#and after i turned the camera on and off (quickly because i got insecure fast lol) he said he had to go to bed
boycannibal · 3 years
bro im.
#ed tw#we stayed up til 5am and at some point he turned on the camera for some time#and at some point i joked i might turn on the camera too#and we talked about our preferences in people like physical ones#and he said hes not rlly a fan of round faces and very eagle noses#and like at some point he asked me to turn on the camera and i did because well i dont really care and i like him#except that apparently i do care. because i got so insecure about my face i straight up dont want to eat anything tmrw#like yeah its an oval because everyone tells me it is but also i probably have body dysmorphia so i think i look fat because im a healthy#weight..#and after i turned the camera on and off (quickly because i got insecure fast lol) he said he had to go to bed#which fair because its 5AM ! but also that timing was so unfortunate it made me feel a little like he went to bed bc i wasnt worth talking#to after he saw me.#which i know is so ridiculous because he saw me before and if he thought me disgusting he would NOT ask to see me on camera again#even if i suggested it#so i might be at least ok to look at which is an improvement to how i feel about myself rn#so like. rational thoughts please fight it#the plan is i think that tomorrow i do my hair actually nice and maybe do a little makeup on my eyes and get nicer lightning#and tell him that yesterday i looked like shit because i was tired#like man. i know he doesnt mean any of it but also hearing him say that he doesnt like chubby faces is not good for my psyche#because it makes me right away think about how much i weighted tomorrow morning and guilty for the chocolate i ate (that still ended up#at my maintanance calories but whatever)#like man thats not even good nutritious food i feel so bad about it.
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daydream-disposal · 3 years
Steve is laying on his bed wearing his pyjamas, his eyes droopy and his mind hazy with tiredness but still, he insists on texting his friends. A normal tuesday, it appears.
Until suddenly, a big blue ring light starts to shine out of nowhere in the middle of his room. Steve sits on the bed, eyes wide. Suddenly a person gets out from inside the light. A boy about his height, his big honey eyes hiding behind his dark hair that was covering almost all of his freckled face. He was wearing black pants, a white button up and a coat. He looked drenched but still, he looked very handsome.
Is Steve too sleep deprived? Is he dreaming? Is he imagining this? He doesn't know.
"Oh thank god, it's you" the boy holds Steve's shoulders and kisses his cheek quickly, dropping a little device on the bed beside him.
"Um. Hello? W-who are you?" Steve freezes, trying to understand what just happened. He's not imagining it then, since the kiss felt very real. He would've blushed if the situation wasn't really scary.
"What? It's me. I guess I might look a little different, I've been traveling around for a while. Ugh my clothes are gross. I'm just gonna change real quick, okay?" the guy rambles walking to Steve's closet and opening the door. He searches for something, getting all his clothes out of the way. Steve frowns. What the fuck is this dude doing?
"Did you move my stuff again?"
"I literally don't know what you're talking about." Steve slowly gets up and walks towards the door.
"C'mon Steve, stop messing around, they were right here" he half laughs and keeps searching. A shiver goes down Steve's spine. He knows his name. Is he a spy? An alien? Is he here to harm him? Steve grabs his bat carefully and places it on his neck.
"I'd appreciate if you stopped messing with my stuff and left. I don't know who you are and why you're here! Just leave me alone!" he says with a rough voice.
Eli turns to face Steve, ready to laugh and ask 'what is this, a prank?' but his smile drops as soon as he sees Steve with the bat and a serious expression.
"Steve, calm down! It's me, your best friend, Eli Pepperjack. Do you seriously not recognize me?"
"Wrong! My best friend is Jim Lake and everybody knows that. I've never seen you before in my life!"
Steve and Jim being best friends??? Something is definitely Not Right. Eli looks around in disbelief. Now that he notices, Steve looks... younger. The room looks different too. It's the same style, but the colors are all wrong. He peeks outside the window and the street is slightly different too. Oh my god.
Did he just travelled to a parallel universe? One that Steve doesn't know him? He knew the wormhole could do that, but only on command! How did it malfunctioned so badly??
Steve adjusts his hands on the bat, getting Eli out of his thoughts.
"Wait! Wait! I can explain! I can prove that I know you!"
Steve considers, still not moving from the position he's in. The boy seems scared but somehow his eyes are shining, inviting. Steve sighs.
"Ok. Go on." he raises an eyebrow, curiously.
"Your favorite color is blue. You favorite food is pancakes. You can't have spicy food. You had a crush on Claire Nunes"
"Those are really basic and you could easily be lying. Or spying on me! And everybody had a crush on Claire!" Steve shouts, losing his patience.
"Okay, look." Eli reaches for his back pocket, taking out his wallet and handing Steve a picture of them hugging and smiling, doing the Creepslayerz hand gesture to the camera.
"You like nerdy movies like Gun Robot and Earth Invaders in secret because you don't want people to know. You don't know basic math but that's alright because you're a really great actor and you're very good at sports. Sometimes you let your insecurities get to you and that's why you act like you're superior to everyone else. But you're actually a really nice person. You care a lot about people, so much that you saved my life a thousand times before. You're funny and brave and I love you for that" Eli blurted out without even thinking.
"Wow, okay, that's scary. How is all of this possible?" He puts the bat down and stares at the picture, not believing what he's seeing.
"It's possible because I was traveling through that thing" Eli points to the wormhole device on the bed. Steve reaches it and throws it his way.
"Thanks. It's a wormhole, it's extraterrestrial technology. I've been living in another planet but I try to visit as much as I can. It malfunctioned this time. I'm guessing I ended up in a parallel universe" Eli says matter of factly, clicking the device on his hand. A blue hologram appears in front of them. Steve doesn't recognize the language on it.
"Hold up, are you telling me I'm dating an alien?"
"I literally just told you I'm from another universe and you decided to focus on that?"
"Well yeah" he shrugged.
Eli sighed, smiling.
"No, I'm human. I'm Earth's ambassador on the planet Arkiridion-5."
"Ok but are we dating...?" Steve blushes at him.
"Yes. We are."
"Oh sweet! Point for the Palchuk!" He punched the air. Eli laughs through his nose, shaking his head but still focused on the device.
"Can I ask you some questions?"
"Yeah, go on"
"How did it happen... How did we even... do it?" Steven didn't know how to ask this, but as if he was reading his mind, the brown haired boy answered quickly.
"Well, when we started getting close people just assumed. But our families are okay with it, if that's what you're asking"
"Cool. Alright." Steve knew he was bi for a long time now. He was just afraid of telling his family and friends. What if they got disappointed? What if they couldn't love him? What if he was left behind?
"How will I know if they're like this here too?" Steve asked in a quiet voice after a few seconds of silence and just the bleeping of the device.
"I'm pretty sure they love you in every universe. I know I do." Eli sinceraly stated, not even looking up. Steve had a hard time believing someone cared about him and loved him enough to say something so soft like that. He looked at the picture on his hands again. They were sharing a smile so genuine, their eyes meeting in such a sweet way, like they meant the whole world to each other.
"And how did we meet?" he leaned on the closet, crossing his arms. Eli just kept clicking away.
"At school. We didn't like each other at first, but we figured it out" he exhaled. "Took a while, but we did."
"Why? What happened?"
Eli thought about the years his Steve used to be mean at him and shove him into lockers. It was sad, but he knew there was good in him. Maybe this Steve could do it differently.
"Just... be nice."
"I am nice!" Eli stopped what he was doing, raising an eyebrow on Steve's direction. "Alright, I'll be nicer."
"Good. What year is it?"
"Woah, okay, I'm so far off." he clicked a few more times, the big blue ring light popping up in the middle of the room again.
"Wait, you're leaving already?"
"Yeah. My Steve is waiting for me at home."
"But I still have so many questions!"
"Don't worry, it's gonna be alright. Nice to meet you. I hope I see you soon." And with that, he disappeared with the light, leaving Steve alone in his room. He looks down to his hands, still holding the picture strongly. He smiles.
"I hope so too."
Steve didn't remember his name. He tried to think back but at the time he was panicking at the thought of "CUTE BOY IN MY ROOM!" and focusing too hard on the fact that said boy was from another universe. So of course his ADHD brain would forget his name.
But this didn't keep Steve from looking. He was never this excited to go to school before. He started paying more attention to his surroundings, hoping he would spot the mysterious boy somewhere.
Instead, he spotted a fight. "Just be nice" he thought. The older boys being mean to the smaller ones does seem like a good moment to be nice. Also, it was just not fair.
"Hey, why don't you pick someone your size?" Steve approached the bully, tapping him on the shoulder with his eyebrows pinched.
"Ugh. Why do you always have to ruin the party, Palchuk? You had potential but you insist on being on the wrong side" he tries to push Steve, asking for a fight. Steve scoffs and holds the boy's wrist.
"Just let them go. You know you can't win against me." The bully grunts and shakes his wrist from Steve's hold. He nods to his friends and they leave, muttering amongst themselves.
Steve turns to help the other boys out of the ground, offering a hand. The first boy refuses, getting up fast and running away. And that's when finally, Steve sees him. He looks smaller than the boy in his room, his hair is shorter and he was wearing nerdy glasses. But it was definitely him. He would recognize that smile and those eyes anywhere.
"Thanks. Steve, right?" the boy said, holding his hand and getting up. Steve was at a loss of words. He nodded, smiling.
"That was very nice of you. I'm Eli, by the way." he shook his hand. He was real and he was right here, holding hands with him. Ok, this is happening!
"Nice to meet you. That was no problem really, if you ever have any trouble with them again just tell me" Steve blunted out nervously, scratching his neck. Eli smiled, picking up his books and leaving.
"Again, Steve?" the teacher asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm starting to think you're not even trying. Go to detention!"
Steve sighs, walking with his head down in shame. But this time, when he enters the classroom he sees someone that make his eyes light up.
"Eli! Hi!" Steve sits on the table behind him, excited.
"Oh, hey Steve"
"What are you in here for?" he asks confused.
"I was breaking in. And you?" Eli says as if it's a normal occurrence.
"Woah what???"
"I was trying to study at the lab during recess."
"I didn't know that wasn't allowed"
"Well... I kinda was using their equipment to try and communicate with aliens... Which isn't allowed..." Eli says a little embarrassed.
"Oh" Steve laughs, finding the story very endearing. "So you like space, huh?"
"I do. Imagine if I got to do it. It would've been so cool!" he exclaims, and Steve has to hold back the urge to tell him about the parallel universe.
"It really would. Don't lose hope though" he winks at his direction.
Eli smiles and keeps working on his assignment.
"Y'know, I didn't expect you to be here. You're very... um... nerdy?" Steve admits after some minutes of silence.
"Oh so we're doing stereotypes? Alright, jock. Why are you here? Got into a fight?"
"What? No. I'm a nice person! I just didn't do my homework. Again."
"Because you didn't want to or...?" Eli asked confused, tilting his head. Steve had a genius idea. He felt like those cartoons when a little lamp lights up.
"I'm having a lot of trouble, actually. Are you any good with math?"
"Of course. Why?"
"What do you say you help me with homework and I help you by staying on look out when you're in the lab?"
Eli considered, as he heard the bell ring. He gathers his books and hands Steve a piece of paper before leaving.
"Sure. Text me later so we can talk about it"
"Sounds good" Steve smiled. If this went anything like he wanted to, he better start cleaning some space in his closet.
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jenomark · 4 years
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➔Pairing: Lucas x Reader (Female) | Ten x Reader (Female) ➔Other Members/ Characters: -.- ➔Genre: Smut (+ angst, + fluff, + plot) ➔Warnings: vaginal penetration, passionless sex, exchanging money for sex, very light bdsm and mentions of pegging ➔Word count: 5,107
➔Summary: You don’t know what you do. You don’t even know who you are. Some would call you a whore. Some would refer to you as a sex worker. All of your clients would say you’re damn good at your job.
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  It hadn’t rained in months. It felt strange to hear it coming down hard enough to drown out Lucas’ snoring. You laid in bed and listened a little while, wishing that it would lull you back to sleep somehow. But your eyes were wide open and they kept searching for the clock Lucas kept on his bedside table. 2:45 a.m. 3:14 a.m. 4:20 a.m. Time kept moving as you stayed still, eyes occasionally glancing up at the water marks on his ceiling, and hoping the rain wouldn’t drip through.
 “Lucas.” you whispered. 
  When he didn’t stir, you sat up in his bed and reached for your phone. He slept soundly on the nights when you had sex, which suited you just fine. You didn’t want him turning over in the night and asking you why you weren’t sleeping. 
  You unlocked your phone, your password far more complicated than it needed to be. You and Lucas once got into an argument when he asked you what you were hiding from him. You felt too exposed, for someone with something to hide. You felt like you no longer belonged to yourself, and he felt hurt that you didn’t want to share what secrets you kept.
  Unread text messages: 56   Unread emails: 134
  Your phone wallpaper was a photo of Lucas during Christmas of last year. He was smiling and holding up a gift you had bought him: an expensive watch nestled in black satin. You remembered the moment well. He opened the box and nearly dropped it to the floor when he realized it was the same model of the one he’d been lusting after for years. Every little boys dream was to own an expensive watch just like their father, and Lucas was no different.
“We can’t afford this.” Lucas had said.
  You, not we. You had wanted to say it, but his family was around the Christmas tree and all eyes were on you. It was true that Lucas could not afford the watch with his low-end salary, but you could. Of course, you had to play the part of the lowly office worker with a salary fit for someone shoved into a shoebox apartment.
“Don’t worry about it,” you had said to soothe him. “You’re worth every penny.”
  And Lucas was. You were with him because he was the first man in a while to make you feel alive. He used to be more daring before he got older, used to make you laugh so hard you’d nearly piss your pants. Like all things, the older things get, the harder it is to keep them in good condition. Your relationship with Lucas never failed on the surface, not really, but there were too many things brewing underneath. You were a lot like the watermarked ceiling: barely holding it together.
  You checked to make sure Lucas was sleeping before opening your inbox full to the brim with emails from men. The descriptions were all the same: I’m tall, handsome, and worth your time. The names all basic and no doubt aliases, were lined in a row for as far as you could scroll down. Every once in a while, you would entertain one of them and look at their email, expanding it so you could see their plea. Pick me, I’m a winner. 
  Tonight's lucky winner was a twenty-three year old artist. The picture attached was of a man smiling, his whole face lighting up at whomever was behind the camera. He looked barely legal, and definitely too cute for what he wrote in his description
WinWin, 23. I want to fuck you raw and parade you around town to all of my friends.
Not today, kiddo. 
  You closed the email and set your phone back in your lap. You wondered how much longer you could keep it up.
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     You were dreaming of him, which you did often. He was sitting at his kitchen table, his tie undone and resting around his neck, and a newspaper spread out in front of him. You waltzed into the kitchen in a bouncy dress, announcing your presence with a slight clearing of your throat. The picture felt very old school, static-y lines and scalloped edges. Like a dream of the past, you were bordering in housewife territory, red lipstick turning grey in the black and white film. He looked up immediately to smile at you over his shoulder. The camera panned to reveal a table with food set on it, and two children sitting in chairs.
“Is it almost ready?” he asked
  All you wanted to do was go kiss your dream husband and wrap your arms around him. You wanted those kids to pull faces, like they were really disgusted their parents were still in love after all the years. But you couldn’t move. You looked down and your little kitten heels were stuck in quicksand that was dragging you under too fast. He couldn’t save you. He didn’t even care, just went back to his newspaper. It was all white noise.
  You woke with a jolt, shooting up so fast that Lucas came out of the bathroom. A toothbrush was hanging out of his mouth, and he wasn’t wearing clothes. 
“Bad dream?” he asked, toothpaste spitting in all directions. 
  You looked at his body, just trying to collect your thoughts. Lucas assumed you were checking him out. He started flexing his muscles to make you laugh, showing you all the parts of him he’d been working out lately. You smiled for his benefit and held your hand to your chest.
“Nightmares,” you said. Lucas went into the bathroom to rinse his mouth. When he came back out, he was heading towards his wardrobe.  “Are you leaving for work so soon?”
“Again?” you asked. “You went last night. Isn’t it true that if you go to the gym too much you’ll leave a very disgruntled and lonely girlfriend behind?”
 When Lucas wasn’t working out, he was at work. During the day, he was the terribly intimidating Veterinarian assistant, his pink scrubs and puppy pin making all the Great Dane’s growl in his direction. From another direction, all the women who worked there practically swooned when he walked his muscled body through the door.  
You got out of bed and opened the blinds. “The rain stopped.” 
  The view was terrible, but he got what he paid for. You watched the little old lady from across the other apartment building hang her clothes on a line. When you turned back to talk to Lucas, he was silently masturbating.
 “Oh shit,” he breathed.
  You closed the blinds quickly before he practically tackled you, lifted you into the air and swung you around. 
You screamed like you were being murdered. “Lucas! Put me down.”
  He lifted up your pajama shorts and smacked your ass. His laugh was loud and boisterous, and you couldn’t help but laugh with him. He dropped you on the bed. His big cock was swinging between his legs before he took it back in his hands and continued stroking himself. You weren’t in the mood for sex, but the sight of him standing over you made it hard to resist. 
“I have to be at work.” you said, your eyes on his cock.
“That doesn’t sound very convincing.” he laughed.
  He took your ankle and pulled you to the edge of the bed, sliding you across the sheets like hot butter in a pan. You were taking off your shorts and panties while still denying him access.
“I do!” you said. “And I need you to drop me off at my apartment so I can get my things.”
 You didn’t need to tear your tank top off. Lucas pulled the spaghetti straps off on either side to reveal your breasts. His big paws were on you as he moved closer. Without wearing a condom, he pushed himself inside of you, both hands holding either breast while he thrusted.
 There was no talking as you fucked. Lucas took your leg and placed it on his shoulder. He kissed your calf softly. There were always tender moments like that, where it felt like it was only him and you that existed in the world. His eyes were big and brown and full of love whenever he looked at you.  You hoped that when he looked into your eyes, he didn’t just see his own reflection peering back at him.
  You felt something swell inside of you with a big wave, before quelling. Lately, you couldn’t seem to orgasm with him. There was a mental disconnect somewhere between him and you, but that didn’t stop you from pretending. You moaned and told him you were coming, even though you and him could feel yourself drying up.
  Lucas lifted your ass up and held your body as he moved, his pace too fast for you to enjoy. You just stopped moaning and stared at him, your mind completely blank. Whenever he came, the veins in his neck popped out. You were expecting him to come inside of you, but when he pulled out and came on your stomach, you let him. You held him as he collapsed on top of you, his big body making it harder for you to breathe.
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  Dressed in his gym clothes, Lucas sat in the driver's seat. The drive over to your apartment was silent, mostly because Lucas still hated that you hadn’t moved in with him yet. The other reason was the awkwardness that existed after you both had sex. You laid on the bed for far too long with his semen pooling in your belly button. Not bothering to hand you a towel to clean up, he very quietly got dressed. 
  Lucas had never came on you before. He had always been the romantic look-me-in-the-eyes-as-I-fill-you-up type of guy. It’s not that you didn’t like it, just that it was so out of character you were wondering if something was wrong.
“Do you want me to come inside?” he asked.
  You snapped out of your thoughts, leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “I think I can handle it on my own.”
  You got out of the car and walked up your steps without looking back at him. You went inside and closed the door behind you, leaning against the wood to regain your nerve.
  You didn’t like Lucas being anywhere near your apartment. He was insecure that yours looked a little better than his. Whenever he was there, he had a million questions about the things you owned. Why they were so expensive. Why it seemed like you had never lived there. You assured him it was because you spent the majority of time at his apartment, but there was always a bitter taste left in both of your mouths any time it was brought up. The other reason was that you weren’t sure what he would find if he looked hard enough.
 You ran up the stairs and unlocked your second door. You could never be too careful. Inside, you were met with a musty smell. You didn’t bother cleaning as you went, just tore through the place gathering what you needed. You stopped briefly to look at yourself in the mirror, at the way your pantsuit hugged your body. Business professional is what the saleswoman had said. It’s what all the men want. 
What do you know about what men want? You wanted to ask her.
  You moved on, click-clacking your way to your bedroom. Your bed was unmade, and there was trash strewn everywhere. You opened the door to your walk-in closet, grabbed a duffel bag and started shoving lingerie into it. You picked up a pair of handcuffs and threw them aside. Rifling through your things didn’t help you find what you were looking for. You cursed out loud and sat down in your closet, leaning your head against the wall. 
“Must be in the other apartment.” you whispered, trying to recall where it was.
 By the time you made it back to the car with Lucas, he had fallen asleep. You tapped the window and apologized for taking so long.
