#and aaron’s not a detective but he could work in forensics maybe??
onlysanepeoplesleep · 5 months
the urge I have to write a Brooklyn Nine-Nine AU for aftg is too strong. But I’m conflicted, should I write an AU where Neil becomes a cop (which in turn obviously means that the rest of the Foxes are cops/in the police force) or should he be the civilian assistant and act kinda like Gina (because she’s an icon) — but then wouldn’t it be funny if Nicky or Allison was the assistant? And wouldn’t it be funnier if Neil didn’t give a shit about the law but became a cop just so his father wouldn’t find him (because why would Nathan assume Neil would turn to the fucking police of all places??). And he constantly breaks rules and undermines authority because he honestly doesn’t give a fuck?
I don’t know, but I really wanna write it.
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Doctor’s Orders.
A/N: Hi everyone, this fic is a crossover between Criminal Minds and CSI New York, so I hope you enjoy. Just before you do, I’d just like to do a little shout-out to @g0ldengubler​ who proof read some of this fic for me. I won’t be publishing a lot now, as I have a lot of University work and exam to prepare for, but I’ll still be online! My requests for Matthew Gray Gubler and Spencer Reid are still open, as is my taglist! 
Triggers:  Shootings at Churches/religious places, swearing, sex/smut (implied)
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“Right my darlings, today I am taking you to New York.” Garcia said “Ooh, all expenses paid?” Emily asked all excited. “Case.” Hotch said as everyone groaned, in desperate need for a holiday. “There has been a series of shootings at Churches, and every time a family sadly dies.” J.J says, “They get shot and well, you get the idea. Detective Mac Taylor called us for help.” “I thought the NYPD would be able to solve this, they’re all really smart.” Spencer said “They are, but they need our help in bringing the unsub, or unsubs down. They don’t know who they are looking for.” Penelope said, “Now go crime fighters, the plane leaves in an hour.” “Bye baby girl.” Morgan said kissing Penelope’s cheek. “Come back safe my darlings.” Penelope said waving goodbye to them as they got in the lift “God I love that woman.” Morgan smiled “Speaking of women, Reid, you single?” Rossi asked Spencer looked up from his book and his cheeks flushed. “Yes. I don’t see how that is relevant.” “Maybe we can get you a pretty lady on the next team night out, or maybe even whilst we are in New York. I mean, we need to get you a girl.” J.J smiled “Yeah, we need another girl we can take on girls night.” Emily said “Maybe we can see if we can get the vacancy filled for a new agent on the team whilst in New York.” Hotch said, agreeing with J.J and Emily, but tried to think of a professional response. “I didn’t realise we had the budget for a new agent, I would have got a new type of coffee if I knew.” Rossi said “Not everything is about coffee Rossi.” Morgan said “It is when you are Italian.” Rossi said and got out of the lift. Spencer rolled his eyes at his co-workers and picked up another book. He did agree he needed to get out there but wanted to when he was ready. On the plane “My darlings, there’s been another church shooting. Mac Taylor will meet you with Detective and all-round forensics & Detective and Doctor Y/N Y/S/N will be there too, oh, and her PhDs are in Mathematics and Chemistry, same as genius baby.” Penelope said on the phone providing more details. “Thank you Garcia.” Hotch said and hung up. “Did someone enjoy researching the detective?” Morgan texts Garcia “That’s classified chocolate thunder and you know it. ;)” Penelope replied “Reid, Rossi go with Agent/Doctor Y/N Y/S/N and see what they have so far. J.J, Emily and Morgan with me and Mac Taylor when we get off the plane.” Hotch said. “Aaron Hotchner, Dr Y/N Y/S/N, we spoke on the phone. This is Detective Mac Taylor.” You say and do handshakes with everyone except the cute curly haired one. “It’s actually safer to kiss or hug.” Spencer said to you after introducing himself to you. “Nice to meet another Doctor.” He smiled You smile back, “You too Dr Reid.” “You can call me Spence if you like.” Spencer smiled as J.J and Emily give each-other ‘the look’ and text Penelope. “And you can call me Y/N or Y/N/N. I only let special people call me my nickname though.” You wink and Spencer’s cheeks flush. “Special people kid. She likes you.” Rossi winked Spencer rolled his eyes and went with you, Hotch and Mac to the office to discuss the case so far. “Would you like some coffee? The flight must’ve been a long one.” You say putting the machine on. “Only 1 hour, 12 minutes.” Spencer smiled “He means yes, we’d love some coffee.” Rossi said as Spencer gave him a ‘What?’ facial expression “Here you go.” You smile. “Sugar and milk are on the table behind you. I got some donuts earlier, there were more but I had a sugar craving.” “Thank you Y/N, this is perfect. We don’t normally get food.” Spencer said picking up a donut “Rossi, could you join Hotch and I to go through some forensics?” Mac asked “Sure.” Rossi said and left the two Doctors to it. “They seem to be getting on. Y/N/N is my best detective.” Mac smiled at Rossi, “But she doesn’t have much of a life outside of the job. She’s only 28 and started here at 16 as an intern.” “I could say the same about Spencer, and he’s 30 but he started at the FBI when he was 22.” Rossi said as he looked at some evidence under the microscope. “So, what are your PhDs in Y/N/N?” Spencer smiled at you even though he knew the answer. “Maths and Chemistry, but I want to go for one in History next. What about you Spence?” You ask as the team walk back in. “Oh me too! Well, not the History bit.” Spencer said and sipped his coffee. “Look guys, Dr Y/S/N brought us donuts.” He said “Ooh good, I’m starving.” J.J smiled grabbing one. You, Mac and the FBI went through the case, and the team went through their profile. “You keep staring at him.” Mac whispered to you “Who?” You whisper back “Dr Reid.” Mac whispered as your cheeks flush, maybe you have got a crush on him. “Is it that obvious?” You whisper Mac nods and you go back to listening. “So, you think it’s a foster kid then?” You chat to Emily and J.J who have taken a shine to you. “Yeah, we have seen it before.” Emily said “I’m sorry.” You say “Don’t be Y/N. We’ve all seen terrible things.” J.J said “I’ll drink to that.” You say “Once the case is over, we should all go for a drink.” Rossi said “That’d be good.” Hotch said You and Spencer nod and continue reading some old case files that Penelope sent. “This is interesting. Drew Smith was in and out of care all his life, and all of his foster families said he was sweet at first but then turned into the devil. Could he fit the profile Spence?” You ask, handing him the file. Spencer reads it in all of 30 seconds. “Yeah. Definitely. Hotch?” He asks. “Y/N has a theory.” “Put me on the spot why don’t you?” You giggle at Spencer, “Mac?” You ask and the two teams listen to you. “Look at Spencer giving Y/N the googly eyes.” Morgan smirked to Rossi. “She’s smart and beautiful, he had better ask her out. Or Hotch better ask her to join us.” J.J said looking at Hotch in the eye “Plus she has a gun and a badge already. She wouldn’t need training.” Emily said agreeing with her co-workers. “She’s Mac’s best detective, he won’t give her up easy.” Rossi said You finish delivering your theory. “I’ll have a word with Mac once the case is over.” Hotch says after hearing the teams discussion. “Y/N, could you go with Spencer and Flack to see if you can bring in Smith? Make sure to take your gun though.” Mac asked, “If that’s okay with you Hotch.” “Yes, that is fine.” Hotch said as the girls and Morgan smirked at each-other. You nod biting your lip and go to your desk to get your weapon Spencer follows you, noticing a photo of you and the NYPD team at Halloween dressed up, but you look very young. “When was this?” Spencer asked you. “Oh, the year the NYPD offered me a paid job. I started here as an intern at 16 and worked my way up. I got a paid detective internship at 18 that means I’ve been here 12 years this year. That’s a fucking long time.” You chuckle putting your hoodie on. Spencer nods. “Definitely. I’ve been at the FBI for 8.” “You ready Y/N? Dr Reid, right? I’m Flack.” Flack asks putting his hand out to Spencer. “He doesn’t do handshakes.” You smile, remembering his germaphobia. “It’s safer to kiss or hug.” Spencer said “But we’ve kissed before Y/N.” Flack smiled at you Spencer immediately feels jealous, and he doesn’t understand why… Maybe he does fancy you. “Yes, on the cheek as my best friend.” You smile as Flack wiggles his eyebrows at you. “Let’s roll.” “Is it me or did Spencer look jealous then?” Morgan smirked “Yes. Definitely.” Hotch said Mac laughed. “Flack has a girlfriend. I can tell Y/N likes Spencer. She’s like a daughter to me, but I am terrified of her sometimes.” Rossi laughed, “We are terrified of Spencer sometimes.” In the car “Turn left you fucker.” Flack laughed as you took the wrong turn. “I turned left.” You smirk “You turned right.” Spencer said laughing at your banter with Flack. “You may be a Doctor Y/N, but you are shit at listening for directions.” Flack said “You may need my Maths skills one day you bell-end and if you hadn’t noticed, the sign said no left turn.” You smirk and arrive at Smith’s apartment. “Maybe listen to your doctor.” Spencer smirked “Ah she knows I’m messing with her.” Flack smiled as he got out of the car. “She’s like my little sister.” “And you’re my dickhead of a big brother.” You say and park up. “I miss when you were 16 and didn’t answer back.” Flack laughed as some shots were fired, you all quickly put vests on as Flack kicks down the door. “I see you have your own Derek Morgan.” Spencer thought to himself “Freeze! NYPD and FBI! Lower your weapons.” You announce, as Smith tries to run but you trip him up. “Got you, you son of a bitch. Oh, and you have a little weed farm here too, we better add that to the murder charge.” “Murder?” Smith says as Flack puts him in cuffs. “We got Smith and we need a crime scene team here ASAP.” You say calling it in. “Don’t play dumb with us asshole.” Flack said putting him in the car. Back at the office, Mac and Hotch are talking to Drew, whilst the rest of your team and the FBI compare notes before they interview him.
