#and about sam we should not forget how the first girl he kisses is a monster
glitchtricks94 · 2 years
TWST Guys Bringing You Home!: Heartslabyul Edition
Welcome to part one, I'm planning on writing all the dorms + Idia. Ortho will just be included with him, personally, since Ortho is too adorable to ever defile in any manner outside of being a cute little brother. Headcannons, headcannons, headcannons! Let's start this off with some cottoncandy fluff, shall we? Not gonna lie, I felt like a mom gushing about all her chaos children over tea writing this. I hope you enjoy these headcannons, and let me know your thoughts. I love interaction and would love to hold a conversation with you guys. Anyways, sit back, relax and have fun. -Glitchtricks Word count: 4k
Ace Trappola
Oh, this is such a delight to see. Little Ace is in love! Ace is super awkward and very defensive, and yet somehow little ol' you broke down all those walls of arrogance and faux confidence, such a special darling you are. So, how would he be if he decided to bring you home to meet his family?
Two words: Nervous. Wreck. Ace is a disaster before bringing you home to meet his brother and father; he's sweating, internally screaming, his anxiety is spiked, and you have to handle everything with your usual grace. Ace has some bad anxiety, which he confided that he coped with it by being all snarky with everyone, i.e. being a dick way too often. You didn't mind though, but you did gently encourage him to come to you if he felt too overwhelmed by everything, just in case he needed to vent. How sweet! There was a lot of texting back and forth, nights cuddling on your near dinosaur era furnishings of Ramshackle, and plenty of kisses on his temples, Ace had calmed down enough to not feel like an anchor was being dropped on his chest at the thought of bringing you home. He was ready to announce you as his to his family!
Oh dear, sweet Seven, he couldn't have predicted any of what happened... First, his brother decided to do the worst thing ever and brought up Ace's old view on dating and how his first girlfriend got ghosted. Ace wanted to die then and there, even being collared by Riddle was more tolerable than this hell... "Hey, (Y/N), you know my baby bro here had a gal before you, right?" "Oh? He did?" You said, your pretty eyes widening. "He's never mentioned her before..." "Dude, please, don't...!" Ace quietly pleaded, humiliation seeping in like a cold rain. "Yeah, he went out a few times with this one girl in middle school. She'd always go to amusement parks with him and stuff, topping it off with a Ferris wheel, but he ghosted her." Ace's brother continued, sipping on his tea. "And why's that?" You prodded, sipping your own tea as you shot a small glare at your boyfriend. You shared stories of your exes, but why didn't he? Did he not trust you? You didn't know whether you should feel hurt, or pissed. You chose to feel pissed. "Got bored, 'cording to him, she was just bland beyond her coffee tastes and liked a lot of stuff that just didn't click with him. She was pretty, but had as much depth as a piece of paper." The elder Trappola explained. "Her friends called him out for his shit, and he swore off dating, too much of a hassle in his opinion, so I'm surprised he decided to go out with you, much less bring you home." "I see." You hummed. Ace knew he was in the dog house and was now preparing to ask Sam if he sold flowers and romance stuff to try and make it up to you when you both got back to Night Raven.
Well, at least pop likes you! Can't wait to have you as an in-law! During dinner, Ace's dad smiled and chatted all about his boys, saying how proud he was of Ace for bringing home such a sweetheart like you! You ended up forgetting the upsetting conversation from earlier given how jovial Mr. Trappola was, he was like that one cool uncle that was trusted with looking after the baby, or that one cool barbeque dad your friends might have. Card tricks were shared, food was eaten and conversation was exchanged, if at a little of your boyfriend's expense. Funny stories were shared, like that one time he accidentally hit his brother in the groin with a bat as a kid when he came home for the holidays, or that time Ace got pranked by his dad with a classic; pouring soap on his head while he was rinsing out his own lather. "My hair was never as silky as it was after that." Ace laughed, starting to loosen up as he threw his arm around your shoulder. You leaned over and pecked his cheek, making both your faces bloom red as you both grinned happily. Overall, you're basically already known as the best in-law ever even before Ace put a ring on it. He's already planning how to ask a few years down the line, though~!
Deuce Spade
Another cute boy, who's mildly awkward when in love. Oh, how sweet! He took a lot of time learning how to properly approach you. didn't he? Deuce is beaming with pride having you on his arm, smiling that cute little boy smile he shows off when he's excited. He loves holding your hand in his as you stroll about the rose gardens of Heartslabyul. You knew he was close to his mom, having ditched his old delinquent days after hearing her crying on the phone to his grandmother, and he often talked about you to her, sometimes while you were sitting right there! Oh, how your cheeks reddened hearing him spout compliments about you to his mother. Both you and Deuce were arranging to meet his mom and grandma, in fact Deuce wanted to introduce you as soon as possible! You're one of the most important people in his life, so he wanted to share you with his familial circle asap. So, how does this all go?
Oh, honey, grandma practically fell in love with you on first sight. You met Deuce's grandma and mom at the same time, the two sitting at the dining room table in Ms. Spade's home, sipping away on their tea. It was a little awkward with Ms. Spade, but granny practically pounced on you when Deuce said you were his significant other. She was just smiling up at you, going on about how much of a cutie you were the whole while. It was quite nice, talking over tea, Deuce smiling happily as he had an arm respectfully wrapped around your waist. Needless to say, mom relaxed a bit seeing how her mother was reacting alongside her baby boy.
Deuce didn't know why he didn't expect the baby pictures to be brought out... Baby books, baby books and more baby books. You were surprised by the sheer amount that Deuce's mother loved to do scrapbooking, it was like there was a mountain of baby books from when your sweet card soldier was growing up! There had to be about six books sitting on the coffee table. Everyone had gathered into the living room after tea, Ms. Spade excitedly flitting about the place like a child on sugar, gathering all these books to stack, Deuce slowly turning red seeing his old baby books being yanked out again. You sat next to Deuce, holding his hand with your fingers interlaced. "Here's when Deuce was two, he always played with his food, he was such a messy baby!" Ms. Spade gushed, showing off a picture of baby Deuce smiling up at the camera; baby food was smeared all over his smiling face, his hands caked in the stuff and the bowl on his little head, his pretty jade colored orbs shimmering with joy. "His little smile is infectious!" You chirped, smiling warmly at the picture of your darling boyfriend. Deuce buried his head in your hair, hiding from his embarrassment.
Deuce felt like melting into your embrace at this point. You made his night. After a fun dinner filled with embarrassing stories from when Deuce was young, warm hearty laughter and sweet gazes exchanged with your boyfriend, the two of you settled into bed, you sneaking out of the guest room grandma insisted you stay in to steal some kisses and snuggles. You settled into Deuce's arms as he kissed your rosy cheeks, tangling your legs with his under the covers. Looking into his eyes, you've never seen him look so happy since he got an 86 on his history exam. "I love you so much, baby." Deuce whispered sweetly, your heart fluttering in your chest. "I love you too, honey." You replied, your own voice laced with the sugar of your love for the jade eyed boy. "I wanna say thanks for coming with me to meet my mom and grandmother, it meant a lot to me." "Deucey, it's no trouble!" You chirped softly, smiling up at your lover. "I'm just happy they like me." "They love you, you fit perfectly into the family!" Deuce laughed, his shoulders shaking. "It's honestly a relief that you get along, I was scared things would go wrong. But, I guess I panicked for nothing." The navy haired first year continued, turning to gaze at you with so, so much love. "You're perfect after all." Deuce was gonna be the death of you, he was always so sweet. You could mark this day as a sweet, sweet success: Your boyfriend was happy, grandma loves you, mom thinks you're perfect for her son, and everything felt like utter bliss. So, without saying another word, you sealed your night with Deuce with a kiss...~
Cater Diamond
Cater being in love honestly isn't surprising; being in love is such brand booster! Cute Magicam couples? Yes please! Being real though, Cater's honestly a major handful for you, because under that cheery "Caycay is gonna slayslay" vibe that the 3rd year carries, he's honestly a complete wreck and is terrified that you'll get tired of his anticks. Shocking how he and Azul aren't besties in that regard. However, he had no need to fear! The marvelous S/O was here to save the day: Cuddles, kisses, spicy ramen and at home spa treatments were being rapid fired from your heart to claim Cater's love and destroy his anxiety! So, with the day saved, you and your lovely boyfriend could be free to talk about a tough topic; when are you gonna meet his family? Cater ended up laughing at your question and told you to start packing your bag, he's going to talk Crowley into letting you have a weekend getaway! Even if he disliked his sisters!
Already he was regretting life... Cater's sisters immediately burst out to greet their baby brother after his mom called, and the first thing they do? Tell you that your shirt is super not cute and Cater should go buy you another one. "It's what a good boyfriend would do!" The eldest sister said, folding her arms over her chest. "Yeah! It's what our boyfriends did!" His other sister chimed in. Cater was here less than five seconds and already he felt like blowing a gasket... "But this is my favorite shirt. That I bought myself." You said, crossing your arms over your chest. "You don't get to tell me what to wear, so shush." "Way to stand up for yourself, honey bunny~!" Cater chirped, smiling at you as he led you inside with an arm around your waist. The ginger boy swore he fell even harder than when he first started dating you in that moment.
Cater was internally screaming at how his sisters acted and just wanted to go home. Oh, and mom didn't really like you, so there's that. The room was a bit tense as you sat and shared tea and some lightly burned pastries made by Cater's sisters. Cater himself was suffering the overly sweet baked goods and planned to just spend the after noon there. "So, how did you and my son meet?" Mrs. Diamond asked, eying you with a sharpened gaze. "Oh, I met him at Night Raven. My friend had gotten into a predicament and I ran into him while he was painting his dorm's roses!" You explained, a warm smile coming to your face as your boyfriend started to blush softly. "He was so cute and charming, still is, honestly." "Awww, babes, stop!" Cater giggled, nuzzling your cheek against his, making you laugh in turn. "I see." His mother huffed. The rest of the time was awkward to say the least.
You could tell your boyfriend could finally breathe after you left the house. Dad wasn't around that day, bit too busy with his banking job, so you didn't get to meet him; not that you really cared, Cater's sisters ruined a good chunk of the afternoon and made your poor honey work himself to the bone! Cater dropped the cheap, fake smile on his face when you both made it out of the house, his anger flaring up as he started muttering various rants under his breath. "Caycay, do you wanna get some lunch? There's a nice ramen place we could go to." You gently suggested, wanting to make your sweetheart feel better and ease his stresses. "It's that reaaally nice one you saw on Magicam the other day. The one that Vil praised" "That...That sounds wonderful honey bunny." Cater sighed, looking at you with a tired grin. Without much thought, you pressed a kiss to his cheek, making his heart flutter. So over lunch, you both came to terms that the fam might not dig on you, but that didn't matter to you or Cater. You had each other, and that's what mattered most to you two lovebirds.
Trey Clover
You have such a good man on your hands, even if he's a touch shy with his affections. When you first broached the topic of meeting his family, Trey was taken aback. He adored you to no end, and he could see a future with you, even if it'd be long distance for a few years, why hadn't he thought of showing you off to his family? "Of course I'll introduce you, darling." He said with a warm smile, leaning down to press a peck on your cheek, "How about we visit this upcoming weekend? I'm sure Riddle can hold it together long enough."
It was a really sweet reception when you showed up. Trey's parents were told about you ahead of time by their eldest, given how he's the responsible boy he is, so you were greeted by a small banner and a custom cupcake in your favorite flavors. The banner that was hung read "welcome home!" in bold, glittering rainbow letters; it tickled you pink! You felt at home already when Trey walked you up to the bakery, and the feeling intensified when his little siblings ran over, cheering over their big brother being home and asking if you were the person mom and dad talked about on the phone with Trey. Already you loved Trey's family, they were adorable in your eyes! "I hope you're ready for the insanity that's my family." Trey playfully remarked, pulling laughter from everyone around him. You hugged your boyfriend with a smile on your face. "I look forward to every minute we stay here."
Trey loved baking alongside you, but you and his family? Talk about heaven! Trey had to help out in the family business still, given his parents ran a bakery that had opened for lunch, so alongside the sweet smells of cake, the occasional smell of crisping pepperonis and melting cheese filled your senses. You found it odd at first, but your boyfriend's father swiftly explained that a demand for some more dinner and lunch friendly goods should be offered and they complied, if only a touch. You were surprised by how willing Trey's parents were when offering your help to ease the rush, helping your darling make and top some sugar cookies with oversized chocolate chips. You ended up swiping kisses from your boyfriend while his mom worked the front of house and his dad prepared the pizzas to be sent out. It seemed the more homely setting brought out the more affectionate side of your lover; small coos of adoration left his lips, tiny kisses peppered your cheeks, and skin to skin contact was through the roof as he guided you by taking your hands into his. It was all so romantic and sweet.
It had to be a bittersweet departure after your little weekend of fun was over, but everyone loved you. You had your bags packed back up with Trey, the luggage sitting in the foyer as you ate a delightful breakfast, feeling right at home as you sat next to your beloved. Trey was holding your hand under the table as you two dug into the fluffy blueberry pancakes his mom and dad had made for everyone, one of his little brothers quickly getting your attention. "(Y/N)?" The little boy called out quietly. "Yes, little one?" You asked, your voice a soft coo. The 3rd year glanced over at you as you interacted with his baby brother, watching carefully. "Will you come back with our big brother again soon?" "Well, that depends on both me and your big brother, dear. I'd love to, though!" You replied, flashing a smile to the little guy, who hugged you. "I'm gonna miss you..." He whined. "Me two!" Trey's sister piped up. "Me thwee!" The youngest chimed in, Trey and his parents chuckling at your interactions. "You have quite the partner here, Trey." His father spoke, looking at his son in pride. "You really do, sweetie, you better try and hold onto them!" Trey's mother spoke, smiling warmly. "They're a keeper!" "I know." Trey replied, looking at you now hugging his younger siblings, warmth bubbling in his chest. "I plan to treat them right." Overall, you had a new home in the Clover family, and your boyfriend's thinking of ways to properly propose to you after the trip. Never hurts to plan it out!
Riddle Rosehearts
Oh god, oh no, this one hurts. This will never ever end well if he picks the S/O... You knew Riddle had some problems he was trying to work through, you understood, truly! And Riddle was eternally grateful for your presence and influence in his life, you had to be the best thing to ever happen to him! You were his angel sent from the stars. Which is why he dreaded introducing you to his mother. He knew his father would've been okay, and he honestly has zero issues showing you off to him! If he was actually at home that is...He was currently abroad when Riddle accidentally let it slip that he was dating. So, in came the demands to meet you to make sure you were good enough for her baby, and the news that you two were going to his house for dinner.
You both had pits in your stomachs when you showed up to the Rosehearts household... You were greeted by the intimidating visage of Riddle's mother, who was standing in the yard with her arms folded tightly over her chest, her eyes boring into you. "Hello, mother." Riddled greeted, closing himself off to your presence and tensing up, his shoulders stiff; a telltale sign that he was stressed. You had to bite back the urge to coo and coddle him like you normally did when he was upset. "Riddle." His mother hummed looking at you with disdain. "Why is your...companion here dressed like that?" She asked sharply, making you feel embarrassed. You had asked Rook of all people to style you, but it appears it's simply not up to par with the impossible standard's Mrs. Rosehearts held. "We had asked one of our fellow classmates to dress them in the finest clothes they had available." Riddle spoke. Riddle's mother tsked. "I thought that I raised you better than this, they look terribly tacky, and I thought you would've had better tastes. Come. Dinner is waiting now." Riddle clenched his fists, feeling sorrow well up in his chest as he looked at you apologetically. You rushed forward, hugging Riddle from behind and kissing his cheek to reassure him. It was still quite the sting hearing his mother act so harsh, though.
Dinner wasn't much better either... You made sure to study proper etiquette with Riddle before you came here, but none of that seemed to matter as you choked down the bland food. Seriously, who doesn't bother to season meet and just serve nothing but tomatoes, onions and iceberg lettuce for a salad...? You tried your best, but Mrs. Rosehearts just eyed you in disgust, biting her tongue but looking at Riddle with a disappointed gaze. Riddle himself couldn't tell if sorrow or anger was bubbling up in his chest. You explained you were from another world when she asked where you were from and she looked at you like you just spat on her when you told her you were magicless; despite her already knowing that. She made Riddle tell her about you after making him nearly break down in tears over the phone last night. "Pathetic! I raised my son better than this, and yet you're barely passing, have no magic, and carry no knowledge of anything worthwhile! You're nothing but a waste of his time and my own!" The harpy of a woman shrieked. Oh, that was it, he picked his side of the fence...
Riddle felt a cord finally snap as all of his years of strict, lonely suffering drove him forward. "Why can't you just be happy that I finally found someone, mother?" Riddle hissed, catching the attention of his present parent. "Because, your selection was terrible! I could pick you a much better partner." Mrs. Rosehearts said, you feeling like you could start crying. "No! I-I don't want anyone else, much less an arrangement where I'll feel nothing for the other party!" Riddle barked angrily, slamming his fist on the table as he stood up. "I want who I fell in love with! I want my rose! I want to stay with (Y/N)!" "When will you see that you're worth more than them?!" "They've been nothing short of an angel to me, fixing the damage you caused!" Riddle yelled, his face bright red from anger. "They're worth far more than me from where I stand!" "Then you can just take that garbage and get them out of this house, you and I will start studying to find you a suitable-" "If they leave, I'm leaving with them, in fact, that's a wonderful idea!" Riddle bellowed, you looking up at him and rising from your seat. Rushing to his side, you tugged him out of the house as Riddle's mother screamed at you two from the kitchen and out the door, Riddle yelling that she won't take you away; he's had so much stripped from him, he refuses to lose you. This entire situation was a disaster, but you knew your precious prince loved you so dearly. Once you two made it back to his dorm, Riddle looked exhausted. You asked him what you could do to ease his struggles after he changed into his pajamas. "My rose, tonight, I just want to forget everything, rules and all..." Riddle whined, looking at you with tired slate grey orbs. "I just want to hold you in my arms and wake up to your face..." "Of course, my love." You cooed softly, kissing his cheeks as you both crawled under the covers of his bed, Riddle curling into your form instantly. Under the warmth of the duvet, everything felt right; you were his and he was yours, and no tyrant was ever going to rip you apart. Riddle had proven his iron clad love belonged to you and you alone.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 months
After your last Eddie angst request (which was brilliant 💜) I would like to request a little hurt/comfort please.
It’s a similar concept to that one, where someone leads the reader on, but instead of that person being Eddie, it’s someone else so he is the one to comfort her.
I have another request if that’s okay. Single Parent!Reader and best friend!Eddie. Eddie babysits for Reader while they are on dates, one day after a bad one, Reader comes back to the house and Eddie cheers them up.
Then the Reader’s child asks, “Why don’t you two just date?” request by @ali-r3n
Fluffy, sweet fic with a little bit of angst ❤️
For the last few days you have been so excited for your date with Sam. You had bought a new dress and even had your nails done which was a rare treat.
Your best friend Eddie was babysitting your daughter Maddie, so you knew she was in good hands. She loved Eddie and his incredible stories.
Honestly you wished you were back home with Eddie and Maddie, watching a Disney movie or something. It would certainly be more fun than this date.
Alan had been polite on your last couple of dates, kind and funny but now it was like he was a different person and you weren't sure what had transpired for him to act so differently.
Then during dessert he dropped the bombshell.
"So uh. Look. You're nice and very pretty but the truth is I don't see this going anywhere" this shocks you because you thought Alan really liked you, sure this date was a bit of a dud but maybe he was just tired from his job or something.
"Oh, I thought we were having a good time here?" He nods looking all sympathetic but you have a funny feeling it's fake.
"Truth is I met someone else and I want to explode that instead. I mean really there wasn't anything between us was there? We had fun but that's it"
Gulping your wine you nod but feel the hot burn of humiliation in your stomach. Composing yourself for a second then gathering your things to leave.
"Well, you should have told me that from the start instead of leading me on. I can't believe I wasted my time with you when I could have been with my little girl and Eddie. Good riddance you utter slime ball".
Without another word, you turn on your heels and head out to your car to head home.
As soon as you head inside your whole body relaxes, comforted by the familiar sounds of home. Smiling you need to the longue and find Eddie in the middle of regaling one of his best stories for a captivated Maddie.
"Save some for later Eds or you'll run out of the good stuff" you tease him and he winks at you, the wink does funny things to your insides. Things you don't wish to dwell on because it would lead you down a dangerous path.
Maddie screeches and runs over to you. She's only three but she's as fast as a whippet. "Mama" she beams and you pick her up and hold her close to you, gently pressing a kiss to her hair.
"Hey baby girl, I missed you honey" you had missed her so much and Eddie wished you had just stayed home and listened to Eddie's stories and Maddie's sweet giggles instead of going on that date.
"There are plenty of tales for princess Maddie to choose from for bedtime, you're back early. Was Alan as much of a dud as he looked?" You snort and nod.
