#and THEN the next day is my testing day for 2/3 classes with semi regular exams
nyarumie · 2 months
Brains to Brawn. (Chapter 1)
narumi gen x f!reader — 1.7k words, co-workers to lovers, narumi loves kisses, multiple parts, semi canon compliant, in denial reader.
STATUS: Ongoing. Chapter links: 1, 2, 3
Author's Note at the end! Happy reading ♡
Cross-posted on ao3.
Requests, prompts, or any messages are appreciated! Just open my ask box.
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The shift in the tides of the First Division wasn't subtle. It wasn't the way the large bodies of water swayed with greater force against Ariake Maritime Base's sturdy walls, nor did it have to do anything with Regular Officers being transferred from one division to another.
The first change in the atmosphere was when Second Division Captain, Hikari Shinomiya, died. Tense. Strict. A single drop of needle could disrupt the entire defense force—ironically seeming so quiet despite the sounds emerging from the Officers' even more rigorous training.
The second wave of change felt rowdy, raucous—but hopeful. Narumi Gen had made quite the scenario even before officially joining the Defense Force. An unleashed combat power of 24% even without donning a suit at least once in his life, showing great aptitude potential for Kaiju No. 1 weapons, and... having a blatant display of disrespect and chaos, as the higher ups would describe. What seemed to be the hope of the nation turns out to be the First Division's biggest headache. Most times.
The third was when things started to be more obvious—to most people, a shift in leadership means a shift in everything. Shortly after Narumi joined the Defense Force, the Head of Operations eventually had to retire. Kurusu was given the prestige to be the young Head of Operations. At the same time, Narumi had already been appointed as a Platoon Leader, a sign that the youth will shoulder the fate of this country and power will emerge across all divisions.
The next wave is you.
From the previous year, the Defense Force's annual selection involved both Officers and Operators. You were tempted to apply in both, for simple reasons: As an operator, you know you're extremely smart—emerging at the top of your class in university and having reading as a hobby enhanced your intelligence. 
On the other hand, you simply think it would be fun to try the Officer Selection Trial. Who knows? You were pretty athletic, diving here and there to save volleyballs on your university's sports fest. Hell, you even won an MVP award twice.
But you have bills to pay and concerts you'd love to attend, so you let the rational part of your brain win and opt for the safer option. With a fellow youngster like Kurusu leading the Operations, all worries about bonding with your co-workers were thrown out the window.
In fact, it seems like you went overboard with bonding with them. You all were friends and swore to do your job properly so as to stick together til the end, but how come you're the only one facing this... baffling scenario?
'A little fun in your normal working day as an operations manager won't hurt', they said.
'The captain won't find out about this anyway', another added.
You should've known that the normal working day applies only to your co-workers. You, on the other hand? It literally changed the trajectory of your life—for better or for worse. Internally groaning, you wondered why you didn't push harder when you were against their idea of 'fun'.
When your co-workers suggested doing something for fun, you never thought it would be testing out each other's unleashed combat power, if you even have them; you're all managing the operations, after all. Doing calculations in your head, you estimated you'd all be getting a percentage ranging from 1% to 3%.
After pleading with Kurusu for what felt like an hour, your little unassuming friend group got permission to use the combat power technology. 
"I'm an MVP for volleyball in our University, y'know? If I get an 8%, maybe I can smash a ball or two on a yoju's head. Might get recruited on the spot too.", you said with humourous arrogance.
Your co-worker who was prepping the machine chimed in, "We don't have balls for weapons. And don't get your hopes up, the most you'll be getting is probably a 2%. It's impossible for anyone to get a 0% after all."
With a pout, you denied that you're hoping for a good result. You're pretty satisfied with your job, anyways. Good pay, safety secured—what else could you ask for?
"Alright, prep done. Who's up first?" 
"Oh, I'll go! I proposed the idea, so I should be the one taking the first step!" said your enthusiastic co-worker. There were only 4 of you anyway, enough to fall into a line, letting yourself go last.
Sometime along your little fun, Kurusu entered the room, feeling uneasy about giving permission against official purposes. As expected, your friends got a range of 1% to 3%. They were all cheering as you got ready to lay down, as you were initially against the idea of having fun with these machines.
"Show us your 8%, then!" they laughed.
You rolled your eyes at them as your co-worker is sticking the device to certain pulse points to extract your body conditions. 
"Keep your head straight and calm down. I'll activate it in a few minutes. We wouldn't want any irregularities in your readings—like you getting 8% from your volleyball experience." she snorted. 
Following further instructions, you closed your eyes and kept your composure. It surprisingly felt comfortable, despite the hard surface. It's probably because you haven't slept well comfortably in so long.
"Extraction in 3, 2, and 1..." 
It was Kurusu who surprisingly spoke this time. "Well... You almost got an 8. You're on 6%." he announced, still looking confused at the screen. 
"Can somebody give me a gun? Or a sword?" you asked.
You thought their necks will snap at how fast they turned their heads to you. They looked at you as if you just had asked for the most incredulous thing, which in this case, does sound frightening. 
"Gonna kill us for doubting you?", they joked. "What for, though?"
"Trying to see if I can get that combat power up if I hold those. We're already having fun here, wouldn't hurt to test a few more things, right? Just don't let anyone know of this, or we'll all lose our jobs." you said.
They turn to Kurusu, eyes hopeful, asking through their gazes if it's still within his given permission to issue weapons.
Curiosity piqued, he didn't hesitate giving approval this time. "Alright. Just do make sure to get some less powerful weapons." With a sigh, he mumbled, "My first year as head operator and I feel like I'll already lose my job..."
Once you were provided with your 'weapons', you were instructed by Kurusu this time. "Just hold them as naturally as you can. You may choose between the two weapons provided. Lay them down next to you if you don't want it tested."
Holding the gun in one hand, you heard their countdown go off again. You let yourself relax while waiting for the results.
"Huh. A small increase, but quite a feat. You're smart for suggesting to hold these weapons. It's actually now on 8%. Try the dagger."
You let go of the gun and did as you were told. It took you a while to get as natural as you can while holding the dagger, but decided to not put in any effort as you were just having some 'fun' anyways.
"...That was higher than the gun. 10%. You're unbelievable." 
'What's so unbelievable about that?' you thought. Not a single result elicited any reaction from you. Hell, now-promoted Platoon Leader Narumi had a whopping 24% even as a normal civilian. Why would yours be any unbelievable? Maybe it's the first and only time an operations manager got this number. Who in their right mind would test this out for fun anyway?
"Hey, I'll try holding both of these. Let's end our fun and curiosity here." you announced. By this time, you just want this to end. But you are as intrigued as they are, hence suggesting a final test. For some reason, you felt yourself become uneasy at the last attempt. You know it never ends good whenever a sudden wave of uneasiness washes over you, so you force yourself to keep the relaxed state you were previously in.
From your peripheral vision, you saw Kurusu nod. You took both weapons in your hand. The procedure repeats, for the last time.
And then there was silence. You thought you fell asleep, but moved your fingers just to confirm you're still awake. Opening your eyes, you turn to look at your co-workers who were currently gawking at the huge screen.
"Um... You..." started Kurusu. "You uh, just got an 18% unleashed combat power with both weapons in your hold." 
Now that's unbelievable. 
"...And our fun little session ends here! Can somebody assist me here so I can continue my work?" you asked in a rush.
"No. You stay there, I'm not done with your analysis. I'll have to command everyone to go back to their stations." Kurusu said, seriousness suddenly taking over his voice.
He continued speaking, "Not only do you have an 18% unleashed combat power, you also have a potential aptitude for Kaiju no. 3 cells." 
It's as if your ability to speak was taken. 18% unleashed combat power sure is something for someone in your level, but to have an aptitude for an identified kaiju...? No wonder he asked them to leave. Word about this finding mustn’t spread, at least, not for now. Your co-workers are new in the job, so they probably don’t know how to identify an aptitude reading for identified Kaiju.
"Um... So... Do we report this to the Captain or something?" you hesitantly ask after a few minutes of blanking out. You don't know what else you can say at the moment, totally taken aback by the suddenness of it all.
Before Kurusu can even respond, you hear a voice coming from the doorway.
"Huh. No wonder those operators flocked out of the room in a hurry. I've spared you the job. The old man is already informed." 
Your eyes widened, soul leaving your body upon hearing it. You know you'd have to eventually report this to the Captain, but this soon? And what's worse, that voice...
Standing lazily at the doorway with his phone in one hand is no other than the newly promoted Platoon Leader, Narumi Gen.
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Author's Note(s):
My first fic! I've actually never wrote anything like this before, as I've only spent my entire life writing academic papers 😭 Thus, constructive criticism and feedbacks are always welcome!
I also apologize for any inaccuracies in the terminologies I used, my brain is pea-sized when it comes to some canon minor details.
I thought I'll be able to finish this in a single chapter, but I think a max of 3 wouldn't sound so bad. I can't write continuously or my head will explode omg
I'm not sure about the holding weapons thing, but I included it here based off how they tested Mina to have great aptitude for guns. I also recall a chapter saying Soshiro's combat power for firearms is so low, hence why he's a close quarters combatant.
Also, about the Kaiju No. 3 thingy, It's not gonna be canon compliant since we don't have any info on that identified Kaiju so I'll just be making stuff up for the sake of this fic lol.
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when you probably failed your IEA exam, took an accidental nap bc you were literally working from 8am-3am the day before except dinner BUT wake up from said accidental nap just in time to make your 2pm class
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#i wonder what your thoughts on diaspora in hetalia are#cause its a pretty interesting topic (the post in question)
@urmomsstuntdouble a collection of things that I think about on a semi-regular basis below the cut (also thank you for the tags!)
Disclaimer: I think this turned into more of a discussion of immigration and immigrants, but I hope this strikes your fancy anyways 😅. Also this got SO LONG and I explained quite a bit of history (because idk whether anyone knows much about this), so the key thoughts will be bolded!
My thoughts are kinda complicated about this tbh; it’s weird, because if China really did exist as a personification in real life, we’d probably both be judging each other, just for different reasons 😅.
General Hetalia Cases
I think when discussing immigrants/diaspora, you have to think about why different immigrants left. @cupofkey kinda discussed that a while ago (if anyone hasn’t seen this superb post, GO READ IT NOW) about the Vietnamese diaspora, and I think there’s some of that in every country. How do the immigrants feel about the home country? Why did they leave: because of hard times, poverty? Political instability/revolution/war? Opportunities overseas? Are they doing well in their new home, or still struggling? Does their new country treat them like foreigners or outcasts, unworthy of even arriving, or doing anything besides menial labor, or have they been welcomed (rather unlikely)? Do they hate their home country (politically), or miss them? Would they ever go back, not just to visit family or the place of their birth, but to return permanently?
I think on the whole, hetalia nations would still maintain a connection to their immigrants, especially since most are still in touch with their culture, although they’ve crossed borders or changed nationalities. (However, the angst of not being as in touch with your culture as you think you should is so real; would our home countries be disappointed? Or do they sympathize, somehow?) In the end, we’re all the same that way. Plus, the alternative thought of them just disowning immigrants feels weird; I don’t even know how that would be possible. But I think that connection gets complicated by the reason people left, and their feelings for their place of origin; I’ll be using APH China and Chinese Americans as an example to discuss this hksdgsdf (sorry I don’t want to do more research than necessary and I have Thoughts about this)
**OBLIGATORY DISCLAIMER that immigration/diaspora discussions are almost always case by case and will vary greatly based on things like country of origin/race/ethnicity, country immigrated to, initial socioeconomic status, time period, etc. And even among diaspora, people can and will have vastly different experiences, and it’s not good to generalize. These are just some thoughts with one example.**
1. Waves of Immigration 
Depending on when people arrive, they’ve got different push/pull factors drawing them to a country and it also factors into how the nation feels about them and vice versa... Chinese immigration to the US has mostly two major waves (you could also say there were 3, counting the post-WWII/Communist China wave, but I won’t talk about that): one in the mid 1800s and the other after the 1970s/1980s into modern day; the gap is because the Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) that banned most immigration from China wasn’t repealed until 1943 (because of Japan’s attack on the US in WWII, the US needed China as an ally).
These immigrants were mostly from southern China (Canton area), and they came to the US because of hard times (Opium Wars + political instability because of things like the Taiping Rebellion) and economic opportunity in the West (eg. Gold Rush (San Francisco is literally “Old Gold Mountain” in Chinese today) + industrialization, railroads, expansion etc.). There was Much Discrimination against those immigrants, and many worked as hard laborers in a variety of occupations (on railroads, gold mine, farms (in the South esp), laundry businesses; there were merchants as well, but they were the minority); many were looking to get some money that they could send back to their families in China and planned to return, but over time, they settled down and stayed. I think for those immigrants, Yao would definitely be understanding, even if he might not be empathetic. After all, he’s not thriving at that time either, and although he thinks Alfred is inferior to him (in many ways), he understands why people would be drawn by economic promise and quick wealth, even if it might not be the best strategy for getting rich. It’s not like staying in China would be better lmao. However, I don’t think he would approve (?) how many of his immigrants stayed in the US when most viewed it as a temporary move; I think Yao is very surprised by how so many of them persisted to carve out a home there, despite the discrimination and limited opportunities. Perhaps he admires their resilience, the creation of Chinatowns and community and how they still come to a country that doesn’t even let them in (see the San Francisco Fire of 1906 and the boon for paper sons), but still wishes they would come back, however unlikely that hope is. Personally, Yao would never be able to stay in Alfred’s country, the beautiful country, if Alfred’s hypocrisy prevented his experience, his immigrant’s experience, from being anything close to beautiful. (You were founded by immigrants and foreigners, but now you spurn them: the poor sojourners who continue to flee to your shores, and refuse them respite from the disasters at home.) And anyways, Alfred is just the next scrappy young upstart, barely 70 years old but with a swagger like he rules the world; how could he have something over himself, the Middle Kingdom, who has stood the test of time? (Admittedly, he’s doing nowhere as well as Alfred—even he can see that, despite his pride, and despite the haze of opium in his brain. Leaving is the logical, objectively sound choice. Still, his pride hurts vaguely when he thinks how his immigrants keep choosing a country that keeps rejecting them, over and over again, instead of himself. But it is no matter. The injury to his ego is inconsequential and easily brushed aside; for they are still his people, and they deserve a good life, wherever they are. His distaste for Alfred flares up again: Arthur’s bastard child, who takes advantage of his trade (see the Open Door Notes, 1899-1900), but refuses his people.)
if anyone wants more context or is interested in the history I mentioned, I highly recommend this pdf (from the book A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America by Ronald Takaki)
IMMIGRATION FROM 1949 TO 1980: according to Wikipedia, there was very little immigration from mainland China during this period due to the Cold War and China becoming Communist; most of the immigration was from Taiwan/ROC but counted in the quota for China. Since there’s a separate Hetalia personification for TWN, I’m not going to go over that. However, there were also many people from Mainland China who escaped to Hong Kong, still a British colony, during that period (I hope it’s clear why, but if anyone asks I’ll put it in a separate post); some stayed there, while others emigrated to the US; both trips were for more freedoms and a better life etc because China was really really messed up for a bit (also keep in mind the people emigrating all had the means to and were at least middle class, usually somewhat educated, etc.). I will not be talking about that group either because I don’t think it’s my place to, but please know they exist as well.
A lot of people came from mainland China for education; there was also an. exodus of intellectuals following 1989 (which I Will Not get into). Many of these people sought job opportunities, like those that rapidly opened up in the computer industry, there are many students who come here to study abroad, who take SATs and TOEFLs to get into good US colleges or to conduct graduate research and get PhDs; some stay, others have gone back to like, advance China’s development (this sentiment of getting good students to go abroad and then go back to China to use their talents for Patriotic Purposes isn’t a new thing, stretches back to like the late 1800s). I don’t really have much to say about this group besides what’s below ↓. 
2. Immigrant Thoughts On Their Home Country
more complicated, because it varies by generation and time period and probably 203943 other things. Mainlanders that came over starting in the 1990s till now have relatively positive feelings towards China (imo, extrapolating from my life experiences); I think part of that is also because most* of these immigrants aren’t really escaping from something? They’re coming for an education/job opportunities (students studying abroad in the US (留学生 or liuxuesheng) for graduate school or university come to mind as one example), and they’re still very much connected to China politically and culturally, sometimes* more so than to the US. For these immigrants, I think Yao doesn’t worry too much about them? They’re pretty successful* overall*, and discrimination, although still A Large Problem™, isn’t the same from stuff that Yao (or his immigrants) remember from, say the mid 1800s (see above), or even during the paranoia about Communists after WWII and the subsequent Chinese Confession Program that made many people really scared of being deported. (Red China made Chinese Americans a target of the Communist panic, and the confession program was instated in order to make sure Communist spies couldn’t infiltrate the US. Those who immigrated illegally could confess that and gain citizenship; however you also had to weed out everyone you knew who also immigrated illegally.) I think Yao would see them as an extension of himself in a different land; they’re very much still part of him, and he gives them his well wishes.
However, I think that immigrants born in the US in modern day at least (1990s onwards) are definitely more ambivalent about China’s legacy + modern day Issues™, as much as we are connected via culture and heritage. Not quite sure how Yao would feel about that, because I’m not quite sure how much Yao is the state and how much he represents the people. However, I think there would be some mutual unease; does he see this as betrayal of some kind? Perhaps he doesn’t blame us for feeling as we do? Maybe he wonders what we feel about him; maybe he doesn’t want to know. Maybe he chooses the easier route: to focus on the bonds between him and his huayi instead of the grievances, and leave the rest unsaid. 
Additionally with first gen immigrants, there’s the conflicting feeling of being stuck between two worlds and value systems that oppose each other in many respects. Also there’s sometimes a feeling of not-quite-being-in-touch-with-your-culture (in other diaspora as well, ofc. here it’s often exemplified by forgetting or not knowing how to read and write Chinese proficiently, among other things 🙃); idk. does Yao see that as a bit of a disappointment? Would he wish us to try harder? Does he view it as inevitable, for those raised in the US; the environment is too different, and perhaps he won’t blame us for those differences, or shortcomings. Does Yao know, or care, about the racism? What about his immigrants who try to assimilate completely into American culture, who try to erase the Chinese part of their identity? Those that have tried it, but regretted it? Are they still his, when they have tried rejecting their connection to him, choosing to drop the “Chinese” from Chinese American? Does he consider racism when thinking about them? What about international adoptees? Does he claim them, when some have not been raised in a culturally Chinese environment, and when it’s still a sensitive subject on both sides of the ocean? I don’t have answers to many of these questions.
There are also immigrants who fled China because of war or persecution or upheaval, (one example is with regards to the Cultural Revolution), but I don’t feel qualified to discuss it here, and I don’t want to take it lightly.
But, despite everything I’ve discussed above, I’d like to think that however an immigrant feels about their home country or however long they’ve been there, all nation personifications would still wish them a better life (even Yao). I mean, it’s not always easy being an immigrant/part of a diaspora (especially when race becomes a factor). I really don’t think any of the hetalia characters would say “look at your struggles. What a mistake it was to immigrate somewhere where you still face so many challenges, although they might be different from the ones back home”. that’s just No. Also, I think that when you disregard sentimentality and their inherent connection to the people, countries would still be able to sympathize with people trying to strive for better, you know? People immigrate for a better life, whether it’s because it was getting rough when they left or because other places had more potential, and like. although nation-people can’t leave their own country, I think they understand the people who do, because it’s a chance to make a new life, and it would be unkind, counterproductive, limiting, to prevent someone from taking that opportunity if it came. And their children, and grandchildren; they are still connected to their origins even in a new country, by blood if nothing else, and nations are people too; they must have some sentimentality for their people born in a different land. I’d like to think that if Yao met a Chinese American kid running around San Francisco’s Chinatown, or bumped into an ABC high schooler in a well to do Massachusetts suburb, he’d stop and nod and maybe say hello, and wish them luck, wherever they go in the future. After all, they are the products of his immigrant’s hopes and dreams, and they are his too, as much as they live in Alfred’s land.
* (asterisks): this is a) from my experience and research; not everyone will have the same experiences! please keep this in mind and don’t generalize a very vast group of people. :)
Idk if that was too sentimental or rambly or something, but yeah, those are some of the things I consider when I think about nations and their diasporas. If you made it down here, thanks for reading! I greatly appreciate it. Also I hope I got all my facts correct, but if anyone spots anything incorrect, especially regarding the post 1980s immigration wave, please tell me! Tried doing my research but there are still a few things I’m unsure about rip. 
This might be deleted tomorrow because I’m feeling weird about it, but feel free to reblog! I’d also very much love some feedback too if any of y’all are feeling up to it
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skullhaver · 4 years
It's 2021, and I'm watching Buffy for the first time.
The Virgil on my Buffy journey is my long-distance girlfriend, who has loved the show for years. We just finished season 4, and I wanted to write about my favorite episodes so far. I suspect some of my faves are beloved by most fans, but others are weird, personal picks. Buffy fandom, please don't come for me.
I thought this post would be short but I was wrong.
Hono(u)rable Mentions: "Band Candy" S3E6 and "Halloween" S2E6
Both these episodes have fun premises where the Scoobies run around Sunnydale after it was upended by zany, chaotic dark forces. "Band Candy" is fun for devil-may-care teen Giles. "Halloween" is fun for 18th-century-ditz Buffy. These are both very good, and are the sorts of episode I can imagine happily rewatching in the future. I just have more to pontificate upon for the other episodes on this list.
10. "Ted" S2E11
I can’t say I enjoyed this episode, but it did take me for a wild ride. Probably nobody else has strong feelings about this weird story where Buffy's mom dates a stereotypical cheesy family man, who turns out to be a controlling abuser, who turns out to be a robot. I remember shouting at the screen, "Did Buffy just kill a human man?? Is it okay in the moral logic of this show for Buffy to kill a human if he's a direct physical threat to her??" I knew Buffy would have deeper stories than the monster of the week formula we'd seen so far, but this early in season 2, I had no idea when or how that would happen. This was the episode that finally taught me that Buffy is largely not interested in moral ambiguity, or in exploring what it means to be good or bad. Except for season-defining exceptions like Faith and Angel, evil characters are simplistically, essentially evil. But it was wild to believe for a moment that Buffy murdered her mom's abusive boyfriend and would have to live with the consequences.