“Do they always say no comment?” Emily asked you. “Yeah, or a string of swear words.” You shrug Spencer came in holding two cups of coffee. “Thanks pretty boy.” Morgan smiled reaching for the cup “Oh it’s not for you it’s for Y/N/N.” Spencer smiled handing you a cup “Ooh thanks Spence.” You smile taking the cup. Morgan looked at Spencer, “You always buy me coffee.” He said pretending to be a little hurt. “Well, in the 8 years I’ve been at the FBI, you have only brought me coffee 8 times, and I have brought you coffee 16 times. Y/N/N however brought me coffee and donuts upon our first meeting therefore she has the advantage over you.” Spencer said and sipped his coffee. “Is that the way to your heart Spence? Buy you donuts?” You ask Spencer nodded smiling as the team give each-other ‘the look’. “Here’s that file you asked for.” You say to Hotch after it finally prints, it’s about 30 pages in total. “Reid... Can you?” Hotch asked Spencer sighed and took the file. “I’ll give you the DL.” He said “DL?” Hotch asked “Downlow, summary.” You say assuming that is what Spencer meant “I was trying to be cool.” Spencer mumbled “You are plenty cool kid.” Rossi laughed “If you want answers out of him, question his foster families and experiences there.” Spencer said, “It could trigger him, but it could also get a confession. Also, he was closest to his foster Mum 5. Debbie, who passed away recently.” He handed back the file. “Thanks Dr Reid.” Mac said as Hotch nods. “Dr Y/S/N, could I have a word with you later?” Hotch asks “Yeah, sure.” You smile, wondering what it is about. “Have I done something wrong?” You ask “No, far from it.” Hotch said returning the smile “Hotch just smiled, he must really like Dr Y/S/N.” Morgan said on the phone to Penelope “Chocolate thunder, I want all the details. Keep me posted. Ciao.” Penelope giggled having done her research on you. “Bye baby girl.” Morgan says and hangs up “Y/N could you maybe give Drew a shot? He doesn’t seem to pay attention to us.” Hotch asked as he came back with Mac. “Yeah sure.” You say getting up “Hotch, this guy is huge, he could crush her with one push.” Morgan said “She can handle it.” Mac said, “You ok Y/N?” You stretch your muscles. “Yeah I’m great, just doing some stretching because it helps keep my brain limber.” You say and stretch your legs. Everyone looks at you confused, except Spencer who looks at you in awe. “Nice socks.” Spencer smiled, noticing they are mismatched. “Thanks.” You smile at your polka dot one and stripes one. “What socks are you wearing?” You ask tying your shoelace of your trainers. “One of dinosaurs and one of pumpkins. The classics.” Spencer smiled as Mac handed you Drew’s file. “Do you want company in the room?” “Nah, I’m good but you can watch from behind the glass in case I need back up.” You wink as Spencer’s cheeks flush. “Are you coming?” You ask walking to the room. Spencer gets out of his chair and follows you, as you walk you share Maths theories with Spencer. “Did anyone get a word of that?” Emily asked “The last thing I understood was their socks discussion.” J.J said shrugging “I don’t even understand half of the words she uses, sometimes, between us I have to research what she means after hours.” Mac laughed as a forensics analyst handed him something. “Y/N/N!” He called just before you walked in the room “Yeah?” You smile “Fingerprints match his. We have him.” He says and you nod as Mac goes back and tells the rest of the teams. “We got the bastard.” Morgan said “Drew, I’m Doctor Y/S/N, I just have a few more questions.” You say sitting down as Spencer watches you from behind the glass, the guy is huge. “Shoot lady.” Drew smirked “Tell me about your childhood, and Debbie.” You say “There’s nothing to tell, I’m sure that file tells you everything you need to know.” Drew said, loosing the smirk instantly. “And what about Debbie?” You ask “She was my foster Mom, the only one who liked me. But she got sick.” Drew said “That must’ve been tough.” You say, “The doctor mis-diagnosed her, didn’t he? Made you feel rage.” “Yeah but I didn’t kill anyone over it.” Drew admitted “So, why are your fingerprints on the weapon found at the last scene?” You ask “Well, that escalated fast.” Spencer says as Morgan, Hotch and Mac come into the room. “They’re not mine.” Drew said to you “Oh, who do they belong to? The guy we have downstairs for drunk driving, or the guy in the room down the hall who shot an officer with an unlicensed weapon?” You ask innocently “Is she always like this? Sarcastic?” Hotch asked “She plays dumb, because she has a baby-face they assume she’s young and not really a detective, but she can usually get them talking once she’s snapped. Just wait.” Mac smirked “Yeah, it’s one of them lady. I’m clean.” Drew says “Clean as the blood on your right breast pocket?” You ask “It’s.. It’s not like that lady.” Drew stutters covering the blood. “I wonder if it matched the blood found out the crime scene… Could get a decent sample too.” You say putting your feet up on the desk, “But if you are so innocent, that could be wine.” “Shut up lady! Calm down!” Drew ends up shouting “This is calm, and it’s doctor. Sit down.” You say calmly, “Now let me test that wine for blood.” You say, “Take off the shirt.” You say giving him a bright pink one to wear. Everyone laughs from behind the glass, “Oh she’s good.” Hotch smirked You put gloves on and do a test on the shirt. “Didn’t realise you could get human blood wine, where did you buy it?” You ask once the test comes back positive for human blood. “Is there anything she doesn’t know?” Spencer asked Mac noticing you know your way around forensics “How to get a boyfriend.” Mac said “Okay okay, I did it! I did all of them. Lock me up.” Drew said “Aww, because you asked so nicely. Get up.” You say as Drew gets up but headbutts you and kicks your knees in the process as you crash to the floor. “You’ll regret that.” You say with a busted lip and put him in cuffs as everyone runs in. “You ok?” Spencer asked you “Oh yeah, that’s nothing.” You shrug, handing him over to Mac then go to the bathroom to clean up limping a little. “That’s nothing?” Spencer asked in a slightly high-pitched voice. “Once a suspect pushed her so hard, she broke her back, had therapy and she still showed up to work in a wheelchair.” Flack said “When was this?” Hotch asked “She was 21. She’s from a rough neighbourhood so she does herself proud every-day.” Mac said “Can we have a word in your office?” Hotch asked Mack who nodded, thinking he knows where this is going. “I’m going to check on Y/N/N.” Spencer said as he eventually found the bathroom. “Hey Y/N/N, you okay?” He asks softly as you come out “Yeah. Coming!” You say walking out all patched up. “You good?” You ask “I should be asking you; you had your head butted into. You should get it checked out.” Spencer said worried “First respondent said I’m good, and for someone I met today, you seem very worried about me, it’s almost adorable.” You admit biting your lip then wince forgetting you’d hurt yourself. “Fuck.” You grumble at your stupidity as Spencer laughs “Almost adorable?” Spencer asked with a raised eyebrow “What’s going on?” Morgan asked a little too loud as Rossi, J.J and Emily were watching “Ssssh.” Emily said putting a finger to Morgan’s lips “Okay, a lot adorable.” You say blushing In Mac’s office “No, absolutely not. She’s my best detective.” Mac shouted to Hotch as he kept shaking his head, “I’m not letting her go.” “You told Rossi she needed to get out there, I think this would be great for her.” Hotch shouted back “I meant settle down, get a boyfriend, have kids. Not leave New York.” Mac said “The change would suit her.” Hotch said, “And at the end of the day it’s her decision.” J.J knocks on the door, “Hotch, we’re all going to Shaw’s for a beer. You both coming?” She smiles “We’ll be there soon.” Mac said as J.J nods, closing the door on her way out. “Regardless of what you say, I’m making my offer.” Hotch said At the bar “Any idea what they were on about in there? Shouting match or what?” You say to Spencer. “No idea.” Spencer lied, “What do you want to drink?” “Just a pint of the house beer.” You say handing over the money. “What are you doing?” Spencer asked “Er, paying for my own drink because screw the gentlemen pays.” You say “Y/N/N, you got kicked and pushed to the floor today. I can buy you a beer for that.” Spencer said, “Two pints of the house beer please.” He told the barman who nods “I’ll buy some snacks then. Whatcha want Doctor?” You ask eyeing up the fries on the menu. “Whatever you’re having Doctor.” Spencer smiled as Hotch and Mac come in, Mac still looking cross and Hotch looking smug. “Mac, what’s up?” You ask him “Nothing.” Mack lied “Don’t bullshit me. We’re off the clock.” You say to him as Mac walks off and goes outside for some air, “Just some crisps and nuts please.” You tell the barman and pay then find a seat with Spencer “Dr Y/N, can we talk?” Hotch asked just as you sat down “Yeah sure.” You say and walk off with him, leaving your drink on the table “Oooh, it’s happening.” Emily said pouring herself a glass of wine from the bottle “What’s happening?” Spencer asked sipping his drink “We’re getting a new agent.” J.J smiled Spencer smiles to himself and sips his drink. “So, Y/N. I was talking to Mac, and as much as he really doesn’t want to let you go... I’d like to make you an offer anyway.” Hotch began “Offer?” You ask “We have a position for an agent at the FBI, with us. You are overqualified, but I think you’d like it. You understand the work, and even used our terminology on your case. We don’t see that every-day.” Hotch said, “Plus you wouldn’t be in New York every-day. We travel a lot, but we are a family.” You look at Mac, and your team there, then to the FBI. You have debated about leaving for a year, not because of the people but wanting a change, and this could be the one you need. You then look at Spencer, who looks a little sad. “What if she doesn’t take it?” Spencer asked “I think she will.” Morgan said sipping his drink Suddenly, you and Hotch walk back. “Well?” Emily asked “Looks like I need a new badge.” You say with a smile Everyone cheers. “I’m sorry to see you go Y/N/N but please visit.” Mac said “Course.” You smile. “Hey, can we have a word?” Spencer asked you You nod, confused. “Everyone wants words with me tonight.” You laugh as Spencer and you go outside “Do you think?” Rossi asked “Oh yeah. Pretty boy about to ask baby girl genius out.” Morgan said “Everything okay Spence?” You ask once you get outside. “Yeah, I mean… No… I mean, want to go out with me on a date?” Spencer blurted out then gasped. “Fuck. I didn’t mean to say