"Yes. He found someone else to date" Eddie's big brown eyes flash with anger.
"Well he's a butthead then isn't he?" He fumes and he's certainly right about that.
"Forget him. Why don't we watch a movie yeah? Maybe even have a little bit of ice cream" at that word both Eddie and Maddie's face light up. It's adorable.
Not for the first time you wish that Eddie was Maddie's dad and not the complete ass that you met four years ago, Maddie loved Eddie so much and he adored her just as much, it was heartwarming to see how much they had bonded.
You head to your room to dress in your comfiest clothes while Eddie and Maddie pick out a movie, then you hurry to the kitchen to grab some cookies and ice cream from the freezer.
"What did you pick?" you ask Eddie who points to the screen and you giggle. Ahh, of course, The Little Mermaid, Maddie was obsessed with mermaids and cats and princesses.
Tigger your adorable cat joins the three of you and takes his place right in his favourite armchair, purring his little head off.
It's nice just to relax and forget all about the date. You certainly don't plan to go on any more anytime soon.
Maddie is unusually quiet for a few minutes, she's lost in thought about something. Her eyes furrowed in concentration as she looks between you and Eddie.
"What's wrong baby?" she surprises both you and Eddie with what she says.
"Why don't you and Eddie just date each other mama?" it's an innocent question but both you and Eddie almost choke on your drinks.
"We're best friends honey that's why and Eddie doesn't see me like that" Why you were explaining this to a three-year-old was anyone's idea. Eddie scowls and you're puzzled.
"Maybe Eddie does feel that way but you don't" he mumbles under his breath then he stiffens.
"You do?", there's a hopeful feeling stirring in your stomach and you reach over to take Eddie's hand in yours. His horrified expression softens and he squeezes your hand back.
"Yeah but I figured you didn't feel the same so I kept it quiet" the warm feeling inside of you expands and you find yourself leaning forward and pressing a gentle kiss to Eddie's lips. It's only a brief kiss but it's incredible and you can't wait to kiss him again.
He smiles all goofily and presses a kiss to your forehead. "So maybe we could go on a date on Friday? Uh Uncle Wayne has been itching to babysit Maddie again so we could go out for a little bit?"
"That sounds perfect" you sigh and cuddle into his arms.
Maddie claps her hands in delight and cuddles into Eddie.
"I'd like Eddie to be my daddy" she says very seriously and it melts your heart. Eddie excuses himself for a second but you see tears in his big brown eyes.
When he comes back he cuddles you and Maddie close to him and the three of you (and Tigger) watch the movie happily.
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clarisse0o · 22 days
Camp Wiegman-Part 60
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
Tumblr media
Alternative Universe : Military School
Words: 6k
Wednesday, February 24; 6:30 PM - Lucy's Apartment
Everything is organized for tonight. No matter how many times I check, there’s not much left to do. I glance over at Joan, who is quietly watching TV on the other side of the room. We had to remove the appetizers to prevent him from snacking on them before our friends arrive in less than an hour.
- "Is it all set?" Lucy asks as she joins me.
I turn to see her perfectly ready in light jeans and a black shirt. She looks gorgeous with her smooth hair and red lips, which are even more attractive that way.
- "It looks like it," I say, moving closer to her.
I let my hands linger at the front of her shirt to fasten one of the buttons that was making her outfit too low-cut. She doesn’t say anything, but her amused expression says a lot about her thoughts.
- "The crepe batter is ready," I say, raising my head slightly to meet her eyes, which are subtly made up with black eyeliner. "Could you check it?"
- "I’ll do it."
Lucy had given me the recipe to make it myself, as I requested. However, given my lack of confidence due to my two left hands, I prefer a second opinion.
- "If it’s good, we just need to plug in the machine. Otherwise, the drinks and ramekins are ready, and the appetizers are prepared," I listed.
- "Looks like we’re good," she smiled, letting her hands rest on my hips.
- "Have you finished with the bathroom? Can I go get ready?"
- "Yes, it’s free now. Is Joan calmed down?"
I smile sadly and shake my head. He wasn’t very well-behaved this afternoon. He was very scatterbrained and excited, to the point of making several messes. Unlike me, Lucy didn’t hesitate to scold him after a while. I admit I found him more irritating than usual, but I expected him to calm down on his own before addressing it. What followed, however, shocked us a lot more. Well, mainly me, to be honest. He dared to answer Lucy back very cheekily. I wasn’t prepared for that, but Lucy reacted quickly. She stopped him from his activity and took him to the couch to calm him down and make him think about what he had just done. From the look my brother gave me when it happened, he expected me to defend him, but I didn’t. He deserved his punishment and needed to be put in his place. Since he arrived, I don’t recognize him. It was as if the shy and kind Joan was far behind.
- "Yeah," I said, glancing in his direction. "Don’t be too hard on him, please. If there’s a problem, come get me."
- "You’re too nice to him. That’s not how he’ll stop."
- "It’s the first time he’s reacted like this."
- "You don’t know that. You haven’t lived in Barcelona for months. For all you know, he’s been like this for a while."
I sighed, looking back at Joan. He had never acted like this before, which is why I’m struggling to punish him. I should have listened to what Sofia and Sam told me. I’ll probably give them a call in the next few days.
- "Hmm, hmm. Well, I’m going to get ready. Don’t forget. Come find me if he causes you any trouble."
- "Promise."
I gave her a quick kiss before heading out with my mind full. Before going to the bathroom, I stopped by the bedroom to find something to wear. Lucy insisted that I empty my suitcase into her wardrobe, where she made space for me. I couldn’t bring myself to refuse such an offer. With a small smile, I grabbed my black dress. When I texted the girls earlier in the group chat we created, they assured me they would be wearing dresses tonight. It was clear that I should wear one too. I hesitated over the shoes but eventually opted for heels from Lucy’s collection. I hope she won’t mind me borrowing them. I was ready to head out in my outfit, but I stopped when I found a very shy Joan behind my door. His eyes were filled with tears that were about to fall. I thought for a moment about Lucy, but I doubt she could have done anything. I finally opened the door wider and stepped aside.
- "Come in," I invited him.
He rushed inside. A discussion is inevitable, so I might as well have it before our friends arrive. I won’t tolerate his behavior for long, and neither will Lucy. She works with troubled teenagers; she knows how to handle him if needed. I’ve been through that myself. My brother looked around timidly, not daring to venture further. It was the first time he’d been in here. We set him up in the room next door. Although he’ll likely sleep with us, we still wanted him to have his own room and choose to come to us on his own without us suggesting it.
- "Is this your new room?"
I frown at him very calm question, contrary to expectations.
- "What are you talking about?"
I approach him as he turns around. My heart tightens seeing the sadness overflowing from his eyes.
- "Jo-"
- "You’re a liar."
- "Hey, you really need to stop speaking like that."
I can’t hold back my harsh tone anymore. Having never heard him talk back before, this is the last straw. He seems to sense my irritation, as he lowers his head and nervously fiddles with his fingers. I finally sigh and decide to take him by the shoulders and sit him on the edge of the bed. I crouch in front of him to be at his level. Still, he doesn’t dare to look at me. I then take his chin to force him to face me. My heart breaks completely when I see the tears streaming down his cheeks.
- "Oh, sweetheart," I whispered. "Why don’t you tell me what’s bothering you?"
My voice is calm, but it seems to make him feel worse than before. I bite my lip as I stand up.
- "N-no! Don’t leave me."
- "I wasn’t planning to leave. I just need to get some tissues, you see?"
I tell him as I grab the box from the nightstand. I return with a tissue to wipe the mess from his cheeks and give him another to blow his nose, which he does.
- "Well, now can you explain to me? Why did you call me a liar?"
- "I heard mom talking to dad. She said you won’t come back and she was very sad."
My eyebrows furrow in confusion. He must have overheard a conversation he wasn’t supposed to, just like I did at his age. I don’t even understand why my mother spoke about it when nothing is decided yet. Perhaps the words were taken out of context.
- "When did you hear that?"
- "This week. She said you would stay here, with Lucy."
I sigh, suddenly understanding all the reasons behind his behavior up to now. He’s upset with us and showing it in his own way. With what I told him in October, he has reason to feel betrayed. I decide to sit next to him and pull him into a hug. He doesn’t hesitate for a moment, holding me tightly.
- "Is it true?"
I sense a hint of worry in his words. I don’t even know how to respond. No matter what I say, he’s likely to be very disappointed.
- "I’m not going to lie to you, Jo. I don’t know yet if I will come back to live at home," I said honestly, gently stroking his back. "What would you do if the love of your life lived at the other end of the country, far from your family? Would you stay with her or with your family?"
He seems to consider the question before eventually shrugging. He slowly raises his  head toward me.
- "L-Lucy is the love of your life?" he asks with innocence. "I thought you didn’t want to fall in love again? That it hurt too much here."
I smile sadly, shaking my head as he clutches his chest near his heart. Joan is a very intelligent boy with a great memory. When I came home, I took my time to talk, and of course, when I started, Joan wanted to know the reasons for my sadness. Instead of explaining that Feli simply destroyed me, I made him understand through a love story. Looking back now, maybe I shouldn’t have.
- "You’re right," I confirmed. "But not all people are like my ex. Lucy has helped me find my smile again. She gained my trust and helped me feel better. Isn’t that what you wanted?"
"Yes, but I never wanted you to leave. You promised to come back and that everything would be better. Lucy just takes you away from me, and she can be very mean. She was very scary at the supermarket. You told me Feli was scary too. What’s different? How do you know she won’t hurt you as well? »
I didn’t expect him to be so honest in his revelations. I’m starting to understand his sudden hatred for my girlfriend better. It’s clear that’s how he feels, and he was probably expecting me to take his side.
- Lucy will never hurt me. Neither you nor me.
- How do you know? Who says he won’t make you go back to the way you were before?
- She won’t make me go back to that because she’s the one who helped me get out of all that, Jo. I remember everything I told you about Feli, but that doesn’t apply to everyone. Lucy is the complete opposite. I love her, okay?
- R-really? Y-you love her? he murmurs.
- Yes, honey. I love her.
- Even when she’s scary and punishes me?
I laugh softly, shaking my head.
- Even if she’s scary and punishes you. Admit it, you kind of deserved it. I went through her punishments myself, you know. So I know how scary she can be.
- So why do you love her if she scares you?
- I’m not afraid of her, I roll my eyes. She’s adorable with me and has helped me a lot. She’s a wonderful person, and if you’re upset with her right now, it’s because you think she’s keeping me away from you, but that’s not true. If it were, she wouldn’t have even agreed to let you come here this weekend. I’m sorry you overheard what Mom said.
- Are you really planning to stay here...?
- Well... I’m not going to lie to you this time. Yes, it’s quite likely, and I assure you it wasn’t planned. Of course, I’ve fallen in love, but maybe I’ll even continue my studies, you know.
- So... we’ll still be far from each other?
- Of course not... I’ll always be close to you, Joan. We’ll call each other regularly. Every day if necessary. And you can come here as much as you want during your holidays, and we’ll come to Barcelona too. During the holidays, for example, or maybe even on weekends. That won’t change.
He takes a gentle breath, nodding. My words seem to reassure him. His eyes are still slightly red, but his little crisis has passed.
- Promise me you won’t hold it against Lucy. She has nothing to do with this. These are my own decisions.
- I’m glad you love her, Ona. I like her too because she makes you happy. You smile like you used to with her and you even laugh. That wasn’t the case before. And she takes care of you, even when she’s angry.
I smile gently, noticing how closely he’s been observing us. Deep down, he likes her, but it seems like he needed to provoke us to show her displeasure.
- You’re right, I whisper.
- As long as you’re happy, I am too, even if it means being far from me, he replies, prompting me to kiss his forehead.
- Thank you. I promise we’ll see each other regularly. Now... there’s one last thing before I’m completely happy. I don’t want you to be angry with Lucy or take it out on her. I’d prefer that you get along with her for everyone’s sake. What do you think you should do to fix this, hmm?
I raise an eyebrow challengingly, looking him straight in the eyes. He blushes and lowers her head. He seems to understand what I want. I’m certain of it when he speaks.
- I need to apologize to her.
- Yes, that’s exactly it. Do you at least know why?
- I wasn’t nice to her, but I was angry with her.
- Are you still angry now?
He shakes his head frantically, making me smile.
- You love her, so I like her too.
I chuckle softly at his response. I stand up, setting Joan down. He gives me a small shy smile.
- Go find her. I’m sure she’ll be happy to hear what you have to say. I’ll be with you in a few minutes, okay?
- Yes, Onaaa.
She hesitates for a moment but eventually throws himself into my arms for a reconciling hug.
- I love you too, you know.
- Oh, my darling. Of course, I know that. And I love you even more.
- As much as Lucy?
- As much as Lucy, I laugh. Now, let’s meet in a few minutes.
I kiss the top of his head again and smile as I see his rush toward the living room. I’m really glad everything is finally resolved. I hope the next few days will go better now. With all this, I’m later than ever. I hurry into the bathroom with my outfit for the evening. I start putting it on, then, like Lucy, I accentuate my makeup. It might just be a girls’ night, but it’s always nice to look good. When I’m satisfied with the result, I join the girls. I feel a completely new atmosphere in the room. Lucy is pulling out the glasses, and Joan is helping by placing them on the table. Noticing my presence, Lucy looks in my direction with a genuine smile that quickly fades. I lower my head, trying to see if something is wrong, but I don’t find anything.
- Wow. You look beautiful, Ona.
My heart eases from the mini panic attack, and I look up. I blush as Lucy takes the opportunity to come closer.
- Your brother just took the words right out of my mouth.
Her charming smile slightly unsettles me. I’m very happy she supports me with her arm around my waist. I place my hands just below her chest as she pulls me close.
- I didn’t expect this. You look stunning, my love, she whispers against my lips.
My feet falter slightly as she bites my lower lip. She looks between us before looking at me again, her gaze lingering on my slightly plunging neckline.
- And then it’s you who buttons me up? she jokes. Hey, aren’t those my shoes?
- I didn’t have any like these. Does it bother you?
- Of course not. They make your legs look very sexy.
- Thank you...
She kisses me again, much more tenderly, causing Joan to react with a noise of disgust. We both giggle softly, and I end up snuggling into her arms. I love it when she holds me like that.
- Is everything sorted? I whisper.
- Yeah... You’ll explain to me later, right? she asks.
- We’ll talk about it tonight, I reply as the doorbell rings.
- Can I answer? Joan asks, rushing to the intercom.
- Yes, but don’t forget to ask who it is, Lucy warns him before stealing a kiss from me.
I smile as I watch her go to the kitchen to finalize the preparations. I take the opportunity to accompany Joan to the intercom, which he’s already activated.
- Who is it? I ask, earning a shrug from Joan.
- I don’t know. “Ale” something.
I roll my eyes at his indifference. It seems Lucy’s warning didn’t matter much to him. To think he’s not even in his teenage years yet. I started late. Maybe he’ll start early. Despite this scene, I bet he’ll become a perfect little shy one when our friends arrive. He’s never liked strangers, which is quite strange but also very reassuring. At least he’ll never trust just anyone. I take the initiative to slightly open the door, guessing it’s my roommate and her boyfriend, before helping Lucy by bringing the appetizers to the small table in the living room. We manage to finish just as someone knocks on the door.
- Hello, hello... Alexia greets us timidly as she enters.
- Hey, Lucy welcomes them. Come in, she invites.
- Are we the first ones? Alexia asks.
- Is that surprising? I retort.
- Not really, Jenni laughs.
As expected, Joan comes to greet me before allowing me to approach them. Without asking questions, I lift him onto my hip and, following my girlfriend’s example, kiss our guests.
- So, here’s your little brother, Ale comments upon seeing him.
I smile when she tries to touch him, and Joan buries his face in my neck. We’ve seen a lot of each other these past few days, so everyone knew he’d be with us for the weekend.
- Yeah, I reply, patting Joan’s back. Don’t expect a grand welcome; he’s always very shy at first.
- I can see that, she jokes kindly.
- Here, we brought a bottle, Alexia announces, handing it to Lucy.
- Oh, thank you, you didn’t have to. Come, give me your coats and go sit on the couch, she finally invites.
Lucy hands me the bottle while she takes care of our friends’ belongings. I recently discovered that the room next to her bedroom has a desk with a large storage closet where she keeps her jackets. I lead our guests to the couch. Alexia kept her promise by wearing a dress. Jenni, on the other hand, is in jeans and a dark blue shirt. I smile as I notice Alexia looking around. It must be weird for her to be here. At least since last week and since we’ve been together, Lucy seems to finally accept her. After all, she’s in the same situation Jenni was in back then. She’s at least more pleasant and even engages in conversations with her. They found a common interest: sports. Whenever I paid attention, I often heard them talk about football or even gym workouts after Ale asked Lucy for advice.
- So, can I get you a drink? I offer.
Shouldn’t we wait for the others? Alexia asks.
- We might still be waiting a while if we do that, Lucy comments as she returns. Ingrid just sent me a message saying they'll be late.
- Well then... I'll take a glass of champagne if you don't mind, Alexia announces, making us laugh.
- Can you open the bottle?
- Of course.
She opens it while I turn four glasses that were on the small table. I then pour a glass for each of us, and I even think of Joan with a glass of soda. Joan has ended up snuggling up to Lucy. I quickly join them after grabbing my glass.
- So... Did you have a good day? Lucy asks.
- Not too bad, yeah. I showed her our place downtown, Jenni recounts.
- Place? I ask. A place for the gym?
- Yeah. Remember I told you we got the keys. It's downtown. Jenni started working on converting it into a gym.
- Yeah, but it’s still a long way off.
- Will I get to see it too?
- We can go anytime you want... Well, when Jenn finally gives me a key, she giggles.
- I have it in my jacket, she announces. I’ll give it to you later before I forget.
- So, what do you think of the place, Alexia? my girlfriend asks.
- It’s great. You chose it really well. There’s a lot of potential and it’s in a great location.
- Lucy insisted on the location. Being right across from the shopping center was a stroke of luck. It was an opportunity not to miss. We were happy when the loan was approved.
- How long will the work take? I ask.
- I don’t know. Less than a year, I hope. Six months would be nice. I’m doing it alone for now, but it will be better when Lucy is free too.
- Are you going to do the work yourself? I joke.
- Partly, yes, she smiles. It will be after work, and the girls will help me. It’s going to take a while. All summer, for sure. We hope to open around September since Lucy will be unemployed and I’ve also arranged with my boss to leave at the end of August.
- Are you leaving Camp Wiegman? Alexia asks in surprise. Were you aware? she asks me finally.
I nod, glancing at Lucy who smiles at me. I don’t like being reminded of what’s going to happen in a few months. Everything about my future will hinge on that moment. Getting my diploma will be the key to everything. If I fail, I might as well say I’ll destroy everything I’ve built in these past few months. Well, maybe that won’t be the case, but it would really bother me. I’d have to start over with a lot of things and without Lucy’s help at school this time. Lucy places her hand on my thigh, not worrying that my brother is between us.
- By the way, Lucy begins.
I give her a knowing look, fully aware of what she’s about to say.
- Ona will probably continue her studies next year.
I blush at her announcement. I would have preferred to keep that to ourselves. Two days have passed and I still haven’t heard back from my interview. It’s very unsettling not to know. Also, I would have preferred to get a response before mentioning it. At least I would have known where I stood.
- Seriously? Ale reacts. I never would have guessed. You’re not someone who particularly enjoys school, as I remember, she mocks.
- What does that mean? Lucy questions, raising an eyebrow.
- Oh come on, you know I wasn’t the most serious student.
- “Wasn’t,” she repeats. So we agree that it’s no longer the case, hmm?
- Let’s just say that lately, I had other concerns besides school. It was probably the only place where I enjoyed being to clear my head, even if I didn’t like the subjects.
I didn’t mean to bring down the mood, but I couldn’t answer anything other than the truth. Talking about it makes me feel like it’s been ages since those events, even though it’s only been three weeks. Fortunately, the doorbell rings. I have no doubt that the arrival of the girls will lift the mood. Lucy clears her throat as she stands up.
- I’ll get it.
No one dares to say anything because of me. Alexia sends me a small supportive smile that I awkwardly return. Lucy’s absence had put me in a sulk, that’s no secret. After pressing the intercom button and slightly opening the front door, Lucy comes back to us. She has to pass in front of me to return to her seat. She takes the opportunity to gently caress my cheek, sending me a small apologetic smile.
- So, you’ll continue your studies? Alexia prompts again.
- Nothing is certain yet. I had an interview with a gallery and I’m waiting for a response. The owner said that if they take me, I’d have to continue school to improve my art.
- That’s great! Why didn’t you tell me sooner? Ale exclaims enthusiastically.
- Well... It was Lucy who organized everything, I giggle. She first told me in front of my mom.
- It wasn’t planned, Lucy intervenes. I already told you I would have preferred to tell you at a time when we were alone, but I had to reassure her, Lucy smiles gently.
