#and aaravos
Moonshadow elves do not show fear. Moonshadow elves do not fear death. But Runaan, as true as Moonshadow elf as ever there was, who went bravely to his doom, still wished to live. And he cried in relief when he returned to life.
Anyway I’m a little emotional.
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average viren
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star-dragon-art · 2 months
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where the villain arc really started
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tdp season 6 shitpost doodles
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sagegreenfrogs · 2 months
aaravos was right actually because if a bunch of weird ass star cops murdered my autistic daughter in front of me and then i was imprisoned in a crater with her bones and filled with my tears by the fuckass dragon who ratted out my daughter I would have totally committed The Atrocities too
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bat-snake · 2 months
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My dude was really playing thousands of years of long game just to set up the death of the guy that snitched on his baby girl and then taunt him to his face as he was dying.
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sarasade · 2 months
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It's kinda insane to me that The Giant Aaravos theory got confirmed but that also explains how he eats people like they were popcorn and all that.
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animatorroseoak · 2 months
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I love u aaravos….
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ac0531 · 2 months
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The bones in the sea of the castout ARE LEOLA’S…. OH GOD!!!
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meebleagain · 2 months
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screaming crying throwing up idk if anyone has realized this yet but the symbolism in this shot is killing me
aaravos, free from his prison, holds claudia up to the moon, which looks just like the pearl. she is the one trapped now, by her grief and aaravos' manipulation. he holds all the cards and while it also looks like he's showing her the (moon)light; he could easily drop her to the deadly ground below.
aaravos also takes her away from terry, who watches on worried for her. foreshadowing? they grow apart in the next season perhaps?
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magicandmundane · 2 months
Kinda Sick and Twisted of the arch dragons and their allies to put Aaravos’s prison in a sea made of his own tears in a crater that was formed by his daughter’s death
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pinksilvace · 2 months
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Held together by love
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I think the reason Viren’s redemption works is that he ultimately got nothing out of it. The popular idea of a villain redemption is a bad guy changing their ways and eventually being accepted by their former enemies, often becoming one of the heroes themselves. But that wasn’t the case with Viren. Soren didn’t forgive him. Ezran didn’t forgive him. He wasn’t welcomed with open arms. He was locked in the dungeon, presumedly for life. And when he atoned for his past through a heroic final act, no one except Soren even knew about it. And that still didn’t earn him forgiveness.
But that’s how we know that Viren truly changed. For seeking the right path, he received nothing but rejection and death. And he was okay with that. He understood these were the natural consequences of his actions. He accepted what he had done was wrong. His sacrifice was sincere, a servant dying for his kingdom, a father dying for his son. He wasn’t seeking forgiveness, or glory, or power.
Because he had changed.
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Never thought I would become an Aaravos apologiser, but I think he was justified in everything he's ever done, actually. He should be allowed to commit crime.
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fandomislife03 · 2 months
Ok ok ok SO!
I think everyone has realized that Leola was autistic. It was heavily implied both through the flashback images and Aaravos' narration-
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She lined up her toys, flapped her hands (it was also shown in the trial scene), seemed to be sensitive towards loud sounds (like the other startouch elves when they talked), and walked on her tiptoes. All of those are classic signs of autism.
But there's one thing I haven't seen anyone else bring up, and that's that her giving her human friends magic and breaking the "cosmic order" or whatever could also be because of her neurotype!
Autistic people tend to have very strict senses of morality and fairness, and will disregard rules if they don't fit their idea of right or wrong. Personal example here, I used to constantly do things I was told not to because I thought the rules in question were bogus.
It's not hard to guess that Leola would find the rules about humans not having magic to be unfair- after all, her and all the other elves, and even the animals around them are full of it! So in the mind of an autistic child, this would be incredibly unfair. And she had the power to "fix" the situation! So why wouldn't she?
Why wouldn't she try to help her friends? Because it would break the cosmic order? That's vague as hell and she was a KID!
And the startouch elves atomized her, for breaking a rule she probably only half understood and thought was stupid. Because she was autistic.
Had this thought and wanted to share, makes the whole thing even more tragic.
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