#and W.riothesley is perfectly one of them
reginrokkr · 10 months
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Dain @Wriothesley, based on his miscellany and deeds in the Fontaine story arc: could like him
Wriothesley: wants to fight him
Dain: ...jfc
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daybreakrising · 11 months
💥💥💥💥💥 one for each genpact
Send 💥 for a headcanon I’ve always wanted to talk about, but haven’t had the chance to yet. | @resolutepath
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b.aizhu loves flowers. he loves growing them, he loves tending to them, and more than anything he loves giving & receiving them. a big part of being a doctor means cultivating and harvesting natural ingredients for his medicines, so he's an adept hand at growing things. add to that his belief that a splash of colour in a sickroom does wonders to help heal the mind and encourage recovery, and it's no surprise that he has his own flower garden that he tends to in what free time he has to spare.
c.yno prefers being out in the open. although he is more than used to the confines of an office and the crowded bustle of a city, he's much more relaxed and at ease in the vast expanses of s.umeru. were he not the general mahamatra, it's quite likely c.yno would have taken to being an adventurer, an explorer, spending months or years at a time in the wilds of t.eyvat. only his sense of duty (and desire to uphold the law) anchors him to his role.
k.aveh struggles with insomnia, mostly as a result of an unhealthy approach to his studies growing up and a habit of staying up late perfecting his designs. he manages it fairly well when he's between projects, but it's triggered by stress and rapidly becomes a debilitating problem. his mood is affected, making him easily flustered and irritable, and therefore prone to outbursts of anger and frustration.
r.azor doesn't believe he'll ever fit perfectly within the world. despite the best efforts of his friends to aid him with integrating amongst society, he struggles so much with what is deemed "normal" that he can't see himself ever being one of them. likewise, he knows he's not a wolf, that he can't ever fully be one of his pack, so he believes he'll always be caught somewhere in the middle, never quite belonging to either side. he's working on being okay with that.
w.riothesley's love of tea originates from his time on the streets as a child - specifically, a melusine who took pity on him and kept an eye on the scrawny boy covered in bruises. the first time, she brought him some hot soup. next was a flask of tea - which w.riothesley made last by only taking occasional sips, long after the tea had gone cold. after tracking down the melusine to return her flask, he rather shyly asked for more. after learning how he'd rationed the drink for so long, the melusine made routine trips to his usual haunts, always with a fresh flask of hot tea. (this experience also sparked w.riothesley's fondness for melusines).
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