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  Lucas pulled up in front of your office building. He hadn’t asked why you brought a duffel bag, because after his nap, his attitude was so damn chipper that he couldn’t stop smiling. He leaned over the console to kiss you.
“You know what?” he said. “I’ll walk you inside.”
There was a panic in your chest. “No, baby, it’s okay.”
  He didn’t hear you. He was halfway out of the car. Lucas opened your door and held out his hand for the duffel bag. Reluctantly, you placed it in his hand and got out of the car.
“So, what time do you work until?” you asked, your eyes on the bag he was holding.
“Late day,” he said, taking your hand with his other. “I won’t be home until after dinner. Save me some?”
“Of course.”
  Normally, Lucas would lead you, but it was your place of work, so you did the leading. You opened the door and walked inside, your heels tapping against the marble. The woman at the front desk and the security guard both nodded at you at the same time before looking back to what they were doing. You guided Lucas to the elevator.
“Are you done the same time as always?” he asked. “I can send someone to pick you up.”
“No, that’s okay.” 
  You stepped into the elevator. You weren’t the only people in there. Luckily the office building was so big that you didn��t need to know everyone. He held your hand the entire ride, giving it a little squeeze. And every time he did, you were forced to look at him and smile.
“This is me.” you said, stepping out. 
  A glass wall separated the hallway from your offices, gold lettering etched on all of the doors. Lucas had never made it this far up, so his eyes were taking in everything like a greedy child.
“This looks expensive,” he said. “No wonder they pay you so well. Maybe I should quit and get a job here.”
  You laughed. It was obligatory. You leaned on your tip-toes and kissed Lucas at the same time you ripped the duffel bag from his hands.
“Call you during break?” you asked.
Lucas smiled. “Yeah,I’d like that. I love you. Have a good day.”
 You could tell he didn’t want to leave. He was too curious about what was behind the glass wall. He could see people milling about, stacks of papers in their hands. There were cubicles and privacy offices, a break room that was too high-tech for a plain office building. 
“I love you, too,” you said. “If you just go down to the ground floor I’m sure someone can help you find your way out.”
  You waited until the elevator doors closed to walk through the glass ones, crossing the threshold like you were walking into a new world. As soon as your heels stepped down into the grey carpet, you walked a little looser, your hips swinging. You did feel professional. And as eyes were on you in every corner of the room, you were the one person who knew exactly what men wanted.
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  The office. You didn’t belong. Everyone could smell it on you, that new car smell that always seemed to drive right onto their floor and disrupt everything. For many of them, you were something they couldn’t afford. Oh, how they’d love to test drive you, though. As soon as they got a tasty look at you, all cream interior and buttered seats, all eyes seemed to avoid meeting yours. You sashayed across the floor in peace, your eyes scanning cubicles and the people coming and going.
“Hey.” a familiar voice called.
  You ducked down beside a cubicle. A woman sat in a chair, her long legs bare and freshly waxed. She crossed them and swiveled her chair to face you. You picked up a paper from the floor and shoved it in your pockets. 
“You’re early.” she said.
“Needed time to change.” you shrugged.
  You put your hand on her shoulder to lift yourself up and kept walking. No one stopped to talk to you, and there was something lonely in that feeling you couldn’t put your finger on. You stopped before a door, one of the only non-glass ones in the whole place. Your manicured fingers against the shiny door knob made you pause. You caught your reflection for the second time that day, the distorted figure grimacing back at you.
  You would never open the paper so brazenly in front of other people, but it was the calm breath you needed before you opened the door. It was what would launch you, truly, from this office into the next part of your journey. You opened the paper and stared at each letter burning a hole in your retinas. 
             Sweetie, I miss you. Today’s advice is to never look behind you.
  You tucked the paper in your bra. Every inch of you wanted to look behind you, but instead, you opened the door to the dark closet and changed your clothes.
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  You stepped out of the closet dressed in clothes one would find in the mens department. Sweatpants that could be worn playing basketball, a grey sports t-shirt with faded writing, and a black windbreaker. Your sneakers were white with little worn marks on the side, and your hair was thrown underneath a ball cap. If anyone thought you were crazy for entering as yourself and exiting as someone socially male passing, they didn’t bat an eye. 
  Passing by the cubicle, the woman whistled. “If I didn’t know you, I would have you bend me over this desk right here.”
You smirked. “Only if you pay me enough.”
  You threw the duffle over your shoulder and kept walking, all of the confidence in the world in the way you moved. People still looked at you, but it was in a new, illuminated light. You walked through the glass and made it to the elevator. 
“Excuse me.” you said, weaving your way past a man.
“No problem.” he said, eyeing you up as he stepped out. He stared at you until the doors closed.
  In the lobby, you waved hello to the woman at the desk and the security guard. Both were unbothered by your new attire. You swung open the front door and stepped into the sunlight where a black, unmarked car was waiting for you.
“Am I too early?” you asked the driver.
“Right on time, miss.”
 He opened the car door and you slid in, the leather feeling cool, even through your sweatpants. In a fancy car like that, you felt underdressed, but it was all in the job description. He shut the door and went around to the drivers side, any chatty banter he may have started falling short of his lips.
You took out your cell phone and unlocked it.
  Unread text messages: 72   Unread emails: 212
You looked at the very last message from Lucas sent right after he left:
             I love you more and more every day. See you when I get home.
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  Trees. That was all you saw. Streets with trees lining them, parks with the healthiest limbs and most luscious green leaves. They stood proud and strong, only wavering with a slight wind. Occasionally, when you were lost in thought, they played against the glass of the car window, a kiss of a leaf here and there, as if to say, “Welcome, open your eyes.”
“We’re almost there,” the driver said. “He asked that I don’t escort you inside. I expect you know your way around.”
  You nodded, making eye contact with the driver in the rearview mirror. He was judging you, you could tell. He wasn’t new, by any means, but the lifestyle took some getting used to. When you first met the driver, you were scared of what he  thought of you, but now you didn’t spare a single thought for him at all.
 The car came to a stop in front of a three-story brick building, its red face powerwashed to pristine condition. There were flower boxes on every windowsill and forest green shutters. A wreath on the door felt welcoming, but only if you were someone who liked open invitations. In the neighborhood, that might have been plausible, but only you really knew what lay beyond the oak front door, its stained glass windows more expensive than Lucas’ monthly rent.
“Thank you.” you told the driver.
  You stepped out of the car, your sneakers crushing a twig. It was the only blemish on an otherwise clean street. You closed the door behind you and held your duffel bag in your hand. The driver waited a beat before driving off, his strict time schedule unable to be rearranged if you chickened out.
 But you would never chicken out. Before you was a place you had been to many times. Anyone who looked out of their window would recognize you, even if the flavor of you didn’t sit well under their tongue. As you ascended the stairs, no one bothered to push aside their curtain for a glimpse of the girl dressed in baggy clothes, every trace of her from this morning vanished completely.
 You walked right in.
  You were met with a smell that hit you instantly: cinnamon. Candles burned on a foyer table, the wick barely black. 
Just lit, you thought. You have to be around here somewhere.
  The home inside was cozy, deep blue accents and unexplainable modern art tucked into corners of the room. It was the home of someone with an eye for the unusual, but whose very facade made one feel more comfortable with themselves. You walked further inside, your fingers touching along the walls. When you were away, you missed the smells terribly.
“Where are you hiding?” you asked. “Little kitten.”
  You walked further inside, your shoes still perfectly on your feet. At his request, he wanted you to keep them on. You never asked why, but you expected that after you left, he got on his hands and knees and scrubbed his floor after your every footprint, in his bid to serve you. 
“Don’t you miss me?” you asked.
  There were so many doorways without doors. You weaved in and out of rooms, taking your sweet time to make sure he could hear you trampling through. You touched some things softly, and others, haphazardly. You didn’t wince as a part of a measuring cup family fell from its hook, clattering to the ground loud enough to make your teeth hurt.
“Tenny,” you said. “Come and play.”
  You wandered up the stairs, your manicured fingers tapping against the wooden railing. You let the duffel fall to the ground when you made it to the top, and rubbed your shoulders.
  If the downstairs was grandmother chic, the upstairs looked like the hallway of a sex club.The walls were deep sapphire and velvet, gold tassels dividing each door. You walked down the center, looking foolish and out of place. On your right, you went in through the first door to an empty bedroom. You looked around but could find nothing. 
“This is taking too long,” you said. “What if I just leave?”
  A sound tipped you off. Your head snapped in the direction you heard it coming from: the very last door on the left. You walked towards it, stopping before it. You rubbed the wood, massaging it in your palm. 
“My little kitten.” you cooed.
  You opened the door to find him in plain sight. His arms were above his head, his wrists strapped to a mechanism chained to the ceiling. He was naked and blindfolded, and there were headphones around his ears so he couldn’t hear anything. You stepped in but didn’t close the door behind you. You stood in front of him, watching as he mouthed the words to a song. When you pulled the headphones down his neck, he gave a little shake.
“You were right under my nose the whole time.” you said.
  You walked around him. His joints looked like they were straining too much. He could hardly keep himself up right. And yet, he began to smile as you made your way back to him.
“How long have you been waiting?” you asked.
“An hour.” he said, his voice hoarse.
  You took off his blindfold and was met with the most mischievous eyes. He looked you up and down, his cock twitching right as he got to the sneakers on his carpet. You had been in the room before, so all of the sex toys and contraptions lining the walls didn’t bother you. People liked to play, and in your line of work, you would do whatever they wanted for the right amount. 
 His name was Ten. He was your age, but there was something about him that felt older than your years. His eyes were that of an old soul, his body young and supple. You scraped your fingernails against his chest and watched him close his eyes and quiver.
“Should I leave you here for another?” you asked.
He shook his head. “I need you to hold me.”
  Ten was one of your favorites. It wasn’t so much about the sex but the companionship. Sure, there were things he did and wanted you to do to him that were a bit different, but your attachment to him was hard to explain. 
“Before I hold you,” you began. “I need to know I can’t disappoint you.”
He opened his eyes. “I don’t think you ever could.”
“You put too much faith in me.” you said. 
  You reached up to unhook him from the ceiling. He whimpered in pain as his arms fell. You massaged his shoulders and brought him against your bosom. Ten’s hair tickled your chin. You were scared to tell him that you forgot his blanket, that it was in your real apartment with the life you hid from Lucas. 
 You wrapped your arms around Ten and kissed the top of his head. You owed him honesty, so you opened your mouth and told him that you forgot the thing he wanted most from you. Tears welled in his eyes, and for a second, you thought about breaking the arrangement and asking if he wanted his money back, but Ten took your hand and started leading you out into the hallway.
“We can do the comfort blanket next week,” he said. “This week, we’ll do something else.”
  Briefly, he showed you the man he was when you weren’t there. He was straightened up and assertive, his eyes more disobedient. It was rare that you were privy to how he was when you weren’t there, but it was always refreshing that somewhere underneath it all, there was something you liked to think of as a friend.
  Ten brought you to a room with only a bed in the middle of it. An island of sadness is what you always thought of it. You remembered when you had found him there sprawled on his stomach, his puckered, wet asshole waiting for you to fuck it. You did as he asked, the money too good to turn him down.
  Ten waited for you to get on the bed by yourself. Before you did, you made sure no hair was peaking out of your ball cap before you stretched your body across the sheets. Ten climbed in and tucked himself into the side of your body. He moved down so that his cheek was pressed against your stomach.
“Tell me you love me,” he said. “And that you’ll never leave me.”
You let your fingers smooth his hair. “I love you, Kitten, and I’m never going to leave you.”
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  You fell asleep on the car ride home, the sound of thunder waking you up just a stop away from Lucas’ apartment. You groaned because, for once, your sleep was dreamless. It was too good of a thing to wake up from.
“Drop me off at the corner,” you said. “I don’t want anyone to see me.”
  You had ditched the clothes at Ten’s place and changed back into your pantsuit, but you had hat head and felt like your body had been run over by a truck. You cuddled with Ten for six hours in the same position, your body aching more than his was when he was chained up. You cracked your neck and got ready to jump out of the car as soon as it stopped, just in case someone in the neighborhood was nosy enough to tell Lucas.
“Thank you.” you said for the second time that day.
“See you next week.”
“Yeah.” you sighed.
  You got out and walked the last block to his apartment. The duffel was in your hands, but it was empty. If Lucas asked, it was once full of office supplies the company let you borrow that you needed to return. He would buy into the lie. 
 You let yourself into the darkness, removed your shoes like you were a zombie, and thought about collapsing right on the floor. It wasn’t even that late, but there was something about being deceiving that sucked the life out of you. Deciding against it, you walked your way to the bedroom and flipped on the light. 
 After you usually left Ten’s, you felt too soft to the touch. Some nights, you cried the whole car ride, missing something you didn’t know what you were missing. Often, you would climb into Lucas’ arms and make the most passionate love to him. You just needed to be near him, to make sure it was him who would never leave you.
  Everything looked the same as you had left it, only Lucas’ gym clothes were on the floor and one of his drawers was half hanging open. You went over to it and stuffed his shirts down so it would close properly. Your fingers lingered on the soft fabric. You brought his shirt up to your nose and buried your face in it, inhaling deeply. When you went to put it back, your hand knocked into a small jewelry box.
 You took the box out and opened it. A diamond ring sat nestled in black velvet, the name of the jewelry shop printed in silver script on the lid. Feeling dizzy, you snapped the lid shut and shoved it back where it was.
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billiedeanhwrd · 4 years
as long as you are with me, there's no place i'd rather be
billie dean howard x fem!reader
summary: when your conservative parents kick you out for dating billie, she is more than happy to take you in🤍
warnings: age difference, mention of homophobic parents
word count: 1.7k
a/n: thank u sm for all the positive feedback on my last fic!! i'm still new to this and learning, but i'm having a lot of fun writing <3 i apologize for any grammar errors, as english is not my first language. i still hope you enjoy reading my new fic, i'd describe it as a comfort fic with lots of fluff!<33
gif credits to @honeybeawhore
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billie was lying on her couch with a glass of her favorite rosé in one hand and a copy of one flew over the cuckoo's nest in the other. It had been a long and exhausting day at work and she really needed some quality time to herself.
the weather was terrible today, lucky for her and her crew that they shot everything inside today. billie could tell in the morning that a storm was coming, and now it was pouring rain.
the sound of the rain hitting the ground and the crackling of her fireplace created the perfect reading ambience. just as she was about to turn to a page in her book, her doorbell startled her. who the hell was standing in front of her mansion in this weather? at this time?
she checked the monitor connected to her security cameras that she had built in next to the front door only to see you completely soaked, and visibly freezing on her doorstep.
she unlocked the door as quickly as she could and ushered you inside. "y/n, what are you doing here?"
"i'm sorry this is the only place i could go", you managed to stutter out. you had been dating the medium for a few months now, but had never actually stayed over at her place. you were special to billie and she didn't want to risk ruining the connection between you two by going to fast. she wanted this relationship to be different from the ones she's had before, and given your rather big age difference, taking it slow seemed right to both of you.
"what hap-you know what that's not important right now, let's get you warmed and dried up first"
you followed your girlfriend into her luxurious gold-white themed bathroom and watched her as she searched for the softest towel she owned.
"here, feel free to take a hot shower first" she handed you a towel, "i'll lay out some comfortable clothes for you on the bed in the guest room, it's the room right next to this one." you nodded thankfully. "I'll wait for you in the kitchen, sweetheart" she smiled at you with that loving look in her coffee colored eyes that warmed your heart so much, you almost didn't need the shower.
you entered billie's guest bedroom feeling as if you'd just left a spa. the medium had a colossal collection of all kinds of sensual soaps, shampoos and moisturizers in her bathroom and you came out smelling like a scented candle. her guest bedroom was beautifully decorated, it was clear the older woman had great taste and invested a lot of time in the design of her home.
after drying yourself and putting on dry underwear, you glanced towards the bed. billie had laid out a baby blue burberry hoodie with matching sweatpants for you. you felt nervous thinking about wearing her clothes, especially these, not only because they were obviously expensive but also because you had seen her wear this before, you knew she liked this set and you were afraid of ruining it. all of your negative thoughts left your mind though when you carefully put on the comfortable clothes and let her sweet smell engulf you.
you treaded lightly down the stairs to the kitchen where billie was waiting for you with a freshly brewed cup of chamomile tea. she gestured for you to sit down on the high chair facing her at the countertop.
"you look cute in my clothes". you blushed. "thank you, billie, but you didn't have to give me something so costly, anything would've been alright"
"nonsense, darling" she replied, "only the best for you". she gently squeezed your hand. you looked at her like some kind of love-struck teenager, but before you could say anything, she spoke up again.
"now tell me, what caused you to walk through a storm all by yourself in the dark? you could've gotten hurt", the worried look in her eyes made your heart ache.
you looked down in embarrassment at your other hand, that wasn't covered by billie's, but placed in your lap. "my parents kicked me out". billie raised an eyebrow at you. "i know living with your parents in your late 20s isn't ideal, but i couldn't afford to move out yet" she nodded along, signaling you to continue.
"and i stupidly left my phone in the living room and when i got a new notification they saw my lockscreen...", billie tilted her head questioningly "what's your lockscreen, y/n?".
you were to shy to tell her, so you got your phone out of the hoodie's front pocket and slid it toward the medium. you heard billie chuckle,
"aww, since when am i your lockscreen, babygirl?"
you smiled sheepishly. "since that photo was taken"
your wallpaper was a picture of billie holding you close and kissing your cheek. it was taken at your first official date, she had brought you to disney land after you expressed your interest in going there and even if it might not be her thing, seeing the joy in your face and knowing she was responsible for it, made it totally worth it.
both of you looked so happy on that picture, it bewildered billie why anyone would get upset about it and you could tell, by the confused look on her face.
"i didn't tell my parents i was seeing you, they would've never approved... clearly", you explained. billie was about to ask if their issue was the age difference between you two, something she was still a little insecure about, when you continued speaking, "i knew they didn't accept gay people, but i never thought they'd set me out on the street... their own daughter", you swiped the tears away that had escaped your eyes. "i'm really sorry about showing up uninvited this late, but you were the only person i could and wanted to go to"
billie quickly made her way over to you from the other side of the countertop. "come here", you practically fell into her arms and she was more than ready to catch you, literally and metaphorically speaking.
you didn't know what exactly had set you off, telling the story about how you were suddenly homeless or the fact that for the first time in your life, you had someone you could really count on, who was there for you when you needed them and didn't make you feel like a burden for showing emotion, but you were sobbing in billie's arms. she didn't mind though, she held you close to her heart and let you cry your feelings out.
when your breathing slowed down and the crying subsided, she pressed a kiss on your head and tenderly took your face into her hands. "i'm so so sorry they did that to you, no one deserves to be abandoned by their own parents for loving someone", she softly swiped the remaining tears on your face away, "you can stay with me, as long as you want to, sweetheart"
your eyes lit up, "really? billie you don't have to let me live with you if it makes you uncomfortable just because you pity me...", you tried to argue
"i wouldn't offer if i was uncomfortable, darling, and i don't pity you, i care about you"
"okay" you reluctantly agreed, still unsure about living with her when you've never even spent the night together. billie could read you so well, she knew exactly what you were worried about.
"honey, this doesn't mean we stop taking this slow, okay? we don't have to do anything tonight or anytime you're not ready"
you nearly melted at her considerate words, "thank you, billie", you lovingly squeezed her in a quick hug.
"of course", she squeezed you back.
you yawned against her, which made billie chuckle and check her watch.
"it's already past midnight, what do you say we go to bed now, hm?" you nodded sleepily. "would you like to stay with me or sleep in the guest bedroom?" she asked kindly.
you thought about it for a second and then timidly replied, "i think i'd like to stay with you, if that's okay"
"it's more than okay, love"
billie stood up and grabbed your hand to guide you to her bedroom, which wasn't necessary , you'd follow her voluntarily anywhere but you definitely weren't complaining.
"wait for me in the bathroom, right there" she pointed behind you, "i'll bring you some comfy pajamas". billie swiftly entered the room in front of you, which you assumed was her bedroom and came out with a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt. "i hope this okay", you nodded and made your way to the bathroom to change.
after changing out of billie's clothes into a new set of her clothes that luckily also smelled like her, you headed towards her bedroom. she was already waiting for you when you arrived, but you had to stop in your tracks to admire the view.
billie's exquisite taste in interior design was again displayed in her elegant, yet cosy looking bedroom, her cream colored walls matched perfectly with her blush colored king sized bed, armchair and lamps. but what captivated you the most was the woman in this resplendent room. billie was wearing a lacy, low cut, rose gold, satin pajama set, which made her look even more sexy and at the same time angelic than she usually did.
she patted the space beside her, eager for you to join her. you switched off the lights and climbed into her bed. billie was laying on her side, turned towards you and instinctively took you into her arms when you settled into the bed, you embraced the older woman and possessively placed your leg on top of hers.