that, but I did. But if you don’t want to that’s fine.” He says going through all the emotions of a menopausal woman at once. “Every time a pretty face comes pops up your brain turns into a god damn potato. Prentiss is right, my IQ lowers from 187 to 60.” You quickly grab his arm gently. “Hey... Let me answer before you get yourself in a tizz.” Spencer calms down at your touch, which he finds strange, not really liking being touched but when you do it, it makes him feel, safe almost. “Okay... okay...” Spencer says looking at you “Yes.” You smile and kiss his cheek. “Want to sneak off and grab some pizza? I have a lot of packing to do. Hotch wants me to start in two weeks.” Spencer nods smiling as you do just that. “Where are the pretty people at?” Morgan asked noticing you’ve been a while. “I don’t think they’re coming back.” Rossi winked. “Ooooh.” Emily and J.J smirked “So, what pizza can I get you Spence?” You smile. “I’m going for four cheese.” “That’s fine with me.” Spencer smiled at you, “Does this count as a date?” “If you want it to.” You say and place your order “I do.” Spencer smiled “Me too.” You say and pay for the pizza “I should pay half.” Spencer said feeling bad “You’re good, you can always buy ice cream if you want.” You assure him Spencer nods, as you walk around New York eating pizza. “It’s okay if you don’t want to, but would you like to come to my flat and have a nightcap?” You suggest as you finish your ice cream “I’d like that.” Spencer smiled, “But I’d like to do one thing first.” He said having a desire to kiss you there and then. “And that is?” You ask Spencer puts his hands on your cheeks and kisses you deeply. “Oh.” You giggle, pulling away after a few moments Spencer giggles too, “Told you it’s safer to kiss.” You walk to your flat, and let Spencer in. It’s fairly small with a double bed, en-suite, a kitchen and a small library. “I don’t normally have people back to my place on the first date. But I think there’s something special about you Dr Reid.” You say locking the door once Spencer walks in and takes his shoes off. “There’s something special about you too Dr Y/S/N.” Spencer says, “Can I take a seat?” He asks gesturing to your two-seater sofa “Of course. You okay with whiskey or scotch on the rocks?” You ask getting two glasses down “Scotch please.” Spencer said looking at your bum when your back was turned You bring the glasses over and sit next to him, “Can I tell and ask you something Spence?” “Of course Y/N/N.” Spencer says, “Thanks.” He says taking the glass “It’s more of an observation, but I’ve noticed you don’t like physical touch, but when I’ve done it, you go from tense, to relaxed in seconds. Why?” You ask sipping your scotch “I feel safe around you, and I don’t feel like that around many people.” Spencer admitted “Do you want to kiss again?” You blurt out and finish your drink quickly in-case Spencer says no “I do.” Spencer smiled and finished his drink and pulled you in for a kiss
After a few more drinks, you end up having sex with Spencer.
Spencer pulled out of you gently and wrapped the condom up and put it in the bin. “That was amazing.” He says as you cuddle into his arms glad Morgan slipped him that condom earlier. Even though you were on the pill, Spencer wanted to be extra safe. You nod agreeing, “Aren’t your team wondering where you are?” as you trace little patterns on his chest with your finger. Spencer checks his phone, as a text comes through from Hotch ‘Plane leaves at 2PM tomorrow, as Mac and I have some paperwork to sort out for Y/N’s transfer. Meet us at the Police Station at 12PM.’ He then shows the text to you. You nod, “Least we don’t have to be in early.” As Mac texts you that you need to be in at 12 to sign the papers and get a new badge. Spencer smirks, as Morgan texts him, ‘You got laid didn’t you pretty boy?’ and replies, ‘Yep.’ And turns his attention back to you. “You comfy?” He asks wrapping the duvet over your shoulder You nod, “Stay the night if you want.” “Doctor’s orders?” Spencer asked “Doctor’s orders.” You yawn and fall asleep as does Spencer. Taglist: @pumpkin-goob , @jpegjade , @andiebeaword , @hopebaker , @hotchsbabygirl , @hercleverboy , @cupcake525 , @gubetube , @aperrywilliams , @cosmic-psychickitty , @marleyhotchner​ , @gubler-me-up​ , @trina2323 , @goldentournesol​ , @jenna-jd​ , @reidgraygubler​ , @g0ldengubler​ , @gcblers​ , @peachpitfics​ 
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
congrats on 5.5k!! you're insanely talented and I'm so happy you're getting the recognition you deserve 🥺🥺 could i join in the ship requests too?
I'm a rather small sized (like, 154cm & ~40kg kind of small) Asian female from a South East Asia country and i prefer men, especially men who are taller and Age Gaps™ 🥴 I'm not sure how much you know about/believe in astrology but I'm a Libra sun, Taurus rising and Capricorn moon so you can do what you want with that 😂
I'm an INTP/INFP (I've gotten both an equal number of times from sites OTHER than 16 personality, tho I personally vibe with INTP just a teeny smidge more) if you do MBTI ✌🏼 I LOVE to read, especially fanfiction lmao, and i also write! I really love listening to music + watching shows/movies too! My favourite shows are all mystery/crime based LOL and I am working towards becoming a criminal psychologist/forensic pathologist/forensic scientist in future! (heavily inspired by Criminal Minds, Sherlock, Detective Conan and the like so 😂) I have a really vivid and good imagination please i can spend DAYS just daydreaming and imagining scenarios that I never finish writing about & generally this is how all my work is never finished loll
I'm the eldest sibling at home, and my parents haven't always been around so I've been rather used to stepping up and taking care of myself (+ my sibling, like helping them with homework and all). Some people say I'm a natural born leader? idk bc I often step up to be the leader in group work & I'll often be the one to initiate things & all. I'm a rather big procrastinator though LOLL so you'll often catch me rushing my assignments & final projects & rushing my revision for exams + finals like, 2 days before the actual exam 💀 which often leads to me becoming more stressed out & breaking down more often than i actually should so 🥲 I'm trying to quit this bad habit though
I love cuddles and hugs please I will KILL for cuddles and hugs from my back by a tall character pls it just feels so safe and comforting to be spooned too 🥺🥺 sometimes when I'm too absorbed in work or something (which happens too often for it to be healthy) I might just forget to eat/sleep entirely AND also my sleep routine isn't the best. like i will literally fall asleep at 9pm, wake up in the middle of the night on my own at like, 1am, then usually I'll be rushing homework at this time, then maybe sleep again for a short while from 4ish? till when i have to get up for school/work at 5:30/6am 💀 there's been days where i literally looked so sick from the lack of sleep where my tutor once stopped the class to ask me if I was okay and if i was going to faint LMAO 😔 i feel like I'm a night owl??? but then also i have no problem getting up super early in the morning so?? but i really feel most at home and really enjoy the 3am nights 😌
i am also the class clown lol but it's bc i just make sarcastic comments and all and my friends think they're funny???? but also i enjoy making people laugh bc sometimes i find it interesting to try and see what kind of things make my friends laugh so it's lowkey an experiment? or like something i want to achieve? at this point. I'm fluent in English and Chinese/Mandarin and I'm learning Italian so I roughly know some basics, and I really enjoyed History, which I took last year but dropped this year. (I'm taking English Literature with Biology + Chemistry this year and they're all great, except I'm literally dying from the workload aaahhh 💀)
I'm kinda clumsy and Not Good™ at most sports, maybe passably okay for badminton but I'm really not that athletic and really not very keen on exercising either 😔 I'm quite creative and good with public speaking/creative writing/impromptu performance/speech though I'd say! I'm also in my school's drama club 😎 though I'm more of a backstage lights & sounds kind of person. I'm right handed (with a really neat handwriting, as I've been told many, many, many times) and I wear thin frame spectacles which I sometimes will fall asleep in & I'm so clumsy/careless that I'm actually really afraid I'd break them (it's happened before 😭)
I'm a really good planner? like i can do up a great and detailed schedule/plan for revision and all but i will NOT stick to what i plan 😭😭 i love to snack!!!! on chips + gummies especially, and my diet is quite unhealthy lmao i literally don't eat vegetables At All™ & i don't really eat meat that much too?? lmaoo please i can go for days without having a single proper meal & just survive on snacking on potato chips + soft drinks 💀 i am a very picky eater though so really me not finding food i like/am able to stomach is also really kind of my fault 🤡
while i really vibe with and love the dark academia aesthetic, i also do video/MOBA games, like i play games like Mobile Legends & all. I'm someone who knows most, if not all the lastest trends (like tiktok, memes etc) but i won't actively participate in them? i just kind of like to know things, like Knowledge is Power you know (I'm a Slytherin, in case you're wondering, though I've gotten Ravenclaw so often it's a close tie sometimes)
okay i feel like that's enough details about me? feels like I've told you nothing that's useful oh well LOL... I'd really love a ship for Criminal Minds and Marvel? if that's possible please? in case you missed it, i prefer men! (I'm a questioning bi, with a strong preference for men) for the hc prompt "what you do on your first date" or maybe "how you met + first impressions"?
thank you so much for being so kind and willing to do this ship requests thing!! I'm sure you're spending TONS of time and effort on this and aahhh i feel bad for typing so long paragraphs now (as you may have noticed i have a tendency to ramble on if not stopped because i am just really Socially Awkward ™ sometimes 💀 and have really bad (social) anxiety too) and i really think you're super amazing for doing this??? I'm so sorry if this took up too much of your time aaahhhhh thank you so so so much 🥺😭😭 really the biggest of congratulations to you for your 5.5k??? you really do deserve every single follower & i am SO insanely happy for you 🤩❤️
- 🌙🏒 anon
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Don’t worry, you definitely provided enough information lmao. 
