I was thinking maybe reader and Ikaris are messing around (friends with benefits sort of thing) and someone catches them in a super compromising position and tells the other Eternals and Druig who has feelings for reader kinda goes mad? 🖤💜🖤
ooh yes jealous!druig is the best! thanks for the request :)
word count: 544
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"Guys! Guys!" Sprite hollered as she rushed in. "Guess what I just saw?" She skidded to a stop and hunched over with her hands on her knees, out of breath.
Phastos stood up from the chair he was sitting in and approached her. "What is it, Sprite?"
"Ikaris... and... (Y/N)..." she wheezed between pants.
Druig, who had been half-listening up until that point, snapped to attention at the mention of your name. "What?"
"I saw them together. Like, together together." She wiggled her brows suggestively.
Druig shot up out of his chair. "You're lying."
"I'm not!" she objected. "Here, see for yourself."
With a wave of her hand, she conjured an image of you and Ikaris. Ikaris was leaning over you. He had a hold on your thigh, your leg hiked up around his waist. You were staring up at him through half-lidded eyes, your lips stretched into a faint smirk.
Druig's blood boiled in his veins. He would've charged at Ikaris if he had really been there and wasn't just an illusion.
As quick as the vision had appeared, it was gone just as easily, dissipating into thin air. Druig shook his head, trying to erase the image from his head. "I don't believe you. You're just making that up," he gritted out.
Sprite settled her hands on her hips. "Why would I do that?"
He whirled on her, a wild look in his eyes. "Because you're a selfish, little brat who loves to gossip and stir up drama, that's why!"
Kingo stepped in front of her. “Druig, you need to calm down.”
Druig became aware of all the wary eyes on him now. He backed away from them, every muscle in his body tense. "There's no way... She would never..." He failed to find the words to convince himself. How could you?
“I... have to go.” He spun around and marched out of the room, not daring to look back and see what their reactions were. All he knew was that he had to get as far away from this place as soon as possible before he did something stupid. And he definitely didn’t want to run into-
He collided into someone hard, nearly taking them to the ground. He stumbled back and looked up to lock eyes with you.
“Woah, watch where you’re going,” you jested. “Where are you off to in such a hurry?”
He watched as you adjusted your shirt, fidgeting with the buttons. Something in the corner of his eye caught his attention, and his gaze flickered to your neck. Peeking out from underneath your collar was a dark splotch blossoming across your skin. Was that... a hickey?
The playfulness dropped from your face when he remained silent. “Are you okay? You seem a little distracted.”
He shrugged it off, trying to maintain his composure. “I’m fine,” he muttered. “I just wasn’t paying attention, that’s all.”
He turned around and stomped off in the opposite direction, leaving you dumbstruck behind him. “Oh, okay,” he heard you softly murmur.
He squared his jaw, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other. He had altered from his original course. He wasn’t going to run away. No, he was going to stand his ground and talk to Ikaris himself.
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bogboye · 3 years
Whaddup lads just watched Eternals, you know exactly what time it is:
the found family is STRONG in this one (or maybe not so much killkillkill)
they were all so physically intimate w each other raaaaaaaaaaa
also the amount of pretty people is too much for me to handle like the range
I went with my lesbian best friend and I love her, I really do but man she would literally not shut up about Angeline Jolie
Their powers are all so fucking cool
Makkaris sonic boom is just something else
Like every fucking fast fuck you see on TV looks like an arthric turtle trying to reach a place of kale that's laying outside of the greenscreen
But not Makkari though OH NO
Also everyone signing to her oaaaaaa good shit good shit good shit
Finally some good fucking food disabled representation
why was there a sex scene ewewew get it away from me (it wasn't that bad I'm just a dramatic cunt)
Sprites vibes are so fucking gnc like lads
Also I'm like so glad they didn't do some weird romance thing w them and Ikaris like nay lads I woulda left
Why did I already forget Sersis boyfriends name? Oh that's right because he was on screen for like six minutes max
Yo as soon as I saw Ajak lying there like a fucking Manekin someone pushed over at kohl's I knew something ain't right
RIP to you Queen you were a real one
I swear that mf has at least five cameras stashed into every single pocket of his suit
Druig my babe my darling fucking superb you funky little mind controller
He literally went: yeah Imma leave and take the lads me, what you gonna do?
And Ajak said aight fair enough sskdjsnaiaksbssksj
Ikaris? Don't know her
OH you mean the traitorous cunt that killed two members of his family after one of them told him "Hey I think genocide is bad let's stop this"
Fucking all lives matter vibes I hate him SO MUCH
Thena my beloved? My ethereal Goddess of War? I'd fight Arishem for you, just say the word
Also hers and Gilgameshs' friendship is literally one of my favourite m/f friendships I've ever seen on TV
She's suffering from her flashbacks (which reminded me a fuckton of ptsd) and Gilgamesh chose to stay by her side, taking care of her and isolate themselves so no one else could get hurt
I love him so so so much and his death didn't absolutely SIIAVSKADUKDDOAAJBDIS yeah I'm a normal person <3
The man the myth the legend mcus 57th gay character
except THIS TIME we actually met his husband and his son and they were affectionate and they kissed-
crops are watered skin is clear musk is dead
And we had two men that weren't fucking shredded or skinny NO they were stout and they were absolutely fucking badass (not the shit endgame pulled with Thor fuck you fuck you fuck you)
Druig and Makkari own my heart, actually ❤
Also I'm so fucking glad they didn't make Ikaris and Sersi get back together
Yeah he had his stupid little "The power of love" moment
BUT he flung himself in the sun immediately after so it's okay
Die (derogatory)
awwww they made Sprite human let's move on
chile, anyways so
*Harry Styles shows up* hold on, what was that?
I swear I burst a fucking blood vessel
OH WAIT I REMEMBERED HIS NAME anyway whats w that Dane dude? He's funny but what's a w the sword and that ominous ass voice?
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siempre-bucky · 3 years
Dad!Druig x Reader
Summary: Druig's daughter asks if he has a Valentine, forcing him to sit down and make a Valentine's Day card for you when he said he hasn't asked you to be his Valentine.
WC: 596
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Druig casually walked into the kitchen, his hand holding onto his empty bowl. "What are you working on, m'love?" he asked in between chews as he watched Orla sitting at the kitchen table.
The 8-year-old hovered over her pink and red project, pens sticking out from her closed fist. "I'm doing my valentines for my class!" she told him excitedly, holding up one of her red construction paper hearts, making the stray glitter fall onto the table.
Druig let out an amused chuckle and placed his bowl on the counter, "Who's your valentine?" he asked.
"Uncle Kingo," she answered as she went back to work, "he rented a whole movie theater for us tomorrow."
Druig came up behind her and ran his fingers through her hair before placing a kiss on the top of her head. His crystal blue eyes scanned the messy table, his first thought was questioning how long it would take him to clean all the glitter. "Who's your valentine, daddy?"
Druig hummed, "Your mom of course."
"Did you make her a valentine's card?" she wondered.
The Eternal shrugged "No?"
Orla gasped dramatically, her pens falling to the table with a soft thud. She whipped her head around to look at him with shocked wide eyes "You didn't make her a card?" she sounded offended, which only made her father more confused. Orla stood on the kitchen chair and placed her palms on the sides of his cheeks. "If you didn't make her a card and ask, she's not your valentine!"
Druig fought back a laugh and put his hands on her little wrists, "Would you like to help me make one for her?" he asked.
Orla wasted no time hopping off the chair and pushing Druig into it. Running around the table to grab all the supplies and laying them in front of her dad. She sat beside him and offered him some advice on where to put lace trim and glitter.
"How does this look?" he asked as he showed her where he had put a few red rhinestones. Orla narrowed her eyes and let out a hum before finally nodding in approval. They worked side by side, sharing a glue stick; Druig would help her with the safety scissors, and she would place dots of glue onto his card for him to add more shiny things.
Walking into the living room after a while, he saw you lying on your back with your 2-year-old held high in your arms like he was flying. Your pair of giggles made his heart warm and his stomach fill with butterflies. "My beloved," he said lovingly over the laughter.
You rolled your head backward to look at him upside down. "Hi," you giggle.
"I have something for you," he smirked.
You sat Rory on the ground and stood up, brushing your hands on the sides of your legs. Your eyebrows raised as you noticed his confident smirk and hands behind his back. "Yes?" you question, folding your arms across your chest.
Druig holds up the glittery heart and presses the blank side to his nose, "Will you be my valentine?"
You swore you could have melted, your eyes leaving his for just a brief moment as you saw your giggling daughter hiding behind the door frame. Returning your gaze to him and unfolding your arms, you carefully took his card into your hands. "I would love to be your valentine, Druig."
He happily leaned forwards and pressed a loving kiss to your lips, earning a small "Gross," from the other side of the room.
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luniellar · 3 years
Where You Are - Druig x Human Reader (One Shot)
Summary: When you learned that Druig was an Eternal, you understood that your time with him was limited. When the troubling thoughts continue to pour into your daily life, you decide it’s finally time to bring it up to your love no matter how selfish it sounds. Is your human lifespan in his eternal world enough?
Word Count: 1.7K
Warning: Nothing but sweet fluff at it’s finest.
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Sadness swelled in your heart. It filled every nook and cranny, and it stretched to boundaries that you didn’t even know your heart had. Life was unfair and you knew that this was the last thing you should be thinking about making dinner, but what do you do when the thought you kept locked inside comes back with a vengeance? 
The angrily boiling pasta water on the stove had mostly evaporated by the time you snapped out of the painful thoughts. These days the thoughts came by more often. When you saw him, it always like adding a jenga piece to the unstable tower you were unknowingly building. The feeling would stir in your stomach before it would subside. 
Your arms mindlessly stirred the mixture of reduced pasta water and tears that probably had added even more salt than you had planned. You turned off the gas stove and made your way to your phone on the small dining table. It was definitely a takeout day. 
When you pulled up the app to order, a small buzz alerted you that you received a message. It was from Druig. 
Sorry I’m running late. Can’t wait to see you. 
You sighed and quickly placed an order at a local Italian restaurant. 
You had the table set before Druig got home. Thankfully, he was running late and this gave you enough time to toss out all the takeout containers in the trash can. 
You heard the front door open followed by the familiar sounds of footsteps. You quickly raced over to the living room where Druig was putting his briefcase down and taking off his suit jacket and tie revealing a fitted black dress shirt. When he saw you, his face lit up with a smile. He must have had a long day with the other Eternals. The last time he tried to explain what was going on, all you could gather was that Kingo was putting together another film. 
You walked over and linked your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. He reached his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulders. 
“I missed you,” he whispered into your ears.
“I missed you more,” you replied. 
Dinner was filled with conversations about everything and nothing at the same time. Just like the conversation that normal couples have when they have been dating for years. We were so into the everyday conversation that we didn’t realize we cleaned everything on the table. 
After cleaning the dishes, you both settled on the living room couch. You sat in between his legs with your back pressed against his hard chest. He looked like he wanted to ask something all dinner, but you didn’t want to push him so you continued the simple conversation until he eventually brought it up.
“So why did you end up ordering take out?” Druig asked cautiously.
Your body tensed reactively, realizing of course he knew. “Hey, I thought you said that you couldn’t read my mind and that I was special,” you replied.
He paused for a second, probably searching for the words to make sure you weren’t offended. “I still can’t and you are still very much special to me. I just noticed the pot of water on the stove.” 
You mentally punched yourself in the face for not remembering to clean that up before dinner. “Yeah, I just didn’t have all the ingredients.”
Another pause. He probably knew you were lying. “Is there something wrong?” 
He knows. Of course, he knows.
“You know, for someone who can’t read my mind, it looks like you know a whole lot.” You glanced up towards him and he was already staring at you. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
You naturally let out a long sigh. The thoughts that were haunting you since you found out he wasn’t human and that he was going to live forever reading human minds like he was some Edward Cullen, minus the vampire detail, in the real world came rushing back. Oh right, he wasn’t real either. You bit my lips in hesitation.
“I really wish I could hear what’s going on in your mind right now,” he whispered.
“That wouldn’t make me special to you any more,” you admitted. 
He frowned like I had deeply offended him. “That’s not true.”
You looked down at his shirt collar. “I’m only special because you can’t read my mind, Druig.” 
Druig’s hand reached over to mine and guided it to his lips. He softly kissed my fingers. “I can do more than just read minds, but my love for you has nothing to do with me not being able to read your mind. I love you because… you are you.”