"goodnight, billie" you whispered before sleep was able to consume you. "goodnight, honey" she whispered back.
you nuzzled her neck affectionately and placed your head on her chest, listening to her heartbeat. the storm was still going strong outside and you were overwhelmed with love and gratitude for your girlfriend. ending the day cuddled up in her bed was not something you expected. Sure, today started off horribly, but at the end of the day, you were safe and warm, next to someone who really cared for you, and you wouldn't want to exchange that for anything in the world.
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darkmulti · 4 years
My Little Dolly
Parings: Sadist!Taehyung x brat!female reader
Genre: Smut, angst
Word Count: 4K
Summary: Taehyung is known as the ‘new, weird kid’ that hangs out in the basement bathroom. He is also the main target for this one girl. As he was cleaning the blood off his face, he finds a doll on the bathroom floor, and keeps it, only to figure out that there is much more to this doll.
~Hope you enjoy~
A/N note: Some people are triggered by warnings, therefore I will put the warnings after the under cut.
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Warnings: Non consensual sex, humiliation, degradation, choking, blowjob, pet play, forced ddlg relationship, dacryphilia, physical abuse, breeding kink, ‘unprotected sex’ (wrap it up!), overstimulation, bondage, fear kink, anal, blood, masochism, cum eating, cum play, fingering, fisting
Shit. I really be exposing all my kinks in here.. whoops
It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.
Physically, mentally and emotionally. She brushed it off because it was ‘funny’ to others. Of course, she had no idea how it felt like, being humiliated over and over.
You can speak up for yourself, but then be known as the triggered outsider. But when you don’t speak up, they’ll step all over you, as if you’re not human. This is how Kim Taehyung felt. He often got bullied into doing other people’s homework or being the punching bag for insecure students. All because of one bitch who goes by the name, Y/N.
The ‘Princess’ of the school, who never gets in trouble for her insensitive decisions. She made Taehyung’s life a living hell. Why? You may ask. Taehyung's family recently moved in next door. The family that used to live there before them, was Y/N’s now ex boyfriend. They still would’ve been a couple, if he was still next door. Unfortunately he had to move away.
Listen, I know what you’re thinking. This is not Taehyung’s fault at all. Not even by the slightest. This is why Taehyung was confused as well. He tried to apologize (even though he didn’t do anything) but her being an egocentric person, she didn’t take his words to mind.
Now this whole backstory leads up to the current situation. The young man was preparing for his next class until the narcissistic girl showed up beside him. To his ‘luck’ they were also locker neighbors. Taehyung kept his head low and pretended to not notice her, until she spoke. “Babe, did you do my homework?” The young male scoffs, “why should I do your homework?”
“Clearly you don’t know how things go around here. But it’s okay since you’re new. Let me explain again. My father owns the school, and my boyfriend is the captain of the football team. Sweetie put two and two together.” She looks in her locker mirror and applies her lip gloss. “I’m not doing your homework. Do it yourself.”
Taehyung quickly packed his books, hoping to get out of there. “Not so fast lover boy.” Y/N pulls Taehyung onto her and kisses him. She palms the boy then pulls away. “What’s wrong with you, you sick fuck!” Y/N pushes Taehyung back and starts to aggressively wipe her lips. Her eyes scan the hallway and she sees her boyfriend around the corner. “Daddy!” She yells, unembarrassed. The girl runs into her boyfriend's arms and starts to cry on his shoulder. “Daddy! He forcefully kissed me!”
Tae grabs his books and sprints to the boys washroom in the basement. Y/N’s boyfriend followed close behind, with her still in his embrace. Taehyung wasn’t fast enough and the rest of the football team had already pulled him back before he could enter a stall. “Where are you running, TaeTae?”
The captain lets go of Y/N and punches Taehyung’s jaw. He shoves him to the ground and gets on top of him, repeatedly punching him. “WHY WERE YOU ON MY GIRL, TAEHYUNG?!” He grabs Taehyung’s collar and shakes him. “Okay daddy, that’s enough.” Y/N was startled by her boyfriend's sudden behaviour. She grabs his arm and pulls for him to let go. “Come on daddy, he’s not worth your time.” He complies and gets up. “I’m warning you Taehyung. If you look at her, I’ll snap your neck.” He kicks the man’s hip one more time before throwing his girlfriend over his shoulder and spanking her ass.
The gang leaves the male, bleeding on the floor. Taehyung rolls over to his side and chuckles at the blood. He had lost so much blood within these past few days, it was concerning. He weakly gets up and drags himself to the sink to clean up. He looks into the mirror and notices a light brown cloth laying on one of the stalls floor. He turns around and walks closer. With his left foot he kicks it over. “What the fuck?”
It was a stuffed doll with a loose button eye as well as some rips scattered all over. Taehyung picks the doll up and inspects it. It had a heart on its tummy and a snake coming up its right leg. Taehyung smiles at the doll, slightly being turned on by it. “Look at this little doll.” The doll was mesmerizing. Taehyung was completely compelled. He takes the doll and puts it in his backpack.
Meanwhile, upstairs, in class, Y/N sat on her boyfriend's lap while making out with him. Her short skirt allowed the man to spank her ass in the make out, but it only made her grind harder on him. “Daddy” she moans in his ear. “Please take me.”
“Y/N! Pay attention young lady! We’re in school!” Y/N groans and gets off her boyfriend's lap. “Sorry! It’s not my problem that you haven’t gotten laid in the last ten years of your life.” She rudely barks at her teacher. “Look, Y/N. You’re daddy might own the school, but it doesn’t mean you rule the world.”
“Be careful with that mouth. I have the power to get your ass fired within the next week.” She sticks her tongues and crosses her arms. “Y/N! OUT OF MY CLASS.” The teacher points a whiteboard marker at her and kicks her out. “Jeez I’m going.” She storms out but then peeps her head in one more time to say, “Daddy, text me!”
The teacher slams the door and she waits in the hallway. She starts walking back to her locker, only to be met with Taehyung once again. “Wow, look who’s back. Now you know not to mess with me.” Taehyung didn’t acknowledge the girl, instead kept a sly grin. “Hello! I’m talking to you.” The girl taps on his shoulder, and Taehyung looks at her. “Don’t touch me you filthy doll.”
“Filthy?” She asked, shocked.
“Oh sorry, I mean slutty.” Taehyung casually puts his books back into his locker, then puts the empty backpack on. The girl furrowed her eyebrows and huffs, “I’m not slutty!”
“Oh really?” Cautiously, he took out his phone and hit record. He then slid the phone back into his pocket and had the camera angled where you can see her signature skirt. “You really don’t think that you’re a slut?”
“Nuh uh!”
Taehyung quickly slammed her against the locker and picked her up. He tore her legs apart and started grinding his bulge on her bare cunt. Y/N moans and throws her head back. She placed her hands on his shoulders and started grinding even harder, loving the feeling. “See dolly..” he drops her back to her feet and moves away, “you were ready to take my cock.” He moves closer to her again and slides his fingers up her skirt. “You’re such a bad girl. Do you ever wear panties to school?” He slips four fingers into her, making her gasp and cover her mouth. “P-please!” Taehyung wrapped one arm around her waist and brought her closer to him. His fingers went a little faster into her while whispering, “where you running doll? I know you’re enjoying this. Don’t hide from me.”
“S-stop! This is wrong!” She stutters, but found herself loving every second. “Stop? You want me to stop?” Taehyung curls his fingers in her causing her to cry. “Fuck! I’m gonna cum!” The male chuckles and lets his thumb rub her clit. “Cum for me dolly.”
Y/N gasps as she releases on his fingers. She wraps her arms around Taehyung's neck and moans into his shoulder. He takes his finger out and strikes her to the floor. “Dirty, slutty doll. Cumming for another man? Where’s your loyalty?” He growled at her.
She stayed on the ground and cried. He was right. She betrayed her boyfriend just like that. “Stay away from me! You rapist!”
“I’m a rapist now? You never told me to stop..” Taehyung walks closer to the girl, causing her to scoot back. “You will regret what you did today dolly..” he whips out his phone and shows her the video. “Do you want me to show this to both of your daddies?” She shakes her side to side and puts her hands together. “Please, don’t!” The loverboy smiles at the sight. “Good doll.” Taehyung walks toward the girl and deliberately steps on her finger.
She quietly squeals and brings her fingers to her chest, while her other hand tries to massage it. Taehyung turns back and looks at her, “see you at home, dolly”
The man walks back to his house, which wasn’t too far from the school. He greeted his mother with a kiss on the cheek and immediately went upstairs, to his room. He places his bag on the chair and takes the doll out of the bag. “What has this little doll done with me?” Though he was confused, this doll made him feel powerful. He absolutely loved the feeling. He throws the doll onto his bed and heads to his bathroom to take a shower.
Y/N weeps her way home and doesn’t get greeted by anyone. Her parents were always busy, which is why they spoiled her. She might get a lot of attention at school, but all she truly wished for was for her parents to spoil her with love and attention. She runs up to her room and plops onto her bed, face first. She cries her little heart out and turns her head towards the window. Unexpectedly she sees Taehyung with a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair dripping wet.
She quickly sits up and wipes away her tears. Her eyes pick up the doll laying on his bed. The doll was giving off this… energy. It was unexplainable. She had this feeling that she needed that doll. Without noticing, she starts staring at it. Even Taehyung had noticed and opened his window, “dolly, it’s rude to stare at someone when they’re getting dressed.” Y/N doesn’t notice Taehyung. The doll's energy was so fascinating, she couldn’t keep her eyes off of it.
At this point Taehyung followed her eyes, and landed right on the doll. He reaches for the doll and picks it up by the neck. He looks back at Y/N to see if this was what she was looking at. But when he did, he witnessed her holding onto her throat and banging on the window. His eyebrow raised and he decided to put his theory to the test. He pinned the doll against the window and slapped it. He looks over at her again and sure enough she was historically crying. He stops and puts the doll down.
He closes his curtains and sits down at his desk. His hands pull open a drawer full of miscellaneous items. He digs around and finally finds a ball of yarn. He starts cutting them up and adding it to the dolls head, giving her hair. The entire night he put together a doll that reminded him of Y/N.
The girl hid under her covers, shaking from fear. She couldn’t sleep the whole night. Something inside her was tearing her heart. Y/N manages to catch three hours of sleep but soon wakes up. She wore a short, pink dress and light makeup. The princess didn’t want anyone to suspect that something was going on. She arrives at school and avoids Kim Taehyung at all cost. Soon the coast was clear and she quickly went to her locker, opening it up as fast as she could. But not fast enough.
Taehyung pulls her back by her backpack and shoves her to the floor. “P..please” she said under her breath. Her eyes examine his outfit. He was wearing all black, which was appealing for her doll eyes. Taehyung stands over her, marking his dominance. “Come with me dolly.” She frantically shakes her head no one backs away from him even more. “Now dolly, you don’t want me to release that video… and” Taehyung pulls the doll out and pulls its hair. Y/N hisses as she feels her hair being pulled too. “You don’t want me to pull off this hair now, do you?”
“Then you shall follow my orders like a good doll.”
Her head lowers, but she does nod in agreement. She was about to get up, but Tae kicked her back to the floor. “From now on, you will crawl. No more walking, kitten.” She shivers and follows Taehyung to the basement on all fours. He leads her to the bathroom and tells her, “pick a stall.” She crawls into the first one and waits for him. “W-what’re you going to d-do to me?”
“I’m gonna make you feel good.” He enters into the stall and locks the door. “Strip for me doll.” Taehyung stares deep into her vulnerable eyes, but she suddenly screams out, “NO!”
“Very well then. Let me see if this works.” The doll makes another appearance but this time Taehyung started ripping the clothes off the doll. Y/N’s dress rips in half frightening her even more. “T-Taehyung, s-stop!” She sobs out. “You should’ve listened to me before.” He slaps the doll, and shoved his finger into a little rip he made in the doll's crotch. The girl screams, terrified and oblivious to what’s going on. “Throw that doll away! It’s hurting me! Please!” Taehyung takes his finger out and throws the doll to the ground. “I’m sure it’s hurting you dolly.” His hand yanks her up, off the floor and he pushes her cheeks against the dirty wall.
Without warning, he shoves his fat, long, veiny, cock into her dry, tight asshole, causing her to wail. Taehyung holds her throat and demands her to shut up. He takes her arms and locks them behind her back and starts pounding inside of her. He spits on his cock to add more lub because it took a lot of energy to move. He spreads her ass cheeks wide and shoved his whole cock into her. “Good dolly. Cry for me. Or beg me to stop.” He grunts and adds more pressure on her neck. “D-daddy, p..please stop! You’re hurting dolly!” Tears stream down her face, followed by broken sobs. “Dolly, dolly, dolly, am I your daddy now?” He asked. “Yes.. you’re my daddy.”
Taehyung takes his cock out and spanks her ass, “knees dolly.” She falls onto her knees and instantly gets a dick shoved down her throat. Taehyung face fucked the girl, who was screaming and begging for mercy around his cock. He takes his cock out, and right away the girl coughs up all the spit. “Clearly you don’t know my rules. Let me explain since you’re new.” Taehyung mocks the girl then grabs her hair and jawline, forcing her to look up. “WHEN I GIVE YOU SOMETHING, YOU TAKE IT LIKE A GOOD..” He slaps the girl then continues, “FUCKING DOLL!”
Y/N sobs louder and louder, hoping for someone to find her. The man gets out of the bathroom stall and uses her hair as a leash. He drags her to his car and drives back to his house. His parents were working, so they had the house to themselves. Tae leads her to his bedroom and tells her to lay on the bed. “N..no. I’m not gon-” Taehyung rolls his eyes and forces her onto the bed. He got on top of her and placed his knees on her arms so she couldn’t move. He cuffs her hands to the bed frame, then takes two of his belts, ties them to the bed legs, then ties them around her legs to keep them open. The girl shakes more aggressively and squirms around more. “TAEHYUNG STOP IT!” She yells out, finally finding her voice. Taehyung heads over to his closet and takes out a tie. He walks back to her and ties it around her mouth.
“No talking, no moaning, no yelling, no touching, no crying and no moving. You are now under my control. I tell you what to do and you do it. You’re nothing but a slutty doll, and I have to train you the right way.” He gives her a list of rules and a slap on her face. He strips himself then hovers over her. He stood on his knees with his cock standing proud. The boy holds her legs up to his waist and rams into her cunt. Y/N screams into the tie and pulls on the handcuff. “PLEASE YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME! I’M GONNA GET PREGNANT!” She pulls harder on the cuffs and tries to kick Taehyung off her by putting her feet on his chest and pushing. “THAT’S IT! I FUCKING HAD IT WITH YOU, FUCKING BRAT!” Taehyung flips her over and fists her cunt. “STOP IT! STOP IT! I’LL BE A GOOD DOLL, BUT PLEASE STOP, IT HURTS SO BAD!” She screams and cries at the agonizing pain. Taehyung stuffs her face into a pillow and slams his cock into her, fucking all the pain and anger that welled up in him, because of her. “Scream and cry all you want doll, you’ll never understand the pain you put me through.” His balls slapped against her pussy, creating a loud clap.
His cock reached her stomach, causing her to cry with every thrust he gave her. Taehyung spanked her ass over and over, wanting to hear her cry louder. He plays with her burning clit, while keeping his thrust short, but hard. “Am I hurting you doll?”
“YES! Please stop!” She desperately shouted.
“Broke my rule.” Taehyung pushes her face deeper into the pillow and slaps her ass. “When I give you something, you take it like a good doll!” He gives her another rough slap. “Fuck! You’re gonna have my baby! I’m gonna fuck my baby in you doll! We’re gonna get married, you’re gonna have my kids, and we’ll be this happy family.”
Taehyung strikes her back then ass.
“AHH! PLEASE STOP HITTING ME!” She bawls. Her pussy uncontrollably clenches and throbs around his cock, indicating that she was about to cum. Taehyung’s cock pulses in her and he gives her one more full, hard thrust, followed by a spank, causing both of them to cum. She violently trembled underneath him, crying harder into the pillow.
“Y-you.. c-cummed in m-me.” She slowly lifts her face from the pillow and Taehyung could see the tears falling down onto it. “You deserve it, doll face. Don’t bully people fucking whore.”
“YOU PROBABLY GOT ME PREGNANT AND THIS IS WHAT YOU’RE LECTURING ME ABOUT?!” She tugs on the handcuffs and cries harder. “Stop fucking around Y/N, I see you taking birth control everyday.” Y/N’s eyes widen. Shit! He knew!
“Those aren’t birth control pills.”
“Then what are they dolly?”
“They’re… um..” She couldn’t answer and Taehyung automatically knew she was trying to guilt trip him. “Lying to daddy already?!” He takes the handcuffs off and shoves her to the nearest wall. Y/N couldn’t feel her legs so she fell, until the man came behind her, wrapped his veiny arm around her throat, then pushed his cock back in.
“You’re not getting away with this doll.”
He tightly holds her neck, restricting her to breathe properly. His other hand squeezes her stomach, so that she can feel the enormous cock ruining her insides. All she could do was cry. She couldn’t call for help because no one was here. She couldn’t tell him to stop, or he’ll get more irritated. So she stood there, letting him use her like a ragdoll.
Taehyung took her hands behind her back and kept jolting his hips upwards, directly hitting her gspot. “Daddy- I’m close!” She whispers.
“Hold on dolly, I’m close to.” He grunts one more time before cumming into her pussy again. Cum leaks down her thigh, to the floor, creating a little puddle. Taehyung pulls out and scopes up the cum in his hand. “Get on all fours.” Y/N slowly gets down and looks up at her daddy. Her daddy then squats down and says, “Here’s your milk kitten.” He brings his hand up to her face and she dips her tongue in the cum, drinking it like a cat.
“Good doll.” He takes the remaining cum and spills some in her hair, and face. “Look at you, covered in daddy’s cum.”
Taehyung picks her up and lays her in his bed. He lays right next to her and pulls her onto his chest. The two fall asleep instantly, and wake up the next morning.
“T-Taehyung” the girl sits up and pokes the man. “We’re gonna be late for school.”
“Shhh, we’ll take our time.” Lover boy throws his arm over her and pulls her back into his embrace. Taehyung grabs his cock and pushes it into her, while half asleep. The girl whimpers and tries her best to get away. “Taehyung- we have to go to school!”
“How many times do I-” Taehyung slaps the girl and thrust into her again, this time going fast and rough into her. He shoves two fingers along with his cock into her pussy, trying to get her to shut up. “WHEN I FUCKING SAY SOMETHING, I DON’T SAY IT FOR FUN!” The girl cums three times after Tae hit her g spot sixteen consecutive times.
She lays back, hopeless and tired. His cock kept going and she did nothing about it until he finally came in her. “I made you cum 5 times this morning. Don’t fucking test me, dolly.”
She nods her head up and down, then wipes away her tears. “I-I’m s-so sorry” she chokes out.
Taehyung gets up and grabs an oversized shirt. “Here’s your outfit” he whips it at her, afterwards locking himself in the bathroom. They both get ready, but the only problem was, half of Y/N’s ass was showing. Taehyung reassured her at home, but once they pulled into the school’s parking lot, Taehyung put a collar and leash on her. He forced her to crawl on the ground around school, and unexpectedly slammed a buttplug tail into her. Everyone had mixed reactions. Most of them were shocked, but some were laughing and taking pictures.
Taehyung wasn’t helping the girl out either. In class he made her suck him off, then rub the cum all over her face and hair. At lunch, Taehyung took her to the basement and fucked the light out of her. It was finally last period, she was sitting beside her Daddy’s feet, sucking on his finger.
“Come on dolly. Come and ride daddy for the last period.” Taehyung lifted the girl up onto his lap. He let her unbuckle his pants and take his cock out. “Sit on it dolly, ride me.” She sat on his fat tip, and covered her mouth from. “Daddyyy~ it feels good!” Her hips roll forward and her eyes roll back. Taehyung tangles his fingers in her hair, pushing her face down to his. He gives her a passionate and lustful kiss, while everyone in the room paused to watch. She started bouncing on his cock, just wanting to cum. “Daddy! Make dolly cum!” She quietly moans. The man held her smaller body and thrusted up harder and faster. “Open your mouth.” The girl opens her mouth, knowing what was coming. She loved Taehyung's saliva. It tasted amazing and was such a turn on for her little cunt. “Daddy.. I-I ahh! I-I’m going to cum again.” Taehyung slaps her ass and she releases just from that. “Daddy! I’m orgasming!” She closed her eyes and clenched around Taehyung tightly as possible, releasing all the extra fluids out of her body. A wave pushes through her body, releasing all the clenched muscle, making her cry from pleasure. “I-it feels amazing, daddy!” She pants.
