#and Sadık is sadly just my fucking type. he's a bastard with a big grin wild hair and a buff body
breitzbachbea · 3 years
Ask game for hws turkey!👀✨
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Thank you two, amber and @needcake!
Ah yes, that old Turkish chestnut.
Send me a character and I'll give you a list
Favourite thing about them: I honestly love how intense he is. He's so eager and full of energy and devotion. It's fun to write people who love stuff, you know? As well as hate. Any strong emotion can be cathartic and I see myself in intense people (as strange as that sounds).
Least favourite thing about them: Oof, good question, I try not to think as much in terms of "good and bad" but interesting. I do think he can be quite an entitled prick at times, too, which is not a trait I vibe with in him.
Favorite line: Sad that my Hetalia Mangas aren't at hand, but I also wouldn't know if anything about his canon appearance sticks out. However, do have this line of dialogue from sadlygrove's İstanbul, which is seared into my brain (like many lines from sadlygrove's fics):
[Context: Greece asks: "Do you think there's anyone as pathetic as us?"]
"I ain't ever asked. We've had seven hundred years to love and fight one another. 's too much."
BrOTP: Oh, good question. Obviously I'd die for him and Dilan in my "Like Father Like Son" AU, but I am less well-versed in canon. I think he, Greece and Egypt also make a great friend trio.
OTP: My dear, my buddy, my pal, I would not have aph Turkey brainrot if it wasn't for TurGre. Listen. Listen. I'd lay my life down for him and Herakles, I will sip their tragedy up and yearn for a happy ending I know may be impossible until they lay my cold dead body into the ground. Reading İstanbul made me realize 4 years of emotional baggage I had never taken the time to deal with & I swear I've had a soulmelt with the Turk in that moment. I just ... I just love TurGre so much, in all of its complicated colours.
NOTP: I don't really have a nOTP with him, but I'll be real - I only care about him and Japan in a platonic manner. Zero interest in that ship, to be honest.
Random headcanon: Trying to think one of my own here ... Oh! He loves terrible Turkish Pop Music. Like, not even the iconic and overplayed stuff, he is into whatever the Turkish pop equivalent of Schlager is. Bottom of the barrel for anyone who isn't drunk/half-deaf, but he just thinks it's the most fun in the world. Bit of a guilty pleasure, though, he doesn't show it in front of other nations.
Unpopular Opinion: I don't even know what constitutes popular opinion. He's not a himbo. He's brash, he's loud, he's impulsive but he's not dumb. Turkey has an immensely sophisticated history and its people are very clever in every day life. He's not stupid, he's just lacking a bit in the "getting along with other people" department at times.
Song I associate with them: I've recently been thinking a bit about Empires/How this Imperial attitude carries over into my "Like Father Like Son" AU, so I've been thinking of him (& others) while listening to "Wolves" by Sam Tinnesz ft. Silverberg.
In the context of TurGre, my favourite song from Turkey's perspective is My Heart by Twin Wild. It captures him so perfectly, in his intensity and devotion; the lust he has for life.
Favorite picture of them: Toughie! I like most of the canon and fanart I see of him, but here's a top 3
1. This official art from the latest Hetalia volume. As soon as this thing is out in Germany and I get my hands on it, I will do nothing but stare all damn day at this page. Look at how nice and handsome and friendly and yet still rogueish he looks. I need to kiss him on the mouth.
2. This commission I got by @/captkirkland. I may be biased because he is also surrounded by his found family from my "Like Father Like Son" AU here, but I simply love how Turkish he looks.
3. This portrait my friend C0FFINATED over at twitter did of him two years ago. It should be illegal to be this beautiful. The nose. The eyes. The eyebrows. Such a strong face.
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