And thank you for your kind words, I appreciate it. 
I hope you like the ships I made for you
They are under the cut: 
Criminal Minds: 
I ship you with Hotch. 
You get the age-gap here lol. He would be a bit hesitant due to the age gap at first, but he would get over it because he can not resist. He does not seem like the type of cuddles, and especially does not take part in PDA. But when you are alone he would love holding you and spooning, especially after a long day of work. Aaron would be attracted to your uniqueness as well as your intelligence and aesthetic, finding it to be very “you”. 
How you met + his first impressions: 
You met when you were transferred to the BAU as the new Forensic Pathologist.
Hotch thought you were very interesting when you first met and was definitely intrigued by you. 
He thought you fit in fairly well and would get along with the others (which you do). 
He appreciates a sarcastic sense of humor, so he would dig that as well.
Hotch could tell you had a form of anxiety and wold be patient around you when you first met so that you could open up to him at your own pace.
What you do on your first date:
He takes you to a hockey game. 
He is not the sportiest person but he has had an interest in hockey for a while, sometimes watching it on tv. 
When he learned that you liked it, he decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to invite you on a date as well as to see his first game. 
After the game, you walked around town for a bit, getting some late night food and talking or a long time. 
This allowed you to open up to him quite a bit and you grew more comfortable around him as well, which he is very happy about. 
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Best Friend: 
Your best friend is JJ. She thinks you are really cool and unique and nice. She has the type of personality that is easy t get along with and open up too, so you bonded with her quicker than the others. I also feel like she is into hockey as well, so she appreciates your love for it as well. 
I ship you with Sam. 
I think Sam is a good fit for you. He is into sports, and digs your aesthetic. He is easy to get along with and very funny. He thinks your line of work is very interesting and loves to listen to you talk about it. Sam also really enjoys crime shows ans thrillers so he is always excited to meet someone who enjoys them as well. 
How you met + his first impressions:
You met through Nat, who you had met through SHIELD years before. 
You happened to be at the compound with Nat when Sam was there and she introduced you. 
He immediately thought you were pretty and very interesting.
Sam could tell you were shy, but that did not stop him from flirting.
Though he also made some jokes and was easy going as to not scare you off. 
He made sure to ask Nat about you once you left and managed to convince her to give him your contact info. 
What you did on your first date: 
He took you to the movies first, to watch the most recent crime thriller that came out. 
After the movie you went to a nearby park and walked around, talking about the movie and other crime/horror related stuff. 
You got food at a food truck and sat by the fountain together. 
He was appalled when you told him that you didn’t eat that often (if came a part of your relationship later on that he would try to cook you meals that you’d like just so you WOULD EAT). 
You ended up spending hours together, and it felt like no time at all.
So you were definitely up for another date with him, which he of course asked you about.  
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Natasha. She was the first one you met, and slowly introduced you to the others. She thought you were really cool when you first met and was surprised at how well you go along. That is sometimes hard for her to do, so once you became friends she never took that for granted. She and Sam would gang up on you when you weren’t eating btw. 
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the-sara-voe · 3 years
Chapter 8: The Profile
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Warning: Description of bodily trauma and dead bodies
Their conference room is smaller than any of them expected, but it provides enough space for ideas to hover about. Emily stood close to the whiteboard, analyzing Spencer’s geo-profile.
“Alright, each of the victim’s dumpsites was close to where each one was picked up, and are within a couple of blocks of each other”, Prentiss started, pouring herself another cup of coffee. “So he has a preferred dumping ground, he may work or live close by”.
“He also has to have enough knowledge of the area to snatch girls when they’re isolated, so a local”, Rossi responded, observing the photo-ridding corkboard.
“Did you get anything from the staff at that bar”?
David fiddles with his pen as he chews on his words, “Not much. The bar only has cameras outside the entrance. There was a prostitute that said she saw the second victim taking a smoke outside before she left. The bar manager said a bartender quit on them though”.
“I don’t suppose that raised any red flags”?
He shakes his head while Prentiss sipped her coffee, Hotchner and Simmons entering the room.
“How did the cognitive interview go”? Rossi asked.
“Good, apparently Daniella got into a small altercation with a guy at Larkin’ before she left”, Matt said, leaning on the back of a chair, “He got ‘handsy’ and she rejected him, and then he left”.
“Brielle gave us a description”, Hotch told, handing a sketch to Emily and Rossi. The man has a square jaw, is white, with smoldering eyes and a natural smirk. Using David Rossi’s words, he looks like a douchebag.
Hotchner glances at the drawing with a glum expression, “Brielle told us that Daniella had a friendship bracelet on the night she was taken. It wasn’t on her body when she was found”, he said.
With a sympathetic look and a bit of her lip, Emily asks, “First day back harder than you thought”?
Aaron nods his head in response, not saying much else.
In an attempt to change the subject, Matt says, “that might actually be beneficial. Sena thought it could be a sadist, and if he is taking trophies that confirms it”.
“You’re damn right it’s a Sadist”, Byun announces as she darts into the room, Reid lagging behind her.
Sena drops the medical examiner reports on the table, flipping through the pages. “Both victims were heavily restrained, so much so that there was leather from the gag used in their stomachs. So they were alive when they were tortured. All of the stab wounds are focused in the abdomen, and if you compare Marckus to Cortez, there is an increase in certainty and violence. He is getting way more confident”.
“Well increased violence from Marckus to Cortez is compatible with the guy who Daniella rejected”, voiced Rossi.
“A sadist who doesn’t like to be challenged by women”, Byun poses.
This prompts Spencer to add, “Oh and both victims essentially lost their entire blood volume and were killed with a corkscrew. In addition to them being redressed, the M.E. found diluted traces of sodium hypochlorite”.
Sena rolls her eyes and gestures to Reid saying, “Spencer, just say bleach. Anyway, we think this guy is forensically sophisticated enough to hide his DNA but confident enough that he thinks we are not going to find him because he is still using the shirts from that church”.
“Which I cannot find where they store them”, Luke muses, walking in with a file an inch thick, “Turns out the church the Home Sweet Home project is run by has so many volunteers that when they get a new order of shirts, people just volunteer to store them. So we have a long, handwritten check-in list of people who go to pick up the shirts when they arrive at the church”.
Hotch extends a hand for Luke’s file, flipping through the entries, saying, “First and last names, phone numbers, and quantity of shirts picked up. Okay, send these to Selemani. Maybe she can trace the numbers and connect them to home addresses. Then we can cross-reference those addresses with the dump and abduction sites”.
“Uh, excuse me, you’re not Unit Chief yet”, Emily scoffed, “but Luke, do what Hotch said”.
Luke cracks a smile as he takes the file and goes to find a scanner, Sena following closely with her cellphone to her ear. Matt and Aaron soon follow suit, the both of them having not eaten since early that morning. Prentiss jots down a preliminary profile. However, Rossi peers over at Reid, who is examining the ME reports.
“Kid, did you say the wounds were from a corkscrew”? Rossi asked, pouring himself another cup of coffee.
Spencer responds, “Yeah, it’s strange huh”? Rossi offers him a cup, but Reid politely declines.
“The bar that Daniella Cortez was last seen at, one of their bartenders just quit. That’s one hell of a coincidence don’t ya’ think”?
Reid’s eyes widen slightly as he nods, “We should talk to that bartender”.
As Reid stands from his seat, the detective of the department rushes in. His face is red and worn from exhaustion. In a matter-of-fact tone, he says, “There was another body found in the opposite direction in an abandoned lot. In a sleeping bag and Home Sweet Home shirt”.
Before Rossi and Spencer can respond, Prentiss rises from her seat. She turns to both of them, as if telling them to find everyone and gather in the bullpen of the station. Emily glides past the table to the detective when Spencer and Rossi leave.
With calm and certainty, Emily states, “We need to deliver the profile”.
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heykageyama-archive · 7 years
Long Time No See
Pairing: Hotch x Reader
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Request: No
Word Count: 1,097
A/N: This isn’t my best work but I really enjoyed writing it. I hope you enjoy and feedback is always appreciated.
Warning(s): Fluffish, Angst
Tagging: @criminal-navy-writings
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You’re sat at your desk, fingers tapping vigorously against the table when you hear a familiar voice in front of you.
“You look look frustrated.” Your head perked up immediately and you hoisted yourself up, beaming with excitement. 
“Emily!” You hugged your older sister tightly and you didn’t realize the other two men walked in behind her. You shook their hands as you introduced yourself.
“Hi, you must be agents Morgan and Rossi. I’m Detective Y/N Prentiss. I’ve heard a lot about you.” 
“Should I be flattered or concerned?” Rossi questioned.
“Maybe a little bit of both.” You smirked, earning a chuckle from Morgan and Rossi in response. 