Taehyung throws his head back and cums deep inside her. He pulls her onto his check and rubs her back. “Good dolly. Fucking amazing!”
The class pretends to not notice them, and focuses on the teacher, who’s gotten over it too. Taehyung kisses her dry lips, making them moist again. “My little dolly.”
Edited and still fucking horrible. Sorry guys😔✌️
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heyitsmerose · 4 years
Ateez reaction to a fan with Smudged Lipstick (Maknae Line)
Okay, I decided to write an imagine that didn’t include y/n and the members being in a relationship, because that too unrealistic, but then again this isn’t any more realistic so I don’t really know. Okay also, I think I may be starting to run out of ideas, please send in your requests I’ll make sure to do all that I can! :)
Word Count: 2k
Genre: Fluff, Whump
Mature Language*
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You couldn’t beleive your luck. You had been selected for one of the ‘82′ challenges that Ateez were featuring on, and as a lucky guest, they had to do your makeup. (Inspired by this video) You were living every atiny’s dream right now. You got to personally interact with Ateez, and they would be doing your makeup. To be honest, before applying to get this opportunity, you didn’t really know what it was going to be, after you found out they were doing your make up though, you started getting a little nervous. They would have to see your bare face and you were quite insecure. Although your skin was really clear, you had freckles and covered them up when you could so it would be hard for you to show the world your bare face. 
You were sitting and waiting in the studio for the first member and Hongjoong walked in. You tried your best to keep your composure only to fail miserably. Hongjoong looked at you directly, and you immediately felt shy covering your face. He noticed and removed your hands assuring you that you had no reason to feel shy. He was the first one, so he had to put foundation, this was the scariest part. He was going to have to stare at your face for very long. You got nervous and insecure and he seemed to notice how you covered your face whenever you got the opportunity. He asked you and you said you were insecure about your freckles, but he just gasped telling you not to worry as your bare face was pretty. Once he was done, he went back to the other room, he made sure to tell the rest of the members about your insecurity, so they could try to cheer you up. You definitely noticed the extra jokes they cracked and the compliments they gave you. 
Finally it was San’s turn and he was to apply lipstick. He picked a soft pink colour and you nodded at his choice. He then came very close to your face and began applying lipstick. He held your chin with his index finger and thumb as he slowly started applying it. He made the mistake of looking up into your eyes though, because as soon as he did, you both burst into laughter. This caused, his hand to shake and go off to the side, messing up your foundation. You heard the members yell from the other room, as you had only a certain amount of touches. He decided to fix it, by using his thumb, as technically that wouldn’t be counted as a touch, and he could adjust it as much as he wanted. He held your chin firmly, and licked his thumb, wiping the excess lipstick off the side of your mouth, you could feel his spit, and you turned bright red. You heard a bunch of loud hollers and ‘OHHH’s from the other room, presumably from the other members. San just giggled and continued fixing it. After a while, he was done, and the rest of them came in to see the final look. You however, couldn’t stop thinking about what San did, and your hand unintentionally flew up to your face to the place San wiped your lipstick. The other members noticed and teased you for getting so flustered, while San just rolled his eyes. It was safe to say that you’d remember this experience for the rest of your life. 
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You were going to see Ateez, and had planned your outfit for months. To your surprise, you were able to get a limited ticket to one of their fan meets. You were excited and wanted everything to go perfectly. Except Of course, Something had to go wrong. They recently had a comeback and had a title track similar to ‘wave’, with the concept being similar to ‘One to All’, a bright summer concept. You decided to dress up similarly with a bright orange outfit and matching coral lipstick. You actually were one of the first people to get the tickets and so you arrived early, when not too many people were there. It was just you and maybe another 30-40 people. Finally it was your turn. Mingi was actually the second person in line and once you reached him your eyes lit up. Your bias was sitting right in front of you and you were starting to feel the emotions. Mingi held your hands and happily swayed them from side to side to match one of the songs playing. You just giggled. You were just talking calmly until one of the staff interrupted you. She informed you that you had just another 3-4 minutes left with Mingi. This was one of the advantages of being first, you got more time, but still 3-4 minutes would go by so fast and you were disappointed. You pouted, your top lip making contact with your nose. Mingi noticed and licked his thumb. He grabbed your face with his other hand and just openly wiped the bottom of your nose with his thumb. Your eyes widened and a blush crept on your face. Mingi didn’t see anything wrong in it and was unfazed, you on the other hand, were burning from embarrassment. You feared that something was on your face so you croaked out softly....
“What’s wrong? Is there something on my face?” You whispered feeling embarrassed.
“No, no, no don’t worry, its just when you scrunched your face like this... Your lipstick got on your nose, it’s fine now though” He said, while scrunching his nose, showing you what you did. You just nodded trying to calm yourself down. How was he so unfazed by that? He just grabbed your face and wiped your face. After your time was up and you had to move on to the next member, the only thing on your mind though, was Mingi.
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Ateez was doing a challenge in which they had to serve drinks at a cafe. They weren’t too popular at the moment, so they didn’t need to worry about security as they knew many people wouldn’t recognise them. Additionally, atinys were one of the most respectful fandoms in general, so they didn’t have to worry too much about that either. You were going to your usual cafe, only to realise that it was packed directors, camera men, etc. You thought that there was some movie shooting going on inside, so you decided to take a seat outside and wait a bit before placing your order. For a few minutes you were scrolling through your phone until you heard a voice approach you.
“Hello, miss! What can I get you today?” You furrowed your eyebrows, as the cafe didn’t have any waiters and was self service so you looked up, only to be greeted by your biggest celebrity crush. You gasped audibly, and your eyes widened. You moved a little farther from him, not wanting to invade his personal space. The second you gasped however, the biggest smile erupted on his face as he realised you were a fan. He then began to speak casually to you.
“Hi, beautiful, what’s your name?” He said flirtatiously, you knew it was apart of his idol tendencies to please his fans and everything, but you couldn’t help your heart fluttering. You bowed deeply, and he ushered you to pull down your mask so he could see your face. You were a bit insecure, so you slowly pulled down your mask. As soon as you did however, Wooyoung stepped in front of the cameras blocking you from them. You raised an eyebrow, but he just held a hand in front of your mouth, covering it, signing that your mask had smudged your lipstick. You nodded and thanked him turning away from him and fixing it quickly. You turned back around and he smiled moving away from the camera so you were in view too. 
“I’m Y/n and I’ll have my regular please” He raised his eyebrows and you corrected yourself.
“S-Sorry, I mean I’ll have a caramel macchiato” You said embarrassed he just chuckled and went back inside. The cameras followed him and you got a minute to chill. 
Reality was finally setting in, you just met THE Jung Wooyoung. 
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Ateez was on the last leg of their world tour and were flying to your country. In fact, you were actually with your friend in Paris at the time, and had just watched their concert in Paris too. You didn’t know they were coming to your country, as it seemed that the last tour stop was surprise. If you would have known they were coming to your country, you would have never flown all the way to Paris. Either way, anything for Ateez. You were on your flight back to your country and got you and your friend business seats. The problem was that you had separate seats, on opposite sides of the plane. You had seat number 2a while she had 3d, how unlucky huh? You discussed trying to switch seats with the others when you got on the plane. You boarded the plane and a few minutes later, around 10 people walked into the plane and took their seats, with two of them attending to the other 8. One of them sat right next to you and you noticed all of them had hats and masks on. You noticed the opportunity as another one of them was sitting next to your friend, maybe they’d want to sit together and agree to switching seat, so you slowly asked.
“Excuse me, is it possible to switch seats by any chance? My friend is right behind us, on the other side, and I noticed one of your friends is there too, do you mind switching with my friend?” You said softly. He looked at you and you noticed those familiar eyes. It was fucking Jongho from Ateez. Your eyes widened but you said nothing, not wanting him to feel uncomfortable. He removed his mask and you saw his face clearly, trying your best not to break character, and remaining nonchalant. He just nodded and looked at your friend. You smiled widely and thanked him sincerely, waving to your friend with a big smile. He looked back at you and smiled and your heart almost exploded. You instantly stopped and blushed bright red. He just took his bag and walked to the other seat. Before leaving though, he looked back at you and motioned at his mouth, your hands flew to your lips and you looked at them noticing your bright red lipstick, you quickly bowed and thanked him, rushing back to your seat to fix your lipstick.
After the flight was over though, he did something surprising, as everyone was leaving the flight, he made sure to stand right behind you and he quickly slipped a piece of paper into your pocket. You acted as if you didn’t notice, but your heart was beating out of your chest. As soon as you entered the airport, you checked your pocket, while your friend was silently fan-girling. You opened the piece or paper only to realised he had slipped his autograph into your pocket. He must have realised you were a fan. Real smooth Jongho, real smooth.
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hoekaashi · 4 years
3 am Talks
a/n: i’m starting a 3 am talks series for bnha and hq. i got this idea at, you guessed it, 3 am when i was thinking about what the characters would talk about with you at 3 am. i hope yall enjoy! pairings: kaminari x reader, bakugou x reader, kirishima x reader warnings: none taglist: @suckersuki, @bakugoustanaccount​, @babydabi​ part 1 | part 2
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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⇾ conspiracies, conspIRACIES, cOnSpIrAcIeS ⇾ Beyonce and Eminem are members of the Illuminati ⇾ he will ARGUE for this one, after seeing videos of the two of them spacing out in interviews and ‘glitching’ he will never be convinced otherwise ⇾ the moon landing was fake ⇾ Denki stands by the moon being a secret alien satellite which is why he believes in the next theory ⇾ aliens have taken over the earth and are hiding in plain sight ⇾ the ‘moon landing’ was a disguise to help cover the fact that aliens had made contact with the earth and would experiment on humans to understand when, where, how, why, and what we are ⇾ pigeons are government cameras ⇾ that’s why corona is actually happening, the government is trying to change out the batteries of ALLLL the pigeons around the world ⇾ time travel is real ⇾ this poor baby wants to go to the Bermuda Triangle because he wants to go back in time to see real dinosaurs because he finds it hard to believe that they were green and brown after seeing how colorful peacocks, butterflies, birds, and other animals are ⇾ he would go off about all these ideas and even more because this boy believes in all this  ⇾ probably even has magazine/newspaper clippings that he saved in notebooks with his own comments littering the pages
“Okay, no, but listen. You’ve seen the videos too. How could he have been spacing out like that and people think it’s normal?! On top of that, that weird stuttering and stumbling over his words. He was created by the Illuminati, that’s all I’m saying.” You rolled your eyes. “Or,” you said, dragging out the word. “He was just higher than an airplane.” Denki scoffed. “That sounds so stupid, why would he be high during an interview or when commentating?” “And him being created by the Illuminati is the only logical conclusion?” “Well duh! Next you’ll probably say that the moon landing was real.” You sat up in his bed. “What are you talking about? It was?” “No it wasn’t!” He shot up too. “It was all fake! Created by the aliens so they could invade the Earth.” You looked at him with confusion written all over your face. “What are you even talking about?” “How do I know you aren’t an alien?” he asked, narrowing his eyes. “You are so dense. You think pigeons are fake?” You raised an eyebrow and crossed your arms. “Yes! Do you?!” “No!” “I will convince you, if it’s the last thing I do!” He got up and rummaged around his desk, looking for his notebooks.
.・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.
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⇾ now, for this boy, it would take A LOT of trust in you for him to even TALK to you at such late hours ⇾ oh boy, but once he does, all his walls come down around you in the wee hours of the morning ⇾ these talks would only ever happen on a Friday or Saturday night because he’s still a nerd top three student and wouldn’t let anyone jeopardize that ⇾ it would probably take place out on the balcony or out on the roof, his arms wrapped around you to shelter you from the cold ⇾ he would talk about where he sees himself in the future ⇾ it would be a really raw, one-sided conversation but also an opportunity for him to get things off his chest without having to keep a front up ⇾ talk about his future would eventually bleed into the goals he wants to achieve in life ⇾ it’s not even that he needs advice or someone to agree/disagree with him ⇾ it’s more that he just needed someone to listen to him without being judged by them ⇾ this is probably the most soft and real he’ll ever be with you, but it definitely won’t be the last time
His arms were lazily wrapped around your waist and his chin rested on your shoulder as the two of you looked out at the city on the roof of the dorm. Neither of you could sleep so you opted to watch a movie, but the longer it played, the more withdrawn Bakugou became. You dragged him up to the roof for some air, hoping that he would eventually say something. “The more we work towards becoming heroes, the more I feel like I’m getting left behind,” he finally said. You glanced at him from the corner of your eye, not replying. “Seeing how fast everyone’s improving makes me realize how naive I’ve been my entire life. Just because my quirk is strong, doesn’t mean that I’m strong.” You looked back out to the city. “How can I expect to beat All Might if I can’t even beat shitty Deku or IcyHot? I wanna be number one, but there’s still so much I need to learn.” He shifted so his face was nuzzled into your neck. “I want to be the type of hero others look up to and villains fear. I want All Might to tell me that he’s proud of how far I’ve come. I want you to be proud of the hero I become. But I can’t achieve any of that if I keep focusing on the past.” You gave his hand a gentle squeeze when he paused to tell him you were still listening. “I’ll show everyone who’s looked down on me that I was meant to be the top hero.” Removing his hands from your waist, you turned to face him, a soft smile reassuring him that he wasn’t in over his head. “I know you’ll do amazing things, Katsuki. Just look at how far you’ve come already.” You wrapped your arms around him and felt one of his hands pet your head. “I know I don’t say this enough, but I love you.”
.・゜-: ✧ :- -: ✧ :-゜・.
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⇾ this is another boy who would have a soft conversation with you ⇾ the brief look into his past shows that he had a lot of insecurities about himself and I feel like he’s also a bit appreciation/compliment-starved ⇾ his talk would have to do with his future too, but more so relationship wise ⇾ don’t attack me but kiri seems like the most manipulatable (is this even a word? lol) and naive out of Class 1A and that just stems from what he views as ‘strong’ ⇾ so if he were to be manipulated by villains, it would seriously crush his soul and spirit (unless he was a willing participant but yall don’t wanna have that convo) ⇾ therefore, if he were to trust someone with his heart, he would feel very lucky - you should feel lucky too, because this sunshine child trusted you enough to open up ⇾ don’t get me wrong, he seems like an open person, but how many people truly know what’s going on inside that mind and heart of his? ⇾ he hasn’t even spoken to Bakugou about any of this ⇾ he would ramble on about what he sees in the future for the two of you and what he wants out of this relationship ⇾ maybe even talk about his weaknesses with you and his insecurities ⇾ overall, it would be a really deep moment for him where he lets down his walls completely to let you in
Kirishima’s head was resting on your stomach as you carded your fingers through his hair. His head would rise and fall with every breath you took. You weren’t expecting him to start talking about the things that were weighing heavily on him. If you were being honest, you didn’t even know how he felt about the things he spoke about. “I’ve never been this open with anyone,” he chuckled. “But if anyone should know, I feel like it should be you.” “I have no idea what you’re going on about, but I’m listening.” You carried on, playing with his hair. “I just don’t feel strong.” Your hands stopped their motions and you just stared at the red hair resting on top of you. Kirishima moved and rested his chin on your stomach to look at you. “What do you mean you don’t feel strong?” “I just feel like I’m lacking in so many areas - physically, mentally, emotionally. I know I shouldn’t be comparing myself to everyone else, but you just can’t help it ya know? I always wanted a flashier quirk, but I’m slowly trying to accept that I can be strong with the quirk I have.” You nodded, but still didn’t know where this was all coming from. “But I’m really thankful to have you. Knowing that I can trust you to be there for me always, that really means a lot to me. You’re always so patient with me.” Your shock quickly disappeared and a soft smile took its place. “I’m glad you feel that way with me.” “I know we’re young, but I can honestly see you in my future for a long time. I never really knew what I wanted in a relationship especially because we’re so young, but now I know. I just want to thank you for helping me in all the little ways you didn’t even know about.” Because his entire body weight was resting on top of you, you just brought his hand up to your lips and gave him a kiss. “No one is perfect Ei, even adults are still learning and growing. I hope I can stay with you for a long time.”
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Action (Request)
James McAvoy x teen!co-star!reader
Genre: slight angst, fluff
Request Description: okay cool! i've got a request, then: a teen!co-star!reader x james mcavoy where she gets an injury and tries to play it off as if she's fine and james notices and makes sure she gets proper medical attention and comforts her but scolds her about keeping it a secret if that makes sense. thank you!
Warnings: reader gets physically hurt, language, slight insecurity (ish)
(A/N): okay so, i didnt make a fic yesterday and i feel slightly bad, but its cool hahaha. im going home from vacation tomorrow, so ill have a little bit more time
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“You don’t know anything!” you trembled, full of emotion. You braced yourself. You were currently filming the scene that you had rehearsed for weeks. Your character was going to be chased down by James’ character, in an attempt to fix their broken familial relationship. It was intense and difficult to shoot.
“Then tell me!” James was just as full of emotion, frustration and desperation painted on his face . He was bracing himself too, you could tell. You shook your head, just as scripted, and when James stepped towards you, you flinched back. “Tell me.”
That was your cue. You grabbed the windowsill of the open window, smoothly swinging out and landing several meters down. James looked out at you from it, and there was a moment where you stared at each other, before you dashed away, and he scrambled to get down the stairs. 
You were already running down the street, panting. Why did your director have to be so realistic? It would pay off. You hoped. 
The door to the house swung open violently and you saw James’ form exit, already sprinting towards you. Dozens of cameras were catching the entire scene.
James was much taller than you, legs and stamina allowing him to catch up quickly. 
“Shit,” you mumbled, looking around desperately. You quickly found the junkyard you were supposed to enter, constructed solely for the movie. You jumped over a white fence, entering the property of another person, to shortcut to the yard. James was right behind you. 
You continued into the junkyard, where you did several more stunts, jumping up and over things, squeezing in between narrow rows of trash. It was going very well, right up until the point where you had to jump from one heap of trash to another. 
You hesitated, both because it was scripted, but also because it was a terrifyingly large jump. I mean, you’d practiced it a ton, so you’d be able to do it, right?
You looked back and saw James there. He gave you a warning look, and you angled your head in response. Then you turned away and ran, jumping over the massive gap. 
You knew right away you wouldn’t make it. The trash gave away under you, sabotaging your jump. Flying through the air, you tried desperately to grasp the edge, so you wouldn’t fall. You almost did it, grabbing an old boot from the pile, when the boot lodged itself out of its position, breaking off your only hold on the pile.
You fell to the ground with a terrifying scream. The dust rose as you hit the earthy floor. 
The crew immediately stopped and several people came to your aid. James ran up to you, face strewn into concern and horror. He grabbed your shoulder and looked you in the eyes. 
“Y/n! Are you okay? That was quite a fall,” he said. You shook your head dismissively. 
God, that was so embarrassing. You had practiced it for weeks, and still managed to fail and waste all of these peoples time! 
“I’m good, it didn’t hurt that much,” you lied. Oh boy, it hurt. Your shoulder and arms hurt and most terrifyingly, your head hurt. But you had already wasted the crew’s time, you couldn’t postpone this by being whiney. 
“You sure?” James asked, seemingly not convinced. You gave him a smile, hoping it didn’t look too strained, as it fought through the needle-like, pulsing pain all over your body. 
The director asked if you could do it again and you agreed. You did the stunt right on the second take, and although it hurt like a bitch trying to do all of it after your fall, it was worth it. 
After the scene was short several times (to your anguish), the day was wrapped up and every started getting out of their costumes and getting ready to go home. 
You and James had gotten into the habit of walking back to the hotel together, and chatting along the way, so you grabbed your things and met him by the entrance. 
“Man, that was a hard scene, don’t you think?” James asked and you just hummed, arm wrapped around your stomach in order to cease the pain. “That was quite a fall you took there.” 
“Yeah..” you mumbled, stopping when something wet touched your face. Your brows furrowed and you touched your upper lip. Search your fingers you saw blood, and realized you were having a nose bleed. “Uh-”
“Alright, that’s it,” James said, turning your attention back to him. He looked fed up and, an emotion that was unfamiliar on his features, scared. “I’m driving you to the hospital.” 