9. "Helpless" S3E12
When Buffy tries to be genuinely scary, it succeeds with aplomb. The premise of this episode is dumb and contrived ("Giles has to remove Buffy's powers without her knowledge for a seeeecret test by the Watcher's Council") but the chase and fight in this episode are some of the most tense and spooky scenes of the whole series so far. Buffy's vulnerability makes the stakes feel real in a way few other episodes manage. And Buffy's victory is all the more satisfying because she can't punch her way out of this problem, she has to be smart and creative. The fridge horror, of course, is that Giles would endanger her like this in the first place, but that gets sorted out over the emotional arc of the next few episodes.
8. "I Only Have Eyes For You." S2E19
Another spooky episode, this one a classic ghost story of forbidden love ending in murder - but with the twist that the ghosts possess people's bodies to have them reenact their final moments. I love stories about breaking a doomed-to-repeat cycle. I love weird shit like the snakes manifesting in the cafeteria. And I really loved the choice to have Buffy and Angel come to understand their feelings about their own relationship by embodying these ghosts - especially how they embodied different genders than their own to better fit the "roles" of the haunting story, thus subverting the expected pattern. I found this episode clever, poignant, and effective.
7. "Who Are You?" S4E16
"Faith and Buffy switch bodies" is a wild premise, but the real joy of "Who Are You?" is watching Sarah Michelle Geller being an extremely talented actress for 45 minutes, portraying a totally different character. Watching Faith confronted by kindness and love from Buffy's mom, Riley, and her friends, then getting launched into an existential crisis over it is so great. Also, I just dig a good church fight.
6. "Hush" S4E10
As stated above, love an episode that reminds me that these people are talented actors! Featuring demons that render all of Sunnydale unable to talk, we get to watch great physical comedy right next to tense, silent fight scenes. The visual creepiness of the Gentleman and their straight-jacketed weird little helpers is hard to beat. "Hush" is such a clever episode that it ascends monster of the week status to become almost Twilight Zone-esque. Also, for the first time, Buffy sees Riley doing his Initiative thing, and Riley sees Buffy being the Slayer, but they can't talk about it?? That's good shit.
5. "The Wish" S3E9
Both "Something Blue" and "The Wish" feel like the writers decided to use fanfic premises on their own show... so obviously I like them a lot. But getting to watch a dark timeline AU with interesting world-building and attention to detail, a hilarious and horrifying Cordelia POV, AND a smirking kinky vampire Willow? Hello?? And the fact that the Wishverse comes up again in "Doppelgänger" (another truly fun episode) only improves my opinion. I imagine this is the kind of episode fans simply love coming back to.
4. "Restless" S4E22
This David Lynch-ass dream sequence was a weird choice for a season finale, but an extremely ambitious and cool episode. I should say up front that I love David Lynch-ass dream shit. There were creative and well-executed scene transitions as characters moved seamlessly from one dream room into another. Several memorably neat shots - Willow running between endless curtains as she tries to get onstage, Buffy alone in a vast desert with a weirdly high camera angle. And I got myself all excited thinking that the First Slayer would maybe become a different kind of antagonist - maybe not even fully revealed in this episode, or maybe an Id-like aspect of Buffy herself. But I forgot Whedon gonna Whedon, so the First Slayer had to be someone Buffy could punch in the end. And the First Slayer is sadly yet another primitive-themed, emotionally-stunted character of color for this show. Most of her lines in this episode are literally voiced by a white woman speaking for her, and of all the dumb quips to make, Buffy had a line about her hair being unprofessional? Also, I'm a lesbian, so the fact that the most explicit act of intimacy between Willow and Tara this show has allowed us to see occurs in Xander's horny dream sequence... it’s unforgivable, Joss. This episode was one of my favorites ever, deeply marred by some bad writing choices.
3. "Lovers Walk" S3E8
Spike, perhaps the best non-Willow character in this show, is back in Sunnydale, a hilariously heartbroken mess of a man, hell-bent on getting his former girlfriend Drusilla back. (Drusilla left him for a fungus demon.) So Spike breaks into a magic shop to get ingredients for a love spell, where he runs into Willow, who is getting ingredients for a de-lusting spell, because she is worried she and Xander will be too thirsty to behave appropriately in public with their actual partners, Oz and Cordelia. This is a hilarious moment just to exist. This is all the episode needed to do to satisfy me. But the fact that Spike then kidnaps Willow, and it ends with tragic stakes of everyone's relationships coming apart, not to mention me genuinely thinking Cordelia was dead for a minute there - wow. Chef’s kiss. The episode is balanced shockingly well between Spike being an ominous villain, and being the sort of lovable semi-evil (more gremlin-like) side character he'll become in season 4. What a wild ride.
2. "Graduation Day" S3E21-22
I'm counting this two part season finale as one because it's my list and I'll do what I want. "Graduation Day" feels like a quintessential Buffy episode executed to perfection. It has Buffy reaffirming her position as a moral heroine, sacrificing her own blood to save Angel's life even when she thought she had to kill Faith to save him. It has Buffy and Faith (or Buffy/Faith, as I prefer to think of them) getting to square off in a dramatic, tough fight. It has a lot of Mayor Wilkins, a character I truly adore for some reason. Nothing like a public administrator who plays mini golf in his office, wants you to chew with your mouth closed, and will kill a graduating class of high schoolers to gain immortality. The catharsis of the whole school getting to fight back against evil, instead of just Buffy against the world - a real joy. This episode misses the top spot for two reasons. "A special vampire poison and the only cure is the blood of a Slayer" is too contrived for me to let slide, and also I had to see Cordelia and Wesley kiss.
1. "Becoming" S2E21-22
Buffy’s season finales really do have good stories and satisfying payoff. First off, Buffy starts this episode by punching a cop and fleeing from the law. Later, Spike also punches a cop. A.k.a., Buffy said blue lives don't matter. Second - I haven't gotten a chance to comment on this yet, but all throughout season 2, evil Angel is such a joy to watch. As regular Angel, David Boreanaz makes exactly one face ("I am a kicked, angsty puppy") and bless his heart, it gets so tiresome. As evil Angel, he is so expressive, dynamic and terrifyingly creative in his badness. And I love his weird threesome energy with Spike and Drusilla. But also, it's so hard to watch Buffy suffer as she deals with her evil boyfriend doing evil things. Her ultimate choice in this episode, to kill Angel even as Willow's spell restores his soul, gave me some real big feels! Also, this episode marks the first moment of Willow doing big, plot-shifting magic on her own, solidifying her transformation from computer nerd to witch! 
Also, shout-out to the many good smaller moments in this episode: Spike making awkward small talk with Buffy's mom, Buffy constantly dunking on Principle Snyder, and Giles being tortured by visions of Miss Calendar (RIP Miss Calendar, I was your biggest fan.)
"Becoming" is an excellent season finale and the kind of Buffy episode I imagine I will want to re-watch in the future just for nostalgia's sake.
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atailof2kitties · 5 years
Tips for those just about to start year 12
So I’m just about to start year 13 (my final year at home! yikes!) and I thought, because I struggled a lot last year, I’d give some tips to those starting this September.  
1. Use your free periods- I cannot say this enough! They are not there for you to sleep or muck around in; they’re for independent learning or doing homework. I get that it can be very exciting if you’ve never had a free period before, but it’s probably best if you don’t see them as ‘free’ periods, they’re more ‘study’ periods. 
2. Do socialise- I’m probably not the best example of this since I’ve pretty much abandoned most of my friends for the library after some personal issues spilled into my studying time. But, I stand by the fact that you should be talking to people and making new friends and what not in lunch and break times. As a side note, befriend who you’re sat next to in every class. If you miss a lesson, they’ll be more likely to send you their notes. It’s also just quite nice- if you’re not interested in a subject, it can make the lessons more fun to have someone by your side. 
3. Independent learning- this is really useful since A Levels give you a lot more freedom. Examiners will be really impressed if you bring in relevant knowledge which isn’t part of the curriculum. If this is up-to-date knowledge, even better. For example, if you take English Language, I’d suggest you subscribe to Michael Rosen’s ‘Word of Mouth’ podcast which is semi-regular and will really impress teachers if you bring up some of the more recent developments in the field. 
4. Revise for every little test- this means you won’t have to revise tons for the exams at the end since you’ve already made your resources. I mostly do this so I get good grades throughout the year (and then procrastinate putting it all together...) so my teachers know what I’m capable of before they give me my predicted grades. Your predicted grades are what goes to the university you want so- be nice to your teachers and work hard and they should be nice in return. 
5. Stick it out- I’ll admit there are times when it’s really tempting to just drop all . your subjects and run away, but things will start to make sense soon. There is a big jump from GCSE to A Level but when it clicks, it really does click and you’re pretty much all set. If you work hard, you will get there. If you need help, please ask your teachers (or look online if you’re shy, but teachers are probably your best bet). 
6. Dropping subjects- it’s totally okay to drop subjects but what you need to do is figure out whether you really want to drop it, and which subject you should drop. I spent a lot of time wondering whether I should drop History (which I loved but was, to put it bluntly, a bit shit at) or Sociology (which was interesting, but my teacher never marked any of our work so I was getting a bit worried). After months of crying over essays, I decided to take an AS Level (not sure if this is still going to be an option after this year...?) in history and then finally drop it based on the amount of content. Stick it out until you know for certain that you want to get rid of it. I managed to get a B in my AS which I’m not ecstatic or unhappy about and it means I’ve got something to show for a year of learning. 
7. Be nice to your teachers- when you join Year 12, there is a different relationship between teachers and students and there’s an expectation that you won’t mess around and that you’ll respect them. If you fail to meet that expectation, you’re not likely to get a good reference or predicted grade from them when the time comes. If you respect your teachers, they will come to respect you. 
8. Visit Universities (if that’s what you want to do) and find opportunities to put on your personal statement- I can’t emphasise this enough. You won’t have time to do all this in Year 13 and there are tons of deadlines you can accidentally miss by not checking your emails. I missed the open day for Durham which is my dream uni. But don’t beat yourself up about it- there are always offer-holder days. For your personal statement, there are tons of opportunities. I want to study either english literature or liberal arts so I applied and got into a university taster course at Royal Holloway about Fantasy and Literature, a few weeks later went to a residential taster at Exeter to sample the arts and humanities subjects. There are so many opportunities, you just have to try and find them! 
9. Get involved in school- I know you probably hate that I’m going to say this, but it’s really beneficial for a UCAS application. I’m awful at getting involved normally but my English Language teacher suggested I be a Subject Rep for the school and stuff like this can really boost your confidence and if you’re helping others, you’re likely to do better yourself.
Finally 10. Just enjoy yourself. After sixth form/ college you probably won’t see your friends for months and life will never be as simple as it is now again. These are the subjects you’ve chosen so you should have more fun with it than GCSE but also, grades aren’t the most important thing, so always put your wellbeing first. 
Good luck! And if you need any help with any of the subjects I take or took (English Literature, English Language, Sociology, History, an EPQ) then please feel free to message me, I’m normally online. Or if you need help with mental health stuff- trust me I had the worst year 12 mentally- believe me when I say I am always here for anyone who needs me. 
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junker-town · 5 years
College basketball’s 6 power conference tournament title games we want to see
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Mike Carter-USA TODAY Sports
Put your rooting interests aside for the moment. These six title games would give us the best combination of quality and drama on conference tournament championship weekend.
The power conference tournaments get underway Tuesday with opening round action in the ACC going down in Greensboro. This kicks off a six day stretch where we will be flooded with the best college basketball teams in the country playing in win or go home scenarios where “go home” can mean anything from a diminished seed in the NCAA tournament to the season being over.
If you’re a fan of a team in a power conference, then obviously you have a rooting interest as far as what you’d like to see in that conference’s tournament championship game. If you’re an impartial viewer simply rooting for the highest quality and most dramatic title tilts this coming weekend, here are the six games you should be hoping to see.
Big East: No. 1 Creighton vs. No. 3 Seton Hall
Last week, Seton Hall had an opportunity to claim its first outright Big East regular-season title since 1993 with either a home win over Villanova or a road victory over Creighton. After losing narrowly at home to Jay Wright’s club, the Pirates got smacked on the road by the Bluejays, 77-60. The loss meant that not only would Seton Hall have to share the regular-season title with Creighton and Villanova, but the Pirates would be the No. 3 seed for the Big East tournament and would have to face the nation’s leading scorer, Markus Howard, and Marquette in their postseason opener.
To their credit, Creighton was ready for the moment on Saturday. Almost right as the final buzzer sounded inside CHI Health Center Omaha, a “2020 Big East Regular-Season Champions” banner was unfurled from the rafters. The team then proceeded to cut down the nets inside the building.
The Bluejay faithful loved the theatrics. Seton Hall head coach Kevin Willard did not.
“I’m really pissed off that people are cutting down the nets and my guys are down there [in the locker room],” Willard said in his postgame radio interview. “I should’ve brought them out, but they’re not in a very good mood right now. I wish I could bring my kids out here right now because they’re cutting down the nets and I’ve got 13 kids who think they failed miserably.”
The top eight teams in the Big East are so strong that it’s going to be damn near impossible for this tournament not to produce a compelling title game. This one would check every box though:
— Bad blood
— Quality teams
— Fun styles of play
— Star power
We just need a healthy Marcus Zegarowski and we’ll be good to go.
Big Ten: No. 2 Michigan State vs. No. 4 Illinois
Like the Big East, the Big Ten is so saturated with quality teams that it��s really difficult to envision a championship game that doesn’t produce a quality two hours of entertainment. Additionally, it seems like just about every Big Ten coach — Fran McCaffery, Chris Holtmann, Archie Miller, Mark Turgeon, Greg Gard, Brad Underwood — has thrown a fit about something or someone at some point this season, so you’ve got a strong likelihood of sideline fireworks at play here as well.
Unless there’s a team in the Big Ten championship game that needs the league’s auto-bid to make the NCAA tournament, the Selection Committee has pretty much completed its bracket by the time this game is going on. It’s only real purpose is to keep us entertained until the Selection Show starts at 6 p.m. ET. With that being the case, let’s go with the two teams that would give us the most up-and-down, competitive two hours of action, which I think would be Illinois and Michigan State.
Kofi Cockburn vs. Xavier Tillman? Good. Cassius Winston vs. Ayo Dosunmu? Even better. Tom Izzo and Brad Underwood busting blood vessels on the sidelines? Give me all of it.
ACC: No. 4 Duke vs. No. 14 North Carolina
Roll your eyes if you want, but unless something wild happens, this ACC tournament doesn’t seem likely to bring the level of drama and intrigue that fans of the event have grown accustomed to over the years.
There is an established top tier of Florida State, Louisville, Duke and Virginia, four teams that are all safely in the NCAA tournament. Those four teams have played some decent games against one another and there’s been a small amount of bad blood between Louisville and Florida State, but nothing has really happened amongst the quartet that has the general basketball world foaming at the mouth for a rematch. Outside of those four, there’s one true bubble team with work to do in No. 5 seed NC State, and then the other nine teams in the field almost certainly all have to win four games in four days or five games in five days to make it into the big field of 68.
That final storyline seems like the most compelling one. This tournament is going to need a true Cinderella reach maximum interest levels, and what better Cinderella than the worst North Carolina team of the Roy Williams era?
If “Zombie UNC” — led by a determined Cole Anthony who certainly possesses the tools necessary to have one of those conference tournament weeks people remember forever — can make it to Thursday’s quarterfinals, this could get interesting.
This is the first time in the history of the ACC tournament that neither Duke or North Carolina has been a top three-seed. What better year for the arch-rivals to square off in a 4 vs. 14 title game?
Big 12: No. 1 Kansas vs. No. 2 Baylor
There’s no need to get cute here. Baylor went to Lawrence and manhandled Kansas in January, and then the Jayhawks came to Waco and won a highly competitive game a month later. Now we need a round three.
If round three does happen in Kansas City, Kansas will have almost certainly already locked down the NCAA tournament’s No. 1 overall seed. The game could have more significance for Baylor, which may be fighting with Gonzaga and Dayton (or someone else) for pecking order behind the Jayhawks on the top line.
Regardless of all the seeding implications and other extenuating circumstances, this would probably just be a fantastic game. Kansas looks like everyone’s national title favorite, and Baylor needs to get its mojo pointed back in the right direction before it starts playing with its season on the line next week. There’s all the storyline you need.
SEC: No. 1 Kentucky vs. No. 2 Auburn
This tournament doesn’t seem like it’s going to be nearly as much fun as we thought it could be heading into the season, but there’s still an opportunity for an alluring title game.
Kentucky is back in its familiar spot as the unquestioned king of the conference, but Auburn won this event a year ago and then went on to upset the Wildcats in the Elite Eight and make their first ever trip to the Final Four. The two teams appear to be the class of the conference this season, and split their regular season meetings, with each winning fairly comfortably on its home floor.
A John Calipari/Bruce Pearl rubber match loaded with screaming and sweating is the best option for the first part of Selection Sunday afternoon.
Pac-12: No. 1 Oregon vs. No. 3 Arizona State
UCLA is the most fascinating story in the Pac-12 right now and one of the most fascinating stories nationally, but I’m leaving them out of the dream title game for one reason: Their situation becomes more interesting if they lose early in the tournament.
We’re talking about a team that has won seven of its last eight games, that finished alone in second place in a power conference that could send as many as seven teams to the NCAA tournament, and that is being coached by the man who was just named Pac-12 Coach of the Year. That same team we just described is not a lock to hear its name called on Selection Sunday. That’s incredible.
If UCLA were to win two games and advance to Saturday’s championship game, the drama is gone and the Bruins would almost certainly slide off the bubble and into the “lock” category. We’re all about the drama here, so our scenario has them falling in the quarters or semis.
As for who will be playing ... the Pac-12 title game is the true Selection Sunday Eve test for East Coast hoop heads. It doesn’t tip-off until 10:30 p.m., which means it needs to serve as a basketball stimulant. That shouldn’t be a problem with Payton Pritchard leading Oregon’s high-octane offense and Remy Martin countering with Arizona State’s up-tempo attack.
Plus, I mean, it’s Bobby Hurley in a high-pressure, nationally-televised game with enormous implications. I’m not saying he’s definitely going to punch somebody or rip off an article of clothing, but the chances of at least one of those things happening in this game would be exponentially higher than they would be for any other game played this coming weekend.
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
tired. long day, but not bad, though mostly just because it’s over now, lol. my alarm went off at 7:15, and I got up with a version of the song my mom used to sing that went “rise and shine, and give God the glory glory!” stuck in my head except my version went “rise and shine, haul your ass out of bed! rise and shine, you can sleep when you’re dead!” the latter phrase I use to motivate myself to get out of bed on a fairly regular basis honestly. But I got up. Caught the bus to the train and made it to the DV courthouse for some observing hours. Made it in for the morning court call in one of the criminal court rooms, I’d previously seen a civil one but not a criminal one before, and I gotta say, DAMN, watching that was seriously depressing. the number of cases that got dismissed because the victim didn’t show up in court was astronomical. like for every victim that showed there were probably 4 who didn't. that’s gotta be ridiculously discouraging for the prosecutor, and honestly makes me wonder if that is something I’d be interested in doing- I mean, if I’m going for the ADA job in NY, their DV and Crimes Against Children bureau is combined, so in order to do child crimes I’d have to do DV too, and I mean, I’ve spent a lot of time in DV court over the past 2 and a half years....but I don’t know. There were a couple amusing exchanges, there was one filing for a violation of an OP because they were in court yesterday and in front of the entire damn court room this idiot threatened the woman who had an order against him, which caused the sheriffs to try to apprehend him for violating the OP, except he ran, made it out of the building, down the street, and into the subway station, all the while being chased by the sheriffs, and they fucking lost him. I was just cracking up at the visual of this, like the sheriff’s jumping over the turnstile and running down the escalator....it was too funny. the other one was something relevant to what I’ve been studying for the past week, the rules of professional conduct. this private lawyer showed up to represent this guy who had an OP filed against him, but he was in the “hospital” (aka mental health ward) and couldn’t be there, and then it came out that her firm was actually retained by his mother two weeks ago for a probate matter because she is trying to get guardianship over her (adult) son, then came in last night and asked them to handle the OP matter, and the judge was like “.....don’t you think that’s a conflict of interest?” and I legit wanted to jump up and be like “yes, yes it is, rule 1.7!!” lol, so I was amused by that, and once the courtroom cleared out I talked the PD on the case for a bit and he was laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. I hung out there until about 12:15 when court went down for lunch, then went across the street to the cool mexican place and got some lunch, then returned around 1:30 for the afternoon cases, mainly people filing for emergency orders of protection, which is what I normally do while volunteering. So I sat through that for about two hours, though there was a fair amount of down time, but hey, I needed to get the observation hours in one way or another, even if it’s observing an empty courtroom 🤷🏻‍♀️😂. there was a string of really unfortunate cases where the victim of something that was not domestic violence or stalking was told, most likely by the police (fucking chicago police, I swear) they needed to come here and file for an order and the judge had to be like “I’m sorry, but under the law there’s nothing I can do to help you” which is always a hard thing to watch, because you know the person is just gonna walk away from that thinking the system doesn’t care and is just gonna screw them over (and in a lot of cases, I’d say they’re right). While on a break I spoke to the sheriff and clerk about the police sending ridiculous cases here and they definitely echoed my sentiments and frustration. Hung out there until about 3:30, so I got my 5 hours of observation I needed in, then headed over to school and planted myself in the PAD office, trying to absorb some final information before having to take my final. I also dropped off my adoption final in the official finals drop box with a time stamp and everything for your envelope so they know when you dropped it off, so I was glad to have that off my chest. I also returned two of my three rental books to the school (my actual school is next to a barnes and noble that’s semi-part of the school), and explained I needed the last one for my final tonight so my friend was gonna drop it off tomorrow since I’m flying out, and they were like “cool no problem” so that was nice. Got some food from their little cafe and went back to trying to study (don’t know how much info I actually retained) and then eventually went up to the exam room and prepped there. it turned out the test was entirely on scantron and not on computers at all, and of course I had ZERO pencils on me, which is ridiculous because I’m always prepared for anything, but it led to some amusing dialogue with the guy who sat next to me whom I realized I thought was attractive because he looks a lot like a young Dominic Purcell, lol. so the test started, true or false first, there was a few questions I straight up could not find reference for in the rules so I had to go with my best guess, but I feel like I understood a good majority of them. I just definitely wasted time flipping through the book. then it was some multiple choice, which were also fine, but took a while again because of flipping through the book constantly. I went over it and only ended up changing one answer because I found the right reference to one where I had previously just guessed, so that was good. I finished in about 2 hours and 40 minutes out of a 3 hour testing period, so not bad. I took a uber pool home because it’s cold and I was physically and mentally exhausted, and there was some ice on the ground and I was wearing my “nice” boots which have a bit of a heel and I’m absolutely petrified about slipping on ice, plus it was super cheap so why not. Fine ride and got home soon enough, just as it was announced that Doug Jones won the Alabama senate race, which I have to say, was AMAZING. like seriously, I didn’t want to give myself hope that this could happen just because I felt like he wasn’t going to win, but him pulling it out is SUCH a victory and so much of a rejection of everything Moore, Bannon, and Trump. and the senators and congressmen and women who have re-elections next year should know that if they’re aligning themselves with those fools we are coming for you. the movement is definitely gaining momentum, and I love it. Anyway, though. got home, and my roommate got home shortly after, and she heated up some little apple tartlets that came in a gift basket at her work, so we ate those and watched tonight’s Brooklyn 99, and the tartlet’s were amazing and so was B99. Watched a little Jimmy Kimmel afterwards and then eventually got ready for bed. of course, I have to wake up at 7 and go to the airport for my 9:30 flight, but hey, bring it on. if my count is correct, not counting connections and layovers, this will be my 18th flight of the year, lol. that’s a lot. Still got two take home finals to finish, but I’m not terribly concerned because those are classes I’m actually into, unlike the ones I actually had tests on. but being that it’s almost 1 am and I have to be up in 6 hours, I will end this here. Goodnight lovelies. Hope you have a wonderful night.