“Is there a place where we can set up?” Emily piped in and you nodded.
“Yes, it’s right this way. Follow me.” You opened up a door at the end of the hallway revealing a quite large room with the current case files placed at each chair, and a white board ready. You and the agents each take a seat and look over the case file. “Where’s the rest of your team if I may ask?”
“Dr. Spencer Reid is with the M.E. looking at the previous victims and agents Hotchner and Jareau are at the recent crime scene.” Morgan mentioned without looking up from the file. 
Agent Hotchner. You knew that name from some where, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. You were lost in thought and your silence didn’t go unnoticed by Emily. She quickly changed the subject which brought you out of your trance. 
“Alright, how about we start on victimology.”
Emily pulled you aside from everyone after Reid arrived from the M.E.
“Hey, you okay?” She looked at you with a face of worry mixed with concern. 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Emily glared at you.
“I promise Emily, I’m okay.” You reassured. 
She sighed with defeat and glanced down at her phone which was vibrating indicating that someone was calling. 
“Prentiss. ..Mhm, yes I’ll be there right away.” She put her phone back into her pocket and turned to you. “Hotch wants a new pair of eyes at the crime scene. Why don’t you join me? You seem, distracted.” Emily looked at you with a quizzical look.
“Uh, sure. I’d be happy to.”
The whole ride there was full of silence. Emily tried many attempts to talk about why you’ve been quiet. You just replied with “I don’t know” or a shrug. You’ve never been like this and Emily was starting to really get concerned. Before she could question you again, you both arrived at the crime scene. Neighbors gathered outside their houses, trying to see what was going on. Luckily, the press wasn’t there yet. J.J. turned around when she heard two car doors slam. She excused herself from the grieving husband and made her way towards you. Upon seeing the new face, she held her hand out to you. 
“Hi, I’m Jennifer Jareau, but you can call me J.J.”
“Detective Prentiss.” You politely shake her hand while your eyes squinted from the sun shining on your face. J.J. looked from you to Emily in awe.
“Em, you never told me you had a sister.” 
Prentiss chuckled and shrugged in response. You saw a man in the background, who looked really familiar, walk out of the house and put his phone up to his ear. With J.J’s back to him, blocking his view of you, he saw Prentiss standing in front of her and wandered over, hanging up his phone call halfway through. When the man appeared next to J.J. you immediately recognized him and frowned. He was about to speak when he noticed you. Your whole body tensed and you both stand there dumbfounded.
“Aaron Hotchner. Long time no see.” 
“You two know each other?” Emily questioned.
“We…worked some cases a few years ago.” 
You licked your lips and looked towards the ground. Emily looked at you in the corner of her eyes and changed the conversation. She knew you did that whenever you’re uncomfortable. 
“Hotch, me and Y/N are going to look over the crime scene. By the way, the team wants you back at the station.”
“Okay, call me if you find anything.”
You let out a breath you didn’t know that you were holding as you and Emily walked into the house and J.J. went to talk to the husband.
“What was that about? You never told me that you knew him.”
“Emily, can we please not talk about this now?” To your luck all of forensics and photographers had all gone outside, leaving you and Prentiss alone.
“No, not until you tell me-”
“I had feelings for him okay?!”
Emily blinked and held her mouth agape. You hugged your stomach as you felt hot tears starting to form in your eyes. You bit your lip and rushed by her, speed walking to one of the cars. J.J. glanced behind her as Emily called out to you. She furrowed her eyebrows when you pulled out to leave.
“Y/N, wait!”
J.J. sprinted to Emily’s side as the sound of tires screeching echoed throughout the neighborhood.
You arrived back at the station about an hour later, your eyes were tinted red and a little puffy from crying. You had calmed down somewhat but you didn’t realize the footsteps coming towards you. “Detective, may I speak with you?” You slowly motioned your eyes upward and saw Aaron standing in front of your desk. He was trying to act professional around your colleagues. You nodded and gestured to the empty room that used to be an office. You closed the door behind you and turned towards him. You fidgeted with your fingers as you waited for him to speak. “What happened Y/N?” “What do you mean?” “I mean, you leaving the BAU without a word and not telling me.” You sighed. “Strauss somehow found out about our “relationship” and she made me transfer so I couldn’t interfere with work. Aaron, I’m so sorry, I didn’t want to leave you.” “Just tell me when to stop.” He walked slowly over to you while you looked at him confused. “W-what do you mean?” Aaron slowly came into contact with your lips. He wanted to make sure you were okay with it. You closed your eyes, melting into the kiss. Your lips danced around in sync. His tongue immediately slid into your mouth, quickly dominating over yours. You accidentally let out a quiet moan and Aaron pulled back to meet your eyes. “I should’ve done that a long time ago.”
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jeichanhaka · 8 years
And Carried Me Away: Ch. 4
Chapter 1|| Chapter 2|| Chapter 3|| Chapter 4|| Chapter 5|| Chapter 6||
Chapter 7|| Chapter 8|| Chapter 9|| Chapter 10|| Chapter 11|| Chapter 12||
Chapter 13|| Chapter 14|| Chapter 15||
Chapter Four:
Rossi gazed out at the patio where his daughter and grandson were playing with Jemma, after Spencer had dropped her off on his way to pick up Alsie. His eyes grew misty. It was idyllic and surreal, and he thought how just a few years ago he'd believed such a moment was impossible. He'd been overwhelmed with finding out about Joy and her son, and was still getting used to being a father and grandfather to them.
Then that case in Western New York happened and he found out about James. About the lie he and Carolyn had been told thirty-six years ago, and then the conspiracy behind that lie. It had blindsided him more than Hayden hiding Joy's existence from him. That at least he understood, though he was still hurt by it and lamented not being there for his daughter growing up. But James' kidnapping was one he didn't understand.
He'd just started his work hunting down serial killers with Gideon and the other starting members of the Behavioral Science Unit back then. The BAU as it was now, was only a dream back then, and not many believed they'd accomplish much if anything. So why did Connell and Somerfield target his son? Why did Somerfield experiment on James, trying to psychologically condition his son to become a killer? How had he been a threat to either of them that they would take James as a precaution?
He'd never heard of either man until just a few months ago!
The sound of his cell-phone buzzing pulled him from his thoughts, and he glanced at the number before answering.
"Yeah, Hotch? Is everything ok?" Rossi paused, his gaze watching as Jemma played with her cousin and aunt, her voice carrying inside from the patio. He smiled faintly as he saw the gestures the three year old made and understood what she was saying. It still amazed him how quickly Jemma had picked up sign language after they started teaching her. He was still having trouble with it, and mixed up a lot, but he understood what Jemma just signed. She'd been signing it for the past week.
-Momma's coming home soon. I'll get to see her.-
Rossi smiled at his granddaughter, missing what Hotch had just said over the phone. He didn't miss the tone though, and immediately turned his attention back to the other agent. "I'm sorry, I missed what you just said, what..."
-"Someone's copying James' crimes. Almost exactly. There's been only one recent victim discovered so far, a few weeks ago, but..." Hotch paused, his words horrifying and angering the older agent, who could barely respond from said emotions. "This unsub is killing his victims."-
Rossi, infuriated, barely noticed the ringing of his doorbell or his daughter going to answer it, his focus on Hotch. His tone was almost a snarl when he spoke, his anger directed at the thought of the unsub copying his son's crimes. As if it wasn't enough to have endured arresting and seeing his son sent to prison, to suddenly have it thrown back at him now and in this way. "Victims? Has there been more than one? Hotch?"
-"...Yes and no. This recent victim was the only one raped and enucleated by this unsub. But based on how the victim was killed, it's likely he killed at least three times before." Hotch replied, stating it matter-of-factly though Rossi sensed there was something more to it. He didn't have to wait long or even ask how the victim was killed before the younger agent elaborated. "The cause of death was three punctures to the spine, just like the three women who were James' victims thirteen years ago."-
"That's..." Rossi drew in a breath, Hotch's words a blow to him. He hadn't forgotten the three victims that were connected to James after the latter's arrest, but he had allowed himself to be content with not pursuing it since it'd been given to another team. One that had, he presumed, come to the same conclusion he and Hotch had: that the three women were assaulted by James, but murdered years later by another party. Rossi scowled, considering this information, before his anger was tempered with wonder. A thought had occurred to him as suddenly as his anger. "Hotch, if this unsub is responsible for killing those three women, then maybe..."
-"It's possible but unlikely." Hotch curtailed the senior agent's hypothesis, that the victims that were assaulted thirteen years ago and which they'd attributed to James, may not have been James' after all. "This unsub killed his victim before raping her. And the enucleation showed hesitance according to the coroner's initial report."-
Rossi exhaled, not surprised but dismayed by Hotch's refuting response. He was about to ask another question when Joy approached him, carrying an envelope. His eyes narrowed slightly, eyeing the package suspiciously. It was a plain, ochre-yellow business envelope, hand addressed to him. Seemly innocuous, yet it unnerved him. His gut roiled.
"Dad? This just came for you. I..." Joy spoke, holding the large envelope-shaped package out hesitantly. It was evident that she felt a bit suspicious about the package, but she still flinched when Rossi grabbed it from her hands. Her own concern heightened when her father suggested she play with her son and Jemma outside. "Dad...?"
"Go." Rossi replied, firm but softly, his gut clenching as a horrible feeling enveloped him. He didn't know what was in the package, but his gut was screaming at him that it wasn't good.
-"...Dave? Is something wrong? Did something happen?" Hotch asked, concerned by the tone to the older agent's voice even if he hadn't clearly heard the words. "Dave?"-
"A package just arrived for me." Rossi replied coolly, his eyes locked on the handwriting which seemed familiar but at the same moment felt wrong. He placed it on the table, deliberating what could be inside. His gut screamed at him.