- I know and I appreciated your gesture. You defended me from start to finish that day.
- And I always will. You know that.
- Aww, that’s so cute!
Everyone turns to my best friend who has just arrived. I chuckle as I see Lucy roll her eyes. I feel like their teasing isn’t going to stop anytime soon. I smile as Ingrid gives her a tap on the back of the head just after.
- How to make a dramatic entrance, Alexia mocks as she greets her.
- You have to liven things up a bit. It’s not with sappy lines that it will happen, she continues as she now approaches Lucy.
- Is that a jab? Lucy asks. I think someone who arrives fifteen minutes late doesn’t have much to say.
- Oh, come on. It could have been much worse.
She comes to me to give me kisses, lifting my brother who lets out a high-pitched scream of surprise before laughing. I smile at the interaction between them. I’ve always liked that Mapi takes care of him like her own brother. She was there for him a lot when I wasn’t in a position to be. That’s when they became close and it’s always nice to see.
- So you’re here and you didn’t even come to say hello? she feigns indignation.
- I would have preferred to be with you, my brother mumbles.
- Really? she laughs. What did you do to this poor boy for him to say that?
- He just discovered what a punishment is, I shrug. Hi Ingrid, I say as she passes in front of me.
Before sitting back down, I move over to Lucy who has since gotten closer to Ale to make room for the girls on the other side. Mapi comes to my side, keeping Joan on her lap. He’s become very tense and shy in her arms, clearly showing he’s even less comfortable than before.
- Really? You dared to punish such a sweet little thing!? Shame on you!
- Punish is a strong word, Lucy downplays. He just had to stay on the couch for a quarter of an hour.
- He was a bit upset, so he played the brat all day, but everything is fine now, right?
Joan peeked her head out when I started running my hand through his hair. All he needed was my attention. He’s afraid of losing me and I can understand that. He nods, smiling timidly. I extend my arms and he immediately comes to me. I hold him close, kissing his forehead. Lucy looks at me curiously, but I let her know it’s not the right moment. She then turns to the girls, offering them drinks. Not surprisingly, they also choose champagne.
- I hear you’ve planned some food? Mapi asks. I’m starving.
- You really only think about food, don’t you? Ingrid replies. You’re exasperating.
- Well, Ona told me. I have the right to ask.
- We’ve prepared crepes, Joan announces.
- Really? Mapi asks, suddenly very interested.
- Uh-huh, he confirms. Even Ona helped Lucy cook.
- Oh my God, what are you doing to my best friend, Lucy? she chuckles. It’s the first time I hear that Ona cooks.
- Hey! Why does it have to be Lucy? I’ve always wanted to learn how to cook and I’m taking advantage now that I have the chance.
- Well, it wasn’t for nothing that Sam never let you near the kitchen. Not only did you make a mess every time, but you were also very annoying.
- What? That’s nonsense!
- Oh yes, she mocks. You were unbearable, I remember very well. I was glad I wasn’t Sam at that moment, because you really gave him a hard time, she laughs.
- Is she like that with you too, Luce? Alexia jokes.
- Hmm... Not at all, she says, letting her hand linger in my hair. It seems I’ve managed to control you.
- Not at all. I was simply not as she describes, I defend myself. It’s just that Sam didn’t have patience... and trust. Lucy has more faith in me, I assert.
- Well, you’re still not doing anything extraordinary either. There’s a difference between making a dish and preparing a pizza or a batch of crepes, my girlfriend gently mocks.
Hey, you’re supposed to defend me!
- Oh, but I will always defend you, baby. It’s just that you shouldn’t exaggerate things. For now, the idea of leaving you alone in a kitchen to cook something is out of the question, but it will happen one day, I promise. You’ll just need a bit of practice with me first.
I sulk on the couch as our friends laugh. I really thought I had improved these past few days. Lucy approaches to kiss my cheek, but I pull away.
- No, you don’t have the right.
- Oh, come on. You’re not going to sulk, are you? What I meant is that cooking one dish doesn’t make you a cook.
- Wait, has she already cooked for you? Mapi asks in surprise.
- For us, yes, Lucy corrects her. The first weekend she was here. Well, I assisted and guided her a lot, but the bulk was done by her hands and it was very good.
- Are you kidding? Mapi exclaims. She’s never cooked for me when we were together! I should have been the first one for you to cook a dish for!
Lucy’s reaction is memorable. It clearly shows she doesn’t appreciate the comment. I had understood from the start that she didn’t like Mapi. At first, I thought it was because of her influence, but now there’s no doubt it’s jealousy. At the same time, Mapi has never done anything to hide our bond. It’s already very strong, but I understand my best friend tends to accentuate it to push Lucy’s buttons. She often brings up our past in her presence to drive her crazy, and it definitely works. Although she takes it lightly, I think I should make a comment once. I place my hand on Lucy’s to draw her attention. She jolts at the moment but ends up interlocking our fingers and then replies.
- Sorry Mapi, but the first times are no longer yours, she says.
- Oh yeah? You think so? Mapi retorts.
- Totally, Lucy insists. By the way, I’ve already counted quite a few this month.
- I’d like to know what, then. Most of the things she did with me first, Mapi continues. Give an example to see if she didn’t lie to reassure you.
I don’t like the tone with which she challenges Lucy. There’s no hint of joking, just a desire to prove she’s the best. As if it were a game... It’s surprising Ingrid hasn’t reacted yet. I hope it doesn’t escalate. Lucy narrows her eyes, and a wave of panic washes over me. I recall all the times I might have told her she was the first to make sure it was true. However, I find nothing unusual.
- We took a bath together at the hotel last week. Ona told me I was the first with whom she did that.
Her announcement, so natural, creates a general gasp of surprise. Me, first of all. I didn’t expect her to reveal something so intimate about our relationship. She wanted it to have an effect; otherwise, she would have mentioned we were in swimsuits. This leaves room for imagination in our friends' minds, especially in Mapi’s, who has turned pale. I feel mortified, and it must show on my face. It’s really something I’ve never done with anyone else. Just Joan, but he doesn’t really count since it was when I was younger.
- Wow. I don’t think anyone expected that, Ale comments. Is it true?
I wriggle, feeling too watched all of a sudden. Not only is Mapi staring at me, but the others are just curious to see if I’ll confirm. I gently squeeze Lucy’s hand, forcing myself to nod. Mapi blinks before speaking again. I know her response is going to be explosive given the circumstances.
- Are you kidding me? You deprived me of this desire for years! she half-shouts.
And there we go, I suspected it. I feel Lucy relaxing next to me, as if she was only waiting for my best friend to confirm the opposite. However, she couldn’t, because it was the truth.
- I thought it was something you found too intimate to do!?
- Well, Lucy made me comfortable with the idea.
The shock on her face makes me realize the meaning of my words. I blush again, snuggling against my girlfriend. If she’s upset with me for this, I’d understand. I had no excuse to deny her this desire back then. I wasn’t hurt, but it was simply something that didn’t interest me. I didn’t have the need to cuddle against someone in hot water.
- Oh, relax, Lucy finally says to Mapi seeing my state. It was just a bath to relax after a day in the snow. Nothing special happened. We were even in swimsuits.
- Why make a big deal out of it anyway? Ingrid finally speaks up. That kind of thing is no longer your concern. They have the right to do what they want, right?
- You don’t understand. It was supposed to be a moment for me. Now I’ll probably never experience it, she pouts.
- You know, we can easily remedy that, Ingrid comments.
I grimace as she places her possessive hand on her body. Remembering that my little brother is here, I cover his eyes.
- Anyway. There’s a little one here. Let’s change the subject.
- No, no change of subject, Mapi says, detaching her lips from her girlfriend’s. How come I didn’t know you were so... Complicit, intimate... ? Whatever you want to call it, Mapi replies with a reproachful look.
- What? You expect me to call you for every little thing that happens between us? I reply with irony.
- It would have been the least you could do! After all the time I’ve been there for you! I’m the one who wanted you together from the start.
- Don’t be mistaken, baby. Jenni and I were the first. It started almost in the first weeks.
- How so? I ask curiously.
- I forbid you to tell her that, Lucy threatens.
- Lucy only had your name in her mouth when you arrived at Camp Wiegman, Jenni admits with amusement, ignoring her friend’s threats. Never before you had she talked so much about her students.
- At first, we only thought it was because you were the worst student she’d ever had.
- But once your withdrawal happened, it was completely different, Jenni continues. We knew you were becoming important to her. She was too worried to see you as just a student.
- The girls even blamed you for your actions that Lucy told us about, but she always defended you. They ended up calling you "Lucy’s pet," Ingrid mocks.
- It was quite funny looking back, Jenni confirms. We had long hoped she’d fall for someone other than Keira, so we bet on you. It looks like we did well given where you are now.
A small smile appears on my face. I didn’t know she had developed feelings for me so early. At least, it was certainly more attachment due to Keira at first. She told me I was her only case with drug dependency. She was so closed off at school. I never knew how to read her at the beginning. The only thing I noticed was that she worried a lot about me. It’s not like now where she’s much more open. Lucy looks shy all of a sudden, now that I know this. It’s not a big deal, and I’m glad to know it. It reassures me about the feelings she might have for me. She doesn’t have a heart of stone like I thought for so long. Quite the opposite. I kiss her cheek to relax her, and it seems to work.
- I confirm, you were quite a good actress to have hidden all that from me.
My response surprises her at first, but she soon smiles and kisses me back. I had no intention of embarrassing her with this topic. I would have preferred her to tell me herself, especially when I had doubts about her feelings.
- I wasn’t going to show you I cared too much about you either. You would have gotten a big head.
- She would have especially known how to turn it to her advantage. You don’t realize how scared she was of you when she knew she’d done something wrong, comments Ale, making everyone laugh.
- It’s not funny. Lucy was terrifying when she punished me. Do you confirm, Jo?
- Hmm, hmm, he nods, snuggling against me.
- You’re exaggerating, Lucy replies.
- No, I assure you. I knew right away that you’d punish me when I did something wrong. Everyone thought you’d favor me because of our special relationship, but I confirm that’s not the case.
- Well, I wasn’t there to pamper you. You needed to learn the lesson, didn’t you? But if you want to know, you annoyed me so much because I knew you knew it wouldn’t please me, but you did it anyway. I could have done much worse, but I held back every time.
- I confirm, Ale intervenes. She was so much worse with the previous ones. Korbin, for example. I lost count of how many times I saw her in the hallway removing graffiti made by other students. Believe me, it was much worse than running laps.
- Not for Ona, Lucy responds. Although she found cleaning a bathroom annoying, she hated running much more. That’s why I used that punishment a lot. It was effective and less hard for me.
- I don’t believe it. You were really mean, actually.
- Oh, come on, she laughs. I could have done much worse.
- I don’t see what could be worse! It was like that time you cornered me at the top of a climbing wall to get me to confess. That wasn’t cool either!
Lucy bursts into laughter, recalling that moment. Thinking back, we’ve really come a long way to be able to laugh about it together, sitting on a couch. I could listen to her laugh for hours. The evening continues like this, sharing moments we mostly experienced at school. After us, it’s Jenni and Alexia’s turn to share their memories around the crepes and wine we thought to buy. Evenings like this, just between us, are truly the best in my eyes. I could never do without them. I’m simply surrounded by the people I care about the most.
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igotanidea · 9 months
Dating Sam Winchester headcanons.
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Requested: I was wondering if you could write something supernatural with Sam Winchester, what kind of boyfriend would Sam be? Thank you anon, made that as expanded headcanons starting from meeting and going further in the relationship.
A little NSFW in point 16.
1.Bookshops dates
I mean come on, all things considered I am pretty sure you would meet him in the library rather than any place else. And even if you weren’t actually reaching for mythological monsters encyclopaedia or the yearbook of the city from 1456, you were bound to meet at the counter. It wasn’t that big bookshop after all and Sam, with his tall, muscular silhouette was definitely filling most of the space, forcing you to sneak under his arm to get what you were aiming for. Not that you complained, cause he does smell good.
2. Soul longing – as silly as that may sound. Ok listen up. He had women, that’s for sure. But one night stands is only good for so long. And unlike Dean he needed stability from the beginning. Sam is not a player nor a playboy. And as for you? You’re not just gonna jump into the bed of a very handsome, tall and broad shouldered man you met briefly while buying a book, right?
Even if you can imagine so many things he could do with those hands….
Even if you can tell just by looking at him that he’s got enough experience and skills to keep you up all night and –
“Miss? Miss are you all right?”
Damn, seem like you just spaced out in front of the guy who’s been currently eyeing you with those deep eyes piercing right into your soul.
Impossible to forget and even more impossible to let go.
3. Cliché scenario – you actually became a part of team free will after getting into a demon related accident serving the part of a lady in distress perfectly. Got hurt so bad the boys Sam felt guilty enough to look for you for a couple weeks while getting too attached.
4. Obviously wanting to keep you out of the family business. Too bad he got himself a persistent badass, who refused to sit cases out. You may not be a hunter, but you’re a girl. And who’s better than a woman when it comes to making scenes and getting man to mansplain to the poor, innocent soul that knows nothing? The first time you faked cried he fell for it all the way and never questioned your skills again.
5. Probably making you get an anti-possession tattoo. Just for safety, of course. And holding your hand all time while getting it done, caressing your palm in that special reassuring way. And then kissing it better after, regardless of the place it was inked on.  
6. Funny thing he was hesitant to put a tag on your relationship. At first. Can’t blame him given all that happened to his mother and Jess. But his emotional side finally took over and he blurted something in the middle of an argument.
“You’re staying here tonight.”
“The hell I am, Sam.”
“I’m not asking.”
‘You’re not my boss.”
“Well I am your boyfriend!”
“Did you just-? Sam? Sam, did you just - ?”
You never got to finish that sentence. And just that one time you stayed behind.
Behind being on the backseat, no further.
7. Bantering over silly stuff while making Dean crazy, cause since you two got together there’s no one to bring him pie.  
8. Knowledge duels – as long as you pick the theme, cause no way you’re going against him in history or demonology.  It is however possible to beat him in popculture or modern cinematography.
“How am I supposed to know all those –“
“Educate yourself Sammy.”
“Oh I will educate you on something –“
9. Merciless teasing from Dean about stuff that should not ever be his business.
“Hey, whose underwear is that?”
“Brought you two some protection.”
“Hey maybe we can get a threesome?”
“Is that a hickey on your neck Y/N? God, girl, you are loud.”
(but we all know that’s the way Dean’s inner soft side is showing)
10. Doing research while laying head on his chest, tracing patterns on his skin. (making him distracted and locked up in another room until you start to behave.)
11. Doing research in the various libraries. You have no idea but he raises his gaze from the book way too often to actually comprehend any of the text. The way you are frowning, scrunching your nose and the way your eyes shine every time you come upon a clue or a helpful fact seem to be more interesting.
12. Fights – oh, damn, it was bound to happen right?
Arguing with Sam is impossible. He always keeps his cool, not letting the blood boil no matter how many needles you gives him. Sometimes it feels like he’s wearing that stupid armour turning into stone just to infuriate you.
But not for long, cause Sammy can’t stand to see you hurt or broken. That’s not him. It doesn’t matter if you started the fight (you’re being reckless, you’re gonna get killed, you need some rest) or he was the part to initiate it (you’re not the hunter, I know better, I’ll handle it) he’ll be all up for communication. Talking through.
Being a Winchester comes with toughness and roughness sometimes, but Sam doesn’t deny having feelings he want to work on. With you.
It’s not a perfect relationship but you’re patching it up with all the best and most resistant fabric.
13. Subtle hand holding while driving on a hunt. You may be in the backseat while both brothers take the front ones, but who cares. The blank between the driver and shotgun is for something, right? And who cares about the gearbox?
14. Forehead kisses and cuddling – you have actually seen Sam right? If that’s not a giant teddy bear than I don’t know who is. Definition of safety and warmth. Just imagine nuzzling into him with those strong arms around you keeping you safe from any demon, angel, witch, wendigo, shapeshifter or whatever else monster might come for you.
15. Steamy make out session in the impala just to get some privacy. Honestly I believe at some point this would be used as a threat for alone time.
"Get out Dean.”
“ Mmm. Nope. Not happening. I got stuff to do here.”
“I said get out.”
“Make me.”
“Well I think you should go and check on your car before I take care of the backseat.”
Wide eyes, rushing out and not getting back for hours.
Mission completed.
16. Getting intimate with Sam is indescribable. You don’t even need words and yet he seems to understand everything your body tries to convey. Soft, slow, sensual and tender love making while looking into your eyes, refusing to let your gaze drop? Tracing your body and kissing all over your soft skin? Making you feel fragile, small and delicate no matter your size?
All done.
I see Sam as a soft dom. He could break your boundaries easily and probably would, but never to the point of hurting you.
Rough play, BDSM, kinks, making love on any flat surface possible? Not exactly his style.
Stretching you out, wrapping your legs around his waist, pressing you into the mattress, marking you? Absolutely.
He’s fine with pleasuring you, getting to know what turns you on (hitting and finding all the sensitive spots that makes you mewl and rake nails down his body), never failing to make you see stars.
He may not be talking too much and not use a lot of dirty talk, but hey, a few thrusts, a few flicks of his tongue, his muscles flexing under your fingersand the feel of him so freaking deep and you forget something such as words exist.
17. Getting just the right amount of aftercare cuddles, kisses and hugs. Duties are calling and Sam may be a bit of a workaholic, but you’re on top of the “to-do-list.” Taking just the right amount of time to help you get back to reality, getting your floating soul back into your thoroughly loved out body by caresses, kisses, touches, strokes. Whatever you need.
He loves you.
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iinsertblognamee · 1 year
social media au
y/n face claim; gracie abrams
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liked by taylorswift, samanthakerr20 and 214,984 others yn cheeky 🍒's
view all 837 comments
ynlover hottie
iloveyn when are you releasing new music??
ynfan3 you're so gorgeous!
billieeilish 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
ynfan8 ^ why is that us ??
ynfan12 drooling
mackenziearnold 👀 samanthakerr20 ⤷ samanthakerr20 shutup ⤷ yn hello ladies 👋👋
ynbiggestfan wot is this ^??
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liked by yn, samanthakerr20 and 52,095 others vanityfair check out our new video featuring our favourite aussie y/n as she talks music, relationships and gives us an insight into what it was like growing up down under.
view all 314 comments
ynlover why is she so cute??!
user14 no, but like i knew she was australian but that accent threw me off a little not gonna lie.
yn thank you so much for having me !!
user27 been a fan since her first single. so happy that she's finally getting the recognition she deserves
iloveyn okay but the sly smile she gave as they asked if she had any sort of romance going on. i think our girl isn't as single as she claims to be
samanthakerr20 😨 i think i found my missing medal ⤷ yn you gave it to me you ass
user31 i love how as a kid she wanted to be a famous soccer player, girl really switched teams on that one.
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liked by 1,812 ynlover anyone know what this is about? and why have i been stalking samanthakerr20 for the past two hours since seeing these comments.
view all 39 comments
user12 why is it kinda cute?
ynfan13 they grew up together!! i think she mentioned it in one of her early interviews years back.
samkerr20fan they're friends. She's been at a couple of Sam's games over the years.
user82 they're both single 👀👀
user61 yn is 💅 ?? since when
samfan72 i swear sam was in a relationship a few months back??
ynfan57 i've been investigating both their pages and they've been pretty vocal on both sides - except for a period in 2020 where neither of them commented or liked anything of the other.
ynlover i feel like we need weekly catch-ups to discuss everything everyone has found in this new predicament.
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liked by samanthakerr20, calumhood and 310,287 others yn recording album number 3, keen as a bean 🫛
view all 3,919 comments
yn poll; should we name the album cool beans?
ynfan12 holy hell!!! cannot wait
5sos 👀
user28 what is 5sos doing here??
iloveyn i love you
user98 ohmygosh yes yes yes
samanthakerr20 did you write any songs about me? ⤷ yn no xoxo
user11 ✍️ someone put this in the receipts ^
calumhood vote yes for cool beans
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liked by 2,082 others samkerrfanupdates sam with fans at last night's game.
view all 111 comments
samfan28 so jealous!!
user73 great game last night girls! can't wait for many more to come.
user25 that's me and my sister in that photo!! we asked her what he favourite album was right now and she said cool beans ?? we tried searching it up but i low key think she made it up. she was really nice tho!
samkerr20fan um... ynlover you're seeing what i'm seeing right? ⤷ ynlover 😨😨😨 why are they such girlfriends.