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letmewritefreely · 6 years
By You Side: Part 5
Demetri Stevens had spent the last few years of her life in the skybox for a crime she didn’t commit. One morning she woke up to a huge commotion in her cell block and before she knew it, she was on a dropship. She was sent from the Ark, a space station that had spent the last 97 years in space, down to Earth to see if it is inhabitable with 99 other prisoners. Once on Earth she reconnects with her old best friend, makes new friends, steps on some toes, and helps the 100 survive as they have returned to what was their home once before. With each test and trial; things change, people change, and feelings change. This is a new start for the 100, will Demetri allow it to be a new start for her as well? Or will ghosts of her past keep her stuck, well, in the past?
A The 100 fanfic written by letmewritefreely Bellamy Blake x OC: Demetri Stevens warnings: based off the tv series; gore, mentions or implications of sexual content, angst, fluff, violence, death, gets darker as the series continues.
A/N: Shit’s been crazy but I’m back. I hope to post every Tuesday & Friday, let’s go! I hope you’re looking forward to my adaptation of the 100 with my OC!! Anyways feedback, any feedback, is good feedback! Let me know your thoughts! And I’ll bet getting on a semi-regular schedule as I continue to work on the series! <3 ((This is a mix of S1:E6 & E7))
Parts: Prologue Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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Once they were far enough away from the group Clarke stopped them with a tug on Demetri’s arm. She turned towards Demetri and pulled her into a tight hug, so tight the air was knocked from Demetri’s lungs. After a few moments, Demetri let out a puff of air and hugged Clarke back just as tight. The pair stood like that for a few minutes, holding each other together, before Clarke pulled back and looked at Demetri, really looked at her. She noted the knots at the end of her friend’s messy braids, she noticed the smudges of dirt and the still beaded sweat along her hair line. But Demetri’s eyes were still alive, they were still bright and though hurt clouded them, they were still the eyes of Clarke’s best friend.
“I’m sorry for earlier, I shouldn’t have been so in your face, or Bellamy’s face.” Clarke stared up at her friend, trying to offer a small smile.
“No Clarke,” Demetri sighed, “if I had stopped Bellamy it all wouldn’t have happened like that.” Demetri ran a hand through her bangs, messing them up. “But you need to understand, we all make choices we think are right. He was scared and did what he needed to do to protect his sister, you can’t completely fault him for that because that’s who he is. He’s spent his whole life protecting her.” Clarke nodded, noticing a twinkle of fondness in Demetri’s eyes.
“Kind of like you’ve spent your whole life protecting me?” Clarke’s voice was thick with emotion.
“Hearing that makes me glad I’m an only child.” Demetri teased, knowing she could never stay angry at Clarke for long, she’s all Demetri’s got after all.
“Can we go back to our tent and just talk. Like old times, when we’d stay up all night talking about the trouble we caused and the cute boys we saw up on the Ark.” Clarke suggested, looping her arm with Demetri’s. “Because I think it would be therapeutic for both of us.”
“That sounds like a wonderful idea.” Demetri smiled a full smile at her best friend.
The pair headed off towards their tent, they removed their shoes, and Demetri realized she was still wearing Bellamy’s jacket. She took it off and draped it over one of the chairs they’d moved into their tent. Demetri stripped down to her boy shorts and tee with Clarke following suit. If this were the old days they’d put on their pajamas but that wasn’t a luxury they had now. They settled on Clarke’s mat on the ground, Clarke’s head resting in Demetri’s lap, and just started talking.
Clarke talked about Wells, her mom, and even Finn. She revealed that she’d slept with Finn only for his girlfriend to crash to Earth the next day, which made a lot of sense to Demetri. She got it all out, her confusion and frustration. The regret she felt and the shame. Demetri comforted and commented when she needed to. She listened dutifully, not to answer, but to understand. If there was one thing Demetri knew about Clarke is that other than her strong sense of what’s right or wrong, Clarke had a huge heart and cared for everyone. As Clarke explained in detail what had happened with her father, Demetri knew Clarke was worried about everyone back on the Ark because her Father had died wanting to protect everyone. Demetri knew now that that definitely influenced Clarke’s role as co-leader and why she did what she did. Clarke had bared her soul to Demetri, it had happened plenty of times as they grew up, but this time it felt so much more real and raw. They’d spent years apart, each growing up in their own ways before being thrown to Earth as part of an experiment.
Listening to Clarke made Demetri realize how much her friend had grown without her, and she ached for the years they missed. Clarke was no longer the little girl that Demetri had seen her as for most of their life, needing Demetri’s helping hand. Clarke was older, wiser, and a great leader and it made Demetri feel extremely proud of her best friend. As Clarke finished ranting and getting everything off her chest she sighed. She sat up, wiped her tears, and moved to sit behind Demetri. She mumbled around rebraiding her hair while Demetri talked and she carefully let out the braids and started finger brushing the knots out. Typical Clarke behavior, get everything out then do something to distract from what just happened. It almost made things feel normal between them.
Demetri took a deep breath and then she opened her own flood gates. She talked about what happened when she was arrested, the visits from Abby and the few from Kane, and how it all made her feel. She recalled the last time she saw both of them, what Kane had given to her and told her. She talked about the different situations they’d run into, her mixed feelings about people on the Ark. Demetri found herself breaking down and telling Clarke things that happened a long time ago that she never felt comfortable talking to her about, just because of how old they were and how much she wanted better for Clarke. Then she bounced back to Wells, and how she felt bad about disliking him up until the end and explained why she felt that way, to which Clarke seemed to understand as she had picked up on the tension between the two. Demetri talked about Murphy and how she felt guilty for not trying harder and maybe if she had talked to him more or done something else maybe things would have turned out different. She mentioned Charlotte and how she had a feeling after Clarke had told her about the girl and her nightmares that something didn’t feel right, on top of her seeing Demetri killing Atom. Then Atom, Demetri could still see the look on his face when she put the knife in his neck. Demetri talked about how those events were affecting her, that she was starting to have nightmares. Demetri talked about how scared she was about the grounders and how she didn’t want to die, not just yet. She confessed she was so confused about Bellamy, before her wall up about him shattered. Before Clarke knew it, Demetri shared everything that had happened between them, all the times they were together when Clarke wasn’t by her side. She told Clarke about the literal make out session, about the times she’d walk by Bellamy’s tent and girls were leaving it. She was all confused and Clarke listened well, absorbing it all. Demetri knew that no matter what she told Clarke, her best friend would always accept her and vice versa, it was why she valued Clarke so much. Because without her, Demetri felt she’d never find anyone else to accept her for who she was, a broken girl still learning to pick up her pieces herself.
After what felt like hours they had everything off their chests and they sat there holding the other, just basking in the peaceful silence. It had been entirely too long since the last time they had just talked like that, so much had happened. They really weren’t pre-teens anymore who only had to worry about boys in their class and learning about the Ark and it’s rules. They were adults who were just trying to survive till the next day in a world they never thought they’d get to experience in their lifetime. Earth had proven to really keep them on their toes and it was exhausting.
“Now what do we do?” Demetri’s voice was thick from the earlier tearshed.
“I have two questions for you Demi.” Clarke started, twisting her body to look at her friend.
“Go for it.” Demetri sat up to face Clarke, crossing her legs.
“One, have you read your dad’s letter? And two, have you talked to Bellamy about the whole kissing thing?”
“No and no.” Demetri shrugged. “I haven’t had time to read Dad’s letter, frankly I’m terrified. What it confirms everything I have already worked through? What if it just tells me that it was my fault?” Demetri shook the thoughts from her mind. “And I don’t know how to bring it up, I don’t know what I feel for Bellamy. Do I feel something for him? Where we just together when emotions were running high?”
“Demetri.” Clarke scoffed, “You don’t really think that.”
“But I do Clarke. You know I get attached to people easily, it’s why I drew back from others when we were teenagers. What if what I feel for Bellamy comes from the stability he gives me? What if it’s not anything real? I don’t want to use him for my own needs.” Demetri shook her head, she didn’t deal well with people and relationships of any kind. She blamed it on her lack of having a mother and her father always working when she was little.
“Don’t lie to yourself Demi.” Clarke gave her friend a weak smile, “Anyone who couldn’t see how much you two genuinely care for each other is blind. He may be a little rough around the edges but he means well when it comes to you.” Clarke nudged her. “What did you say to me earlier? Something like, ‘he likes you, give him a chance’ or something along those lines?”
“Okay, I get it.” Demetri scrunched up her nose as what Clarke was referring to. “I’ll talk to him once things settle down and we’ve talked to the Ark.” Demetri leant back on her hands. “You should talk to Finn too.” Demetris head bobbed to the side, looking at Clarke at an angle.
“His girlfriend is back, why would I want to ruin their happiness?” Clarke shrugged, not making eye contact as she wrapped her arms around her knees.
“Clarke, he made the choice to pursue you. It takes two people to tango and he’s the second person here. You can’t just not talk about it.” Clarke didn’t say anything. “Look, I get where you’re coming from, you don’t want to ruin what they have. But things are different down on Earth. This was a new start for us, we thought we were gonna die and we didn’t. You should at least allow yourself the closure of talking to him about it.” Demetri mirrored Clarke’s position and folded her arms on top of her knees as she leant over and bumped her elbow against Clarke’s.
“I’ll think about it.” Clarke finally nodded, seeing the reason behind Demetri’s words, like usual. “Are you ever wrong Ole Wise Demetri?” Clarke teased again, poking Demetri in the side.
“Since we’ve landed here on Earth? Nope.” Demetri shook her head, laughing at herself.
The pair settled down once again enjoying the serene quiet as the giggles died down. Demetri looked up when there was a shuffling outside their tent. They saw torch light move along one wall before it doubled back and stopped outside the flap to their tent, there was a light tapping on the outside.
“Are you two up?”
“Yea, just talking, what’s up?” Clarke answered, Bellamy’s head popping into their tent. Speak of the devil.
“Have you seen Octavia?” Bellamy realized his mistake of disturbing a girls’ tent the moment he realized they were half dressed, his face reddened.
“No, we haven’t seen anyone since we came back here.” Demetri thought back, “I haven’t seen Octavia all day.” Demetri had leant back on her hands before he disturbed them, her shirt was resting high on her hips.
“She’s probably off chasing butterflies, Octavia wanders off a lot.” Clarke suggested, completely unbothered by Bellamy being right there.
“I’ve checked the whole camp, I can’t find her.” Demetri saw the panic in his eyes.
She stood up and grabbed her pants, they were half way up her calves when Clarke followed her lead. Clarke looked up to see Bellamy looking up at the ceiling of the tent as the two girls slipped back into their clothing, a pink tinge still coloring his face.
“Alright, we’ll help you look, right Clarke?” Clarke nodded, both girls grabbed their jackets, and slipped on their boots.
Bellamy watched Demetri hesitantly put his jacket on and zip it halfway up before they followed him outside. Clarke walked a little in front of Demetri who naturally fell in step beside Bellamy.
“You two check the dropship and around it, I’ll check the tents again.” Clarke instructed before she took off towards the other end of camp with a torch in hand.
“I’ll check the top two levels for her.” Demetri headed towards the ladder, she was three rungs up when Bellamy’s quiet voice stopped her.
“Thank you.”
“Anything for Octavia right?” Demetri gave him a weak smile before she continued up.
When nothing turned up from the second, more thorough search, Bellamy was on the verge of a mental break. Those still awake were rallied and another rescue group was created. Bellamy set out a bag of manmade weapons from dropship parts and repurposed items broken in the descent in the middle of the main level of the dropship. He informed everyone going out that Octavia had been out there for at least 12 hours now and that they weren’t coming back without her. Demetri stood back and waited for everyone to get ready, she watched Jasper shakily move towards the group and weapons.
“Hey Jasper.” Demetri grabbed his shaking hand. “If you can’t handle this it’s okay.”
“We need everyone we can get.” Bellamy spoke over her.
“It’s fine.” Jasper assured her when he saw her glare towards the older guy. “I need to do this.” Demetri had picked up on the crush Jasper had on Octavia early on because he was quite obvious about it. She knew that’s why he was doing this, since he’d barely left camp after he was speared in the chest and brought back from the brink of death.
“Then stick close alright?” Jasper nodded and moved to grab a weapon, falling back by her side.
“We still need a tracker, C’mon Finn! We’re leaving.” Bellamy ushered the group towards the gap in the wall.
Demetri watched Finn jog up to Clarke with a serious look on his face. There was a moment between them before she turned away from him and focused on the small group gathered by the wall. Demetri turned towards Bellamy, moving to stand by his side as he split the group into two smaller groups to cover more area as they searched.
“Wow, look at that!” Someone called, everyone’s attention following where they were pointing.
“It’s so beautiful!” A girl gasped.
Looking up there seemed to be a meteor shower happening. At least a lot of somethings were burning up in Earth’s atmosphere. Demetri wished she could believe it was a meteor shower but with the recent events her hopes weren’t high.
“The flares didn’t work.” Clarke gasped, staggering forward a step as if that would help her see clearer.
“You can tell from a meteor shower?” Bellamy asked, unconvinced with a skeptical look her way.  
“It’s not a meteor shower, its a funeral.” Clarke mumbled, “Hundreds of bodies returning to earth. This is what it looks likes from the other side.” Clarke looked away from the sky to Raven who walked out from a tent to see the commotion.
Demetri grabbed Bellamy’s hand when she saw how rigid his body went in response what Clarke said. She saw Raven moving towards Bellamy before anyone else could react and she stepped forward almost shielding him from her.
“This is all your fault.” Raven spat, hand jutting out to poke him in the chest over Demetri’s shoulder.
“He knows.” Demetri spat back, challenging Raven to do something.
“And now he has to live with it.” Clarke held Raven back, trying to prevent a fist fight.
“All I know is my sister is out there somewhere and I’m gonna find her. You coming or not?” Bellamy stepped back, his hand falling from Demetri’s.
“Yea, I am.” Finn answered, he turned to Raven. “I have to do this, you stay here and fix the radio. I know you can do it.” His hand cupped Raven’s cheek for a moment.
“I know where you may be able to find some parts you were talking about, let’s go.” Clake pulled Raven away in the opposite direction of the search party.
“Be careful.” Finn called after them as they ran off.
He looked between the retreating pair and Demetri waiting for him, then he nodded to the latter. They both turned to see Jasper waiting for them to join him at the edge of the gate. They walked out with Jasper and moved up towards the front of the group with Bellamy. Demetri walked alongside Finn as he did his tracking thing, moving along in front of the group trying to track Octavia. She followed silently letting him get his bearings. Her mind went back to her talk with Clarke and everything they had discussed, her mind went to Bellamy. It was incredibly obvious how distraught he was with Octavia going missing, it had basically consumed him. She didn’t know how to comfort him or if she could, he had done so much for his sister for so long. Bellamy had lived for Octavia his whole life, she was his life. Demetri kept stealing glances at him as they followed Finn, she was trying to appear indifferent but even that was difficult for her at the moment.
It didn’t take long before Finn discovered a seatbelt Octavia had used as a belt tangled in a bush in the middle of a decline down a ravine. Bellamy nearly  knocked a kid over as he rushed down to examine the belt and once he was sure it was his sister’s he tied rope to a tree at the top of the hill and went down the ravine it lead to first. Demetri followed after Jasper climbed down and Finn followed after her. Finn started to look around as everyone else started to make their way into the ravine when noticed blood on some rocks and difference in depression of footsteps leading away. He told Bellamy and in seconds everyone moved out in the same general direction as the footsteps in a bit of a line to search for more clues. Everyone moved quietly and followed behind Finn, Bellamy, and Demetri as they lead the search. They had made it a ways into the woods when Finn froze and gasped before he could stop himself, causing everyone else to freeze and look for what made him do that.
“This is definitely a warning.”
There were skeletons, mummified and decaying, hung up on poles and trees all looking rather old in a menacing way. Some had aged chains around them, some were missing limbs, some had no head. The scene sent a chill down Demetri’s spine. It was definitely creepy and it worked in scaring about half of the group. Demetri looked over her shoulder to see many of the kids that had followed Bellamy all the way out there suddenly looking fearful and unsure. Bellamy looked back when she tugged on his arm, he sighed quietly before he faced forward again.
“If you want to go back, then go. But she’s my sister so she’s my responsibility.” Bellamy marched forward, swallowing the anxious feeling bubbling up in his throat.
Demetri looked after him and followed without a bit of hesitation. She twisted and turned, avoiding touching any of the warnings no doubt left by the Grounders. She didn’t look back as she moved up by his side in the next moment, stepping lightly to keep quiet. Bellamy visibly relaxed a little when he saw Demetri next to him, sporting a determined look and he felt instantly thankful she had come along.
“I’d walk through hell for her.” Jasper muttered as he followed Demetri’s lead.
“I think we’re already here.” Finn tried to lighten the mood as he fell in step with Jasper.
Only a few followed, the rest talked amongst themselves before turning around and backtracking to camp.
Those who continued looking, about half the original group, fanned out a few feet from Finn and Bellamy who stood at the head of the group. Finn found that there was no real trail to pick up as they kept walking out into the forest. And when Finn told Bellamy that Bellamy once again made it very clear he wasn’t going back without Octavia. He was getting so visibly worked up over his missing sister now that it was putting everyone on edge.
“Bellamy, we’ll find her.” Demetri soothed, stepping up to stand between the two leading men. “I’ll look with you for as long as it takes.”
“Where’d Jack go?” One of the girls Demetri had seen leave Bellamy’s tent once before, named Roma, caught everyone’s attention.
“He was just there.” Jasper nodded towards the empty space just behind him.
“Spread out, let’s find him.” Bellamy instructed, not wanting to lose anyone else.
Nobody had taken more than two steps when Jack’s body fell from above and landed in the middle of the group. Roma jumped back, latching onto the closest person, much to Demetri’s delight it wasn’t Bellamy. The group dissolved into a somewhat organized chaos as everyone turned their backs to the middle and looked around them. Their weapons were all up in a ready position while they all looked around a bit frantic.
“They use the trees.” Finn explained as he looked around, “There!” He pointed out a large grounder far off in the distance. Demetri could see who he was talking about and that Grounder could easily have crushed the skull of a member of the 100 in each hand.
“There’s another one!” Another large, bulky grounder was to the left of the first holding a bigger and scarier sword.
“We need to get back over the boundary.” Diggs called, already inching backwards.
“Run!” Finn yelled and everyone obeyed, they took off and the Grounders gave chase.
As they were jumping over fallen trees and ducking under branches, everyone was having trouble keeping up with the sudden direction changes from Finn and Bellamy. Demetri stayed a little further back running with Jasper as they moved, very aware of the wound in his chest still giving him issues. She noticed what Finn must have been noticing. The grounders kept cutting them off and making them change directions. Demetri found it difficult to keep her panic down and keep her strong front up.
“I can’t keep running.” Jasper gasped as he leant on Demetri for a moment when the group stopped to get their bearings.
“He’s not fully healed.” Demetri’s voice was a little panicked. “Jasper you need to tough it out till we get back to camp.” Demetri wrapped an arm around his waist ready to drag Jasper back if she had to.
“I’m not stopping for him.” Diggs yelped as he left the pair behind.
“I’m tired of running anyway, they know where O is.” Bellamy stopped and looked around him.
Diggs suddenly took off to the right of the group deeper into the woods and the girl named Roma, took off after him. Bellamy huffed out a labored breath before he followed after them with the group jogging after him. Her scream a few minutes later made everyone run a little faster till they found what startled her. Diggs was dead, he had sprung an old trap and a swinging platform with metal spikes had impaled him. There was no hope in even helping him, the impact had more than likely killed him instantly. Finn walked over, careful of any more traps, and closed Diggs’ eyes before he turned back to the group with a questioning look.
“They were leading us here.” Jasper panted, still leaning on Demetri.
“It’s the only way we could have gone.” Demetri shared a worried look with Jasper. “Shit.”
“Where’d they go?” Finn’s eyes darted all around them, the fight or flight response going into overdrive. “They’re not chasing us anymore.”
“Roma.” Bellamy turned towards the direction they’d head her yelp and ran off in the hopes of finding her before the Grounders did.
They were quiet as they came out of a heavily wooded area to one that was more of a meadow with a few large trees. Roma’s head could be seen poking out from behind one of the larger trees still a little ways ahead and Demetri saw her first.
“Roma!” She ran past Bellamy up front only to skid to a halt and nearly tripped over her feet when she registered the spear sticking out of her chest. This spear was straight through the heart and lodged into the trunk of the tree deep enough to hold Roma there.
Bellamy picked her up by her upper body seconds later before looking up to see Roma. He walked over and closed Roma’s eyes. He had been worried about people dying while looking for Octavia, this was three already. But he couldn’t turn back and just leave his sister out here in the wilderness alone. If she died now everything he had done to get down to Earth to protect her would go to waste, he’d committed so many wrongs for nothing.
“She only came because of me.” He sighed, his head falling down. In that moment, Bellamy wanted to bash a grounder’s face in with a rock.
“They’re playing with us.” Finn’s eyes were still flitting around watching out, taking notice of everything around them. “But I don’t see any one.”