-"What sort of package...?" Hotch asked, his eyes narrowing as he detected through the way Rossi spoke, what the other man thought. The package wasn't just a simple package, but one that had alarmed the senior agent's instincts. "Dave? Should I send the b..."-
Rossi, already opening the package, shook his head and muttered 'no' into his cell phone. His gut wasn't telling him the contents were dangerous, but that the handwriting was important. "No bomb squad, Aaron..." He paused, his expression turning rigid as he saw what was inside. He drew in a breath, mentally swearing. "But send forensics. And the team."
-"What? What's in the package? Dave?"-
Rossi didn't answer, but rather glowered down at the contents: a pair of human eyes haphazardly preserved in a Ziploc bag, and a VHS with 'to Rossi' written on the front.
"...I'll finish packing." Alsie mumbled, turning back to her things arrayed haphazardly on the bed. Her eyes alighted uneasily on the rubber-banded stack of photos and she immediately grabbed them. Her heart quickened, hoping that neither man behind her had noticed.
"Uh...I'll...I'll be on my way." William Reid spoke up next, not sure how to respond to his son's presence. Neither he nor Alsie had told Spencer he was still in D.C, let alone would be visiting Alsie today. Though, to be fair, neither had they told him that William Reid wasn't still in D.C. "...Bye."
Spencer watched quietly as his father bid goodbye to his sister, keeping his lips pressed shut until he heard the older man leave. It'd thrown him, seeing his father and Alsie talking, enough that he had stopped himself from opening the door. A total of eleven minutes and eighteen seconds had passed between him arriving and him entering the room.
A short time, yet it had felt like an eternity. Just standing outside, caught between wanting to barge in to demand his father leave and not wanting to deny his sister time with hi...their father. Spencer swallowed and cleared his throat, feeling both guilty and self-conscious. 'It's 'our'...'our'. Not 'my'...'
Alsie, having wordlessly packed away the photo stack unnoticed, glanced towards Spencer. Her eyes noticed his face, and the mix of fear and guilt in it. She noticed too, while she gazed on him silently, the moment his concern shifted to irritation. "Sp..."
"...it isn't mom's fault." Spencer blurted, his thought processes moving fast, dashing away from his concern for Alsie's relationship with their dad, and locking on the bits of conversation he'd overheard. The one most prominant had been when Alsie had complained about Diana - the tone she'd used still seemed to pierce him. "It's not her fault. Not back then and not now."
Alsie flinched, her eyes widening a millimeter. She stared up at her twin, allowing her hair to fall back behind her ears, as she gazed at him. Her eyes expectant. "...why?"
"Why?" Spencer drew in a breath, taking the one word question as a criticism directed at Diana. He nearly spat out an angry retort before Alsie continued, revealing how incorrect his assumption had been.
"What is it? What happened? Is she okay? Are you?" Alsie approached Spencer, her questions rapid-fire, and her eyes wide with concern. She immediately grabbed for her brother's hands. "Spencer?"
"..." Spencer glanced down at Alsie's hands holding his, the gesture the only way his sister could offer comfort. And just it alone was enough to make the last of his composure drop. The tears fell silent as he recounted his trip and what he'd discovered. That their mother had early-onset dementia, that she would slowly lose her memories. "...there's nothing I can do. Mom's...and I...I want to do something, to help her...not just for my or her sake. But...for you and Jemma too. I...I want Jemma and you to meet mom, but if her memory...it'd be difficult enough explaining to her the truth once. That you were taken. I'd prepared for that weeks ago. It would've been emotional, overwhelming, but doable since I was sure she'd be overjoyed discovering the truth. But..."
"...yeah." Alsie mumbled, getting Spencer's concern and understanding his turmoil. The prospect of having to possibly repeat the explanation over and over, would be exhausting emotionally. Yet she felt bitter. Before Spencer had gone to see Diana, he'd told Alsie such wonderful stories about the woman, that Alsie had looked forward to meeting her. To finally be able to see her real mom, and be able to have a mother worthy of the title.
Her bitterness faded however, as an idea popped into her thoughts. It was one she had buried, locking up in the dark coffers of her brain. One she knew no one would understand or condone, yet it still burned inside her. She squeezed Spencer's hands, gazing up at him timid yet hopeful.
"You know, we could forget too, that we are..."
"What? No." Spencer flinched, understanding what Alsie meant before she even finished, and was left aghast. The petite woman hadn't mentioned or hinted towards it since the first time she suggested it, so he thought it was done with. Yet now...
"...I already explained that...there's no risk...I can't...carry to term again. So...all that'd be hindering us..."
"No. Alsie. Just no. That's not going to happen." Spencer groaned, feeling nauseous from the thought. It was bad enough that he and Alsie had kissed briefly, before finding out about being twins. But what Alsie suggested was much worse. At least the kiss had occurred before he knew Alsie was his twin and had been initiated by her alter Ana.
Alsie's hesitant hints at wanting to continue such a relationship with him despite knowing were disconcerting.
"...I'm sorry."
"I can't...I can't believe you would suggest something like that now. Just after I explained about mom. I can't..." Spencer shook his head, staring at Alsie like she was a bizarre alien. It seemed like the only explanation, though he knew it had more to do with how Alsie was raised and her trust issues than that. "...how...do you even actually care about mom? Or anything I said about her? I can't..." He pulled his hands from his sister's.
"...sorry." Alsie whispered, flinching at the sudden loss of Spencer's hands. It was such a small gesture, yet it spoke volumes to her. More than her brother's frustrated and angry words. Her eyes teared up, which she hid by shifting her head downward, allowing her hair to conceal her eyes from anyone over her height. Her bereft hands, she used to embrace herself, crossing her arms in a mixed gesture of self-comfort and defensiveness. "...you don't have to be here."
Spencer blinked, taken aback. Even more so when Alsie started trying to carry her bagged things herself, ignoring the fact that he was there. "Al...don't...don't do this. Don't shut me out just because...I won't..." He grabbed for the packed bag Alsie carried, determined to help. His eyes grew wide when she tensed and backed away - only a few inches, but it seemed like a chasm. "Alsie...please. Don't be...don't...be..."
Spencer bit his lip, about to say 'don't be stubborn' to Alsie, despite knowing that it wasn't spite that caused his sister to flinch.
"'Don't be what'? Unfair? Stubborn?" Alsie blurted, glaring at her brother. "What is 'fairness'? Really, tell me. Is it fair that you got to spend all those years with mom and dad, while I...I got..." She swallowed, thinking about the Crawfords and Linnet. About what she had to endure growing up, enough abuse to trigger D.I.D. "...And is it fair that dad practically leaves the room every time you arrive because he's too concerned about how you may take the time he's with me as favortism? And you never tell him otherwise. I understand he left you and mom, but you still had ten years with him in your life! I had none! And you've had even more time with mom! The woman who forgot I existed since I was born! Yet whenever I make any sort of complaint or remark about her, you defend her." Alsie snarled, barely taking a breath as she continued her tirade. "I'm sorry I don't have the same view of her as you, since I never met her. And going on how you worded what you said earlier, it seems I never will since it'll be too...useless? Too irritating?"
"Tha...Alsie, no. That's not..."
"And to top it all off, you get angry at me for suggesting something that...yes, I know...I get it's impossible. Illegal, even. For you and I to..." She took in a steadying breath, her lips trembling. "And I'm sorry for suggesting it. I just...it's how I feel. How I felt since we were children, playing chess at that park. You..." She touched her scarred right temple, her hand quivering. "The thought - the hope - of meeting you again was what allowed me to endure all the...shit I went through. I can't just forget what I feel, despite knowing we're related. Despite knowing nothing will ever come of it. I just...I'm sorry? All right?"
Alsie dropped her bag, her strength fleeing her along with her anger. Swallowing back her tears, she attempted to rush past Spencer and out of the hospital room, only to be halted by him grabbing her arm.
The next moment he pulled her into a hug.
"...I'm sorry, too." Spencer whispered, wrapping his arms around Alsie and allowing her to cry against his chest.
A/N: What do you readers think so far? BTW, I can't really think of any hints towards the answers to the questions I posed last chapter (the identity of the person in the flashback/memory Alsie had, or the name written in the book James received), but I can say that neither answer is an OC.
I don't plan on having any Spencer/Alsie twincest in this fic (though I might write a Oneshot AU for tumblr just to satisfy my personal desires), but I do feel that having the two deal with the emotional complications arising from their dating briefly in My Life Had Stood would make for some good drama. (The last few paragraphs of this chapter explains the main reason why Alsie is still interested in pursuing Spencer despite being twins.)
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Perry Mason Episode 3 Review: Chapter Three
This Perry Mason review contains spoilers.
Perry Mason Episode 3
Perry Mason, episode 3, “Chapter Three,” thickens the plot and solidifies the characters while delivering the biggest twist from on high. Matthew Rhys’ Perry Mason is still taking it all in. He’s surrounded himself with an idiosyncratic crew who bring their own tangents into the work play. But beyond that there is a master villain type who is rigging the game at every step.
Los Angeles district attorney Maynard Barnes makes the opening statements of the episode and Stephen Root delivers them with a dire glee. Oh, the things people will read in these love letters are “not for the faint of heart,” but salacious, tawdry and damning evidence of a horrible conspiracy. We’re rooting for the DA already based on Root’s exorbitant exuberance and alliterative public litigation. He’s positively showboating. 
