#and TWO
theellipelli · 6 months
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acheron redesign because her shorts annoy me.
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dragonpyre · 4 months
Still amazed at the person who asked if they could buy my car, didn't show up to the deal, and then asked if they could still buy it at half price.
Sir. S i r
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sage-thetravler · 6 months
odd idea: the trolls from Trollhunters: tales of Arcadia, are made of rock. And as seen with Angor rot and a few other trolls, inside is some sort of crystal. I have a theory the reason for that is because to make another troll, they have to be carved from a crystal or stone. Obviously this is an exception for whatever those worm things are in the darklands.
And it also doesn’t seem like there needs to be two parents. Drall and Bular only have (or had) one parent clearly mentioned (that I remember, correct me on this if it’s wrong.), blinky and dictacious might have only had their mom (again, I forget if she’s even mentioned.). So it’s plausible if a troll knows how and wants to, can grab a certain type of crystal or rock and just, carve a baby. Maybe that’s what the markings on trolls are for, like enchantments that act like wake up calls for the carving.
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uswntpoc · 1 year
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Can we take a moment and talk about Kriegs 💪🏻
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futturmangamez · 3 months
Basically played roblox for the first time last night!! :DDD there were NOOO instructions so I kinda just hopped on with my palssss🎮 had so much fun and honestly couldn't stop laughing at how much I kept fucking up💀I feel so old but I'll get better at it..need a roblox expert to teach me all of the controls on a laptop🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 here are some pics i took on my phone even though I have some more on my computer:3 (I didnt get any with Two but I'm sure she'll post some😅)
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My favorite moment was when Clapton started vacuuming the floor on his skateboard🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 @claptondavis is hilariousss <3
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ahfucknuggets567 · 3 months
The fake Peppino post did well. Sooo, how about some pizzafaces? Most of them are old.
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Also, you guys wouldn't be mad at some crackshipping, a little rare pair that I concocted. 🥺👉👈
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ari-cant-think · 5 months
Regrets and Lost Love.
Vox climbed over fallen rocks and bricks. He had come here to gloat over his nemesis, but this was getting ridiculous. 
“The things I do…” He grumbles. 
He brushes some dirt off his pants, and pulls himself up to the ruined radio tower. The ladder is a little rickety, but it’s usable. 
“Alastor?” He calls out. “Are you up here?” 
Nothing answers Vox. He sighs loudly. “You can’t hide! You fucking loser!”
A pained groan sounds from behind him. Vox whips around to see Alastor, huddled in a corner with his arms clutched around his chest. 
“Alastor?!” Vox kneels next to the demon. 
Alastor hisses at him as his ears pin back. “What are you doing here, Vox-“ His voice sounded odd without the radio filter, “-come to gloat?”
Vox hesitated for just a second- but that was more than enough for Alastor to catch on. 
Alastor starts to chuckle, then cackle, but he’s cut off by a wet cough. Blood drips from his mouth and his sclera bleeds black. 
“…Al?” Vox says. “Wait-“
Vox sighs frustratedly and scribbles out his words. The bar where he sat was dimly lit, and his seat was beginning to feel uncomfortable. Alastor, humming softly, was sitting on the couch and twirling his staff that Vox had commissioned from Rosie a few weeks ago. 
“Would you like to dance?” Alastor asks out of nowhere. 
“I- what?” Vox looks up from his work. 
Alastor snaps his fingers, and soft music plays from the candy apple red radio. “Would you like to dance?” He repeats. 
Vox fights down a blush. “I-I don’t know how to,” The demon admits. 
Alastor hums. “That’s alright, I can teach you.” He offers a hand to Vox, who accepts. 
Alastor guides one of Vox’s hands to his waist. Alastor puts his hand up on Vox’s shoulder. The tv demon, knowing this part, clasps their hands together. 
“Uh…what do we do now…?” Vox asks. 
“Step to the left,” Alastor instructs. “Then, cross your right foot over it.”
Vox focuses on Alastor’s feet and matches the steps. 
“Once more.”
Alastor’s ears flick against the screen of Vox’s head. “Okay, now reverse.”
Eventually, Vox gets the hang of it. They step in time to the music, and Vox leads them in a slow circle. 
…Two hearts connected by one beat…
…Your hand in mine and…
Sweet guitar fills the room. Alastor leans his head on Vox’s chest and moves his hands so they cup the back of Vox’s neck. Vox cradles the smaller demon in his arms. 
“I could never choose to love another…” Vox softly sings the closing lines of the song. 
“Maybe one day I could’ve learned to love you too.” Alastor smiles, a real smile. Vox had learned to tell the difference a long time ago. Alastor’s real smile was soft. It wasn’t like the pasted-on grin the world saw. 
“No, no, no! Please!” Vox pleads, but he knows it is far too late. 
The light faded from his love’s eyes and Alastor slumped against the wall. His lifeless eyes stared past Vox, and the hand Vox held fell limp. 
Vox sobs, the mockery of tears filling his screen. “Please…” He cries, to no avail. There is no one to hear his words. 
Vox’s heart shatters into a million shards of blood and tears and glass. He mourns for the love he almost had, for the loss of the person closest to his heart, for his one true constant in this hellscape. 
He gently closes Alastor’s eyes. Now it seems as though the demon is just sleeping- no. Alastor never looked this peaceful when he slept. 