“If they’re gonna kill us,” Jasper muttered. “Just get it over with!” He screamed the last part with tears brimming in his eyes.
“Jasper! Don’t do this!” Demetri rushed over to calm him down, she grabbed his face to get him to focus on her and relax a bit. “Shhh, shhh.”
“Bellamy, they’re here!” Roma’s friend, Monroe, backed up into Demetri. She held a spear out in front of her with shaking hands.
They readied to fight with weapons in hand, backs covered by the others. They were easily outnumber 5 to 11 and the odds of them making it back to camp were slim. Demetri had just come to the conclusion that she’d take as many grounders down with her when her thoughts were interrupted. A loud horn sounded from far off in the distance once. The kids watched the grounders freeze, they listened to the horn blow a second time, and then the Grounders just disappeared back into the forest.
“What was that?” Demetri asked shakily, her hands aching from her grip on her axe.
“That’s a warning.” Finn started to wrestle something out of his backpack, the noise loud in all their ears.
“For what?” Bellamy kept an eye out around them.
“Acid fog.” Finn shook out an intact tent and motioned for everyone to get inside. “Get in, quickly.”
Demetri was wedged between Finn and Bellamy as they tucked themselves inside the tent, sealing the only opening by tucking the material under their hands and holding the opening closed, hoping it worked. And if it didn’t they’d all die much like Atom had. After a few minutes of lying there Jasper spoke up.
“How long do have to wait?” He was the other end piece, his knuckles were white from how tightly he was holding the tarp together.
“Will this even work?” Roma inquired, looking from Jasper to Finn.
Finn didn’t get the chance to answer them because Bellamy let out a short breath through his nose and threw the top of the tent back. They saw there was nothing around them, no fog. He did notice someone running away in the distance. A lone Grounder retreating.
“There.” Bellamy pointed. “He’s alone. I’m gonna follow him.” Bellamy jumped up, not waiting for anyone else.
“And what? Kill him?” Finn asked, already standing, starting to roll the tent up messily.
“No, catch him. He may know where Octavia is.” Bellamy called back a few feet away. “Then kill him.”
“Bellamy, we’re not killing him.” Demetri groaned as she jumped up to follow Bellamy.
“How do we know we’re not being lead to another trap?” Jasper whispered as he stood up.
“We don’t Jasper, let’s go.” Finn shoved the tent back into his backpack and followed his stupid friends with Roma and Jasper a step behind him.
They followed the Grounder until he disappeared into a small cave. As the group followed them they discovered a little cave system. They tried to keep up with the Grounder but he moved quickly and quietly, barely making a sound. They snuck in after him in single file because of the small spaces of the route he had taken. They stayed far enough back to not make any noise or get caught. When they came up to the mouth of the larger, main area of the cave Bellamy held everyone back as he crept forward, trying to get an idea of the situation. There was what sounded like a scuffle a few feet ahead and Bellamy bolted towards the noise. Demetri stayed a step behind him, axe at the ready. Bellamy made it to the large open area first to see Octavia chained to a wall and the Grounder they had followed on the ground, not moving. In the moment, his heart swelled so much he thought it was going to burst. He felt his breath leave his body when Octavia’s frightened eyes landed on her brother and a small smile broke out and tears gathered in her eyes.
“Bellamy?” Her voice cracked.
“Octavia!” Bellamy rushed towards Octavia and helped her unlock the chains as Demetri and Finn looked around the cave. “Roma, watch the entrance.”
The moment Octavia’s hands were free she flew to Bellamy wrapping him up in a hug, tears falling from her eyes. Bellamy held her tightly to him, the fear of almost losing her making his chest hurt. Octavia let go of Bellamy and rushed to hug Jasper than Demetri. She had never felt more loved in that moment to know they’d all came looking for her, but it faded quickly as she came back to the situation at hand.
“We need to go, before he wakes up.” Octavia had already moved towards the way her friends had came from, ready to lead them back out of the cave.
“He won’t wake up.” Bellamy grabbed a metal spear from the wall and stepped towards the grounder.
“Bellamy, stop.” Octavia gasped. “He didn’t hurt me.” She stood in front of Bellamy, hands up to keep her brother at bay.
“Bellamy, you’re not killing him.” Demetri repeated herself, loudly enough for her voice to bounce around the cave.
Finn crouched down to look at the man on the ground. He was buff, covered in tattoos and furs, and could probably easily kill everyone in the cave in a minute flat. There was a horn on his hip that caught Finn’s attention, when he mumbled something about it Demetri also noticed it. Finn’s hand started to move towards the horn.
“Finn, mo-” Bellamy started.
The grounder moved as fast as a heartbeat. He stabbed a small knife into Finn’s chest and had knocked Bellamy onto his back before anyone realized he was awake. Bellamy jumped to his feet and rushed the Grounder, aiming the spear at the Grounder’s chest. Octavia dropped down to help Finn and Demetri moved to help Bellamy. She tried to tackle the Grounder and knock him off balance but he just brought his elbow down on her back and knocked Demetri to the ground with a thud. In the next moment, the Grounder had knocked Bellamy to the ground again and had the head of the spear inches above his throat. Demetri’s head jerked over to watch Bellamy struggle at holding the spear just behind the head, trying to keep it from piercing his throat. She scrambled over. Demetri just started wailing on the grounded, hitting his legs and abdomen as much as she could. It wasn’t doing anything because the Grounder just used his foot and punted Demetri back a few feet. The fight left the grounder when Jasper popped up behind him and hit him in the back of the head with his own spear. The Grounder hit the ground and Bellamy scrambled to use the chains that had one been around Octavia’s wrists on him. Once the grounder was unconscious and chained up, Jasper fell to his knees beside Finn. A new wave of panic swept over the group and they quickly fell into a new kind of disorganized chaos as they scrambled out of the cave and towards camp with a now going unconscious and losing blood, Finn.
They moved quickly as Demetri ran forward supporting Octavia, who had injured her ankle, yelling for Clarke the closer they got to camp. It felt like since they landed all they did was run, but now was not the time to complain about it. Demetri tightened her grip around Octavia’s waist and pushed on as Octavia limped along at her side.
“Clarke! Get out here!” Demetri called, after a guy named Miller, the gate opened for them. “Clarke?” Her voice was tired and strained.
The familiar blonde head bounded down towards the gate to find Demetri and Octavia both out of breath. Clarke was happy they had found Octavia and approached them with a warm smile. Then Clarke noticed the wild look in Demetri’s eyes and it caused a sinking feeling in her chest.
“What is it Demi?” Her voice cracked a bit.
“Finn.” Demetri gasped. “Finn needs help.”
Clarke looked up to see Bellamy and Jasper carrying Finn into the camp very carefully with a small knife sticking out of his chest and some cloth wrapped around the blade. She rushed to him as some of the guys took Finn from Bellamy and Jasper and held him horizontal to the ground. Demetri barely noticed Roma entering camp after them, watching their backs before she rushed to check in with someone. Demetri saw Raven leaving the dropship about this time, no doubt perking up at hearing Finn’s name earlier.
“He’s alive.” She said after checking his pulse. “Get him into the dropship. Good call leaving the knife in or he would have bled out.” Clarke’s voice shook a bit as she instructed them to move Finn.
“Good call Blake.” Demetri nudged Bellamy, trying to slow her racing heart.
“Can you save him?” Raven rushed up to Clarke fighting tears when she saw the knife sticking out of Finn.
“My mom can, I need to talk to her Raven.” Demetri was worried about having the supplies Clarke would need to help him, they didn’t exactly have access to a medbay or anything down here.
“But the radio--” Raven stuttered, unable to see or think of anything that wasn’t Finn in that moment. “I need more time.”
“Raven, fix it.” Clarke spoke calmly. “I know you can do this.” Raven just nodded, she took off towards the dropship to get back to what she had been working on.
“Are you okay Octavia?” Clarke turned to her, giving her a quick once over.
“Yea, worry about Finn right now.” Octavia straightened her back and stepped away from Demetri after thanking her.
As Clarke took off towards the dropship, Bellamy turned towards his sister wearing a stern look only a brother would have on his face. Demetri felt the tension rise around the siblings, she watched everyone else quickly leave the immediate area. She wanted to give them their space too, but she couldn’t move from her spot. Something inside told her to stay and it overpowered everything else telling her to leave.
“Why did you defend him?” Bellamy growled.
“Bell, he saved my life. That spear meant for Roma was--” Octavia started, ready to explain.
“O, he could have saved your life only to use you as bait later!” Bellamy’s eyes were huge as he stared at his sister, the fear from earlier bubbling up.
“Bellamy, calm down.” Demetri took a tentative step forward, she learned early on that both of the Blakes were hot-headed and things could easily get blown out of proportion.
“Stay out of this Demetri.” He growled.
“I don’t think he wou--” Octavia started, getting Bellamy’s attention back on her.
“That’s your problem, you don’t think! We lost three people today looking for you. And if you had let me kill him, Finn wouldn’t be in there dying.” Bellamy barked, he had taken a step closer to Octavia and stared down at her.
“Stop blaming me for your mistakes Bellamy.” Demetri watched Octavia step up to her brother, a hateful look in her eyes. “I wanted to leave, if Finn dies that’s on you. Everything that’s gone wrong is because of you.” Octavia growled, she pushed against his chest. “You got me locked up, you wanted me to go to that dumb dance, you got mom killed.” This was about more than just what happened, that much was clear.
Demetri gaped at Octavia, she’d never seen the younger girl so angry. There were the times that Demetri worried about them, when both of them were angry for different reasons. But this was family matters, these were real personal matters between the Blake siblings she felt she had no say in. But she also felt that if she didn’t step in, things would blow out of proportion and someone could get seriously hurt. Demetri’s hand started to reach for Bellamy but stopped and jerked back to tug at her bottom lip as she watched them continue.
“Me?” Bellamy sniffled, “Mom got floated for having you. That was her choice, I never had one. My life ended the day you were born.” Bellamy’s voice was empty as he stared coldly down at Octavia.
“Bellamy.” Demetri’s voice was quiet, she wanted to help, she wanted to stop the fighting but she didn’t know how.
Octavia let out a humorless, dry laugh as she glared up at Bellamy. She spun on her heels and went to walk out of camp before Bellamy grabbed her arm and yanked her back over the barrier. Demetri watched Octavia rip her arm from his grasp and trudge off into camp somewhere, heading in the direction of the dropship. Demetri approached Bellamy carefully, she watched his face with every move she made. He didn’t shrug her off when she placed her hand on his shoulder. Bellamy looked up from the ground to see a member of the 100 still outside the wall.
“Get inside, go!” The kid scurried past Bellamy, sparing Demetri a look before he darted off somewhere into camp much like Octavia had.
“I wish I knew what to say Bell.” Demetri started, watching him close the gate and lean his head against it.
“Just let me have a moment?” He asked, looking up at Demetri she saw the unshed tears in his eyes.
Demetri nodded and Bellamy closed the gap between their bodies and wrapped his arms around her. She felt his shakily breathing, his bones rattled as he held her tight enough to keep himself together. Demetri wrapped her arms around his neck hiding him away from the world, letting him have a few moments of solace alone. His hot breath warmed her neck as he stood there, head down in the space between her shoulder and neck. Goosebumps rose over her skin as his breath tickled her neck and sent chills rippling through her body. He took a few deep breaths and got to a place where he was much calmer.
“Why do I feel so safe around you?” He asked the air, letting Demetri’s soft hands bring him to a place of peace.
“I should ask you the same thing.” She teased, playing with his hair.
“I don’t have an answer for you sweetheart.”
“Neither do I.” She gave him one last squeeze before pushing his head back a bit. “Let’s go see if we can be any help?”
“Sure.” Bellamy nodded, wanting to feel close to Demetri a little longer he held her hand as they walked towards the dropship. When they’re outside the door he stopped. “I’ll be back shortly okay, you go help. I need to do something.”
“Sure, be careful.” Demetri gave his hand a squeeze before he ran off, she hoped he wouldn’t do anything reckless.
Demetri got to the dropship in time to hear a voice coming from the radio, a voice Demetri knew well. Abby Griffin’s voice echoed through the radio. Clarke relayed the important information to those on the Ark, those around knew that at least Abby and Jaha were listening but Demetri knew Kane was there too. She waited until the news about Wells was passed on before she stepped forward and offered her hands to help Clarke. Octavia ran back into the dropship with a thermos of Monty’s moonshine as the signal started going in and out. Demetri watched Raven climb down from the top level with a needle and she handed it to Clarke probably to sew Finn’s wound shut. The oncoming storm had left the surrounding area drenched in rain and as the radio signal went in and out again, Clarke and Raven visibly got more anxious. Clarke made the call to shut the dropship doors just as Bellamy showed back up, soaked through to the bone, with Monty and Jasper dumping the grounder from before on the floor.
“What the hell is this Bellamy?” Octavia drops from the second rung of the ladder. “Revenge?”
“Intel.” He corrects her. “We’re getting answers. Get him upstairs.”
“This isn’t who we are.” Clarke turns to Bellamy, ignoring her mom’s voice for the moment.
“It is now.” Bellamy looks between Clarke and Demetri, his gaze focusing on the radio setup for a moment.
“Demi, go with them. Me and Raven can take care of Finn.”
Demetri nodded and followed Bellamy and two guys, Miller and Johnson, up the ladder much to Bellamy’s displeasure. She crawled up to the top of the dropship and settled in a spot back by the wall. She wouldn’t interfere unless she had too, because she was honestly curious as hell. The grounder started to wake up as Octavia’s popped up through the hatch. Both Demetri and Bellamy watched the way the grounder reacted to seeing Octavia before him.
“Octavia, get out of here.” Bellamy turned to his sister.
“He was protecting me, you don’t have to do this.” She almost begged.
“This isn’t about you. I’m doing this for all of us. We need to know what we’re up against, how many there are, and why they’re killing us. And he’s gonna tell us.” Bellamy turned towards the Grounder who was strung up before them on his knees.
“Bellamy, no, don’t!” Octavia started fighting against Miller as he moved to stop her.
“Get her out of here.” Bellamy’s focus didn’t leave the grounder.
“Don’t touch me.” Octavia shoved Miller away, she sent Demetri a knowing look. “I don’t think he’ll even understand you.” She said before she started down the ladder.
“Oh I think he will.” Demetri saw the look in Bellamy’s eyes as he approached the Grounder.
Demetri stepped forward, side stepping Miller and Johnson who were making sure Octavia went down the ladder. She stopped beside Bellamy eyes on him before he looked away from the Grounder at her.
“Don’t do anything stupid Bellamy.” Demetri grabbed his arm.
“I won’t.” Bellamy glanced away from her. “I won’t.” He repeated to try and reassure her. “Go check out his stuff okay?”
Demetri nodded as she went over to his bag and started poking through it carefully. She noticed the Grounder looking at her rather than Bellamy. As Bellamy started asking basic questions, his eyes would go back to Bellamy for a brief moment before drifting back to Demetri. She slowly pulled things out, a cloak, a few daggers and knives all that seemed to be handmade, a metal tin full of tiny glass bottles full of various things, a notebook.
The Grounder showed a reaction when Demetri opened the notebook and Bellamy spun around to see what caused the only reaction he’d given them. He took the notebook from Demetri and started flipping through the pages. There were a lot of sketches, like those Demetri drew and one of the last ones resembled Octavia quite a bit. The look Bellamy shot the Grounder could have put him six feet under. He kept flipping before he found a page marked by a single black feather. The left side of the spread was a rough sketch of the front of their wall, and the right had 102 tick marks, with a few crossed out.
“Our camp. I bet if I counted those marks crossed out it’d match the 10 we’ve lost. You’ve been watching us since we landed haven’t you.” Demetri perked up at that.
That time, after saving Jasper and the leopard, someone was watching them. It was like the Grounder knew that Demetri had connected the dots as he stared right at her. He had been watching them, and he knew that Demetri had noticed him at least once. He had known right away he had to be careful of her, she seemed to see everything. Bellamy continued to flip through the pages standing right in front of the Grounder who was still focused Demetri, when the hatch opened and Clarke stepped up into the room.
“Let her through.” Bellamy commanded Johnson, who went to stop her, and he stepped aside.
Before Clarke could talk there was loud clap of thunder outside and the dropship shook. Demetri imagined something might have hit the side of the ship with the way it jerked around. Those up on the Ark had told them a hurricane was working its way over where they had landed. Since Bellamy had gotten back with the Grounder there had been little bumps into the dropship, but nothing as big as what just shook them. Demetri didn’t care much for storms, while they were new to experience here on Earth, they seemed dangerous and scary and lately she was not fond of that combination.
“If they don’t hate us, they will now.” Clarke muttered, glaring at Bellamy for a moment.
Demetri watched Bellamy drag Clarke away by her wrist. She stayed by the grounder, trying to speak to him with just eyes. She watched him react to what the pair a few feet away were talking about. He looked up when they talked about him, looked away when they mentioned his people. The smallest reactions told Demetri what she needed to know. Just when she was putting the pieces together she noticed he was watching her now. It wasn’t anything other than the grounder just observing her, reading her movements like she was reading his earlier. Everyone’s attention jerked to the open hatch when Raven yelled for Clarke, telling them Finn was seizing. Clarke rushed down the ladder without a second thought. His attention turned to the still silent grounder as Bellamy moved towards the him. His glare changed when he saw the way the grounder was looking Demetri, it was a look of intrigue and interest. He pushed Demetri back by her shoulder before stepping between them, feeling protective of the young woman. The grounder’s eyes moved from Demetri to Bellamy calmly, in no rush or panic.
Before anything could happen there was pounding on the hatch again and Clarke started yelling. Miller let her up and she stormed straight up to the grounder, the knife from Finn’s chest in hand.
“What’s on the blade? Is there an antidote?” She was frantic, eye pleading with the man before her.
“What’s going on?” Demetri stepped around Bellamy and up to Clarke’s side, ready to step in in things got too chaotic.
“He poisoned the blade. He knew Finn would die no matter what we did.” Clarke waved the knife around in front of the grounder’s face, who seemed completely unfazed.
“He doesn’t understand you.” Octavia tried to calm Clarke down, Demetri believed otherwise but she had realized he wouldn’t talk if he didn’t want to.
“The vials.” Bellamy rushed to pull the metal tin Demetri had found over to the grounder and Clarke as Demetri mentioned them.
Clarke dropped the knife and started eying the little glass bottles. She was getting more frantic as she asked which one could help Finn and the grounder just stared at her. Things were going nowhere fast. Bellamy stepped forward with a fire in his eyes.
“No Bellamy.” Demetri grabbed his arm firmly, “We’re not doing it like this.”
“If we don’t find out which is the antidote, Finn dies. Do you want that?” Bellamy faced Demetri. “Every life matters down here.” He threw her words back at her, watching her face scrunch up in displeasure.
“Of course not.” She replied, watching him. “But beating someone into submission? Torture? Is that a bridge you want to cross because you might not come back.” Demetri held onto his arm tightly, pleading with her eyes for Bellamy to think about this.
“What about you Clarke?” Bellamy turned to the blonde off to the side, who was waiting. “Do you want Finn to die?” Demetri knew what she’d say, hell Bellamy knew what Clarke would say. He just needed someone to back him up, or else he wouldn’t be able to do what he was about to do.
“Do it.” She gave him the green light.
The guys dragged Octavia back as she cried and yelled at them, till she was far enough away. Clarke stepped aside with the tin in her hands as Bellamy moved away from Demetri and towards the side of the ship. He cut a seatbelt at the base of the chair so the metal buckle could be used. Demetri watched in silent trepidation as Bellamy cut through the grounder’s shirt and ripped it from his body. With his eyes Bellamy apologized to Demetri for doing this, he begged for her understanding. Bellamy didn’t want to do this, but to save Finn he had to.
Then he swung the makeshift whip, the buckle making contact with the grounder’s stomach with a meaty thud. Everyone in the room flinched. Bellamy steeled his nerves and hit him again. Demetri looked away as Clarke dropped to her knees and dumped the vials out before the grounder. The grounder only stared hard at Bellamy, never sparing Clarke even a flicker of a glance.
“Please, which one?” Tears ran down her cheeks as she lifted vial after vial, looking at the grounder for anything.
When he didn’t answer, Bellamy slowly pulled Clarke back so she wasn’t in the way. The Grounder looked at Octavia in the back crying and Demetri on the side with her mouth covered, trying to keep herself together. Bellamy started to swing at the grounder more and more until Demetri couldn’t take it anymore.
“Stop! Bellamy, stop! This isn’t helping!” Demetri shook as she begged him, “You’ll just kill him at this rate and then Finn dies too. Just stop!” Demetri ran to stand in front of Bellamy, making sure he stopped.
Bellamy looked at the way Demetri’s face contorted with fear, for Finn, for the grounder and he couldn’t do it anymore. He dropped the seat belt and Demetri sighed with relief but it was short lived. Bellamy ignored Clarke pleas to the Grounder and grabbed a piece of metal in a T-shape and shoved the long end through the grounder’s hand. Demetri watched as the grounder fought to keep quiet, wincing as the metal rod pierced straight through his palm. Raven busted through the hatch in more of a panic than Clarke had been. She looked around to see the pandemonium and after being told that the grounder wasn’t talking she went to jerk two wires from the wall. Demetri had never seen a more pure and raw fear in anyone’s eyes and it scared her.
“I’ll make him talk.” Raven’s voice shook. “I’ll show him something new.” She tugged on the wires again.
“Raven! No.” Demetri shoved her away from the wires as Raven started wrestling with her, trying to get free of Demetri’s solid hold on her. “We’re not doing this.”
“He’s all I have! He can’t die!” She sobbed, finally collapsing into Demetri’s arms. “Please, help Finn.”
Octavia was gasping for breath near the hatch when the knife Clark threw down earlier caught her eye. She picked it up and walked right up to the grounder. Before everyone in the room, including the Grounder who had saved her before, she sliced the blade down her arm leaving a long shallow cut in its wake. Her hands shook as she kneeled before the vials and pointed the knife at each one before he nodded at the one furthest to the right. As soon as Octavia got the confirmation needed she handed it off to Clarke. Demetri blinked and both Raven and Clarke were down the ladder to save Finn. Octavia just stared at the grounder with a look of awe and wonder.
Demetri rushed over with a clean cloth to wrap around Octavia’s arm after Raven was occupied with Finn downstairs. Demetri watched Octavia shrugged Bellamy off when he tried to check on her as she turned away from him and towards Demetri. He quickly masked the hurt on his face before he mumbled about going to check the storm damaged and he disappeared down the ladder. Demetri held tightly to Octavia’s arm before she sighed. One problem had been taken care of, she wondered how long until the next one came up.