E.B. (John Lithgow) is already on his back when he responds. He’s getting a shave as he speaks to reporters. This encapsulates how the Dodson case is being tried in public, but the DA gets in the last words. Right now Emily Dodson (Gayle Rankin) is being charged with a murder which occurred as a result of a kidnapping she was complicit in. “But should we find it was Emily’s needlepoint that was used on that blue-eyed boy,” Barnes says, with a twinkle in his eyes and a hand already adjusting his suit for the perfect camera angle, “I’ll strap on tap shoes and add murder charges, don’t you doubt it.” Root is eminently enjoyable to watch, consistently. 
E.B. is fading, though. He’s flubbing facts, losing thoughts, blowing up at Della and Perry and, most disconcertingly, looks more and more like he’s ill. His private club friends are saying “don’t call me.” It is actually suspenseful to watch, and is being filmed accordingly. Every time E.B. gets flustered it feels like a flare gun is being shot in the air to help him find someone to save him. Usually Della pops right in. She is fully attuned to his rhythms, although we can see her sea legs get a little shaky when he rages against machines. It is positively frightening when E.B. occasionally forgets his lines.
Sister Alice (Tatiana Maslany) has also been going off script. Her mother (Lili Taylor) and the church elders want to rein in her religious exuberance, but she goes where the spirit takes her. Maslany is filled with spirit. Her sister Alice blesses the hangman, calls for the vengeance of hellfire, speaks both Spanish and the language of tongues, and still has the time to chide Perry for the horrendous state of his nails. All with not only ease, but a sense she’s breezing through this on a joy ride. Maslany gave fully formed performances of multiple characters on Orphan Black. Here she allows multiple characters to form one larger than life persona and she looks like she’s enjoying it.
When Mason balks at her magnanimous benevolence, saying the lord left him in France, Alice becomes more benign. Everyone else around her seems like they’d prefer to have Mason tossed in a trash bin. Check the way the doctor administering Alice’s intravenous line tells the detective it’s filled with vitamins and saline. It sounds like he’d rather be administering a lethal injection into the gumshoe. Mason and Alice both shine in each other’s presence though. He brings out an earthy defiance in her. She finds a spiritual soft spot in him. They both look at each other with a wary admiration.
The courtroom scenes are as well shot and tense as they should be, given the premise of the show. DA Maynard Barnes and E.B. are well-matched in arrogance and courtly manners, but Emily Dodson steals the scene in a whisper. That misspoken guilty plea has immense reverberations. “We have a weakness for degenerate femininity,” Herman Baggerly (Robert Patrick) tells his bastard son Matthew Dodson (Nate Corddry). Della Street (Juliet Rylance) stands up for Emily because bastard men will never see her.
Emily is turning out to be quite a tour de force for Rankin. It is playing out naturally over the course of the narrative, but she puts it all out there in the jailhouse scene. Emily is being baited by her husband while E.B. is trying to calm them down and Rankin goes through five stages of grief, seven levels of hell and all but the last step in a twelve step program before she finally erupts in a burst of rage and shame.
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Perry Mason Episode 2 Review: Chapter Two
By Tony Sokol
Perry Mason Episode 1 Review: Chapter One
By Tony Sokol
Shea Whigham’s Pete Strickland is also surprising but in the opposite way. The tough ex-cop exterior drops away when he’s asked to turn over a dead body. But he declines the same way as a kid who absolutely refuses to even think about eating his vegetables. It’s just as funny as any of his wisecracks while at the same time giving a glimpse into his inner workings. The same scene showcases how much Mason has learned about basic forensics. Rhys allows the audience to see most of Mason’s deciphering being done nonverbally, but he and Whigham also have full conversations with nods and grunts under the nose of the people around them. The actors and their characters have developed an easy shorthand which makes it look like they’ve been working together forever.
The strong arm scene is very subtly effective, both as art and in the furtherance of corruption. LAPD Detective Ennis (Andrew Howard) comes across as cheerily intimidating, like he can really kill someone with kindness. When he pats Officer Paul Drake’s (Chris Chalk) wife on the belly and predicts a boy, it is such an unwarranted intrusion it is only shocking but Ennis pulls it off with a greasy aplomb. When the upstart detective working the Dodson case out of E.B.’s office comes up against Drake for the second time, the officer is down with towing the thin blue line. Mason goes down for the count after two punches in the gut, something which might not have happened in the book but is satisfying here.
You have to admire Innis. Robert Patrick may have played the Terminator, but Howard’s dirty cop is a master villain. Mason made him lose his cool in the opening episode by saying all cops are stupid, but Innis’s ignorance is a willful one. He is willing an outcome with his very being and doing the legwork to make it all happen. He is also a perfect foil to Mason. Whenever a revelation comes to the private detective, he visibly files it away for future mental reference. Whenever Innis gets wind of Mason’s presence on a crime scene he shouldn’t have known about, we see Innis file it away so he will remember to kick Mason in the nuts the next time he sees him. Maybe not literally, but he connects repeatedly.
Howard also looks perfect as a 1930s flatfoot or mobster. He could have been cast in any part the magnificent character actor Joe Sawyer played during the decade. He’s not only got the patter down, he pulls off the faces which 1930s actors strutted their non-verbal acting chops on. Sadly, his character also pulls out a little too much flesh and bone when he’s doing his job. Mason learns the former accountant who had the affair with Emily quit his job counting money for a mob to pocket money from the pews. When George Gannon (Aaron Stanford) quit the gambling den of vile inequity to make book on the Radiant Assembly of God he was so full of righteous indignation his cheap dentures were dancing in the wind. Innis gets wind while he’s shaking down a house of ill repute and grits and bears it. Mason goes a long way and against legal ethics to make sure the teeth fit.
The Holy Spirit fills the ending, changing the very ether of Perry Mason’s atmosphere. Sister Alice has what looks like an epileptic fit, but it is shot ambiguously so we don’t know whether whatever is coming over her is the voice of god or a neurological reset. It happens right in front of her congregation and the responses are very telling. Elder Brown, played by The Son‘s David Wilson Barnes, throws his hands together applauding the fact the famed evangelist is incommunicado. But when she comes to, she makes a promise only her savior has delivered until now.
Maybe the Dodson case shouldn’t be about murder at all. If only someone can bring Charlie Dodson back from the dead it could all go away. The episode ends with her floating out to sea, is she crazy or caught up in a heavenly tide? In a series soaked with twists, “Chapter Three” sets Perry Mason up to go off course into uncharted waters.
Keep up with Perry Mason news and reviews here.
The post Perry Mason Episode 3 Review: Chapter Three appeared first on Den of Geek.
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blinkymonster · 8 years
The Evidence Locker (draft one)
The Evidence Locker
 "I'm sorry detective", the police chief said solemnly, "There's not enough evidence to prosecute. This one will just have to be set aside, unless further evidence comes to light."
 "Not a problem chief", replied Detective Mills, "I'm sure something will come up."
 The chief went back to his office and Mills returned to the paperwork piled up on his desk.
 "Tough break Mills", called Detective Barnes, "You've been working that drug job for sometime now. Still nothing links your guy Stevenson to the operation?"
 Mills keeps staring at the desk, "I know he's good for it Barnes. I just need that one piece of evidence that will put him away!" He doesn't realise how much anger and frustration lurk inside until his pen snaps between his fingers and ink runs across his papers.
 "You need to take a break man", says Barnes, a look of concern crossing his face.
 "Y'know, you're right. I'm going to step away for a bit."  Mills heads out of the office and heads down the stairwell to the ground floor.  He pauses briefly, checks no one is watching, and then continues to the basement. Nothing but pipes and the drone of the industrial air conditioner down here, and a locked door at the back, behind a disused storage locker.
 Mills stands before the door, "I need to get some evidence", he whispers. Then he takes an uncut key from his pocket and works the lock. The door opens, Mills enters the darkness.
 It takes a moment for his eyes to adjust to the dark, eventually he can make out the old file cabinet sitting in the middle of the room.
 "I know he's guilty", Mills says to the cabinet, "I just need bank statements or video of him doing transactions and he'll be put away. He shouldn't get away with this just because of a technicality!"
 The cabinet creaks and groans, then a drawer opens, illuminated from within. Mills looks in the drawer, reaches in and grabs a bunch of papers and a video tape.  "Thank you ", Mills breathes, then he quickly leaves, returning to his work desk.
 Mills relaxes at his desk, drinking a smooth coffee and looking over a new case.  Night shift patrol officers had locked up one Andreas Sanford for a break in downtown.  Now Sanford claimed he wasn't involved, but he sure looks like the perp on security footage.  The nail in Sanford's coffin was going to come down to fingerprints or DNA confirming he was at the scene.
 Sanford had already called a lawyer and wasn't going to talk anymore. There was no point in further conversations without some evidence to back the case, Mills mused as he sipped his coffee.
 "Hey Barnes", he calls, "You got time for a trip downtown? Gotta visit the scene of that break last night."
 "Yeah Mills, why not?" Barnes replies, grabbing his jacket, "You can shout me a coffee anyway."
 The scene was an electronics store, one of those joints that have everything from universal remotes to drones and everything in between. Crime scene investigators were still doing their work.
 "The camera out the front has good footage of the guy on the way in and out", Mills explains, "The last we see on camera is the guy heading up the street toward the mall."
 "There's a couple of shops on the mall with cameras", Barnes states, "I'll bet no one has checked to see if our perp made it that far.  I'll start down there".
 "You go ahead, I'm going to check with the forensics and I'll catch you up", replies Mills, heading to the crime scene tape.
 Mills gets a run down on what the forensic team has found. A preliminary analysis on prints at the scene hasn't come up with anything and so aside from the video footage, there's nothing else to go by.
 He checks in at a few shops nearby, does door knocks as far as necessary to cover a minimum investigation, then heads to the mall.