“What? No- no!”
“Yes!” he said and without another word, he picked you up, making you groan in embarrassment. 
“James, this is so unnecessary, it’s just a little nosebleed!” you complained, thrashing in his arms, but quickly stopping once you felt how much that hurt. Instead, you tried to stay as still as possible in a comfortable position.
“It’s not, Y/n. You’ve been squirmin’ in pain all day, I can tell,” he said. You knew he’d figured you out, and while you still didn’t think it was worth a hospital visit, you knew you couldn’t argue with James. 
“All right, all right! I’ll go to the hospital, but only if you put me down!” You reasoned. James stopped, considering it for a moment, before lowering you to where you could stand for yourself. Again, the movement hurt you terribly, but you put on a brave face. 
James hitched you and him a taxi, and headed to the hospital as fast as possible in the constant traffic. You sat uncomfortably, holding your stomach and biting your lip to prevent yourself from groaning. 
“Fuck,” you whispered and gritted your teeth. James looked at you broodingly. 
“You shouldn’t hide stuff like that,” he said. You looked up and met his eyes. A sighed escaped your lips. “I’m very disappointed in you for hiding it. You’re obviously in pain, N/n.” 
“I know. I’m sorry. I just didn’t want to waste everyone’s time.”
“Right, well, next time just waste their fuckin’ time! You realize you could be seriously hurt, right?” James’ voice only portrayed anger, but you could see on his face, clearly, concern and worry. The cars honked distantly outside the car. You said nothing. 
“I fucking mean it, Y/n. You can’t do this shit. Tell me that next time you’ll just say if you’re hurt,” James grabbed your hand and looked at you seriously, “Tell me.” 
A strange deja vu occurred, as your life somewhat resembled the movie. Then you looked at him and nodded, “All right. I promise.” 
James didn’t let go of your hand on the way to the hospital, squeezing it whenever you trembled in pain. When you did get in, he made an embarrassingly big deal out of it, demanding that you get checked out immediately. 
Relatively quickly (probably out of fear for the insane Scottish man you’d arrived with) you were looked at, and it turns out the fall had been quite serious, You’d fractured your arm and dislocated your shoulder. The doctor said you were lucky you hadn’t gotten any trauma to the head. 
When James was finally allowed in your room, you knew he’d gotten the news, because he had the biggest ‘I told you so’ look on his face. He gave you yet another lecture, but mostly he just hugged you and confessed how worried you’d made him. You apologized profusely, of course, because it was an absolute crime to worry such a sweet person. 
The incident had definitely made James more paranoid for the rest of the shooting, asking you each time you’d done a stunt if you were okay. You found it sweet though, and nice that he cared for you. Which he did, because you were like a sister to him, and it was over his dead body he would let you hide your pain from him.
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @ireadfanficforfun @snarky--starky @garbage-potato @eviemarvel​
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maybedefinitely404 · 4 years
Day 2: Roceit
Day 2: There is a timer that counts down to when you will meet your soulmate
Content warning: vague neglectful/bad home life mentions, liquor store mention (no drinking), implied past parental death.
Word count: 2.6k
When they first met, they didn’t like each other. Would they go so far as to say they hated each other? Probably not. But it was no secret that Roman and Janus didn’t get along, even if they traveled in a mutual friend group. If the two interacted at all, it was in snide remarks and gripes that had everyone else in the group groaning in annoyance. They just wanted five minutes of peace, that’s all. Just five minutes.
Roman was too preppy, Janus said. He was loud and abrasive and presumptuous and arrogant, an annoying theatre boy with too much energy. Other’s feelings came second to his dramatic and overplayed grievances. 
Janus was too self centered, Roman retorted. He was untrustworthy and creepy and a compulsive liar, a loner with a mysterious backstory. Everything about him was kept hidden under a mask of indifference.
These things were true to some extent, but the group still loved them both too much to reject either one. So they both stayed, bothered by the other’s presence and unwilling to admit that maybe they disliked the other because they were so similar. They were both extravagant and theatrical and burdened with concealed insecurities, points that all of the rest of the group brought up regularly and they both vehemently denied. 
It all changed one morning during school, on a regular Wednesday with average weather after an uneventful English class, when Roman got overly excited at the cast list for the newest show being put up and dropped his art bag. Without a second of hesitation, Janus crouched to help him collect the supplies that had flown across the hallway. That was when Roman’s sleeve slid up, as he was reaching for a paint pen that had rolled up against a locker, and Janus nearly choked.
He blurted out his accusation before he could stop himself.
“You said you haven’t met your soulmate! And you call me secretive?”
Roman snarled almost animalistically, covering his completed timer back up and grabbing the now full bag off the ground.
“If you must know, my timer’s always been like that. I don’t know when it ran out; too young to remember. I don’t even know if it was ever counting down in the first place. Defective.” He flicked the numbers on his wrist.
“Does anyone else know?”
Roman narrowed his eyes at the uncharacteristic sympathy in Janus’ voice. “Just Remus.”
“Why haven’t you told them?”
“Why all the questions, Fibber on the Roof? Since when do you care about anything I do?”
Janus was quiet, breathing out a frustrated breath before folding down the bottom of his gloves, the same gloves that Roman taunted daily for making him look like every single Disney villain, the same gloves that made Roman turn to the rest of the group and insist that the guy was hiding something. Turns out he was right.
“My timer’s out too. I was too young to remember as well.”
Roman wasn’t able to respond, and Janus was surprisingly relieved. The silent solidarity in the other’s eyes was enough of an olive branch, just another thing they had in common. It was a pain the others didn’t understand, a frustration that couldn’t be fixed. So if from that point on, the bickering lessened and they finally allowed their shared interests to overlap, they surely wouldn’t be the ones to bring it up.  
That’s how they found themselves, almost half a year later, sitting on the swings of a musty playground near Janus’ house, watching the sunset in an unspoken agreement to put off going back until absolutely necessary. It was just another thing they had in common; shitty home life. They didn’t talk about it much, because they knew how much it sucked to discuss, so they let the facts stand at the forefront and the nitty gritty emotions and smaller mental repercussions stay healthily buried. What did it matter? Their parents were awful, ‘nuff said. 
“I just think it’s ridiculous, the amount of time he spent writing it.”
“He wrote and composed an entire play single handedly, J! Not a single word of it is dialogue, and it all rhymes! You try doing that in seven years.”
“I’m just saying, doesn’t it come to the point where you have to admit it’s too much work? Did he even know for a fact it would be successful?”
“He made it work, didn’t he? That’s what faith is for.”
“I wouldn’t have done it.”
“That’s what makes Lin Manuel Miranda a god, and you, a worm.” 
Janus gasped and raised a mock hand to his chest, drawing a loud laugh from Roman. While the shorter of the two still wore his gloves daily, the other had slowly gained the confidence to wear short sleeves and display his empty timer, though god help the fool who asked him anything about it. The conversation with the group had gone well, though Jan hadn’t admitted that his situation was the same. They hadn’t known him as long, and they both agreed that it was a sensitive topic. Roman didn’t push him. 
“The sun’s setting.”
“I had no idea,” Janus smirked, although the implications of the fast approaching darkness made a pit settle in his stomach.
“We don’t have to leave yet. I just don’t want you to get in trouble.”
“I don’t really get in trouble that often,” The shorter murmured, kicking his feet in the dust under him, “She’s more just... forgetful. Ignorant. I’m not even sure she fully knows I exist all the time.”
Roman raised an eyebrow at the first bit of information he’d learned about Janus’ home life, besides knowing it was just ‘bad’. He was debating between quietly prodding him to continue or to just let it sit when Janus made the choice for him.
“The other day she asked me to go to the liquor store for her and literally didn’t believe me when I said I’m only eighteen. Then again, she’s forgotten my birthday for the last, what, ten years? So I guess she just lost track, got ahead of herself. I don’t know.”
“When’s your birthday?” It was the only response Roman could think of. 
“August seventh,” He whispered, almost like it was a dark secret he was scared to admit.
“Wait, actually?”
Janus turned to him, eyebrows furrowed, “Yeah?”
“You’re joking. This is a joke, right?”
“I can probably find my birth certificate if you need proof. Why are you losing your shit?”
“That’s my birthday too!” 
Janus matched Roman’s face splitting grin with one of his own, his worries slipping away. They’d all been irrational anyways, so good riddance. He quickly settled his face into a more neutral one, the unusual expression hurting his cheeks. A calm air settled between them as their eyes locked, almost in a trance, before Janus snapped out of it and turned his attention to the pink hues of the dimming sky.
“What are the chances?”
There was a lot Roman didn’t know about the newest member of the friend group, he realized after dropping Janus off at home and starting the walk back to his. Usually he’d pop in his earbuds, taking the longest back roads and detours to put off arriving even more, but today his head was lost in his thoughts. What else didn’t he know about the blond boy he was so infatuated with?
Two weeks later, Janus edged the front door of his house open, calling out a tentative “Mom?” before pushing it open all the way and pulling Roman in. There was no answer through the empty halls so he yanked the taller boy upstairs, praying that his mom wasn’t home instead of just ignoring his call. It wasn’t until he shut his bedroom door and leaned heavily against it did he remember to breathe, meeting Roman’s eyes shakily.
“It’s okay. I get it. Parent’s are…”
“Yeah. It’s better if she doesn’t know you’re here.”
Roman nodded, finally looking around the room. One wall was completely adorned with old records, some cracked in places or missing pieces entirely. He found himself drawn to it, running a finger down the closest one to him as Janus collapsed on his bed, ruffling the yellow blanket beneath him. He took a moment to pull off his gloves, revealing his soulmark, a secret that only Roman had the honor of seeing. An old jukebox stood proudly in the corner, covered in a fine layer of dust.
“You definitely have an aesthetic,” Roman hummed, taking notes on the implications of the dust and not approaching the old machine. If Janus didn’t touch it, neither should he. Instead he sat down at the other’s desk, spinning himself lazily in the chair.
“It was all my dad’s old stuff. He loved music and antiques a lot. The record player was his, too.” 
He followed Janus’ gaze and nodded, overly tempted to take one of the records from the wall and trying to play it, but knowing that would only end badly. The record player was covered in the same thin sheet of dust. 
“Holy Hera, is that a baby picture of you?” His mind, apparently unable to stay on one topic for more than ten seconds, had decided to focus on the framed picture on the bedside table. He crossed the room and sat next to Janus on the bed, leaning closer to the photo but not daring to touch it. He inspected the woman, who could only be Janus’ mother, holding the tiny bundle and smiling weakly at the camera, her eyes tired and hair tied in a messy bun.
“Yeah,” Janus rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, “That’s the only picture I have with her. She hates cameras, always said she was self conscious and shit. It sucks that the only one I have, I don’t even remember taking.”
Roman knew he should respond to the surprisingly vulnerable statement, but his eyes had zeroed onto the still slightly slimy, wrinkly baby in the photo. Its little fists were tucked against his face, eyes closed peacefully, a moment of bliss that time forgot. That’s not what caught his attention, though. He squinted, edging just that much closer to the photo.
“You were born at Jacob Banks Memorial Hospital? I thought you lived in Chicago before you moved out here.” The tiny golden embroidery in the edge of the blanket was just focused enough to make out, as if he didn’t have an identical blanket at home, stashed under his bed in a box of other memories that were too special to throw away. He’d run his finger over the stitching a hundred times, reread the words and committed the blanket to memory, just for that high of simple childhood. And now, here was Janus as a baby, swaddled in the same blanket.
From the same hospital.
From the same day.
“Yeah. My parents were visiting relatives in town when my mom went into early labor. We didn’t end up actually moving here until a couple years ago.” Janus didn’t seem to notice the gears turning in Roman’s head as he reached forward, plucking the picture off the table and bringing it closer to his face. He tapped the glass, just above baby Janus’ arms.
“Right there, my timer. It’s just a few minutes left. I met my soulmate as a baby and no one cared enough to check who it was.”
“I called the hospital as soon as I was old enough to comprehend, but they said they couldn’t help me. Didn’t have a record of anything to do with soulmates. Some help, huh.”
“What? I’m trying to be melodramatic, Roman.”
“That’s the same hospital I was born in.”
“Okay? It’s the only one in town, I’m not overly surprised-” The lightbulb went off, and his head jerked up. “Oh.”
“Yeah, ‘oh’.”
They both were quiet for a moment, like the whole house was holding it’s breath, before Janus finally spoke, his voice a choked whisper. “Imagine with me, if you will,” he murmured, taking the picture and inspecting it closely. Not so much for sake of searching for details he wouldn’t have missed the hundreds of hours he spent inspecting the photo, more so just to avoid looking at the person beside him. “Two babies, born in the same place on the same day, put into the same small hospital nursery. They see each other, and click, their timers are out. Except both their parents don’t give a flying rat’s ass-”
“And so they never realize they met, and live their entire lives shrouded in mystery,” Roman finished quietly, suddenly terrified of the new ice they were walking on. 
“Hypothetically, of course.”
His head snapped up and the spell was broken, meeting Janus’ pale eyes and jumping to his feet, flapping his hands to dispel his nervous energy. “Okay. Okay! That could… that could make sense! All signs point that way, right?” He began to pace the length of Janus’ room, head tilted towards the ceiling, “And I mean, god, I’ve liked you for how long now? So I’m definitely not upset!”
“You’ve what?”
“Alright, so we can call the hospital, or go there, or something! I’m sure they can tell us how many babies were born that day, that doesn’t seem like confidential information, right? And if it was just us three, you, me, and Remus, then that’ll settle it!”
“Wait, no, Roman, stop!”
Janus launched himself at Roman before he could click the call button on the Google search of the hospital, already dedicated to his plan. He ripped the phone from his grasp and tossed it onto the bed after pressing the power button, grabbing Roman’s hands tightly.
“Jan, what the hell? That’s the only way we’re going to know for sure if we’re-”
“But what if we’re not?!”
The two settled into silence after the outburst, searching each other’s faces intently. They both shared scared expressions, eyes wide with excitement and nervousness, the possibility of years worth of questions finally being answered. The promise that their two soulmarks weren’t dysfunctional, weren’t broken, and fate that had led them together one way or another. 
But what if they weren’t?
“What if it’s a coincidence? What if you find out that your mom checked out before mine even got there, or our paths never could have crossed, or there were twenty babies born that day and there’s no sure way to know that we are each other’s soulmates? What if you find out that your soulmark said two years and mine ran out with someone else completely?”
“You’re starting to sound like Virgil,” Roman said quietly, almost fondly, a gentle smile tugging at his lips.
“Roman, if you’re my soulmate, I’d be elated,” Janus’ hushed tone matched his, “But I don’t know what I’ll do if I build my hope and then find out it’s not true.” They were quiet again, and Janus was suddenly hyper aware that he was still holding Roman’s hands, a furious blush rising to his cheeks. He fought the urge to look away, look anywhere other than Roman’s bright eyes, because this was the closest they’d ever been and he was scared one flinch might break the charm they were in. 
“We don’t have to check,” the taller whispered, “If you are, I’m content just… believing it.”
“You always were a cheesy romantic.” The phrase was meant to be cutting, but the uncontainable grin across his face greatly lessened its impact.
“I’m a Disney lover, what can I say?”
Janus snorted, dropping his head on to Roman’s shoulder, his heart nearly stopping altogether when the taller boy wrapped his arms around him and pulled them a step closer together. “So we’re agreeing on this? That we’re soulmates?” His voice was muffled against Roman’s shirt.
“As far as I’m concerned, yes. Fuck the system, right?”
“Overthrow the government. Commit arson in the name of anarchy. Society is a prison.”
“Dramatic, and that’s coming from me,” Roman drawled, rocking them back and forth slowly, dancing to unheard music, “Hey, Janus?”
“Can I kiss you?”
“I thought you’d never ask.” 
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curious-menace · 4 years
Hey can I get a headcanon of any riddler of your fancy finding his partners hidden treasure trove of sex toy goodies after stooping around their home, probably while they're out and how they'd react?
oh ho! any riddler?! this is a blank check for mayhem! 
i have naughty hands and no self control so ima do all my riddlers hahahah
this is only a lil ns fw so no below the cut this time 
Arkham riddler
First response is he goes BRIGHT RED. H-He was looking for something else, like an allen key or a pack of batteries or something! He didn't mean to snoop! He’ll throw all the toys back in the drawer or box and hurry away like nothing happened. he did find batteries but was to embarrassed to use them.
his face is going to be bright red for hours, you’ll easily be able to tell something is up but he wont tell you what.
but that being said, hes not going to be able to stop thinking about them. he feels a little naughty for doing it but hes imagining you using them, on him, on yourself. the idea is filthy to him but very intriguing.
Don't expect him to EVER mention it again but if YOU brought up the idea or told him you had some toys to play with, he’d have a hard time hiding his excitement. He hasn't stopped thinking about them since and he has some IDEAS. 
Blacklight Riddler
oh ho! rubbing his little fingerless gloved hands in glee. treasure trove is the right word to use, all his christmases have come at once when he finds this gold mine. 
He knew you were kinky but he had no idea you were THIS kinky, why would you keep this from him??? 
hes like a child in a candy store. what does this one do??? ohh this one vibrates! ooh a purple and green one, did you get this specially for him?
Don't be surprised if you come home and find him elbow deep in your drawer or box still rummaging and exploring, possibly with condoms scattered around him like confetti and bondage rope around his neck like a scarf. 
He’s going to ask right away to play with some of these. he might even sneak off to use them by himself but he will GLADLY let you do the hard work. 
He’s going to want to go to the sex toy shop with you. can you get some couples toys? will you peg him?? OH! what about some of those cool remote control toys??? he can make some custom ones for you both to use if you want! Man is going to be bouncing off the walls, you're going to need to get him to calm down before you can do anything. he’s enthusiastic to say the least.
BTAS Riddler
oh? what on earth is th-AGH! *flings a wobbly pink dick across the room in a panic*. Que overdramatics . lots of “my eyes are SOILED! MY HANDS WILL NEVER BE CLEAN AGAIN!” 
Will probably screech “WHY DO YOU EVEN HAVE THIS?!” into an empty house.
i think its the shock more than anything. he’s a germaphobe and he wasn't wearing his gloves while he was rummaging and he wasn't expecting to touch something so...intimate with his bare hands. this has ABSOLUTELY been inside you and it feels...off for him to touch it. He hopes to god you are as particular about cleaning these as you are about the rest of your cleaning.
once the initial fright wears off, he probably feels a bit guilty for nosing about. He wasn't looking for your intimates specifically, he was just being inquisitive, maybe looking for birthday or christmas presents. I think like arkham riddler, he’d probably be unable to get the image out of his head. he'd probably have to go back for another look. 
he has to work up the courage to talk about it. he’s probably expecting to get yelled at, he shouldn't have been rummaging through your things in the first place.he doesn't REALLY need to confront you about this. but he’s insecure as all hell and he needs to know, is he not good enough? is he not satisfying you? why do you need these toys if you have him? please be gentle in explaining, whatever your answer is. 
Original riddler
so freaking blase about the whole thing. you could leave them in the fridge or something and he’d be like “hmm, cheese, ham, dildo....hey y/n we’re nearly out of milk!” 
he doesn't exactly want dicks or fleshlights left out around his apartment but he’s not so insecure about you having them. he knows he cant be there for you 24/7. maybe your schedules are conflicting, maybe you just want some quite alone time, he’s not judging, he does it too.
might tease you a little about your taste in toys. like if you have massive dicks he’s going to call you a size queen, regardless of your gender. or if you like weird ones like that windmill oral thing he’s going to call you a kinky lil freak .
i don't think he has any of his own but he’d be quite happy to use yours on you if you wanted.
unlike the others, he probably respects your privacy enough to not go looking for them or even rummaging through your things. but he is childish as all hell. if you left them out in a shared space he’s going to mess around with them, like pretending to give you a neck massage only to bust out a hitachi wand or something.
despite his bravado and not really minding that you have them, his mouth will go a little dry if you bring up the idea of domming him by using them on him . that's....an intriguing idea. 
Telltale riddler 
well. hes not THRILLED about this discovery. But given how often he’s gone, either for work or running from the law, he cant exactly blame you. you have needs he’s clearly not meeting.
he’s pretty tempted to take your batteries away from you for badness. 
he gets a devious idea looking at your toys. He’s offended! how could you replace him with plastic and silicone?! he’s much better than any toy. guess he’ll just have to prove it to you. 
he’ll probably confront you as soon as you get home. something like “been keeping secrets from me?” but like. in a sexy voice, not an angry one. 