“Thank you.” Demetri said quietly to the Grounder who nodded, just the tiniest bit then turned his attention back to Octavia. “Octavia, let Clarke go look at that, okay? And make sure you get some of the antidote. I’ll watch him.” Octavia nodded and she slowly descended the ladder after looking at the man tied up before her.
Demetri moved to get the tub of water and some cloth that had been brought up earlier, before kneeling in front of the grounder. She looked at the mess her people had created, the things they’d done to the man before her. She stood up again after a moment unsure of where to start as guilt riddled her chest.
“I guess the first thing to do is get this out of your hand.” Demetri carefully removed the metal rod Bellamy had shoved through his hand, watching his face as she pulled it out in hopes of not hurting him too much more.
She was shocked when the grounder didn’t resist. He let her clean the wound on his hand and wrap it with some clean bandages. He watched her clean the blood off his face and the blood that had trickled down to his chest. She was gentle, trying desperately to show him that they weren’t who was just beating him, they weren’t like that. He was watching her so closely she didn’t know what to think or say, she could feel his eyes on her.
“I’m sorry this happened.” She looked up at him and spoke quietly, aware of Miller who sat on the other side of the top level. “This isn’t who we are, this isn’t what we do. You saved Octavia and this is how we thank you.” Demetri laughed dryly. “I’m so sorry.”
“Thank you.” His voice was quiet and gravelly.
Demetri just stared at him, processing the two words he just spoke. Demetri knew he understood her, this changed things but she knew she couldn’t tell Bellamy or he’d lose his mind. Demetri gnawed on her lip as she tried to work out what to do when Octavia popped into the room a few moments later. She slowly approached them, her focus solely on the Grounder.
“I cleaned his hand, and wiped the blood from his face. There’s not much left to do but you can finish up if you want.” Demetri turned towards Octavia, she leant forward so Miller couldn’t hear, “He understands us, I’ll distract Miller so you can talk to him.” Demetri turned to Miller, “Hey, she needs clean water and I have to go help with the damage check since the storm’s over, help her for me.” Demetri smiled up at Miller, hoping the sweet smile would persuade him.
“I’m not supposed to leave him alone.” Miller’s eyes harden as he stared at the grounder, a deep hatred burned in them. “Bellamy’s orders.”
“It will take you thirty seconds Miller, I’ll take care of Bellamy if he says anything.” Demetri stood and crossed her arms over her chest.
Miller reluctantly nodded and went down the ladder before Demetri with the tub of bloodied water. She sent the two one last look, seeing a conversation being said with their eyes and smiled to herself. Demetri climbed down the ladder in search of something to do so she wasn’t completely lying to Miller. She hit the bottom floor in time to see Clarke wake a snoozing Raven because Finn had finally woken up and was doing much better.
She snuck past them and out of the dropship in search of a particular person. Bellamy was surveying the damage as some of the 100 were picking up camp in the wake of the storm. She stopped beside him with the metal rod resting heavy in her grasp. He looked down at her before the blood stained rod in her hand caught his eyes. It looked so out of place with her, a tool used for something gruesome in the hands of someone who was only trying to stop it all. He took it from her and gave Demetri a sad look when they locked eyes.
“Demetri, who we are and who we need be to survive are totally different things.”
“What happens when they overlap Bellamy? You know that wasn’t who you are, I know that wasn’t who you are, but what about everyone else? What about Octavia?” Demetri stopped herself when she saw the pain flash through Bellamy’s tired eyes. “We can’t hold him here forever.” Demetri changed directions.
“We’ll figure something out.” He assured her, mostly speaking to himself. “C’mon, let’s help clean up.” Bellamy quickly ended the conversation because he would not have any answers to any of  Demetri’s questions. With the grounder just a little while ago he acted on instinct and nothing else, and he couldn’t explain any of what he had done. He guided her towards a pile of mess with a hand on the small of her back, hoping desperately that things would start to look up soon.
They worked in silence at first, moving stuff broken from the storm to one pile and moving stuff still intact to another. Demetri was being incredibly obvious that she was stealing looks at Bellamy, a lot had happened in the last few hours and she was worried about the older male. Normally, Demetri wouldn’t pry about something because she hated sharing about herself and hated it even more when people asked too many questions, but the argument between Bellamy and Octavia before really stuck to the front of her mind. She couldn’t get the words they had thrown at each other out of her head. When the Blake siblings had separated they both looked equally distraught and hurt by the other. She gnawed on lip as she thought about what to do, if she should do anything as she cleaned up. Bellamy finally told everyone to take a break and Demetri figured it was now or never, when she tentatively tugged on his arm.
“Wait here for a minute.” Bellamy nodded curious about her change in demeanor, Demetri ran off to get their canteens and walked back to Bellamy who sat up on a pile of logs waiting for her. “Here.” She handed his canteen over and smiled.
“Thanks.” Bellamy took a few gulps before he turned to Demetri. “What is it? You have that look on your face.”
“What look?” Demetri’s hand moved up to her cheek, like she could figure it out.
“The look that tells me you want to say something but you’re not sure about it.” Bellamy took another sip and watched Demetri’s face contort into one of slight shock. “You’re not the only one observing things.” Bellamy enjoyed the way Demetri’s cheeks tinged pink.
“Fair enough. But you’re not gonna like it.” She warned, not looking at him.
“If you haven’t noticed,” Bellamy turned away from her as he cleared his throat, “I can’t stay mad at you for long.” Demetri tugged on Bellamy’s red ear.
“Hide your face all you want, your ears give you away.” Demetri giggled, enjoying how his face was a deep red when he turned back around.
“Go on with your question sweetheart.” The pet name still caused Demetri to wrinkle her nose at him.
“When you were arguing with Octavia, both of you said a lot of things. I had a question about that.”
“I figured as much, I’ve been waiting for you to ask about me.” Bellamy was a lot more calm than Demetri thought he’d be. “How about I give you the abridged version and when we’re not waiting to die I’ll tell you again in more detail?” He watched the way Demetri’s brows furrowed in thought.
“Whatever your comfortable with Bellamy, I don’t want to force anything out of you.” Demetri peeked at Bellamy to see him looking way too relaxed as he leant back against the log behind him, watching her.
“I’m relieved your asking about me, I thought you hated me after what happened in my tent.” Bellamy watched Demetri’s face flush.
“I don’t hate you, I was just surprised.” Demetri cleared her throat, “Tell me about yourself first, whatever it is you wanted to share. Then we’ll talk about that.” Bellamy nodded, then took a deep breath.
“I wasn’t very old when my mom had Octavia, she had her in our room. I didn’t understand at the time why having a second kid was so bad, it made no sense why we had to keep O a secret but we did. Mom, she did what she needed to do to know about surprise inspections ahead of time and things of the like.” Demetri watched Bellamy’s hand squeeze into a fist, she used hers to loosen it and one of her hands held his. “You know the solar flare masquerades? I thought it would be the perfect time to let Octavia out of the room, so she could see the Ark for the first time after 16 years spent locked in our room. I hated having to help mom keep her there. No one should have to live like that. But I messed up, I wasn’t able to protect her. Even though my cadet unit was watching over the dance I wasn’t able to protect my little sister. The guards found out Octavia didn’t have an ID card, then they found out what my mom had done.” Bellamy sighed, his eyes focusing on Demetri’s hand in his. “Mom was floated for breaking the law and Octavia was locked up all on the same day. I keep thinking if I hadn’t come up with that stupid idea we’d still be living in that room together right now.”
“But you freed her.” Demetri turned her attention to the clear blue sky above them. “She’s no longer living in a hole in the floor of the Ark, she’s alive on Earth. Your mother made the choice to keep Octavia and she put a lot of pressure on you but she knew what she was doing.” Demetri locked eyes with Bellamy for a moment, “You’re a good brother, Bellamy. Octavia is lucky to have you looking out for her, even though you’re a little overbearing.” Demetri grinned at him, hoping he’d smile back.
“I fell right into his hands though, he knew I’d risk my life so I could keep an eye on Octavia.” He looked down at his boots. “Shumway knew exactly what to say to get me to do his dirty work.” Bellamy’s glare could have pierced the earth below his feet.
“Commander Shumway?” Demetri knew that name and the rumors surrounding him. “He’s one of the few people who have followed Kane his whole time in office. He’s been conspiring with Guards in the skybox for months.”
“What do you mean?”
“The Guards talked a lot around the solitary cells knowing we had no one to talk to and no one would believe us. They planned to stage something but they never used names. Maybe that’s what it was. Maybe they needed someone to take the fall for the plan.” Demetri perked up. “We can trade this information for your immunity.”
“What?” Bellamy turned to Demetri with wide eyes.
“We trade the name of who wanted Jaha dead for your being pardoned for your crimes. You were coerced into it Bellamy, they preyed on your devotion to your sister.” Demetri nodded along as she talked.
“They’ll never go for it.” Bellamy brushed off the idea, preferring be realistic versus hopeful but Demetri preferred the latter.
“You don’t realize who it is you’re talking to, that’s cute.” Demetri teased as she squeezed his hand.
Bellamy watched the determined look pass through her face before it was replaced with a more solemn look. Demetri sat her canteen on the ground beside her backpack before she let go of Bellamy’s hand and pulled a notebook out of her backpack. Bellamy watched quietly as Demetri opened her notebook and pulled an envelope from the blank pages and held it out before her. She didn’t know why talking to Bellamy about his mom made her think of her dad, maybe it’s because it deals with parents but her chest felt heavy. Demetri felt entirely too comfortable around Bellamy and found herself wanting to trust him with more about herself. She wanted to open her heart up to him even if it could come back to bite her later.
“We’re a lot alike.” Demetri turned the envelope around in her hands as she talked. “Just trying to protect those we care about, to protect people in general but we manage to fall short.” She paused, “This is the last thing my dad left me. It was given to me just before we were sent down here, the person who gave it to me had held onto it for over a decade because he didn’t think I could understand the situation.”
“What happened Demetri?” Bellamy gave her knee a squeeze, sensing she wanted him to ask.
“I think this letter will probably fill in a lot the blanks I have, but what I know is that he took his own life. I came home after walking back with Clarke after class to find my dad hanging in the middle of our room.” Demetri zoned out as she spoke, unaware of Bellamy’s hand on her knee. “I just ran back to Clarke’s place, I was crying when Abby opened the door. When she went with me to check on him she noticed he had used enough morphine to kill three people. I guess the wire around his neck was an extra measure.” She laughed dryly. “Instead of just sending him off, he was floated for theft of medical supplies. I’m sure if I hadn’t been so young I could have taken the fall for his crimes.”
“I’m sorry Demetri.” Bellamy’s voice pulled Demetri back. She suddenly felt bad for oversharing, like she shouldn’t have said anything at all.
“It’s all in the past.” Demetri shrugged, “I’ve worked through a lot of issues in my time in the skybox. For a long time I thought it was my fault that maybe I’d done something that pushed him over the edge, but I always knew in the back of my mind that he wasn’t in a good headspace. I couldn’t have helped him no matter what I did. So, he left me.” She couldn’t stop the words as they tumbled out, the comfortable feeling Bellamy gave her made her spill all her secrets.
Silence surrounded them as if they were in a bubble. They still heard the outside noises, the other kids just on the other side of the piles of rubble and the birds in the trees. But they were swallowed in the silence that followed their heavy conversation. Each of them letting the other’s story sink into their bodies and take root in their bones. Demetri was just about to apologize for making the mood so dark when Bellamy opened his mouth first.
“You promised me a few days ago that you’d always be by my side.” Bellamy pulled her face towards him by cupping her cheek. “I feel like I should be the one to promise that to you. I can’t even imagine having to try and understand all that happening when you were so young. This makes things about you more understandable. You stick to Clarke because she’s all you know and you always run away when I’ve tried to get close to you.” Demetri wouldn’t look at Bellamy as he pieced her together, as he started to figure her out. “Will you give me a chance to prove to you that I won’t leave? Will you let me in?”
“I can’t make any promises, but I can try.” Demetri answered him after a minute.
“That’s enough for me, because your trust right now is already a big step.”
“Okay.” Demetri sighed, “Can this serious moment be over? I can’t take it anymore.” She grinned at Bellamy, who could only shake the disbelief away. A weight having been lifted from both of their chests after opening the closet and clearing away some skeletons. A weird calm feeling settling between the pair.
“As long as you don’t run away next time I kiss you.” Demetri’s eyes snapped over to Bellamy to see the coy smile on his lips.
“I guess I can make that promise.” Demetri feigned surrender, trying to hide her warm cheeks.
Bellamy’s smile made Demetri’s thumping heart settle. She knew he was going to kiss her, he wouldn’t have made her promise to not run if he wasn’t going to make a move. In the next moment Bellamy’s lips were on her’s again. This kiss was slow and rather short compared to the last time they found themselves in a similar position. Bellamy didn’t want to scare Demetri away like before so he settled for one simple kiss. He was delightfully surprised when Demetri grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back to her for another kiss, this one a little more satisfying for both parties.
“Thank you for telling me about yourself, I promise it won’t change anything between us.” Bellamy’s forehead was pressed against Demetri’s, the words passing in a whisper.
“I hope it changes one thing between us.” Demetri rolled her eyes, “Clarke and Octavia already think there’s something going on here. I’m sure the rest of the camp has their own ideas about us.” Demetri hid her face in Bellamy’s neck for a moment.
“Let them. We’ll take things slow and let them think what they want.”
Demetri nodded. She put the envelope back in her notebook and went to put it in her backpack when Bellamy stopped her. He saw the hesitation when she put the letter in her notebook and he wanted to encourage her like she always encouraged him.
“You should read it.”
“I will, but it doesn’t feel right right now.” Demetri shoved the notebook into her backpack and zipped it up before shouldering it. “We’ve got more important things to deal with right now. Once things have slowed down I will.” She paused, before looking up at Bellamy. “Can you be with me when I do?”
“Of course. I just don’t know when things will slow down Demetri.”
“We won’t be running a marathon every day.” Demetri looked away from Bellamy. “And you’re probably on Demi level now.”
“Hm, I prefer Sweetheart.” Bellamy smirked.
“Moment definitely over.” She jumped up and headed back towards people trying to fight back a smirk.
“You said you wouldn’t run away!” Bellamy chuckled.
“You didn’t kiss me just then!” Demetri replied, only to blush after realizing what she had said so loudly.
Bellamy stood, shouldered his bag, and followed after her. The smile he saved only for her felt like a permanent addition to his face. He knew now that no matter what obstacle he faced, if Demetri was by his side, he would be okay. The sense of security she gave him was indescribable to anything he has ever felt.
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commanderfrost · 8 years
Tournament Report: 2017 X-Wing Regional - Connecticut
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We made the 2 hour trek down to Newington Connecticut for our second X-Wing Regional of the season. There were a ton of great players in the building, and I was happy to see so many of our New England X-Wing shirts being worn with pride. After registration, they announced that we had 93 Players, this meant we would have 6 Swiss Rounds with a cut to Top 16. 
I am flying Triple Defenders with Swarm Leader
Triple Defenders (Swarm Leader)
100 points
Delta Squadron Pilot (28)
TIE Defender (30), TIE/x7 (-2)
Countess Ryad (36)
TIE Defender (34), Push the Limit (3), TIE/x7 (-2), Twin Ion Engine Mk. II (1)
Colonel Vessery (36) 
TIE Defender (35), Swarm Leader (3), TIE/x7 (-2)
Round 1 vs Matt K. - NYC X-Wing
I am excited when I see Matt putting his list on the table, as it appears to be one that I was testing for a while. I ask him about it and find that it is only one card off - he swapped in C-3PO instead of Recon Specialist for Miranda.
Expertise Rey
100 points
Rey (62)
YT-1300 (45), Expertise (4), Finn (5), Kanan Jarrus (3), Millennium Falcon (Segnor's Loop Version) (1), Engine Upgrade (4)
Miranda Doni (38)
K-Wing (29), Twin Laser Turret (6), C-3PO (3)
My testing with this list paid off in this game. I was able to get the jump on Rey and get her off the board in two rounds of shooting, while avoiding that nasty front arc of hers. Miranda proved to be tougher to catch, but thanks to multiple SLAM's to stay out of arc, I avoided a lot of combat rounds as well. I eventually catch her for the 100-0 win. A strong start against a good player. Win 100-0
Record 1-0
Round 2 vs Ray L. - Top cut finisher at the last BG Regional.
Ray and I got to know each other a bit at the last regional we hosted, and it was nice to see him again. A strong player with a strong list. He is running HOTCOP RAC with Vader
HOTCOP RAC with Vader
100 points
Darth Vader (37)
TIE Advanced (29), TIE/x1 (0), Proton Rockets (3), Adaptability (0), Engine Upgrade (4), Advanced Targeting Computer (1)
Rear Admiral Chiraneau (63)
VT-49 Decimator (46), Veteran Instincts (1), Hotshot Co-pilot (4), Emperor Palpatine (8), Engine Upgrade (4)
Ray sets up semi-mid field across from me, and I am in the corner with all three Defenders. I advance slowly, and he comes roaring out of the gates at me! I was surprised. I am able to get a lot of damage into RAC on the first round of shooting, including two vital crits - white maneuvers that give him stress, and all hard turns are red. This really limited what he was going to do. He was diving into the rocks, where Vader has the advantage, so I turned away from combat to regroup. He seemed surprised by this and really came after all three Defenders with Vader - I do some damage, and we disengage. I get the Decimator off the board the next round, but Vader proves to be a tough customer, putting a lot of damage into my guys and taking my Delta off the board. I get Vader at the end for a 100-28 win. Win 100-28 Record 2-0
Round 3 vs Evan G.
I didn't know Evan previously, but he was a nice opponent. He was flying a list I flew for a long time: Palpatine with Inquisitor and Countess Ryad. He opted for the Sensor Jammer variety on the Shuttle instead of the Proton Rockets, which is mostly a style choice.
Palp Aces : Inq & Ryad
100 points
Countess Ryad (36)
TIE Defender (34), Push the Limit (3), TIE/x7 (-2), Twin Ion Engine Mk. II (1)
Omicron Group Pilot (33)
Lambda-Class Shuttle (21), Sensor Jammer (4), Emperor Palpatine (8)
The Inquisitor (31)
TIE Advanced Prototype (25), Push the Limit (3), TIE/v1 (1), Autothrusters (2)
Evan jousted with all three of his ships in formation on the left side of the board, which I do not believe was in his favor. I was able to circle around the back of the shuttle and take it off the board quickly, but he was able to get my Delta on the same turn. All of the dice went my way at this point and I was able to keep both of my remaining Defenders for a 100-28 win. Win 100-28 Record 3-0
Round 4 vs John D. - NYC X-Wing, finalist 2015 MA Regional, Winner 2016 NYC Regional
John is a very accomplished X-Wing player and a true class act. I am always glad when we get to meet up. I knew this would be a tough match regardless of what John brought with him, however he made it particularly difficult with Parattani - The Mind Link list.
This is identical to the list that (Local Player) Bob had been running with great success lately, and it has gained a lot of steam in the larger meta, winning several Regionals this season.
100 points
Fenn Rau (32)
Protectorate Starfighter (28), Attanni Mindlink (1), Concord Dawn Protector (1), Autothrusters (2)
Manaroo (28)
JumpMaster 5000 (27), Attanni Mindlink (1)
Asajj Ventress (40)
Lancer-class Pursuit Craft (37), Attanni Mindlink (1), Latts Razzi (2)
This was a tough loss for me. I was only able to get half points on Ventress, and not quite enough for half points on Manaroo. I learned a lot here, but I know this list is a bad matchup, and in the hands of a skilled player, it is even tougher. Loss 20-100. Loss 20-100 Record 3-1
Round 5 vs Brendan M. - Local Player
I met Brendan a few weeks ago when he came down to BG to get some practice games in. Great guy, and a strong player. Brendan is flying "Commonwealth Defenders" the Palpatine, Vessery, Ryad combo. It is a proven list for sure, and I’ll have my hands full.
Palp Defenders
100 points
Omicron Group Pilot (29)
Lambda-Class Shuttle (21), Collision Detector (0), Emperor Palpatine (8)
Countess Ryad (36)
TIE Defender (34), Push the Limit (3), TIE/x7 (-2), Twin Ion Engine Mk. II (1)
Colonel Vessery (35)
TIE Defender (35), Juke (2), TIE/x7 (-2)
This was a VERY tight game with a lot of back and forth. He got my Delta and my Ryad off the board, and I got his Palpatine and Vessery off the board. We tie at 74 points even - a Final Salvo! We each roll dice, and I am lucky enough to have one more hit than him in the end. The fist pump I did was pure emotion. Win 74-74 - Final Salvo Record 4-1
Round 6 vs Jason W. - CT X-Wing Player - He has come up to many of our BG events.
Jason is a great guy and a great player. I look over and see that he has three Defenders as well, and I am mildly surprised that we will have a mirror match. He wins the initiative bid and keeps it.
Mirror Universe!
100 points
Delta Squadron Pilot (28)
TIE Defender (30), TIE/x7 (-2)
Countess Ryad (36)
TIE Defender (34), Push the Limit (3), TIE/x7 (-2), Twin Ion Engine Mk. II (1)
Colonel Vessery (36)
TIE Defender (35), Swarm Leader (3), TIE/x7 (-2)
Another VERY tight game - lots of maneuvering, and lots of green dice that come up hot on both sides. We both take away one of the "Aces" He gets my Ryad, and I get his Vessery - time is called and we both have 36 points. - FINAL SALVO II - ELECTRIC BOOGALOO!! We both roll dice, and I once again have one more than my opponent! Incredible luck, and I know that it puts me into the final cut. I am overjoyed. Win 36-36 - Final Salvo Record 5-1
The day ends and they announce standings, I am so excited to see so many of the BG regulars in the top cut, besides myself, Dereck, Mike, and Parker all make it in. As well look at the standings we come to realize that Parker and I will meet in the first round of elimination.
Day 2
There are no bad players in the top cut. All of them have played in top cut matches previously and all of them have the skills to make it to the top. I look at the Bracket and see that John D. is in the next table, and the winner of his game will face the winner of my game with Parker.
RD1 elimination (Top 16) - Parker B. - Battleground Regular, Top Cut finisher at Danvers Regional
Parker is an incredible player, and he put a wallop on me at the Danvers Regional with essentially the same list. He has Zuckuss crew on his party bus, and I know NOT running into that all day at swiss is a big reason why I am here today. Manaroo, Contracted Scout, and Trandoshan Slaver coming up!