You smiled at his cute confession and you realized that there was no need to keep secrets from him. “I’m broken because I can’t live forever with you. And I know how selfish this all sounds. I shouldn’t expect that you only love me in the indefinite timeline you live in.” You moved your gaze back to his face. “I love you so much, Druig.” Your small voice cracked in the fear that haunted you for years. “But my time is limited on this Earth.”
He quietly stared back at you. His expression was serious, but you couldn’t tell what he was thinking. In fear and embarrassment, you looked down again.
“Can I tell you a story?”
When you looked up, the corners of his mouth were turned up. It wasn’t a face he made often, yet it was strangely comforting. Your tense body relaxed in his arms. He was always like this. You always felt like he knew you better than you would ever know about yourself.
“Every once in a while I come back to this city and walk around without a purpose. I aimlessly go down the streets with a cup of coffee in my hands.”
You quietly sat looking up at his face and tuning into the deep rumbling in his chest from his voice.
“One time, I stopped by a small café I remembered from my previous visit here. Last time I visited, I remembered the young couple’s thoughts of kindness. I wanted to see how they were doing. I wanted to see if their café was still there,” he continued with his gaze distant in memory. 
"When I walked inside, a little adorable girl I’ve never seen before comes out from the back and steps in front of the register to take my order. She had the clearest, honest eyes and a radiating, pure smile. From the couple’s thoughts I knew she was the shop couple’s daughter, but I realized that I couldn’t read her thoughts."
Something in your heart ached. 
"While I stood there trying to figure out if something was wrong with me, she patiently waited with her round, innocent eyes staring back at me." He turned his head and met your eyes. "I eventually managed to get out my order and she went ahead to make my order. She never asked for my name, but when I picked up my order it had my name on it. Not the human name I was using at the time, but my real name."
"Druig," you whispered and he nodded.
The sun was setting in the background and warm lights of deep red and canyon orange poured into the living room. Only the sounds of your breathing and his filled the air. His hand embraced the side of your face and his warmth radiated like the burning sun.
"I don't know who controls the fate of this world and I'm trying to figure it out," he sighed, tucking a stray hair behind your ears. "But I spend every lifetime searching for your soul and your soul only. The crazier thing is I know when I find you because you welcome me with little hints like you have been waiting for me to come to find you."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you bit your lower lip to hold it back. Druig smiled and touched his lips to your forehead. 
“That girl from the café was once you in your past lifetime,” he admitted and the tears spilled over and down your cheeks. “I’ve never told you this in the past lifetimes, but thank you for waiting for me. Thank you for always waiting for me.” 
Unable to speak or find any words to say, you buried your face into his chest. Your tears soaked his black dress shirt as you silently sobbed for the love you lived through and the love to still experience with him. He held you tight against his body and silently stroked your hair. 
After what seemed like hours of crying, you finally managed to dry your tears and catch your breath. By the time you lifted off his chest, you didn’t realize how badly you ruined the shirt with your tears.
“Should I go and change now?” Druig playfully teased.
You hid under your hands in embarrassment. “Stop…” your voice croaked as it left your lips.
He leaned over and kissed your forehead again. “You stop being so cute.”
Blood rushed to your cheeks. “I love you,” you muttered. 
A huge grin appeared on his beautiful face. “I always loved you and will only keep loving you.” 
Your heart raced, charged with love. The kind of love you didn’t even know could exist like this. “This isn’t fair,” you said with concern. “How am I supposed to show how much I love you if I can’t live forever?”
“With time,” he answered. “And I don’t know if you heard but, we have an indefinite amount of it.” 
You grinned like a child satisfied with his answer, but you weren’t ready to let him off the hook yet. “You better not go around finding anyone else just because I’m in the process of rebirthing,” you teased. “It takes time to get this cute. Actually, I might need a report on all these other girls… for confirmation.”
He chuckled and tickled your neck by grazing his tiny stubbles against it. “I’ll tell you all about you,” he replied reassuringly. His eyes locked with yours and all you could hear in your ears was how fast and loud your heart was beating. Did someone have a speaker connected to them?
Druig leaned in and kissed you. His delicate lips danced with your lips at first, exploring and tasting you like it was his first time kissing you. Then his tongue grazed between your lips as an invitation and you both devoured each other like it you had in many lifetimes like it was fate. 
When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours.
“I always come back to where you are because you took my heart with you the moment we locked eyes centuries ago, Y/N. I’m not alive until I’m with you again. You are my life.”
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fireinmoonshot · 3 years
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PART ONE | PART TWO | PART THREE Summary: In 1521, the Eternals disbanded and Druig left you despite the lengthy past you'd both shared. Now, you're forced back together by the Emergence, but after 500 years apart, neither of you are quite the same as you were. But a love like the one you shared hundreds of years ago never quite goes away. Pairing: Druig x Fem! Reader (slight enemies to lovers) Fandom: Marvel's Eternals Warnings: ETERNALS SPOILERS, mentions of death, implied smut (nothing specific). Word Count: 7740 A/N: So... it's been a while, huh? I had intended to write and post this before the end of 2021, but with all the chaos of working retail at Christmas, it didn't happen, and then somehow work has been crazier at the start of 2022 than it was at Christmas, which is why it's taken me so long to get around to posting the final part now! Thank you to anyone who has stuck around waiting for me to post it and I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for so long! I'm really proud of this fic as a whole, it was a real challenge for me, and I'm happy with how this final chapter panned out. I hope that if you've been waiting since December for this, it doesn't let you down and that you enjoy it as the final part of this fic! Thank you all for the love and support you've given me as I've been writing and posting this and I hope this lives up to your hopes! <3
Druig isn’t disappointed when you let go of his hand and walk away to try and calm your mind down after Ikaris and Sprite leave. He watches you carefully, though, as the atmosphere in the room gradually simmers down to something resembling normality.
You end up sitting atop a desk, taking some time to revel in the silence before the others all start talking again.
It’s been clear all along to you that Sprite is in love with Ikaris, and you couldn’t blame her. A long time ago, you would have gone to the ends of the earth to be with Druig, you would have done anything for him because of that same love. Love does that to people.
Druig has moved to sit a little behind you on the same desk, resting his arms over his knees as he looks out at everyone talking.
The last thing either of you expect is for Kingo to decide to leave.
“Wait, where the hell are you going?” Phastos looks up at him, just as surprised as the rest of you are.
“I can’t help you guys. I still think Ikaris is right,” Kingo says, and you can’t fault him for being honest, especially when it’s quite clear now that there’s been a lot of lying going on for your entire time on earth.
Phastos, however, isn’t impressed by Kingo’s choice. “So that’s it, huh? Just gonna follow him?”
“I love the people of this planet, but if you stop this Emergence you are preventing so many other worlds like this one from being created.” He pauses and lets the words sink in for the rest of you. “I still have faith in Arishem, but I refuse to hurt any of you for my beliefs.”
You glance across at Druig and he looks at you at the same time, sensing you. He meets your eyes and gives you a small, sad smile. It’s proof that things like this never change, no matter how much time passes, because you can both tell what the other is thinking without saying a word.
Makkari stops Kingo by placing a hand on his shoulder. “We need you,” she signs.
“Even with my help we’re no match,” Kingo shakes his head. “It’s Ikaris.” He pulls away from her and continues to walk to the door. The look of disappointment on Makkari’s face makes you feel awful. “But I hope to see you on the next planet.”
With that, Kingo turns and walks away, leaving the Domo and the rest of you behind. Phastos throws his hands in the air and you let your gaze drop to the floor and sigh, disappointed to have lost someone else.
Karun stops and looks out at all of you before thanking you for everything and telling you that he’ll miss you all. It’s a painful reminder of what you’ve got to lose. Humanity rests in your hands – those students you teach every day, the ones that all of the languages you’d learnt came in handy for, are counting on you without even knowing it.
You all watch him follow Kingo.
There’s a few moments of silence before Druig speaks.
“Look, if I’m gonna get myself killed going up against Ikaris, we’ll need to have a backup plan,” he says, scarily nonchalantly.
You tense up. You don’t like the idea that enters your mind at his words. Druig, getting himself killed going up against Ikaris. Preparing a backup plan for what might happen if he dies. Druig dying… can’t be something that you let happen.
“All of our powers, even if they’re amplified, are not enough to kill a Celestial.”
“Well, Sersi did turn a Deviant into a tree.”
You look up, eyes going straight to Sersi in shock. When the hell did she do that?
“I’m sorry, what? You didn’t wanna tell me that?” Phastos asks at the exact same time that you ask a variation of the same question.
Druig, behind you, answers softly. “My place, the Amazon. You were elsewhere.”
Elsewhere as in passed out, you assume. You give him a nod in thanks and look back at Sersi and the others.
“You’ve never been able to do that before,” Makkari is just as shocked as the rest of you who hadn’t witnessed it happening.
Sersi looks a little alarmed. “I don’t know it happened, okay,” she starts, “and I’m pretty sure I couldn’t do it again.”
“Well, now is the time to try, don’t you think?” It’s clear that Phastos is sick of waiting around.
“Phastos, that Deviant is dead! Our plan is to put Tiamut to sleep, not to kill it,” her voice is full of worry. “I can’t kill a Celestial.”
“Sersi– Sersi–”
“We can’t!” She raises her voice, scaring nearly everyone in the room. Sersi has never been the type to raise her voice or get angry at you all. She’s always been the voice of reason when others were fighting. “We can’t.”
The atmosphere in the room is suddenly uncomfortable again, but it’s not for long. Druig is too quick to put himself into the firing line again, taking the pressure off of Sersi.
“It’s okay, Sersi,” he interjects. “I’ve got this.”
He sounds sure and confident, but there’s something underlying that you recognise immediately upon hearing his words. He’s not sure if he can do this. Truthfully, you’re not too sure if you want him to do this either.
You’ve already lost Gilgamesh and Ajak, and you’ve essentially lost Ikaris, Sprite and Kingo now. Half of you, gone. You can’t even let your mind entertain the idea of losing someone else, let-alone Druig. Let alone the biggest and only love of your life.
Glancing back at Druig, you find him staring down at his hands, knotted together in front of him, and frown to yourself. He can’t die. You won’t lose him. Not again.
When Sersi leaves the room, Phastos sits back down to try and figure out a way to re-create the uni-mind with only the few of you that remain. Thena goes to talk to Sersi and Makkari sits down to prepare herself for the oncoming battle. It leaves you and Druig alone, and eventually you shuffle closer to him, forcing him to look up at you.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” You ask him.
He watches as you spin the rings around on your hands in front of you and wonders if he should reach out and take your hand to stop you from fidgeting. You’re anxious. It’s a habit of yours that he’s noticed since you started wearing rings.
Druig had wondered what it would feel like to add one to your ring finger once.
That was after he’d left you, though, when he’d fallen into memories of your time together and found himself pondering his life if he hadn’t walked out of yours. It was his way of torturing himself over his decision.
He wasn’t going to torture himself over his choices any longer.
“No, but I’ve got no choice,” Druig admits with a shrug. “It’s the only way if the uni-mind doesn’t work, and Sersi has been through too much already to have to have all of this riding on her shoulders.”
You glance up at him for only a second before staring down at your rings again. “You could die though,” your voice is smaller than you mean for it to be. “You could die. You’re being stupid and irresponsible and reckless, and you could die because of it.”
Druig smiles to himself. “Not the first time either of us have been reckless, is it?”
You narrow your eyes as you look up at him, frowning. “This is different, Druig. This isn’t just fighting a Deviant. This is putting a Celestial to sleep, all while Ikaris tries to stop you. Ikaris being the most powerful out of all of us. Don’t you see how this could end badly?”
“I do,” he nods. “But it doesn’t mean I’m going to give up and not at least try.”
His words are getting on your nerves. How can he be so casual and nonchalant about all of this? About possibly dying? It makes no sense, and you wish you could knock some into him, though you have a feeling it probably wouldn’t even work if you tried.
He can see that you’re getting irritated with him as he speaks more, and it makes him smile a little. It’s cute, the way you’re pouting, the way you’re spinning the rings on your fingers faster. He finds you endearing all of the time, but especially when you’re worried about him.
“You’re finally understanding how I felt all of the times that you were being reckless and risking your life to kill Deviants, are you? Only took you seven thousand years,” he chuckles to himself and shakes his head.
You look up at him, glaring. “This is not the same thing, Druig!”
“Oh, and how isn’t it?” He raises his eyebrows. “That was me being worried that the person I liked was going to die, and this is you being worried that the person you love is going to die. Is that not the same thing?”
“That was Deviants, this is a Celestial! I already covered this. This is more dangerous.”