He’s obviously a little ticked off but tries to keep it playful. you can definitely expect him to spend the day making it up to you. he’s going to tease you, hes going to ask if you think of him while you use them , maybe even use some of them on you himself but pulling away at the last moment as punishment . if you want relief you’ll have to ask him nicely.
he’d be absolutely speechless if you flipped the script on him. listen he might be 60 but suddenly he’s a teenager again, embarrassed and unable to form coherent sentences in the face of your exuberant confidence. once he gets his footing back however you two are going to be playing hella games. he’s going to want to sext while he’s gone, send you naughty photos and get some back. maybe the toys aren't such a bad thing after all?
Zero year riddler
you’ll for sure know if this riddler has found your stash. you’ll come home and he’ll be drinking out of a dick shaped straw, wearing those dumb penis glasses you see at bachelorette parties. he’ll have decorated with rope or feather boas , taken polaroid photos of him posing with your toys and stuck them to the walls. he’ll have  a smug look on his face but play totally innocent like “something you wanna tell me, y/n?” Shame is not an emotion this riddler is capable of. 
he was looking through your things on purpose because he’s a nosy shit. He likes knowing your secrets to mess with you later. He wished he had a camera to record his reaction upon finding THIS secret.sheer unfiltered joy  .He’s for sure recording your reaction to him putting you on blast so you two can laugh about it later.
 he might feel a LITTLE guilty depending on your reaction. if you react badly or really embarrassed he might feel bad for crossing a line and apologise . He’s still a little shit about it but he’s an apologetic little shit. 
all of these riddlers pretend they're the most confident person in the room but , like the others, if you turn your charm and confidence on him, he’ll crumble like a dry sandcastle. 
He doesn't want to admit he has NO clue what any of these toys do. like why is this one shaped like an egg?...it goes WHERE?!
rare moment of nervousness from him if you ask him to use them on you/ on him. again, he doesn't know what the heck he’s doing with toys but he’ll be damned if he admits that. feel free to mess with him as payback. this is what he gets for running his mouth and poking his nose into other peoples business 
there you go nonnie! i actually got this one out pretty quickly, i wasnt expecting to do it that fast hah. i like doing asks like this, that are a little nsfw but not so much i have to hide them under a read more.
that being said, full nsfw asks are my jam XD
Got something you wana ask me? feel free to send me an ask or a dm! im always game to talk about our favorite curious menace 💚💜
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makebank · 4 years
silver lining
Request: “it's a day on set and you haven't been feeling good you pass out mid filming, and it turns out to be serious”
Warnings: nothing really, but mentions of surgery and emergency rooms
Rudy Pankow x reader
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: i know i said i wouldn’t do the actor but i changed my mind bc this seemed innocent enough. not sure if i’ll do more, as i prefer the characters. but i figured i’d at least try once. if this bothers you i’m sorry. also not even a blurb lol, i can’t make them short unless they’re phrase prompts omg
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You woke up this morning feeling like you had been hit by a truck. All last night you tossed and turned alternating between sweating and shivering. When your alarm sounds, you roll to the side to turn it off and are hit with a wave of nausea. Instantly, you rush out of bed and barrel towards the bathroom. You thought you were going to be sick, but thankfully nothing came up. 
You sigh taking in your disheveled and damp appearance. Lifting up your shirt, you inspect your right lower stomach expecting to find a bruise. Oddly, there was nothing there but you felt a dull ache taking over the area. You were curious about why you suddenly felt so horrible, but knew you had to get to work. Turning on your shower, you steamed up the room and stepped in. You were hopeful that a nice, scorching shower would be enough. 
In the shower you contemplate how important it is for you to be okay. You finally landed an acting role and didn’t want to mess it up. It wasn’t the largest part, but you were in the second half of the TV series season quite a bit. This spring you had auditioned for a love interest on Outer Banks and shrieked when you got it. Your character was supposed to start slowly falling in love with the character JJ Maybank, while he secluded himself off from his friends. He goes through a tragedy of dealing with John B. being gone and feels left out by his best friends dating. So, he meets you while surfing alone and they continue to meet up often. Anyways, you were among so many great actors that you felt insecure at times. And the last thing you needed was to be calling in sick and halting filming. 
Besides, you had a huge crush on the actor who played JJ. You never did anything about it though. During filming it was professional and after you would smile and joke with the lively blond. It was hard not to like him. He was full of so much life, was intelligent, kind, and could have any room rolling with laughter. He was always so sweet and respectful towards you but that was it. You two had spent hours together rehearsing and filming. You were growing closer, but it didn’t seem that he wanted it to move any further. It wasn’t like him and his co-stars who were already all friends from the first season and had a visibly strong bond.
Pulling yourself from your thoughts as your long shower grew cold, you shut off the water and start to dry off. You would just have to fake it for the day. There was no way you weren’t going.
Arriving at set, your stomach pain only worsened. Instead now, it was sharper rather than dull. You head into your trailer and pop a couple painkillers before splashing water on your face and making your way to hair and makeup. Walking in you see the one person you got most excited to see, Rudy. 
“Hey y/n.” he greets with his usual bright smile.
“Hi Rudy, what’s up?” you try to match his tone. “Oh, you know, just getting my flowing locks perfected” he jokes while the hairstylist sprays the hairspray to hold his flawless gold waves in place. You chuckle in response but try not to wince at the pain it causes. But to no avail, your face gives it away. 
He frowns at your obvious discomfort. “Are you okay?” You beam at his genuine concern. “Sorta. I just have this weird stomach pain. But I’m fine!” you rush to reassure. He raises his eyebrow at you like he doesn’t believe you. “If you’re sure, just take care of yourself first please.” You actually fully smile this time, “Thanks, I will” you slightly lie. 
He rises from his chair with his hair finished. “See you on set, lover” he gives you a two-finger salute as he heads to film scenes with the other cast members. You feel your neck heat up at the nickname. You knew it was only because you played his love interest, but you couldn’t help but feel flustered every time he did it. 
After sitting through hair and makeup, you head to set overhearing a scene being filmed. It’s Rudy yelling at JD about something to do with his character JJ being distant and it being none of their business. You take in the sight of him now in different clothes. He’s wearing that cutoff you love that shows off every inch of his defined arms. They’re bulging even more, because he tenses with anger. His fingers covered in rings as they run through his hair. You admire Rudy’s acting and his seemingly effortless portrayal of JJ. 
Suddenly, while waiting another wave of sharp pain hits you. You curl up in your chair and whimper. No one notices because they are too entranced with the scene. Taking a couple deep breaths, you try to distract the pain away. It didn’t alleviate it at all. Shortly after, they’re done filming and Rudy is walking towards your chair next to his. Bounding with a sense of pride in his work, he innocently smiles towards you. Once he’s close enough to see your expression, his demeanor falls.
“Y/n you don’t look too good. You sure you should be filming today? We can take you to the doctor.” he offers becoming increasingly concerned. You quickly shake your head no. “I’m okay. C’mon let’s go” you try to get him to drop it. He looks unsure but ultimately follows you to the towel on the sand to start your scene.
The director starts to give you both some instructions that you can hardly pay attention to. He yells “action”. The scene starts off well, Rudy is acting perfectly as always, and you deliver a few lines without issue. 
Without warning, your stomach wrenches in agony. You start wincing and your eyes tear up. You curl your body up and start groaning. The camera men stop filming, and everyone rushes towards you. Rudy is the first to try to help. He places his hand on your arm to try to see if you’re okay.
“Y/N! What’s happening? What do you need me to do?” he’s frantic and rushing his words. You only cry in response until you muster the energy to speak. “I don’t know, it just hurts so much” you whimper. Immediately, Rudy is scooping you into his arms and hauling you to a vehicle. You hear everyone panicking in the background but can only focus on the soreness. 
Rudy rushes you to the emergency room where people surround you and start performing a series of tests. Soon you’re being sped to surgery. You’re told you have appendicitis and need emergency removal. It all happens, so fast your family isn’t able to get there before it starts. They live all the way on the west coast, so sadly they won’t make it until way after. 
You wake up from being put under on anesthesia in a hospital room. You slowly blink open your eyes to find an unexpected visitor. It’s Rudy nervously biting his nails and bouncing his leg in front of your bed. When he realizes you’re awake, you can see with weight being lifted off him
“Y/N! You’re awake! I’ve been so worried about you.” he looks so stressed and miserable. “I’m sorry.” you croak. He looks taken aback, “What? You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m just glad I forced you here when I did. How are you feeling?”
“Like shit” you tease and you both erupt into giggles. He grabs your hand and rubs his thumb softly on your fingers. “I’m really glad you’re okay.” “Me too. Thank you for everything you did and for waiting for me.” He stands up and places a gentle kiss on your cheek. “Are you kidding? There’s no way I was leaving you. I’ll go get the others, they’ll want to know you’re awake. Your family is about an hour out by the way.”
You sink further into your hospital bed feeling the butterflies taking over. You’re still slightly sore from surgery, but his lips and the pain medication make you feel on cloud nine. You weren’t sure if Rudy felt this way before and the emergency brought it out or if he’s just being kind, but you were loving every second of it.
A few days later you get to return home, but on bed rest for the next two weeks. Rudy spends every minute he can in bed with you watching movies and cooking for you both. He has to continue filming, but he reassures you that in a few short weeks you’ll get to pick up and finish the last few episodes you have with him. 
You weren’t excited about having your appendix removed, but it did bring the boy you cared for full force into your life. He was your best friend. And now eagerly becoming more. 
i didn’t add my everything tag list bc i dont normally write for actors and didn’t want to tag you guys for this just in case. 
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kindofinprogress · 3 years
Part 2 to A little nerve(ous)
I originally planned for this to be three parts. But I'm not so sure anymore!
Read part one here
Harry sat at the dinner table with a heavy sigh. He could do nothing more tonight than watch a Weasley family dinner play out in front of his glazed over eyes. It had been a long day of meetings he had no business in- but everyone needed his input at the ministry these days. As if he wasn’t a drop out 17-year old. As if they hadn’t spent the better part of the last three years dragging him through the mud. Harry spent a lot of time letting his mind wander during these meetings. Much like he was now- committing the names of the Fallen Fifty to memory, wondering if there could have been a better way, if any of the deaths could have been avoided, how anyone could see him as a hero, what he was supposed to do next.
“Wanna go for a walk, mate?”
Ron’s deep voice shook Harry out of his trance-like state. The silence that followed was absolutely deafening. Where had everyone gone?
“Erm… Dinner finished around 15 minutes ago. You’ve been a bit out of it for a while.”
Harry cleared his throat and made to get up with his dish (still full of food) in hand. “Right. Sorry. I should-”
Ron took the plate out of Harry’s hand and set it back on the table “You should come have a walk with your best mate.”
All Harry could do was nod his head and follow Ron. He felt simultaneously completely void of thought and full to the brim with it.
It was a while before Ron spoke again.
“Feels nice, doesn’t it? The breeze. I bet spending all those hours underground at the ministry aren’t doing you any good.”
“Right. Because we certainly haven’t had our fair share of nature and the outdoors over the last year.” Harry recoiled a bit at his own response. That was much too harsh with no reason. “Godric. Sorry, mate.”
“S’alright. It was funny.” Ron said, putting a large hand on Harry’s shoulder and shooting him a kind smile.
Harry felt a bit embarrassed at how nice it felt to have Ron’s hand on his shoulder. There was a time when physical affection was so foreign to him it’d made him uncomfortable. But being a plus one at the Weasley’s had meant having to go from deflecting touch to at least bearing it pretty fast. By fifth year he’d even welcomed Molly’s hugs, Bill and Mr. Weasley’s strong and lengthy handshakes, Ron’s hand on his shoulder, the twin’s ruffling of his hair, Ginny’s… A sigh escaped him at the thought of her. Ron must’ve known what was on his mind because he let her know Ginny was inside still, helping Hermione do some washing.
“But I’m sure she’d be up for a little after hours flying if you wanted me to get her? Or I could leave you two-” he started to suggest, with a raised eyebrow.
“Oh as if time alone with my little sister isn’t exactly what you want.”
“I… No.”
Ron shot him a questioning look. “No?”
“Ugh. Not ‘no’. But… No.”
“Yeah, I’m not following mate.” Ron’s walking had stopped, he was leaning on a large boulder with his arms crossed. Harry noticed how far they’d walked from the Burrow. He wondered if they were still within the protective barriers. They should turn around. Had he even brought his wand? Was it too late for someone to be creeping around?
“Should we head back?”
Harry had only seen the expression which took over Ron’s face exactly three times before. Once, when Hermione revealed Krum had invited her to visit him over the summer, once when the pair of them had caught Ginny and Dean snogging in an abandoned corridor, and lastly when Ron had caught him kissing Ginny in her bedroom last summer. The look that said he wanted nothing more than to punch a bloke.
“What are you playing at?”
“I just think we should stick closer to the house-”
“About Ginny, you daft monkey!”
“It’s complicated, Ron.”
“No… it’s not. It’s really not, Harry. You pined after her at Hogwarts, you dumped her seconds after you finally got her- don’t interrupt me with your excuses. You pined after you dumped her, and, and… all that in the forest? Pouring over that bloody map day in and day out? The ‘If I come out the other end of this’ speech you gave me? What the hell, Harry?”
Harry’s lips formed into a thin line- keeping everything in he wanted to blurt out. About how much he missed her still. About how he couldn’t keep asking her to wait around for him. About how much better she deserved than a killer. He turned around and started walking faster than necessary toward the lit house. But there it was again seconds later- that huge hand on his bloody shoulder. Harry was tall but Ron had always had a bit on him. He should’ve known better than to think his friend couldn’t match his stride. Harry stopped and stared up at the sky. All that damned vastness. He kicked at the stump near them once, twice, and again and again and again until Ron had him by both shoulders and was steering him toward the pond- muttering something about going a round with a whomping willow.
Harry splashed a handful of water on his face and layed on the earth. Looking up once more at all the vastness up there. It didn’t take long for Ron to join him. Part of Harry thought he might care how silly they must look- two grown men laying side by side like that near a pond. He quickly waved this away though. There was a moment not long ago he and his mate had shared next to a much larger body of water, on a much colder and darker night that bonded them in a way probably not many people could understand. He’d always known Ron- but seeing a man's insecurities played out like Harry had witnessed- It allowed him to understand Ron better than ever.
“You don’t want to be with her anymore then? Think it all just got a bit much? You two seemed rather cozy before-”
“Before I got swept up into being a ministry troll.” He sighed again. “I miss her like you wouldn’t believe.”
“A little ball of light that sounded like Hermione floated into my heart and led me right back to her, remember? I think I know what you mean, mate.”
They laughed at that. Probably the first time Harry had laughed in days… or weeks.
“Yeah, alright. You might get it, then.”
Ron was quiet this time- not pressing him for more but knowing more would come.
“She deserves better.”
“I reckon you’re right. Ginny certainly deserve someone who’ll give her the time of day.”
“I haven’t been that cold.”
“Yeah, mate, you kind of have. This is the first night you’ve been home early enough for dinner in two weeks and you barely glanced at her. I only suggested getting her earlier because it’s been a while since I saw you two strolling around back here.”
Harry groaned and put his hands over his eyes, knocking his glasses backward onto his head. It had been a while. Too long. Godric.
“She does though, you know? Deserve someone better. I can’t give her… I don’t know. A normal life. Normal… happiness.”
“What the hell are you on about, mate?”
“Think about it. I can only travel by restrictive floo right now otherwise I get bombarded with cameras- remember all the gossip at Hogwarts? Imagine that but instead it’s all of Wizarding Britain. I’m as good as being treated like an auror nevermind I never trained or passed any N.E.W.T exams- It’s like you said, this is the first night I’ve been home for dinner in weeks, Ron. And I completely blew her off even though I miss her so much it feels like she’s as far as the moon sometimes.” Harry blushed and stole a glance at Ron, surprised a bit by his declaration.
Harry groaned.
“And it’s not just that, Ron.” A silence that beckoned more from his end met him in response. “How am I ever supposed to look her in the face and tell her the very same dark magic that allowed Tom Riddle to torture her for a year was inside me all along? How could she ever forgive me for Fred-” Harry felt a knot form at his throat. “How did I ever think I could soothe that pain away, knowing he was only in harm's way because of me?” Harry waited for Ron to say something. Anything. But nothing came and so his mind whirred with thoughts of Ginny and he sat there with nothing more to say. He really did miss her, his Ginny. No. Not his Ginny. Ugh.
He looked up at Ron, who was sitting and staring down at him now.
“Remember fifth year, when Ginny talked to you about her being possessed and all? Really got through, didn’t it? I think… I think 11 year old Ginny could have really used that too. But there was no one around to give that to her. We all just kind of watched her seal all that away and couldn’t do anything about it because well, what did we know? I think… if anyone could understand the full story of the last year, the prophecy-doing things you didn’t want to do, the horcruxes, Kings Cross- everything. And take it in without judgement or.. Or fear or whatever you think they might, I think it’s Ginny.”
Harry wondered how true these words might be. He could only hope they were, even a little bit.
“So listen, you can sit around like a zombie and keep yourself away from… shit, from living your own life the way you want to for the first time ever or you can bloody get up and do something. Where’s that gryffindor bravery? Only let it out to defeat dark wizards? Not to talk to the girl you fancy? Bloody pathetic, mate.”
Harry and Ron allowed themselves to laugh full belly laughs again. They sat there staring at each other then back up at the stars again for a while after their laughter died off. Eventually, Harry got up first and after offering Ron a hand up, they walked back to the Burrow and Ron went up to bed while Harry poured himself a tea and sat out on the back porch by himself for a bit, enjoying the breeze.
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plvstcs · 3 years
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                             @𝖇𝖆𝖇𝖞𝖇𝖊𝖆𝖚𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖙 ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ᴡᴇɴᴛ ʟɪᴠᴇ !
KRISTINA hadn’t gotten over the news she received about AZIEL the previous day, no matter how hard she tried to shake it. worse than that, she was receiving insensitive and just plain wrong comments about the situation on all social platforms. after hours of deliberating on what to do, KRISTINA blew a line and decided she would distract herself. and of course, the drug made the thoughts louder. it was as if just because she didn’t want to think about it it was the only thing on her mind. 
near the climax of her high at around 9pm, KRISTINA decided she would start her nightly skincare regimen. as she set her phone down on the counter, her phone went ping ! a notification from instagram. 
throwawayuser commented: how you got two boyfriends and neither one of them really fwu
and that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. from the beginning, KRISTINA was always slightly insecure about how she would be perceived with two boyfriends? always trying to overcompensate by having to make every executive decision so they never feel like they have any power over her. to the untrained eye, KRISTINA is anything but insecure. she’s direct, aggressive, and confident, but she’s also empathetic, warm, and laidback. but in rare moments like this one, where her intoxication made her vulnerable and emotional, she slipped through the cracks. impulsively, she propped her phone up and started the live, barely able to focus on the screen because of how fast people were joining.
“i’m doing my— “ she splashed water on her face. “i’m doing my skincare. but i wanna fucking say something.” her words were coming out hastily, jittery even. “you all are just talking about stuff you don’t know about. do we even know that aziel knew that girl? like, what the fuck?” she stopped herself, rolling her eyes and groaning.
“you all are gonna be like ‘you’re just agreeing with the man, blah blah blah’ but fuck that, and fuck you, mmk?” she pointed at the camera and sighed, shaking her head. “i’m not just blindly siding with him. but aziel’s never been abusive to me—and i’m NOT saying that means he’d never be abusive to anyone else! but since i’ve never seen it, i’m going to be skeptical when a random accuses my man of not only cheating on me, but being an abuser! like, come on!” she slapped her hands against her hips for emphasis. “and if she is  lying,” she pointed at the camera trying to be intimidating and pulling the trigger on her finger guns. chuckling a bit, she went back to her skincare.
leaning forward to read a comment, KRISTINA giggled slightly at the comment about blaze. “don’t get me in trouble, guys. like, please,” she waved off the camera and finished washing her face; in the process, forgetting the live was sill going. when she looked back up, she gasped before ending it quickly and tossing her phone on her bed, turning the lights out and turning on clay cracking asmr so she could sleep.