Parker's Torpedo Circus
100 points
Contracted Scout (31)
JumpMaster 5000 (25), Extra Munitions (2), Plasma Torpedoes (3), Attanni Mindlink (1), Guidance Chips (0)
Manaroo (35)
JumpMaster 5000 (27), Attanni Mindlink (1), Extra Munitions (2), Plasma Torpedoes (3), R4 Agromech (2), Guidance Chips (0)
Trandoshan Slaver (34)
YV-666 (29), 4-LOM (1), Zuckuss (1), Dengar (3)
I have my hands full with this match. I get a lot of damage into one of the scouts and he gets my Delta off of the table. I am lucky enough to get a good crit on the scout - Stunned Pilot - So that if he lands on any ship or obstacle he takes a damage. We slug it out for many more rounds, and Parkers dice just go on strike. The crit ends up mattering as time runs out. The scout ends up in a bad spot and has to land on a rock in the last turn, and he only has one hull remaining, killing the ship, and putting me ahead … by three points. In a game that could have gone either way, lady luck was on my side here.
After the game I look over to see John D. packing up after his game - he lost to Dengaroo, so our rematch will have to wait for another day.
RD2 elimination (Top 8) - Danny T. -  NYC X-Wing - Grim Brothers crew.
I had met Danny once before, but we have never played against each other previously. Dengaroo is typically a bad matchup for me, because of the Zuckuss crew. Danny has swapped things up though, and has included 4-LOM instead of Zuckuss and moved things around on Manaroo as well. He also went for an AGGRESSIVE bid at 95 points. ================ Dengaroo Variant ================ 95 points Pilots ------ Manaroo (41) JumpMaster 5000 (27), Push the Limit (3), “Gonk” (2), R5-P8 (3), Feedback Array (2), Engine Upgrade (4) Dengar (54) JumpMaster 5000 (33), Lone Wolf (2), 4-LOM (1), Overclocked R4 (1), Glitterstim (2), Punishing One (12), Counter-Measures (3)
This was a long game, and ultimately the reason I won was all of the practice I have gotten over the last several months with our local crew. Knowing how to deal with Dengar is 75% of the match. We meet up in the middle of the board, and I am able to get some quality shots onto Manaroo almost immediately, as he brought her right into the meat of things. Dengar plinked away at my Defenders, but my green dice were keeping me in the game. I take Manaroo off the board shortly after, but not before Vessery is taken down to one hull. There is a lot of time on the clock, and I know that if I shoot Dengar in-arc, I lose this game. So I run. For nearly 50 minutes. In what must have been a very frustrating game for my opponent, I avoided giving him any quality shots, and refused to shoot him in arc, which meant many, many turns of no attacks back from my side. Eventually time starts to run out, and I feel more comfortable - Manaroo is worth more points than one of my Defenders, so even if I lose one, I am OK. But I don’t, we squeak through to the end and shake hands. It was a mentally exhausting game. It is worth noting that I had some abnormally good Green Dice rolls here and he had some abnormally bad Red Dice rolls for about 50% of the game.
RD3 Elimination (Top 4) - Will D. - CT X-Wing Player. Made the top cut at the last BG Regional.
Will is a VERY good player, and we have faced off in the past. At the NYC Regional last year, I had to face Will to make the top cut. Will is flying Parattani, identical to John D’s list. =========
100 points
Fenn Rau (32)
Protectorate Starfighter (28), Attanni Mindlink (1), Concord Dawn Protector (1), Autothrusters (2)
Manaroo (28)
JumpMaster 5000 (27), Attanni Mindlink (1)
Asajj Ventress (40)
Lancer-class Pursuit Craft (37), Attanni Mindlink (1), Latts Razzi (2)
We place rocks and joke about how this will be an annual tradition of facing off once a year at a big event. Will sets up on the opposite corner from me and I start to set up a kill box for Fenn Rau - I want to get him off the board asap. I have a tremendous stroke of luck when Will lands Ventress on a debris field sending stress to all of his other ships. This left Fenn Rau without tokens. I am able to capitalize quickly, and take Fenn off the board in two turns with a monster Swarm Leader shot. I take Ventress off the board a few turns later and Will concedes. We will undoubtedly face off again in the future! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RD4 Elimination (Final Table) - Solomon L.
I had never met Solomon before, but I saw that he had beaten Jeremy Howard (national player, NOVA local) one round previously, so I know he is clearly very skilled. Solomon is playing Ketsu with two TLT Y-Wings. A simple build that is very strong - knock off all of your agility, and dump unmitigated damage into your ships. Strong, effective, scary.
============= Ketsu's Thugs ============= 100 points Pilots ------ Ketsu Onyo (50) Lancer-class Pursuit Craft (38), Expertise (4), Dengar (3), Burnout Slam (1), Black Market Slicer Tools (1), Shadow Caster (3) Syndicate Thug (25) Y-Wing (18), Twin Laser Turret (6), Unhinged Astromech (1)
Syndicate Thug (25) Y-Wing (18), Twin Laser Turret (6), Unhinged Astromech (1)
He sets up his ships across from mine on the right side of the field. I want to charge into Ketsu and get behind her quickly. I was surprised that he placed her there to my advantage. I scoot forward a bit to see if he commits to the joust, and he does. My follow up turn is all guns blazing into the fray. I immediately cripple one of the Y-Wings and follow up with a massive shot into Ketsu that sets the entire game in my favor. He is able to knock Vessery down to 1 agility with no tokens … and by some stroke of luck none of the TLT shots land. He got one hit per shot, and I rolled hot fire with that one little die. My survival there all but sealed the game. I looked at him and said “I don’t think I’m eligible for any Christmas presents after that” and he agreed. I flipped behind Ketsu, and finished her off, then took the crippled Y-Wing off the board. I had to chase the last Y-Wing for some time, but I eventually was able to set up a kill box that allowed for a monster Swarm Leader shot that ended the game. We shook hands. It was over.
From here on, it was kind of surreal. Lots of hugs and high-fives, and this disbelief that there wasn’t “one more game”. This was my first Regional win, and a highlight of my X-Wing “career”.  Thank you to everyone I played, you were all amazing opponents. I’ll see you at NOVA for Nationals!
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what if insurance quote
"what if insurance quote
what if insurance quote
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much would insurance on a v6 01-06 mustang be for a 16 year old boy?
i know MPG isnt that good but id have a good job. I make straight A's and i know that counts as something and then id be taking drivers ed.
Help European health insurance card?
my health insurance card has expired and i fly tomorrow? is this card important? if i get ill will they still treat me? and will my insurance company cover me still?
""What are all the expenses in owning your own SEMI TRUCK plus Trailer? I mean stuff like insurance, plates,?""
I mean stuff like insurance, plates, registration, gas, taxes? On average how much do these costs run? Please name all of them and how much they usually run. Details please, Thanks !""
Ahoy! im buying a car tomorrow and i cant drive it unless i get insurance.?
what is the cheapest car insurance for a first time driver 19 years old its an old Toyota Camry i believe 1989 or 1991. i got a ticket for driving without a license in Nov of last year? please any info is appreciated.
Classic car insurance.. 19 year old?
they dont seem to like me too much. is there anyway company or way that you know where i can insure a 41 year old vehicle at the age of 19 on my name, in ontario. i know there is a few companies, just dont know which ones. thanks""
""Average monthly cost of renter's insurance for an apartment in Galveston, TX?
I need to see if I can work it onto my budget
State farm insurance question?
does anyone know if state farm insurance plans accept Tria Orthepedic Center?
How much will car insurance be for me?
Im 18 and in college with a gpa of 3.5 or so. And i am driving a honda s2000 convertible. I live with my parents and have a clean record for everything. And i also took drivers ed
Cheapest 1st car possible?
For a 17 year old what car would bet the cheapest considering gas, insurance, and the actual price of the car.""
Insurance deductibles -- when to pay? (and other insurance questions)?
So I am no long part of an california HMO plan, so now I have to get insurance on my own. Problem is that I am making about $800 / month (part time work) while going to school full time. Both my parents are on government low-income plans, so I cant put them as primary policy holders while I get student rates. One question I have about deductibles is when to pay it? For example, a plan that has $1,500 deductible / $0 doctor visits, do I have to pay the full value of that office visit to the doctor? Or will I have to pay $1,500 straight out to the insurance company and then funds will be used accordingly? What about $1500 deductible / $30 co-pay doctor visits? If I pay $30 to the doctor, will this credit towards the deductible? Or will this plan only hit me with the deductible for $1500 when I go to the hospital? Or will the insurance company want it upfront? Final question is: for a 21 year old student that is about 5'7, 230 lbs, non smoker, rarely drinks, what do you think would be the correct rate? So far I am getting estimates of $60-300, depending how big of a deductible I want to put down. Actually, one quick question: opinions on Kaiser Permanente anyone? I know most people i've talked to complained about slow waits and etc, but i'm leaning towards it because of good coverage for the cost -- but is it really worth it? I know this is quite a lot to ask, so if you don't feel like answering, at least point me to an informative web site?""
17 year old auto insurance? new york?
okay so my parents don't drive...(my bro does tho...except he moved to LA for business for the next year :( ) so my parents want to get me a car...you know so i can chauffeur them places and stuff. thing is i'm 16 and i have a class DJ license (i was able to take the road test because i took drivers ed. ) i'll be 17 pretty soon and i'll have a regular class D license. So i wanted to know even thought my parents don't have licenses and don't drive can they legally buy me a car and auto insurance? please answer! can't find anything online! :)
The best car insurance company for a young driver?
Hey guys I'm 18 and about to get my first car and I've been notified that i need a car insurance before even buying a car from a car dealership. HELP! I've heard that young driver's insurance is more expensive than experienced driver's insurance, Is there a cheap car insurance for beginning drivers?""
Pitbike insurance where is the best place?
Im looking into getting a thumpstar road ripper 50cc for when im 16 very soon! and i'd like an insurance quote off the internet anybody know a good website?
Does PA or NJ have cheaper car insurance?
I'm wanting to know which state has cheaper car insurance. I have usaa. Does it vary state to state ?
What is the average cost to repair a lexus car dent?
I recently hit a lexus while i was backing out of a parking lot, there was a medium(not too big or small) dent on the drivers door....i dnt have insurance so what would be the average cost of the rapir. Tghe lady claimed she took her car to lexus to get an estimate and she told me it was going to cost $2000 because she needs a whole new car door (lying *****)....any way, do u think the lexus dealers would be bias of me not having insurance if she told them i dnt? could they be price gauging me?.....please someone answer me with hope!""
Car insurance...?
Ok I have 2 choices here! I have only been driving 6 months so I have 0 no claims. I have just been bought a car and to add it on my insurance policy it costs 60 on top on the 45 I pay a month..(105 a month) for 5 more months til i get my 1 year no claims or for 70 a month I cant start again with a different company . what to do? ....
How can I buy life insurance policy on people?
I have a friend at work that was telling me that here in Texas it is legal to buy a life insurance policy on anyone you want. He says when the person you have insurance on dies you get a lot of money. I was just wondering if anyone on here knows how this works? Do I need the persons permission or what information do I need from them? I was thinking of getting insurance on old people that live in a retirement home a block from where I live and get rich out of it. I know some of you will think I am sick but I wouldn't mind if someone had insurance on me when I am older. So how can I go about doing this and what information do I need on the person?
Car Insurance claim or private repair?
Hi I have accidently damaged another car parked in private car park. I have been touch with the owner who has very kindly agreed to get her car repaired and not to go through insurance but she is insisting to get it repaired from garage of her choice who are charging double the amount of original cost. My first question is do I still need to inform my insurance company even though I have not given her any of my details yet. I am happy to get it repaired rather then loosing 10 year no claim bonus. Should I just agree to pay the garage of her choice or legally I can get a quote from another garage who might be cheaper? any advise would be very much appreciated. Thanks
Will my insurance still go down if I have a really cheap car for my first year then a more expensive one after?
When my sister first got her car she crashed. I don't want to buy a new car and have that happen to me because it will cost a lot to have it repaired so I have decided to get a car for no more than 600 for the first couple of months, hopefully a year if it will last that long. I'd like a fiat 500 after that year and because I want to personalise it I would have to buy it from the showroom and it's 14,000 :-|. The money isn't the problem because I've been saving for ages to get this car but I am worried about the insurance on it. If I get a car for 600 first (it will be my first car), and have no accidents for a year and get a more expensive car (the fiat 500), will my insurance on that car still be high? I will be 18 when I get the cheap car and 19 when I get the fiat and Im a girl, if that helps.""
Is there an individual health insurance plan that has bariatric coverage? ?
I need to find insurance that has the following: 1. Bariatric Coverage 2. Out of Network Coverage 3. 60-100% Out of Network Coverage per day Does anyone out there know of one that has all of these features?
What are the best car insurance sites for a 17 year old male?
Im just looking what sort of prices id be looking at for insurance for small cars (1.0/1.1 engines) and cant get a quote under 3000. Who are the best insurance providers for recently passed 17 year olds?
How much will insurance offer for a car I paid 3000 for 6 months ago?
Peugout 106 1.1 Bought for 3 grand 6 months ago although he got it down from 3500 from a reputable dealer. It is likely to be a total loss so how much do you think they will offer me for it?
Need car insurance for a nissan navara? please help
hello, just wondering if anyone can give me some insurance companies for a nissan navara, im 22 have 3 years no claims yet my insurance says they cannot insure me on it? At the minute i drive a 1.9tdi vw passat and my insurance only costs 800, so why wont they insure me on 2005 nissan navara? Please help, thanks in advance x""
How much will my car insurance go up after this accident!?
How much will my car insurance go up after this accident!? So, I did something stupid. Pulling into a parking spot, I accidently scrapped against another car. I got out of my car and looked at the damage on the other car. Obviously a lot of my paint was on it (On the drivers side, back door) but it looked like under the paint there were just a few very minor scratches and scuffs. NO Dents at all. Of course, I waited outside until she came out. She was very nice. We exchanged insurance information. How much do you think this will cost me? I live in NYS who I guess has a 'no fault' policy. I am 22 and the car is under my moms name, the insurance under my dads, if that means anything.""
What is the cheapest auto insurance?
What is the cheapest auto insurance?
what if insurance quote
what if insurance quote
Can someone answer my health insurance question?
I currently am paying for COBRA. I am 61 years old, female. I am on long term disability & disability social security. I am able to get medicare when I am 62. I have a pre existing condition, COPD. Looks like no one will accept me, except Blue Cross. I need a medical supplement PLUS an exceptional prescription plan. I am on many meds, including oxygen 24/7. I make too much money to qualify for medicaid or any other help. ANY of you insurance agents have any ideas? I will be 62 on April 5th. Any help is much appreciated. I have searched & looked on the internet & most of them I do not trust. I have heard too many bad stories about them. I am paying $490.00 a month plus co pays now & it is killing me.""
Companies that provide comprehensive health insurance packages?
Which are good, and why (maybe)?""
""I'm sure 5,000 for health insurance will help.. right?
John Mccain thinks we are idiots lol
How does my 21 year old son get health insurance?
My 21 year old dropped out of college and is trying to get back in part time. Would my employer cover his health? How else can he get himself covered? What types of costs are we looking at?
""If a deer hits me, how fast can insurance get me a rental car?""
I have a 97 Ram 4x4, full coverage at geico (I'm on my parents insurance), $500 deductible. How fast can insurance get me a rental if one hits me, will it raise my rates, (I work 3-11:30 PM, and travel mainly back roads since there aren't many other ways to get home if it helps). I've been driving for 6 months.""
Will my provisional insurance go up after i pass my test?
evening folks, i have my test booked for 3 weeks away, i have been shopping around for car insurance and if i enter that i have a full license then my cheapest quote is over 2000, whereas if i put that i have a provisional then it drops to 1400.. question: if i take out insurance in my name on a provisional will the price go up after i inform them that ive passed?? all answers and opinions welcomed thanks ;)""
What car insurance do you guys have...?
I live in Northern ca. checking rates...wow each and EVERYONE has a complaint(s) against them...how do/did you find which one you wanted to use? Ever have a problem with your insurance? If I do decide to go with one, what questions should I ask?""
I need cheap car insurance!!?
i am 18, i have a 1990 accord worth about 1700, and ive been driving for 4 months now, no tickets or problems, i need some cheap car insurance since my dad wont insure me with his company.... i just need some cheap *** company, i dont really care if they dont really cover well. i live in California, in the southbay. is there any cheap insurance such as those little cheap looking stores you would see around your city?? the ones that have banners that say they offer insurance as low as 22 a month??....have in mind that i just need something so i can drive since i need it by law.""
Insurance Cost Estimate For 16 Year Old With Sports Car?
How much would it cost to insure a 16 year old on Geico with a sports car compared to a sedan or something of that nature? To be more specific, what would be the average change in cost from a BRZ/FRS to a Hyundai Genesis sedan? I do not need exact answers, as this is impossible with the many factors. I just want to know if it will be like $30 a month difference or a couple hundred a month. Also, what you expect the cost of insurance on a new v6 mustang to be per month? 10 points to the best answer. Thanks.""
Where can I find information about female car insurance? Is it really cheaper than for men?
Where can I find information about female car insurance? Is it really cheaper than for men?
How much will my insurance go up after being charged with hit and run on a parked car?
I recently was charged with hit and run on a parked car (for the record I didn't realize I hit the car), there was hardly any damage at all to either car but I am wondering how much I can expect my insurance rates to go up. Over 100%? Hopefully I won't be convicted as I really didn't notice that I scuffed this cars bumper.""
How long can I drive my car with out insurance?
I am buying a used car that isn't from a dealership. How long can I drive the car before needing to buy car insurance?
Health Insurance and Pre-existing Conditions?
What kinds of pre-existing conditions can give you a problem when getting your own health insurance?
PLEASE HELP ! Where can I get the best/cheapest car insurance deal ?
I have tried various price comparison sites without success . I need to get a low / cheap fully comprehensive car insurance policy for my son to be able to insure his car . We are an extremely low income family In order to drive his car on British roads my son needs to have an MOT certificate , Road Tax and Insurance . That is the Law of this land ! The Car only cost him 200 , I am not going to suggest that we break any laws but he should not have to pay out 15 times the cars value to get insurance to drive the car on British Roads , that is absolutely ridicules ! PLEASE CAN SOMEONE SOMEWHERE HELP There is NO PUBLIC transportation to get him to his place of employment , he needs his own transport , riding a bicycle is out of the question , he would be exhausted by the time he got there as his work place is 8 miles away , in windy weather he would be blown of it and in wet weather he would be soaked to the skin before he got there , he has to use his car . If I took him to work , I would have to make the 8 mile journey 4 times , if he does it , the journey would be twice . His Mother has her own car but works the opposite direction . her insurance is less than 500 but that is more than twice my insurance because I have held a driving license for longer , my insurance is very much lower . Our Son is too young to legally drive my vehicle . PLEASE HELP""
""Just got my license today, questions about insurance.?""
Hey guys, so I just came back from DMV a few hours ago, and passed my driving test without any mistakes for the first time. I currently live in California and have a few questions about my insurance. So it's my moms car, but she rarely drives it so I practically got the car to my self. Except I don't know the policy for California's insurance. My mom does have insurance on it, but it's listen under her name. Will I still be able to drive the car? Because I am going to get insurance for my self, but I need a way to get to my new job for right now. If not what will happen if I get caught driving without an insurance? Please let me know asap. Thankyou!""
How can I get additional health insurance for my kids?
i work for a hospital and i have excellent 90/10 insurance. but with both of my kids seeing specialists i cant afford a $30 copay x2 . i am paying $60 just to take them to the doctor. can i get a secondary health insurance that will help cover some of the copays?
""Which monthly expense is more expensive: car payment with insurance, or health insurance?""
Wining and dining, or health insurance? Travel and accomodations, or health insurance? Cigarettes or health insurance? Street drugs or health insurance?""
Is insurance cheaper if you have had experience on the road?
I am 16 driving a moped I'm looking to get a car when I'm 17, will insurance be cheaper for me because I drive a moped?""
2004 WRX STI insurance for a 16 year old in arizona?
16 year old, arizona, good grades, took the safety class and driving school thing, how much you think insurance would be for an sti?""
What is the difference between term life insurance and cash value life insurance.?
which one is better if you are starting your own business. also how much time you need to have to cash it out all the money from the term life insurance. Moreover, what are the advantages and disadvantages of both of these options?""
Should you get insurance on a rental car?
I'm taking a trip later this month and will rent a car for a couple of days. Should I choose insurance, the minimal cost is around $8 per day, so it's not too much or anything. I was wondering if most people got the insurance just in case something happens. Normally I would, but I always hear people say that getting insurance for these kinds of things is stupid.""
How much does it cost a mo for auto insurance when your 18?
On a 2005, sport compact. Texas""
If someone hit my car & insurance says it is totalled will my car be taken from me even if i want to keep it?
My car was hit but is still safe and legal but to fix it is expensive and insurance has decided to call it 'totalled'. I heard that my car will be taken from me and that I will have to pay to get it back out of hock if this is the case. Can someone let me know if this is true? I would like to be able to keep my car!
How could I lower my motorcycle insurance?
I looked over some of the things that insurance companies look for in giving deductibles and so far i came up with things like: 1. alarms, security devices, etc. 2. lower amount cost of accident coverage 3. rider training courses im 24, and i heard insurance rates go down after you turn 25 but i'm not sure if this applies to motorcycles also. i don't make too much at my job (min. wage) so i need the lowest rate i can get. what else can i do to bring it down???""
Car insurance rates for a new teenaged driver?
So we have State Farm car insurance and our 17-year-old daughter is attempting to get her license. She has straight A's and is doing their Steer Clear program. Does anyone have an estimation of how much this will increase our insurance rates?
what if insurance quote
what if insurance quote
How much is the average price for full cover motorcycle insurance ?
Im going to buy a 2013 Honda 600RR , how much would insurance cost ?""
Car insurance...???
my cousen is on his dads car insurance.there is no claims on the insurance either, when they first set up my cousen on his insurance they gave him a fixed amount to pay each month, they signed a contract on that agreement. but they took double that amount out last month and are now saying that they owe them more money, they have put his insurance up without sending written warning or any other kind of notice.. is this legal.. is there anyway we can catch them out? please help""
Can someone explain heath insurance language to me?
Im trying to find heath insurance for my fiance and myself, but I do not understand insurance. Can someone explain it?""
Does bike insurance go up?