Vox slides his arms underneath Alastor’s cooling body and stands. He teleports out of the ruined tower and walks through the rubble to the Morningstars and their friends. The princess is hugging her girlfriend while the porn star and the cat share a hug as well. Lucifer stands to the side. 
Charlie- that’s her name right?- turns around and spots Vox. 
“Vox?!” She stands in front of him, looking lost as she stares at Alastor’s bloodied body. “Wh…what happened? Did you do this?”
Vox shakes his head frantically. “I-I would never! He was in his tower…I guess Adam hit him harder than we thought. He…he bled out.”
Tears gather at the edges of Charlie’s eyes. “No…”
Vaggie runs to her girlfriend’s side. “Charlie- oh…”
One by one, the group gathers around Vox and Alastor. Charlie hides her face in Vaggie’s arms. Husker looks conflicted while Nifty full-on sobs. 
“I’m sorry,” Vox says. 
“What were his last words?” Charlie asks softly. 
“I couldn’t hear what he said,” Vox lies. “He was…coughing up a lot of blood.”
Charlie cries harder, soaking Vaggie’s shoulder. 
The dark red coffin is slowly lowered into the ground with Lucifer’s magic. Charlie sniffles softly, and even Angel has to turn away. 
Vox stands a little separate from the group and watches Lucifer use his magic to fill the grave with dirt. 
Slowly, the other members leave the small courtyard, with Vaggie leading her girlfriend away, and Husk scooping up Nifty and leaving with Angel. Eventually, only Lucifer and Vox are left at the grave’s side. 
Lucifer slips by Vox with a low whisper of, “Don’t stay for too long. It’ll hurt more.”
Vox doesn’t respond, instead choosing to stare at the tombstone. 
It was carved out of granite to look like an old radio.
“I could never choose to love another; maybe one day I could learn to love you too.” - We Become We
Vox had chosen the inscription himself, though it took many tries to get a readable version. 
He knelt by the grave. 
“Hey.” God, he sounded so stupid. But this was the only way to get closure. He would never find closure. It hurt too much. “I miss you. I’m sorry I couldn’t save you.”
He placed the broken staff and a few flowers. A pink carnation, a cyclamen, a purple hyacinth, and a sprig of rosemary. 
Vox stands and brushes off his coat. He stares down at the freshly turned dirt and flowers. 
“I love you,” He whispers. “I’m sorry.”
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maxeria-shade · 11 days
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@medichamcham you just reminded me of my favourite Giovanni headcannon ever…… so i just, doodled this fjsheusvqfs
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kyoupann · 17 days
After 3-4 years I've finally changed my lockscreen!! 😭
Please help a bitch out by voting for your favourite. I can't decide for myself because it's simply a really pretty wallpaper 🥹
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If you don't vote, you're homophobic against me heheheh
Top left would be the brightest one ☀️
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elpsycongruent · 3 months
does German have a word for the emotion you feel when, having been recognized on the street by an elementary school teacher whose class you were in twenty years ago, you're told to call her by her first name?
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bubblingcolaa · 4 months
Long wordy post again oh no (I don't have a sketchbook, okay)
So basically this is just to uh.. explain how I view Roger? A lot of people will probably disagree with me and like.. I get it. It's a strech from an actual book representation and such. A lot of my ideas are, and I need to re read the book so I get a better understanding. (Also sorry for bad gramrr and spelling errors and such. It's late and I spent like an hour on Duolingo so my Brian is thinking more in foreign languagess rather than English)
Anywho, my thought was like.. Roger doesn't nessicarly need to be cold and such. Yes he's described as a shady kid whom know body notices, but like, that doesn't mean that he's nessicarly emo. Y'know? I personally think that the reason why Roger is a sociopath borderline psychopath is because that's just his brain. Like it's that occasion where that part of the brain that feels sympathy and empathy didn't develop correctly for Roger, and that's why he is the way he is. Like, he knows what he does is bad and all, and he can slightly control it. But, overall, he just doesn't care. But, this doesn't neeissicarlky exclude the fact that he can be kind of caring, right? Perhaps he has a strange way of showing it, but there's a few people I hiss life that be does care for. Find torrlible. Like maybe his way of showing that he wants to befriend someone is just giving them a rock or writing a detail essay on like.. the physiological side effects of cannibalism or something. Whatever Roger would do. And also, keeping the fact that he's basically the quiet kid an d doesn't talk to anybody. He like.. only knows people if their a friend of Jack's or something.
So, that's all I'm saying. I know it's far out from the book and literally nothing like this is proven in it, but then again, the book is about the harm of mass thinking and all, I don't think William golding was too concerned about fully developing a little furtive boy whose basically a side character and only says like seven sentences in the whole entire book. (Directly, there's a few that is emplied)
Anywho, that's all I have ://
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thevioletscout · 1 year
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softcryz · 1 year
Mini doodle time :]
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xtokxyo · 5 months
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Genuine question.., what's the reason of the feather in Kaveh's hair?? Like for aesthetic purposes orr?? Like something else??
Like tickling
I'm confused..No but like if you think about it?? What if it's windy and the feather just blows away 😭
Does he just has a collection of feathers stashed away or smth?😰
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moocowmoocow · 6 months
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streaminn · 1 year
When they're both bitter and missing Wednesday >>>
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