Druig scoffs. “It’s the same thing, you’re just being stubborn as usual.” He rolls his eyes and slides himself off of the top of the desk, stretching out his legs. “I’m doing this even if you’re worried about me. I’m doing this for you. So you can go back to Japan and teach all of those children that are still counting on you. So you can have your life back.”
He reaches over and places his hand on top of yours, stopping you from fidgeting with your rings. You look down at his hand on yours, and then back up at him.
“Sacrifice comes alongside love, doesn’t it?” He shrugs. “You would have sacrificed this life for me back in 1521 if I’d let you. I think it’s about time I sacrificed something for you, don’t you, my love?”
It feels a little like you’ve fallen into the past as you all stand in the Domo in your suits, ready for the battle that’s awaiting you once you step foot on the ground. Putting a Celestial to sleep isn’t an every day activity, though, and neither is fighting members of your own family. You’re not sure if you’re even ready, but you know you have no choice but to try to be.
You’re unnerved by everything right now.
Especially by the thought that Druig is ready to sacrifice himself.
He’s avoided you ever since your conversation, though it wasn’t all that long ago. Just long enough to create a uni-mind and prepare yourself for the fight of several lifetimes. You can’t blame him, though – he knows you well enough to know you’ll try and get him to change his mind, and you know him well enough to know he never would.
You pull Thena aside not long before your arrival. She’s the one thing you feel you can find certainty in.
“I know you want revenge,” you start, “but please be careful today. We’ve lost too many of us already and… I can’t lose you, too.”
Thena squeezes your shoulder gently. “I’m not going anywhere.”
It’s not a promise – none of you can promise anything – but it’s enough.
“And he’s not, either,” she adds on after a moment, nodding towards Druig.
You glance at him, confused. Before you can ask what she means, she walks away from you with a smirk on her lips. It’s as if she knows something that you don’t, which you know is entirely impossible, but it bothers you anyway.
Druig sidles up to you not long before you arrive at Tiamut, surprising you since you’d thought he was going to ignore your existence until he was forced to acknowledge you. He nudges your side as you stare out the window and crosses his arms over his chest.
“Don’t say it,” he says, “I know you want to, but don’t. Please.”
You look up at him. “Who says I was going to say it?”
“Me. I know you too well.”
It’s impossible not to smile at him after that. His way with words, as usual. Words that would make you feel all fuzzy inside without him even trying. You go back to looking out of the window at the scenery passing by as you travel. It’s beautiful, and it makes you all the more determined to save it.
“Can you promise me something?” He asks after a few moments.
“Depends on what it is.”
Druig raises an eyebrow. “Oh, there are promises you won’t make me?”
“There are several things that I won’t promise you, and it’s very likely that one of them is going to be the one that comes out of your mouth soon, but go on. Do tell.”
He smiles at you and shakes his head. He’d never realised how strong love could be until he’d fallen for you. To still love you so deeply, after all this time, to still see you and hear you and feel himself grow warmer inside just because of your presence… would never be something he’d tire of. Even though the reason you were back together now was the possible end of Earth, he was glad that at least something had brought you back into his life when both of you were too stubborn to do anything about it before.
“I’ll try my luck,” Druig continues. “Your powers. I don’t want you to use them when we’re on Tiamut. Don’t use them to sense us, how we are. No matter how worried you are. How much you want to know we’re okay… you need to keep your strength and focus on you at all times.”
You pout and stare out the window. “That was on my list.”
Druig chuckles. “What a surprise,” he says sarcastically. “Can you promise that to me, though? It’ll make me feel less worried if I know you aren’t using your powers on me.”
For a few moments, you simply stare out of the window. You can see where he’s coming from. Your powers do take a lot of strength out of you, and you’ll need as much strength as possible for the uni-mind and any other fighting that might arise. But… not knowing if your family is safe?
But then… Druig will worry more about you if you do use them, which will make him less focused on his own fighting and therefore more susceptible to being hurt…
You sigh. “Fine, I won’t use my powers to sense your feelings.”
He looks down at you just as you look back at him.
“Thank you,” he says sincerely. He surprises you, then, by reaching down and taking one of your hands in his, lifting it up so he can press a kiss to the top of it. “I’ll see you when we’ve put this Celestial to sleep, my love.”
You nod, feeling a little lost for words, and watch as he walks away from you, hoping it won’t be the last time you hear the words my love from his lips.
Upon your arrival to Tiamut, it feels like the world is ending already. Black ash is spewing into the air from the core of the volcano, making the air thick and uncomfortable. You’re worried about Thena, luring Ikaris back into the Domo, and worried about Druig beside you.
He glances at you as you all fix the bracelets onto your wrists for the uni-mind. You try your best to smile at him, though it comes out as more of a grimace, which Druig finds amusing.
The uni-mind forms between you, Druig, Makkari and Sersi, lifting you all into the air. You feel like you’re weightless and it’s the first time you can feel the strength of your power, yet still feel like it’s not taking any strength out of you at all. It’s a strange feeling.
You’ve lived for all these years and still, so much is new.
The uni-mind grows stronger, connecting to the other Eternals, and you allow your powers to flow through you, feeling confident in your plans until Druig, beside you, is knocked out of the uni-mind and carried into the air by Ikaris.
It fades around you, and when your feet hit the ground and you feel like yourself again, the realisation of what’s happening hits you so quickly you feel ill. You watch Ikaris – the man who had once been like a brother to you, a confidant, someone you loved – lifting the love of your life high into the air before throwing him down to the ground, blasting him with his powers into the earth as he does.
Tears spring to your eyes immediately and your knees give out, sending you to the ground. You feel as though a part of you has just died, and you suppose… maybe it has. You cover your mouth with your hand and try to compose yourself, to control your breathing, not wanting your grief to ruin the chance of the uni-mind working. Druig wouldn’t want that.
You want to use your powers. You’ve never wanted to use your powers more than in this moment… but Druig had specifically asked for you not to use them. And even if he’s not here to see you use them, even if he is truly gone… you can’t bring yourself to go back on your promise to him.
Especially when Ikaris uses his powers to send the Domo crashing to the ground.
In a flash, Makkari grabs you and Sersi and pulls you out of the path in time as the Domo crashes into the sand. She leaves you to retrieve Phastos and Thena from inside the Domo before returning to you. There’s no time for you to mourn what you assume is Druig’s death. There’s only two things: your burning desire to see Ikaris suffer and the need to stop Tiamut.
The threat still remains ever present as Ikaris lands on the beach before you all.
“Druig’s gone,” Ikaris says, and you feel another part of you splinter. “It’s over.”
Just as you’re wishing that you had powers that were useful in a fight, Makkari does the job for you, taking the words right out of your mind by running at Ikaris, grabbing him and pushing him across the length of the beach at speed.
And then, perfectly timed for the chaos of the moment, the volcano finally erupts, beginning to spew rocks, ash and lava at you. Phastos, Thena and Sersi use their powers to stop you all from getting hurt, and you wish there was something – anything – you could do to help. But there isn’t.
You’ve never felt more useless.
Your powers had been useful before – when Deviants were around and you could sense them, but now, in a fight like this, where Deviants aren’t around and you’re fighting against your own family to put a Celestial to sleep? This is different. You curse Arishem.
Sersi stops and looks up at the volcano as soon as the debris stops raining down.
“Phastos,” she says, as he puts a hand on her shoulder to show her he’s listening. “I have to try and stop this. I need to get closer to Tiamut. Keep Ikaris busy.”
Phastos nods at her. “We’ve got you. Go.”
The three of you watch as she starts to run towards the volcano, and you turn to Thena as you pull your knives out. She nods at you, giving you a small smile of encouragement, and you close your eyes as you try to focus in on yourself and the others.
You all begin to run across the beach towards where Makkari and Ikaris are fighting, just as he sends Makkari into the sand with a blast of his powers. You launch one of your knives at him, fighting in the only way you know how, missing him just barely, just before Phastos launches his own attack.
You’re about to throw your second knife when your powers appear of their own accord, taking you very much by surprise. Deviant. There’s a Deviant here, they tell you. You stop, eyebrows furrowed, and spin around, looking in all directions to try and find it.
The others are all too busy fighting Ikaris to notice that your mind has drifted away.
For the first time, you actually see the Deviant, Kro, before he sees you. In the past, you’d been able to sense when one was near, but never the exact location. They’d always still surprised you by appearing from wherever you least expected it. It’s still not enough time to warn any of the others, though. They’re all so focused on Ikaris that even when you run up to them, yelling “There’s a deviant!” they can’t hear you.
It appears, then, knocking Ikaris out of the air and into the sand. Thena uses her powers to stop it, to create a momentary break in the fight, as you reach them.
“Why are you helping Ikaris?” She asks it, spinning her weapon in her hand.
“We can’t let it absorb our powers,” Phastos warns her.
The Deviant raises a hand, showing a gauntlet of cosmic energy exactly like Gilgamesh used to use. You can sense the change in the air immediately, the way Thena’s intention changes, the way you understand her pain even more now, having lost the love of your life, too. If you could get revenge like this… you would, too.
“Too late,” the Deviant says.
Thena raises her sword and steps towards him.
“Thena, he’s trying to goad you. Don’t–” Phastos tries.
Makkari is quick to jump into action, running in circles around the Deviant, burrowing him in a cocoon of sand. But the attempt doesn’t last long. He slams his foot into the ground, the power of his strength knocking not only Makkari away and into the ground, but you and Thena, too.
You wince as your body slams against the rocks, pulling yourself up from the ground as you watch the Deviant move to Makkari, attempting to kill her and take her powers like he’d done to Ajak and Gilgamesh. Phastos uses his powers to attack the Deviant, knocking him into the caves at the side of the cliff.
Thena begins to walk after it.
Leaving Phastos to deal with Ikaris and knowing the Deviant will be busy with Thena, you run over to Makkari, falling onto the ground beside her. Your body hurts, but the pain from being thrown into the rocks is fading already.
“Makkari,” you shake her shoulders gently, trying to awaken her, just grateful that Phastos had gotten Kro away from her in time, saving her life. You can only hope that she’ll wake sooner rather than later.
From your spot on the beach, you have a perfect view as Tiamut starts to rise around you. The sea turns rocky, the waves splashing up on the sand as you pull Makkari’s unconscious body further up the shore, away from the water. The ground is shaking and you fall a few times, finally giving up once you reach a spot far enough away.
You collapse onto the ground beside her, shaking her again to try and wake her, just as you see the head of the Celestial begin to rise out of the water. It’s like a sight from your worst nightmares and it terrifies you.
To your left, Thena walks out of the cave and you let out a sigh of relief as you see her. She’s alive, and she’s alone. You close your eyes briefly, reaching for your power, trying to sense the presence of the Deviant, and feel nothing.
Everything happens all at once, then.
Ikaris breaks free of his bonds, using his powers and sending a wave of them across the beach, knocking Phastos down into the sand. Makkari, beside you, wakes up from the feeling of it, and grabs you, as if she’d never passed out in the first place, taking you with her as she hurries to check if Phastos is okay.
He leaves, then, flying away and leaving the beach empty, like he was never here and that your fight had been for nothing since he’d escaped anyway. You clench the sand in your hand, letting out a sigh.
You wish Druig was here.
“What about Sersi?” You ask, glancing at Makkari and Phastos.
“She’s got this,” Phastos says, and you can tell he’s trying to convince himself of that, too.
The four of you wait on the beach, unable to do anything but wait and hope. It’s not too long later when you feel yourself being lifted into the air by the uni-mind, taking over all of you like it had before. You feel the weightless feeling take over your mind and body again and feel it take control of your powers.
And Sersi, though you can’t see her or sense her, does the impossible.
Your feet touch the ground again and your eyes focus in on Tiamut. It’s clear to you that the uni-mind has worked, just not quite in the way you’d all intended for it to work. Before, he’d been golden. Glowing. Alive. Now, he’s marble. Tiamut… is dead. You’ve all just… killed a Celestial.
You turn to Phastos and Makkari.
“Did we just…?”
Makkari nods, looking at you with fear in her eyes.
You turn, running a hand through your hair, and shake your head. What would this cost you all? Surely, surely, things couldn’t go back to normal after this? After what you’d done?
But… Sersi. Was she okay?
The beach is quiet as you wait for her, only hoping that she’ll join you. Soon enough, she does. You see her in the distance, walking towards you all, and sigh in relief. At least she was safe and seemingly okay. She embraces you and Makkari when she reaches you. It’s comforting to have her back with you, and though nothing feels normal, the warmth of family is one that never changes.
“How? How did you do it?” Phastos asks her.
Sersi looks around at all of you. “When I touched Tiamut’s palm, I felt energy surging into me. Tiamut joined our Uni-mind.”