Was just wondering if motorcycle insurance Companies put their prices up In summer/at beginning of summer. I got a quote about a month ago for 400 on a bike, just got another qoute on the same bike for over 1000!! Is this because it's basically summer and more bikers will be out? So they whacked there prices up?""
""Male vasectomy requirements in california,and does cigna cover it?""
i want to get a vasectomy,made up my mind 100%,main reason is cuz i don't want to end up a financial slave to any women,and would relieve alot of stress from my life.i am 24,from california,never had any kids,can i just go up to the doctor and tell him that,or do i have to stretch the truth and make up a story like i have 2 kids somewhere in mexico or something like that?i make about $24,000 a year.i know they also charge for vasectomies based on your income.also does cigna insurance cover it?""
How will the insurances work out with 95 car accidents at one scene?
Just wonder because of news yesterday at California highway. I don't know about law in that state but what if it's like this in new york where I live. Ya know whoever fault will pay by their own insurance for repairs and injury for victims and a vehciles. Same for most state. How would 95 different insurance handle it? It might will have several lawsuits. With 95 cars, hard to say who started the accident and whatever if it's one person cause 95 altogther or all 95 is fault on it own. Some may not even have insurance. There would be 95 different drivers so it will be 95 different verison or story of what happening. The court with lawyers and several case line up, it can last 100 years before it all done.""
My landlord requires that my dog be covered by insurance - Suggestions?
I'm renting for a year so I figure I should look into some sort of renters insurance that includes dog liability. My dog is a one year old golden retriever. There are so many ...show more
What company offers the cheapest car insurance for a first time driver?
And also what types of cars are the cheapest to insure? I live in nyc, the 11434 area code. I desperately need a car for college and everything I've checked so far is asking a fortune a month! Help! Thx in advance.""
Are others here getting rebate checks from your Health Insurance companies based on the new Health Care Law?
I just got back $178 from Humana. Per the form: Enclosed is your health insurance premium rebate check which is required by the Affordable Care Act - Health Care reform - and the Medical Loss Ratio provision. The purpose of this requirement is to lower the cost of health care coverage.
Why are some insurance companys rates so much higher then others?
Isn't there a risk guide insurance company's use? shouldn't that be the same or similar for all Insurance company's? I ask because I switched insurance company's and saved $300 for a 6 month policy. That seems to be a bit excessive to be off by that much.
What is the cheapest way for me to pay for car insurance?
I'm 17 years old, and I recently passed my G2 exam...soo happy :) but now I dont have insurance to drive. So I asked my dad and he said I could get it, but I would have to pay myself. I totally understand that but I don't understand how the car insurance policy works. I took driver's ED with my school and I know that my insurance price is lowered because of that and I'm girl so my insurance would be less expensive than guys but I would like to know what the cheapest way for me to pay for insurance is.""
Affordable health insurance in Georgia?
We're moving to Georgia (currently live in Europe) and my hubby's company has crappy insurance. It's free for him, but for me and my infant it'll cost almost $700 per month! That's just ridiculous! Are there any Georgia residents out there who pay their own insurance and would suggest their insurance company? I'm 32, a stay-at-home mom, and my son is 9 months. PLEASE don't answer that I should go back to work and get insurance there - Our plan is for me to stay at home until our son is old enough to go to school, and then I'll go back to work. Thanks in advance for all educated and serious answers!""
Car insurance in America?
Im just curious, seen as how there are very few small cars in America compared to Europe, does the size of a cars engine have a big impact on your insurance, as in the bigger the engine the higher the insurance cost?""
I recently got a dui and crashed my car how much will my insurance go up?
right now im paying 45$ a month on car insurance
""I am 17, and I recently got my driver's license. Can I avoid being added to the insurance policy?""
Because my rates go really high, since I'm a new driver. If my cars receive minimal insurance, and they're insured under my parents' name, could I legally drive the cars and would the insurance pay for any liabilities?""
How much would the rate be of the car insuance?
Ok. How much would car insurance cost on a 2007 BMW 335i coupe for an 18 year old driver with about 33,000 miles on the car. Also, how much would a 1999 ford Mustang gt witH 121,000 miles on the car for an 18 year old driver. the bmw will b in a covered shared lot while the mustang will be parked in an uncovered shared lot. We live in pheonix arizona. My car, the mustang, will be used for driving to work, as well as going to class. Same for my boyfriends car, the bmw. School is 4 miles away and work for me is about 25 miles aeay when his is only 1.5. Thabks for everyone who helps(:""
For a 17 year old - how much does a car cost to run each month?
when i pass my test, i don't know whether to a actually buy a car. i'm 17 and if i bought a car, how much would it roughly cost to run including the insurance, maintenance, mot, and everything except for the petrol/diesel. the only problem is, i don't think i actually need the car as i'm at college with a bus pass, but in the summer i want to drive lots of places with friends like go camping etc with a car. i was interesested in renting one as it seems ideal for my wants, but you need to be like 22 to rent. is this true? to anyone who is driving at 17 in the uk - is it worth it or is it too expensive?""
""Car insurance rates are through the roof and I don't know why, help!?""
I need help with car insurance, I'm having some problems. Okay, I'm a 21 year old single, never married, male and I got my driver's license when I was 18 in March 2008. Now, I know my car insurance rates are high because I'm young and a guy, but here's the problem. I see people who are about my same age who have been driving for the same amount of time as and have no accidents, violations, or tickets like me. My car insurance rates are ridiculously high, I mean insanely high, even compared to others my age. My younger brother even, he's had his license for a year, he's 19, and had 3 speeding tickets and still pays less than me. On average for my car insurance rates, getting quotes online range from about $1500 all the way up to $2500 for 6 months! I used old vehicles, new vehicles, safe vehicles, unsafe vehicles, every kind of car/truck you could imagine and my projected rates are still through the roof. For example, for full coverage with the minimum amounts and highest deductibles, my insurance on a 2010 Mazda 3 would be about $1800-$2300 for 6 months. However, I also got a quote for a 1997 Ford Escort and the same exact coverage is still $1200-$1300. I don't get why my rates are so much higher. A coworker of mine is 21 years old, not married, no tickets, and has had his license since 18 like me, and he has a 2007 Mazda 6 and he only pays about $170 a month, which translates to about ~$1050 for 6 months. I put in my information including SSN on the same company's web site that he uses (Geico) and my insurance rates are about $1700 for 6 months. So my question is why are my insurance rates so high? I have no tickets, no moving violations, no accidents, nothing, and yet insurance rates are so high. I figure SOMETHING has to be on my driving record, but I can't imagine what. How can get a copy of or look at my driving record? I just want to know why my rates are so much higher than other people, male or female, who are about my age and have been driving for about the same amount of time and yet I still pay 2x or 3x as much as me. Please help me out! =)""
How much does liability insurance cost? How much coverage do I need?
I am planning a day camp this august. I know I need to purchase liability insurance just in case, but how much do I need? There will be a maximum of 140 girls, 55 leaders, and 30 younger siblings (of leaders), (thats 225 people). The minumum would be roughly 50 girls, 25 leaders, and 10 siblings... I just need a guestimate as I am working on the budget and am trying to figure out how much to charge the attendees.Also, how much coverage do I need?""
Good morning! Can anyone suggest a good dental insurance plan?
We had blue cross and blue shield and were not happy with it! We live in a semi small area and the only dentist office that accepted our plan never called us back after 15 voice mails and NEVEr answered their phones so we never were able to make an appointment! So I cancelled the policy. We need some dental insurance. I need to take my son in to get his teeth looked at and my husbands. We live in FL and there just doesn't seem to be a lot that I'm finding. Anyone have a suggestion?
Whose insurance company I should contact for the car accident?
I am involved a car accident 5 months ago. There are four cars hit from rear one by one. I am the second car and have no fault in this accident. However, I did not have a collision insurance, so I should look for reimbursement by myself. I asked the insurance company of the car hit me, they said their insured driver has no fault(indicated in accident report), so they cannot pay for me. And they asked me to contact the company of the fourth car. Is this illegal? Cause in our country, no matter in what reason, the car hit you from rear should pay for you directly. And if their insured driver has no fault, they can ask payment from the insurance company of the car hit them. Anyone could help me? I will very appreciate.""
Geico home owner's insurance?
Anyone out there have Geico for home owner's insurance? Are they good? Ever had a claim and how did they handle it? I refuse to use Statefarm after how they handled Katrina, or ...show more""
Car Insurance for a 17 year old male...?
I am looking for car insurance as I will (fingers crossed) have passed my test by christmas. I need insurance on a 1997 P Reg 1.4L Renault Megane (which I have learned in, so will be buying off my dad) ... either that or it will be a 1.0L - 1.2L probably M Reg 3 door car, something cheap, small and cheap to run. Most places are either refusing to insure me, or are giving me ridiculous prices of between 3500 - 5000. Also, I am getting quotes as though I already have the full licence, and not provisional. I know people of the same age going to these companies with bigger and newer cars getting insured for 2000. Whats going on? U.K. answerers only please :-) Ta. J. X""
Where can I find cheap motorcycle insurance in florida?
I am looking to finanace a bike, and need to find some insurance. Most of the quotes I have gotten have been at least $400 a month. I am trying to find something a lot cheaper. Do you have to have full coverage when financing or can you just get basic coverage like collision or something like that?""
With millions of people losing their jobs and health insurance every month....?
can you see why we need affordable health coverage for all Americans? When I left my job, my option to keep my Insurance for a year would cost $1,300 a month for me and my family. As we see more and more Americans lose their jobs and unable to afford health insurance, the crisis only grows. If you don't believe we should have a government health care program that covers all Americans, what is your solution?""
what if insurance quote
what if insurance quote
Would the insurance be cheaper for an 05 Maxima SE or an 06 CTS 3.6L?
I'm 17 and looking into getting a first car and both of these sound very appealing. Which generally costs more to insure?
""What is the best, cheapest, online car insurance on the internet?
HOW does indemnity insurance affect Home insurance?
How does having indemnity insurance on a home for buiding work carried out with out building regs affect the cost of Home building insurance?
Motorcycle Insurance question?
I'm going to take the MSF course on Saturday and my understanding was that you're insurance is going to be cheaper and I will like to know why it will be cheaper
Classic Car Insurance?
I am 23 years old and I have a '76 Camaro and Im looking to find classic car insurance. I have applied to various places and they say they can not cover me because I am under 25. I have an '06 mustang I drive for daily use and my current insurance on that does not have special classic car insurance. I do not want to pay over $40 a month for a car I will drive maybe once a week if even that. I am trying to restore it so sometimes I will not be driving it for months at a time. Does anyone know of a good classic/ antique car insurance that will cover someone under 25 years of age? Thank you!
Will my insurance cost raise up if I got hit and run?
Hello, couple days ago I've visited to my friend's house and parked the car properly close to the curb in the street, and as I came back I found my car hit badly all the way from rear tail-lights through all the way to the front part of the car(hood) which apparently caused lots of damage, which after I reported to my insurance company(my insurance company is FOREMOST) and took the car to a bodyshop, a few days later the estimator visited to bodyshop valued the damage worth of 8500$, so my question is` will my monthly bill raise up cause of this hit and run which obviously I'm not at fault at all?(note: we've two other cars under the same policy, so three cars in total), so IF my insurance bill will raise up, how much approx. it will raise? and WHEN?(will it raise right on my next bill or by the renewal time?) AND if it raise up too much can I just cancel this insurance(for the entire policy including the other 2 cars) and get another insurance for a decent price? thanks. some info: I'm from California, Los Angeles, this is first hit and run I've reported and my payments always been made properly so no a single late payment or anything, thanks.""
Is it cheaper to buy car insurance from an agent or online?
I just purchased a vehicle and I haven't had a vehicle in a while. Usually I'd get insurance from an agent in an office. I usually get a pretty good deal, but a lot of people are doing things online now for the convenience. What should I do?""
""What do you want, universal health care or affordable health insurance??""
What do you want, universal health care or affordable health insurance??""
How to fight a California Medi-Cal Health Insurance denial?
I received a letter saying they would not cover my hospital stay because it was a non-emergent admission to a nonparticipating provider and there is no prior authorization. I was led to believe by the professionals that it would be covered. The situation was an emergency as even the doctors said. I did not know it was not a non participating provider and this was the closest hospital at the time during this emergency! Is there a way to fight this and win? I received a state hearing form but no other Information on what makes a winning or loosing case. Any advice?
Is my insurance going to go up?
I was in an accident, and I was the only car involved. The cop didnt give me a ticket and we are not going to claim it to allstate. I want to know if my insurance is going to get jacked up.""
""Can a driver without a motorcycle license, insure a motorcycle?""
To be more specific, here is the story. I am a 20 year old male from Illinois and getting motorcycle. Insurance is something I dont want my name in, well I want to be a second driver. The question is can the insurance be written to my dad, who does not have a motorcycle license. He does have a regular license. I know that second drivers are insured. So I would be paying less money for insurance, but I would be able to drive my bike. My dad will be getting a license, but first needs a motorcycle. So again can he get insurance on this motorcycle without a license?""
""Please help, student health insurance?""
I live in New York i'm 19 and go to college. Recently i have been having this heartbeat rhythm in my ear for the past couple of weeks. Anyways i want to see a doctor because my ear is starting to hurt a little.But i have no health insurance or anything in NY. My parents live in VA, when i used to live in VA i was covered through my parents health insurance. Is there anything i can do ? Any affordable health insurance companies i can look into? Any health clinics ? Does the state of NY provide anything for college students?""
I can't afford my car insurance...?
I need transportation so I can work. But why should I have to choose between car insurance or food and medicine? Shouldn't the Government come up with a single payer plan for automotive insurance too! Its not fair that I have to pay for this out of my own pocket.
Which motorcycle will cost me less on insurance? 2004-5 600/1000cc crotch rocket motorcylce or 2008 Ninja 250R
No motorcycle experience at all. No driving record. 21/M/Florida. Never held a driver's/motorcycle license in the US. Am about to take the MSF course though.
I'm 24 yrs old. should I get whole life or term insurance?
Currently I have no children yet, what's best for me?""
How come different auto insurance agencies charge different prices for the same insurance company?
yes i went to three different insurance agencys to see what quotes theyll give me. one say said ill pay 50 a month and 140 down payment for access auto insurance . the other agency said ill pay 60 a month and 90 down payment for the same company. and the third agency said i would probably not qualify for access auto insuranc. im 20 year old male riverside ca 94 accord. why would three different agencys quote diferently for the same auto company ? whyyy is it a scam
A question about car insurance.?
Do you think the insurance would be cheaper on a 2010 Scion TC (its a coupe btw), or a 2006 Acura TL?""
Car accident and car insurance?
I got into a car accident and the insurance estimated the work would cost $4600.00 but I would have to pay the $1000 deductible. However, since it was the other guy's fault, my insurance company would send me the $1000 in a check and I have to go and pay the garage that fixed my car. It's been a little over a week now and I'm wondering if any of you have had this experience and how long it took to receive the refund check???""
""Where can I find affordable insurance for sickle cell, full time student?""
If possible, in the Washington DC metro area. School is really expensive and it's very difficult to afford all these costly insurance while at the same time paying for school and living expenses.""
What is the average auto mileage per year?
Farmers Insurance says that it is 22,000 and I don't believe them for a second""
What is the importance of Health care insurance?
Let me know what is the importance of Health care insurance in any individual life and best Health care insurance companies in India?
Insurance price?
does anyone have an idea of how much insurance would be for me to purchase a new wrx sti? age 24, pittsburgh PA, clean record...any rough estimates?""
How much would insurance cost for a 19y old with a corvette?
Will my car insurance go down if i go on my parents car insurance?
Im 16 at the moment and i am 17 in a few months and i will be learning to drive. I know car insurance is so high for a 17 year old, but i was wondering if i go on the parents car insurance for a while, will my car insurance go down when i get my own as i have had experience on the road""
Insurance cost?
I have 2 cars, a 2002 honda civic & a 2007 camry. How much should i be paying as insurance cost for both cars every 6 months ? I'm 30 yrs & have been a responsible driver so far.""
what if insurance quote
what if insurance quote
0 notes
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Consumer Guide / No.55 / WFUV DJ Darren DeVivo with Mark Watkins.
MW : Do you consider yourself to be (foremost) a broadcaster? a presenter? a DJ ?
DD : I usually refer to myself as either a DJ , an On-Air radio Host, or maybe an Air Personality.
Disc jockey is sort of a passé term because the vinyl record, which was the ‘disc’, hasn’t been used in broadcasting for decades. These days, even CDs are being used less and less. In addition, DJ was a term coined decades ago to describe a music radio host, back when the host, as a person and personality, was almost as important to a broadcast as the music itself. It’s not like that anymore, unfortunately. But, DJ still has connotations to music radio hosting.
On-air radio Host is a more accurate description, but, then again, it could also be referring to various types of broadcasting (e.g., talk/news/sports radio, music radio, etc.).
It’s all splitting hairs, so any of the three or some combination of the three is okay!
MW : You debuted on WFUV on February 26th, 1984 - what do you remember about that first show?
DD : I do remember that morning! Some of it is fuzzy, but some is crystal clear. Back in those days, when WFUV was a college radio station (see the answer to the next question), rookie DJs who were newly approved to be on the air were given test runs on Saturday and Sunday mornings from 6-8 a.m.
So, on Sunday, February 26, 1984, at 6 a.m until 8 a.m I hosted my first air shift. The first song I played was the “Venus And Mars” and “Rock Show” combination from Wings’ Venus And Mars album. The glaring lowlight of that first show was leaving my microphone on while playing Traffic’s “Empty Pages”. A friend of mine unexpectedly showed up at the station to hang out with me during my first show. I was distracted by his appearance and forgot to shut off the mic! Our ridiculous conversation could be heard beneath the song until my girlfriend called me on the phone to tell me my mic was still on. You can actually hear me answer the phone, say hello to her and then, the chatter stops. I noticed that the mic was on and quickly turned it off.
By chance, I ended up back on the air for my second show that next Saturday, March 3, 6-8 a.m again. I opened that second show with “The Road To Utopia” from Utopia (Todd Rundgren’s old band), off the Adventures In Utopia album. I also sampled the soon to be released second solo album from Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour. He was about to release About Face and in the days between my first two shows, WFUV received an advance promotional copy of the album. I played three songs from it over the two hours. I still have the airchecks, on cassette, of my first two shows. Listening back to those tapes today, it is hysterical to hear how thick my urban New York City/Bronx accent was!
After those first two shows, I was on the air very regularly, and soon, I started getting my own semi-permanent airshifts.
MW : How has WFUVs station sound changed / evolved over the years?
DD : WFUV has made many significant changes over the 34 years since I first walked through the station’s doors. WFUV, which signed on for the first time in 1947 (we just passed our 70th anniversary), was a full blown college radio station when I joined. I went to Fordham University and attended classes at their Rose Hill campus in the Bronx, which was only several miles from where I lived. WFUV is owned by Fordham University and our studios and offices were, and still are, on the Rose Hill campus.
In the early to mid-1980’s, WFUV was almost entirely student run. It had been that way for many years. The only paid professionals on the staff were the General Manager and the Chief Engineer, who were both employees of Fordham. I joined the staff as an incoming freshman in September 1983 and started taking the required classes necessary to be on the air as a DJ in the music department. You also had to be an FCC licensed engineer, so engineering classes were required, too. I completed the required classes/workshops for announcing and engineering by December. I then submitted a demo tape of a mock broadcast to the Program Director (who was also a student) around February 1984. I was immediately approved and was assigned my first air shift – I debuted on the air on Sunday, February 26, 1984, from 6-8 a.m. I was back for my second show that next Saturday, March 3, 1984, again from 6-8 a.m. It wasn’t until that summer, or early fall, that I received my FCC license.
When I started, WFUV featured a block programming schedule. The most prominent part of the week was our rock music programs, which were all hosted by students. Our rock format encompassed a mix of mainstream AOR (album oriented rock), indie and alternative rock and a few other genres, like blues, jazz and reggae. The rock programs were both formatted - during weekday drive times, and free form - during late nights and overnights. Many specialty programs were scattered through the week, as well. Shows ranged from classical, opera, ethnic (Irish, Latin, French, Italian, Indian, Middle Eastern, polka), sports talk, news and public affairs, country, jazz and big band swing, early rock and roll and vocal group R&B, religious music, astronomy, and more. All of these shows were hosted by volunteers, some of whom were Fordham/WFUV alumni. WFUV was required to broadcast Fordham sports – mainly the Fordham college basketball and football games - and Sunday mass from the University chapel.
Over a few years in the second half of the ‘80s, Fordham’s administration started to lay the groundwork to make WFUV a professionally run, non-commercial public radio station. Students would still make up the largest percentage of the staff, but each department would be helmed by professionals hired by Fordham University. It was during this period, mainly 1988-1990, that the station made its gradual transformation. During that two year span of time, I remained on staff as a part-time volunteer, even though I had graduated Fordham in 1987. Under normal circumstances, staff members usually left the station upon graduation, but as an alumnus, I was asked to remain and fill in here and there whenever necessary. I even ended up with another regular air shift once again (Friday night/Saturday morning from 11 p.m-2 a.m).
It appeared the end of the line had finally come for me in June 1990, but within several months, I was once again being offered fill in slots both on-air and behind the scenes. Then, I was hired as a permanent On-Air Host in January 1991. My first airshift as a professional was the weekday afternoon drive slot (approximately 2-6 p.m). With all of the pieces now in place for WFUV to thrive as a professionally run non-commercial public station, the “present day” WFUV began to slowly evolve. Our contemporary music mix (which was concentrated to weekdays), was a potpourri of styles - adult rock, contemporary folk, blues, bluegrass, Celtic and world music. Only a handful of the specialty programs survived the transformation and a handful remain today. That said, the majority of them were gradually canceled during the early 1990s. Over the next decade, WFUV continued to grow and fine tune its programming.
For me personally, upon getting hired at WFUV as a professional in January 1991, I was assigned to the afternoon drive shift, from 2-6 p.m approximately. Exactly a year later, in January 1992, I was made the morning drive host, from 6-10 a.m approximately. I remained on mornings for nine years. In January 2001, I was made the midday host, from 10 a.m-2 p.m. That was my favorite shift and it was mine for over twelve years. In the spring of 2013, I was moved to evenings, from 6-10 p.m Monday through Thursday. Finally, in the summer of 2015, I was moved to my current airshift – late nights, from 10 p.m -2 a.m Monday through Thursday and midnight until 2 a.m Monday mornings. I am also one of the voices on our weekend, or secondary (HD2), channel, called “FUV Music. I’ve been hosting there since either 2008, or 2009.