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you-did-well-moon · 4 years
Sf9 reaction to s/o fangirling over someone else
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Type: fluff
Word Count: 4695 haha 69 yes im a child
TW: insecurities, possessiveness 
A/N: I don't think any of the boys would be extremely jealous in this situation. They might be a bit jealous and insecure. Ha, you’re going to see people who aren't in sf9 because the multi in me was taking over. Don't be afraid to talk to me and wash your hands clowns - Moon
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Idol: Suho - Exo 
All day, Youngbin had been reading the book you had recommended. You got that the book was really good. After all, that's why you had recommended it, but you had been ignored in favor of the book. You had tried everything from pouting and acting cute to annoying him by whining and continuously poking him, but Youngbin had a ridiculous amount of patience. You eventually gave up huffing and throwing yourself in the chair In front of the computer.
You opted to watch any video you could find on YouTube suddenly remembering a song your friend had told you to listen to. Shrugging your shoulders you decided to give it a chance because why not? Searching up the song called “Let’s love” and you recognized the person knowing he was the leader of a popular group and curiosity probed at you. The video loaded and you were immediately met with Suho’s handsome face and soothing vocals. You felt your mouth slowly open as you subconsciously leaned closer to the screen mesmerized by the man inhabiting it. Your head nodding along to the soft melody of the song.
“Wah, this song is so lovely and soothing, and he has such a calming voice. How can someone be so handsome yet so pretty. His face looks so serene he must be such a good leader”.
Youngbin has been reading the damned book on the bed behind you immediately looking up when he heard your words also recognizing his senior on the screen. He pressed the off button on the computer smiling innocently when you narrowed your eyes at him but pouting right after. He pulled you up asking if you wanted to go to the ice cream shop you had asked him to go to before. As soon as you stood up he would pull you into a chaste kiss slipping his hands under your shirt to rub at the soft skin under it before playfully pinching it laughing softly when you squealed and jumped away from him. He would cross his arms playfully glaring at you shaking his head childishly when you went to kiss him again.
“You can't kiss me until you tell me i’m more handsome than him because I’m your boyfriend and I should always be the handsomest to you. No? Fine you won’t even be getting a goodnight kiss today. I hope you’re happy with yourself y/n”
Youngbin would try to distract you when he saw you fangirling over someone else. Play fighting with you by avoiding your kisses and affections and acting like a child softly teasing you. Of course, he would eventually give in to you. Youngbin is not capable of saying no to you. 
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Idol: Aron - Nu’est
You and Inseong were on the couch with him drawing on the journal you had given to him claiming his drawing skills were getting too rusty. Meanwhile you were bored out of your mind having given up on asking your boyfriend to spend some time with you a long time ago. You had even put your feet on his lap, but he shoved them off to rest the journal there, and you had leaned against him, but he gently shook you off because he couldn't draw well with you leaning on his arm like that.
You switched between channels with disinterest trying to find something entertaining. That’s when you stopped at an episode of “Problematic Men'', the show only catching your attention because Inseong had been on it before. Boredom slowly changed into interest when your attention was constantly drawn to one of the guests and idol, Aron. You found his nervous smile cute and refreshing, and you were very impressed with his academic achievements. You kept making little noises of surprise the more you got to know him, and you couldn't stop yourself from going “aaw” at Aron’s quirky yet cute personality.
 “He’s so cute, look how his shoulders lift up as if trying to hide himself when he’s embarrassed. He’s so smart too and he got accepted into a famous university, but he still chose to do music. He’s so inspirational.”
Inseong had already noticed you looking at the idol with admiration, and he had to purse his lips to stop himself from saying anything. Shoving his face back into the journal trying and failing at trying to not get distracted by your sounds of awe at the artist. As soon as you said that, Inseong dropped his journal sputtering as his eyes flickered back and forth between you and the TV. He would tackle you ripping the remote from your hands and turning the television off. He clasped your hands in his pulling you so that the upper half of your body was on his lap. He leaned his head against yours, his wide eyes masked with seriousness holding contact with your own. He tickled you softly, smiling as your laughter rang around the room, not allowing you to move since he had trapped you against his own body. 
“Has my girlfriend really been stolen by a man she has never met? How unfortunate, I, a man who loves a woman who doesn't love him enough because said woman is currently drooling over another man while her loving boyfriend sits right next to her. Ah I can feel my heart breaking”.
At first, Inseong would be shocked at you fangirling over someone else. He wouldn't even be able to form words. Inseong is laid back and rolls with the punches most of the time, so he quickly adjusted to the situation joking around with you while having some kind of physical contact with you.
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Idol: Jaehyun - Nct 127
You groaned walking into the living room where Jaeyoon was already sitting on the couch assorting a variety of snacks on the coffee table in front of the couch. As you walked into the room, Jaeyoon looked up to give you his bright dimpled smile. You couldn't help but smile back at him gently running your hands through your hair when you reached him while you flopped onto the couch. You guys decided to have a date at your apartment instead of going out.
Jaeyoon laid down on the couch placing his head on your lap while pulling your hands back to his hair. You got a blanket from the back of the couch placing it mostly over him not really needing it since his body warmth was enough to stop any shivers from racking through your body. You guys didn't really plan on watching something specific, so after some convincing from Jaeyoon himself, you settled on watching the latest episode of weekly idol which featured Nct 127. Throughout the duration of the episode your attention kept getting drawn to the dimpled vocalist. Jaehyun who was undoubtedly handsome, but rather than looking at his features you found yourself laughing at his antics. It was particularly after an innocent dimply smile was sent to the camera after having finished singing wonderfully that you squealed out.
“How can someone be so hot but so cute at the same time, and oh my- his dimples. He is so talented too! He sings, he raps, and he danced so well too. He’s a total package!”
Jaeyoon would feel his eyes narrow, tongue licking his plump lips getting ready to put you in your place. He stood up blocking your view of the tv meeting your confused gaze with a devilish smile. He pushed you back laying you on your back on the couch, and he straddled you pinning your hands above your head. You looked up at him with wide alarmed eyes, breath catching when you saw him eye the soft sliver of skin exposed by your shirt riding up when your arms were lifted. Jaeyoon would lean in his nose almost touching yours. 
“I don't think so love. Your heart belongs to me, and my heart belongs to you. Don't forget that. What are you doing looking at another man when I’m right here, your boyfriend, the tickle monster”
He would then stoop to blow a raspberry against your exposed skin laughing evilly when you shrieked and running away to your room. Jaeyoon would want to shock you a bit. Although it was all with a joking intention, there would be a small part of him that would feel slightly possessive.
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Idol: Jackson - Got7
You had accompanied Sanghyuk to a music show where Sf9 were going to perform since they had recently had a comeback. You were currently in the waiting room with various staff moving around in order to prepare the boys for the stage. You were sitting on the couch next to your boyfriend with your head leaning against his shoulder scrolling through Instagram since you got bored with Sanghyuk too excited about performing to really focus on anything you were saying. 
He was still very much aware of your presence. His arms fit snugly around your shoulder playing with your hair, and his eyes flicking to study you every so often smiling softly when he saw you laughing at a random post you had found. You perked up when one of your friends sent you a post only telling you about how hard she had laughed while watching it. Your interest peaked so you clicked on the post recognizing the loud and social rapper of Got7. You watched as the idol reacted dramatically at a situation sitting on a table to get everyone's attention only for the table to break and Jackson with the broken part of the table in his hands with a shocked expression on his face as he looked at it. You couldn't help but laugh loudly immediately, grabbing Sanghyuk’s attention.
“How can someone be so funny, dramatic, and cute all at the same time. He looks like such a warm and open person. He’s so talented too, he produces his own music. “
You had whispered these words hoping no one would hear them, but Sanghyuk had heard them loud and clear. His shocked face would instantly turn into a scandalized one as he looked at you with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. He snatched your phone from your hands sitting on it and leaning away from you while you stood still shocked at how fast everything happened. You would get control of your senses tackling him while demanding for your phone and repeatedly saying his name as you sat on him. Now that he had you where he wanted you, his arms would wrap around your waist pulling you down against him making you have to rest your forearms on either side of his head so you wouldn't crush him. You were sure everyone in the room could hear how fast your heart was beating.
“I’m  the only man you should be looking at, no matter what, I can make you laugh the hardest, I can make you smile the brightest and I can damn well make you scream the loudest, babe. Let’s see how funny Jackson is when you’re sleeping on the couch.”
Sanghyuk would feel so offended. Not seriously of course, but he would be one to bring it up the next few days and remind you of the crime you had committed. He really would make you sleep on the couch, but 30 would barely pass and he was coming to carry you back to bed because he worried your back would hurt.
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idol: IM - Monsta X 
Both you and Juho were very busy, but you guys could not spend another day without each other. It had been too long since you had seen each other, so you decided to spend a day with each other in his studio. Even if you were working on your own work and not really talking to each other, it was enough just being together. You two were working on similar things since both of you were producers, but you were each working on a different project.
The company you were working with wanted you to branch out and collaborate with artists other than the ones already in the company. Specifically, they wanted you to work with a rapper since the song was in the R&B genre. You had suggested your boyfriend immediately, but they refused, so you were now begrudgingly searching for a rapper that would want to work with you. In the end, your company had to search for artists that were willing to work with you since you had no connections outside your own company. At least, they were giving you the choice to decide who you wanted to work with. The company had sent you different videos with each artist so that you could pick one. None of them really caught your attention until you came across one rapper with a velvety deep voice rapping into the mic like his life depended on it. You were hooked, you didn't even have to look at the other candidates.
“How could I even have the audacity to pick anyone else but him? He’s obviously an amazing rapper, and his voice perfectly suits my song. He has such a good stage presence and he’s a producer too?!”
You basically drooling over another idol was not something Juho expected when he took his headphones off to ask you whether you wanted to order take out now or later. Turning around in his chair he saw you staring at your laptop with your hands on your cheeks as if you couldn't believe what you were seeing. Juho felt his jaw tick as he leaned over you to shut your laptop so his form was towering over you since he was standing up while you were still sitting down. Your face was shocked and it remained shocked as Juho spun your chair around and picked you up throwing you over his shoulder. You were pretty sure if anyone touched your face they would draw their hand back because of how high your body temperature had risen. You began struggling questioning Juho on what he was doing before he made you settle with a light slap at your bum. He took you to the dorms where he threw you in the bed, and he looked at you with a pout and began whining as he dug his face into the crook of your neck nosing along on your pulse.
“If he’s such an amazing rapper why don't you go out with him. Don't look at me like that, you belong to me as much as I belong to you. First day we’re spending time together and you’re praising another man. Do I have to get an eyebrow piercing for you to look at me like that too?”
Juho is not having it. quickly talking you away from whatever has you fangirling over someone else. He would become whiny and passive aggressive with you definitely clingy for the rest of the day too. He would huff whenever you wanted to get away from him claiming that you had to pay for your crime by spending the day in his arms.
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Idol: Mingyu - Seventeen
You were in the kitchen shoveling food into your mouth in alarming amounts as you scrolled through twitter on your phone. Rowoon was sitting in front of you also eating but having an important conversation with Youngbin. His eyes would shift over to you every few seconds softening at the way you seemed to enjoy his cooking. You had actually helped him with it even adding your own suggestion which ended up making it taste better than the result of the original recipe.
There were two reasons as to why you were eating so fast. One, the food was amazing, mostly because Rowoon had made it. Two, you and Rowoon were having your first date in weeks since you had both been busy and you couldn't stop the excitement from taking control over your body. You got distracted from thinking about the date, when your friend, a huge fan of the idol group Seventeen, sent you a post talking about how husband material one of the members was. You tapped on the link she had sent you watching as the tall man cleaned around the house and made food for the members your heart melting when you saw the bright smile on his face as he did everything. It was so domestic and sweet it make you coo at the screen.
“He really would be such a gentle and loving husband. He would be one to help you with house chores and oh my god he would be so loving and helpful with a baby. His food looks really good too”
Your earlier excitement would only fuel your admiration for the man on the screen, and it would also make you a bit louder than usual. The boys in front of you would halt in their conversation upon hearing what you said. Youngbin would grimace looking at Rowoon for his reaction, getting surprised when Rowoon slowly blinked at you. Rowoon knew exactly who had momentarily stolen his lover’s heart, but he knew one word from him and your heart would go back to where it belonged. In his hands. With a soft tone, Rowoon would call your name asking if you were ready to go on that date watching your eyes light up as you hurriedly went to wash your dishes. Rowoon smirked at Youngbin while grabbing your phone and slipping it into his pocket. The rest of the day, Rowoon upped his game practically running to open your door when getting off the car or placing his jacket on the ground for you to sit on when you wanted to sit on the grass at the park.
“You look gorgeous today just like any other day as always. Oh those cookies look good? Let's go get them. Are you cold? Take my jacket. Hold my hand so you don't get lost. It's crowded here.”
Any thought of any other man would simply slip from your mind with Rowoon around. He would ignore everything you said pretending he didn't notice and doing things that would honestly just make you forget about everyone else because his gestures were just too sweet.
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Idol: San - Ateez
You were so concentrated on the screen in front of you not even the music blasting through the practice room speakers your boyfriend was dancing to could distract you. It was late, and you were both tired but you guys were determined. Recently, Taeyang had been trying to make his own choreographies, and he wanted you to help him which you happily agreed to since you were a backup dancer and had experience in that field. 
You guys had gotten stuck in one part of the choreography, and it was in the chorus so it was important. It would have been better to go home and sleep coming back tomorrow refreshed and reenergized, but you guys were set on getting it done today. While Taeyang danced to the choreography you had already made seeing if anything came up, you were on your stomach scrolling through YouTube on your laptop trying to see if anything inspired you. Your clothes were sticking to your skin and you could feel beads of sweat dripping down your scalp, but you persisted. It was when you found a video of Ateez on a music show that you perked up. Your eyes were drawn to one dimpled person in the front recognizing him because your sister always talked about him. Looking up more videos of him, and you felt your jaw drop as you squealed out.
“His stage presence is out of this world. He’s one of the fiercest dancers I've seen in a rookie group. His moves are sharp and fluid. Oh- he’s not even a part of the dance line yet he’s so talented”
You didn't even notice the music turn off, and you certainly didn't see Taeyang stop in his tracks and stare at you with an unreadable look in his eyes. You were so focused on the video, you didn't notice Taeyang’s eyes staring holes into you until the video ended. You looked up from your laptop in order to tell him about some new ideas you had just from watching a few videos of San dancing, and you were met with Taeyang crushing a water bottle in his hands while staring at you with an unamused look on his face. His stare was so intense you couldn't maintain eye contact as you called out his name with a questioning tone. He began walking towards you with slow calculated steps, and you stood up still not being able to hold his gaze. Taeyang tilted his head taking your chin in between his pointer finger and thumb forcing you to make eye contact.
“I’m telling you this once and only once angel, you are mine. My hands are the only hands that touch you, and my lips are the only lips that get to touch your skin. Don't forget it, love.”
Even Taeyang himself wouldn't recognize himself as he was speaking. He just knew he suddenly felt a fire at the pit of his stomach that seemingly boiled his blood. He wouldn't know how to deal with himself after, so he would give you a cheery smile asking sweetly if you had any ideas. Whiplash is real with this one.
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Idol: Felix - Stray Kids I was trying to find a mv where Felix actually has lines but I gave up jyp watch out im coming for u
You were sat in front of the Tv anxiously awaiting for the time to pass by as you turned your phone on and off to check said time. Hwiyoung was sitting on the couch behind you looking at you with a confused expression because you had refused to answer him when he asked what you were doing. Your Tv was already set on the YouTube homepage, and you bit your lip knee bouncing while you checked your phone for the millionth time.
Hwiyoung eyed the shirt you were wearing with a focused expression knowing the logo was familiar but not being able to name it. He jumped, scared at your shriek when you checked your phone because the time was finally here. Comeback time. You searched up “Stray Kids” and the music video came up making you shriek again. It suddenly dawned on Hwiyoung what was happening. You were getting excited at another group’s comeback. He saw how you looked at the screen with heart eyes, your smile big and bright occasionally stopping to let your lips part in a small “woah”. You were pretty calm until a certain someone showed up on the screen in which you shrieked again (Hwiyoung had lost count), and you clapped your hands satisfied.
“Oh wow look at his hair, it's purple and looks so good on him. I could listen to that voice every day and- are those his freckles? Oh look at him go, yes bubs, get those lines”
Hwiyoung would feel his heart sink, and he was scared. Scared because what he was feeling, he has never felt this feeling as strong as this. Insecurity. His eyes would look at you sadly watching as you beamed at the boy on the screen. He knew this was something he shouldn't be feeling insecure about, but he couldn't stop himself. He went to sulk in your bedroom flopping onto your bed and hugging your pillow. You didn’t notice him walking off. One the mv ended, you made little noises of happiness. You called your friend because she too was a huge fan of Stray Kids. She was also squealing to you about how good the MV was and how Changbin did well. You were walking around looking for your boyfriend to cuddle with and paused when you found him on your bed clutching your pillow with a frown on his face. You told your friend you had to go, and you fell onto the bed snuggling into Hwiyoung humming happily when he responded to your touch. You ran your fingers through his hair tenderly asking him what was wrong.
“It’s kinda stupid, but I got I felt bad seeing you smile at someone else the same way you smile only at me. I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I guess it took me by surprise” *nervous laugh*
You wouldn't fail to reassure him, taking off the Stray Kids merch in favor of one of his sweatshirts. Hwiyoung would be the one to get insecure when you fangirled over someone else, but it really wouldn't take that much to reassure and comfort him. He would be smiling and giggling in your arms in 5 minutes tops.
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Idol: Dowoon - Day6
You were laying on your bed, arms starting to sting because of having to hold your phone in a weird position since you couldn't lower them. The reason being Chanhee passed out with his head on your chest. He was originally awake, but you running your hands through his hair seemed to have lulled him to sleep. You guys were supposed to go out on a date, but you weren't mad or annoyed at all deciding he was in dire need of a proper rest.
He had been so busy lately, and he had been working endlessly. You could feel your heart sink every time you saw him because his eye bags seemed to darken every time. You raised your phone a bit to glance at your boyfriend, heart softening at the sight of his cheek mushed up against your chest, and his face looking peaceful. You smiled softly nudging his cheek gently before going back to watching random videos on your phone. You jumped a little at the sound of a notification coming through your phone hurrying to lower the volume of your phone, so you wouldn't wake up the sleeping boy. Checking out the notification you saw it was an Instagram post from Day6. You wouldn't call yourself their biggest fan, but you did your best to actively follow them. It was a video of Dowoon getting teased by Jae, the younger boy giggling and firing back.
“Aw Dowoon really is just the cutest sometimes. Quiet but cute. Funny too. I wished they would let him sing a few lines. He’s been getting better with the vocal lessons he’s getting. He’s so much more than a drummer.”
Chanhee had actually been woken up by the notification sound earlier, but he thought you would have noticed he was awake. He was getting ready to whine and pull at your hand, so you could run it through his hair because Chanhee had sworn he’s never had such a good nap like the one he just had. Apparently, you were too distracted by a video on your phone calling someone else that wasn't him cute. Hah, the nerve you had. Chanhee really didn't like the feeling he got when you called someone that wasn't him cute. It didn't matter if it was a person on the other side of the screen or your own baby. He was the only one you were allowed to call cute, or anything else. He shifted to let you know he was awake. You instantly lowered your phone eyes lighting up when you saw that he was awake which made his heart flutter, but you still weren't off the hook. He saw the surprise in your eyes when he looked at you with an offended expression. His eyes were narrowed and eyebrows furrowed. He shifted so he was fully on top of you, still being careful as to not crush you. He shook his head letting his hair tickle the sensitive skin of your neck not stopping the squirming until you put your hands on him.
“I don't like it when you look at someone else the way you only look at me because that's the look meant for me. I’m the only you can call cute. Don't be mean and call someone else cute. I don't like it.”
Chanhee would be kind of surprised. He had never felt the need to be clingy or whiny like this. The grumpy expression on his face wouldn't leave even if you couldn't see it because his face was buried in the crook between your neck and shoulder. He would become happy again when you ran his hands through hair enough time to make him sleepy again enjoying the feeling of your body against his.
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goddessofchaosleo · 4 years
Racer girl
College AU, 18+ 
Warning: mentions of alcohol use, unprotected sex, fluff 
Genre: fluff, smut
WC: 3,3k
Big thanks to my beta readers @karasimpno​, @mrs-kuroojinguji​ and @ceo-of-daichi​ for giving me priceless feedback and helping me make this better!! <3
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Coming to study English lit at college wasn’t fun. You loved reading and what you studied but it wasn’t where your passions lie. Racing. The opportunity came about one day when all of your friends dragged you to a race. A popular guy from your university, Oikawa Toru was racing and everyone wanted to watch him win, you weren’t as excited but you wanted to get in on the scene too so you went with your beautifully modified car and got yourself a race.