“I always wondered how we survived the destruction of other planets that we were on. By being connected to the Celestial as it emerged,” Phastos seems fascinated by the truth.
Makkari walks a little closer to Thena, and then looks around at the group of you.
“We became one,” she signs, “even Ikaris and Sprite… all because of Tiamut.”
Phastos nods. You look around at the group of them. Family, through it all.
Aren’t you forgetting someone?
A thought enters your mind, and you furrow your eyebrows… that’s not your thought. It feels foreign, yet somehow familiar. You glance around at the others, though none of them are looking at you and you feel strangely certain that the thought could belong to none of them, as well as the fact that none of them could plant it in your mind with their powers alone. Your powers would have to be activated to do so, and they aren’t because of…
Your head spins, looking across the beach to see the unmistakable form of Druig walking towards you. He’s backlit by the sunset, but you can still see the smirk on his lips.
There’s not a single moment of hesitation as you take off running towards him. He meets you half way, arms wrapping around you and even lifting you a little off the ground as you hug him, burying your head into his neck.
“How did you do that?” You mutter. “I’ve never let you in my head.”
“Your guard was down,” he explains softly. “From the fight, I assume. Sorry. Didn’t want to do it without your consent, but I could feel that you thought I was dead and I didn’t want you to think I was for any longer.”
“It’s okay,” you hum. “But how are you not dead?”
Druig chuckles at that and pulls away from the hug to look at you. He stares into your eyes for a few moments, pondering his next move, before he decides upon it. “Well, I decided that there was no way I was going to die without doing this at least one more time.”
You raise your eyebrows. “Doing what?”
He gives you no time to really think, instead he leans in and presses his lips to yours. His hands cup your cheeks, holding you like he never wants to let go of you again, and his lips move against yours with such familiarity that it’s almost like the past five hundred years have gone by in the blink of an eye. Nearly like you’re back in the 1500s, still wrapped up in the depth of your love, all over again.
Neither of you care that you’re giving the other Eternals absolutely nothing of what they want to see, and neither of you are aware that Phastos has turned away, disgusted, that Sersi and Thena are smiling sadly at you, and Makkari is amused at the surprising moment.
Things between you and Druig haven’t changed. You’re still wrapped up in one another without little care for anything except each other. Hopelessly, recklessly and absolutely undoubtedly head over heels for one another.
Druig pulls away from the kiss out of breath. “That,” he says, “doing that one more time.”
You rest your forehead against his and try to catch your own breath. “Like hell if you think that’s the last time we’re doing that, Druig.”
He smirks.
“Okay, I think that’s enough PDA for today!” Phastos calls. “Can you guys stop now?”
Both of you can’t help but laugh as Druig reaches down and takes your hand in his again and you walk over to join the others. You lean into his side as you watch Sersi offer to turn Sprite into a human, and feel completely content.
Exhausted, yes. Like you could sleep for a hundred years… yes. But you’ve always been stronger with Druig by your side, and you both know it.
The fact that you’d thought that things would simply go back to normal after you succeeded in stopping Tiamut was, you now realise, a rather silly thought. It’s been four days since you left the island, and Tiamut, in the middle of the Ocean, managing to get the Domo to Ajak’s house in South Dakota for Phastos to fix before you left to find the other Eternals – leaving Earth behind for the first time since you’d arrived here.
You’d come to the decision to join Druig, Thena and Makkari without much thought.
As soon as the idea had been brought up over dinner two days ago, you’d begun toying with the idea of going with them all. For one thing, you didn’t want to leave Druig so quickly after getting him back in your life, and another was that you knew if you went back to life in Japan, you’d spend the whole time wondering about what the others were doing.
Thena joins you in the kitchen on the fifth night. You’d volunteered to wash the dishes, knowing how it could be a good, calming activity sometimes, and thought you’d need it after the stress of the last week.
It hadn’t been that long ago that you’d been living happily alone in Japan, trying your best not to think about Druig even after all these years, and now he was sitting in the living room behind you, watching television with the others.
“Have you made your mind up yet?” Thena asks, leaning against the bench. She has no intentions of helping you wash or dry the dishes, finding such mundane tasks unnecessary.
You glance at her. “Made up my mind about what?”
“Whether you’re coming with us or not,” she says. “It’s obvious that you’ve been thinking about it for the last few days since it was mentioned at dinner. I don’t know if you think you’re being subtle or not, but you’re not. We’ve all noticed.”
With a sigh, you go back to scrubbing the dish in your hands. “I made my choice.”
“Already?” Thena seems surprised.
“Not long after you decided to go. But until we actually leave, my mind is still going to keep playing the ‘what if’ game with me and trying to convince me to stay with what I know,” you shrug and place the plate on the drying rack before grabbing another one.
Thena watches you carefully for a few moments.
“You really love Druig, don’t you? Even after all the time apart?”
“I do.” You don’t hesitate to answer her. “Even after all the time apart.”
She smiles as she notices the fond look on your face. She’d felt the same thing for Gilgamesh for so long and recognised it well. The fondness, the love, the comfort that comes with someone you love like that.
“I said this to Druig before,” she glances at him in the living room, “but you and Druig deserve to live a long life together. And the world hasn’t ended… so what’s stopping you?”
You stop washing the plate, letting it drop into the water, and look at her.
“When did you say that to him? He never told me.”
“It wasn’t long before Ikaris revealed the truth to us,” she explains. “He told me that I needed to be careful because you couldn’t lose me after feeling Gilgamesh die. I don’t think he quite realised that losing him would have hurt you more.”
You look over at him, comfortably sitting on the couch, head resting on his hand, eyes fixed onto the television, and smile at how human he looks. The things you’re used to in every day life now hadn’t been around last time you’d just been with him like this. It feels a little like you’ve got him in your day to day life, even though this isn’t home.
“No, I think he knew that. He just would never admit it to himself,” you tell her. “He’s going with you and Makkari. He told that to me that night. He said he knows we should have probably made the choice together, but that it would be what’s best for him. I haven’t told him that I’m going to come with him, yet. I don’t know how he’ll take it. He wanted me to be able to go back to my life in Japan before we stopped Tiamut.”
Thena shakes her head. “You know him well enough to know that he’s going to accept whatever you choose. You can’t love someone for as long as you’ve loved him and not know that. Don’t kid yourself.”
Her words are so blunt, so completely Thena, that they make you smile. You reach over and take her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, before turning back to washing the dishes.
The warmth of Druig’s body next to yours is a type of warmth you never want to forget. Your head is rest00 ying on his chest, his hand is gently running through your hair and the events of moments before are still fresh in your mind.
It feels a little surreal to be laying with him like this. You’d expected it to feel strange – like the 500 years you’ve spent apart would make a difference – but they haven’t. Things feel as if no time has passed at all. The love you’ve both kept for each other all these years overtaking all of the awkwardness and anxiety that could have been borne of these moments. It’s refreshing.
“Y’know,” Druig starts, “when we were trying to stop Tiamut, when I stopped Sprite from hurting Sersi… I left out a bit of that story when I was telling the others what happened.”
You furrow your eyebrows. “Why? What did you leave out?”
“It didn’t feel like something the others should know, in my defense,” he hums. “I told her that this was her fight now and she… she told me to stop being stupid and to tell you that I loved you. That we’ve lost enough time.”
You smile at the thought of Sersi fighting for your love.
“And what did you tell her?”
He smiles, this time. “I told her that you already knew. But when I was waiting for Sprite to wake up, I had time to think about it all, and she was right. That’s why I kissed you on the beach. We’ve lost five hundred years, and we could’ve lost even more of that time if we failed to stop Tiamut. I didn’t want to lose another second with you.”
You look up at him to find him already looking at you.
“You already know what I’m thinking, don’t you?”
Druig nods. “I promise I’m not reading your mind. But I know. I wanted you to be able to go back to teaching but… you’re not going to, are you? You’re going to come with us when we go to find the other Eternals.”
“Those kids I teach… there will be more of them to teach because of what we did. Children will continue to be born on Earth, they’ll continue to learn, and one day… I’ll be able to be there to teach them like I’ve done all these years,” you explain. You’ve had enough time to come to this conclusion, and you’re certain of it. “When we left Ajak, she told us to live for ourselves. I did that, but something was always missing – and that something was you. I love how I’ve spent the past 500 years. But we both know that there are changes we would have made if we could have. I think it’s time I give other Eternals a chance to make those changes, to live a life for themselves like we have.”
He admires you more than anything for your words. Loves you more than he thought possible. Druig leans down to press a quick kiss to your lips. “You are too good for me, my love,” he smiles. “But is it also because you don’t want to spend time without me so soon?”
You roll your eyes at him playfully. “Yeah, that too.” You snuggle back down into his chest. “I was thinking that we could go to Japan together. Since we never actually got to back there and have that mountain home we wanted. Remember?”
Druig nods. “I do remember. That was a nice day.”
“Would you want to do that one day? When we get things sorted with Arishem and the Eternals… would you want to come back to Japan with me? You could find something to while I teach. We could have a life there.”
There’s silence for a few moments, the hand that was stroking your hair stops, and you worry that it’s because Druig is about to tell you that he doesn’t want that anymore. That the future you’d planned out in the past was an impossible one to envision anymore.
But then his hand resumes and he hums. “I would love to have a life with you in Japan. For you to show me around your home, for you to… find a place for me in the life you have now. If that’s what you want… of course I want that, too, beautiful.”
You smile to yourself. “Deal, then. Now, let me lay here for a little bit longer before someone inevitably comes and knocks on your door and tells us they need us.”
Druig smirks. “You sure you wanna spend that time resting?”
“Druig,” you say, not moving from your spot. “When we have our mountain home and it’s just the two of us, I imagine there’ll be plenty of time for doing anything except for resting.”
Being back in Ajak’s house without Ajak there is a strange feeling, but it’s made more bearable by having the others there with you – even if it isn’t everyone anymore. Phastos has his family there with you, too, and there’s a strange sense of normality alongside them. You’ve spent the past two weeks here, fixing the Domo, overcoming the exhaustion from the fight on the beach, preparing for the future, and it hasn’t been terrible.
You’re sat beside Druig, your legs resting comfortably over his, as you munch on a slice of pizza. Phastos, Makkari and Ben, Phasto’s husband, all sit in the living room with you, watching the television reports on the ‘strange marbleised figure in the middle of the Indian Ocean’ that the news has been talking about for two weeks now.
“Aliens, half the population being wiped out, Gods, and they’re still wondering about what the strange marble figure in the ocean could be?” You shake your head. “Humans are fascinating, but surely they should just accept the strange at some point, right?”
Druig nods with you in agreement.
It’s not long before the calm ends, though, with Phastos making a quick exit from the couch to deal with Thena, who is seemingly scaring his son in the kitchen. You watch on, amused, knowing that Thena means no harm to the boy.
Makkari finishes off her food and goes to join them.
“You ready to head out?” Druig rests a hand on your thigh. “No second thoughts?”
You shake your head and finish your last bite of pizza. “You’ve asked me that at least twice already today, Druig. Are you trying to make me have second thoughts, or are you just being very overly cautious?”
He narrows his eyes at you. “I’m just double checking you’re certain. You were asking me if I was sure before Tiamut. It’s my turn now. I didn’t want you to follow me before when I left, so I made sure you wouldn’t. I don’t want you to follow me now just because you think it’s what you need to do to be with me.”
His words are sweet, you have to admit, though they’re entirely unnecessary. You’re sure of your choice, have been ever since you made it. And though a part of you does yearn for the comforts of your home in Japan and the excitement that comes from teaching all of your students, there’s a larger part of you that knows that the comfort that will come from being with Druig, Makkari and Thena and finding other Eternals will eventually fill the yearning for Japan until you can return.
You lean in and kiss him gently. “I’ve never been more certain of anything, Druig.”
He finds comfort in your words, too, and pulls you in for another kiss.
“Now, come on. We’ve got places to be,” you stand up from the couch, taking your plate with you, and wander into the kitchen. Druig follows you, joking with Phastos as he does, and you can’t help but grin to yourself as Phastos tells his son to stay away from Druig.
7000 years, and he’s still the very same.
It’s chilly outside, the sky a cloudy grey and a gentle breeze passing by. The Domo is high in the sky again, looking as normal as it ever has thanks to Phastos’ work in fixing it. Thena heads down towards it, leaving you with Druig, Makkari, Phastos and his son.
She’s never particularly been one for goodbyes. You can’t blame her.
Druig takes lead in starting them, walking down to stand beside Phastos. “Hey, Phastos. Take care,” he says. “This world is lucky to have you.”
