#and accidentally pasted Ed's beautiful salt and pepper chest
xoxoemynn · 9 months
not to make it weird on main, but I always get really reflective this time of year, between Christmas (which in my family is High Stress), New Year's, and my birthday. unfortunately, being reflective about 2023 really sucked, given the dominant themes seemed to be "confront your mortality" and "all those things you consider to be constants in your life will one day be gone." there were three deaths in my family in three months, several of my closest friends were also dealing with loss, and the year wrapped up with daphne receiving a serious (but currently manageable!) diagnosis that also reminded me that she's getting older. I had a bunch of delayed heavy emotions hit me all at once at the start of the year, which was part of the reason I took a little break from fandom.
all that is to say, I really appreciate all the love today. I've been really lucky to have met so many really wonderful people on this silly site, and you all made a day I was feeling pretty blah about very special. I will be basking in all these warm fuzzies for a very long time.
thank you 💕
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