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(can't do better by kim petras)
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liked by yn, matildas and 401,286 others samanthakerr20 i wonder how many songs this face has inspired?
view all 3,208 comments
user23 so cheeky!
user80 hi sam!!
yn ohmy.
samfan39 im coming to your next game! can't wait to see you.
samkerr20fan so she's just not even denying it anymore?
user15 y'all really gonna forget that fans saw yn and samanthakerr20 kissing when chelsea won the FA women's cup a few months back against man city?? samkerr20fan im sorry??? wot ⤷ user15 yeah, they seemed cosy enough. yn was sitting with the partners of the other Chelsea teammates during the game so...
ynlover i've been summoned
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liked by samanthakerr20, matildas and 519,028 others yn last night
view all 1,920 comments
user91 hiiiii
ynfan18 i was there last night you were amazing !!!!
ynfan66 so in love with you
iloveyn why is the matildas here ?? 🤨🤨
samanthakerr20 so proud of you! ⤷ yn mwahhh 😚
user8 i love you so much yn
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liked by samanthakerr20, matildas and 610,384 others yn and to think I've been writing songs about you for years. happy two year anniversary my love 💗
comments are limited
samanthakerr20 i love you
matildas our favourite love story
mackenziearnold 👏👏 for putting up for her for years ⤷ samanthakerr20 excuse you ⤷ yn thank you
hayleyraso look at little sammy!
elliecarpenterr yes yes yes!
charli_grant my mums 💗
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liked by yn, matildas and 510,428 others samanthakerr20 she wrote many songs about me 💗
comments are limited
yn baby, i wrote every album for you
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349 notes · View notes
livsoulsecrets · 10 months
1989 (Taylor’s version) songs as BL/GL Characters - Part 1
Welcome to New York - Chris and Amm (Friendzone 2)
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When we first dropped our bags on apartment floors
Took our broken hearts, put them in a drawer
Everybody here was someone else before
And you can want who you want
Boys and boys and girls and girls
[…] Like any great love, it keeps you guessing
Like any real love, it's ever-changing
Like any true love, it drives you crazy
But you know you wouldn't change anything, anything, anything
Blank Space - Sand and Ray (Only Friends)
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Saw you there and I thought "Oh, my God, look at that face, you look like my next mistake, love’s a game, wanna play?"
[…] Ain't it funny? Rumors fly and I know you heard about me
So hey, let's be friends, I'm dying to see how this one ends
Grab your passport and my hand, I can make the bad guys good for a weekend
So it's gonna be forever or it's gonna go down in flames
You can tell me when it's over, if the high was worth the pain
[…] 'Cause we're young, and we're reckless
We'll take this way too far, it'll leave you breathless or with a nasty scar
Got a long list of ex-lovers, they’ll tell you I'm insane
But I've got a blank space, baby, and I'll write your name
Cherry lips, crystal skies, I could show you incredible things
Stolen kisses, pretty lies, you’re the King, baby, I'm your Queen
[…] Wait, the worst is yet to come, oh, no
Screaming, crying, perfect storms, I can make all the tables turn
Rose garden filled with thorns, keep you second guessing like “Oh, my God, who is [he]?"
I get drunk on jealousy, but you'll come back each time you leave
'Cause, darling, I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream
Style - Prapai and Sky (Love in the air)
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And I should just tell you to leave 'cause I
Know exactly where it leads, but I
Watch us go 'round and 'round each time
You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye
And I got that red lip classic thing that you like
And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
'Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style
[…] Just take me home
Out of the woods - Akk and Ayan (The Eclipse)
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When you started crying, baby, I did too
But when the sun came up, I was looking at you
Remember when we couldn't take the heat?
I walked out, I said "I'm setting you free"
But the monsters turned out to be just trees
When the sun came up you were looking at me
[…] Are we out of the woods yet?
All you had to do was stay - Kim and Chay (Kinnporsche the series)
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Here you are now, calling me up, but I don't know what to say
I've been picking up the pieces of the mess you made
People like you always want back the love they pushed aside
But people like me are gone forever when you say goodbye
Hey, all you had to do was stay
Had me in the palm of your hand
Then why'd you have to go and lock me out when I let you in?
I wish you would - Nim and Mollie (The Warp Effect)
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I wish you would come back
Wish I'd never hung up the phone like I did
I wish you knew that I’d never forget you as long as I'd live
And I wish you were right here, right now
It's all good, I wish you would
I wish we could go back
And remember what we were fighting for
Wish you knew that I miss you too much to be mad anymore
Bad blood - Todd and Black (Not me)
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Cause baby, now we've got bad blood
You know it used to be mad love
[…] So take a look what you've done
Oh, it's so sad to think about the good times, you and I
[…] Now we've got problems and I don't think we can solve 'em
You made a really deep cut
Wildest Dreams - Tharn and Phaya (The Sign)
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Say you'll remember me
Standing in a nice dress
Staring at the sunset, babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you'll see me again
Even if it's just in your wildest dreams
How you get the girl - Mon and Sam (Gap the series)
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Say it's been a long six months
And you were too afraid to tell her what you want […]
And then you say, I want you for worse or for better
I would wait for ever and ever
Broke your heart, I'll put it back together
I would wait for ever and ever
And that's how it works
That's how you get the girl
This Love - Pat and Pran (Bad Buddy)
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Your kiss, my cheek
I watched you leave
Your smile, my ghost
I fell to my knees
When you're young, you just run
But you come back to what you need
This love is good
This love is bad
This love is alive back from the dead
These hands had to let it go free, and
This love came back to me
This love left a permanent mark
This love is glowing in the dark
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angelinthefire · 8 months
i can't decide between cute shit and timestamp
Re: this tag game
Thank you for asking!
"Cute shit"
So this is a pretty generic post-15x19, Cas-is-back-from-the-Empty fic. The setup is a lot like "Status quo ante bellum", in that Dean is still working towards fully expressing his feelings towards Cas, and Cas isn't sure where he stands. But Dean is being pretty clearly clingy, so Cas doesn't have the intense anxiety that he does in "Status quo". They go on the clown-mask-vampire hunt, Dean gets impaled, but Cas is there to heal him. But because Dean was so badly injured, it takes a lot out of Cas, and he passes out. Sam and Dean take Cas back to the motel and get him a room, and Dean stays with him overnight. The excerpt picks up the next morning. It's mostly just dialogue.
Cas wakes up first. Frozen, kind of terrified. 
Dean is snuggled into him by now. 
Dean wakes up. Jerks away in shock but recovers quickly.
Cas looks at him nervously.
Dean smiles bashfully, "Hope I didn’t wake you up?"
C: "No you didn’t"
D: "Good. How’re you doing? Anything screwed up?"
C: "No, I’m better."
D: Sighs, relieved. "I was scared."
C: Raises his eyebrows. "You were scared for me?"
D: "‘Course."
C: "Dean, you could’ve died." 
D: "Yeah that scared me too."
C: "Yeah. Me too."
D: "But… if I died… you’d come see me, right? Sneak into my memory box, wake me up? And we could just… hang out on the holodeck?"
C: "It’s a poor substitute for life."
D: "But you’d do it?"
C: (softly) "Yeah."
D: "Good. Y’know, I think… I mean… I wanna spend forever with you."
Cas stares, entirely disarmed. 
Dean’s eyes fall to his lips. 
He leans in. Cas is very still, and closes his eyes. Dean kisses him very softly.
Cas’ eyes are still closed when he pulls away.
Cas opens his eyes. Looks unsettled.
So Dean kisses him again. This time something clicks with Cas and he starts to kiss him back.
2. Timestamp
This is the scene from "Forget your perfect offering" in chapter 4 where Claire goes off to talk to Dean in the kitchen. I wrote the dialogue when I wrote the chapter, so that I would have a clear idea of what was happening with Dean, even though I never intended to post it with the fic. I'm actually pretty sure that I posted it on tumblr at some point, but I can't find it now.
The setup is that Dean is trying to give Cas what he wants so that he'll stay. And Jody, Kaia and Claire come over for a family dinner. And Dean basically tells Claire not to screw it up with her attitude. But he apologizes later, and that's when this scene takes place. Under the cut.
Dean feels bad for telling Claire not to be a weirdo, and asks her to help him with dessert so they can talk in the kitchen.
Dean: Sorry for being, y’know…
Claire: An asshole?
D: Yeah. I guess this whole thing’s got me on-edge.
C: What whole thing?
D: Y’know. Being with Cas. It’s a mindfuck. I mean, you get it, right?
C: Get what?
D: You know…
Claire stares at him.
D: Suddenly being different from how you thought you were.
Claire keeps staring at him.
D: Oh, come on. Your dad was all into Jesus. He didn’t raise you to think being gay was normal. Don’t you ever get hung up on what he’d think if he saw you today?
C: (getting agitated) No, I don’t, because he’s dead. And I had an angel in me, so I know that none of that shit matters.
D: Yeah, but when you started being into girls, you’re saying you didn’t ever worry what other people would think?
C: What the hell, I’m not your therapist, Dean!
D: Yeah. Right. Sorry.
C: (softening, just a little) I get that you need someone to talk to about this crap. But did you think that maybe that someone should be your boyfriend?
D: Talk to Cas? The dude spent eternity as, like, a giant lightbulb or something. I don’t think he knows what it’s like for everyone he knows to suddenly see him as some… some kinda… ugh.
Dean cuts into the rice krispie squares. Claire regards him cooly. The way Dean said "some kinda" gets under her skin.
Claire leans over the counter, and says to Dean in a low, icy voice.
C: Faggot.
Dean freezes and stares at Claire like she just slapped him.
D: What?
C: That’s what you were gonna say, right? That's what you are now.
Dean looks at Claire like he’s about to cry.
C: And you can wear your plaid, and carry a gun and talk like Batman, but that won't change the fact that that's all you are to some people. They'll see you and Cas together and that'll be it, they'll never see you as anything but dirty and wrong and weak. And I dunno, maybe your dad would've been one of them. But you gotta decide whether or not you're going to let them control your life. You gotta decide whether all that bullshit is worth it.
Claire takes the knife from Dean and goes back to cutting the rice krispie squares.
D: (after a long beat) Yeah. Yeah, Cas is worth it.
C: (significant look) I don't mean Cas. I mean being yourself.
D: (some kind of subtexutal reminder that Dean still thinks he's not really in love with Cas) Heh. Yeah. Thanks Claire.
C: Whatever. Don't start thinking I'm your gay Yoda.
D: It’ll be hard. You give good advice. For a dyke.
C: (good natured) Pansy.
D: Queer.
C: Cocksucker.
D: Nah, that’s not till later tonight.
C: Ew!
D: What, you don’t wanna hear about my plans for Cas’ cock?
C: No! Shut up, Dean!
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themculibrary · 6 months
Letters Masterlist
1796 Broadway (ao3) - rainproof, teaberryblue steve/tony, bruce/natasha M, 460k
Summary: Captain America respectfully requests that all complaints be addressed to him in writing. On paper, the nice old-fashioned way, because the computer screen hurts his eyes.
Put your phone down, Tony.
all my love (ao3) - casdoms (moffwithhishead) sam/bucky, steve/bucky M, 4k
Summary: September 7th, 1943
Tell me something good. Tell me a story about home, about the neighborhood. Give me something to live for, here, because I’m dying. I’m fucking dying. All these guys, dying, and they’re not even –
How are you? There’s been fewer letters from you. Hope you haven’t gotten yourself into trouble. Becca said in her last letter, that she hasn’t seen you in a while. I hope you didn’t do something stupid, you fucking moron.
I’ll be unreachable for a while. Keep sending letters, if you’re not dead. I want something to read when I get back.
a whole new world (ao3) - Icylightning pepper/tony T, 18k
Summary: For last six months Tony and Pepper were looking for a child to adopt but luck wasn’t on their side. Until one day, Tony receives a letter from five year old Peter Parker.
better when i’m with you (ao3) - thelilacfield wanda/vision T, 69k
Summary: He’s had a number of firsts. Virginia Reed, his first crush. Wanda Maximoff, his first kiss. Eve Simon, his first heartbreak. Mandy Fournier, the first girl who said yes when he asked her to dance. And he’s becoming increasingly certain that Sam Wilson is his first love.
Vision writes a letter each time he has a crush so consuming he can’t forget it. They are tiny pieces of his heart, written out for his eyes only, a way to say goodbye.
Until the day they’re sent out.
Christmas Letters (ao3) - thesoundofasmile clint/laura T, 6k
Summary: In the lead up to Christmas while waiting for Clint to get home, Laura remembers some instances of Natasha celebrating the holiday with the Barton family, and Nathaniel inadvertently starts a new tradition to continue to include Natasha in their celebrations.
counted days, counted miles (ao3) - CrimsonPetrichor sam/bucky G, 2k
Summary: Separated for months by Captain America duties and missions with the Thunderbolts, Sam and Bucky somehow still manage to keep up their domestic squabbles, browbeat each other into taking care of themselves, and deal with their not-strictly-platonic feelings.
A story told in correspondence.
Dear Sam (ao3) - QuestinWitchFace sam/bucky M, 18k
Summary: Months after the events of TFATWS, Bucky and Sam are work partners and roommates living in a house together in Delacroix. Bucky's therapist suggests that, since Bucky has trouble verbalizing his feelings sometimes, he should try writing them out in letters to the people in his life. Bucky can only think of one person he wants to write to.
Dear Yelena (ao3) - flipflop_diva T, 1k
Summary: While the Avengers wait for word on Steve's quest to return the Soul Stone, Yelena reads a stack of old letters Natasha once wrote to her.
dust off our new love (ao3) - ArabellaAM steve/tony G, 1k
Summary: Tony’s clothes are full of dust when he finds the box.
Letters between Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes: 1942-45 (ao3) - Jakcett steve/bucky T, 4k
Summary: Content Summary:
Historical documents, with annotations.
Letters Never Sent (ao3) - wisteriafic wanda/vision T, 9k
Summary: Dear Family and Friends,
I’m not sure why I’m writing this. I don’t have any friends or family anymore to send it to. The moms on TV would write these holiday letters, and I guess I like the idea of putting the past year down on paper.
letters we never sent (ao3) - MissAmyShay bucky/sarah G, 6k
Summary: Bucky likes Sarah. Sarah likes Bucky.
Cass and AJ think it’s time for their relationship to progress to a new level.
Post Haste (ao3) - roboticonography steve/peggy T, 13k
Summary: Steve, Peggy, their friends and family, and a mad dash to the altar. A story in letters.
Read It and Go From There (ao3) - Write_To_You bruno/kamala G, 1k
Summary: A peek into Kamala’s mind when she reads Bruno’s letter.
Shallow Pockets (ao3) - Chargedlion T, 3k
Summary: Valentina doesn't recruit Yelena. Yelena doesn't dedicate her time to hunting and killing Clint Barton. Instead, she wakes up alone in a world without her sister.
All that was left of Natasha was her legacy and the vest she shared with Yelena. And there's something in one of the pockets.
sincerely, (ao3) - catjeno mj/peter G, 5k
Summary: It's been weeks since The Spell, since Peter Parker was erased from the Earth. And though he loves being Spider-Man full time, his new life is not an easy adjustment.
Peter needs someone to talk to. So he turns to his loved ones, in the only way he can.
The Notebooks (ao3) - Ribbonsflying steve/bucky G, 3k
Summary: To cope with his new reality, Steve wrote notebooks to Bucky long before Bucky was ever found.
to live without a lifeline (ao3) - himynameisv T, 1k
Summary: She allows herself one day to grieve.
She comes out the next day—ready and not ready at the same time—to face the world.
What happened during that time is between Natasha and the dead.
(Or: Nat writes a letter, of all the things left unsaid.)
To make things right (ao3) - missingcrowdsof1000s bruno/kamala T, 3k
Summary: A peek into Kamala’s mind as she finally reads Bruno’s letter (a.k.a. an alternate ending to Episode 6, in a world where the deleted scene “Just Friends” from Episode 3 is actual canon).
waiting on my soldier (ao3) - Areiton, BladeoftheNebula steve/tony, bucky/natasha M, 13k
Summary: Here, it feels like anything is possible, like he could ask for the world and actually get it. 
It’s that, more than anything, that makes him ask, “Can I write to you. When I’m gone? I don’t--I have Bucky and Ma, but I’d sure love to have a pretty omega like you waitin’ on my letters.” 
Tony leans into him a little heavier, and squeezes his hand as the sun begins to rise, and paint the sky purple and pink. “Yes,” he says simply.
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illgiveyouahint · 1 year
Hello, may I just ask if that's okay. Did you ever watch supernatural and who was your favourite character?
Hello hello
well of course it's always okay to ask. You know I love talking about anything and everything. And yes I've watched supernatural. I'm currently watching s11 after abandoning the show for several years. I've been watching it since I was like 13 or so lol
But oh hmm I'm trying to think who is my favourite character. There's been so many of them over the years. Also it's been years (a deacde even) since I watched the early seasons and I feel like my feelings about the show in general are changing over time. I remember me and my friend on erasmus used to talk for hours about Dean and Sam and their family and the meaning of home and all that. Like my friend wanted to write her paper on the meaning of home in relations to the winchester brothers. Idk if she ever did but we used to talk about it al the time. I remember I liked Charlie a lot. I also liked Kevin but tbh I can't remember much about him now. I was so upset about both of their deaths. I think if I have to think about it and especially now I think my favourite is actually Crowley. I still remember when he first appeared sealing the deal with kissing a bloke and I knew he will be my favourite. His character has obviously changed over the years. Being a king of hell and all that. But he's a fun character and I like that in the season I'm watching now he's more of a presence. I used to like Castiel obviously but I feel like his character has been so over the place and I hate how they always do something to him and then for half a season it feels the brothers forget about him or not worry about him and just idk i just would expect something different with what they all have been through. I used to like Dean a lot more but now some of his what shall we call it bit of a macho bit of a toxic masculinity thing just rubs me wrong way from time to time. Like I think the show was originally written in a different time, right? And nowadays I feel like some of these things didn't age well and some of the characterization for the brothers and the life they lead didn't age well. The girls and the booze and the old school rock type of stuff is just idk sort of supporting that "toxic masculinity" boys don't cry type of manhood which I think we as a society are really moving past. I know in the later seasons they've tried to do better with it but you cannot change what the show and the characters were build on. Which is why I said I wish the show was about that older married gay couple from mexico. 'Cause then it would at least in some way fight that idea of "what it means to be a man". Actually I think the show could have explored this topic quite nicely, but they're not really exploring it as just continuing it to be the default.
Okay I said probably more than I should have and maybe I've upset some of you who love the show but that's how I view it. But please come talk to me and tell me your favourite character or what you see in the show and what you like about it
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casspurrjoybell-20 · 2 months
FOOLS Fall - Chapter 29 - Part 2
BOOK TWO: The 'Fools Fall in Love' Trilogy
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*Warning - Adult Content*
Samuel Moretti
It was Saturday evening when everything went to Hell.
My parents were out for the night so it was just me at home.
How did I spend my alone time?
Thinking about Noah, of course.
The plan was still to go to his apartment on Sunday, which I was partly dreading, partly anxious, and partly excited for.
Until my heart stopped when I got a text from Noah.
I quickly sprung up on my bed into a sitting position, DJ sending me a glare for having to move off from the comfort of my tummy.
"Oh my God, Oh my God," I spoke quickly and ran a hand through my hair.
My heart sped up.
Noah's reaching out to me.
Carter's comment about how he should be a man and see me in person, didn't even cross my mind.
I didn't care that Noah wasn't there in person, I was just happy Noah contacted me even through a lame text.
I took a deep breath and opened the text and my heart fell to the pit of my stomach.
To: Samuel Moretti
[Noah image]
From: Meat-head❤️[Today 7:40 PM]
It was a picture of Noah but he was facing away from the camera and I didn't think he even knew he was getting a picture taken of him but what got me was the fact that he was shirtless, his pants hanging low.
Then I got a second text.
To: Samuel Moretti
[I told you, out of sight out of mind. Thanks for basically handing him to me. Tell me, how good is he in bed? Well, I guess I'll find out soon.]
From: Meat-head❤️[Today 7:45 PM]
He didn't even have to tell me who was texting and he knew that.
Jude got me, he won.
Noah was going to have sex with Jude.
We were officially over.
I didn't respond but I re-read that message and analyzed that picture for longer than my heart could handle.
I wailed out a sob, collapsing my head into my hands.
I hated him.
I've never felt such a strong hatred towards someone but what I felt for Jude was ugly and horrifying, unadulterated hatred.
I wanted to scream and punch something.
I wanted to punch Jude.
I wanted to hit him until he was unrecognizable.
"Sam?" it was Carter.
I knew he was coming over to spend the night which was why he had an overnight bag with him but I had forgotten.
"What happened?" he asked in a panic as he saw my emotional state.
Carter dropped his backpack at the foot of my bed before I handed him my phone that had the picture of Noah shirtless and Jude's 'out of sight out of mind' text.
"Oh shit," Carter breathed out before taking a seat next to me.
He set my cell-phone down with a sigh.
He reeked of pot, so I bet he was already stoned when he arrived.
"Guess it's been a shitty day all around," Carter muttered then bent down and I watched him unzip his backpack before pulling out a bottle of tequila.
"Elliott and I got into a little fight, it was stupid," Carter told me as he twisted off the top of the bottle.
"Not like we're dating," he added bitterly and took a swing.
That could not have tasted good.