“Thank you,” Phastos seems truly grateful. He extends a hand. “I know you’re not a hugger for anyone but her,” he nods towards you and you grin at him, “so…”
You watch on, amused, as Druig takes Phastos’ hand and then pulls him into a hug, knowing that Phastos is probably hating every second of it, but liking it at the same time.
Makkari smiles at you and you both walk closer to the three of them.
Druig turns to you and Makkari. “You think that when we find the other Eternals out there, that they’ll accept the truth the way we did?”
Makkari nods, completely certain. “Because the truth will set them free.”
She steps towards Phastos and gives him a hug goodbye and then starts to follow Thena down towards the Domo. You give Phastos a hug of your own, then lean down and tell Jack to take care of his dad, which he promises to do.
Druig watches on, smiling fondly as he watches you talk to the young boy so easily.
“You four stay safe, okay?” Phastos says as Druig takes your hand and you start to walk away. “We’ve had enough trouble for a good long while, I think.”
You and Druig both wholeheartedly agree with him.
With a wave, the two of you start to follow Makkari and Thena down towards the Domo.
He squeezes your hand and glances at you.
“If you ask me if I’m sure again, I will push you down the hill, Druig.”
He laughs. “I wasn’t going to ask you,” he says. “I was just thinking about how glad I am that I have to back, and how incredible you are for accepting me back after what I did to you.”
“Incredible or incredibly stupid?” You flash him a playful smile. “I’m a very forgiving person when it comes to the people that I love, Druig. I would have forgiven Ikaris if he’d given me a chance to. I think that the second I saw you again, part of me knew that I would forgive you if I could ever come to terms with the fact that I still loved you.”
Druig nods. “I’m glad you came to terms with it.”
“Me too,” you smile to yourself. “I’m glad you still loved me, too.”
“It would take more than the world ending for me to stop loving you,” Druig admits. “However many lives we’ve lived that we don’t remember, or any lives we might live in the future, I am certain that I’ll have loved you in all of them.”
Tag List: @tompetersebbuckyhazleo @freyagallileaevans @dontstopxx @shannon-posts @ln-nell @buckyandlokicanhaveme @alluringshawn @notroxanna @trickylittlewitch @itscheybaby @vampireviel @ivrypetals @measure-in-pain @suraaann @keepingitlokiii @chenlemure @ponyboys-sunsets @nifujiswhore @stubborncap @dangerdolns @binidict @ln-nell @unstableindividual @tiffanypooh @punkdalek @loki-is-loved
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
So, I've got a prompt for you.
I love movies and tv series and they are all so different from each other but also have so much things in common. And there is one thing i can picture our beloved men from Eternals in.
I think at least one time in their whole time on earth, Ajak forced her children to spend time together, in groups. So while Ajak is dragging her daughters around, the group of men are forced to hang out with each other. And a full men group, hanging out, means normal conversations drifting to uncomfortable and awkward conversations (for at least one or two individuals.) So I'd like to ask you to write Kingo, Phastos, Druig, Ikaris and Gilgamesh (god i love him, malewife) in such a situation, maybe sparring together, drinking alcohol but the most important: talking about (their) girls! (or boys, or whatever preference our individuals have in a partner)
"This fuckin' sucks."
No one spoke up to agree with Druig, but certainly no one argued with him, either.
Ajak was with the other half of the Eternals, having brought Sersi, Makkari, Thena and Sprite with her to the beautiful natural springs just outside the palace grounds. India was so mild in climate, and they were still getting used to the place after arriving short of a month ago.
She had claimed it was mother-daughter bonding time, and encouraged they do the same. Gil and Kingo had certainly had their reservations, while Ikaris, Druig and Phastos had quickly asserted that they would rather let the villagers burn them on the pyre.
And yet here they were.
Kingo took a sip of his...whatever it was. He winced a little at it, staring into the fire they'd built simply for something to do and occupy their time. He was the most antsy, the rest of them having devolved into silence naturally. Which wasn't really Kingo's style. "Is anyone going to say anything, or...?"
"Just did," Druig barked at him from an entirely separate log bench all to himself, "sucks."
"Oi," Ikaris snarled at him, which did nothing to improve the atmosphere. He leaned on his knees, also sitting on a separate log bench.
Phastos was occupying himself with whatever, using his powers for something or other, ignoring them all deliberately. Also on his own log.
Gil sighed, staring up at the moon from where he had given upon talking and simply laid down on the ground.
Kingo turned around to look at Gil, lying down behind him, "what's with you?"
The Strongest Eternal shrugged, absently pulling up a bite of mango for himself. "I wonder what Thena's thinking about right now."
A round of loud groans hit the air, startling the birds in the trees.
"What?" Gil sat up with a frown at his band of brothers.
"Thena-this, and Thena-that," Phastos supplied readily, rolling his eyes the hardest at it.
"Oh, come on," Gil huffed, but he looked over as Druig barked out a sharp laugh at him.
"Gil, you ever heard yer own thoughts, mate?" the mind reader snickered, poking at his own temple as he said it. "Thena-this and Thena-that is exactly what you're thinkin'--always!"
Gil sighed, dusting himself off and sitting himself on Kingo's log properly. "I don't see the problem."
"You wouldn't," Ikaris snorted, and this time Gil took a little more offense to it. "You've got all that muscle and not a single one in your brain."
Gil picked up a rock and flicked it at the Soaring Eternal. For any mortal, it would have gone clean through their head like a bullet, but Ikaris snarled as it bounced off his forehead like a nut shell. "Aren't you supposed to be getting married soon? I'd expect you to have thoughts of nothing but your future wife."
Ikaris also soured at having his fiancee brought up. "Some of us can think of more than one thing at a time."
"Okay," Phastos held a hand in both of their directions, as if trying to soothe savage beasts. "No one has to talk about anyone's wives, y'animals."
"Let 'em have it out, Phastos," Druig laughed, picking up a pear for himself and biting into it with a disgusting amount of gusto. Chunks and juice flew from his mouth as he pointed, "I wanna shee what 'appensh!"
"Close your damn mouth when you're eating!" Phastos barked at the 'youngest' of them present.
"All that'll happen is Ajak getting mad at us," Kingo pointed out liberally. He patted Gil's shoulder, knowing that he was the more easily reasoned with between him and Ikaris. "Look Gil, I support you, and your gross, sappy romanticism."
"Thanks," Gil sneered at him and his 'support'. He turned his glare in Druig's direction, "I don't bring up you following Kari around, now do I?"
"Oi," Druig grumbled.
Phastos shared a look with Kingo, both of them entirely capable of disparaging their siblings in similar and opposite ways. Phastos wasn't opposed to the vessel, but needed the right soul. Kingo was proudly uninterested in everyone equally.
Ikaris also looked up at the moon and sighed. "What're they even doing?"
Kingo looked at Druig, "what did mother-daughter bonding mean?"
Druig snarled up one side of his nose and lips. "You think I'm in everyone's heads all the fuckin' time?"
"Well, m'not," Druig shrugged, tossing away his pear seeds and reaching for a fresh one. "That'd be exhausting."
"Whose thoughts are the loudest?"
"I don't believe you," Kingo countered just as quickly as Druig had. He got a look for it but shrugged. "Maybe sometimes, sure. But it can't always be me."
Druig chuckled, bobbing his head in Gil's direction, "who'd you think? It's Mister Thena over 'ere."
"What do you mean they're loud?" Gil crossed his arms in his defense.
"Just what it sounds like, Gil," Druig offered at least slightly more amiable than he had been before. "S'not like shoutin', I guess. But they're...they're loud and clear. All the time."
"Like wh-"
"Thena," all four other Eternals answered for him simultaneously. Gil pursed his lips, feeling his cheeks warm. But at least the others were smiling and laughing (even if it was at his expense).
Druig slapped his knee in glee. "It's always 'where's Thena?', or 'wonder what Thena's up to', or 'I miss Thena' from you."
"Okay, okay," Gil sighed. It wasn't as if he had a correction to make, or even a defense to it. Those certainly sounded like his thoughts.
"Her too."
"Huh?" Gil blinked, hearing a much softer follow up from Druig.
The solitary Eternal was looking down at his pear, toying with it in his hands as the truth of his words made him quieter. He offered Gil a smile. "She's the same way--if you somehow didn't know."
"Thena?" Gil blinked.
"Yeah, Thena?" Kingo repeated from next to him. "I mean, I don't doubt it about Gil, but I figured T was...harder to read."
Druig grinned, shaking his head. He became a little more sheepish, but shrugged. "Most'a the time, yeah. But when it's about Gil here...she's clear as a bell."
Kingo just nodded, taking another sip of (whatever). "Wouldn't have guessed."
"First time I caught it I thought I was fucked," Druig shook his head. "T doesn't take kindly t'me pokin' around, 'course. But this thought just--it shot out like an arrow."
"What was it?" Gil asked, unable to resist.
Druig looked at him, offering a much more genuine smile, "Gil."
He just stared, "yeah--I'm asking."
"No, that's it," Druig chuckled, shaking his head again and ruffling his hair for good measure. "Just Gil--she walks around with your name in 'er head like the breath in 'er lungs. I had to learn to block it out--s'like a clock, tick-tick-tickin' away in the background."
Gil looked like he could burst with joy.
Ikaris cleared his throat faintly, already ruddy cheeked when the others looked at him. "Does, uh, Sersi-"
"Don't know, haven't checked."
"Okay!" Phastos stood, clapping his hands together before Ikaris could pick up Druig and throw him clear across the Ganges. "Why don't I reach out to Ajak and see what they're up to?"
Druig rolled his eyes as a loud and clear I want to see Thena floated into his mind. Gil was like an unchecked faucet--sometimes dripping, sometimes on full blast, but always leaking in some way.
"That's a good idea," Ikaris growled as he floated back down to his log, fists still clenched and eyes still glowing.
"Well," Kingo sighed as he set down his nondescript beverage. "What an unproductive discussion."
"Speak for yourself," Gil chuckled, nudging his most jovial brother's arm.
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lovelyfanatical · 1 year
I Get a Sugar Rush Whenever I'm With You - Chapter 8.4
Hello, fellow Drukkari stans! With this installment, we reach the end of Week 8! If you've fallen behind and need to catch up, you can find all previous chapters on my handy dandy Table of Contents here! You can also find me on AO3, but you'll need an account to read it there. Last time, Druig finally confronted Makkari about her secret, but what exactly happened after that? Find out now, in the next installment of Drukkari in the Great British Bake Off!
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Druig awoke slowly, reluctantly being pulled out of the dream he was having and back to the waking world. Despite this, he was actually quite comfortable, lying on his back, his arms wrapped around something warm. Someone warm. Then, all at once, it hit him. Druig's eyes flew open, and he looked down to find Makkari asleep in his arms, using his chest as a pillow.
He couldn't move. He could barely breathe. For a moment, Druig was certain the pounding of his heart would wake her. But after a few deep breaths, his heartbeat slowed, and Makkari continued sleeping peacefully. He wracked his brain, trying to remember what had happened last night. They were talking on the bed. After his pretend fit, he'd stayed lying down, then at some point, she'd laid down too. They had talked and talked, and that was where his memories ended. Now, here he was, waking up with the most beautiful woman – and, quite possibly, his best friend – in the world in his arms.
Druig would be lying if he said he hadn't imagined it before. Multiple times. But he hadn't thought it would actually happen. As he'd suspected, their bodies seemed to fit together perfectly, just as they always did. Makkari smelled of cinnamon and pie, a remnant of the previous day's baking. The scent calmed Druig enough that he thought he might drift off to sleep again. Just as he was about to, he was startled by the familiar beeping of his alarm.
He frantically reached for his phone, swiping away the offending noise. The jostling finally woke Makkari, who raised her head and blinked the sleep out of her eyes. Druig froze, one arm still around her, and watched as she finally looked at him. For a moment, Makkari remained peaceful, simply studying his face as her mind played catch up. Then, her eyes went wide as she realized the position they were in. In an instant, she was scrambling off of the bed, and Druig quickly followed suit, standing up on the opposite side. For a moment, they stood in stunned silence, sneaking glances at each other but avoiding eye contact. Then, they both tried to break it at the same time.
Sorry, they signed, almost in sync, before breaking out into awkward chuckles. Druig gestured for Makkari to speak first.
Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep on you, she said.
Don't worry about it, he replied a little too quickly. What's an accidental nap between friends?
Right, friends, she echoed pensively. Wait, what were you sorry about?
Sorry I didn't wake you up sooner. Not that I was awake that long. Just a few minutes really, but you were sleeping quite soundly, he rambled.