MW : How has WFUV's record library changed over the years, and how is it maintained?
DD : It has drastically changed, and, unfortunately not for the better. In the 1980s, our library was very deep, but there were the occasional holes. Unfortunately, as a college station, we didn’t have the budget to invest financially into the library. But, record companies (and sometimes the artists, too) kept a semi-constant flow of free promotional records coming our way. We had virtually all the current releases, both relevant and irrelevant, and sometimes, we could obtain replacement titles and artist catalogs when necessary. CDs began to move in around 1987.
By the early 1990s, vinyl was on the back-burner and CDs were virtually all we played. During the ‘90s, the vinyl library was scaled back drastically, with albums deemed irrelevant to the “new” WFUV sound removed and either sold, or given away. Thefts in the late 80s also damaged the record library.
Today, only a disorganized collection of a thousand or so misfit records have survived the years and collect dust on the shelves. Our CD library grew nicely for many years, but with radio transitioning to digital and computers taking over for physical formats, the emphasis on physical CDs has decreased. As a result, our library has fallen into some degree of disarray, with only a portion of the air staff relying on CDs. Technically speaking, 85% of the music heard on WFUV today, maybe more, is coming from the computer hard drive. We have transferred a sizeable portion of the CD library onto the hard drive and continue to do so as needed. We do continue to accumulate many necessary new releases, but not all.
No one person, or persons, manages the library. It sort of manages itself. Unfortunately, it has fallen into a small state of disarray.
MW : Do you request / receive individual promo, or does it all come through the radio station? Tell me also about your relationship with record labels...
DD : The music industry has changed a lot over the past twenty-five years. Many years ago, I usually received my own mail service from many major, and a number of smaller, independent, record labels. Record companies were more generous and financially able to make sure all key radio station personnel received product, if they wanted it. Even if I wasn’t on a permanent mailing list, I would be able to get promotional copies of many titles by simply requesting them.
As time passed, record companies started tightening their belts and promotional product was scaled back. Today, I only receive a fraction of what was sent out years ago. Sometimes, I can still contact a label representative or promo person if I want a certain title, but that has decreased considerably.
Since the emergence of the download, many labels will now only offer audio files. This goes for both airplay copies and copies for individual station personnel. The physical product may be sent when (or if!) it becomes available. In some cases, physical CDs (or vinyl) won’t be sent out unless they’re requested
When it comes to airplay and reporting airplay to labels, promo companies, trade magazines, etcetera - that is something the Music Director is in charge of. Label reps and promo folks work with the station’s Music Director, or an assistant, to try to promote an artist, song or album and, hopefully, gain airplay. Ultimately, it is the Music Director, with input from the Program Director, who decides what is going to get our attention. I have no input into those decisions. If I get any inquiries, I direct them to the music department.
MW : How do you usually prepare for your radio shows, and how much input do you have on the music played?
DD : I am fortunate to have a pretty detailed knowledge of music, especially when it comes to what WFUV is playing. So, I could, if need be, go on the air occasionally and host a show with just the information that I have in my head. But, I prefer to prepare for virtually every show and I do this by reviewing the entire playlist, looking up facts about the songs, albums and/or artists, fact checking what I already know and gathering a sampling of upcoming concert dates and record release dates. We all have access to computers during our air shifts, so, if there’s a bit of info we want to clarify or verify on the spot, we can. As for personal anecdotes, stories, recollections, etcetera; those usually pop up as I go. I do want a certain amount of looseness and spontaneity in my shows. I’d rather not be too rigid. Sometimes, a concrete plan is good, but other times benefit from spontaneity.
Unfortunately, I no longer have much input into what gets played during my shows. Some time ago, each DJ was required to create their own daily playlists, but, here and there, over time, things have changed. I have a set playlist I am expected to follow, but there are still some freedoms that are allowed…within reason. It really depends on the situation. For example, I will add a handful of songs to the playlist to pay tribute to an artist that might have just died. Or, the Music Director may ask me to play some songs to honor an artist, but leave the selection of songs up to me. Really, it’s both rigid and fluid at the same time!
MW : What are "presenters" meetings usually like?
DD : At this point, the only meetings that involve the DJs are our staff meetings. Also, when our on-air fundraisers approach, the air staff will gather, with others, for pre-drive meetings to “plan our attack”.
MW : Why doesn't WFUV use jingles?
DD : It’s not really a non-commercial thing, I guess. It has never been something that’s ever been considered, that I know of. That’s more of a commercial radio trait. We do have slogans, though.
MW : Tell me about your Top 3 interviews...
DD : Wow. It’s so hard to answer this because I’ve done so many interviews over the past twenty-five years; more actually. So, I’ll answer this way:
The first interview was with Joey Molland of Badfinger. I did that remotely - not at WFUV’s studios, but at a hotel we were both at. This was early 1987. Joey and the late Mike Gibbins were in the process of a Badfinger reunion and they were appearing as special guests at “Beatlefest”, now called “The Fest For Beatles Fans”. (“The Fest” is a Beatles fan convention held every year in the New York / New Jersey area, and also in Chicago. It was started in 1974.) The interview was great and I turned it into a four hour Badfinger special on WFUV, also in 1987. The second interview was a phone interview with author Karl Dallas, who published a Pink Floyd book called “Pink Floyd Bricks In The Wall”. We had an awful phone connection from New York to England. Only portions of the interview were salvageable and those were used in an overnight (six or seven hour?) Pink Floyd special. The first in person interview I did at WFUV’s studios was in 1991 with guitarist Laurence Juber. Laurence was the last lead guitarist in (Paul McCartney’s) Wings – 1978-1980. He also went on to collaborate with Al Stewart (essentially replacing guitarist Peter White as Al’s right hand man), starting in 1994. At the time, Laurence was promoting his first solo album, Solo Flight. (He now has well over twenty!) The most recent interview I did was the art pop band, Sparks. Coming up, I’ll be interviewing Dhani Harrison and the Dream Syndicate.
Over the years, I’ve interviewed (in no particular order) – Ringo Starr, Donald Fagen, Peter Gabriel, Bob Geldof (twice), Neil Young and filmmaker Jonathan Demme, Robbie Robertson, Sting, John Fogerty (twice), CPR (featuring David Crosby), David Bowie (phone interview), Robert Plant (phone interview), Brian Wilson (phone interview), recording engineer and producer Geoff Emerick (who was the Beatles’ recording engineer from 1966 until their breakup), some of the members (those not named John, Paul or George) of the pre-Beatles band, the Quarrymen (twice), David Sanborn, Dr. John (in his Manhattan apartment; with his dog, Stupid, in the background!), Al Kooper, Bob Mould (multiple times), Thurston Moore, Buddy Guy, Trey Anastasio (of Phish), Richard Thompson (multiple times), Tori Amos (twice), Richie Havens (multiple times), Nick Lowe (twice), Robyn Hitchcock (multiple times), Jorma Kaukonen (multiple times), Hot Tuna, (jazz legend) Charlie Haden, Glenn Tilbrook, Bruce Cockburn (multiple times), Julian Lennon (twice), Daniel Lanois, Warren Zevon (I also interviewed his widow, Crystal Zevon, about her book on Warren), Los Lobos (multiple times), Ian McLagan and the Bump Band, Warren Haynes, Matthew Sweet (multiple times), Ian Hunter and the Rant Band, Al Stewart (multiple times), Garland Jeffreys (twice), Graham Parker and the Rumour, Jack Johnson, the Waterboys, John Mayer (twice), Marshall Crenshaw, the Blind Boys of Alabama, Sarah McLachlan, Leon Redbone and more!
MW : Describe your own record collection, picking out some of your favourites, maybe even rare records...
DD : In a nutshell, it’s VERY LARGE! Unfortunately, it was once very organized, but in recent years, I’ve allowed it to fall into a state of disarray. So much to keep organized and not enough space (or time)! As for vinyl, I’d guess I have over a thousand albums and a perhaps two hundred singles (and some other odds and ends). As for CDs, we have to be talking well over ten thousand. The quantity of CDs is greater because I have received, and continue to receive, a lot of free/promotional material from record companies over the years, including stuff I really don’t need to keep, but I do anyway!
As a fan, collecting the Beatles, together and apart, is my primary hobby. I’d say collecting Pink Floyd is second. I am trying to replace many of the singles I had as a young boy and obtain copies of albums from my father’s record collection - albums that I grew up hearing when I was between four and, say, seven years old. There are other “target” artists and albums for me, as well. Trying to explain what appeals to me, what I look for, how much I’m willing to spend, etcetera, is difficult to briefly sum up. Condition is very important to me as I collect music and I will walk away from a record, or CD, I really want if the condition is not up to my standards.
My collection centers on: CDs and vinyl records – both new and used original pressings, original issues, reissues, box sets, deluxe editions, etcetera - some collectables, BluRays/DVDs/VHS tapes, music magazines, Beatles and Pink Floyd publications, books, concert souvenirs, and other assorted oddities. That’s not to mention a decent sized accumulation of Woodstock and New York Mets publications and other assorted memorabilia. Oh, I do leave a little room for my family!
MW : ... do you ever de-clutter?!
DD : Much to my wife’s dismay, I never declutter! Why would I want to get rid of anything?!
MW : What role, if any, does your wife Sherri play in your own “magical mystery tour”?
DD : In general, my wife has been involved in numerous aspects of my career, mostly providing behind the scenes support and encouragement and offering occasional feedback on my radio shows (although these days she isn’t awake when I am on the air!) and when I emcee live shows.
MW : Do you kids wish to follow you onto radio?
DD : My son has developed a bit of an interest in sports broadcasting, mostly baseball, but for the most part, broadcasting hasn’t interested my kids much. (It doesn’t interest any of my kid’s friends, either. When they find out what I do for a living, it’s usually met with indifference!).
If my children were interested in broadcasting, I would try to steer them towards sports and news and away from music. Quality opportunities for the traditional DJ/music show host have been dwindling for some time now.
MW : List in order of preference your Top 5 Beatles albums, and tell me about your No.1 choice...
DD : I always struggle with lists like this and end up spending far too much time agonizing over them to make them “perfect” and accurate (as if some sort of World Order is at stake!). Right now (and this will change in an hour or so), I’d say:
Abbey Road  (1969)
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band  (1967)
Revolver  (1966)
Rubber Soul  (1965)
A Hard Day’s Night  (1964) - The UK versions of 3, 4 and 5.
By the way, The Beatles, AKA “The White Album” (1968) , and Magical Mystery Tour (1967) are knocking on the door!
Abbey Road is simply a perfect album. The Beatles were at the top of their game as musicians, the production was flawless, the song craft was impeccable, etc.
MW : Why do you love baseball so much?!
DD : Honestly, I am not sure. I’d assume it’s because when I was growing up, baseball was THE sport – not only in my neighborhood, or in New York City, but in the entire country. There was no doubt about that. Football and basketball have made significant inroads in American culture over recent decades; hockey to a lesser extent.
Today, I am not sure baseball is still the most popular sport in the U.S., but it’s still near the top, at least. When I was growing up in the Bronx, New York City, in the 1970s; there was no question that baseball was tops. Football was probably a distant second. Kids played a lot of baseball, and subtle variations of baseball, back then. So, when I hit the ages of 7 and 8, I naturally gravitated to baseball, like most boys did.
New York City is a huge baseball town and we have two teams – the New York Yankees, who play in the Bronx and have been around since moving to New York City in 1903, and the New York Mets, who are in Queens and started play in 1962. Needless to say, being from the Bronx, I was surrounded by many Yankees fans, but my allegiance went to the Mets. As I grew older, my passion for the Mets grew and my hatred of the Yankees has intensified! (“Let’s Go Mets!”)
MW : Thoughts on the demise of The Village Voice (print version) ...
DD : I was never a reader of the Voice, except for the concert venue listings. I believe the Village Voice had the most thorough concert/show listings in New York City and, before the rise of the internet, the Voice was essential if you wanted to keep up with the city’s music and arts events. Despite not touching a copy of the Voice for a number of years, I still think it’s incredibly sad that the print media, like music, has taken such a lethal blow from the internet. Sorry folks, I’d rather have a physical newspaper, book, CD, LP, etc. If you go all electronic, you’ve lost me as a reader and/or listener.
MW : Thoughts on 50 years of The Rolling Stone magazine...
DD : I’ve always enjoyed thumbing through Rolling Stone, but, I rarely thought of it as a ‘must read’ publication. It has a significant place in history and should always be around - IN PRINT. I’m not a passionate reader of it. Their record reviews often seem to be pandering.
MW : Outside of the radio studios, what do you enjoy doing / seeing?
DD : As I have gotten older, I have become very much a homebody, and I tend to enjoy quietly relaxing at home. I’m pretty easy going and I don’t need very extravagant vacations or eventful evenings to dot my social calendar.
This past summer, I went to Citi Field a lot with my son to see the New York Mets play. We attended twenty-three of the eighty-one games they played at Citi Field this past season.
I do go to occasional concerts, but not quite as many as I used to go to. I usually go see artists I have been fond of for many years – the old tried and true favorites. I don’t really venture out to the clubs to see newer acts, or just to hang out, like I used to. I miss it; sometimes a lot; but I have grown mellower (lazier?!) as I’ve gotten older.
Having a family slows the social life down significantly, as well. I just never got it totally revved up again!
MW : Tips for new artists / groups to watch out for in 2018?
DD : As hard as this may seem, I don’t really have my finger on the pulse of what might be coming or what is presently causing a stir in music. Usually, if I do have an opportunity to embrace a new artist or band, it’s just as an album (or maybe a single) is coming out.
MW : Where can we tune-in for more?!
For those in or around the New York City metropolitan area, we are located at 90.7 FM on the dial. As for listening elsewhere in the world, our website is www.wfuv.org. You can stream us there. You can also listen on our app and the TuneIn Radio app.
I am presently on the air: on the main WFUV at 90.7 FM, www.wfuv.org, and the radio apps – Mondays through Thursdays (into Tuesday through Friday mornings) from 10 p.m until 2 a.m Sunday night / Monday morning from midnight until 2 a.m (Monday) on the HD2 channel, “WFUV Music”, at www.wfuv.org, the radio apps and 90.7 FM-HD2 – Saturdays and Sundays, three times each day from midnight until 4 a.m, 8 a.m until noon and 4 p.m until 8 p.m.
Listeners, and music fans, can link to me by joining my Facebook “radio” page, Darren DeVivo On WFUV Radio. The link is:
© Mark Watkins / October 2017
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mikeyd1986 · 7 years
MIKEY’S PERSONAL BLOG 68, September 2017
“In my research, I found that what silences our intuitive voice is our need for certainty. Most of us are not very good at not knowing. We like sure things and guarantees so much that we don’t pay attention to the outcomes of our brain’s matching process. For example, rather than respecting a strong mental instinct, we become fearful and look for assurances from others.” The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown (p.88)
On Monday morning, I had my Healthy Cooking on a Budget class at Balla Balla Community Centre in Cranbourne East. Today I kinda felt like a semi-permeable membrane (here comes the biology metaphors) when it comes to talking to my cooking partner Kevin. It takes me a very long time for me to feel comfortable opening up to somebody else about my life but just like a membrane, I do allow small tidbits to pass on through and eventually it does get easier.  We almost had a full class today with about 10 people or so in the kitchen.
Today we ended up making some vegetarian dumplings, a Soba noodle salad and a simple fried rice. It’s a very straight forward process of chopping up and grating some vegetables including carrots, spring onion, a wombok (Chinese cabbage) and celery. We then sauted them off in a frying pan and added in some soy sauce before placing them the mixture into a large bowl. Next, we scooped 1-2 teaspoons of mixture into each wonton wrapper and sealed them along the top. Then all you have to do is steam them for 5-10 minutes in a bamboo steamer. http://www.ballaballa.com.au/progra...
On Tuesday night, I attended my Body Combat class at YMCA Casey ARC in Narre Warren. I was feeling really lazy all day and the weather wasn’t helping matters (I really don’t want to drive out in the pouring rain. No thank you. I can’t be bothered moving). But these excuses didn’t last long. I really need to motivate myself and get a workout done especially with my aches and pains making a fierce return.
Tonight was our first time experiencing release number 73 and being a new release, there were times where I really struggled with the movements. The most challenging part of me involved doing dynamic lunges and kicks. It was throwing my balance off so much and the pacing was too fast for me. Besides that, I did like the mix of combos from jab boxes and roundhouse kicks to ascends and descends, front and side kicks.
I feel like I’m getting fitter as well. It didn’t take as long for me to recover from panting and sweating after the class was over. Even my combat instructor Cinamon Guerin has noticed the changes in me. Even if my technique is sloppy or I can’t keep up or I feel uncoordinated, I give every Body Combat class 110% effort. Working hard is enough achievement for me. https://www.siphilp.com/les-mills-b...
On Wednesday morning, I had my Strength Training session with Luke Davey at Breakaway Fitness in Berwick. Doing my training sessions in the morning gives me a purpose, a reason to get out of bed and a sense of routine of each week. I no longer feel anxious whenever I step foot into UFT PLAYgrounds. I never thought I’d be able to say that but I think I’m more at ease and comfortable enough in myself to not let the external environment bother me as much. However, for the most part, UFT is a very supportive and encouraging place to train in and I’m glad that I stuck with it.
WARM-UP...This morning, I did my usual arm, back and shoulder stretches on the bench, holding lightweight plates in each hand. I figured this would be a good opportunity to talk to Luke about getting back into posting regular updates on his PT page again. Not that I’m pressuring him at all, it’s more just a suggestion and he could do with some more promotion of his business.
Next I did 3 rounds of 10 single arm rows with a 20kg dumbbell. I was trying to be more mindful of my technique and making sure that I keep my elbow bent and close to the side of my body. I’m not feeling quite as fatigued as before either meaning that I’m getting stronger and better at doing this movement.
DEVELOPMENT...Today I did a 5x5 bench press at 37.5kg. It was a little different this time as after my usual 5 rounds of 5 reps, I had to do an additional round of maximum reps. I seemed a lot more focused on my technique today, concentrating on muscle activation, keeping my feet grounded and spread apart, keeping my elbows locked in and the bar straight and aiming to hit the same point on my chest. I felt great about my performance today. And during my last round, I managed to get up to 9 reps which was a remarkable achievement for me.
WORKOUT...This was easily one of the hardest workouts I’ve ever done with Luke. Today I had to do 3 rounds of the following: 200m run, 15 wall balls, 10 ring rows and 5 dead men. Welcome to the world of fatigue and muscle burn! Honestly, I think I did pretty well for the most part. My runs were decent. My wall balls still need improvement, especially with the catching element. It’s an issue I’ve had since primary school. I hated sports and had the worst hand-eye coordination. I was literally scared of the ball and also getting hit in the face.
But I’m slowly getting better. I just need to work on catching the ball up high into my chest and getting my squats a bit deeper as I’m throwing the ball up. My ring rows have gotten heaps better and 10 reps is challenging yet manageable. But the deadmans really tested me today. A deadman is basically using your own body weight to lower and climb yourself up a rope.
By my last round, my arms were burning in pain and I was struggling to keep my heels planted to the ground. But Luke was there to keep encouraging me to get it done, giving me chalk for my hands to prevent slipping back down the rope. This is where self-talk is vital. My body was ready to give out but I kept telling myself...”No matter how my times it takes and how many times I fall or fail a rep, just keep trying. Don’t give up Michael.”
It was fucking hard but I’m glad that I smashed out that last rep. I didn’t want to walk away from this workout feeling disappointed. I wanted to finish it. Post-workout, I had to be really patient with myself today as my arms were still sore and shaking. So if it takes me 10-15 minutes to recover before I’m ready to hit the road again, then so be it. https://www.facebook.com/breakawayf...
On Friday morning, I had my second Strength Training session for the week with Luke Davey at Breakaway Fitness in Berwick. Today I really had to focus on challenging my negative thoughts especially when I first started. Luke’s conversation with a fellow trainer was bothering me for some reason. But I just tried to let the moment pass and remind myself that...”It’s okay. This is temporary. The reality is that Luke has confidence in my ability to perform these movements without his undivided attention on me. He’ll engage with me eventually. Don’t worry Michael.”
Besides this, everything was running smoothly for me. Luke asked me some more questions about my life including where I’ve traveled and ways to manage my money better. It’s moments like these that show that he genuinely cares about me and wants me to succeed in life. This month will be extremely tough for me but I know that I’m capable of overcoming the hurdles and getting myself through it.
WARM-UP...Today I did some yoga and pilates stretches into the shoulders, hips and groin including Thread The Needle, Pigeon pose and Calm Shell. I still get myself a bit tangled and confused whenever I first start these exercises but once I’ve got it, I’m fine.
DEVELOPMENT...Similar to Wednesday’s session, I did a 5x5 set with a last round of maximum reps. This time I was doing back squats at 60kg. Honestly, I’m feeling much more proficient and confident with my technique. I’m managing to squat deeper and keep my chest lifted most of the time. And today I really surprised myself, smashing out 21 reps in the last round before racking up.
WORKOUT...Today I did another challenging workout, though it was more a test of endurance and physical/mental toughness. I had to do 10 rounds on the assault bike, EMOTM (Every Minute on The Minute) at 12 calories per round. During the first few rounds, I was mainly focusing on the calorie meter and pedaling as hard as I could. However, it was getting more and more difficult to maintain with the fatigue and soreness kicking in.
Luke then suggested to focus on the Watt meter instead and try to keep it over 300. This was much more beneficial as I could control and monitor how fast I needed to pedal to keep up the pace. My other challenge was regulating my breathing during the rest periods and using that recovery to help get me through the next round. Overall, I think I did really well and collapsing after finishing the workout shows just how hard I pushed myself today.
“Oh, ye of so little faith. Don't doubt it, don't doubt it. Victory is in your veins. You know it, you know it. And you will not negotiate. Just fight it, just fight it. And be transformed. 'Cause when, when the fire's at my feet again. And the vultures all start circling. They're whispering, "You're out of time,". But still I rise. This is no mistake, no accident. When you think the final nail is in. Think again. Don't be surprised. I will still rise.”                             Katy Perry - Rise (2016)
“A tiger. Don't lose no sleep. Don't need opinions from a shellfish or a sheep. Don't you come for me. No, not today. You're calculated. I got your number 'cause you're a joker and I'm a courtside killer queen. And you will kiss the ring. You best believe.”                                      Katy Perry featuring Nicki Minaj - Swish Swish (2017)
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