Jeez, nothing to chase it down with?
Carter passed the bottle of tequila off to me as he explained what happened between Elliott and him.
I took an un-Godly drink from the bottle, the liquid burning my throat but was the right type of pain I needed that night.
After Carter told me about the argument, I glumly wondered.
"Would it be this hard if I were straight?"
Carter scoffed.
"It'd be worse," he claimed but then again, Carter was bias considering his first rough heartbreak was over a girl.
"Noah would've probably fucked Jude sooner if he was a girl."
I started crying.
"You think they're fucking?" I asked and couldn't stop the images of Noah's hands on Jude.
Carter scooted closer to me.
"No. No. Well... I don't know. Probably not."
None of that was reassuring and my crying became an ugly, messy cry of weltering sobs and nonsense words.
"It stupid Jude's fault. He... he ruined everything and Noah's going to kiss him and forget about me."
"Hey, no. Look at me," Carter demanded.
"That's not going to happen, okay?"
The feeling of Carter's thumb rubbing slow, circles on my thigh was soothing me almost as much as his words.
"And if he does then Noah doesn't deserve you anyway. Noah's an idiot for not seeing how manipulative Jude is," Carter commented and I think I cried more in relief for having someone believe me when I felt like I was going crazy.
Carter placed a hand on my cheek.
"Jude isn't worth your tears. No one is."
My crying was reduced to mere sniffles as Carter talked in a hushed, peaceful tone to me.
The way he spoke so sure of himself and the feeling of ease that washed over me from his amenity, I didn't think about what I did next, I just did it.
I leaned forward and kissed Carter.
It was quick, an unthinkable kiss.
I barely pulled back, Carter's lips chasing mine, before I kissed him again.
Carter captured my face with his hands and kissed me back urgently.
Both of us leaning into each other, needing a physical release of our negative emotions.
A place to store our unwanted feelings and the only way we knew how was through each other's body.
We pulled and tugged at clothes, our hands rough and unforgiving on each other.
Mindless actions of lust until Carter was laying me down on my bed and on top of me.
All I cared about was his comfort and my need to exonerate all the overflowing feelings and we didn't stop until we were naked and I was regretting my entire life.
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thehighpriestess1 · 2 years
Having a kid with CEO Gojo : 2
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Summary : Gojo gets help from his daughter to get y/n.
Pairing : Gojo x y/n
Warning : Kissing, slightly suggestive, not proof read (sorry).
Extension of this
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Gojo sat on the tiny pink chair with a tiara on his head and looked at your daughter, who was sitting opposite to him and was now serving tea to Mr.Teddy and Ms.Dolly in her custom Hermes tea set. Gojo pouted and looked outside the play room, hoping to catch a glimpse of his wife. 
"Daddy, is mommy mad at you?". Alice asked as she placed a tray of sponge cake in front of him. Gojo looked at her and smiled. She was the perfect mix of the both of you. She had your face and his eyes and hair, and she clearly inherited his sweet tooth and your smartness.
"Yes Princess. She is". 
"Did you forget to brush your teeth? I forgot last week and she seemed mad at me but then I kissed her and she forgave me. You should try it". Gojo chuckled as Alice spoke in her sincere baby voice. 
"No I brushed my teeth but she won't kiss .e". He pouted, biting into the cake. "What did you do then?".
"I forgot to .. have a tea party with her?". Gojo pressed his lips and feigned remorse. In reality he had made dinner reservations for both of you but had forgotten about it and only remembered it until it was too late. 
"Mommy!!!!!" Alice yelled loudly, making Gojo flinch. "What are you doing Princess?". Gojo asked, looking at the giggling girl. "I am calling mommy to have tea with us".
"What happened?!". You rushed to the room in less than a minute with a concerned look on your face. You bit your lip to control your amusement at seeing your husband sitting with a tiara on his head and mouthful of cake. "Come join us, we need one more person ". You looked at Gojo, who shook his head denying that it was his doing. You weren't even mad at him anymore, you just liked teasing him. You smiled at your daughter and took your place next to your husband. "You need a tiara". Alice said and walked towards her dresser to pull one out. 
"y/n come on ...". Gojo whined. He hated being ignored by you. You turned the other way trying to hide your smile. It was amusing to see 6"3, built man, CEO of the Gojo group, whining with a tiara on his head.
"Y/n ....baby... My spongecake". You twisted your lip in fake disgust and looked at him.
"Love, are you mad at me?". Gojo asked, trying to reach for your hand under the table but you pulled it away, refusing to talk to him. He frowned and pulled your chair towards his'. "Satoru! You'll break the chair!" You said as you tried to balance yourself. Gojo leaned in close to you with his lips ghosting over your earlobe, "won't be the first furniture we have broken". Your eyes widened and you hit his chest lightly but he caught your wrist and pulled you into a chaste kiss. 
"I told you a kiss would fix it!". Alice yelped as she ran towards both of you. You looked at your daughter and then back at Gojo. Corking and eyebrow, "You're taking advice from our daughter now?". 
"It seems to be working, doesn't it?". 
"Mommy, is your headache ok now?". Alice said as she pressed her palm against your forehead. It was cute how she picked up habits from her father. You brought her hand from your forehead and kissed it."Yes darling". 
But what a mistake you made hiding it from Gojo. "What happened?!". He asked, a little more seriously. You nudge your head towards Alice to tell him to calm himself down. "It was just a headache". Gojo didn't speak for a few seconds and then removed the tiara and placed it on the table. "Princess, mommy and daddy need to talk now okay? Sam (nanny) is right here so go play with her". Alice nodded and rushed out of the room. 
"Before you freak out, I swear it was just a headache. I took some medicine and slept the entire afternoon and I was fine". The expression on Gojo's face showed that he was not happy about it. He was protective…. Really protective of his family and had rushed you to hospital countless times over a mild fever and headaches. He had his reasons but it made you hide the smallest of illnesses from him. 
"Love.. you should have told me". He pulled you by your arm and had you sitting on his lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck and packed his cheeks and then the furrowed brows. "I know.. I'm sorry. Forgive me?". You asked tilting your head to the side. Gojo shook his head and tightened his grip around your waist as he locked eyes with you.It was his turn now and the slight smirk ghosting his lips told you that he wouldn't go easy on you "Pretty please? I promise I won't do it again". You asked again, pouting at him but he shook his head refusing to forgive you. 
You opened your mouth to say something but your words were swallowed by his lips. "Satoru! Alice is right outside". You said trying to push him away but he moved his lips to your chin and then to your neck. "Then we better take this upstairs" he said before he scooped you in his arms and walked towards your bedroom.."-and don't worry we will be paying a visit to Shoko in the evening".
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
Feral (Part 13)
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Summary: Dean and the reader try to relax after the events earlier in the afternoon and continue enjoying their bonding day together. But the reader is noticing that there’s another Winchester that’s yet to share exactly it is he went through all those years Dean was gone...
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!reader
Square: Showering Togetheer
Word Count: 5,400ish
Warnings: language, angst, violence, mention of kidnapping, heavily implied abuse (non-graphic), smut
A/N: Also written for @supernatural-jackles​ Tell Me A Story Bingo. Enjoy!...
“I’m sorry,” he breathed out. You ran your fingers through his hair, Dean burying his face in your neck. “I’m supposed to protect you. I’m supposed to keep you safe. I made that whole fucking deal about it and when people came to hurt us, I couldn’t stop it.”
“Dean, you're not superman. I know that. All I’ve been concerned about is you. You got put in a collar again and that never should have happened. I’m just sorry I couldn’t protect you either.”
“When I find this guy, I’m gonna destroy him,” said Dean, resting his chin on your shoulder. “I’m gonna make him pay for everything he did to me, to you, to my family. I should put him in a hole and see how he likes it.”
“That would be nice but what if he’s the key to Sam’s black market case? What if they have to make a deal? Would you be able to live with that?” you asked. Dean lifted his head, walking away and staring out the window.
“Yes. I’ll be pretty pissed off about it for a while but yes. If I can get other Alphas out then yes. You know I even had a friend when I was first taken. We went through training together. He was an older boy. Benny. He used to give me some of his food. I don’t even know his full name but I’d do anything to get him out too. I don’t need revenge. I just want a little justice.”
“We’ll get the son of a bitch. We will. If this guy wants you so badly, he’s gonna need his own special forces team and that won’t go unnoticed by Peter.”
“We’re never going to have that backyard fire are we,” he chuckled. You smiled, going over to the far corner of the room where a couch was sat in front of a fireplace. You turned on the gas and moments later flames were flickering behind the glass. You held out your hand and opened and closed your palm, Dean smiling as he stepped over and took hold of it. You sat down, Dean relaxing into the cushions. He pulled you over into his side, throwing his arm over your shoulders. “Thanks Y/N.”
“I am kind of a genius,” you said. He laughed, kissing your cheek. “We gonna talk about you throwing away your life back there and lying to the cops? How you supposedly forced me to help you escape?”
“I owed you one,” he said. You rolled your eyes and he shrugged. “Omega. I will do whatever I have to for you. If that means taking the fall I’ll happily take the fall.”
“They could have had you killed.”
“I’d rather be dead and have you safe than have you wind up in prison where God knows what happens to you.”
“Oh so only you’re allowed to be imprisoned against your will I see.”
“I’ll be imprisoned by my will too,” he said, kissing your neck. “Nicely.”
“Nicely,” you chuckled. “That’s my boy.”
“That’s my girl,” he grinned. “That was so cheesy.”
“Yeah but I love cheese. I love cheese a lot.” He smiled, humming when you massaged his neck. “Want to have a bit of fun?”
“Yes please. I’d like to forget this afternoon ever happened.” You knelt down on the floor, pulling him down with you, the heat hitting you more so now. “Are we gonna have sex?”
“Uh huh,” you said, ripping off your shirt. He grinned, tugging off his own, a pile of clothes forming up on the couch. When he was naked you gently crawled into his lap and threw your arms around his neck, Dean’s hand going to your hips. “Let me. Just enjoy it.”
“Whatever you want sweetheart,” he said. You knelt up and straddled him, sliding down on his half hard cock. You rose up only an inch or so and sat down slowly, Dean panting against your face. “You’re warm.”
“So are you,” you said, grinding yourself against him before lifting up again, rolling your hips down at an aganozily slow pace. Your chest pressed flat against his, Dean’s hands wandering up to your back, tracing down the curve of your spine.
“You’re beautiful,” he said, the shadows of the flames flickering against his skin. You smiled, kissing him gently, adjusting yourself until you sat down and Dean gave a tentative roll of his hips. “Was that okay?”
“Perfect,” you murmured. “Nice and slow.”
He hummed, lazily kissing you while you rocked back and forth, grinding against him. Your fingers trailed down the back of his neck, Dean gasping quietly when you tickled it. He seemed to enjoy it and you pressed one palm over the flesh, giving the gentlest of squeezes. His hips snapped up and he made the kiss deeper, his hands sliding down to your ass, palming each cheek, grabbing gently before moving lower, running them over your thighs.
The first was starting to make you hot, sweat beading across your skin, a stray droplet running down your back. Dean’s finger caught it, hands roaming up your back and to your shoulders, tracing every square inch he could get his hands on. He started to thrust more, shallow, keeping with the slow rhythm you’d set yourselves on. 
But he went deep, nailing your g-spot, a simmer burning in your core, getting hotter with every passing minute. Dean nipped gently at your neck, switching sides to kiss your mark. A flutter rushed through you, Dean not laying off, his warm breath spreading over your back.
He thrust upwards and you sat up as far as you could, sucking in air when he did it again. It started out quiet and slow but it was deep, no sharp peak, just deep, deep pleasure that you rode out as long as you could.
You’d barely felt Dean knot you before you were kissing, his cheek nuzzling against yours.
“Warm,” he murmured.
“Love you too,” you whispered in his ear, Dean holding you tight. You wrapped your arms around his body, watching the fire and catching your breath while he hummed. “Feel better?”
“A bit. That book Sammy got said mating day can be intense.”
“Intense is kinda our thing.”
“That was intense?” he asked.
“I had a hell of an orgasm,” you said. He chuckled, nodding his head. “You like slow sex as much as the quick and dirty. Maybe even more. I kind of really love that.”
“If I want an orgasm, I got my own hand. But if I want to be with you...I just like...being with you if that makes sense.” You nodded, Dean thumbing over your mark. “I’m not like most Alphas am I. All of those federal agents earlier were Alphas. People who took me and owned me were. I’m not even like Sam or my dad was.”
“No Dean you’re not like most Alphas. I find that very appealing because the only Alpha I’ve ever wanted was you. I don’t care what you are, just that you’re happy and healthy and safe.”
“I am very happy and I have this kickass doctor mate you see,” he said, chuckling as he kissed your cheek.
“I wonder if I’ll lose my license,” said. Dean shook his head and smiled wide. “How-”
“I straight up asked that Agent Harrison and he said they can’t take away your medical license for doing something to protect your true mate. It’s that whole safe mating law stuff. You can still be a doctor sweetheart.” 
You sighed, resting your chin on his shoulder. You hugged him tight, Dean returning it, running his hand up and down your bare back after a moment. 
“S’okay. I know how much it meant to you to still be able to help people. Hey and Dr. Insler wanted to hire you didn’t she?”
“I don’t know how true that is. But I’d be okay with working close by. I’ll find something eventually I’m sure.”
“Maybe you could volunteer. We don’t need the money. You can still help and I’m sure there’s some place that could use a doctor but can’t afford one,” he said.
“You’re very caring of others considering the amount of shit that’s been thrown at you.” He shrugged and you sat back, Dean’s arms loose around your back. “That boy that gave you his food.”
“It’s unspoken that you help the younger ones in those situations. You think who could do that, such a horrible thing to children especially. And then when you’re in that shit hole...you see some of the largest acts of kindness you can imagine. Giving someone food, taking a punch for someone, it seems like nothing but it can be everything. Treating someone like a human being again and seeing value in them and protecting them can be everything. My Omega has that down pat already.” You felt heat in your cheeks, Dean smushing his nose against yours. “Thank you.”
“Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Now say you’re welcome and I don’t have to say it ever again.”
“You don’t have to say it in the first place.”
“Y/N,” he groaned.
“You’re welcome.” You pecked a kiss on him, Dean shifting, his knot starting to go down. “I think you are officially spent Mr. Winchester. He’s calling it quits down there.”
“Yeah but I still get to hold you right?” he asked. The flames flickered and his eyes were big, not flirty, just curious, a sliver of shyness behind them.
“You can hold me. I really like it when you do,” you said. He hummed, kissing your cheek again before helping you lift off of him, your legs grateful to stretch out. “Wow that thing cranks out some heat. We gotta make sure to use that at night in the winter.”
“I guess I can have my fire with you anytime I want then.”
“You can always be warm,” you said, propping yourself up on your hands. He looked you up and down, crawling forward and kissing you. A stomach rumbled and he looked down, chuckling when you put a hand on yours.
“We need to get some food in you,” he said. He stood and picked you up, carrying you into the bathroom and straight into the walk in shower. 
“I gotta tell you. I’ve been dying to take a shower in here. Way nicer than the one in my room,” you said, Dean setting you down on the bench before turning on the spray.
“Your old room,” he said.
“My old room,” you said, reaching for the soap. He handed it to you, going under the other shower head to wash up. You looked over your shoulder, Dean’s creamy perky ass staring back. “You want to help wash me up?”
“I do. I think my dick will kill me if I get him excited again,” said Dean. You laughed and started to wash yourself up, tossing him the bottle when you were done. “We should redo the bathroom in your old room. I think even Sam’s could do with some renovations.”
“Gonna be a handyman with your new found freedom?” you asked. “Actually you know what? You totally should look into being a contractor. That might be something you enjoy.”
“I think I want to work on cars in the garage and hang out with my beautiful Omega and that’d be a pretty good life to me.”
“Simple. I like it,” you said. 
“Maybe someday, and I’m talking years away someday, maybe a pup?” he asked. You smiled, looking down. “If-”
“Dean if you want a pup, I am more than happy to have that pup with you. I just...I really really want you to have your freedom and no responsibilities for awhile first. I want you to be the most important thing in your life again.”
“Too late for that,” he said. You pouted but Dean was smiling. “Oh sweetheart. You knew I was a goner a long time ago.”
“I wish you thought you were the most important thing in your life though.” He squirted some shampoo in his hand and grinned. “What?”
“Are you the most important thing in your life? I have a feeling if I were to ask I’d get a very similar answer.” You put your back to him, Dean whistling. 
“Okay I maybe see your point. But do you see mine?”
“Yes which is why if we ever did go that far, making a pup, it will be when I choose to and you choose to and I know there is a lot of life for me to live before I get there.”
“Just so you know, you’d be a really incredible father. I would gladly have children with you and you would be wonderful with them.” You turned back, Dean washing the soap out of his hair.
“You’ve known me a week.”
“I’ve known you since my soul was created.” 
He stopped moving, running water the only sound while his green eyes locked onto yours. You felt your heart jump, warm fuzziness making you centered. You forgot your hunger, forgot the feel of the water hitting your back. For a few split seconds all you felt was calm, Dean finally remembering to breath.
“What was that?” he asked quietly, dropping his hands to his side.
“I think it was our bond. Our souls...touching. If that makes sense. The bond is like a tether so they don’t stray far from each other but it’s…” you trailed off, the feeling returning when Dean stepped in front of you.
“If I get to spend the rest of eternity feeling this with you I’m gonna owe you another thank you.”
You shook your head and he nodded.
“You don’t get your way Dean,” you said. He cupped your cheeks, water pouring over both of you.
“I get my way this time. Thank you.”
“The only time Dean,” you said. He chuckled, kissing you slowly. He murmured something against your lips and you leaned back. “What?”
“I said that’s what you think. I can be very adorable and you have a weakness for that,” he said. You rolled your eyes but pulled him into another kiss. Your stomach had to go and rumble again, Dean gently putting his palm over your stomach. “Let’s finish up and get you some food.”
Ten minutes later you were dry and wearing one of Dean’s shirts, a navy short sleeve he’d picked out for you and a pair of your black sweatpants while he wore his black flannel ones and a gray hoodie zip up over his black short sleeve. You headed downstairs with him on your tail, Sam locking up the front door, two pizza boxes and a few bags set on top.
“Hey Sammy. That smells delicious,” you said. 
“Eat up while it’s hot. I ordered way too much but who cares,” he said, Dean scooping you up when you were down on the first floor again. “Don’t throw her over the stairs again.”
“Sam,” you said, Dean chuckling.
“I deserved that,” said Dean, carrying you bridal style into the kitchen. Sam set the bags on the counter and got out a few plates, smiling as he watched the two of you. “We gotta get you an Omega Sammy.”
“I got enough on my plate for the moment. You two smell more similar than before.”
“Must be the soap,” you said, Dean setting you down so you could get a plate. Dean excused himself to the bathroom, Sam cocking his head. “We had a moment earlier.”
“He’s much calmer.”
“He’s not fighting instinct anymore. Plus he doesn’t have to worry about me being arrested or him being trapped in some place again. He’s got his freedom back,” you said. You took a bite of pizza, swallowing it down. “Sam why didn’t you mention the safe mating laws once you knew me and Dean were true mates?”
“Because I told you I would take care of it. I expected you would trust me, the both of you.” You pouted, Sam lifting his chin. “I trusted you, a stranger, with my brother’s life. I did everything you asked, gave you everything you wanted. Why couldn’t you have given me that same trust back?”
“I trust you Sam. It’s everyone else I don’t. You should have told us.”
“Well I’m sorry for assuming you knew about the law already.” He rolled his eyes, Dean walking back in.
“You two smell pissy,” said Dean. You poked at at fry, Sam clearing his throat. “What happened?”
“Nothing,” said Sam.
“What happened?” asked Dean again. Your nose twitched, Sam’s doing it as well. 
“You smell like dad used to.”
“I am pack leader and us three are a pack so what is wrong?” asked Dean. You sighed and leaned your head back. 
“Y/N was upset I didn’t tell you guys about the safe mating law and it was my bad for assuming. There’s no problem.” Dean scrunched up his face, his jaw hard set. “Are you serious? What’d I do?”
“Why didn’t you tell us Sam? She has a point,” said Dean. Sam shook his head and left his plate behind, trying to slip past Dean. Dean caught his bicep though, Sam wincing. 
“Why are you grabbing so hard? Let go,” said Sam. Dean turned his head upwards and walked Sam back against the wall. “Dean I assumed you both knew about the law or trusted that I would get Y/N out of it. I didn’t not say anything on purpose.”
“Do not lie to me,” growled Dean. Sam swallowed, looking past him and at you. “I want the truth. Why the hell didn’t you tell us and why did you hire Peter without talking to us first and why did you run off this afternoon? What are you keeping from us?”
Sam kept his mouth shut, Dean getting right in Sam’s face, Dean’s scent overpowering, Sam trying to make himself smaller at the first hint of it.
“Speak,” ordered Dean. 
