#and Rodney doesn't have the brain space to remember all of them
twotales · 11 months
Chuck absolutely loves Astronomy, especially Astrometry and Astrogeology. You wanna talk exoplanets and star systems? You wanna know all the names?
He's your guy.
He even founded the Exoplanetology club on Atlantis.
Yup, totally canon.
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atlantis-scribe · 2 years
things i (think) i know about Stargate Universe: a Stargate SG-1 & SGA Enjoyer's list of slightly accurate pre-viewing 'knowledge' gathered thru fandom osmosis
there's a ship called Destiny (AKA the Ancient Tesla) that's been traveling thru deep space for who knows how long to reach who knows where in order to do who knows what (it's classic Alteran modus operandi so this part doesn't really surprise me)
before that there's also an offworld base called Icarus, which is definitely a pretty ordinary name and not at all ominous and is in fact a great choice to call a facility you want to operate successfully
there's a character named Eli and a character named Rush. they may or may not be the same person
one of the crew is a video game player (?) who was recruited to the Stargate Program, the highly exclusive, top-secret international initiative for intergalactic exploration, because they are so good at playing video games (ousting John Sheppard & his One-Gene Qualification from the top spot in Luckiest Career Moves of the 21st Century)
Robert Carlyle is present, possibly as the only character who has the faintest clue what Destiny is and where it's going and what it's for
Will from Sense8 is also here, but he doesn't look like he knows what's going on at any given time
at some point, Daniel was convinced to record NOVA-esque videos about Stargate 101 for when the project gets declassified in the future (or maybe for new recruits like Video Game Guy? who, understandably, may not know a lot about wormholes or glowing squids or space snakes because why would they)
Daniel does not look happy in these videos
He looks good tho I'll give them that
Because Destiny cannot be stopped or turned around, and because the gate only works one-way, the infamous Communication Stones are used to temporarily take control of another person's body to talk to people on Earth or visit the ship
Yes, the same stones that made Jack O'Neill drift compatible with a barber from Indiana and made Vala experience what it's like to be burned alive (sorry Vala)
Stargate Universe also made it very difficult to refer to the setting of the entire franchise, because having to say 'The Main Universe Where Events in Stargate Happen' can be a bit of a mouthful
We also revisit Langara (AKA Jonas's planet) because the writers remembered that naquadria is a thing (but apparently still no Jonas?? because the writers hate me)
The Lucian Alliance becomes a problem again, this time not just because of space corn
Rodney shows up (!!) at some point, and someone (a Colonel?) uses their Very Important Screen Time to show the audience that John Sheppard still gossips about McKay every chance he gets (I'm 59% sure this particular interaction is not just from a fic)
SGU is apparently the Voyager of the franchise
There better be a newbie who Totally Didn't Sign Up For This who loves science and adores his mom because I need another Harry Kim in my life
I've been putting off watching SGU because I have a behemoth of a post-SGA WIP and canon is like insect for my brain only the termite variety
But I'm sick and in bed what else am I gonna do, figured it's now or never
Okay I'm gonna start now wish me luck
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