After wining race after race that night you earned a reputation of Baby Girl Driver given to you by no other than the Great King of Tokyo racing scene. Ever since then you got challenged and rose up the ranks until you were the Queen of Tokyo races.
You maintained your grades and studied what you loved but something was missing or rather someone to make everything feel perfect. But meeting someone as passionate about something as you were about racing wasn’t easy at first. The guys in the racing scene wanted to be with you for the reputation you had, other guys from your course weren’t supportive of your racing and wanted you to stop so you figured looking for love there was hopeless but you were fine with it. You valued yourself too much to just break in search of a partner.
Yet love and passion came in a tall, dark and handsome volleyball player Iwaizumi Hajime. Having met through some mutual friends you easily kicked it off and were dating within a week. Weeks turned to months and in a blink of an eye two years went by in perfect happiness with the man who loved you as passionately as you deserved to be loved.
Iwaizumi Hajime understood your love and passion you had towards driving and racing. Was he thrilled that you took part in some not so legal races? Not really. Did he support you nevertheless? Absofuckinglutely.
You were there for every game of his, no matter how big or small and he was there to cheer on you when you had a race. Did he bet on his girl every time? Yes. Because he knew how skilled you were and because he believed in you.
But he worried about you every time too. No matter how many times you convinced him your car was more than safe he always feared the worst. What if someone was driving under influence? What if something unexpected happened? In those moments of doubt, not in you but the others around you he realized how much he loved you and how much he wanted you to come out of that car in one piece. That didn’t change even after two years of dating.
Tonight’s race was so much different than any other you had before. You were a favourite but there was a crazy underdog threatening to take your crown and knock you down. His words. A cocky Rooster-haired bastard from Kyoto who thought he could come to Tokyo and take over your territory. People in these circles were usually respectful to those who were winners and Kings and Queens of their territories but this dude was anything but that.
He started off by insulting your skills simply because you were a woman and then went on to challenge you to a one on one race. You took the challenge and you both bet your cars and titles on the race. One of the most important races was going to take place in a few hours and for the first time you were feeling nervous.
You weren’t nervous and insecure about your skill but about his way of driving. You only ever saw videos from his races and he was the worst type of driver. He was reckless and more often than not people got hurt and cars got destroyed. He didn’t care about any of it as long as he came out victorious.
Knowing how much Iwaizumi worried about your safety anyways you decided not to tell him about the man you’d be racing. It wouldn’t help and you couldn’t back out anyways.
Getting ready for a race night always went the same for you. You take a shower to refresh and get dressed. Ever since you started dating Iwaizumi you wore his jersey when you raced and tonight would be no different. Number 1 Iwaizumi proudly on your back, keeping you safe. You’d check your car over one more time, making sure everything was perfect before going to pick Iwaizumi up.
You rolled your windows down and enjoyed the fresh air on the way to his dorm. He insisted on coming even though he had an exhausting practice week behind him. He would never miss a race of yours and especially not one that you were challenged to.
The first thing you saw when you rolled up was your stud of a boyfriend staring at his phone in all black. From his sneakers and black jeans to a quite skin tight shirt and the black leather jacket you knew would end up on your shoulders at the end of the night. There or in the backseat of your car as you two made out.
“I’m here to pick up a snack of a man, Iwaizumi Hajime? Could you help me?” You said with a chuckle as you gained the attention of your boyfriend.
“Ahh yeah yeah. He is waiting for a beautiful girl in a beast of a car to pick him up. Could that be you?” Iwaizumi said with a chuckle as he made his way to the car, getting in with a smile. He leaned in kissing your lips softly. “Good evening lovely.. You ready to win tonight?” He asked softly.
The kiss helped relax your nerves as usual, melting into Iwaizumis hands that cupped your small face. “When am I not my love? With you by my side I can do anything..” with a small smile you were on your way to the races.
Like most nights there were many people gathered around the improvised track as you rolled up to the car park area, but tonight there seemed to be hundreds of people more. Must be because everyone heard about the cocky challenger and Tokyo Queen racing tonight. This meant nothing to you. The only thing that mattered was doing a safe race and of course winning in the end. Too much was on the line and you couldn’t afford to lose tonight.
You got out the car taking Iwaizumi’s hand and heading over to some of your friends who also came to support you and to have your back no matter what. Your unwritten rule was that you didn’t have a drop of alcohol though. Under no circumstances would your performance be influenced by drinking or smoking. Hell you didn’t even have sex with Iwaizumi before your races because you knew that victory sex would feel so much better, plus it would give you something more to look forward to after the race.
The warm up races before yours went quite quickly. Too quickly for Iwaizumis liking as this meant your race was up next. He gave you a tight hug whispering sweet nothings in your ear and giving you a deep passionate kiss before escorting you to the car.
“Go win it love. I’ll be watching.” He said as he looked at you buckling up and getting ready to go.
“I always do Hajime. This will not be the time I lose..” you said before giving him a quick peck and settling in. A silent prayer ran through your head as you checked all the switches and your brakes. You weren’t religious but for some reason before every race you did a small prayer.
Unknowing to you Iwaizumi did the same. Even more he would light incense at the nearby temple and pray for your safety. The only thing that mattered to him.
He could see the guy who challenged you and he was exactly what you had described him to be. A cocky bastard by the name Kuroo Tetsuro who came in thinking he could have this territory and your crown with one race. What worried Iwaizumi was the can of beer he threw to the side, squishing it down. He was driving under influence.
Nothing was prohibited during Tokyo races. You could drink, smoke and do whatever you wanted. The only rule was no purposeful injuries of the other race participants. People who raced in Tokyo, in the races approved by the King and Queen though followed the unwritten rule of utmost respect to the other racer. No one drank until after the race and absolutely no one went in with the thought of destroying someone’s car or hurting anyone.
Iwaizumi feared though that this wasn’t the case with the underdog who came to beat his girlfriend. But it was too late for his fears as both drivers were revving the engines of their cars waiting for the stoplight to turn green and signal the start of the race.
With the starter gun going off and the light running green you were off. Pedal to the floor as you conquered the curves of the track you knew like the back of your hand. The underdog was hot on your tail though, getting closer and closer with each passing mile.
You were ready for anything but the swerve of his car into your lane had you shocked. This was a clear violation of the only rule in the race but you couldn’t let him take this and win. You stepped on the gas, trailing him as he got in the front.
The swerve of your car had Iwaizumi clutching the barricade harder than he already was, his knuckles turning white. What the hell was this guy doing? Had he went in just a bit more your car would have crashed into the building you two were passing by. His worst fears were coming true as you disappeared from his line of sight and he had to follow your car on the big screen that was set up on the wall.
You knew this race wouldn’t be easy but it just got much harder as it was obvious Kuroo didn’t care about your well being or this being a fair race. If your car was to swerve off the road and crash he wouldn’t care, he would take the win and his title without a care in the world. But you weren’t going to let that happen.
You were hot on his tail and knew there was only one place where you could pass him and get the win but it was the most dangerous curve of the track, one where you usually slowed down and still got the win and one where many lost control of their cars for going in too fast. But it was your only option and the only blind spot for the cameras.
You stepped on the gas, right behind Kuroo’s car before pulling the handbrake and drifting through the curve. He tried to get into you and slam you to the side but due to not knowing the track he swerved of the road slamming into the concrete barricade on the side.
You were about to step on the pedal but as you saw the fire and smoke coming up from his car you stopped and ran out of your car. You managed to pull him out as he wasn’t even buckled up and get him in your car. Some of the ash staining your cheeks and hands.
The loud crashing sound was heard at the starting line, smoke coming up from a part of the track and had everyone’s voices die down. Not a sound was heard as the people wondered what happened. The sudden silence was killing Iwaizumi who didn’t know what to make out of the sound. Did you crash? What was going on? Was someone going to call the ambulance? A million questions flooded his mind before he saw your car approaching the finish line.
He didn’t care about a thing as he ran to meet you as you exited the car with a soft smile on your face. There was some ash and dirt on your face but you looked unharmed, your car was also fine so why did you look like you got hurt?
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest tightly as he calmed down. You were fine and you were safe in his arms right now.
“Baby what happened there? I was terrified..” Iwaizumi said as he pulled away cupping your face in his hands.
“The bastard didn’t study the track. He went full speed at the Curve, trying to get past me but he crashed into the barrier.. ” you explained with a sigh as your hands came to rest on top of his. “I saw the smoke and the fire in the rear view mirror so I stopped, got him out of the car and came to the finish line. He is unconscious but alive..” you explained with a sigh.
You turned to the people who were gathering around the finish line and glared at the unconscious black haired male in your passenger seat. “Get him out of my car and to our hospital. The races are done and he is done in Tokyo..” you said as you took Iwaizumis hand. The people at the finish line nodded and quickly got Kuroo out of your car putting him in a different one to get him to a hospital. The crowd was quickly dispersing and soon you and Iwaizumi were the only ones left.
“Come on, let’s get out of here..” you said with a soft smile as you pulled Iwaizumi to your car. You drove off to a nearby hill overlooking the city before parking. You turned to Iwaizumi whose hand hadn’t left yours ever since you came out of the car after winning.
“I’m fine Hajime.. I promise.” You said with a soft sigh as you turned to your boyfriend. “I would never do anything reckless while in the car even if that meant losing a race. Nothing is more important to me than coming back to you..” you practically whispered as your forehead came to rest against his, your eyes looking into his as you spoke. “I love you Haji..” you whispered against his lips.
Iwaizumi breathed in your scent and relaxed. You were there with him. Safe and in one piece, telling him you loved him. “I love you baby. So much.. ” he said as he cupped your face. “I was so worried though. I heard the crash and saw the smoke but there was nothing. I thought I lost you..” he said softly, his usually confident and strong voice trembling as he held you.
You frowned slightly before placing a soft kiss to his lips. “I’m here Hajime. I’m here and I love you.. Let me show you how much.. ” you whispered as you crawled over to his lap.
Iwaizumi chuckled lightly as you straddled his lap but right now he just wanted to hold you in his arms and wouldn’t object to anything you said or did.
You slid your hands up his chest and neck before resting them on his face, cupping it with your small hands as you leaned in to kiss him. “I love you and I’ll always come back to you.” You whispered as you pulled away, your lower body slowly grinding against his as you felt his hands go from your thighs to your hips.
“I will always love you..” you said as your hands trailed down to the buckle of his pants. “I’m going to show you how much I love you baby. You are mine and I am yours Hajime..” you mumbled against his lips as your hands freed his cock. You quickly pulled your tights down, moving your panties to the side.
Iwaizumi was lost in your soft lips and words of assurance. He knew how much you loved him but hearing it over and over again would never get old to him. Saying you love him and that you would always come back to him had his heart fluttering like the first time you told him you loved him. He helped you take your shirt of admiring you beautiful and soft skin pressing against his as he took his own off before grabbing your face and kissing you passionately. “I love you so much YN. I will always love you.” He whispered as you slowly sunk down on his length.
“Fuck Hajime.. You’re filling me so well..” you groaned as you slowly made your way down his hard cock, your pussy stretching to take all of him in. The pain and pleasure mixed as always, the stretch burning in the most amazing way possible. No matter how many times the two of you had sex, he always felt too big and you always felt so full. Especially when you were riding him, then you could feel him in your tummy.
After a few moments you managed to slide all the way down, staying still as Iwaizumi stroked your hair softly letting you adjust to the feeling and go at your own pace.
“You are doing so good baby girl. Taking me so well.. Take your time baby..” he whispered in your ear as your hands rested on his shoulders, holding on for support as your breaths came out in soft puffs. 
“You’re so big Hajime.. Fuck..” you mumbled as you lifted your hips slightly before sliding back down and gasping at the feeling. The tip of his cock easily reached up to your cervix as you went down. The slight burning sensation from being stretched was so good it made your head fall back in pleasure. This granted Iwaizumi full access to your delicate neck and he wasted no time in attaching his lips to it.
You did your best to bounce on his cock but you were slowly beginning to lose yourself in the slow and rhythmic thrusts, your movements becoming sloppier and your mind starting to go blank from the pleasure. “Haji.. I.. please, I’m so close baby..” you mumbled as your head fell onto his shoulder.
“I’ve got you baby girl. I’ll take care of you..’ Iwaizumi whispered against your ear as he began to meet your hips and thrust up and into you, his hand sliding down to where your bodies joined where his fingers found your sensitive clit. His fingers began rubbing the ball of nerves just how you loved it and it was confirmed by the sharp gasp he got out of you.
"Haji it’s too much. I’m.. I’m gonna cum..” you cried out as your hands tugged on his hair, your lips brushing against his.
“Then cum baby girl. Cum all over my cock. Let me hear you scream because I love you so much baby..” he groaned as he sped up his thrusts and the quick motion of his fingers. 
The thrill on your face when you came out victorious was his second favourite look on you. The first being when you’re under him as he coaxed orgasm after orgasm out of you.
In a matter of moments you were coming undone around Iwaizumi’s cock, your pussy pulsating around him which only made him cum inside you. His cock twitching as he released his load.
Each other’s names and I love yous filled the car as you came down from your highs.
“I love you racer girl.. ” Iwaizumi said with a lazy smile.
“I love you, my ace..” YN responded.
The two of you sat like that for a while, away from the world, holding each other.
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espinosaurusrexex · 5 years
In which jeff is really protective over Y/N, because he has a crush on her
warnings: cursing
a/n: for the very lovely anon who requested a Jeff imagine. Thank you so much! I had to change it a little bit but the main thought behind it is still there.
I kinda got inspired by ‘nobody puts baby in the corner’ from @fanficimagery. I just had to think about that imagine when I read the request for this one and thats that. I hope you like it! Please tell me what you think.
word count: 1.5k
All she did was sit there and sort bills from the month prior. But that was all it took for Jeff to be mesmerized for an hour. Y/N had glasses sitting on her nose and some loose strands of hair framing her face while she concentrated on the pile of paper in her lap. Jeff couldn't help himself. She was beautiful. If he could he would ask her out right then and there, but sadly, there were a few factors that made this move harder than it already was. 
One: She was his friend’s assistant, which meant that if things would get awkward between them, Jeff couln’t avoid seeing her every day for a very long time. Though, that was something he would take the risk for. Just the sake of knowing if she felt the same was enough, honestly. But it was difficult.
Because Secondly: She was a tad younger than him. Which shouldn't bother anybody, honestly, considering that their friend group’s age ranged from pretty much toddler to grandpa. Both, mentally and physically. And there had been people dating in their group whose age gap was even bigger than Jeff and Y/N’s. She was legal to date too, so why was he so hesitant about it? 
Well, Jeff wanted to believe that he didn't know, but deep down he did. Sometimes his age made him insecure, but he wouldn't admit that. Not to himself and most certainly not to his friends. He wouldn't let any oh so reasonable argument ruin the feeling that filled him with warmth when he looked into her eyes, the tingle that made his breath hitch when their skin touched, or the smile he went to bed with, every night, because of the thought of her.
Yes, she was younger, but that just made her so much more adorable to him. All he wanted to do was to protect her, cuddle and hold her while enjoying her warmth and scent that crawled back into is nose now that he thought about it. Especially, now that Natalie seemed to have gained an sort of untouchable status: She wasn’t obliged to do any stupid shit David came up with, including paintballguns and make-out sessions. Y/N on the other hand, had not reached that level of appreciation from her boss just yet. She still had to go through all that. Which was, why Jeff found himself a lot closer to her more frequently. Ready to protect her face or body at any given time, just like he did right now.
Jeff sat on the floor across from her. He studied her features, relishing the silence that didn’t happen too often in Davids house. She never noticed when he looked at her. Or at least, she didn't show any signs of recognition, which just made it so much easier for Jeff. And on top of that, thrilling. Was she ever going to notice? Was she ever doing the same thing to him when he wasn't watching? 
She was. And Jeff never noticed, either. 
Screaming boomed from down the hall and soon david was chasing someone through his house, flamethrower in hand and a crazy laugh pulling on his face,making the whole scene even scarier. Y/N flinched, too focused on her work to look up and leave her neatly stacked papers out of sight.
‘’Watch out!’’ David came running through the living room. In an Attempt to jump over Y/N and the papers, he tripped, knocking the stack over. Papers flying everywhere, he crashed to the floor right in front of her. Jeff had reacted pretty quickly, pushing Y/n to the side to protect her from any harm the flamethrower could have done and proceeding to hover over her frame for a couple more seconds.
‘’Dude!’’ Y/N breathed out and Jeff wasn't sure if her comment was directed towards him or her idiot of a boss. He ignored it and studied her face for any injuries, then maneuvering his body  towards David, who was lying on the floor, clutching his stomach from the laughter bursting out of him. 
‘’What the fuck, bro?!’’ But David didn't seem to mind. He was happy to have had somebody film this incident, he would post on his youtube channel later that week. Jeff turned his attention back to the woman on the floor. His hands were still wrapped around her shoulders and her stare was fixed on him for a solid minute. 
‘’Are you ok, doll?’’ He checked her body once again before looking back into her eyes.
‘’Yeah.. Yeah, thanks, I…’’ Y/N stopped for second scrunching her nose in the process and let her eyes wander around the room. ‘’Do you smell that?’’
With that, Jeff noticed the smell of fire. He didn't think much of it before, thinking it was still from the flamethrower that had now been shut off for everyone's safety. But Y/N was right, it smelled differently. Jeff looked around and found the source of the smell on the carpet less than a feet away from him and her. One of the paper had caught fire and was about to share its flames with the carpet beneath it.
‘’Woah!’’ Y/N scooted further back while Jeff lunged forward to put out the fire. He was quite fast and managed to sooth the situation with his foot and soon the fire was out.
‘’Bro, you always do this shit! You could’ve hurt Y/N! And look at the fucking mess you’ve made.’’ Jeff’s blood was boiling. He motioned to the scattered sheets of paper on the floor, Y/N had sorted a few seconds prior and his heart ached as he noticed the blank expression on her face. He had watched here organise these documents for hours and now she could start all over. 
Jeff clenched his fists approaching David who was just holding his camera and reviewing the footage Jason had recorded of him. He snached him on the collar of his shirt and pulled him forward, making David press out a screechy ‘woah’ by the outburst of his friend’s sudden anger. 
‘’Jeff calm down!’’ Somebody screamed, but Jeff didn't listen. His mind was set on David, who had been backing into a corner as soon as he caught sight of him.
‘’Fucking look at me when I’m talking to you! Have you even noticed, what just happened or can’t your brain take in more than one information at once?!’’
David’s eyes widened at his words but the anger in Jeff did not stop from rising, slowly reaching up and making his heart beat even faster. -how could someone be so inconsiderate?- The shaggy haired boy put up his hands in defense, closing his mouth after an attempt of a counter argument. He knew he had fucked up, and seeing that Jeff really cared about Y/n didn't ease David's mind in the slightest. He had never seen him this angry, not even when he was acting for the vlogs. 
‘’Yo, I’m sorry I fucked up, okay?’’ David could see the heat vanishing from Jeff’s face and dared to let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding.
Jeff shook his head letting go of David, who had relief rushing all over him. ‘’Just be more careful next time.’’ He went back to help Y/N, turning back to his friend one more time. ‘’I can’t hurt you, because that would cost too many people I love their job, but just know that you are fucking stupid.’’ 
David stood there dumbfounded as he watched Jeff help his assistant collect the papers and following her in the hallway, where they disappeared. Y/N had shot him an apologetic look while mouthing a ‘sorry’ before leaving the room. Jason and Natalie were speechless, too.
‘’Does Jeff have a crush on Y/N or something?’’, Natalie joked to lighten up the mood, but David was stiff, training his eyes on the corner his friends had just rounded. That had definitely been noted.
Jeff and Y/N had settled down on her bedroom floor, spreading out the papers that survived the incident and started sorting them once again. Y/N was quiet. Too upset with the previous happenings and her work, which had been ruined so mindlessly. Jeff watched again as he placed the last papers on the floor.He never wanted to agitate Y/N in any way.
‘’I’m sorry about that…’’ His head hung low as he let the guilt take over his features. Jeff didn't even bother to look up, too deep hung the guilt in his face. He had forgotten about the image he wanted to portray in her presence and scolded himself for the sudden outburst.
‘’It’s alright.’’ A small smile snugg on her lips. ‘’Honestly, I’m glad somebody finally told him…kinda’’
They both looked up, a hint of a smile on their faces. Jeff found himself getting lost in her eyes again. He loved being her friend. Though, he would prefer to be more than that, he would give her all the time she needed to realize how perfect they were for each other. But until then, he would just enjoy the time with her and cherish their every moment.
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