“I got a phone call. After Y/N and her coworker contacted me and you guys were headed here. The person said you’d been found and...not to trust anyone. Police. Lawyers. Doctors,” he said, glancing at you. “They said the black market had people everywhere and this could be a situation where you were broken out of rehab in order to get you back in the black market. I hired security to make sure Y/N never left the property with you once you got here. Peter was meant to watch Y/N mostly. He’s...been here from the start out of sight. I figured Y/N could easily get a test to lie and say you were true mates. It wasn’t until she walked downstairs with that mark on her neck and I scented her that I knew she’d been telling the truth all along.”
Dean squeezed Sam’s arms before walking away and down the hall to the garage. The door slammed open and shut, Sam flinching at the noise. You took another bite of pizza, Sam slowly raising his head.
“Y/N I’m sorry but he was taken from me when I was nine years old and I’m not letting it happen again.” You chewed, eating more of your slice, Sam walking to the other side of the island. “Say something.”
“I’m not mad Sam.” You ripped off part of the crust, Sam running a hand over his face. “You had childhood trauma too. You were kidnapped and your big brother saved you. I don’t know how much of that lifetime movie was real-”
“He pushed me out of that window and...I did have to run and hide and run and hide and run and hide for that whole night.”
“That part in the movie where you said you heard gunshots?” 
“The honest to God truth? I heard a gunshot and then I heard my brother shout and then I heard nothing. I’ve been convinced he’s been dead since that night and so was my father. My mother was the only one to believe that he was still alive and she told me to keep believing after she was gone so I forced myself to. I let them make that stupid movie because they funded a privately run task force that investigates black market cases and represents Alphas. Not everything is in that movie.”
“Like the trauma of a nine year old boy who thought he’d heard his brother be killed after he saved his life. I don’t remember them talking about you in that movie a whole lot after you ran to those people’s front door.”
“I wasn’t the one that was missing. No one gave a fuck about me except for my parents when they could remember I still existed. It wasn’t until I got older that our lives didn’t revolve around Dean. Even then, I’ve never been able to shake this feeling that I didn’t owe him. I was too small and too young to save him but as an adult, I could stop it from happening to other people. It doesn’t matter what happened to me. He was the one that got hurt and I can’t let that happen again.”
“Sam he will be hurt again. He has so much life to live. Of course he’s gonna be hurt and that’s okay. You got hurt too whether you believe it or not so no, I’m not mad that you didn’t trust me and that you were trying to hide that fact. But we’re on the same side you and me. And I hope now when you say we’re family you really mean that because I know I do.”
“Any ideas on how to get him to forgive me?” he asked with a sigh. You looked to the left, Sam spinning around, Dean poking his head out from the hall to the garage. 
“He’s been there basically the whole time,” you said. You picked out another slice, Sam closing his eyes. Dean stepped into the kitchen, handing Sam his plate of food. 
“I forgive you but no more secrets Sammy. No more.” He nodded, Dean fixing up his plate once more before sitting beside you. “I want to know what happened to you that night too when you’re willing to talk about it.”
“Sure. It’s kinda...why I haven’t exactly wanted to clue you two in on the investigation. I didn’t know your mental state, no offense, and wasn’t sure about Y/N. That phone call was a burner phone so no name but it did ping off of the nearest cell tower. Only five of those doctors live close enough so we’re narrowing it down,” said Sam.
“Why can’t we just have Peter take pictures of these people’s offices?” you asked.
“Without a warrant, it’s illegal,” said Sam. “And I don’t trust that word won’t get out if we involve a federal agency.”
“What about Agent Harrison? He seemed really pissed off about the whole Alpha black market thing. It could be personal for him,” you said, eating another bite before shoving some fries in your mouth.
“I got that vibe too. Either way I think it’s worth it to risk talking to him,” said Dean. 
“I’ll think about it after I look into him. Now would you eat something. You haven’t had anything since lunch yesterday,” said Sam. Dean held up his hands and started to eat quietly, the house quiet for a good fifteen minutes. He seemed to scarf down most things until he let out a large burp, putting a hand over his mouth.
“Excuse me,” he said. He took a long drink of water, Sam starting to slow down, yourself included. “Do you-”
“Dean. It’s your mating day. I’m not talking about anything that doesn’t have to do with that for the rest of tonight, got me?”
“I was going to ask if you guys wanted to watch a movie,” said Dean. “You know, like normal people.”
“Oh. Sure. I figured you two would want to you know…” said Sam. You shared a look with Dean, a smirk appearing on his face.
“I think we’re both very satisfied. But we’re big on cuddling,” you said. “If you’re okay with seeing that.”
Sam laughed and nodded, starting to pick up the leftovers. You pushed him out of the kitchen to change into his pajamas, cleaning up while Dean made himself comfortable on the couch and scrolled through his watchlist. 
“Hey Halloween is soon right?” he called from the couch.
“We’re not watching a horror movie Dean and that has nothing to do with you but my distaste for them,” you said, putting the last container away, swapping out for the pint of ice cream and starting to dish up three bowls.
“What about Batman?” he asked. “Or is that too scary for my apparently fraidy cat Omega?”
“I punched a guy in the face today. And kicked him the balls. I am not a fraidy cat,” you said. He laughed, graciously taking the bowl when you handed it over the back of the couch.
“Come here,” he said, reaching back with his other hand, pulling you down to kiss you.
“I draw the line at you two making out on the couch,” said Sam when he walked in, stealing the bowl out of Dean’s hands and plopping down on the other end of the large wrap around couch.
“Waitin’ on you,” said Dean, taking a new bowl when you sat down with your own and tucked in beside him. 
“Here,” said Sam, standing for a moment and going to an ottoman. He pulled out a blanket, Dean sitting upright. “I figured-”
“Is that my blanket?” asked Dean. Sam handed it over, taking your bowl while you helped unfold it, covering your and Dean’s legs with it. “Did you take this?”
“Technically mom said I could have it as long as I gave it back when you came home,” said Sam, grabbing another from the ottoman for himself before sitting again. “So I guess it’s yours again.”
“Why’d you have it in the first place?” asked Dean, handing you the remote. Sam shrugged and you gave him a side glance. “Oh you’re embarrassed? Hi. Recently feral Alpha. Probably still feral. I was only buck ass naked in front of my true mate the second I met her. I ripped apart a pillow with my teeth on Wednesday. There is no embarrassed in this house.”
“I slept in your room for a solid six months wishing I’d wake up and it’d have just been a nightmare and that day had never happened. You’d let me sleep in there cause I had a nightmare the night before. I prayed I was still in it until I accepted I was in a whole different nightmare.” Sam ate from his bowl quietly, Dean finishing his and taking part of yours while you found a Batman movie to put on. “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell them where you were.”
“I was out of that basement and shoved in a car drugged up in less than a minute after I got you out. You were never going to find me. That’s okay,” said Dean softly. Sam swallowed, Dean breathing deeply. “I’m the big brother, not you.”
“What the fuck happened to you? You won’t say anything. Y/N won’t say anything and I doubt you’ve barely told her a thing. What-”
“I went to that doctor’s house where I got a collar put on me and I’m pretty sure more drugs and when I woke up, I was in cinderblock room. To this day I have no idea where that was. I was shown what was expected of me and what happened if I didn’t listen and when I was done, I became a house Alpha and then...a no contact rut Alpha and then I went feral and then I met Y/N. That is what you missed and that is all you will ever know.” Sam blinked, pushing his bowl aside to the coffee table, pointing a finger at you.
“He was prescbired rut inducing medication by his previous fuck face owners and then denied release as a means of satisfying their fucked up pleasure. No one ever touched him,” you said.
“How do you know. How-”
“Because a week ago when she touched my leg, I snapped and killed them both. No one has ever touched me besides Y/N and that was completely my choice. You’re not going to know the shit unless I decide I want you to and right now that’s a big ass no. All you need to know is I’m home and there is a goddamn sniper outside this house protecting us and tonight we are safe. That’s all Sammy. I’m not putting anymore damn nightmares in that head of yours.”
“Okay,” said Sam quietly. “I just…”
“I know. This is the best week of my damn life. Focus on that and not the other shit. Please,” said Dean. “And get your gigantic ass over here and get in on this cuddle. That’s an order from your pack leader.”
“Pack’s don’t have leader’s anymore Dean,” chuckled Sam. You crawled into Dean’s lap and leaned back against him, Sam rolling his eyes and moving over, taking your spot next to Dean. “You do realize we’re grown adults?”
“You do realize I don’t give a fuck? If I want to be close to my baby brother I haven’t seen in almost two decades, I’m gonna be close,” said Dean. 
“You’re still bossy,” mumbled Sam, Dean throwing his arm over Sam’s shoulders. 
“You’re still a little shit.”
“You’re not supposed to call me that.”
“Whatever you say, little shit,” teased Dean, ruffling Sam’s hair as you started the movie. You finished up your ice cream and put the bowl aside, Dean watching intently whenever you looked back at him.
“You know, you guys are kinda like Bruce Wayne. Billionaires. Fighting an underground group of criminals.”
“I’m Batman. You’re so fucking Robin,” said Dean.
“Why do I have to be Robin? You’re shorter than me. You be Robin,” said Sam. They started to bicker back and forth, for a few moments sounding almost like children. You smiled, wrapping one of Dean’s arms around your waist.
“Alright but only if Y/N is catwoman,” said Dean. “She’s already got the fugitive part down.”
“What can I say, I’m a hardened criminal,” you said. Dean chuckled, kissing the top of your head. “Sam I can practice medicine still right?”
“Yeah. I wouldn’t recommend your old facility though. It’s also several states away so there’s that too.”
“Sh,” said Dean. He put his hands over your and Sam’s mouths. Dean groaned and was quickly wiping his palm on Sam’s shirt. “Don’t lick me! She behaves unlike someone.”
“Shut up,” said Sam. Dean returned his hand to your hip, one head tilt back revealing Sam with his head resting on Dean’s shoulder. He glanced up at Dean and got a soft smile in return.
“S’okay,” he whispered. “Not too old.”
“Yes I am,” he said quietly. You looked back to the movie, Dean shushing him. “Dean.”
“What’d I tell you that night you came in my room asking to stay?”
“I was nine.”
“I don’t care that you’re twenty six. Like Y/N said, you got hurt all those years back. I promised you I’d always protect you and it’d be okay didn’t I? I told you it’d be okay in the basement and it was. I pulled this on Y/N last night and I know it works. So let out what you need to let out.”
Sam breathed deeply, no other sounds coming from either one. You risked a glance up, Dean resting his head against Sam’s head, Sam’s nose a bit pink looking and a sniffle escaping but both were watching the movie again. You reached a hand over to Sam’s, surprised to find him grabs yours and give it a squeeze first. He sighed quietly and you hummed to yourself.
“Whoa,” said Dean as the motorcycle rolled right out of the batmobile. 
“It is pretty cool,” said Sam, his voice cracking a bit.
“Hell yeah it is,” he said. You squeezed Sam’s hand again, getting one in return and a smile when you looked back at him. 
“Wait until you see what happens next.”
A/N: Read Part 14 here!
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bitsandbobsandstuff · 3 years
The Midnight Coconuts
Summary: Bucky and his girl take a trip to the grocery store. Several things are involved, including coconuts, a 25cent gum-ball machine, Avengers branded Jell-O, chocolate milk straight from the jug, and tampons.  Characters: Bucky x Reader Words: 3k Warnings: Some swearing. Insane levels of fluff. Dangerously adorable Bucky. One (1) random reference to Not Another Teen Movie. 
A/N: Listen, I will never be over silly domestic Bucky! I originally started this story before TFATWS came out and when I imagined Sam had a niece, so just go with it. Part of me wrote this, because I needed to convince myself that I love grocery shopping (one can only eat takeaway and Trader Joe’s Orange Chicken for so long) and the other part wrote this because I firmly believe domestic routines can be the most romantic adventures out there.
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When the doors to the grocery store whoosh open with a gust of stale manufactured air, Bucky skids to an abrupt and dramatic stop.  
Behind him, you stumble in panic, fumbling with an armful of reusable grocery bags. Instantly you’re imagining spilled blood and stab wounds and clean ups on aisle three and god dammit, how can there be a problem? This is a grocery store at midnight on a Wednesday. Shouldn’t the forces of evil be sleeping? Why is it so impossible to get a day off work? Don’t they know you need rest? And peanut butter? And that you’re dangerously low on toilet paper?
The forces of evil are the worst.
Raising weary fists, you huff.
“What? Where is it?”
Bucky sidesteps toward a row of small red and green machines beside the entrance, falling to his knees and smushing his nose eagerly against the glass. Reaching a hand behind him, there are several impatient grabby motions, before he glances back.
“Babe, can you give me a quarter? I need a gum-ball.”
Planting a sneaker clad foot on his ass, you shove. Hard.  
“Bucky, we talked about this. Remember how you agreed to lower the drama and keep things in perspective? I thought we were under attack.”
“If I don’t get a green gum-ball,” he declares dramatically, “there will be an attack.”
Throwing the cloth bags at his face, you stomp off to retrieve a shopping cart, plunking your purse in the front and hunching over the handlebars.  
“I thought you said you were a millionaire now. Buy your own gum-ball.”
Bucky rolls his eyes.
“Like I carry loose change,” he scoffs. “C’mon, just one quarter. Please?”
This time, he gives you the Look. That patented Bucky Barnes stare, with the wide eyes and full pouty lips and faux innocent expression, and if this man wasn’t the love of your life you’d quite happily stab him in the heart.
Instead, you open your purse and fish out a quarter, flinging it at his frustratingly pretty face. It bounces off his forehead and he scoops it up with a grin.
“So just to clarify. You came to the grocery store covered in knives, but you forgot to bring money?”
Giving you an indulgent smile, he jams the quarter into the slot. With a twist and shake, a gum-ball rattles free, and Bucky crows with delight when he sees the green candy. He pops it in his mouth. 
“I didn’t forget. I made a conscious decision to remove the temptation. If I bring cash, I’ll spend it. You know I ain’t great with that whole self control thing.”
“How encouraging to hear, from the man with knives pouring out his ass.”  
Jumping to his feet, he throws an arm around your shoulders. 
“Ass knives sound painful.”
“Depends on how sharp they are,” you mumble, pulling a carefully folded sheet of paper from your jacket.
“Excuse you? My knives are always perfectly sharpened, thank you very much. What kind of expert assassin runs around with dull knives? Damn baby, it’s like you don’t even know me.”
Ignoring him, you flatten out the paper and smooth the edges, sighing happily at the block letters and structured diagrams drawn in deep blue ink. 
Here it is, your masterpiece. A monument to productivity. The gold standard by which all optimization models should be benchmarked. This isn’t just any list, this is The List.
Everything is grouped, first by aisle, then by product location within the aisle, and then from top to bottom shelf order, to maximize efficiency. This is the dream list. The kind that inspires jealousy. The kind people hold up at TED talks when they talk about time management techniques. Marie Kondo wishes she had this list. 
Bucky snorts when he sees the carefully printed boxes.  
“God, you’re such a square,” he says adoringly. He plants a sugary wet kiss on your temple and you grind an elbow into his ribs.
“We discussed this, Bucky. Don’t mock my lists.” 
“Sorry babe, I ain’t mocking. Your lists are beautiful, they always get me all hot and bothered,” he agrees, dipping lower to lick behind your ear. “And I really love that list you keep with all those dirty, filthy, sex things you wanna do to me.”
“I don’t have a list like that.”
“Yeah, I know,” Bucky sighs, “and I don’t know how many more hints I can drop here.”
Reaching under his shirt, you rub his belly consolingly. “Okay then. This weekend I’ll sit down and make you a special list. One so disgusting and dirty and depraved, it would make Wade Wilson cry.”
Bucky laughs and squeezes you tighter. 
“About damn time honey. I’m equally parts terrified and horny. So where’re we headed first?”
“Produce,” you answer promptly, plowing forward, Bucky still chuckling beside you.
The whole scenario was ironic, actually. There was no need to grocery shop - automatic ordering mechanisms  across the Avengers tower rendered the task meaningless - but sometimes it was a welcome relief to partake in such an ordinary thing. Unable to sleep after one particularly terrible mission, you found yourself wandering the aisles of your 24-hour supermarket, dressed in pineapple adorned pajama pants and one of Bucky’s rattier sweatshirts, searching for ice cream. The unexpected symmetry of products arranged along the shelves, the rainbow hued produce, the hint of baking bread wafting from the ovens, all those everyday trappings of normality, they washed over like a soothing balm. Soon enough, the boiling bad thoughts simmered to nothing more than a cache of blurry memories.
When you got home, sleep came fast, deep and dreamless.
One month later, the idea struck again.
After 36 hours of Bucky tossing and turning, dark shadows bruising beneath weary blue eyes, you took his hand and led him down the dark street for a midnight adventure. He was skeptical, disbelieving that something so simple could chase away the insomnia. But he dutifully followed you, strolling aimlessly through the aisles, throwing odds and ends into the cart. 
The tension gradually eased, he began to relax, and suddenly? 
He was hooked.
An hour later, after arguing the health benefits of frosted Cheerios over oatmeal, poking each hunk of cheese in the display, and loading the cart with every single flavor of spaghetti sauce on the shelf, the heavy weight of remembering began to ease. When he collapsed into bed, he slept for eight hours straight.
I don’t know what that was, he swore the next morning, munching through his third bowl of frosted Cheerios, but it was magic.
And with that, a midnight ritual was born. Sometimes you make the trek alone, sometimes Bucky does the same, but whenever life permits you go together. This small slice of domesticity brings a warm comfort to this strange life.   
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There is no doubt, this is your favorite area of the entire store.
Barrels filled with tart oranges and smooth red apples. Tables piled high with bananas, some just shy of yellow, others sunshine perfect, and a few with speckles of black (which are the best). Shelves lining the walls, overflowing with bundles of herbs and lettuce, all coated in a fine layer of mist. 
Heading straight for the apples, you plunge into the Gala pile, rummaging until you come up with ten perfect ones. Peaches follow, fingers rubbing along the delicate pinky-orange fuzz. Squeeze, smell, squeeze, smell. Five are chosen for a pie (Sam pleaded shamelessly until you agreed to make him one), and in the cart they go. Heading toward the wall of herbs, you’re reaching for the basil when a metallic bang makes you jump. Spinning around, you find Bucky lobbing coconuts into the cart.
“We need these.”
“We really don’t, Buck. I hate coconut, it tastes like suntan lotion.”
“They’re not for eating,” he grabs an apple, wipes it on his shirt, and takes a juicy bite. “They’re for security.”
Sticky juice drips from his lip, catching in his beard. When you reach over to swipe it away, he nips your finger with a grin.
“Explain please.”
“See it’s like this. We’re just here shopping, doin’ our thang -”
“Don’t say thang.”
“- when someone attacks. What happens? BAM. One of these furry beauties breaks their face. Problem solved.”
Giving him a slow perusal, you raise an eyebrow.
“Were the 47 knives you’re carrying not enough to deflect this attack?”
Finishing off the apple in three sloppy bites, he carefully tucks the price sticker in his pocket so he can scan it before leaving and sets the mangled core beside your purse.
“Babe, these are my back-up plan. A good soldier always has a back-up plan.”
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While you grab a bottle of extra-pulpy orange juice, Bucky picks two jugs of chocolate milk, snaps one open and takes a swing. Ever the thrifty shopper, he pulls a familiar bag from his back pocket, fishes out a crumpled piece of newspaper, and dangles it before you.
“Found a coupon for this,” he says gleefully. “Buy one, get one free. It’s called a BOGO. A BOGO. Hilarious, right? Fuck me, I love the future.”
Still laughing, he takes another long drink of chocolate milk and smacks his lips.
It was a lazy Sunday morning when you discovered this particular habit. Walking into the living room, you found Bucky buried in a sea of Sunday newspaper, tongue between his teeth and scissors in hand while he clipped coupons. He wasn’t picky, if it was remotely interesting, it went into the YES pile. It was one of those random things that brought him inordinate levels of joy, so of course you encouraged it. On his last birthday, you gifted him with a green zippered bag decorated with angry looking owls and official looking letters stitched across the front:
Bucky’s Coupon Bag  Thriftn’ Machine Since 1917
He laughed for five straight minutes and then stuffed it full. The bag accompanies you on every trip and the sight of Bucky excitedly rifling through his wad of coupons still makes your heart swell.  
Setting aside his BOGO, Bucky continues down the aisle, leaving you to pause in front of the yogurt. While you contemplate the merits of blackberry vs strawberry, Bucky slides over holding three cans of Reddi-Whip. 
“Are you actually planning to eat that? I thought you said whipped air is for, and I quote, ‘spineless, tasteless trash heathens’?”
Bucky shakes the can of spray whipped cream and wiggles his eyebrows, leveling you with a sultry stare. 
“Hell no I’m not eating it. This is for the bedroom. Last week I watched this god-awful movie where some blond guy - who looked exactly like Steve, by the way - made himself a whipped cream bikini for his girl. Decided I’m gonna do that for you. You’re welcome.”