Oh, it's alright, she responded. They lapsed into another awkward silence, still avoiding eye contact. Druig caught a glimpse of Makkari's face, full of uncertainty. He was sure he wore a similar expression and thought he might just spontaneously combust under the tense atmosphere. Finally, Makkari spoke up again.
Well, I should go kick Kingo out of my room so I can get ready.
Right, yeah. See you later, then.
See you later.
Makkari grinned, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. Without another word, she left the room. Druig sat down on the bed and buried his face in his hands.
As he completed the final challenge of the week, Druig felt like he was completely on autopilot. While he and Makkari had greeted each other as usual and ridden the shuttle over together, they hadn't spoken a word about the previous night. In fact, they hardly spoke at all. They still could barely make eye contact with each other. Their fellow bakers hadn't said a word about it, but Druig could practically feel their eyes burning holes into them both. So, he tuned everything out and went through the motions of baking. The resulting savory pie wasn't his best work, but it was decent enough.
Once it was over and the waiting began, he was left without a distraction. The atmosphere in the waiting area was unusually heavy because, sadly, they all had a good guess for who was going home. Sersi had already been on unsteady ground, and her showstopper hadn't done much to improve her situation, considering the judges had called it bland. Figuring he couldn't make things worse, Druig sat next to her in the waiting area, both of them looking out at the scenery.
"Sorry, Sersi," he said quietly.
"Thanks, Druig." After a moment, she added, "I'm sorry, too."
"About what?" he asked. Sersi tensed as she considered her next words. Taking a breath, she seemed resolved to say her next statement.
"Whatever's making you and Makkari avoid each other like the plague."
It knocked the wind out of him, hearing those words. Druig felt his hands clench into fists as he tried to push the feeling down, his eyes still trained on the scenery. He opened his mouth to respond, but the words wouldn't come. At this point, it was no use denying it. It seemed everyone knew now, Makkari included. So, Druig closed his mouth as he reconsidered his reply. He didn't get to make one, as Makkari came over and sat on the other side of Sersi. As they got to talking, Druig quietly made his exit.
Announcement time came, and the results were as expected. Gil won Star Baker, and Sersi was sent home. She did her best to hold it together during filming, even when they gave her a group hug. As they were waiting for the shuttle, however, her resolve began to break. Makkari sat next to Sersi, lending her a shoulder to cry on. Back at the hotel, she tapped Druig on the shoulder before he went back to his room.
I think I'll ride back with Sersi this time, she said.
Good idea, he responded. Yet another awkward silence fell over them as they each waited for the other to continue. After all, their conversations were never this short. Finally, Makkari decided to end it.
See you next week, then?
See you next week.
She gave him a quick nod and a half smile, and then she was gone. Without anyone to talk to, Druig spent the entire train ride wallowing in the feeling that he had completely screwed things up.
Ladies, gentlemen, NBs, we have officially arrived at the angsty part of the fic 😭😭😭 I'm sorry, the fluff will return but it might be a minute!
Part 30
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Ocean Eyes
Chapter 3
Pairing: Druig x Reader x Makkari
Warning: explicit language, not proofread
Notes: hey friends. Here is part 3. hope you like it lol. I hope I can finish writing part 4 this weekend. Keep up your nice comments. And if you have a story request feel free to send it. Love, Mai🍄
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Y/N looked at her girlfriend with a blushed face, but she just took her by the hand and ran after the others. They decided to go to a bar near the bookstore.
Makkari had recommended it, she had been there several times and loved the atmosphere. Y/N had always admired the small bar, but only ever from the outside. It was an old brick building. The windows were darkened and only the candlelight from inside could still be seen through them. If she had known at that moment how the evening would end, Y/N would have turned around immediately and gone home. But even though she was exhausted, tired, and a bit overwhelmed with the whole situation, she had still gratefully agreed when Makkari tickled her to convince her to stay.
Makkari's hand was in hers as the two stepped through the small entrance into the bar. Phastos was visibly having trouble stepping through the small entrance behind the two. Y/N could still hear him complaining. The big man was the last of the group. He was late because he had been on the phone with his husband, so he was the last to make his way to the bar. Makkari held her hand tightly and looked around the room searching for the rest of her family. The Eternals were seated at a large table in the back room of the bar. All but Sprite already had drinks in hand and seemed to be enjoying themselves. Especially Ikaris and Sersei were in a good mood and looked longingly into each other's eyes the whole time. Sprite sat annoyed at the other end of the table, building a tower of beer coasters with Kingo. Karun was cheering for the two of them and at the same time trying to keep his camera straight, which he visibly failed at. Makkari and Y/N went to join the others at the table, Thena slid a bit on the sofa to make room for them. Phastos joined Druig and Ajak and immediately began to talk about his family. "Can you believe that next week is my son's birthday again?"
Ajak looked proudly at Phastos. "Of course, of course, as if we could forget. We'll pay you and your family a visit if that's okay?"
Y/N listened intently to the conversation. Phastos had been the most kind so far. He had proudly told her about his husband and child and how difficult it was for him to be openly queer at first. Y/N loved listening to him. She hadn't often met other queer people and especially hardly any who could actually live a happy life. Too many still faced hate and ignorance on a daily basis. Even though she and Makkari hadn't been together long, she had caught herself thinking what it would be like to marry her one day. And maybe to live in a small family home with her, children and a pet.
Makkari unexpectedly snapped her out of her thoughts with a kiss. " isn't she cute?" she signed to Druig and Gilgamesh who were just talking on the other side of the table, enjoying a shot of tequila. Confused, Y/N looked back and forth between the two. She would have loved to know what they were talking about. "Everything's fine? you look like you're worried" Makkari signed.
Y/n couldn't really answer this question. But she didn't want to lie, she couldn't think of anything better than to flee from the situation. "I'll get us something to drink at the bar" she said instead and went outside the room without waiting for an answer.
She felt horrible as she waited at the bar for her drinks. She had been acting terribly out of line since druig showed up. Makkari was just being friendly and Y/n was ruining everything. Someone behind her tapped her shoulder.
"Hey you, Makkari's friend !, sorry forgot your name. Will you order me one too? I know I look young but I'm old enough. Honestly. I'm not lying, I promise. But I really can't stay sober with those two back there." Sprite pointed to the couple cuddled up on the sofa. Ikaris and sersei were now sitting in the same spot she and makkari had been a few minutes ago.
"I don't know if this is such a good idea Sprite."
"oh come on, please, I really thought you were cool. I really don't feel like seeing Ikaris like this all night."
Y/n briefly wondered if she should ask why Sprite was so Stressed out about the two. But without knowing her, she still kinda knew. Sprite felt much the same way she did.
"Alright, but just one beer! If you want another one you'll have to beg someone else." Sprite looked annoyed, but was still satisfied that she got what she wanted.
"I'd ask Kingo if I were you" Y/N pointed in the direction of the movie star. He and Karun had already emptied a few beer glasses and were now singing a birthday song for Phastos son for their somewhat strange documentary. Phastos just tried to get them from climbing on one of the tables. Even though this situation was funny and somewhat absurd, Y/N preferred to look past the two very drunk men. On one of the other sofas, Druig and makkari were now sitting and talking excitedly. The two of them looked so happy, she thought. Druig had put his hand on Makkari's arm while he was laughing. Y/N thought they looked beautiful together. They were the perfect couple. She felt a different feeling slowly spreading through her. Quite different from the angry jealousy of the afternoon,now she felt only anxious. What if Makkari would leave her. What if Makkari would rather have him? Druig was handsome and strong. And apparently he even was funny and friendly, even if he was only that way to Makkari. Fuck he was perfect for her. Even Y/N had caught herself thinking about his fucking ocean eyes over and over again throughout the day. And when he had taken off his leather jacket, she had to force herself not to look too long at his trained bizeps. The two of them would be better together than Y/N could ever be with anyone. Her hands began to shake and tears formed in her eye. "Excuse me, I'm going to step outside for some fresh air. Y/N picked up her glass and left the building as quickly as possible for the second time that day.
Y/N stood there for quite a while. She already finished her drink and also the one she had ordered for makkari. The alcohol helped, she told herself, while she thought about going back to the bar and getting another drink. But she also knew that she wouldn't be able to drink very much. She had hardly eaten and had been a bit overtired all day, all these factors were not a good basis for drinking away your sorrow. The wind was blowing through the streets again and she was annoyed not to have taken at least her jacket from the sofa, where sersei, Ikaris and Thena were sitting. But she refused to go inside like that. She had been gone from the table for half an hour already and makkari probably hadn't even noticed. She couldn't imagine her pretty girlfriend wandering around the bar looking for her. She was probably still sitting in Druig's arm laughing. Why did he have to look so good? Why didn't Makkari have any ugly, annoying or boring college friends?
"Well, Y/N, are you thinking about me?" said the voice with the thick Irish accent.
"What? Me? No, why should I?" she said, perplexed. She hadn't noticed how the man had opened the door and stood next to her.
"I was just kidding beautiful beautiful Y/N" he said as he lit a cigarette. He held the pack out to her, but Y/N just shook her head.
"Makkari likes you very much. She told me a lot about you before our visit. She even said that your book taste was better than mine." He laughed softly. "And to be honest, she's really right about that." Y/N had to smile. She turned her head and looked Druig in the face. His smile was beautiful. Why couldn't she stop staring at him.
"Makkari always said you were as loving as Sersei, as caring as Ajak, as stubborn as Sprite, and as beautiful as Thena."
Makkari had said something like that about her? Y/N hardly believed what Druig was listing. Did her girlfriend really think so well of her? Perhaps the doubts from before had not been necessary.
"Of course, I didn't believe her at first, how could a human being ever fulfill exactly that? But to be honest, I changed my mind. She forgot to mention how clumsy you are, but I think she was right about everything else."
Y/N's face began to glow. He was just being friendly after all. But then why was this warm feeling spreading through her stomach.
"Wow, you seem to be really cold, you are probably too stubborn to get your jacket.“ he winked“ Well wait, here put mine on." he held his jacket in front of her face.
"No, no, it's okay, it's not that cold."
"Don't talk such bullshit, take my jacket before you freeze to death. Or are you afraid that if you smell my good scent you'll fall in love with me right away?" teasingly he leaned a bit towards her. She was still looking into his blue eyes when he put the jacket around her. The two were now standing very close to each other. All the anger she had felt all day was gone. Maybe she wasn't mad at Druig at all. Maybe she was just mad at herself, how could she dream about this man all day long even though she was in a happy, loving relationship. A man who was a complete stranger. Y/N felt like Druig was a magnet that attracted her, and as she lowered her eyes and they caught at his lips, she couldn't help but imagine kissing him.
"Is that okay?" he asked. Without knowing what exactly he was getting at, she agreed by nodding.
He kissed her like it was all he ever wanted. Y/N had no idea what was happening to her, she just knew she wanted more. Their lips touched gently at first and then with more and more pressure and passion. His lips were warm and soft. They felt so similar to Makkaris. Makkari…
"Fuckkkk. What the hell did we just do." Y/N broke away from Druig aprubtly. She cursed over and over. And paced back and forth in front of the bar.
"I thought that was okay? I'm sorry I definitely didn't mean to pressure you, I thought we felt the same." Apologetically he took another step towards her. Y/N just pushed the jacket into his hand.
" I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking. I love Makkari. We are really happy. I can't just ruin my relationship like that. I..."
Y/N gestured wildly. What the hell was she thinking. She really had to destroy everything. She hardly realized how drunk she was after all when she tripped over the sidewalk the second time that day.
Before she could fall onto the street, Druig held her by the wrist. "I got you, love. Please stay. Let's talk about this…“
But Y/N didn't want to talk. "Sorry I...I better go home." she said. He let go of her wrist and she ran across the street between the parked cars. Past the bookstore towards the Train station. Tears flushed her face and blocked her view.
An hour later, she sat in her kitchen, somewhat calm. She had just thought about todays events. It was like an awful nightmare.
Y/N made her favorite tea and sat on her bed. When she got up early in the morning, she definitely didn't think that the day would end like this. She took another sip. And her thoughts went from the beginning through the whole day again.
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givemea-dam-break · 3 years
Druig you dumb bitch! What was that?