 Barnes is just walking out of a jewellers when Mills gets there.
 "How's this for luck", says Barnes with a grin, "Not one joint in the mall has footage out the front, but, there is a great little coffee shop nearby. So, y'know, take the good with the bad.  How about you?"
 "No luck with the crime scene, no luck with the shops nearby either. This case gets more tenuous by the minute", Mills replies frustrated, "Lets grab that coffee and get back to the station".
 The coffee shop was at the far end of the mall, shoved into a strange little nook between a newsagent and a defunct lounge bar.  Mills and Barnes were served by an old man who looked like he was at least a hundred.
 "You fellas cops?" Asked the old man.
 "Yeah", replied Barnes, "checking out that break in down the street. Wouldn't happen to know anything about it would you?"
 "Hey, wasn't me!" The old fella joked, "I leave that sort of nonsense to the young folk".
 He started working the coffee machine for a few moments, turning on the steam for the milk, and then he paused. "Damn foolishness you ask me", he said suddenly, "I told Aaron to just let it go, y'know? He could get another job someplace else, he shouldn't have taken it so personal. They were going out of business anyway".
 "Hold up right there sir", Barnes said gently, "I'm just going to make some notes, maybe grab a statement. Okay?"
 The old man then laid it all out. Aaron Bateman had been coming by most mornings on his way to work, used his time getting coffee as a means of blowing off steam, unloading his personal life. Aaron had told the old man of a sudden downsizing retrenchment, how betrayed he felt, and his plan for vengeance culminating in the break.  It seemed that Andreas Sanford had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time.
 "Shame we've got to release Sanford though", Barnes said on the way back to the station.
 "Why's that?", asked Mills.
 "He's an asshole", Barnes says angrily,"Keeps beating on his wife, gets away with it more often than he's caught. Y'know how it is Mills, we know a lot, but we can't always prove it. Elaine, his wife, she'd be happy to see the back of him for a while if he was locked up".
 Mills thought about that on the ride back to the station. As they headed past the front desk Mills paused for a moment.
 "I'll see you upstairs", he told Barnes, "I've just got a couple of things to catch up with".
 “All right, I’ll brief the Chief”, said Barnes as he headed up the stairs.  Mills waited for a quiet moment and then headed downstairs to the basement.
 Past the air conditioner, the pipes and the storage locker to the locked door.  Mills stands before the door, "I need to get some evidence", he whispers, fumbling in his pocket for the uncut key.  He works the key into the lock, pushes the door open and steps into the darkness.
 His eyes take longer than usual to adjust to the gloom, he fumbles about in the gloom searching for the cabinet.
 "I know you're here", he speaks into the dark, "I need evidence that puts this guy away. He may not have done this break, but he's done far worse. Better he's locked up for something, than he's out there causing grief to his wife and everyone around him".
 Mills hears the familiar rattle, creak and groan of the file cabinet somewhere to his left and starts groping toward it.  "It's for a greater good", he says soothingly, "He's guilty of so much more. He deserves to go down for this".
 Somewhere in the dark, the cabinet creaks and groans, then a drawer opens and  a strange glowing light fills the room. Mills walks slowly toward the cabinet, looks inside the drawer and smiles.
 Barnes was just finishing his briefing with the Chief when Mills walked into the office.
 "So that's it Chief", said Barnes, " The crime scene was a bust. We found the key witness down the street at the mall, he laid it all out for us. We've got the wrong guy downstairs, we should be after this fella Bateman."
 “Good work Barnes”, says the Chief, “Go and let the Custody Sergeant know to release Sanford without charge.”
 Before Barnes could start heading out the door, Mills spoke, “Before we do that Chief, I think you should see this.”
 Mills then handed over a security video disc marked, “Laneway cam”. The Chief took the disc and put it in his computer.  Silence marked the next few moments as the Chief stared at the screen, going over the footage several times.
 “So, Mills”, the Chief began, “Tell me more about this, how does it link in with what we currently know?”
 “Well,” replies Mills, “We have video and a witness that puts this fella Bateman at the scene, with motive for the break.  Initial investigations didn’t locate any further video footage that was of any use to us.  That is, until this turned up.  The timestamp puts this break through the rear laneway door at about thirty minutes after Bateman shows up.”
 “You’re saying Bateman and Sanford broke into the same building on the same night?”, says Barnes, a look of disbelief on his face.
 Mills shrugs, “Hey, I just go where the evidence leads.  I’m not up on the science of stupid.”
 Barnes shook his head, “C’mon, let’s finish this off.  I’m over the whole thing already.”
 After they had finished with Sanford, Mills and Barnes retired to the investigations office to debrief, relax and complete reports.
 “Lucky break finding that footage”, Barnes begins, staring at his computer.
 “Yeah, you know how I hate loose ends.”, replied Mills without looking up from his work.
“You didn’t think of sharing that with me before I went and made a fool of myself with the chief?”, said Barnes hotly, “I mean, what the hell, man? I thought we were working on this together.”
 “Hey, I just came across that video y’know?”, Mills said coolly.
 “But where did it come from?”, questioned Barnes, “We were both at the scene and there was nothing there.  We get that info from the coffee shop guy, I tell you my story about Sanford and all of a sudden you’ve got a crucial bit of evidence linking Sanford to a crime he has no prior history of, at a place he’s never been to before.  He doesn’t know Bateman, he claims to have never been to that joint before and there’s no fingerprints or DNA.”
 “What are you trying to say Barnes?”
 “It doesn’t add up Mills.”, Barnes said, getting up from his desk, “There’s something off about this, and I’m going to find out what.”
 Barnes then left the office.  Mills contemplated what to do next.  It wouldn’t do to have anyone questioning the evidence.  No one could know about the locker, it was his secret.
 Mills quickly headed the stairs to the basement.  Past the pipes and air conditioner, behind the storage cupboard to the hidden door.  He worked the key into the lock and pushed the door open.
 Mills stepped into the darkness of the room once more, “I need something on Barnes.  I need something that shows he’s wrong, that he can’t be trusted on this.”  Mills starting sweating all over, the thought of being found out was starting to bury itself deep in his mind, excluding all else.
 The filing cabinet stood before him.  It rattled and shook, and then a drawer opened.  No glowing light came from this drawer, just a blackness deeper than the room itself.  Mills strained his eyes to see what lay within, but could see nothing. Cautiously he reached his hands in. A growing fear gripped him as he delved into the drawer past his wrists, past his elbows, until his arms were fully inside the drawer, his head resting on the cabinet as he strained to find what lay within.
 After a few tense moments, he found it.  His fingers traced its outline.  He grasped it with both hands and brought it up from the depths. Holding it against his chest, Mills turned away from the cabinet and headed out of the room.  The cabinet slams shut, the secret door closes and locks itself again.  Mills heads to the Chief’s office with his prize.
 Barnes was still talking to the Chief when Mills burst into the room.
 “You need to see this”, says Mills.  Barnes and the Chief stop and look at him.  Mills can’t stop shaking and his eyes look wild.
 “Mills,” the Chief begins, “I think we need to talk…”
 “No”, Mills says angrily, “This changes everything, you need to know what Barnes has been doing!”
 He strides forward and pushes Barnes out of the way, then puts the black box on the desk in front of the Chief.
 “Everything you need to know is in there”, he says triumphantly, “My investigation style may be unorthodox, but I’ve never done anything like this!”
 The Chief looks at the box sceptically.  It is small, non-descript, with nothing to indicate what lies inside.  The Chief opens the box and looks inside.  His eyes widen, his face a mask of horror.
 “Mills”, the Chief stammers, “Where did you get this?”
 Mills looks at the Chief, mouth agape.  He looks at the box, at the thing that lies inside.
 “I don’t”, he starts, “I never…I could never do that!”
 Mills runs from the office.  Barnes is frozen in place, unable to move, his eyes transfixed on the box and its contents.  The Chief calls on Mills to stop.  Mills runs for the stairs, knowing he may be running for the rest of his life.
 Sweat runs down his face in rivers. His shirt was a sodden mess and waves of nausea washed over him. "They can't know", he said to himself over and over, "They can't know, they can't know..."
 He fell into the hallway walls as he barely made it to the basement.  He collapsed the final few steps and lay in a quivering heap a moment, before collecting himself and continued on the final quest to the room of the locker.
 Past the pipes, past the storage locker, once more to the locked room that no one noticed. But he had found it. He had used it, and now he needed it more than ever.
 "I need it..", he whispered to the door, fumbling in his pockets for the uncut key.
"I need to escape...", he stammered, choking on his words as they fell from his lips, "I need everything to stop..."
 He was still searching for the key, when the door clicked open.  Mills stared at the door, at the crack that indicated what once was locked, now lay open before him.
 He slowly pushed open the door and peered inside. The file cabinet stands in silence at the centre of the room. Mills tried to wipe the sweat from his brow, but he was shaking so badly it was a wasted effort.  He felt he was going to pass out, the room spun, his vision blurred, he needed something solid to hold onto...and found himself clinging to the side of the filing cabinet as a drowning man to a raft.
 "Please", he whispers to the dark, "They think I'm guilty.  They think I made it all up. They don't know about you. I need somewhere to hide, somewhere they'll never find me...no evidence...nowhere...nothing."
 The cabinet creaks and groans. The bottom-most drawer opens, a strange luminescence shining from within.
 Mills peers into the drawer, squinting to see what lies inside.  "I understand now", he says flatly. He feels tears start to well as he resigns himself.  One foot in, then the other as he steps into the cabinet drawer. He lowers himself into the abyss of light, and then as a final intended act, he lets go.
 The drawer slams shut, the door soon follows and locks in place. Darkness and silence are all that remain.
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