“That sounds gross and unsanitary.” 
“If by gross and unsanitary you mean spicy and sexy, then yes. Yes it does.”
Whistling what sounds like the theme music from a bad porn, he adds two tubs of honey swirled Greek yogurt, pats your butt, and strolls ahead, throwing a roughish wink over his shoulder. Imagining the melted whipped cream soaking into your bedsheets, you mentally add more laundry detergent to the list.
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“Hang on, turn here.”
Tugging the cart behind him, Bucky stalks toward the feminine hygiene display. It takes him a minute to scan the products before squatting down to the bottom shelf. Grabbing two jumbo boxes of tampons, oddly enough the brand you prefer, he pops back to his feet.  
“Dare I ask why you need these?”
A faint pink flush crawls up his neck.  
“Well, you know, two reasons. They’re really great for stopping bloody noses, you know? Just poke ‘em up there and they soak it all up.”
 He mimes the execution and adds a thumbs up.
“And the second reason?”
Squinting at his boots, he shuffles his feet a bit. The pink flush deepens. 
“Um, you know - I know you’re out, since I stuck the last one up Steve’s nose last week, and yeah. Anyway. It’s about that time. Of the month. For you.”
Clearing his throat, he reaches for his chocolate milk, but you grab his wrist.  
“You know when my period’s going to start?”
He shrugs self-consciously and fiddles with a loose thread on his shirt.  
“Well yeah. You think it’s just a coincidence when all your favorite candy shows up every month?” Looking up, he shoots you a crooked smile and leans over the cart to kiss your forehead. Grabbing a fistful of his shirt, you haul him in for a real kiss instead and his startled laughter tickles your lips. When you break away, those bright blue eyes are shining. 
“Thank you, Bucky,” you murmur.
“Anytime, sweetheart,” he whispers. 
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This is the aisle where the cart officially explodes.
Lasagna noodles.
Egg noodles.
Spaghetti noodles.
Literally one of every noodle is selected, because Bucky Barnes is a self-proclaimed noodle slut. 
As you organize the boxes and search for orzo, you see him furtively add an extra bag of elbow macaroni. A quiet cough hides your laughter.
The last time Sam’s four-year-old niece came to the tower, she and Bucky spent hours making glittery elbow macaroni necklaces, which they ceremoniously gifted to everyone. When Sam casually mentioned her enthusiastically telling everyone at pre-school about her friend Bucky and how much fun she had visiting him, Bucky ran to a craft store and bulk bought supplies of glue, string, paint, and glitter, just in case she comes over again.
Months later and the entire team are still finding puddles of glitter all over the tower, but the delight on Bucky’s face anytime someone mentions that arts and crafts afternoon? 
It’s worth the mess.     
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Gathering up brown sugar, instant oats, and chocolate chips, you turn to drop them in the cart when Bucky makes a strangled noise. Glancing over, you find him bouncing on his toes, vibrating with excitement.
“Babe. Babe. Are you making monster cookies?”
Adding a can of raisins, you search for the good vanilla. The kind that actually tastes like vanilla, not a cheap car wash air freshener. 
“I promised I would,” you remind him. Bucky plasters himself against your back, wrapping you in an enthusiastic hug and nuzzling his face against your neck.
“I love those fucking cookies,” he declares. “They’re my favorite thing ever. Next to you I mean.”
Finding the vanilla, you spin in his arms and return the squeeze.  
“I know you do. But you have to share them this time, okay? You can’t just eat them all yourself like the last two times. Agree?”
“Agree…to disagree. They’re wasted on other people, no one else loves as much. It’s for the best when I eat them all, it’s proof how much I love you. I’m doing it for you. I’m supporting you. Because I love you.”
“You’re completely full of shit,” you reply.
“I swear I’m not! Just listen!”
The excuses grow longer and wilder as Bucky outlines his rationale against sharing, walking backward and dragging the cart with him as he pleads his case. He’s diving into the science of super soldier metabolism levels and caloric requirements and the fact that his sister never shared anything with him, when he bumps into a tall display. 
He pulls up short, eyes narrowing. Plunking his fists on his hips, he growls a disgruntled sigh and glares at the rows of packaging. 
“You’ve gotta be shitting me.”
Lined up in neat rows, you see boxes of Jell-O organized by color and flavor. On the cover of each are an assortment of familiar images.  
“Are these Avengers themed Jell-O?” you ask, picking up a box with Sam’s image and the words Wild Berry Wilson. The rows extend further, filled with Lime Green Hulk and Blue Raspberry Rogers and Black Cherry Widow and Strawberry Lemon Stark. Exasperated, Bucky grabs the Sparkling Orange Spider flavor. 
“Is this for real? The kid gets one and I didn’t? Someone in PR is getting fired.”
“Well there’re only so many flavors, Buck,” you point out practically, but Bucky’s not in the mood for logic. Instead, he swipes an entire shelf of Jell-O flavors into the cart.  
“I swear to god, I have to do everything around here. Fine then. I’ll make my own flavor, Blackberry Kiwi Soldier or Winter Watermelon Rainbow, or something.” He pauses thoughtfully. “Anyway, I’ll work on the name. But I’m bringing it to dinner tomorrow night and everyone is gonna eat it.”
He dumps in a bag of mini-marshmallows and grabs sprinkles for topping, before marching down the aisle. Cringing at the volume of sugar in the cart, you make another mental note to schedule a dentist appointment.
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“Go do your manly duty and find the meat. We need two 5lb rump roasts.”
“I like your rump roast,” he instantly responds and reaches over to smack your butt again. Anticipating the move, you catch his arm and twist it behind his back. He barks out a breathless laugh and you slap his ass in return.
“Your innuendos are tragic.”
Releasing him with a gentle shove, Bucky snatches up his three coconuts and ambles away, laughing while he juggles them. When he returns, he has the requested rump roasts, several packages of bacon, and a bundle of cocktail shrimp.
“If my innuendos get better, then can I touch your butt?”
“Maybe. But they better be real good.”
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An added benefit to shopping at midnight? Not a soul in line.
Loading everything onto the conveyer belt, you automatically organize for bagging. Boxes together, produce together, meat together. Bucky adds a pack of batteries, a tin of mints, and some trashy magazines.
The last three items in the cart are his coconuts. They rattle around until you toss them at him, motioning back to the produce department. 
“We made it out alive. Go put them back.”
Still chomping his tasteless green gum-ball, he shakes his head and plops them down. 
“Nah, I have another idea for them. Got all those craft supplies at home, I’m gonna make you something.”
“Should I even ask?”
Bucky blows a huge, wet bubble and looks you up and down.
“Have you every worn one of those coconut bras? Like on TV, with the ladies in grass skirts? I’m gonna make you one. I already have string and glue. And glitter.”
“I think you may be overestimating your crafting abilities.” Digging out your credit card, you wait for the final tally. 
“Well, if it’s terrible then you’ll just be naked. Either way, I win.”
Shaking out your grocery sacks, he packs everything with Tetris-like efficiency and slides all of them up the vibranium arm.   
“How about I make you a deal. I’ll wear a coconut bra, if you’ll make yourself something to wear as well.”
Bucky blows another sugary bubble, pondering the idea.
“Like a coconut man thong?”
“Exactly like a coconut man thong.”
“Deal. Add it to that special dirty list you’re making me honey. We got loads to do.” 
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Outside, the night air smells sweet and cool, the barest hint of a spring rain and fresh grass lingering on the breeze. Already, your eyes are feeling heavy, tonight’s quiet adventure ushering in that sought after peace. 
In your right hand, the three coconuts swing gently in their plastic sack. Humming under his breath, Bucky yawns, reaching for your other hand. His warm, calloused palm squeezes tight, his thumb stroking lightly over your skin.
He turns to you with a sleepy, lopsided smile.
Midnight and coconuts.  
It always does the trick.
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agirlwhoisaphantom · 3 years
Champagne & Sunshine - Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Since the day that you and Bucky confessed your feelings for one another. You both can’t keep your hands to yourselves.
Word Count: 3875
Warnings: Right off the bat smut, things occur in the hot hub, unprotected sex, [nicknames: good girl, bunny] cream pie, teasing, nipple play, uuhhh let me know if I'm missing anything.
Author’s Note: It's been a hot minute that I've written any sort of smut, but gosh it feels good to be back after a while.
reblogs/feedback/likes are greatly appreciated & highly encouraged! But please, DO NOT repost/steal ANY of my fics!
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Bucky groaned quietly into your ear as he rocked his hips against yours in a slow head motion that made your entire body get filled with chills from head to toe. You hooked your legs over his hips, pulling him closer to your body every chance you could. With every thrust he would make, you would dig your nails dipper onto his back, leaving scratches on him.
His lips pressed against yours, tongue slipping past your lips, dominating each of your senses. You whine into his kiss, letting him that you are nearly close to your peak.
Both of you were now close. A small smirk formed on Bucky’s face as his lips were against yours. He found it fascinating the way you trembled underneath him. You both hit your peak at the same time. Shockwaves were going all over your bodies as you moaned each other’s names repeatedly.
He gets off of you and lays right next to you. You both were heavy breathing and trying to get your composer together.
“Wow,” you both said at the same time. Making you both chuckle as well.
Bucky grabs the duvet and pulls them up over your body. You turn to your side placing your head onto Bucky’s chest. “Round Two, Bunny?” Bucky said quietly as his hand traced the curves from your thigh to your stomach.
You rapidly get on top of him. You began to kiss his neck slowly, cooing against his skin.
As you were rocking your hips against his friction, The phone started to ring. You two completely ignored it the first time.
“Fuck” Bucky groaned. It rang a couple of more times. He got rapidly irritated with the number of times they called him. He was annoyed that people were interrupting him and you. But he knew if he ignored it, they would be rushing to his apartment.
Bucky places his hands on your hips, and as much as he wanted you to continue, he shifted your body off him. You laid right next to him. He gets up and hands you his shirt and your lacey panties so you can put them on. He sits down and grabs his phone. He grunts to see that he had seven missed calls from Steve and Tony.
Bucky answers Steve’s call, “what is i-?“ As his back faces towards you, you run your fingers on his back, tracing his skin and his spine.
“Do you know what time it is?” Steve interrupted him. Even though Steve wasn’t on speakerphone, he was loud enough for you to hear him.
“It’s 7 am. What’s wrong with that?” Bucky rolled his eyes and tried not to sound annoyed. He grabs your hand and places your palm facing upwards, and starts to trace the lines of your hands with his metal hand.
“It’s Peter’s Birthday Trip to the cabin today. We are supposed to leave right now.” Steve took a big breath, and he didn’t want to raise his voice anymore if Peter was around. He didn’t want to ruin the surprise.
Bucky’s eyes widen as he checks the date on his phone. He looks at you and notices that you have the same reaction he had. “We will be there in a couple of minutes. We are still packing.” Lucky enough, most of your stuff was at Bucky’s apartment so that packing wouldn’t be so difficult. Either way, we were only going to be staying for a couple of days.
“Yeah, yeah, sure. Tell her I said hi.” Steve proceeds to hang up the call.
As Bucky was getting up, you notice the scratches that you left on his back. His backfilled with red marks and some of them were deep enough. A little bit of blood was coming out. “oops,” you whispered to yourself.
You were loud enough that Bucky could hear. “You should see your thighs, Doll,” he chuckled as he licks his lips, and his eyes were digesting how beautifully you looked without clothes.
Walking into the bathroom, you notice all the hickey’s that Bucky left on your inner thigh “Bucky! How am I going to swim with these?” you yelled at him as you smirked a little. You didn’t want him to know that. In reality, you didn’t care that you had them on you. It just showed who you belonged to, even though it had been clear to everyone.
“Damn, looks like you won’t be going swimming.” You could hear laughter come from the bedroom. “Either way, I don’t want anyone to look at what’s mine.” He said louder as he walked back and forth to the bedroom, grabbing things that he believed you both would need.
You walk out of the bathroom with a small bag full of items such as your and Bucky’s toothbrush, shampoo, anything from the bathroom you thought would be important.
Walking into the bedroom, Bucky already had your bags and his bags already prepared. He dressed up, and all you needed was to grab a pair of pants and shoes.
Walking towards Bucky’s direction, you intentionally bump into him. He grabs your wrist and rapidly turns you towards him. He places his hand on your chin tilting your head a bit upwards. “Bunny, Don’t forget who you belong to. You are mine, as I am yours.” He leaned in and whispered into your ear.
Moving your hair to the other side. Bucky kisses the back of your ear towards your neck. “Bucky, we have to go.” Trying not to lose focus. Every kiss that he gave you made you want to melt in his arms. He made you feel like no other. He gave you those stupid butterflies in your stomach that was in the children’s book.
For the first half of the drive, you were wide awake, observing how beautiful the view was outside of the car window. This wasn’t your first time going to Tony’s Cabin, but you had to go there every time. You didn’t have the chance to look around and view how amazedly it was.
Whenever you would go on road trips with Bucky, he would let you connect your phone to his stereo to blast your favorite songs. He didn’t care what music was planning in the background. No matter what, he was going to end up enjoying it.
You both were only a couple more miles to getting to the Cabin. Bucky wanted to make sure that other people were there, not only you and him being their firsts. He points to his backpack that was on the back of your seat. Bucky turns down the music “Doll, can you grab my phone? It’s my backpack in the front pocket.”
Unbuckling your seat belt, you get up and shift your body in between your seat and Bucky’s seat. You start to look into Bucky’s bag, and you can’t find it. It wasn’t in the front pocket nor the other ones. “I can’t find it.”
“check again it should be in there somewhere.”
“Bucky, I still can’t find it.” You wanted to dump his backpack on the backseats and pick up the mess later. You were getting frustrated that you couldn’t find his phone. While your legs were still on the console. The instant the light turned red, you could feel Bucky reach in between your legs and starts to shuffle around his backpack. Pulling his phone out, he also removes his hand from in between your legs.
What he just did left you startled. At the moment, you wanted to freeze, but you couldn’t. You went back to sitting down. He hands you his phone “call Steve and tell him we are on our way.”
The last couple of miles you had left to drive, you decided to nap, even if it was two more hours. You wanted to take advantage of it.
When you woke up from your nap and noticed that a lake and beautiful trees surrounded it, the grass was green. Everything was so bright and beautiful. If you could pick anywhere to live, it would be right here.
You were still trying to wake up when you notice that Bucky got out of the car and started to walk towards your side to open the door. He grabs your hand as you get out.
Walking towards the porch, you notice Sam and Steve talking. You were unsure what they were talking about, but you probably knew since Peter wasn’t on the lot just yet.
Sam and Steve get up and walk towards you and Bucky. Sam offers a bottle of water to Bucky; meanwhile, Steve hugs you.
“So Buck, can you keep it in your pants for a couple of days?” Steve raises his eyebrow and has a serious look on his face as he crosses his arms. Bucky chokes on the water that he was drinking. Bucky placed his hand over his mouth, trying to cover the smirk he had on his face. He knew damn well that he wasn’t going to and didn’t plan to.
Sam looks over at Steve with a mischievous smile “he does have a point. Peter doesn’t need a live demonstration of Sex Ed.”
That grin Bucky had disappeared instantly and just glared at Steve and Sam. Meanwhile, on the other hand, you could feel your cheeks turn into a rosy color, and you were pulling on the sleeves of your shirt. “weren’t you in Peter’s school teaching videos, 'so your body is changing, believe me, I know how that feels' ” Bucky said in his Steve impression voice.
“You are always going to hold that over my head, aren’t you, Bucky.” Steve rolled his eyes and started to walk into the Cabin. “Stop corrupting her. She was an innocent person before you came into her life.”
Bucky chuckled when he heard him say that you were innocent. Nothing about you was innocent, and that’s something that Bucky liked about you. To him, you were a book full of secrets, and he wanted to know everything about you, from your darkest secrets to your sweetest ones. “I mean, you could hear her when she-“ you hit his lower stomach, making him groan a little at how hard you hit him, “never mind.”
You started to move your bags onto the room that you and Bucky were staying in. But every time that you went for your suitcases, Bucky would grab them out of your hand. He insisted that he would take care of grabbing your things and taking them to the room. He didn’t want you to lift any of your fingers.
It didn’t take long for everyone else to come to the Cabin. Luckily, you and Natasha had an hour to decorate before Peter came. The guys oversaw taking care of the outside decorations. Meanwhile, the girls are in charge of the inside décor.
“How is it dating, Capsicle over there?” you were way too focused on writing a poster for Peter saying ‘happy birthday Pete’ when your focus is disturbed by Natasha going in front of you. She had a smirk on her face and motions her head towards the window, where Bucky and Sam were tackling each other, and Steve had his hand placed on his face and shaking his head.
Looking out of the window, you had a smile on your face. “It’s not so bad. I’m happy with him.” You turn your head facing Nat now. Ever since you got with Bucky, you seemed so much happier, and you glowed on your face.
“We always knew you two were going to end up together. I mean the way you both look at each other. There was always something.” Nat teased you as she grabbed the pen on the table to help you finish the poster.
What she said made you think of all the memories you had shared with Bucky. Looking back at the memories, there were hints that you both liked each other. From the way he would always go above and beyond to make sure you were okay to when he would make you laugh over something dumb. “Yeah. I guess there was.” You chuckled at the statement she said.
The moment that you finished the poster, you were starving. You went to the kitchen to grab yourself something to eat and drink. Going near the cabinet, you stood on your tiptoes, reaching over your head to grab a glass “of course, Stark would keep his cup this high.” You whispered to yourself. You couldn’t help but let out a little gasp as you felt someone place their hand on your waist.
“It’s me, don’t worry,” Bucky said in a deep raspy voice as he reaches over you to grab the cup for you. When he set down the cup, he kissed you on the top of your head. Bucky moved away from you as he walked towards the fridge to pull out the filtered water pitcher. Placing it next to the cup he just got out. “Did Nat give you any trouble?” he asked as he was pouring water into your cup.
You shook your head and rolled your eyes “no, she didn’t, Bucky. I promise you.” You chuckled as you took a sip from the glass of water.
He leans in forward to you. “I have something in surprise for you.” He whispered into your ear as he grabs your hair, putting it on to the side. Tilting your head to the side, you slowly closed your eyes, and a smirk formed on your face. “Before you ask, Doll.” With his metal hand, he places the back of his index finger against your skin, moving it from your shoulder to your neck to tracing your jaw until it got to the other side of your face. With his index finger, he tilts your face towards his direction, making eye contact with you. “I’m not telling you what it is.” He licks his lips as his eyes move up and down your face.
The moment that Peter got there, everyone celebrated his birthday. You and Bucky didn’t spend much time together. That didn’t matter. You knew once the sun was down, your hands were going to be all over him.
Later that day, you receive a text message from Bucky
5:38 pm Meet me by the Lake at 1 am, wear the suit that I packed for you, and don't be late.
When the night arrived, everyone was asleep. You found it odd because everyone would usually stay up late when it came to parties like this. But you knew that tomorrow was going to be a busy day.
Looking inside of your bag, you find the swimsuit that Bucky got for you. It was a two-piece baby blue bikini. Putting it on you, you looked at yourself in the mirror, and you noticed how well it fitted you. You placed your hair in a messy bun and proceeded to grab Bucky's jacket and wrapped yourself in it. It was getting chilly and going outside in a bikini. You knew you were going to be cold.
As you started to walk to the Lake, you feel arms wrap around you. This made you instantly turn around and face Bucky. He leans in and gives you a brief kiss. "Let's go somewhere else." He grabs your hand and starts to pull you towards the cabin once again. But he went around it where there was a hot tub.
The many times you were in that cabin, you never knew that it had a hot tub. So, it took you by surprise when Bucky took you there. He first gets in the hot tub and helps you get in by handing you his hand so you had somewhere to lean on.
Getting into the water, it felt nice feeling the warm hot water against your skin. The first thing you did was splash water at him. Bucky raises his left eyebrow and has a sly smirk on his face as he splashed water towards you. This made you chuckle a little bit. "Doll, be quiet. You don't want us to get caught, do you?" Bucky told you as he moved across the water so he can get closer to you. He was resting his knees at the bottom of the hot tub so he would be at eye level with you.
You shooked your head as you matched the same look Bucky was giving you. "you are going to be the reason why we get caught," you mimicked his voice as you scrunched your nose.
Bucky said nothing. Instead, he grabbed your waist and brought you closer until he was sitting on the other side and you were on his lap. He started at you with a smile on his face as he looked into your eyes. The blue lights of the water made you even glow more than before. After being away from him for hours, craving him all day, now you were able to wrap yourself around him.
You couldn't help yourself but giggle. You felt safe now being in his arms. You wrap your arms around his neck, moving in closer to him, your forehead almost touching his. Bucky tilts his head upwards and moves in closer to you. His lips were pressed against yours, his hands moving from your waist to your ass. He pulls you in closer against him. His tongue was slipping into your mouth, more desperate than usual because it had been all day since he hasn't felt your touch.