If you're planning on writing a second part to that last blurb, can you please make him suffer a liiiittle bit because of reader keeping their distance/acting as if nothing happened, or whatever? Pretty please? c:
a/n: ummm yes of course!! also ngl i had a mini heart attack because all I saw was “druig you dumb bitch” and panicked that i had not written for druig (even though i know fine well that i did) but it’s all good now lmao, very very glad that you liked it so much to want another part! i am so sorry this has taken so long to come out, i've been off tumblr for a few months to prioritise other things and i've been struggling with about 50 different plotlines for this lmao (thank u sad beautiful tragic - taylor's version ofc - for inspiring me) Warnings: none Words: 1.2K Gender-neutral reader part 1
"I'm probably supposed to hate you for what you said." "And you should. It wasn't meant to come out the way it did." You turn on the sunlit balcony, lacing your hands into the beautiful greenery that winds around the stone railing in bright greens that can only be described as entrancing. Flowers bloom on the vines, small white buds that seem to glow in the golden light of the sun. Druig stands a few feet away and in a way it's painful to even look at him, but he approached you so you could talk things out and you couldn't refuse. "Either way," you say, carefully watching his face, "I don't hate you for it." His face scrunches up in confusion, something you once would've made fun of him for or teased him about. "I hate you for lying." Leaning back against the railing, you tune out the sounds of the people you love, the people you're sworn to protect, talking below. "You said Arishem didn't make us for each other, and that's fine. Maybe he didn't make me for anything but to protect. I only wish he hadn't made you to be a liar." "You can't just accuse me of that," Druig says, a hint of irritation slipping into his tone. "Why would you even think that?" "Can't I?" Your eyes connect and for a second, a mere moment, you can pretend that you're not here in the middle of an impending argument. You can pretend that everything is normal and that you're here together, like you have been so often, to appreciate the view of the city from this nature-filled balcony, basking in the sunlight. Then it all comes crashing down on you again: the feeling of your heart being torn out and trampled on; the taste of salty tears on your lips; the way his hand had felt next to yours on the balcony before he broke your heart. "You told me that you're not capable of love," you say, "but I see the way you look at Makkari, the way you two act around each other." You square your body to him, completely parallel to each other, and the distance between you both is the only thing keeping you standing, feeling like a solid block between you. "If you don't love me but you love her, that's also fine, I'd just rather you didn't lie to me about it." "I don't love Makkari." Biting your tongue to stop yourself from saying anything you regret, you only shake your head. Without a word, you brush past Druig and it feels too much like that moment nights before when he ripped your heart into shreds. The thought alone makes you want to burst into tears. "Y/n, stop, I haven't finished -" "I have, Druig," you say, turning your head to glance at him. "I'm finished. I hope you're happy with... whatever it is that you'll do." -- The days pass slowly after that. Without his laughter, his constant input, his snarky remarks, your days feel empty and lonely no matter how much time you spend with the other Eternals. Kingo's humour, Sprite's interruptions, Thena's insistence; they're not enough to close the gap that has torn its way through your body, but you persist. You're an Eternal, the mighty y/n who has moved mountains for the gods, shifted whole continents to stop wars, as depicted in Sprite's stories. You shouldn't, and you won't, continue to feel so alone because of one person, no matter how much he means to you. It's a bad day for Deviants, today. There are more than a dozen, and though you're all more than capable of defeating them, it's a struggle for a group of six to fight off a pack of twenty, but you manage, somehow. Holding onto Kingo, you stumble back into the gates of Babylon, laughing. "I swear I killed more than you," he says, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "I got six, I promise." "No you didn't," you say. "I gave you the opportunity to kill two, Thena killed the others. You're falling behind, Kingo." He laughs before stopping, almost abruptly, and leans down to speak lowly in your ear. "He's walking over here. Want me to cause a diversion?" "No," you say, shrugging. "I don't care. All I want right now is something to eat, and no one is going to get in the way of that." The two of you continue to stride along, still
laughing, and you finally look up to see him, Druig, slowly walking towards your little group. Thena and Gilgamesh walk straight past him, Thena smiling at whatever Gil has said. Ikaris doesn't even try to move out of the way of Druig, instead bashing into his shoulder as he walks past. You've never understood his grudge against Druig and, even with the agony of his words, you still can't bring yourself to hate him, not like how Ikaris does. His eyes catch yours, endless pools of emotions you shouldn't care enough about to distinguish, but you still do. Regret, grief, frustration, and longing all crowd together in those beautiful eyes and, yes, it pulls at your heartstrings, but he's not your problem anymore. He probably never should've been. "Y/n," he says, "are you alright?" "Mm-hmm," you murmur, clinging to Kingo's arm as you cease laughing. "We're just getting some food. I'm starving." He looks between you and your friend, some new expression clouding his face for less than a second before disappearing. "Do you mind if we -" "You're more than welcome to join," you say, "but Kingo and I will probably eat all of the food, so you'll have to grab stuff quick. I will be leaving no scraps." Kingo laughs, though it sounds more like a cackle, which makes you laugh, too. "We need to hurry before Gilgamesh gets to the food." You look at Druig a second longer. Maybe you're memorising the angles of his face, or the way the sun makes his eyes shine, but you twist your gaze to the side before you can linger. Before you can start to fall further for him. "Makkari's over there," you say, pointing to where the girl hovers around a crowd, looking for any objects of interest. "I'm sure you can find something exciting to do with her." "Arishem made you so petty," Kingo mumbles lowly so that Druig can't hear, and you burst out in another fit of laughter. "I'm going to explode if I don't eat soon," you say between giggles, "so we'll see you around." Druig goes to say more, reaching his hand forward to rest on your forearm, but you drag Kingo along before his fingers can ever make contact. You can feel the warmth of his body and it almost makes you shiver, remembering how you would hug him after fighting the Deviants and cling to him rather than Kingo. It hurts to have lost Druig, to have lost that closeness you once had, and it hurts more to realise that Kingo will never be able to fill the space that Druig left when he broke your heart, but that's something you just have to come to terms with. No one will ever be able to replace him. "Let's forget about him," you murmur and, for once, you believe that you actually do want to.
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crguang · 3 years
can’t wait to read your fics <3
can i request a jealous!ajak x reader? or any ship you’d like with her? i feel like it would be interesting to read her “deny” it or make stuff up considering she’s so expressive. thank you x
this was so fun to write and think about. you’re very right, she has no issue expressing herself so to imagine her deal with jealousy was really fun. hope u like this one🤞🏾
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Ajak has always been in touch with her emotions. She had no problem expressing herself, in any way she felt the need to, and so for centuries. As the Prime Eternal, she owed it to her family to be collected and logical, to offer her guidance whenever they needed it so they could all fulfill their purpose as Arishem’s creations. She was very emotionally intelligent and that was what allowed her to connect with people. In her centuries spent on earth, she thought she had experienced it all. It took a few more years for her to finally experience jealousy.
The first time it happened, she didn’t realize it. The Eternals had dealt with numerous deviants over the years and were now cleansing the area of what would later be known as Colchester in the UK. Thena and Gilgamesh tag teamed a deviant as Makkari pushed locals out of harm’s way. Kingo was dealing with a beast on his own, confidently even after his arm almost got bitten off. Ikaris was in the air, offering his help with deadly cosmic beams shooting out of his eyes, and Kingo thanked him with a saluting motion of his index and middle fingers.
As most missions went, the thinkers were either inside the Domo or reassuring locals far from the battlefield. You were a thinker, a strategist, a tactical genius. You were able to interpret and see through all angles or patterns of any subject, allowing you to come up with strategies that would guarantee you and your family victory against the deviants. Your sense of foresight allowed you to predict how long term battles would turn out, giving you time to adjust your decisions and seize all the necessary opportunities to achieve your goal. The outcome was always the same, with you by their side, it was almost impossible to lose. As a tactician, your place was by Ajak’s side. She listened to you, took your recommandations into consideration and deeply valued your opinion on any matter, even when you two weren’t talking about war tactics. It was your duty as an Eternal and as her follower, nothing more. You would be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy her company a little more than the others, or if you never observed her when she wasn’t looking, committing each of her features to memory as if you didn’t have eternity to take in her beauty. She was absolutely beautiful, her hair was as soft as it looked and she smelled of flowers and earth, of course you noticed it. You tried not to hang on her every word whenever she spoke, as Kingo once teased the admiration in your eyes when you did, because she was your leader and you were nothing but a pawn executing Arishem’s desires. You owed her respect and professionalism even if your entire body screamed to kiss her whenever she stared at you with a particular fondness in her gaze.
So here you were, by her side, watching the battle from the sidelines and noting with a smile how everything went exactly as you predicted. Honestly, centuries of being constantly right was beginning to get to your head. Sersi was a little further away, attempting to communicate with the people she just met but already cared for, soothing what seemed like a lost little boy. He must not have been older than 6. Sprite, Druig and Phastos decided to skip this one out and stay on the ship, the latter working on yet another invention that he called ‘legendary’ (he said that about everything he built anyway).
The battle should last a couple more minutes. The humans were safe, and the property damage was minimal. Your job was almost done. Someone collided with you then, from behind, and your sharp reflexes were the only thing saving you from embarrassing yourself. You planted your foot on the ground, pivoting as you grabbed the person by the waist, keeping them from falling down with you.
Ajak witnessed it all, her head turning towards you when she heard your gasp of surprise.
After a few seconds of catching your breath, you realized the person was a woman, with long hair dark as the night. You were holding her maybe a bit closer than necessary. You blinked, releasing her waist from your previous grip and she stood straighter, sending what looked like an apologetic smile your way. You couldn’t understand the language she spoke, but you guessed she was apologizing. You reciprocate the gesture, assuring her that it was no problem in english even though you knew she couldn’t understand you. You put a hand on her shoulder, vaguely gesturing to her body with a slight frown as a way of asking if she was alright. She must have been running from something to crash into you the way she had. The woman nodded vigorously, bringing her hands together. She seemed to hesitate about something, scanning your worried expression, before leaning forward and pressing a quick kiss on your cheek. Then she turned away and left as quickly as she had come, leaving you standing there.
Ajak stared at you with a question in her eyes and you shrug, shaking your head. As you turned back to the battlefield, her gaze stayed on you. She knew you were only helping, something she loved about you, yet she couldn’t help but feel… Strange. That stranger had kissed your cheek and you seemed a bit flustered by it. You blushed just the same when she would lean over your shoulder to get a glance of whatever manuscript you were reading, or when she would playfully tease you. You had also held her close to your body and while the healer understood your reasoning behind it, she pursed her lips at the thought.
The second time she felt jealousy was a tad more obvious to her. It came more as a realization of the romantic feelings she held for you than anything else. As she saw you, sitting on the couch with your legs on Makkari’s lap, joking around with her, Ajak thought you had never felt comfortable enough to be close to her in this way. You weren’t cold or distant at all, but the way you were around Makkari or even Sersi… it was like you didn’t allow yourself to be this free around her and she had no idea why. It hurt, a bit, to think that perhaps she had mistaken the intentions behind the way you would sometimes stare at her when you thought she wasn’t aware of it. It was unlike her to be so incertain, but she often felt helpless against you.
It takes a few more years for Ajak to finally confess her feelings to you. The pining, the jealousy she felt whenever you got close to another in a way she wished you were with her, was becoming ridiculous. She’s never denied her feelings for you, knew she wanted to spend the rest of her immortal life with you by her side as you’ve always been so far, she just… Okay, maybe she was a little afraid. You were the tactician, you could predict multiple outcomes based on little information, not her. She didn’t know how you felt, had a hard time reading you as you would act one way with her and the same with another, leaving her to think that she wasn’t as special to you as she initially thought. It was all so confusing. However, after months of living in ancient Greece along her family and humans, after some woman who had been teaching you the language and customs became so obviously enamoured with you, Ajak decided she was done pining.
It was late into the evening, the sky already darkened, that she found you on a wooden bench near the town square, a small fire offering its warmth in front of you. Why you had been alone, she didn’t know. She took a seat next to you, quietly, and tilted her head to the side in a silent question. You glanced at her with a small smile, before looking back into the flames.
“I just needed a moment to think,” you admitted quietly.
You didn’t reply for a moment, pursing your lips. Should you tell her? Tell her how much it killed you to keep your distance from her, in fear of having misunderstood the nature of your relationship? She was the Prime Eternal, she cared for each one of you, as was her duty. But at times… it felt like there was something more in the way she stayed up with you at night in the library of the Domo, listening to you ramble about whatever was going on in your mind at the moment. It became much more difficult to keep up the charade, to pretend you didn’t want to feel her touch, or hear her tired chuckles early in the morning. You wanted all of it and more, as much as she would give you, because you loved her. You loved her as more than a friend, and more than a follower. You wanted to grab her soft hands in yours and never let go, wanted the reassuring hugs she easily offered to whoever needed them, wanted to hear your name on her lips as she playfully reprimanded you with tenderness in her eyes.
“Hey,” her voice brought you out of your head and the warm touch on your shoulder made you turn towards her once more. “Where did you go?”
The smile on her face let you know that she was asking out of concern.
“Sorry,” you apologized, taking a breath. She was sitting rather close, and the smell of her was making you incapable of thinking about anything else but the way she would taste as you kissed her.
“Were you thinking about Medeia, perhaps?” She raised her eyebrows in playful mockery. It was the name of your teacher, the one Ajak couldn’t stand anymore because of the way she would find any ridiculous excuse to touch you.
You frowned slightly, not understanding where that was coming from. “Why would I be?”
“Oh, come on. You don’t have to pretend with me.”
“Pretend what?”
“That you haven’t noticed the way she looks at you.”
The confusion didn’t leave your face as you stared at her.
“She likes you, everyone can see it,” she said it matter of factly, as if she was announcing you the weather.
Your eyes widened. “What? No.”
Ajak looked at you, observed how the orange light casted by the nearby fire made you seem even more beautiful than usual. Her eyes glanced downwards, to the confused pout she so badly wanted to kiss off your face.
“What makes you say that?”
Her eyes met yours again.
“I know how loving you looks like.”
Somehow, after all the fear, the confession seemed like the most natural thing in the world to say to you, probably because it was. Her love for you was as easy as breathing, it was simple and true. The feelings were there and they weren’t going away anytime soon, something she had accepted a long time ago. She had no doubt that she was in love with you.
You thought your entire body froze at her sentence. You couldn’t look away from her eyes, as if searching for an ounce of uncertainty or insincerity, something that never came. To hear those words out of her mouth, after all the reasons not to act on your feelings that you repeated to yourself every day, felt like the world stopped turning. You two were the only living beings existing in that moment, the nightlife of the city resorting to background noise to your ears as you focused your attention on her and on how she stared at you.
“How does it look like?” You felt bolder than before, murmuring the question with your gaze on her face.
“Like this,” she answered and made no move to look away, instead noticing the way your braided hair allowed her a perfect view of your face.
“Wait,” you realized with a raised eyebrow and a teasing smile. “Is that why you’re always so harsh with her? You’re jealous?”
“Ajak. You side eye her every time you see her.”
“I don’t like how she’s so excited all the time.”
You looked at her expectantly. She glanced to the sky for a split second. It was a terrible lie, and she knew it.
“Of course I’m jealous. She gets to spend her days with you.”
You took her hand then, fingers slowly intertwining with hers as you shook your head. She welcomed the touch with an inaudible sigh. Your thumb caressed her soft skin, always in perfect condition.
“Days are nothing compared to the eternity I would share with you.”
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write4tomorrow · 3 years
Part 2: Cover Story
Pairing: Druig x Reader
Summary: **** (SPOILERS) **** AU where all the remaining Eternals stay on earth. You are a sorcerer like Doctor Strange and have been working as his assistant since Thanos’ downfall. Doctor Strange has been keeping close watch over the Eternals after the Celestial emerged from the ocean.
Genre: Adventure / Fluff
Word Count: 2K
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Epilogue
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“And you think this is a good idea?” Doctor Strange was slowly pacing in his office. The Sanctum Sanctorum felt like a second home to you. However, sitting in Doctor Strange’s office while he sternly mulled over the offer the Eternals gave you… well, suddenly you felt like you were in school with your least favorite teacher.
“What do we have to lose?” You challenged. “I mean, I was spying on the Eternals anyway. Now I can keep tabs on what they’re doing and, if I act as their spy, than-”
“If you spy on a God,” Doctor Strange cut in, “than sure, the Eternals will share their knowledge with you. So in exchange for a few parlor tricks, you’re going to risk your mortal life and limb for people you just met.”
You were stunned into silence for a moment. After Druig and Kingo led you away from the cafe in Italy, you found yourself on the Domo. You were fascinated. And while you enjoyed walking through the labyrinthian hallways of the Eternals’ ship, Druig insisted that there wasn’t time to explore. Instead, he and Kingo lead you to the heart of the ship where you met Thena, Makkari, Phastos, and Sersi. With kind smiles and greetings from all of the Eternals, they explained that Kingo wasn’t lying when he said that they needed a spy.
From another world, a stray Eternal arrived on Earth. He did not travel with the original ten Eternals assigned to this planet. Instead, the stray Eternal arrived on Earth a couple of centuries ago and began to build an empire for himself. Now he is the leader of a deadly group of assassins for hire only available to the richest people in the world.
“We think,” Kingo said. In truth, the Eternals weren’t sure if Modredus was also an Eternal. There were so many signs that pointed toward yes, but they lacked the evidence to do anything about it.
“If he is just a bad guy, we should report him to human authorities and hope for the best,” Sersi explained, “if he is an Eternal then we need to interfere. We’ll bring him to the Domo and we’ll find out what he’s doing here.”
“He’s interfering too much with humanity’s path,” Thena explained, “and he’s allowing people to die who do not deserve it.”
Now, sitting in Doctor Strange's office, you wished the Eternals were here to explain it themselves. You looked up at Doctor Strange, taking a breath before you answered him, “His name is Modredus and I am a very good and very careful spy. You made sure of that. He’s not a god, either. Besides, all of the Asgardians are on our side, anyway.”
“Why do you want to do this?” Doctor Strange stopped pacing and looked at you. You hadn't realize it before he said it, but yes, you wanted to do this. Even if the reward could be construed as otherworldly party tricks, you liked the idea of being needed.
“He’s worried about her,” Sersi whispered. Back on the Domo, all of the Eternals were sitting around the center room of the ship. They had been eavesdropping on the conversation you were having with Doctor Strange. You were smart, Druig admitted. As you argued with your mentor Druig smiled every time you made Doctor Strange groan in frustration. Druig could tell that the doctor knew he was losing the argument.
Since then, you had talked Doctor Strange into letting you go on this mission with the Eternals. It took a lot of arguing, but you finally arrived to an agreement: you could go if you left as soon as you were in any serious danger. No questions. No arguments. Just get up and leave.
Druig knew that the Doctor didn’t want you to tell the Eternals about this part of your agreement with your master.
Thankfully, Phastos was able to slip a little listening device into your pocket while you were on the Eternals’ ship earlier. It looked like a translucent credit card and felt lighter than paper - it was an impressive device. Druig had watched Phastos slip the thing into your pocket while you were on the Domo.
Clever witch, Druig thought, not clever enough to realize she’s been bugged.
He stood in the back of the room, leaning against a wall as he listened to the others discuss the events of the day. Sersi was right, Doctor Strange was worried about you.
“How long have they been working together?” Thena asked. All eyes turned to Druig. He had been in charge of learning who you were and what kind of secrets you had. It wasn’t easy though. Maybe it was Doctor Strange’s doing or maybe it was your own, but Druig found almost no information about you.
“Long enough for him to care about her well being,” Druig said, “I’d guess several years.” Druig knew you were smart and that you were a good spy, but he had his doubts about you. After all, what kind of spy didn’t realize she was bugged?
As all of the Eternals listened to your discussion with Doctor Strange, Druig wondered if you realized how much the Doctor cared for you. If one thing was clear from this conversation, the doctor was incredibly worried about your well being. It was a justified worried, Druig knew. You were a witch and you were a good spy, but you were going to have to outwit a rogue Eternal.
[Y/n will be here soon,] Mekkari signed, [is there anything we need to discuss before she arrives?]
“Too late,” Druig said as a mild alarm system began to chime throughout the Domo. He had sensed you and your master approaching during the last few minutes. Thanks to his powers, people rarely snuck up on Druig. Even so, he had trouble sensing exactly where you and your master were. He could tell you were close, yes, but he couldn’t pinpoint your exact location. Your mental wards were strong- stronger than your Master’s, Druig noted. How interesting.
“I'll let her in,” Phastos huffed.
“Her master is with her, too,” Druig said as Phastos left. Druig watched as Phastos let out another sigh and continued on his way. If any of the Eternals were going to play the part of humble host, Phastos was going to be the best choice. In reality, Druig knew that it once would have been Ajax. The kind woman knew how to sooth almost any person while remaining firm in her beliefs. Sure, Druig didn’t always agree with Ajax, but she was one of the warmest members of the Eternal family. She would have liked you.
Druig suspected that there was something about the easy but challenging smiles that you had which would have made Ajax like you. The way you didn’t back down from a challenge would have made Ajax respect you.
She also would have been the perfect person to appease your overprotective guardian, Druig thought. If only Ajax were here.
Druig pushed all thoughts of Ajax out of his head and turned back to the others in the room. Thena, Sersi and Kingo continued to talk about you and Modredus. Mekkari, though, was looking at Druig with a furrowed brow.
[I’m fine,] Druig signed to her. Mekkari raised a suspicious eyebrow but did not sign anything back. Druig knew that his history with Mekkari meant that she could read him like an open book. He was thankful for her friendship, even after the fun but ultimately short relationship that they had.
“Please tell me exactly what the plan is for sending my protege to spy on an Eternal,” Doctor Strange entered the room with a flurry of motion, as if this was his office. You followed him in with Phastos on your heels.
You entered and stood only a few paces from your master’s side. He smiled as he looked over the outfit you wore now. He guessed you must have been wearing casual civilian clothes while you were spying on the Eternals, because you wore a completely different style of clothing now. It more closely resembled the outfit Doctor Strange wore. Your black robes were nearly identical to his navy ones. You both wore the sling ring but you also wore a small pouch on your hip and a dragon head ring. You did not have a cape or a glowing green necklace, though.
You glanced around the room, nodding at everyone until you saw Druig. With a tightlipped grin, you crossed the space to him. He narrowed his eyes as he watched your hand slip into a pocket he didn’t know you had. With one hand still in your pocket, you used your free hand to reach towards Druig’s. He let out a small laugh, watching as you placed the listening device that Phastos made into his open hand. You closed his fingers over the bug, sandwiching his closed fist between your two hands.
“Nice try,” you whispered. You walked back towards your master, purposefully not looking at Druig again.
You hoped that he didn’t notice the little four leaf clover that your Merlin ring had sprouted when you touched him. The funny piece of jewelry acted as a siphon for your powers but it was also tied to your emotions. It normally sat idle when it came to your average, day to day emotions. The Merlin ring only reacted when you felt something strongly. Normally that was good because being a spy meant keeping your fear, adrenaline, and other feelings in control while you worked. Your Merlin ring rarely had the chance to act out. So why did it decide to produce a four leaf clover? You weren’t feeling anything particularly strongly, were you? You scowled at your ring and plucked the clover off. You tucked the little clover into a pocket.
As you walked away, Druig remained where you left him. With a lopsided grin, he tucked the listening device into his own pocket before he looked back at Mekkari. Her eyes were on already on Druid, a smile on her lips.
[I’m fine,] Druig signed again, a scowl returning to his face.
[If you say so,] Mekkari signed back. She gave Druig a small smile and her eyes slid towards you. As your mentor was questioning the Eternals, you were surveying the space around you. Gently, you ran your hands over the walls of the ship, keeping one ear on the conversation.
Druig felt strange and antsy since you had entered the room. Something about you made him teeter on the tips of his toes. You walked around the ship and Druig could see himself walking next to you, telling you stories about the marks and dents on the walls of the Domo. He wasn't a particularly good story teller, that was Sprite's job. But Druig grinned at the thought of telling you about the time he and Ikaris had camped out for a week in this room, waiting to see who would leave first. That's a story Druig wouldn't leave for Sprite to tell.
He kept his eyes on your for a moment more before looking back to Mekkari. She was smiling and lifted a brow which only resulted in Druig playfully swatting her away. Mekkari knew the plan and knew teasing Druig was only going to be more embarrassing for him. Of course, that’s why she did it. Druig ignored her and looked back to you.
You turned to Druig, then and gave him a small grin, as if you just caught him doing something he wasn’t supposed to be doing. To his surprise, Druig turned away and tried to ignore the gentle warmth in his cheeks.
“She’s going to be undercover, working as a sort of spy for us,” Sersi tried to explain. She spoke to Doctor Strage who was standing with his arms crossed and brows furrowed. Druig listened to Sersi speak slowly, as if searching for the right words. Unfortunately, she wasn’t speaking fast enough for the doctor.
“Yes, I know that,” Doctor Strange practically hissed, “but where is she going? What will she be doing? Will she be alone? What is her ‘cover’ story?”
Druig took that opportunity to take a few steps in your direction, planting himself next to you. Doctor Strange turned to him as Druig playfully bumped your shoulder with his own.
“She’s going to be bait," Druig said, accented voice filling the room, "and my lovely, lovely fiance."
Part 3
A/N: Part two is done and part three will be kind of mushy, mostly fluff. I'm excited. Thank you for reading this! Please let me know what you think of it and if you would like to be tagged. @misselsbells06
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