You let out a small noise. Your eyebrows were knitted together as you feel him growing hard underneath you. "you know how badly I've been craving to do this to you." He says in a deep raspy voice. His metal hand travels through your body until he goes and finds the hook of your bikini, playfully tugging it. "All fucking day, Bunny." He muttered, his lips moving from towards your neck.
Bucky teased you, licking you from your collarbone to the back of your ear. You nodded at the statement he said. You were craving him as much as he was craving you. You let out a small little noise of pleasure at the way he was holding you, talking to you, and kissing you.
"Then shown me, Bunny. How badly have you been craving this? Cause. I. Don't. Believe. You," he whispered into your ear. Bucky moved the sides of your bikini top, his metal hand going inside the material, exposing your breasts. Your nipples hardened from being exposed to the cold hair. Bucky took this as an opportunity to places his lips around it, tongue running along your skin.
You placed one of your hands on the ledge of the hot tub. Bucky hummed against your skin, sucking your nipple before pulling away. Meanwhile, your other hand went to his neck, gently digging your fingers onto his skin. His hand cupped your breast, and his metal thumb replaced his mouth, running along with the sensitive nipple as his lips move towards your neck "can you be a good girl and stay quiet for me?" You nodded briefly as quietly moaned as he gently pinched your nipple.
Bucky's hand travels from your breast to the material of your bikini. Ripping them on one of the sides. Meanwhile, one of your hands was removing his swim shorts. You could feel his cock against your ass, teasing himself with the feeling. He wanted you to take control of what can happen next. He moves both of his hands onto your hips.
Your heart was pounding. Something about being secretive and not getting caught made you want to get caught. You cautiously raised yourself from his lap, wrapping yourself around Bucky. You moved a couple of times, making it easier to line up along the head of his cock.
Bucky watched you closely, staring at the way you were taking control over him, especially as you sat down on his lap. "fuuuuuc-" he whispered as he wrapped his arms tightly around your waist, placing his mouth against your shoulder to keep him from moaning out loud. Bucky's hand went up to your mouth, covering it in case if you were going to make any sounds. "You are so perfect for me, Bunny." He rambled in your ear, trying his best not to moan at the feelings the way that you were clenching around him.
He then began carefully guiding you up and down on top of him, so he could appreciate how incredible it felt. But he couldn't help himself as he felt your thighs quiver and heard a whine. Bucky began by grabbing your hips and pushing you so that you were bouncing on top of him, absorbing all of him as he stretched you out, hitting all the walls you needed him to strike, especially from his perspective.
Bucky brought his free hand down between your legs as he stated this, effortlessly finding your clit. He started rubbing in slow but rapid circles, his jaw clenching as he noticed how quickly you clenched around him.
His fingers on your clit sent shockwaves through your entire body. With the climax nearing, you let out a muffled whimper against his palm, your rhythm of riding him becoming sloppier.
He stared down at how beautiful you were, your ass bouncing against his legs, and he inadvertently squeezed the grasp on your face, making you gasp in delight. "I'd like for you to cum for me," Bucky asked, his fingers speeding up on your clit, in a trembling voice.
You didn't need to be reminded; you wouldn't have been able to hold it in for much longer regardless. You paid close attention to every aspect. The way he squeezed your face, the feel of his fingers on your clit.
Bucky's brows wrinkled, his lips pursed in concentration as he tried not to gasp out loud at the sensation. Your pulsating muscles were working his cock in the nicest way possible since you were so tight around him. He had no idea what was going on until it was too late. Bucky came inside of you, his free hand pushing your hips down on top of him, keeping you there as he stuffed you with himself. He bit down on your shoulder, muffling to himself.
"Fuck." He muttered, shifting his head away from your shoulder and tilting his head back. His moist chest heaved up and down frantically, attempting to catch his breath. When he took his hand away from your mouth, it instantly went to your waist, bringing you close to him.
You leaned against his chest, your hands on his wrapped-around-you arms. You wanted to stay like this forever.
It was already getting late, and you two needed to wake up early. Walking inside of the cabin, you and Bucky were carefully trying to make any noise. Luckily the room you both were staying in was on the first floor.
The instant that you and Bucky got into the room, you went straight to bed. Tomorrow was going to be a long day for the both of you.
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Belong to You
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Avenger! Reader (based on TFAWS)
Summary: When you are tasked with flirting with other men at Sharon’s party to get information about the Flag Smashers location, Bucky gets jealous and decides to remind you who you belong to. 
Warnings: Smut, 18+, cursing, alcohol, dirty talk
A/N: Wanted to switch it up and post my first smut piece. I suggest listening to “Belong to You” by Sabrina Claudio while reading. You won’t regret it. But, I hope you enjoy and as Sebastian Stan would say, goodnight and good luck!!
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You stare in the mirror at the outfit Sharon lent you for the party. It was a major change from what you usually wear, which consisted of a t-shirt, leggings, and combat boots. Tonight though, you were looking at yourself in a tight, black dress that cut off mid-thigh and exposed both your entire chest and back. 
“You look great,” Sharon says. 
You try to tug the dress down a little more, but to no avail. “It’s a little short, don’t you think?”
Sharon looks at you confused. “No, not at all. You, my friend, are just used to your entire body being covered.” 
You sigh. “Yeah, maybe you’re right. Tell me again why I have to be the one to flirt with the bidders tonight to get information?”
“Because they all know me and you’re the only other woman we have on this team. Unless, of course, you think we should throw Zemo in there.” 
You let out a chuckle. “No, I’m sure that would be drastic.” 
Sharon smirks. “Which is exactly why we need you. Now, c’mon, we have information to pry out of these filthy rich bidders.” Sharon grabs your arms and drags you out of the bedroom. 
“Now, when you say it like that, I don’t feel so bad” you say.
Sharon looks at you and winks. “Atta girl.”
Sam is pulling on his shirt as Bucky walks into the room wearing a black suit jacket over a black shirt. 
“Well, what do we have here? I never thought I’d see the day where Bucky Barnes is wearing a suit jacket” Sam says. 
Bucky grimaces and tugs on the jacket’s sleeves. “Sharon made me wear it.” 
Sam comes up to Bucky and pats him on the back. “You’re looking good, tinman.” 
A snort comes from the other side of the room, where Zemo is walking towards them. “Neither of you know true fashion.” 
“And, you don’t know when to shut up,” Sam says. 
Before Zemo gets the chance to respond, the door opens and you walk in with Sharon. 
Your eyes immediately lock with Bucky’s and you notice his jaw clench. You can’t help but look him up and down. The tight suit jacket looks so good on him. When you make eye contact with him again, he sends you a smirk. He knows you were just checking him out. And, he is doing the same to you, shamelessly looking at your chest and down your legs. You decide to walk up and sit next to him. He instantly pulls you onto his lap and wraps his arms around you. 
“I don’t like this plan,” he whispers into your ear. 
You turn in his lap to look at his face. “It’s just for a couple of hours. We need this information. We have no leads.”
Bucky grunts and turns his head to speak to Sharon. “Tell me again why it needs to be Y/N?”
Sharon rolls her eyes. “We’ve been over this countless times, Bucky. It’ll only be for a couple of hours. One of the bidders here has to have a lead on Karli and her crew. Just try to contain your jealous self until we get the information we need. ” 
Zemo speaks up, “She is right. Y/N is our only option right now.” 
Bucky shoots Zemo a glare. 
“Like I said before, he doesn’t know when to shut up,'' Sam says. 
Sharon looks at you. “You ready?” 
You feel Bucky's arms tighten around you and give him a quick glance before looking back at Sharon. “Let’s do this.”
You throw back another shot as the man next to you leans in close.
“Let’s dance, sweetheart,” he says in your ear. 
You instantly shudder out of disgust, but turn around to grab his hand and lead him to the dance floor anyway. The man turns you around, so you’re grinding. You close your eyes and let out a long breath. When you reopen them, you see Bucky standing against the wall across the room, staring at you. 
“I’m sorry,” you mouth to him. 
He continues to just stare at you, as he pulls his beer up to his lips and takes a long swig. 
The man behind you pulls you out of your thoughts. “Glad to have your pretty face here with me tonight. Something to keep the funeral out of my mind.”
Your interest piques and you turn your head to look at him. “What funeral?” you ask. 
He lets out a sigh. “Mama Donya. Poor thing just passed away a few days ago. It’s tragic. She was such a kind soul.” 
You fake astonishment. “Mama Donya? The Mama Donya? That’s horrible! Where is the funeral taking place? I have to go and pay my respects.” 
“In the old building on Norfolk,” he responds. “Maybe we can go together.” His grip on your waist tightens. 
Now having the information you needed, you decide to find a way out of dancing with this stranger. “I’m feeling really tired all of a sudden. It must be those shots I took earlier. I’m going to find a place to sit down.” 
The man grabs your arm. “I’ll go with you.”
Before you can respond, you feel metal touching the skin at the bottom of your back. 
“She’s coming with me,” Bucky says, standing behind you. 
The man looks at Bucky angrily. “The hell she is. She’s mine, man, back off.” 
Bucky’s metal arm is around the man’s throat in seconds. “Get away from her now, before you regret it.”
The man immediately looks at you and scoffs, before walking away. 
You turn to look at Bucky. “I had that handled.”
He looks back at you. “I know, but I was tired of watching men put their hands all over you.” 
Bucky grabs your hand and starts pulling you off the dance floor, away from the crowd.
“Where are we going?” you ask. 
He doesn’t answer. 
You roll your eyes. “You’ll be pleased to know I got the information.”
“I know,” he replies. 
“How did you know?” you ask. 
He points at his ear. Ah, super soldier hearing. 
After a few seconds of walking, you reach a door. Bucky pushes it open and pulls you inside. As soon as you get through the door, you’re pushed up against it, with Bucky right in front of you. 
“I think you need a little reminder,” he says, voice lower than before. 
You look at him confused. “A reminder of what?” you ask. 
His metal hand grabs your throat and he looks deep into your eyes. “Who you fucking belong to.” 
You gasp and his mouth is on yours in an instant. You moan into his mouth and he shoves his tongue inside, fighting yours for dominance. The metal hand on your throat runs down to your hip, pushing you further into the door. He pushes his knee in between your legs to separate them. 
“Bucky,” you moan, as he slides his hand in your pants and runs his finger over your clit. 
“Whose pussy is this?” he asks. His eyes are staring deep into yours, waiting for an answer. 
“Yours” you manage to breathe out. “Always yours.” 
He slips a finger inside of you. “And, don’t you fucking forget it.” 
You throw your head back and moan loudly. “Don’t stop, please” you beg. 
“Wouldn’t fucking dream of it, doll. Going to make you scream so loud, everyone is going to hear you.”
Bucky pulls his hand out of your pants and you whimper. Before you can start to beg again though, he pulls off your shirt and attaches his mouth to your left nipple. 
“You’re wearing too much” you say. 
Bucky looks up at you and steps back to pull off his shirt and pants, then immediately goes back to sucking on your breasts. 
You move your hands to his chest, running them down to the top of his pants, before you tug his zipper down. 
“Bucky, I need you inside of me. Please.”
Bucky stops his assault on your chest to look up at you. “Your wish is my command, doll. I’m gonna fill you up so good.” 
He yanks his boxers down, while you pull your own pants and underwear down impatiently. 
He grabs you and picks you up, you wrapping your legs around his waist as he slams you into the door. He’s inside of you in seconds, and you scream from the feeling of him stretching you out. 
“Fuck, doll” he grunts out. “You’re so fucking tight. Feel so good wrapped around me.” 
He buries his face into your neck and picks up his pace, slamming into you repeatedly. 
“I’m not going to last long, Buck.”
Bucky moves his head to look at you. “Good. I want you to cum all over me.” 
He slams his mouth onto yours and you moan into him. He runs his metal hand down to rub your clit. “Be a good girl and cum for me, baby.” 
With the feeling of his fingers on your clit and him thrusting into you, you tighten around him and let go. Bucky reaches his orgasm right after you, spilling inside of you. 
Panting heavily, Bucky leans in to give you one more kiss on the lips before pulling out and helping you stand up. 
He hands you your clothes and stares at you as he gets dressed. 
“What?” you ask. 
He shakes his head and smiles. “I just love you, that’s all.” 
You smile back at him. “I love you too.” 
Before you can say anything else, there’s a sudden knock on the door. 
“If you two are done fucking now, hurry up and get dressed so we can leave,” yells Sam on the other side of the door. 
You walk up to Bucky and grab his shirt collar. “That’s our cue, lover boy.” 
He grabs your hand and intertwines your fingers. “After you, doll.”
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ohbuckie · 3 years
Summary: Bucky’s a douchebag frat brother, but Christ, is he delicious.
Warnings: smut, bathroom sex, drinking (both parties are sober and able to give consent), mention of drugs
Word Count: 1.7k
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Bucky Barnes. Conceited, loud, irritating. Built like a Greek God—with that perfect jaw, and those thick forearms, and that firm chest. All of his t-shirts are a size too small, and he’s never been caught wearing a baseball cap forwards, or without a protein shake in his hand.
“Hey, Y/N,” he jogs to catch up with you, “what’s up?”
“Walking.” You answer dryly. It’s unsurprising, really, that he just randomly bumped into you. He always seems to.
“To class.”
“I won’t keep you long, then.”
“Please don’t ‘keep me’ at all, Bucky. What do you want?”
“I’m having a party tonight. Thought you could come. Wear something cute.”
“Don’t be gross.”
“I’m not-”
“Yes, you are.” You step up to the building that your class is in, and turn to him to speak. “I’ll come if I don’t have to bring anything.”
“Perfect. Beach theme.”
Of course it is. Any excuse for every girl there to be wearing the smallest outfit possible.
“Okay, whatever.” You step through the door, and hear him again before it closes behind you.
“Wear that blue bikini top you have!”
“You’re a freak, Barnes!”
You show up in the bikini top he mentioned, but only because your roommate, Natasha, told you it looked better than the other ones. You’re wearing an unbuttoned tropical shirt over it, and shorts on the bottom, which is a lot tamer than some of the other girls in the house, dressed in only bikinis, or a t-shirt with just bottoms. You won’t allow Bucky to see you like that without working for it first.
He greets you at the door, dressed in only swim trunks and sunglasses and holding a can of cheap beer. His best friend, Steve Rogers, steps up behind him to greet Natasha, who he so obviously wants to fuck. He takes the bowl of veggie dip that she insisted on bringing from her hands and gestures for her to come inside. You roll your eyes.
“What, you got a crush on Stevie?”
“He makes it so obvious how badly he wants to bang her.” You explain, thinking maybe he’ll take the hint. He doesn’t. “Where are the drinks?”
“I’ll show you.” He waves you inside and leads you to the counter through the sea of people already in the house, pointing to where all of the containers of mixed drinks are, telling you about what’s in them. You’re really only paying attention to the way the muscles of his back interact, how they tense and move as he moves his arms to point and turns around to look at you while he speaks. “You listening?” He grins.
“Wha- uh, yeah, of course.” You feel your cheeks heat up, and you hate that he caught you staring. If he wasn’t so insufferable, you’d have slept with him by now, but he insists on being the biggest douchebag anybody’s ever met.
“You want me to get you a drink?”
“No, thanks. I’m perfectly capable.”
“Yeah, okay. Alright, I’m gonna go find Sam. Maybe he doesn’t have a stick up his ass.”
You scoff and find a cup, filling it with whatever the last thing Bucky showed you was; sangria, probably. It’s much too strong, but you don’t mind so much—it’s not like you came here to be sober.
It doesn’t take long for Natasha and Steve to loosen up enough to be grinding on each other—Steve’s chest pressed against her back, his hands on her waist, his lips on the side of her neck. Bucky and Sam are playing beer pong with a few other brothers, yelling everything they say and spilling drinks on each other.
You’re only a couple in—far from drunk—but the way that Bucky’s personality takes up the entire room is far more intoxicating than any alcohol in this house. He has streams of beer dribbling down his chin and chest, and perhaps it’s a little unhinged. but you want nothing more than to lick it off.
You step over to him and he instinctively puts his arm around your waist. “You wanna do this one?”
“Oh, no, I’m not-”
“No, no, come on, I’ll show you.” He stands behind you and takes your wrist in his hand, pulling it back to where it needs to be. “Be gentle with it. Use your wrist more than your elbow.” He places the ball in your hand, and trusts you to do the rest, standing back with his arms crossed over his chest. You flick the plastic towards the gathering of Solo cups across the table and, miraculously, falls into one. Bucky throws his arms up and cheers for you, watching Sam drink across the table.
He looks down at you with a smile on his face, and it goes straight to your stomach. You stick to him for the rest of the game, taking his turns and letting him keep his hands on you. You realize his hands have never been on you before, but you very much like it; he knows where to keep them.
When you win, you take the opportunity to kiss him, feeling overly confident from the adrenaline that comes with an entire room of people cheering for you. His lips are soft, and he holds you close, with one hand on your back and the other on your waist. He’s a decent kisser—not too slobbery, like most other frat guys—and can keep his tongue to himself, for the most part. One of his friends shoves him playfully, and you pull away from him, giggling.
“You’re not drunk, right?” He asks, pushing some of your hair behind your ear.
You shake your head. “Are you?”
“Nope.” He takes your hand and brings you to the hallway near the bathroom, pushing you against the wall and pressing his lips to yours again. His hands cup your cheeks, and this time, his tongue makes an appearance. It moves along your bottom lip, making its way into your mouth. He tastes like beer and smells like Irish Spring, but it acts as a pheromone of sorts, and makes you want him even more.
His knee slides between your legs and presses against your core, and you wrap your arms around his neck to try to get closer, if that’s even possible. His breath fans over your cheek and his thumb rubs your cheekbone, but before anything allows this moment to be sweet, somebody pats Bucky on the back and informs him that the bathroom is now free.
He wastes no time in pulling you through the door, nearly slamming it behind him. Your lower back hits the counter and sends a pain up your spine, but you quickly forget it when his hands move down your torso and stop at your ass. He kisses down your neck sloppily, holding your head back by your hair. He pushes your shirt down your shoulders, urging you to shimmy it off of your arms, which you do.
“Turn around.” He breathes, running his fingers through his thick hair.
You stare at him, distracted, before processing his words and doing as he asked. You bend over the counter and feel him reach around you to unbutton your shorts, letting them fall to the floor.
“You wore the matching bottoms?” He chuckles, hotly kissing the nape of your neck.
You shrug. “They’re cute.”
He responds only by saying “Uh-huh,” and tugging them down past your thighs.
“How many girls have you fucked in here, Barnes?”
“That’s not relevant.” He mumbles, and you hear his belt hit the floor. “Drawer next to you is condoms.” You open it and find what you’re looking for, holding your hand behind your back with the packet between your fingertips.
He unwraps it quickly and takes a moment to roll it down his cock before he rubs the tip against your pussy, earning a surprised gasp from you. Slowly, he breaches your entrance, and he’s a lot bigger than you expected, with how big of a douchebag he is.
“Fuck, Bucky.”
“I’ve been telling you we should fuck.”
“Shut up.” You moan. “You’re ruining it.”
He grabs onto your hips and pulls you backwards, bottoming out completely. He starts thrusting shallowly, and you can feel him staring at where your bodies meet, watching himself disappear inside of you like he’s wanted to for so long.
“Jesus Christ, you’re so hot.” He moans, deepening his thrusts and picking up the pace.
You look down at your hands—pressed against the porcelain, slipping back and forth every time Bucky fucks himself into you. There’s powder beneath your fingers, but you decide you won’t try to guess if it’s cocaine or something else.
You hear his skin slapping against yours, echoing off of the walls, surely loud enough for anybody outside to hear. “God, Buck, it feels-”
“So fucking good.”
You nod. “Uh-huh.”
He continues fucking you, so that your pelvic bones dig into the counter in front of you, and your toes just barely reach the floor. He takes a fistful of your hair and yanks your head backwards so that you’re staring at the mirror.
“Look at me while I fuck you.”
It makes you swallow hard and clench around him, and it’s probably the first time you’ve ever done something he’s told you to do without any hesitation. You look at his concentrated face, the sweat gleaming on his forehead and chest, his teeth digging into his lower lip to keep himself quiet. He’s never been so dedicated to something in his entire life.
You feel him hit a spot inside of you that’s never been touched before, and it makes you cry out. “Goddamnit, Barnes! Fuck, I’m close, don’t stop!”
“Was not planning on it.” He says, snapping his hips until your knees buckle and shake, and you tell him you’re cumming. He fucks you through it, and finishes in the middle of your orgasm, pushing himself all the way into you until he spills everything he has into the condom. “Fuck.” He mutters, and pulls out of you, tying the condom and tossing it in the trash can next to the toilet.
You stand straight and gather your things from the floor—your button-up, your swimsuit bottoms, your shorts—before putting them back on and turning to face him. “I didn’t think you knew how to do that.”
“How to do what?”
“Make a girl cum.”
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